HomeMy WebLinkAbout2024-08-05; Traffic Safety and Mobility Commission; ; Jefferson Elementary School – Safe Routes to School PlanMeeting Date: Aug. 5, 2024 To: Traffic Safety & Mobility Commission Staff Contact: Nathan Schmidt, Transportation Planning and Mobility Manager Nathan.Schmidt@carlsbadca.gov, 442-339-2734 Nick Gorman, Associate Engineer nick.gorman@carlsbadca.gov, 442-339-2793 Subject: Jefferson Elementary School – Safe Routes to School Plan Recommended Action Receive the report on the Safe Routes to School Plan for Jefferson Elementary School and recommend approval of the proposed conceptual plan to the City Council. Background Traffic safety continues to be a top priority in the City of Carlsbad. One way the city is improving traffic safety is through a Safe Routes to School program, a key component of the city’s Sustainable Mobility Plan. The goal is to make walking and biking to school a convenient and comfortable option for students and families who are interested in these options. While not every family may be close enough to their school to walk and bike, the more people who do, the better traffic will flow and the less time will be spent waiting in school pick-up and drop-off lines. The safe routes plan for Jefferson Elementary School includes consists of conceptual recommendations and programmatic recommendations. Discussion Existing Conditions The city’s Sustainable Mobily Plan was approved by the City Council on Jan. 12, 2021. The plan includes preliminary data and recommendations for how to implement a Safe Routes to Schools program. To better understand the existing conditions surrounding Jefferson Elementary School, staff took the following steps: •Met with the school principal •Conducted a walk audit of the walking and biking routes identified in the Sustainable Mobility Plan This map is included as Exhibit 1. •Conducted a peak hour pick-up/drop off audit •Hosted listening sessions open to parents, staff and students TRAFFIC SAFETY & MOBILITY COMMISSION Aug. 5, 2024 Item #5 Page 1 of 122 Staff Report The walking audit allowed staff to gain a better understanding of the pedestrian and bicycle infrastructure surrounding the school and assess concerns shared by the public through the city’s community engagement efforts. The peak hour pick-up/drop-off audit allowed staff to gain a clearer understanding of current travel patterns and behaviors. During these audits, staff observed pick-up and drop-off activities both within the school parking lot and along Jefferson Street and Tamarack Avenue. On Nov. 13, 2023, city staff hosted a listening session to hear from parents, staff and students regarding priorities and ongoing issues surround Jefferson Elementary School. The city also distributed an online survey January 2024 to receive additional community feedback. Below is a summary of the conditions observed during these periods and the feedback received during the outreach phase of the project. A public input summary is included as Exhibit 2: On-campus circulation and school driveways: •The egress driveway is a potential conflict point between pedestrians and vehicles. “Conflict point” refers to locations where the paths of road users cross, such as a driveway or an intersection where cars may cross paths with pedestrians or cyclists. •Some pedestrians cross Jefferson Street north of the Carol Place crosswalk to access the north ingress driveway. •The main crosswalk at Carol Place has a crossing guard but lacks an accessible route. •Parents drop off students directly at the gates along the campus driveway, creating congestion despite staff presence. Jefferson Street/Tamarack Avenue intersection: •Southbound traffic on Jefferson backs up, blocking the Carol Place crosswalk and slowing school drop-off/pick-up. •Congestion at the I-5 interchange causes delays for southbound left turns and creates an uncomfortable environment for pedestrians and cyclists. •Fast right-turning traffic often fails to yield to pedestrians in crosswalks. Jefferson Street north of Jefferson Elementary School: •Right-turning vehicles from Magnolia Avenue to Jefferson Street do not fully stop due to wide corner curb radii, leading to longer crossing distances. •Community members have requested traffic calming on Jefferson, north of the Carol Place crosswalk. •Parents park on Jefferson and Anchor Way, reducing sight lines at intersections. •A new housing project at the end of Carol Place has reduced availability of street parking. Tamarack Avenue: •Community members have concerns about speeding vehicles on Tamarack Avenue. •Community members have requested a new marked crossing at Hibiscus Circle, because the next marked crosswalk west of Jefferson is 2,000 feet away, at Garfield Street. •Students use an informal dirt trail along the railroad tracks, which complicates crossing Tamarack Avenue. Aug. 5, 2024 Item #5 Page 2 of 122 •Poor lighting and visibility at the Garfield/Tamarack intersection crosswalks were noted by residents who live in the area. •The I-5 on- and off-ramps pose navigation challenges for pedestrians and cyclists. South of Tamarack Avenue: •Vehicles use Chinquapin Avenue as an alternative route to avoid I-5 congestion and often speed. •The bridge over I-5 on Chinquapin Avenue has a narrow sidewalk on one side. •Larger curb radii allow higher speed turns at the Chinquapin Avenue/Jefferson Street intersection, which lacks marked crosswalks and has sidewalk gaps. •Lack of sidewalks on side streets creates a disconnected pedestrian network, forcing pedestrians to walk in the street. Student survey The city’s project team asked school staff to distribute an online survey to learn about students’ current modes of travel to and from school. Approximately 45% of kindergarten through 6th grade students participated in the survey. On average, 73% of the respondents said they traveled to and from school in a vehicle. Of those, 90% were dropped-off or picked-up at the school entrance, and 10% were dropped-off or picked-up at from a nearby location. The remaining 27% of students traveled to and from school using active modes (biking, walking or other). This includes 22% who walked to and from school. Jefferson Elementary has a higher percentage of students who walk to school than many other elementary schools locally and nationally. An Oceanside Safe Routes to School Plan (2021) showed no elementary schools in Oceanside with a combined walk and bike mode share of over 20%. Only three of the 13 elementary schools had a combined walk and bike mode share of over 10%. Although Jefferson already has a higher-than-average percentage of students using active transportation, almost three-fourths of the students surveyed use a vehicle to get to and from school and are dropped-off or picked-up at the school entrance. This highlights an opportunity for those trips within the walking radius of the school to be converted to walking trips by using the recommendations in the Safe Routes to School plan to improve walking infrastructure, enhance vehicle circulation to reduce potential conflicts with pedestrians, and consider educational programs that promote walking to school. Proposed improvements The project team has developed a list of proposed improvements based on the walking audit, pick-up/drop-off observations and community feedback. Concept level plans of the proposed improvements can be found in Exhibit 3. The proposed improvements include a combination of near-term and long-term solutions as described below: Near-Term Improvements: •“KEEP CLEAR” pavement markings at the school driveway exit •“PLEASE PULL FORWARD” signage in the drop-off/pick-up line to create a more efficient queue and reduce spillback onto Jefferson Street Aug. 5, 2024 Item #5 Page 3 of 122 •Striping for two southbound lanes (separate left and through/right) for additional queueing capacity at the Tamarack Avenue/Jefferson Street intersection. •LED pedestrian activated “No Right Turn on Red” signs while students cross the north and west crosswalks at the Tamarack Avenue/Jefferson Street intersection. Long-Term Improvements: •Curb extensions at intersections along Jefferson Street at Magnolia Avenue, Anchor Way, and Chinquapin Avenue; and along Tamarack Avenue at Hibiscus Circle and Garfield Street to reduce turning radii, slow vehicle speeds, and shorten crossing distances. •Sidewalks where none exist and where setbacks allow along Chinquapin Avenue and Linmar Lane1. •Sidewalk widening along the Chinquapin bridge over the I-5. •Speed tables along Jefferson Street and Chinquapin Avenue to reduce speeding from reported cut-through traffic.2 •High visibility crosswalks at Jefferson Street/Chinquapin Avenue and Coastal Rail Trail extension •New mid-block crossing at Coastal Rail Trail extension along Tamarack Avenue o Prior to extension of Coastal Rail Trail, the following interim crossing improvement options are recommended: A) Raised mid-block crosswalk between trail and Hibiscus Circle of B) Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacon with high-visibility crosswalk at Tamarack Avenue / Hibiscus Circle •Median Refuge Islands at the existing crossing at Tamarack Avenue and Garfield Street and the proposed crossing at the Coastal Rail Trail (future extension) •Improve pedestrian scale lighting at the intersection of Tamarack Avenue and Garfield Street Community feedback on the proposed Safe Routes to School Plan City staff initiated a comprehensive outreach effort to gather community feedback on the proposed Safe Routes to School Plan. The outreach included multiple channels to ensure broad awareness and engagement: •Resident Notices: Notices were mailed to residents within the project area, detailing the proposed improvements and inviting them to provide feedback. •School Communication: Jefferson Elementary School administrators informed their staff and parents about the project, encouraging them to share their thoughts and concerns. •Citywide Email Blasts: The city sent out email blasts to the entire community to ensure that residents citywide were informed about the project and had the opportunity to participate in the feedback process. 1 Linmar Lane is an "Alternative Design Street" which requires special approval for sidewalks. 2 The proposed locations of the speed tables are preliminary suggestions. The city will conduct a thorough traffic engineering analysis following the City’s Residential Traffic Management Program guidelines. The final placement will consider traffic volume, speed data, road conditions, and community input to ensure effective traffic calming measures. Aug. 5, 2024 Item #5 Page 4 of 122 At the time of writing this staff report no additional feedback has been received from the public. The city remains committed to considering community input as the project progresses and will continue to encourage residents to share their perspectives on the proposed improvements. Next Steps Upon receiving input from the Traffic Safety & Mobility Commission, staff will finalize the conceptual design documents and Safe Routes to School plan. Staff will then present the conceptual design and plan to the City Council with a recommendation to support the project. Exhibits 1.Jefferson Elementary School Suggested Walking and Biking Routes to School 2.Jefferson Elementary School Safe Routes to School Outreach Summary 3.Jefferson Elementary School Safe Routes to School Plan and Preliminary Concepts Aug. 5, 2024 Item #5 Page 5 of 122 !O LEGEND LEGEND No Sidewalks - Use Caution Bike Path Bike Lane Marked Crosswalk ɱÉk School Access Point Other Schools 7UDIĆF6LJQDO 6WRS6LJQ 6XJJHVWHG5RXWHWR6FKRRO6 01,000Feet Jefferson Elementary School - DRAFT SUGGESTED WALKING AND BIKING ROUTES TO SCHOOL §¨¦5 ɱÉk ɱÉk !"$!"$ !"$ !"$ !"$ !"$ !"$ !"$ !"$ !"$ !"$ !"$ !"$!"$ !"$ !"$ !"$ !"$ !"$ !"$ !"$ !"$!"$!"$!"$ !"$ !"$ !"$ !"$!"$!"$!"$ !"$ !"$ !"$ !"$ !"$ !"$ !"$!"$!"$ !"$!"$ !"$ !"$!"$ !"$ !"$ !"$ !"$ !"$ !"$!"$ !"$ !"$ !"$ !"$ !"$!"$ !"$!"$ !"$ !"$ !"$!"$ !" !"$!"$ !"$ !"$ !"$ !"$ !"$!"$!"$!"$!"$!"$!"$!"$!"$!"$ !"$ !"$ !"$ !"$ !"$ !"$ !"$ !"$!"$ !"$ !"$ !"$ !"$ !"$ !"$ !"$ !"$ !"$ !"$!"$!"$ !"$ !"$ !"$ !"$ !"$ !"$ !"$!"$ !"$!"$ !"$ !"$!"$!"$!"$ !"$ !"$ !"$ !"$ !"$ !"$ !"$!"$!"$!"$ !"$ !"$!"$ !"$ !"$ !"$!"$ !"$ !"$ !"$ !"$!"$ !"$!"$!"$ !"$ !"$!"$!"$!"$ !"$!"$!"$ !"$ !" !"$ !"$ !"$ !"$ !"$ !"$!"$ !"$ !"$!"$ !"$ ªªëìí ªªëìí ªªëìí ªªëìí ªªëìíªªëìí ªªëìíªªëìí R o y a l Brook s Citrus Carol S p a n i s h B a ld w in L ong J a m Cape A i r e Camelli a Av oc ado P o l l y M argare t Gr e c o u r t Larkspur ca more A d ai r Hillview Yvette Maple Ty l e r Li n c o l n W a s h i n g t o n Cherry e Oak Olive Walnut Date P M a d i s o n Sequo i a J e f f e r s o n Kalpati Loc ust Garfield le y Hibis c us Palm Redwo o d C a n ario H a r b o r R o o s e v e l t Acacia Hemlo c k o o dl a n d N a u t i c a l Syme Junipe r Ma gnolia Chinqu a p i n Li n m ar Hoo v e r Harris o nTamar a c k Brady ka H a r d i n g Anchor Ada Laya n g L ayang A guila Hig h l a n d PioPico Ca r ls b a d Villa g e y Park Pine Park Chase Field Magnol Athleti Field Jefferson Elementary Valley Midd Carlsbad Village Academy St. Patrick Casa Montessori deCarlsbad ÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉ ÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉ !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 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R o y al Brooks C itr u s C arol S p a nis h B a ld win LL ong CCC aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa ppppppp e AAAAAAAAAAAiiiiiiiiirrrrrrrrrrrr ee C a m ellia A vAA o c a d o P olly M argarerr t Gr e c o u rt !!L ar k s p u r m ore A d air Hillvie w YvYY evtete MMMM aa pleeeee TyTT leeeeeeerrrrrrrrrrrrrrr Lin cccccccccccc oooooooooooooooooln W a WW s hiiiiiiiiiiiiiinnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn ggggggggggggggggggggggggtttttttttttttttoooooooooooo n C h erryrr e Oliv e W aWWln uuuuuutttttttttttt D ate P M a dis o n Se q u oia J e ffff er s o n KaKKlpati LL o c u st Garfield Hibis c us P alm R eRR d w o o d C a n ario H a r b o r R o os ev elt A ca cia H e mlo ck o o dla n d N autic al S y m e Ju niper M a g C hinq u a pin Li n m ar Harris o nTaTTmarack B ra d y ka H ardinnnnnnnnnn ggggggggggggggggggg A n c h o r LLLaLyayy n g LL ayang A g uil a Hig h la n d PPioPico C arls b ad Villa g e Park PPPPPPPPPPPPPiiiiiinneeeeeeeeeeeeeePPPPPPPPPPParkk Chhase Fieldd JJefffferson Elementaryy Car Vi Aca St. PPPPaaatrickkk CCCaassaaa MMooonnnttteeeeessssssooorrriii ddeeCCCaaaarrrrlllllllsssssssssbbbbbaadd §¨¦5 Exhibit 1 Aug. 5, 2024 Item #5 Page 6 of 122 Traffic safety remains core of the City of Carlsbad’s mission. Through the city’s local emergency on traffic safety, Aug. 23, 2022 – Sept. 8, 2023, city staff initiated and continue to carry out a wide variety of programs, projects and initiatives to enhance the safe use of city streets. Some could be completed immediately while others are longer term in nature. One of the programs in the Safer Streets Together Plan that the City Council approved is a Safe Routes to School program. About the project The City of Carlsbad is committed to helping everyone get around the city in a safe and convenient way, whether by foot, car, bike or public transit. One way the city is improving traffic safety is through a Safe Routes to School Program, which is an approach that focuses on walking and bicycling to school through infrastructure improvements, enforcement and safety education. Other strategies the city uses focus on safe driving. The city is working on several Safe Routes to School plans with Carlsbad schools, including Jefferson Elementary School, to reflect the community’s vision, values and priorities. The plan will outline specific short- and long-term infrastructure improvements and school programs that support families and students biking and walking to and from school sites. Jefferson Elementary has unique programs that draw students from throughout the city, so not every family is close enough to walk or bike. But the more who do, the better traffic will flow and the less time will be spent waiting in school pick-up and drop-off lines. The city anticipates expanding the program to other schools in Carlsbad in the coming years as budgets allow. Exhibit 2 Aug. 5, 2024 Item #5 Page 7 of 122 Safe Routes to School - Jefferson Elementary School Phase 1 Community Input Summary {city of Carlsbad DRAFT Jefferson Elementary Safe Routes to School Public Input Report Spring 2024 2 Design considerations Over the past few years, the city has gathered community input on various traffic safety projects throughout the city. Through every project, the following considerations are taken into account when seeking feedback: • Plans must reflect the policy direction already approved by the City Council in various planning documents. • Improvements must be designed according to state traffic safety standards and traffic laws. • Designs need to meet the needs of first responders and other emergency services. To ensure the Safe Routes to School plans reflect community needs, values and priorities, the city developed a community engagement approach consisting of three main opportunities for input: Phase 1: Areas for improvements October 2023 – January 2024 The first phase will gather feedback about areas of opportunity and concern and determine where the community would most like to see enhancements for walking and biking. Phase 2: Feedback on draft plan Summer 2024 Based on community input and technical studies, the project team will develop a draft Safe Routes to School plan, which outlines recommended short-term and long-term infrastructure improvements in and around each campus. The draft plan will be shared with the school and community for additional feedback and be presented to the Traffic Safety & Mobility Commission and the City Council for approval. Other opportunities for community input are built into the plan’s approval process, including meetings of the Traffic Safety & Mobility Commission and the City Council, when they consider the final designs, funding and timing of improvements. Level of engagement The International Association of Public Participation’s spectrum of public participation illustrates a variety of approaches to involving the public in decision making. The Safe Routes to School process falls in the category of “involve.” Aug. 5, 2024 Item #5 Page 8 of 122 Community engagement approach DRAFT Jefferson Elementary Safe Routes to School Public Input Report Spring 2024 3 How to consider the input The input in this report is qualitative in nature and was obtained through a convenience sample. This means the city focused on gaining an in-depth understanding of community member perspectives, and the results cannot be generalized to the entire population of the city within a defined margin of error. That’s why the input in this report should be considered with a similar weight as other forms of feedback that have always been part of the city’s decision-making process, such as comments made at City Council meetings or emails sent to the city expressing an opinion. The input in this report should be considered with a similar weight as comments made at a City Council meeting or those sent by email. Aug. 5, 2024 Item #5 Page 9 of 122 International Association of Public Participation Spectrum of participation INFORM CONSUL T0 1NVOLVE COLLABORATE EMPOWER Provide balanced, Obtain input on Work directly with information so the analysis, the public public understands options or throughout the problem, options, decisions that process to ensure opportunities and have already been input is understood solutions made and considered We will keep you We will listen to We will ensure your informed and acknowledge concerns and ideas your concerns and are directly reflected ideas and let you in the options know how your developed and how input influenced input influenced the the decision final decision !vi Qualitative Focuses on understanding the "why" Identifies a range of perspectives Allows for discovery of new ideas Analyzed by themes !v! Convenience sample Only those who knew about the opportunity to provide input were able to do so Partner with the public Place final in each aspect of the decision making decision, including the in the hands of creation of options the public and identification of the preferred solution We will look to you for Wewill advice in creating implement what options and you decide incorporate your input into the decisions to the maximum extent possible Quantitative Focused on facts/absolutes Data focused on measuring Analysis includes numerical comparisons Allows for statistical analysis Random sample All members of the target population had an equal opportunity to participate DRAFT Jefferson Elementary Safe Routes to School Public Input Report Spring 2024 4 Community members were provided in person and a virtual opportunity to provide input that would be used to create the safe routes to school plan. How we engaged In person community meeting held at Jefferson Elementary School Nov. 13, 2023 Online input map available Jan. 8-22, 2024 The input opportunities were promoted through the following: • Parent and Parent Teacher Association email from the school • Emails to those interested in traffic safety and the city’s school committee – sent Jan. 12, Jan. 16 • City Manager’s Update – Jan. 18 • Post on Nextdoor • News release • Media interview with Channel 8 local news – Jan. 14 • Webpage Aug. 5, 2024 Item #5 Page 10 of 122 Phase 1: Community needs, values and priorities ~ 00 ~ DRAFT Jefferson Elementary Safe Routes to School Public Input Report Spring 2024 5 Aug. 5, 2024 Item #5 Page 11 of 122 The City of Carlsbad is working with school communities to promote traffic safety. One way is through safe and convenient biking and walking to and from campus. Parents are invited to: • Provide feedback on experiences getting to and from school • Learn about the safe routes to school program Monday, Nov. 13 17'\ Jefferson Elementary School \:::I 6-?p.m. www.carlsbadca.gov/projects News from the City of Carlsbad I Jan. 18, 2024 Safe Routes to Schools As part of the city•s collaboration with schools in Carlsbad, we're asking parents and community members to~ how we can make walking and biking to Jefferson Elementary and Sage Creek High schools a better experience for students and families. More students walking and biking would be good news for drivers loo, because it would help reduce trafflC in those areas. • These efforts are part of the city's Safe Routes lo School llli!QWD, which is one of several ways the city is WOOOng with school communities to promote safe and convenient travel to and from campus. • Safe Routes to School focuses on walking and biking improvements, while other programs focus on driving. • Jefferson and Sage Creek both have unique programs that draw students from throughout the city, so not every family is close enough lo walk or bike. But the more who do, the better traffic will flow and the less lime will be spent wailing In school pick-up and drop-off lines. • Use this 2n!!rut.1!liU)wngjQQI by Jan. 21 lo point out areas near the two schools where changes could help make walking or biking easier. Click on the colored icons to see ideas and comments other people have made • The city anticipates expanding the program to other schools in Cartsbad in the coming years as budgets allow. l'+rhl+ The City of Carlsbad is seeking public input on areas around two schools where enhancements could be made for walking and biking routes. • Jefferson Elementary School • Sage Creek High School Provide input on this mapping tool by Sunday, Jan. 21 More information www.carlsbadca.gov/residents/projects nathan.schmidt@carlsbadca.gov {city of Carlsbad 'l'lextdoor JI! Homo ffi I~~ fh Ad::lS~~ Hdp i$i~rcl!Mub Pmmi:!yu.mhd:-~Rl:u.i!5;oXh::dJsfl5SIJl'l~ h CiP/ ci: C:rim.id B ~ p.bk np..11 on :rez :ira..md~ ~ Sda:D1'fffl!;enlmnc:~audb:!Ol.'ICX!bw.:ilm-lJ;Jfl[l l::i~la0!5. 