HomeMy WebLinkAbout2024-07-11; Housing Commission; ; General Plan and Housing Element Annual Progress Report for Calendar Year 2023Meeting Date: July 11, 2024 To: Housing Commission From: Mandy Mills, Director of Housing & Homeless Services Staff Contact: Nicole Morrow, Assistant Planner nicole.morrow@carlsbadca.gov, 442-339-5438 Subject: General Plan and Housing Element Annual Progress Report for Calendar Year 2023 District: All Recommended Action Receive the General Plan and Housing Element Annual Progress Report for Calendar Year 2023. Executive Summary The General Plan and Housing Element Annual Progress Report (Exhibit 1) is a state required informational report prepared each year that is sent to various state agencies showing the city’s progress in implementing its General Plan. Virtually all the annual reporting requirements focus on the city’s status in meeting its share of regional housing production goals and implementing the various housing programs specified in the 2021-2029 Housing Element, which is one of the nine elements of the city’s General Plan. The city has initiated or completed those housing programs with identified 2023 timeframes, as appropriate, and continues to make progress in completing the remaining programs. As reflected in the report, the city finds that it remains in compliance with its 2021-2029 state- certified Housing Element. California Government Code Section 65400(a)(2) requires the City Council to consider the General Plan and Housing Element Annual Progress Report at a public meeting and to submit the report to the state by April 1st each year. The City Council approved the report on March 19, 2024, and it is being presented to the Housing Commission for informational purposes and no action is required. Explanation & Analysis Background City decision-makers rely on the General Plan for making decisions about land use and providing public facilities such as roads, parks, and fire stations. It is also a policy document that guides decisions related to protecting, enhancing and providing those things the community values most, such as open space, habitat conservation, beach preservation, arts and community character. All cities and counties in California are required by law to have a General Plan. July 11, 2024 Item #1 Page 1 of 76 The Housing Element is a state-mandated part of the city’s General Plan. Under the law, it has two main purposes: •To provide an assessment of both current and future housing needs for the city and constraints in meeting these needs. •To provide a strategy that establishes housing goals, policies, and programs. Statutory Requirements The attached annual report has been prepared to fulfill the reporting requirements of the state (Government Code Section 65400(a)(2)) and the city’s 2021-2029 Housing Element (Program 2.16). This is the third report that was sent to the California Department of Housing & Community Development, the Governor’s Office of Planning & Research and the San Diego Association of Governments (SANDAG) describing the status of the city’s implementation of its General Plan, and more significantly, its 2021-2029 Housing Element. Report Structure The contents of the annual report, including items that are required under state law, are structured as follows: General Plan The General Plan component of the report provides information on projects and activities undertaken by the city in 2023 that are in alignment with, and help realize the vision of, the General Plan which was last comprehensively updated in 2015. The report organizes these activities under three categories. •Updates to the General Plan •General Plan implementation actions •Customer service activities Housing Element Most of the report focuses on housing entitlements – that is, the city’s approval of proposed developments – and housing production efforts, as well as the status on the development and implementation of the various housing related programs and activities that are included in the Housing Element. The following items are required under state law and found in the report and its appendices: •Housing development applications submitted •Annual building activity report (newly entitled, permitted and constructed units) •Regional Housing Needs Allocation (RHNA) progress. This is the process through which the state, through SANDAG, our regional association of governments, tells cities how many housing units they must plan for to accommodate people of varying income levels. •Program implementation status, as required by Government Code Section 65583 •Housing units constructed, as required by Government Code Section 65852.21 •Applications for single-family home lot splits, as required by Government Code Section 66411.7 (Senate Bill 9)1 1 Senate Bill 9 (2021) was intended to increase the state's housing supply by making it easier to apply for lot splits and two-unit development. July 11, 2024 Item #1 Page 2 of 76 • Local Early Action Planning grant reporting. This state program provides grants and technical assistance to local governments for the preparation and adoption of planning documents, and process improvements that accelerate housing production or to comply with the housing needs assessment. Other Report Highlights The comprehensive report includes information of the city’s efforts to provide its share of housing. The report’s highlights include: Housing Element Rezone Program and Public Safety Element Update In accordance with state law and the actions outlined under Housing Element Program 1.1 - Provide Adequate Sites to Accommodate the RHNA, staff-initiated amendments to the Carlsbad Municipal Code, Zoning Ordinance, General Plan, Local Coastal Program (the planning document for the Coastal Zone) and other planning documents. These amendments make necessary updates to the city’s plans to accommodate multi-family housing at the density and quantities deemed necessary by the city’s Regional Housing Needs Allocation. This was achieved by identifying suitable sites for multi-family housing and rezoning the properties to a compatible zoning designation. The proposed rezoning program was presented to the Planning Commission on Oct. 18, 2023, and to the Housing Commission on Dec. 14, 2023. The commissions considered the proposal and, after hearing public comments, voted to recommend its approval to the City Council. Although just beyond the reporting period of calendar year 2023, at its Jan. 30, 2024, hearing, the City Council approved a General Plan amendment, rezoning and certified a program environmental impact report that provides zoning capacity for 3,447 units of at the lower and moderate-income levels spread across 16 sites throughout the city. Increase in Home Production The city issued 640 building permits during the 2023 calendar year, for new housing units that will be available to a variety of income categories. As shown in the table below, this represents a 412% increase in the total number of building permits issued in calendar year 2022. The increase in building permit activity is largely attributed to three projects: Marja Acres (47 permits), Pacific Wind (87 permits), and Aviara Apartments (329 permits). Building Permits Issued Income Category Annual Income Range (2023)1, 2 2022 2023 Above Moderate > $140,150 0 344 Moderate $128,500 - $140,150 0 94 Low $110,250 - $128,500 82 158 Very Low $68,900 - $110,250 43 44 TOTAL 125 640 1 – Based on a four-person household July 11, 2024 Item #1 Page 3 of 76 2 – City of Carlsbad Household Income Limits 2023 Objective Design Standards for Multifamily Housing and Mixed-Use Development On Aug. 29, 2023, the City Council approved amendments to the Carlsbad Municipal Code, Local Coastal Program, and Village & Barrio Master Plan that allowed for the adoption of the regulatory framework for objective design standards for properties throughout the city, and specifically in the Village and Barrio area. The adoption of objective design standards satisfied the requirements of state Senate Bills 35, 167, and 3302 and allowed for the implementation of Housing Element Program 1.11 - Objective Design Standards. The objective design standards are intended to streamline project review and outline clear regulations that planned development must adhere to. Encouraging Development of Accessory Dwelling Units Accessory Dwelling Units (ADUs)3 are an essential component of the state’s housing supply and provide an alternative option to traditional market-rate home construction. Over the past several years, the state legislature has passed several laws making it easier for property owners to build ADUs and the Housing and Community Development Department encourages cities to create local allowances to encourage ADU development. On May 23, 2023, the City Council adopted amendments to the Carlsbad Municipal Code and Local Coastal Program and received a presentation on a new permit-ready ADU program that increases the feasibility of ADUs: • The City Council approved an amendment to the Carlsbad Municipal Code and Local Coastal Program updating the city’s regulatory requirements for ADUs and Junior ADUs. The approved amendments brought the city into compliance with the new provisions adopted under Assembly Bill 2221 and Senate Bill 897. The amendments consisted of code updates to increase maximum heights from 16 feet to 18 feet for detached ADUs and to 25 feet for attached ADUs; provide parking exemptions for ADUs near transit/carshare locations, in historic districts, and where there are on-street parking restrictions; include permit issuance time maximums; and allow ADUs to encroach into front-yard setbacks when infeasible in rear or side yards. • The City Council was presented a new permit-ready ADU program that provides applicants with pre-approved plans for ADUs. Applicants making use of the pre- approved ADU plans are estimated to save three to six months of floorplan development time and potentially $8,000-$16,000 in design fees leading up to application submittal. This item was initiated in response to new state laws and in accordance with Housing Element Program 1.2 - Promote the Development of Accessory Dwelling Units (ADUs). Staff conducted public outreach sessions and collected surveys prior to developing plans for a range of ADU types, including studio, one-bedroom, two- bedroom and three-bedroom floor plans with sizes ranging from 400 square feet to 1,000 square feet. The permit-ready ADU floorplans are available in three architectural 2 Senate Bill 35 (2017) established a streamlined local approval process for affordable housing. SB 167 (2017) and SB 330 (2019) removed regulatory hurdles to streamline housing development that is consistent with existing density allowances. 3 ADUs can be integrated into existing or proposed homes in a variety of ways, including converting a portion of an existing house, adding to the existing house, converting an existing garage, storage area, studio or other accessory building, or constructing a new detached structure on the property. July 11, 2024 Item #1 Page 4 of 76 styles that complement existing architectural styles throughout Carlsbad, including Modern/Contemporary, Spanish, and Farmhouse/Craftsman. In addition to the program plans, staff also developed a new streamlined ADU application, which included user- friendly permit application materials to guide applicants through the review process. At the May 23, 2023, City Council informational presentation, the City Council approved a minute motion directing staff to return within one year with information on the interest in and utilization of the permit-ready ADU program, including any recommended adjustments to the program. Staff prepared a City Council Memorandum, posted May 23, 2024, detailing staff’s response to the five requested items approved in the minute motion. To date, staff have received one building permit application using the permit-ready ADU plans, however, the program maintains consistent interest based on the number of inquiries staff receive on average in a given week. Also included with this staff report is a description of the terms and methods used in the report (Exhibit 2), which provides additional information about the Regional Housing Needs Allocation and the housing income levels. The General Plan and Housing Element Annual Progress Report for 2023 was accepted by the Carlsbad City Council at its hearing on March 19, 2024, and the report was submitted to the California Department of Housing and Community Development, the Governor’s Office of Planning and Research, and the San Diego Association of Governments on March 27, 2024, in advance of the April 1, 2024, submittal deadline. It is being presented to the Housing Commission for informational purposes and no action is required. Environmental Evaluation The City Planner, through the process outlined in the Carlsbad Municipal Code relating to Environmental Protection (Section 19.04.070), has determined this report is categorically exempt from environmental review under California Environmental Quality Act Guidelines Section 15306, which states that information collection activities are exempt from the provisions of the act. The City Planner’s determination was published on Feb. 8, 2024, and no appeal to that determination was filed. Exhibits 1. General Plan and Housing Element Annual Progress Report for Calendar Year 2023 2. Description & Methods July 11, 2024 Item #1 Page 5 of 76 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT GENERAL PLAN AND HOUSING ELEMENT ANNUAL PROGRESS REPORT FOR 2023 Exhibit 1 July 11, 2024 Item #1 Page 6 of 76 CITY OF CARLSBAD GENERAL PLAN AND HOUSING ELEMENT ANNUAL PROGRESS REPORT FOR CALENDAR YEAR 2023 INTRODUCTION California Government Code Section 65400 requires all cities and counties within the state to submit an annual report regarding the status of the General Plan and progress of its implementation. A special focus of the annual report is the local jurisdiction’s progress in meeting its share of regional housing needs, as defined by state law and as addressed in the jurisdiction’s general plan housing element. The purpose of the annual progress report is to provide information to the public, local decision makers, and state agencies – primarily the Governor’s Office of Planning and Research and the State Department of Housing and Community Development. This information can be used to track progress in meeting local and state goals and to adjust the methods being used to meet those goals, as needed. The report is also shared with the San Diego Association of Governments for use in regional population forecasts and estimates. California Government Code 65400 details the information that must be contained within the annual progress report, although there is no prescribed format, sequence, or length for the report1. The annual progress report reviews activity related to the general plan within the preceding calendar year and must be submitted to the state by April 1 of the following year. As such, this annual progress report is for the time period of January 1, 2023, through December 31, 2023. The City of Carlsbad’s General Plan was last comprehensively updated in 2015 and utilized the vision and core values established in the preceding Envision Carlsbad effort to guide the development of the plan’s goals and policies. Although nine core values were identified as a part of this process, several overlapped in terms of analysis and implementation. As such, six consolidated groupings are used in this report as the organizing framework for reviewing the General Plan implementation activities for the past year. These groupings include: 1.Sustainability 2.The Local Economy, Business Diversity and Tourism 3.Open Space and the Natural Environment; Access to Recreation and Active, Healthy Lifestyles 4.History, the Arts and Cultural Resources; High Quality Education and Community Services 5.Walking, Biking, Public Transportation and Connectivity 1 Planning and Community Development Team, Governor’s Office of Planning and Research (2022, October 6) Annual Progress Report Memo – 2022 Reporting Year [Memorandum]. Office of Planning and Research. https://www.opr.ca.gov/docs/20221005-APR_Memo_Reporting_Year_2022.pdf July 11, 2024 Item #1 Page 7 of 76 6.Small Town Feel, Beach Community Character and Connectedness; Neighborhood Revitalization, Community Design and Livability The City of Carlsbad also currently provides multiple stand-alone annual reports on topics related to the General Plan separately from the General Plan-Housing Element Annual Progress Report. The Office of Planning and Research acknowledges this dynamic in many jurisdictions and encourages “General Plan implementation to be discussed in the larger context of the jurisdiction’s overall programs and activities”1. The contents of the City of Carlsbad’s General Plan and Housing Element Annual Progress Report for Calendar Year 2023 include: Report •Updates to the General Plan/Zoning Ordinance •General Plan Implementation Actions •Customer Service Activities Housing Element Annual Progress Report Data Tables •Table A: Housing Development Applications Submitted •Table A2: Annual Building Activity Report Summary – New Construction, Entitled, Permits and Completed Units •Table B: Regional Housing Needs Allocation Progress •Table D: Program Implementation Status Pursuant to Gov’t Code Section 65583 •Housing Element Data Table Summary •Local Early Action Planning (LEAP) Reporting UPDATES TO THE GENERAL PLAN/ZONING ORDINANCE Publicly initiated General Plan amendments/zoning code amendments: •Zoning Ordinance Amendments to Encourage Development of Accessory Dwelling Units and Junior Accessory Dwelling Units – ZCA 2023-0001/LCPA 2023-0017/PUB 2023-0002: The city initiated an amendment to Title 21 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code and Local Coastal Program to implement Housing Element Program 1.2 - Promote the Development of Accessory Dwelling Units (ADUs). The ordinance changes were intended to ensure compliance with Assembly Bill 2221 and Senate Bill 897 by modifying regulations and permitting requirements related to ADUs. The City Council approved the amendments as proposed 5/0/0 at a public hearing on May 23, 2023 and the amendments were submitted to the California Coastal Commission on October 31, 2023, deemed submitted on January 3, 2024. •Implement Housing Element Programs on Alternative Housing and Temporary Housing to Relieve Homelessness – ZCA 2023-0002/LCPA 2023-0018 (DEV 2023- 0040): The city initiated an amendment to Title 21 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code and Local Coastal Program to implement Housing Element Programs 1.3 - Alternative Housing, Objective G and 2.13 - Housing for Persons Experiencing Homelessness, Objective H of the city’s Housing Element. The ordinance changes July 11, 2024 Item #1 Page 8 of 76 were intended to encourage the construction of alternative and temporary housing types, increase and clarify allowances for special needs housing, and to bring the Zoning Ordinance and Local Coastal Program into compliance with the Housing Element requirements and state law. The City Council approved the amendments as proposed 5/0/0 at a public hearing on May 23, 2023, and the amendments were submitted to the California Coastal Commission on October 31, 2023, deemed submitted on January 3, 2024. •Citywide Objective Design Standards for Multifamily Housing and Mixed-Use Development – ZCA 2020-0003, LCPA 2020-0007, PUB 2020-0004: The city initiated an amendment to Title 21 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code and Local Coastal Program to establish citywide objective design standards for multifamily housing and mixed-use development projects development for the purpose of implementing Housing Element Program 1.11 - Objective Design Standards. The ordinance changes were intended to establish the regulatory framework for objective design standards in accordance with the Housing Element and state law. The ordinance changes also rescinded City Council Policy No. 66 due to its inconsistency with state law. The City Council approved the amendments as proposed 5/0/0 at a public hearing on August 29, 2023, and the amendments were submitted to the California Coastal Commission on October 31, 2023, deemed submitted on January 3, 2024. •Objective Design Standards for Multifamily Housing and Mixed-Use Development in the Village and Barrio – AMEND 2021-0008/LCPA 2023-0016 (DEV08014): The city initiated an amendment to the Village and Barrio Master Plan to adopt objective design standards for multi-family housing and mixed-use development for the purpose of implementing Housing Element Program 1.11 - Objective Design Standards. The changes to the Village and Barrio Master Plan were intended to establish the regulatory framework for objective design standards, specifically as they apply to the Village and Barrio Master Plan area, in accordance with the Housing Element and state law. The City Council approved the amendments as proposed 5/0/0 at a public hearing on August 29, 2023, and the amendments were submitted to the California Coastal Commission on October 31, 2023, deemed submitted on January 3, 2024. •Housing Element Implementation and Public Safety Element Update – GPA 2022- 0001/ZC 2022-0001/ZC 2022-0001/LCPA 2022-0009/AMEND 2023-0011/AMEND 2023-0012(PUB 2022-0010): The city initiated an amendment to the General Plan Land Use and Community Design Element, Public Safety Element, Zoning Ordinance, Local Coastal Program and the Bressi Ranch Master Plan, Green Valley Master Plan, Fenton Carlsbad Center Specific Plan, North County Plaza Specific Plan, and Westfield Carlsbad Specific Plans for the purpose of implementing Housing Element Program 1.1 - Provide Adequate Sites to Accommodate the RHNA, Program 1.3 – Alternative Housing, and Program 1.7 – Sites from Prior Elements. The proposed changes specifically include the rezoning of identified sites for multi-family housing. The ordinance and plan changes are intended to accommodate the housing allocations established by the Regional Housing Needs Assessment and to bring the Zoning Ordinance and Local Coastal Program into compliance with Housing Element requirements and state law. The city’s Planning Commission recommended approval as proposed 5/1/1 on October 18, 2023. The Housing Commission received July 11, 2024 Item #1 Page 9 of 76 a presentation of the proposed changes and recommended additional affordability requirements for city-owned and non-city owned sites on December 14, 2023. Although just beyond the reporting period of calendar year 2023, at its January 30, 2024 hearing, the City Council approved a General Plan Amendment, Rezone, and certified a Program Environmental Impact Report that provides 3,447 units of zoning capacity at the lower and moderate income levels spread across 16 sites throughout the city. The Public Safety Element update component of the project included new analysis and content as required by state law. The analysis included the preparation of a Climate Change Vulnerability Assessment and amended the Public Safety Element to include three new maps, five updated maps, 17 updated policies, 53 new policies and remove one outdated policy. GENERAL PLAN IMPLEMENTATION ACTIONS General plans are comprehensive in nature and govern actions relating to the physical development of the city. General plans are long-range planning documents and, as such, the time horizon for the 2015 General Plan is 2035 and includes actions that will be completed in short-, mid-, and long-term timeframes or are on-going activities. Below is a discussion of activities and accomplishments related to the General Plan and its core values and elements that occurred in 2023. Concurrent Implementation of Multiple Core Values Carlsbad’s Growth Management Program was adopted in 1986 as a way to ensure that new development provided its fair share of infrastructure and services in order to maintain the community’s quality of life. As such, the plan includes performance standards for 11 public facilities, including libraries, parks, circulation, and water distribution facilities. Pursuant to California Senate Bill 166 (2017), the adopted Growth Management Program is required to change its enforcement mechanism for failure to comply with the required performance standards (i.e., the city can no longer impose a moratorium on residential development if a public facility standard is not met). For this reason, and to provide an update to a program that is reaching close to 40 years in age, the city initiated a Growth Management Program Update process in 2022. This effort included the City Council appointed Carlsbad Tomorrow Growth Management Citizens Committee which met 15 times between March 2022 and April 2023 and discussed and made recommendations for each of the existing Growth Management Program’s 11 public facility “performance standards,” as well as other topics important to maintaining Carlsbad’s quality of life. The committee’s recommendations were presented to the City Council in July 2023. In Spring 2024, staff will return to City Council with a work plan identifying next steps to implement the committee’s recommendations. July 11, 2024 Item #1 Page 10 of 76 Sustainability General Plan core values related to sustainability cross all General Plan elements, but as listed in the Sustainability Element, focus primarily on reducing greenhouse gases; water conservation, recycling and supply; efficient building standards and practices; sustainable energy; and sustainable food. The primary companion document to the General Plan in terms of sustainability is the city’s Climate Action Plan. Implementation of the Climate Action Plan is specifically referenced in Sustainability Element Policy 9-P.1: Enforce the Climate Action Plan as the city’s strategy to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Implementation actions that occurred during the reporting period include: •Staff continued to implement the adopted Climate Action Plan. The sixth Climate Action Plan Annual Report (covering implementation from January 1, 2022- December 31, 22) was presented to the City Council on May 9, 2023. •Staff continued a comprehensive update to the Climate Action Plan. Primary activities in 2023 included preparing a 2016 greenhouse gas inventory, preparing preliminary reduction measures, sharing the preliminary measures with the public , updating the City Council on November 7, 2023, reviewing the public input received, and updating the preliminary measures based on input from the public and City Council. •Following a minute motion made at the April 19, 2022, City Council meeting directing staff to “research options to add an ordinance to address electrification in new buildings in the City of Carlsbad to the next draft of the Climate Action Plan,” staff presented options to City Council on May 9, 2023. With the recent Ninth Circuit decision (California Restaurant Association v. City of Berkeley), City Council requested staff to return on July 11, 2023, and September 12, 2023. At the September 12, 2023, meeting, the City Council voted to continue implementation of the city’s existing reach code due to the potential legal concerns raised by the Berkley case. •The Clean Energy Alliance continued operating in Carlsbad. An annual update was presented to the City Council on February 7, 2023. The Local Economy, Business Diversity, and Tourism General Plan core values related to the local economy, business diversity, and tourism most directly