HomeMy WebLinkAbout2013-10-07; Traffic Safety Commission; ; Revise the prima facie speed limits upon Avenida Encinas from Palomar Airport Road to 0.67 miles south of Palomar Airport Road, Camino de las Ondas from Paseo del Norte tCOMMISSION MEETING OF: CITY OF CARLSBAD TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMISSION STAFF REPORT October 7, 2013 ITEM NO. 6A LOCATION: Various Locations INITIATED BY: Associate Engineer, John Kim REQUESTED ACTION: Revise the prima facie speed limits upon • Avenida Encinas from Palomar Airport Road to 0.67 miles south of Palomar Airport Road, • Camino de las Ondas from Paseo del Norte to Aviara Parkway, • Hidden Valley Road from Palomar Airport Road to Camino de las Ondas, • Loker Avenue West from Palomar Airport Road to El Fuerte Street, and • Loker Avenue East from El Fuerte Street to Palomar Airport Road. BACKGROUND: DATA: The establishment of speed zones in California is governed by the California Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices {CA MUTCD) pursuant to the authority granted to Caltrans in Section 21400 and 21401 of the California Vehicle Code {CVC). The 2010 California Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (CA MUTCD) implemented changes to the procedure for setting speed limits in California. These changes required that the posted speed limit be established at the NEAREST S mile per hour increment of the 85th percentile speed. The 85th percentile speed, often referred to as the "critical speed", is the speed which 85% of the drivers are traveling at or below. The passage of California Assembly Bill 529 in October of 2011 allowed agencies the option to round speed limits, up or down, to within 5 miles per hour of the critical speed. This change is reflected in the current 2012 CA MUTCD, which was adopted on January 13, 2012. Based on procedures established by the 2012 CA MUTCD, Carlsbad has an opportunity to revise speed limits on certain roadways based on the measured critical speeds. Staff conducted recent speed surveys on Avenida Encinas (see Exhibit 1), Camino de las Ondas (see Exhibit 2), Hidden Valley Road (see Exhibit 2), Loker Avenue West (see Page 1 ,-.. l COMMISSION MEETING OF: (continued) CITY OF CARLSBAD TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMISSION STAFF REPORT October 7, 2013 ITEM NO. 6A Exhibit 3) and Loker Avenue East (see Exhibit 3) to determine the critical speed as shown on Tables A, B, C, D and E. A sample of 100 vehicles was measured to calculate the critical speed on each roadway segment. TABLE A SPEED SURVEY DATA FOR AVENIDA ENCINAS Existing Proposed Date Existing Posted Speed Date New Posted Speed Critical Speed Limit Critical Speed Limit 8/26/10 44,46 MPH 45 MPH 7/3/13 44MPH 40MPH TABLE B SPEED SURVEY DATA FOR CAMINO DE LAS ONDAS Existing Proposed Date Existing Posted Speed Date New Posted Speed Critical Speed limit Critical Speed limit 4/29/08 38MPH 40MPH 4/2/13 39MPH 35MPH 5/7/08 38MPH TABLE C SPEED SURVEY DATA FOR HIDDEN VALLEY ROAD Existing Proposed Date Existing Posted Speed Date New Posted Speed Critical Speed Limit Critical Speed Limit 10/12/05 42, 39 MPH 40 4/2/13 39 MPH 35MPH TABLED SPEED SURVEY DATA FOR LOKER AVENUE WEST Existing Proposed Date Existing Posted Speed Date New Posted Speed Critical Speed Limit Critical Speed limit 9/29/10 39, 40 MPH 40MPH 4/30/13 35MPH 