11-eeffcru:np::wtaltt'ecitys.5.'rie~toSdmpagr.,,r,,'Mldl,iscrieal ~ ,,mys 1hrciry is.1Mri:irg Wlll1 sdm CDIWTU"ml5 m panlfl! 5.W! ;JIE c~~todfrom~Sarmtc.tosdmis.r1~t:tu: ftnJses. en~ ;3ffl bic:n; ~ \miecthspagr.rns lacmm li'Mng. Q.l>li::q,,.rtwilil:cusedm~.JS;,kfbEs.1c1SdlXIIIJQl'lb~ Otrnlsituyv.h:hin:l.cles.stvt :ina long-term~~aro..-,a mdisdDDI.Thrciry~~"'91he~toctl'rrsdndsrlC:rlmd a'1h!CDmng~~cnb.Kip. t-pff a, 3ll!IJ.S sp!cificl1y an:uxJ the mu:Jk 10 !WfP'.M"I .,,,:!1:r13 .rd biting ~cmbl:!ITD:X!ontma-.r:~:ai~~~ 'h:icd.,ckby~IG1)'.ku\21.~1c~rt.~ra.nc; ·~- DRAFT Jefferson Elementary Safe Routes to School Public Input Report Spring 2024 6 Aug. 5, 2024 Item #5 Page 12 of 122 Newsroom ~ Pnnt .. Feedback CJ Share & Bookmark Font Size: CJ a Have your say: Safe routes to school Post Date: 01/08/2024 12:48 PM Where can the City of Carlsbad make walking and biking to Jefferson Elementary and Sage Creek High schools easier? The City of Carlsbad is asking the community to weigh in on areas around two schools, Jefferson Elementary School and Sage Creek High School, where enhancements could be made for walking and biking routes. These efforts are part of the city's Safe Rou tes to School wogii!I!l, which is one of several ways the city is working with school communities to promote safe and convenient travel to and from campus. Safe routes to school is an approach that focuses on walking and biking improvements, while other programs focus on driving. Public input will be used to create a Safe Routes to School plan for Jefferson Elementary and Sage Creek High School, which includes short-and long-term infrastructure improvements around each school. The city anticipates expanding the program to other schools in Carlsbad in the coming years based on budget. lnputonareasspecificallyaroun Diganos SU opinion: Rutas seguras a la escuela ma i;mingJQQ!. Provide your feed I La ciudad de Ca rlsbad esta buscando opiniones del publico sabre areas alrededor de dos escuelas, la escuela primaria Giveinput 0 Sign up to get email ui,dates. Jefferson y la escuela preparatoria Sage Creek, donde se podrfan realiza r mejoras en las rutas pa ra caminar y anda r en bicicleta. Estos esfuerzos son parte del programa Rutas Seguras a la Escue la de la ciudad. que es una de varias formas en que la ciudad esta trabajando con las comunidades escolares para promover viajes seguros y convenientes hacia y desde la escuela. Rutas Seguras a la Escuela es un enfoque que se centra en mejoras para caminar y andar en bicicleta, mientras que otros programas se centran en las automovilistas. Se utilizaran las opiniones del publico para crear un plan de Rutas Seguras a la Escuela para la escuela primaria Jefferson y la escuela preparatoria Sage Creek, que incluye mejoras de infraestructura a corto y largo plaza alrededor de cad a escuela. La ciudad preve ampliar el programa a otras escuelas de Carlsbad en las proximos aiios dependiendo del presupuesto. En esta herramienta de maP-eo en lfnea se pueden realizar comentarios sabre areas especfficamente alrededor de las escuelas para apoyar mejoras para caminar y andar en bicicleta. Envfe sus comentarios antes del domingo 21 de enero. Giveinput 0 Registrese para recibir actualizaciones par correo electronico. Pr6ximos pasos • Envie su opinion antes del 21 de enero. • La ciudad revisara las aportes para hacer recomendaciones sabre mejoras de infraestructura a corto y largo plaza en un plan de Rutas Seguras a la Escuela. • El plan se presentara en la reunion de la Comision de Movilidad y Seguridad Vial en la primavera. DRAFT Jefferson Elementary Safe Routes to School Public Input Report Spring 2024 7 Aug. 5, 2024 Item #5 Page 13 of 122 DRAFT Jefferson Elementary Safe Routes to School Public Input Report Spring 2024 8 In person listening session Aug. 5, 2024 Item #5 Page 14 of 122 e,'('I ~ . . &@ii@ DRAFT Jefferson Elementary Safe Routes to School Public Input Report Spring 2024 9 Online input map Aug. 5, 2024 Item #5 Page 15 of 122 (cityof Carlsbad 'k . I SOUTH )CEANSIDE About Safe Routes to School Jefferson Elementary School * Sage Creek High School -Go gle Closed for Comment -----------=~,---==~---~Q The Shoppes at Carlsbad Sprouts Farmers Market~ Walmart SupercE Hosp Grove Pk Carlsbad High School9 CARLSBAD VILLAGE Carlsbad Carlsbad A State Beach T i ~s:=-· 'i:'a:R~~~ ~r~ .. , ,...,.. ""' .,. ,. ,., Pch<:.Jn Cove lnnq . ~ s.::::,~ Id). \..~ Cal"lst>edCoas.tft ·h' l>.pa1tu11·1,1 ... T • ♦uf..,..,dT.,..,.36 I ~llfeguard tlutTower37 / ,...I' c.,,Hi-bt-ft Pa<<fi Tower L•feguard Tower 34 P.J•~J '9 - Ca Valle, seh~ \ TheGi DRAFT Jefferson Elementary Safe Routes to School Public Input Report Spring 2024 10 64 Online mapping tool comments 5 Community workshop participants (in person) Each engagement opportunity included a mapping experience to identify specific locations and types of improvements to be made. Comments and survey responses have been categorized into overall themes and topics. Readers are strongly encouraged to review the verbatim comments in Appendix A to get a better understanding of specific ideas, priorities and concerns expressed. Areas for improvements Tamarack Avenue – Between Garfield Street and the railroad tracks – 3 pins Aug. 5, 2024 Item #5 Page 16 of 122 Who participated What we heard DRAFT Jefferson Elementary Safe Routes to School Public Input Report Spring 2024 11 Pedestrian improvement • Improve lighting and visibility of existing crosswalks across Tamarack Avenue at Garfield St Traffic calming • Install traffic calming measures to slow down cars Aug. 5, 2024 Item #5 Page 17 of 122 DRAFT Jefferson Elementary Safe Routes to School Public Input Report Spring 2024 12 Tamarack Avenue – Between railroad tracks and I-5 (21 pins) Pedestrian improvements • Improve connection across the north and south entrances of the Coastal Rail Trail • Add high visibility crosswalks across Tamarack Avenue at Hibiscus Circle • Add lighting and sidewalks to south end of Hibiscus Circle • Add sidewalks on Linmar Lane • Enhance visibility, add crossing guards at Jefferson and Tamarack • Improve crossing across freeway entrances and exits • Add crosswalk at Jefferson and Chinquapin Bicycle improvements • Improve connection across the north and south entrances of the Coastal Rail Trail • Improve crossing across freeway entrances and exits Aug. 5, 2024 Item #5 Page 18 of 122 q <'l o., '), ~ ~ .... !A ~ \ ubllcArt ·c Trail • ConcierQe Personal Training ,ii•1 ,,_o• ~~ JeffersonO Elementary School T Catholic Church H. Linwood Insurance Services, Inc Windsong q q m v i \ Ag a Hedionda LaQOO Tranquil weilanc with a nature cent, DRAFT Jefferson Elementary Safe Routes to School Public Input Report Spring 2024 13 Traffic calming • Install traffic calming measures on Tamarack and Chinquapin to slow down cars • Install school zone signs Traffic congestion • Evaluate signal time of light at Tamarack and Pio Pico to alleviate congestion at Tamarack and Jefferson Jefferson Street – Between Tamarack and Magnolia – 14 pins Pedestrian improvements • Improve visibility of crosswalk, add crossing guards at Jefferson and Magnolia • Add additional crosswalk near entrance of school parking lot • Improve visibility of crosswalk to the school, prevent cars from blocking it during congested times • Add sidewalks all along Jefferson Aug. 5, 2024 Item #5 Page 19 of 122 ~ <a partments Magnolia Manor Apartments fl>,ure Beach Llvingej> bile Art 'Coast T .... 11 f'i' ___ ._,._u ~~ s Inn by ~Wyndham Carlsbad T 38*(308) El 2-star hotel "% \ q. Ye Olde Garage SI Village Kitch & PieShopp1 Amencan • $ DRAFT Jefferson Elementary Safe Routes to School Public Input Report Spring 2024 14 Bicycle improvement • Add bike lanes to the school Traffic calming • Install traffic calming measures to slow down cars • Limit right turns from Jefferson onto Tamarack during school times • Address blind spot of exiting the gas station onto Jefferson Traffic congestion • Improve traffic flow of drop-off and pick-up in the parking lot • Improve visibility and congestion for cars exiting the parking lot to turn left on Jefferson • Evaluate signal time of light at Tamarack and Jefferson • Consider one-way traffic between Magnolia and Tamarack • Lack of parking near school is an issue Other comments for other areas • Bike lanes on Harding Street are blocked by trash cans • Potholes and repaving needed at Jefferson and Magnolia • Enhanced biking conditions on Chestnut between Harding and Pio Pico • Improve visibility for cars turning onto Pio Pico from Magnolia, install traffic calming on Pio Pico • Enhance pedestrian and bike safety along Pio Pico at St. Patrick’s school parking lot exit • Install traffic calming improvements at Chinquapin and Adams St Aug. 5, 2024 Item #5 Page 20 of 122 DRAFT Jefferson Elementary Safe Routes to School Public Input Report Spring 2024 15 Topics Appendix A includes all of the verbatim comments related to these themes as well as comments categorized by the following topics: Biking improvement Pedestrian improvement Traffic calming Traffic congestion The Transportation planning team will use community input and other technical evaluations including a walking audit to draft a Safe Routes to School plan, which will include short-term and long-term infrastructure improvements. A draft plan will be shared with the community for additional feedback in summer 2024. The Safe Routes to School plan will be presented to the Traffic Safety & Mobility Commission for recommendation of approval, then to the City Council to determine next steps for design and funding of the improvements. Aug. 5, 2024 Item #5 Page 21 of 122 Next steps DRAFT Jefferson Elementary Safe Routes to School Public Input Report Spring 2024 16 Online mapping comments In person workshop feedback Other online comments Aug. 5, 2024 Item #5 Page 22 of 122 Appendices DRAFT Jefferson Elementary Safe Routes to School Public Input Report Spring 2024 17 Online mapping comments Theme Comment Street (where the pin is) Cross street (nearest cross street) Traffic calming I live at the 4-way intersection if Adams and Chinquapin. Cars coming west down Chinquapin from Highland and Hillside do so at high speeds and rarely stop fully at the intersection. Many bicyclists also come racing down the hill and fly right through the intersection without stopping. I have personally observed many near collisions both vehicular and bike. The speed bumps on Tamarack have pushed traffic down Chinquapin as drivers seek to avoid the lights and speed bumps on Tamarack. Adams St Chinquapin Ave Bicycle improvement We need sharrows on Chestnut between Harding and Pio Pico. Chestnut Ave Harding St Bicycle improvement Chestnut ave is the most unsafe street, especially near Carlsbad high school. People aren’t willing to wait for someone turning left so they veer around into the bike lane. We need left turn lights and extra lanes for turning from chestnut to Monroe. Chestnut Ave Walking improvement Agree! At least connect the pedestrian/ bike access via an underpass or train overpass.waiting to trench the trains is going to take too long and we need an immediate solution Chestnut Ave Railroad tracks Walking improvement Figure out how to make chestnut go through so there is a direct route to school this way. Chestnut Ave Railroad tracks Walking improvement I've also observed this and noticed cars using this stretch of road at a high rate of speed. Chinquapin Ave Jefferson St Walking improvement Need stop sign at Chinquapin and Jefferson. Drivers coming south on Chinquapin are often driving fast Chinquapin Ave Jefferson St Bicycle improvement Residents on the west side of this street block the bike lane with their trash cans every week. Harding St Camellia Pl Bicycle improvement All parallel parking on Jefferson between Magnolia and Tamarack should be removed and replaced with a bike lane. Jefferson St Anchor Way Aug. 5, 2024 Item #5 Page 23 of 122 DRAFT Jefferson Elementary Safe Routes to School Public Input Report Spring 2024 18 Bicycle improvement No bike lane near school while I ride this road daily for child drop off. Jefferson St Carol Pl Bicycle improvement This intersection needs to be repaved. Especially after heavy rains, pot holes occur and are dangerous for bicyclists and pedestrians. Jefferson St Magnolia Ave Traffic calming Drivers turning onto Jefferson from Magnolia routinely run the stop sign, even with children around. Jefferson St Magnolia Ave Traffic calming Cars need slowed on this street via cross walks and speed bumps like done on the east side of tamarack. Cars speed at terrible speeds here, an area that should be a way to connect the south and north end of tamarack. Jefferson St Carol Pl Traffic calming Can we PLEASE get speed bumps along this stretch of Jefferson?? I’ve seen people speed (40+mph) and even PASS other cars DURING school pickup or drop off while little kids and families are everywhere. Jefferson St Carol Pl Traffic calming We need speed bumps ASAP. It’s impossible to get out of driveways on Jefferson street by the elementary school. There’s been multiple crashes now of residents pulling out of driveways &amp; cars driving fast down Jefferson street. Also hard to see pedestrians when you’re backing out as the parked trucks block your view. We need mirrors on lampposts for pedestrians safety. With the new apartments, parking is going to be impossible and there will be more bad accidents. Jefferson St Carol Pl Traffic calming People use Linmar heavily as an alternate route. We frequently see people coming from Linmar and turning (in either direction) onto Tamarack without looking for pedestrians crossing in front of their cars. Lots of near misses here. Please step up patrols on the western stretch of Tamarack if you want more people walking/biking to school. Please take measures to reduce the flow of traffic and increase safe crossing opportunities. Jefferson St Carol Pl Aug. 5, 2024 Item #5 Page 24 of 122 DRAFT Jefferson Elementary Safe Routes to School Public Input Report Spring 2024 19 Traffic congestion Jefferson between Magnolia and Tamarack should be a one-way street for vehicles, and two-way for bikes. A study should be done to determine best flow for vehicles -- either north or south. Jefferson St Magnolia Ave Traffic congestion Every day, we see people on Jefferson who are not dropping off/picking up kids at school get angry about the backup of traffic, honk, yell, and illegally and dangerously go around cars that are waiting in the line of backed up cars to get into the Jefferson parking lot. This is extremely dangerous and if it continues, someone will inevitably be hurt or killed. Jefferson St Magnolia Ave Traffic congestion I've seen this many times too. Illegal passing around cars waiting to get into and out of the Jefferson parking lot. It happens daily. Jefferson St Tamarack Ave Traffic congestion Agreed. We have also noticed people driving this stretch of road during school pickup who are NOT dropping children at school and theybecome impatient, honking and yelling at drivers who are in the midst of school pickup and dropoff. When Jefferson is backed up during drop off/pick up, we regularly see non- school drivers dangerously go around the line of cars waiting to drop kids off at school. If people keep doing this, it will result in someone being struck and injured/killed. Jefferson St Tamarack Ave Traffic congestion Agreed. We regularly see non-school drivers on this road during pick up/drop off become frustrated, yelling, honking, and unsafely and illegally going around the cars waiting on Jefferson to drop off/pick up their kids. If this continues, someone will eventually be injured or killed. Jefferson St Carol Pl Traffic congestion This should include the lights at Tamarack and I- 5/Pio Pico too. I frequently see the light green at Tamarack/Jefferson but nobody can turn left onto Tamarack because Tamarack itself is backed up. Jefferson St Anchor Way Aug. 5, 2024 Item #5 Page 25 of 122 DRAFT Jefferson Elementary Safe Routes to School Public Input Report Spring 2024 20 Traffic congestion It is not safe for kids to walk to school via Tamarack (west of 5). It is also not safe nor pleasant for people to drive to school via Tamarack/Jefferson. There is extremely limited parking on Jefferson near school due to the new housing. The school parking lot gets clogged up, creating backup on Jefferson. Parents are in an impossible situation--drive their kids to school in the chaos of the traffic? Or take the risk of walking on a road where people are driving far too fast? Jefferson St Magnolia Ave Traffic congestion A traffic study is needed to better time the light at Jefferson to Tamarack. This causes a backup for the parents leaving the school drop off and creates a dangerous situation for people turning left (blindly) from the school onto Jefferson. Jefferson St Anchor Way Traffic congestion The timing on this light causes massive traffic congestion during school drop off and pick up. If Jefferson’s parking lot could flow better, more parents would be willing to drop off and pick up in the parking lot rather than find street parking and walk in. Jefferson St Carol Pl Walking improvement Extremely dark street with blind turn and no sidewalks. Just last night we were on a walk home from an evening Jefferson event and a car couldn’t see us and the street is the only place to walk on. Jefferson St Carol Pl Walking improvement Is the new crosswalk going to be lighted like the ones on Carlsbad Blvd? Jefferson St Carol Pl Walking improvement Why is the new crosswalk not elevated like the new crosswalks on Tamarack? Jefferson St Carol Pl Walking improvement Many families that live inside the Windsong gate, or around chinqupin cross here at chinquapin to Jefferson on the side of Jefferson that has the sidewalk. We've all been saying for years how helpful i5 would be to have a crosswalk so it would be easier for cars to see the pedestrians and kids tryibg to cross here. It would also possibly help the speeding of cars down this road making it safer for all of the walking families on this side going to Jefferson. Jefferson St Chinquapin Ave Aug. 5, 2024 Item #5 Page 26 of 122 DRAFT Jefferson Elementary Safe Routes to School Public Input Report Spring 2024 21 Walking improvement It is a travesty that there are no protected crosswalks, of the kind we now see on the Coast Highway and Tamarack, anywhere on Jefferson, the very street that the elementary school is on. We don't need a monstrosity like the one at Valley and Jefferson, just a nice sign with a button to push for warning lights. Jefferson St Carol Pl Walking improvement The exit driveway at the school constantly gets blocked due to the light at Jefferson, which causes backups in the parking lot and a dangerous situation for the crosswalk. If there were striping to “keep clear”, it could help traffic leave the parking lot for those parents needing to turn left. Jefferson St Tamarack Ave Walking improvement There is no sidewalk on north end of Linmar making it difficult for pedestrians who have to walk on a narrow street. Intersection for eastbound Tamarack to Linmar Lane is a blind turn. Linmar Ln Tamarack Ave Bicycle improvement Dangerous gravel pot hole areas of bike lane all along magnoia. Madison St Magnolia Ave Traffic calming intersection of Magnolia and Pio Pico Dr. in re: often poor visibility due to large trucks parked along Pio Pico Dr. There is a combination of that along with speeding that makes this are dangerous when trying to travel from Magnolia to turn onto Pio Pico Dr. Magnolia St Pio Pico Dr Walking improvement This area becomes very dangerous when parents are parked to pickup children from St. Patrick's School as often traffic traveling South is made to move over for on-coming NB traffic that is unable to utilize their lane to do cars stopped along the sidewalk. Bicyclists and pedestrians on the West side of Pio Pico are put at risk of a collision when this happens. Pio Pico Dr Tamarack Ave Bicycle improvement The entrance to the Rail Trail needs a more obvious crosswalk and better entrance for bikes heading west on Tamarack. Tamarack Ave Railroad tracks Aug. 5, 2024 Item #5 Page 27 of 122 DRAFT Jefferson Elementary Safe Routes to School Public Input Report Spring 2024 22 Bicycle improvement Crossing the Freeway entrance and exits is a complete nightmare for pedestrians and cyclists. Please come up with ways to fix these for the Jefferson children, as well as the kids who head from to Valley Middle School and CHS. Tamarack Ave Freeway entrance/exit Bicycle improvement This whole intersection and area would benefit from pedestrian and bike improvements. This would also help the St Patrick’s students. Tamarack Ave Freeway entrance/exit Bicycle improvement Please provide a permanent crossing guard since this intersection is extremely busy in the mornings and after school. Tamarack Ave Jefferson St Bicycle improvement Please fix and connect the rail trail here to the Southside of Tamarack. without a crossing here, kids and adults are crossing to the north side of Tamrack Avenue at their own risk in multiple spots and then are often riding in the wrong direction (against Traffic) in order to get to the rail trail. It's dangerous and shouldn't happen. Tamarack Ave Railroad tracks Traffic calming I live on the south side of Tamarack and find that cars are