HomeMy WebLinkAbout2013-09-09; Traffic Safety Commission; ; Providing on-street parking on a segment of Hosp Way, by modifying an existing city ordinance currently prohibiting parking and restriping the street.C CITY OF CARLSBAD TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMISSION STAFF REPORT COMMISSION MEETING OF: September 9, 2013 ITEM NO. 6C LOCATION: Hosp Way from 550' west of Avenida Magnifica to Calle Arroyo INITIATED BY: Gary Farinacci 2900 Wintergreen Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 REQUESTED ACTION: Providing on-street parking on a segment of Hosp Way, by modifying an existing city ordinance currently prohibiting parking and restriping the street. BACKGROUND: DATA: Staff received a request to prohibit overnight parking on Wintergreen Drive due to the number of vehicles parking on this street from nearby multi-family dwellings on Hosp Way. Reduction in available parking for residents, trash and debris left on the street, restriction of sight distance due to parked cars, and illegal behavior were some of the concerns listed by the requester. Parking on Hosp Way is currently prohibited by city ordinance. Although on-site parking is provided at multi-family dwellings, it is not uncommon for the parking demand to exceed the provided on-site parking. The closest available on-street parking for the various multi-family units on this portion of Hosp Way is Wintergreen Drive and David Place. Shortly after this initial request was received, a similar request was made by a resident on David Place. Hosp Way is unclassified in the Circulation Element of the General Plan, but functions as a collector street connecting residential areas along Hosp Way to Monroe Street and El Camino Real (see Exhibit 1). Hosp Way has a posted speed limit of 30 miles per hour with an average daily traffic volume of approximately 2,800 vehicles per day. This street has a curb to curb width of 40 feet, is fully improved with concrete curbs, gutters, sidewalks and street lights and is currently striped with a double yellow centerline with a travel lane in each direction, and left turn lanes provided at the driveways into the adjacent apartment and condominium projects. Parking has been prohibited on both sides of Hosp Way by city ordinance (Ord. 3152, 1982). Wintergreen Drive and David Place are unclassified but function as local residential streets serving single family homes. Wintergreen Drive is 40 feet wide and David Place is 36 feet wide. Both streets were designed and built to provide a single travel lane in each direction and a parking lane on both sides of the street. As part of the studies associated with this request, staff conducted parking observations on two Saturday nights to help quantify the on-street parking situation on Wintergreen Drive and David Place. At 9:25 p.m. on May 18, 2013, nine vehicles were parked on Page 1 C COMMISSION MEETING OF: (continued) CITY OF CARLSBAD TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMISSION STAFF REPORT September 9, 2013 ITEM NO. GC Wintergreen Drive between Hosp Way and David Place; and four vehicles were parked on David Place. During this observation, one driver was observed walking to a multi- family dwelling on the north side of Hosp Way after parking on Wintergreen Drive. At 10:40 p.m. on May 25, 2013, thirteen vehicles were parked on Wintergreen Drive between Hosp Way to approximately 100 feet east of David Place, and ten vehicles were parked on David Place. No traffic operational issues were caused by the observed parked vehicles, all of which were legally parked. No illegal behavior was noted during the observations. Outside of the single observation on May 18, it could not be determined where the drivers of the parked vehicles resided. Staff recommends that the existing city ordinance prohibiting parking on Hosp Way be modified to allow parking on both sides of Hosp Way from the intersection with Calle Arroyo to approximately 1,200 feet to the west. This would provide approximately 100 new parking spaces which could be utilized by the residents and guests of the multi- family dwellings on this portion of Hosp Way. This, in turn, would address the concerns of overflow parking occurring on Wintergreen Drive and David Place. In order to accommodate parking on this portion of Hosp Way, striping modifications would be necessary and the existing painted median and left turn pockets would need to be replaced by a painted centerline. After the modifications are complete, left turns into the driveways of the five multi-family complexes would be made from the single travel lane in each direction. This should not cause any traffic operational issues due to the low traffic volumes (approximately 2,800 vehicles per day) and low vehicle speeds (posted speed limit of 30 miles per hour) on Hosp Way. The proposed changes to the striping on this segment of Hosp Way to provide parking on both sides ofthe street has been incorporated into the city's 2013 Slurry Seal Project, which is scheduled to be done in the spring of 2014. Since the proposed action would essentially eliminate overflow parking on Wintergreen Drive and David Place, staff does not support pursuing the prohibition of overnight parking on these streets. RECOMMENDATION Based on the findings contained in this report, the Traffic Safety Coordinating Committee recommends the allowance of on-street parking on both sides of Hosp Way from 550' west of Avenida Magnifica to Calle Arroyo and that the modifications to existing striping to allow on-street parking on this portion of Hosp Way will be made as part of the 2013 Slurry Seal Project. Page 2 C COMMISSION MEETING OF: (continued) CITY OF CARLSBAD TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMISSION STAFF REPORT September 9, 2013 NECESSARY CITY COUNCIL ACTION: ITEM NO. 6C The City Council must adopt an ordinance to allow parking on Hosp Way as recommended. Page 3 ~ Not to Scale PROPOSED PARKING ZONE HOSP WAY Legend: Proposed Parking Zone EXHIBIT 1