HomeMy WebLinkAbout2024-07-30; City Council; 12; Semiannual Transportation ReportCA Review GH
Meeting Date: July 30, 2024
To: Mayor and City Council
From: Scott Chadwick, City Manager
Staff Contact: Tom Frank, Transportation Director/City Engineer
tom.frank@carlsbadca.gov, 442-339-2766
Subject: Semiannual Transportation Report
Recommended Action
Receive the Semiannual Transportation Report.
Executive Summary
The City of Carlsbad is committed to helping everyone get around the city in a safe
and convenient way, whether by foot, car, bike or public transit. In 2015, the City
Council approved an updated General Plan, which included several new policies to
achieve these goals. Since that time, the city’s Transportation Department has been
working on dozens of projects and initiatives related to transportation and traffic
The changes needed to bring city streets into alignment with the policies in the
General Plan will take many years to complete. In 2018, the City Council asked staff to
present updates twice a year to measure progress and provide an opportunity for the
community to learn about the work being done. This report provides an update on the
progress made since January 2024.
Explanation & Analysis
The Transportation Department is working on dozens of projects and initiatives
designed to align city streets with the policies of the city’s General Plan. The General
Plan reflects changes in state law requiring cities to take a “complete streets”
approach to road design. Complete streets are streets designed to accommodate all
the different ways people might want to get around the city. By making streets more
accessible for walking and biking, complete streets support other goals such as
reducing greenhouse gases, reducing vehicle traffic, supporting a healthy lifestyle and
creating a stronger sense of community.
The General Plan recognizes that one size does not fit all when it comes to
transportation. The plan puts streets into different categories, each with its own set of
design goals. For example, streets most conducive to walking and biking, such as those
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in the Village and along the coast, prioritize slower speeds. Main thoroughfares, such
as El Camino Real, account for higher speeds and prioritize car traffic.
The Transportation Department continues to focus on managing the city’s street
infrastructure in the most cost-effective manner possible while maintaining our high
public works and engineering standards.
The city’s goal is to reduce congestion and delays, particularly at intersections, while
ensuring that city streets are safe and accessible for everyone. This approach not only
improves traffic flow for drivers but also enhances safety and convenience for cyclists
and pedestrians, promoting a more inclusive and efficient transportation network.
Expanding traffic signal capabilities
Alleviating traffic congestion remains a top priority for the city’s Transportation
Department. One way to do that is to adjust the timing of red and green lights based
on traffic conditions. Since the last update, staff connected the remaining 5% of traffic
signals to the city’s upgraded network
This connectivity allows staff to monitor real-time signal conditions remotely.
•When issues are confirmed through the central signal software and visually
through available video feeds, many adjustments can be made remotely
resulting in smoother traffic flow along the corridors.
•This reduces the need for staff and/or contractors to perform a site visit to
confirm an issue and to troubleshoot.
Improving crosswalks along the beach
The city has focused its safety improvements on areas with the highest rate of injury
collisions. Top among these is Carlsbad Boulevard from Tamarack Avenue to the city’s
northern border. Since the last report, improvements to the remaining five crosswalks
have been completed at Oak, Sycamore, Maple, Cherry and Hemlock Avenues.
The five crosswalks had existing rectangular rapid flashing beacons. The additional
safety enhancements included:
•Flashing lights in the pavement across the crosswalks to alert drivers to the
presence of crossing pedestrians
•The lights are activated when a pedestrian pushes the button
•Curb extensions for all the intersections except at Maple Avenue. These
extensions make it easier for drivers to see people walking and reduce the
distance people need to cross the street, and they do not impact bicyclists in
the bike lane
•High-visibility crosswalk markings on Carlsbad Boulevard and its side streets
•Green painted bicycle lanes to clearly indicate the areas where bicycle and
vehicle traffic may conflict
Avenida Encinas Coastal Rail Trail improvements
The city is enhancing safety along Avenida Encinas for all modes of transportation as
part of the regionwide Coastal Rail Trail. Since the last report, construction has started
and is currently underway on segment two, the southernmost segment of Avenida
Encinas between the Poinsettia Coaster Station and Carlsbad Boulevard.
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Improvements along this segment include implementing a road realignment reducing
the number of driving lanes from two to one between San Carlos Street and Windrose
Circle. This change is intended to manage vehicle speeds and provide more room for
bicyclists and pedestrians while maintaining acceptable traffic operations for vehicles.
Additionally, the project features striping modifications, enhanced and buffered
Class-II bike lanes, improved intersection treatments with curb extensions, traffic
calming measures and high-visibility crosswalks.
