HomeMy WebLinkAbout2024-06-06; Arts Commission; ; Permanent Public Art Update June 6, 2024 Item #3 Page 1 of 2 Meeting Date: June 6, 2024 To: Arts Commission From: Fiona Everett, Senior Management Analyst Staff Contact: Fiona Everett, Senior Management Analyst fiona.everett@carlsbadca.gov, 442-339-2014 Subject: Permanent Public Art Update District: All Recommended Action Receive an update on current permanent public art projects. Executive Summary This report provides an update on current permanent public art projects: • Chestnut/I-5 Underpass • Veterans Memorial Park • Barrio Traffic Circle Explanation & Analysis Presently, there are three permanent public art projects in various planning stages. Chestnut/I-5 Underpass An artist was selected for the Chestnut/I-5 Underpass project by the Public Art Advisory Committee on Jan. 4, 2024. Contract negotiations between the artist, the city and Caltrans are in progress. Once a contract is executed, next steps will include community engagement to help inform the design for the artwork. Veterans Memorial Park After narrowing down 35 artist proposals to four finalists at its first meeting on April 25, 2024, the Public Art Advisory Subcommittee will meet again to select the artist or artist team who will create permanent public art for Veterans Memorial Park. The four finalists will present at the June 12 subcommittee meeting. These presentations will focus on the artists’ qualifications, not specific ideas for the project. ARTS COMMISSION Staff Report June 6, 2024 Item #3 Page 2 of 2 Barrio Traffic Circle A Call for Artist Qualifications was released on April 26, 2024, with a June 24 submission deadline. Artists applications that meet the submission requirements will be reviewed by a Public Art Advisory Subcommittee this summer, with the goal to select a final artist to design the project. Fiscal Analysis Funding for permanent public art is 1% of each project’s construction budget: • Chestnut/I-5 Underpass budget is $400,000 • Veterans Memorial Park budget is $450,000 • Barrio Traffic Circle budget is $110,000 Next Steps None. Environmental Evaluation This item does not require environmental review because it does not constitute a project within the meaning of the California Environmental Quality Act under California Public Resources Code Section 21065 in that it has no potential to cause either a direct physical change in the environment or a reasonably foreseeable indirect physical change in the environment. Exhibits None. Fiona Everett, Senior Management Analyst Library & Cultural Arts Department June 6, 2024 Permanent Public Art Projects Update C cityof Carlsbad •Chestnut / I-5 Underpass project •Veterans Memorial Park project •Barrio Traffic Circle project TODAY'S PRESENTATION ITEM 3: PUBLIC ART UPDATE 2 C cityof Carlsbad 3 Public art el ment CHESTNUT AVENUE I-5 UNDERPASS PUBLIC ART 4 Carlsbad Municipal Code 2.18.110 (Appropriation for arts) requires that a minimum of 1% of the cost of certain construction projects be dedicated to public art. PROJECT BUDGET Chestnut Avenue 1-5 Underpass Project No. 6098 Public Art = $400,000 ITEM 3: PUBLIC ART UPDATE 5 C cityof Carlsbad GREENMEME Brian Howe Freyja Bardell ARTIST TEAM SELECTED: ITEM 3: PUBLIC ART UPDATE 6 7 , . ' :4, ........... --.. .. d N-7\~/:1~;}-/)!/? 