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January 17th, 2020
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State Street Commons -2742-2752 State Street, Carlsbad, CA 92008
Part I: Project Background, Existing Conditions and Infrastructure TDM Strategies .................................... 2
Section I: Developer Profile ....................................................................................................................... 2
Section II: Project Information .................................................................................................................. 2
• Project Interim Transportation Coordinator ................................................................................. 2
• Land Use and Area ........................................................................................................................ 3
• Employee Average Daily Trips ....................................................................................................... 3
• Automobile Parking ....................................................................................................................... 3
Section Ill: Existing Conditions & TDM Context ........................................................................................ 4
• Relevant Existing TDM Infrastructure Network ............................................................................ 4
• Relevant Project-Specific TDM Infrastructure .............................................................................. 8
• Environmental ............................................................................................................................... 8
• Project-Specific and/or Nearby Amenities .................................................................................. 17
• Anticipated Workforce and Commute Patterns ......................................................................... 19
Section IV: Infrastructure TDM Selections .............................................................................................. 19
Section V: Authorization for Building Permit Issuance ........................................................................... 22
Part II: Project Background, Existing Conditions and Infrastructure TDM Strategies ................................. 23
Section I: Non-Infrastructure TDM Selections ........................................................................................ 23
APPENDICES ................................................................................................................................................ 27
• APPENDIX 1: Project Site Plan ......................................................................................................... 28
1 I P age • Urban Systems Associates Inc.
State Street Commons -2742-2752 State Street, Carlsbad, CA 92008
Part I: Project Background, Existing Conditions and Infrastructure TDM
Section I: Developer Profile
Developer Name: State Street Commons, LLC & HF State Street, LLC
Property Manager Name: HP Investors, LLC
Developer Mailing Address: 2659 State Street #100, Carlsbad, CA 92008
Primary Contact: HP Investors, LLC
Phone: (858) 281-6701
Section II: Project Information
The purpose of this document is to prepare a Transportation Demand Management Plan pursuant to the
City of Carlsbad's Municipal Code Ordinance on Transportation Demand Management (TOM).
Project Name: State Street Commons
Permit Number: SOP 2019-0008
Project Address: 2742-2752 State Street, in the city of Carlsbad, California, 92008
• Project Interim Transportation Coordinator
□ Developer agrees to provide an Interim Transportation Coordinator responsible for ensuring the
infrastructure is developed as agreed upon with the City of Carlsbad, development and execution of TOM
Plan requirements, and transitioning Transportation Coordinator duties to new owners or property
managers upon occupancy.
Interim Transportation Coordinator Name: State Street Commons LLC / Brendan Foote
Mailing Address: 2659 State Street #100, Carlsbad, CA 92008
Phone: (619) 840-7721
2 I P a g e • Urban Systems Associates Inc.
State Street Commons -2742-2752 State Street, Carlsbad, CA 92008
• Land Use and Area
The chart below shows the project's proposed gross floor area and the expected number of employees
allocated to each proposed use.
Land Use GFA Employees
(H-0) Hospital
(C-1) Neighborhood Commercial
(C-2) General Commercial
(C-T) Commercial Tourist
(C-M) Heavy Commercial
(C-L) Local Shopping Center
(O) Office
(V-R) Village Review 19,044 SF 80
(L-C) Limited Control
(Ml Industrial
(P-M) Planned Industrial
Total 19,044 SF 80
• Employee Average Daily Trips
Per Section 2.2 of the City of Carlsbad TDM Handbook, the number of employee average daily trips (EADT)
has been calculated for the Greenwich Bioscience project as shown below:
Building Gross Floor Area = 19,044 SF
Intended Use
o Office = 12,815 SF
o Restaurant= 6,229 SF
Number of Employment ADT
o Office= 13.0 EADT + (11'815 SF)(13.0 EADT) = 167 EADT 1000
o Restaurant= 11.0 EADT + (5'229 SF) (11.0 EADT) = 69 EADT 1000
o Total= 236 EADT -------------TIER 2
• Automobile Parking
Automobile Parking Existing# of Allocated Spaces Proposed # of Allocated Proposed # of New Parking Spaces