Past six-month accomplishments summary
The following section highlights some of the Transportation Department’s additional
efforts to ensure the safety and convenience of all road users:
• Completed connectivity to all traffic signal locations on an upgraded network
• Initiated the signal communications upgrade on Rancho Santa Fe Road to
replace twisted pair copper interconnect with fiber optic cable
• Completed major firmware update for all traffic signal controllers and software
update for the traffic signal central system
• Completed equipment upgrade at various traffic signals, to replace old
infrastructure and improve vehicle and bicycle detection
• Installed audible pedestrian systems at several traffic signals
• Initiated evaluation of a big data software platform to better understand
transportation patterns on city streets
• Completed plans and specifications approval and bidding process of the El
Camino Real Widening Project from Sunny Creek Road to Jackspar Road and
prepared to award a construction contract
• Completed construction of the 2022 East-West Corridor Emergency Resurfacing
and Restriping Project as a part of the Local Emergency Declaration for bike, e-
bike and traffic safety
• Completed final engineering design, advertised for construction bids and
awarded a construction contract for the 2023 Slurry Seal Project
• Completed construction of the 2023-24 Concrete Repair Project
• Completed 100% engineering design for the Beach Access Repairs and Upgrades
from Pine Avenue to Tamarack Avenue Project
• Completed 100% engineering design and continued environmental assessment
and permitting process for the El Camino Real Widening from Arenal Road to La
Costa Avenue
• Completed the construction contract bidding and awarding processes of the Park
Drive Drainage and Street Improvement Project and began construction of the
• Started and completed the Emergency Storm Drain Pipeline Repair on Carlsbad
Village Drive Near Pontiac Drive
• Started and completed the Emergency Slope Repair Between El Camino Real and
Trieste Drive
• Started and completed the Buena Vista Creek Concrete Channel Emergency
Clearing Project
• Continued engineering design work towards complete plans and specifications
for the Terramar Area Coastal Improvements Project
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• Developed a Safe Routes to School Plan for Hope Elementary School
• Completed construction for the traffic calming improvements on Victoria
Avenue, Highland Drive, Nueva Castilla Way and Circulo Sequoia
• Completed design and construction award processes for the traffic calming
improvements on Park Drive, Black Rail Road, Plum Tree Road and Carrillo Way
• Initiated design of Faraday Avenue improvements associated with the entrances
to the proposed Veterans Memorial Park
• Initiated design of pedestrian improvements on Paseo Del Norte Road, south of
Palomar Airport Road, which are part of a grant-funded project
Anticipated progress for the next six months:
• Continue with design and construction of the projects included in the
Transportation and Drainage Capital Improvement Program, with additional
updates provided in Exhibit 1
• Complete construction of the 2023 Slurry Seal Project
• Complete final design and award a construction contract for the 2024 Overlay
Project, which will take care of cracks and potholes and lengthens the useful life
of the scheduled road segments
• Complete final engineering plans and specifications for the Terramar Area
Coastal Improvements Project, which includes improving safety, parking and
traffic flow in the neighborhood along Carlsbad Boulevard and natural
enhancements to the bluff top
• Request City Council approval for Safe Routes to School Plans at Hope
Elementary School, Jefferson Elementary School and Sage Creek High School
• Finalize the Tyler Street Complete Streets Plan
• Present the 2023 Active Transportation Monitoring Report to the Traffic Safety
& Mobility Commission first, then to the City Council
• Award a construction contract and initiate construction of the 2023 Bridge
Preventative Maintenance Project
• Complete construction of the Park Drive Drainage and Street Improvement
• Complete construction of the traffic calming improvements on Park Drive, Black
Rail Road, Plum Tree Road and Carrillo Way by fall 2024
• Turn on a new traffic signal at Avenida Encinas near the Chick-fil-A driveway by
fall 2024
• Use big data software insights to modify timing plans on major corridors, and
introduce new timing on arterials/connectors where it would be beneficial
• Explore funding opportunities for signal infrastructure upgrades, e.g., grants
• Explore continuous improvements to traffic signal network connectivity; work
with the Information Technology Department to explore further third-party
upgrade opportunities to fiber optic, equipment/technology routing
Fiscal Analysis
This item is a presentation on the work related to management of the city’s
transportation assets and it has no fiscal impact.
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Next Steps
Staff will continue to provide updates on progress to provide safe and convenient
options for getting around Carlsbad, whether driving, walking or biking, as part of
future semiannual transportation reports. The next semiannual transportation report
is expected to be presented in January 2025.
Environmental Evaluation
This action does not constitute a project within the meaning of the California
Environmental Quality Act under Public Resources Code section 21065 in that it has
no potential to cause either a direct physical change in the environment or a
reasonably foreseeable indirect physical change in the environment,
1. Transportation and Drainage Capital Improvement Program (CIP) Project Status
Update as of June 30, 2024
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Exhibit 1
Transportation and Drainage Capital Improvement Program (CIP) Project Status
Update as of June 30, 2024
• College Boulevard Reach ‘A’ Extension – CIP Project No. 3636
o Project is included in the city’s General Plan and Growth Management Plan
o On May 5, 2020, the City Council directed staff to pursue a city-led financing program,
planning, and environmental review for construction of the College Boulevard extension,
which would include the city undertaking a preliminary design and engineering assessment
o On Nov. 2, 2020, staff presented the scope of work to the Traffic Safety & Mobility
Commission (TS&MC) and solicited the commission’s input and feedback
o On Aug. 17, 2021, the city entered into an agreement with a consultant team to complete
preliminary design and environmental services. Consultant has:
Initiated preliminary engineering and environmental review process
Initiated field investigations, including biological surveys and geotechnical
Prepared Traffic Operations Analysis report and draft cross section alternatives
for College Boulevard Extension Design Study Project
o The project has been paused per the City Council direction on June 7, 2022
• Pavement Management Program – CIP Project No. 6001
o This ongoing annual program is designed to extend the service life of city streets and to
maintain a smooth and safe driving surface for vehicles
The city utilizes a pavement management database program to determine
pavement management needs for the purpose of establishing which streets are
to be slurry sealed, overlaid or reconstructed. On a periodic basis the condition
of the roads are field surveyed and the pavement management database is
updated to reflect current conditions. Each year, specific pavement
management projects are defined, and funding is transferred into a pavement
management project account.
o 2022 East-West Corridor Emergency Resurfacing and Restriping – Project resurfaced and
restriped several east-west arterial streets including portions of Carlsbad Village Drive,
Tamarack Avenue, Cannon Road, Poinsettia Lane, La Costa Avenue, and a smaller portion of
Olivenhain Road
Construction is substantially complete
o 2023 Slurry Seal Project - Completed final design
Staff presented the draft striping plans to the TS&MC in June 2023 and again in
February 2024
Approval of plans and specifications and authorization to bid occurred in May
Award of construction contract expected in July 2024 and construction will start
in August 2024.