35MPH TABLE E SPEED SURVEY DATA FOR LOKER AVENUE EAST Existing Proposed Date Existing Posted Speed Date New Posted Speed Critical Speed limit Critical Speed Limit 10/7/10 38MPH 40MPH 4/4/13 38MPH 35 MPH Page 2 COMMISSION MEETING OF: (continued) CITY OF CARLSBAD TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMISSION STAFF REPORT October 7, 2013 ITEM NO.GA Sections 22357 and 22358 of the California Vehicle Code authorize local authorities to establish a prima facie speed limit on the basis of the results of an Engineering and Traffic Survey. The Engineering and Traffic Survey considers such factors as the number of collisions that have occurred on the road segment, roadway features, adjacent land uses, driveway locations, traffic volumes, pedestrian volumes, critical speed, horizontal and vertical alignment, stopping sight distance, and conditions that may not be readily apparent to the driver. RECOMMENDATION: Based upon the results of the Engineering and Traffic Surveys, the Traffic Safety Coordinating Committee recommends revising the prima facie speed limit upon • Avenida Encinas from Palomar Airport Road to 0.67 miles south of Palomar Airport Road from 45 MPH to 40 MPH, • Camino de las Ondas from Paseo del Norte to Aviara Parkway from 40 MPH to 35 MPH, • Hidden Valley Road from Palomar Airport Road to Camino de las Ondas from 40 MPH to 35 MPH, • Loker Avenue West from Palomar Airport Road to El Fuerte Street from 40 MPH to 35 MPH, and • Loker Avenue East from El Fuerte Street to Palomar Airport Road from 40 MPH to 35 MPH. NECESSARY CITY COUNCIL ACTION: An ordinance will be required to be adopted by the City Council to establish the prima facie speed limits upon Avenida Encinas, Camino de las Ondas, Hidden Valley Road, Loker Avenue West and Loker Avenue East as recommended. Page 3 ~ NOT TO SCALE LOCATION MAP CITY OF OCEANSIDE PROJECT LQCA[ION ··, ~ : CITY OF VISTA '1-I ,.___..,, ROA u··-, VICINITY MAP AVENIDA ENCINAS SPEED ZONE I NOT TO SCALE I l J t------------------------------,-----1~ ,1_ EXHIBIT PROPOSED SPEED ZONE AVENIDA ENCINAS 1 t ,,,_ .,_ _______________________ .J..._ _ ____,J• C CITY OF CARLSBAD ENGINEERING AND TRAFFIC SURVEY STREET: Avenida Encinas LIMITS: Palomar Airport Road to 0.67 mi. s/o Palomar Airport Road FACTORS A. Prevailing S11eed Data: Direction: Northbound/Southbound Date of Speed Survey 7/03/13 Location of Speed Survey 950 Feet south of Palomar Airport Road 85th Percentile 44MPH 10 MPH Pace 35 to 45 MPH Percent in Pace 75% B. Midblock Accident Histo!)l: (8/01/11 through 07/31/13 Speed-Related Accidents 1 Pedestrian and/or Bicycle Accidents 0 Total Accidents 2 C. Traffic Factors: Average Daily Traffic 9,400 -South of Palomar Airport Road (9/02/10) Traffic Controls Traffic Signal at Palomar Airport Road Pedestrian/Bicycle Traffic Light Bicycle Lanes No Designated Bicycle Lanes Have Been Striped on the Roadway On-Street Parking Parking Allowed on approximately 30% of East Side and 40% of West Side Other Bike Route per Circulation Element of the General Plan; Bus Route D. Roadway Factors: Circulation Element Street Classification Secondary Arterial Length of Segment 0.67 mi. Roadway Width 32 to 65 Feet Number of Lanes One Lane Each Direction Vertical Alignment Relatively Flat Horizontal Alignment Relatively Straight Sidewalks Sidewalk on Entire East Side and approximately 