HomeMy WebLinkAboutPD 2023-0016; KINOVATE PRODUCTION FACILITY TI; RETAINING WALL CALCULATIONS; 2024-01-22 Structural Calculations for Kinovate Plan Check Submittal Irvine, CA Work Order 21413D0 6410 Oak Canyon, Suite 150 Irvine, CA 92618 949.451.9000 Retaining Wall Calculations 09/30/2024 NO.S6582REGISTEREDPROFESSIONALE N GI NEER STATEOFCALIFORNIA M.OM A R SHEI K H ExpiresSTRUCTURAL 01/22/24 1935 CAMINO VIDA ROBLE CARLSBAD, CA 92008 PD 2023-0016 GR2023-0026 January 22,2024 THESE PLANS/DOCUMENTS HAVE BEENREVIEWED FOR COMPLIANCE WITH THEAPPLICABLE CALIFORNIA BUILDING STANDARDSCODES AS ADOPTED BY THE STATE OFCALIFORNIA AND AMENDED BY THEJURISDICTION. PLAN REVIEW ACCEPTANCE OFDOCUMENTS DOES NOT AUTHORIZECONSTRUCTION TO PROCEED IN VIOLATION OFANY FEDERAL, STATE, NOR LOCAL REGULATION. BY: _________________ DATE: ________________ True North Compliance Services, Inc. THIS SET OF THE PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONSMUST BE KEPT ON THE JOB SITE AT ALL TIMESAND IT IS UNLAWFUL TO MAKE ANY CHANGES ORALTERATIONS WITHOUT PERMISSION FROM THECITY. OCCUPANCY OF STRUCTURE(S) IS NOTPERMITTED UNTIL FINAL APPROVAL IS GRANTEDBY ALL APPLICABLE DEPARTMENTS. Areli Sanchez 2/2/2024 I I fn. THE AUSTIN COMPANY Cantilevered Retaining Wall LIC# : KW-06017513, Build: THE AUSTIN COMPANY OHIO (c) ENERCALC INC 1983-2023 DESCRIPTION:Section A Retaining Wall Project File: Job site Retaining Wall.ec6 Project Title:Engineer:Project ID:Project Descr: Code References Calculations per IBC 2018 1807.3, CBC 2019, ASCE 7-16 4.00 1.00 0.00 12.00 2,000.0 60.0 0.0 300.0 Criteria Soil Data Retained Height =ft Wall height above soil =ft Active Heel Pressure =psf/ftSlope Behind Wall Height of Soil over Toe in Water table above =ft = = 110.00=pcf = Soil Density, Heel =Passive Pressure =psf/ft Allow Soil Bearing =psf Soil Density, Toe 110.00 pcf Footing||Soil Friction =0.400 Soil height to ignorefor passive pressure =12.00 in Equivalent Fluid Pressure Method bottom of footing Surcharge Loads Adjacent Footing Load Load Type 0.0 Lateral Load =0.0 #/ft 0.0 0.0 0.00.0 Axial Load Applied to Stem Wall to Ftg CL Dist =0.00 ft Wind on Exposed Stem psf0.0= Lateral Load Applied to Stem Surcharge Over Heel =psf Adjacent Footing Load =0.0 lbs Axial Dead Load (Service Level) =lbs Footing Type Spread Footing Surcharge Over Toe Footing Width =0.00 ft...Height to Top =0.00 ft Eccentricity =0.00 in...Height to Bottom =0.00 ft Used To Resist Sliding & Overturning Used for Sliding & Overturning ==0.0 ft Axial Live Load = Base Above/Below Soil lbs = Axial Load Eccentricity ==Poisson's Ratio 0.300 at Back of Wall in (Strength Level) Wind (W)= Stem Weight Seismic Load F lbs=Added seismic base force 58.8/ Wpp 0.200 gWeight Multiplier . . : .---.~-------w Cantilevered Retaining Wall LIC# : KW-06017513, Build: THE AUSTIN COMPANY OHIO (c) ENERCALC INC 1983-2023 DESCRIPTION:Section A Retaining Wall Project File: Job site Retaining Wall.ec6 Project Title:Engineer:Project ID:Project Descr: Design Summary Wall Stability RatiosOverturning =1.84 Global Stability =1.32 OK Sliding =1.72 OK Total Bearing Load =1,930 lbs...resultant ecc.