o 2024 Overlay Project
Target schedule – Approval of plans and specifications and authorization to bid
(late 2024), award of construction contract (late 2024)
• Beach Access Repairs from Pine Avenue to Tamarack Avenue Project – CIP Project No. 3896
o Project will repair sidewalks, handrails, stairways, retaining walls and seawall
o Currently 100%-complete level engineering design
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Exhibit 1
Transportation and Drainage Capital Improvement Program (CIP) Project Status
Update as of June 30, 2024
o Public review of the environmental document, Mitigated Negative Declaration (MND),
occurred from May 19, 2023, to June 19, 2023, and the Planning Commission approved the
project on July 19, 2023
o Coordinating with State Parks staff to obtain necessary approvals
o Ongoing right-of-way coordination/resolution with State Parks
o Tamarack Avenue stairway locations have been removed from this project and added to the
Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Beach Access – Pine Avenue to Tamarack Avenue
Project, as explained in greater detail below
o Target schedule – Approval of plans and specifications and authorization to bid (late 2024),
award of construction contract (early 2025)
• ADA Beach Access – Pine Avenue to Tamarack Avenue Project - CIP Project No. 6065
o Project to conduct preliminary engineering for design options developed during the
feasibility stage for ADA accessibility improvements down, to and across the sand to the
beach at both ends of the main seawall from Pine Avenue to Tamarack Avenue
On July 21, 2020, the City Council determined that voter approval was not
required for this project because Proposition C allows for general fund
expenditures for these types of trail linkages
o Request for Proposals for environmental and engineering services will be issued in summer
• Carlsbad Boulevard and Tamarack Avenue Intersection Improvements Project – CIP Project No.
o Project will widen sidewalk, add crosswalks, improve ADA access and improve traffic flow
and transit stops
o Presented at the TS&MC in February 2023 and May 2023, then presented to the City Council
in July 2023
o Final approval by the City Council on the intersection traffic control option is pending on
construction and operation of the approved roundabout at Cannon Road and Carlsbad
o Project requires right-of-way coordination/resolution with State Parks
o Submitted the Coastal Development Permit (CDP) for part of the project within the city’s
permitting jurisdiction in November 2023 and the Planning Division has provided comments
back to the Transportation Department in December 2023
o Target schedule – approval of plans and specifications and authorization to bid (early 2027),
award of construction contract (mid-2027)
• El Camino Real Widening from Arenal Road to La Costa Avenue Project – CIP Project No. 6051
o Project will widen southbound El Camino Real from Arenal Road to La Costa Avenue to
prime arterial standards, add sidewalk and widen bridge
o The project involves utility relocations, right-of-way acquisition, environmental mitigation
and open space boundary adjustments
o Staff have also been coordinating with the Batiquitos Lagoon Foundation to include two new
observation decks on the west side of El Camino Real
o Prepared 100%-complete improvement plans including supporting technical documents
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Exhibit 1
Transportation and Drainage Capital Improvement Program (CIP) Project Status
Update as of June 30, 2024
o Staff working on final environmental documents and mitigation plan
o Target schedule – Approval of plans and specifications and authorization to bid (spring
2025), award of construction contract (summer 2025)
• El Camino Real and Cannon Road Improvements Project – CIP Project No. 6042
o Construction for this project was completed in late 2022; constructed a new bridge for
pedestrian connectivity over the Agua Hedionda Creek along El Camino Real and widened
the sidewalk on the west side of the El Camino Real bridge, and added an additional
northbound through lane
Phase I consisted of widening the existing sidewalk on the bridge structure and
providing a separated pedestrian bridge structure. The project had a left turn lane,
two through lanes, dedicated bike lane and right dedicated right turn lane
Phase II of the project modified the median to provide three through lanes
o Currently performing 24-month monitoring for hydroseed and plant restoration to end
August 2024
• Kelly Drive and Park Drive Complete Streets Improvements Project – CIP Project No. 6075
o Project will provide traffic calming on Kelly Drive and Park Drive, enhance biking with
dedicated bike path, and add trails and improved pedestrian access
o Presented to the TS&MC in August 2021 and December 2022
o Conducted public outreach efforts, including online surveys, email blasts, mailers, and
virtual community workshops
o Presented to the City Council for approval of a professional services agreement for
engineering services in August 2023. The City Council provided additional direction on the
proposed roundabout at Kelly Drive and Park Drive. Staff will prepare a feasibility study and
return to the City Council with a recommendation
o Completing feasibility study for the subject intersection.
o Target schedule – Award an agreement to the selected consultant for engineering services
(late 2024/early 2025), finalize plans and environmental documents (Initial Study (IS)/MND)
for public review (mid-2025), Planning Commission approval (late 2025), approval of plans
and specifications and authorization to bid (early 2026), award of construction contract
• El Camino Real Widening from Poinsettia Lane to Camino Vida Roble Project – CIP Project No.