inform the Economy, Business Diversity, and Tourism Element. The focus of this element includes strengthening the city’s role as an economic hub by ensuring fiscal health, carefully managing land use and infrastructure, and promoting business diversity, opportunities, and tourism. •The city manager presented the Fiscal Year 2023-24 Budget and Capital Improvement Program (Budget) to the City Council for consideration at a hearing on June 13, 2023. The budget includes data on the city’s administration, operations, staffing, facilities, projects, and forecasts in the context of the city’s five-year strategic plan and fiscal year goals. The city was awarded the Achievement for July 11, 2024 Item #1 Page 11 of 76 Excellence in Financial Reporting for the 30th year in a row by the Government Finance Officers Association of the United States and Canada. •The city continues to work towards the implementation of the City Council five-year strategic plan which outlines policy goals designed to reflect the most important priorities of the community. Program milestones that were achieved during 2023 include the adoption of an updated Homeless Response Plan on February 7, 2023, the formation of a community-police engagement commission, and the adoption of an economic development strategic plan on January 10, 2023. Open Space and Active Lifestyles General Plan core values related to open space and active lifestyles most directly inform the Open Space, Conservation, and Recreation Element. The focus of the element includes the open space framework; biological resources; beaches, parks, and recreation; trails and greenways; agricultural resources; air quality; and water quality. •Item 1 under the Natural Community Conservation Planning Act of 1991, Carlsbad and the cities of Encinitas, Escondido, Oceanside, San Marcos, Solana Beach and Vista participated in the preparation of the Multiple Habitat Conservation Program, which was adopted and certified by the San Diego Association of Governments in 2003. The Multiple Habitat Conservation Program is a comprehensive sub-regional plan that addresses the needs of multiple plant and animal species in northwestern San Diego County, enabling cities to implement their portions of the Multiple Habitat Conservation Program through citywide subarea plans, which for the City of Carlsbad is the Habitat Management Plan, adopted in 2004. The General Plan contains policy 4-P.9: Maintain and Implement the city’s Habitat Management Plan...including the requirement that all development projects comply with the Habitat Management Plan and related documents. •The Public Works Department Habitat Management Division produced its annual Habitat Management Report for Reporting Year 19, which includes November 1, 2022, through October 31, 2023. The report summarized that for the reporting period: o There were no acquisitions of open space lands. o There was a net gain of 3.3 acres of Habitat Management Plan hardline associated with the Aviara Apartments Project and Park Drive Slope and Drainage Improvement Project mitigation. o The city debited 0 acres from the existing Lake Calavera Mitigation Parcel for city projects, leaving 92.2 acres (credits) for future upland mitigation. o Two Habitat Management Plan amendments were processed for boundary adjustments associated with the Aviara Apartments Project and Park Drive Slope and Drainage Improvement Project mitigation. o Ongoing management and monitoring activities in Habitat Management Plan preserves conducted in 2023 included invasive species monitoring and control, installation and maintenance of fences and signage, patrolling, rare plant counts and habitat assessments, vegetation mapping, sensitive species surveys, wildlife movement monitoring, and public outreach activities. July 11, 2024 Item #1 Page 12 of 76 •The Community Development Department Planning Division produced its annual Open Space Status Report for Fiscal Year 2022-2023, which includes July 1, 2022, through June 30, 2023. The report summarized that for the reporting period zero acres were added or removed from the city’s Open Space inventory.. Education, Culture, and Community Services General Plan core values related to education, culture, and community services most directly inform the Arts, History, Culture, and Education Element and Public Safety Element. The focus of these elements includes historic resources; arts and culture; library, educational and lifelong learning resources; minimize negative effects of natural and man- made hazards; and maintain safety services. •On July 24, 2023 Carlsbad City Council approved a resolution to adopt an update to the San Diego County Multi-Jurisdictional Hazard Mitigation Plan. The San Diego County Multi-Jurisdictional Hazard Mitigation Plan is a regional plan that identifies activities to minimize the impact and damage by natural and human-caused disasters. The Office of Emergency Management and Resilience is responsible for the maintenance and implementation of this plan. •In June 2023, the city opened its new temporary Fire Station 7, achieving city goals that were established by City Council in 2022. The opening of the station helps the city achieve its goal of improving emergency response times. The temporary station will remain in place until a permanent station is constructed and operational. •Throughout 2023, progress continued on updating the city’s Public Safety Element in conjunction with the Housing Element’s Program 1.1 to rezone identified housing sites. The draft update to the Public Safety Element was circulated for public review in July and August 2023 and was submitted to CalFire for review. The California Board of Forestry and Fire Protection considered the update at its September 26, 2023, hearing and issued a confirmation that the update met its evaluation criteria in December 2023. The Carlsbad Planning Commission voted to recommend to the City Council approval of the Public Safety Element at its hearing on October 18, 2023. Although just outside the reporting period of calendar year 2023, the item was approved by the Carlsbad City Council on January 30, 2024. In all, the update includes three new maps, five updated maps, 17 updated policies, 53 new policies and one removed policy. Walking, Biking, Public Transportation, and Connectivity General Plan core values related to walking, biking, public transportation, and connectivity most directly inform the Mobility Element. The focus of this element includes livable streets; effective multi-modal transportation systems; managed parking; transportation demand and traffic signal management; context-sensitive transportation corridor design; and goods movement. •The City of Carlsbad declared a local state of emergency on Aug. 23, 2022, in response to a 233% increase in collisions involving bikes and e-bikes between 2019 and August 2022. The action immediately increased attention and resources on a July 11, 2024 Item #1 Page 13 of 76 range of solutions including infrastructure improvements, traffic safety measures, enhanced enforcement and a focus on safe driving behavior education. The local emergency proclamation expired at 5 p.m. on Sept. 8, 2023, however traffic safety remains a top priority in Carlsbad with a focus on the three Es of traffic safety – education, engineering and enforcement – using the framework of the Safer Streets Together Plan. The 12-month period between the beginning and end of the emergency proclamation saw a measurable reduction in injury collisions over this period of time: o 13% decrease in injury collisions across all modes of travel o 20% decrease in injury collisions involving bikes and e-bikes. o 22% decrease in injury collisions involving manually powered bikes. o 18% decrease in injury collisions involving e-bikes. •Significant initiatives that have been implemented as a result of the Safer Streets Together Plan in 2023 include: o Major roadway surfacing and restriping improvements along over 16 miles of east-west roadways throughout the city to balance the needs of all roadway users. o Green paint or bike lane improvements at 43 other locations and major intersections throughout the city o Implementation of the planning phase for Safe Routes to School plans at four school sites including Sage Creek High School, Aviara Oaks Middle / Elementary Schools, Jefferson Elementary, and Hope Elementary o Implementation of high visibility crosswalks and traffic calming improvements at six crosswalks on Carlsbad Boulevard o Restriping southbound Carlsbad Boulevard from Manzano Drive to Island Way to address excessive vehicle speeding and to provide additional space for bicyclists and pedestrians along the busy coastal corridor o Conducted e-bike safety training and implemented a bike permit program with Carlsbad Unified School district including 22 training courses reaching over 1,000 students since the start of the fall 2023 semester Community, Neighborhood Character, and Housing General Plan goals and policies related to community and neighborhood character relate to six General Plan elements: Land Use and Community Design; Mobility; Open Space, Conservation, and Recreation; Noise; Sustainability; and Housing. The focus of this core value includes land use; community character, design, and connectedness; growth management; Cannon Road open space, farming, and public use; the Village, the Barrio; compatibility of noise with land use and the built environment; housing opportunities; housing implementation; housing preservation; affirmatively furthering fair housing; community engagement on housing resources; and environmental justice. •The Housing Element Annual Progress Report Data Tables included with this report provide a quantitative measurement of progress in meeting regional housing needs, applications processed according to state law and state incentive programs, and July 11, 2024 Item #1 Page 14 of 76 expenditures of grant funds issued by the state related to housing. It is important to note that the information provided in these tables is for calendar year 2023, which may or may not align with other reports or publications with different reporting periods. •The Community Development Department, Housing & Homeless Services Department, and other supporting/contributing divisions/departments were actively engaged in implementation of the Housing Element for the reporting period. Data Table D included in this report provides a program-by-program update of implementation of all Housing Element-related plans and programs. •The Community Development Department developed new objective design standards for multifamily housing and mixed-use development to accomplish the dual objective of creating quality and context-sensitive development while also providing a predictable and equitable development approval process. The City of Carlsbad developed two sets of objective design standards, one that will apply citywide and the other for the Village and Barrio subarea, the city’s two oldest neighborhoods. Activities that occurred in the reporting period include: o Village and Barrio Objective Design Standards The city released the draft Village and Barrio objective design standards in Spring 2023 for the public to review and comment on. In May 2023, the Design Review Committee met one last time and recommended approval of the Village and Barrio objective design standards. In July 2023, the Planning Commission recommended to the City Council approval of the Village and Barrio objective design standards. In August 2023, the City Council approved the Village and Barrio Objective Design Standards. In October 2023, the new standards were officially effective in the Village and Barrio Master Plan’s inland areas (non-coastal zone) and were made available to the public along with new corresponding application materials. In December 2023, the project included a Local Coastal Program Amendment which was forwarded to the California Coastal Commission for their review and approval for the new standards to become effective in the Coastal Zone. o Citywide Objective Design Standards The city released the draft citywide objective design standards in Spring 2023 for the public to review and comment on. In June 2023, the city hosted an online webinar to inform and receive comments from the public about the citywide objective design standards. In July 2023, the Planning Commission recommended to the City Council approval of the Citywide objective design standards. In August 2023, the City Council approved the Citywide Objective Design Standards. July 11, 2024 Item #1 Page 15 of 76 In October 2023, the new standards were officially effective in the inland areas of the city (non-coastal zone) and were made available to the public along with the new corresponding application materials. In December 2023, the project included a Local Coastal Program Amendment which was forwarded to the California Coastal Commission for their review and approval for the new standards to become effective in the Coastal Zone. •The Community Development Department is updating the city’s parking related plans and policies in the area covered by the Village and Barrio Master Plan area and nearby beach areas to reflect recent regulatory changes in state law and to identify new opportunities and strategies to increase parking availability within this area. Activities that occurred during the reporting period include: o In July 2023, a professional service agreement was awarded to update the Village, Barrio and Beach Area Parking Management plan and Village and Barrio Master Plan. o In August 2023, the consultants conducted a parking survey within the Village, Barrio and Beach area study area. o In September through December 2023, staff worked with the consultant to prepare draft documents for the Parking Study, Parking Management Plan, Village and Barrio Master Plan amendment and other related documents. o December 2023, the annual parking survey was finalized and the information transmitted via a City Council Memo on January 4, 2024. •In accordance with Housing Element Program Objectives 1.2 d. and e., staff presented to the City Council at its May 23, 2023, hearing a set of four ADU floorplans (studio, one bedroom, two bedrooms, and three bedrooms), ranging in size from 400 to 1,000 square feet, including three architectural styles that complement existing architectural styles throughout Carlsbad. Applicants making use of the pre-approved ADU plans are estimated to save three to six months of floorplan development time and potentially $8,000-$16,000 in design fees leading up to application submittal. The Carlsbad City Council authorized the acceptance of grant funding to develop the plans and the selection of a consultant to prepare the plans in January and October of 2021, respectively. At the May 23, 2023, City Council informational presentation, The City Council approved a minute motion to have staff return within one year with information on the interest in and utilization of the Permit-ready ADU program, including any recommended adjustments to the program. Staff will provide a City Council Memo with the information requested by May 2024. July 11, 2024 Item #1 Page 16 of 76 CUSTOMER SERVICE ACTIVITIES The City of Carlsbad produces and maintains a series of informational bulletins to assist the public and project applicants in understanding regulations applicable to development in Carlsbad. Topics addressed by the informational bulletins range from local planning/permitting processes to requirements of state law. Informational bulletins that were updated/enhanced during the reporting period include: •IB-131: AB 2097 Parking Requirements (January 2023) – New bulletin created for the purpose of providing an overview of AB 2097 and the city’s inability to require minimum parking standards on certain private development projects. •IB-111: Accessory Dwelling Units (December 2023) – Updated to reflect changes in state law and to clarify regulations related to ADUs and multi-family residences. Also added a new section related to the city’s permit-ready ADU program. •IB-110: Applicant Resources (July 2023) – Updated to consolidate and clarify resources available to applicants when processing their permit application through the department, including a process where applicant disagreements and conflicts can be quickly and efficiently elevated to upper management for discussion and resolution. •IB-206: Demolition Requirements (January 2023) – New bulletin created for the purpose of outlining the safety and regulatory standards that must be followed prior to and during the demolition process. •IB-112: Density Bonus (July 2023) – Updated to clarify the city’s inclusionary housing requirements and provided a theoretical example of how the city calculates affordability requirements for projects utilizing density bonus. •IB-161: Historic Preservation (January 2023) – New bulletin that provides an overview of the historic designation process and various incentive programs that are available to owners of eligible historical structures. •IB-302: Objective Design Standards (December 2023) – New bulletin created for the purpose of explaining how to implement Objective Design Standards for multi- family and mixed-use development. •IB-116: Project Facility Availability (January 2023) – New bulletin created for the purpose of explaining the processing requirements for Project Facility Availability Forms for public utilities and services. •IB-140: Reasonable Accommodations (December 2023) – Updated to clarify information related to Reasonable Accommodations code requirements. •IB-139: SB-4 Affordable Housing & Faith-Based Lands Act (November 2023) – Updated to reflect changes of law following the adoption of SB-4. •IB-133: SB-9 Housing Opportunity More Efficiency Act of 2021 (December 2023) - Updated to clarify that projects within the Coastal Zone are subject to standards consistent with urban lot splits. •IB-132: SB-330 Housing Crisis Act of 2019 (December 2023) – Updated to clarify the applicability to residential projects that consist of 2 or more units. Other customer-oriented activities and improvements undertaken during the reporting period include: July 11, 2024 Item #1 Page 17 of 76 •Maintained an active list of capital improvement projects with scope and status information. Maintained a user-friendly interface to make the information available to the public through a web-based viewer/dashboard: o https://carlsbad.maps.arcgis.com/apps/dashboards/859a1cc67ecc45bab8d 44d2e714431e1 •New streamlined residential solar permit (SolarAPP+) whereby permits can be submitted and issued same day (September 2023). •Developed system for minor online planning permits to email customers automatically on permit status changes including permit issuance to keep them better informed on permit progress (July 2023). •Added additional minor permit appointments to public kiosk installed for walk in customers. This allows for easier customer check-ins, especially for those without a smart phone (December 2023). •Expanded the number of minor permits offered online thru the Customer Self Service (CSS) portal. These include select minor permits for building, planning and engineering. Customers can now enjoy a paperless permit process as they can apply, upload plans, pay fees and access permit documents and inspection cards via the portal (December 2023). July 11, 2024 Item #1 Page 18 of 76 Jurisdiction Carlsbad ANNUAL ELEMENT PROGRESS REPORT Note: "+" indicates an optional field Reporting Year 2023 (Jan. 1 - Dec. 31)Housing Element Implementation Planning Period 6th Cycle 04/30/2021 - 04/30/2029 Date Application Submitted Total Approved Units by Project Total Disapproved Units by Project Streamlining Application Status Project Type Notes 2 34 6 7 8 9 11 12 13 Prior APN+Current APN Street Address Project Name+Local Jurisdiction Tracking ID Unit Category(SFA,SFD,2 to 4,5+,ADU,MH) Tenure R=Renter O=Owner Date Application Submitted+ (see instructions) Very Low-Income Deed Restricted Very Low-Income Non Deed Restricted Low-Income Deed Restricted Low-Income Non Deed Restricted Moderate-Income Deed Restricted Moderate- Income Non Deed Restricted AboveModerate- Income Total PROPOSED Units by Project Total APPROVED Units by project Total DISAPPROVED Units by Project Please select streamlining provision/s the application was submitted pursuant to. Did the housing development application seek incentives or concessions pursuant to Government Code section 65915? Were incentives or concessions reqested pursuant to Government Code section 65915 approved? Please indicate the status of the application. Is the project considered a ministerial project or discretionary project? Notes+ Summary Row: Start Data Entry Below 22 0 0 0 0 76 200 298 43 0 2080401100 4984 EUCALYPTUS LN 4984 EUCALYPTUS LN CDP2023-0007 ADU R 2/1/2023 1 1 NONE No N/A Pending Ministerial 2232120600 7303 BORLA PL 7303 BORLA: NEW (361 SF) DETACHED ADU CBR2023-1619 ADU R 4/4/2023 1 1 1 NONE No N/A Approved Ministerial 2101600500 5133 EL ARBOL DR MILLER RESIDENCE ADU CDP2023-0005 ADU O 6/12/2023 1 1 1 NONE No N/A Approved Ministerial 2033205300 945 CARLSBAD VILLAGE DR CARLSBAD VILLAGE MIXED USE SDP2023-0014 MH R 5/17/2023 22 196 218 NONE Yes N/A Pending Discretionary 2155210100 1850 PENTAS CT CHAMBERLAIN DETACHED ADU CDP2023-0021 ADU O 7/24/2023 1 1 1 NONE No N/A Approved Ministerial 2159505000 1619 NEW CREST CT JOANN ADU CDP2023-0020 ADU R 9/7/2023 1 1 1 NONE No N/A Approved Ministerial 1561107800 2605 HIGHLAND DR PARIZEAU: BUILD ADU (499 SF) FROM GARAGE AND DECK (55 SF) CBR2023-2558 ADU R 5/18/2023 1 1 1 NONE No N/A Approved Ministerial 2060424300 450 CHINQUAPIN AVE LELAND ADU CDP2023-0027 ADU R 5/24/2023 1 1 NONE No N/A Pending Ministerial 2073310500 4946 PARK DR NUNEZ RESIDENCE CDP2023-0037 ADU R 12/13/2023 1 1 1 NONE No N/A Approved Ministerial 2054302000 1170 TAMARACK AVE MACLEOD ADU CDP2023-0050 ADU R 10/10/2023 1 1 NONE No N/A Pending Ministerial 2070850900 4205 CLEARVIEW DR RESNICK ADU CDP2023-0032 ADU O 12/28/2023 1 1 1 NONE No N/A Approved Ministerial 2060400600804 CITRUS PL MCDONALD ADU CDP2023-0035 ADU R 12/28/2023 1 1 1 NONE No N/A Approved Ministerial 2042340600 158 MAPLE AVE 158 MAPLE ADU CDP2023-0055 ADU R 10/24/2023 1 1 NONE No N/A Pending Ministerial 2060131900 3981 GARFIELD ST GARFIELD TOWNHOMES SDP2023-0004 2 to 4 R 1/25/2023 4 4 NONE No N/A Withdrawn Discretionary 2061920500 4520 ADAMS ST LOPEZ ADU CDP2023-0001 ADU R 1/4/2023 1 1 NONE No N/A Withdrawn Ministerial 2162513600 7796 MADRILENA WAY MADRILENA; CO+G2:G52NVERT EXISTING+G2:G54 SINGLE FAMILY DWELLING GARAGE TO A 704 (SF) ADU CBR2023-3347 ADU R 7/5/2023 1 1 1 NONE No N/A Approved Ministerial 2551011400 7934 LA CAPELA PL Unit: 1 LINDEN: 489 SF INTERIOR REMODEL TO CONVERT BEDROOM TO JADU // EXTERIOR STAIR CBR2023-3055 ADU R 6/14/2023 1 1 1 NONE No N/A Approved Ministerial 1561109500 2707 HIGHLAND DR OLIVER: 445 SF DETACHED ADU CBR2023-1841 ADU R 4/14/2023 1 1 1 NONE No N/A Approved Ministerial 2073502600 4805 NEBLINA DR Unit: #2 NUNAN: ATTACHED ADU (560 SF) CBR2023-1219 ADU O 3/13/2023 1 1 1 NONE No N/A Approved Ministerial 1671521200 3640 CATALINA DR 749 SF DETACHED ADU CBR2023-2335 ADU R 5/5/2023 1 1 1 NONE No N/A Approved Ministerial 2131620600 6329 ENCANTO DR GONZALES: NEW DETACHED ADU (643 SF)/PATIO (39 SF) CBR2023-0691 ADU R 2/16/2023 1 1 NONE No N/A Withdrawn Ministerial 2041320900 3392 LINCOLN ST 3392 LINCOLN: CONVERT EXISTING DETACHED GARAGE TO ADU (361 SF) CBR2023-0120 ADU R 1/6/2023 1 1 1 NONE No N/A Approved Ministerial 2041500400 3434 GARFIELD ST BELL: CONVERT EXISTING DETACHED GARAGE TO ADU (240 SF) CBR2023-0604 ADU R 2/10/2023 1 1 1 NONE No N/A Approved Ministerial 2552932300 7882 VISTA HIGUERA BOKIN: CONVERT ATTACHED 1 CAR GARAGE (209 SF) & PORTION OF EXISTING HOUSE (249 SF) TO JADU CBR2023-1882 ADU R 4/17/2023 1 1 1 NONE No N/A Approved Ministerial Table A Cells in grey contain auto-calculation formulas 51 Project Identifier Unit Types Proposed Units - Affordability by Household Incomes Density Bonus Law Applications 10 Housing Development Applications Submitted July 11, 2024 Item #1 Page 19 of 76 Date Application Submitted Total Approved Units by Project Total Disapproved Units by Project Streamlining Application Status Project Type Notes 2 34 6 7 8 9 11 12 13 Prior APN+Current APN Street Address Project Name+Local Jurisdiction Tracking ID Unit Category(SFA,SFD,2 to 4,5+,ADU,MH) Tenure R=Renter O=Owner Date Application Submitted+ (see instructions) Very Low-Income Deed Restricted Very Low-Income Non Deed Restricted Low-Income Deed Restricted Low-Income Non Deed Restricted Moderate-Income Deed Restricted Moderate- Income Non Deed Restricted AboveModerate- Income Total PROPOSED Units by Project Total APPROVED Units by project Total DISAPPROVED Units by Project Please select streamlining provision/s the application was submitted pursuant to. Did the housing development application seek incentives or concessions pursuant to Government Code section 65915? Were incentives or concessions reqested pursuant to Government Code section 65915 approved? Please indicate the status of the application. Is the project considered a ministerial project or discretionary project? Notes+ 51 Project Identifier Unit Types Proposed Units - Affordability by Household Incomes Density Bonus Law Applications 10 20417117003446 MADISON ST Unit: D MIER: CONVERSION OF GARAGE TO ADU (407 SF) CBR2023-2601 ADU R 5/19/2023 1 1 1 NONE No N/A Approved Ministerial 1552721200 993 LAGUNA DR REITZ: DETACHED ADU (596 SF)CBR2023-0045 ADU R 1/3/2023 1 1 1 NONE No N/A Approved Ministerial 2551463700 2903 VIA PEPITA Unit: 2 WILSON ADU: NEW ADU (749 SF) WITH (170 SF) PATIO CBR2023-0573 ADU R 2/9/2023 1 1 1 NONE No N/A Approved Ministerial 2051124000 3403 ADAMS ST PERERIA: ONE STORY DETACHED 1 BEDROOM ADU (499 SF) CBR2023-3620 ADU O 7/25/2023 1 1 1 NONE No N/A Approved Ministerial 2164930200 7730 PALACIO DR Unit: 2 WOELFEL: ATTACHED 2- STORY ADU 748 SQUARE FEET // ENCLOSE EXISTING FRONT COVERED PORCH CBR2023-0727 ADU R 2/17/2023 1 1 1 NONE No N/A Approved Ministerial 1551602900 2472 TUTTLE ST PENTALLA: PROPOSED 392 SQ FT ADU ABOVE GARAGE WITH DECK AND ROOFTOP DECK CBR2023-3004 ADU R 6/13/2023 1 1 1 NONE No N/A Approved Ministerial 2150724000 1544 MARITIME DR PARTIAL GARAGE CONVERSION TO ADU, ATTACHED PATIO CBR2023-2563 ADU O 5/18/2023 1 1 1 NONE No N/A Approved Ministerial 1675611200 4316 POINT REYES CT THILL: ATTACHED ADU (856 S.F)CBR2023-3311 ADU O 6/30/2023 1 1 1 NONE No N/A Approved Ministerial 2236110600 7331 PASEO CAPUCHINA 7331 PASEO CAPUCHINA: GARAGE CONVERSION TO ADU (193 SF) CBR2023-0816 ADU O 2/22/2023 1 1 1 NONE No N/A Approved Ministerial 2550571000 3011 QUEBRADA CIR Unit: 2 LOWDER: (537SF) ADU - CONVERT EXISITING HABITABLE SPACE (242SF) + ADDING (295SF) CBR2023-3071 ADU O 6/15/2023 1 1 1 NONE No N/A Approved Ministerial 2645501300 8005 PASEO ESMERADO 630 SQFT DETACHED ADU (1 BED / 1 BATH)CBR2023-0336 ADU O 1/25/2023 1 1 1 NONE No N/A Approved Ministerial 2145025600 6925 QUIET COVE DR MONROE: CONVERTING GARAGE TO ADU (444 SF) CBR2023-3205 ADU R 6/23/2023 1 1 1 NONE No N/A Approved Ministerial 1562316000 1344 CYNTHIA LN BEAL: NEW ATTACHED ADU (496 SF)CBR2023-1574 ADU O 4/3/2023 1 1 1 NONE No N/A Approved Ministerial 1673913100 2725 LYONS CT Unit: 2 HODGKINSON; DETACHED ADU (1200 F)CBR2023-0591 ADU R 2/10/2023 1 1 1 NONE No N/A Approved Ministerial 2060420300 431 TAMARACK AVE 431 TAMARACK: CONVERT EXISTING 1,095 SF GUEST HOUSE TO ADU & ADD 105 SF LIVING & 83 SF STORAGE CBR2023-1359 ADU O 3/22/2023 