Surface Parking Spaces 33 35 2
Structured Parking Spaces 0 0 0
3 I Page • Urban Systems Associates Inc.
State Street Commons -2742-2752 State Street, Carlsbad, CA 92008
Section Ill: Existing Conditions & TDM Context
• Relevant Existing TOM Infrastructure Network
► Figure 1 below shows existing pedestrian sidewalks and crosswalks (identified with yellow-
colored lines) infrastructure adjacent to the project, including pedestrian crossings (identified
with green-colored markers). As shown in the figure, currently there are ample pedestrian
facilities surrounding the project site, including 13 pedestrian crossings at the listed and
identified locations under Table 1 below:
Table 1: Location and Tvoe of Existing Pedestrian Crossings
Location Crossing Type
Carlsbad Blvd. / Carlsbad Village Dr. Signalized Intersection -Pedestrian Scramble
Carlsbad Blvd. / Grand Ave. Signalized Intersection -Pedestrian Scramble
Carlsbad Blvd. / Beech Ave. Signalized Intersection
State St. / Carlsbad Village Dr. Signalized Intersection
State St./ Grand Ave. Signalized Intersection
Roosevelt St. / Carlsbad Village Dr. Signalized Intersection
Roosevelt St./ Grand Ave. Signalized Intersection
Madison St./ Carlsbad Village Dr. Signalized Intersection
Jefferson St./ Carlsbad Village Dr. Signalized Intersection
Jefferson St./ Grand Ave. Signalized Intersection
Jefferson St./ Laguna Dr. Signalized Intersection
Grand Ave. (Garfield St. -Carlsbad Blvd.) Midblock Crosswalk
Carlsbad Blvd. (Cypress Ave. -Mountain View Dr.) Midblock Crosswalk
4 I Pa g e • Urban Systems Associates Inc.
State Street Commons -2742-2752 State Street, Carlsbad, CA 92008
Figure 1: Existing Pedestrian Infrastructure
5 I P age • Urban Systems Associates Inc.
State Street Commons -2742-2752 State Street, Carlsbad, CA 92008
► Figure 2 below shows existing bicycle infrastructure adjacent to the project, including Class II
bike lanes (identified with yellow-colored lines) and Class Ill bike routes (identified with green-
colored lines). As shown in the figure, currently there are ample bicycle facilities surrounding
the project site. The existing bicycle infrastructure is consistent with the City of Carlsbad Bike
Master Plan (12/2007).
Figure 2: Existing Bicycle Infrastructure
6 I P a g e • Urban Systems Associates Inc.
State Street Commons -2742-2752 State Street, Carlsbad, CA 92008
► Figure 3 below shows existing transit and/or shuttle services (identified with yellow-colored
markers) that serve the project site with a stop/station within a¼ mile distance. Table 2 below
provides details about the existing transit and/or shuttle service stop/stations location and
Figure 3: Existing Transit/Shuttle Stops
7 I P a g e • Urban Systems Associates Inc.
State Street Commons -2742-2752 State Street, Carlsbad, CA 92008
Table 2: Existing Transit/Shuttle Stops Location, Service Operator, and Route
Location Transit Service Type Operator
East sidewalk at Carlsbad Blvd./ Army Navy Academy Bus Stop North County Transit District
NW corner of Carlsbad Blvd./ Cypress Ave. Bus Stop North County Transit District
SE corner of Christian Ave./ Washington St. (Carlsbad Village Station) Bus Stop North County Transit District
Carlsbad Village Station Rail Station North County Transit District -Amtrak
NW corner of Grand Ave./ Roosevelt St. Bus Stop North County Transit District
SW corner of Grand Ave ./ Madison St. Bus Stop North County Transit District
• Relevant Project-Specific TDM Infrastructure
► The number of existing public bike racks is 0
► The location of the existing public bike racks is N/ A
► The average utilization of the existing public bike racks is N/A
► The number of existing secure bike racks is 0
► The average utilization of the existing secure bike racks is N/A
► The number of existing designated carpool/van pool spaces is 0
► The location of the existing designated carpool/vanpool spaces is N/A
► The average utilization of the existing designated carpool/vanpool spaces is N/A
• Environmental
► The figures below show the existing Class II Bike Lanes within an approximate 2-mile radius
from the project site. Please note that this figure provides both a plan view (Figure 5-1) and a
profile view (Figure 5-2) of the area in question to show both the extent of the facilities
available within the 2-mile radius and the topographical changes within the area in question.