o Project will widen El Camino Real to the city engineering standards and provide an
additional northbound through lane from Cinnabar Way to Camino Vida Roble to increase
capacity and add new sidewalks and medians
o A portion of this project is federally funded
o Presented to the TS&MC in November 2020, October 2022, and May 2024
o Completed engineering plans and environmental permitting
o Presented to the Planning Commission and obtained necessary city discretionary permits in
June 2022
o Completed property acquisition with owners for the necessary easements
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Exhibit 1
Transportation and Drainage Capital Improvement Program (CIP) Project Status
Update as of June 30, 2024
o Completed easement with San Diego Gas & Electric (SDGE) and California Public Utilities
Commission (CPUC) for existing easement
o Received National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) revalidation and currently certifying
Right-of-Way and then can request authorization to bid
o Target schedule – Approval of plans and specifications and authorization to bid (late 2024),
award of construction contract (early 2025)
• Palomar Airport Road and College Boulevard Improvements Project – CIP Project No. 6028
o Project has been removed from the city’s CIP as approved by the City Council at the June 11,
2024, meeting
• Palomar Airport Road and Melrose Drive Improvements Project – CIP Project No. 6034
o Project has been re-scoped as approved by the City Council at the June 11, 2024, meeting
o New scope will include installation of a new free right turn phase at the eastbound approach
of Palomar Airport Road and the reduction of the existing travel lanes widths at the
southbound approach of Melrose Drive to a maximum of 11 feet wide
o Target schedule – Approval of plans and specifications and authorization to bid (mid-2026),
award of construction contract (early 2027)
• El Camino Real Widening from Sunny Creek Road to Jackspar Drive Project – CIP Project No. 6094
o Project will widen El Camino Real to the city engineering standards and provide an
additional northbound through lane to increase capacity, and add new sidewalks
o Presented to the TS&MC in September 2021, October 2022, and November 2023
o Completed negotiations with property owners for the necessary property interests
o Project was advertised for construction bids in April 2024
o Target schedule – Award of construction contract (July 2024)
• Avenida Encinas Coastal Rail Trail and Pedestrian Improvements Project – CIP Project No. 6004
o Project will provide multimodal improvements including new bike lanes, sidewalks and
traffic calming features
o Presented to the TS&MC in May 2021, June 2021, April 2022, and August 2022
o Obtained approval from the San Diego Association of Governments (SANDAG), Caltrans and
California Transportation Commission (CTC) for state-only funding and scope change
requests. The approved state-only funding request changed the Active Transportation
Program (ATP) grant funding from a federal program to a state program. The approved
scope change request allows using the ATP grant funding for segment 2 of the project to
meet the grant requirements
o Obtained authorization from Caltrans to award construction for Segment 2
o Target schedule:
Segment 1 (between Cannon Road and Palomar Airport Road): Completed
Segment 2 (between Poinsettia Station to Carlsbad Boulevard): In construction
Segment 3 (Palomar Airport Road and Poinsettia Station): Approval of plans and
specifications and authorization to bid (late 2024), award of construction contract
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Exhibit 1
Transportation and Drainage Capital Improvement Program (CIP) Project Status
Update as of June 30, 2024
• Barrio Lighting Project – CIP Project No. 4013
o Project has two phases as part of the Village and Barrio Master Plan which recommends
pedestrian scale lighting for the Barrio:
Phase 1 of the project installed and energized 13 streetlights to dark areas in the
Phase 2 of the project, which will install pedestrian lighting in the Barrio area, is in
the engineering design phase
o Public outreach newsletters were mailed out in November 2020 and November 2021
o Initial outreach survey for pedestrian lighting completed in February 2022
o Existing lighting assessment was conducted in late March and April 2022
o Initiated a new agreement for final design of Barrio Lighting Phase 2
o U.S. Representative Mike Levin secured $5 million dollars of federal funding from the U.S.
Department of Transportation’s Local Transportation Priorities Account and under Highway
Infrastructure Program for Village and Barrio Traffic Circles and Barrio Lighting projects, of
$4 million will be used for the traffic circle construction (CIP Project No. 4015-
Village and Barrio Traffic Circles)
$1 million will be used for the Phase 2 construction for this project (pedestrian
o Target schedule:
Phase 1 – Construction completed (early 2023)
Phase 2A –
• Draft conceptual plans for candidate light locations in review with SDGE.
• Once SDGE completes their review, staff will obtain additional public
feedback on candidate locations from the subject areas.
• Approval of plans and specifications and authorization to bid (early-2025),
award of construction contract (late 2025)
Phase 2B – Consultant will aid in remainder of project phasing based on
coordination with SDGE
• Village and Barrio Traffic Circles Project – CIP Project No. 4015
o Project provides traffic calming and pedestrian improvement features at eight intersections
in the Village/Barrio area to calm traffic as shown in the Village and Barrio Master Plan
o $4 million of this project is federally funded from same funding in CIP Project No. 4013; it
required project to go through NEPA process and work with Caltrans to finalize
Phase 1 - Construct five traffic circles and one high-visibility continental crosswalk;
project design is complete, requesting Caltrans’ authorization to bid
Phase 2 - two other intersections will include traffic calming improvements with
bulb-outs/curb extensions
o Additional technical studies were prepared to support NEPA
o NEPA certified in May 2023 and recertified in March 2024
o Target schedule Phase 1 – Approval of plans and specifications and authorization to bid
(September 2024), award of construction contract (end 2024)
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Exhibit 1
Transportation and Drainage Capital Improvement Program (CIP) Project Status
Update as of June 30, 2024
o Target schedule Phase 2 – Presentation to the TS&MC (late 2024), approval of plans and
specifications and authorization to bid (early 2025), award of construction contract (mid-
• Terramar Area Coastal Improvement Project – CIP Project No. 6054
o Project will construct a roundabout at the intersection of Cannon Road and Carlsbad
Boulevard, sidewalks and crosswalks, and increased parking and bluff improvements
o Engineering design at 100%-complete
o Coordinating streetlight relocations with utility companies
o Addressing the needed draft California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) documents
o Target schedule – Draft CEQA document/MND submittal (late 2024), draft CEQA
document/MND for public review (early 2025), Planning Commission approval (mid-2025),
CDP from California Coastal Commission (mid-/late 2025), approval of plans and
specifications and authorization to bid (early 2026), award of construction contract
• Valley Street and Magnolia Avenue Complete Streets Project – CIP Project No. 6019
o Project will construct sidewalks, bike paths, green paint street features and undergrounding
