HomeMy WebLinkAboutCT 15-07; OCEAN VIEW POINT; UPDATED GEOTECHNICAL EVALUATION; 2022-03-14 UPDATED GEOTECHNICAL Evaluation Oceanview Project South End of Twain Avenue CARLSBAD, SAN DIEGO COUNTY, CALIFORNIA PREPARED FOR Rincon Homes 5315 Avenida Encinas, Suite 200 Carlsbad, California 92008 PREPARED BY GEOTEK, INC. 1384 POINSETTIA AVENUE, SUITE A VISTA, CALIFORNIA 92081 PROJECT NO. 3738-SD MARCH 14, 2022 GEOTEK GEOTECHNICAL | ENVIRONMENTAL | MATERIALS November 2, 2021 Revised March 14, 2022 Project No. 3738-SD Rincon Homes 5315 Avenida Encinas, Suite 200 Carlsbad, California 92008 Attention: Mr. Cameron St. Clair Subject: Updated Geotechnical Evaluation Proposed Oceanview Project Twain Avenue Carlsbad, San Diego County, California Dear Mr. St. Clair: GeoTek, Inc. (GeoTek) is pleased to provide the results of this updated geotechnical evaluation for the subject project. This report presents a revision based on City Review Comments of GeoTek’s recent site visit and review of the project geotechnical documents (Heatherington, 2021) and provides updated preliminary geotechnical recommendations for earthwork, foundation design, and construction. Based upon review, site development appears feasible from a geotechnical viewpoint provided that the recommendations included herein are incorporated into the design and construction phases of site development. The opportunity to be of service is sincerely appreciated. If you should have any questions, please do not hesitate to call GeoTek. Respectfully submitted, GeoTek, Inc. Christopher D. Livesey CEG 2733, Exp. 05/31/23 Associate Vice President Bruce A. Hick GE 2284, Exp. 12/31/22 Geotechnical Engineer Distribution: (1) Addressee GeoTek, Inc. 1384 Poinsettia Avenue, Suite A Vista, CA 92081-8505 (760) 599-0509 Office (760) 599-0593 Fa www.geotekusa.com RINCON HOMES Project No. 3738-SD Updated Geotechnical Evaluation March 14, 2022 Oceanview Project, Carlsbad, California Page i TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. PURPOSE AND SCOPE OF SERVICES ................................................................................................. 1 2. SITE DESCRIPTION AND PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT ............................................................... 1 2.1 Site Description ................................................................................................................................ 1 2.2 Proposed Development ..................................................................................................................... 1 3. FIELD EXPLORATION AND LABORATORY TESTING ................................................................. 2 3.1 Review of Prior Geotechnical Documents ........................................................................................... 2 3.2 Field Exploration ............................................................................................................................... 2 3.3 Laboratory Testing ............................................................................................................................ 3 4. GEOLOGIC AND SOILS CONDITIONS ............................................................................................... 3 4.1 Regional Setting ................................................................................................................................ 3 4.2 EARTH MATERIALS ......................................................................................................................... 4 Quaternary Old Paralic Deposits (Map Symbol Qop) .......................................................................... 4 Tertiary Santiago Formation (Map Symbol Tsa) ................................................................................. 4 4.3 Slope Stability ................................................................................................................................... 5 4.4 SURFACE WATER AND GROUNDWATER ........................................................................................ 5 Surface Water .................................................................................................................................. 5 Groundwater .................................................................................................................................... 5 4.5 EARTHQUAKE HAZARDS ................................................................................................................ 5 Surface Fault Rupture ....................................................................................................................... 5 Liquefaction/Seismic Settlement......................................................................................................... 6 Other Seismic Hazards ..................................................................................................................... 6 5. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS .................................................................................. 6 5.1 General ............................................................................................................................................ 6 5.2 EARTHWORK CONSIDERATIONS ................................................................................................... 6 General ............................................................................................................................................ 6 Site Clearing and Preparation ............................................................................................................ 7 Remedial Grading ............................................................................................................................. 7 Engineered Fill .................................................................................................................................. 7 Slope Construction ............................................................................................................................ 8 Excavation Characteristics ................................................................................................................. 8 Shrinkage and Bulking ...................................................................................................................... 9 Trench Excavations and Backfill ........................................................................................................ 9 5.3 DESIGN RECOMMENDATIONS ....................................................................................................... 9 Stormwater Infiltration ...................................................................................................................... 9 Foundation Design Criteria .............................................................................................................. 11 Under Slab Moisture Membrane ..................................................................................................... 13 Miscellaneous Foundation Recommendations ................................................................................... 14 Foundation Setbacks ....................................................................................................................... 14 Seismic Design Parameters ............................................................................................................. 15 Soil Sulfate Content ........................................................................................................................ 15 General Concrete Flatwork .............................................................................................................. 16 Preliminary Pavement Design .......................................................................................................... 16 5.4 RETAINING WALL DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION ........................................................................ 17 General Design Criteria ................................................................................................................... 17 Restrained Retaining Walls ............................................................................................................. 17 4.2.l 4.2.2 4.4.I 4.4..1 4.5.I 4.5,2 4,5.3 5.2.i 5.2.2 5.23 5 . .2.4 S.2.5 5.2.6 5.2.7 5..2,8 5.3.! 5.3.2 5.3.3 .S.3.4 .Ll.5 53.6 53.7 5.3.B S.3.9 5.4.l 5.4.2 GEOTEK RINCON HOMES Project No. 3738-SD Updated Geotechnical Evaluation March 14, 2022 Oceanview Project, Carlsbad, California Page ii TABLE OF CONTENTS Seismic Earth Pressures on Retaining Walls ..................................................................................... 18 Wall Backfill and Drainage ............................................................................................................. 18 5.5 POST CONSTRUCTION CONSIDERATIONS ................................................................................... 19 Landscape Maintenance and Planting .............................................................................................. 19 Drainage ........................................................................................................................................ 20 5.6 PLAN REVIEW AND CONSTRUCTION OBSERVATIONS ................................................................. 20 6. LIMITATIONS ............................................................................................................................................ 21 7. SELECTED REFERENCES ....................................................................................................................... 22 ENCLOSURES Figure 1 – Site Location Map Figure 2 – Geotechnical Map Figure 3-6 – Geotechnical Cross Sections AA, BB, & CC Appendix A – Exploratory Boring Logs (GeoTek, Inc.) Appendix B – Exploratory Boring Logs (CWE) Appendix C – Results of Laboratory Testing Appendix D – Hydrological Classification Appendix E – Slope Stability Outputs Appendix F – General Earthwork Grading Guidelines 5A,3 5.4.4 GEOTEK RINCON HOMES Project No. 3738-SD Updated Geotechnical Evaluation March 14, 2022 Oceanview Project, Carlsbad, California Page 1 1. PURPOSE AND SCOPE OF SERVICES The purpose of this study was to evaluate the geotechnical conditions of the proposed site improvements. Services provided for this study included the following:  Research and review of available geologic and geotechnical data, and general information pertinent to the site.  Performing a site visit and the excavation of six (6) exploratory borings onsite.  Review and evaluation of site seismicity, and  Compilation of this geotechnical report which presents GeoTek’s findings of pertinent site geotechnical conditions and geotechnical recommendations for site development. 2. SITE DESCRIPTION AND PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT 2.1 Site Description The property is located south of the southern cul-de-sac of Twain Avenue, in the City of Carlsbad, California. The property is currently unimproved land and consists of an irregularly shaped parcel that comprises approximately 16.5 acres. However, of that area, approximately 5 acres is proposed to be improved and referenced herein as the “site.” Topography of the site generally consists of a hillside setting with slopes descending to the east, south and west. An existing residential development to the north ascends westerly to the site with the knoll of the hill located in the northern portion of the site. Topographic elevations range from approximately 325 feet in the north to 272 feet in the south-southwest. Estimated gradients of the slopes range from 2:1 (horizontal:vertical) to 3:1, however flatter and more steep gradients probably exist. A Site Location Map is presented as Figure 1. 2.2 Proposed Development In 2018, the site was previously evaluated by Christian Wheeler Engineering (CWE) based on a proposed five lot subdivision. Based on updated design plans prepared by Pasco, Laret, and Suiter (PLSA), a thirteen lot subdivision is now proposed. The project is proposed to be developed with one to two story, wood framed and stucco finished, slab-on-grade, single-family GEOTEK RINCON HOMES Project No. 3738-SD Updated Geotechnical Evaluation March 14, 2022 Oceanview Project, Carlsbad, California Page 2 style residential homes. For the purposes of this report, it is assumed maximum column and wall loads of about 50 kips and 2.5 kips per foot, respectively. If actual loads are known to exceed these assumptions, GeoTek should be notified to determine if modifications to the recommendations presented in this report are warranted. Additional improvements include but are not limited to a stormwater quality basin, an interior street (extension of Twain Avenue), backbone underground utilities, concrete flatwork, and landscaping. As site planning progresses and additional or revised plans become available, they should be provided to GeoTek for review and comment. If plans vary significantly, additional geotechnical field exploration, laboratory testing, and engineering analyses may be necessary to provide specific earthwork recommendations and geotechnical design parameters for actual site development plans. 3. FIELD EXPLORATION AND LABORATORY TESTING 3.1 Review of Prior Geotechnical Documents To aid in the preparation of this report, GeoTek was provided with a previous geotechnical report prepared by Christian Wheeler Engineering (CWE, 2018). Select data from this report are referenced throughout this update report. 3.2 Field Exploration Geotek performed a site visit to evaluate the current site conditions and compare the conditions of those presented by CWE. This site visit was performed on September 28, 2021 and included traversing the site improvement area and recording surficial observations. Outcroppings of Old Paralic deposits were observed in the northern portion of the site and weathered claystone of the Santiago formation was observed in the southern (lower topographic elevations) portion of the site. Six (6) exploratory manual augers were performed to evaluate the thickness of soil profiles presented by CWE. The approximate locations are presented on Figure 2. The manual augers were chosen, as the tool is operated directly by manual labor (not powered by a motor which would provide a force multiplier). The intent was to review the soil profile thickness, as the manual augur does not have the ability to readily advance into bedrock. A geologist from GeoTek visually logged the boring excavations. Approximate locations of exploration locations are presented on the Geotechnical Map, Figure 2. A description of materials encountered in the borings are presented on test pit logs in Appendix A. GEOTEK RINCON HOMES Project No. 3738-SD Updated Geotechnical Evaluation March 14, 2022 Oceanview Project, Carlsbad, California Page 3 3.3 Laboratory Testing Laboratory testing was performed by CWE on bulk soil samples collected during their field explorations. A summary of results of the laboratory testing program are included in Appendix C. Lab testing identified in CWE’s report did not identify test methods. However, in their report they make a professional statement: “In the performance of our professional services, we comply with that level of care and skill ordinarily exercised by members of our profession currently practicing under similar conditions and in the same locality.” Heatherington 2018) Based on this statement and that the report is signed by a professional engineer and engineering geologist. The level of care is to perform laboratory testing in accordance to ASTM procedures and GeoTek considers the tests to be performed by ASTM procedures. Three samples from the manual auger explorations, were delivered to GeoTek’s subconsultant to evaluate soluble sulfate content of the on site materials. Results are presented in Appendix C. Please note the sampling nomenclature was unintendedly changed from the boring location to the sample identification number, thus SB-1 is the same as boring location HA-1 and SB-2 is the same boring location as HA-2. 4. GEOLOGIC AND SOILS CONDITIONS 4.1 Regional Setting The subject property is located in the Peninsular Ranges geomorphic province. The Peninsular Ranges province is one of the largest geomorphic units in western North America. Basically, it extends roughly 975 miles from the north and northeasterly adjacent the Transverse Ranges geomorphic province to the peninsula of Baja California. This province varies in width from about 30 to 100 miles. It is bounded on the west by the Pacific Ocean, on the south by the Gulf of California and on the east by the Colorado Desert Province. The Peninsular Ranges are essentially a series of northwest-southeast oriented fault blocks. Several major fault zones are found in this province. The Elsinore Fault zone and the San Jacinto Fault zones trend northwest-southeast and are found in the near the middle of the province. The San Andreas Fault zone borders the northeasterly margin of the province. The Newport- Inglewood-Rose Canyon Fault zone meanders the southwest margin of the province. No faults are shown in the immediate site vicinity on the map reviewed for the area. GEOTEK RINCON HOMES Project No. 3738-SD Updated Geotechnical Evaluation March 14, 2022 Oceanview Project, Carlsbad, California Page 4 4.2 EARTH MATERIALS A brief description of the earth materials encountered during the current subsurface exploration is presented in the following sections. CWE noted that the site was mantled by Topsoil in the upper 12 inches overlying a subsoil between 12 and 24 inches. There was also noted to be localized slopewash deposits. All near surface soils and slopewash was underlain by Terrace Deposits (Old Paralic Deposits) and at depth, Santiago Formation. However, based on the site visit and evaluation, the site exposes weathered Old Paralic Deposits and Santiago Formation at the surface. The slopewash noted by CWE was not observed, however, the slopewash noted is in actuality a clay cap from the weathered Santiago Formation, which was observed to be dark brown. This lithographic interpretation is also based on CWE’s test pit logs that note Santiago Formation underlying the slopewash. Based on review of published geologic maps, GeoTek’s site visit and interpretation of CWE’s geotechnical logs, the subject site is locally underlain by Old Paralic Deposits (Qop) and Santiago Formation (Tsa). Quaternary Old Paralic Deposits (Map Symbol Qop) Old Paralic Deposits were observed on site in all borings with exception to HA-3. CWE also noted Old Paralic Deposits in explorations TP-1, TP-3, TP-4 and TP-8 and TP-9. GeoTek’s explorations consisted of weathered silty sands, light brown, damp and loose. Deeper explorations by CWE noted clayey sand(stone) that was medium brown, fine to coarse grained, and medium dense to dense. Old Paralic Deposits were found and interpreted to be at the surface and to depths explored of 8 feet. In test pit TP-9, the Old Paralic Deposits were found to be 3.5 feet and overlying the Santiago Formation. Tertiary Santiago Formation (Map Symbol Tsa) The Santiago Formation was observed on site and in boring HA-3. CWE also noted Santiago Formation in explorations TP-2, TP-5, TP-6 and TP-7. As encountered in GeoTek’s exploration, HA-3, the weathered Santiago Formation consisted of dark brown, firm, clayey sand. Deeper exploration by CWE noted the Santiago Formation was dense, light brown to light olive brown, sandy clay. It should be noted that the upper weathered zone of the Santiago Formation was noted to be dark brown sandy clay. The Santiago Formation were found and interpreted to be at the surface and to depths explored of 15 feet. Geologic structure was not noted in the test pits. Based on the regional geologic map the Santiago Formation is striking approximately north 5-10* to the east, dipping 5* to the west. 4.2.1 4.2.2 GEOTEK RINCON HOMES Project No. 3738-SD Updated Geotechnical Evaluation March 14, 2022 Oceanview Project, Carlsbad, California Page 5 4.3 Slope Stability The proposed slopes were analyzed for gross stability along three sections AA’, BB’ and CC’. The global stability of the temporary backcut for Section CC’ was also analyzed. The surficial slope stability was analyzed for a typical fill slope gradient. Shear strengths were based on engineering judgement and nearby projects within the Santiago Formation. Along section CC’, an offsite, 2-story residence is present. To address offsite improvements, a strip load of 2,500 psf per linear foot was applied to the perimeter footing. Notes of geologic structure in CWE’s test pit logs were absent. The regional geologic map indicates a dip of 5 degrees, which is considered to be relatively flat. Based on the absent of geologic structure, the analysis was performed utilizing isotropic function. The results of the stability analyses indicated factors of safety for a static condition to be 1.5 or greater and for a pseudo-static condition to be 1.1 or greater. For the temporary slope construction, stability indicated a factor of safety greater than 1.25. Outputs summarizing the analysis are presented in Appendix E of this report. 