often going well in excess of the speed limit as they come from Garfield going eastbound on Tamarack between Garfield and the train tracks. The downhill slope coupled with lack of slowing measures and very little patrolling results in speeding. It is difficult to pull out of our driveway due to the excessive speed of traffic here. The high speed of traffic creates a safety issue for my children walking to school. Tamarack Ave Railroad tracks Traffic congestion We look forward to traffic studies during school drop and pick up hours. Please conduct the study at the hours of 7:45-8:10 M-F and 2:10 to 2:35 M-F (with the exception of Thursday afternoon, with pickup being at 1:25 on Thursdays). Tamarack Ave Jefferson St Aug. 5, 2024 Item #5 Page 28 of 122 DRAFT Jefferson Elementary Safe Routes to School Public Input Report Spring 2024 23 Walking improvement Absolutely!!! This is long overdue. We are encouraged to bike and walk on the rail trail but when it hits the street at Tamarack, it's incredibly unsafe to cross the street to the south due to consistent oncoming vehicle traffic and impaired visibility. A big crosswalk with street signs would be a very simple first step. Tamarack Ave Railroad tracks Walking improvement Agreed. As an adult, I am nearly hit on a regular basis while crossing this cross walk on foot. Walking with my toddler, I've been nearly hit several times by cars who go into the intersection while I am midway through the cross walk. I do not feel it is safe for my children (even my 11-year-old) to safely cross this intersection. Tamarack Ave Garfield St Walking improvement Crossing the Freeway entrance and exits is a complete nightmare for pedestrians and cyclists. Please come up with ways to fix these for the Jefferson children, as well as the kids who head from the Beach up to Valley Middle School and CHS. Tamarack Ave Freeway entrance/exit Walking improvement Crossing the Freeway entrance and exits is a complete nightmare for pedestrians and cyclists. Please come up with ways to fix these for the Jefferson children, as well as the kids who head from the Beach up to Valley Middle School and CHS. Tamarack Ave Freeway entrance/exit Walking improvement Crossing the Freeway entrance and exits is a complete nightmare for pedestrians and cyclists. Please come up with ways to fix these for the Jefferson children, as well as the kids who head from the Beach up to Valley Middle School and CHS. Tamarack Ave Freeway entrance/exit Walking improvement Crossing the Freeway entrance and exits is a complete nightmare for pedestrians and cyclists. Please come up with ways to fix these for the Jefferson children, as well as the kids who head from the Beach up to Valley Middle School and CHS. Tamarack Ave Freeway entrance/exit Walking improvement We need crossing guards here! Tamarack Ave Magnolia Ave Aug. 5, 2024 Item #5 Page 29 of 122 DRAFT Jefferson Elementary Safe Routes to School Public Input Report Spring 2024 24 Walking improvement We need crossing guards!! Tamarack Ave Jefferson St Walking improvement Please give us a crossing guard here for children to cross safely. I know other schools in the area have more than one crossing guard (Kelly, for example). Because Jefferson is directly adjacent to the freeway, and because people regularly use the roads near the school for non-school, high-speed freeway diversions, it is very surprising that we have not been allotted additional crossing guards so that our kids can get safely to school. We also need more patrolling of the roads near Jefferson. Tamarack Ave Jefferson St Walking improvement Please provide a permanent traffic crossing guard at this major intersection for both pedestrians and bikes. Tamarack Ave Jefferson St Walking improvement We need a safe and high vis crosswalk somewhere between Garfield and Jefferson on Tamarack for kids to cross from the south side of Tamarack to the north and vice versa. Placement could be just east of the train tracks or at the intersection of Hibiscus and Tamarack. The cars on this segment routinely travel at such a high rate of speed that it's very difficult to cross Tamarack, even when we attempt to use the corner to corner cross (no cross walk) at Hibiscus. More speed reduction please. Tamarack Ave Hibiscus Cir Walking improvement The school could really use another crosswalk at this location Tamarack Ave Hibiscus Cir Walking improvement A raised pedestrian crossing with lights (like at tamarack/valley) would help with visibility and slow traffic down. The crossing guard does their best, but it’s not a safe situation. Tamarack Ave Hibiscus Cir Walking improvement Can we consider 2 things--1. better lighting/illumination for this crosswalk at night and in the early morning? 2. making the crosswalk high vis (maybe a push-button illuminator? Please also note that drivers seem to have a difficult time seeing pedestrians as the sun is setting over this intersection. Glare is a factor. We have near misses with cars here almost daily while crossing on foot. Tamarack Ave Garfield St Aug. 5, 2024 Item #5 Page 30 of 122 DRAFT Jefferson Elementary Safe Routes to School Public Input Report Spring 2024 25 Walking improvement Rail trail needs a Lighted Crosswalk!!! Please make it simple for kids to cross the road with a lighted flashing crosswalk to connect the rail trail to the south side of Tamarack Tamarack Ave Railroad tracks Walking improvement Hibiscus circle should be connected via a cross walk to the north end of tamarack. Currently the south side of tamarack has limited places to cross tamarack. And more importantly, there is a significant distance between Garfield and Jefferson that allows cars to pick up significant speeds and stop signs and or raised cross walks like done on the east side of tamarack would lend the south end of Carlsbad to have safe walking paths and feel more included in what should be a neighborhood. Tamarack Ave Hibiscus Cir Walking improvement 100% agree with this. There is too great a distance between Garfield and Jefferson St on Tamarack for kids crossing from the south side of Tamarack to the north side. We need a high visibility cross walk btwn these two points and more speed patrolling. My kids can't safely walk this route at present with the high rate of speed of the car traffic and the issues with safety crossing even at the Tamarack/Jefferson and Tamarack/Garfield intersections for pedestrians. Tamarack Ave Hibiscus Cir Walking improvement Agreed. This is not a safe crosswalk for kids to cross on their own. The speeding issues on the stretch of Tamarack west of 5 coupled with lack of safe places to cross make it prohibitive for older kids to walk to school without adult supervision. We frequently see cars turning right from Jefferson onto westbound Tamarack without checking for pedestrians in the crosswalk. Tamarack Ave Jefferson St Walking improvement This intersection is incredibly busy with vehicles, pedestrians, and bikes. Safer more controlled. Crossing system is definitely needed.. Please add crossing signs, flashers, buttons for the pedestrians, and ADA curb ramps as the street to sidewalk transitions are noncompliant and very dangerous. Tamarack Ave Garfield St Aug. 5, 2024 Item #5 Page 31 of 122 DRAFT Jefferson Elementary Safe Routes to School Public Input Report Spring 2024 26 Walking improvement Might consider using Hibiscus as a safe route to school instead of Tamarack if better speed reduction and crosswalks cannot be implemented on Tamarack. Cars tend to travel more slowly on Hibiscus (and there's a sidewalk) making it a potentially safer route for kids coming from the western stretch of Tamarack to Jefferson. Tamarack Ave Hibiscus Cir Walking improvement Visibility for drivers turning left is made even worse by vehicles frequently parked illegally along the red curbs. Tamarack Ave Jefferson St Walking improvement Extremely dangerous street where cars go well above speed limit a majority of the time. Limited stops or speed bumps slowing cars down. Makes south end of tamarack stuck with dead ends and no ability to connect with its school community on the north end. Tamarack Ave Jefferson St Aug. 5, 2024 Item #5 Page 32 of 122 DRAFT Jefferson Elementary Safe Routes to School Public Input Report Spring 2024 27 In person workshop feedback Pedestrian improvements • Need for safe crossings across Tamarack Ave • Not as many opportunities to cross Tamarack to get to and from school • Trouble crossing at Hibiscus – no crosswalk. • People walk down Anchor Way • Need ADA crossing • Need to watch for driveway at gas station • Move crosswalk more toward entrance of parking lot Traffic safety • At the top of Garfield, crest of hill, people come from the stop sign and fly down • Speeding cars. No stop sign between Garfield and Jefferson • Cars turn right out of Jefferson to Tamarack – struggle. Don’t look for pedestrians • Lack of parking near school is an issue • Need traffic calming on Tamarack – let it be known it’s a speed trap • Need traffic calming at Chinquapin and Jefferson • Need school zone signs and speed feedback signs • Visibility is poor coming out of the school parking lot, especially if ppl there. Biking improvements • Bikers frequently cross at rail trail – need crossing Aug. 5, 2024 Item #5 Page 33 of 122 DRAFT Jefferson Elementary Safe Routes to School Public Input Report Spring 2024 28 Other comments Aug. 5, 2024 Item #5 Page 34 of 122 From: Emily Kuhnel <emilyakuhnel@gmail.com> Sent: Tuesday, November 14, 2023 8:32 AM To: Nathan Schmidt <Nathan.Schmfdt@carlsbadca.gov> Subject: Jefferson Elementary traffic Hi, Mr. Schmidt. I was unable to make the traffic meeting last night at Jefferson Elementary, but the other parents who went said they were so thankful for your listening ear. I walk my two kids to Jefferson Elementary School every day. As they get older, they ask if they can soon walk on their own. I tell them a resounding NO WAY as the traffic stands right now. We live at the end of Chinquapin on the east side of the tracks. I think we get forgotten in the Jefferson Elementary traffic plans since we are on the other side of Tamarack. Chinquapin is becoming a major thoroughfare. Why? It is high density llving. I'd estimate 1,000 residents back here, including more young families than 10 years ago since we are all priced out of homes. Also, tons of biker groups are avoiding the Tamarack intersection. What does the Chinquapin area need? You are the pros, but here are our TOP thoughts: Crosswalk at the end of Jefferson to the other side of Chinquapin. People are darting from in between cars every which way. Offer some direction. (Maybe a crosswalk off Linmar, too!) School zone signs! A crossing guard at Tamarack and Jefferson other ideas: If not a crossing guard at Tamarack/Jefferson, maybe limit right turns during school zone times? Those people turning right are NOT looking out for our kids. Possibly a speed bump or speed table on Chinquapin? A digital "your speed" sign? Sidewalks down both sides of Jefferson all the way to the end. They have time the Tamarack/Jefferson lights better in recent months so the crossing light is a few seconds BEFORE the green light, which has helped a ton. Thank you! We appreciate your attention to our area and look forward to your plans. THANK YOU! Emily Kuhnel Jefferson mom 915-319-4997 DRAFT Jefferson Elementary Safe Routes to School Public Input Report Spring 2024 29 Aug. 5, 2024 Item #5 Page 35 of 122 From: Marie Moreland <marietmccarthy@yahoo.ie> Sent: Wed11esday, January 10, 2024 8:43 AM To: athan Schmidt <nathan.scbmidt@carlsbadca.gov> Subjec.t: Jefferson Elementary safety on the Street atha11 Theres been munerous crashes now on this street. I reside at 3 71 S Jefferson street. I've seen vehicles blow through every stop sign at the T junction with magnolia and one house at the T has had numerous trucks crash into & through their house. Theres safety bollards there now. We are finding it impossible to back out of our driveways safely. Trucks parked in street block the view. We are about to install a mirror on our lamppost outside, as I'd a child on a scooter that nearly hit my car as I was driving out of my driveway and my Tesla was forward facing.I guess they didn't see or hear the car. Luckily I drive at a snails pace as I know how dangerous our street is. Also I've almost been hit and missed from backing out and cars not seeing me if there's large trucks parked on my street. There's been a "'1Teck just recently up the street with someone trying to back out of their driveway. We need speed bumps ASAP. Cars speed up and down this street and don't stop at signs. They side swiped the truck trying to back out of their driveway. Th1HO if you put a eye.le lane in, without speed bU!llpS, there will be fatalities. It's one of the most dangerous & busy streets in Carlsbad. And the only aitery into fue batrio. People pull out of Arco gas stations so fast loo. It's a bit of a blind spot.Traffic and parking will inevitably get worse with the new sea breeze apaitments. We should probably have traffic lights on magnolia. Speed bumps, traffic lights, safety mirrors on latnpposts are a statt before you think of eye.le lanes. Also the principle of Jefferson element.aty has made it more congested due lo the fact they now only allow one of the two drop off lai1es. Feel free to contact me ai1d I cai1 also put you i11 touch with neighbors who have witr1essed all these accidents. It's only a matter of time that there will be a fatality. Marie Morelai1d 949 3711849 Sent from my iPhone ----Orign1al Message----- From: THE TEAM FAMILY <peacelovesimshine@gniail.com> Sent: Wednesday, Jaimary 10, 2024 10:22 AM To: athan Sc.l1midt <nathan.schmidt@carlsbadca.gov> Subject: Safety near schools Hi, The online map was not working on my phone. We need lighted crosswalks and crossing guards near Jefferson Elementary. Specifically at the three way stop sign on magnolia and Jefferson_ Cars run that stop sign all day eve1y day ai1d every morning walking my kids to sc.11001 we almost get hit. Also, the system for sc.11001 drop off and pick up fuat fue new principal at Jefferson implemented, has made walking to sc.1100! extremely dat1gerous. Cars are piled up. Cars get impatient and cross into the ,vrong lat1e to bypass sc.11001 drop off. Kids at1d adults j walk at1d I have seen multiple people almost get hit. It's not safe. It's not fi.mctional. Thank you_ Marion Tean1 Sent from my iPhone DRAFT Jefferson Elementary Safe Routes to School Public Input Report Spring 2024 30 Aug. 5, 2024 Item #5 Page 36 of 122 0 Pam D. • Carlsbad Vil I age Beach • 15 h I have been concerned about the Tamarack/Jefferson intersection for years. People run the red light going East to get on the 1-5 southbound a few seconds faster. Like Reply Share S A F E R TOGETH E R CARLSBAD Safe Routes to School Plan Jefferson Elementary School Summer 2024 Exhibit 3 Aug. 5, 2024 Item #5 Page 37 of 122 {city of FEHR ~ PEERS Carlsbad Table of Contents Introduction .................................................................................................................................................................................................. 1 School context ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 2 Identifying Needs ........................................................................................................................................................................................... 5 Meetings and outreach ................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 5 Summary of findings ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 5 Technical Analysis .......................................................................................................................................................................................... 8 Collision history ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 8 Mode share ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 11 Solutions ..................................................................................................................................................................................................... 12 Infrastructure .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 12 Operations and circulation recommendations ............................................................................................................................................................................ 15 Programmatic recommendations ................................................................................................................................................................................................ 21 Example costs for recommended improvements ....................................................................................................................................................................... 22 Appendices Appendix A: School Site Assessment Summary Report Appendix B: Phase 1 Community Input Summary Appendix C: Tamarack Avenue/Jefferson Street Intersection Configuration Test Results Appendix D: Suggested Pedestrian and Bicycle Access Routes for Jefferson Elementary School Appendix E: Non-Infrastructure Strategies Aug. 5, 2024 Item #5 Page 38 of 122 List of Figures Figure 1: Sage Creek High School Service Area ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 3 Figure 2: Sage Creek Multimodal Circulation ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 4 Figure 3: Collisions by Year and Mode (2018-2022) ............................................................................................................................................................................. 8 Figure 4: Collisions Involving School-Age Victims During School Hours (2018-2022)......................................................................................................................... 10 Figure 5: Current Modes of Transportation........................................................................................................................................................................................ 11 Figure 6: Design Concepts .................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 14 List of Tables Table 1: Sage Creek High School Enrollment Data................................................................................................................................................................................ 2 Table 2: Collisions by Type, Severity, Time of Day, and Primary Collision Factor (2018 – 2022) ......................................................................................................... 9 Table 3: Example Costs for Recommended Improvements ................................................................................................................................................................ 23 Aug. 5, 2024 Item #5 Page 39 of 122 Introduction The City of Carlsbad is committed to helping everyone get around the city in a safe and convenient way, whether by foot, car, bike or public transit. One way the city is improving traffic safety is through a Safe Routes to School Program, which is an approach that focuses on walking and bicycling to school through infrastructure improvements, enforcement and safety education. Other strategies the city uses focus on safe driving. Safe routes to school is part of the broader citywide efforts to improve traffic safety through the Safer Streets Together Plan, which the City Council approved in September 2022 and the Sustainable Mobility Plan approved in January 2021. This document presents the Safe Routes to School Plan for Jefferson Elementary School. The plan outlines specific short- and long-term infrastructure improvements and school programs that will enhance safety and make it more comfortable for families and students to walk and bike to and from school sites. Recommended improvements and programs are informed by industry best practices and reflect Jefferson Elementary School’s unique needs, challenges and opportunities for improving travel conditions. To ensure the Safe Routes to School Plan reflects the community’s needs, values and priorities, the project team relied on community outreach, observations and design expertise. The team conducted field observations, Identify needs •Walk audit •Drop-off/pick-up observations •In-person and online opportunities for input Techical analysis •School commute surveys •Roadway operations •Crossing guard assessment •Collisions Solutions •Programmatic •Infrastructure •Operations and circulation Aug. 5, 2024 Item #5 Page 40 of 122 evaluated circulation patterns, analyzed historical collision data and met with parents to document their concerns. School Context School characteristics Jefferson Elementary School is located at 3743 Jefferson Street, just north of Tamarack Avenue and west of Interstate 5. The school is in the northwest portion of Carlsbad near the Carlsbad Village, Agua Hedionda Lagoon and Carlsbad State Beach. The school enrollment boundary for the elementary school is south of Carlsbad Village Drive, West of Interstate 5, and north of Palomar Airport Road. Except for the Terramar Community south of Agua Hedionda Lagoon, the maximum travel distance to the school within the enrollment boundary is approximately 1.2 miles. Jefferson Elementary additionally has a transitional kindergarten (TK) program which serves students and residents from throughout the city like zones for Buena Vista, Jefferson, Kelly and Magnolia elementary schools. Not every family is close enough to walk or bike, but the more who do, the better traffic will flow and the less time will be spent waiting in school pick- up and drop-off lines. A map of the elementary and transitional kindergarten enrollment boundaries can be found in Figure 1 below. A brief overview of the school’s enrollment data is presented in Table 1. Table 1: Sage Creek High School Enrollment Data Enrollment Data Type1 Total 2022 Cumulative Student Enrollment 448 2022 Number of Faculty 23 1 Source: Education Data Partnership Key transportation facilities and transit services Jefferson Street is a north-south two-lane roadway which runs between Chinquapin Avenue to the south and Magnolia Avenue to the north. Other segments of Jefferson Street within the City are disconnected from the segment adjacent to the school. The roadway is classified as a “school street” between Anchor Way and Tamarack Avenue in the city’s General Plan Mobility Element, which means that the street should be designed with an emphasis on providing safe bicycle and pedestrian access to and from schools. Between