1 1 1 NONE No N/A Approved Ministerial 1682918500 3918 STONERIDGE RD HAMPTON: DETACHED ADU (749 SF) CBR2023-0138 ADU R 1/9/2023 1 1 1 NONE No N/A Approved Ministerial 2550550200 3004 SEGOVIA WAY WEATHERALL: DETACHED 1 STORY ADU (972 SF) CBR2023-1418 ADU R 3/24/2023 1 1 1 NONE No N/A Approved Ministerial 2054302600 3859 MARGARET WAY PANACCIONE; 2252 SF REMODEL; CONVERT 500 SF TO ADU (CC2023- 0408) CBR2023-3758 ADU O 8/3/2023 1 1 1 NONE No N/A Approved Ministerial 20408218003221 MADISON ST Unit: B MATZE: DETACHED ADU (658 SF)CBR2023-4349 ADU R 9/19/2023 1 1 1 NONE No N/A Approved Ministerial 2051900600 1081 CHESTNUT AVE SNAPADU: ADDITION OF 1 STORY (1,196 SF) DETACHED ADU; 2 BED 2 BATH CBR2023-2508 ADU R 5/16/2023 1 1 1 NONE No N/A Approved Ministerial July 11, 2024 Item #1 Page 20 of 76 Date Application Submitted Total Approved Units by Project Total Disapproved Units by Project Streamlining Application Status Project Type Notes 2 34 6 7 8 9 11 12 13 Prior APN+Current APN Street Address Project Name+Local Jurisdiction Tracking ID Unit Category (SFA,SFD,2 to 4,5+,ADU,MH) Tenure R=RenterO=Owner Date Application Submitted+(see instructions) Very Low-Income Deed Restricted Very Low-Income Non Deed Restricted Low-Income Deed Restricted Low-Income Non Deed Restricted Moderate-Income Deed Restricted Moderate- Income Non Deed Restricted Above Moderate-Income Total PROPOSED Units by Project Total APPROVED Units by project Total DISAPPROVED Units by Project Please select streamlining provision/s the application was submitted pursuant to. Did the housing development application seek incentives or concessions pursuant to Government Code section 65915? Were incentives or concessions reqested pursuant to Government Code section 65915 approved? Please indicate the status of the application. Is the project considered a ministerial project or discretionary project? Notes+ 51 Project Identifier Unit Types Proposed Units - Affordability by Household Incomes Density Bonus Law Applications 10 1562702000 1821 GUEVARA RD EISNER: ATTACHED ADU (495 SF) *REPLACES CBR2022-1191 CBR2023-0982 ADU R 3/1/2023 1 1 1 NONE No N/A Approved Ministerial 1674900200 2754 AUBURN AVE Unit: 2 COXSEY: 630 SF ADU ABOVE EXISTING GARAGE. CBR2023-2748 ADU O 5/30/2023 1 1 1 NONE No N/A Approved Ministerial 2032010500 2780 JEFFERSON ST PUJARA: CONVERSION OF EXISTING 2 CAR GARAGE INTO NEW DETACHED ADU (406 SF) CBR2023-2968 ADU R 6/9/2023 1 1 1 NONE No N/A Approved Ministerial 2032010600 2786 JEFFERSON ST PUJARA: CONVERSION OF EXISTING 2 CAR GARAGE INTO NEW DETACHED ADU (406 SF) CBR2023-2967 ADU R 6/9/2023 1 1 1 NONE No N/A Approved Ministerial 2081601300 5034 ASHBERRY RD LIAO: CONVERTING EXISTING GARAGE TO ADU (278 SF) // ADDITION (45 SF) CBR2023-4567 ADU R 10/10/2023 1 1 1 NONE No N/A Approved Ministerial 2155330700 6442 LA PALOMA ST HEBRON: CONVERT 460 SQFT ATTACHED GARAGE TO ADU CBR2023-4218 ADU R 9/8/2023 1 1 1 NONE No N/A Approved Ministerial 2232951700 7505 SOLANO ST Unit: #1 VASILAS: ADDITION (700 SF) // INTERIOR REMODEL (196 SF) // ADU OVER GARAGE CBR2023-3081 ADU R 6/16/2023 1 1 1 NONE No N/A Approved Ministerial 2155111500 1732 CATALPA RD Unit: 2 CIAMPA: CONVERT GARAGE TO JADU (314 SF) AND CONVERT LAUNDRY FROM GARAGE (49 SF) CBR2023-2049 ADU R 4/24/2023 1 1 NONE No N/A Pending Ministerial 2071205500 3947 PARK DR LARSON: 930 SF DETACHED ADU W/ 306 SF ATTACHED COVERED PATIO CBR2023-0602 ADU R 2/10/2023 1 1 NONE No N/A Pending Ministerial 2041712100 3447 JEFFERSON ST KAUR; CONVERT 590 SQ FT GARAGE TO ADU CBR2023-4668 ADU R 10/20/2023 1 1 NONE No N/A Pending Ministerial 1671120600 3170 FALCON DR POTERFIELD; DEMO OF EXISTING REAR GARAGE TO CREATE 365 SQ FT ADU 1,000 SQ FT 2 CAR GARAGE CBR2023-4606 ADU R 10/13/2023 1 1 NONE No N/A Pending Ministerial 2042341400 145 CHESTNUT AVE Unit: E,F (2) ATTACHED ADU'S // DECK CBR2023-3088 ADU R 6/16/2023 2 2 NONE No N/A Pending Ministerial 2073853900 1879 HIGH RIDGE AVE ANDERSON: NEW DETACHED ADU (587 SF)CBR2023-5017 ADU R 11/13/2023 1 1 NONE No N/A Pending Ministerial 2041712100 3449 JEFFERSON ST 3449 JEFFERSON: GARAGE CONVERSION TO ADU (590 SF) CBR2023-1164 ADU R 3/9/2023 1 1 NONE No N/A Pending Ministerial 2054302000 1172 TAMARACK AVE MACLEOD; ADDITION OF DETACHED 497 SQ FT ADU CBR2023-4303 ADU R 9/15/2023 1 1 NONE No N/A Pending Ministerial 2551012400 2806 ATADERO CT Unit: 1 LEON: DETACHED ADU (843 SF)CBR2023-2947 ADU O 6/8/2023 1 1 NONE No N/A Pending Ministerial 2153301500 2924 LUCIERNAGA ST LA COSTA MEADOWS: CONVERSION OF UNUSED RECREATION AREA TO JADU (458 SF) CBR2023-4416 ADU R 9/25/2023 1 1 NONE No N/A Pending Ministerial 2550831000 7961 REPRESA CIR ROWLEY; 358 SQ FT ADU ADDITION TO EXISTING TWO CAR ATTACHED GARAGE CBR2023-4921 ADU R 11/3/2023 1 1 NONE No N/A Pending Ministerial July 11, 2024 Item #1 Page 21 of 76 Date Application Submitted Total Approved Units by Project Total Disapproved Units by Project Streamlining Application Status Project Type Notes 2 34 6 7 8 9 11 12 13 Prior APN+Current APN Street Address Project Name+Local Jurisdiction Tracking ID Unit Category(SFA,SFD,2 to 4,5+,ADU,MH) Tenure R=RenterO=Owner Date Application Submitted+ (see instructions) Very Low-Income Deed Restricted Very Low-Income Non Deed Restricted Low-Income Deed Restricted Low-Income Non Deed Restricted Moderate-Income Deed Restricted Moderate- Income Non Deed Restricted AboveModerate- Income Total PROPOSED Units by Project Total APPROVED Units by project Total DISAPPROVED Units by Project Please select streamlining provision/s the application was submitted pursuant to. Did the housing development application seek incentives or concessions pursuant to Government Code section 65915? Were incentives or concessions reqested pursuant to Government Code section 65915 approved? Please indicate the status of the application. Is the project considered a ministerial project or discretionary project? Notes+ 51 Project Identifier Unit Types Proposed Units - Affordability by Household Incomes Density Bonus Law Applications 10 1672704500 3549 SIERRA MORENA AVE BRADFORD: CONVERT AN EXISTING GARAGE TO JADU (440 SF) CBR2023-4593 ADU O 10/12/2023 1 1 NONE No N/A Pending Ministerial 1670531500 3367 RIDGECREST DR WESTMORELAND: ATTACHED ADU (740 SF) W/ DECK (465 SF) CBR2023-3860 ADU R 8/9/2023 1 1 NONE No N/A Pending Ministerial 2100340600 5140 LOS ROBLES DR SDRE HOMEBUYERS: INTERIOR REMODEL (1208 SF) WITH A PROPOSED MAIN FLOOR ADDITION (60 SF) SECOND STORY ADDITION (1506 SF) WITH ROOF DECK (859 SF) AND CONVERSION OF MASTER BEDROOM TO JADU (480 SF) CBR2023-5223 ADU R 12/6/2023 1 1 NONE No N/A Pending Ministerial 2041320900 3390 LINCOLN ST FOLSE: DEMO 403 SF GARAGE FOR NEW DETACHED ADU (REFERENCE CBR2023-0120) CBR2023-5240 ADU R 12/7/2023 1 1 NONE No N/A Pending Ministerial 2072730200 4857 SEVILLA WAY HEAL: NEW 367 SF DETACHED ADU W/ 126 SF OPEN PATIO CBR2023-5191 ADU R 12/4/2023 1 1 NONE No N/A Pending Ministerial 2061501500 1242 HOOVER ST BLACKBURN; 939 SF ATTACHED ADU OVER 910 ATTACHED GARAGE AND STORAGE W/ 366 SF DECK & SPA CBR2023-4061 ADU R 8/25/2023 1 1 NONE No N/A Pending Ministerial 2041320800 3366 LINCOLN ST FOLSE: 497 DETACHED ADU W/ 115 SF DECK CBR2023-5235 ADU R 12/7/2023 1 1 NONE No N/A Pending Ministerial 1562311500 1297 BUENA VISTA WAY ROBINSON: NEW JADU (476 SF) ABOVE EXISTING GARAGE CBR2023-5006 ADU R 11/13/2023 1 1 NONE No N/A Pending Ministerial 2051120900 1062 CHESTNUT AVE PETRICKO: (1194 SF) 2-STORY ATTACHED ADU CBR2023-5200 ADU R 9/6/2023 1 1 NONE No N/A Pending Ministerial 2071201600 1751 ANDREA AVE TRUJILLO: CONVERT GARAGE TO JADU (420 SF) CBR2023-5133 ADU R 11/28/2023 1 1 NONE No N/A Pending Ministerial 2081320800 4487 SALISBURY DR Unit: 2 TAN: BUILD ATTACHED ADU (749 SF)CBR2023-3501 ADU O 7/17/2023 1 1 NONE No N/A Pending Ministerial 2060423800 3956 LONG PL PETZ: 964 SF DETACHED ADU CBR2023-2599 ADU O 5/19/2023 1 1 NONE No N/A Pending Ministerial 2051531700 3477 ANN DR MOLINA: ATTACHED ADU ADDITION (728 SF)CBR2023-3571 ADU R 7/21/2023 1 1 NONE No N/A Pending Ministerial 2550641000 3112 QUEBRADA CIR GONZALEZ: NEW CONSTRUCTION OF 400SF ATTACHED ADU CBR2023-5341 ADU R 12/20/2023 1 1 NONE No N/A Pending Ministerial 2060120200 3914 GARFIELD ST CRUSE: NEW 510 SF DETACHED ADU WITH NEW 427 SF 2 CAR GARAGE WITH UPPER +G2:G63LEVEL DECK CBR2023-5320 ADU R 12/18/2023 1 1 NONE No N/A Pending Ministerial July 11, 2024 Item #1 Page 22 of 76 Table A2 23 56 Prior APN+Current APN Street Address Project Name+Local Jurisdiction Tracking ID Unit Category (SFA,SFD,2 to 4,5+,ADU,MH) Tenure R=RenterO=Owner Very Low- Income Deed Restricted Very Low- Income Non Deed Restricted Low- Income Deed Restricted Low- Income Non Deed Restricted Moderate- Income Deed Restricted Moderate- Income Non Deed Restricted Above Moderate- Income Entitlement Date Approved # of Units issued Entitlements Summary Row: Start Data Entry Below 20 0 13 0 0 17 227 2772033204800 1006 CARLSBAD VILLAGE DR Carlsbad, CA 92008 HOPE APARTMENTS CT2022-0001 5+ R 20 136 6/21/2023 1562031411500 2669 GARFIELD STCarlsbad, CA 92008--221 EDWARDS RESIDENCE CDP2021-0057 ADU R 1 5/30/2023 1 2031411500 2669 GARFIELD STCarlsbad, CA 92008--221 EDWARDS RESIDENCE CDP2021-0056 SFD O 1 5/3/2023 12072502300 4874 PARK DRCarlsbad, CA 92008--381 4874 PARK DRIVE CDP2021-0062 SFD O 1 12/6/2023 11552210500 BUENA VISTA CIR Carlsbad, CA 92008 MARTIN RESIDENCE CDP2022-0010 ADU R 1 6/20/2023 11552210500 BUENA VISTA CIR Carlsbad, CA 92008 MARTIN RESIDENCE CDP2022-0008 SFD O 1 6/7/2023 12122720100 TWAIN AVE Carlsbad, CA 92008 OCEAN VIEW POINT CDP2022-0014 SFD O 3 1/18/2023 3 2122720200 TWAIN AVE Carlsbad, CA 92008 OCEAN VIEW POINT CDP2022-0014 SFD O 3 1/18/2023 32122720300 TWAIN AVE Carlsbad, CA 92008 OCEAN VIEW POINT CDP2022-0014 SFD O 2 1/18/2023 22122720400 TWAIN AVE Carlsbad, CA 92008 OCEAN VIEW POINT CDP2022-0014 SFD O 2 1/18/2023 22122720500 TWAIN AVE Carlsbad, CA 92008 OCEAN VIEW POINT CDP2022-0014 SFD O 3 1/18/2023 31552711900 2642 JEFFERSON STCarlsbad, CA 92008 CARRILO ADU CDP2022-0020 ADU R 1 2/21/2023 1 2141711100 7294 PONTO DRCarlsbad, CA 92011--460 FPC Residential CDP2022-0023 5+R 13 73 5/3/2023 862061801100 4368 ADAMS STCarlsbad, CA 92008--420 ADAMS HOUSE CDP2022-0031 SFD O 1 2/1/2023 12061801100 4368 ADAMS STCarlsbad, CA 92008--420 ADAMS HOUSE CDP2022-0050 ADU R 1 2/6/2023 12073853900 1877 HIGH RIDGE AVECarlsbad, CA 92008--376 ANDERSON ADU CDP2022-0051 ADU R 1 9/25/2023 12060420300 431 TAMARACK AVECarlsbad, CA 92008--412 LAHMAN ADU CDP2022-0057 ADU R 1 4/25/2023 1 2060120200 3912 GARFIELD STCarlsbad, CA 92008--403 CRUSE HOUSE REMODEL/ADU CDP2022-0063 ADU R 1 10/5/2023 12060120600 3950 GARFIELD ST Unit: BCarlsbad, CA 92008--403 LABOUNTY RESIDENCE CDP2022-0067 SFD O 1 11/15/2023 12081601300 5032 ASHBERRY RDCarlsbad, CA 92008--385 5032 ASHBERRY RD CDP2022-0069 ADU R 1 3/27/2023 12072800200 4904 PARK DRCarlsbad, CA 92008--382 EWING ADU CDP2022-0071 ADU R 1 4/19/2023 12157910800 1320 SHOREBIRD LNCarlsbad, CA 92011--488 CHU DETACHED ADU CDP2022-0043 ADU R 1 1/24/2023 1 2100331500 5079 LOS ROBLES DRCarlsbad, CA 92008--432 DAVIS ADU CDP2022-0058 ADU R 1 1/26/2023 12101600500 5133 EL ARBOL DRCarlsbad, CA 92008--431 MILLER RESIDENCE ADU CDP2023-0005 ADU R 1 6/12/2023 12159505000 1619 NEW CREST CTCarlsbad, CA 92011--408 JOANN ADU CDP2023-0020 ADU R 1 9/7/2023 12155210100 1850 PENTAS CTCarlsbad, CA 92011--513 CHAMBERLAIN DETACHED ADU CDP2023-0021 ADU R 1 7/24/2023 12070850900 4205 CLEARVIEW DRCarlsbad, CA 92008--363 RESNICK ADU CDP2023-0032 ADU R 1 12/28/2023 1 2060400600 804 CITRUS PLCarlsbad, CA 92008--411 MCDONALD ADU CDP2023-0035 ADU R 1 12/28/2023 12073310500 4946 PARK DRCarlsbad, CA 92008--381 NUNEZ RESIDENCE CDP2023-0037 ADU R 1 12/13/2023 12071013500 4660 GARDEN HILL LOOPCarlsbad, CA 92008--374 MARJA ACRES CBR2022-1190 5+R 02120405600 1380 LAUREL TREE LNCARLSBAD, CA 92011 AVIARA APARTMENTS CBR2022-1327 5+R 02042920100 3845 SYDNEY WAYCarlsbad, CA 92008--508 PACIFIC WIND CBRA2022-0065 5+R 0 2042920100 3835 SYDNEY WAYCarlsbad, CA 92008--508 PACIFIC WIND CBRA2022-0066 5+R 02042920100 3855 SYDNEY WAYCarlsbad, CA 92008--508 PACIFIC WIND CBRA2022-0067 5+R 02042920100 3865 SYDNEY WAYCarlsbad, CA 92008--508 PACIFIC WIND CBRA2022-0068 5+R 02042920100 3825 SYDNEY WAYCarlsbad, CA 92008--508 PACIFIC WIND CBRA2022-0069 5+R 02120405600 1205 AVIARA PKWYCarlsbad, CA 92011--127 AVIARA APARTMENTS CBRA2022-0145 5+R 0 2153203600 2812 CAZADERO DRCARLSBAD CAZADERO DR CONDO PROJECT CBRA2018-0148 SFA O 02153203600 2814 CAZADERO DRCARLSBAD CAZADERO DR CONDO PROJECT CBRA2018-0149 SFA O 02042404000 312 HEMLOCK AVECarlsbad, CA 92008--822 HEMLOCK COAST HOMES CBRA2021-0085 SFA O 02042404000 314 HEMLOCK AVECarlsbad, CA 92008--822 HEMLOCK COAST HOMES CBRA2021-0086 SFA O 02042404000 316 HEMLOCK AVECarlsbad, CA 92008--822 HEMLOCK COAST HOMES CBRA2021-0087 SFA O 0 2042404000 318 HEMLOCK AVECarlsbad, CA 92008--822 HEMLOCK COAST HOMES CBRA2021-0088 SFA O 02031730200 300 CHRISTIANSEN WAY Unit: 201CARLSBAD, CA 92008 BEACH VILLAGE LIFE 1 MIXED USE CBRA2022-0160 SFA O 02031730200 300 CHRISTIANSEN WAY Unit: 301CARLSBAD, CA 92008 BEACH VILLAGE LIFE 1 MIXED USE CBRA2022-0161 SFA O 02031730200 300 CHRISTIANSEN WAY Unit: 302CARLSBAD, CA 92008 BEACH VILLAGE LIFE 1 MIXED USE CBRA2022-0162 SFA O 02031730200 300 CHRISTIANSEN WAY Unit: 303CARLSBAD, CA 92008 BEACH VILLAGE LIFE 1 MIXED USE CBRA2022-0163 SFA O 0 2031730200 300 CHRISTIANSEN WAY Unit: 304CARLSBAD, CA 92008 BEACH VILLAGE LIFE 1 MIXED USE CBRA2022-0164 SFA O 02031730200 300 CHRISTIANSEN WAY Unit: 305CARLSBAD, CA 92008 BEACH VILLAGE LIFE 1 MIXED USE CBRA2022-0165 SFA O 02031730200 300 CHRISTIANSEN WAY Unit: 306CARLSBAD, CA 92008 BEACH VILLAGE LIFE 1 MIXED USE CBRA2022-0166 SFA O 02031730200 300 CHRISTIANSEN WAY Unit: 401CARLSBAD, CA 92008 BEACH VILLAGE LIFE 1 MIXED USE CBRA2022-0167 SFA O 02031730200 300 CHRISTIANSEN WAY Unit: 402CARLSBAD, CA 92008 BEACH VILLAGE LIFE 1 MIXED USE CBRA2022-0168 SFA O 0 2060201100 310 CHINQUAPIN AVECarlsbad, CA 92008--741 CHINQUAPIN COAST HOMES CBRA2022-0181 SFA O 02060201100 312 CHINQUAPIN AVECarlsbad, CA 92008--741 CHINQUAPIN COAST HOMES CBRA2022-0182 SFA O 02060201100 314 CHINQUAPIN AVECarlsbad, CA 92008--741 CHINQUAPIN COAST HOMES CBRA2022-0183 SFA O 02060201100 316 CHINQUAPIN AVECarlsbad, CA 92008--741 CHINQUAPIN COAST HOMES CBRA2022-0184 SFA O 02060201100 318 CHINQUAPIN AVECarlsbad, CA 92008--741 CHINQUAPIN COAST HOMES CBRA2022-0185 SFA O 0 2060201100 320 CHINQUAPIN AVECarlsbad, CA 92008--741 CHINQUAPIN COAST HOMES CBRA2022-0186 SFA O 02060201100 322 CHINQUAPIN AVECarlsbad, CA 92008--741 CHINQUAPIN COAST HOMES CBRA2022-0187 SFA O 02060201100 324 CHINQUAPIN AVECarlsbad, CA 92008--741 CHINQUAPIN COAST HOMES CBRA2022-0188 SFA O 02060201100 326 CHINQUAPIN AVECarlsbad, CA 92008--741 CHINQUAPIN COAST HOMES CBRA2022-0189 SFA O 02060800100 4006 GARFIELD STCarlsbad, CA 92008--745 GARFIELD HOMES CBRA2022-0192 SFA O 0 2060800100 211 CHINQUAPIN AVECARLSBAD, CA 92008 GARFIELD HOMES CBRA2022-0193 SFA O 02060800100 217 CHINQUAPIN AVECARLSBAD, CA 92008 GARFIELD HOMES CBRA2022-0194 SFA O 02042400800 231 ACACIA AVECarlsbad, CA 92008--320 ACACIA BEACH HOMES CBRA2023-0025 SFA O 02042400800 235 ACACIA AVECarlsbad, CA 92008--320 ACACIA BEACH HOMES CBRA2023-0026 SFA O 02042400800 239 ACACIA AVECarlsbad, CA 92008--320 ACACIA BEACH HOMES CBRA2023-0027 SFA O 0 2031021500 2670 ROOSEVELT STCarlsbad, CA 92008--161 THE ROOSEVELT CBRA2023-0038 SFA O 02031021500 2672 ROOSEVELT STCarlsbad, CA 92008--161 THE ROOSEVELT CBRA2023-0039 SFA O 02031021500 2674 ROOSEVELT STCarlsbad, CA 92008--161 THE ROOSEVELT CBRA2023-0040 SFA O 02042310700 162 CHERRY AVECarlsbad, CA 92008--821 THREE ON CHERRY CBRA2023-0073 SFA O 02042310700 164 CHERRY AVECarlsbad, CA 92008--821 THREE ON CHERRY CBRA2023-0074 SFA O 0 2042310700 166 CHERRY AVECarlsbad, CA 92008--821 THREE ON CHERRY CBRA2023-0075 SFA O 02071013500 4888 RED BUD LANECarlsbad, CA 92008 MARJA ACRES CBRA2023-0092 SFA O 02071013500 2580 GAZANIA LANECarlsbad, CA 92008 MARJA ACRES CBRA2023-0093 SFA O 02071013500 4866 RED BUD LANECarlsbad, CA 92008 MARJA ACRES CBRA2023-0101 SFA O 02071013500 4844 RED BUD LANECarlsbad, CA 92008 MARJA ACRES CBRA2023-0102 SFA O 0 2071013500 4822 RED BUD LANECarlsbad, CA 92008 MARJA ACRES CBRA2023-0103 SFA O 02071013500 4800 RED BUD LANECarlsbad, CA 92008 MARJA ACRES CBRA2023-0104 SFA O 02071013500 2520 GAZANIA LANECarlsbad, CA 92008 MARJA ACRES CBRA2023-0105 SFA O 02071013500 2460 GAZANIA LANECarlsbad, CA 92008 MARJA ACRES CBRA2023-0106 SFA O 02071013500 2410 GAZANIA LANECarlsbad, CA 92008 MARJA ACRES CBRA2023-0107 SFA O 0 1 4 Annual Building Activity Report Summary - New Construction, Entitled, Permits and Completed Units Project Identifier Unit Types Affordability by Household Incomes - Completed Entitlement July 11, 2024 Item #1 Page 23 of 76 Table A2 23 56 Prior APN+Current APN Street Address Project Name+Local Jurisdiction Tracking ID Unit Category (SFA,SFD,2 to 4,5+,ADU,MH) Tenure R=RenterO=Owner Very Low- Income Deed Restricted Very Low- Income Non Deed Restricted Low- Income Deed Restricted Low- Income Non Deed Restricted Moderate- Income Deed Restricted Moderate- Income Non Deed Restricted Above Moderate- Income Entitlement Date Approved # of Units issued Entitlements 1 4 Annual Building Activity Report Summary - New Construction, Entitled, Permits and Completed Units Project Identifier Unit Types Affordability by Household Incomes - Completed Entitlement 2071013500 4890 PARSLEY LNCarlsbad, CA 92008--374 MARJA ACRES CBRA2023-0112 SFA O 02071013500 4884 PARSLEY LNCarlsbad, CA 92008--374 MARJA ACRES CBRA2023-0113 SFA O 02071013500 4878 PARSLEY LNCarlsbad, CA 92008--374 MARJA ACRES CBRA2023-0115 SFA O 02071013500 4872 PARSLEY LNCarlsbad, CA 92008--374 MARJA ACRES CBRA2023-0116 SFA O 02071013500 4866 PARSLEY LNCarlsbad, CA 92008--374 MARJA ACRES CBRA2023-0117 SFA O 0 2071013500 4860 PARSLEY LNCarlsbad, CA 92008--374 MARJA ACRES CBRA2023-0118 SFA O 02071013500 4854 PARSLEY LNCarlsbad, CA 92008--374 MARJA ACRES CBRA2023-0119 SFA O 02071013500 4842 PARSLEY LNCarlsbad, CA 92008--374 MARJA ACRES CBRA2023-0120 SFA O 02071013500 4836 PARSLEY LNCarlsbad, CA 92008--374 MARJA ACRES CBRA2023-0121 SFA O 02071013500 4830 PARSLEY LNCarlsbad, CA 92008--374 MARJA ACRES CBRA2023-0122 SFA O 0 2071013500 4824 PARSLEY LNCarlsbad, CA 92008--374 MARJA ACRES CBRA2023-0123 SFA O 02071013500 4818 PARSLEY LNCarlsbad, CA 92008--374 MARJA ACRES CBRA2023-0128 SFA O 02071013500 4812 PARSLEY LNCarlsbad, CA 92008--374 MARJA ACRES CBRA2023-0129 SFA O 02071013500 4806 PARSLEY LNCarlsbad, CA 92008--374 MARJA ACRES CBRA2023-0130 SFA O 02071013500 4800 PARSLEY LNCarlsbad, CA 92008--374 MARJA ACRES CBRA2023-0131 SFA O 0 2071013500 4815 PARSLEYCarlsbad, CA 92008--374 MARJA ACRES CBRA2023-0132 SFA O 02071013500 4821 PARSLEY LNCarlsbad, CA 92008--374 MARJA ACRES CBRA2023-0133 SFA O 02071013500 4827 PARSLEY LNCarlsbad, CA 92008--374 MARJA ACRES CBRA2023-0134 SFA O 02071013500 4833 PARSLEY LNCarlsbad, CA 92008--374 MARJA ACRES CBRA2023-0135 SFA O 02071013500 4839 PARSLEY LNCarlsbad, CA 92008--374 MARJA ACRES CBRA2023-0136 SFA O 0 2071013500 4845 PARSLEY LNCarlsbad, CA 92008--374 MARJA ACRES CBRA2023-0137 SFA O 02071013500 4851 PARSLEY LNCarlsbad, CA 92008--374 MARJA ACRES CBRA2023-0138 SFA O 02071013500 2672 IXIA WAYCarlsbad, CA 92008--374 MARJA ACRES CBRA2023-0151 SFA O 02071013500 2638 IXIA WAYCarlsbad, CA 92008--374 MARJA ACRES CBRA2023-0155 SFA O 02071013500 2600 IXIA WAYCarlsbad, CA 92008--374 MARJA ACRES CBRA2023-0156 SFA O 0 2071013500 4509 AMARANTH LNCarlsbad, CA 92008--374 MARJA ACRES CBRA2023-0157 SFA O 02071013500 4527 AMARANTH LNCarlsbad, CA 92008--374 MARJA ACRES CBRA2023-0158 SFA O 02071013500 4545 AMARANTH LNCarlsbad, CA 92008--374 MARJA ACRES CBRA2023-0159 SFA O 02071013500 4563 AMARANTH LNCarlsbad, CA 92008--374 MARJA ACRES CBRA2023-0181 SFA O 02071013500 4581 AMARANTH LNCarlsbad, CA 92008--374 MARJA ACRES CBRA2023-0182 SFA O 0 2071013500 4599 AMARANTH LNCarlsbad, CA 92008--374 MARJA ACRES CBRA2023-0183 SFA O 02071013500 4572 AMARANTH LNCarlsbad, CA 92008--374 MARJA ACRES CBRA2023-0184 SFA O 02071013500 4554 AMARANTH LNCarlsbad, CA 92008--374 MARJA ACRES CBRA2023-0185 SFA O 02071013500 4536 AMARANTH LNCarlsbad, CA 92008--374 MARJA ACRES CBRA2023-0186 SFA O 02071013500 4518 AMARANTH LNCarlsbad, CA 92008--374 MARJA ACRES CBRA2023-0191 SFA O 0 2071013500 4500 AMARANTH LNCarlsbad, CA 92008--374 MARJA ACRES CBRA2023-0192 SFA O 02071013500 2619 IXIA WAYCarlsbad, CA 92008--374 MARJA ACRES CBRA2023-0193 SFA O 02071013500 2657 IXIA WAYCarlsbad, CA 92008--374 MARJA ACRES CBRA2023-0194 SFA O 02071013500 2687 IXIA WAYCarlsbad, CA 92008--374 MARJA ACRES CBRA2023-0195 SFA O 0 2081603200 5067 ASHBERRY RDCarlsbad, CA 92008--385 - CBR2019-2622 ADU R 0 2154500700 7166 ARGONAUTA WAYCarlsbad, CA 92009--650 - CBR2020-3318 ADU R 0 2070100100 3828 HIGHLAND DR Unit: 2Carlsbad, CA 92008--257 STONE ADU: 812 SF ADU ABOVE DETACCBR2021-0195 ADU R 02157610700 7344 GREBE DRCarlsbad, CA 92011--486 - CBR2021-0550 ADU R 02550570600 7839 QUEBRADA CIRCarlsbad, CA 92009--834 - CBR2021-1043 ADU R 02041711600 3456 MADISON STCarlsbad, CA 92008--503 - CBR2021-1766 ADU R 02040311400 3147 JEFFERSON ST Unit: 7Carlsbad, CA 92008--240 - CBR2021-2081 ADU R 0 1560510300 1420 YOURELL AVECarlsbad, CA 92008--105 - CBR2021-2191 ADU R 01673932300 3603 AMES PL Unit: 2Carlsbad, CA 92010--212 - CBR2021-2710 ADU R 02552602200 7877 PASEO TULIPEROCarlsbad, CA 92009--935 - CBR2021-2712 ADU R 02550932100 7920 ROCOSO LNCarlsbad, CA 92009--923 - CBR2021-2738 ADU R 02042401100 3542 GARFIELD STCarlsbad, CA 92008--324 - CBR2021-3058 ADU R 0 2052806000 3753 YVETTE WAYCarlsbad, CA 92008--255 KELLEY ADU CBR2021-3059 ADU R 02051205000 3432 WOODLAND WAYCarlsbad, CA 92008--255 - CBR2021-3429 ADU R 0 2155120800 1723 CATALPA RDCarlsbad, CA 92011--510 - CBR2021-3542 ADU R 0 2552530500 7942 GRADO EL TUPELOCarlsbad, CA 92009--902 - CBR2021-3635 ADU R 0 2151204500 2056 CARACOL CTCarlsbad, CA 92009--611 - CBR2021-3697 ADU R 0 2060424600 3952 HIBISCUS CIRCarlsbad, CA 92008--411 HARTY ADU AND ADDITION CBR2022-0206 ADU R 0 1552231800 626 LAGUNA DRCarlsbad, CA 92008--160 - CBR2022-0556 ADU R 02073900400 4657 TELESCOPE AVECarlsbad, CA 92008--376 - CBR2022-0615 ADU R 0 1562201700 3032 VALLEY STCarlsbad, CA 92008--115 - CBR2022-0687 ADU R 0 1561524500 2799 CREST DRCarlsbad, CA 92008--150 - CBR2022-0754 ADU R 0 2157600400 1002 MERGANSER LNCarlsbad, CA 92011--487 - CBR2022-0758 ADU R 01671803600 3257 DONNA DRCarlsbad, CA 92008--112 - CBR2022-1187 ADU R 0 2155010800 7005 ASTER PLCarlsbad, CA 92011--510 CROUCH ADU CBR2022-1542 ADU R 0 2070632400 3800 ALDER AVE Unit: 2Carlsbad, CA 92008--270 CASKEY RESIDENCE ADU CBR2022-1662 ADU R 02061204000 1087 CHINQUAPIN AVECarlsbad, CA 92008--353 - CBR2022-1803 ADU R 0 2165311200 614 MARLIN LNCarlsbad, CA 92011--468 - CBR2022-2009 ADU R 0 2153203002 2813 CEBU PLCarlsbad, CA 92009 - CBR2022-2330 ADU R 0 2050520800 1304 BASSWOOD AVECarlsbad, CA 92008--190 - CBR2022-2399 ADU R 02042401100 3546 GARFIELD STCarlsbad, CA 92008--324 3540 GARFIELD ADU CBR2022-2569 ADU R 0 2162602600 7647 GALLEON WAYCarlsbad, CA 92009--821 - CBR2022-2841 ADU R 01552513700 947 BUENA PLCarlsbad, CA 92008--140 - CBR2022-3053 ADU R 01561202500 1262 BUENA VISTA WAYCarlsbad, CA 92008--153 - CBR2022-3162 ADU R 0 1675221600 3165 SEABURY ST Unit: 2Carlsbad, CA 92010--703 - CBR2022-3176 ADU R 01562123600 1633 OAK AVECarlsbad, CA 92008--190 - CBR2022-3245 ADU R 02236100100 3404 CORTE PINOCarlsbad, CA 92009--869 - CBR2022-3421 ADU R 01671123600 3157 FALCON DRCarlsbad, CA 92008--112 - CBR2022-3503 ADU R 02645500900 8012 PASEO ESMERADOCarlsbad, CA 92009--980 - CBR2022-3578 ADU R 0 1561108600 2655 HIGHLAND DRCarlsbad, CA 92008--102 - CBR2022-4146 ADU R 02072740700 4849 HILLSIDE DRCarlsbad, CA 92008--372 - CBR2022-4391 ADU R 01675610100 2644 VALEWOOD AVECarlsbad, CA 92010--792 - CBR2022-4452 ADU R 0 July 11, 2024 Item #1 Page 24 of 76 Table A2 23 56 Prior APN+Current APN Street Address Project Name+Local Jurisdiction Tracking ID Unit Category (SFA,SFD,2 to 4,5+,ADU,MH) Tenure R=RenterO=Owner Very Low- Income Deed Restricted Very Low- Income Non Deed Restricted Low- Income Deed Restricted Low- Income Non Deed Restricted Moderate- Income Deed Restricted Moderate- Income Non Deed Restricted Above Moderate- Income Entitlement Date Approved # of Units issued Entitlements 1 4 Annual Building Activity Report Summary - New Construction, Entitled, Permits and Completed Units Project Identifier Unit Types Affordability by Household Incomes - Completed Entitlement 1683316500 3449 RAVINE DRCarlsbad, CA 92010--555 - CBR2022-4508 ADU R 02041210800 3339 GARFIELD STCarlsbad, CA 92008--312 - CBR2022-4536 ADU R 0 2236631100 3496 CAMINO CEREZACarlsbad, CA 92009--896 - CBR2022-4610 ADU R 0 2145610800 6702 LONICERA STCarlsbad, CA 92011--342 - CBR2022-4661 ADU R 0 2158500700 1346 BULRUSH CTCarlsbad, CA 92011--401 - CBR2022-4771 ADU R 0 2552005300 3287 CORTE VERA CRUZCarlsbad, CA 92009--931 - CBR2022-4782 ADU R 0 2060420200 425 TAMARACK AVECarlsbad, CA 92008--412 - CBR2022-4803 ADU R 01552721200 993 LAGUNA DRCarlsbad, CA 92008--185 - CBR2023-0045 ADU R 0 2041320900 3392 LINCOLN STCarlsbad, CA 92008--313 - CBR2023-0120 ADU R 0 1682918500 3918 STONERIDGE RDCarlsbad, CA 92010--707 - CBR2023-0138 ADU R 0 2645501300 8005 PASEO ESMERADOCarlsbad, CA 92009--980 - CBR2023-0336 ADU R 02551463700 2903 VIA PEPITA Unit: 2Carlsbad, CA 92009--923 - CBR2023-0573 ADU R 0 1673913100 2725 LYONS CT Unit: 2Carlsbad, CA 92010--212 - CBR2023-0591 ADU R 0 2041500400 3434 GARFIELD STCarlsbad, CA 92008--323 - CBR2023-0604 ADU R 02164930200 7730 PALACIO DR Unit: 2Carlsbad, CA 92009--852 - CBR2023-0727 ADU R 01562702000 1821 GUEVARA RDCarlsbad, CA 92008--102 - CBR2023-0982 ADU R 0 2073502600 4805 NEBLINA DR Unit: #2Carlsbad, CA 92008--372 - CBR2023-1219 ADU R 0 2550550200 3004 SEGOVIA WAYCarlsbad, CA 92009--835 - CBR2023-1418 ADU R 0 1562316000 1344 CYNTHIA LNCarlsbad, CA 92008--150 - CBR2023-1574 ADU R 02232120600 7303 BORLA PL Unit: 1Carlsbad, CA 92009--780 - CBR2023-1619 ADU R 0 2100340500 5120 LOS ROBLES DRCarlsbad, CA 92008--432 - CBR2023-1805 ADU R 0 2552932300 7882 VISTA HIGUERACarlsbad, CA 92009--698 - CBR2023-1882 ADU R 01671521200 3640 CATALINA DRCarlsbad, CA 92010--285 - CBR2023-2335 ADU R 0 2051900600 1081 CHESTNUT AVECarlsbad, CA 92008--251 - CBR2023-2508 ADU R 0 2041711700 3446 MADISON ST Unit: DCarlsbad, CA 92008--511 - CBR2023-2601 ADU R 0 1674900200 2754 AUBURN AVE Unit: 2Carlsbad, CA 92010--217 - CBR2023-2748 ADU R 01551602900 2472 TUTTLE STCarlsbad, CA 92008--144 - CBR2023-3004 ADU R 0 2550571000 3011 QUEBRADA CIR Unit: 2Carlsbad, CA 92009--833 - CBR2023-3071 ADU R 0 2051124000 3403 ADAMS STCarlsbad, CA 92008--250 - CBR2023-3620 ADU R 02054302600 3859 MARGARET WAYCarlsbad, CA 92008--340 - CBR2023-3758 ADU R 02155330700 6442 LA PALOMA STCarlsbad, CA 92009--432 - CBR2023-4218 ADU R 02040821800 3221 MADISON ST Unit: BCarlsbad, CA 92008--303 - CBR2023-4349 ADU R 02154910900 2653 ACUNA CTCarlsbad, CA 92009 GOERTZEN RESIDENCE CBRA2019-0362 ADU R 0 2070721700 4007 SKYLINE RDCarlsbad, CA 92008--274 - CBRA2020-0172 ADU R 02143901100 913 BEGONIA CT Unit: 2Carlsbad, CA 92011--480 - CBRA2021-0003 ADU R 02051305900 1642 SANDALWOOD LNCarlsbad, CA 92008--261 - CBRA2021-0025 ADU R 02100340500 5122 LOS ROBLES DRCarlsbad, CA 92008--432 - CBRA2021-0163 ADU R 02100331600 5067 LOS ROBLES DRCarlsbad, CA 92008--432 - CBRA2022-0040 ADU R 0 2122111700 6379 EBB TIDE STCarlsbad, CA 92011--126 - CBRA2022-0079 ADU R 0 2100631100 5303 LOS ROBLES DRCarlsbad, CA 92008--433 - CBRA2022-0082 ADU R 0 2052100100 3522 ADAMS STCarlsbad, CA 92008--250 - CBRA2022-0123 ADU R 02070532900 3882 WESTHAVEN DRCarlsbad, CA 92008--275 - CBRA2022-0127 ADU R 0 2041311500 