4.4 SURFACE WATER AND GROUNDWATER Surface Water Surface water was not observed during the recent site exploration. If encountered during earthwork construction, surface water on this site is likely the result of precipitation. Overall site area drainage crowns away from the topographic knoll in the north. Provisions for surface drainage will need to be accounted for by the project civil engineer. Groundwater A static groundwater table was not encountered during exploration of the subject site. Based on the anticipated depth of removals, groundwater is not anticipated to be a factor in site development. Localized perched groundwater may be present but is also not anticipated to be a factor in site development. 4.5 EARTHQUAKE HAZARDS Surface Fault Rupture The geologic structure of the entire southern California area is dominated mainly by northwest- trending faults associated with the San Andreas system. The site is in a seismically active region. No active or potentially active fault is known to exist at this site nor is the site situated within an “Alquist-Priolo” Earthquake Fault Zone or a Special Studies Zone (Bryant and Hart, 2007). No faults transecting the site were identified on the readily available geologic maps reviewed. The nearest known active fault is the Newport Inglewood-Rose Canyon fault located about 17 miles to the southwest of the site. 4.4.1 4.4.2 4.5.1 GEOTEK RINCON HOMES Project No. 3738-SD Updated Geotechnical Evaluation March 14, 2022 Oceanview Project, Carlsbad, California Page 6 Liquefaction/Seismic Settlement Liquefaction describes a phenomenon in which cyclic stresses, produced by earthquake-induced ground motion, create excess pore pressures in relatively cohesionless soils. These soils may thereby acquire a high degree of mobility, which can lead to lateral movement, sliding, consolidation and settlement of loose sediments, sand boils and other damaging deformations. This phenomenon occurs only below the water table, but, after liquefaction has developed, the effects can propagate upward into overlying non-saturated soil as excess pore water dissipates. The factors known to influence liquefaction potential include soil type and grain size, relative density, groundwater level, confining pressures, and both intensity and duration of ground shaking. In general, materials that are susceptible to liquefaction are loose, saturated granular soils having low fines content under low confining pressures. The liquefaction potential and seismic settlement potential on this site is considered negligible due to the presence of shallow sedimentary bedrock (Qop and Tsa) and lack of groundwater. Other Seismic Hazards Landslides were not mapped to underly the site. In addition, no adverse geologic structure was observed during the site visit or the test pit logs presented by CWE. The potential for landslide instability is considered to be low. The potential for secondary seismic hazards such as seiche and tsunami is remote due to site elevation and distance from an open body of water. 5. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 5.1 General Development of the site appears feasible from a geotechnical viewpoint provided that the following recommendations are incorporated in the design and construction phases of the development. Offsite improvements were evaluated and the proposed improvements are not anticipated to adversely affect offsite existing improvements. The following sections present general recommendations for currently anticipated site development. 5.2 EARTHWORK CONSIDERATIONS General Earthwork and grading should be performed in accordance with the applicable grading ordinances of the City of Carlsbad, the 2019 (or current) California Building Code (CBC), and recommendations contained in this report. The Grading Guidelines included in Appendix F 4.5.2 4.5.3 5.2.1 GEOTEK RINCON HOMES Project No. 3738-SD Updated Geotechnical Evaluation March 14, 2022 Oceanview Project, Carlsbad, California Page 7 outline general procedures and do not anticipate all site-specific situations. In the event of conflict, the recommendations presented in the text of this report should supersede those contained in Appendix F. Site Clearing and Preparation Site preparation should start with removal of deleterious vegetation. These materials should be disposed of properly off site. Remedial Grading Prior to placement of fill materials and in all structural areas the upper variable, potentially compressible materials should be removed and replaced with engineered fill. Removals include weathered Old Paralic Deposits (Qop) and Santiago Formation (also noted in the CWE report as topsoil, subsoil, slopewash, and Terrace Deposits). Based on the weathering profile of CWE’s logs, the upper three feet of earth material will need to be reprocessed. Locally deeper areas not explicitly explored may exist. The lateral extent of removals should extend to the limits of grading. Competent materials will be determined upon remedial grading and shall consist of Old Paralic Deposits or Santiago Formational material that is visually non-porous, firm to a soil probe, and firm (non-pumping) to a CAT 924 Wheel Loader (fully loaded bucket) or equivalent. The bottom of the removals should be observed by a GeoTek representative prior to processing the bottom for receiving placement of compacted fills. Based on evaluation, site grading is anticipated to result in a cut/fill transition underlying proposed building pads. Whenever a cut/fill slope transition occurs, the cut portion of the pad should be overexcavated a minimum of three feet and replaced with engineered fill. For Lots 7 through 10, the cut portion should be overexcavated a minimum of 5 feet, due to deeper fills required to be placed in these lots to bring existing grades up to proposed grades. In pavement areas, removals should extend at least two feet below finish grade, or one foot below finished subgrade, whichever is lower. Prior to fill placement, the bottom of all removals should be scarified to a minimum depth of six (6) inches, brought to slightly above optimum moisture content, and then compacted to at least 90% of the soil’s maximum dry density as determined by ASTM D1557 test procedures. The resultant voids from remedial grading/over-excavation should be filled with materials placed in general accordance with Section 5.2.4 Engineered Fill of this report. Engineered Fill Onsite materials are generally considered suitable for reuse as engineered fill provided they are free from vegetation, roots, debris, and rock/concrete or hard lumps greater than six (6) inches in maximum dimension. The earthwork contractor should have the proposed excavated 5"2.2 5.2.3 5.2.4 GEOTEK RINCON HOMES Project No. 3738-SD Updated Geotechnical Evaluation March 14, 2022 Oceanview Project, Carlsbad, California Page 8 materials to be used as engineered fill at this project approved by the soils engineer prior to placement. Engineered fill materials should be moisture conditioned to at or above optimum moisture content and compacted in horizontal lifts not exceeding 8 inch in loose thickness to a minimum relative compaction of 90% as determined by ASTM D1557 test procedures. If fill is being placed on slopes steeper than 5:1 (horizontal : vertical), the fill should be properly benched into the existing slopes and a sufficient size keyway shall be constructed in accordance with grading guidelines presented in Appendix C. Slope Construction An engineering geologist should observe all cut slopes. Cut slopes should expose competent bedrock. If adverse structure or incompetent materials are exposed and identified in the cut slopes, stabilization fills may be recommended. Where fill is to be placed against sloping ground with gradients of 5:1 (h:v) or steeper, the sloping ground surface should be benched to remove loose and disturbed surface soil and bedrock and to assure that the new fill is placed in direct contact with competent bedrock, and to provide horizontal surfaces for fill placement. A keyway should be constructed at the toe of the fill slope areas into dense natural material and in accordance with Plate G-3, Appendix D. The base of the keyways and benches should be sloped back into the hillside at a gradient of at least two percent. The base of the benches should be evaluated by a representative of GeoTek prior to processing. Upon approval, the exposed materials should be moistened to at least the optimum moisture content and densified to a relative compaction of at least 90 percent (ASTM D1557). Details showing slope construction are presented in Appendix D. Fill slopes should be overfilled during construction and then cut back to expose fully compacted soil. A suitable alternative would be to compact the slopes during construction and then roll the final slope to provide a dense, erosion resistant surface. Backdrains should be installed in the keyways in accordance with the recommendations outlined in Appendix F. Excavation Characteristics Excavations in the onsite materials can generally be accomplished with heavy-duty earthmoving or excavating equipment in good operating condition. 5.2.5 5.2.6 GEOTEK RINCON HOMES Project No. 3738-SD Updated Geotechnical Evaluation March 14, 2022 Oceanview Project, Carlsbad, California Page 9 Shrinkage and Bulking Several factors will impact earthwork balancing on the site, including bedrock bulking, undocumented fill and colluvium shrinkage, trench spoil from utilities and footing excavations, as well as the accuracy of topography. Shrinkage and bulking are largely dependent upon the degree of compactive effort achieved during construction. Shrinkage of 5 percent may be applied to the upper 1 to 2 feet of the existing surface. A bulking of 5 percent may be applied to material excavated in the upper 2 to 7 feet and 10 percent for material deeper than 7 feet below existing grades. Subsidence should not be a factor on the subject site if removals are completed as recommended. Trench Excavations and Backfill Temporary excavations within the onsite materials should be stable at 1:1 inclinations for short durations during construction, and where cuts do not exceed 10 feet in height. Temporary cuts to a maximum height of 4 feet can be excavated vertically. Trench excavations should conform to Cal-OSHA regulations. The contractor should have a competent person, per OSHA requirements, on site during construction to observe conditions and to make the appropriate recommendations. Utility trench backfill should be compacted to at least 90% relative compaction of the maximum dry density as determined by ASTM D1557 test procedures. Under-slab trenches should also be compacted to project specifications. Onsite materials may not be suitable for use as bedding material but should be suitable as backfill provided particles larger than 6± inches are removed. Compaction should be achieved with a mechanical compaction device. Ponding or jetting of trench backfill is not recommended. If backfill soils have dried out, they should be thoroughly moisture conditioned prior to placement in trenches. 5.3 DESIGN RECOMMENDATIONS Stormwater Infiltration Many factors control infiltration of surface waters into the subsurface, such as consistency of native soils and bedrock, geologic structure, fill consistency, material density differences, and existing groundwater conditions. Current site plans indicate one, centrally located, proposed stormwater quality basin which is shown on Figure 2. 5.2.7 5.2.8 5.3.1 GEOTEK RINCON HOMES Project No. 3738-SD Updated Geotechnical Evaluation March 14, 2022 Oceanview Project, Carlsbad, California Page 10 A review of the site conditions and proposed development was performed in general accordance to the City of Carlsbad BMP design manual. The scope of stormwater evaluation was performed to identify infiltration characteristics. A review of the site based on the USDA NRCS indicated the site was classified as a hydrological Group B. Based on the site specific evaluation, a professional opinion was concluded that the site is a hydrological Group D. A copy of this letter is provided in Appendix D. As required by the City of Carlsbad BMP design manual, the following bullet points describe required considerations and some optional considerations. 5.3.1a. Based on a review of www.geotracker.com, environmental impacted sites are not reported within 100 feet of the site. 5.3.1b. Based on a review of Geotracker.com and a reconnaissance of the properties surrounding the site, which were found to be residential, there was not an industrial active building that may pose a lack of source control within 100 feet of the site. 5.3.1c. Based on the surrounding existing development and the understanding that the proposed project will be supported by a municipal sanitation system, the BMP is not located within 50 feet of septic tanks or leach fields. 5.3.1d. Based on a review of the proposed improvements, the BMP is designed within 10 feet of structural retaining walls. 5.3.1e. Based on a review of the proposed improvements, the BMP is designed within 10 feet of sewer utilities. 5.3.1f. Based on a review of the geologic information for the site and the site specific evaluation that identified shallow dense bedrock within two feet of the surface. Also, the proposed BMP is designed within a cut portion of the project that will expose dense bedrock. Infiltration of surface waters will develop a shallow perched groundwater condition within 10 feet of the BMP. 5.3.1g. Based on a review of the topography of the site, hydric soils are not prone to exist. However, based on the shallow bedrock of the site and in low gradient proposed areas, hydric soils have the potential to develop due to infiltration of surface waters. 5.3.1h. Based on the shallow bedrock, hazards due to liquefiable soils is considered to be low. 5.3.1i. Based on the proposed design, the BMP is located within 1.5 times the height of an adjacent steep slope. 5.3.1j. Based on the site specific study and conclusion, the site is within a predominantly type D soil. GEOTEK RINCON HOMES Project No. 3738-SD Updated Geotechnical Evaluation March 14, 2022 Oceanview Project, Carlsbad, California Page 11 In addition to the above considerations, concentrated infiltration of surface waters in a hillside development is prone to destabilize earthen improvements. Therefore, based on outline numbers 5.3.1d, e, f, I and j, the DMA’s for the site are classified as restricted for infiltration. As the DMAs are considered to be restricted design infiltration rates are not considered necessary. Based on the restricted category of the DMA, the proposed basin should be designed for filtration and all sides, including the bottom, should be designed with an impermeable liner to mitigate the potential for groundwater to develop and impact the proposed design improvements. Foundation Design Criteria Preliminary foundation design criteria, in general conformance with the 2019 CBC, are presented herein. These are typical design criteria and are not intended to supersede the design by the structural engineer. Table D.1-1: Considctaii:ons io~ G~oi:cdm.ical Analysis of Infiltration lilc,gtrictions oma:: o~ntrol No No No itbl□ IO' of Srructurc~/'Tanks/Wa& Yes Yes No No l>I~ Soil.5 :ind has CQrulc:ctiviily to iru.ctw:-cs No ilhi.n 1.-5 Times the Hcigb;t of AdjnQi::□t ti:ep Sk,,pe& {::::25¾} Yes id'.liin Pttdomi.oa.nd 'Ifpc I) oil Yes ng o, Ptupo~ed) BMP ill wilhi'fl 1ff t;,( n,forgrn!loo U tilities Yes DMT> ~ wimi:□ 250' of phcmc:ruJ Stream Otnu (Provide dcrn.lkd georeclmkal support) H:t~ on..cr.unln:1cion of chc: b~t •. wil:ihk: 1n6 tm:uion, □ I hi v not idi!ntilied an.y reauioot1n11. !ilnr,· lffl!Slticted 'llilnbl.r.: inf" r1r111ti in, Ill I have ldentiffed <)fie or-mQN mn;lcHg11obu,•i:e, Be meted fandno111 Corisiclemtions :irncl Opti nal Consklemtlons. Millnclt\to 5.3.2 GEOTEK RINCON HOMES Project No. 3738-SD Updated Geotechnical Evaluation March 14, 2022 Oceanview Project, Carlsbad, California Page 12 Based on visual classification of materials encountered the overall consistency of the material anticipated to be placed near finish grades are anticipated to exhibit a “low” (21 ≤ EI ≤ 49) expansion index potential per ASTM D4829. It should be noted that expansion index testing results by CWE indicated “medium” expansion index material is present on site and is consistent with claystone of the Santiago Formation, however, material having a “very low” to “low” expansion index potential is anticipated to be excavated from the northern portion of the site and placed as fills in the areas where Santiago Formational material is mapped. Additional laboratory testing should be performed upon completion of site grading to verify the expansion potential and plasticity index of the subgrade soils. *Code minimums per Table 1809.7 of the 2019 CBC should be complied with. **Effective Plasticity Index should be verified at the completion of the rough grading. It should be noted that the above recommendations are based on soil support characteristics only. The structural engineer should design the slab and beam reinforcement based on actual loading conditions. The following recommendations should be implemented into the design:  An allowable bearing capacity of 2,500 pounds per square foot (psf) may be considered for design of continuous and perimeter footings that meet the depth and width requirements in the table above. This value may be increased by 250 psf for each additional 12 inches in depth and 250 psf for each additional 12 inches in width DESIGN PARAMETERS FOR CONVENTIONAL REINFORCED SHALLOW FOUNDATIONS Design Parameter “Low” Expansion Potential (21≤EI≤50) “Medium” Expansion Potential (50≤EI≤89) Foundation Embedment Depth or Minimum Perimeter Beam Depth (inches below lowest adjacent finished grade) 18 inches 24 inches Minimum Foundation Width for continuous / perimeter footings* 15 Inches 15 Inches Minimum Foundation Width for isolated / column footings* 24 – Inches (Square) 24 – Inches (Square) Minimum Slab Thickness (actual) 4 Inches 5 Inches Minimum Slab Reinforcing No. 3 rebar at 18” on-center, each way, placed in the middle one-third of the slab thickness No. 4 rebar at 18” on-center, each way, placed in the middle one-third of the slab thickness Minimum Footing Reinforcement Two (2) No. 4 reinforcing bars, One (1) top and one (1) bottom Four (4) No. 4 reinforcing bars, Two (2) top and two (2) bottom Effective Plasticity Index** <18 19<PI<25 Presaturation of Subgrade Soil (percent of optimum moisture content) Minimum 110% to a depth of 12 inches Minimum 120% to a depth of 18 inches GEOTEK RINCON HOMES Project No. 3738-SD Updated Geotechnical Evaluation March 14, 2022 Oceanview Project, Carlsbad, California Page 13 to a maximum value of 4,000 psf. Additionally, an increase of one-third may be applied when considering short-term live loads (e.g., seismic and wind loads).  Based on experience in the area, structural foundations may be designed in accordance with 2019 CBC, and to withstand a total settlement of 1 inch and maximum differential settlement of one-half of the total settlement over a horizontal distance of 40 feet. Due to site geologic conditions, seismically induced settlement is considered to be minimal.  