1,422 Feet of West Side Driveways Numerous Closely Spaced Driveways on East Side Street Liahtina Street Lights on East Side Only E. S11ecial Conditions: Except for the northerly 1/10 mile and southerly 0.27 mile of this segment, the roadway is unimproved and narrows to 32 feet between the two ends. The entire east side is improved with curb, gutter and sidewalk. Travel lanes are seoarated bv either a double-vellow centerline or nainted median. F. Adjacent Land Uses: Water Recycling Facility, Wastewater Treatment Plant, Service Station, Light Industrial, Office Buildings, Railroad Corridor G. Remarks/Conditions Not Readilu A--arent: NIA. H. Traffic Engineer's Recommendation (Explanation): This speed zone satisfies the conditions of Section 627 of the California Vehicle Code and has been prepared and evaluated in accordance with the California Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices, effective January 13, 2012, with respect to design and prevailing speeds, accident records, pedestrian and bicyclist safety, intersection and driveway spacing, and roadside and traffic conditions not readily apparent to the driver. A speed limit posting of 40 MPH is found to be annronriate and iustified. I. A11brovals: □ Recertification of existing speed zone per Sections 22357, 22358 and 40802 of the California Vehicle Code. □ Establishment of new speed zone. Approved Bryan D. Jones TE, PTP, AICP Date Deputy Director/City Traffic Engineer CA TR2229 NOTE: Appropriate speed survey(s) Is /are attached hereto and made a part hereof. DATE: 7/03/13 TIME: 10:55 AM TO WEATHER: Overcast & Mild CITY OF CARLSBAD SPEED SURVEY 11 :30 AM TOTAL VEHICLES: CRITICAL SPEED: LOCATION: Avenida Encinas-950' s/o Palomar Airport Rd. VEHICLES IN PACE: OBSERVER/RECORDER: J. Gale ===-------PACE SPEED(S): NORTHBOUND DIRECTION OF TRAVEL MPH # % L# % %tile % # 65 64 63 62 61 60 59 58 57 56 55 54 53 52 51 50 49 48 X 47 46 X 45 X X X X 44 X X X X X 43 X 42 X X 41 X X X X X X X 40 X X X 39 X X X 38 X X X 37 X X X 36 X X X y 35 X X X X X 34 X 33 X X X 32 31 X X X 30 X 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 1 2 1 1 100 1 1 99 2 1 1 2 3 3 98 4 2 4 8 5 5 95 2 1 5 10 6 6 90 2 1 1 2 4 4 84 6 3 2 4 7 7 80 10 5 7 14 11 11 73 8 4 3 6 7 7 62 8 4 3 6 7 7 55 8 4 3 6 11 11 48 16 8 3 6 7 7 37 8 4 4 8 9 9 30 10 5 5 10 6 6 21 2 1 1 2 4 4 15 6 3 3 6 5 5 11 4 2 6 3 6 3 3 6 1 2 3 3 3 4 2 Transportation Department Traffic Division 100 -----~44-'-____ MPH 75 % _____ ....c..:: ____ _ 35 TO 45 __ ____:;_:;__ MPH SOUTHBOUND DIRECTION OF TRAVEL MPH 65 64 63 62 61 60 59 58 57 56 55 54 53 52 51 50 49 48 X 47 X X 46 X 45 X 44 X X X 43 X X X X X 42 X X X X 41 X X X X 40 y X X X 39 X X X X X X X X 38 X y X X 37 X X X X X 36 X 35 X X X 34 X X 33 32 31 X X 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 ,,,,... ,-_ ...----------4 ----------.!---------- CITY OF OCEANSIDE HIGHWAY 78 NOT TO SCALE CITY OF ENCINITAS VICINITY MAP NOT TO SCALE LOCATION MAP CITY OF SAN MARCOS i ~r· Ll LI BAY DRIVE I <!le l!s I f CAMINO DE LAS ONDAS j SPEED ZONE , t ~ 1 0 t------------------------------.J~ { ~ ! .__ _______________________ j_ _ __Jo PROPOSED SPEED ZONES CAMINO DE LAS ONDAS AND HIDDEN VALLEY ROAD EXHIBIT 2 C CITY OF CARLSBAD ENGINEERING AND TRAFFIC SURVEY 0 STREET: Camino de las Ondas LIMITS: Paseo del Norte to Aviara Parkway FACTORS A. Prevailing S!leed Data: Direction: Eastbound/Westbound Date of Speed Survey 4/02/13 Location of Speed Survey 100 Feet east of Batiquitos Drive 85th Percentile 39 MPH 10 MPH Pace 30 to 40 MPH Percent in Pace 83% B. Midblock Accident Histo!)