HomeMy WebLinkAbout2024-08-08; Terramar Stairway Stabilization Status Update (District 2); Barberio, GaryTo the members of the:
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Council Memorandum
August 8, 2024
Honorable Mayor Blackburn and Members of the City Council
Gary Barberio, Deputy City Manager, Community Services
Jeff Murphy, Community Developm~\Director
Geoff Patnoe, Acting City Manager ~
Terramar Stairway Stabilization Status Update (District 2)
{city of
Memo ID# 2024055
This memorandum provides an update regarding the permit review status of the Terra mar
Stairway Stabilization project (CDP 2022-0026/SUP 2024-0002). While the city has permit
authority for the Coastal Development Permit (CDP), for the reasons explained in this Council
Memorandum, the permit is likely to be appealed to the City Council and/or the California Coastal
The "Terramar Stairway" is a public stairway on private property at 5327 Carlsbad Boulevard which
provides public access to South Carlsbad State Beach . The stairway is open to the public, but
privately owned and maintained. In addition to the stairway, the property is developed with a
single-family home and a seawall at the base of the bluff. A condition of approval of the CDP for
the construction of the stairway and the home requires the owner of 5327 Carlsbad Boulevard to
maintain the stairway and keep it open for public access. As a result of constant wave action over
the past several years, the loss of soil has undermined the stairway and a series of sea caves have
formed under the stairway.
A CDP application to repair the stairway was submitted by the owner of 5327 Carlsbad Boulevard
on April 19, 2022. The repair project includes a proposal to armor the north and south sides of the
concrete stairway through the application of shotcrete. The undermined area underneath the
stairway will also be filled with shotcrete. Generally, the Coastal Commission policies do not
support armoring of bluffs or other public infrastructure. However, this is what the owner's
geotechnical engineer has proposed to repair the stairway and prevent further undercutting of the
stairway. There is an existing seawall at the base of the bluffs and immediately adjacent to the
north side of the stairway.
The CDP application for the repairs to the stairway is complete for processing and Planning staff
will be preparing the staff report for consideration by the Planning Commission over the next few
months. It is anticipated the Planning Commission hearing for the CDP will be in November. The
permit history for development at 5327 Carlsbad Boulevard is summarized in Attachment A.
Next Steps
City staff has shared the details of the proposed project with the Coastal Commission. Coastal staff
has requested the applicant prepare an alternatives analysis which includes options to the
Community Services Branch
Community Development Department
1635 Faraday Avenue I Carlsbad, CA 92008-7314 I 760-602-2710 t
Council Memo -Terramar Stairway Stabilization Status Update (District 2)
August 8, 2024
Page 2
proposed design, which could include scaling back the extent of the proposed shotcrete on the
north and south sides of the stairway. The applicant has declined the Coastal Commission's
request to study alternative designs. There is no regulatory requirement for an alternative design,
and the proposed project meets the standards and requirements of the city's Local Coastal
Program. The city's third party engineering consultant has reviewed the geotechnical report
prepared by the applicant's geotechnical engineer, determined the design is consistent with
engineering requirements, and has no additional comments.
Since the application is deemed complete and exempt from the California Environmental Quality
Act, the city must move forward with consideration of the entitlements. The applicant is aware of
the Coastal Commission's interest and has requested to move forward. The applicant is also aware
of the possibility of an appeal. There are two possible paths for the project to be appealed. The
first opportunity for the public to appeal the project is within 10 days ofthe Planning Commission
decision. In this instance, if a member of the public appeals the project, the appeal will be
considered by the City Council. If no appeals are received during this timeframe, the city issues a
Notice of Final Action and sends it to the Coastal Commission. Once the Coastal Commission
receives the notice, Coastal staff prepare a notice which starts a second 10-day appeal period. A
member of the public or the Coastal Commission can appeal the project at this time. If an appeal is
filed during this second appeal period, the Coastal Commission assumes authority of the CDP and
the Coastal Commission will act on the CDP.
Planning Department staff will be proceeding with the preparation of the staff report for the
Planning Commission with an expected hearing date in November.
Attachments: A. Terramar Stairway Stabilization Status Update -Permit History
B. Minutes, City Council Hearing, June 16, 2009, on file with City Clerk's Office
C. Staff Report, City Council Hearing, May 25, 2010, on file with City Clerk's Office
(https://records.carlsbadca .gov/Weblink/DocView.aspx?id=4866135&dbid=0&
https://records.carlsbadca .gov/Weblink/DocView.aspx?id=4866136&dbid=0&r
cc: Scott Chadwick, City Manager
Cindie McMahon, City Attorney
Allegra Frost, Senior Assistant City Attorney
Eric Lardy, City Planner
Jason Geldert, Land Development Manager
Cliff Jones, Principal Planner
Nichole Fine, Senior Engineer
Shannon Harker, Senior Planner
Kyle Lancaster, Parks & Recreation Director
• May 1997, SUP 96-07/CDP 96-05/HDP 97-03
Public beach access stairway, currently known as the "Terramar Stairway," approved for construction at 5327
Carlsbad Boulevard.
• August 1998, CDP 98-05
Subdivision of a 1.6-acre lot into three single-family lots approved, including the subject lot at 5327 Carlsbad
• June 2002, CDP 01-11
Construction of a single-family home at 5327 Carlsbad Boulevard approved.