The passive earth pressure may preliminarily be computed as an equivalent fluid having a density of 250 psf per foot of depth, to a maximum earth pressure of 2,500 psf for footings founded on engineered fill. A coefficient of friction between soil and concrete of 0.30 may be used with dead load forces. passive pressure and frictional resistance can be combined without reduction.  A grade beam should be utilized across large entrances. The bottom of the grade beam should be at the same elevation as the bottom of the adjoining footings. Under Slab Moisture Membrane A moisture and vapor retarding system should be placed below slabs-on-grade where moisture migration through the slab is undesirable. Guidelines for these are provided in the 2019 California Green Building Standards Code (CALGreen) Section 4.505.2 and the 2019 CBC Section 1907.1 It should be realized that the effectiveness of the vapor retarding membrane can be adversely impacted as a result of construction related punctures (e.g., stake penetrations, tears, punctures from walking on the vapor retarder placed atop the underlying aggregate layer, etc.). These occurrences should be limited as much as possible during construction. Thicker membranes are generally more resistant to accidental puncture that thinner ones. Products specifically designed for use as moisture/vapor retarders may also be more puncture resistant. Although the CBC specifies a 6-mil vapor retarder membrane, it is GeoTek’s opinion that a minimum 10 mil membrane with joints properly overlapped and sealed should be considered, unless otherwise specified by the slab design professional. Moisture and vapor retarding systems are intended to provide a certain level of resistance to vapor and moisture transmission through the concrete, but do not eliminate it. The acceptable level of moisture transmission through the slab is to a large extent based on the type of flooring used and environmental conditions. Ultimately, the vapor retarding system should be comprised of suitable elements to limit migration of water and reduce transmission of water vapor through 5.3.3 GEOTEK RINCON HOMES Project No. 3738-SD Updated Geotechnical Evaluation March 14, 2022 Oceanview Project, Carlsbad, California Page 14 the slab to acceptable levels. The selected elements should have suitable properties (i.e., thickness, composition, strength and permeability) to achieve the desired performance level. Moisture retarders can reduce, but not eliminate, moisture vapor rise from the underlying soils up through the slab. Moisture retarder systems should be designed and constructed in accordance with applicable American Concrete Institute, Portland Cement Association, Post- Tensioning Concrete Institute, ASTM and California Building Code requirements and guidelines. GeoTek does not practice in the field of moisture vapor transmission evaluation/migration since that practice is not a geotechnical discipline. Therefore, it is recommended that a qualified person, such as the flooring contractor, structural engineer, architect, and/or other experts specializing in moisture control within the building be consulted to evaluate the general and specific moisture and vapor transmission paths and associated potential impact on the proposed construction. That person (or persons) should provide recommendations relative to the slab moisture and vapor retarder systems and for migration of potential adverse impact of moisture vapor transmission on various components of the structures, as deemed appropriate. In addition, the recommendations in this report and GeoTek’s services in general are not intended to address mold prevention; since GeoTek, along with geotechnical consultants in general, do not practice in the area of mold prevention. If specific recommendations addressing potential mold issues are desired, then a professional mold prevention consultant should be contacted. Miscellaneous Foundation Recommendations  To reduce moisture penetration beneath the slab on grade areas, utility trenches should be backfilled with engineered fill, lean concrete or concrete slurry where they intercept the perimeter footing or thickened slab edge.  Spoils from the footing excavations should not be placed in the slab-on-grade areas unless properly moisture-conditioned, compacted and tested. The excavations should be free of loose/sloughed materials and be neatly trimmed at the time of concrete placement. Foundation Setbacks Where applicable, the following setbacks should apply to all foundations. Any improvements not conforming to these setbacks may be subject to lateral movements and/or differential settlements:  The outside bottom edge of all footings should be set back a minimum of H/3 (where H is the slope height) from the face of any descending slope. The setback should be at least 7 feet and need not exceed 40 feet (CBC, 2019). 5.3.4 5.3.5 GEOTEK RINCON HOMES Project No. 3738-SD Updated Geotechnical Evaluation March 14, 2022 Oceanview Project, Carlsbad, California Page 15  The bottom of all footings for structures near retaining walls should be deepened so as to extend below a 1:1 projection upward from the bottom inside edge of the wall stem. This applies to the existing retaining walls along the perimeter if they are to remain.  The bottom of any existing foundations for structures should be deepened so as to extend below a 1:1 projection upward from the bottom of the nearest excavation. Seismic Design Parameters The site is located at approximately 33.1385 degrees Latitude and -117.2985 degrees Longitude. Site spectral accelerations (Sa and S1) for 0.2 and 1.0 second periods, for a Class “C” site, were determined from the SEAOC/OSHPD web interface that utilizes the USGS web services and retrieves the seismic design data and presents that information in a report format. The results, based on the 2019 CBC, are presented in the following table. SITE SEISMIC PARAMETERS Mapped 0.2 sec Period Spectral Acceleration, Ss 0.994g Mapped 1.0 sec Period Spectral Acceleration, S1 0.363g Site Coefficient for Site Class “C”, Fa 1.2 Site Coefficient for Site Class “C”, Fv 1.5 Maximum Considered Earthquake (MCER) Spectral Response Acceleration for 0.2 Second, SMS 1.193g Maximum Considered Earthquake (MCER) Spectral Response Acceleration for 1.0 Second, SM1 0.544 5% Damped Design Spectral Response Acceleration Parameter at 0.2 Second, SDS 0.796g 5% Damped Design Spectral Response Acceleration Parameter at 1 second, SD1 0.363 Site Modified Peak Ground Acceleration (PGAM) 0.522g Seismic Design Category D Soil Sulfate Content Three water soluble sulfate content tests should be performed one within the Old Paralics SB-1, one within the Santiago Formation SB-2, and a composite sample of SB-1 and SB-2. Please note the sampling nomenclature was unintendedly changed from the boring location to the sample identification number, thus SB-1 is the same as boring location HA-1 and SB-2 is the same boring location as HA-2. Based on the test results and ACI 318, no special recommendations for concrete on this project are required for this project due to soil sulfate exposure. Upon reaching design grades, soil sampling of the near surface materials should be performed and samples tested to confirm this assumption. 5.3.6 5.3.7 GEOTEK RINCON HOMES Project No. 3738-SD Updated Geotechnical Evaluation March 14, 2022 Oceanview Project, Carlsbad, California Page 16 General Concrete Flatwork Exterior concrete slabs, sidewalks and driveways should be designed using a four-inch minimum thickness with 6” x 6” – W1.4/W1.4 welded wire fabric, placed in the middle of slab. It is recommended that control joints be placed in two directions spaced the numeric equivalent roughly 24 times the thickness of the slab in inches (e.g., a 4-inch slab would have control joints at 96 inch [8 feet] centers). These joints are a widely accepted means to control cracks and should be reviewed by the project structural engineer. Some shrinkage and cracking of the concrete should be anticipated as a result of typical mix designs and curing practices typically utilized in construction. Presaturation of flatwork subgrade should be verified to be a minimum of 110% of the soils optimum moisture to a depth of 12 inches for soils having a “low” expansive index potential. Subgrade having a “medium” expansion index potential should be verified to be moisture conditioned to a minimum of 120% of the soils optimum moisture at a depth of 18 inches below subgrade. Preliminary Pavement Design Traffic indices have not been provided during this stage of site planning. In addition, site conditions have not been graded to a final design to evaluate specific pavement subgrade conditions. Therefore, the minimum structural sections provided below are based on a preliminary assumption of an R-Value of 25 and the assumed traffic indices. PRELIMINARY ASPHALT PAVEMENT STRUCTURAL SECTION Design Criteria Asphaltic Concrete (AC) Thickness (inches) Aggregate Base (AB) Thickness (inches) Twain Avenue Extension 4.0 6.0 Actual structural pavement design is to be determined by the geotechnical engineer’s testing (R- Value) of the exposed subgrade. Thus, the actual R-Value of the subgrade soils can only be determined at the completion of grading for street subgrades and the above values are subject to change based laboratory testing of the as-graded soils near subgrade elevations. Asphalt concrete and aggregate base should conform to current Caltrans Standard Specifications Section 39 and 26-1.02, respectively. As an alternative, asphalt concrete can conform to Section 203-6 of the current Standard Specifications for Public Work (Green Book). Crushed aggregate base or crushed miscellaneous base can conform to Section 200-2.2 and 200-2.4 of the Green 5.3.8 5.3.9 GEOTEK RINCON HOMES Project No. 3738-SD Updated Geotechnical Evaluation March 14, 2022 Oceanview Project, Carlsbad, California Page 17 Book, respectively. Pavement base should be compacted to at least 95 percent of the ASTM D1557 laboratory maximum dry density as determined by ASTM D 1557 test procedures All pavement installation, including preparation and compaction of subgrade, compaction of base material, placement and rolling of asphaltic concrete, should be done in accordance with the City of Carlsbad specifications, and under the observation and testing of GeoTek and a City Inspector where required. Jurisdictional minimum compaction requirements in excess of the aforementioned minimums may govern. 5.4 RETAINING WALL DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION General Design Criteria Retaining wall foundations embedded a minimum of 18 inches into engineered fill materials should be designed using an allowable bearing capacity of 2,500 psf. This value may be increased by 250 psf for each additional 12 inches in depth and 250 psf for each additional 12 inches in width to a maximum value of 4,000 psf. An increase of one-third may be applied when considering short- term live loads (e.g., seismic and wind loads). The passive earth pressure may be computed as an equivalent fluid having a density of 250 psf per foot of depth, to a maximum earth pressure of 2,000 psf. A coefficient of friction between soil and concrete of 0.30 may be used with dead load forces. Passive pressure and frictional resistance can be combined without reduction. An equivalent fluid pressure approach may be used to compute the horizontal active pressure against the wall. The appropriate fluid unit weights are given in the table below for specific slope gradients of retained materials utilizing imported select materials. Surface Slope of Retained Materials (H:V) Equivalent Fluid Pressure (PCF) Select Backfill* Level 35 2:1 50 *Select backfill should consist of imported sand other approved materials with an SE>30 and an EI<20 and should be provided throughout the active zone. The above equivalent fluid weights do not include other superimposed loading conditions such as expansive soil, vehicular traffic, structures, seismic conditions or adverse geologic conditions. Restrained Retaining Walls Any retaining wall that will be restrained prior to placing backfill or walls that have male or reentrant corners should be designed for at-rest soil conditions using an equivalent fluid pressure 5.4.1 5.4.2 GEOTEK RINCON HOMES Project No. 3738-SD Updated Geotechnical Evaluation March 14, 2022 Oceanview Project, Carlsbad, California Page 18 of 60 pcf (select backfill), plus any applicable surcharge loading. For areas having male or reentrant corners, the restrained wall design should extend a minimum distance equal to twice the height of the wall laterally from the corner, or as otherwise determined by the structural engineer. Seismic Earth Pressures on Retaining Walls As required by the 2019 CBC, walls with a retained height greater than six feet are required to include an incremental seismic earth pressure in the wall design. Based upon review, a wall with a retained height of up to approximately 14 feet is planned at the site. Based on the planned site wall height and an SDS/2.5 value of 0.32g, an incremental seismic earth pressure of: Surface Slope of Retained Materials (H:V) Additional Equivalent Fluid Pressure (PCF) Level 20 2:1 30 The point of application of the incremental seismic earth pressure is at 1/3H, where H is the retained height. The above value was calculated using the procedure provided in the Administrative Manual, County of Los Angeles, Department of Public Works, Geotechnical and Material Engineering Division, Section S004.0 (2 sheets). Wall Backfill and Drainage Wall backfill should include a minimum one (1) foot wide section of ¾ to 1-inch clean crushed rock (or approved equivalent). The rock should be placed immediately adjacent to the back of wall and extend up from the backdrain to within approximately 12 inches of finish grade. The upper 12 inches should consist of compacted onsite materials. If the walls are designed using the “select” backfill design parameters, then the “select” materials shall be placed within the active zone as defined by a 1:1 (H:V) projection from the back of the retaining wall footing up to the retained surface behind the wall. Presence of other materials might necessitate revision to the parameters provided and modification of wall designs. The backfill materials should be placed in lifts no greater than 8-inches in thickness and compacted to a minimum of 90% of the maximum dry density as determined in accordance with ASTM Test Method D 1557. Proper surface drainage needs to be provided and maintained. Water should not be allowed to pond behind retaining walls. Waterproofing of site walls should be performed where moisture migration through the wall is undesirable. 5.4.3 5.4.4 GEOTEK RINCON HOMES Project No. 3738-SD Updated Geotechnical Evaluation March 14, 2022 Oceanview Project, Carlsbad, California Page 19 Retaining walls should be provided with an adequate pipe and gravel back drain system to reduce the potential for hydrostatic pressures to develop. A 4-inch diameter perforated collector pipe (Schedule 40 PVC, or approved equivalent) in a minimum of one (1) cubic foot per lineal foot of 3/8 to one (1) inch clean crushed rock or equivalent, wrapped in filter fabric should be placed near the bottom of the backfill and be directed (via a solid outlet pipe) to an appropriate disposal area. As an alternative to the drain, rock and fabric, a pre-manufactured wall drainage product (example: Mira Drain 6000 or approved equivalent) may be used behind the retaining wall. The wall drainage product should extend from the base of the wall to within two (2) feet of the ground surface. The subdrain should be placed in direct contact with the wall drainage product. Drain outlets should be maintained over the life of the project and should not be obstructed or plugged by adjacent improvements. 5.5 POST CONSTRUCTION CONSIDERATIONS Landscape Maintenance and Planting Water has been shown to weaken the inherent strength of soil, and slope stability is significantly reduced by overly wet conditions. Positive surface drainage away from graded slopes should be maintained and only the amount of irrigation necessary to sustain plant life should be provided for planted slopes. Controlling surface drainage and runoff and maintaining a suitable vegetation cover can minimize erosion. Plants selected for landscaping should be lightweight, deep-rooted types that require little water and are capable of surviving the prevailing climate. Overwatering should be avoided. The soils should be maintained in a solid to semi-solid state as defined by the materials Atterberg Limits. Care should be taken when adding soil amendments to avoid excessive watering. Leaching as a method of soil preparation prior to planting is not recommended. An abatement program to control ground-burrowing rodents should be implemented and maintained. This is critical as burrowing rodents can decrease the long-term performance of slopes. It is common for planting to be placed adjacent to structures in planter or lawn areas. This will result in the introduction of water into the ground adjacent to the foundation. This type of landscaping should be avoided. If used, then extreme care should be exercised with regard to the irrigation and drainage in these areas. Waterproofing of the foundation and/or subdrains may be warranted and advisable. GeoTek could discuss these issues, if desired, when plans are made available. 5.5.1 GEOTEK RINCON HOMES Project No. 3738-SD Updated Geotechnical Evaluation March 14, 2022 Oceanview Project, Carlsbad, California Page 20 Drainage The need to maintain proper surface drainage and subsurface systems cannot be overly emphasized. Positive site drainage should be maintained at all times. Drainage should not flow uncontrolled down any descending slope. Water should be directed away from foundations and not allowed to pond or seep into the ground adjacent to the footings. Site drainage should conform to Section 1804.4 of the 2019 CBC. Roof gutters and downspouts should discharge onto paved surfaces sloping away from the structure or into a closed pipe system which outfalls to the street gutter pan or directly to the storm drain system. Pad drainage should be directed toward approved areas and not be blocked by other improvements. 5.6 PLAN REVIEW AND CONSTRUCTION OBSERVATIONS GeoTek recommends that site grading, specifications, retaining wall/shoring plans and foundation plans be reviewed by this office prior to construction to check for conformance with the recommendations of this report. Additional recommendations may be necessary based on these reviews. It is also recommended that GeoTek representatives be present during site grading and foundation construction to check for proper implementation of the geotechnical recommendations. The owner/developer should have GeoTek’s representative perform at least the following duties:  Observe site clearing and grubbing operations for proper removal of unsuitable materials.  Observe and test bottom of removals prior to fill placement.  Evaluate the suitability of on-site and import materials for fill placement and collect soil samples for laboratory testing when necessary.  Observe the fill for uniformity during placement including utility trenches.  Observe and test the fill for field density and relative compaction.  Observe and probe foundation excavations to confirm suitability of bearing materials.  Observe and test subgrade materials.  Observe and test presaturated condition of foundation and concrete slabs. If requested, a construction observation and compaction report can be provided by GeoTek, which can comply with the requirements of the governmental agencies having jurisdiction over the project. GeoTek recommends that these agencies be notified prior to commencement of construction so that necessary grading permits can be obtained. 