£: (8/01/11 through 7/31/13) Speed-Related Accidents 2 Pedestrian and/or Bicycle Accidents 0 Total Accidents 2 C. Traffic Factors: Average Daily Traffic 5,000 -East of Paseo del Norte (5/15/08); 2,500 -West of Aviara Parkway (5/15/08) Traffic Controls Traffic Signals at Paseo del Norte and Aviara Parkway; Stop Sign Control at Alderwood Drive, Hidden Valley Road, Lemon Leaf Drive, and Lonicera Street Pedestrian/Bicycle Traffic Heavy to Moderate Due to Proximity of Community Park and Elementary School Bicycle Lanes No Designated Bicycle Lanes Have Been Striped on the Roadway On-Street Parkina Parkina Allowed on Each Side Exceot Easterlv 190' of Senment and 290' Adiacent to the School D. Roadway Factors: Circulation Element Street Classification Unclassified Length of Segment 0.79 Mi. Roadway Width Curb-to-Curb Width Varies Between 40 Feet and 48 Feet Number of Lanes One Lane Each Direction Vertical Alignment Roadway Grades Vary from 1 % to 9.85% Horizontal Alignment Roadway is Straight Except Easterly One-Third Mile has a Curvilinear Alignment Sidewalks Sidewalk on Each Side Driveways Two Driveways Street Liahtina Street Liahts on Each Side E. Seecial Conditions: Poinsettia Community Park is located north of the roadway and Camino de las Ondas is a primary access route to the nark. Pacific Rim Elementarv School is located adiacent to the roadwav. F. Adiacent Land Uses: Sinale-Familv & Multi-Family Housina, Elementarv School, USPS Mailbox G. Remarks/Conditions Not Readilv AMarent: School crosswalks at Hidden Vallev Road and Alderwood Drive. H. Traffic Engineer's Recommendation (Explanation): This speed zone satisfies the conditions of Section 627 of the California Vehicle Code and has been prepared and evaluated in accordance with the California Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices, effective January 13, 2012, with respect to design and prevailing speeds, accident records, pedestrian and bicyclist safety, intersection and driveway spacing, and roadside and traffic conditions not readily apparent to the driver. A speed limit posting of 35 MPH is found to be annronriate and iustified. I. Ae!lrovals: □ Recertification of existing speed zone per Sections 22357, 22358 and 40802 of the California Vehicle Code. □ Establishment of new speed zone. Approved Bryan D. Jones TE, PTP, AICP Date Deputy Director/City Traffic Engineer CA TR2229 NOTE: Appropriate speed survey(s) Is /are attached hereto and made a part hereof. r DATE: 4/02/13 TIME: 9:50 AM WEATHER: Partly Cloudy & Mild TO CITY OF CARLSBAD SPEED SURVEY 11:25 AM TOTAL VEHICLES: CRITICAL SPEED: LOCATION: Camino de las Ondas-100' e/o Batiquitos Dr. VEHICLES IN PACE: OBSERVER/RECORDER: J. Gale ---------PACE SPEED(S): EASTBOUND DIRECTION OF TRAVEL MPH # % :E # % %tile % # 65 64 63 62 61 60 59 58 57 56 55 54 53 52 51 50 49 48 47 46 45 44 X 43 X X 42 X X X 41 X 40 X X 39 X X 38 X X X 37 X X X X 36 X X X X X 35 X X X X 34 X X 33 X X X X X 32 X X X X X X 31 X X X X X X 30 X 29 28 X X 27 X 26 25 24 23 22 21 1 2 1 1 100 2 4 2 2 99 3 6 4 4 97 2 1 1 2 2 2 93 2 1 2 4 4 4 91 4 2 2 4 4 4 87 4 2 3 6 6 6 83 6 3 4 8 7 7 77 6 3 5 10 9 