=3.12 in Eccentricity within middle thirdSoil Pressure @ Toe =859 psf OK Soil Pressure @ Heel =271 psf OK Allowable =2,000 psfSoil Pressure Less Than Allowable ACI Factored @ Toe =1,203 psf ACI Factored @ Heel =379 psf Footing Shear @ Toe =6.0 psi OK Footing Shear @ Heel =1.6 psi OK Allowable =82.2 psi Sliding Calcs Lateral Sliding Force =1,230.7 lbs less 100% Passive Force less 100% Friction Force Added Force Req'd ....for 1.5 Stability = 0.0= 678.1 1,434.4 == 0.0 - lbs lbs lbs OK lbs OK - Masonry Block Type = Stem Construction Bottom Stem OK Shear.....Actual Design Height Above Ftg =0.00ft Wall Material Above "Ht"=Masonry Thickness =8.00 Rebar Size =#5 Rebar Spacing =8.00 Rebar Placed at =EdgeDesign Data fb/FB + fa/Fa =0.231 Total Force @ Section =538.8lbs Moment....Actual =787.0ft-# Moment.....Allowable =3,403.2 =5.9psi Shear.....Allowable =44.9psi Wall Weight =84.0psf Rebar Depth 'd'=5.25in Masonry Data f'm =1,500psiFs=psi 20,000Solid Grouting =Yes Modular Ratio 'n'=21.48 Equiv. Solid Thick.=7.63in Concrete Dataf'c =psi Fy = Masonry Design Method ASD= Load Factors Building Code Dead Load 1.200 Live Load 1.600 Earth, H 1.600 Wind, W 1.600 Seismic, E 1.000 psi Service Level =lbsStrength Level Service Level Strength Level =ft-# Service Level Strength Level =psi Design Method =ASD SD SD Vertical component of active lateral soil pressure IS considered in the calculation of soil bearing pressures. Anet (Masonry)=91.50in2 Cantilevered Retaining Wall LIC# : KW-06017513, Build: THE AUSTIN COMPANY OHIO (c) ENERCALC INC 1983-2023 DESCRIPTION:Section A Retaining Wall Project File: Job site Retaining Wall.ec6 Project Title:Engineer:Project ID:Project Descr: 1.33 1.67 15.00 Footing Torsion, Tu = = ft-lbs0.00 Min. As % Footing Allow. Torsion, phi Tu 0.0018 =ft-lbs Footing Data If torsion exceeds allowable, provide f'c 0.00 =3,000psi Toe Width =ft Heel Width = Key Distance from Toe Key Depth Key Width =in =in = 10.00 12.00 2.17 ft Footing Thickness =in 3.00= Cover @ Top =2.00 in@ Btm.=3.00 in Total Footing Width =150.00 pcfFooting Concrete DensityFy =60,000 psi Footing Design Results Key: = #4@ 11.11 in, #5@ 17.22 in, #6@ 18 in, #7@ 18 Factored Pressure Mu' : Upward Mu' : Downward Mu: Design Actual 1-Way Shear Allow 1-Way Shear Toe:#4@ 7.40 in, #5@ 11.48 in, #6@ 16.29 in, #7@ 22.22 in, #8@ 29.25 in, #9@ 37.03 in, #10@ 47.03 in #4@ 7.40 in, #5@ 11.48 in, #6@ 16.29 in, #7@ 22.22 in, #8@ 29.25 in, #9@ 37.03 in, #10@ 47.03 in =# 4 @ 8.00 in = = = = = 1,203 956 395 561 5.97 82.16 Heel: 379 237 505 268 1.58 82.16 HeelToe psf ft-# ft-# ft-# psi psi Heel Reinforcing =# 5 @ 8.00 in Other Acceptable Sizes & Spacings Key Reinforcing Toe Reinforcing =# 8 @ 8.00 in Min footing T&S reinf Area Min footing T&S reinf Area per foot If one layer