3257 LINCOLN STCarlsbad, CA 92008--313 BLAUVELT RESIDENCE CBRA2022-0134 ADU R 0 2042511800 150 HEMLOCK AVE Unit: DCarlsbad, CA 92008--823 - CBRA2022-0137 ADU R 02052704700 3733 ADAMS STCarlsbad, CA 92008--340 ADAMS STREET HOMES ADUS CBRA2022-0152 ADU R 0 2052704900 3741 ADAMS STCarlsbad, CA 92008--340 ADAMS STREET HOMES ADUS CBRA2022-0153 ADU R 0 2052704800 3749 ADAMS STCarlsbad, CA 92008--340 ADAMS STREET HOMES ADUS CBRA2022-0154 ADU R 0 2052704600 3757 ADAMS STCarlsbad, CA 92008--340 ADAMS STREET HOMES ADUS CBRA2022-0155 ADU R 02052704700 3735 ADAMS STCarlsbad, CA 92008--340 ADAMS STREET HOMES ADUS CBRA2022-0156 ADU R 0 2052704900 3743 ADAMS STCarlsbad, CA 92008--340 ADAMS STREET HOMES ADUS CBRA2022-0157 ADU R 0 2052704800 3751 ADAMS STCarlsbad, CA 92008--340 ADAMS STREET HOMES ADUS CBRA2022-0158 ADU R 02052704600 3759 ADAMS STCarlsbad, CA 92008--340 ADAMS STREET HOMES ADUS CBRA2022-0159 ADU R 0 2550611200 3101 SERRANO DR Unit: 2Carlsbad, CA 92009--836 - CBRA2022-0205 ADU R 0 2051606200 3344 DONNA DRCarlsbad, CA 92008--201 - CBRA2023-0024 ADU R 0 2041711100 786 PALM AVECarlsbad, CA 92008--506 786 PALM AVENUE CBRA2023-0029 ADU R 02041711000 3479 JEFFERSON STCarlsbad, CA 92008--506 786 PALM AVENUE CBRA2023-0031 ADU R 0 2156102800 2452 UNICORNIO STCarlsbad, CA 92009--532 - CBRA2023-0046 ADU R 0 2154203700 7022 LLAMA STCarlsbad, CA 92009--651 - CBRA2023-0059 ADU R 01562313100 2833 ELMWOOD STCarlsbad, CA 92008--151 - CBRA2023-0067 ADU R 02031302800 2860 HOPE AVE Unit: BCarlsbad, CA 92008--189 - CBRA2023-0078 ADU R 0 1562002800 2926 HIGHLAND DRCarlsbad, CA 92008--191 HIGHLAND DRIVE 5 LOT SINGLE FAMILYCBRA2023-0084 ADU R 0 1562002900 2922 HIGHLAND DR HIGHLAND DRIVE 5 LOT SINGLE FAMILYCBRA2023-0085 ADU R 01562003200 2906 HIGHLAND DR HIGHLAND DRIVE 5 LOT SINGLE FAMILYCBRA2023-0086 ADU R 0 2052302300 3659 MONROE STCarlsbad, CA 92008--273 - CBRA2023-0143 ADU R 0 2155111400 1730 CATALPA RD Unit: 2Carlsbad, CA 92011--510 - CBRA2023-0178 ADU R 0 1561425100 2778 JAMES DRCarlsbad, CA 92008--195 2780 JAMES DRIVE CBRA2023-0190 ADU R 02150705100 1585 TRITON STCarlsbad, CA 92011 FRANCIS RESIDENCE CBR2018-1891 SFD O 0 2156102900 7129 AVIARA DRCarlsbad, CA 92011--490 SEHGAL RESIDENCE CBR2019-0014 SFD O 0 2071307900 3970 HIGHLAND DRCarlsbad, CA 92008 HIGHLAND JAMES CBR2020-2687 SFD O 02153300100 6620 SANTA ISABEL STCarlsbad, CA 92009--593 ST ELIZABETH SETON CBR2021-0440 SFD O 0 2156102800 7133 AVIARA DRCarlsbad, CA 92011--490 7133 AVIARA DR KEMPER RESIDENCE CBR2022-0279 SFD O 0 1562317000 1355 CYNTHIA LNCARLSBAD, CA HAGUE RESIDENCE CBR2022-1398 SFD O 0 2052210600 3786 HIGHLAND DRCarlsbad, CA 92008 HIGHLAND VIEW HOMES CBRA2018-0091 SFD O 02052210700 3790 HIGHLAND DRCarlsbad, CA 92008 HIGHLAND VIEW HOMES CBRA2018-0093 SFD O 0 2154910900 2651 ACUNA CTCarlsbad, CA 92009 GOERTZEN RESIDENCE CBRA2019-0361 SFD O 0 2070721700 4005 SKYLINE RDCarlsbad, CA 92008--274 Sarem Residence CBRA2020-0173 SFD O 0 July 11, 2024 Item #1 Page 25 of 76 Table A2 23 56 Prior APN+Current APN Street Address Project Name+Local Jurisdiction Tracking ID Unit Category (SFA,SFD,2 to 4,5+,ADU,MH) Tenure R=RenterO=Owner Very Low- Income Deed Restricted Very Low- Income Non Deed Restricted Low- Income Deed Restricted Low- Income Non Deed Restricted Moderate- Income Deed Restricted Moderate- Income Non Deed Restricted Above Moderate- Income Entitlement Date Approved # of Units issued Entitlements 1 4 Annual Building Activity Report Summary - New Construction, Entitled, Permits and Completed Units Project Identifier Unit Types Affordability by Household Incomes - Completed Entitlement 2042403200 307 JUNIPER AVECarlsbad, CA 92008--824 JUNIPER BEACH HOMES CBRA2022-0046 SFD O 02042403200 301 JUNIPER AVECarlsbad, CA 92008--824 JUNIPER BEACH HOMES CBRA2022-0047 SFD O 0 2042403200 305 JUNIPER AVECarlsbad, CA 92008--824 JUNIPER BEACH HOMES CBRA2022-0048 SFD O 0 2042403200 303 JUNIPER AVECarlsbad, CA 92008--824 JUNIPER BEACH HOMES CBRA2022-0049 SFD O 02041311500 3259 LINCOLN STCarlsbad, CA 92008--313 BLAUVELT RESIDENCE CBRA2022-0135 SFD O 0 2052704700 3731 ADAMS STCarlsbad, CA 92008--340 ADAMS STREET HOMES CBRA2022-0146 SFD O 0 2052704900 3739 ADAMS STCarlsbad, CA 92008--340 ADAMS STREET HOMES CBRA2022-0149 SFD O 0 2052704800 3747 ADAMS STCarlsbad, CA 92008--340 ADAMS STREET HOMES CBRA2022-0150 SFD O 02052704600 3755 ADAMS STCarlsbad, CA 92008--340 ADAMS STREET HOMES CBRA2022-0151 SFD O 0 2041711100 786 PALM AVECarlsbad, CA 92008--506 786 PALM AVENUE CBRA2023-0028 SFD O 0 2041711000 3477 JEFFERSON STCarlsbad, CA 92008--506 786 PALM AVENUE CBRA2023-0030 SFD O 01562002800 2924 HIGHLAND DRCarlsbad, CA 92008--191 HIGHLAND DRIVE 5 LOT SINGLE FAMILYCBRA2023-0079 SFD O 0 1562002900 2920 HIGHLAND DR HIGHLAND DRIVE 5 LOT SINGLE FAMILYCBRA2023-0080 SFD O 0 1562003000 2916 HIGHLAND DRCarlsbad, CA 92008--191 HIGHLAND DRIVE 5 LOT SINGLE FAMILYCBRA2023-0081 SFD O 0 1562003100 2912 HIGHLAND DR HIGHLAND DRIVE 5 LOT SINGLE FAMILYCBRA2023-0082 SFD O 01562003200 2910 HIGHLAND DR HIGHLAND DRIVE 5 LOT SINGLE FAMILYCBRA2023-0083 SFD O 0 2051911400 1090 MAGNOLIA AVECarlsbad, CA 92008--253 - CBRA2023-0090 SFD O 0 1561425100 2780 JAMES DRCarlsbad, CA 92008--195 2780 JAMES DRIVE CBRA2023-0189 SFD O 0 2100620300 5198 SHORE DRCarlsbad, CA 92008--434 LINCOLN RESIDENCE CBR2018-1220 SFD O 02050602700 1640 BASSWOOD AVECarlsbad, CA 92008--194 HARRIS RESIDENCE CBR2021-2128 SFD O 0 2232951700 7505 SOLANO ST Unit: #1 - CBR2023-3081 ADU R 0 20320106002786 JEFFERSON ST - CBR2023-2967 ADU R 020320105002780 JEFFERSON ST - CBR2023-2968 ADU R 021450256006925 QUIET COVE DR - CBR2023-3205 ADU R 0 2236110600 7331 PASEO CAPUCHINA - CBR2023-0816 ADU O 0 1675611200 4316 POINT REYES CT - CBR2023-3311 ADU O 021507240001544 MARITIME DR - CBR2023-2563 ADU O 0 July 11, 2024 Item #1 Page 26 of 76 Table A2 Annual Building Activity Report Summary - New Construction, Entitled, Permits and Completed Units 89 Current APN Street Address Project Name+ Very Low- Income Deed Restricted Very Low- Income Non Deed Restricted Low- Income Deed Restricted Low- Income Non Deed Restricted Moderate- Income Deed Restricted Moderate- Income Non Deed Restricted AboveModerate- Income Building Permits Date Issued # of Units Issued Building Permits 44 0 158 0 12 82 344 640 2033204800 1006 CARLSBAD VILLAGE DR Carlsbad, CA 92008 HOPE APARTMENTS 02031411500 2669 GARFIELD STCarlsbad, CA 92008--221 EDWARDS RESIDENCE 02031411500 2669 GARFIELD STCarlsbad, CA 92008--221 EDWARDS RESIDENCE 02072502300 4874 PARK DRCarlsbad, CA 92008--381 4874 PARK DRIVE 01552210500 BUENA VISTA CIR Carlsbad, CA 92008 MARTIN RESIDENCE 01552210500 BUENA VISTA CIR Carlsbad, CA 92008 MARTIN RESIDENCE 0 2122720100 TWAIN AVE Carlsbad, CA 92008 OCEAN VIEW POINT 0 2122720200 TWAIN AVE Carlsbad, CA 92008 OCEAN VIEW POINT 0 2122720300 TWAIN AVE Carlsbad, CA 92008 OCEAN VIEW POINT 02122720400 TWAIN AVE Carlsbad, CA 92008 OCEAN VIEW POINT 02122720500 TWAIN AVE Carlsbad, CA 92008 OCEAN VIEW POINT 01552711900 2642 JEFFERSON STCarlsbad, CA 92008 CARRILO ADU 02141711100 7294 PONTO DRCarlsbad, CA 92011--460 FPC Residential 02061801100 4368 ADAMS STCarlsbad, CA 92008--420 ADAMS HOUSE 02061801100 4368 ADAMS STCarlsbad, CA 92008--420 ADAMS HOUSE 0 2073853900 1877 HIGH RIDGE AVECarlsbad, CA 92008--376 ANDERSON ADU 0 2060420300 431 TAMARACK AVECarlsbad, CA 92008--412 LAHMAN ADU 1 9/22/2023 12060120200 3912 GARFIELD STCarlsbad, CA 92008--403 CRUSE HOUSE REMODEL/ADU 02060120600 3950 GARFIELD ST Unit: BCarlsbad, CA 92008--403 LABOUNTY RESIDENCE 02081601300 5032 ASHBERRY RDCarlsbad, CA 92008--385 5032 ASHBERRY RD 02072800200 4904 PARK DRCarlsbad, CA 92008--382 EWING ADU 02157910800 1320 SHOREBIRD LNCarlsbad, CA 92011--488 CHU DETACHED ADU 02100331500 5079 LOS ROBLES DRCarlsbad, CA 92008--432 DAVIS ADU 1 3/24/2023 1 2101600500 5133 EL ARBOL DRCarlsbad, CA 92008--431 MILLER RESIDENCE ADU 0 2159505000 1619 NEW CREST CTCarlsbad, CA 92011--408 JOANN ADU 0 2155210100 1850 PENTAS CTCarlsbad, CA 92011--513 CHAMBERLAIN DETACHED ADU 02070850900 4205 CLEARVIEW DRCarlsbad, CA 92008--363 RESNICK ADU 02060400600 804 CITRUS PLCarlsbad, CA 92008--411 MCDONALD ADU 02073310500 4946 PARK DRCarlsbad, CA 92008--381 NUNEZ RESIDENCE 02071013500 4660 GARDEN HILL LOOPCarlsbad, CA 92008--374 MARJA ACRES 37 9 1 11/14/2023 472120405600 1380 LAUREL TREE LNCARLSBAD, CA 92011 AVIARA APARTMENTS 7 62 1 2/24/2023 70 2042920100 3845 SYDNEY WAYCarlsbad, CA 92008--508 PACIFIC WIND 16 1/4/2023 16 2042920100 3835 SYDNEY WAYCarlsbad, CA 92008--508 PACIFIC WIND 24 1/4/2023 24 2042920100 3855 SYDNEY WAYCarlsbad, CA 92008--508 PACIFIC WIND 12 5/9/2023 122042920100 3865 SYDNEY WAYCarlsbad, CA 92008--508 PACIFIC WIND 23 5/9/2023 232042920100 3825 SYDNEY WAYCarlsbad, CA 92008--508 PACIFIC WIND 12 5/8/2023 122120405600 1205 AVIARA PKWYCarlsbad, CA 92011--127 AVIARA APARTMENTS 12 247 9/12/2023 2592153203600 2812 CAZADERO DRCARLSBAD CAZADERO DR CONDO PROJECT 02153203600 2814 CAZADERO DRCARLSBAD CAZADERO DR CONDO PROJECT 02042404000 312 HEMLOCK AVECarlsbad, CA 92008--822 HEMLOCK COAST HOMES 0 2042404000 314 HEMLOCK AVECarlsbad, CA 92008--822 HEMLOCK COAST HOMES 0 2042404000 316 HEMLOCK AVECarlsbad, CA 92008--822 HEMLOCK COAST HOMES 02042404000 318 HEMLOCK AVECarlsbad, CA 92008--822 HEMLOCK COAST HOMES 02031730200 300 CHRISTIANSEN WAY Unit: 201CARLSBAD, CA 92008 BEACH VILLAGE LIFE 1 MIXED USE 1 3/16/2023 12031730200 300 CHRISTIANSEN WAY Unit: 301CARLSBAD, CA 92008 BEACH VILLAGE LIFE 1 MIXED USE 1 3/16/2023 12031730200 300 CHRISTIANSEN WAY Unit: 302CARLSBAD, CA 92008 BEACH VILLAGE LIFE 1 MIXED USE 1 3/16/2023 12031730200 300 CHRISTIANSEN WAY Unit: 303CARLSBAD, CA 92008 BEACH VILLAGE LIFE 1 MIXED USE 1 3/16/2023 12031730200 300 CHRISTIANSEN WAY Unit: 304CARLSBAD, CA 92008 BEACH VILLAGE LIFE 1 MIXED USE 1 3/16/2023 1 2031730200 300 CHRISTIANSEN WAY Unit: 305CARLSBAD, CA 92008 BEACH VILLAGE LIFE 1 MIXED USE 1 3/16/2023 1 2031730200 300 CHRISTIANSEN WAY Unit: 306CARLSBAD, CA 92008 BEACH VILLAGE LIFE 1 MIXED USE 1 3/16/2023 1 2031730200 300 CHRISTIANSEN WAY Unit: 401CARLSBAD, CA 92008 BEACH VILLAGE LIFE 1 MIXED USE 1 3/16/2023 12031730200 300 CHRISTIANSEN WAY Unit: 402CARLSBAD, CA 92008 BEACH VILLAGE LIFE 1 MIXED USE 1 3/16/2023 12060201100 310 CHINQUAPIN AVECarlsbad, CA 92008--741 CHINQUAPIN COAST HOMES 1 12/19/2023 12060201100 312 CHINQUAPIN AVECarlsbad, CA 92008--741 CHINQUAPIN COAST HOMES 1 12/19/2023 12060201100 314 CHINQUAPIN AVECarlsbad, CA 92008--741 CHINQUAPIN COAST HOMES 1 12/19/2023 12060201100 316 CHINQUAPIN AVECarlsbad, CA 92008--741 CHINQUAPIN COAST HOMES 1 12/19/2023 1 2060201100 318 CHINQUAPIN AVECarlsbad, CA 92008--741 CHINQUAPIN COAST HOMES 1 12/19/2023 1 2060201100 320 CHINQUAPIN AVECarlsbad, CA 92008--741 CHINQUAPIN COAST HOMES 1 12/19/2023 1 2060201100 322 CHINQUAPIN AVECarlsbad, CA 92008--741 CHINQUAPIN COAST HOMES 1 12/19/2023 12060201100 324 CHINQUAPIN AVECarlsbad, CA 92008--741 CHINQUAPIN COAST HOMES 1 12/19/2023 12060201100 326 CHINQUAPIN AVECarlsbad, CA 92008--741 CHINQUAPIN COAST HOMES 1 12/19/2023 12060800100 4006 GARFIELD STCarlsbad, CA 92008--745 GARFIELD HOMES 1 1/24/2023 1 7 Project Identifier Affordability by Household Incomes - Building Permits July 11, 2024 Item #1 Page 27 of 76 Table A2 Annual Building Activity Report Summary - New Construction, Entitled, Permits and Completed Units 89 Current APN Street Address Project Name+ Very Low- Income Deed Restricted Very Low- Income Non Deed Restricted Low- Income Deed Restricted Low- Income Non Deed Restricted Moderate- Income Deed Restricted Moderate- Income Non Deed Restricted AboveModerate- Income Building Permits Date Issued # of Units Issued Building Permits 7 Project Identifier Affordability by Household Incomes - Building Permits 2060800100 211 CHINQUAPIN AVECARLSBAD, CA 92008 GARFIELD HOMES 1 1/24/2023 12060800100 217 CHINQUAPIN AVECARLSBAD, CA 92008 GARFIELD HOMES 1 1/24/2023 12042400800 231 ACACIA AVECarlsbad, CA 92008--320 ACACIA BEACH HOMES 1 8/28/2023 12042400800 235 ACACIA AVECarlsbad, CA 92008--320 ACACIA BEACH HOMES 1 8/28/2023 1 2042400800 239 ACACIA AVECarlsbad, CA 92008--320 ACACIA BEACH HOMES 1 8/28/2023 1 2031021500 2670 ROOSEVELT STCarlsbad, CA 92008--161 THE ROOSEVELT 1 12/15/2023 1 2031021500 2672 ROOSEVELT STCarlsbad, CA 92008--161 THE ROOSEVELT 1 12/15/2023 12031021500 2674 ROOSEVELT STCarlsbad, CA 92008--161 THE ROOSEVELT 1 12/15/2023 12042310700 162 CHERRY AVECarlsbad, CA 92008--821 THREE ON CHERRY 1 6/22/2023 12042310700 164 CHERRY AVECarlsbad, CA 92008--821 THREE ON CHERRY 1 6/22/2023 12042310700 166 CHERRY AVECarlsbad, CA 92008--821 THREE ON CHERRY 1 6/22/2023 12071013500 4888 RED BUD LANECarlsbad, CA 92008 MARJA ACRES 1 9/18/2023 1 2071013500 2580 GAZANIA LANECarlsbad, CA 92008 MARJA ACRES 1 9/7/2023 1 2071013500 4866 RED BUD LANECarlsbad, CA 92008 MARJA ACRES 1 9/18/2023 1 2071013500 4844 RED BUD LANECarlsbad, CA 92008 MARJA ACRES 1 9/18/2023 12071013500 4822 RED BUD LANECarlsbad, CA 92008 MARJA ACRES 1 9/18/2023 12071013500 4800 RED BUD LANECarlsbad, CA 92008 MARJA ACRES 1 9/18/2023 12071013500 2520 GAZANIA LANECarlsbad, CA 92008 MARJA ACRES 1 9/15/2023 12071013500 2460 GAZANIA LANECarlsbad, CA 92008 MARJA ACRES 1 9/15/2023 12071013500 2410 GAZANIA LANECarlsbad, CA 92008 MARJA ACRES 1 9/15/2023 12071013500 4890 PARSLEY LNCarlsbad, CA 92008--374 MARJA ACRES 1 11/3/2023 1 2071013500 4884 PARSLEY LNCarlsbad, CA 92008--374 MARJA ACRES 1 11/3/2023 1 2071013500 4878 PARSLEY LNCarlsbad, CA 92008--374 MARJA ACRES 1 11/3/2023 12071013500 4872 PARSLEY LNCarlsbad, CA 92008--374 MARJA ACRES 1 11/3/2023 12071013500 4866 PARSLEY LNCarlsbad, CA 92008--374 MARJA ACRES 1 11/3/2023 12071013500 4860 PARSLEY LNCarlsbad, CA 92008--374 MARJA ACRES 1 11/3/2023 12071013500 4854 PARSLEY LNCarlsbad, CA 92008--374 MARJA ACRES 1 11/3/2023 12071013500 4842 PARSLEY LNCarlsbad, CA 92008--374 MARJA ACRES 1 12/4/2023 12071013500 4836 PARSLEY LNCarlsbad, CA 92008--374 MARJA ACRES 1 12/4/2023 1 2071013500 4830 PARSLEY LNCarlsbad, CA 92008--374 MARJA ACRES 1 12/4/2023 1 2071013500 4824 PARSLEY LNCarlsbad, CA 92008--374 MARJA ACRES 1 12/4/2023 1 2071013500 4818 PARSLEY LNCarlsbad, CA 92008--374 MARJA ACRES 1 12/4/2023 12071013500 4812 PARSLEY LNCarlsbad, CA 92008--374 MARJA ACRES 1 12/4/2023 12071013500 4806 PARSLEY LNCarlsbad, CA 92008--374 MARJA ACRES 1 12/4/2023 12071013500 4800 PARSLEY LNCarlsbad, CA 92008--374 MARJA ACRES 1 12/4/2023 12071013500 4815 PARSLEYCarlsbad, CA 92008--374 MARJA ACRES 1 12/20/2023 12071013500 4821 PARSLEY LNCarlsbad, CA 92008--374 MARJA ACRES 1 12/20/2023 1 2071013500 4827 PARSLEY LNCarlsbad, CA 92008--374 MARJA ACRES 1 12/20/2023 1 2071013500 4833 PARSLEY LNCarlsbad, CA 92008--374 MARJA ACRES 1 12/20/2023 1 2071013500 4839 PARSLEY LNCarlsbad, CA 92008--374 MARJA ACRES 1 12/20/2023 12071013500 4845 PARSLEY LNCarlsbad, CA 92008--374 MARJA ACRES 1 12/20/2023 12071013500 4851 PARSLEY LNCarlsbad, CA 92008--374 MARJA ACRES 1 12/20/2023 12071013500 2672 IXIA WAYCarlsbad, CA 92008--374 MARJA ACRES 1 12/6/2023 12071013500 2638 IXIA WAYCarlsbad, CA 92008--374 MARJA ACRES 1 12/6/2023 12071013500 2600 IXIA WAYCarlsbad, CA 92008--374 MARJA ACRES 1 12/6/2023 12071013500 4509 AMARANTH LNCarlsbad, CA 92008--374 MARJA ACRES 1 12/6/2023 1 2071013500 4527 AMARANTH LNCarlsbad, CA 92008--374 MARJA ACRES 1 12/6/2023 1 2071013500 4545 AMARANTH LNCarlsbad, CA 92008--374 MARJA ACRES 1 12/6/2023 12071013500 4563 AMARANTH LNCarlsbad, CA 92008--374 MARJA ACRES 1 12/6/2023 12071013500 4581 AMARANTH LNCarlsbad, CA 92008--374 MARJA ACRES 1 12/6/2023 12071013500 4599 AMARANTH LNCarlsbad, CA 92008--374 MARJA ACRES 1 12/6/2023 12071013500 4572 AMARANTH LNCarlsbad, CA 92008--374 MARJA ACRES 1 12/6/2023 12071013500 4554 AMARANTH LNCarlsbad, CA 92008--374 MARJA ACRES 1 12/6/2023 12071013500 4536 AMARANTH LNCarlsbad, CA 92008--374 MARJA ACRES 1 12/6/2023 1 2071013500 4518 AMARANTH LNCarlsbad, CA 92008--374 MARJA ACRES 1 12/6/2023 1 2071013500 4500 AMARANTH LNCarlsbad, CA 92008--374 MARJA ACRES 1 12/6/2023 1 2071013500 2619 IXIA WAYCarlsbad, CA 92008--374 MARJA ACRES 1 12/6/2023 12071013500 2657 IXIA WAYCarlsbad, CA 92008--374 MARJA ACRES 1 12/6/2023 12071013500 2687 IXIA WAYCarlsbad, CA 92008--374 MARJA ACRES 1 12/6/2023 1 2081603200 5067 ASHBERRY RDCarlsbad, CA 92008--385 - 0 2154500700 7166 ARGONAUTA WAYCarlsbad, CA 92009--650 - 02070100100 3828 HIGHLAND DR Unit: 2Carlsbad, CA 92008--257 STONE ADU: 812 SF ADU ABOVE DETACHED GARAGE ADDITION 02157610700 7344 GREBE DRCarlsbad, CA 92011--486 - 0 July 11, 2024 Item #1 Page 28 of 76 Table A2 Annual Building Activity Report Summary - New Construction, Entitled, Permits and Completed Units 89 Current APN Street Address Project Name+ Very Low- Income Deed Restricted Very Low- Income Non Deed Restricted Low- Income Deed Restricted Low- Income Non Deed Restricted Moderate- Income Deed Restricted Moderate- Income Non Deed Restricted AboveModerate- Income Building Permits Date Issued # of Units Issued Building Permits 7 Project Identifier Affordability by Household Incomes - Building Permits 2550570600 7839 QUEBRADA CIRCarlsbad, CA 92009--834 - 02041711600 3456 MADISON STCarlsbad, CA 92008--503 - 02040311400 3147 JEFFERSON ST Unit: 7Carlsbad, CA 92008--240 - 01560510300 1420 YOURELL AVECarlsbad, CA 92008--105 - 0 1673932300 3603 AMES PL Unit: 2Carlsbad, CA 92010--212 - 0 2552602200 7877 PASEO TULIPEROCarlsbad, CA 92009--935 - 0 2550932100 7920 ROCOSO LNCarlsbad, CA 92009--923 - 02042401100 3542 GARFIELD STCarlsbad, CA 92008--324 - 02052806000 3753 YVETTE WAYCarlsbad, CA 92008--255 KELLEY ADU 1 5/2/2023 12051205000 3432 WOODLAND WAYCarlsbad, CA 92008--255 - 1 2/24/2023 1 2155120800 1723 CATALPA RDCarlsbad, CA 92011--510 - 1 2/21/2023 1 2552530500 7942 GRADO EL TUPELOCarlsbad, CA 92009--902 - 0 2151204500 2056 CARACOL CTCarlsbad, CA 92009--611 - 1 2/24/2023 1 2060424600 3952 HIBISCUS CIRCarlsbad, CA 92008--411 HARTY ADU AND ADDITION 0 1552231800 626 LAGUNA DRCarlsbad, CA 92008--160 - 0 2073900400 4657 TELESCOPE AVECarlsbad, CA 92008--376 - 01562201700 3032 VALLEY STCarlsbad, CA 92008--115 - 0 1561524500 2799 CREST DRCarlsbad, CA 92008--150 - 0 2157600400 1002 MERGANSER LNCarlsbad, CA 92011--487 - 0 1671803600 3257 DONNA DRCarlsbad, CA 92008--112 - 0 2155010800 7005 ASTER PLCarlsbad, CA 92011--510 CROUCH ADU 0 2070632400 3800 ALDER AVE Unit: 2Carlsbad, CA 92008--270 CASKEY RESIDENCE ADU 0 2061204000 1087 CHINQUAPIN AVECarlsbad, CA 92008--353 - 0 2165311200 614 MARLIN LNCarlsbad, CA 92011--468 - 0 2153203002 2813 CEBU PLCarlsbad, CA 92009 - 1 5/25/2023 1 2050520800 1304 BASSWOOD AVECarlsbad, CA 92008--190 - 0 2042401100 3546 GARFIELD STCarlsbad, CA 92008--324 3540 GARFIELD ADU 0 2162602600 7647 GALLEON WAYCarlsbad, CA 92009--821 - 0 1552513700 947 BUENA PLCarlsbad, CA 92008--140 - 1 1/17/2023 11561202500 1262 BUENA VISTA WAYCarlsbad, CA 92008--153 - 1 3/23/2023 11675221600 3165 SEABURY ST Unit: 2Carlsbad, CA 92010--703 - 1 8/24/2023 11562123600 1633 OAK AVECarlsbad, CA 92008--190 - 0 2236100100 3404 CORTE PINOCarlsbad, CA 92009--869 - 1 1/12/2023 1 1671123600 3157 FALCON DRCarlsbad, CA 92008--112 - 1 4/28/2023 12645500900 8012 PASEO ESMERADOCarlsbad, CA 92009--980 - 1 1/12/2023 11561108600 2655 HIGHLAND DRCarlsbad, CA 92008--102 - 1 4/18/2023 12072740700 4849 HILLSIDE DRCarlsbad, CA 92008--372 - 1 5/5/2023 11675610100 2644 VALEWOOD AVECarlsbad, CA 92010--792 - 1 2/24/2023 11683316500 3449 RAVINE DRCarlsbad, CA 92010--555 - 1 2/21/2023 12041210800 3339 GARFIELD STCarlsbad, CA 92008--312 - 1 3/30/2023 1 2236631100 3496 CAMINO CEREZACarlsbad, CA 92009--896 - 1 3/3/2023 1 2145610800 6702 LONICERA STCarlsbad, CA 92011--342 - 1 12/15/2023 1 2158500700 1346 BULRUSH CTCarlsbad, CA 92011--401 - 1 5/19/2023 1 2552005300 3287 CORTE VERA CRUZCarlsbad, CA 92009--931 - 1 7/7/2023 1 2060420200 425 TAMARACK AVECarlsbad, CA 92008--412 - 1 4/5/2023 1 1552721200 993 LAGUNA DRCarlsbad, CA 92008--185 - 1 5/22/2023 1 2041320900 3392 LINCOLN STCarlsbad, CA 92008--313 - 1 6/8/2023 1 1682918500 3918 STONERIDGE RDCarlsbad, CA 92010--707 - 1 6/7/2023 1 2645501300 8005 PASEO ESMERADOCarlsbad, CA 92009--980 - 1 5/12/2023 1 2551463700 2903 VIA PEPITA Unit: 2Carlsbad, CA 92009--923 - 1 5/9/2023 1 1673913100 2725 LYONS CT Unit: 2Carlsbad, CA 92010--212 - 1 5/24/2023 1 2041500400 3434 GARFIELD STCarlsbad, CA 92008--323 - 1 6/14/2023 1 2164930200 7730 PALACIO DR Unit: 2Carlsbad, CA 92009--852 - 1 5/19/2023 1 1562702000 1821 GUEVARA RDCarlsbad, CA 92008--102 - 1 8/10/2023 1 2073502600 4805 NEBLINA DR Unit: #2Carlsbad, CA 92008--372 - 1 5/16/2023 1 2550550200 3004 SEGOVIA WAYCarlsbad, CA 92009--835 - 1 9/21/2023 1 1562316000 1344 CYNTHIA LNCarlsbad, CA 92008--150 - 1 10/12/2023 1 2232120600 7303 BORLA PL Unit: 1Carlsbad, CA 92009--780 - 1 7/31/2023 1 2100340500 5120 LOS ROBLES DRCarlsbad, CA 92008--432 - 1 6/16/2023 1 July 11, 2024 Item #1 Page 29 of 76 Table A2 Annual Building Activity Report Summary - New Construction, Entitled, Permits and Completed Units 89 Current APN Street Address Project Name+ Very Low- Income Deed Restricted Very Low- Income Non Deed Restricted Low- Income Deed Restricted Low- Income Non Deed Restricted Moderate- Income Deed Restricted Moderate- Income Non Deed Restricted AboveModerate- Income Building Permits Date Issued # of Units Issued Building Permits 7 Project Identifier Affordability by Household Incomes - Building Permits 2552932300 7882 VISTA HIGUERACarlsbad, CA 92009--698 - 1 9/15/2023 1 1671521200 3640 CATALINA DRCarlsbad, CA 92010--285 - 1 7/11/2023 1 2051900600 1081 CHESTNUT AVECarlsbad, CA 92008--251 - 1 9/8/2023 1 2041711700 3446 MADISON ST Unit: DCarlsbad, CA 92008--511 - 1 9/6/2023 1 1674900200 2754 AUBURN AVE Unit: 2Carlsbad, CA 92010--217 - 1 10/24/2023 1 1551602900 2472 TUTTLE STCarlsbad, CA 92008--144 - 1 10/26/2023 1 2550571000 3011 QUEBRADA CIR Unit: 2Carlsbad, CA 92009--833 - 1 9/13/2023 1 2051124000 3403 ADAMS STCarlsbad, CA 92008--250 - 1 11/1/2023 1 2054302600 3859 MARGARET WAYCarlsbad, CA 92008--340 - 1 11/27/2023 1 2155330700 6442 LA PALOMA STCarlsbad, CA 92009--432 - 1 11/27/2023 12040821800 3221 MADISON ST Unit: BCarlsbad, CA 92008--303 - 1 12/20/2023 12154910900 2653 ACUNA CTCarlsbad, CA 92009 GOERTZEN RESIDENCE 02070721700 4007 SKYLINE RDCarlsbad, CA 92008--274 - 0 2143901100 913 BEGONIA CT Unit: 2Carlsbad, CA 92011--480 - 0 2051305900 1642 SANDALWOOD LNCarlsbad, CA 92008--261 - 0 2100340500 5122 LOS ROBLES DRCarlsbad, CA 92008--432 - 1 1/11/2023 1 2100331600 5067 LOS ROBLES DRCarlsbad, CA 92008--432 - 1 8/1/2023 1 2122111700 6379 EBB TIDE STCarlsbad, CA 92011--126 - 0 2100631100 5303 LOS ROBLES DRCarlsbad, CA 92008--433 - 1 6/13/2023 1 2052100100 3522 ADAMS STCarlsbad, CA 92008--250 - 0 2070532900 3882 WESTHAVEN DRCarlsbad, CA 92008--275 - 1 6/6/2023 1 2041311500 3257 LINCOLN STCarlsbad, CA 92008--313 BLAUVELT RESIDENCE 1 9/18/2023 1 2042511800 150 HEMLOCK AVE Unit: DCarlsbad, CA 92008--823 - 0 2052704700 3733 ADAMS STCarlsbad, CA 92008--340 ADAMS STREET HOMES ADUS 1 8/24/2023 1 2052704900 3741 ADAMS STCarlsbad, CA 92008--340 ADAMS STREET HOMES ADUS 1 8/24/2023 1 2052704800 3749 ADAMS STCarlsbad, CA 92008--340 ADAMS STREET HOMES ADUS 1 8/24/2023 1 2052704600 3757 ADAMS STCarlsbad, CA 92008--340 ADAMS STREET HOMES ADUS 1 8/24/2023 1 2052704700 3735 ADAMS STCarlsbad, CA 92008--340 ADAMS STREET HOMES ADUS 1 8/24/2023 1 2052704900 3743 ADAMS STCarlsbad, CA 92008--340 ADAMS STREET HOMES ADUS 1 8/24/2023 1 2052704800 3751 ADAMS STCarlsbad, CA 92008--340 ADAMS STREET HOMES ADUS 1 8/24/2023 1 2052704600 3759 ADAMS STCarlsbad, CA 92008--340 ADAMS STREET HOMES ADUS 1 8/24/2023 1 2550611200 3101 SERRANO DR Unit: 2Carlsbad, CA 92009--836 - 1 5/4/2023 1 2051606200 3344 DONNA DRCarlsbad, CA 92008--201 - 1 2/16/2023 1 2041711100 786 PALM AVECarlsbad, CA 92008--506 786 PALM AVENUE 1 2/6/2023 1 2041711000 3479 JEFFERSON STCarlsbad, CA 92008--506 786 PALM AVENUE 1 3/13/2023 1 2156102800 2452 UNICORNIO STCarlsbad, CA 92009--532 - 1 4/27/2023 1 2154203700 7022 LLAMA STCarlsbad, CA 92009--651 - 1 5/16/2023 1 1562313100 2833 ELMWOOD STCarlsbad, CA 92008--151 - 1 5/18/2023 1 2031302800 2860 HOPE AVE Unit: BCarlsbad, CA 92008--189 - 1 9/19/2023 1 1562002800 2926 HIGHLAND DRCarlsbad, CA 92008--191 HIGHLAND DRIVE 5 LOT SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCES 1 10/12/2023 1 1562002900 2922 HIGHLAND DR HIGHLAND DRIVE 5 LOT SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCES 1 10/12/2023 1 1562003200 2906 HIGHLAND DR HIGHLAND DRIVE 5 LOT SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCES 1 11/15/2023 1 2052302300 3659 MONROE STCarlsbad, CA 92008--273 - 1 10/3/2023 1 2155111400 1730 CATALPA RD Unit: 2Carlsbad, CA 92011--510 - 1 10/26/2023 1 1561425100 2778 JAMES DRCarlsbad, CA 92008--195 2780 JAMES DRIVE 1 10/20/2023 1 2150705100 1585 TRITON STCarlsbad, CA 92011 FRANCIS RESIDENCE 0 2156102900 7129 AVIARA DRCarlsbad, CA 92011--490 SEHGAL RESIDENCE 0 2071307900 3970 HIGHLAND DRCarlsbad, CA 92008 HIGHLAND JAMES 0 2153300100 6620 SANTA ISABEL STCarlsbad, CA 92009--593 ST ELIZABETH SETON 1 5/18/2023 1 2156102800 7133 AVIARA DRCarlsbad, CA 92011--490 7133 AVIARA DR KEMPER RESIDENCE 1 2/14/2023 1 1562317000 1355 CYNTHIA LNCARLSBAD, CA HAGUE RESIDENCE 1 6/29/2023 1 2052210600 3786 HIGHLAND DRCarlsbad, CA 92008 HIGHLAND VIEW HOMES 0 2052210700 3790 HIGHLAND DRCarlsbad, CA 92008 HIGHLAND VIEW HOMES 0 2154910900 2651 ACUNA CTCarlsbad, CA 92009 GOERTZEN RESIDENCE 0 2070721700 4005 SKYLINE RDCarlsbad, CA 92008--274 Sarem Residence 0 2042403200 307 JUNIPER AVECarlsbad, CA 92008--824 JUNIPER BEACH HOMES 0 2042403200 301 JUNIPER AVECarlsbad, CA 92008--824 JUNIPER BEACH HOMES 0 July 11, 2024 Item #1 Page 30 of 76 Table A2 Annual Building Activity Report Summary - New Construction, Entitled, Permits and Completed Units 89 Current APN Street Address Project Name+ Very Low- Income Deed Restricted Very Low- Income Non Deed Restricted Low- Income Deed Restricted Low- Income Non Deed Restricted Moderate- Income Deed Restricted Moderate- Income Non Deed Restricted AboveModerate- Income Building Permits Date Issued # of Units Issued Building Permits 7 Project Identifier Affordability by Household Incomes - Building Permits 2042403200 305 JUNIPER AVECarlsbad, CA 92008--824 JUNIPER BEACH HOMES 0 2042403200 303 JUNIPER AVECarlsbad, CA 92008--824 JUNIPER BEACH HOMES 0 2041311500 3259 LINCOLN STCarlsbad, CA 92008--313 BLAUVELT RESIDENCE 1 9/18/2023 1 2052704700 3731 ADAMS STCarlsbad, CA 92008--340 ADAMS STREET HOMES 1 8/24/2023 1 2052704900 3739 ADAMS STCarlsbad, CA 92008--340 ADAMS STREET HOMES 1 8/24/2023 1 2052704800 3747 ADAMS STCarlsbad, CA 92008--340 ADAMS STREET HOMES 1 8/24/2023 1 2052704600 3755 ADAMS STCarlsbad, CA 92008--340 ADAMS STREET HOMES 1 8/24/2023 1 2041711100 786 PALM AVECarlsbad, CA 92008--506 786 PALM AVENUE 1 2/6/2023 1 2041711000 3477 JEFFERSON STCarlsbad, CA 92008--506 786 PALM AVENUE 1 3/13/2023 1 1562002800 2924 HIGHLAND DRCarlsbad, CA 92008--191 HIGHLAND DRIVE 5 LOT SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCES 1 10/12/2023 1 1562002900 2920 HIGHLAND DR HIGHLAND DRIVE 5 LOT SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCES 1 10/12/2023 1 1562003000 2916 HIGHLAND DRCarlsbad, CA 92008--191 HIGHLAND DRIVE 5 LOT SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCES 1 10/12/2023 1 1562003100 2912 HIGHLAND DR HIGHLAND DRIVE 5 LOT SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCES 1 10/26/2023 1 1562003200 2910 HIGHLAND DR HIGHLAND DRIVE 5 LOT SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCES 1 11/15/2023 1 2051911400 1090 MAGNOLIA AVECarlsbad, CA 92008--253 - 1 7/17/2023 1 1561425100 2780 JAMES DRCarlsbad, CA 92008--195 2780 JAMES DRIVE 1 10/20/2023 1 2100620300 5198 SHORE DRCarlsbad, CA 92008--434 LINCOLN RESIDENCE 0 2050602700 1640 BASSWOOD AVECarlsbad, CA 