9 70 8 4 4 8 10 10 61 12 6 2 4 10 10 51 16 8 5 10 12 12 41 14 7 6 12 9 9 29 6 3 6 12 10 10 20 8 4 1 2 6 6 10 10 5 4 2 4 3 3 4 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 Transportation Department Traffic Division 100 --------'3~9 ____ MPH 83 % --------'-'----- 30 TO 40 -----'--'---MPH WESTBOUND DIRECTION OF TRAVEL MPH 65 64 63 62 61 60 59 58 57 56 55 54 53 52 51 50 49 48 47 46 45 44 43 X 42 X 41 X X 40 X X 39 X X X 38 X X X 37 X X X X 36 X X X X X X 35 X X X X X X X X 34 X X X X X X X 33 X X X 32 X X X X 31 X X X X X 30 29 X 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 C CITY OF CARLSBAD ENGINEERING AND TRAFFIC SURVEY STREET: Hidden Valley Road LIMITS: Palomar Airport Road to Camino de las Ondas FACTORS A. Prevailing Sl!eed Data: Direction: Northbound/Southbound Date of Speed Survey 4/02/13 Location of Speed Survey 150 Feet north of Beacon Bay Drive 85th Percentile 39MPH 10 MPH Pace 31 to 41 MPH Percent in Pace 80% B. Accident History: (8/01/11 to 7/31/13) Speed-Related Accidents 1 Pedestrian and/or Bicyclist Accidents 0 Total Accidents 1 C. Traffic Factors: Average Daily Traffic 3,700 -s/o Palomar Airport Road (2/02/1 O); 3,800 -n/o Camino de las Ondas (6/03/09) Traffic Controls Stop Sign Control at Plum Tree Road/Community Park, Lighthouse Road/ School Driveway, and at Camino de las Ondas; Traffic Signal at Palomar Airport Road Pedestrian/Bicycle Traffic Moderate Due to Proximity of Community Park, Elementary School and Day Care Center Bicycle Lanes Bicycle Lane on Each Side On-Street Parkina Parking Prohibited on Each Side D. Roadway Factors: Street Classification Unclassified Length of Segment 0.93Mi. Roadway Width 48 Feet (Curb-to-Curb) Number of Lanes One Lane Each Direction Vertical Alignment Roadway Grades Vary from 1.0% to 5.8% Horizontal Alignment Curvilinear Sidewalks Sidewalk on Each Side Driveways Six Driveways Street Liahtina Street Lights on Each Side E. Sl!ecial Conditions: School crosswalks are striped at Camino de las Ondas, Lighthouse Road/School Driveway, and Plum Tree Road/Park Entrance F. Adjacent Land Uses: Elementary School, Community Park, Single-Family Residential, R.V. Storage, Day Care Center, Office Buildinas Pedestrian Trail G. Remarks/Conditions Nol Readily A1!11arent: Pacific Rim Elementary School is located at the south end of the segment. Because of school activities during different times of the day, pedestrians walk along the roadway or cross the road at different locations. Pedestrians also walk to Poinsettia Communitv Park located across from Plum Tree Road and the dav care center. H. Traffic Engineer's Recommendation (Explanation): This speed zone satisfies the conditions of Section 627 of the California Vehicle Code and has been prepared and evaluated in accordance with the California Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices, effective January 13, 2012, with respect to design and prevailing speeds, accident records, pedestrian and bicyclist safety, intersection and driveway spacing, and roadside and traffic conditions not readily apparent to the driver. A speed limit oostina of 35 MPH is found to be annrooriate and iustified. I. Al!l!rovals: □ Recertification of existing speed zone per Sections 22357, 22358 and 40802 of the California Vehicle Code. □ Establishment of new speed zone. Approved Bryan D. Jones TE, PTP, AICP Date