Tamarack Avenue and Chinquapin Avenue, Jefferson Street is classified as a “neighborhood connector street”. Sidewalks are provided on both sides of the street except for the east side between Chinquapin Avenue and Tamarack Avenue. A marked crosswalk is provided at Carol Place and a crossing guard is present at that crosswalk during morning drop-off and afternoon pick-up. Tamarack Avenue is an east-west street which runs between Carlsbad Boulevard to the west and College Boulevard to the east. It is classified as a “neighborhood connector street” near Jefferson Elementary, meaning that it connects residents to other neighborhoods and land uses with a focus on managing vehicle speeds and providing facilities to enhance mobility for bicyclists and pedestrians. Near Jefferson Elementary, it is a four-lane facility and provides access to Interstate 5. Sidewalks are present on both sides of the road. Aug. 5, 2024 Item #5 Page 41 of 122 N: \ P r o j e c t s \ 2 0 2 3 _ P r o j e c t s \ 0 4 9 4 _ C a r l s b a d S R T S ( S a f e R o u t e s t o S c h o o l ) \ G I S \ D r a f t _ ( D a t e ) \ C a r l s b a d S R T S . a p r x Jefferson Elementary Enrollment Area Jefferson Elementary Jefferson TK Enrollment Boundary Jefferson Elementary Enrollment Boundary Figure 1 C a nn on Road El Camino Real Colle g e B o ulev a r d Palo m a r A i r port Road T a m arack A v e n u e C a rlsbad V i llage D riv e !"5 ·78 C a r l s b a d B o u l e v a r d Aug. 5, 2024 Item #5 Page 42 of 122 -D C] Carlsbad Shad C, I N A School circulation Access for all travel modes to Jefferson Elementary School is provided via Jefferson Street, with vehicle ingress via the northern driveway and vehicle egress via the southern driveway. Common pedestrian and bicycle routes are shown on Figure 2. There are two vehicle drop-off and pick-up lines: the right lane is for general student drop-off and pick-up. The left lane is for disabled students and vehicular access to the parking lot. Drivers do not always follow instructions to pull as far forward in the lane as possible, causing queues to spill back onto Jefferson Street. Many students walking to and from school are accompanied by parents and use either a sidewalk along the north driveway or a sidewalk/stair immediately across from the Carol Place crosswalk to enter campus. The Carol Place crosswalk is the only marked crosswalk along Jefferson Street between Tamarack Avenue and Magnolia Avenue. Given the age of students, biking to campus is not as common. Students and parents biking to school ride along Jefferson Street to access the campus. Drivers on the egress driveway can turn left or right onto Jefferson Street, although the school has at times prohibited left turns to manage queues and ensure quicker movement through the school drop-off and pick-up line. Figure 2: Sage Creek Multimodal Circulation Common path for bikes and e-bikes Common path for pedestrians Crossing guard location Vehicle drop-off and pick-up route Aug. 5, 2024 Item #5 Page 43 of 122 Identifying Needs Meetings and outreach The following meetings, events, and surveys were utilized to establish an understanding of existing conditions and the needs of students traveling to/from school. This information was used to inform opportunities for infrastructure, programmatic, and operational safety improvements. Principal meeting A meeting was held with principal Emma Cobb on Thursday, October 5, 2023, to discuss an overview of existing pick-up/drop-off operations and concerns regarding safe access to Jefferson Elementary School. Walk audit The project team conducted a walk audit on the morning of October 19, 2023 to observe existing travel patterns after school dismissal, existing barriers to walking and biking, and potential near and long-term opportunities for improving pedestrian and bicycle safety. Walk audit participants included the Jefferson Elementary School principal, City of Carlsbad staff and leadership, and the Carlsbad Police Department staff. A detailed summary of observations gathered during the walk audit is provided in Appendix A. Field observations Drop-off/pick-up activity was observed on January 26, 2023 and October 19, 2023 to understand the current number of students walking and biking to campus, observe vehicle circulation and queues, existing infrastructure, and locations with a high frequency of interactions between pedestrians, bicyclists, and vehicles. Parent listening session and online map survey A parent listening session was held in the evening of Nov. 13, 2023 for the project team to directly engage with parents and caregivers of students to understand their concerns regarding safety near the campus and their ideas for improvements to make access to campus more comfortable for those walking and biking. An online interactive mapping survey was created to gather additional input from parents and community members who were not able to attend the parent listening sessions. Notifications about the online map survey were provided through multiple outlets including the Parent Teacher Association, news releases and e-newsletters, media interview and posts on community web platforms such as Nextdoor. Participants added pins to the map to report their concerns with access to and from the school. A summary of feedback gathered through the in-person and online engagement is provided in Appendix B. Summary of observations Key takeaways and safety concerns are summarized below. On-campus circulation and school driveways • Concentration of activity at the egress driveway creates a hot spot of conflicts between pedestrians and vehicles. • Some pedestrians cross Jefferson Street outside of the designated Carol Place crosswalk to access the school at the ingress driveway to the north. Aug. 5, 2024 Item #5 Page 44 of 122 • The main crosswalk at Carol Place has a crossing guard; however, it does not provide an accessible route. • There are two gates along the campus driveway for drop-off, one for TK at the north end and one for K-5 grades further south. Parents let students out of the car right at the gates and do not pull forward, even with staff present. Jefferson Street/Tamarack Avenue intersection • Southbound traffic on Jefferson backs up from the signal at Tamarack to the outbound driveway and beyond, often blocking the crosswalk at Carol Place and slowing the flow of the school drop-off and pick-up line. • Congestion at the I-5 interchange spills back to this intersection at times, causing delays to southbound left-turns and creating an uncomfortable environment for pedestrians and bicyclists. • Right-turning traffic is fast and does not always yield to pedestrians in west leg and north leg crosswalks, especially if they are looking left for oncoming vehicles. Vehicles exiting the outbound school driveway conflict with pedestrians on Jefferson Street near Carol Place. Long southbound queues on Jefferson Street at Tamarack Avenue affect driveway operations and pedestrian traffic around the school. Aug. 5, 2024 Item #5 Page 45 of 122 Jefferson Street north of Jefferson Elementary School • Right-turning vehicles from Magnolia Avenue to Jefferson Street do not stop fully due to wide corner curb radii. Skewed crossings create longer crossing distances. • There is a desire for traffic calming along Jefferson, north of the Carol Place crosswalk, to slow vehicle traffic. • Parents park on Jefferson and Anchor Way to walk their children to campus. Vehicles parking right up to the corners at the Anchor Way/Jefferson Street intersection reduce sight lines for vehicles and pedestrians. • The housing project at the end of Carol Place has reduced the number of locations available for parking and walking during pick- up/drop-off. Tamarack Avenue • Vehicles speeding along Tamarack Avenue is a common concern. • There is approximately 2,000 feet between the Jefferson Street crosswalk and Garfield Street crosswalk with no marked crossing in between. Noted in the public outreach was a request for a new marked crossing at Hibiscus Circle. • Students often use the informal dirt trail along the east side of the railroad tracks and south of Tamarack Ave, which creates a challenge for crossing Tamarack since there is no marked crossing. • Noted in the public outreach was poor lighting and visibility at the marked crosswalks at the Garfield / Tamarack intersection. • Navigating the I-5 on- and off-ramps is challenging for pedestrians and bicyclists. South of Tamarack Avenue • Vehicles use Chinquapin Avenue to Jefferson Street as an alternative route to Tamarack to avoid congestion at the I-5 interchange and have been observed at high speeds along this route. • The bridge over I-5 on Chinquapin only has one narrow sidewalk on the north side. • Larger curb radii allow for higher speed turns at the Chinquapin Avenue / Jefferson Street intersection. There are no marked crosswalks and sidewalk gaps at this intersection, which creates an uncomfortable environment for pedestrians. • The lack of sidewalks on side streets such as Linmar Lane, Hibiscus Circle, and the east side of Jefferson Street (south of Tamarack Avenue) create a disconnected pedestrian network and limit off- campus drop-off locations. Pedestrians must walk in the street if they wish to remain on a particular side of the road. Aug. 5, 2024 Item #5 Page 46 of 122 Technical Analysis In addition to field work and community outreach, safety data and mode share survey results were analyzed to provide greater context to field observations and community feedback and to better inform final recommendations. Collision history Collision data from 2018 through 2022 was analyzed to assess roadway safety conditions near Jefferson Elementary School. Collisions on state highway facilities (e.g., Interstate 5) were excluded from the dataset, except those located at the intersection of a state highway ramp and a city- maintained roadway. To better understand the collision trends on school routes involving school-going children, citywide collisions were filtered by the following factors: • Within a quarter-mile radius of the school property (school influence area) → 26 collisions • Involving victim(s) age 18 or under → 11 collisions • During school drop-off (7am to 9am) or pick-up (1pm to 3pm) period → 6 collisions Collisions that occurred on Saturdays and Sundays were included to capture weekend school activities. Collisions by year and mode From 2018 to 2022, there were six (6) total injury collisions. Five (5) of these collisions (83 percent) involved a pedestrian or bicyclist, as shown in Figure 3. Figure 3: Collisions by Year and Mode (2018-2022) A full breakdown of the collisions by type, severity, time of day, and primary collision factor is provided in Table 2. 0 1 2 3 4 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 Nu m b e r o f C o l l i s i o n s Vehicle Bike Ped Aug. 5, 2024 Item #5 Page 47 of 122 ■ ■ ■ Table 2: Collisions by Type, Severity, Time of Day, and Primary Collision Factor (2018 – 2022) Collision ID Primary Collision Factor Time of Day Collision Type Severity Drop-Off (7- 9am) Pick-Up (2-4pm) Head-On Sideswipe Rear End Broadside Vehicle/ Pedestrian Fatal or Severe Injury (KSI) Other Visible Injury Complaint of Pain 1 Vehicle Right of Way Violation X X X 2 Wrong Side of Road X X X 3 Unsafe Speed X X X 4 Unsafe Speed X X X 5 Traffic Signals and Signs X X X 6 Unsafe Speed X X X Aug. 5, 2024 Item #5 Page 48 of 122 I I C o a s t a l R a i l T r a i l Figure 4Collisions Involving School-Age Victims During School Hours (2018-2022) ID: 8841796Unsafe Speed ID: 81941789Unsafe Speed ID: 82088888Unsafe SpeedBike-Bike collision Collisions Involving Bicyclist Collisions Involving Pedestrian Collisions Involving Vehicles Only Excessive Speeding Events (Top 40%) Harsh Braking Events (Top 10%) Hard Acceleration Events (Top 10%) Map includes collisions that are: 1) Within 1/4-mile radius of school property (school influence area), 2) Involving victims of age 18 or under, 3) During school dop-off (7am-9am) or pick-up (1pm-3pm) periods. ID: 81775617Failure to YieldBroadside, 14 y/o WB bicyclist did not yield at stop sign and made left turn, NB vehicle ROW violation ID: 8826832Complex IntersectionBroadside, 15 y/o SB bicyclist was riding on wrong side of road/not riding as close as practicable to right-hand curb, NB driver was proceeding straight 5 ID: 82088845Broadside, 14 y/o WB bicyclist was traveling wrong way/did not stop at line, NB driver was proceeding straight 5 6 3 2 1 4 Aug. 5, 2024 Item #5 Page 49 of 122 • ' ' ' ', '~ Magnolia Ave ,.i.i,. ml • -- Jefferson Elementary 1\ I I I I I I I • • ('Cityof Carlsbad Mode share Mode share refers to the percentage of travelers who use a particular type of transportation including walking, biking, driving, transit, or other options. A survey was administered by teachers asking students about their current mode share (how they get to and from school on most days). Approximately 45% of kindergarten through 6th grade students were captured in the survey results. Results are shown in Figure 5. On average, 73% of students who responded traveled to and from school in a vehicle. Of those, 90% were dropped-off or picked-up at the school entrance and 10% were dropped-off or picked-up at or parked and walked from a nearby location. The remaining 27% of students traveled to and from school using active modes (biking, walking, or other), including 22% who walked to and from school. This is a higher percentage of students who walk to Jefferson Elementary compared to many other elementary schools locally and nationally. Travel Figure 5: Current Modes of Transportation mode data to and from school collected for the Oceanside Safe Routes to School Plan (2021) showed no elementary schools in Oceanside with a combined walk and bike mode share of over 20%, and only three of the 13 elementary schools with a combined walk and bike mode share of over 10%. While Jefferson Elementary parents were not surveyed, parent surveys conducted for the Oceanside Safe Routes to School Plan indicated that unsafe intersections were the biggest concern with allowing their children to walk or bike to school, along with living too far away from school. This aligns with statewide trends, as well as feedback received from Jefferson Elementary parents during outreach events that current vehicle speeds and intersection configurations and operations around the Jefferson Elementary create an uncomfortable environment for walking and biking to school. Little difference in mode share was observed between transitional kindergarten students and elementary school students. Some variability in mode share was shown in the survey results between the morning drop-off and afternoon pick-up. While only 18% of students walked to school in the morning, 24% of students walked home from school in the afternoon. This 6% increase in walking corresponded with a 6% decrease in students taking vehicles home from school as compared to taking vehicles to school in the morning. The data illustrates that most students currently use a vehicle to get to and from school and are dropped-off or picked-up at the school entrance. This highlights an opportunity for those trips to be converted to walking trips by using the recommendations in the following sections to improve walking infrastructure, enhance vehicle circulation to reduce potential conflicts with pedestrians, and consider educational programs that promote walking to school. 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 Walk E-Bike Bicycle (non-electric) Family Vehicle… Carpool… Bus Jefferson Elementary Mode Share Aug. 5, 2024 Item #5 Page 50 of 122 L I ■ ~ I I I Solutions For a holistic approach to improving bicycling and walking conditions around schools, a Safe Routes to School Program usually relies on a two- pronged approach: physical infrastructure improvements and programmatic improvements. Programmatic recommendations focus on promoting more walking and biking through educational efforts or initiatives that encourage walking and biking. Short and long-term infrastructure recommendations and school programs which will improve and promote walking and biking safety and access are covered in the following sections. Infrastructure Recommended design concepts to improve walking and bicycling conditions around Jefferson Elementary vary in scale and location. Some similar concepts are recommended at multiple locations while other concepts may be recommended in just one location depending on context. Recommended design concepts, including infrastructure as well as operations and circulation improvements, are presented in Figure 6. Most of the recommendations are assumed to be long-term solutions to account for engineering design, funding and construction. A few signing and striping solutions, which could be implemented in the near-term, are called out below and on the maps. Near-term improvements • Keep Clear pavement markings at the school driveway exit • “Please Pull Forward” signage in the drop-off/pick-up line to create a more efficient queue and reduce spillback onto Jefferson Long-term improvements • Curb extensions at intersections along Jefferson Street at Magnolia Avenue, Anchor Way, and Chinquapin Avenue; and along Tamarack Avenue at Hibiscus Circle and Garfield Street to reduce turning radii, slow vehicle speeds, and shorten crossing distances. • Sidewalks where none exist and where setbacks allow along Chinquapin Avenue and Linmar Lane. • Sidewalk widening along the Chinquapin bridge over the I-5. • Speed tables along Jefferson Street and Chinquapin Avenue to reduce speeding from reported cut-through traffic. ◦ The proposed locations of the speed tables are preliminary suggestions. The City will conduct a thorough traffic engineering analysis following the City’s Residential Traffic Management Program guidelines. The final placement will consider traffic volume, speed data, road conditions, and community input to ensure effective traffic calming measures. • High Visibility Crosswalks at Jefferson Street/Chinquapin Avenue and Coastal Rail Trail extension • New mid-block crossing at Coastal Rail Trail extension along Tamarack Avenue ◦ Prior to extension of Coastal Rail Trail, the following interim crossing improvement options are recommended: A) Raised mid-block crosswalk between trail and Hibiscus Circle or B) Aug. 5, 2024 Item #5 Page 51 of 122 Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacon with high-visibility crosswalk at Tamarack Avenue / Hibiscus Circle • Median refuge islands at the existing crossing at Tamarack Avenue and Garfield Street and the proposed crossing at the Coastal Rail Trail extension • Improved lighting for existing crosswalks at Tamarack Avenue / Garfield Street Aug. 5, 2024 Item #5 Page 52 of 122 CONCEPTUAL - NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION. ADDITIONAL DETAILED ANALYSIS AND ENGINEERING DESIGN REQUIRED. Title Title Title Key Map FIGURE 6-1 FIGURE 6-2 FIGURE 6-3 FIGURE 6-3 FIGURE 6-4 FIGURE 6-5 FIGURE 6-6 Jefferson Elementary Safe Routes to SchoolInfrastructure Recommendations Key Map Aug. 5, 2024 Item #5 Page 53 of 122 .8 0 ..,. N 0 N g 1"=100' CONCEPTUAL - NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION. ADDITIONAL DETAILED ANALYSIS AND ENGINEERING DESIGN REQUIRED. Title Title Title Figure 1 MA T C H L I N E - S E E F I G U R E 2 JEFFERSON ST AN C H O R W A Y CA R O L P L MAG N O L I A A V E Near term:"PLEASE PULLFORWARD" signage Speed table*between drivewayconflicts Near term: "KEEP CLEAR"pavement markings Raised crosswalk(recently installed) Curb extensions tosquare up intersection,shorten crossingdistances and removedriveway conflict Approximately two (2) parkingstalls to be removed Curb extensions to improvevisibility of pedestriansaround parked cars Approximately two (2) parking stallsto be removed Jefferson Elementary Safe Routes to SchoolInfrastructure Recommendations Figure 6-1 480'-0" * The speed table locations are conceptual recommendations. Final placement will be determined through additional traffic engineering analysis per the City's Residential Traffic Management Program. Aug. 5, 2024 Item #5 Page 54 of 122 Ap r 08 , 20 2 4 GA D D FIL E : W: \ S a n Die g a N Dr i v e \ P r a j e c t s \ 2 0 2 3 _ P r a j e c t s \ 0 4 9 4 _ C a r l s b a d SR T S (S a f e Ro u t e s ta Sc h o o l ) \ G r o p h i c s \ C A D \ 0 4 9 4 - C o n c e p t . d w g ., 1"=100' CONCEPTUAL - NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION. ADDITIONAL DETAILED ANALYSIS AND ENGINEERING DESIGN REQUIRED. Title Title Title MA T C H L I N E - S E E F I G U R E 3 MA T C H L I N E - S E E F I G U R E 1 MATCHLINE - SEE FIGURE 6 MATCHLINE - SEE FIGURE 5 Figure 2 JEFFERSON ST TA M A R A C K A V E LINMAR LN Speed tables*for trafficcalming Potential sidewalksfor connectedpedestrian route Near-term:Striping for twosouthbound lanes(separate left andthrough/right) foradditional queuingcapacity Approximately four (4)parking stalls to be removed Near-term:LED pedestrian-activated NoRight Turn on Red signs whilestudents are crossing in northand west crosswalks ESTIMATED CALTRANS RIGHT-OF-WAY Jefferson Elementary Safe Routes to SchoolInfrastructure Recommendations Figure 6-2 Note: Linmar Lane is an "Alternative Design Street" which requires special approval for sidewalks 320'-0" * The speed table locations are conceptual recommendations. Final placement will be determined through additional traffic engineering analysis per the City's Residential Traffic Management Program. Aug. 5, 2024 Item #5 Page 55 of 122 Ap r 08 , 20 2 4 GA D D FIL E : W: \ S a n Die g a N Dr i v e \ P r a j e c t s \ 2 0 2 3 _ P r a j e c t s \ 0 4 9 4 _ C a r l s b a d SR T S (S a f e Ro u t e s ta Sc h o o l ) \ G r o p h i c s \ C A D \ 0 4 9 4 - C o n c e p t . d w g ., 1"=100' CONCEPTUAL - NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION. ADDITIONAL DETAILED ANALYSIS AND ENGINEERING DESIGN REQUIRED. Title Title Title MA T C H L I N E - S E E T O P R I G H T MATCHLINE - SEE FIGURE 2 MA T C H L I N E - S E E B O T T O M L E F T Figure 3 JE F F E R S O N ST CHINQUAPIN AVE CHINQUAPIN AVE HA R R I S O N ST AD A M S S T Speed table* fortraffic calming Speed table* fortraffic calming 12 ' - 0 " 12 ' - 0 " Caltrans Right-of-Way:Structural evaluationwith sidewalkwidening on northside Jefferson Elementary Safe Routes to SchoolInfrastructure Recommendations Figure 6-3 APPROXIMATE CALTRANS RIGHT-OF-WAY Curb extensions with sidewalkextension and crosswalks to createconnected pedestrian routes Approximately three (3) parking stalls to beremoved 10 ' - 0 " 340'-0" * The speed table locations are conceptual recommendations. Final placement will