92008--194 HARRIS RESIDENCE 0 2232951700 7505 SOLANO ST Unit: #1 - 1 10/13/2023 1 2032010600 2786 JEFFERSON ST - 1 9/27/2023 1 2032010500 2780 JEFFERSON ST - 1 9/27/2023 1 2145025600 6925 QUIET COVE DR - 1 6/23/2023 1 2236110600 7331 PASEO CAPUCHINA - 1 5/10/2023 1 1675611200 4316 POINT REYES CT - 1 9/12/2023 1 2150724000 1544 MARITIME DR - 1 10/11/2023 1 July 11, 2024 Item #1 Page 31 of 76 Table A2 Annual Building Activity Report Summary - New Construction, Entitled, Permits and Completed Units 11 12 Current APN Street Address Project Name+ Very Low- Income Deed Restricted Very Low- Income Non Deed Restricted Low- Income Deed Restricted Low- Income Non Deed Restricted Moderate- Income Deed Restricted Moderate- Income Non Deed Restricted AboveModerate- Income Certificates of Occupancy or other forms of readiness (see instructions) Date Issued # of Units issued Certificates of Occupancy or other forms of readiness 0 0000 46 19 65 2033204800 1006 CARLSBAD VILLAGE DR Carlsbad, CA 92008 HOPE APARTMENTS 02031411500 2669 GARFIELD STCarlsbad, CA 92008--221 EDWARDS RESIDENCE 02031411500 2669 GARFIELD STCarlsbad, CA 92008--221 EDWARDS RESIDENCE 02072502300 4874 PARK DRCarlsbad, CA 92008--381 4874 PARK DRIVE 01552210500 BUENA VISTA CIR Carlsbad, CA 92008 MARTIN RESIDENCE 01552210500 BUENA VISTA CIR Carlsbad, CA 92008 MARTIN RESIDENCE 0 2122720100 TWAIN AVE Carlsbad, CA 92008 OCEAN VIEW POINT 0 2122720200 TWAIN AVE Carlsbad, CA 92008 OCEAN VIEW POINT 0 2122720300 TWAIN AVE Carlsbad, CA 92008 OCEAN VIEW POINT 02122720400 TWAIN AVE Carlsbad, CA 92008 OCEAN VIEW POINT 02122720500 TWAIN AVE Carlsbad, CA 92008 OCEAN VIEW POINT 01552711900 2642 JEFFERSON STCarlsbad, CA 92008 CARRILO ADU 02141711100 7294 PONTO DRCarlsbad, CA 92011--460 FPC Residential 02061801100 4368 ADAMS STCarlsbad, CA 92008--420 ADAMS HOUSE 02061801100 4368 ADAMS STCarlsbad, CA 92008--420 ADAMS HOUSE 0 2073853900 1877 HIGH RIDGE AVECarlsbad, CA 92008--376 ANDERSON ADU 0 2060420300 431 TAMARACK AVECarlsbad, CA 92008--412 LAHMAN ADU 02060120200 3912 GARFIELD STCarlsbad, CA 92008--403 CRUSE HOUSE REMODEL/ADU 02060120600 3950 GARFIELD ST Unit: BCarlsbad, CA 92008--403 LABOUNTY RESIDENCE 02081601300 5032 ASHBERRY RDCarlsbad, CA 92008--385 5032 ASHBERRY RD 02072800200 4904 PARK DRCarlsbad, CA 92008--382 EWING ADU 02157910800 1320 SHOREBIRD LNCarlsbad, CA 92011--488 CHU DETACHED ADU 02100331500 5079 LOS ROBLES DRCarlsbad, CA 92008--432 DAVIS ADU 0 2101600500 5133 EL ARBOL DRCarlsbad, CA 92008--431 MILLER RESIDENCE ADU 0 2159505000 1619 NEW CREST CTCarlsbad, CA 92011--408 JOANN ADU 0 2155210100 1850 PENTAS CTCarlsbad, CA 92011--513 CHAMBERLAIN DETACHED ADU 02070850900 4205 CLEARVIEW DRCarlsbad, CA 92008--363 RESNICK ADU 02060400600 804 CITRUS PLCarlsbad, CA 92008--411 MCDONALD ADU 02073310500 4946 PARK DRCarlsbad, CA 92008--381 NUNEZ RESIDENCE 02071013500 4660 GARDEN HILL LOOPCarlsbad, CA 92008--374 MARJA ACRES 02120405600 1380 LAUREL TREE LNCARLSBAD, CA 92011 AVIARA APARTMENTS 0 2042920100 3845 SYDNEY WAYCarlsbad, CA 92008--508 PACIFIC WIND 0 2042920100 3835 SYDNEY WAYCarlsbad, CA 92008--508 PACIFIC WIND 0 2042920100 3855 SYDNEY WAYCarlsbad, CA 92008--508 PACIFIC WIND 02042920100 3865 SYDNEY WAYCarlsbad, CA 92008--508 PACIFIC WIND 02042920100 3825 SYDNEY WAYCarlsbad, CA 92008--508 PACIFIC WIND 02120405600 1205 AVIARA PKWYCarlsbad, CA 92011--127 AVIARA APARTMENTS 02153203600 2812 CAZADERO DRCARLSBAD CAZADERO DR CONDO PROJECT 1 9/7/2023 12153203600 2814 CAZADERO DRCARLSBAD CAZADERO DR CONDO PROJECT 1 8/23/2023 12042404000 312 HEMLOCK AVECarlsbad, CA 92008--822 HEMLOCK COAST HOMES 1 5/3/2023 1 2042404000 314 HEMLOCK AVECarlsbad, CA 92008--822 HEMLOCK COAST HOMES 1 5/3/2023 1 2042404000 316 HEMLOCK AVECarlsbad, CA 92008--822 HEMLOCK COAST HOMES 1 5/3/2023 12042404000 318 HEMLOCK AVECarlsbad, CA 92008--822 HEMLOCK COAST HOMES 1 5/3/2023 12031730200 300 CHRISTIANSEN WAY Unit: 201CARLSBAD, CA 92008 BEACH VILLAGE LIFE 1 MIXED USE 02031730200 300 CHRISTIANSEN WAY Unit: 301CARLSBAD, CA 92008 BEACH VILLAGE LIFE 1 MIXED USE 02031730200 300 CHRISTIANSEN WAY Unit: 302CARLSBAD, CA 92008 BEACH VILLAGE LIFE 1 MIXED USE 02031730200 300 CHRISTIANSEN WAY Unit: 303CARLSBAD, CA 92008 BEACH VILLAGE LIFE 1 MIXED USE 02031730200 300 CHRISTIANSEN WAY Unit: 304CARLSBAD, CA 92008 BEACH VILLAGE LIFE 1 MIXED USE 0 2031730200 300 CHRISTIANSEN WAY Unit: 305CARLSBAD, CA 92008 BEACH VILLAGE LIFE 1 MIXED USE 0 2031730200 300 CHRISTIANSEN WAY Unit: 306CARLSBAD, CA 92008 BEACH VILLAGE LIFE 1 MIXED USE 0 2031730200 300 CHRISTIANSEN WAY Unit: 401CARLSBAD, CA 92008 BEACH VILLAGE LIFE 1 MIXED USE 02031730200 300 CHRISTIANSEN WAY Unit: 402CARLSBAD, CA 92008 BEACH VILLAGE LIFE 1 MIXED USE 02060201100 310 CHINQUAPIN AVECarlsbad, CA 92008--741 CHINQUAPIN COAST HOMES 02060201100 312 CHINQUAPIN AVECarlsbad, CA 92008--741 CHINQUAPIN COAST HOMES 02060201100 314 CHINQUAPIN AVECarlsbad, CA 92008--741 CHINQUAPIN COAST HOMES 02060201100 316 CHINQUAPIN AVECarlsbad, CA 92008--741 CHINQUAPIN COAST HOMES 0 2060201100 318 CHINQUAPIN AVECarlsbad, CA 92008--741 CHINQUAPIN COAST HOMES 0 2060201100 320 CHINQUAPIN AVECarlsbad, CA 92008--741 CHINQUAPIN COAST HOMES 0 2060201100 322 CHINQUAPIN AVECarlsbad, CA 92008--741 CHINQUAPIN COAST HOMES 02060201100 324 CHINQUAPIN AVECarlsbad, CA 92008--741 CHINQUAPIN COAST HOMES 02060201100 326 CHINQUAPIN AVECarlsbad, CA 92008--741 CHINQUAPIN COAST HOMES 02060800100 4006 GARFIELD STCarlsbad, CA 92008--745 GARFIELD HOMES 0 Affordability by Household Incomes - Certificates of Occupancy 10 Project Identifier July 11, 2024 Item #1 Page 32 of 76 Table A2 Annual Building Activity Report Summary - New Construction, Entitled, Permits and Completed Units 11 12 Current APN Street Address Project Name+ Very Low- Income Deed Restricted Very Low- Income Non Deed Restricted Low- Income Deed Restricted Low- Income Non Deed Restricted Moderate- Income Deed Restricted Moderate- Income Non Deed Restricted AboveModerate- Income Certificates of Occupancy or other forms of readiness (see instructions) Date Issued # of Units issued Certificates of Occupancy or other forms of readiness Affordability by Household Incomes - Certificates of Occupancy 10 Project Identifier 2060800100 211 CHINQUAPIN AVECARLSBAD, CA 92008 GARFIELD HOMES 02060800100 217 CHINQUAPIN AVECARLSBAD, CA 92008 GARFIELD HOMES 02042400800 231 ACACIA AVECarlsbad, CA 92008--320 ACACIA BEACH HOMES 02042400800 235 ACACIA AVECarlsbad, CA 92008--320 ACACIA BEACH HOMES 0 2042400800 239 ACACIA AVECarlsbad, CA 92008--320 ACACIA BEACH HOMES 0 2031021500 2670 ROOSEVELT STCarlsbad, CA 92008--161 THE ROOSEVELT 0 2031021500 2672 ROOSEVELT STCarlsbad, CA 92008--161 THE ROOSEVELT 02031021500 2674 ROOSEVELT STCarlsbad, CA 92008--161 THE ROOSEVELT 02042310700 162 CHERRY AVECarlsbad, CA 92008--821 THREE ON CHERRY 02042310700 164 CHERRY AVECarlsbad, CA 92008--821 THREE ON CHERRY 02042310700 166 CHERRY AVECarlsbad, CA 92008--821 THREE ON CHERRY 02071013500 4888 RED BUD LANECarlsbad, CA 92008 MARJA ACRES 0 2071013500 2580 GAZANIA LANECarlsbad, CA 92008 MARJA ACRES 0 2071013500 4866 RED BUD LANECarlsbad, CA 92008 MARJA ACRES 0 2071013500 4844 RED BUD LANECarlsbad, CA 92008 MARJA ACRES 02071013500 4822 RED BUD LANECarlsbad, CA 92008 MARJA ACRES 02071013500 4800 RED BUD LANECarlsbad, CA 92008 MARJA ACRES 02071013500 2520 GAZANIA LANECarlsbad, CA 92008 MARJA ACRES 02071013500 2460 GAZANIA LANECarlsbad, CA 92008 MARJA ACRES 02071013500 2410 GAZANIA LANECarlsbad, CA 92008 MARJA ACRES 02071013500 4890 PARSLEY LNCarlsbad, CA 92008--374 MARJA ACRES 0 2071013500 4884 PARSLEY LNCarlsbad, CA 92008--374 MARJA ACRES 0 2071013500 4878 PARSLEY LNCarlsbad, CA 92008--374 MARJA ACRES 02071013500 4872 PARSLEY LNCarlsbad, CA 92008--374 MARJA ACRES 02071013500 4866 PARSLEY LNCarlsbad, CA 92008--374 MARJA ACRES 02071013500 4860 PARSLEY LNCarlsbad, CA 92008--374 MARJA ACRES 02071013500 4854 PARSLEY LNCarlsbad, CA 92008--374 MARJA ACRES 02071013500 4842 PARSLEY LNCarlsbad, CA 92008--374 MARJA ACRES 02071013500 4836 PARSLEY LNCarlsbad, CA 92008--374 MARJA ACRES 0 2071013500 4830 PARSLEY LNCarlsbad, CA 92008--374 MARJA ACRES 0 2071013500 4824 PARSLEY LNCarlsbad, CA 92008--374 MARJA ACRES 0 2071013500 4818 PARSLEY LNCarlsbad, CA 92008--374 MARJA ACRES 02071013500 4812 PARSLEY LNCarlsbad, CA 92008--374 MARJA ACRES 02071013500 4806 PARSLEY LNCarlsbad, CA 92008--374 MARJA ACRES 02071013500 4800 PARSLEY LNCarlsbad, CA 92008--374 MARJA ACRES 02071013500 4815 PARSLEYCarlsbad, CA 92008--374 MARJA ACRES 02071013500 4821 PARSLEY LNCarlsbad, CA 92008--374 MARJA ACRES 0 2071013500 4827 PARSLEY LNCarlsbad, CA 92008--374 MARJA ACRES 0 2071013500 4833 PARSLEY LNCarlsbad, CA 92008--374 MARJA ACRES 0 2071013500 4839 PARSLEY LNCarlsbad, CA 92008--374 MARJA ACRES 02071013500 4845 PARSLEY LNCarlsbad, CA 92008--374 MARJA ACRES 02071013500 4851 PARSLEY LNCarlsbad, CA 92008--374 MARJA ACRES 02071013500 2672 IXIA WAYCarlsbad, CA 92008--374 MARJA ACRES 02071013500 2638 IXIA WAYCarlsbad, CA 92008--374 MARJA ACRES 02071013500 2600 IXIA WAYCarlsbad, CA 92008--374 MARJA ACRES 02071013500 4509 AMARANTH LNCarlsbad, CA 92008--374 MARJA ACRES 0 2071013500 4527 AMARANTH LNCarlsbad, CA 92008--374 MARJA ACRES 0 2071013500 4545 AMARANTH LNCarlsbad, CA 92008--374 MARJA ACRES 02071013500 4563 AMARANTH LNCarlsbad, CA 92008--374 MARJA ACRES 02071013500 4581 AMARANTH LNCarlsbad, CA 92008--374 MARJA ACRES 02071013500 4599 AMARANTH LNCarlsbad, CA 92008--374 MARJA ACRES 02071013500 4572 AMARANTH LNCarlsbad, CA 92008--374 MARJA ACRES 02071013500 4554 AMARANTH LNCarlsbad, CA 92008--374 MARJA ACRES 02071013500 4536 AMARANTH LNCarlsbad, CA 92008--374 MARJA ACRES 0 2071013500 4518 AMARANTH LNCarlsbad, CA 92008--374 MARJA ACRES 0 2071013500 4500 AMARANTH LNCarlsbad, CA 92008--374 MARJA ACRES 0 2071013500 2619 IXIA WAYCarlsbad, CA 92008--374 MARJA ACRES 02071013500 2657 IXIA WAYCarlsbad, CA 92008--374 MARJA ACRES 02071013500 2687 IXIA WAYCarlsbad, CA 92008--374 MARJA ACRES 0 2081603200 5067 ASHBERRY RDCarlsbad, CA 92008--385 - 1 3/2/2023 1 2154500700 7166 ARGONAUTA WAYCarlsbad, CA 92009--650 - 1 12/26/2023 12070100100 3828 HIGHLAND DR Unit: 2Carlsbad, CA 92008--257 STONE ADU: 812 SF ADU ABOVE DETACHED GARAGE ADDITION 1 3/29/2023 12157610700 7344 GREBE DRCarlsbad, CA 92011--486 - 1 4/3/2023 1 July 11, 2024 Item #1 Page 33 of 76 Table A2 Annual Building Activity Report Summary - New Construction, Entitled, Permits and Completed Units 11 12 Current APN Street Address Project Name+ Very Low- Income Deed Restricted Very Low- Income Non Deed Restricted Low- Income Deed Restricted Low- Income Non Deed Restricted Moderate- Income Deed Restricted Moderate- Income Non Deed Restricted AboveModerate- Income Certificates of Occupancy or other forms of readiness (see instructions) Date Issued # of Units issued Certificates of Occupancy or other forms of readiness Affordability by Household Incomes - Certificates of Occupancy 10 Project Identifier 2550570600 7839 QUEBRADA CIRCarlsbad, CA 92009--834 - 1 1/17/2023 12041711600 3456 MADISON STCarlsbad, CA 92008--503 - 1 3/2/2023 12040311400 3147 JEFFERSON ST Unit: 7Carlsbad, CA 92008--240 - 1 10/10/2023 11560510300 1420 YOURELL AVECarlsbad, CA 92008--105 - 1 9/8/2023 1 1673932300 3603 AMES PL Unit: 2Carlsbad, CA 92010--212 - 1 1/23/2023 1 2552602200 7877 PASEO TULIPEROCarlsbad, CA 92009--935 - 1 2/17/2023 1 2550932100 7920 ROCOSO LNCarlsbad, CA 92009--923 - 1 5/11/2023 12042401100 3542 GARFIELD STCarlsbad, CA 92008--324 - 1 4/18/2023 12052806000 3753 YVETTE WAYCarlsbad, CA 92008--255 KELLEY ADU 02051205000 3432 WOODLAND WAYCarlsbad, CA 92008--255 - 0 2155120800 1723 CATALPA RDCarlsbad, CA 92011--510 - 1 7/26/2023 1 2552530500 7942 GRADO EL TUPELOCarlsbad, CA 92009--902 - 1 10/26/2023 1 2151204500 2056 CARACOL CTCarlsbad, CA 92009--611 - 0 2060424600 3952 HIBISCUS CIRCarlsbad, CA 92008--411 HARTY ADU AND ADDITION 1 3/30/2023 1 1552231800 626 LAGUNA DRCarlsbad, CA 92008--160 - 1 7/25/2023 1 2073900400 4657 TELESCOPE AVECarlsbad, CA 92008--376 - 1 9/14/2023 11562201700 3032 VALLEY STCarlsbad, CA 92008--115 - 1 2/23/2023 1 1561524500 2799 CREST DRCarlsbad, CA 92008--150 - 1 3/13/2023 1 2157600400 1002 MERGANSER LNCarlsbad, CA 92011--487 - 1 3/2/2023 1 1671803600 3257 DONNA DRCarlsbad, CA 92008--112 - 1 2/23/2023 1 2155010800 7005 ASTER PLCarlsbad, CA 92011--510 CROUCH ADU 1 7/17/2023 1 2070632400 3800 ALDER AVE Unit: 2Carlsbad, CA 92008--270 CASKEY RESIDENCE ADU 1 3/15/2023 1 2061204000 1087 CHINQUAPIN AVECarlsbad, CA 92008--353 - 1 5/3/2023 1 2165311200 614 MARLIN LNCarlsbad, CA 92011--468 - 1 2/15/2023 1 2153203002 2813 CEBU PLCarlsbad, CA 92009 - 0 2050520800 1304 BASSWOOD AVECarlsbad, CA 92008--190 - 1 4/10/2023 1 2042401100 3546 GARFIELD STCarlsbad, CA 92008--324 3540 GARFIELD ADU 1 4/18/2023 1 2162602600 7647 GALLEON WAYCarlsbad, CA 92009--821 - 1 4/12/2023 1 1552513700 947 BUENA PLCarlsbad, CA 92008--140 - 01561202500 1262 BUENA VISTA WAYCarlsbad, CA 92008--153 - 01675221600 3165 SEABURY ST Unit: 2Carlsbad, CA 92010--703 - 01562123600 1633 OAK AVECarlsbad, CA 92008--190 - 1 10/5/2023 1 2236100100 3404 CORTE PINOCarlsbad, CA 92009--869 - 1 11/1/2023 1 1671123600 3157 FALCON DRCarlsbad, CA 92008--112 - 02645500900 8012 PASEO ESMERADOCarlsbad, CA 92009--980 - 01561108600 2655 HIGHLAND DRCarlsbad, CA 92008--102 - 1 11/1/2023 12072740700 4849 HILLSIDE DRCarlsbad, CA 92008--372 - 1 8/14/2023 11675610100 2644 VALEWOOD AVECarlsbad, CA 92010--792 - 1 8/3/2023 11683316500 3449 RAVINE DRCarlsbad, CA 92010--555 - 1 10/6/2023 12041210800 3339 GARFIELD STCarlsbad, CA 92008--312 - 0 2236631100 3496 CAMINO CEREZACarlsbad, CA 92009--896 - 1 7/31/2023 1 2145610800 6702 LONICERA STCarlsbad, CA 92011--342 - 0 2158500700 1346 BULRUSH CTCarlsbad, CA 92011--401 - 0 2552005300 3287 CORTE VERA CRUZCarlsbad, CA 92009--931 - 0 2060420200 425 TAMARACK AVECarlsbad, CA 92008--412 - 0 1552721200 993 LAGUNA DRCarlsbad, CA 92008--185 - 0 2041320900 3392 LINCOLN STCarlsbad, CA 92008--313 - 0 1682918500 3918 STONERIDGE RDCarlsbad, CA 92010--707 - 0 2645501300 8005 PASEO ESMERADOCarlsbad, CA 92009--980 - 0 2551463700 2903 VIA PEPITA Unit: 2Carlsbad, CA 92009--923 - 0 1673913100 2725 LYONS CT Unit: 2Carlsbad, CA 92010--212 - 0 2041500400 3434 GARFIELD STCarlsbad, CA 92008--323 - 0 2164930200 7730 PALACIO DR Unit: 2Carlsbad, CA 92009--852 - 0 1562702000 1821 GUEVARA RDCarlsbad, CA 92008--102 - 0 2073502600 4805 NEBLINA DR Unit: #2Carlsbad, CA 92008--372 - 1 10/3/2023 1 2550550200 3004 SEGOVIA WAYCarlsbad, CA 92009--835 - 0 1562316000 1344 CYNTHIA LNCarlsbad, CA 92008--150 - 0 2232120600 7303 BORLA PL Unit: 1Carlsbad, CA 92009--780 - 1 12/19/2023 1 2100340500 5120 LOS ROBLES DRCarlsbad, CA 92008--432 - 0 July 11, 2024 Item #1 Page 34 of 76 Table A2 Annual Building Activity Report Summary - New Construction, Entitled, Permits and Completed Units 11 12 Current APN Street Address Project Name+ Very Low- Income Deed Restricted Very Low- Income Non Deed Restricted Low- Income Deed Restricted Low- Income Non Deed Restricted Moderate- Income Deed Restricted Moderate- Income Non Deed Restricted AboveModerate- Income Certificates of Occupancy or other forms of readiness (see instructions) Date Issued # of Units issued Certificates of Occupancy or other forms of readiness Affordability by Household Incomes - Certificates of Occupancy 10 Project Identifier 2552932300 7882 VISTA HIGUERACarlsbad, CA 92009--698 - 0 1671521200 3640 CATALINA DRCarlsbad, CA 92010--285 - 1 10/31/2023 1 2051900600 1081 CHESTNUT AVECarlsbad, CA 92008--251 - 0 2041711700 3446 MADISON ST Unit: DCarlsbad, CA 92008--511 - 0 1674900200 2754 AUBURN AVE Unit: 2Carlsbad, CA 92010--217 - 0 1551602900 2472 TUTTLE STCarlsbad, CA 92008--144 - 0 2550571000 3011 QUEBRADA CIR Unit: 2Carlsbad, CA 92009--833 - 0 2051124000 3403 ADAMS STCarlsbad, CA 92008--250 - 0 2054302600 3859 MARGARET WAYCarlsbad, CA 92008--340 - 0 2155330700 6442 LA PALOMA STCarlsbad, CA 92009--432 - 02040821800 3221 MADISON ST Unit: BCarlsbad, CA 92008--303 - 02154910900 2653 ACUNA CTCarlsbad, CA 92009 GOERTZEN RESIDENCE 1 3/28/2023 12070721700 4007 SKYLINE RDCarlsbad, CA 92008--274 - 1 11/29/2023 1 2143901100 913 BEGONIA CT Unit: 2Carlsbad, CA 92011--480 - 1 4/26/2023 1 2051305900 1642 SANDALWOOD LNCarlsbad, CA 92008--261 - 1 7/19/2023 1 2100340500 5122 LOS ROBLES DRCarlsbad, CA 92008--432 - 0 2100331600 5067 LOS ROBLES DRCarlsbad, CA 92008--432 - 0 2122111700 6379 EBB TIDE STCarlsbad, CA 92011--126 - 1 7/18/2023 1 2100631100 5303 LOS ROBLES DRCarlsbad, CA 92008--433 - 0 2052100100 3522 ADAMS STCarlsbad, CA 92008--250 - 1 2/22/2023 1 2070532900 3882 WESTHAVEN DRCarlsbad, CA 92008--275 - 0 2041311500 3257 LINCOLN STCarlsbad, CA 92008--313 BLAUVELT RESIDENCE 0 2042511800 150 HEMLOCK AVE Unit: DCarlsbad, CA 92008--823 - 1 3/14/2023 1 2052704700 3733 ADAMS STCarlsbad, CA 92008--340 ADAMS STREET HOMES ADUS 0 2052704900 3741 ADAMS STCarlsbad, CA 92008--340 ADAMS STREET HOMES ADUS 0 2052704800 3749 ADAMS STCarlsbad, CA 92008--340 ADAMS STREET HOMES ADUS 0 2052704600 3757 ADAMS STCarlsbad, CA 92008--340 ADAMS STREET HOMES ADUS 0 2052704700 3735 ADAMS STCarlsbad, CA 92008--340 ADAMS STREET HOMES ADUS 0 2052704900 3743 ADAMS STCarlsbad, CA 92008--340 ADAMS STREET HOMES ADUS 0 2052704800 3751 ADAMS STCarlsbad, CA 92008--340 ADAMS STREET HOMES ADUS 0 2052704600 3759 ADAMS STCarlsbad, CA 92008--340 ADAMS STREET HOMES ADUS 0 2550611200 3101 SERRANO DR Unit: 2Carlsbad, CA 92009--836 - 0 2051606200 3344 DONNA DRCarlsbad, CA 92008--201 - 0 2041711100 786 PALM AVECarlsbad, CA 92008--506 786 PALM AVENUE 0 2041711000 3479 JEFFERSON STCarlsbad, CA 92008--506 786 PALM AVENUE 0 2156102800 2452 UNICORNIO STCarlsbad, CA 92009--532 - 0 2154203700 7022 LLAMA STCarlsbad, CA 92009--651 - 0 1562313100 2833 ELMWOOD STCarlsbad, CA 92008--151 - 0 2031302800 2860 HOPE AVE Unit: BCarlsbad, CA 92008--189 - 1 11/28/2023 1 1562002800 2926 HIGHLAND DRCarlsbad, CA 92008--191 HIGHLAND DRIVE 5 LOT SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCES 0 1562002900 2922 HIGHLAND DR HIGHLAND DRIVE 5 LOT SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCES 0 1562003200 2906 HIGHLAND DR HIGHLAND DRIVE 5 LOT SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCES 0 2052302300 3659 MONROE STCarlsbad, CA 92008--273 - 0 2155111400 1730 CATALPA RD Unit: 2Carlsbad, CA 92011--510 - 0 1561425100 2778 JAMES DRCarlsbad, CA 92008--195 2780 JAMES DRIVE 0 2150705100 1585 TRITON STCarlsbad, CA 92011 FRANCIS RESIDENCE 1 12/18/2023 1 2156102900 7129 AVIARA DRCarlsbad, CA 92011--490 SEHGAL RESIDENCE 1 5/17/2023 1 2071307900 3970 HIGHLAND DRCarlsbad, CA 92008 HIGHLAND JAMES 1 12/19/2023 1 2153300100 6620 SANTA ISABEL STCarlsbad, CA 92009--593 ST ELIZABETH SETON 0 2156102800 7133 AVIARA DRCarlsbad, CA 92011--490 7133 AVIARA DR KEMPER RESIDENCE 0 1562317000 1355 CYNTHIA LNCARLSBAD, CA HAGUE RESIDENCE 0 2052210600 3786 HIGHLAND DRCarlsbad, CA 92008 HIGHLAND VIEW HOMES 1 12/11/2023 1 2052210700 3790 HIGHLAND DRCarlsbad, CA 92008 HIGHLAND VIEW HOMES 1 8/3/2023 1 2154910900 2651 ACUNA CTCarlsbad, CA 92009 GOERTZEN RESIDENCE 1 3/28/2023 1 2070721700 4005 SKYLINE RDCarlsbad, CA 92008--274 Sarem Residence 1 11/29/2023 1 2042403200 307 JUNIPER AVECarlsbad, CA 92008--824 JUNIPER BEACH HOMES 1 12/15/2023 1 2042403200 301 JUNIPER AVECarlsbad, CA 92008--824 JUNIPER BEACH HOMES 1 12/15/2023 1 July 11, 2024 Item #1 Page 35 of 76 Table A2 Annual Building Activity Report Summary - New Construction, Entitled, Permits and Completed Units 11 12 Current APN Street Address Project Name+ Very Low- Income Deed Restricted Very Low- Income Non Deed Restricted Low- Income Deed Restricted Low- Income Non Deed Restricted Moderate- Income Deed Restricted Moderate- Income Non Deed Restricted AboveModerate- Income Certificates of Occupancy or other forms of readiness (see instructions) Date Issued # of Units issued Certificates of Occupancy or other forms of readiness Affordability by Household Incomes - Certificates of Occupancy 10 Project Identifier 2042403200 305 JUNIPER AVECarlsbad, CA 92008--824 JUNIPER BEACH HOMES 1 12/15/2023 1 2042403200 303 JUNIPER AVECarlsbad, CA 92008--824 JUNIPER BEACH HOMES 1 12/15/2023 1 2041311500 3259 LINCOLN STCarlsbad, CA 92008--313 BLAUVELT RESIDENCE 0 2052704700 3731 ADAMS STCarlsbad, CA 92008--340 ADAMS STREET HOMES 0 2052704900 3739 ADAMS STCarlsbad, CA 92008--340 ADAMS STREET HOMES 0 2052704800 3747 ADAMS STCarlsbad, CA 92008--340 ADAMS STREET HOMES 0 2052704600 3755 ADAMS STCarlsbad, CA 92008--340 ADAMS STREET HOMES 0 2041711100 786 PALM AVECarlsbad, CA 92008--506 786 PALM AVENUE 0 2041711000 3477 JEFFERSON STCarlsbad, CA 92008--506 786 PALM AVENUE 0 1562002800 2924 HIGHLAND DRCarlsbad, CA 92008--191 HIGHLAND DRIVE 5 LOT SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCES 0 1562002900 2920 HIGHLAND DR HIGHLAND DRIVE 5 LOT SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCES 0 1562003000 2916 HIGHLAND DRCarlsbad, CA 92008--191 HIGHLAND DRIVE 5 LOT SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCES 0 1562003100 2912 HIGHLAND DR HIGHLAND DRIVE 5 LOT SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCES 0 1562003200 2910 HIGHLAND DR HIGHLAND DRIVE 5 LOT SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCES 0 2051911400 1090 MAGNOLIA AVECarlsbad, CA 92008--253 - 0 1561425100 2780 JAMES DRCarlsbad, CA 92008--195 2780 JAMES DRIVE 0 2100620300 5198 SHORE DRCarlsbad, CA 92008--434 LINCOLN RESIDENCE 1 7/26/2023 1 2050602700 1640 BASSWOOD AVECarlsbad, CA 92008--194 HARRIS RESIDENCE 1 12/5/2023 1 2232951700 7505 SOLANO ST Unit: #1 - 0 2032010600 2786 JEFFERSON ST - 0 2032010500 2780 JEFFERSON ST - 0 2145025600 6925 QUIET COVE DR - 0 2236110600 7331 PASEO CAPUCHINA - 0 1675611200 4316 POINT REYES CT - 0 2150724000 1544 MARITIME DR - 0 July 11, 2024 Item #1 Page 36 of 76 Table A2 Annual Building Activity Report Summary - New Construction, Entitled, Permits and Completed Units Streamlining Infill Housing without Financial Assistance or Deed Restrictions Term of Affordability or Deed Restriction 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Current APN Street Address Project Name+ How many of the units were Extremely Low Income? Please select the streamlining provision the project was APPROVED pursuant to. (may select multiple) Infill Units?Y/N+ Assistance Programs for Each Development(may select multiple - see instructions) Deed Restriction Type(may select multiple - see instructions) For units affordable without financial assistance or deed restrictions, explain how the locality determined the units were affordable(see instructions) Term of Affordability or Deed Restriction (years) (if affordable in perpetuity enter 1000)+ Number of Demolished/Destroyed Units Demolished or Destroyed Units Demolished/Destroyed Units Owner or Renter Total Density Bonus Applied to the Project (Percentage Increase in Total Allowable Units or Total Maximum Allowable Residential Gross Floor Area) Number of Other Incentives, Concessions, Waivers, or Other Modifications Given to the Project (Excluding Parking Waivers or Parking Reductions) List the incentives, concessions, waivers, and modifications (Excluding Parking Waivers or Parking Modifications) Did the project receive a reduction or waiver of parking standards? (Y/N) 7 9 2033204800 1006 CARLSBAD VILLAGE DR Carlsbad, CA 92008 HOPE APARTMENTS NONE Y Other DB, INC 55 50.0%3 Development Standards Modification No 2031411500 2669 GARFIELD STCarlsbad, CA 92008--221 EDWARDS RESIDENCE NONE Y Survey 2031411500 2669 GARFIELD STCarlsbad, CA 92008--221 EDWARDS RESIDENCE NONE Y 2072502300 4874 PARK DRCarlsbad, CA 92008--381 4874 PARK DRIVE NONE Y 1552210500 BUENA VISTA CIR Carlsbad, CA 92008 MARTIN RESIDENCE NONE Y Survey1552210500 BUENA VISTA CIR Carlsbad, CA 92008 MARTIN RESIDENCE NONE Y 2122720100 TWAIN AVE Carlsbad, CA 92008 OCEAN VIEW POINT NONE N2122720200 TWAIN AVE Carlsbad, CA 92008 OCEAN VIEW POINT NONE N 2122720300 TWAIN AVE Carlsbad, CA 92008 OCEAN VIEW POINT NONE N2122720400 TWAIN AVE Carlsbad, CA 92008 OCEAN VIEW POINT NONE N 2122720500 TWAIN AVE Carlsbad, CA 92008 OCEAN VIEW POINT NONE N 1552711900 2642 JEFFERSON STCarlsbad, CA 92008 CARRILO ADU NONE Y Survey 2141711100 7294 PONTO DRCarlsbad, CA 92011--460 FPC Residential NONE Y Other DB, INC 55 22.8%4 Development Standards Modification No 2061801100 4368 ADAMS STCarlsbad, CA 92008--420 ADAMS HOUSE NONE Y2061801100 4368 ADAMS STCarlsbad, CA 92008--420 ADAMS HOUSE NONE Y Survey 2073853900 1877 HIGH RIDGE AVECarlsbad, CA 92008--376 ANDERSON ADU NONE Y Survey 2060420300 431 TAMARACK AVECarlsbad, CA 92008--412 LAHMAN ADU NONE Y Survey 2060120200 3912 GARFIELD STCarlsbad, CA 92008--403 CRUSE HOUSE REMODEL/ADU NONE Y Survey 2060120600 3950 GARFIELD ST Unit: BCarlsbad, CA 92008--403 LABOUNTY RESIDENCE NONE Y2081601300 5032 ASHBERRY RDCarlsbad, CA 92008--385 5032 ASHBERRY RD NONE Y Survey 2072800200 4904 PARK DRCarlsbad, CA 92008--382 EWING ADU NONE Y Survey2157910800 1320 SHOREBIRD LNCarlsbad, CA 92011--488 CHU DETACHED ADU NONE Y Survey 2100331500 5079 LOS ROBLES DRCarlsbad, CA 92008--432 DAVIS ADU NONE Y Survey2101600500 5133 EL ARBOL DRCarlsbad, CA 92008--431 MILLER RESIDENCE ADU NONE Y Survey 2159505000 1619 NEW CREST CTCarlsbad, CA 92011--408 JOANN ADU NONE Y Survey 2155210100 1850 PENTAS CTCarlsbad, CA 92011--513 CHAMBERLAIN DETACHED ADU NONE Y Survey2070850900 4205 CLEARVIEW DRCarlsbad, CA 92008--363 RESNICK ADU NONE Y Survey 2060400600 804 CITRUS PLCarlsbad, CA 92008--411 MCDONALD ADU NONE Y Survey2073310500 4946 PARK DRCarlsbad, CA 92008--381 NUNEZ RESIDENCE NONE Y Survey 2071013500 4660 GARDEN HILL LOOPCarlsbad, CA 92008--374 MARJA ACRES 0 NONE Y CDLAC, LIHTC, Other DB, INC 55 31.3%8 Development Standards Modification No 2120405600 1380 LAUREL TREE LNCARLSBAD, CA 92011 AVIARA APARTMENTS 7NONENCDLAC, LIHTC, HOME, Other INC 55 2042920100 3845 SYDNEY WAYCarlsbad, CA 92008--508 PACIFIC WIND NONE Y CDLAC, LIHTC, Other INC 55 2042920100 3835 SYDNEY WAYCarlsbad, CA 92008--508 PACIFIC WIND NONE Y CDLAC, Other, LIHTC INC 55 2042920100 3855 SYDNEY WAYCarlsbad, CA 92008--508 PACIFIC WIND NONE Y CDLAC, LIHTC, Other INC 55 2042920100 3865 SYDNEY WAYCarlsbad, CA 92008--508 PACIFIC WIND NONE Y CDLAC, LIHTC, Other INC 552042920100 3825 SYDNEY WAYCarlsbad, CA 92008--508 PACIFIC WIND NONE Y CDLAC, LIHTC, Other INC 55 2120405600 1205 AVIARA PKWYCarlsbad, CA 92011--127 AVIARA APARTMENTS NONE N CDLAC, HOME, LIHTC, Other INC 55 2153203600 2812 CAZADERO DRCARLSBAD CAZADERO DR CONDO PROJECT NONE Y 2153203600 2814 CAZADERO DRCARLSBAD CAZADERO DR CONDO PROJECT NONE Y2042404000 312 HEMLOCK AVECarlsbad, CA 92008--822 HEMLOCK COAST HOMES NONE Y 2042404000 314 HEMLOCK AVECarlsbad, CA 92008--822 HEMLOCK COAST HOMES NONE Y2042404000 316 HEMLOCK AVECarlsbad, CA 92008--822 HEMLOCK COAST HOMES NONE Y 2042404000 318 HEMLOCK AVECarlsbad, CA 92008--822 HEMLOCK COAST HOMES NONE Y 2031730200 300 CHRISTIANSEN WAY Unit: 201CARLSBAD, CA 92008 BEACH VILLAGE LIFE 1 MIXED USE NONE Y2031730200 300 CHRISTIANSEN WAY Unit: 301CARLSBAD, CA 92008 BEACH VILLAGE LIFE 1 MIXED USE NONE Y 2031730200 300 CHRISTIANSEN WAY Unit: 302CARLSBAD, CA 92008 BEACH VILLAGE LIFE 1 MIXED USE NONE Y2031730200 300 CHRISTIANSEN WAY Unit: 303CARLSBAD, CA 92008 BEACH VILLAGE LIFE 1 MIXED USE NONE Y 2031730200 300 CHRISTIANSEN WAY Unit: 304CARLSBAD, CA 92008 BEACH VILLAGE LIFE 1 MIXED USE NONE Y2031730200 300 CHRISTIANSEN WAY Unit: 305CARLSBAD, CA 92008 BEACH VILLAGE LIFE 1 MIXED USE NONE Y 2031730200 300 CHRISTIANSEN WAY Unit: 306CARLSBAD, CA 92008 BEACH VILLAGE LIFE 1 MIXED USE NONE Y 2031730200 300 CHRISTIANSEN WAY Unit: 401CARLSBAD, CA 92008 BEACH VILLAGE LIFE 1 MIXED USE NONE Y 2031730200 300 CHRISTIANSEN WAY Unit: 402CARLSBAD, CA 92008 BEACH VILLAGE LIFE 1 MIXED USE NONE Y 2060201100 310 