5.5.2 GEOTEK RINCON HOMES Project No. 3738-SD Updated Geotechnical Evaluation March 14, 2022 Oceanview Project, Carlsbad, California Page 21 6. LIMITATIONS The scope of this evaluation is limited to the area explored that is shown on the Geotechnical Map (Figure 2). This evaluation does not and should in no way be construed to encompass any areas beyond the specific area of proposed construction as indicated to us by the client. The scope is based on GeoTek’s understanding of the project and the client’s needs, GeoTek’s proposal (Proposal No. P-0800221-SD) dated September 20, 2021, and geotechnical engineering standards normally used on similar projects in this region. The materials observed on the project site appear to be representative of the area; however, soil and bedrock materials vary in character between excavations and natural outcrops, or conditions exposed during site construction. Site conditions may vary due to seasonal changes or other factors. GeoTek, Inc. assumes no responsibility or liability for work, testing or recommendations performed or provided by others. Since GeoTek’s recommendations are based on the site conditions observed and encountered, and laboratory testing, GeoTek’s conclusions and recommendations are professional opinions that are limited to the extent of the available data. Observations during construction are important to allow for any change in recommendations found to be warranted. These opinions have been derived in accordance with current standards of practice and no warranty is expressed or implied. Standards of practice are subject to change with time. GEOTEK RINCON HOMES Project No. 3738-SD Updated Geotechnical Evaluation March 14, 2022 Oceanview Project, Carlsbad, California Page 22 7. SELECTED REFERENCES American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE), 2016, “Minimum Design Loads for Buildings and Other Structures,” ASCE/SEI 7-16. ASTM International (ASTM), “ASTM Volumes 4.08 and 4.09 Soil and Rock.” Bryant, W.A., and Hart, E.W., 2007, "Fault Rupture Hazard Zones in California, Alquist-Priolo Earthquake Fault Zoning Act with Index to Earthquake Fault Zones Maps," California Geological Survey: Special Publication 42. California Code of Regulations, Title 24, 2019 “California Building Code,” 2 volumes. California Geological Survey (CGS, formerly referred to as the California Division of Mines and Geology), 1977, “Geologic Map of California.” ____, 1998, “Maps of Known Active Fault Near-Source Zones in California and Adjacent Portions of Nevada,” International Conference of Building Officials. Christion Wheeler Engineering (CWE), 2018, Updated geotechnical investigation report, Carlsbad Tract 02-06, Twain Avenue, Carlsbad, California, Project Number CWE 2180124.01, dated February 16, 2018. GeoTek, Inc., In-house proprietary information. ____, 2021, Hydrologic Classification, Proposed Oceanview Project, Twain Avenue, Carlsbad, California, PN 3738-SD, dated October 26, 2021. Structural Engineers Association of California/California Office of Statewide Health Planning and Development (SEOC/OSHPD), 2019, Seismic Design Maps web interface, https://seismicmaps.org Terzaghi, K. and Peck, R., 1967, “Soil Mechanics in Engineering Practice”, second edition. GEOTEK Rincon Homes Ocean View Carlsbad, California 1384 Poinsettia Avenue, Suite A Vista, California 92081 Figure 1 Site Location Map N Not to Scale Imagery from US Forestry Service, 2021 Approximate Site Location PN: 3738-SD DATE: March 2022 /. E] C GEOTEK HA-3 T-2 T-3 T-4 T-5 T-8 T-9 T-1 T-7 Tsa Tsa Tsa Qop Qop Approximate Location of Geological Contact Quaternary age Old Paralic DepositsQop Tertiary age Santiago Formation, Circled where BuriedTsa Approximate Location and Orientation of Test Pit, CME, 2018 Approximate Location of Hand Auger Boring This Study T-9 HA-6 LEGEND Approximate Limits of Study Tsa T-6 HA-4 & HA 5 Tsa HA-2 HA-6 Tsa Tsa C C' B' A A' Approximate Location of Fill Slope Key HA-1 B Approximate Location of Remedial Grading Scale 1" = 60' 1384 Poinsettia Avenue, Suite A Vista, California 92081 Figure 2 Geotechnical MapPlan adapted from "Grading Plan" by Pasco Laret Suiter & Associates Rincon Homes Ocean View Carlsbad, California PN: 3738-SD DATE: March 2022 I I J EXIST!'IG~ ~-I - ----. CONTOUR I --___.__. __ , L 1 EX'511'\IG305 - 00N1'01/R } EX/511//GJOO OON'IOUR --- \ I 1.8 "' LJWffOF I I ~~\ \ ) if! \ ( I, I \ I I \ I /R I \ <\; I 0 <o ~ ~ "' "' I \ _.,. \ \ \ \ I PLAN VIEW -GRADING PLAN SCl>lE: r, 'J/7l!ORIZONTAL <%.,- ..?q;, \ I I __ ,..:. ___ ' I ______ / -- "-- ' / 310 ~ 0 - PROf'OSED WWH€ -~ ---.... 80 ~~ \ \ \ ' \ "' 0 .., 0 "' J( I I 60 90 ♦ --- GEOTEK Ocean View PN: 3738-SD Figure 3 Cross Section A-A’ March 2022 Lot 9T-7 Proj.30’ Daylight Remedial Grading Limits Tsa (E) Topography Proposed Design Grades Fill Key Heal Drain Bench as Fill is elevated ~N10E 200 260 220 200 260 220 El e v a t i o n ( F e e t A b o v e S e a L e v e l ) El e v a t i o n ( F e e t A b o v e S e a L e v e l ) A A’ Ocean View PN: 3738-SD Figure 4 Cross Section B-B’ March 2022 360 300300 240 360 B B’ Qop ~N30E 240 Tsa (E) Topography Proposed Design Grades (N) Twain Court (N) Water Quality Control Basin El e v a t i o n ( F e e t A b o v e S e a L e v e l ) El e v a t i o n ( F e e t A b o v e S e a L e v e l ) Temporary Slope Backcut Ocean View PN: 3738-SD Figure 5 Cross Section C-C’ March 2022 C C’ 360360 300 Tsa ~N10E 300 240 240 Qop Lot 13 2-Story Dwelling (N) Retaining Wall LP (E) Topography Proposed Design Grades El e v a t i o n ( F e e t A b o v e S e a L e v e l ) El e v a t i o n ( F e e t A b o v e S e a L e v e l ) Temporary Slope Backcut APPENDIX A EXPLORATORY BORING LOGS (GeoTek, Inc.) GEOTEK Page A-1 A - FIELD TESTING AND SAMPLING PROCEDURES Bulk Samples (Large) These samples are normally large bags of earth materials over 20 pounds in weight collected from the field by means of hand digging or exploratory cuttings. Bulk Samples (Small) These are plastic bag samples which are normally airtight and contain less than 5 pounds in weight of earth materials collected from the field by means of hand digging or exploratory cuttings. These samples are primarily used for determining natural moisture content and classification indices. B – EXPLORATORY LOG LEGEND The following abbreviations and symbols often appear in the classification and description of soil and rock on the logs of borings: SOILS USCS Unified Soil Classification System f-c Fine to coarse f-m Fine to medium GEOLOGIC B: Attitudes Bedding: strike/dip J: Attitudes Joint: strike/dip C: Contact line ……….. Dashed line denotes USCS material change Solid Line denotes unit / formational change Thick solid line denotes end of the boring (Additional denotations and symbols are provided on the log of Explorations) GEOTEK GeoTek, Inc. LOG OF EXPLORATORY BORING SM ---Small Bulk ---No Recovery ---Water Table PROJECT NAME:Oceanview DRILL METHOD:Boring OPERATOR:MSB CLIENT:Rincon DRILLER:GeoTek LOGGED BY:MSB LOCATION:Carlsbad, CA ELEVATION:-DATE:9/28/2021 PROJECT NO.:3738-SD HAMMER:-RIG TYPE:Manual Auger SAMPLES US C S S y m b o l BORING NO.: HA-1 Laboratory Testing De p t h ( f t ) Sa m p l e T y p e Blo w s / 6 i n Sa m p l e Nu m b e r Wa t e r Co n t e n t ( % ) Silty SAND, light brown, damp, loose Dr y D e n s i t y (p c f ) Ot h e r s MATERIAL DESCRIPTION AND COMMENTS Weathered Old Paralic Deposits (Qop) Practical refusal of auger 2.5 HOLE TERMINATED AT 18 INCHES No groundwater encountered Backfilled with soil cuttings 7.5 5 10 12.5 RV = R-Value Test SR = Sulfate/Resisitivity Test SH = Shear Test CO = Consolidation test MD = Maximum Density 15 LE G E N D Sample type: ---Ring ---SPT ---Large Bulk Lab testing:AL = Atterberg Limits EI = Expansion Index SA = Sieve Analysis ------- -----------------------------------------------------• I [Z] ~ □ ~ GeoTek, Inc. LOG OF EXPLORATORY BORING SM ---Small Bulk ---No Recovery ---Water Table PROJECT NAME:Oceanview DRILL METHOD:Boring OPERATOR:MSB CLIENT:Rincon DRILLER:GeoTek LOGGED BY:MSB LOCATION:Carlsbad, CA ELEVATION:-DATE:9/28/2021 PROJECT NO.:3738-SD HAMMER:-RIG TYPE:Manual Auger SAMPLES US C S S y m b o l BORING NO.: HA-2 Laboratory Testing De p t h ( f t ) Sa m p l e T y p e Blo w s / 6 i n Sa m p l e Nu m b e r Wa t e r Co n t e n t ( % ) Silty SAND, light brown, damp, loose Dr y D e n s i t y (p c f ) Ot h e r s MATERIAL DESCRIPTION AND COMMENTS Weathered Old Paralic Deposits (Qop) No groundwater encountered Backfilled with soil cuttings Practical refusal of auger 2.5 HOLE TERMINATED AT 15 INCHES 5 7.5 10 12.5 AL = Atterberg Limits EI = Expansion Index SA = Sieve Analysis RV = R-Value Test SR = Sulfate/Resisitivity Test SH = Shear Test CO = Consolidation test MD = Maximum Density 15 LE G E N D Sample type: ---Ring ---SPT ---Large Bulk Lab testing: ------ ------------------------------------------------------• I [Z] ~ □ ~ GeoTek, Inc. LOG OF EXPLORATORY BORING SM ---Small Bulk ---No Recovery ---Water Table PROJECT NAME:Oceanview DRILL METHOD:Boring OPERATOR:MSB CLIENT:Rincon DRILLER:GeoTek LOGGED BY:MSB LOCATION:Carlsbad, CA ELEVATION:-DATE:9/28/2021 PROJECT NO.:3738-SD HAMMER:-RIG TYPE:Manual Auger SAMPLES US C S S y m b o l BORING NO.: HA-3 Laboratory Testing De p t h ( f t ) Sa m p l e T y p e Blo w s / 6 i n Sa m p l e Nu m b e r Wa t e r Co n t e n t ( % ) Clayey SAND, dark brown, damp, firm Dr y D e n s i t y (p c f ) Ot h e r s MATERIAL DESCRIPTION AND COMMENTS Weathered Santiago Formation (Tsa) No groundwater encountered Backfilled with soil cuttings Practical refusal of auger 2.5 HOLE TERMINATED AT 18 INCHES 5 7.5 10 12.5 AL = Atterberg Limits EI = Expansion Index SA = Sieve Analysis RV = R-Value Test SR = Sulfate/Resisitivity Test SH = Shear Test CO = Consolidation test MD = Maximum Density 15 LE G E N D Sample type: ---Ring ---SPT ---Large Bulk Lab testing: ------- -----------------------------------------------------• I [Z] ~ □ ~ GeoTek, Inc. LOG OF EXPLORATORY BORING SM ---Small Bulk ---No Recovery ---Water Table PROJECT NAME:Oceanview DRILL METHOD:Boring OPERATOR:MSB CLIENT:Rincon DRILLER:GeoTek LOGGED BY:MSB LOCATION:Carlsbad, CA ELEVATION:-DATE:9/28/2021 PROJECT NO.:3738-SD HAMMER:-RIG TYPE:Manual Auger SAMPLES US C S S y m b o l BORING NO.: HA-4 Laboratory Testing De p t h ( f t ) Sa m p l e T y p e Blo w s / 6 i n Sa m p l e Nu m b e r Wa t e r Co n t e n t ( % ) Silty SAND, light brown, damp, loose Dr y D e n s i t y (p c f ) Ot h e r s MATERIAL DESCRIPTION AND COMMENTS Weathered Old Paralic Deposits (Qop) No groundwater encountered Backfilled with soil cuttings Practical refusal of auger 2.5 HOLE TERMINATED AT 18 INCHES 5 7.5 10 12.5 AL = Atterberg Limits EI = Expansion Index SA = Sieve Analysis RV = R-Value Test SR = Sulfate/Resisitivity Test SH = Shear Test CO = Consolidation test MD = Maximum Density 15 LE G E N D Sample type: ---Ring ---SPT ---Large Bulk Lab testing: ------- -----------------------------------------------------• I [Z] ~ □ ~ GeoTek, Inc. LOG OF EXPLORATORY BORING SM ---Small Bulk ---No Recovery ---Water Table PROJECT NAME:Oceanview DRILL METHOD:Boring OPERATOR:MSB CLIENT:Rincon DRILLER:GeoTek LOGGED BY:MSB LOCATION:Carlsbad, CA ELEVATION:-DATE:9/28/2021 PROJECT NO.:3738-SD HAMMER:-RIG TYPE:Manual Auger SAMPLES US C S S y m b o l BORING NO.: HA-5 Laboratory Testing De p t h ( f t ) Sa m p l e T y p e Blo w s / 6 i n Sa m p l e Nu m b e r Wa t e r Co n t e n t ( % ) Silty SAND, light brown, damp, loose Dr y D e n s i t y (p c f ) Ot h e r s MATERIAL DESCRIPTION AND COMMENTS Weathered Old Paralic Deposits (Qop) No groundwater encountered Backfilled with soil cuttings Practical refusal of auger 2.5 HOLE TERMINATED AT 19 INCHES 5 7.5 10 12.5 AL = Atterberg Limits EI = Expansion Index SA = Sieve Analysis RV = R-Value Test SR = Sulfate/Resisitivity Test SH = Shear Test CO = Consolidation test MD = Maximum Density 15 LE G E N D Sample type: ---Ring ---SPT ---Large Bulk Lab testing: ------- -----------------------------------------------------• I [Z] ~ □ ~ GeoTek, Inc. LOG OF EXPLORATORY BORING SM ---Small Bulk ---No Recovery ---Water Table PROJECT NAME:Oceanview DRILL METHOD:Boring OPERATOR:MSB CLIENT:Rincon DRILLER:GeoTek LOGGED BY:MSB LOCATION:Carlsbad, CA ELEVATION:-DATE:9/28/2021 PROJECT NO.:3738-SD HAMMER:-RIG TYPE:Manual Auger SAMPLES US C S S y m b o l BORING NO.: HA-6 Laboratory Testing De p t h ( f t ) Sa m p l e T y p e Blo w s / 6 i n Sa m p l e Nu m b e r Wa t e r Co n t e n t ( % ) Silty SAND, light brown, damp, loose Dr y D e n s i t y (p c f ) Ot h e r s MATERIAL DESCRIPTION AND COMMENTS Weathered Old Paralic Deposits (Qop) No groundwater encountered Backfilled with soil cuttings Practical refusal of auger 2.5 HOLE TERMINATED AT 18 INCHES 5 7.5 10 12.5 AL = Atterberg Limits EI = Expansion Index SA = Sieve Analysis RV = R-Value Test SR = Sulfate/Resisitivity Test SH = Shear Test CO = Consolidation test MD = Maximum Density 15 LE G E N D Sample type: ---Ring ---SPT ---Large Bulk Lab testing: ------- -----------------------------------------------------• I [Z] ~ □ ~ APPENDIX B EXPLORATORY BORING LOGS (CWE, 2018) GEOTEK Date Excavated:Logged by:DRR Equipment:Project Manager: CHC 313 feet Depth to Water:N/A 328 feet Bucket Size:24 inches SAMPLE TYPE BULK PE NET RATION (b lows/ ft. of drive) MOISTURE (% ) DR Y U NIT WT. (p cf) LABORATORY TESTS Topsoil: Dark brown, SILTY SAND (SM), moist, loose, fine- to medium- grained. Subsoil: Medium brown, CLAYEY SAND (SC), moist, loose to medium dense, fine- to medium-grained. Terrace Deposits (Qt): Orangish-brown, CLAYEY SAND (SC), moist, dense, fine- to coarse-grained.CK 7.3 111.1 CK 6.4 115.5 Terminated at 8 feet. BY:DATE: JOB NO. :PLATE NO.: 1 2 3 4 5 SA LOG OF TEST TRENCH NUMBER T-1 DEPTH (ft) GR APHIC L O G SUMMARY OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS SAMPLES 2/15/01 Backhoe Existing Elevation: Proposed Elevation: SCC 2201.116 February 27, 2001 8 9 West of Faraday Road, Carlsbad, California PROPOSED 5-LOT RESIDENTIAL PROJECT 10 EI MD DS 7 6 Engineering CHRISTIAN WHEELER ~ -I I I 7 I - 7 - - -.. L LI I I I I I I J_ I Date Excavated:Logged by:DRR Equipment:Project Manager:CHC 325 feet Depth to Water:N/A 328 feet Bucket Size:24 inches SAMPLE TYPE BULK PE NET RATION (b lows/ ft. of drive) MOISTURE (% ) DR Y U NIT WT. (p cf) LABORATORY TESTS Topsoil: Dark brown, SILTY SAND (SM), moist, loose, fine- to medium- grained. Subsoil: Medium brown, CLAYEY SAND (SC), moist, loose to medium dense, fine- to medium-grained. Santiago Formation (Tsa): Light brown, CLAYEY SAND (SC), moist, dense, fine- to medium-grained.CK 7.6 116.5 Light brown to olive brown, SANDY CLAY (CL), moist, very hard. CK 19.1 101.1 Terminated at 6 feet. BY:DATE: JOB NO. :PLATE NO.: 1 2 3 4 5 LOG OF TEST TRENCH NUMBER T-2 DEPTH (ft) GR APHIC L O G SUMMARY OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS SAMPLES 2/15/01 Backhoe Existing Elevation: Proposed Elevation: SCC 3201.116 February 27, 2001 8 9 West of Faraday Road, Carlsbad, California PROPOSED 5-LOT RESIDENTIAL PROJECT 10 SA 7 6 Engineering CHRISTIAN WHEELER Date Excavated:Logged by:DRR Equipment:Project Manager: CHC 317 feet Depth to Water:N/A 314 feet Bucket Size:24 inches SAMPLE TYPE BULK PE NET RATION (b lows/ ft. of drive) MOISTURE (% ) DR Y U NIT WT. (p cf) LABORATORY TESTS Topsoil: Dark brown, SILTY SAND (SM), moist, loose, fine- to medium- grained. Subsoil: Medium brown, CLAYEY SAND (SC), moist, loose to medium dense, fine- to medium-grained. Terrace Deposits (Qt): Orangish-brown, CLAYEY SAND (SC), moist, dense to very dense, fine- to coarse-grained with occasional 3 inch cobble. CK Santiago Formation (Tsa): Light brown to white, SILTY SAND (SM), moist, dense to very dense, fine- to medium-grained. CK 11.0 111.9 Terminated at 10 feet. BY:DATE: JOB NO. :PLATE NO.: 1 2 3 4 5 LOG OF TEST TRENCH NUMBER T-3 DEPTH (ft) GR APHIC L O G SUMMARY OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS SAMPLES 2/15/01 Backhoe Existing Elevation: Proposed Elevation: SCC 4201.116 February 27, 2001 8 9 West of Faraday Road, Carlsbad, California PROPOSED 5-LOT RESIDENTIAL PROJECT 10 7 6 Engineering CHRISTIAN WHEELER -============-~ - -I I I 7 I - 7 - - -.. L L Date Excavated:Logged by:DRR Equipment:Project Manager: CHC 317 feet Depth to Water:N/A 314 feet Bucket Size:24 inches SAMPLE TYPE BULK PE NET RATION (b lows/ ft. of drive) MOISTURE (% ) DR Y U NIT WT. (p cf) LABORATORY TESTS Topsoil: Dark brown, SILTY SAND (SM), moist, loose, fine- to medium- grained. Subsoil: Medium brown, CLAYEY SAND (SC), moist, loose to medium dense, fine- to medium-grained. Terrace Deposits (Qt): Orangish-brown, CLAYEY SAND/SILTY SAND (SC/SM), moist, dense to very dense, occasional gravel and cobble. CK Terminated at 7 feet. BY:DATE: JOB NO. :PLATE NO.: 1 2 3 4 5 LOG OF TEST TRENCH NUMBER T-4 DEPTH (ft) GR APHIC L O G SUMMARY OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS SAMPLES 2/15/01 Backhoe Existing Elevation: Proposed Elevation: SCC 5201.116 February 27, 2001 8 9 West of Faraday Road, Carlsbad, California PROPOSED 5-LOT RESIDENTIAL PROJECT 10 7 6 Engineering CHRISTIAN WHEELER ~ -I I I 7 I - 7 - - -.. L LI I I I I I I J_ I Date Excavated:Logged by:DRR Equipment:Project Manager:CHC 290 feet Depth to Water:N/A 306 feet Bucket Size:24 inches SAMPLE TYPE BULK PE NET RATION (b lows/ ft. of drive) MOISTURE (% ) DR Y U NIT WT. (p cf) LABORATORY TESTS Topsoil: Dark brown, SILTY SAND (SM), moist, loose, fine- to medium- grained. Slopewash (Qsw): Dark brown, SANDY CLAY (CL), wet, soft, slight amount of gravel and cobble. Santiago Formation (Tsa): Light brown to light orangish-brown, CLAYEY SAND (SC), moist, medium dense to dense.CK Becomes very dense. CK 11.2 114.3 Trench log continued on Plate 7. BY:DATE: JOB NO. :PLATE NO.: 7 6 8 9 West of Faraday Road, Carlsbad, California PROPOSED 5-LOT RESIDENTIAL PROJECT 10 SCC 6201.116 February 27, 2001 LOG OF TEST TRENCH NUMBER T-5 DEPTH (ft) GR APHIC L O G SUMMARY OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS SAMPLES 2/15/01 Backhoe Existing Elevation: Proposed Elevation: 1 2 3 4 5 Engineering CHRISTIAN WHEELER Date Excavated:Logged by:DRR Equipment:Project Manager: CHC 290 feet Depth to Water:N/A 306 feet Bucket Size:24 inches SAMPLE TYPE BULK PE NET RATION (b lows/ ft. of drive) MOISTURE (% ) DR Y U NIT WT. (p cf) LABORATORY TESTS Santiago Formation (Tsa): Light brown to light orangish-brown, CLAYEY SAND (SC), moist, very dense. CK 15.5 113.2 Terminated at 15 feet. BY:DATE: JOB NO. :PLATE NO.: 11 12 13 14 15 LOG OF TEST TRENCH NUMBER T-5 (Continued) DEPTH (ft) GR APHIC L O G SUMMARY OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS SAMPLES 2/15/01 Backhoe Existing Elevation: Proposed Elevation: SCC 7201.116 February 27, 2001 18 19 West of Faraday Road, Carlsbad, California PROPOSED 5-LOT RESIDENTIAL PROJECT 20 17 16 Engineering CHRISTIAN WHEELER -~ -I I I 7 I -7 - / - !::.::•:;:: .... ~[~ .... .... L... f;:: '-f.l~ L... - .... L... '- -.. L L_L__I_ I I I I I I J_ Date Excavated:Logged by:DRR Equipment:Project Manager:CHC 313 feet Depth to Water:N/A 300/306 feet Bucket Size:24 inches SAMPLE TYPE BULK PE NET RATION (b lows/ ft. of drive) MOISTURE (% ) DR Y U NIT WT. (p cf) LABORATORY TESTS Topsoil: Dark brown, SILTY SAND (SM), moist, loose, fine- to medium- grained. Slopewash (Qsw): Dark brown, SANDY CLAY (CL), wet, soft, slight amount of gravel and cobble. Santiago Formation (Tsa): Light brown to light orangish-brown, SANDY CLAY (CL), moist, very stiff. Becomes hard. CK 15.4 110.4 Trench log continued on Plate 9. BY:DATE: JOB NO. :PLATE NO.: MD DS 7 6 8 9 West of Faraday Road, Carlsbad, California PROPOSED 5-LOT RESIDENTIAL PROJECT 10 SCC 8201.116 February 27, 2001 LOG OF TEST TRENCH NUMBER T-6 DEPTH (ft) GR APHIC L O G SUMMARY OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS SAMPLES 2/15/01 Backhoe Existing Elevation: Proposed Elevation: SA EI 1 2 3 4 5 Engineering CHRISTIAN WHEELER Date Excavated:Logged by:DRR Equipment:Project Manager:CHC 313 feet Depth to Water:N/A 300/306 feet Bucket Size:24 inches SAMPLE TYPE BULK PE NET RATION (b lows/ ft. of drive) MOISTURE (% ) DR Y U NIT WT. (p cf) LABORATORY TESTS Santiago Formation (Tsa): Light brown to light orangish-brown, SANDY CLAY (CL), moist, hard. CK 18.0 108.6 Terminated at 14 feet. BY:DATE: JOB NO. :PLATE NO.: 11 12 13 14 15 LOG OF TEST TRENCH NUMBER T-6 (Continued) DEPTH (ft) GR APHIC L O G SUMMARY OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS SAMPLES 2/15/01 Backhoe Existing Elevation: Proposed Elevation: SCC 9201.116 February 27, 2001 18 19 West of Faraday Road, Carlsbad, California PROPOSED 5-LOT RESIDENTIAL PROJECT 20 17 16 Engineering