Deputy Director/City Traffic Engineer CATR2229 NOTE: Appropriate speed survey(s) ,s /are attached hereto and made a part hereof. DATE: 4/02/13 TIME: 8:45AM TO WEATHER: Sunny & Mild CITY OF CARLSBAD SPEED SURVEY 9:45 AM TOTAL VEHICLES: CRITICAL SPEED: LOCATION: Hidden Valley Road-150' n/o Beacon Bay Dr. VEHICLES IN PACE: OBSERVER/RECORDER: J. Gale ---------PACE SPEED(S): NORTHBOUND DIRECTION OF TRAVEL MPH # % :E# % %tile % # 65 64 63 62 61 60 59 58 57 56 55 54 53 52 51 50 49 48 47 46 45 44 43 X 42 41 40 X X X 39 X X X 38 X X X X X 37 X 36 X X X X X 35 X X X X X X 34 X X X X X 33 X X X X X X 32 X X X X X X 31 X X X 30 X X X X 29 X X 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 1 1 100 2 1 2 2 99 4 2 1 2 3 3 97 4 2 1 1 94 2 1 1 1 93 2 1 3 6 7 7 92 8 4 3 6 7 7 85 8 4 5 10 6 6 78 2 1 1 2 6 6 72 10 5 5 10 9 9 66 8 4 6 12 12 12 57 12 6 5 10 8 8 45 6 3 6 12 9 9 37 6 3 6 12 9 9 28 6 3 3 6 7 7 19 8 4 4 8 5 5 12 2 1 2 4 5 5 7 6 3 2 2 2 4 2 Transportation Department Traffic Division 100 39 MPH -----~----- 80 % ----------- 31 TO 41 MPH ---------- SOUTHBOUND DIRECTION OF TRAVEL MPH 65 64 63 62 61 60 59 58 57 56 55 54 53 52 51 50 49 48 47 46 X 45 X X 44 X X 43 X 42 X 41 X X X X 40 X X X X 39 X 38 X X X X X 37 X X X X 36 X X X X X X 35 X X X 34 X X X 33 X X X 32 X X X X 31 X 30 X X X 29 X X 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 LOCATION MAP CITY or OCEANSIDE $ \'\\ \ \ \\ PACIFIC OCEAN NOT TO SCALE LOKER AVE WEST SPEED ZONE HIGHWAY 7B I • PROJECT / ~ LOCATION -L -,,,_ • CITY or VISTA '1< \ S ROA if"-··7 ~o?-i ""' CITY OF ENCINITAS VICINITY MAP i 'r() :<?;-0 .. J'"W CITY OF SAN MARCOS r' LOKER AVE EAST SPEED ZONE OKER pALOMAR AIRPORT ii i is r--___., i ~ NOT TO SCALE GAlEWAY ROAD 17 ;::::::_::::::./ PROPOSED SPEED ZONES LOKER AVENUE WEST AND LOKER AVENUE EAST ~ EXHIBIT 3 " ' ~ { ! l ~ ! ' .. ~ J 0 ~ ~ ' t • ! a C CITY OF CARLSBAD ENGINEERING AND TRAFFIC SURVEY STREET: Loker Avenue West LIMITS: Palomar Airport Road to El Fuerte Street FACTORS A. Prevailing S11eed Data: Direction: Eastbound/Westbound Date of Speed Survey 4/30/13 Location of Speed Survey 0.4 mi. West of El Fuerte Street 85th Percentile 35 MPH 10 MPH Pace 27 to 37 MPH Percent in Pace 86% B. Midblock Accident Histor,:: (8/01/11 through 7/31/13) Speed-Related Accidents 1 Pedestrian and/or Bicycle Accidents 0 Total Accidents 3 C. Traffic Factors: Average Daily Traffic 8,500-n/o Palomar Airport Road (9/01/10); 4,000-w/o El Fuerte Street (9/01/10) Traffic Controls Traffic Signals at Palomar Airport Road and El Fuerte Street Pedestrian/Bicycle Traffic Heavy, on Occasion Bicycle Lanes No Designated Bicycle Lanes have been Striped on the Roadway On-Street Parking 825 Feet of Parking Prohibited at South End (350 Feet on East and 475 Feet on West) Other Bus Route D. Roadway Factors: Circulation Element Street Classification Unclassified Length of Segment 0.69 Mi. Roadway Width 52 Feet (Curb-to-Curb) Number of Lanes One Lane Each Direction Except at South End Where One Through Lane and One Right-Turn-Only Lane Exist Vertical Alignment Relatively Flat Horizontal Alignment Curvilinear Sidewalks Sidewalk on Each Side Driveways Numerous Closely Spaced Driveways Street Liahtina Street Liahts on Each Side E. S11ecial Conditions: Roadway used by industrial park traffic, delivery trucks, and commuters. Travel lanes are separated by a double-vellow