CHINQUAPIN AVECarlsbad, CA 92008--741 CHINQUAPIN COAST HOMES NONE Y2060201100 312 CHINQUAPIN AVECarlsbad, CA 92008--741 CHINQUAPIN COAST HOMES NONE Y 2060201100 314 CHINQUAPIN AVECarlsbad, CA 92008--741 CHINQUAPIN COAST HOMES NONE Y2060201100 316 CHINQUAPIN AVECarlsbad, CA 92008--741 CHINQUAPIN COAST HOMES NONE Y 2060201100 318 CHINQUAPIN AVECarlsbad, CA 92008--741 CHINQUAPIN COAST HOMES NONE Y2060201100 320 CHINQUAPIN AVECarlsbad, CA 92008--741 CHINQUAPIN COAST HOMES NONE Y 2060201100 322 CHINQUAPIN AVECarlsbad, CA 92008--741 CHINQUAPIN COAST HOMES NONE Y 2060201100 324 CHINQUAPIN AVECarlsbad, CA 92008--741 CHINQUAPIN COAST HOMES NONE Y 2060201100 326 CHINQUAPIN AVECarlsbad, CA 92008--741 CHINQUAPIN COAST HOMES NONE Y 2060800100 4006 GARFIELD STCarlsbad, CA 92008--745 GARFIELD HOMES NONE Y 1 Demolished O2060800100 211 CHINQUAPIN AVECARLSBAD, CA 92008 GARFIELD HOMES NONE Y 1 Demolished O 2060800100 217 CHINQUAPIN AVECARLSBAD, CA 92008 GARFIELD HOMES NONE Y 1 Demolished O2042400800 231 ACACIA AVECarlsbad, CA 92008--320 ACACIA BEACH HOMES NONE Y 2 Demolished O 2042400800 235 ACACIA AVECarlsbad, CA 92008--320 ACACIA BEACH HOMES NONE Y2042400800 239 ACACIA AVECarlsbad, CA 92008--320 ACACIA BEACH HOMES NONE Y 2031021500 2670 ROOSEVELT STCarlsbad, CA 92008--161 THE ROOSEVELT NONE Y 2031021500 2672 ROOSEVELT STCarlsbad, CA 92008--161 THE ROOSEVELT NONE Y2031021500 2674 ROOSEVELT STCarlsbad, CA 92008--161 THE ROOSEVELT NONE Y 2042310700 162 CHERRY AVECarlsbad, CA 92008--821 THREE ON CHERRY NONE Y 1 Demolished O2042310700 164 CHERRY AVECarlsbad, CA 92008--821 THREE ON CHERRY NONE Y 2042310700 166 CHERRY AVECarlsbad, CA 92008--821 THREE ON CHERRY NONE Y2071013500 4888 RED BUD LANECarlsbad, CA 92008 MARJA ACRES NONE Y 2071013500 2580 GAZANIA LANECarlsbad, CA 92008 MARJA ACRES NONE Y 2071013500 4866 RED BUD LANECarlsbad, CA 92008 MARJA ACRES NONE Y 2071013500 4844 RED BUD LANECarlsbad, CA 92008 MARJA ACRES NONE Y 2071013500 4822 RED BUD LANECarlsbad, CA 92008 MARJA ACRES NONE Y2071013500 4800 RED BUD LANECarlsbad, CA 92008 MARJA ACRES NONE Y 2071013500 2520 GAZANIA LANECarlsbad, CA 92008 MARJA ACRES NONE Y2071013500 2460 GAZANIA LANECarlsbad, CA 92008 MARJA ACRES NONE Y 2071013500 2410 GAZANIA LANECarlsbad, CA 92008 MARJA ACRES NONE Y2071013500 4890 PARSLEY LNCarlsbad, CA 92008--374 MARJA ACRES NONE Y 2071013500 4884 PARSLEY LNCarlsbad, CA 92008--374 MARJA ACRES NONE Y 2071013500 4878 PARSLEY LNCarlsbad, CA 92008--374 MARJA ACRES NONE Y 2071013500 4872 PARSLEY LNCarlsbad, CA 92008--374 MARJA ACRES NONE Y 2071013500 4866 PARSLEY LNCarlsbad, CA 92008--374 MARJA ACRES NONE Y2071013500 4860 PARSLEY LNCarlsbad, CA 92008--374 MARJA ACRES NONE Y 2071013500 4854 PARSLEY LNCarlsbad, CA 92008--374 MARJA ACRES NONE Y Housing with Financial Assistance and/or Deed Restrictions Demolished/Destroyed Units Density BonusProject Identifier July 11, 2024 Item #1 Page 37 of 76 Table A2 Annual Building Activity Report Summary - New Construction, Entitled, Permits and Completed Units Streamlining Infill Housing without Financial Assistance or Deed Restrictions Term of Affordability or Deed Restriction 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Current APN Street Address Project Name+ How many of the units were Extremely Low Income? Please select the streamlining provision the project was APPROVED pursuant to. (may select multiple) Infill Units?Y/N+ Assistance Programs for Each Development(may select multiple - see instructions) Deed Restriction Type(may select multiple - see instructions) For units affordable without financial assistance or deed restrictions, explain how the locality determined the units were affordable(see instructions) Term of Affordability or Deed Restriction (years) (if affordable in perpetuity enter 1000)+ Number of Demolished/Destroyed Units Demolished or Destroyed Units Demolished/Destroyed Units Owner or Renter Total Density Bonus Applied to the Project (Percentage Increase in Total Allowable Units or Total Maximum Allowable Residential Gross Floor Area) Number of Other Incentives, Concessions, Waivers, or Other Modifications Given to the Project (Excluding Parking Waivers or Parking Reductions) List the incentives, concessions, waivers, and modifications (Excluding Parking Waivers or Parking Modifications) Did the project receive a reduction or waiver of parking standards? (Y/N) Housing with Financial Assistance and/or Deed Restrictions Demolished/Destroyed Units Density BonusProject Identifier 2071013500 4842 PARSLEY LNCarlsbad, CA 92008--374 MARJA ACRES NONE Y 2071013500 4836 PARSLEY LNCarlsbad, CA 92008--374 MARJA ACRES NONE Y 2071013500 4830 PARSLEY LNCarlsbad, CA 92008--374 MARJA ACRES NONE Y2071013500 4824 PARSLEY LNCarlsbad, CA 92008--374 MARJA ACRES NONE Y 2071013500 4818 PARSLEY LNCarlsbad, CA 92008--374 MARJA ACRES NONE Y2071013500 4812 PARSLEY LNCarlsbad, CA 92008--374 MARJA ACRES NONE Y 2071013500 4806 PARSLEY LNCarlsbad, CA 92008--374 MARJA ACRES NONE Y2071013500 4800 PARSLEY LNCarlsbad, CA 92008--374 MARJA ACRES NONE Y 2071013500 4815 PARSLEYCarlsbad, CA 92008--374 MARJA ACRES NONE Y 2071013500 4821 PARSLEY LNCarlsbad, CA 92008--374 MARJA ACRES NONE Y 2071013500 4827 PARSLEY LNCarlsbad, CA 92008--374 MARJA ACRES NONE Y 2071013500 4833 PARSLEY LNCarlsbad, CA 92008--374 MARJA ACRES NONE Y2071013500 4839 PARSLEY LNCarlsbad, CA 92008--374 MARJA ACRES NONE Y2071013500 4845 PARSLEY LNCarlsbad, CA 92008--374 MARJA ACRES NONE Y2071013500 4851 PARSLEY LNCarlsbad, CA 92008--374 MARJA ACRES NONE Y2071013500 2672 IXIA WAYCarlsbad, CA 92008--374 MARJA ACRES NONE Y2071013500 2638 IXIA WAYCarlsbad, CA 92008--374 MARJA ACRES NONE Y2071013500 2600 IXIA WAYCarlsbad, CA 92008--374 MARJA ACRES NONE Y2071013500 4509 AMARANTH LNCarlsbad, CA 92008--374 MARJA ACRES NONE Y2071013500 4527 AMARANTH LNCarlsbad, CA 92008--374 MARJA ACRES NONE Y2071013500 4545 AMARANTH LNCarlsbad, CA 92008--374 MARJA ACRES NONE Y2071013500 4563 AMARANTH LNCarlsbad, CA 92008--374 MARJA ACRES NONE Y2071013500 4581 AMARANTH LNCarlsbad, CA 92008--374 MARJA ACRES NONE Y2071013500 4599 AMARANTH LNCarlsbad, CA 92008--374 MARJA ACRES NONE Y2071013500 4572 AMARANTH LNCarlsbad, CA 92008--374 MARJA ACRES NONE Y2071013500 4554 AMARANTH LNCarlsbad, CA 92008--374 MARJA ACRES NONE Y2071013500 4536 AMARANTH LNCarlsbad, CA 92008--374 MARJA ACRES NONE Y2071013500 4518 AMARANTH LNCarlsbad, CA 92008--374 MARJA ACRES NONE Y2071013500 4500 AMARANTH LNCarlsbad, CA 92008--374 MARJA ACRES NONE Y2071013500 2619 IXIA WAYCarlsbad, CA 92008--374 MARJA ACRES NONE Y2071013500 2657 IXIA WAYCarlsbad, CA 92008--374 MARJA ACRES NONE Y2071013500 2687 IXIA WAYCarlsbad, CA 92008--374 MARJA ACRES NONE Y2081603200 5067 ASHBERRY RDCarlsbad, CA 92008--385 - NONE Y Survey2154500700 7166 ARGONAUTA WAYCarlsbad, CA 92009--650 - NONE Y Survey2070100100 3828 HIGHLAND DR Unit: 2Carlsbad, CA 92008--257 STONE ADU: 812 SF ADU ABOVE DETACHED GARAGE AD NONE Y Survey2157610700 7344 GREBE DRCarlsbad, CA 92011--486 - NONE Y Survey2550570600 7839 QUEBRADA CIRCarlsbad, CA 92009--834 - NONE Y Survey2041711600 3456 MADISON STCarlsbad, CA 92008--503 - NONE Y Survey2040311400 3147 JEFFERSON ST Unit: 7Carlsbad, CA 92008--240 - NONE Y Survey1560510300 1420 YOURELL AVECarlsbad, CA 92008--105 - NONE Y Survey1673932300 3603 AMES PL Unit: 2Carlsbad, CA 92010--212 - NONE Y Survey2552602200 7877 PASEO TULIPEROCarlsbad, CA 92009--935 - NONE Y Survey2550932100 7920 ROCOSO LNCarlsbad, CA 92009--923 - NONE Y Survey2042401100 3542 GARFIELD STCarlsbad, CA 92008--324 - NONE Y Survey2052806000 3753 YVETTE WAYCarlsbad, CA 92008--255 KELLEY ADU NONE Y Survey2051205000 3432 WOODLAND WAYCarlsbad, CA 92008--255 - NONE Y Survey2155120800 1723 CATALPA RDCarlsbad, CA 92011--510 - NONE Y Survey 2552530500 7942 GRADO EL TUPELOCarlsbad, CA 92009--902 - NONE Y Survey2151204500 2056 CARACOL CTCarlsbad, CA 92009--611 - NONE Y Survey 2060424600 3952 HIBISCUS CIRCarlsbad, CA 92008--411 HARTY ADU AND ADDITION NONE Y Survey1552231800 626 LAGUNA DRCarlsbad, CA 92008--160 - NONE Y Survey2073900400 4657 TELESCOPE AVECarlsbad, CA 92008--376 - NONE Y Survey1562201700 3032 VALLEY STCarlsbad, CA 92008--115 - NONE Y Survey1561524500 2799 CREST DRCarlsbad, CA 92008--150 - NONE Y Survey2157600400 1002 MERGANSER LNCarlsbad, CA 92011--487 - NONE Y Survey1671803600 3257 DONNA DRCarlsbad, CA 92008--112 - NONE Y Survey 2155010800 7005 ASTER PLCarlsbad, CA 92011--510 CROUCH ADU NONE Y Survey 2070632400 3800 ALDER AVE Unit: 2Carlsbad, CA 92008--270 CASKEY RESIDENCE ADU NONE Y Survey 2061204000 1087 CHINQUAPIN AVECarlsbad, CA 92008--353 - NONE Y Survey2165311200 614 MARLIN LNCarlsbad, CA 92011--468 - NONE Y Survey2153203002 2813 CEBU PLCarlsbad, CA 92009 - NONE Y Survey 2050520800 1304 BASSWOOD AVECarlsbad, CA 92008--190 - NONE Y Survey 2042401100 3546 GARFIELD STCarlsbad, CA 92008--324 3540 GARFIELD ADU NONE Y Survey 2162602600 7647 GALLEON WAYCarlsbad, CA 92009--821 - NONE Y Survey1552513700 947 BUENA PLCarlsbad, CA 92008--140 - NONE Y Survey1561202500 1262 BUENA VISTA WAYCarlsbad, CA 92008--153 - NONE Y Survey1675221600 3165 SEABURY ST Unit: 2Carlsbad, CA 92010--703 - NONE Y Survey1562123600 1633 OAK AVECarlsbad, CA 92008--190 - NONE Y Survey2236100100 3404 CORTE PINOCarlsbad, CA 92009--869 - NONE Y Survey1671123600 3157 FALCON DRCarlsbad, CA 92008--112 - NONE Y Survey2645500900 8012 PASEO ESMERADOCarlsbad, CA 92009--980 - NONE Y Survey1561108600 2655 HIGHLAND DRCarlsbad, CA 92008--102 - NONE Y Survey2072740700 4849 HILLSIDE DRCarlsbad, CA 92008--372 - NONE Y Survey1675610100 2644 VALEWOOD AVECarlsbad, CA 92010--792 - NONE Y Survey1683316500 3449 RAVINE DRCarlsbad, CA 92010--555 - NONE Y Survey2041210800 3339 GARFIELD STCarlsbad, CA 92008--312 - NONE Y Survey2236631100 3496 CAMINO CEREZACarlsbad, CA 92009--896 - NONE Y Survey 2145610800 6702 LONICERA STCarlsbad, CA 92011--342 - NONE Y Survey2158500700 1346 BULRUSH CTCarlsbad, CA 92011--401 - NONE Y Survey2552005300 3287 CORTE VERA CRUZCarlsbad, CA 92009--931 - NONE Y Survey 2060420200 425 TAMARACK AVECarlsbad, CA 92008--412 - NONE Y Survey 1552721200 993 LAGUNA DRCarlsbad, CA 92008--185 - NONE Y Survey2041320900 3392 LINCOLN STCarlsbad, CA 92008--313 - NONE Y Survey1682918500 3918 STONERIDGE RDCarlsbad, CA 92010--707 - NONE Y Survey2645501300 8005 PASEO ESMERADOCarlsbad, CA 92009--980 - NONE Y Survey 2551463700 2903 VIA PEPITA Unit: 2Carlsbad, CA 92009--923 - NONE Y Survey 1673913100 2725 LYONS CT Unit: 2Carlsbad, CA 92010--212 - NONE Y Survey 2041500400 3434 GARFIELD STCarlsbad, CA 92008--323 - NONE Y Survey2164930200 7730 PALACIO DR Unit: 2Carlsbad, CA 92009--852 - NONE Y Survey1562702000 1821 GUEVARA RDCarlsbad, CA 92008--102 - NONE Y Survey2073502600 4805 NEBLINA DR Unit: #2Carlsbad, CA 92008--372 - NONE Y Survey2550550200 3004 SEGOVIA WAYCarlsbad, CA 92009--835 - NONE Y Survey1562316000 1344 CYNTHIA LNCarlsbad, CA 92008--150 - NONE Y Survey 2232120600 7303 BORLA PL Unit: 1Carlsbad, CA 92009--780 - NONE Y Survey 2100340500 5120 LOS ROBLES DRCarlsbad, CA 92008--432 - NONE Y Survey 2552932300 7882 VISTA HIGUERACarlsbad, CA 92009--698 - NONE Y Survey1671521200 3640 CATALINA DRCarlsbad, CA 92010--285 - NONE Y Survey2051900600 1081 CHESTNUT AVECarlsbad, CA 92008--251 - NONE Y Survey 2041711700 3446 MADISON ST Unit: DCarlsbad, CA 92008--511 - NONE Y Survey 1674900200 2754 AUBURN AVE Unit: 2Carlsbad, CA 92010--217 - NONE Y Survey 1551602900 2472 TUTTLE STCarlsbad, CA 92008--144 - NONE Y Survey2550571000 3011 QUEBRADA CIR Unit: 2Carlsbad, CA 92009--833 - NONE Y Survey 2051124000 3403 ADAMS STCarlsbad, CA 92008--250 - NONE Y Survey2054302600 3859 MARGARET WAYCarlsbad, CA 92008--340 - NONE Y Survey2155330700 6442 LA PALOMA STCarlsbad, CA 92009--432 - NONE Y Survey July 11, 2024 Item #1 Page 38 of 76 Table A2 Annual Building Activity Report Summary - New Construction, Entitled, Permits and Completed Units Streamlining Infill Housing without Financial Assistance or Deed Restrictions Term of Affordability or Deed Restriction 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Current APN Street Address Project Name+ How many of the units were Extremely Low Income? Please select the streamlining provision the project was APPROVED pursuant to. (may select multiple) Infill Units?Y/N+ Assistance Programs for Each Development(may select multiple - see instructions) Deed Restriction Type(may select multiple - see instructions) For units affordable without financial assistance or deed restrictions, explain how the locality determined the units were affordable(see instructions) Term of Affordability or Deed Restriction (years) (if affordable in perpetuity enter 1000)+ Number of Demolished/Destroyed Units Demolished or Destroyed Units Demolished/Destroyed Units Owner or Renter Total Density Bonus Applied to the Project (Percentage Increase in Total Allowable Units or Total Maximum Allowable Residential Gross Floor Area) Number of Other Incentives, Concessions, Waivers, or Other Modifications Given to the Project (Excluding Parking Waivers or Parking Reductions) List the incentives, concessions, waivers, and modifications (Excluding Parking Waivers or Parking Modifications) Did the project receive a reduction or waiver of parking standards? (Y/N) Housing with Financial Assistance and/or Deed Restrictions Demolished/Destroyed Units Density BonusProject Identifier 2040821800 3221 MADISON ST Unit: BCarlsbad, CA 92008--303 - NONE Y Survey2154910900 2653 ACUNA CTCarlsbad, CA 92009 GOERTZEN RESIDENCE NONE Y Survey2070721700 4007 SKYLINE RDCarlsbad, CA 92008--274 - NONE Y Survey2143901100 913 BEGONIA CT Unit: 2Carlsbad, CA 92011--480 - NONE Y Survey2051305900 1642 SANDALWOOD LNCarlsbad, CA 92008--261 - NONE Y Survey2100340500 5122 LOS ROBLES DRCarlsbad, CA 92008--432 - NONE Y Survey2100331600 5067 LOS ROBLES DRCarlsbad, CA 92008--432 - NONE Y Survey 2122111700 6379 EBB TIDE STCarlsbad, CA 92011--126 - NONE Y Survey 2100631100 5303 LOS ROBLES DRCarlsbad, CA 92008--433 - NONE Y Survey2052100100 3522 ADAMS STCarlsbad, CA 92008--250 - NONE Y Survey2070532900 3882 WESTHAVEN DRCarlsbad, CA 92008--275 - NONE Y Survey2041311500 3257 LINCOLN STCarlsbad, CA 92008--313 BLAUVELT RESIDENCE NONE Y Survey 2042511800 150 HEMLOCK AVE Unit: DCarlsbad, CA 92008--823 - NONE Y Survey 2052704700 3733 ADAMS STCarlsbad, CA 92008--340 ADAMS STREET HOMES ADUS NONE Y Survey2052704900 3741 ADAMS STCarlsbad, CA 92008--340 ADAMS STREET HOMES ADUS NONE Y Survey2052704800 3749 ADAMS STCarlsbad, CA 92008--340 ADAMS STREET HOMES ADUS NONE Y Survey2052704600 3757 ADAMS STCarlsbad, CA 92008--340 ADAMS STREET HOMES ADUS NONE Y Survey 2052704700 3735 ADAMS STCarlsbad, CA 92008--340 ADAMS STREET HOMES ADUS NONE Y Survey 2052704900 3743 ADAMS STCarlsbad, CA 92008--340 ADAMS STREET HOMES ADUS NONE Y Survey2052704800 3751 ADAMS STCarlsbad, CA 92008--340 ADAMS STREET HOMES ADUS NONE Y Survey2052704600 3759 ADAMS STCarlsbad, CA 92008--340 ADAMS STREET HOMES ADUS NONE Y Survey2550611200 3101 SERRANO DR Unit: 2Carlsbad, CA 92009--836 - NONE Y Survey 2051606200 3344 DONNA DRCarlsbad, CA 92008--201 - NONE Y Survey 2041711100 786 PALM AVECarlsbad, CA 92008--506 786 PALM AVENUE NONE Y Survey2041711000 3479 JEFFERSON STCarlsbad, CA 92008--506 786 PALM AVENUE NONE Y Survey2156102800 2452 UNICORNIO STCarlsbad, CA 92009--532 - NONE Y Survey2154203700 7022 LLAMA STCarlsbad, CA 92009--651 - NONE Y Survey 1562313100 2833 ELMWOOD STCarlsbad, CA 92008--151 - NONE Y Survey 2031302800 2860 HOPE AVE Unit: BCarlsbad, CA 92008--189 - NONE Y Survey1562002800 2926 HIGHLAND DRCarlsbad, CA 92008--191 HIGHLAND DRIVE 5 LOT SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCES NONE Y Survey1562002900 2922 HIGHLAND DR HIGHLAND DRIVE 5 LOT SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCES NONE Y Survey1562003200 2906 HIGHLAND DR HIGHLAND DRIVE 5 LOT SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCES NONE Y Survey 2052302300 3659 MONROE STCarlsbad, CA 92008--273 - NONE Y Survey 2155111400 1730 CATALPA RD Unit: 2Carlsbad, CA 92011--510 - NONE Y Survey1561425100 2778 JAMES DRCarlsbad, CA 92008--195 2780 JAMES DRIVE NONE Y Survey2150705100 1585 TRITON STCarlsbad, CA 92011 FRANCIS RESIDENCE NONE Y2156102900 7129 AVIARA DRCarlsbad, CA 92011--490 SEHGAL RESIDENCE NONE Y 2071307900 3970 HIGHLAND DRCarlsbad, CA 92008 HIGHLAND JAMES NONE Y 2153300100 6620 SANTA ISABEL STCarlsbad, CA 92009--593 ST ELIZABETH SETON NONE Y2156102800 7133 AVIARA DRCarlsbad, CA 92011--490 7133 AVIARA DR KEMPER RESIDENCE NONE Y1562317000 1355 CYNTHIA LNCARLSBAD, CA HAGUE RESIDENCE NONE Y2052210600 3786 HIGHLAND DRCarlsbad, CA 92008 HIGHLAND VIEW HOMES NONE Y 2052210700 3790 HIGHLAND DRCarlsbad, CA 92008 HIGHLAND VIEW HOMES NONE Y 2154910900 2651 ACUNA CTCarlsbad, CA 92009 GOERTZEN RESIDENCE NONE Y2070721700 4005 SKYLINE RDCarlsbad, CA 92008--274 Sarem Residence NONE Y2042403200 307 JUNIPER AVECarlsbad, CA 92008--824 JUNIPER BEACH HOMES NONE Y2042403200 301 JUNIPER AVECarlsbad, CA 92008--824 JUNIPER BEACH HOMES NONE Y 2042403200 305 JUNIPER AVECarlsbad, CA 92008--824 JUNIPER BEACH HOMES NONE Y 2042403200 303 JUNIPER AVECarlsbad, CA 92008--824 JUNIPER BEACH HOMES NONE Y2041311500 3259 LINCOLN STCarlsbad, CA 92008--313 BLAUVELT RESIDENCE NONE Y 1 Demolished O2052704700 3731 ADAMS STCarlsbad, CA 92008--340 ADAMS STREET HOMES NONE Y2052704900 3739 ADAMS STCarlsbad, CA 92008--340 ADAMS STREET HOMES NONE Y 2052704800 3747 ADAMS STCarlsbad, CA 92008--340 ADAMS STREET HOMES NONE Y 2052704600 3755 ADAMS STCarlsbad, CA 92008--340 ADAMS STREET HOMES NONE Y2041711100 786 PALM AVECarlsbad, CA 92008--506 786 PALM AVENUE NONE Y2041711000 3477 JEFFERSON STCarlsbad, CA 92008--506 786 PALM AVENUE NONE Y1562002800 2924 HIGHLAND DRCarlsbad, CA 92008--191 HIGHLAND DRIVE 5 LOT SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCES NONE Y 2 Demolished O 1562002900 2920 HIGHLAND DR HIGHLAND DRIVE 5 LOT SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCES NONE Y 1562003000 2916 HIGHLAND DRCarlsbad, CA 92008--191 HIGHLAND DRIVE 5 LOT SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCES NONE Y1562003100 2912 HIGHLAND DR HIGHLAND DRIVE 5 LOT SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCES NONE Y1562003200 2910 HIGHLAND DR HIGHLAND DRIVE 5 LOT SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCES NONE Y2051911400 1090 MAGNOLIA AVECarlsbad, CA 92008--253 - NONE Y 1561425100 2780 JAMES DRCarlsbad, CA 92008--195 2780 JAMES DRIVE NONE Y 2100620300 5198 SHORE DRCarlsbad, CA 92008--434 LINCOLN RESIDENCE NONE Y2050602700 1640 BASSWOOD AVECarlsbad, CA 92008--194 HARRIS RESIDENCE NONE Y2232951700 7505 SOLANO ST Unit: #1 - NONE Y Survey2032010600 2786 JEFFERSON ST - NONE Y Survey 2032010500 2780 JEFFERSON ST - NONE Y Survey 2145025600 6925 QUIET COVE DR - NONE Y Survey2236110600 7331 PASEO CAPUCHINA - NONE Y Survey1675611200 4316 POINT REYES CT - NONE Y Survey2150724000 1544 MARITIME DR - NONE Y Survey July 11, 2024 Item #1 Page 39 of 76 Jurisdiction Carlsbad ANNUAL ELEMENT PROGRESS REPORT Reporting Year 2023 (Jan. 1 - Dec. 31)Housing Element Implementation Planning Period 6th Cycle 04/30/2021 - 04/30/2029 1 Projection Period 34 RHNA Allocation by Income Level Projection Period - 06/30/2020- 04/29/2021 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 Total Units to Date (all years) Total Remaining RHNA by Income Level Deed Restricted 45 - - 44 - - - - - - Non-Deed Restricted 1 1 - - - - - - - - Deed Restricted 4 - - 158 - - - - - - Non-Deed Restricted 3 2 - - - - - - - - Deed Restricted - - - 12 - - - - - - Non-Deed Restricted 55 37 82 82 - - - - - - Above Moderate 1,029 86 9 43 344 - - - - - - 482 547 3,873 194 49 125 640 - - - - - - 1,008 2,865 5 67Extremely low-Income Need 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 Total Units to Date Total Units Remaining 656 - - 7 - - - - - - 7 649 Please note: The APR form can only display data for one planning period. To view progress for a different planning period, you may login to HCD's online APR system, or contact HCD staff at apr@hcd.ca.gov. 481 91 This table is auto-populated once you enter your jurisdiction name and current year data. Past year information comes from previous APRs. 268 Moderate 1,311 784 749 Please contact HCD if your data is different than the material supplied here 167 2 Table B Regional Housing Needs Allocation Progress Permitted Units Issued by Affordability 1,220 617 Please note: For the last year of the 5th cycle, Table B will only include units that were permitted during the portion of the year that was in the 5th cycle. For the first year of the 6th cycle, Table B will only include units that were permitted since the start of the planning period. Projection Period units are in a separate column. Total RHNA Total Units Income Level Very Low Low Extremely Low-Income Units* Note: units serving extremely low-income households are included in the very low-income RHNA progress and must be reported as very low-income units in section 7 of Table A2. They must also be reported in the extremely low-income category (section 13) in Table A2 to be counted as progress toward meeting the extremely low-income housing need determined pursuant to Government Code 65583(a)(1). *Extremely low-income houisng need determined pursuant to Government Code 65583(a)(1). Value in Section 5 is default value, assumed to be half of the very low-income RHNA. May be overwritten. Progress toward extremely low-income housing need, as determined pursuant to Government Code 65583(a)(1). July 11, 2024 Item #1 Page 40 of 76 Jurisdiction Carlsbad Reporting Year 2023 (Jan. 1 - Dec. 31) 123 4 Name of Program Objective Timeframe in H.E Status of Program Implementation 1.1(a) Adequate Sites Maintain adequate residential sites to accommodate the 2021-2029 RHNA. Ongoing The Housing Element approved on April 6, 2021 includes an evaluation of the RHNA. Consistent with Government Code it incorporates a rezone program [1.1 (b)] that will be completed within three years to ensure adequate residential sites. 1.1(b) Adequate Sites Provide Adequate Sites to Accommodate the RHNA (Includes Program 1.7). Identify and rezone as necessary to meet the RHNA Remaining Need identified on Table10-48. Sites needed are: - 1,397 lower-income units - 327 moderate-income units Apr-24 This program is complete (accounting for final action by the City Council on January 30, 2024, just beyond the 2023 reporting period). At its hearing, the City Council approved a General Plan Amendment, Rezone, and certified a Program Environmental Impact Report that provides 3,447 units at the lower and moderate income levels spread across 16 sites throughout the city. 1.1(c) Adequate Sites Develop R-35 and R-40 General Plan and Zoning designations. Apr-24 This program is complete (accounting for final action by the City Council on January 30, 2024, just beyond the 2023 reporting period). 1.1(d) Adequate Sites Develop R-35 and R-40 General Plan and Zoning designations. Apr-24 This program is complete (accounting for final action by the City Council on January 30, 2024, just beyond the 2023 reporting period). 1.1(e) Adequate Sites Amend city Real Estate Strategic Plan, as necessary, to enable homes on city-owned sites. Apr-24 This program implementation is underway and will be completed prior to the due date. 1.1(f) Adequate Sites Promote the residential development of city- owned sites within the planning period. December 2024 / Ongoing This program implementation is underway and will be completed prior to the due date. If city-owned sites are relied on for the housing element inventory during implementation of Program 1.1, additional promotion will be undertaken. 1.1(g) Adequate Sites Work with North County Transit District on the redevelopment of Carlsbad Village Station that includes construction of housing adjacent to transit services. Ongoing This program is ongoing and coordination with NCTD is underway. In 2023 city staff continued to assist NCTD and potential developers on requirements for development of the site. ANNUAL ELEMENT PROGRESS REPORT Housing Element Implementation Housing Programs Progress Report Describe progress of all programs including local efforts to remove governmental constraints to the maintenance, improvement, and development of housing as identified in the housing element. Table D Program Implementation Status pursuant to GC Section 65583 July 11, 2024 Item #1 Page 41 of 76 123 4 Name of Program Objective Timeframe in H.E Status of Program Implementation Housing Programs Progress Report Describe progress of all programs including local efforts to remove governmental constraints to the maintenance, improvement, and development of housing as identified in the housing element. 1.1(h) Adequate Sites Integrate 6th cycle sites inventory into GIS. Dec-21 This program is complete. 1.1(i) Adequate Sites Develop online GIS sites inventory for public access. April 2022 / Ongoing Program implementation included development in 2021 of an online, interactive map of potential housing sites. 1.1(j) Adequate Sites Post development constraints evaluation (including Fire Hazard Severity Zone, hazards, utilities, etc.) and the sites inventory. July 2022 / Ongoing This program is complete. Development constraint information can be found here: https://carlsbad.maps.arcgis.com/apps/instant/sidebar/index.html?appid=942535a2da9 e44ff8877756af41e9af2 1.1(k) Adequate Sites The City will actively promote sites available for lower- and moderate-income housing development to potential developers, non- profits, and other interested parties. Ongoing The city is complying with and continues to implement this ongoing program. An online interactive map is available for public review of all potential sites that may be rezoned to accommodate the RHNA. 1.1(l) Adequate Sites Coordinate with water and sewer providers and other utilities serving the City of Carlsbad to ensure infrastructure is available to ensure timely residential access. Dec-21 This program is complete. 1.1(m) Adequate Sites Provide Housing Element copies to all utilities serving Carlsbad. Dec-21 This program is complete. 1.1(n) Adequate Sites Evaluate "density" definition to ensure no constraints on the ability to achieve the maximum of the applicable density range. Apr-23 This program is complete. An evaluation was prepared and found no constraints associated with the definition of “density” in the city’s municipal code. The evaluation and findings were presented to the Planning Commission on April 19, 2023. 1.1(o) Adequate Sites Establish written process to prioritize to affordable housing projects if availability of sewer service is limited. Dec-22 This program is complete. The Carlsbad Municipal Water District developed a written process that was approved by City Council at their hearing on April 4, 2023. 1.2(a) Promote development of ADUs Respond in a timely manner to update the Carlsbad Zoning Ordinance / Municipal Code to integrate changes in State housing law. Ongoing The city is complying with and continues to implement this ongoing program. 1.2(b) Promote development of ADUs Maintain informational brochures to promote, educate and assist the development of ADUs. Apr-22 This program is complete. The city has completed an informational bulletin that is updated as necessary and available on the city's website. July 11, 2024 Item #1 Page 42 of 76 123 4 Name of Program Objective Timeframe in H.E Status of Program Implementation Housing Programs Progress Report Describe progress of all programs including local efforts to remove governmental constraints to the maintenance, improvement, and development of housing as identified in the housing element. 