of horizontal bars: 0.97 0.32 #4@ 7.41 in #5@ 11.48 in #6@ 16.30 in in2 in2 /ft If two layers of horizontal bars: #4@ 14.81 in #5@ 22.96 in #6@ 32.59 in supplemental design for footing torsion. phiMn 25,59555,129=ft-# OKOK Cantilevered Retaining Wall LIC# : KW-06017513, Build: THE AUSTIN COMPANY OHIO (c) ENERCALC INC 1983-2023 DESCRIPTION:Section A Retaining Wall Project File: Job site Retaining Wall.ec6 Project Title:Engineer:Project ID:Project Descr: Summary of Overturning & Resisting Forces & Moments .....RESISTING..........OVERTURNING.....Force Distance Moment Distance Moment Item Force ft-#lbs ftft ft-#lbs Sloped Soil Over Heel =Surcharge over Heel = Surcharge Over Heel = = Adjacent Footing Load =Adjacent Footing Load Axial Dead Load on Stem = =* Axial Live Load on Stem Soil Over Toe Surcharge Over Toe Surcharge Over Toe Load @ Stem Above Soil = 58.8 = = 146.3 0.67 97.3= = = Stem Weight(s)3.75 220.5Seismic Stem Self Wt = 420.0 1.66 698.6 Earth @ Stem Transitions =Footing Weight = 562.5 1.50 843.8 Key Weight = 125.0 2.59 323.3 Added Lateral Load lbs =1,667.5 Vert. Component Total = 1,695.3 3,065.9 * Axial live load NOT included in total displayed, or used for overturningresistance, but is included for soil pressure calculation. Total =R.M. =885.7 O.T.M. = Resisting/Overturning Ratio =1.84 Vertical Loads used for Soil Pressure =1,929.7 lbs If seismic is included, the OTM and sliding ratiosmay be 1.1 per section 1807.2.3 of IBC. Vertical component of active lateral soil pressure IS NOT considered in the calculation of Sliding Resistance. Vertical component of active lateral soil pressure IS NOT considered in the calculation of Overturning Resistance. Soil Over HL (ab. water tbl) Soil Over HL (bel. water tbl) 441.5 2.50 2.50 1,102.9 1,102.9 Water Table Buoyant Force = HL Act Pres (ab water tbl) HL Act Pres (be water tbl) 826.9 1.75 1,447.0 Hydrostatic Force Tilt Horizontal Deflection at Top of Wall due to settlement of soil (Deflection due to wall bending not considered) Soil Spring Reaction Modulus 150.0 pci Horizontal Defl @ Top of Wall (approximate only)0.066 in Cantilevered Retaining Wall LIC# : KW-06017513, Build: THE AUSTIN COMPANY OHIO (c) ENERCALC INC 1983-2023 DESCRIPTION:Section A Retaining Wall Project File: Job site Retaining Wall.ec6 Project Title:Engineer:Project ID:Project Descr: Rebar Lap & Embedment Lengths Information Stem Design Segment: Bottom Stem Design Height: 0.00 ft above top of footing Calculated Rebar Stress, fs = 4509.57 psi Lap Splice length for #5 bar specified in this stem design segment ( =25.00 in Development length for #5 bar specified in this stem design segment =12.00 in Hooked embedment length into footing for #5 bar specified in this stem design segment =6.39 in As Provided =0.4650 in2/ft As Required =0.1006 in2/ft Cantilevered Retaining Wall LIC# : KW-06017513, Build: THE AUSTIN COMPANY OHIO (c) ENERCALC INC 1983-2023 DESCRIPTION:Section A Retaining Wall