centerline. Sinns warnina of oedestrians crossina midblock are oosted for motorists travelina in each direction. F. Adiacent Land Uses: Linh! Industrial, Commercial Retail, Delicatessen, USPS Mailbox, Bus Stoos G. Remarks/Conditions Not Readily Apparent: Heavy pedestrian usage on occasion, especially during the noon lunch hour when vehicles and pedestrians mix. During inclement weather, such as fog, visibility is reduced significantly. A large number of vehicles park on the street near driveways which reduces the sight distance to and from the driveway. Travel lanes are separated by a double-vellaw centerline. H. Traffic Engineer's Recommendation (Explanation): This speed zone satisfies the conditions of Section 627 of the California Vehicle Code and has been prepared and evaluated in accordance with the California Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices, effective January 13, 2012, with respect to design and prevailing speeds, accident records, pedestrian and bicyclist safety, intersection and driveway spacing, and roadside and traffic conditions not readily apparent to the driver. A speed limit posting of 35 MPH is found to be annronriate and iustified. I. A1111rovals: □ Recertification of existing speed zone per Sections 22357, 22358 and 40802 of the California Vehicle Code. Cl Establishment of new speed zone. Approved Bryan D. Jones TE, PTP, AICP Date Deputy Director/City Traffic Engineer CA TR2229 NOTE: Appropriate speed survey(s) ,s /are attached hereto and made a part hereof. DATE: 4/30/13 TIME: 10:55 AM TO WEATHER: Partly Cloudy & Mild CITY OF CARLSBAD SPEED SURVEY 12:15 PM TOTAL VEHICLES: CRITICAL SPEED: LOCATION: Loker Avenue West-0.4 mi. w/o El Fuerte St. VEHICLES IN PACE: OBSERVER/RECORDER: J. Gale ..:.c.=::..::.... _____ _ WESTBOUND/SOUTHBOUND DIRECTION OF TRAVEL PACE SPEED(S): MPH # %:E#%%tile% # 65 64 63 62 61 60 59 58 57 56 55 54 53 52 51 50 49 48 47 46 45 44 43 42 41 X 40 X 39 36 X 37 X 36 X X 35 X X X X 34 X X X " " X " 33 X X X X X 32 X X X 31 X X X X X X X X X 30 X X X X X 29 X " 28 X " X X X 27 X X 26 X 25 X 24 23 22 21 1 2 1 1 100 1 2 1 1 99 3 3 98 6 3 1 2 3 3 95 4 2 1 2 2 2 92 2 1 2 4 4 4 90 4 2 4 8 8 8 86 8 4 7 14 13 13 78 12 6 5 10 9 9 65 8 4 3 6 9 9 56 12 6 9 18 14 14 47 10 5 5 10 11 11 33 12 6 2 4 6 6 22 8 4 5 10 9 9 16 8 4 2 4 3 3 7 2 1 1 2 2 2 4 2 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 1 Transportation Department Traffic Division 100 -----=3~5 ____ MPH 86 % -----~----- 27 TO 37 MPH __ _.:;;'---_....:;_c __ _ EASTBOUND/NORTHBOUND DIRECTION OF TRAVEL MPH 65 64 63 62 61 60 59 58 57 56 55 54 53 52 51 50 49 48 47 46 45 44 43 42 41 40 X X X 39 X X 38 X 37 " " 36 X X X X 35 X X X X X 34 X X X 33 X X X X X 32 X X X X 31 X X X X X X 30 X X X X 29 X X X X 28 X 27 X 26 X 25 24 23 22 21 C CITY OF CARLSBAD ENGINEERING AND TRAFFIC SURVEY STREET: Loker Avenue East LIMITS: El Fuerte Street to Palomar Airport Road FACTORS A. Prevailing S(!eed Data: Direction: Eastbound/Westbound Date of Speed Survey 4/04/13 Location of Speed Survey 0.15 mile e/o El Fuerte Street 85th Percentile 38 MPH 10 MPH Pace 29 to 39 MPH Percent in Pace 85% B. Midblock Accident Histo!:)!: (8/01/11 through 7/31/13) Speed-Related Accidents None Pedestrian and/or Bicycle Accidents None Accidents/Million Vehicle Miles <MVM) None C. Traffic Factors: Average Daily Traffic 1,700-n/o Palomar