overhead utilities along a portion of Valley Street and Magnolia Avenue
o Currently in engineering design phase; finalized coordination with utility companies for
undergrounding and gas main relocation (mid-2023)
o The City Council approved an agreement with SDGE for utility lines undergrounding in April
o Coordinating ongoing outreach with the Communications Department to property owners
and school district, and coordination on design
o Target schedule – Utility undergrounding to be performed by SDGE (summer 2024),
approval of plans and specifications and authorization to bid for the Complete Streets
Project (early 2025), award of construction contract (mid-2025)
• Buena Vista Creek Channel Maintenance Project – CIP Project No. 6619
o Proposed removal of debris and sediment, clearing of vegetation and concrete repairs
within the Buena Vista Creek between the bridges of South Vista Way and Haymar Drive
o Program Environmental Impact Report (PEIR) determined to be appropriate CEQA document
by city’s Community Development Department in fall 2021
Issued Task Order to prepare PEIR in February 2022
Prepared draft Notice of Preparation (NOP) in May 2023, revised July 2023, and
January 2024
o Completed topographic survey in April 2022
o Updated engineering design in July 2022 and March 2023
o Initiated coordination with Habitat Mitigation Banks in May 2023, continued August 2023,
January 2024 & March 2024
o In response to the January 2024 storm events, the city declared a local emergency on Feb. 8,
2024, to expedite the removal of the sediment and vegetation
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Exhibit 1
Transportation and Drainage Capital Improvement Program (CIP) Project Status
Update as of June 30, 2024
o The US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) issued a Regional General Permit (RGP 63) to
perform the emergency channel clearing of the concrete channel in February 2024
o Emergency clearing of sediment, debris & vegetation in the concrete channel was
performed in March and completed in April 2024
o Purchased 1.88-acres of compensatory wetland mitigation credits from the San Luis Rey
Mitigation Bank in May 2024
o Filed Notice of Completion for Emergency Work with USACE and notified the California
Regional Water Quality Control Board (RWQCB), the California Department of Fish & Wildlife
(CDFW) & the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Services (USFWS) in June 2024
o Next Steps:
Perform research and prepare report summarizing potential habitat mitigation
opportunities citywide (late 2024)
Research Caltrans’ relinquishment and channel maintenance responsibilities where
city boundary is in close proximity to the creek (late 2024)
Coordinate with jurisdictional agencies on the scope, permitting and habitat
mitigation (late 2024)
Revise Project Description and PEIR NOP to update the baseline conditions,
document the emergency clearing and expand the area to include the earthen
section of the creek between the bridge at Haymar Drive and the concrete lined
section (late 2024)
Prepare draft PEIR for the Planning Division review (early 2025)
Applications for resource agency permits to be submitted upon PEIR recordation
Finalizing and approval of PEIR and obtain agreements for regular maintenance of
the channel (late 2026)
• Park Drive Street and Drainage Improvements Project – CIP Project No. 6611
o Project will remove and replace 500 feet of existing retaining wall and repair back slope with
2,000 cubic yards of imported fill. Project also includes brow ditch and storm drain
improvements, and sidewalk replacement.
o 0.75 acre of compensatory habitat mitigation required offsite due to impacts to coastal sage
scrub. Five-year maintenance and monitoring required upon completion of initial planning
and six-month plant establishment period.
o Minor Conditional Use Permit, Minor Hillside Development and Minor Habitat Mitigation
Plan permit applications approved by the city’s Community Development Department on
March 30, 2022
o Coordinating with the California Coastal Commission to obtain a CDP
o Construction contract awarded March 2024
o Target schedule:
Started construction May 2024
Complete construction December 2024
• Citywide Drainage Improvement Program – CIP Project No. 6608
o Drainage Master Plan Project BCB – Magnolia Avenue Drainage Improvements Project
Project proposed a 30-inch diameter storm drain pipeline on Magnolia Avenue from
Brady Circle to Monroe Street
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Exhibit 1
Transportation and Drainage Capital Improvement Program (CIP) Project Status
Update as of June 30, 2024
Project split into two separate phases that will be constructed during the summer
months due to the proximity of several nearby schools
• Phase I completed in mid-2022, constructed the main trunk of the storm
drain on Magnolia Avenue and replaced/relocated several sections of
potable water main
• Phase II will provide full street pavement resurfacing, speed humps, curb
bulb-out/extensions and a storm drain lateral section on Valley Street
Target schedule:
• Phase II – Approval of plans and specifications (early 2025), award of
construction contract (mid-2025)
o Surface Drainage Improvements Project
Project will improve surface drainage conditions on several streets within the
northwest quadrant area of the city. Improvements include installation of concrete
curbs, gutters, swales and gravel to reduce erosion and improve drainage.
Negotiated a new task order for 2024 Surface Drainage Improvements Technical
Memo in May 2023
A scoping study was prepared by consultants in early 2024 and has been reviewed
by city staff to identify feasible projects to move forward into design in mid-2024
Discussions with design consultant team to prepare proposal for design plans and to
revise project scope held in June 2024
Initial 30% design expected by late 2024
o Merwin Drive Storm Drain Improvements Project
Project will improve surface drainage conditions and reduce the potential for
ponding on Merwin Drive during and following storm events
Construction of temporary drainage improvements completed in December 2020
The City Council approved authorization for engineering and environmental services
and contract fully executed in September 2021
Design options analysis completed in early 2022
Revised design options analysis performed in May 2023
Amendment to consultant’s contract was finalized in December 2023
Existing storm drain assessment and pipe cleaning was performed in February 2024
Subsurface utility report was prepared February 2024
Early Assessment package with 30% design plans and supporting
reports/documentation submitted May 2024
Target schedule:
• Utility research and geotechnical investigation (mid-2024)
• Final engineering design (late 2024)
• Environmental processing and permitting (early 2025)
• Approval of plans and specifications and authorization to bid (early/mid-
• Award of construction contract (mid-2025)
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Exhibit 1
Transportation and Drainage Capital Improvement Program (CIP) Project Status
Update as of June 30, 2024
• Drainage Master Plan Update – CIP Project No. 6623
o Project provides updates to the city’s 2008 Drainage Master Plan (DMP) including updating
the list of master planned projects, creating a new fee schedule and amending existing PEIR
o Completed Geographic Information System (GIS) updates to the city’s drainage inventory in
fall 2020. Drainage modeling supported by the GIS update, providing an updated analysis of
proposed projects from the 2008 DMP and a recommended list of new projects to be added
to the plan.