Project File: Job site Retaining Wall.ec6 Project Title:Engineer:Project ID:Project Descr: 1'-0" 8" w/#5@8" Solid Grout #8@8in @Toe #4@8in @ Center On Key #5@8" @Heel • • 2'-2' 1'-4" 3'-0" 1'-8" 1'-0" Clear Cover : 2.0625" 1 0" 1'-3" • 1'-0" 4'-0" 2" 3" 5'-0" Cantilevered Retaining Wall LIC# : KW-06017513, Build: THE AUSTIN COMPANY OHIO (c) ENERCALC INC 1983-2023 DESCRIPTION:Section A Retaining Wall Project File: Job site Retaining Wall.ec6 Project Title:Engineer:Project ID:Project Descr: Pp= 1434.38# 1231 59# Fl ..... V, a. <X) N a; lf") <X) 'Jg_ ■ Lateral earth pressure due to the soil BELOW water table 0 CJ) c:i r---N ■ Seismic due to stem self weight Cantilevered Retaining Wall LIC# : KW-06017513, Build: THE AUSTIN COMPANY OHIO (c) ENERCALC INC 1983-2023 DESCRIPTION:Section C-1 Retaining Wall Project File: Job site Retaining Wall.ec6 Project Title:Engineer:Project ID:Project Descr: Code References Calculations per IBC 2018 1807.3, CBC 2019, ASCE 7-16 8.75 3.50 0.00 54.00 2,000.0 60.0 0.0 300.0 Criteria Soil Data Retained Height =ft Wall height above soil =ft Active Heel Pressure =psf/ftSlope Behind Wall Height of Soil over Toe in Water table above =ft = = 110.00=pcf = Soil Density, Heel = Passive Pressure =psf/ft Allow Soil Bearing =psf Soil Density, Toe 110.00 pcf Footing||Soil Friction =0.400 Soil height to ignorefor passive pressure =12.00 in Equivalent Fluid Pressure Method bottom of footing Surcharge Loads Adjacent Footing Load Load Type 0.0 Lateral Load =0.0 #/ft 0.0 0.0 0.00.0 Axial Load Applied to Stem Wall to Ftg CL Dist =0.00 ft Wind on Exposed Stem psf0.0= Lateral Load Applied to Stem Surcharge Over Heel =psf Adjacent Footing Load =0.0 lbs Axial Dead Load (Service Level) =lbs Footing Type Spread Footing Surcharge Over Toe Footing Width =0.00 ft...Height to Top =0.00 ft Eccentricity =0.00 in...Height to Bottom =0.00 ft Used To Resist Sliding & Overturning Used for Sliding & Overturning ==0.0 ft Axial Live Load = Base Above/Below Soil lbs = Axial Load Eccentricity ==Poisson's Ratio 0.300 at Back of Wall in (Strength Level) Wind (W)= Stem Weight Seismic Load F lbs=Added seismic base force 228.1/ Wpp 0.200 gWeight Multiplier Cantilevered Retaining Wall LIC# : KW-06017513, Build: THE AUSTIN COMPANY OHIO (c) ENERCALC INC 1983-2023 DESCRIPTION:Section C-1 Retaining Wall Project File: Job site Retaining Wall.ec6 Project Title:Engineer:Project ID:Project Descr: Design Summary Wall Stability RatiosOverturning =1.98 Global Stability =32.66 OK Sliding =2.25 OK Total Bearing Load =6,118 lbs...resultant ecc.