1.2(c) Promote development of ADUs Create separate city website for ADUs; provide step by step guide to necessary applications and information. Dec-22 This program is complete. A webpage has been created that presently emphasizes development of the ADU permit ready program. An informational bulletin (fact sheet) provides ADU standards and processing steps. See https://www.carlsbadca.gov/departments/community-development/planning/adu-permit- ready-program 1.2(d) Promote development of ADUs Continue to work with developers to incorporate ADUs into new single-family developments. Ongoing The city is complying with and continues to implement this ongoing program. 1.2(e) Promote development of ADUs Develop at least four pre-approved ADU Plans that provide a variety in terms of size, type and style. Apr-23 This program is complete. Staff prepared a variety of four pre-approved ADU plans and presented to Planning Commission on March 15, 2023 and to City Council on May 23, 2023. The plans are available at: https://www.carlsbadca.gov/departments/community- development/planning/adu-permit-ready-program 1.2(f) Promote development of ADUs Monitor ADU production and affordability on an annual basis to ensure that ADUs are used to satisfy the lower- and moderate- income housing targets. Annually The city is complying and continues to implement this ongoing program. In 2023, building permits were issued for 82 accessory dwelling units. These units are considered to be affordable to moderate-income households. (Note: This table reports issued permits for accessory dwelling units, which may be different than numbers that appear in Table A-2 for finaled permits.) 1.3(a & f) Alternative Housing Continue to monitor underutilized properties and sites in the community that have potential for alternative housing options and offer the information to interested developers. Utilize the Inclusionary Ordinance and Housing Trust Fund to encourage innovative housing structures. Ongoing The city is complying and continues to implement with this ongoing program. 1.3(b) Alternative Housing Rezone underutilized commercial, office, and or industrial space, as appropriate, to facilitate use for alternative housing types. April 2024 / Ongoing This program is complete (accounting for final action by the City Council on January 30, 2024, just beyond the 2023 reporting period which rezoned underutilized commercial, office and industrial space for housing). In addition, passage of Ordinance CS-422 on May 10, 2022, amended the zoning code to allow “horizontal” residential uses in the Neighborhood Commercial, General Commercial, and Local Shopping Center zones. July 11, 2024 Item #1 Page 43 of 76 123 4 Name of Program Objective Timeframe in H.E Status of Program Implementation Housing Programs Progress Report Describe progress of all programs including local efforts to remove governmental constraints to the maintenance, improvement, and development of housing as identified in the housing element. 1.3(c) Alternative Housing Develop, as part of a zoning ordinance update, measures that encourage affordability by design (e.g., smaller, more efficient and flexibly-design living spaces). Apr-23 This program is complete. An evaluation was prepared and found the zoning ordinance encourages alternative housing that is affordable by design. The evaluation and findings were presented to the Planning Commission on April 19, 2023. 1.3(d) Alternative Housing Where appropriate, utilize the city’s regulatory powers (e.g., land use and fees) to encourage development of alternative housing. Apr-23 This program is complete. An evaluation was prepared and documented examples of how the city is utilizing its regulatory powers to encourage the development of alternative housing. The evaluation and findings were presented to the Planning Commission on April 19, 2023. 1.3(e) Alternative Housing Evaluate and implement, as appropriate, a development fee structure for these units based on a per square foot basis rather than per unit basis. Apr-23 This program is complete. A 2022 fee update to the inclusionary housing in-lieu program implemented a development fee structure based on square foot rather than unit. Additional analysis identified additional opportunities to structure other development fees to be by square feet vs. unit. The analysis and findings were presented to the Planning Commission on April 19, 2023. 1.3(g) Alternative Housing Review and amend the Carlsbad Zoning Ordinance to review and amend definitions and allowances of uses for the definition of family, employee housing, residential care facilities, group homes and/or boardinghouses to be consistent with California Law. Apr-23 This program is complete. As part of Zone Code Amendment 2022-0002 approved Sept. 27, 2022, the city completed some objective components by adding a definition of "small employee housing" (i.e., six or fewer persons), by amending the definition of family to incorporate the same, and by permitting small employee housing in the city's residential zones. In 2023, staff prepared additional zone code amendments to be consistent with California law. The amendments were presented to Planning Commission on April 5, 2023 and to City Council on May 23, 2023. 1.4(a & c) Lot Consolidation The city will continue to make available an inventory of vacant and underutilized properties, and will market infill and redevelopment opportunities throughout the city (including the Village and Barrio), to interested developers. Ongoing The city is complying with and continues to implement this ongoing program. 1.4(b) Lot Consolidation The city will identify sites where potential consolidation can happen based on current site usage and ownership. Dec-22 This program is complete. Lot consolidation information can be found here: https://carlsbad.maps.arcgis.com/apps/instant/sidebar/index.html?appid=942535a2da9 e44ff8877756af41e9af2 July 11, 2024 Item #1 Page 44 of 76 123 4 Name of Program Objective Timeframe in H.E Status of Program Implementation Housing Programs Progress Report Describe progress of all programs including local efforts to remove governmental constraints to the maintenance, improvement, and development of housing as identified in the housing element. 1.5 Flexibility in Development Standards Monitor application of Municipal Code standards for constraints to development of new housing and recommend changes to remove such constraints. Annually The city is complying and continues to implement with this ongoing program. In 2023, the city evaluated changes to code language to clarify where mixed uses are allowed and scheduled corresponding code changes for 2024. Staff also included code language to allow higher densities and development flexibility as a part of Program 1.1, the rezoning of housing inventory sites, scheduled for 2024. 1.6(a) Development Streamlining Establish expedited review process for projects exceeding inclusionary requirements. Jun-22 This program is complete. The city has an application checklist (P-35) that guides applicants through a streamlined review process for projects that provide at least 20% affordable housing (in excess of the city’s 15% inclusionary housing ordinance). 1.6(b, c & e) Development Streamlining Review and amend land use regulations, development standards, permitting procedures, administrative procedures and fees, in order to remove impediments to, and reduce the cost of, affordable residential development. To the extent permitted by State law, use existing environmental documents to limit review of new developments to impacts not considered in the earlier environmental documents. Ongoing The city is complying with and implementing this ongoing program. In March 2022, the city amended its inclusionary fee to charge a per square foot versus per unit fee for projects of 2 to 6 units; this may reduce development costs for smaller units and incentivize their construction. The city has developed a robust series of informational bulletins to assist developers, consultants, and the public in understanding the city's process and aid in expediting permits. Examples of bulletins relevant to reduce costs and time include those on accessory dwelling units, building permit submittal requirements for residential uses, inclusionary housing, SB-9, SB-35, and SB-330, and the self-certification program on building inspections. Also, passage of Ordinance CS- 422 in May 2022 helped clarify the city's site development plan process and permit "horizontal" mixed use development in many commercial zones. 1.6(d) Development Streamlining Develop SB35 Application Form and Procedures. Dec-21 This program is complete. SB 35 Permit Streamline Checklist (P-35) can be found here: https://www.carlsbadca.gov/home/showpublisheddocument/8425/63772762688856278 8 1.6(f) Development Streamlining Expand "self-certification" building permit application/inspection options for qualifying projects. Jun-22 This program is complete with passage of Ordinance CS-422 on May 10, 2022. The city has developed an informational bulletin on the self-certification process, available at https://www.carlsbadca.gov/home/showpublisheddocument/10193 1.6(g) Development Streamlining Review permit procedures for Site Development Plans, make changes to improve certainty and remove requirements that could reduce density. Apr-22 This program is completed with passage of Ordinance CS-422 on May 10, 2022. July 11, 2024 Item #1 Page 45 of 76 123 4 Name of Program Objective Timeframe in H.E Status of Program Implementation Housing Programs Progress Report Describe progress of all programs including local efforts to remove governmental constraints to the maintenance, improvement, and development of housing as identified in the housing element. 1.7 Sites used in Previous Housing Elements The city shall rezone to allow residential use by right under an R-30 or V-B designation, as appropriate for the site, and require that at least 20 percent of the units are affordable to lower-income households. Apr-24 This program implementation is underway and will be completed prior to the due date. 1.8(a) Mixed Use As part of semi-annual Zone Code Update, review standards and incentives for to encourage mixed use development. December 2023 Semi- annually This program is complete/on-going. Passage of Ordinance CS-422 on May 10, 2022, allowed “horizontal” residential uses in the Neighborhood Commercial, General Commercial, and Local Shopping Center zones. The city has further evaluated changes to code language to clarify where mixed uses are allowed and scheduled corresponding code changes for the 2024 Zone Code Clean Up. 1.8(b) Mixed Use As part of semi-annual Zone Code Update, review areas with mixed use potential and inform developers. December 2023 Semi- annually This program is complete/on-going. Information related to areas with mixed used potential is available here: https://carlsbad.maps.arcgis.com/apps/instant/sidebar/index.html?appid=942535a2da9 e44ff8877756af41e9af2 1.8(c) Mixed Use Update Code to define and allow horizontal and vertical mixed use projects. Apr-22 This program is complete. Passage of Ordinance CS-422 on May 10, 2022, allowed “horizontal” residential uses in the Neighborhood Commercial, General Commercial, and Local Shopping Center zones. 1.8(d) Mixed Use Evaluate and consider the expansion of live/work zoning allowances citywide. Apr-23 This program item is complete. An evaluation including existing live/work zoning allowances, best practices within the San Diego region, and recommendations was presented to the Planning Commission for consideration on April 19, 2023. 1.9 Parking Standards Review and update parking standards for high density, mixed use, and projects near transit. Apr-23 This program implementation is underway and will be completed prior to the due date. A portion of this program is addressed by state law (AB 2097) that effectively eliminates parking requirements in new residential and commercial developments when located within a half-mile of a major transit stop. This law took effect Jan 1, 2023. July 11, 2024 Item #1 Page 46 of 76 123 4 Name of Program Objective Timeframe in H.E Status of Program Implementation Housing Programs Progress Report Describe progress of all programs including local efforts to remove governmental constraints to the maintenance, improvement, and development of housing as identified in the housing element. 1.10 Energy Conservation The city will enforce state requirements for energy conservation, including the latest green building standards, as amended by local ordinance to incorporate the city’s Climate Action Plan measures, and promote and participate in regional water conservation and recycling programs. Ongoing The city is complying and continues to implement with this ongoing program. On Nov. 8, 2022, the City Council adopted the 2022 California Building Code and related state codes for construction, including the Solar Energy Code, Green Building Standards Code, and Energy Conservation Regulations. 1.11 Objective Design Standards Adopt objective design standards for mixed use and multi-family housing projects, which will then be allowed by right and approved through a ministerial, staff-level review process. September 2023 / Ongoing This program implementation is underway and will be completed prior to the due date. 1.12 Smoke-Free Ordinance for Multi-Family Housing Consider adopting a smoke free ordinance for multi-family housing. Dec-23 This program is complete. Staff prepared analysis and options for the City Council to consider at its hearing on August 22, 2023. The Council directed staff to develop draft ordinance language, including education and enforcement mechanisms and to return for further consideration. 2.1(a) Inclusionary Housing Complete a gap analysis of the city’s inclusionary housing in-lieu fee. Sep-21 The gap analysis was completed as required. 2.1(b) Inclusionary Housing Amend the city’s inclusionary housing ordinance to reflect the updated in-lieu fee. Apr-23 This program is complete. On Mach 22, 2022, the City Council adopted Resolution 2022-077, amending the fee. 2.1(c) Inclusionary Housing For those specific properties identified in Table A of Planning Commission Resolution 7114, provide affordable housing in excess of inclusionary housing ordinance requirements. Ongoing The city is complying and continues to implement with this ongoing program. In 2023, the city issued building permits for two of the sites identified in Resolution 7114, Marja Acres and Aviara Apartments, and a grading permit for a third site identified on the list, La Costa Town Square Parcel 3. Marja Acres provides 20% of its units as affordable housing as required by the resolution, with the majority of its 46 units as affordable to very low income households. Aviara Apartments provides 25% of its units as affordable housing with the majority of its 82 units as low income households. La Costa Town Square Parcel 3 provides 20% of its units as affordable housing. July 11, 2024 Item #1 Page 47 of 76 123 4 Name of Program Objective Timeframe in H.E Status of Program Implementation Housing Programs Progress Report Describe progress of all programs including local efforts to remove governmental constraints to the maintenance, improvement, and development of housing as identified in the housing element. 2.2 Propose Replacement or Modification of GMP Develop an alternative solution that will replace or modify the City’s Growth Management Plan (GMP). Dec-24 As an alternative to this program, on April 6, 2021 the City Council adopted Resolution 2021-074 that suspended the growth cap and moratorium provisions of the Growth Management Program. Therefore, his program is complete. Additionally, in April 2023 the Growth Management Plan Citizens Committee completed over a year’s worth of work developing recommendations for updating the city’s Growth Management Plan. Their recommendations included modifications to the existing Growth Management Plan performance standards as well as recommendations for additional considerations related to quality of life. They City Council accepted the committee’s report at their hearing on July 18, 2023. 2.3(a) Density Bonus Update the Carlsbad Zoning Ordinance / Municipal Code to integrate future changes in State Density Bonus Law, including an update to reflect the requirements of AB 2345. December / Annually The city is complying with and continues to implement this ongoing program. 2.3(b & c) Density Bonus Apply the city’s Density Bonus Ordinance, consistent with State law, and ensure that housing developers are informed about the city’s density bonus program. Ongoing The city is complying with and continues to implement this ongoing program. 2.4(a) City-Initiated Development Actively work with developers with interest in city-owned properties to negotiate residential or mixed-use development. Ongoing The city is complying with and continues to implement this ongoing program. July 11, 2024 Item #1 Page 48 of 76 123 4 Name of Program Objective Timeframe in H.E Status of Program Implementation Housing Programs Progress Report Describe progress of all programs including local efforts to remove governmental constraints to the maintenance, improvement, and development of housing as identified in the housing element. 2.4(b) City-Initiated Development Modify existing programs and develop new programs and funding sources to provide city incentives for affordable housing. February 2022 / Ongoing The Housing Element was adopted by the city and certified by the state in 2021. The element contains new programs that provide city affordable housing incentives. In 2022, work completed toward implementing these programs included: • The city completed additional public outreach on potential affordable housing sites as part of its implementation of programs 1.1 and 1.7; these potential sites include city- owned properties. This culminated in City Council direction to study specific potential housing sites for possible rezoning. • Staff continued work with a consultant to develop a permit-ready accessory dwelling unit program, including development of at least four sets of plans. • The city worked with North County Transit District on redevelopment plans for its Carlsbad Village and Poinsettia Coaster stations, including affordable housing, as required by Program 1.1(g). • The city amended its inclusionary fee to charge a per square foot versus per unit fee for projects of 2 to 6 units; this may reduce development costs for smaller units and incentivize their construction. 2.4(c, d, e) City-Initiated Development Actively work with development partners to pursue development of rental and for sale housing on sites and included the RHNA after Program 1.1 is implemented. Sites are listed on Table B-5 in Appendix B. December 2024 / Ongoing The city is complying with and continues to implement this ongoing program. Sites are being evaluated for density that would be appropriate for multifamily housing. Sites that are up zoned through this process will have an increased affordable housing requirement. 2.5 Land Banking The city will continue to implement a land banking program to acquire land suitable for development of housing affordable to lower- and moderate-income households. Ongoing The city is complying and continues to implement this ongoing program. The Housing & Homeless Services Dept. monitors vacant land opportunities. 2.6 Housing Trust Fund Actively pursue housing activities to encumber and disburse monies within the Housing Trust Fund that are specifically designated for the development of affordable housing for low-income households. Ongoing The city is complying and continues to implement with this ongoing program, The city applied for state of California Local Housing Trust Fund program funds for several projects which received local Carlsbad Housing Trust Fund awards. Unfortunately, the city’s application to the state was unsuccessful to the very competitive nature of the funding program. The city did not make any commitments of Housing Trust Fund dollars to low-income housing projects during 2023. July 11, 2024 Item #1 Page 49 of 76 123 4 Name of Program Objective Timeframe in H.E Status of Program Implementation Housing Programs Progress Report Describe progress of all programs including local efforts to remove governmental constraints to the maintenance, improvement, and development of housing as identified in the housing element. 2.7(a - c) Section 8 Housing Choice Vouchers and Similar Housing Cost Offsets Continue to provide Section 8 rental assistance to extremely low- and very low- income households, apply for additional Housing Choice Vouchers when made available by HUD and proactively seek additional funding that can be used to subsidize rents. Ongoing The city continues to identify and apply for additional funding as it becomes available. In 2023, the Carlsbad Housing Agency began to work with the Veteran Affairs agency for a potential 2024 application of HUD VASH vouchers. 2.7(d) Section 8 Housing Choice Vouchers and Similar Housing Cost Offsets Market and expand outreach to increase the distribution of housing vouchers in high opportunity areas. April 2022 / Ongoing The city created a Housing Navigator position to help identify opportunities to utilize housing vouchers. 2.8 Assistance for Homebuyer Down Payment & Closing Cost Continue participation of the HOME Consortium Down Payment and Closing Cost Program to provide loans for low- income households. Ongoing Extended participation in the HOME Consortium; city continues to make this program available to residents. 2.9(a) Assistance for Special Needs Populations The city will continue to provide CDBG funds through the annual Action Plan process to community, social welfare, non- profit, and other charitable groups that provide services for those with special needs in the north San Diego County area with a focus on Carlsbad residents. Annually For 2023, the city distributed $81,823 in CDBG funds to two non-profit service providers. 2.9(b) Assistance for Special Needs Populations Provide an informational guide regarding reasonable accommodations. January 2022 / Ongoing A reasonable accommodations application form available is available on the city website. The city has also developed an informational bulletin on reasonable accommodations, available here: https://www.carlsbadca.gov/home/showpublisheddocument/15879/6383797240479700 00 July 11, 2024 Item #1 Page 50 of 76 123 4 Name of Program Objective Timeframe in H.E Status of Program Implementation Housing Programs Progress Report Describe progress of all programs including local efforts to remove governmental constraints to the maintenance, improvement, and development of housing as identified in the housing element. 2.9(c) Assistance for Special Needs Populations Provide special needs housing assistance, progress will be assessed and addressed as part of Zone Code Update. December 2023 / Annually This program is complete/underway. Staff prepared a memorandum summarizing ongoing efforts and progress made in 2023. Efforts undertaken include engaging with housing advocates on the 2023 homeless action plan; continued implementation of the inclusionary housing ordinance; receipt of two grants for homeless housing assistance; application for state funds from the Local Housing Trust Fund; and initiation of an annual memo that will report activities related to meeting the needs of special needs populations. 2.9(d & e) Assistance for Special Needs Populations The city will monitor the needs for farmworker housing within the community, and facilitate and support efforts of individuals, private organizations, and public agencies to provide safe and adequate housing for farmworkers in agriculturally- zoned areas. Ongoing The city continues to monitor the farmworker community within Carlsbad, and beds continue to be available for farmworkers at the La Posada de Guadalupe shelter. 2.10 Senior Housing The city will continue to encourage a wide variety of senior housing opportunities, especially for lower-income seniors with special needs, through the provision of financial assistance and regulatory incentives as specified in the city’s Housing for Senior Citizens Ordinance. Ongoing The city is complying and continues to implement with this ongoing program, In April 2023, the City Council approved an allocation of $500,000 in CDBG funds for Tyler Court Senior Apartments, which consists of 75 low-income apartments. The funding was allocated for several critical repairs needed, including water heater replacement, parking lot pavement, and exterior painting. 2.11 Housing for Persons with Disabilities Continue to implement the Reasonable Accommodation Ordinance, evaluate the use and effectiveness of the ordinance. Ongoing / Annually Program implementation is ongoing and accomplished through zoning ordinance standards and a Reasonable Accommodations application form available online. In 2023, two applications were received. 2.12 Housing for Large Households Continue to implement requirements for units with three or more bedrooms as part of the Inclusionary Housing Ordinance. The city shall encourage housing designs that meet the needs of extended, multigenerational, and/or large families. Ongoing The city continues to enforce the ordinance requirement that 10% of inclusionary units be 3BR+. For example, the Hope Apartment project, approved by City Council in September 2023, has 12 affordable three-bedroom units. Of the projects 20 affordable units, three are three bedroom, which exceeds the minimum 10% threshold. The 86- unit PFC Residential project, approved by the Planning Commission in May 2023 has 12 affordable 3BR+ units, which is more than 90% of the projects total affordable units. July 11, 2024 Item #1 Page 51 of 76 123 4 Name of Program Objective Timeframe in H.E Status of Program Implementation Housing Programs Progress Report Describe progress of all programs including local efforts to remove governmental constraints to the maintenance, improvement, and development of housing as identified in the housing element. 2.13(a – g & k) Housing for Persons Experiencing Homelessness Carlsbad will continue to facilitate and assist with the acquisition, for lease or sale, and development of suitable sites for low barrier emergency shelters and transitional and permanent supportive housing for the homeless population. Ongoing The city contributed funding to Catholic Charities to expand staffing so their facility can better serve guests as a low barrier shelter. The city is working with Catholic Charities to expand their facility as a low barrier navigation center. Phase One could increase the CUP to allow more beds in the existing facility, Phase Two could allow for an expansion of the facility to serve women and families. 2.13(h) Housing for Persons Experiencing Homelessness Review and amend the zoning ordinance and other documents to comply with Government Code 65651 and 65583(a)(4). Oct-22 Program implementation is underway and staff will bring forward any necessary amendments for approval. 2.13(i) Housing for Persons Experiencing Homelessness Identify data sources or procedures to quantify the homelessness population for emergency shelters according to Assembly Bill 139 requirements. Oct-22 This program is complete. City staff has been publishing data that quantifies the homeless population in Carlsbad. The city also participates in regional data collection such as the Point in Time Count and Housing Inventory Count. In addition, the city works with providers such as Catholic Charities to monitor emergency shelter need. 2.13(j) Housing for Persons Experiencing Homelessness Evaluate the potential to allow for emergency shelters on properties owned by religious institutions and update zoning ordinance. Apr-23 This program is complete. An evaluation including existing emergency shelter zoning allowances, best practices within the San Diego region, and recommendations was presented to the Planning Commission for consideration on April 19, 2023. 