CHRISTIAN WHEELER Date Excavated:Logged by:DRR Equipment:Project Manager:CHC 275 feet Depth to Water:N/A 315 feet Bucket Size:24 inches SAMPLE TYPE BULK PE NET RATION (b lows/ ft. of drive) MOISTURE (% ) DR Y U NIT WT. (p cf) LABORATORY TESTS Topsoil: Dark brown, SILTY SAND/CLAYEY SAND (SM/SC), moist, loose, fine- to medium-grained. Slopewash (Qsw): Dark brown, SANDY CLAY (CL), wet, soft to medium stiff, slight amount of gravel and cobble. Santiago Formation (Tsa): Light olive brown to light orangish-brown, CLAYEY SAND (SC), moist, dense to very dense, fine- to medium-grained.CK 16.3 109.3 CK 16.8 110.0 Practical refusal at 9 feet. BY:DATE: JOB NO. :PLATE NO.: 1 2 3 4 5 LOG OF TEST TRENCH NUMBER T-7 DEPTH (ft) GR APHIC L O G SUMMARY OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS SAMPLES 2/15/01 Backhoe Existing Elevation: Proposed Elevation: SCC 10201.116 February 27, 2001 8 9 West of Faraday Road, Carlsbad, California PROPOSED 5-LOT RESIDENTIAL PROJECT 10 7 6 Engineering CHRISTIAN WHEELER Date Excavated:Logged by:DRR Equipment:Project Manager: CHC 314 feet Depth to Water:N/A 315 feet Bucket Size:24 inches SAMPLE TYPE BULK PE NET RATION (b lows/ ft. of drive) MOISTURE (% ) DR Y U NIT WT. (p cf) LABORATORY TESTS Topsoil: Dark brown, SILTY SAND (SM), moist, loose, fine- to medium- grained. Subsoil: Medium brown, CLAYEY SAND (SC), moist, loose to medium dense, fine- to medium-grained. Terrace Deposits (Qt): Orangish-brown, CLAYEY SAND (SC), moist, dense to very dense, fine- to coarse-grained, occasional 2½ inch gravel. CK 6.0 113.0 CK Terminated at 7 feet. BY:DATE: JOB NO. :PLATE NO.: 7 6 8 9 West of Faraday Road, Carlsbad, California PROPOSED 5-LOT RESIDENTIAL PROJECT 10 SCC 11201.116 February 27, 2001 LOG OF TEST TRENCH NUMBER T-8 DEPTH (ft) GR APHIC L O G SUMMARY OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS SAMPLES 2/15/01 Backhoe Existing Elevation: Proposed Elevation: 1 2 3 4 5 Engineering CHRISTIAN WHEELER ~ -I I I 7 I - 7 - - -.. L LI I I I I I I J_ I Date Excavated:Logged by:DRR Equipment:Project Manager:CHC 314 feet Depth to Water:N/A --Bucket Size:24 inches SAMPLE TYPE BULK PE NET RATION (b lows/ ft. of drive) MOISTURE (% ) DR Y U NIT WT. (p cf) LABORATORY TESTS Subsoil: Medium brown, CLAYEY SAND (SC), moist, loose to medium dense, fine- to medium-grained. Terrace Deposits (Qt): Orangish-brown, CLAYEY SAND (SC), moist, very dense, fine- to coarse-grained, abundant gravel and cobble.CK 5.7 122.8 Santiago Formation (Tsa): Light olive brown, CLAYEY SAND (SC), moist, dense to very dense, fine- to medium-grained. CK 15.8 111.0 CK CK Terminated at 10 feet. BY:DATE: JOB NO. :PLATE NO.: 7 6 8 9 West of Faraday Road, Carlsbad, California PROPOSED 5-LOT RESIDENTIAL PROJECT 10 SCC 12201.116 February 27, 2001 LOG OF TEST TRENCH NUMBER T-9 DEPTH (ft) GR APHIC L O G SUMMARY OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS SAMPLES 2/15/01 Backhoe Existing Elevation: Proposed Elevation: 1 2 3 4 5 Engineering CHRISTIAN WHEELER APPENDIX C RESULTS OF LABORATORY TESTING (CWE, 2018) GEOTEK Project X REPORT S220228H Corrosion Engineering Page 1 Corrosion Control – Soil, Water, Metallurgy Testing Lab 29990 Technology Dr, Suite 13, Murrieta, CA 92563 Tel: 213-928-7213 Fax: 951-226-1720 www.projectxcorrosion.com Results Only Soil Testing for Ocean View February 28, 2022 Prepared for: Chris Livesey GeoTek, Inc. 1384 Poinsettia Ave, Suite A Vista, CA, 92081 clivesey@geotekusa.com Project X Job#: S220228H Client Job or PO#: 3738-SD Respectfully Submitted, Eduardo Hernandez, M.Sc., P.E. Sr. Corrosion Consultant NACE Corrosion Technologist #16592 Professional Engineer California No. M37102 ehernandez@projectxcorrosion.com Project X REPORT S220228H Corrosion Engineering Page 2 Corrosion Control – Soil, Water, Metallurgy Testing Lab 29990 Technology Dr., Suite 13, Murrieta, CA 92563 Tel: 213-928-7213 Fax: 951-226-1720 www.projectxcorrosion.com Soil Analysis Lab Results Client: GeoTek, Inc. Job Name: Ocean View Client Job Number: 3738-SD Project X Job Number: S220228H February 28, 2022 Method Bore# / Description Depth (ft)(mg/kg)(wt%) SB-1 Brown Silty Sand -1 49.7 0.0050 SB-2 Brown Clayey Sand 1 16.6 0.0017 SB-3 Composite SB-1 & SB-2 1 46.6 0.0047 ASTM D4327 Sulfates SO42- Cations and Anions, except Sulfide and Bicarbonate, tested with Ion Chromatography mg/kg = milligrams per kilogram (parts per million) of dry soil weight ND = 0 = Not Detected | NT = Not Tested | Unk = Unknown Chemical Analysis performed on 1:3 Soil-To-Water extract PPM = mg/kg (soil) = mg/L (Liquid) ¥ - .... 10 12 Lab Rtqucst Shed Chain or Custody Phone: (213) 928-7213 • Fox (9Sl) 226-1720 • www.projecn<corrosion.com Project X Corrosion Engint:t:ring • .. ,._ot•• , ........ • ...-,1, "0.-,,,., 1,kl,'ku .. , I,-Ship Samples To: 29990 Technology Dr, Suite 13, Murrieta, CA 92563 J'rojed x .lob Number ,,,... e2 /1 8 1 1 ;;,, ~w <-L n 35~ ·K.11.JH IMPORTANT: Pl .. st eompldt Proj«I and Samph, ldcoliflation Data a, you wollfcl like ii to appear ill nport & lndudt tflis form with samplu. Compaoy Nu!t11!: Geo Tek, Inc. 11-lalllngAdll"""': 1384 Poinsetta Ave, Ste A, Vista, CA 92081 ,\ccoonliog Contocl: Accounts Payable Ciirnt Proj«I No: (B~iocss UllyS) Tum Aroun<l Time: Rnulls By: 0 Pbono O 1'111 13 Email Dale & Rcuivc,d by : SpN'i:al lnslru.rtilta,: S10ll"l,f. l D • BURF. 0 Dll5<.'KIP110N ,;;' ~":,..~~-c t ., ~~-Y • _v 1.Jlii .f~ •., J B ~~ ·~-~ utm 1,A1 l !kfoull Mdllod DArY. C'llU.ttTn Conlacl Name: Chris Livesey PboneNo: 949-338-9233 Conlltl !!mall: clivesev@aeotekusa.com 1n,·0i« £m•il= ap@geotekusa.com; lwhite@geotekusa.com ;:,. ~ :~ c .. 0 'i_i .. Q. .. :'!! "' er: ~ 0 0 ·o :i:: :i :;;; -0 .. .,, Q. i/) u ~ E .. . .. E ;; ::, C ·c .. ;; i: E -~ ·.;; E ~ .., 0 " -0 .c: -0 E ~ ·c Q. ::, = ~ ::, I.: ::, .. £ '5 .. ... ·.; .. :i E 0 0 ~ .. .; u < z :::;: .c: ::i 0 ::E u iii .,, Q. .,, 'f.., ., . ' ' ,?( ~ I I ' :i ·! 1 I l ' I ! :! II f ' I i ·- '1 II '·' I I 1 I . ' I II ' . I 1 I ' I' II ~ I •I I ~~'"::7 ~ ~ . I I ! i -[ I I CWE 201.116.1 March 14, 2001 Plate No. 13 LABORATORY TEST RESULTS PROPOSED FIVE-LOT RESIDENTIAL PROJECT WEST OF FARADAY ROAD POWAY, CALIFORNIA MAXIMUM DENSITY/ OPTIMUM MOISTURE CONTENT Sample Number Trench T-1 @ 2’-8’ Trench T-6 @ 3’-12’ Description Orangish-brown, clayey sand (SC) Brown, sandy clay (CL) Maximum Density 127.1 pcf 106.0 pcf Optimum Moisture Content 8.5 percent 18.5 pcf DIRECT SHEAR TEST Sample Number Trench T-1 @ 2’-8’ Trench T-6 @ 3’-12’ Description Remolded To 90 Percent Remolded to 90 Percent Angle of Internal Friction 33 degrees 21 degrees Apparent Cohesion 100 psf 300 psf GRAIN SIZE DISTRIBUTION Sample Number T-1 @ 2’-8’ T-2 @ 4’-6’ T-6 @ 3’-12’ Sieve Size Percent Passing Percent Passing Percent Passing #4 100 #8 93 100 100 #15 78 99 699 #30 59 98 98 #50 37 97 96 #100 22 87 84 #200 19 70 69 0.05 mm 18 60 55 0.005 mm 11 27 21 0.001 mm 8 18 7 Classification SC CL CL EXPANSION INDEX TESTS Sample Number: Trench T-8 @ 2’-8’ Trench T-6 @ 3’-12’ Initial Moisture: 8.0 percent 13.7 percent Initial Dry Density: 108.3 pcf 101.4 pcf Final Moisture: 17.7 percent 29.5 percent Expansion Index: 6 (very low) 85 (medium) APPENDIX D HYDROLOGICAL CALSSIFICATION GEOTECHNICAL | ENVIRONMENTAL | MATERIALS October 26, 2021 Project No. 3738-SD Rincon Homes 5315 Avenida Encinas, Suite 200 Carlsbad, California 92008 Attention: Mr. Cameron St. Clair Subject: Hydrologic Classification Proposed Oceanview Project Twain Avenue Carlsbad, California Dear Mr. St. Clair: This letter offers an opinion of the hydrological classification for the subject project based on data from a site study performed by GeoTek, Inc. (GeoTek). Project Site Description The property is located south of the southern Cul-De-Sac of Twain Avenue, in the City of Carlsbad, California. The property is currently unimproved land and consists of an irregularly shaped parcel that comprises approximately 16.5 acres. However, of that area, approximately 5 acres is proposed to be improved and referenced herein as the “site.” A site location map is presented as Figure 1. Proposed Improvements Proposed improvements include a subdivision of thirteen (13), single-family, wood framed structures and the extension of Twain Avenue. The Preliminary Grading Plan, by Pasco, Laret, Suiter & Assoc, (PLSA), 2021, indicates site grades will be lowered approximately 20 feet in the north portion of the site and raised in the southern portion of the site and around the periphery of the proposed building pads. Associated improvements are anticipated consist of a stormwater management system to include a collection basin, utilities, asphalt concrete and Portland cement concrete flatwork for the building pads and extension of Twain Avenue. Rincon Homes Project No. 3738-SD Hydrologic Classification October 26, 2021 Twain Avenue, Carlsbad, CA Page 2 Summary of Mapped Soil Conditions The United States Department of Agriculture, Natural Resource Conservation Service, Web Soil Survey (WSS), an internet based map service, classifies the majority of the site (approximately 90% based on area) as MIC Marina loamy coarse sand, 2-9% slopes. A minor portion of the site (approximately 10% by area) is classified as LvF3 loamy alluvial land-Huerhuero complex, 9-50% slopes. Both interpretative units (MIC and LvF3) have been classified as a hydrological Group B. Figure 2 presents a summary output of the WSS plot based on the proposed area of disturbance (outlined by a red line) of the proposed project and the mapped soil units. The WSS classifies map units based on topography, weather, typical soil section in the upper 40 inches, hydrological properties (slope gradient, drainage class, infiltration rates, runoff potential, flood potential) and interpretative groups (land capability classification, hydrologic soil group, hydric soil rating). The WSS uses the National Soil Survey Handbook (NSSH) and its eDirectives to provide national continuity of soil classifications related to the agricultural industry. Classification is based on laboratory testing of field samples, direct testing in the field, and interpretations from aerial and satellite photography. Samplings and laboratory analyses are performed on select sites and extrapolated beyond the sampled locations. The NSSH states that “increased mapping has been performed by remote spatial interpretations in lieu of updating surveys based on new or supplemental laboratory data.” The WSS provides the location of data points on their interpretive maps. Data sets are predominately concentrated in agricultural areas and are sparsely available in urban and suburban areas (if at all). A review of the WSS data set was performed. The closest data sample identified is located at the approximate location of El Mirlo Drive, Oceanside, California. That data point is approximately 8 miles north of the subject site, in a different geologic unit (Kt- Tonalite/granitics) and presumably obtained prior to the existing development of the residential tract homes at the stated location. The survey methodology on the WSS for the site is noted to be based on aerial photography dated January 24 to February 12, 2020. Site Specific Geotechnical Report A Preliminary Geotechnical Investigation of the site was performed by Christian Wheeler Engineering (CWE, 2016). CWE’s investigation included the excavation and logging of nine (9) exploratory test pits excavated with a backhoe that ranged in depth between six and fifteen feet below the existing ground surface. In general, CWE stated the upper 12 inches of the surface Rincon Homes Project No. 3738-SD Hydrologic Classification October 26, 2021 Twain Avenue, Carlsbad, CA Page 3 consisted of a silty sand (SM soil typed based upon the Unified Soil Classification System) overlying a subsoil from 12 to 24 inches consisting of a clayey sand (SC soil type). Localized slope wash material was present that consisted of clay soil (CL soil type), however, since the unit is localized, this material has been excluded from consideration. The materials below the topsoil, subsoil, and slope wash are sedimentary bedrock consisting of gravelly clayey sandstones of Old Paralic deposits overlying clayey sandstones and claystones of the Santiago formation. Clays and silts, as well as, cementitious properties of bedrock significantly impact infiltration qualities. A site specific infiltration was not performed by CWE. Geotek performed a site visit to evaluate the current site conditions and compare the conditions of those presented by CWE. This site visit was performed on September 28, 2021 and included traversing the site improvement area and recording surficial observations. Outcroppings of Old Paralic deposits were observed in the northern portion of the site and weathered claystone of the Santiago formation was observed in the southern (lower topographic elevations) portion of the site. Six (6) exploratory manual augers were performed to evaluate the thickness of soil profiles presented by CWE. The approximate locations are presented on Figure 2. The manual augers were chosen, as the tool is operated directly by manual labor (not powered by a motor which would provide a force multiplier). The intent was to review the soil profile thickness, as the manual augur does not have the ability to readily advance into bedrock. The results of the supplemental borings indicated the soil profile ranged in thickness between fifteen and nineteen inches below the ground surface. A copy of the exploratory logs are presented in the rear of this letter. Discussion of WSS Interpretive Groups and The Site Specific Findings The WSS has classified the site improvement area as a hydrological Group B. It should be noted that the soil classification in the WSS are based on taxonomy principally for agricultural purposes. Classification of soils presented on the logs utilize the Unified Soil Classification Standard, as per industry standards. GeoTek’s findings result in inconsistencies between the site and information provided on the WSS. These inconsistencies include: The WSS classifies the site as a hydrological Group B, which is defined by eDirective 630, Chapter 7 as: Rincon Homes Project No. 3738-SD Hydrologic Classification October 26, 2021 Twain Avenue, Carlsbad, CA Page 4 Group B—Soils in this group have moderately low runoff potential when thoroughly wet. Group B soils typically have less than 10 to 20 percent clay and 50 to 90 percent sand. The limits on the diagnostic physical characteristics of group B are as follows…..Soils that are deeper than 40 inches to a water impermeable layer and a water table are in group B if the saturated hydraulic conductivity of all soil layers within 40 inches of the surface is between 0.57 and 1.42 inches per hour. Based on GeoTek’s site specific study, the site has less than 20 inches of soil development, not 20 to 40 inches. Group D—Soils in this group have a high runoff potential when thoroughly wet. Group D soils typically have greater than 40 percent clay and less than 50 percent sand. All soils with a depth to a water impermeable layer less than 20 inches and all soils with a water table within 24 inches of the surface are in this group…. An impermeable layer is identified as having a component restriction of….densic material; bedrock, paralithic; bedrock, lithic; bedrock, densic… [lithic is defining sedimentary bedrock] The WSS National Engineering Handbook provides a table summarizing the criteria for assignment of hydrological soil groups in Table 7-1. This table has been presented herein and highlights the criteria that identifies the site, specific to our findings (noted in yellow high lighter): Rincon Homes Project No. 3738-SD Hydrologic Classification October 26, 2021 Twain Avenue, Carlsbad, CA Page 5 Table 7-1 (NEH, 2009) Rincon Homes Project No. 3738-SD Hydrologic Classification October 26, 2021 Twain Avenue, Carlsbad, CA Page 6 Conclusions The WSS survey was based on a photographic interpretation. GeoTek’s evaluation consisted of performing six manual auger borings to physically assess the soil profile throughout the site. The test borings reached practical refusal on bedrock between a depth of fifteen and nineteen inches. Thus, based on the WSS NEH Table 7-1, the site should be classified as a hydrologic soil Group D. The opportunity to be of service is sincerely appreciated. If you should have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact GeoTek. Respectfully submitted, GeoTek, Inc. Christopher D. Livesey CEG 2733, Exp. 05/31/23 Attachments: Figure 1 – Site Location Map Figure 2 – Geotechnical map Typical Boring Log Legend Logs of Exploratory Borings Distribution: (1) Addressee Rincon Homes Project No. 3738-SD Hydrologic Classification October 26, 2021 Twain Avenue, Carlsbad, CA Page 7 SELECTED REFERENCES Christian Wheeler Engineering (CWE), 2018Updated Geotechnical Investigation Report, Project number CWE 2180124.01, dated February 16, 2018. Pasco, Laret, Suiter & Assoc, (PLSA), 2021, Grading Plan for Twain Homes, Twain Avenue, received September 21, 2021. Soil Web Survey.com U.S. Department of Agriculture, Natural Resources Conservation Service, National Soil Survey Handbook, Title 210, Part 630, Chapter 7, Hydrologic Soil Groups. Rincon Homes 2090 Twain Avenue Carlsbad, California 1384 Poinsettia Avenue, Suite A Vista, California 92081 Figure 1 Site Location Map N Not to Scale Imagery from US Forestry Service, 2021 Approximate Site Location PN: 3738-SD DATE: October 2021 HA-1HA-2 HA-3 HA-4 & HA-5 HA-6 Approximate Location of Hand Auger Boring HA-6 LEGEND Approximate Limits of Study 1384 Poinsettia Avenue, Suite A Vista, California 92081 Figure 2 Geotechnical Map Rincon Homes 2090 Twain Avenue Carlsbad, California PN: 3738-SD DATE: October 2021 0 50 100 Scale: 1" = 50' 20 Plan adapted from "Web Soil Survey" by Natural Resources Conservation Service N APPENDIX E SLOPE STABILITY ANALYSIS OUTPUTS Assume: (1) Saturation To Slope Surface (2) Sufficient Permeability To Establish Water Flow Pw = Water Pressure Head=(z)(cos^2(a)) Ws = Saturated Soil Unit Weight Ww = Unit Weight of Water (62.4 lb/cu.ft.) u = Pore Water Pressure=(Ww)(z)(cos^2(a)) z = Layer Thickness a = Angle of Slope phi = Angle of Friction c = Cohesion Fd = (0.5)(z)(Ws)(sin(2a)) Fr = (z)(Ws-Ww)(cos^2(a))(tan(phi)) + c Factor of Safety (FS) = Fr/Fd 2:1 Fill Slope Given: Ws z a c (pcf)(ft) (degrees)(radians)(degrees)(radians)(psf) 135 4 26.6 0.464258 21 0.366519 300 Calculations: Pw u Fd Fr FS 3.20 199.56 216.20 389.12 1.80 Project No. 3738-SD phi SURFICIAL STABILITY ANALYSIS 1.5161.5161.5161.516 Method Name Min FS Bishop simplified 1.526 Spencer 1.516 GLE / Morgenstern-Price 1.517 Material Name Color Unit Weight (lbs/Ō3)Strength Type Cohesion (psf) Phi (deg) Water Surface Ru Af 125 Mohr-Coulomb 200 27 None 0 Tsa 125 Mohr-Coulomb 300 29 None 0 Safety Factor 0.000 0.250 0.500 0.750 1.000 1.250 1.500 1.750 2.000 2.250 2.500 2.750 3.000 3.250 3.500 3.750 4.000 4.250 4.500 4.750 5.000 5.250 5.500 5.750 6.000+ 35 0 30 0 25 0 20 0 -50 0 50 100 150 200 250 Analysis Description Cross Section A-A' - Static Company GeoTekScale1:408Drawn By CH File Name 3738-SD Cross Section AA Static.slimDate2/28/2022, 9:29:32 AM Project 3738-SD Ocean View 1.1511.1511.1511.151Method Name Min FS Bishop simplified 1.151 Spencer 1.151 GLE / Morgenstern-Price 1.149 Material Name Color Unit Weight (lbs/Ō3)Strength Type Cohesion (psf) Phi (deg) Af 125 Mohr-Coulomb 200 27 Tsa 125 Mohr-Coulomb 300 29 0.15 Safety Factor 0.000 0.250 0.500 0.750 1.000 1.250 1.500 1.750 2.000 2.250 2.500 2.750 3.000 3.250 3.500 3.750 4.000 4.250 4.500 4.750 5.000 5.250 5.500 5.750 6.000+ 45 0 40 0 35 0 30 0 25 0 20 0 -200 -150 -100 -50 0 50 100 150 200 250 Analysis Description Cross Section A-A' - PseudoStatic Company GeoTekScale1:592Drawn By CH File Name 3738-SD Cross Section AA PseudoStatic.slimDate2/28/2022, 9:29:32 AM Project 3738-SD Ocean View 1.7191.7191.7191.719 Method Name Min FS Bishop simplified 1.719 Spencer 1.685 GLE / Morgenstern-Price 1.682 Material Name Color Unit Weight (lbs/Ō3)Strength Type Cohesion (psf) Phi (deg) Af 125 Mohr-Coulomb 200 27 Tsa 125 Mohr-Coulomb 300 29 Qop 125 Mohr-Coulomb 100 33 BMP Basin Material 125 Mohr-Coulomb 50 15 Af High Strength 125 Infinite strength 10.000 Bottom of Wall projected up at 1:1 Safety Factor 0.000 0.250 