As ·shown in the figures, the area has predominantly flat ground in terms of topography,
particularly near the coast, which would not be anticipated to restrict or influence active
transportation modes such as bicycling that would otherwise be influenced by steep hills and
significant grade changes. Additionally, the area provides a wide variety of Class II Bike Lane
facilities for existing and potential future bicycle users except for north of State Route 78,
where the area lacks the level of availability of Class II bike lanes compared to south of State
Route 78.
8 I P a g e • Urban Systems Associates Inc.
101 -325
State Street Commons -2742-2752 State Street, Carlsbad, CA 92008
Figure 5-1: Class II Bike Lanes within a 2-Mile Radius from Project Site (Plan View)
9 I P a g e • Urban Systems Associates Inc.
State Street Commons -2742-2752 State Street, Carlsbad, CA 92008
Figure 5-2: Cl ass II Bike Lanes within a 2-Mile Rad ius from Project Site (Profile View)
► The figures below show street view screens hots of the roads adjacent to the project site.
o Figure 6 shows street view imagery of State Street north of Grand Avenue.
o Figure 7 shows street view imagery of State Street south of Grand Avenue.
o Figure 8 shows street view imagery of Grand Avenue west of State Street.
o Figure 9 shows street view imagery of Grand Avenue east of State Street.
o Figure 10 shows street view imagery of Christiansen Way west of State Street.
o Figure 11 shows street view imagery of Beech Avenue east of State Street.
o Figure 12 shows street view imagery of State Street north of Carlsbad Village Drive.
o Figure 13 shows street view imagery of Carlsbad Village Drive west of State Street.
o Figure 14 shows street view imagery of Carlsbad Village Drive east of State Street.
10 I P a g e • Urban Systems Associates Inc.
State Street Commons -2742-2752 State Street, Carlsbad, CA 92008
Figure 6: Google Street View of State Street north of Grand Avenue
Figure 7: Google Street View of State Street south of Grand Avenue
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State Street Commons -2742-2752 State Street, Carlsbad, CA 92008
Figure 8: Google Street View of Grand Avenue west of State Street
Figure 9: Google Street View of Grand Avenue east of State Street
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State Street Commons -2742-2752 State Street, Carlsbad, CA 92008
Figure 10: Google Street View of Christiansen Way west of State Street
Figure 11: Google Street View of Beech Avenue east of State Street
13 I P a g e • Urban Systems Associates Inc.
State Street Commons -2742-2752 State St reet, Carlsbad, CA 92008
Figure 12: Google Street View of State Street north of Carlsbad Village Drive
Figure 13: Google Street View of Carlsbad Village Drive west of State Street
14 I P a g e • Urban Systems Associates Inc.
State Street Commons -2742-2752 State Street, Carlsbad, CA 92008
Figure 14: Google Street View of Carlsbad Village Drive east of State Street
► The list below shows the current posted speed limits of the roadways adjacent to the project
o State Street (south of Carlsbad Boulevard)
■ 25 mph
o Grand Avenue (west of State Street)
■ 25 mph
o Grand Avenue (east of Legoland Drive)
■ 25 mph
o Carlsbad Village Drive (west of State Street)
■ 25 mph
o Carlsbad Village Drive (east of Legoland Drive)
■ 25 mph
► As shown in Figure 2 above, the project is in close proximity to thirteen (13) pedestrian
crossings, most of which have marked pedestrian crosswalks. These pedestrian crossings are
listed below:
15 I P a g e • Urban Systems Associates Inc.
State Street Commons -2742-2752 State Street, Carlsbad, CA 92008
o Carlsbad Boulevard/ Carlsbad Village Drive
■ Signalized Intersection
■ Provides pedestrian crosswalk markings for all four (4) legs and diagonal
crosswalk markings for a pedestrian scramble.
■ All intersection approached have illumination provided by light poles.
o Carlsbad Boulevard/ Grand Avenue
■ Signalized Intersection
■ Provides pedestrian crosswalk markings for all four (4) legs and diagonal
crosswalk markings for a pedestrian scramble.
■ All intersection approached have illumination provided by light poles.
o Carlsbad Boulevard/ Beech Avenue
■ Signalized Intersection
■ Provides pedestrian crosswalk markings for all four (4) legs.