be determined through additional traffic engineering analysis per the City's Residential Traffic Management Program. Aug. 5, 2024 Item #5 Page 56 of 122 -3 0 1"=100' CONCEPTUAL - NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION. ADDITIONAL DETAILED ANALYSIS AND ENGINEERING DESIGN REQUIRED. Title Title Title MA T C H L I N E - S E E F I G U R E 5 Figure 4 TAMARACK AVE GA R F I E L D S T Jefferson Elementary Safe Routes to SchoolInfrastructure Recommendations Figure 6-4 Curb extensions to improve pedestrianvisibility, improved pedestrian lighting,and study to evaluate refuge island inplace of left turn lanes on Tamarack Approximately four (4) parking stalls to be removed Aug. 5, 2024 Item #5 Page 57 of 122 Ap r 08 , 20 2 4 GA D D FIL E : W: \ S a n Die g a N Dr i v e \ P r a j e c t s \ 2 0 2 3 _ P r a j e c t s \ 0 4 9 4 _ C a r l s b a d SR T S (S a f e Ro u t e s ta Sc h o o l ) \ G r o p h i c s \ C A D \ 0 4 9 4 - C o n c e p t . d w g ., ~ 1"=100' CONCEPTUAL - NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION. ADDITIONAL DETAILED ANALYSIS AND ENGINEERING DESIGN REQUIRED. Title Title Title MA T C H L I N E - S E E F I G U R E 2 MA T C H L I N E - S E E F I G U R E 4 Figure 5 TAMARACK AVE HI B I S C U S C I R SH E R I D A N P L Jefferson Elementary Safe Routes to SchoolInfrastructure Recommendations Figure 6-5 Curb extension to alignwith proposed RRFB andcrosswalk Approximately one (1) parkingstall to be removed Fu t u r e a l i g n m e n t o f Co a s t a l R a i l T r a i l Co a s t a l R a i l T r a i l Approximate railroad right-of-way Interim / Temporary Improvement(to provide additional crossing ofTamarack before completion ofCoastal Rail Trail extension andcrossing): A) Raised mid-block crossingORB) New crosswalk with RectangularRapid Flashing Beacon (RRFB) Coastal Rail Trail crossing(with future extension oftrail). Considersignalization to coordinatewith railroad crossing andclear vehicles from tracks. Aug. 5, 2024 Item #5 Page 58 of 122 .8 0 ..,. N 0 N g 1"=100' CONCEPTUAL - NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION. ADDITIONAL DETAILED ANALYSIS AND ENGINEERING DESIGN REQUIRED. Title Title Title MA T C H L I N E - S E E F I G U R E 2 Figure 6 TAMARACK AVE PI O P I C O D R Working with regional partnersto evaluate multimodalimprovements at interchangelocations APPROXIMATE CALTRANS RIGHT-OF-WAY Jefferson Elementary Safe Routes to SchoolInfrastructure Recommendations Figure 6-6 Aug. 5, 2024 Item #5 Page 59 of 122 ~ I .J. ~ ~ % ~ :::::: 1 .8 i V) ~ -.:: 0 J ~ { f_ ~ ~ ~ f_ 1 0 '.;!, 3i ~ & 0 0 <l ..,. N 0 N g ~ Operations and circulation recommendations Changes to signal timing, off-campus circulation, and on-campus circulation can improve vehicle flow and enhance pedestrian and bicycle safety by reducing potential conflicts. Near-term improvements • A map illustrating preferred pick-up and drop-off routes for pedestrians and drivers within the immediate school vicinity can be used as a handout to parents and made available on the school’s website to guide students and parents along the safest existing facilities during pick-up and drop-off. This resource can be implemented in the near-term and is available in Appendix D. Additional “Suggested Route Maps” such as the maps the City created as a part of the 2020 Sustainable Mobility Plan show a wider network of routes which can be referenced for longer trips. • A valet curbside drop-off program can be offered by older students who complete traffic safety training. Students would wear bright safety vests and direct drivers to pull as far forward as possible, open passenger door for students to exit, close the door, and direct drivers to exit the drop-off area. • Restripe the southbound approach at the Jefferson Street/Tamarack Avenue signal to remove curbside parking (approximately four spaces on the west side of Jefferson Street, just north of Tamarack Avenue) and include a dedicated left-turn lane and a shared through-right-turn lane to provide additional queueing capacity. Additionally, install LED no-right-turn signs that are activated during pedestrian crossings to prohibit right- turn-on-red across the north and west crosswalks while students are crossing. These concepts were tested in traffic operations software and results are provided in Appendix C. In general, southbound vehicle queues are expected to decrease such that they do not block the school exit driveway and main school crosswalk on Jefferson as often. Average vehicle delay at the intersection is expected to decrease. Programmatic recommendations In addition to infrastructure recommendations, the following policies and programs provide for broader systemwide improvements to help support and enhance active transportation at the school and local level. More details on these recommendations and additional resources can be found in Appendix E. Bike/pedestrian education Traffic safety instruction during recess, PE, or other appropriate learning times can provide opportunities for students to develop their knowledge and skills regarding bike and pedestrian safety, traffic safety, bike handling, safe riding practices (“street smarts”), helmet fit, and bike prep. This can be in conjunction with or in addition to other programs and resources offered by the City, such as the bike and e-bike safety course offered by the Carlsbad Police Department. Crossing guard program and promotional education School staff, city staff, paid contractors or volunteers serving in the role of a crossing guard should receive training on at least a biennial basis to ensure they are performing their duties properly and safely. Providing education on and promoting the importance of listening to crossing guards’ directions through events such as an annual Crossing Guard Appreciation Day helps encourage students, parents, caregivers, and drivers to follow crossing guards’ directions, show appreciation, and pay more attention to crossing guards. Aug. 5, 2024 Item #5 Page 60 of 122 School board policy Carlsbad Unified School District’s (CUSD) adoption of California Board of Education Board Policy (BP) 5142.2 Safe Routes to School Program can be leveraged to grow SRTS efforts and secure grant funding for future SRTS initiatives. School champion toolkit Walking and biking programs can be started or grown by providing educational how-to guides to parents, caregivers, and others who volunteer time and energy to promoting walking and biking to and from school. School communications Jefferson Elementary should utilize regular school communication channels such as newsletters, social media, websites, and in-person events to promote safe walking, bicycling, and driving behavior that supports and encourages active travel. Walk to School and/or Bike to School Day Walk to School and Bike to School days are events that take place before school and encourage students to walk or bike on a particular day, often with incentives for participation. Example costs for recommended improvements The following table provides an overview of example costs associated with typical projects by type, to provide additional information that can support Jefferson Elementary School and Carlsbad Unified School District in prioritizing project ideas, coordinating with city engineering staff, pursuing grant funding or identifying other funding opportunities. Aug. 5, 2024 Item #5 Page 61 of 122 Table 3: Example Costs for Recommended Improvements Recommended Improvements Project Type Cost Estimate Assumptions Sidewalk Enhancements Sidewalks (per mile) $2,400,000 One side of the road, 6 foot wide Pedestrian Crossing Enhancements High-visibility crosswalk (40 feet long) $5,000 40 feet long, striping and signage only Concrete curb extensions (varying extents) $100,000 One corner of average size, includes curb ramps Rapid rectangular flashing beacon $50,000 Solar-powered Pedestrian hybrid beacon $400,000 Pedestrian signs (per sign) $3,000 Existing signal timing adjustments $10,000 Reprogramming without any new equipment New or upgraded signal $400,000-$1,000,000 Cost of variable depending on size of intersection and equipment needed Speed Management Speed Table or Raised Crosswalk $20,000 Lighting Roadway lighting (per mile) $1,000,000 120’ spacing, includes fixtures, poles, pull boxes, conduits, etc. Pedestrian-scale lighting (per mile) $2,000,000 60’ spacing, includes fixtures, poles, pull boxes, conduits, etc. Intersection lighting $100,000 Includes fixtures, poles, pull boxes, conduits, etc. Bicycle Enhancements Class I path (per mile) $6,340,000 12’ path with 3’ landscape buffer, assumes relatively simple design context with no rebuilding of curb and gutter Class II bicycle lane (per mile) $200,000 Signing and striping of bike facility only Class III bicycle route (per mile) $50,000 Signs and sharrows only Class IV bicycle lane (per mile) $8,500,000 6’ bike facility with 3’ landscape buffer in each direction Note: These costs are order of magnitude costs for planning-level estimates. They include materials and labor, and do not include soft costs such as design, surveying, construction management, etc. Costs for civil improvements were derived from estimates developed for the Carlsbad Sustainable Mobility Implementation Plan. Source: Fehr & Peers Aug. 5, 2024 Item #5 Page 62 of 122 l l I i I I Appendix A: School Site Assessment Summary Report Aug. 5, 2024 Item #5 Page 63 of 122 To: Fehr and Peers; City of Carlsbad From: Alta Planning + Design Date: December 18, 2023 Re: School Site Assessment Summary Report for Jefferson Elementary School Jefferson Elementary School The Carlsbad Safe Route to School (SRTS) project team conducted one walk audit and one listening session at Jefferson Elementary School in order to understand safety concerns and identity ways to promote active travel for the school commute. This memo summarizes the findings from the walk audit and the listening session. Walk Audit A walk audit was conducted at Jefferson School in the City of Carlsbad on the morning of October 19, 2023. Walk audit participants included the Jefferson Elementary School principal, City of Carlsbad staff and leadership, Carlsbad Police Department staff, Fehr & Peers staff, and Alta Planning + Design staff. Figure 1 shows the main locations that were assessed during the walk audit. Figure 1. Jefferson Elementary School Walk Audit Location Map Aug. 5, 2024 Item #5 Page 64 of 122 Figure 2 shows existing condition locations as observed or reported by participants during the walk audit. Specific details and potential opportunities for each numbered location are provided in the following sections. Figure 2. Jefferson Elementary School Existing Condition Locations Aug. 5, 2024 Item #5 Page 65 of 122 1. School Driveway – Pick-up/Drop-off Zone • Two lanes serve the pick-up/drop off zone. Principal Cobb described the following traffic patterns of the pick- up/drop-off period: o E-bikes/Bikes/Scooters pick-up/drop-off is allowed in the school parking lot. o Eight (8) staff are present during the pick-up/drop-off hours: 6 staff + 2 staff for Transitional kindergarten (TK) o Teachers, per contract, are required/allowed to provide one (1) duty activity/day, which includes monitoring pick-up and drop-off. o TK parents/caregivers usually drop off their kids at the yellow curb at the start of the curbside drop- off because the gate for TK is at the first turning corner of the school driveway. o TK drop-off period is around 7:30 am – 7:50 am, school staff pull out delineator to create a two-lane flow after 7:50 am. • The outer lane of the two-lane flow is designated for parents/caregivers who have special education students. These cars have a sticker indicating this on their windshields. • Parents/caregivers are inclined to let students out of the cars right at the school gate and do not pull forward, even with all the staff present. o Possible programmatic recommendation – adding “please pull forward” signage and educating parents/caregivers. • Afternoon pick up duration is about 10 minutes. Aug. 5, 2024 Item #5 Page 66 of 122 Walk audit participants discuss travel concerns around Jefferson Elementary School on the morning of October 19, 2023. 2. Jefferson Street/Carol Place – School Driveway Exit at Jefferson Street • The school driveway exit has one left-turn lane and one right-turn lane. • The Jefferson Street/Carol Place intersection has high visibility crosswalks. • The Jefferson Street/Carol Place crossing has a School Crossing Guard during the pick-up/drop-off periods. Some comments about the school crossing guard received during the walk audit: o Really great School Crossing Guard! o Partially paid for by City (Carlsbad Police Department) o Also is a Yard Duty for the school (Carlsbad Unified School District) • Parents/caregivers feel overwhelmed because too many things happen simultaneously at this location, especially during the pick-up/drop-off periods: people exiting school driveway turning left or right; heavy traffic on Jefferson Street; students crossing Jefferson Street; pedestrians walking on the sidewalk; and e- bikes/bikes/scooters on Jefferson Street. • Some parents/caregivers reported that they could not see pedestrians due to the uphill exit from driveway. • Left-turn traffic exiting the school driveway onto Jefferson blocks the traffic flow. • Parents/caregivers do not like the idea of making both exit lanes right-turn only. Aug. 5, 2024 Item #5 Page 67 of 122 Traffic congestion happened at the school driveway exit at Jefferson Street. Traffic conflicts between different road users. Aug. 5, 2024 Item #5 Page 68 of 122 3. School Driveway Entrance at Jefferson Street • Some parents/caregivers and students cross Jefferson Street at this intersection even though there is no crosswalk here. o It is challenging to add a crosswalk crossing Jefferson Street at this location because of the housing driveways on the other side of the street o The Principal commented that a crosswalk at this location would help people walking from the north to enter the school grounds sooner and avoid potential vehicle conflicts along the school frontage, where vehicle congestion is higher. • A parent/caregiver commented that this entrance is the only location that has an accessibility path, so disabled people coming from different directions must detour to enter/exit from this path. 4. Jefferson Street/Anchor Way • Some parents/caregivers and students cross Jefferson Street at this intersection even though there is no crosswalk here. o It is challenging to add a crosswalk crossing Jefferson Street at this location because of the housing driveways on the other side of the street. o The Principal commented that a crosswalk at this location would help people walking from the north to enter the school grounds sooner and avoid potential vehicle conflicts along the school frontage, where vehicle congestion is higher. • Anchor Way is also a “park and walk” location. Parents/staff noted that vehicles park near or at curb, reducing sight distances for vehicles exiting Anchor Way onto Jefferson at a very busy intersection for vehicles and pedestrians • 5. Jefferson Street/Tamarack Avenue • This intersection is wide and has busy traffic. • Right turning cars at this intersection are fast and usually do not stop fully. • Several parents/caregivers have suggested a School Crossing Guard at this intersection. • Parents / Principal noted that recent signal timing changes have helped with vehicle queues clearing, which was impacting the School exit driveway and adding to the congestion and confusion at that location Aug. 5, 2024 Item #5 Page 69 of 122 Faded crosswalks at this wide intersection at Jefferson Street/Tamarack Avenue Cars backing up on Tamarack Avenue at Jefferson Street/Tamarack Avenue, blocking the pedestrian crosswalks. 6. Jefferson Street • According to school staff, speeding along Jefferson Street is an issue, but not during pick-up/drop-off periods. • Missing sidewalk on the east side of Jefferson Street between Tamarack Avenue and Chinquapin Avenue, and there is no crosswalk along this segment for kids to cross Jefferson Street. • Parents/caregivers have observed speeding cars fly down from Tamarack Avenue to Chinquapin Avenue. Aug. 5, 2024 Item #5 Page 70 of 122 Missing sidewalk on the east side of Jefferson Street between Tamarack Avenue and Chinquapin Avenue. 7. Jefferson Street and Chinquapin Avenue • No marked crosswalks at this intersection to cross Jefferson Street or Chinquapin Avenue. • There are no sidewalks along the northeast corner of the intersection. Only the west side of Jefferson Street has sidewalks. • A wide radius at the northeast corner curb turning right from Chinquapin Avenue to Jefferson Street. Aug. 5, 2024 Item #5 Page 71 of 122 Wide right turn turning radius and absence of crosswalks at the intersection of Jefferson Street and Chinquapin Avenue. 8. Chinquapin Avenue and I-5 Overcrossing • There is no sidewalk on the south side of this overcrossing, and the sidewalk on the north side on Chinquapin Avenue is very narrow and inconsistent. • Parents/caregivers have observed speeding cars on Chinquapin Avenue because drivers take Chinquapin Avenue as an alternative route to Tamarack Avenue. Aug. 5, 2024 Item #5 Page 72 of 122 Only the north side of this I-5 Overcrossing on Chinquapin Avenue has a sidewalk. Narrow and inconsistent sidewalk on both sides of Chinquapin Avenue. Aug. 5, 2024 Item #5 Page 73 of 122 9. Tamarack Avenue • A parent/caregiver representative living on Tamarack Avenue to the east of the I-5 freeway mentioned having issues walking on the “safer routes” suggested by the city because: o Speeding cars on Tamarack Avenue. o Limited safe crossing locations along Tamarack Avenue. • A parent/caregiver representative living on Tamarack Avenue to the west of Jefferson Street reported the absence of a safe crossing location crossing Tamarack Avenue. It’s about 2,000 feet between the Garfield Street crosswalks and Jefferson Street crosswalks. • Some parents/caregivers would love to see more new high visibility crosswalk along Tamarack Avenue. • Some parents/caregivers suggested to install speed cushions and to lower the speed limit along Tamarack Avenue. 10. Tamarack Avenue/Coastal Rail Trail • This is a location where many pedestrians and bicyclists cross Tamarack to access the Coastal Rail Trail • There are minimum gaps in the flow of vehicle traffic traveling on Tamarack Avenue, unless there is a train coming at the crossing, making it challenging for families to find opportunities to cross. • Parents/caregivers suggested a crosswalk with a push button crossing Tamarack Avenue at this location. 11. Jefferson Street/Magnolia Avenue • Right-turn cars turning from Magnolia Avenue to Jefferson Street usually do not stop fully because of the wide turning radius. • A parent/caregiver reported that this intersection is chaotic. 12. Cul-de-sac at Carol Place • Affordable and dense housing projects are being built at Jefferson Street and Carol Place, which will add vehicle and pedestrian trips to the surrounding roadways compared to existing conditions. o Removal of the Harding Street connection to Carol Place as a part of this project has reduced locations available for parents/caregivers to park and walk and has increased both pedestrian and vehicle traffic on Jefferson Street by removing a parallel route. • Some parents/caregivers drop off their students at a nearby abandoned lot (abandoned restaurant) near the cul-de-sac of Carol Place. • Parents/caregivers cannot currently use the cul-de-sac to park and walk because of blocking from the construction trucks. Additional Walk Audit Notes • Jefferson is a feeder school for TK in Carlsbad, so most TK students come from other areas across the city, increasing the car traffic near the school. About 100 TK students travel to school by car. These students likely have less opportunity to switch from driving to walking since they are traveling from further away. • Park-and-walk is hard in nearby neighborhoods because parking is limited with red curbs. Listening Sessions One listening session was conducted at Jefferson Elementary School the evening of November 13, 2023. The event was promoted through social media and emails. In total, approximately five parents/caregivers and other school Aug. 5, 2024 Item #5 Page 74 of 122 stakeholders attended the listening sessions. Below is a summary of the key themes shared with the Carlsbad SRTS project team during the listening sessions. E-Bike/Bike Ridership • Parent/caregivers provided the following feedbacks for the bike safety class: o No speaker system, so some students could not hear the officer talking. o Some parents/caregivers still do not feel safe for students to bike to school after the class because of the roadway conditions. Walking Environment • Disconnected sidewalks create barriers for students to walk to/from the school. • A parent/caregiver commented on the leading pedestrian signal that some drivers start turning right/left when they see the pedestrian lights turn green, even though the traffic lights for car are still red. o Drivers are often looking in the direction of opposing traffic (left) before turning right and don’t always notice pedestrians in the crosswalk to their right when the light turns green or during the leading pedestrian interval. Other Feedback • Carlsbad Public Works mentioned there is a three-stage traffic study in Carlsbad, which will affect Tamarack Avenue, and some suggestions they are considering include curb extensions and speed cushions. Aug. 5, 2024 Item #5 Page 75 of 122 Appendix B: Phase 1 Community Input Summary Aug. 5, 2024 Item #5 Page 76 of 122 Traffic safety remains core of the City of Carlsbad’s mission. Through the city’s local emergency on traffic safety, Aug. 23, 2022 – Sept. 8, 2023, city staff initiated and continue to carry out a wide variety of programs, projects and initiatives to enhance the safe use of city streets. Some could be completed immediately while others are longer term in nature. One of the programs in the Safer Streets Together Plan that the City Council approved is a Safe Routes to School program. About the project The City of Carlsbad is committed to helping everyone get around the city in a safe and convenient way, whether by foot, car, bike or public transit. One way the city is improving traffic safety is through a Safe Routes to School Program, which is an approach that focuses on walking and bicycling to school through infrastructure improvements, enforcement and safety education. Other strategies the city uses focus on safe driving. The city is working on several Safe Routes to School