2.14 Military and Student Referrals The city will assure that information on the availability of assisted or below-market housing is provided to all lower-income and special needs groups. The Housing Services Division will provide information to local military and student housing offices of the availability of low-income housing in Carlsbad. Ongoing / Annually The city continues to provide information to the public about the availability of low- income housing. The city's Housing and Homeless Services Division on its website provides public information on affordable owner ship and rental housing, including the affordable housing resale program and a map and description of current and future affordable rental housing. See https://www.carlsbadca.gov/departments/housing- homeless-services/affordable-housing. July 11, 2024 Item #1 Page 52 of 76 123 4 Name of Program Objective Timeframe in H.E Status of Program Implementation Housing Programs Progress Report Describe progress of all programs including local efforts to remove governmental constraints to the maintenance, improvement, and development of housing as identified in the housing element. 2.15 Coastal Zone Monitoring As a function of the building permit process, the city will continue to monitor and record Coastal Zone housing data to ensure the city implements requirements of State law, including Coastal Zone housing replacement requirements under Government Code 65590. Ongoing The city continues to implement this program. In 2023, Carlsbad issued building permits for 544 dwellings (excluding accessory dwelling units) in the coastal zone. Of those units, a total of 215 were provided as affordable housing. Demolition permits were issued for 6 units in the Coastal Zone to allow for the construction of 16 on-site units. One unit was demolished to allow for the Three on Cherry project which provided three units. One unit was demolished to allow for Chinquapin Coastal Homes which provided 9 units. One unit was demolished to allow for Blauvelt which provided one unit. Three units were demolished to allow for Garfield Beach Homes which provided 3 units (Note: This table reports issued demolition permits and so may report different numbers than appear in Table A-2 for finaled demolition permits.) 2.16 Housing Element Progress Report Prepare and submit to HCD, OPR and SANDAG an Annual Progress Report on implementation of the Housing Element by April 1 of each year. Annually This program implementation is underway and will be completed prior to the due date. 3.1 Pursue State and Federal Funding The City shall actively pursue appropriate federal and State funding sources to support the efforts of non-profit and for- profit developers for new construction and rehabilitation of affordable housing. Ongoing The city actively seeks resources for affordable housing. 3.2 Condominium Conversion Continue implementation of the Inclusionary Housing Ordinance and impose inclusionary housing requirements on condominium conversions. Ongoing The city continues to apply inclusionary requirements to condominium conversions. In 2022, there were no entitlements approved for condominium conversions. 3.3 Mobilehome Park Preservation Continue to regulate the conversion of mobile home parks as permitted by state law, provide information to mobile home park tenants regarding potential tenant purchase of parks and other assistance available. Ongoing The city continues to implement this program and the mobilehome zoning ordinance which regulates the conversion of mobilehome parks. In 2023, there were no entitlements approved for mobile home park conversions. July 11, 2024 Item #1 Page 53 of 76 123 4 Name of Program Objective Timeframe in H.E Status of Program Implementation Housing Programs Progress Report Describe progress of all programs including local efforts to remove governmental constraints to the maintenance, improvement, and development of housing as identified in the housing element. 3.4 Acquisition/ Rehabilitation/ Retention of Rental Housing The city will continue to provide assistance on a case-by-case basis to preserve the existing stock of lower- and moderate- income rental housing. Ongoing The city continues to routinely monitor affordable housing stock. For example, the city has an Affordable Housing Resale Program which as noted in Program 3.6 helped to maintain the affordability of three at-risk lower-income units in 2023, for a total of 17 since the program began in 2020. 3.5(a) Rehabilitation of Owner-Occupied Housing Update program to expand eligible costs and increase maximum loan amount. Apr-22 This program is complete. Staff evaluated ways to increase the effectiveness of the rehabilitation program. Based on this evaluation, City Council directed staff to modify the program by: 1) increasing loan limits from $5,000 to $10,000 for mobile homes and $25,000 for single family homes; 2) modifying the loan terms to include interest on repayment amounts of up to 3% to ensure the viability of the program; and 3) expanding eligible costs to include energy efficiency improvements. 3.5(b & c) Rehabilitation of Owner-Occupied Housing Continue to implement the city’s Minor Home Repair Program and allow dwellings to be rehabilitated that do not meet current zoning standards so long as the non- conformity is not increased and there is no threat to public health and/or safety. Ongoing City continues to distribute informational material and publish the information on the city’s website to increase participation. 3.6 Affordable Housing Resale To the extent funding is available, the city will exercise its purchase option to preserve, extend and enhance affordability of these units by reselling them to lower income purchasers. Ongoing In December 2020, the City Council approved the Affordable Housing Resale Policy and Program Guidelines. The program allows the city to acquire owner-occupied units at risk of losing their affordability restrictions, and ready them to be resold to another qualified low-income homebuyer. In 2023, the city acquired two units and sold three units. Since the program began, 17 at-risk lower-income units have been acquired, of which 13 units have been resold to eligible low-income buyers. 4.1 Fair Housing Services With assistance from the city’s fair housing provider, the city will continue to offer fair housing services to its residents and property owners. Ongoing The city will continue to promote and distribute fair housing services to its residents who are in need of counseling and services. 4.2 (a & b) Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing Reduce barriers to housing, including enforcement of housing safety codes, promoting equal access to information as identified in the Analysis of Impediments to Fair Housing. Ongoing The city continues to review its policies and procedures to ensure barriers that limit fair and equitable housing are either reduce or eliminated through regular program updates. July 11, 2024 Item #1 Page 54 of 76 123 4 Name of Program Objective Timeframe in H.E Status of Program Implementation Housing Programs Progress Report Describe progress of all programs including local efforts to remove governmental constraints to the maintenance, improvement, and development of housing as identified in the housing element. 4.2(c) Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing Establish method of measuring progress of fair housing practices. June 2022 / Annually Carlsbad utilizes the "San Diego Regional Analysis of Impediments to Fair Housing Choice" report released by the San Diego Regional Alliance for Fair Housing to track progress in implementing fair housing practices. The report identifies discrimination on the basis of race, familial status, disability, and gender in Carlsbad and other cities using an established methodology. Further, as recommended in the report, the city continues to complete fair housing testing on random units within the city to measure fair housing compliance and the effects of fair housing education, training, and outreach. 4.2(d) Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing The city will use the information collected from Program 4.2 c. to proactively adjust and target community outreach. Ongoing The city continues to use the method above to adjust and target community outreach. 4.2(d) Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing Expand understanding of current state of fair housing practices and potential areas of discrimination by conducting in-depth study of issues around the City. Apr-24 Program implementation is underway. The city completed an Analysis of Impediments for the 2020 – 2025 time period as part of the regional analysis reported in Program 4.2(c). The city will continue to administer this program and monitor for any changes. Further, in 2023 the city released and RFP for supplemental fair housing analysis and selected a consultant to perform the work. 4.2(e) Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing The city shall continue to facilitate opportunities for all residents and stakeholders to provide meaningful and effective input on proposed planning activities early on and continuously throughout plan development and the public review process. Outreach efforts to disadvantaged communities will be a priority. Ongoing The city continues to provide opportunities for residents and stakeholders to provide input on planning activities and plan development. In addition, in 2023, the city released an RFP to develop recommendations on how to enhance its current public outreach generally and engagement with disadvantaged communities specifically. 4.3 Anti-Segregation in Housing Implementation Implement a placemaking program for the Village-Barrio Master Plan. Review and update, as needed, all city land use and housing policies, programs, and plans for their enhancement of fair housing. April 2023 / Ongoing Program implementation is underway. In 2023 the city released and RFP for supplemental fair housing analysis and selected a consultant to perform the work. July 11, 2024 Item #1 Page 55 of 76 123 4 Name of Program Objective Timeframe in H.E Status of Program Implementation Housing Programs Progress Report Describe progress of all programs including local efforts to remove governmental constraints to the maintenance, improvement, and development of housing as identified in the housing element. 5.1 Access to Information Provide community groups that are affected by restrictions to fair and equitable housing greater opportunities for becoming informed and engaged in the City’s housing and overall planning process. Ongoing The city continues to ensure that all communities have access to housing information through the posting of documents and information on the city website and at city facilities, social media and notification of actions under consideration in the planning process. 6.1 Environmental Justice Consider environmental justice issues as they relate to the equitable provision of public facilities and services and other beneficial uses that improve the overall quality of life. Identify gaps and enhance connections between disadvantage neighborhoods and amenities and services. December 2024 / Ongoing Program implementation is underway. In 2023 the city released and RFP for supplemental fair housing analysis and selected a consultant to perform the work. General Comments July 11, 2024 Item #1 Page 56 of 76 Jurisdiction Carlsbad Reporting Year 2023 Housing Element Planning Period 6th Cycle Current Year Deed Restricted 44 Non-Deed Restricted 0 Deed Restricted 158 Non-Deed Restricted 0 Deed Restricted 12 Non-Deed Restricted 82 344 640 Units by Structure Type Entitled Permitted Completed Single-family Attached 0 78 6 Single-family Detached 18 17 13 2 to 4 units per structure 0 0 0 5+ units per structure 242 463 0 Accessory Dwelling Unit 17 82 46 Mobile/Manufactured Home 0 0 0 Total 277 640 65 Infill Housing Developments and Infill Units Permitted # of Projects Units 183 311 2 329 77 298 43 0 0 0 (Jan. 1 - Dec. 31) 04/30/2021 - 04/30/2029 Number of SB 35 Streamlining Applications Approved Very Low Low Moderate Total Housing Applications Submitted: Number of Proposed Units in All Applications Received: Total Housing Units Approved: Total Housing Units Disapproved: Total Units Housing Applications Summary Use of SB 35 Streamlining Provisions - Applications Note: Units serving extremely low-income households are included in the very low-income permitted units totals Number of SB 35 Streamlining Applications Above Moderate Indicated as Infill Not Indicated as Infill Building Permits Issued by Affordability Summary Income Level July 11, 2024 Item #1 Page 57 of 76 Income Rental Ownership Total Very Low 00 0 Low 00 0 Moderate 00 0 Above Moderate 00 0 Total 0 0 0 Streamlining Provisions Used - Permitted Units # of Projects Units SB 9 (2021) - Duplex in SF Zone 00 SB 9 (2021) - Residential Lot Split 00 AB 2011 (2022)00 SB 6 (2022)00 SB 35 (2017)00 Ministerial and Discretionary Applications Applications Units Ministerial 75 76 Discretionary 2 222 Density Bonus Applications and Units Permitted Number of Applications Submitted Requesting a Density Bonus 1 Number of Units in Applications Submitted Requesting a Density Bonus 218 Number of Projects Permitted with a Density Bonus 1 Number of Units in Projects Permitted with a Density Bonus 47 Housing Element Programs Implemented and Sites Rezoned Count 88 0 Programs Implemented Sites Rezoned to Accommodate the RHNA Units Constructed - SB 35 Streamlining Permits July 11, 2024 Item #1 Page 58 of 76 Jurisdiction Carlsbad Reporting Year 2023 (Jan. 1 - Dec. 31) Total Award Amount Total award amount is auto-populated based on amounts entered in rows 15-26. Task $ Amount Awarded $ Cumulative Reimbursement Requested Other Funding Notes Permit-Ready ADU Program (Task 1)120,000.00 120,000.00 None Housing Element Pro-Housing Policies (Task 2)220,000.00 219,975.84 Other Housing Element Update also funded by SB 2 Grant and City Funds. Project expected to be approved by City Council in 2024. Village and Barrio Objective Design Standards (Task 3)160,000.00 160,000.00 None ANNUAL ELEMENT PROGRESS REPORT Local Early Action Planning (LEAP) Reporting (CCR Title 25 §6202) Completed Please update the status of the proposed uses listed in the entity’s application for funding and the corresponding impact on housing within the region or jurisdiction, as applicable, categorized based on the eligible uses specified in Section 50515.02 or 50515.03, as applicable. 500,000.00$ Task Status Completed In Progress July 11, 2024 Item #1 Page 59 of 76 Summary of entitlements, building permits, and certificates of occupancy (auto-populated from Table A2) Current Year Deed Restricted 20 Non-Deed Restricted 0 Deed Restricted 13 Non-Deed Restricted 0 Deed Restricted 0 Non-Deed Restricted 17 227 277 Current Year Deed Restricted 44 Non-Deed Restricted 0 Deed Restricted 158 Non-Deed Restricted 0 Deed Restricted 12 Non-Deed Restricted 82 344 640 Current Year Deed Restricted 0 Non-Deed Restricted 0 Deed Restricted 0 Non-Deed Restricted 0 Deed Restricted 0 Non-Deed Restricted 46 19 65 Moderate Above Moderate Total Units Completed Entitlement Issued by Affordability Summary Income Level Very Low Low Moderate Above Moderate Total Units Building Permits Issued by Affordability Summary Income Level Very Low Low Total Units Certificate of Occupancy Issued by Affordability Summary Income Level Very Low Low Moderate Above Moderate July 11, 2024 Item #1 Page 60 of 76 Description of Terms and Methods 2023 HOUSING ELEMENT ANNUAL PROGRESS REPORT Regional Housing Needs – The determination of housing need for Carlsbad and all other jurisdictions in California is derived from the Regional Housing Needs Assessment (RHNA) prepared by the local regional councils of government (SANDAG) before the beginning of each housing cycle. Based upon these assessments of need, the local jurisdictions are required to adopt housing objectives in the housing elements of their general plans. A regional assessment of housing need is an estimate of the total need for new housing construction throughout the region due to population growth forecasted to occur during a specific time period. The overall housing need is then broken out by four income groups: very low, low, moderate, and above-moderate (or upper-income) – all as defined by the federal Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), and the state Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD). The regional housing needs are then allocated to the local jurisdictions on a “regional share” basis, according to models and formulas designed by SANDAG. Table 1 shows Carlsbad’s share of the current RHNA which applies to the 2021-2029 Housing Element. Table 1: Carlsbad’s Share of the RHNA Income Group Percent of AMI 6th cycle RHNA 2021-2029* (housing units) Very Low 50% or under 1,311 Low 51-80%784 Moderate 81-120%749 Above-moderate Over 120% 1,029 Total 3,873 *SANDAG, Final 6th Cycle Regional Housing Needs determination, 2020 Definition of Income Groups – Table 1 defines each of the four income groups as a percentage of the county area median income (AMI). HUD and HCD annually revise the AMI based on cost- of-living issues such as the relationship of housing prices to income and have established the 2023 AMI for a four-person household in Carlsbad at $116,8001. In addition to establishing the AMI, HUD also establishes income limits for each of the four income groups which are adjusted for family size so that larger households have higher income limits (see Table 2 below). 1 City of Carlsbad Household Income Limits 2023, see weblink at: https://www.carlsbadca.gov/home/showpublisheddocument/14138/638230211751600000 Exhibit 2 July 11, 2024 Item #1 Page 61 of 76 Table 2: CY 2023 Household Income Limits Income Group Persons per household 1 2 3 5 7 Very Low $48,250 $55,150 $62,050 $74,450 $85,450 Low $77,200 $88,200 $110,250 $119,100 $136,750 Moderate $98,100 $112,100 $126,150 $151,350 $173,800 Above moderate >$98,100 >$112,100 >$126,150 >$151,350 >$173,800 Source: “Household Income Limits 2023”, City of Carlsbad (effective May 15, 2023) Prices of Affordable Housing – Generally, the federal and state rule is that housing is affordable to a given family if the family pays no more than 30% of its monthly income for housing expenses that include the rent or mortgage payment, property taxes, insurance, utilities, and the like. A determination of whether a housing unit is affordable can be easily made for assisted public rental housing and other public housing programs because documentation is maintained on both the individual household’s income and the actual cost of the unit in question (typically rental). Income group determinations for income restricted (assisted) housing units shown in the tables of Part 1 were made by the Carlsbad Housing and Neighborhood Services Department. To determine affordable housing expenses for rentals, the practice is to set thresholds for each income group, using the 30% rule, with adjustments for the number of bedrooms (See Table 3). An additional adjustment is also made for utility allowance, as required by HUD. Table 4 provides the resulting maximum market rate rental expenses (which include rent and a utility allowance that increases with household size) for the very low, low, and moderate-income groups for CY 2023. Table 3: Adjustments for the number of bedrooms per unit Number of Bedrooms Persons per bedroom Studio 1 1 bedroom 2 2 bedrooms 3 3 bedrooms 5 4 bedrooms 7 Table 4: CY 2023 qualifying rent and utility expenses by number of bedrooms Income Group Number of bedrooms Studio 1 2 3 4 Very Low $1,206 $1,379 $1,551 $1,861 $2,136 Low $1,930 $2,205 $2,481 $2,978 $3,419 Moderate $2,453 $2,803 $3,154 $3,784 $4,345 Above Moderate >$2,453 >$2,803 >$3,154 >$3,784 >$4,345 Source: “Household Income Limits 2023,” City of Carlsbad (effective May 15, 2023) July 11, 2024 Item #1 Page 62 of 76 With regard to for-sale housing, there is no federal or state required formula to determine the sales price that would be considered affordable. Varying factors impact mortgage amounts, such as interest rates, closing costs and lending programs. The following assumptions are used to estimate sales prices that are considered affordable to the various income groups. Area Median Income (AMI) 2023 Annual Income Affordable Purchase Price (includes PMI) Very Low (30-50%) $41,350 to $68,900 $139,170 to $234,192 Low (50-80%) $68,900 to $110,250 $234,192 to $376,811 Moderate (80-120%) $110,250 to 140,150 $376,811 to $479,939 Above Moderate (above 120%) $140,150 or above $479,939 and above Methodology: • 2023 AMI: $116,800 (ranges above use a four person household size) https://www.carlsbadca.gov/home/showpublisheddocument/14138/638230211751600 000 • Utilized affordability calculator: https://www.calculator.net/house-affordability- calculator.html • Mortgage term: 30-year fixed-rate • Interest: 6.81% (2023 average as reported by Freddie Mac - https://themortgagereports.com/61853/30-year-mortgage-rates-chart) • Down payment: 10% • Property Tax: 1.2% • HOA/Insurance: $300/month • Assumes a 30% housing debt-to-income ratio Other Terms – Definitions for terms used in this appendix as well as Part 1 of the report: • Apartment – A multi-family unit that can be rented but not individually owned. • Assistance Programs/Assisted Units – units receiving financial assistance from the city or other and/or other subsidy sources and have affordability deed restrictions. • Condominium – A detached or attached home that can be purchased on commonly owned property irrespective of the unit category (see below). • Deed Restricted Units – units considered affordable due to local program or policy, such as inclusionary housing ordinance. These units may also be assisted units. • Duplex – Two units on a single lot. Units cannot be individually sold. • Non-deed Restricted Units/Market Rate Units – Units that received no financial assistance from the city and have no affordability restrictions. July 11, 2024 Item #1 Page 63 of 76 • Unit Category – According to HCD’s instructions for Housing Element Progress Reports, unit categories are as follows: o Single Family-Detached Unit (SFD) - a one-unit structure with open space on all four sides. The unit often possesses an attached garage. o Single Family-Attached Unit (SFA) - a one-unit structure attached to another unit by a common wall, commonly referred to as a townhouse, half-plex, or row house. The shared wall or walls extend from the foundation to the roof with adjoining units to form a property line. Each unit has individual heating and plumbing systems. o 2-, 3-, and 4-Plex Units per Structure (2-4) - a structure containing two, three, or four units and not classified as single-unit attached structure. o 5 or More Units per Structure (5+) - a structure containing five or more housing units. o Accessory Dwelling Unit (ADU) - means a unit that is attached, detached or located within the living area of the existing dwelling or residential dwelling unit which provides complete independent living facilities for one or more persons. It shall include permanent provisions for living, sleeping, eating, cooking, and sanitation on the same parcel on which the single-family dwelling is situated pursuant to Government Code section 65852.2. An ADU also includes the following: an efficiency unit, as defined in Section 17958.1 of the Health and Safety Code or a manufactured home, as defined in Section 18007 of the Health and Safety Code. For additional information related to the Regional Housing Needs Assessment, Carlsbad’s Housing Element, and Carlsbad’s Inclusionary Housing Program, please see Informational Bulletin-137: Carlsbad’s Housing (Element) Plan and Informational Bulletin-157: Inclusionary Housing Program, available on the City of Carlsbad’s website (https://www.carlsbadca.gov/departments/community-development/departmental- information-bulletins). July 11, 2024 Item #1 Page 64 of 76 Eric Lardy, City Planner Scott Donnell, Senior Planner Community Development Department July 11, 2024 General Plan and Housing Element Annual Progress Report for Calendar Year 2023 July 11, 2024 Item #1 Page 65 of 76 REPORT CONTENTS •General Plan and Zoning Ordinance Amendments •General Plan Implementation Actions •Customer Service Activities •Housing Element Data Tables ITEM 1: General Plan & Housing Element Annual Progress Report 2023 2July 11, 2024 Item #1 Page 66 of 76 STATE LAW REQUIREMENTS •Consider at a public meeting…where the public can provide oral/written comment •Summarize implementation of the General Plan, progress towards regional housing goals •Submit report by April 1 ITEM 1: General Plan & Housing Element Annual Progress Report 2023 3July 11, 2024 Item #1 Page 67 of 76 2023 ACCOMPLISHMENTS •Increased housing permitting activity •Housing Element Rezone Program and Public Safety Element Update ITEM 1: General Plan & Housing Element Annual Progress Report 2023 4July 11, 2024 Item #1 Page 68 of 76 2023 ACCOMPLISHMENTS •Objective Design Standards for multifamily housing and mixed-use development •Encouraging development of accessory dwelling units (ADUs) 5July 11, 2024 Item #1 Page 69 of 76 REQUIRED FILINGS Filed staff report and Annual Progress Report to: •Governor’s Office of Planning and Research •California Department of Housing and Community Development •SANDAG 6July 11, 2024 Item #1 Page 70 of 76 Eric Lardy, City Planner Scott Donnell, Senior Planner Community Development Department July 11, 2024 General Plan and Housing Element Annual Progress Report for Calendar Year 2023 July 11, 2024 Item #1 Page 71 of 76 BACKUP SLIDES July 11, 2024 Item #1 Page 72 of 76 PURPOSE OF THE REPORT •Provide information to decision makers and the public •Describe progress in meeting housing goals •Allows the state to track statewide trends •Informs future APR guidelines •Meet certain HCD funding requirements ITEM 1: General Plan & Housing Element Annual Progress Report 2023 9July 11, 2024 Item #1 Page 73 of 76 5th Cycle RHNA vs. 6th Cycle RHNA 5th Housing Cycle (2013 - 2021) Income Category Allocation Permits Issued (2013-2021)% Above Moderate 2,332 3,302 142% Moderate 1,062 420 40% Low 693 295 43% Very Low 912 92 10% Total 4,999 6th Housing Cycle (2021 - 2029) Income Category Allocation Permits Issued (2021-2023*)% Above Moderate 1,029 482 47% Moderate 749 268 36% Low 784 167 21% Very Low 1,311 91 7% Total 3,873 10July 11, 2024 Item #1 Page 74 of 76 Cumulative Progress Toward Meeting 6th Cycle RHNA Income level RHNA Annual Rate (8 yrs) Building Permits Issued June 30, 2020 – April 29, 2021 Building Permits Issued April 30, 2021 – Dec. 31 2021 Building Permits Issued 2022 Building Permits Issued 2023 (This Reporting Year) Total Very Low 1,311 163.88 46 1 0 44 91 Low 784 98.00 7 2 0 158 167 Moderate 749 93.63 55 37 82 94 268 Above Moderate 1,029 128.63 86 9 43 344 482 Total 3,873 484.14 194 49 125 640 1,008 ITEM 1: General Plan & Housing Element Annual Progress Report 2023 11July 11, 2024 Item #1 Page 75 of 76 12July 11, 2024 Item #1 Page 76 of 76