HomeMy WebLinkAbout2024-08-08; Legislative Platform - Public Health Position Statements (Districts - All); Haber, JasonTo the members ofthe:
Date~<i?J2i CA vcc ~ /
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August 8, 2024
Council Memorandum
Honorable Mayor Blackburn and Members of the City Council
Jason Haber, Intergovernmental Affairs Director
{city of
Memo ID# 2024056
Geoff Patnoe, Acting City Manager ~
Legislative Platform -Public Health Position Statements (Districts -All}
This memorandum provides a summary of position statements related to public health in the
City of Carlsbad 2024 Legislative Platform.
A City Council member requested this information following the July 30, 2024, City Council
meeting, and this response is being distributed to the entire City Council.
The Legislative Platform provides a foundation for the City of Carlsbad's Intergovernmental
Affairs Program and enables the city to efficiently and effectively address intergovernmental and
legislative matters affecting the city and its communities. The purpose of the Legislative Platform
is to clearly express the city's position on, and provide a basis for prioritizing and acting upon, a
broad range of intergovernmental and legislative matters that may impact the city's ability to
operate effectively.
The Legislative Platform is reviewed annually by the City Council Legislative Subcommittee and
amended as needed by the City Council. The contents of the Legislative Platform include:
• Guiding Principles
• Legislative Priorities
• Position Statements
Matters related to public health are addressed as follows within the Legislative Platform:
Guiding Principles
Ill. Protect Quality of Life -The city supports state legislation and funding that preserve
the safety, security, cultural resources and well-being of our residents, workers,
businesses and visitors. The city opposes efforts that would negatively impact the
infrastructure, public health and safety, community development, equitable community
services, cultural integrity and environmental programs and other city efforts to maintain
and enhance the quality of life in Carlsbad.
City Manager's Office
Intergovernmental Affairs
1200 Carlsbad Village Drive I Carlsbad, CA 92008 I 442-339-2820 t
Council Memo -Legislative Platform -Public Healt h Posit ion St atement s (Dist rict s -All)
August 8, 2024
Page 2
Position Statements
1. Community Services
Healthy Cities
(a) Support legislation that recognizes and prevents adverse impacts affecting public
health and the welfare of all residents, visitors and workers, and especially the
3. Water
Support initiatives that encourage cities to help parents make healthy family
choices; create healthy schools; provide access to healthy and affordable foods;
and adopt city design and planning principles that promote physical activity.
Support initiatives that encourage cities to involve youth, especially middle and
high school students, with city health-relat ed programs, including those
promoting mental and psychological well-being.
Support initiatives that encourage cities t o address the needs of an aging
population through local and statewide planning, education and programming.
Water Quality
(b) Support legislation t hat incorporates sound scientific based water quality
requirements for wastewater discharge into surface water and groundwater to
safeguard public health and protect beneficial uses.
5. Housing, Community and Economic Development
Planning and Zoning
(g) Support measures that allow local agencies to condition mobile home park
conversions from rental to resident ownership pursuant to local land use
regulations including a requirement to provide public improvements and
infrastructure where necessary to promote the health, safety, and welfare of park
(n) Support measures that would exempt affordable housing project s from complying
with the California Environmental Quality Act while cont inuing to mit igat e
residents' pot ential exposure to health and safety ha zards.
Subdivision Map Act
(a) Support legislation that would automatically extend app roved or conditionally
approved tentative, final and parcel maps under the Subdivision Map Act during
and for a limited time period after a statewide financial or public health crisis, or
other declared Stat e of Emergency.
Council Memo -Legislative Platform -Public Health Position Statements (Districts -All)
August 8, 2024
Page 3
Economic Development
(c) Support legislation that helps businesses who have had business interruption
insurance claims denied, or otherwise incur unrecoverable revenue losses
resulting from a financial or public health crisis, or other declared State of
(d) Support legislation that protects small businesses from extraordinary health
insurance premium increases being applied during and for a limited time period
after a financial or public health crisis, or other declared State of Emergency.
(e) Support legislation that would remove impediments to the automatic extension of
local permits during and for a limited time period after a financial or public health
crisis, or other declared State of Emergency.
(f) Support legislation that provides eviction protections and funding for rental
assistance programs for residential and commercial tenants and property
owners impacted by a financial or public health crisis, or other declared State
of Emergency.
6. Public Safety
Emergency Services and Preparedness
(d) Support legislation that would strengthen awareness of and access to resources
concerning community and disaster preparedness, public health, safety, and
(e) Support legislation that provides state and federal emergency funding and
regulatory relief that allows cities to devote the necessary resources and meet the
operational challenges of protecting the public health, safety and welfare in
response to a declared State of Emergency.
Law Enforcement
(g) Support legislation that encourages or mandates police training to include mental
health awareness, implicit and explicit bias and de-escalation techniques.
Drugs and Alcohol
(e) Support any measure that protects children and youth from exposure to tobacco,
secondhand smoke and tobacco-and nicotine-related products.
(f) Support legislation that preserves local control over medical and adult-use
cannabis businesses, and enhances and protects maximum local regulatory, land
use, and enforcement authority in relation to such businesses.
(g) Support legislation that prevents or reduces the adverse effects of drug addiction.
Council Memo - Legislative Plat form -Public Healt h Posit ion Statement s (Districts -All)
August 8, 2024
Page 4
(b) Support measures that provide resources to address the mental health needs of
persons experiencing homelessness.
(f) Support the expansion of conservatorship laws allowing for increased
guardianship control and health supervision of those suffering from mental illness
and recognizing mental illness and addiction as con t ributors to chronic
(g) Support continued funding for housing, outpatient beds and treatment to further
behavioral and mental health services programs, including Community Assistance,
Recovery and Empowerment (CARE) Court.
(d) Support measures to expand and fund mental health and social-emotional health
services, including the provision of such services and safety education in schools.
7. Revenue and Taxation
(q) Support funding and legislation that provides direct financial support to cities
to offset cost increases and lost revenues resulting from a financial or public
health crisis, or other declared State of Emergency.
(r) Support legislation that promotes regional collaboration on response efforts
addressing the impacts of a financial or public health crisis, or other declared
Stat e of Emergency, including funding to support local businesses.
cc: Scott Chadwick, City Manager
Cindie McMahon, Cit y Attorney