plans with Carlsbad schools, including Jefferson Elementary School, to reflect the community’s vision, values and priorities. The plan will outline specific short- and long-term infrastructure improvements and school programs that support families and students biking and walking to and from school sites. Jefferson Elementary has unique programs that draw students from throughout the city, so not every family is close enough to walk or bike. But the more who do, the better traffic will flow and the less time will be spent waiting in school pick-up and drop-off lines. The city anticipates expanding the program to other schools in Carlsbad in the coming years as budgets allow. Aug. 5, 2024 Item #5 Page 77 of 122 Safe Routes to School - Jefferson Elementary School Phase 1 Community Input Summary {city of Carlsbad DRAFT Jefferson Elementary Safe Routes to School Public Input Report Spring 2024 2 Design considerations Over the past few years, the city has gathered community input on various traffic safety projects throughout the city. Through every project, the following considerations are taken into account when seeking feedback: • Plans must reflect the policy direction already approved by the City Council in various planning documents. • Improvements must be designed according to state traffic safety standards and traffic laws. • Designs need to meet the needs of first responders and other emergency services. To ensure the Safe Routes to School plans reflect community needs, values and priorities, the city developed a community engagement approach consisting of three main opportunities for input: Phase 1: Areas for improvements October 2023 – January 2024 The first phase will gather feedback about areas of opportunity and concern and determine where the community would most like to see enhancements for walking and biking. Phase 2: Feedback on draft plan Summer 2024 Based on community input and technical studies, the project team will develop a draft Safe Routes to School plan, which outlines recommended short-term and long-term infrastructure improvements in and around each campus. The draft plan will be shared with the school and community for additional feedback and be presented to the Traffic Safety & Mobility Commission and the City Council for approval. Other opportunities for community input are built into the plan’s approval process, including meetings of the Traffic Safety & Mobility Commission and the City Council, when they consider the final designs, funding and timing of improvements. Level of engagement The International Association of Public Participation’s spectrum of public participation illustrates a variety of approaches to involving the public in decision making. The Safe Routes to School process falls in the category of “involve.” Aug. 5, 2024 Item #5 Page 78 of 122 Community engagement approach DRAFT Jefferson Elementary Safe Routes to School Public Input Report Spring 2024 3 How to consider the input The input in this report is qualitative in nature and was obtained through a convenience sample. This means the city focused on gaining an in-depth understanding of community member perspectives, and the results cannot be generalized to the entire population of the city within a defined margin of error. That’s why the input in this report should be considered with a similar weight as other forms of feedback that have always been part of the city’s decision-making process, such as comments made at City Council meetings or emails sent to the city expressing an opinion. The input in this report should be considered with a similar weight as comments made at a City Council meeting or those sent by email. Aug. 5, 2024 Item #5 Page 79 of 122 International Association of Public Participation Spectrum of participation INFORM CONSUL T0 1NVOLVE COLLABORATE EMPOWER Provide balanced, Obtain input on Work directly with information so the analysis, the public public understands options or throughout the problem, options, decisions that process to ensure opportunities and have already been input is understood solutions made and considered We will keep you We will listen to We will ensure your informed and acknowledge concerns and ideas your concerns and are directly reflected ideas and let you in the options know how your developed and how input influenced input influenced the the decision final decision !vi Qualitative Focuses on understanding the "why" Identifies a range of perspectives Allows for discovery of new ideas Analyzed by themes !v! Convenience sample Only those who knew about the opportunity to provide input were able to do so Partner with the public Place final in each aspect of the decision making decision, including the in the hands of creation of options the public and identification of the preferred solution We will look to you for Wewill advice in creating implement what options and you decide incorporate your input into the decisions to the maximum extent possible Quantitative Focused on facts/absolutes Data focused on measuring Analysis includes numerical comparisons Allows for statistical analysis Random sample All members of the target population had an equal opportunity to participate DRAFT Jefferson Elementary Safe Routes to School Public Input Report Spring 2024 4 Community members were provided in person and a virtual opportunity to provide input that would be used to create the safe routes to school plan. How we engaged In person community meeting held at Jefferson Elementary School Nov. 13, 2023 Online input map available Jan. 8-22, 2024 The input opportunities were promoted through the following: • Parent and Parent Teacher Association email from the school • Emails to those interested in traffic safety and the city’s school committee – sent Jan. 12, Jan. 16 • City Manager’s Update – Jan. 18 • Post on Nextdoor • News release • Media interview with Channel 8 local news – Jan. 14 • Webpage Aug. 5, 2024 Item #5 Page 80 of 122 Phase 1: Community needs, values and priorities ~ 00 ~ DRAFT Jefferson Elementary Safe Routes to School Public Input Report Spring 2024 5 Aug. 5, 2024 Item #5 Page 81 of 122 The City of Carlsbad is working with school communities to promote traffic safety. One way is through safe and convenient biking and walking to and from campus. Parents are invited to: • Provide feedback on experiences getting to and from school • Learn about the safe routes to school program Monday, Nov. 13 17'\ Jefferson Elementary School \:::I 6-?p.m. www.carlsbadca.gov/projects News from the City of Carlsbad I Jan. 18, 2024 Safe Routes to Schools As part of the city•s collaboration with schools in Carlsbad, we're asking parents and community members to~ how we can make walking and biking to Jefferson Elementary and Sage Creek High schools a better experience for students and families. More students walking and biking would be good news for drivers loo, because it would help reduce trafflC in those areas. • These efforts are part of the city's Safe Routes lo School llli!QWD, which is one of several ways the city is WOOOng with school communities to promote safe and convenient travel to and from campus. • Safe Routes to School focuses on walking and biking improvements, while other programs focus on driving. • Jefferson and Sage Creek both have unique programs that draw students from throughout the city, so not every family is close enough lo walk or bike. But the more who do, the better traffic will flow and the less lime will be spent wailing In school pick-up and drop-off lines. • Use this 2n!!rut.1!liU)wngjQQI by Jan. 21 lo point out areas near the two schools where changes could help make walking or biking easier. Click on the colored icons to see ideas and comments other people have made • The city anticipates expanding the program to other schools in Cartsbad in the coming years as budgets allow. l'+rhl+ The City of Carlsbad is seeking public input on areas around two schools where enhancements could be made for walking and biking routes. • Jefferson Elementary School • Sage Creek High School Provide input on this mapping tool by Sunday, Jan. 21 More information www.carlsbadca.gov/residents/projects nathan.schmidt@carlsbadca.gov {city of Carlsbad 'l'lextdoor JI! Homo ffi I~~ fh Ad::lS~~ Hdp i$i~rcl!Mub Pmmi:!yu.mhd:-~Rl:u.i!5;oXh::dJsfl5SIJl'l~ h CiP/ ci: C:rim.id B ~ p.bk np..11 on :rez :ira..md~ ~ Sda:D1'fffl!;enlmnc:~audb:!Ol.'ICX!bw.:ilm-lJ;Jfl[l l::i~la0!5. 11-eeffcru:np::wtaltt'ecitys.5.'rie~toSdmpagr.,,r,,'Mldl,iscrieal ~ ,,mys 1hrciry is.1Mri:irg Wlll1 sdm CDIWTU"ml5 m panlfl! 5.W! ;JIE c~~todfrom~Sarmtc.tosdmis.r1~t:tu: ftnJses. en~ ;3ffl bic:n; ~ \miecthspagr.rns lacmm li'Mng. Q.l>li::q,,.rtwilil:cusedm~.JS;,kfbEs.1c1SdlXIIIJQl'lb~ Otrnlsituyv.h:hin:l.cles.stvt :ina long-term~~aro..-,a mdisdDDI.Thrciry~~"'91he~toctl'rrsdndsrlC:rlmd a'1h!CDmng~~cnb.Kip. t-pff a, 3ll!IJ.S sp!cificl1y an:uxJ the mu:Jk 10 !WfP'.M"I .,,,:!1:r13 .rd biting ~cmbl:!ITD:X!ontma-.r:~:ai~~~ 'h:icd.,ckby~IG1)'.ku\21.~1c~rt.~ra.nc; ·~- DRAFT Jefferson Elementary Safe Routes to School Public Input Report Spring 2024 6 Aug. 5, 2024 Item #5 Page 82 of 122 Newsroom ~ Pnnt .. Feedback CJ Share & Bookmark Font Size: CJ a Have your say: Safe routes to school Post Date: 01/08/2024 12:48 PM Where can the City of Carlsbad make walking and biking to Jefferson Elementary and Sage Creek High schools easier? The City of Carlsbad is asking the community to weigh in on areas around two schools, Jefferson Elementary School and Sage Creek High School, where enhancements could be made for walking and biking routes. These efforts are part of the city's Safe Rou tes to School wogii!I!l, which is one of several ways the city is working with school communities to promote safe and convenient travel to and from campus. Safe routes to school is an approach that focuses on walking and biking improvements, while other programs focus on driving. Public input will be used to create a Safe Routes to School plan for Jefferson Elementary and Sage Creek High School, which includes short-and long-term infrastructure improvements around each school. The city anticipates expanding the program to other schools in Carlsbad in the coming years based on budget. lnputonareasspecificallyaroun Diganos SU opinion: Rutas seguras a la escuela ma i;mingJQQ!. Provide your feed I La ciudad de Ca rlsbad esta buscando opiniones del publico sabre areas alrededor de dos escuelas, la escuela primaria Giveinput 0 Sign up to get email ui,dates. Jefferson y la escuela preparatoria Sage Creek, donde se podrfan realiza r mejoras en las rutas pa ra caminar y anda r en bicicleta. Estos esfuerzos son parte del programa Rutas Seguras a la Escue la de la ciudad. que es una de varias formas en que la ciudad esta trabajando con las comunidades escolares para promover viajes seguros y convenientes hacia y desde la escuela. Rutas Seguras a la Escuela es un enfoque que se centra en mejoras para caminar y andar en bicicleta, mientras que otros programas se centran en las automovilistas. Se utilizaran las opiniones del publico para crear un plan de Rutas Seguras a la Escuela para la escuela primaria Jefferson y la escuela preparatoria Sage Creek, que incluye mejoras de infraestructura a corto y largo plaza alrededor de cad a escuela. La ciudad preve ampliar el programa a otras escuelas de Carlsbad en las proximos aiios dependiendo del presupuesto. En esta herramienta de maP-eo en lfnea se pueden realizar comentarios sabre areas especfficamente alrededor de las escuelas para apoyar mejoras para caminar y andar en bicicleta. Envfe sus comentarios antes del domingo 21 de enero. Giveinput 0 Registrese para recibir actualizaciones par correo electronico. Pr6ximos pasos • Envie su opinion antes del 21 de enero. • La ciudad revisara las aportes para hacer recomendaciones sabre mejoras de infraestructura a corto y largo plaza en un plan de Rutas Seguras a la Escuela. • El plan se presentara en la reunion de la Comision de Movilidad y Seguridad Vial en la primavera. DRAFT Jefferson Elementary Safe Routes to School Public Input Report Spring 2024 7 Aug. 5, 2024 Item #5 Page 83 of 122 DRAFT Jefferson Elementary Safe Routes to School Public Input Report Spring 2024 8 In person listening session Aug. 5, 2024 Item #5 Page 84 of 122 e,'('I ~ . . &@ii@ DRAFT Jefferson Elementary Safe Routes to School Public Input Report Spring 2024 9 Online input map Aug. 5, 2024 Item #5 Page 85 of 122 (cityof Carlsbad 'k . I SOUTH )CEANSIDE About Safe Routes to School Jefferson Elementary School * Sage Creek High School -Go gle Closed for Comment -----------=~,---==~---~Q The Shoppes at Carlsbad Sprouts Farmers Market~ Walmart SupercE Hosp Grove Pk Carlsbad High School9 CARLSBAD VILLAGE Carlsbad Carlsbad A State Beach T i ~s:=-· 'i:'a:R~~~ ~r~ .. , ,...,.. ""' .,. ,. ,., Pch<:.Jn Cove lnnq . ~ s.::::,~ Id). \..~ Cal"lst>edCoas.tft ·h' l>.pa1tu11·1,1 ... T • ♦uf..,..,dT.,..,.36 I ~llfeguard tlutTower37 / ,...I' c.,,Hi-bt-ft Pa<<fi Tower L•feguard Tower 34 P.J•~J '9 - Ca Valle, seh~ \ TheGi DRAFT Jefferson Elementary Safe Routes to School Public Input Report Spring 2024 10 64 Online mapping tool comments 5 Community workshop participants (in person) Each engagement opportunity included a mapping experience to identify specific locations and types of improvements to be made. Comments and survey responses have been categorized into overall themes and topics. Readers are strongly encouraged to review the verbatim comments in Appendix A to get a better understanding of specific ideas, priorities and concerns expressed. Areas for improvements Tamarack Avenue – Between Garfield Street and the railroad tracks – 3 pins Aug. 5, 2024 Item #5 Page 86 of 122 Who participated What we heard DRAFT Jefferson Elementary Safe Routes to School Public Input Report Spring 2024 11 Pedestrian improvement • Improve lighting and visibility of existing crosswalks across Tamarack Avenue at Garfield St Traffic calming • Install traffic calming measures to slow down cars Aug. 5, 2024 Item #5 Page 87 of 122 DRAFT Jefferson Elementary Safe Routes to School Public Input Report Spring 2024 12 Tamarack Avenue – Between railroad tracks and I-5 (21 pins) Pedestrian improvements • Improve connection across the north and south entrances of the Coastal Rail Trail • Add high visibility crosswalks across Tamarack Avenue at Hibiscus Circle • Add lighting and sidewalks to south end of Hibiscus Circle • Add sidewalks on Linmar Lane • Enhance visibility, add crossing guards at Jefferson and Tamarack • Improve crossing across freeway entrances and exits • Add crosswalk at Jefferson and Chinquapin Bicycle improvements • Improve connection across the north and south entrances of the Coastal Rail Trail • Improve crossing across freeway entrances and exits Aug. 5, 2024 Item #5 Page 88 of 122 q <'l o., '), ~ ~ .... !A ~ \ ubllcArt ·c Trail • ConcierQe Personal Training ,ii•1 ,,_o• ~~ JeffersonO Elementary School T Catholic Church H. Linwood Insurance Services, Inc Windsong q q m v i \ Ag a Hedionda LaQOO Tranquil weilanc with a nature cent, DRAFT Jefferson Elementary Safe Routes to School Public Input Report Spring 2024 13 Traffic calming • Install traffic calming measures on Tamarack and Chinquapin to slow down cars • Install school zone signs Traffic congestion • Evaluate signal time of light at Tamarack and Pio Pico to alleviate congestion at Tamarack and Jefferson Jefferson Street – Between Tamarack and Magnolia – 14 pins Pedestrian improvements • Improve visibility of crosswalk, add crossing guards at Jefferson and Magnolia • Add additional crosswalk near entrance of school parking lot • Improve visibility of crosswalk to the school, prevent cars from blocking it during congested times • Add sidewalks all along Jefferson Aug. 5, 2024 Item #5 Page 89 of 122 ~ <a partments Magnolia Manor Apartments fl>,ure Beach Llvingej> bile Art 'Coast T .... 11 f'i' ___ ._,._u ~~ s Inn by ~Wyndham Carlsbad T 38*(308) El 2-star hotel "% \ q. Ye Olde Garage SI Village Kitch & PieShopp1 Amencan • $ DRAFT Jefferson Elementary Safe Routes to School Public Input Report Spring 2024 14 Bicycle improvement • Add bike lanes to the school Traffic calming • Install traffic calming measures to slow down cars • Limit right turns from Jefferson onto Tamarack during school times • Address blind spot of exiting the gas station onto Jefferson Traffic congestion • Improve traffic flow of drop-off and pick-up in the parking lot • Improve visibility and congestion for cars exiting the parking lot to turn left on Jefferson • Evaluate signal time of light at Tamarack and Jefferson • Consider one-way traffic between Magnolia and Tamarack • Lack of parking near school is an issue Other comments for other areas • Bike lanes on Harding Street are blocked by trash cans • Potholes and repaving needed at Jefferson and Magnolia • Enhanced biking conditions on Chestnut between Harding and Pio Pico • Improve visibility for cars turning onto Pio Pico from Magnolia, install traffic calming on Pio Pico • Enhance pedestrian and bike safety along Pio Pico at St. Patrick’s school parking lot exit • Install traffic calming improvements at Chinquapin and Adams St Aug. 5, 2024 Item #5 Page 90 of 122 DRAFT Jefferson Elementary Safe Routes to School Public Input Report Spring 2024 15 Topics Appendix A includes all of the verbatim comments related to these themes as well as comments categorized by the following topics: Biking improvement Pedestrian improvement Traffic calming Traffic congestion The Transportation planning team will use community input and other technical evaluations including a walking audit to draft a Safe Routes to School plan, which will include short-term and long-term infrastructure improvements. A draft plan will be shared with the community for additional feedback in summer 2024. The Safe Routes to School plan will be presented to the Traffic Safety & Mobility Commission for recommendation of approval, then to the City Council to determine next steps for design and funding of the improvements. Aug. 5, 2024 Item #5 Page 91 of 122 Next steps DRAFT Jefferson Elementary Safe Routes to School Public Input Report Spring 2024 16 Online mapping comments In person workshop feedback Other online comments Aug. 5, 2024 Item #5 Page 92 of 122 Appendices DRAFT Jefferson Elementary Safe Routes to School Public Input Report Spring 2024 17 Online mapping comments Theme Comment Street (where the pin is) Cross street (nearest cross street) Traffic calming I live at the 4-way intersection if Adams and Chinquapin. Cars coming west down Chinquapin from Highland and Hillside do so at high speeds and rarely stop fully at the intersection. Many bicyclists also come racing down the hill and fly right through the intersection without stopping. I have personally observed many near collisions both vehicular and bike. The speed bumps on Tamarack have pushed traffic down Chinquapin as drivers seek to avoid the lights and speed bumps on Tamarack. Adams St Chinquapin Ave Bicycle improvement We need sharrows on Chestnut between Harding and Pio Pico. Chestnut Ave Harding St Bicycle improvement Chestnut ave is the most unsafe street, especially near Carlsbad high school. People aren’t willing to wait for someone turning left so they veer around into the bike lane. We need left turn lights and extra lanes for turning from chestnut to Monroe. Chestnut Ave Walking improvement Agree! At least connect the pedestrian/ bike access via an underpass or train overpass.waiting to trench the trains is going to take too long and we need an immediate solution Chestnut Ave Railroad tracks Walking improvement Figure out how to make chestnut go through so there is a direct route to school this way. Chestnut Ave Railroad tracks Walking improvement I've also observed this and noticed cars using this stretch of road at a high rate of speed. Chinquapin Ave Jefferson St Walking improvement Need stop sign at Chinquapin and Jefferson. Drivers coming south on Chinquapin are often driving fast Chinquapin Ave Jefferson St Bicycle improvement Residents on the west side of this street block the bike lane with their trash cans every week. Harding St Camellia Pl Bicycle improvement All parallel parking on Jefferson between Magnolia and Tamarack should be removed and replaced with a bike lane. Jefferson St Anchor Way Aug. 5, 2024 Item #5 Page 93 of 122 DRAFT Jefferson Elementary Safe Routes to School Public Input Report Spring 2024 18 Bicycle improvement No bike lane near school while I ride this road daily for child drop off. Jefferson St Carol Pl Bicycle improvement This intersection needs to be repaved. Especially after heavy rains, pot holes occur and are dangerous for bicyclists and pedestrians. Jefferson St Magnolia Ave Traffic calming Drivers turning onto Jefferson from Magnolia routinely run the stop sign, even with children around. Jefferson St Magnolia Ave Traffic calming Cars need slowed on this street via cross walks and speed bumps like done on the east side of tamarack. Cars speed at terrible speeds here, an area that should be a way to connect the south and north end of tamarack. Jefferson St Carol Pl Traffic calming Can we PLEASE get speed bumps along this stretch of Jefferson?? I’ve seen people speed (40+mph) and even PASS other cars DURING school pickup or drop off while little kids and families are everywhere. Jefferson St Carol Pl Traffic calming We need speed bumps ASAP. It’s impossible to get out of driveways on Jefferson street by the elementary school. There’s been multiple crashes now of residents pulling out of driveways &amp; cars driving fast down Jefferson street. Also hard to see pedestrians when you’re backing out as the parked trucks block your view. We need mirrors on lampposts for pedestrians safety. With the new apartments, parking is going to be impossible and there will be more bad accidents. Jefferson St Carol Pl Traffic calming People use Linmar heavily as an alternate route. We frequently see people coming from Linmar and turning (in either direction) onto Tamarack without looking for pedestrians crossing in front of their cars. Lots of near misses here. Please step up patrols on the western stretch of Tamarack if you want more people walking/biking to school. Please take measures to reduce the flow of traffic and increase safe crossing opportunities. Jefferson St Carol Pl Aug. 5, 2024 Item #5 Page 94 of 122 DRAFT Jefferson Elementary Safe Routes to School Public Input Report Spring 2024 19 Traffic congestion Jefferson between Magnolia and Tamarack should be a one-way street for vehicles, and two-way for bikes. A study should be done to determine best flow for vehicles -- either north or south. Jefferson St Magnolia Ave Traffic congestion