8 •Execute a design contract •Community engagement •Design by Greenmeme •Arts Commission, then City Council approves design •Execute a fabrication / installation contract NEXT STEPS ITEM 3: PUBLIC ART UPDATE 9 C cityof Carlsbad TIMELINE - CHESTNUT SPRING - 2024 Design Agreement SUMMER/FALL – 2024 Community Engagement WINTER – 2024 Design Concept WINTER – 2024 Design Concept to Arts Commission & City Council SPRING - 2025 Fabrication Contract SUMMER/FALL - 2025 Installation WINTER – 2024 Public Art Advisory Subcommittee Meeting FALL – 2023 Release Limited Call to Artists WINTER - 2022 Develop Strategy FALL - 2021 Identify Funding ITEM 3: PUBLIC ART UPDATE 10 Veterans Memorial Park ITEM 3: PUBLIC ART UPDATE 11 { City of Carlsbad 12 Agua Hedionda Lagoon ~~ ~o ~~ (f Agua Hedionda Lagoon Foundation Discovery Center Veterans Memorial Park The Crossings Golf Course Faraday Administration Center Carlsbad Municipal Code 2.18.110 (Appropriation for arts) requires that a minimum of 1% of the cost of certain construction projects be dedicated to public art. Veterans Memorial Park Project No. 4609 Public Art = $450,000 PROJECT BUDGET ITEM 3: PUBLIC ART UPDATE 13 C cityof Carlsbad ARTIST SELECTION UNDERWAY ITEM 3: PUBLIC ART UPDATE •Public Art Advisory Subcommittee •From 35 qualified applicants to 4 finalists: •Gordon Huether Studio •Living Lenses •MGA Sculpture Studio •Site Studio 14 GORDON HUETHER STUDIO: GORDON HUETHER 15 LIVING LENSES: PO SHU WANG 16 MGA SCULPTURE STUDIO: MARK AELING 17 SITE STUDIO: NORMAN LEE AND SHANE ALLBRITTON 18 •June 12 - Public Art Advisory Subcommittee Meeting to select the artist •Execute a design contract •Community engagement NEXT STEPS ITEM 3: PUBLIC ART UPDATE 19 C cityof Carlsbad TIMELINE - VETERANS SUMMER - 2024 Design Agreement FALL – 2024 Community Engagement WINTER – 2024 Design Concept SPRING – 2024 Design Concept to Arts Commission & City Council SUMMER - 2025 Fabrication Contract WINTER/SPRING - 2026 Installation* SPRING – 2024 First Public Art Advisory Subcommittee Meeting SUMMER – 2023 Release Call to Artists WINTER - 2022 Develop Strategy ITEM 3: PUBLIC ART UPDATE SPRING – 2024 Second Public Art Advisory Subcommittee Meeting – Artist chosen *Depending on park construction schedule20 PUBLIC ART ADVISORY SUBCOMMITTEE VOTING MEMBERS Community Representatives Donald Armento Jen Belnap Michael Danforth Jerry Paranal City Arts Commissioners Frances Carrillo Angie Ferone Arts Professional Heath Fox ITEM 3: PUBLIC ART UPDATE 21 C cityof Carlsbad Barrio Traffic Circle ITEM 3: PUBLIC ART UPDATE 22 {city of Carlsbad 23f) Public art element Carlsbad Municipal Code 2.18.110 (Appropriation for arts) requires that a minimum of 1% of the cost of certain construction projects be dedicated to public art. Barrio Traffic Circle Project No. 4015 Public Art = $110,000 PROJECT BUDGET ITEM 3: PUBLIC ART UPDATE 24 C cityof Carlsbad •Artist Qualifications Submissions due June 24 •Select a Public Art Advisory Subcommittee •Schedule first meeting of the subcommittee to score submissions •Schedule additional subcommittee meetings as needed to select artist •Execute a design contract •Community engagement NEXT STEPS ITEM 3: PUBLIC ART UPDATE 25 C cityof Carlsbad TIMELINE – BARRIO TRAFFIC CIRCLE WINTER – 2024 Community Engagement SPRING – 2025 Design Concept SUMMER – 2025 Design Concept to Arts Commission & City Council FALL - 2025 Fabrication Contract FALL/WINTER - 2025 Installation SPRING – 2024 Release Call to Artists ITEM 3: PUBLIC ART UPDATE SUMMER – 2024 Public Art Advisory Subcommittee Meetings – Artist chosen FALL - 2024 Design Agreement 26