0.500 0.750 1.000 1.250 1.500 1.750 2.000 2.250 2.500 2.750 3.000 3.250 3.500 3.750 4.000 4.250 4.500 4.750 5.000 5.250 5.500 5.750 6.000+ 37 5 35 0 32 5 30 0 27 5 25 0 22 5 -50 -25 0 25 50 75 100 125 150 175 200 Analysis Description Cross Section B-B' - Static Company GeoTekScale1:347Drawn By CH File Name 3738-SD Cross Section B-B' Static.slimDate2/28/2022, 11:03:13 AM Project 3738-SD Ocean View 1.2661.2661.2661.266 Method Name Min FS Bishop simplified 1.266 Spencer 1.236 GLE / Morgenstern-Price 1.227 Material Name Color Unit Weight (lbs/Ō3)Strength Type Cohesion (psf) Phi (deg) Tsa 125 Mohr-Coulomb 300 29 Qop 125 Mohr-Coulomb 100 33 BMP Basin Material 125 Mohr-Coulomb 50 15 Af High Strength 125 Infinite strength 0.15 Safety Factor 0.000 0.250 0.500 0.750 1.000 1.250 1.500 1.750 2.000 2.250 2.500 2.750 3.000 3.250 3.500 3.750 4.000 4.250 4.500 4.750 5.000 5.250 5.500 5.750 6.000+ 37 5 35 0 32 5 30 0 27 5 25 0 22 5 -50 -25 0 25 50 75 100 125 150 175 200 225 Analysis Description Cross Section B-B' - PseudoStatic Company GeoTekScale1:338Drawn By CH File Name 3738-SD Cross Section B-B' PseudoStatic.slimDate2/28/2022, 11:03:13 AM Project 3738-SD Ocean View 1.5641.564 2500.00 lbs/ft2 1.5641.564 Method Name Min FS Bishop simplified 1.564 Spencer 1.555 GLE / Morgenstern-Price 1.559 Material Name Color Unit Weight (lbs/Ō3)Strength Type Cohesion (psf) Phi (deg) Tsa 125 Mohr-Coulomb 300 29 Qop 125 Mohr-Coulomb 100 33 Af High Strength 125 Infinite strength 3' Wide Planter between retaining walls Safety Factor 0.000 0.250 0.500 0.750 1.000 1.250 1.500 1.750 2.000 2.250 2.500 2.750 3.000 3.250 3.500 3.750 4.000 4.250 4.500 4.750 5.000 5.250 5.500 5.750 6.000+ 35 0 32 5 30 0 27 5 25 0 22 5 -40 -20 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 Analysis Description Cross Section C-C' Static Company GeoTekScale1:299Drawn By CH File Name 3738-SD Cross Section C-C' Static.slimDate2/28/2022, 1:44:53 PM Project 3738-SD Ocean View SLIDEINTERPRET 7.038 1.2651.265 2500.00 lbs/ft2 1.2651.265 Method Name Min FS Bishop simplified 1.265 Spencer 1.265 GLE / Morgenstern-Price 1.265 Material Name Color Unit Weight (lbs/Ō3)Strength Type Cohesion (psf) Phi (deg) Tsa 125 Mohr-Coulomb 300 29 Qop 125 Mohr-Coulomb 100 33 Af High Strength 125 Infinite strength 3' Wide Planter between retaining walls 0.15 Safety Factor 0.000 0.250 0.500 0.750 1.000 1.250 1.500 1.750 2.000 2.250 2.500 2.750 3.000 3.250 3.500 3.750 4.000 4.250 4.500 4.750 5.000 5.250 5.500 5.750 6.000+ 35 0 32 5 30 0 27 5 25 0 22 5 -40 -20 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 Analysis Description Cross Section C-C' PsuedoStatic Company GeoTekScale1:306Drawn By CH File Name 3738-SD Cross Section C-C' Static.slimDate2/28/2022, 1:44:53 PM Project 3738-SD Ocean View 1.4041.404 2500.00 lbs/ft2 1.4041.404 Method Name Min FS Bishop simplified 1.404 Spencer 1.396 GLE / Morgenstern-Price 1.397 Material Name Color Unit Weight (lbs/Ō3)Strength Type Cohesion (psf) Phi (deg) Tsa 125 Mohr-Coulomb 300 29 Qop 125 Mohr-Coulomb 100 33 Safety Factor 0.000 0.250 0.500 0.750 1.000 1.250 1.500 1.750 2.000 2.250 2.500 2.750 3.000 3.250 3.500 3.750 4.000 4.250 4.500 4.750 5.000 5.250 5.500 5.750 6.000+ 36 0 34 0 32 0 30 0 28 0 26 0 24 0 -40 -20 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 Analysis Description Cross Section C-C' Static Temporary Slope Company GeoTekScale1:277Drawn By CH File Name 3738-SD Cross Section C-C' Static Temporary Slope.slimDate2/28/2022, 1:44:53 PM Project 3738-SD Ocean View APPENDIX F GENERAL EARTHWORK GRADING GUIDELINES GENERAL GRADING GUIDELINES APPENDIX C Page F- 1 GENERAL GRADING GUIDELINES Guidelines presented herein are intended to address general construction procedures for earthwork construction. Specific situations and conditions often arise which cannot reasonably be discussed in general guidelines, when anticipated these are discussed in the text of the report. Often unanticipated conditions are encountered which may necessitate modification or changes to these guidelines. It is our hope that these will assist the contractor to more efficiently complete the project by providing a reasonable understanding of the procedures that would be expected during earthwork and the testing and observation used to evaluate those procedures. General Grading should be performed to at least the minimum requirements of governing agencies, the California Building Code, CBC (2019) and the guidelines presented below. Preconstruction Meeting A preconstruction meeting should be held prior to site earthwork. Any questions the contractor has regarding our recommendations, general site conditions, apparent discrepancies between reported and actual conditions and/or differences in procedures the contractor intends to use should be brought up at that meeting. The contractor (including the main onsite representative) should review our report and these guidelines in advance of the meeting. Any comments the contractor may have regarding these guidelines should be brought up at that meeting. Grading Observation and Testing 1. Observation of the fill placement should be provided by our representative during grading. Verbal communication during the course of each day will be used to inform the contractor of test results. The contractor should receive a copy of the "Daily Field Report" indicating results of field density tests that day. If our representative does not provide the contractor with these reports, our office should be notified. 2. Testing and observation procedures are, by their nature, specific to the work or area observed and location of the tests taken, variability may occur in other locations. The contractor is responsible for the uniformity of the grading operations; our observations and test results are intended to evaluate the contractor’s overall level of efforts during grading. The contractor’s personnel are the only individuals participating in all aspect of site work. Compaction testing and observation should not be considered as relieving the contractor’s responsibility to properly compact the fill. 3. Cleanouts, processed ground to receive fill, key excavations, and subdrains should be observed by our representative prior to placing any fill. It will be the contractor's responsibility to notify our representative or office when such areas are ready for observation. 4. Density tests may be made on the surface material to receive fill, as considered warranted by this firm. 5. In general, density tests would be made at maximum intervals of two feet of fill height or every 1,000 cubic yards of fill placed. Criteria will vary depending on soil conditions and size of the fill. More frequent testing may be performed. In any case, an adequate number of field density tests should be made to evaluate the required compaction and moisture content is generally being obtained. GENERAL GRADING GUIDELINES APPENDIX C Page F- 2 6. Laboratory testing to support field test procedures will be performed, as considered warranted, based on conditions encountered (e.g. change of material sources, types, etc.) Every effort will be made to process samples in the laboratory as quickly as possible and in progress construction projects are our first priority. However, laboratory workloads may cause in delays and some soils may require a minimum of 48 to 72 hours to complete test procedures. Whenever possible, our representative(s) should be informed in advance of operational changes that might result in different source areas for materials. 7. Procedures for testing of fill slopes are as follows: a) Density tests should be taken periodically during grading on the flat surface of the fill, three to five feet horizontally from the face of the slope. b) If a method other than over building and cutting back to the compacted core is to be employed, slope compaction testing during construction should include testing the outer six inches to three feet in the slope face to determine if the required compaction is being achieved. 8. Finish grade testing of slopes and pad surfaces should be performed after construction is complete. Site Clearing 1. All vegetation, and other deleterious materials, should be removed from the site. If material is not immediately removed from the site it should be stockpiled in a designated area(s) well outside of all current work areas and delineated with flagging or other means. Site clearing should be performed in advance of any grading in a specific area. 2. Efforts should be made by the contractor to remove all organic or other deleterious material from the fill, as even the most diligent efforts may result in the incorporation of some materials. This is especially important when grading is occurring near the natural grade. All equipment operators should be aware of these efforts. Laborers may be required as root pickers. 3. Nonorganic debris or concrete may be placed in deeper fill areas provided the procedures used are observed and found acceptable by our representative. Typical procedures are similar to those indicated on Plate G-4. Treatment of Existing Ground 1. Following site clearing, all surficial deposits of alluvium and colluvium as well as weathered or creep effected bedrock, should be removed (see Plates G-1, G-2 and G-3) unless otherwise specifically indicated in the text of this report. 2. In some cases, removal may be recommended to a specified depth (e.g. flat sites where partial alluvial removals may be sufficient). The contractor should not exceed these depths unless directed otherwise by our representative. 3. Groundwater existing in alluvial areas may make excavation difficult. Deeper removals than indicated in the text of the report may be necessary due to saturation during winter months. 4. Subsequent to removals, the natural ground should be processed to a depth of six inches, moistened to near optimum moisture conditions and compacted to fill standards. 5. Exploratory back hoe or dozer trenches still remaining after site removal should be excavated and filled with compacted fill if they can be located. GENERAL GRADING GUIDELINES APPENDIX C Page F- 3 Subdrainage 1. Subdrainage systems should be provided in canyon bottoms prior to placing fill, and behind buttress and stabilization fills and in other areas indicated in the report. Subdrains should conform to schematic diagrams G-1 and G-5, and be acceptable to our representative. 2. For canyon subdrains, runs less than 500 feet may use six-inch pipe. Typically, runs in excess of 500 feet should have the lower end as eight-inch minimum. 3. Filter material should be clean, 1/2 to 1-inch gravel wrapped in a suitable filter fabric. Class 2 permeable filter material per California Department of Transportation Standards tested by this office to verify its suitability, may be used without filter fabric. A sample of the material should be provided to the Soils Engineer by the contractor at least two working days before it is delivered to the site. The filter should be clean with a wide range of sizes. 4. Approximate delineation of anticipated subdrain locations may be offered at 40-scale plan review stage. During grading, this office would evaluate the necessity of placing additional drains. 5. All subdrainage systems should be observed by our representative during construction and prior to covering with compacted fill. 6. Subdrains should outlet into storm drains where possible. Outlets should be located and protected. The need for backflow preventers should be assessed during construction. 7. Consideration should be given to having subdrains located by the project surveyors. Fill Placement 1. Unless otherwise indicated, all site soil and bedrock may be reused for compacted fill; however, some special processing or handling may be required (see text of report). 2. Material used in the compacting process should be evenly spread, moisture conditioned, processed, and compacted in thin lifts six (6) to eight (8) inches in compacted thickness to obtain a uniformly dense layer. The fill should be placed and compacted on a nearly horizontal plane, unless otherwise found acceptable by our representative. 3. If the moisture content or relative density varies from that recommended by this firm, the contractor should rework the fill until it is in accordance with the following: a) Moisture content of the fill should be at or above optimum moisture. Moisture should be evenly distributed without wet and dry pockets. Pre-watering of cut or removal areas should be considered in addition to watering during fill placement, particularly in clay or dry surficial soils. The ability of the contractor to obtain the proper moisture content will control production rates. b) Each six-inch layer should be compacted to at least 90 percent of the maximum dry density in compliance with the testing method specified by the controlling governmental agency. In most cases, the testing method is ASTM Test Designation D 1557. 4. Rock fragments less than eight inches in diameter may be utilized in the fill, provided: a) They are not placed in concentrated pockets; b) There is a sufficient percentage of fine-grained material to surround the rocks; c) The distribution of the rocks is observed by, and acceptable to, our representative. 5. Rocks exceeding eight (8) inches in diameter should be taken off site, broken into smaller fragments, or placed in accordance with recommendations of this firm in areas designated suitable for rock disposal (see Plate G-4). On projects where significant large quantities of oversized materials are anticipated, alternate guidelines for placement may be included. If GENERAL GRADING GUIDELINES APPENDIX C Page F- 4 significant oversize materials are encountered during construction, these guidelines should be requested. 6. In clay soil, dry or large chunks or blocks are common. If in excess of eight (8) inches minimum dimension, then they are considered as oversized. Sheepsfoot compactors or other suitable methods should be used to break up blocks. When dry, they should be moisture conditioned to provide a uniform condition with the surrounding fill. Slope Construction 1. The contractor should obtain a minimum relative compaction of 90 percent out to the finished slope face of fill slopes. This may be achieved by either overbuilding the slope and cutting back to the compacted core, or by direct compaction of the slope face with suitable equipment. 2. Slopes trimmed to the compacted core should be overbuilt by at least three (3) feet with compaction efforts out to the edge of the false slope. Failure to properly compact the outer edge results in trimming not exposing the compacted core and additional compaction after trimming may be necessary. 3. If fill slopes are built "at grade" using direct compaction methods, then the slope construction should be performed so that a constant gradient is maintained throughout construction. Soil should not be "spilled" over the slope face nor should slopes be "pushed out" to obtain grades. Compaction equipment should compact each lift along the immediate top of slope. Slopes should be back rolled or otherwise compacted at approximately every 4 feet vertically as the slope is built. 4. Corners and bends in slopes should have special attention during construction as these are the most difficult areas to obtain proper compaction. 5. Cut slopes should be cut to the finished surface. Excessive undercutting and smoothing of the face with fill may necessitate stabilization. Keyways, Buttress and Stabilization Fills Keyways are needed to provide support for fill slope and various corrective procedures. 1. Side-hill fills should have an equipment-width key at their toe excavated through all surficial soil and into competent material and tilted back into the hill (Plates G-2, G-3). As the fill is elevated, it should be benched through surficial soil and slopewash, and into competent bedrock or other material deemed suitable by our representatives (See Plates G-1, G-2, and G-3). 2. Fill over cut slopes should be constructed in the following manner: a) All surficial soils and weathered rock materials should be removed at the cut-fill interface. b) A key at least one and one-half (1.5) equipment width wide (or as needed for compaction), and tipped at least one (1) foot into slope, should be excavated into competent materials and observed by our representative. c) The cut portion of the slope should be excavated prior to fill placement to evaluate if stabilization is necessary. The contractor should be responsible for any additional earthwork created by placing fill prior to cut excavation. (see Plate G-3 for schematic details.) 3. Daylight cut lots above descending natural slopes may require removal and replacement of the outer portion of the lot. A schematic diagram for this condition is presented on Plate G- 2. GENERAL GRADING GUIDELINES APPENDIX C Page F- 5 4. A basal key is needed for fill slopes extending over natural slopes. A schematic diagram for this condition is presented on Plate G-2. 5. All fill slopes should be provided with a key unless within the body of a larger overall fill mass. Please refer to Plate G-3 for specific guidelines. Anticipated buttress and stabilization fills are discussed in the text of the report. The need to stabilize other proposed cut slopes will be evaluated during construction. Plate G-5 shows a schematic of buttress construction. 1. All backcuts should be excavated at gradients of 1:1 or flatter. The backcut configuration should be determined based on the design, exposed conditions, and need to maintain a minimum fill width and provide working room for the equipment. 2. On longer slopes, backcuts and keyways should be excavated in maximum 250 feet long segments. The specific configurations will be determined during construction. 3. All keys should be a minimum of two (2) feet deep at the toe and slope toward the heel at least one foot or two (2%) percent, whichever is greater. 4. Subdrains are to be placed for all stabilization slopes exceeding 10 feet in height. Lower slopes are subject to review. Drains may be required. Guidelines for subdrains are presented on Plate G-5. 5. Benching of backcuts during fill placement is required. Lot Capping 1. When practical, the upper three (3) feet of material placed below finish grade should be comprised of the least expansive material available. Preferably, highly and very highly expansive materials should not be used. We will attempt to offer advice based on visual evaluations of the materials during grading, but it must be realized that laboratory testing is needed to evaluate the expansive potential of soil. Minimally, this testing takes two (2) to four (4) days to complete. 2. Transition lots (cut and fill) both per plan and those created by remedial grading (e.g. lots above stabilization fills, along daylight lines, above natural slopes, etc.) should be capped with a minimum three foot thick compacted fill blanket. 3. Cut pads should be observed by our representative(s) to evaluate the need for overexcavation and replacement with fill. This may be necessary to reduce water infiltration into highly fractured bedrock or other permeable zones, and/or due to differing expansive potential of materials beneath a structure. The overexcavation should be at least three feet. Deeper overexcavation may be recommended in some cases. ROCK PLACEMENT AND ROCK FILL GUIDELINES If large quantities of oversize material would be generated during grading, it’s likely that such materials may require special handling for burial. Although alternatives may be developed in the field, the following methods of rock disposal are recommended on a preliminary basis. Limited Larger Rock When materials encountered are principally soil with limited quantities of larger rock fragments or boulders, placement in windrows is recommended. The following procedures should be applied: 1. Oversize rock (greater than 8 inches) should be placed in windrows. a) Windrows are rows of single file rocks placed to avoid nesting or clusters of rock. GENERAL GRADING GUIDELINES APPENDIX C Page F- 6 b) Each adjacent rock should be approximately the same size (within ~one foot in diameter). c) The maximum rock size allowed in windrows is four feet 2. A minimum vertical distance of three feet between lifts should be maintained. Also, the windrows should be offset from lift to lift. Rock windrows should not be closer than 15 feet to the face of fill slopes and sufficient space must be maintained for proper slope construction (see Plate G-4). 