Every day, we see people on Jefferson who are not dropping off/picking up kids at school get angry about the backup of traffic, honk, yell, and illegally and dangerously go around cars that are waiting in the line of backed up cars to get into the Jefferson parking lot. This is extremely dangerous and if it continues, someone will inevitably be hurt or killed. Jefferson St Magnolia Ave Traffic congestion I've seen this many times too. Illegal passing around cars waiting to get into and out of the Jefferson parking lot. It happens daily. Jefferson St Tamarack Ave Traffic congestion Agreed. We have also noticed people driving this stretch of road during school pickup who are NOT dropping children at school and theybecome impatient, honking and yelling at drivers who are in the midst of school pickup and dropoff. When Jefferson is backed up during drop off/pick up, we regularly see non- school drivers dangerously go around the line of cars waiting to drop kids off at school. If people keep doing this, it will result in someone being struck and injured/killed. Jefferson St Tamarack Ave Traffic congestion Agreed. We regularly see non-school drivers on this road during pick up/drop off become frustrated, yelling, honking, and unsafely and illegally going around the cars waiting on Jefferson to drop off/pick up their kids. If this continues, someone will eventually be injured or killed. Jefferson St Carol Pl Traffic congestion This should include the lights at Tamarack and I- 5/Pio Pico too. I frequently see the light green at Tamarack/Jefferson but nobody can turn left onto Tamarack because Tamarack itself is backed up. Jefferson St Anchor Way Aug. 5, 2024 Item #5 Page 95 of 122 DRAFT Jefferson Elementary Safe Routes to School Public Input Report Spring 2024 20 Traffic congestion It is not safe for kids to walk to school via Tamarack (west of 5). It is also not safe nor pleasant for people to drive to school via Tamarack/Jefferson. There is extremely limited parking on Jefferson near school due to the new housing. The school parking lot gets clogged up, creating backup on Jefferson. Parents are in an impossible situation--drive their kids to school in the chaos of the traffic? Or take the risk of walking on a road where people are driving far too fast? Jefferson St Magnolia Ave Traffic congestion A traffic study is needed to better time the light at Jefferson to Tamarack. This causes a backup for the parents leaving the school drop off and creates a dangerous situation for people turning left (blindly) from the school onto Jefferson. Jefferson St Anchor Way Traffic congestion The timing on this light causes massive traffic congestion during school drop off and pick up. If Jefferson’s parking lot could flow better, more parents would be willing to drop off and pick up in the parking lot rather than find street parking and walk in. Jefferson St Carol Pl Walking improvement Extremely dark street with blind turn and no sidewalks. Just last night we were on a walk home from an evening Jefferson event and a car couldn’t see us and the street is the only place to walk on. Jefferson St Carol Pl Walking improvement Is the new crosswalk going to be lighted like the ones on Carlsbad Blvd? Jefferson St Carol Pl Walking improvement Why is the new crosswalk not elevated like the new crosswalks on Tamarack? Jefferson St Carol Pl Walking improvement Many families that live inside the Windsong gate, or around chinqupin cross here at chinquapin to Jefferson on the side of Jefferson that has the sidewalk. We've all been saying for years how helpful i5 would be to have a crosswalk so it would be easier for cars to see the pedestrians and kids tryibg to cross here. It would also possibly help the speeding of cars down this road making it safer for all of the walking families on this side going to Jefferson. Jefferson St Chinquapin Ave Aug. 5, 2024 Item #5 Page 96 of 122 DRAFT Jefferson Elementary Safe Routes to School Public Input Report Spring 2024 21 Walking improvement It is a travesty that there are no protected crosswalks, of the kind we now see on the Coast Highway and Tamarack, anywhere on Jefferson, the very street that the elementary school is on. We don't need a monstrosity like the one at Valley and Jefferson, just a nice sign with a button to push for warning lights. Jefferson St Carol Pl Walking improvement The exit driveway at the school constantly gets blocked due to the light at Jefferson, which causes backups in the parking lot and a dangerous situation for the crosswalk. If there were striping to “keep clear”, it could help traffic leave the parking lot for those parents needing to turn left. Jefferson St Tamarack Ave Walking improvement There is no sidewalk on north end of Linmar making it difficult for pedestrians who have to walk on a narrow street. Intersection for eastbound Tamarack to Linmar Lane is a blind turn. Linmar Ln Tamarack Ave Bicycle improvement Dangerous gravel pot hole areas of bike lane all along magnoia. Madison St Magnolia Ave Traffic calming intersection of Magnolia and Pio Pico Dr. in re: often poor visibility due to large trucks parked along Pio Pico Dr. There is a combination of that along with speeding that makes this are dangerous when trying to travel from Magnolia to turn onto Pio Pico Dr. Magnolia St Pio Pico Dr Walking improvement This area becomes very dangerous when parents are parked to pickup children from St. Patrick's School as often traffic traveling South is made to move over for on-coming NB traffic that is unable to utilize their lane to do cars stopped along the sidewalk. Bicyclists and pedestrians on the West side of Pio Pico are put at risk of a collision when this happens. Pio Pico Dr Tamarack Ave Bicycle improvement The entrance to the Rail Trail needs a more obvious crosswalk and better entrance for bikes heading west on Tamarack. Tamarack Ave Railroad tracks Aug. 5, 2024 Item #5 Page 97 of 122 DRAFT Jefferson Elementary Safe Routes to School Public Input Report Spring 2024 22 Bicycle improvement Crossing the Freeway entrance and exits is a complete nightmare for pedestrians and cyclists. Please come up with ways to fix these for the Jefferson children, as well as the kids who head from to Valley Middle School and CHS. Tamarack Ave Freeway entrance/exit Bicycle improvement This whole intersection and area would benefit from pedestrian and bike improvements. This would also help the St Patrick’s students. Tamarack Ave Freeway entrance/exit Bicycle improvement Please provide a permanent crossing guard since this intersection is extremely busy in the mornings and after school. Tamarack Ave Jefferson St Bicycle improvement Please fix and connect the rail trail here to the Southside of Tamarack. without a crossing here, kids and adults are crossing to the north side of Tamrack Avenue at their own risk in multiple spots and then are often riding in the wrong direction (against Traffic) in order to get to the rail trail. It's dangerous and shouldn't happen. Tamarack Ave Railroad tracks Traffic calming I live on the south side of Tamarack and find that cars are often going well in excess of the speed limit as they come from Garfield going eastbound on Tamarack between Garfield and the train tracks. The downhill slope coupled with lack of slowing measures and very little patrolling results in speeding. It is difficult to pull out of our driveway due to the excessive speed of traffic here. The high speed of traffic creates a safety issue for my children walking to school. Tamarack Ave Railroad tracks Traffic congestion We look forward to traffic studies during school drop and pick up hours. Please conduct the study at the hours of 7:45-8:10 M-F and 2:10 to 2:35 M-F (with the exception of Thursday afternoon, with pickup being at 1:25 on Thursdays). Tamarack Ave Jefferson St Aug. 5, 2024 Item #5 Page 98 of 122 DRAFT Jefferson Elementary Safe Routes to School Public Input Report Spring 2024 23 Walking improvement Absolutely!!! This is long overdue. We are encouraged to bike and walk on the rail trail but when it hits the street at Tamarack, it's incredibly unsafe to cross the street to the south due to consistent oncoming vehicle traffic and impaired visibility. A big crosswalk with street signs would be a very simple first step. Tamarack Ave Railroad tracks Walking improvement Agreed. As an adult, I am nearly hit on a regular basis while crossing this cross walk on foot. Walking with my toddler, I've been nearly hit several times by cars who go into the intersection while I am midway through the cross walk. I do not feel it is safe for my children (even my 11-year-old) to safely cross this intersection. Tamarack Ave Garfield St Walking improvement Crossing the Freeway entrance and exits is a complete nightmare for pedestrians and cyclists. Please come up with ways to fix these for the Jefferson children, as well as the kids who head from the Beach up to Valley Middle School and CHS. Tamarack Ave Freeway entrance/exit Walking improvement Crossing the Freeway entrance and exits is a complete nightmare for pedestrians and cyclists. Please come up with ways to fix these for the Jefferson children, as well as the kids who head from the Beach up to Valley Middle School and CHS. Tamarack Ave Freeway entrance/exit Walking improvement Crossing the Freeway entrance and exits is a complete nightmare for pedestrians and cyclists. Please come up with ways to fix these for the Jefferson children, as well as the kids who head from the Beach up to Valley Middle School and CHS. Tamarack Ave Freeway entrance/exit Walking improvement Crossing the Freeway entrance and exits is a complete nightmare for pedestrians and cyclists. Please come up with ways to fix these for the Jefferson children, as well as the kids who head from the Beach up to Valley Middle School and CHS. Tamarack Ave Freeway entrance/exit Walking improvement We need crossing guards here! Tamarack Ave Magnolia Ave Aug. 5, 2024 Item #5 Page 99 of 122 DRAFT Jefferson Elementary Safe Routes to School Public Input Report Spring 2024 24 Walking improvement We need crossing guards!! Tamarack Ave Jefferson St Walking improvement Please give us a crossing guard here for children to cross safely. I know other schools in the area have more than one crossing guard (Kelly, for example). Because Jefferson is directly adjacent to the freeway, and because people regularly use the roads near the school for non-school, high-speed freeway diversions, it is very surprising that we have not been allotted additional crossing guards so that our kids can get safely to school. We also need more patrolling of the roads near Jefferson. Tamarack Ave Jefferson St Walking improvement Please provide a permanent traffic crossing guard at this major intersection for both pedestrians and bikes. Tamarack Ave Jefferson St Walking improvement We need a safe and high vis crosswalk somewhere between Garfield and Jefferson on Tamarack for kids to cross from the south side of Tamarack to the north and vice versa. Placement could be just east of the train tracks or at the intersection of Hibiscus and Tamarack. The cars on this segment routinely travel at such a high rate of speed that it's very difficult to cross Tamarack, even when we attempt to use the corner to corner cross (no cross walk) at Hibiscus. More speed reduction please. Tamarack Ave Hibiscus Cir Walking improvement The school could really use another crosswalk at this location Tamarack Ave Hibiscus Cir Walking improvement A raised pedestrian crossing with lights (like at tamarack/valley) would help with visibility and slow traffic down. The crossing guard does their best, but it’s not a safe situation. Tamarack Ave Hibiscus Cir Walking improvement Can we consider 2 things--1. better lighting/illumination for this crosswalk at night and in the early morning? 2. making the crosswalk high vis (maybe a push-button illuminator? Please also note that drivers seem to have a difficult time seeing pedestrians as the sun is setting over this intersection. Glare is a factor. We have near misses with cars here almost daily while crossing on foot. Tamarack Ave Garfield St Aug. 5, 2024 Item #5 Page 100 of 122 DRAFT Jefferson Elementary Safe Routes to School Public Input Report Spring 2024 25 Walking improvement Rail trail needs a Lighted Crosswalk!!! Please make it simple for kids to cross the road with a lighted flashing crosswalk to connect the rail trail to the south side of Tamarack Tamarack Ave Railroad tracks Walking improvement Hibiscus circle should be connected via a cross walk to the north end of tamarack. Currently the south side of tamarack has limited places to cross tamarack. And more importantly, there is a significant distance between Garfield and Jefferson that allows cars to pick up significant speeds and stop signs and or raised cross walks like done on the east side of tamarack would lend the south end of Carlsbad to have safe walking paths and feel more included in what should be a neighborhood. Tamarack Ave Hibiscus Cir Walking improvement 100% agree with this. There is too great a distance between Garfield and Jefferson St on Tamarack for kids crossing from the south side of Tamarack to the north side. We need a high visibility cross walk btwn these two points and more speed patrolling. My kids can't safely walk this route at present with the high rate of speed of the car traffic and the issues with safety crossing even at the Tamarack/Jefferson and Tamarack/Garfield intersections for pedestrians. Tamarack Ave Hibiscus Cir Walking improvement Agreed. This is not a safe crosswalk for kids to cross on their own. The speeding issues on the stretch of Tamarack west of 5 coupled with lack of safe places to cross make it prohibitive for older kids to walk to school without adult supervision. We frequently see cars turning right from Jefferson onto westbound Tamarack without checking for pedestrians in the crosswalk. Tamarack Ave Jefferson St Walking improvement This intersection is incredibly busy with vehicles, pedestrians, and bikes. Safer more controlled. Crossing system is definitely needed.. Please add crossing signs, flashers, buttons for the pedestrians, and ADA curb ramps as the street to sidewalk transitions are noncompliant and very dangerous. Tamarack Ave Garfield St Aug. 5, 2024 Item #5 Page 101 of 122 DRAFT Jefferson Elementary Safe Routes to School Public Input Report Spring 2024 26 Walking improvement Might consider using Hibiscus as a safe route to school instead of Tamarack if better speed reduction and crosswalks cannot be implemented on Tamarack. Cars tend to travel more slowly on Hibiscus (and there's a sidewalk) making it a potentially safer route for kids coming from the western stretch of Tamarack to Jefferson. Tamarack Ave Hibiscus Cir Walking improvement Visibility for drivers turning left is made even worse by vehicles frequently parked illegally along the red curbs. Tamarack Ave Jefferson St Walking improvement Extremely dangerous street where cars go well above speed limit a majority of the time. Limited stops or speed bumps slowing cars down. Makes south end of tamarack stuck with dead ends and no ability to connect with its school community on the north end. Tamarack Ave Jefferson St Aug. 5, 2024 Item #5 Page 102 of 122 DRAFT Jefferson Elementary Safe Routes to School Public Input Report Spring 2024 27 In person workshop feedback Pedestrian improvements • Need for safe crossings across Tamarack Ave • Not as many opportunities to cross Tamarack to get to and from school • Trouble crossing at Hibiscus – no crosswalk. • People walk down Anchor Way • Need ADA crossing • Need to watch for driveway at gas station • Move crosswalk more toward entrance of parking lot Traffic safety • At the top of Garfield, crest of hill, people come from the stop sign and fly down • Speeding cars. No stop sign between Garfield and Jefferson • Cars turn right out of Jefferson to Tamarack – struggle. Don’t look for pedestrians • Lack of parking near school is an issue • Need traffic calming on Tamarack – let it be known it’s a speed trap • Need traffic calming at Chinquapin and Jefferson • Need school zone signs and speed feedback signs • Visibility is poor coming out of the school parking lot, especially if ppl there. Biking improvements • Bikers frequently cross at rail trail – need crossing Aug. 5, 2024 Item #5 Page 103 of 122 DRAFT Jefferson Elementary Safe Routes to School Public Input Report Spring 2024 28 Other comments Aug. 5, 2024 Item #5 Page 104 of 122 From: Emily Kuhnel <emilyakuhnel@gmail.com> Sent: Tuesday, November 14, 2023 8:32 AM To: Nathan Schmidt <Nathan.Schmfdt@carlsbadca.gov> Subject: Jefferson Elementary traffic Hi, Mr. Schmidt. I was unable to make the traffic meeting last night at Jefferson Elementary, but the other parents who went said they were so thankful for your listening ear. I walk my two kids to Jefferson Elementary School every day. As they get older, they ask if they can soon walk on their own. I tell them a resounding NO WAY as the traffic stands right now. We live at the end of Chinquapin on the east side of the tracks. I think we get forgotten in the Jefferson Elementary traffic plans since we are on the other side of Tamarack. Chinquapin is becoming a major thoroughfare. Why? It is high density llving. I'd estimate 1,000 residents back here, including more young families than 10 years ago since we are all priced out of homes. Also, tons of biker groups are avoiding the Tamarack intersection. What does the Chinquapin area need? You are the pros, but here are our TOP thoughts: Crosswalk at the end of Jefferson to the other side of Chinquapin. People are darting from in between cars every which way. Offer some direction. (Maybe a crosswalk off Linmar, too!) School zone signs! A crossing guard at Tamarack and Jefferson other ideas: If not a crossing guard at Tamarack/Jefferson, maybe limit right turns during school zone times? Those people turning right are NOT looking out for our kids. Possibly a speed bump or speed table on Chinquapin? A digital "your speed" sign? Sidewalks down both sides of Jefferson all the way to the end. They have time the Tamarack/Jefferson lights better in recent months so the crossing light is a few seconds BEFORE the green light, which has helped a ton. Thank you! We appreciate your attention to our area and look forward to your plans. THANK YOU! Emily Kuhnel Jefferson mom 915-319-4997 DRAFT Jefferson Elementary Safe Routes to School Public Input Report Spring 2024 29 Aug. 5, 2024 Item #5 Page 105 of 122 From: Marie Moreland <marietmccarthy@yahoo.ie> Sent: Wed11esday, January 10, 2024 8:43 AM To: athan Schmidt <nathan.scbmidt@carlsbadca.gov> Subjec.t: Jefferson Elementary safety on the Street atha11 Theres been munerous crashes now on this street. I reside at 3 71 S Jefferson street. I've seen vehicles blow through every stop sign at the T junction with magnolia and one house at the T has had numerous trucks crash into & through their house. Theres safety bollards there now. We are finding it impossible to back out of our driveways safely. Trucks parked in street block the view. We are about to install a mirror on our lamppost outside, as I'd a child on a scooter that nearly hit my car as I was driving out of my driveway and my Tesla was forward facing.I guess they didn't see or hear the car. Luckily I drive at a snails pace as I know how dangerous our street is. Also I've almost been hit and missed from backing out and cars not seeing me if there's large trucks parked on my street. There's been a "'1Teck just recently up the street with someone trying to back out of their driveway. We need speed bumps ASAP. Cars speed up and down this street and don't stop at signs. They side swiped the truck trying to back out of their driveway. Th1HO if you put a eye.le lane in, without speed bU!llpS, there will be fatalities. It's one of the most dangerous & busy streets in Carlsbad. And the only aitery into fue batrio. People pull out of Arco gas stations so fast loo. It's a bit of a blind spot.Traffic and parking will inevitably get worse with the new sea breeze apaitments. We should probably have traffic lights on magnolia. Speed bumps, traffic lights, safety mirrors on latnpposts are a statt before you think of eye.le lanes. Also the principle of Jefferson element.aty has made it more congested due lo the fact they now only allow one of the two drop off lai1es. Feel free to contact me ai1d I cai1 also put you i11 touch with neighbors who have witr1essed all these accidents. It's only a matter of time that there will be a fatality. Marie Morelai1d 949 3711849 Sent from my iPhone ----Orign1al Message----- From: THE TEAM FAMILY <peacelovesimshine@gniail.com> Sent: Wednesday, Jaimary 10, 2024 10:22 AM To: athan Sc.l1midt <nathan.schmidt@carlsbadca.gov> Subject: Safety near schools Hi, The online map was not working on my phone. We need lighted crosswalks and crossing guards near Jefferson Elementary. Specifically at the three way stop sign on magnolia and Jefferson_ Cars run that stop sign all day eve1y day ai1d every morning walking my kids to sc.11001 we almost get hit. Also, the system for sc.11001 drop off and pick up fuat fue new principal at Jefferson implemented, has made walking to sc.1100! extremely dat1gerous. Cars are piled up. Cars get impatient and cross into the ,vrong lat1e to bypass sc.11001 drop off. Kids at1d adults j walk at1d I have seen multiple people almost get hit. It's not safe. It's not fi.mctional. Thank you_ Marion Tean1 Sent from my iPhone DRAFT Jefferson Elementary Safe Routes to School Public Input Report Spring 2024 30 Aug. 5, 2024 Item #5 Page 106 of 122 0 Pam D. • Carlsbad Vil I age Beach • 15 h I have been concerned about the Tamarack/Jefferson intersection for years. People run the red light going East to get on the 1-5 southbound a few seconds faster. Like Reply Share Appendix C: Tamarack Avenue/Jefferson Street Intersection Operations Test Results Aug. 5, 2024 Item #5 Page 107 of 122 SB Queue (ft) Delay (sec/veh) SB Queue (ft) Delay (sec/veh) Existing 317 15.8 237 14.8 Proposed 215 14.9 146 12.9 Change -102 -0.9 -91 -1.9 AM PM Scenario Delay and Queue Results at Jefferson St/Tamarack Ave Aug. 5, 2024 Item #5 Page 108 of 122 Queues Existing AM 1: Jefferson St & Tamarack Ave 04/17/2024 Jefferson Elementary SRTS Synchro 11 Report Page 1 Lane Group EBL EBT WBL WBT NBT SBT Lane Group Flow (vph) 65 355 43 464 319 457 v/c Ratio 0.37 0.42 0.28 0.62 0.36 0.77 Control Delay 46.7 30.5 46.3 30.3 8.8 26.6 Queue Delay 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Total Delay 46.7 30.5 46.3 30.3 8.8 26.6 Queue Length 50th (ft) 34 90 23 101 53 170 Queue