o Received Early Assessment comment letter from the city’s Planning Division on draft DMP
update in October 2022. Staff comments on draft DMP provided to consultant in November
o Negotiated a new task order to perform revised Basin BJ technical evaluation (currently
under review and expected completion by mid-2024)
o Third party review of the DMP has been performed resulting in further technical revisions
with the consultant (mid-2024)
o Revised hydraulic & hydrologic modeling performed by consultant in June 2024
o Target schedule – Consultant submittal of Final DMP (late 2024), City Council adoption of
the DMP update (mid-2025)
• Agua Hedionda Creek Vegetation Maintenance Project – CIP Project No. 6629
o Project includes vegetation clearing and removal within the section of the Agua Hedionda
Creek confined by the bridges of El Camino Real and Cannon Road. This maintenance event
improves flood capacity of the stream, thereby increasing flood protection. The permit
agency confirmed in fiscal year 2020-21 that the creek can be cleared multiple times per
year. The budget update reflects three vegetation clearing events per year.
o Half-acre section was cleared of vegetation and debris removed in October 2022 and
subsequently in February 2023 to improve creek conveyance capacity
o Vegetation regrowth is being monitored throughout winter months. Additional maintenance
events may be requested if regrowth is determined to be significantly prohibiting stream
o Year 9 Monitoring Report submitted to the CDFW in June 2023
o Annual channel maintenance (vegetation clearing and debris removal) performed
September 2023
o Supplemental channel maintenance performed December 2023
o Year 10 Monitoring Report submitted to the CDFW May 2024
o Met with CDFW regarding new Streambed Alteration Agreement June 2024
o Target Schedule:
Execute a new Streambed Alteration Agreement with CDFW (mid/late 2024)
Vegetation and debris clearing (late 2024 and early 2025)
July 30, 2024 Item #12 Page 14 of 19
Exhibit 1
Transportation and Drainage Capital Improvement Program (CIP) Project Status
Update as of June 30, 2024
• Buena Vista Creek Assessment District – Operating Budget No. 1636312
o In October 2022, non-native vegetation and debris were removed from the 11.2-acre
section of the Buena Vista Creek channel
o In December 2022, non-native vegetation and debris were again removed and the annual
channel vegetation clearing activities were performed within the northern half of the Buena
Vista Creek upstream of the Jefferson Street bridge (year 3 of 5) and around areas of three
storm drain outfalls
o Coordinated with the Homeless Outreach Team (HOT) to remove several encampments and
concentrated areas of trash within stream corridor
o Vegetation regrowth is being monitored throughout winter months. Additional maintenance
events may be requested when necessary.
o Year 4 Annual Report completed and submitted with fee to CDFW in May 2023
o Exotic/non-native vegetation, trash and debris removal September 2023
o Annual channel clearing (20% of the northern half) conducted November 2023
o Year 5 Monitoring Report submitted to the CDFW in May 2024
o Target Schedule:
Execute a new Streambed Alteration Agreement with CDFW (mid-/late 2024)
Non-native vegetation, trash and debris removal followed by annual vegetation
clearing (late 2024)
• Drainage Master Plan BFB-Upper Project – CIP Project No. 6622
o Project includes drainage improvements and slope stabilization to an existing city-owned
earthen drainage channel on the east side of El Camino Real from Chestnut Avenue to
Tamarack Avenue
o Objective of the project is to restore the channel by stabilizing slopes to mitigate against
erosion during storm events and help reduce sediment transport to the Agua Hedionda
o Engineering design contract fully executed with the City Council approval in September 2021
o Geotechnical exploration completed in December 2022
o Conceptual grading, geotechnical, biological, hydrological/hydraulics and alternatives
analysis performed in June 2023
o Review on an Early Assessment submittal including 30% design plans was completed in
December 2023
o Revisions to site plan per the adjacent Trieste slope repair emergency project, 50% plans to
incorporate these now existing site conditions (June 2024)
o Target schedule:
Final engineering design (early 2025)
Environmental processing and permitting (mid-2025)
Approval of plans and specifications and authorization to bid (late 2025)
Award of construction contract (early 2026)
July 30, 2024 Item #12 Page 15 of 19
Exhibit 1
Transportation and Drainage Capital Improvement Program (CIP) Project Status
Update as of June 30, 2024
• Storm Drain System Rehabilitation and Repair Program – CIP Project No. 6607
o Corrugated Metal Pipe (CMP) Replacement North of Encinas Creek Project
Removal of 200 feet of CMP and replacement with reinforced concrete pipe storm
drain within Carlsbad Boulevard north of Encinas Creek. Project includes installation
of one standard curb inlet, pipe replacement, outlet improvements and slope
Design and environmental services contracts executed in December 2020 for
creation of final plan and environmental studies
Final design completed in March 2022
Project went out to bid in May 2023, but only received one bid which was rejected
Target schedule:
• Combine plans and specifications with the revised design for the Highland-
Hoover Storm Drain Improvements and the 2024 Storm Drain Repair Plans
projects to create a CIP Project No. 6607 bundle package (late 2024)
• Approve plans and specifications and authorization to bid (late 2024)
• Award construction contract (early 2025)
o 2024 Storm Drain Maintenance and Repair Project
Removal of five CMP pipe drainage pipe systems throughout the city and replace
with reinforced concrete pipe systems
Target schedule:
• Finalize plans with pipe diameter variances to avoid utility conflicts
• Combine final plans and specifications with the revised design for the CMP
Replacement North of Encinas Creek and the Highland-Hoover Storm Drain
Improvements to create a CIP Project No. 6607 bundle package (late 2024)
• Approve plans and specifications and authorization to bid (late 2024)
• Award construction contract (early 2025)
o Highland-Hoover Storm Drain Realignment Project
Project will reroute an existing storm drain through several private properties to
relocate point off a private property to city right-of-way
Engineering design completed in fall 2021
Obtained City Manager’s approval of acceptance of storm drain easements and right
of entry agreements in March 2023
Fully executed storm drain easements recorded in April 2023
Finalized plans and specifications and advertised for construction bids in April 2023
Advertised project and held pre-bid meeting in May 2023. Project received only one
bid which was rejected because it exceeded the financial thresholds.
