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SDP 2019-0008; STATE STREET COMMONS; Transportation Impact Analysis & Transportation Demand Management Plan - Response to Comments; 2020-01-17
URBAN SYSTEMS ASSOCIATES, INC. PLANNING & TRAFFIC ENGINEER/NG, MARKETING & PROJECT SUPPORT ATTN: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: CONSULTANTS TO INDUSTRY AND GOVERNMENT Scott Maas Fieldxstudio Justin P. Schlaefli PE TE PTOE JAN 21'\ 2020 CITY ul-'vnEl,5/o,d. MEMO NN I r-. 1 PLA scott@fieldxstudio.com TOTAL PAGES: 2 .,-l"' 2020 TIME: OS:JS:lJ JOB NUMBER: 002319 January ,, PM State Street Commons -Transportation Impact Analysis & Trans ortation Demand Mana ement Plan -Res onse to Comments Confidential Communications This transmittal is intended for the recipient named above. Unless otherwise expressly indicated, this entire communication is confidential and privileged information. If you are not the intended recipient, do not disclose, copy, distribute or use this information. If you received this transmission in error, please notify us immediately by telephone, at our expense and destroy the information. As requested, Urban Systems Associates, Inc. (USAI) has revised the Transportation Impact Analysis (TIA) and Transportation Demand Management (TOM) Plan for the proposed project named "State Street Commons", to be located 2742-2752 State Street. The comments are dated December 16, 2019 (TDM) and December 31 , 2019 (TIA). The City of Carlsbad's comments are shown in black and USAI's responses are shown in blue below. Introduction • 2 "update the project name to State Street Commons" The comments have been addressed as indicated. • 3a. "update the project name to State Street Commons" The project name has been updated in the TIA as indicated in the comment. • 3b. "per the requirements of a Level 1 TIA, include a study area map" A study area map is now included in the revised TIA as Figure 1. • 3c. "according to Table 3-1 of the City of Carlsbad Mobility Element, streets within ½ mile of a transit center are subject to transit level of service standards. Complete a transit level of service analysis for the transit center located on State Street. The transit MMLOS worksheet includes an evaluation of the pedestrian connection from the project to the transit center" 8451 Miralani Drive, Suite A • San Diego, CA 92126 • (858) 560-4911 Scott Maas Fieldxstudio © Urban Systems Associates, Inc. January 171h, 2020 A transit MMLOS evaluation is now included in the revised TlA as part of Attachment E. • 3d. "include both the user interface sheets and the MMLOS detail sheets in the Appendix. Points for various MMLOS criteria should be assigned via the user interface and not entered directly into the detail worksheets. Address comments on the redlined MMLOS worksheets" Both the user interface sheets and the MMLOS detail sheets are not included as part of Attachment E. The redlined comments have been addressed as indicated. • 4. "address the redline comments on the plans and Transportation Impact Analysis and return with the re-submittal to facilitate the next review" The redlined comments have been addressed as indicated. 2 8451 Miralani Drive, Suite A • San Diego, CA 92126 • (858) 560-4911