■ All intersection approached have illumination provided by light poles.
o State Street I Carlsbad Village Drive
■ Signalized Intersection
■ Provides pedestrian crosswalk markings for all four (4) legs.
■ All intersection approached have illumination provided by light poles.
o State Street I Grand Avenue
■ Signalized Intersection
■ Provides pedestrian crosswalk markings for all four (4) legs.
■ All intersection approached have illumination provided by light poles.
o Roosevelt Street/ Carlsbad Village Drive
■ Signalized Intersection
■ Provides pedestrian crosswalk markings for all four (4) legs.
■ All intersection approached have illumination provided by light poles.
o Roosevelt Street/ Grand Avenue
■ Signalized Intersection
■ Provides pedestrian crosswalk markings for all four (4) legs.
■ All intersection approached have illumination provided by light poles.
o Madison Street/ Carlsbad Village Drive
■ Signalized Intersection
■ Provides pedestrian crosswalk markings for all four (4) legs.
■ All intersection approached have illumination provided by light poles.
o Jefferson Street/ Carlsbad Village Drive
■ Signalized Intersection
■ Provides pedestrian crosswalk markings for all four (4) legs.
■ All intersection approached have illumination provided by light poles.
o Jefferson Street / Grand Avenue
■ Signalized Intersection
■ Provides pedestrian crosswalk markings for all four (4) legs.
16 I P age • Urban Systems Associates Inc.
Tf\"l'J~PO~I"JIC>N, JlEMP.ND MAr-JP.§_EJ\llEr-JJ .. F'LAr-J.
State Street Commons -2742-2752 State Street, Carlsbad, CA 92008
■ All intersection approached have illumination provided by light poles.
o Jefferson Street/ Laguna Drive
■ Signalized Intersection
■ Provides pedestrian crosswalk markings for all four (4) legs.
■ All intersection approached have illumination provided by light poles.
o Grand Avenue (between Garfield Street -Carlsbad Boulevard)
■ Signalized midblock pedestrian crossing
■ Provides warning signage for pedestrians to vehicles approaching the
intersection, which include Wl-2 and W16-7P signage to indicate the
presence of pedestrian crosswalks ahead.
■ The northbound approach has illumination provided by a light pole.
o Carlsbad Boulevard (between Cypress Avenue -Mountain View Drive)
■ Signalized midblock pedestrian crossing
■ Provides warning signage for pedestrians to vehicles approaching the
intersection, which include Wl-2 and W16-7P signage to indicate the
presence of pedestrian crosswalks ahead.
■ The eastbound and westbound approaches have illumination provided by
light poles
• Project-Specific and/or Nearby Amenities
► The list below shows the available amenities and/or establishments within a 1/4-mile radius
from the project site:
o Food establishments: 38 facilities
1. Pronto's Gourmet Market
2; Campfire
3. Swami's Cafe Carlsbad
4. Las Olas Mexican Restaurant
5. Cessy Taco Shop
6. Senor Grubby's
7. Vigiluci's Cucina ltaliana
8. Barrell Republic Carlsbad
9. Paon Restaurant & Bar
10. Barrio Eat Mexican
11. O'Sullivan Irish Pub & Restaurant
12. Pizza Port Carlsbad
13. The Goods
17 I P age • Urban Systems Associates Inc.
State Street Commons -2742-2752 State Street, Carlsbad, CA 92008
14. Garcia's Mexican Restaurant
15. Paradise Pizza of Carlsbad
16. Hennessey's Tavern
17. Starbucks
18. Taco Bell
19. Blue Ocean Robata & Sushi Bar
20. The Naked Cafe
21. Craft Burger
22. The Compass
23. Bluewater Grill
24. Koko Beach
25. Mas Fina Cantina Inc.
26. Overseas Restaurant
27. Jeune et Jolie
28. Pokewan
29. Don's Country Kitchen
30. Cicciotti's Trattoria ltaliana & Seafood
31. Grand Avenue Bar & Grill
32. Kentucky Fried Chicken
33. Super Donut
34. Cafe Groundup
35. French Corner @ Carlsbad Village
36. Coffee Express
37. Baba Coffee
38. Steady State Roasting Co.
o Child-care facilities: 0 facilities
o Fitness/healthcare facilities: 14 facilities
1. Pura Vida Massage
2. Yoga -Carlsbad Wellness and Yoga
3. Avalon Home Care
4. Age Advantage
5. Revive Naturopathic Medicine
6. Carlsbad Chiropractic Center
7. Lawr~nce Hearing Aid Center
18 I P a g e • Urban Systems Associates Inc.
State Street Commons -2742-2752 State Street, Carlsbad, CA 92008
8. Heritage Senior Care Inc.
9. Carlsbad Chiropractic and Integrative Wellness
10. Kheya Holistic Health Care
11. Synexus-Cassidy Medical Group
12. Davies Eye Center
13. Skinsational Skin & Body Spa
14. Beach Rock Wellness
o Dry-cleaning facilities: 1 facility
1. Ponto Cleaners
• Anticipated Workforce and Commute Patterns
► The anticipated commute hours based on shifts or typical work hours are 10 -30
► The anticipated percentage of part-time employees is 20%
► The anticipated average commute distance is 0 -4 miles
Section IV: Infrastructure TOM Selections
The City of Carlsbad requests that Transportation Demand Management Plans for new development
include relevant infrastructure strategies. The infrastructure strategies are found and have been
referenced from Table 2-2 Menu of TDM Strategies, Part I: Infrastructure found in the Non-Residential
Developer TDM Plan Guidelines within the TDM Handbook. The infrastructure strategies are identified
within the TDM handbook by category, name, description, and point value. A maximum of 28 points are
available through infrastructure strategies. As part of the tiered requirements within the City of Carlsbad's
TDM ordinance, the Greenwich Bioscience project falls within a Tier 2, while being also a tenant
improvement project. A Tier 2 project is required to include strategies yielding four (4) points, which
include a Transportation Coordinator (1 point), distribution of new hire transportation information (1
point), and active involvement in the Citywide TDM Program (2 points), and a selection of infrastructure
improvements and programmatic strategies that add another five (5) points. The total number of points
that a Tier 2 project is required to include via infrastructure and/or non-infrastructure TDM strategies
adds up to a total of nine (9) points.
Infrastructure strategies have been selected by consulting the City of Carlsbad's Transportation Demand
Management Handbook (08/2019) to be included as part of the Greenwich Bioscience Project's
19 I P age • Urban Systems Associates Inc.
State Street Commons -2742-2752 State Street, Carlsbad, CA 92008
Transportation Demand Management Plan. Each of the selected infrastructure strategies that will be
included in the Greenwich Bioscience project includes a brief description of the strategy's characteristics,
implementation method, and requested points. The infrastructure strategies are listed below:
□ Public Bike Parking
Points Requested: 1 point
This strategy includes public bike racks near the building entrances for all cyclists, including retail
customers and visitors.
► The number of short-term bike parking spaces to be provided on-site is 18 short-term bicycle
parking spaces to be located in the surface parking lot, accessed via the pedestrian walkway as
shown in the site plan in Appendix 1.
□ Bicycle Repair Station
Points Requested: 1 point
This strategy includes on-site tools and space for bicycle repair. A bicycle repair station should
include repair stands, air pumps, and other tools and resources necessary to quickly repair a bike.
► The tools/items that will be included in the bicycle repair station include a repair stand, air pumps,
and a repair tool set. The bicycle repair station will be located in east of Building C, in close
proximity to two (2) bicycle rack areas, as shown in the site plan in Appendix 1.
□ Preferential Parking for Car /Vanpools
Points Requested: 1 point
This strategy provides preferential parking for car and van pool vehicles that is close to the building
entrance, covered, or otherwise preferable. Building owners must have an enforcement policy in
pace to assure the spaces are used only by carpoolers and vanpoolers. Up to five percent of total
parking spaces must be available for carpool/van pool parking. The number of spaces designated
can fluctuate based on demand, but at no point can be less than one. If the number of assigned
spaces is less than five percent of total spaces the property manager must notify tenants of the
availability of additional spaces at least twice per year. Maximum points will be awarded when at
least 50 percent of employee parking is tandem or stacked.
20 I P a g e • Urban Systems Associates Inc.
State Street Commons -2742-2752 State Street, Carlsbad, CA 92008
► Up to two (2) parking spaces (5% of surface parking spaces) will be reserved parking spaces for
the carpool transportation mode.
