HomeMy WebLinkAboutPD 2023-0016; KINOVATE PRODUCTION FACILITY TI; GEOTECHNICAL REPORT ADDENDUM; 2023-10-22 800-419-4923 www.PARTNEResi.com October 22, 2023 Greg Holmquist Nitto Denko Technical Group 501 Via Del Monte Oceanside, California 92058 Subject: Geotechnical Report Addendum Solvent Tank Farm and Interior Platforms – Carlsbad Airport 1935 Camino Vida Roble Carlsbad, California 92008 Partner Project No. 21-337267.5 Dear Mr. Greg Holmquist: Partner Assessment Corporation (Partner) performed a geotechnical investigation for the proposed Solvent Tank Farm and Interior Platforms to be located at 1935 Camino Vida Roble in Carlsbad, California, and summarized the results in a report dated September 18, 2022. The City of Carlsbad (The City) requested a third-party review of our report by Ninyo & Moore Geotechnical & Environmental Sciences Consultants (N&M). A list of review comments was provided in their letter dated July 10, 2023 (N&M Project Number No. 109343020) and responded to in our response to comments letter dated August 10, 2023. This addendum serves to provide recommendations for the proposed permeable pavers and revise the pavement recommendations that were provided in our Geotechnical Report (2022). Permeable Paver Recommendations It is our understanding that permeable pavers will be installed around the building footprint and will only be subjected to pedestrian traffic. We recommend that permeable pavers be constructed per the manufacturer’s recommendations. The soil stratum encountered during our geotechnical exploration consisted of silty sand atop sandy clay followed by lean clay. No groundwater was encountered during our geotechnical investigation. Based on the soils encountered and the provided permeable paver plan, we do not believe the limited amount of water being infiltrated will cause any adverse effect to the adjacent structures, therefor an impermeable lining is not recommended. Pavement Design and Construction Recommendations In our experience we recommend that multiple different pavement sections be considered for the project for economic and performance reasons. For drive-thru lanes and trash enclosures we recommend that thickened reinforced concrete pavement be utilized. For heavily used and ADA parking spaces, etc., we recommend the use of thinner reinforced concrete pavement. We understand that asphalt is not planned, however, if plans change, we recommend a heavy-duty asphalt pavement section, and thinner sections can be used in the parking field if any. We recommend concrete pavements consist of local DOT, or otherwise jurisdictionally approved mixes, and that paving cross slopes, curbs, and other features conform to the applicable local standard specifications and details. The required pavement and base thicknesses will depend on the expected wheel loads, traffic index (TI), and the R-value of the subgrade soils. We have conservatively assumed an R-value of 35 for the design of THESE PLANS/DOCUMENTS HAVE BEENREVIEWED FOR COMPLIANCE WITH THEAPPLICABLE CALIFORNIA BUILDING STANDARDSCODES AS ADOPTED BY THE STATE OFCALIFORNIA AND AMENDED BY THEJURISDICTION. PLAN REVIEW ACCEPTANCE OFDOCUMENTS DOES NOT AUTHORIZECONSTRUCTION TO PROCEED IN VIOLATION OFANY FEDERAL, STATE, NOR LOCAL REGULATION. BY: _________________ DATE: ________________ True North Compliance Services, Inc. THIS SET OF THE PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONSMUST BE KEPT ON THE JOB SITE AT ALL TIMESAND IT IS UNLAWFUL TO MAKE ANY CHANGES ORALTERATIONS WITHOUT PERMISSION FROM THECITY. OCCUPANCY OF STRUCTURE(S) IS NOTPERMITTED UNTIL FINAL APPROVAL IS GRANTEDBY ALL APPLICABLE DEPARTMENTS. Areli Sanchez 2/2/2024 PARTNER -------------...0~ pavement sections established on the Clayey Sandy material encountered near surface on site. AC pavement for surface parking shall be designed in accordance with the CA TRANS method. The below table summarizes our pavement recommendations for the assumed Tl's listed. Depending on the planned changes to site grading, and the availability of clean granular soil, different pavement sections would be appropriate. These can also be adjusted using treatment using soi l cement. The following sections are provided for native soil subgrade conditions. If imported fill is used, the section may need to be adjusted. This information assumes that construction will proceed per the provided Construction Considerations, presented in Appendix C or our original Geotech report. Paving Structural Sections Pavement Sections Roadway Type Subgrade Preparation • Pavement Section be Parking Area Light Duty Proofrolled/Compacted Subgrade 3 in asphalt/ 4 in aggregate base 4 in concrete/ 4 in aggregate base Parking Area Heavy Duty Proofrolled/Compacted Subgrade 5 in asphalt/ 4 in aggregate base 6 in concrete/ 4 in aggregate base ADA Parking Spaces Proofrolled/Compacted Subgrade 6 in. concrete/ 5 in. Aggregate Base Loading Docks Proofrolled/Compacted Subgrade 7 in concrete/ 4 in. Aggregate Base 0 Repairs in proof rolled areas should be structural fill per the recommendation of the Earthwork section of appendix C of our report, that is moisture conditioned to within 3 percent above to optimum moisture content and compacted to 95 percent or more of the soil maximum dry density per A5TM D 1557. b 1 inch of pavement may be reduced if 6-in of lime or cement-treated soil is used with a 500 psi 28-day compressive strength. Soils with Plasticity Index of 10 or more are generally candidates for lime treatment, other soils are candidates for cement treatment, if any. c Reinforced concrete should consist of 4,000 psi (or more) concrete with 3/8-inch high yield steel reinforcement placed at 18 inches on center, each way. This Addendum should be attached to and considered a part of the original Geotechnical Report and is bound by the same limitations. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact me. We appreciate the opportunity to assist with this phase of the project. We appreciate the opportuni ___ • during this phase of the work. Sincerely, Geotechnical Report Addendum Project No. 21-337267.5 October 22, 2023 Page 2 PARTNER