3. Rocks greater than eight inches in diameter should not be placed within seven feet of the finished subgrade for a roadway or pads and should be held below the depth of the lowest utility. This will allow easier trenching for utility lines. 4. Rocks greater than four feet in diameter should be broken down, if possible, or they may be placed in a dozer trench. Each trench should be excavated into the compacted fill a minimum of one foot deeper than the largest diameter of rock. a) The rock should be placed in the trench and granular fill materials (SE>30) should be flooded into the trench to fill voids around the rock. b) The over size rock trenches should be no closer together than 15 feet from any slope face. c) Trenches at higher elevation should be staggered and there should be a minimum of four feet of compacted fill between the top of the one trench and the bottom of the next higher trench. d) It would be necessary to verify 90 percent relative compaction in these pits. A 24 to 72 hour delay to allow for water dissipation should be anticipated prior to additional fill placement. Structural Rock Fills If the materials generated for placement in structural fills contains a significant percentage of material more than six (6) inches in one dimension, then placement using conventional soil fill methods with isolated windrows would not be feasible. In such cases the following could be considered: 1. Mixes of large rock or boulders may be placed as rock fill. They should be below the depth of all utilities both on pads and in roadways and below any proposed swimming pools or other excavations. If these fills are placed within seven (7) feet of finished grade, they may affect foundation design. 2. Rock fills are required to be placed in horizontal layers that should not exceed two feet in thickness, or the maximum rock size present, which ever is less. All rocks exceeding two feet should be broken down to a smaller size, windrowed (see above), or disposed of in non-structural fill areas. Localized larger rock up to 3 feet in largest dimension may be placed in rock fill as follows: a) individual rocks are placed in a given lift so as to be roughly 50% exposed above the typical surface of the fill , b) loaded rock trucks or alternate compactors are worked around the rock on all sides to the satisfaction of the soil engineer, c) the portion of the rock above grade is covered with a second lift. 3. Material placed in each lift should be well graded. No unfilled spaces (voids) should be permitted in the rock fill. GENERAL GRADING GUIDELINES APPENDIX C Page F- 7 Compaction Procedures Compaction of rock fills is largely procedural. The following procedures have been found to generally produce satisfactory compaction. 1. Provisions for routing of construction traffic over the fill should be implemented. a) Placement should be by rock trucks crossing the lift being placed and dumping at its edge. b) The trucks should be routed so that each pass across the fill is via a different path and that all areas are uniformly traversed. c) The dumped piles should be knocked down and spread by a large dozer (D-8 or larger suggested). (Water should be applied before and during spreading.) 2. Rock fill should be generously watered (sluiced) a) Water should be applied by water trucks to the: i) dump piles, ii) front face of the lift being placed and, iii) surface of the fill prior to compaction. b) No material should be placed without adequate water. c) The number of water trucks and water supply should be sufficient to provide constant water. d) Rock fill placement should be suspended when water trucks are unavailable: i) for more than 5 minutes straight, or, ii) for more than 10 minutes/hour. 3. In addition to the truck pattern and at the discretion of the soil engineer, large, rubber tired compactors may be required. a) The need for this equipment will depend largely on the ability of the operators to provide complete and uniform coverage by wheel rolling with the trucks. b) Other large compactors will also be considered by the soil engineer provided that required compaction is achieved. 4. Placement and compaction of the rock fill is largely procedural. Observation by trenching should be made to check: a) the general segregation of rock size, b) for any unfilled spaces between the large blocks, and c) the matrix compaction and moisture content. 5. Test fills may be required to evaluate relative compaction of finer grained zones or as deemed appropriate by the soil engineer. a) A lift should be constructed by the methods proposed, as proposed 6. Frequency of the test trenching is to be at the discretion of the soil engineer. Control areas may be used to evaluate the contractor’s procedures. 7. A minimum horizontal distance of 15 feet should be maintained from the face of the rock fill and any finish slope face. At least the outer 15 feet should be built of conventional fill materials. Piping Potential and Filter Blankets Where conventional fill is placed over rock fill, the potential for piping (migration) of the fine grained material from the conventional fill into rock fills will need to be addressed. The potential for particle migration is related to the grain size comparisons of the materials present and in contact with each other. Provided that 15 percent of the finer soil is larger than the effective GENERAL GRADING GUIDELINES APPENDIX C Page F- 8 pore size of the coarse soil, then particle migration is substantially mitigated. This can be accomplished with a well-graded matrix material for the rock fill and a zone of fill similar to the matrix above it. The specific gradation of the fill materials placed during grading must be known to evaluate the need for any type of filter that may be necessary to cap the rock fills. This, unfortunately, can only be accurately determined during construction. In the event that poorly graded matrix is used in the rock fills, properly graded filter blankets 2 to 3 feet thick separating rock fills and conventional fill may be needed. As an alternative, use of two layers of filter fabric (Mirafi 700 x or equivalent) could be employed on top of the rock fill. In order to mitigate excess puncturing, the surface of the rock fill should be well broken down and smoothed prior to placing the filter fabric. The first layer of the fabric may then be placed and covered with relatively permeable fill material (with respect to overlying material) 1 to 2 feet thick. The relative permeable material should be compacted to fill standards. The second layer of fabric should be placed and conventional fill placement continued. Subdrainage Rock fill areas should be tied to a subdrainage system. If conventional fill is placed that separates the rock from the main canyon subdrain, then a secondary system should be installed. A system consisting of an adequately graded base (3 to 4 percent to the lower side) with a collector system and outlets may suffice. Additionally, at approximately every 25 foot vertical interval, a collector system with outlets should be placed at the interface of the rock fill and the conventional fill blanketing a fill slope. Monitoring Depending upon the depth of the rock fill and other factors, monitoring for settlement of the fill areas may be needed following completion of grading. Typically, if rock fill depths exceed 40 feet, monitoring would be recommend prior to construction of any settlement sensitive improvements. Delays of 3 to 6 months or longer can be expected prior to the start of construction. UTILITY TRENCH CONSTRUCTION AND BACKFILL Utility trench excavation and backfill is the contractor’s responsibility. The geotechnical consultant typically provides periodic observation and testing of these operations. While efforts are made to make sufficient observations and tests to verify that the contractors’ methods and procedures are adequate to achieve proper compaction, it is typically impractical to observe all backfill procedures. As such, it is critical that the contractor use consistent backfill procedures. Compaction methods vary for trench compaction and experience indicates many methods can be successful. However, procedures that “worked” on previous projects may or may not prove effective on a given site. The contractor(s) should outline the procedures proposed, so that we may discuss them prior to construction. We will offer comments based on our knowledge of site conditions and experience. 1. Utility trench backfill in slopes, structural areas, in streets and beneath flat work or hardscape should be brought to at least optimum moisture and compacted to at least 90 percent of the laboratory standard. Soil should be moisture conditioned prior to placing in the trench. GENERAL GRADING GUIDELINES APPENDIX C Page F- 9 2. Flooding and jetting are not typically recommended or acceptable for native soils. Flooding or jetting may be used with select sand having a Sand Equivalent (SE) of 30 or higher. This is typically limited to the following uses: a) shallow (12 + inches) under slab interior trenches and, b) as bedding in pipe zone. The water should be allowed to dissipate prior to pouring slabs or completing trench compaction. 3. Care should be taken not to place soils at high moisture content within the upper three feet of the trench backfill in street areas, as overly wet soils may impact subgrade preparation. Moisture may be reduced to 2% below optimum moisture in areas to be paved within the upper three feet below sub grade. 4. Sand backfill should not be allowed in exterior trenches adjacent to and within an area extending below a 1:1 projection from the outside bottom edge of a footing, unless it is similar to the surrounding soil. 5. Trench compaction testing is generally at the discretion of the geotechnical consultant. Testing frequency will be based on trench depth and the contractor’s procedures. A probing rod would be used to assess the consistency of compaction between tested areas and untested areas. If zones are found that are considered less compact than other areas, this would be brought to the contractor’s attention. JOB SAFETY General Personnel safety is a primary concern on all job sites. The following summaries are safety considerations for use by all our employees on multi-employer construction sites. On ground personnel are at highest risk of injury and possible fatality on grading construction projects. The company recognizes that construction activities will vary on each site and that job site safety is the contractor's responsibility. However, it is, imperative that all personnel be safety conscious to avoid accidents and potential injury. In an effort to minimize risks associated with geotechnical testing and observation, the following precautions are to be implemented for the safety of our field personnel on grading and construction projects. 1. Safety Meetings: Our field personnel are directed to attend the contractor's regularly scheduled safety meetings. 2. Safety Vests: Safety vests are provided for and are to be worn by our personnel while on the job site. 3. Safety Flags: Safety flags are provided to our field technicians; one is to be affixed to the vehicle when on site, the other is to be placed atop the spoil pile on all test pits. In the event that the contractor's representative observes any of our personnel not following the above, we request that it be brought to the attention of our office. Test Pits Location, Orientation and Clearance The technician is responsible for selecting test pit locations. The primary concern is the technician's safety. However, it is necessary to take sufficient tests at various locations to obtain a representative sampling of the fill. As such, efforts will be made to coordinate locations with the grading contractors authorized representatives (e.g. dump man, operator, supervisor, grade checker, etc.), GENERAL GRADING GUIDELINES APPENDIX C Page F- 10 and to select locations following or behind the established traffic pattern, preferably outside of current traffic. The contractors authorized representative should direct excavation of the pit and safety during the test period. Again, safety is the paramount concern. Test pits should be excavated so that the spoil pile is placed away from oncoming traffic. The technician's vehicle is to be placed next to the test pit, opposite the spoil pile. This necessitates that the fill be maintained in a drivable condition. Alternatively, the contractor may opt to park a piece of equipment in front of test pits, particularly in small fill areas or those with limited access. A zone of non-encroachment should be established for all test pits (see diagram below). No grading equipment should enter this zone during the test procedure. The zone should extend outward to the sides approximately 50 feet from the center of the test pit and 100 feet in the direction of traffic flow. This zone is established both for safety and to avoid excessive ground vibration, which typically decreases test results. 50 ft Zone of Non-Encroachment 50 ft Zone of Non-Encroachment Traffic Direction Vehicle parked here Test Pit Spoil pile Spoil pile Test Pit SIDE VIEW PLAN VIEW TEST PIT SAFETY PLAN 10 0 ft Zone of Non-Encroachment Slope Tests When taking slope tests, the technician should park their vehicle directly above or below the test location on the slope. The contractor's representative should effectively keep all equipment at a safe operation distance (e.g. 50 feet) away from the slope during testing. The technician is directed to withdraw from the active portion of the fill as soon as possible following testing. The technician's vehicle should be parked at the perimeter of the fill in a highly visible location. Trench Safety It is the contractor's responsibility to provide safe access into trenches where compaction testing is needed. Trenches for all utilities should be excavated in accordance with CAL-OSHA and any other applicable safety standards. Safe conditions will be required to enable compaction testing of the trench backfill. GENERAL GRADING GUIDELINES APPENDIX C Page F- 11 All utility trench excavations in excess of 5 feet deep, which a person enters, are to be shored or laid back. Trench access should be provided in accordance with OSHA standards. Our personnel are directed not to enter any trench by being lowered or "riding down" on the equipment. Our personnel are directed not to enter any excavation which; 1. is 5 feet or deeper unless shored or laid back, 2. exit points or ladders are not provided, 3. displays any evidence of instability, has any loose rock or other debris which could fall into the trench, or 4. displays any other evidence of any unsafe conditions regardless of depth. If the contractor fails to provide safe access to trenches for compaction testing, our company policy requires that the soil technician withdraws and notifies their supervisor. The contractor’s representative will then be contacted in an effort to affect a solution. All backfill not tested due to safety concerns or other reasons is subject to reprocessing and/or removal. Procedures In the event that the technician's safety is jeopardized or compromised as a result of the contractor's failure to comply with any of the above, the technician is directed to inform both the developer's and contractor's representatives. If the condition is not rectified, the technician is required, by company policy, to immediately withdraw and notify their supervisor. The contractor’s representative will then be contacted in an effort to affect a solution. No further testing will be performed until the situation is rectified. Any fill placed in the interim can be considered unacceptable and subject to reprocessing, recompaction or removal. In the event that the soil technician does not comply with the above or other established safety guidelines, we request that the contractor bring this to technician’s attention and notify our project manager or office. Effective communication and coordination between the contractors' representative and the field technician(s) is strongly encouraged in order to implement the above safety program and safety in general. The safety procedures outlined above should be discussed at the contractor's safety meetings. This will serve to inform and remind equipment operators of these safety procedures particularly the zone of non-encroachment. The safety procedures outlined above should be discussed at the contractor's safety meetings. This will serve to inform and remind equipment operators of these safety procedures particularly the zone of non-encroachment. 1384 Poinsettia Avenue, Suite A Vista, California 92083 TYPICAL CANYON CLEANOUT STANDARD GRADING GUIDELINES ALTERNATES Original Ground 3’ Loose Surface Materials PLATE G-1 Finish Grade 3’ Suitable Material Suitable Material 6” Perforated Pipe in 9 cubic feet per LinealFoot Clean Gravel Wrapped in Filter Fabric Construct Bencheswhere slope exceeds 5:1 Bottom of Cleanout to Be At Least 1.5 Times the Width of Compaction Equipment 4 feet typical Slope to Drain Original Ground Loose Surface Materials Finish Grade Suitable MaterialConstruct Bencheswhere slope exceeds 5:1 Bottom of Cleanout to Be AtLeast1.5 Times the Width ofCompaction Equipment 4 feet typical Slope to Drain 6” Perforated Pipe in 9 cubic feetper Lineal Foot Clean GravelWrapped in Filter Fabric TREATMENT ABOVE NATURAL SLOPES STANDARD GRADING GUIDELINES TYPICAL FILL SLOPE OVER NATURAL DESCENDING SLOPE Topsoil Bedrock PLATE G-2 Finish Grade Fill Slope Daylight Cut Line per Plan Project Removal at 1 to 1 Min. 3 FeetCompacted Fill Colluvium Creep Zone Minimum 15 Feet Wide or 1.5 EquipmentWidths for Compaction Toe of Fill Slope per Plan DAYLIGHT CUT AREA OVER NATURAL DESCENDING SLOPE Topsoil Structural SetbackWithout Corrective Work Project Removalat 1 to 1 Colluvium Creep Zone Min. 2 Feet Minimum 15 Feet Wideor 1.5 EquipmentWidths for Compaction Finish Grade Bedrock Min. 3 FeetCompacted Fill Min.2 Feet Compacted Fill Compacted Fill 1384 Poinsettia Avenue, Suite A Vista, California 92081-8505 Topsoil Colluvium Creep Zone COMMON FILL SLOPE KEYS STANDARD GRADING GUIDELINES TYPICAL FILL SLOPE OVER CUT SLOPE Topsoil Bedrock PLATE G-3 Finish Grade 2: 1 Fill Slope 4’ Typical Colluvium Creep Zone Minimum 15 Feet Wideor 1.5 EquipmentWidths for Compaction Toe of Fill Slope per Plan TYPICAL FILL SLOPE Bedrock or Suitable Dense Material Minimum compacted fill requiredto provide lateral support. Excavate key if width or depthless than indicated in table above Cut Slope SLOPEHEIGHT MIN. KEY WIDTH MIN. KEY DEPTH 5 10 15 20 25 >25 7 10 15 15 15 SEE TEXT 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 CONTRACTOR TO VERIFYWITH SOIL ENGINEERPRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION 1384 Poinsettia Avenue, Suite A Vista, California 92081-8505 NOTES: 1)SOIL FILL OVER WINDROW SHOULE BE 7 FEET OR PER JURISDUICTIONAL STANDARDS AND SUFFICIENTFOR FUTURE EXCAVATIONS TO AVOID ROCKS 2)MAXIMUM ROCK SIZE IN WINDROWS IS 4 FEET MINIMUM DIAMETER 3)SOIL AROUND WINDROWS TO BE SANDY MATERIAL SUBJECT TO SOIL ENGINEER ACCEPTANCE 4)SPACING AND CLEARANCES MUST BE SUFFICIENT TO ALLOW FOR PROPER COMPACTION 5)INDIVDUAL LARGE ROCKS MAY BE BURIED IN PITS. ROCK BURIAL DETAILS STANDARD GRADING GUIDELINES PLATE G-4 SEE NOTE 1 15’ MIN.3’ MIN. 3’ MIN. MINIMUM 15’ CLEAR OR 1.5 EQUIPMENT WIDTHS FOR COMPACTION STAGGER ROWS HORIZONTALLY NO ROCKS IN THIS ZONE CROSS SECTIONAL VIEW FINISH GRADE FILL SLOPE PLAN VIEW FILL SLOPE MINIMUM 15’ CLEAR OR 1.5 EQUIPMENTWIDTHS FOR COMPACTION MINIMUM 15’ CLEAR OR 1.5 EQUIPMENT WIDTHS FOR COMPACTION PLACE ROCKS END TO END DO NOT PILE OR STACK ROCKS SOIL TO BE PLACE AROUND AND OVER ROCKS THEN FLOODED INTOVOIDS. MUST COMPACT AROUND AND OVER EACH ROCK WINDROW 1384 Poinsettia Avenue, Suite A Vista, California 92081-8505 6” Perforated Pipe in 6 cubic feet per lineal foot clean gravel wrapped in filter fabric outlet pipe to gravity flow BEDROCK COMPACTED FILL MIN. 3 FEETCOMPACTED FILL TERRACE DRAIN AS REQUIRED 2 1 MIN. 15 FEET WIDE OR 1.5 EQUIPMENT WIDTHS FOR COMPACTION MIN. 2 FEET EMBEDDMENT 1384 Poinsettia Avenue, Suite A Vista, California 92083 Typical Buttress and Stabilization Fill PLATE G-5 4” or 6” Perforated Pipe in 6 cubicfeet per lineal foot clean gravelwrapped in filter fabric outlet pipeto gravity flow at 2% min. TRANSITION & UNDERCUT LOTS PLATE G-6 TRANSITION LOT PROPSED FINISH GRADE COMPETENT MATERIAL 4’MIN. OVEREXCAVATE ANDRECOMPACT PROPOSED STRUCTURE COMPACTED FILL 3 1 OVEREXCAVATION AND BENCHING NOTTO EXCEED INCLINATION OF 3:1 (H:V) UNDERCUT LOT PROPSED FINISH GRADE PROPOSED STRUCTURE 4’MIN. COMPETENT MATERIAL COMPACTED FILL OVEREXCAVATE ANDRECOMPACTOVEREXCAVATION TO HAVE 1%FALL TOWARD FRONT OF LOT Notes:1.Removed/overexcavated soils should be recompacted in accordance with recommendations included in the text of the report.2.Location of cut/fill transition should verified in the field during site grading. STANDARD GRADING GUIDELINES1384 Poinsettia Avenue, Suite A Vista, California 92081-8505 HETHERINGTON ENGINEERING, INC. SOIL & FOUNDATION ENGINEERING • ENGINEERING GEOLOGY • HYDROGEOLOGY City of Carlsbad Land Development Engineering 1635 Faraday Avenue Carlsbad, California 92008-7314 Attention: Ms. Nichole Fine November 29, 2021 Project No. 9546.1 Log No. 21697 Subject: THIRD-PARTY GEOTECHNICAL REVIEW (FIRST) Ocean View Point Twain A venue Carlsbad, California GR2021-0043 Dear Ms. Fine: In accordance with your request, Hetherington Engineering, Inc. has provided third-party geotechnical review of References 1 and 2. The following comments are provided for analyses and/or response by the Geotechnical Consultant. 