□ On-site Amenities
Points Requested: 1 point
This strategy provides access to on-site amenities such as on-site childcare, restaurants and shops,
wellness centers, and other employee convenience services that reduce the need to drive for
errands during the work day.
► A quality restaurant is planned as part of the project. The restaurant use will be located in
"Building A" as shown in the project Site Plan (refer to Appendix 1). A coffee shop/delicatessen
use is also planned as part of the project and will be located in Level 1 of "Building C" as shown in
the project Site Plan. The restaurant and delicatessen uses.will likely reduce the need of using a
vehicle to travel outside of the project site during breakfast, lunch, and dinner timeframes for
project site employees in the commercial office and adjacent uses. Similarly, the delicatessen uses
will likely reduce trips during hours of operation for employees on-site looking to get coffee or
delicatessen items during the day. The on-site amenities will likely attract people from nearby,
which considering the walkability of the Village and Barrio areas and the existing bicycle network
will most likely incur in no net added vehicle trips to the roadway system.
21 I P a g e • Urban Systems Associates Inc.
TRANSPORTATION DEMAND MANAGEMENT PLAN ---,~' -' ~· --~« ~-" --' ~, _,_ ' "' --, __ ,,, '' -~~-~ ' -~--~~' ~~ '' ,, '' " --
State Street Commons -2742-2752 State Street, Carlsbad, CA 92008
Section V: Authorization for Building Permit Issuance
By signing below, Developer certifies that the information provided in this document is complete and
accurate. By signing this document, a developer is committing to build/provide the infrastructure
strategies identified in this document. Failure to provide the identified infrastructure may result in a
building not obtaining an occupancy permit until such infrastructure is constructed or other commitments
are made to reduce vehicle trips by an amount equivalent to the trips that would have likely been reduced
by constructing and providing the listed infrastructure strategies. The developer also acknowledges that
commitments to implement additional TDM strategies and monitor and report on those strategies must
be made prior to the issuance of an occupancy permit. These commitments can be made by completing
Part 2 of this document and obtaining subsequent approval of the proposed strategies and monitoring
Name and Signature of Developer Representative or Designated Applicant:
State Street Commons LLC
2659 State Street #100, Carlsbad, CA 92008
Brendan Foote
Printed Name Signature Date
Name and Signature of Interim Transportation Coordinator (if different from above):
Printed Name Signature Date
Name and Signature of City of Carlsbad Representative:
Printed Name Signature Date
22 I P a g e • Urban Systems Associates Inc.
State Street Commons -2742-2752 State Street, Carlsbad, CA 92008
Part II: Project Background, Existing Conditions and Infrastructure TDM
Section I: Non-Infrastructure TDM Selections
The City of Carlsbad requests that Transportation Demand Management Plans for new development
include relevant non-infrastructure strategies. The non-infrastructure strategies are found and have been
referenced from Table 2-6 Menu of TDM Strategies, Part II: Non-Infrastructure found in the Non-
Residential Developer TDM Plan Guidelines within the TDM Handbook. The non-infrastructure strategies
are identified within the TDM handbook by category, name, description, and point value. As part of the
tiered requirements within the City of Carlsbad's TDM ordinance, the Greenwich Bioscience project falls
within a Tier 2, while being also a tenant improvement project. A Tier 2 project is required to include non-
infrastructure strategies yielding four (4) points, which include a Transportation Coordinator (1 point),
distribution of new hire transportation information (1 point), and active involvement in the Citywide TDM
Program (2 points), and a selection of infrastructure improvements and programmatic strategies that add
another five (S) points. The total number of points that a Tier 2 project is required to include via
infrastructure and/or non-infrastructure TDM strategies adds up to a total of nine (9) points.