Target schedule:
• Revise design to extend proposed storm drain to existing inlet on Hoover
Street and Adams Street based on input received from the homeowners,
city’s maintenance, and the Construction Management & Inspection
Department teams (mid-2024)
July 30, 2024 Item #12 Page 16 of 19
Exhibit 1
Transportation and Drainage Capital Improvement Program (CIP) Project Status
Update as of June 30, 2024
• Combine revised design and specifications with CMP Replacement North of
Encinas Creek and the 2024 Storm Drain Repair Plans to create a CIP Project
No. 6607 bundle package (late 2024)
• Award construction contract (early 2025)
• Storm Drain Condition Assessment Program – CIP Project No. 6620
o Program is used to manage storm drain assets and help identify/prioritize future storm drain
inspections and repairs; also used for as-needed inspections
o Inspection results creates list of repair and maintenance projects to be executed by CIP
Project No. 6607, Storm Drain System Rehabilitation and Repair Program
o In June 2023, finalized a task order for consultant to perform storm drain condition
assessment and pipe cleaning services for several CIP projects, and coordinated with
Cartegraph consultant to develop ongoing program that creates annual list of storm drain
inspection needs
o In January 2024, conducted evaluations, inspections, and cleaning of storm drains across
various locations in support of CIP Project Nos. 6607 (Storm Drain System Rehabilitation and
Repair Program), 6608 (Citywide Drainage Improvement Program), and 6626 (Trash Capture
Amendment Compliance Program)
o Target schedule:
Prepare list of sites for the 2024 Storm Drain Condition Assessment and pipe
cleaning (mid-2024)
Perform storm drain assessment in support of the 2024 Storm Drain Condition
Assessment (late 2024)
• Sidewalks Improvement Program – CIP Project No. 6002
o Program will design and construct missing links of sidewalk throughout the city
o 2022-23 Sidewalk Construction Project was completed, the locations were:
Garfield Street (east side) between Redwood Avenue and Tamarack Avenue
Monroe Street (east side) between Marron Road and southern mall driveway
entrance (near bus stops)
Tamarack Avenue (north side) between Kirkwall Avenue and Edinburgh Drive
o Negotiated contract with consultant to perform engineering design services for 2023-24
Sidewalk Construction Project
o Revised scope of project sites included within program per site specific constraints and
resident input on Garfield Street
o 2023-24 Sidewalk Construction Project locations at 70% design with an expected final
engineering design by late 2024
• Concrete Repairs Program – CIP Project No. 6013
o Program addresses miscellaneous concrete repairs to sidewalks, curb and gutter, pedestrian
ramps, driveway approaches and cross-gutters
o Completed construction of the 2023 Concrete Repair Project in March 2024
o Currently working on the planning level assessment to select locations for the 2025
Concrete Repair Project
July 30, 2024 Item #12 Page 17 of 19
Exhibit 1
Transportation and Drainage Capital Improvement Program (CIP) Project Status
Update as of June 30, 2024
• ADA Ramp Improvement Program – CIP Project No. 6049
o Negotiated scope and fee for 2023-24 ADA Ramp Improvement Project with consultant
(early 2024)
o Initiated design with consultant team, expecting 30% plans late 2024
o Target schedule – Approval of plans and specifications and authorization to bid (mid-2025)
award of construction contract (late 2025)
• Parking Lot Maintenance Program – CIP Project No. 6052
o Program plans for maintenance of the city’s parking lots and driveways to provide access to
the city parks, fire stations, libraries and facilities
o Finalizing list of locations for 2023-24 Parking Lot Maintenance Project
o Target schedule – Approval of plans and specifications and authorization to bid (late
2024/early 2025), award of construction contract (mid-2025)
o Public Parking Lots ADA Improvements Project - CIP Project Nos. 6049 & 6052
In 2023, improvements to ADA accessibility and parking lots were completed at nine
public parking lots in downtown and three city parks
Update to the city’s ADA Implementation Plan is in progress
The 2024 ADA Improvements Project, including approximately 300 locations
citywide, is in the design phase
Target schedule: Approval of plans and specifications and authorization to bid (early
2025), award of construction contract (mid-2025)
• Trash Capture Amendment Compliance Program – CIP Project No. 6626
o Program will design and construct Trash Capture Best Management Practices (TCBMPs) to
improve storm water quality, achieve compliance with watershed permit and reduce
maintenance costs
o Prepared conceptual TCBMP designs at six to 10 locations in early 2022
o Selected following six sites for first round of program:
State Street – proposed regional downstream TCBMP
Agua Hedionda discharge – proposed regional downstream TCBMP
Palomar Airport Road and Paseo Del Norte – retrofit four existing TCBMPs
o Issued a new task order to consultant for engineering design and environmental review
services in May 2023 for State Street TCBMP