• June 2009, CDP 09-11, Goetz Seawall
An Emergency Coastal Development Permit1 was issued by the Planning Director for the construction of a 17 to
24-foot-tall seawall to repair bluff failures that occurred during a series of heavy rain events that occurred at the
base of coastal bluffs located at 5323 and 5327 Carlsbad Boulevard in 2008 and 2009. The permit was exercised,
and the seawall was constructed.
A representative of the Surfrider Foundation spoke during the public comment period of t he June 16, 2009 City
Council hearing and requested the Emergency CDP be placed on the agenda for discussion. The City Attorney
determined the matter could be considered by Council on the same night as an emergency item with a vote of
the Council. The City Council approved the request to place it on the agenda, allowed for public comment and
expressed their support of the Planning Director's issuance of Emergency CDP 09-11. No further action was
taken. Please see Exhibit 1 for the minutes to the City Council hearing.
A Notice of Final Action was sent to the Coastal Commission. No appeals were filed. The construction of the
seawall was completed in September, 2009 . A condition was included in the Emergency CDP to apply for a
standard or "regular" CDP to permanently authorize the construction of the seawall.
• April 7, 2010, CDP 09-13/SUP 09-05, Goetz Seawall Planning Commission hearing
A CDP and Special Use Permit (SUP) were approved by the Planning Commission for t he already constructed 97-
foot-long by 17 to 24-foot-tall seawall at the base of the coastal bluff below 5323 and.5327 Carlsbad Boulevard.
The seawall was constructed adjacent to the north elevation of Terra mar Stairway and, effectively, connects the
two structures.
• April 19, 2010, Appeal filed by Surfrider Foundation and Coastal Environmental Rights Foundation
The Surfrider Foundation appealed the approval of CDP 09-13 and SUP 09-05 by the Planning Commission to the
City Council claiming that the issuance of the permits violated CEQA, the seawall will destroy the public beach
and it is not the most environmentally sensitive option. The properties where the seawall was constructed are in
the appeal jurisdiction of the Coastal Commission .
• May 25, 2020, City Council Hearing for Appeal of Goetz Seawall
City Council adopted Resolution No. 2010-126 upholding the Planning Commission's approval of CUP 09-13 and
SUP 09-05. Please see Exhibit 2 for links to the City Council staff report.
1 In April 2009, the first Emergency Coastal Development Permit was issued by the Planning Director. A Notice of Final Action was
sent to tlie Coastal Commission; no appeals were filed. The permit was not exercised and subsequently expired. A new/second
Emergency Coastal Development Permit was filed in June 2009.
• June 15, 2010, Appeal fi led by the Coastal Commission.
The Surfrider Foundation and two coastal commissioners filed an appeal of the City Council's decision to uphold
the CDP to the California Coastal Commission. On June 14, 2014 the Coastal Commission held a public hearing
on the seawall. The hearing was continued. Coastal Commission staff never brought back the project for the
Coastal Commission's consideration. With the Coastal Commission appeal, the Coastal Commission has
jurisdiction over the CDP for the seawall. The CDP for the seawall is still pending action by the Coastal
Commission. It is unknown why the project was never reconsidered by the Coastal Commission, or what, if
anything the Coastal Commission Staff will propose for that lack of action and how they may relate it to an
appeal on the current project. The current proposed stairway stabilization is abutting to the seawall.
• November 19, 2010, Lawsuit filed by Surfrider Foundation
Surfrider Foundation vs. City of Carlsbad (San Diego Superior Court Case No. 37-2010-00062015). Surfrider filed
a lawsuit alleging that the city's approval of CDP 09-13 and SUP 09-05 violated CEQA. The city argued that the
case should be filed against the Coastal Commission once it issued a final decision on the appeal. Surfrider
appealed the decision to the Coastal Commission, which heard the appeal. Since the Coastal Commission's
decision regarding the permit would override the city's approval and make the lawsuit moot, the case against
the city remained on hold until 2021 when Surfrider agreed to dismiss the case even though the Coastal
Commission still had not issued its final decision.
• November, 2016, CDP 2016-0001, Goetz-Perell Sea Cave Emergency Permit
Emergency Coastal Development Permit issued by the City Planner to allow for the temporary fill of an
expanding sea cave on the north side of the existing seawall at 5323 and 5327 Carlsbad Boulevard. No appeals
were filed after the Notice of Final Action issued.
• December, 2016, CDP 2016-0001, Goetz-Perell Sea Cave Emergency Permit
Planning staff presented a report to the City Council regarding Emergency Coastal Development Permit CDP
• April 2022, CDP 2022-0026/SUP 2024-0002, Terramar Stairway Stabilization
Subject application filed to repair the stairway which provides public access to South Carlsbad State Beach.
• April 20, 2024, CEQA Determination of Exemption Posted for CDP 2022-0026/SUP 2024-0002
The City Planner's CEQA Determination of Exemption was posted for 10 days subject to the requi rements of Title
19 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code . No appeals were filed. Therefore, the CEQA determination that the project
is exempt from CEQA is final. If the project is approved by the Planning Commission, a Notice of Exemption will
be filed at the San Diego County Clerk's Office.