Non-infrastructure strategies have been selected by consulting the City of Carlsbad's Transportation
Demand Management Handbook (08/2019) to be included as part of the Greenwich Bioscience Project's
Transportation Demand Management Plan. Each ofthe selected non-infrastructure strategies that will be
included in the Greenwich Bioscience project includes a brief description of the strategy's characteristics,
implementation method, and requested points. The non-infrastructure strategies are listed below:
□ Transportation Coordinator (Required)
Points Requested: 1 point
All developments subject to the TDM ordinance are required to designate an on-site
transportation coordinator responsible for ensuring that infrastructure is maintained, policies and
programs are implemented, and amenities and partnerships are maintained as described in the
approved TDM Plan and otherwise ensuring compliance with City of Carlsbad TDM Plan
► The designated transportation coordinator's name, title, and contact information is provided
23 I P a g e • Urban Systems Associates Inc.
State Street Commons -2742-2752 State Street, Carlsbad, CA 92008
• Transportation Coordinator Name and Title: State Street Commons LLC / Brendan Foote,
• Mailing Address: 2659 State Street #100, Carlsbad, CA 92008
• Phone: (619) 840-7721
• Email: brendan@fabricinvestments.com
□ Distribute New Hire Transportation Information (Required)
Points Requested: 1 point
All developments subject to the TDM ordinance are required to ensure that transportation
options and information is distributed to new employees during the hiring and orientation
□ Citywide TOM Program (Required)
Points Requested: 2 points
Transportation Coordinators of all developments subject to the TDM ordinance are required to
meet with the citywide TDM programs outreach staff on a regular basis (at least annually (and
participate in at least one event held by the citywide TDM program (if available).
□ Reduce the Supply of Parking Through Shared Parking
Points Requested: 1 point
This strategy is aimed towards pursuing opportunities of shared parking arrangements with
underutilized private parking lots. With mixed-use development consider time-of-day and day-of-
week demand for each use to reduce the proposed parking supply. Additionally, subject to city
approval, pay a parking in-lieu fee instead of constructing parking spaces. The in-lieu parking fee
supports the maintenance of shared public parking facilities.
► The project is paying in lieu for several parking spaces, as well as proposing a reduction in the ratio
of required parking based on a shared parking analysis. This shared parking analysis evaluated
parking demand based on peak parking demand accumulation by peak hour period. The
evaluation shows that the peak parking demand accumulation would reduce the required number
of parking spaces (68 spaces) by 23 parking spaces, for a total of 45 parking spaces during the
12:00 PM -1:00 PM time interval.
24 I P a g e • Urban Systems Associates Inc.
State Street Commons -2742-2752 State Street, Carlsbad, CA 92008
Section II: Monitoring
All developments are required to begin to monitor the alternative mode share of commute trips to the
site through employee surveys within 12 months of reaching 75% occupancy or within 18 months of initial
occupancy, whichever occurs first.
By signing below, developer agrees to distribute commute surveys to employees every two years following
the baseline survey conducted within 12 months of occupancy reaching 75% of within 18 months of initial
occupancy, whichever occurs first. Alternatively, developer may provide a copy of the signed lease that
stipulates that the employer tenant(s) will administer employee commute surveys on the same schedule.
In addition, developer acknowledges the interim and final alternative mode share goals, listed below, that
the development is required to achieve. Should the goals not be achieved, transportation coordinator
agrees to work with the citywide program to identify and implement additional measures suitable to the
project site.
Figure 12: Mode Share Goals
2025 -2029 30% 26% ------2030 -2034 35% 28%
2035 on 40% 30%
Name and Signature of Developer Representative or Designated Applicant:
State Street Commons LLC
2659 State Street #100, Carlsbad, CA 92008
Brendan Foote
Printed Name Signature Date
25 I P a g e • Urban Systems Associates Inc.
State Street Commons -2742-2752 State Street, Carlsbad, CA 92008
Section Ill: Authorization Occupancy
By signing below, developer and transportation coordinator certify that the information provided in this
document is complete and accurate. By signing this document, the transportation coordinator is
committing to providing the strategies identified in this document and to participate in monitoring
activities described in Section IV.
Name and Signature of Developer Representative or Designated Applicant:
State Street Commons LLC
2659 State Street #100, Carlsbad, CA 92008
Brendan Foote
Printed Name Signature Date
Name and Signature of (Interim or Final) Transportation Coordinator:
Printed Name Signature Date
Name and Signature of City of Carlsbad Representative:
Printed Name Signature Date
. 26 I Page • Urban Systems Associates Inc.
State Street Commons -2742-2752 State Street, Carlsbad, CA 92008
27 I P a g e • Urban Systems Associates Inc.
State Street Commons -2742-2752 State Street, Carlsbad, CA 92008
• APPENDIX 1: Project Site Plan
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28 I P a g e • Urban Systems Associates Inc.
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