=8.96 in Eccentricity within middle thirdSoil Pressure @ Toe =1,598 psf OK Soil Pressure @ Heel =209 psf OK Allowable =2,000 psfSoil Pressure Less Than Allowable ACI Factored @ Toe =2,237 psfACI Factored @ Heel =292 psf Footing Shear @ Toe =15.3 psi OK Footing Shear @ Heel =11.3 psi OK Allowable =82.2 psi Sliding Calcs Lateral Sliding Force =3,228.1 lbs less 100% Passive Force less 100% Friction Force Added Force Req'd ....for 1.5 Stability = 0.0= 2,447.2 4,809.4 == 0.0 - lbs lbs lbs OK lbs OK - Masonry Block Type = Stem Construction Bottom Stem OK Shear.....Actual Design Height Above Ftg =0.00ft Wall Material Above "Ht"=Masonry Thickness =12.00Rebar Size =#6 Rebar Spacing =8.00 Rebar Placed at =EdgeDesign Data fb/FB + fa/Fa =0.942 Total Force @ Section =2,525.0lbs Moment....Actual =8,096.3ft-# Moment.....Allowable =8,587.7 =18.1psi Shear.....Allowable =47.1psi Wall Weight =133.0psf Rebar Depth 'd'=9.00in Masonry Data f'm =1,500psiFs=psi 20,000Solid Grouting =Yes Modular Ratio 'n'=21.48 Equiv. Solid Thick.=11.63in Concrete Dataf'c =psi Fy = Masonry Design Method ASD= Load FactorsBuilding Code Dead Load 1.200 Live Load 1.600 Earth, H 1.600 Wind, W 1.600 Seismic, E 1.000 psi Service Level =lbsStrength Level Service Level Strength Level =ft-# Service Level Strength Level =psi Design Method =ASD SD SD Vertical component of active lateral soil pressure IS considered in the calculation of soil bearing pressures. Anet (Masonry)=139.50in2 Cantilevered Retaining Wall LIC# : KW-06017513, Build: THE AUSTIN COMPANY OHIO (c) ENERCALC INC 1983-2023 DESCRIPTION:Section C-1 Retaining Wall Project File: Job site Retaining Wall.ec6 Project Title:Engineer:Project ID:Project Descr: 4.50 1.33 15.00 Footing Torsion, Tu = = ft-lbs0.00 Min. As % Footing Allow. Torsion, phi Tu 0.0018 =ft-lbs Footing Data If torsion exceeds allowable, provide f'c 0.00 =3,000psi Toe Width =ft Heel Width = Key Distance from Toe Key Depth Key Width =in =in = 0.00 0.00 0.00 ft Footing Thickness =in 5.83= Cover @ Top =2.00 in@ Btm.=3.00 in Total Footing Width =150.00 pcfFooting Concrete DensityFy =60,000 psi Footing Design Results Key: = No key defined Factored PressureMu' : UpwardMu' : DownwardMu: Design Actual 1-Way Shear Allow 1-Way Shear Toe:#4@ 7.40 in, #5@ 11.48 in, #6@ 16.29 in, #7@ 22.22 in, #8@ 29.25 in, #9@ 37.03 in, #10@ 47.03 in #4@ 7.40 in, #5@ 11.48 in, #6@ 16.29 in, #7@ 22.22 in, #8@ 29.25 in, #9@ 37.03 in, #10@ 47.03 in =None Spec'd == = = = 2,23717,5879,2148,373 15.32 82.16 Heel: 29218638620 11.34 82.16 HeelToe psfft-#ft-#ft-# psi psi Heel Reinforcing =# 7 @ 12.00 in Other Acceptable Sizes & Spacings Key Reinforcing Toe Reinforcing =# 5 @ 8.00 in Min footing T&S reinf Area Min footing T&S reinf Area per foot If one layer of horizontal bars: 1.89 0.32 #4@ 7.41 in #5@ 11.48 in #6@ 16.30 in in2 in2 /ft If two layers of horizontal bars: #4@ 14.81 in #5@ 22.96 in #6@ 32.59 in supplemental design for footing torsion. phiMn 32,33123,502=ft-# OKOK Cantilevered Retaining Wall LIC# : KW-06017513, Build: THE AUSTIN COMPANY OHIO (c) ENERCALC INC 1983-2023 DESCRIPTION:Section C-1 Retaining Wall Project File: Job site Retaining Wall.ec6 Project Title:Engineer:Project ID:Project Descr: Summary of Overturning & Resisting Forces & Moments .....RESISTING..........OVERTURNING.....Force Distance Moment Distance Moment Item Force