Airport Road (9/02/10); 3,400-e/o El Fuerte Street (9/02/10) Traffic Controls Traffic Signal at El Fuerte Street; Stop Sign Control at Palomar Airport Road Pedestrian/Bicycle Traffic Heavy, on Occasion Bicycle Lanes No Designated Bicycle Lanes have been Striped on the Roadway On-Street Parking Parking Allowed on Each Side Other Bus Route D. Roadway Factors: Circulation Element Street Classification Unclassified Length of Segment 0.56 Mi. Roadway Width 52 Feet (Curb-to-Curb) Number of Lanes 1 Lane Each Direction Vertical Alignment Relatively Flat Horizontal Alignment Curvilinear Sidewalks Sidewalk on Each Side Driveways Numerous Closely Spaced Driveways Street Lighting Street Liahts on Each Side E. Sr>ecial Conditions: Roadway used bv industrial nark traffic, deliverv trucks, and commuters. F. Adiacent Land Uses: Liaht Industrial, Bus Stoos G. Remarks/Conditions Not Readily Apparent: Heavy pedestrian usage on occasion, especially during the noon lunch hour when vehicles and pedestrians mix. During inclement weather, such as fog, visibility is reduced significantly. A large number of vehicles park on the street near driveways which reduces the sight distance to and from the driveway. Travel lanes are separated by a double-vellow centerline. H. Traffic Engineer's Recommendation {Explanation): This speed zone satisfies the conditions of Section 627 of the California Vehicle Code and has been prepared and evaluated in accordance with the California Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices, effective January 13, 2012, with respect to design and prevailing speeds, accident records, pedestrian and bicyclist safety, intersection and driveway spacing, and roadside and traffic conditions not readily apparent to the driver. A speed limit posting of 35 MPH is found to be annrooriate and iustified. I. Approvals: D Recertification-of existing speed zone per Sections 22357, 22358 and 40802 of the California Vehicle Code. D Establishment of new speed zone. Approved Bryan D. Jones TE, PTP, AICP Date Deputy Director/City Traffic Engineer CA TR2229 NOTE. Appropriate speed survey(s) Is /are attached hereto and made a part hereof. DATE: 4/04/13 TIME: 11:05 AM TO WEATHER: Sunny & Mild CITY OF CARLSBAD SPEED SURVEY 11:55 AM TOTAL VEHICLES: CRITICAL SPEED: LOCATION: Loker Avenue East~0.15 mi. e/o El Fuerte St. VEHICLES IN PACE: OBSERVER/RECORDER: J. Gale _c_=;;_e... _____ _ PACE SPEED(S): WESTBOUND DIRECTION OF TRAVEL MPH # % l: # % %tile % # 65 64 63 62 61 60 59 58 57 56 55 54 53 52 51 50 49 48 47 46 45 44 X 43 42 X 41 40 X X X 39 X 38 X X X X X 37 X X 36 X X X " 35 X X X X X X 34 X " X X 33 X " X X X X X X 32 X X X X X x. 31 X X 30 X X 29 X 28 X 27 X X X 26 25 24 23 22 21 1 2 2 2 100 2 1 98 1 2 1 1 98 97 3 6 4 4 97 2 1 1 2 2 2 93 2 1 5 10 9 9 91 8 4 2 4 6 6 82 8 4 4 8 10 10 76 12 6 6 12 14 14 66 16 8 4 8 4 4 52 8 16 15 15 48 14 7 6 12 12 12 33 12 6 2 4 5 5 21 6 3 2 4 6 6 16 8 4 1 2 4 4 10 6 3 1 2 2 2 6 2 1 3 6 4 4 4 2 1 Transportation Department Traffic Division 100 -----=3~8 ____ MPH 85 % -----=----- 29 TO 39 MPH __ _::_.:__ _....:._: __ _ EASTBOUND DIRECTION OF TRAVEL MPH 65 64 63 62 61 60 59 58 57 56 55 54 53 52 51 50 49 48 47 46 45 X 44 43 42 41 X 40 X 39 X X X X 38 X X X X 37 X X X X X X 36 X X X X X X X X 35 34 X X X X X X X 33 X X X X X X 32 X X X 31 X X X X 30 X X X 29 X 28 X 27 26 25 24 23 22 21