HomeMy WebLinkAbout2024-06-11; City Council Legislative Subcommittee; ; State and Federal Legislative ReportsMeeting Date: June 11, 2024
To: Legislative Subcommittee
From: Jason Haber, Intergovernmental Affairs Director
Staff Contact: Jason Haber, Intergovernmental Affairs Director
jason.haber@carlsbadca.gov, 442-339-2958
Subject: State and Federal Legislative Reports
District: All
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June 11, 2024 Item #1 Page 1 of 1
2024 Senator Blakespear's Active Bills:
As of June 04, 2024
SB 1045 -COMPOSTING FACILITIES: Directs the Office of Planning and Research to develop a model
ordinance to help local cities and counties develop more compost facilities around the state. This will help
California in meeting its organic waste diversion goals and is critical in diverting food scraps away from landfills
to create a healthier environment. Status: Assembly Local Government.
SB 1053 -PLASTIC BAG BAN: Eliminates the option of plastic film bags when buying groceries and instead
requires grocery stores and retail grocers to only offer paper bags by January 1, 2026. In addition, this bill
increases the post-consumer recyclability rate to 50% by January 1, 2028.
Status: Assembly Natural Resources.
Producer Responsibility (EPR) program, where producers of pyrotechnic marine flares (a type of visual distress
signal} establish a free and convenient statewide collection program for expired flares that leads to their proper
disposal. Status: Environmental Safety and Toxic Materials (ESTM).
SB 1002 -FIREARM RELINQUISHMENTS & MENTAL HEALTH: Provides local law enforcement the tools
and information needed to enforce existing firearm prohibitions for individuals who are subject to a 72-hour
mental health hold, specifically by clarifying how, when, and where to relinquish firearms for those charged with
a 5150. Sponsored by San Diego Sheriff. Status: Assembly Public Safety
destroyed, guns surrendered at buybacks or confiscated by the police are sometimes being resold -minus one
serialized piece -as gun kits online. This bill closes this loophole. Status: Assembly Public Safety. June 18.
SB 689 -STREAMLINE BIKE LANE PROJECTS: Removes unnecessary delays in the development of bike
lanes for coastal cities and counties. Status: Assembly Natural Resources. Set for hearing June 10. Asm.
SB 1098 -SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA RAIL REVITALIZATION ACT: Aims to align local and state agencies to
make the 351 mile rail corridor be higher performing (i.e. more reliable, with more frequent service and more
convenient.). Both local agencies and the State need to align their vision and commitment to rail and a healthy
coastline in order to actualize a transit system that benefits the rider. This bill focuses on achieving that.
Status: Assembly Transportation.June 17
SB 1216 -PROHIBIT "SHARROW" BIKE LANES: Sharrows encourage bikes to ride together with cars in car
travel lanes, and are supposed to be limited to when there isn 't space for separated bike lanes. This bill would
prohibit state Active Transportation Program (ATP} money from being used for class Ill bikeways and sharrows
unless placed on roads with a design speed 25 mph or less. It would also prohibit sharrows on roads with a
speed limit over 30 mph. "Bicycle may use full lane" signs are allowed on any road, but do not count as
bikeways. Status: Asm. Transportation.
SB 7 -LOW INCOME HOUSING: has been modified from its 2023 introduction. It will require cities and
counties to report how many housing permits they issue for the lowest income group --0-30% of Area Median
Income (AIM), which is housing that is affordable for a family of four with an income under $41,000. The bill
aims to collect data on housing construction for an income category that is not currently being collected. AMI
SB 7 will be amended based on recommendations from Housing and Community Development's RHNA 2040
Report. Status: Assembly Rules
SB 1077 -ACCESSORY DWELLING UNIT (ADU) EXEMPTIONS: Requires the Coastal Commission and
Housing and Community Development to coordinate to issue guidance for local governments to update their
Local Coastal Programs to harmonize with state ADU law by an unspecified date.
Status: Assembly Natural Resources.
SB 1092 -COASTAL COMMISSION APPEALS: Requires the Coastal Commission to investigate issues with
their coastal development permit (CDP) appeals process that leads to uncertainty and long delays in CDP
appeals for multifamily housing projects by January 1, 2026. Status: Assembly Natural Resources.
SB 1361 -California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Homelessness Services: clarifies that actions by
local agencies taken to contract for service provision to people experiencing homelessness are not subject to
CEQA. Status: Assembly Natural Resources Set: June 10. Asm. Housing.
SB 949 • LACTATION ACCESS IN COURTHOUSES: would require courts starting in January 2026 to grant
privately-requested, reasonable break times during court proceedings for an attorney or other person to
express breast milk. This bill idea came from a constituent who, as an attorney, had to ask in open court for a
break to express breastmilk. This bill would allow a breastfeeding person to request breaks more discreetly
through a form. Status: Assembly Appropriations.
SB 1401 -Military Child Care: Creates a state licensure exemption for home child care providers who are
already certified by the U.S. Department of Defense (DOD) and only watch military kids. This bill will allow
home childcare providers to immediately earn income after moving to the state and offer desperately needed
child care. Status: Assembly Veterans, Set: June 10th.
SB 1476 -Conflict of Interest Code compliance with Political Reform Act: Clarifies the State Bar's adopted
conflict of interest of code must be in compliance with the Political Reform Act.
Status: Assembly Elections. Set June 12th. Asm Judiciary.
SB 1493 -State Voter Guides: Requires only one physical copy of the state voter information guide and
copies of the full text of measures be mailed to specific offices and members of the legislature. Would allow
specific offices or members to request additional copies. In a digital world, this bill aims to reduce paper waste
and mailing expenses. Status: Assembly Elections.
SB 1257 -California Advancing and Innovating Medi-Cal (CalAIM): Improves the implementation of the
statewideCal-AIM initiative to increase health equity and care quality for Medi-Cal patients. This bill
consolidates the two advisory boards authorized for the County of San Diego's Medi-Cal Multiplan managed
care pilot into one advisory board. The bill will expand the scope of this advisory board to include the
implementation of future Medi-Cal federal waiver programs the state initiates. This bill is sponsored by the
County of San Diego. Status: Assembly Appropriations.