o Received 50% design plans, hydrologic/hydraulic drainage study, and cost estimate in March
o Target schedule:
State Street TCBMP
• Finalize design (late 2024)
• Environmental processing and permitting (late 2024)
• Approval of plans and specifications and authorization to bid (early 2025)
• Award of construction contract (mid-2025)
Agua Hedionda TCBMP
July 30, 2024 Item #12 Page 18 of 19
Exhibit 1
Transportation and Drainage Capital Improvement Program (CIP) Project Status
Update as of June 30, 2024
• Issue a contract for engineering design and environmental review (late
• Bridge Preventative Maintenance Program – CIP Project No. 6066
o Program performs preventative maintenance activities such as deck sealing, concrete
patching, and repairing spalls to increase the life of the bridge structures
o Prepared and finalized field review and documentation memorandum of the 21 city’s
bridges so all bridges within the city are now third-party field reviewed beyond what
Caltrans provides
o A new contract was initiated for the design of the 2023-24 Bridge Preventative Maintenance
Project. These included the Ponto Drive Undercrossing [Carlsbad Boulevard northbound]
(Bridge No. 57C-0212), the Las Encinas Creek Bridge at Carlsbad Boulevard (Bridge No. 57C-
0214R), and the Palomar Airport Road Overcrossing spanning Interstate 5 (Bridge No. 57-
o 2024 Bridge Preventative Maintenance Project - original 2022 Bridge Preventative
Maintenance Project that included four bridges located on Cannon Road (Macario Canyon
Bridges) and Rancho Santa Fe Road (San Marcos Creek Bridges) is now planned to be
combined with a bridge identified in the 2023-24 Bridge Preventative Maintenance Project
The new project will include the Macario Canyon Bridges and San Marcos Creek
Bridges in addition to the Palomar Airport Bridge over Interstate 5
Continued coordination with Caltrans is required for the Palomar Airport Road
Bridge over Interstate 5
Target schedule – Approved plans and specifications and authorized to bid (late
2024), award construction contract (early 2025)
o 2025 Bridge Preventative Maintenance Project – will include the Ponto Drive Undercrossing
and the Las Encinas Creek Bridge at Carlsbad Boulevard
Target schedule – Approve plans and specifications and authorized to bid (mid-/late
2025), award construction contract (mid-2026)
July 30, 2024 Item #12 Page 19 of 19
Tom Frank, Transportation Director/City Engineer
July 30, 2024
Semiannual Transportation
{ City of
1.Receive the Semiannual Transportation Report
{ City of
“Report to the City Council on
citywide traffic and mobility
initiative two times per year.”
s, April 1019, """"d <he d"''' of <h• T<"ffic s,f""
comm"'\oo '° 1odud• ,,,,,,,.. W• C\" eouoe\\ oo matt•~
,.1,,ed '° \mp\em~,atioo of ,he G•"'"'' ""' Mob\\\"
Marshall Plantz, public Works
,t1.rnend the duties of the Traffic Safety cornrnission
1as1<s: a """" fu• <><'''°' """""' col• C ,.,~ ,M Oo<~ oHM' raffi<
salet'/ commission to include adviSing the Cit'/ council on matters
related to implementation ol the General Plan MobilitY £1ement.
~: complete by N>"I 2019. • • ~: No additional funding is required to complete th15 task.
s. 115sist the Traffic salet'/ commission in the development and
implementation ol a new work plan in aceordance with duties as
included in the amended Municipal code.
~: complete by N>"I 2019. _ ~: No additional funding is required to complete th15 task.
Traffic and rnobilitv initiatives reportine
t,.. Report to Cit'/ council on cit'/Wide traffic and mobility initiatives two
time5 per year. ~: complete by l'-P"I 2019. • ~: No additional funding is required to complete th15 task.
2018-19 wor'r-Plan
{ City of
2.Progress on traffic signal program
3.Highlights on traffic safety projects
4.Next six-month highlights
{ City of
1.Implement the General Plan: “Complete Streets”
accommodate all the different ways people get
around our city
2.Minimize traffic delay while ensuring streets are safe
and accessible for everyone
{ City of
pr•• q
Emergency road repairs
11) ..n
a:i ~ I-f-
Smoothed (l 5 min) f or Pa iir 4 79= RSIF & San El ijo to RS F & La Costa
from 07-16-2024 to 07-16-2024, 06:00 -16:00 daily
O:OO 1--r --,-
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
{.O i-..... co O'i 0 ~ N {'11 0 0 0 0 ~ ~ ~ ~
-Smoothed travel times
-Comparison Index #1 : Historical Avg of same days: 1(Last 1.2 Weeks)
0 0 0
0 0 0
'<;!"" Ln {.O
~ ~ ~
( TSD -PAR East(30 -AM) (!)
{ City of
Flashing in-pavement
Curb extensions
Green bike lanes
•South of Poinsettia Station to
Carlsbad Blvd.
•Intersection improvements, curb
extensions, and high visibility
•Buffered bike lanes with green
dashed striping at conflict points
-Construction in progress
In design
{ City of
•Complete 2023 Slurry Seal Project
•Complete design for Terramar Area Coastal Improvements
•Safe Routes to School Plans
•Jefferson Elementary and Sage Creek High School
•Complete Traffic calming
•Park Dr., Black Rail Rd., Plum Tree Rd., Carrillo Wy.
•New traffic signal turn on at Avenida Encinas near Chick-Fil-A
•Optimize traffic signal timing plans on major corridors
•Josh Coelho
{ City of
1.Receive the Semiannual Transportation Report
{ City of