ft-#lbs ftft ft-#lbs Sloped Soil Over Heel =Surcharge over Heel = Surcharge Over Heel = = Adjacent Footing Load =Adjacent Footing Load Axial Dead Load on Stem = =* Axial Live Load on Stem Soil Over Toe Surcharge Over Toe Surcharge Over Toe Load @ Stem Above Soil = 228.1 = = 2,227.5 2.25 5,011.9= = = Stem Weight(s)7.38 1,682.2Seismic Stem Self Wt = 1,629.3 5.00 8,146.3 Earth @ Stem Transitions =Footing Weight = 1,093.1 2.92 3,186.5 Key Weight = Added Lateral Load lbs =11,682.2 Vert. Component 850.5 5.83 4,958.3 Total = 6,118.0 23,102.2 * Axial live load NOT included in total displayed, or used for overturningresistance, but is included for soil pressure calculation. Total =R.M. =3,228.1 O.T.M. = Resisting/Overturning Ratio =1.98 Vertical Loads used for Soil Pressure =6,118.0 lbs If seismic is included, the OTM and sliding ratiosmay be 1.1 per section 1807.2.3 of IBC. Vertical component of active lateral soil pressure IS considered in the calculation of Sliding Resistance. Vertical component of active lateral soil pressure IS considered in the calculation of Overturning Resistance. Soil Over HL (ab. water tbl) Soil Over HL (bel. water tbl) 317.6 5.67 5.67 1,799.3 1,799.3 Water Table Buoyant Force = HL Act Pres (ab water tbl) HL Act Pres (be water tbl) 3,000.0 3.33 10,000.0 Hydrostatic Force Tilt Horizontal Deflection at Top of Wall due to settlement of soil (Deflection due to wall bending not considered) Soil Spring Reaction Modulus 150.0 pci Horizontal Defl @ Top of Wall (approximate only)0.155 in Cantilevered Retaining Wall LIC# : KW-06017513, Build: THE AUSTIN COMPANY OHIO (c) ENERCALC INC 1983-2023 DESCRIPTION:Section C-1 Retaining Wall Project File: Job site Retaining Wall.ec6 Project Title:Engineer:Project ID:Project Descr: Rebar Lap & Embedment Lengths Information Stem Design Segment: Bottom Stem Design Height: 0.00 ft above top of footing Calculated Rebar Stress, fs = 18855.61 psi Lap Splice length for #6 bar specified in this stem design segment ( =42.43 in Development length for #6 bar specified in this stem design segment =42.43 in Hooked embedment length into footing for #6 bar specified in this stem design segment =7.67 in As Provided =0.6600 in2/ft As Required =0.6134 in2/ft Cantilevered Retaining Wall LIC# : KW-06017513, Build: THE AUSTIN COMPANY OHIO (c) ENERCALC INC 1983-2023 DESCRIPTION:Section C-1 Retaining Wall Project File: Job site Retaining Wall.ec6 Project Title:Engineer:Project ID:Project Descr: 4'-6" 12" w/#6@ 8" Solid Grout #5@8in @Toe #7@12" @Heel • [ 3'-6" 8'-9" b 2" 1~-" 14 ] 3" 4'-6" 5'-10" Cantilevered Retaining Wall LIC# : KW-06017513, Build: THE AUSTIN COMPANY OHIO (c) ENERCALC INC 1983-2023 DESCRIPTION:Section C-1 Retaining Wall Project File: Job site Retaining Wall.ec6 Project Title:Engineer:Project ID:Project Descr: Pp= 4809.38# -en Cl. <Xi Ol "' -en Cl. M 3228# 228# ~ ■ Lateral earth pressure due to the soil BELOW water table 0 N ■ Seismic due to stem self weight