1. The Consultant should review the project grading, retaining wall and improvement plans (References 3, 4, and 5), and foundation plans, provide any additional geotechnical analyses/recommendations considered necessary, and confirm that the plans have been prepared in accordance with the geotechnical recommendations. See Grading and Wall Plan Review Letter dated April 12, 2022: 2. The Consultant should provide an updated geotechnical map utilizing the current grading plan for the project to clearly show (at minimum): a) existing site topography, b) proposed structures/improvements, c) proposed finished grades, d) geologic conditions, e) locations of the subsurface exploration, f) temporary construction slopes, g) remedial grading, key locations, etc. See figures 2 through 5 of revised geotechnical report dated March 14, 2022. 3. The Consultant should provide geologic cross-sections utilizing the current grading plan to clearly show (at minimum): a) existing topography, b) proposed structures/improvements, c) proposed finish grades, d) geologic contacts, e) geologic structure, f) locations of the subsurface exploration, g) temporary construction slopes, and h) remedial grading, etc. See figures 2 through 5 of revised geotechnical report dated March 14, 2022. 4. The Consultant should provide the test methods used for the reported laboratory. testing. See section 3.3 of revised geotechnical report dated March 14, 2022. 5. The Consultant should address geologic structure of the Santiago Formation bedrock. See section 4.2.2 of revised geotechnical report dated March 14, 2022. 5365 Avenida Encinas, Suite A • Carlsbad, CA 92008-4369 • (760) 931-1917 • Fax (760) 931 -0545 333 Third Street • Laguna Beach, CA 92651 • (949) 715-5440 • Fax (949) 715-5442 www.hetheringtonengineering.com • I THIRD-PARTY GEOTECHNICAL REVIEW (FIRST) Project No 9546.1 Log No. 21697 November 29, 2021 Page2 6. The Consultant should address the gross and surficial stability of the proposed slopes. See section 4.3 of revised geotechnical report dated March 14, 2022. 7. The Consultant should address impacts to adjacent property and improvements as a result of site grading and construction. see section 4.3 and 5.1 of revised geotechnical report dated March 14, 2022. 8. The Consultant should provide seismic design recommendations for retaining walls over 6-feet high. See section 5.4.3 of revised geotechnical report dated March 14, 2022. 9. The Consultant should provide hardscape minimum thickness and reinforcement from a geotechnical standpoint. See section 5.3.8 of revised geotechnical report dated March 14, 2022. 10. The Consultant should specify the sulfate exposure category based on soluble sulfate testing or default to a severe category if testing is not available. See section 5.3. 7 of revised geotechnical report dated March 14, 2022. 11. The Consultant should provide a list of recommended testing and observation during grading and construction See section 5.6 of revised geotechnical report dated March 14, 2022. 12. The Consultant has provided preliminary asphalt concrete pavement design recommendations. Final pavement recommendation should be based on R-value testing of the subgrade soils at the completion of grading (No response required). Please call if there are any questions. Sincerely, HETHERINGTO Paul A. Bogseth Professional G ogi Certified En : eering Geologist 1153 Certified Hydrogeologist 591 ( expires 3/31/22) . • r D. Hetherington ivil Engineer 30488 Geotechnical Engineer 397 (expires 3/31/22) Distribution:--r:..vnce-=rrrail(N1clrole:Fine@carlsba:dca~gov)-- 1-via e-mail (ldetrackingdesk@carlsbadca.gov) 1-via e-mail (Tim. arro ll @ arl ·badca.gov) HETHERINGTON ENGINEERING. INC. ' • ------· REFERENCES 1. "Hydrologic Classification, Proposed Oceanview Project, Twain Avenue, Carlsbad, California", by Geotek, Inc., dated October 26, 2021. 2. "Updated Geotechnical Evaluation, Proposed Oceanview Project, Twain A venue, Carlsbad, San Diego County," by Geotek, Inc., dated November 2, 2021. 3. "Grading Plans for: Oceanview Point, Terminus of Twain Avenue", by Pasco Laret Suiter & Associates, undated (Sheets 1 through 13). 4. Retaining Wall Plans, Oceanview Point, Terminus of Twain Avenue',, by Sergin Engineering, Inc., undated (Drawings No 1 through 3) Sheets 13 through 15 of the Grading Plans 5. "Improvement Plans for: Oceanview Point, Terminus of Twain Avenue", by Pasco Laret Suiter & Associates, undated (Sheets 1 through 7). HETHERINGTON ENGINEERING. INC. Project No. 9546.1 Log No. 21697 GEOTECHNICAL | ENVIRONMENTAL | MATERIALS April 12, 2022 Project No. 3738-SD Rincon Homes 5315 Avenida Encinas, Suite 200 Carlsbad, California 92008 Attention: Mr. Cameron St. Clair Subject: Grading and Improvement and Wall Plan Review Proposed Oceanview Project Twain Avenue Carlsbad, California Dear Mr. St. Clair: As requested, GeoTek, Inc. (GeoTek) has completed a geotechnical review of the grading, improvement (post grading), and retaining wall plans for the subject site. The grading plan reviewed included sheets one through fourteen and was received on March 4, 2022, prepared by Pasco Laret Suiter & Associates. The improvement plan reviewed included sheets one through seven and was received on March 4, 2022, prepared by Pasco Laret Suiter & Associates Retaining wall plans reviewed include sheets fifteen through eighteen (four sheets) and was received on April 11, 2022, prepared by Sergin Engineering, Inc. Wall plan sheets appear to be numbered continuous from the last page of the grading plans. Based on this review, it is our opinion that the provided and reviewed plans have been prepared utilizing the soil engineering design parameters and recommendations provided in the referenced report. These plans are considered to be geotechnically suitable. GeoTek, Inc. makes no representation as to the accuracy of dimensions, calculations, or structural/civil design provided on the referenced plans. GeoTek, Inc. 1384 Poinsett.ia Avenue, Suite A Vista, CA 92081-8505 (760) 599-0509 Off .e (760) 599-0593 F .. A www.geotekusa.com RINCON HOMES PROJECT NO. 3738-SD GRADING, IMPROVEMENT, AND PLAN REVIEW APRIL 12, 2022 OCEANVIEW PROJECT, CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA PAGE 2 Should you have any questions after reviewing this addendum, please feel to contact our office at your convenience. Respectfully submitted, GeoTek, Inc. Distribution: (1) Addressee via email REFERENCES GeoTek, Inc., 2022, Update Geotechnical Evaluation, Proposed Oceanview Project, Twain Avenue, Carlsbad, San Diego County, California, Project No. 3738-SD, revision date March 14, 2022. Pascel Laret Suiter & Associates, Inc., 2022, Grading Plans for Ocean View Point, sheets one through fourteen (14 sheets), received March 4, 2022. Pascel Laret Suiter & Associates, Inc., 2022, Improvement Plans for Ocean View Point, sheets one through seven (7 sheets), received March 4, 2022. Sergin Engineering, Inc., 2022, Site and Retaining Wall Plan, sheets fifteen to eighteen (4 sheets), part of grading plan set, received April 11, 2022. Bruce A. Hick GE, 2284 Exp. 12/31/22 Geotechnical Engineer Christopher D. Livesey CEG, 2733 Exp. 05/31/23 Associate Vice President GEOTECHNICAL | ENVIRONMENTAL | MATERIAL July 28, 2022 Project No. 3738-SD Rincon Homes 5315 Avenida Encinas, Suite 200 Carlsbad, California 92008 Attention: Mr. Cameron St. Clair Subject: Response to 2nd Cycle Review Comments Proposed Oceanview Project Twain Avenue Carlsbad, California Reference: See Page 3 Dear Mr. St. Clair: As requested, by Bryan Knapp, Pasco Larrett Suiter & Associates (PLSA), GeoTek, Inc., (GeoTek) has prepared this letter to provide a supplemental respond to City of Carlsbad redline review comments of the Discretionary Plans (Sheets 1 through 5) for the Coastal Development Permit, CDP 2022-0014, dated May 23, 2022. The review comments presented concerns from Engineering and landscaping; there was not a specific heading from a geotechnical review, however, some comments should consider a geotechnical viewpoint. GeoTek’s responses are limited to specific comments related to Engineering Comment numbers 3, 5, and 7 and are considered to be supplementary to PLSA’s comments or design revisions. Other comments are to be provided by the appropriate designer or by PLSA. A copy of the review comments addressed herein are included in Appendix A and highlighted. Review Comment No. 3 Drainage around proposed structures does not comply with California Building Code [CBC]1804.4. Response to Review Comment No. 3 Surface drainage is predominately related to civil engineering. GeoTek’s report references section 1804.4 of the 2019 CBC to provide guidance to reduce the potential of soil moisture fluctuations near building foundations. Moisture fluctuations in expansive soils underlying building foundations pose a higher risk of detrimentally disturbing the building foundation compared to sites with non-expansive soils. It is GeoTek’s opinion section 1804.4 of the CBC is related to RINCON HOMES Project No. 3738-SD Ocean View Point July 25, 2022 Twain Avenue, Carlsbad, California Page 2 mitigate surface water from a rain event from flooding a building by providing prescriptive line and grade design away from a building. Based on a conversation with the PLSA project engineer, the lots have been designed to convey surface waters during a 100 year rain event so as to not flood the building. Grading of the site is anticipated to result in very low (non-expansive) soils at pad grade, as such, seasonal moisture fluctuations near the building are not considered to adversely affect the building due to shrinking and swelling of soils or lack there of. Based on our “Grading and Improvement and Wall Plan Review” letter (GeoTek, 2022), the proposed grading plan is geotechnically suitable. The potential for geotechnical concerns related to surface water drainage is considered nil. Review Comment No. 5 The top of slope must follow engineering standard drawing GS-14. Response to Review Comment No. 3 The top of slopes descending from the building pad are designed with a berm, as well as, the pad near top of slope is tilted away from the descending slope. The geotechnical concern with surface waters from the building pad down the face of a descending slope is localized riling and erosion. If erosion progressively occurs without remediation, foundations may be undermined as erosion progresses back into the slope and building pad. A conversation with PLSA occurred. PLSA has performed hydrology calculations to design the height of berm along the top of slope. Understanding this, geotechnical concerns related to slope instability is nil. Review Comment No. 7 The setback between the retaining wall and the structure for Lot 13 does not comply with engineering standard GS-15 and the CBC 1808.7.1. Response to Review Comment No. 7 The CBC – 2019, section 1808.7.1 – Building Clearances from Ascending Slopes, indicates a setback of H/2 or 15-feet, whichever is less. Where retaining walls are constructed, H is measured from the top of the wall to the top of the slope. The setback shown in section C-C appears to be suitable from a geotechnical standpoint. City of Carlsbad engineering standard GS-15 does not present a condition where a retaining wall is designed. As such, we recommend the CBC section 1807.7.1 takes precedence. Based on our RINCON HOMES Project No. 3738-SD Ocean View Point July 25, 2022 Twain Avenue, Carlsbad, California Page 3 “Grading and Improvement and Wall Plan Review” letter (GeoTek, 2022), the proposed grading plan is geotechnically suitable. Closure Should you have any questions after reviewing this addendum, please feel free to contact our office at your convenience. Respectfully submitted, GeoTek, Inc. ENCLOSURES Figure 1 – Site Location Map Figure 2 – Geotechnical Map Appendix A – City Review Comments Select Pages Distribution: (1) Addressee Via Email (1) PLSA – Bryan Knapp References Christian Wheeler Engineering, 2018 “Updated Geotechnical Investigation Report, Carlsbad Tract 02-06, Twain Avenue, Carlsbad, California,” dated February 16, 2018. GeoTek, Inc., 2022a, “Updated Geotechnical Evaluation, Oceanview Project, South End of Twain Avenue, Carlsbad, San Diego County, California,” PN 3738-SD, dated March14, 2022. ____, 2022b, “Grading and Improvement and Wall Plan Review, Proposed Oceanview Project, Twain Avenue, Carlsbad, California,” PN 3738-SD, dated April 12, 2022. Pasco Laret Suiter & Associates, 2022, Discretionary Plans, Coastal Development Permit, Ocean View Point – Terminus of Twain Ave, City of Carlsbad, CDP 2022-0014, 5 Sheets, undated. Christopher D. Livesey CEG, 2733 Exp. 05/31/23 Associate Vice President Edwin R. Cunningham RCE, 81687 Exp. 03/31/24 Project Engineer Appendix A City Review Comments Select Pages CDP 2022-0014 (DEV15043) -Ocean View Point May 23, 2022 Page 6 c. Guideline 10 & 11: Please review guideline language as compliance comment provided does not provide a description of consistency with guideline. Additional exhibits may be needed to show compliance with this guideline. Please review Council Policy 44. This policy allows for applicants to request deviations from any of the architectural guidelines to achieve an architectural design or style of equally superior quality. Any such request will need to be justified, specifying how the Purpose and Intent of the policy is being achieved. Please include statements justifying any deviations from the guidelines consistent with this requirement with the resubmittal of the project. SECTION 2. ISSUES OF CONCERN The following section identifies issues of concern regarding the project's conformance with the General Plan, municipal or zoning code, or other federal, state, or local requirements. These items are not required to deem the application complete but are necessary to review your application for consistency with applicable standards and requirements. Please note that the comments below do not address structural or project construction requirements as those are typically associated with the building permits, which are not submitted for review until after the discretionary approvals are secure. Planning Comments 1. Building footprints shown on site plans for lot 10 & 12 do not reflect the full extent of the covered front porch/entry area, which has a post in the front right corner to support flat roof area. Please revise and confirm the right front post on lot 12 does not extend into the required side setback. 2. Landscape Plans: Please ensure all fencing/wall locations and types are identified. If no fencing is proposed along property lines between residences, please also provide call out stating such. 3. Please review elevations provided on sheets A-6.1 and 6.2, rear elevations on lots 8 and 9 do not show exterior materials/treatments consistent with elevations in earlier sheets. Engineering Comments 1. Plot setbacks at the shortest distance on all four sides of each building perpendicular to the lot lines. 2. Clearly show the difference between the grading/improvements per the Ocean View Point subdivision CT 15-07 and the grading/improvements proposed for this CDP. 3. Drainage around proposed structures does not comply with California Building Code 1804.4. Submit revised grading plans that meet these standards. If showing precise grading by typical detail, be consistent and remove spot elevations for swale grading off of the plan sheet. 4. The elevations of the drainage swales are too high compared to the building pad elevation and do not achieve the min. 5% drainage away from the proposed structures. It appears the drainage swales must be lowered to resolve these issues. 5. The top of slope must follow engineering standard drawing GS-14. CDP 2022-0014 (DEV15043} -Ocean View Point May 23, 2022 Page 7 6. Cross lot drainage from an HOA lot to a residential lot is not allowed. Show proposed grading with finish grade elevations, either similar to CT15-07 screened back, or something else to demonstrate no cross lot drainage will occur. 7. The setback between the retaining wall and the structure for Lot 13 does not comply with engineering standard GS 15 and the CBC 1808.7.1. 8. The sewer shall be private, revise all callouts on the plan sheet and remove the sewer easement on the plans. The general utility easement will stay for public water facilities. 9. Per City of Carlsbad Engineering standards section 3.3.9 all water laterals shall maintain 10' clear between all other wet and dry utilities. 10. Delineate fire flows on the civil title sheet. 11. Portions of 2nd story on Lots 2 and 6 encroach into the 60' fuel modification zone, coordinate with the fire department. 12. Address all red line comments on the engineering plans. For questions and clarification on Engineering comments please contact Nichole Fine at nichole.fine@carlsbadca.gov Fire Comments 1. Please ensure project is compliant with California Building Code Section 7a, which applied to new buildings located in fire hazard severity zones, and condition 25 (j.} of planning commission resolution 7339: No exposed wood shall be allowed throughout the project, including gates, fences, decks, etc. Residences shall be constructed with a Class-A type roof, with no vents installed along the westerly side. Landscape Comments 1. Plans shall se dravm on a 50% screen of the civil engineering grading plan in order that all easements, 1:1tilities, ·Nater, sewer, storm drains, property lines, grading, fire hydrants, etc. can se identified. Please add and identify all 1,Jtility and easement information as appropriate to the landscape plans. 2. Please coordinate with the civil engineer for their plans to show all walkways between the driveway and house entry. 2nd Review: Appears to be completed. Please provide an updated copy of the civil plan for cross reference. 3. Please sho·N all water meter locations (per civil plans). 4. Please coordinate with the civil engineer for their plans to show the trail system. 2nd Review: Please provide an updated copy of the civil plan for cross reference. It is not clear on the landscape plan where the trail is located. A pattern is used on the west side of the project to indicate the trail, but not on the east side. There is also a callout on the east side, but it is not clear what it is pointing to. Please clarify. 5. The civil plan (sheet 9} shows a "Free Standing Wall Per Separate Landscape Plans". The landscape plan identifies the same wall as "Retaining Wall per Civil Plans". Please coordinate this wall with the civil engineer. 2nd Review: Comment retained for future reference.