Length 95th (ft) 75 133 56 150 112 317 Internal Link Dist (ft)218 234 200 246 Turn Bay Length (ft) 100 100 Base Capacity (vph) 371 1426 371 1399 1085 749 Starvation Cap Reductn 0 0 0 0 0 0 Spillback Cap Reductn 0 0 0 0 0 0 Storage Cap Reductn 0 0 0 0 0 0 Reduced v/c Ratio 0.18 0.25 0.12 0.33 0.29 0.61 Intersection Summary Aug. 5, 2024 Item #5 Page 109 of 122 HCM 6th Signalized Intersection Summary Existing AM 1: Jefferson St & Tamarack Ave 04/17/2024 Jefferson Elementary SRTS Synchro 11 Report Page 2 Movement EBL EBT EBR WBL WBT WBR NBL NBT NBR SBL SBT SBR Lane Configurations Traffic Volume (veh/h) 53 275 16 35 245 135 36 54 171 261 21 93 Future Volume (veh/h) 53 275 16 35 245 135 36 54 171 261 21 93 Initial Q (Qb), veh 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Ped-Bike Adj(A_pbT) 1.00 0.96 1.00 0.97 0.99 0.96 0.99 0.96 Parking Bus, Adj 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Work Zone On Approach No No No No Adj Sat Flow, veh/h/ln 1870 1870 1870 1870 1870 1870 1870 1870 1870 1870 1870 1870 Adj Flow Rate, veh/h 65 335 16 43 299 92 44 66 150 318 26 103 Peak Hour Factor 0.82 0.82 0.82 0.82 0.82 0.82 0.82 0.82 0.82 0.82 0.82 0.82 Percent Heavy Veh, % 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Cap, veh/h 104 767 36 79 557 167 160 237 432 532 47 138 Arrive On Green 0.06 0.22 0.22 0.04 0.21 0.21 0.46 0.46 0.46 0.46 0.46 0.46 Sat Flow, veh/h 1781 3446 164 1781 2668 802 175 519 947 909 103 303 Grp Volume(v), veh/h 65 172 179 43 197 194 260 0 0 447 0 0 Grp Sat Flow(s),veh/h/ln 1781 1777 1833 1781 1777 1694 1641 0 0 1316 0 0 Q Serve(g_s), s 1.9 4.4 4.4 1.2 5.2 5.4 0.0 0.0 0.0 8.6 0.0 0.0 Cycle Q Clear(g_c), s 1.9 4.4 4.4 1.2 5.2 5.4 5.3 0.0 0.0 13.9 0.0 0.0 Prop In Lane 1.00 0.09 1.00 0.47 0.17 0.58 0.71 0.23 Lane Grp Cap(c), veh/h 104 396 408 79 371 353 829 0 0 718 0 0 V/C Ratio(X)0.63 0.43 0.44 0.54 0.53 0.55 0.31 0.00 0.00 0.62 0.00 0.00 Avail Cap(c_a), veh/h 527 1018 1050 527 1018 970 1067 0 0 1459 0 0 HCM Platoon Ratio 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Upstream Filter(I)1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 Uniform Delay (d), s/veh 24.1 17.5 17.5 24.5 18.4 18.5 9.2 0.0 0.0 11.2 0.0 0.0 Incr Delay (d2), s/veh 2.3 0.8 0.7 2.2 1.2 1.3 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.3 0.0 0.0 Initial Q Delay(d3),s/veh 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 %ile BackOfQ(50%),veh/ln 0.8 1.7 1.8 0.5 2.0 2.0 1.6 0.0 0.0 3.5 0.0 0.0 Unsig. Movement Delay, s/veh LnGrp Delay(d),s/veh 26.4 18.3 18.3 26.7 19.6 19.9 9.3 0.0 0.0 11.5 0.0 0.0 LnGrp LOS C B B C B B A A A B A A Approach Vol, veh/h 416 434 260 447 Approach Delay, s/veh 19.5 20.4 9.3 11.5 Approach LOS B C A B Timer - Assigned Phs 2 3 4 6 7 8 Phs Duration (G+Y+Rc), s 28.9 6.8 16.7 28.9 7.6 15.9 Change Period (Y+Rc), s 5.0 4.5 5.0 5.0 4.5 5.0 Max Green Setting (Gmax), s 32.0 15.5 30.0 55.0 15.5 30.0 Max Q Clear Time (g_c+I1), s 7.3 3.2 6.4 15.9 3.9 7.4 Green Ext Time (p_c), s 1.2 0.0 2.0 2.7 0.0 2.3 Intersection Summary HCM 6th Ctrl Delay 15.8 HCM 6th LOS B Aug. 5, 2024 Item #5 Page 110 of 122 ""i tf+ Queues Existing PM 1: Jefferson St & Tamarack Ave 04/17/2024 Jefferson Elementary SRTS Synchro 11 Report Page 1 Lane Group EBL EBT WBL WBT NBT SBT Lane Group Flow (vph) 77 352 37 530 168 354 v/c Ratio 0.32 0.27 0.19 0.56 0.26 0.69 Control Delay 34.2 17.3 34.9 21.2 8.8 23.8 Queue Delay 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Total Delay 34.2 17.3 34.9 21.2 8.8 23.8 Queue Length 50th (ft) 25 36 12 72 19 98 Queue Length 95th (ft) 84 118 50 168 67 237 Internal Link Dist (ft)218 234 200 246 Turn Bay Length (ft) 100 100 Base Capacity (vph) 524 2001 524 1929 1346 1129 Starvation Cap Reductn 0 0 0 0 0 0 Spillback Cap Reductn 0 0 0 0 0 0 Storage Cap Reductn 0 0 0 0 0 0 Reduced v/c Ratio 0.15 0.18 0.07 0.27 0.12 0.31 Intersection Summary Aug. 5, 2024 Item #5 Page 111 of 122 HCM 6th Signalized Intersection Summary Existing PM 1: Jefferson St & Tamarack Ave 04/17/2024 Jefferson Elementary SRTS Synchro 11 Report Page 2 Movement EBL EBT EBR WBL WBT WBR NBL NBT NBR SBL SBT SBR Lane Configurations Traffic Volume (veh/h) 71 304 20 34 320 167 23 41 90 207 45 74 Future Volume (veh/h) 71 304 20 34 320 167 23 41 90 207 45 74 Initial Q (Qb), veh 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Ped-Bike Adj(A_pbT) 1.00 0.96 1.00 0.97 0.99 0.97 0.99 0.97 Parking Bus, Adj 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Work Zone On Approach No No No No Adj Sat Flow, veh/h/ln 1870 1870 1870 1870 1870 1870 1870 1870 1870 1870 1870 1870 Adj Flow Rate, veh/h 77 330 22 37 348 182 25 45 98 225 49 80 Peak Hour Factor 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 Percent Heavy Veh, % 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Cap, veh/h 120 973 65 73 588 301 130 202 343 430 100 118 Arrive On Green 0.07 0.29 0.29 0.04 0.26 0.26 0.36 0.36 0.36 0.36 0.36 0.36 Sat Flow, veh/h 1781 3373 224 1781 2247 1149 117 559 946 842 275 326 Grp Volume(v), veh/h 77 173 179 37 274 256 168 0 0 354 0 0 Grp Sat Flow(s),veh/h/ln 1781 1777 1820 1781 1777 1619 1622 0 0 1443 0 0 Q Serve(g_s), s 2.0 3.6 3.6 1.0 6.3 6.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 5.7 0.0 0.0 Cycle Q Clear(g_c), s 2.0 3.6 3.6 1.0 6.3 6.5 3.4 0.0 0.0 9.1 0.0 0.0 Prop In Lane 1.00 0.12 1.00 0.71 0.15 0.58 0.64 0.23 Lane Grp Cap(c), veh/h 120 513 525 73 465 424 676 0 0 648 0 0 V/C Ratio(X)0.64 0.34 0.34 0.51 0.59 0.60 0.25 0.00 0.00 0.55 0.00 0.00 Avail Cap(c_a), veh/h 587 1134 1162 587 1134 1033 1172 0 0 1743 0 0 HCM Platoon Ratio 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Upstream Filter(I)1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 Uniform Delay (d), s/veh 21.4 13.2 13.2 22.1 15.1 15.2 10.6 0.0 0.0 12.2 0.0 0.0 Incr Delay (d2), s/veh 2.1 0.4 0.4 2.0 1.2 1.4 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.3 0.0 0.0 Initial Q Delay(d3),s/veh 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 %ile BackOfQ(50%),veh/ln 0.8 1.3 1.3 0.4 2.3 2.2 1.1 0.0 0.0 2.6 0.0 0.0 Unsig. Movement Delay, s/veh LnGrp Delay(d),s/veh 23.5 13.6 13.6 24.1 16.3 16.6 10.7 0.0 0.0 12.5 0.0 0.0 LnGrp LOS C B B C B B B A A B A A Approach Vol, veh/h 429 567 168 354 Approach Delay, s/veh 15.4 17.0 10.7 12.5 Approach LOS B B B B Timer - Assigned Phs 2 3 4 6 7 8 Phs Duration (G+Y+Rc), s 22.0 6.4 18.6 22.0 7.7 17.3 Change Period (Y+Rc), s 5.0 4.5 5.0 5.0 4.5 5.0 Max Green Setting (Gmax), s 32.0 15.5 30.0 55.0 15.5 30.0 Max Q Clear Time (g_c+I1), s 5.4 3.0 5.6 11.1 4.0 8.5 Green Ext Time (p_c), s 0.7 0.0 2.1 1.9 0.1 3.3 Intersection Summary HCM 6th Ctrl Delay 14.8 HCM 6th LOS B Aug. 5, 2024 Item #5 Page 112 of 122 ""i tf+ Queues Proposed AM 1: Jefferson St & Tamarack Ave 04/22/2024 Jefferson Elementary SRTS Synchro 11 Report Page 1 Lane Group EBL EBT WBL WBT NBT SBL SBT Lane Group Flow (vph) 65 355 43 464 319 318 139 v/c Ratio 0.30 0.33 0.22 0.54 0.43 0.76 0.21 Control Delay 38.9 22.9 39.4 27.8 10.9 29.9 13.9 Queue Delay 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Total Delay 38.9 22.9 39.4 27.8 10.9 29.9 13.9 Queue Length 50th (ft) 24 58 16 83 51 101 33 Queue Length 95th (ft) 76 131 57 178 117 215 76 Internal Link Dist (ft)218 234 200 246 Turn Bay Length (ft) 100 100 Base Capacity (vph) 485 1862 485 1759 1311 808 1277 Starvation Cap Reductn 0000000 Spillback Cap Reductn 0000000 Storage Cap Reductn 0000000 Reduced v/c Ratio 0.13 0.19 0.09 0.26 0.24 0.39 0.11 Intersection Summary Aug. 5, 2024 Item #5 Page 113 of 122 HCM 6th Signalized Intersection Summary Proposed AM 1: Jefferson St & Tamarack Ave 04/22/2024 Jefferson Elementary SRTS Synchro 11 Report Page 2 Movement EBL EBT EBR WBL WBT WBR NBL NBT NBR SBL SBT SBR Lane Configurations Traffic Volume (veh/h) 53 275 16 35 245 135 36 54 171 261 21 93 Future Volume (veh/h) 53 275 16 35 245 135 36 54 171 261 21 93 Initial Q (Qb), veh 000000000000 Ped-Bike Adj(A_pbT) 1.00 0.96 1.00 0.97 0.98 0.96 0.98 0.96 Parking Bus, Adj 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Work Zone On Approach No No No No Adj Sat Flow, veh/h/ln 1870 1870 1870 1870 1870 1870 1870 1870 1870 1870 1870 1870 Adj Flow Rate, veh/h 65 335 16 43 299 165 44 66 139 318 26 113 Peak Hour Factor 0.82 0.82 0.82 0.82 0.82 0.82 0.82 0.82 0.82 0.82 0.82 0.82 Percent Heavy Veh, %222222222222 Cap, veh/h 106 870 41 80 526 281 153 220 364 639 121 528 Arrive On Green 0.06 0.25 0.25 0.05 0.24 0.24 0.41 0.41 0.41 0.41 0.41 0.41 Sat Flow, veh/h 1781 3446 164 1781 2208 1181 165 535 884 1158 295 1283 Grp Volume(v), veh/h 65 172 179 43 239 225 249 0 0 318 0 139 Grp Sat Flow(s),veh/h/ln 1781 1777 1833 1781 1777 1613 1583 0 0 1158 0 1578 Q Serve(g_s), s 1.8 4.0 4.0 1.2 5.9 6.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 4.8 0.0 2.8 Cycle Q Clear(g_c), s 1.8 4.0 4.0 1.2 5.9 6.2 5.2 0.0 0.0 10.0 0.0 2.8 Prop In Lane 1.00 0.09 1.00 0.73 0.18 0.56 1.00 0.81 Lane Grp Cap(c), veh/h 106 449 463 80 423 384 736 0 0 639 0 649 V/C Ratio(X) 0.61 0.38 0.39 0.54 0.56 0.59 0.34 0.00 0.00 0.50 0.00 0.21 Avail Cap(c_a), veh/h 554 1070 1104 554 1070 971 1090 0 0 1441 0 1742 HCM Platoon Ratio 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Upstream Filter(I)1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 1.00 Uniform Delay (d), s/veh 22.9 15.4 15.4 23.3 16.7 16.8 10.2 0.0 0.0 11.4 0.0 9.5 Incr Delay (d2), s/veh 2.1 0.5 0.5 2.1 1.2 1.4 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.2 0.0 0.1 Initial Q Delay(d3),s/veh 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 %ile BackOfQ(50%),veh/ln 0.7 1.5 1.5 0.5 2.2 2.2 1.6 0.0 0.0 2.4 0.0 0.8 Unsig. Movement Delay, s/veh LnGrp Delay(d),s/veh 25.0 15.9 16.0 25.3 17.9 18.2 10.3 0.0 0.0 11.7 0.0 9.5 LnGrp LOS C B B C BBBAABAA Approach Vol, veh/h 416 507 249 457 Approach Delay, s/veh 17.4 18.7 10.3 11.0 Approach LOS BBBB Timer - Assigned Phs 2 3 4 6 7 8 Phs Duration (G+Y+Rc), s 25.5 6.7 17.6 25.5 7.5 16.9 Change Period (Y+Rc), s 5.0 4.5 5.0 5.0 4.5 5.0 Max Green Setting (Gmax), s 32.0 15.5 30.0 55.0 15.5 30.0 Max Q Clear Time (g_c+I1), s 7.2 3.2 6.0 12.0 3.8 8.2 Green Ext Time (p_c), s 1.1 0.0 2.0 1.4 0.0 2.9 Intersection Summary HCM 6th Ctrl Delay 14.9 HCM 6th LOS B Aug. 5, 2024 Item #5 Page 114 of 122 _____ "i tf+ "i tf+ ---4+ "i f+ Queues Proposed PM 1: Jefferson St & Tamarack Ave 04/22/2024 Jefferson Elementary SRTS Synchro 11 Report Page 1 Lane Group EBL EBT WBL WBT NBT SBL SBT Lane Group Flow (vph) 77 352 37 530 168 225 129 v/c Ratio 0.31 0.25 0.18 0.54 0.28 0.53 0.23 Control Delay 31.6 15.1 32.3 21.9 9.6 21.4 16.0 Queue Delay 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Total Delay 31.6 15.1 32.3 21.9 9.6 21.4 16.0 Queue Length 50th (ft) 22 27 11 72 19 58 30 Queue Length 95th (ft) 77 103 46 168 67 146 80 Internal Link Dist (ft)218 234 200 246 Turn Bay Length (ft) 100 100 Base Capacity (vph) 565 2105 565 1994 1422 1124 1456 Starvation Cap Reductn 0000000 Spillback Cap Reductn 0000000 Storage Cap Reductn 0000000 Reduced v/c Ratio 0.14 0.17 0.07 0.27 0.12 0.20 0.09 Intersection Summary Aug. 5, 2024 Item #5 Page 115 of 122 HCM 6th Signalized Intersection Summary Proposed PM 1: Jefferson St & Tamarack Ave 04/22/2024 Jefferson Elementary SRTS Synchro 11 Report Page 2 Movement EBL EBT EBR WBL WBT WBR NBL NBT NBR SBL SBT SBR Lane Configurations Traffic Volume (veh/h) 71 304 20 34 320 167 23 41 90 207 45 74 Future Volume (veh/h) 71 304 20 34 320 167 23 41 90 207 45 74 Initial Q (Qb), veh 000000000000 Ped-Bike Adj(A_pbT) 1.00 0.96 1.00 0.97 0.99 0.97 0.99 0.96 Parking Bus, Adj 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Work Zone On Approach No No No No Adj Sat Flow, veh/h/ln 1870 1870 1870 1870 1870 1870 1870 1870 1870 1870 1870 1870 Adj Flow Rate, veh/h 77 330 22 37 348 182 25 45 98 225 49 80 Peak Hour Factor 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 Percent Heavy Veh, %222222222222 Cap, veh/h 127 1033 68 75 622 318 134 167 281 585 187 305 Arrive On Green 0.07 0.31 0.31 0.04 0.28 0.28 0.30 0.30 0.30 0.30 0.30 0.30 Sat Flow, veh/h 1781 3374 224 1781 2247 1149 113 558 939 1229 624 1018 Grp Volume(v), veh/h 77 173 179 37 274 256 168 0 0 225 0 129 Grp Sat Flow(s),veh/h/ln 1781 1777 1820 1781 1777 1620 1609 0 0 1229 0 1642 Q Serve(g_s), s 1.7 3.1 3.1 0.8 5.4 5.6 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.5 0.0 2.5 Cycle Q Clear(g_c), s 1.7 3.1 3.1 0.8 5.4 5.6 3.2 0.0 0.0 4.7 0.0 2.5 Prop In Lane 1.00 0.12 1.00 0.71 0.15 0.58 1.00 0.62 Lane Grp Cap(c), veh/h 127 544 557 75 492 449 583 0 0 585 0 492 V/C Ratio(X) 0.61 0.32 0.32 0.50 0.56 0.57 0.29 0.00 0.00 0.38 0.00 0.26 Avail Cap(c_a), veh/h 671 1295 1327 671 1295 1181 1327 0 0 1860 0 2195 HCM Platoon Ratio 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Upstream Filter(I)1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 1.00 Uniform Delay (d), s/veh 18.6 11.0 11.0 19.3 12.7 12.8 11.2 0.0 0.0 11.6 0.0 11.0 Incr Delay (d2), s/veh 1.7 0.3 0.3 1.9 1.0 1.2 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.2 0.0 0.1 Initial Q Delay(d3),s/veh 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 %ile BackOfQ(50%),veh/ln 0.7 1.0 1.1 0.3 1.9 1.8 1.0 0.0 0.0 1.4 0.0 0.8 Unsig. Movement Delay, s/veh LnGrp Delay(d),s/veh 20.3 11.3 11.3 21.2 13.7 13.9 11.3 0.0 0.0 11.8 0.0 11.1 LnGrp LOS C B B C BBBAABAB Approach Vol, veh/h 429 567 168 354 Approach Delay, s/veh 12.9 14.3 11.3 11.5 Approach LOS BBBB Timer - Assigned Phs 2 3 4 6 7 8 Phs Duration (G+Y+Rc), s 17.3 6.2 17.6 17.3 7.4 16.4 Change Period (Y+Rc), s 5.0 4.5 5.0 5.0 4.5 5.0 Max Green Setting (Gmax), s 32.0 15.5 30.0 55.0 15.5 30.0 Max Q Clear Time (g_c+I1), s 5.2 2.8 5.1 6.7 3.7 7.6 Green Ext Time (p_c), s 0.7 0.0 2.1 1.0 0.1 3.4 Intersection Summary HCM 6th Ctrl Delay 12.9 HCM 6th LOS B Aug. 5, 2024 Item #5 Page 116 of 122 _____ "i tf+ "i tf+ ---4+ "i f+ Appendix D: Pick-Up and Drop-Off Access Routes for Jefferson Elementary School Aug. 5, 2024 Item #5 Page 117 of 122 Map showing location of Jeerson Elementary in Carlsbad, CA. Google Earth, earth.google.com/web Pedestrian Route ADA Accessible Route Pick-Up & Drop-Off Route Special Education Drop-Off Route Magnolia Avenue Tamara c k A v e n u e J e f f e r s o n S t r e e t TK/K 1-5 Pick-Up & Drop-Off Routes Jefferson Elementary Heavy Traffic Important Alerts Please Pull Forward Aug. 5, 2024 Item #5 Page 118 of 122 Appendix E: Non-Infrastructure Strategies Aug. 5, 2024 Item #5 Page 119 of 122 To: Fehr and Peers; City of Carlsbad From: Alta Planning + Design Date: April 22, 2023 Re: Non-infrastructure Strategies for Jefferson Elementary School Encouraging Safe Routes to School at Jefferson Elementary School Non-infrastructure strategies are an important part of the comprehensive Carlsbad Safe Route to School (SRTS) program. While infrastructure improvements create safer and more comfortable routes, non-infrastructure (also called encouragement and education) SRTS activities like traffic safety education and walking and biking promotional activities encourage students and their families to choose active modes to get to and from school. In addition, SRTS projects with non-infrastructure components build enthusiasm and support for active transportation and can be an important first step toward implementing more costly infrastructure improvements. This memo outlines SRTS non-infrastructure recommendations for Jefferson Elementary School. The Carlsbad SRTS project team compiled these recommendations based on school and community needs and priorities, available resources, and SRTS best practices. These recommendations present ways that the City of Carlsbad (City), Carlsbad Unified School District (CUSD), Jefferson Elementary School staff, parents/caregivers, and students, and others can participate in SRTS activities. Bike/Pedestrian Education School-based skills and traffic safety instruction during recess, PE, or other appropriate learning time would provide opportunities for the development of pedestrian and bicycle traffic safety skills, bike handling skills, safe riding practices (“street smarts”), helmet fit, and bike prep for Jefferson Elementary School students. There are various local resources available, such as the Carlsbad Safer Streets Together Resources, which include free bike and e-bike safety courses for students and their families offered by Carlsbad Police Department. Moreover, the San Diego County Bicycle Coalition provides bicycle laws and safety tips on its website resources page and holds school-based pedestrian and bike safety classes. Resources: • Carlsbad Safer Streets Together Resources • Carlsbad Bike and E-bike Safety Class • Bike and e-bike laws and safety tips are available through the San Diego County Bicycle Coalition • City of Oceanside SRTS e-bike safety educational video Crossing Guard Training Jefferson Elementary School currently has one Crossing Guard located at Jefferson Street and Carol Place right in front of the school. Regardless of who is serving the role of a Crossing Guard—school staff performing this role as a part of their duties, city staff, paid contractors, or volunteers—it is important that they receive training on at least a biennial basis to ensure they are performing their duties properly and safely. Resources • California Crossing Guard Training Program Aug. 5, 2024 Item #5 Page 120 of 122 Crossing Guard Promotional Education Crossing Guards play a vital role in ensuring the safety of students, families, and residents while crossing the street near schools. They help to alert drivers that people are crossing the roadway. Disregarding the direction of a Crossing Guard is a violation of the law (California Vehicle Code Section 2815). Educating and promoting the importance of listening to Crossing Guards' directions may encourage more people to follow their directions. Hosting an annual Crossing Guard Appreciation Day at Jefferson Elementary School would help students, parents, caregivers, and drivers show their appreciation to Crossing Guards. The City could leverage their “Safer Together” campaign branding to create and post promotional materials on social media to encourage students, parents, caregivers, and drivers to pay more attention to Crossing Guards and follow their direction. Resource: • Westminster Safe Route to School Plan Appendix A Please Pull Forward Signage On-campus, “Please Pull Forward” signage can remind drivers to use the entire drop-off/pick-up space when unloading and loading their students. This has the benefit of getting vehicles off the streets, which reduces traffic congestion and reduces vehicle and pedestrian conflicts. The City could leverage their “Safer Together” campaign branding to create school drop-off/pick-up signage that reminds drivers to pull forward, stay off mobile phones, and pay attention to other students and vehicles. Resource: • Westminster Safe Routes to School Plan Appendix E School Board Policy School board policies, like California Board of Education Board Policy (BP) 5142.2 Safe Routes to School Program, help solidify a school district’s commitment to promoting active transportation as a safe and healthy way to get to and from school. CUSD adopted BP 5142.2 along with Administrative Regulation (AR) 5142.2 in October 2021. CUSD support for SRTS can be leveraged to grow SRTS efforts and even secure grant funding for future SRTS initiatives. Resources: • CUSD BP 5142.2: Safe Routes to School Program • CUSD AR 5142.2: Safe Routes to School Program School Champion Toolkit Resources for SRTS school champions (parent/caregivers or others who volunteer time and energy towards promoting walking and biking for the school commute) help start and/or grow walking/biking programs at school sites. “How to” guides provide a variety of SRTS activities and describe how to implement them. Resources: • Parent and Community Empowerment Toolkit, San Mateo County Safe Routes to School • Volunteer Toolkit, Safe Routes to School National Partnership Aug. 5, 2024 Item #5 Page 121 of 122 School Communications Schools, including Jefferson Elementary School, are critical to promoting safe walking, bicycling, and driving behavior and encouraging families to walk and bike. They can share walking and biking promotional messages through school communication channels such as newsletters, social media, websites, and in-person events to create a school culture that supports active travel. The City could leverage their “Safer Together” campaign branding to create resources for schools like Jefferson Elementary School to promote safe and frequent walking and biking to school. Resource: • Safe Routes National Partnership Back to School Messaging Guide Suggested Route Map The City created suggested route maps as a part of their 2020 Sustainable Mobility Plan. A suggested route map shows walking (and biking for older students) routes to school along with key information including existing infrastructure, approximate route times, key landmarks, and more. Suggested route maps are a great tool for communicating walking and biking opportunities and help channelize routes, which can lead to safer conditions for all road users. Resource: • City of Carlsbad Suggested Routes to School Maps Valet Curbside Drop-off A valet curbside drop-off program could alleviate traffic concerns on the Jefferson Elementary School campus by speeding up the drop-off process and providing a more fluid motion of vehicular traffic in the drop-off area. The service can be offered by older students (e.g., fifth and sixth grades) who complete traffic safety training. During a designated time period, valets are stationed along the drop-off area and wearing bright safety vests. When drivers pull into the drop-off area, the valets direct them to drive as far forward as possible, making use of the entire length of the available curb. Then, valets open the passenger door for students to exit the vehicle, close the door, and direct drivers to pull forward and exit the drop-off area. Resource: • AAA School Safety Patrol Walk to School Day or Bike to School Day Walk to School Days or Bike to School Days are before school walking or biking event involving all students. Students are encouraged to walk to school on a particular day (chosen by the school) and receive incentives for participation. Other events, such as Cocoa for Carpools, can be incorporated into Walk and Bike to School Days for older students. Resource: • Walk, Bike, & Roll to School, National Center for Safe Routes to School Aug. 5, 2024 Item #5 Page 122 of 122 From:Stephen Stewart To:Traffic Subject:Jefferson Elementary Safe Routes to School Plan - Linmar Lane Sidewalks needed Date:Sunday, July 21, 2024 4:32:55 PM I was heartened to see the upcoming agenda for the Commission for Jefferson School Safety Improvements. Another example of the positive improvements Carlsbad (and theCommission) is pursuing. As part of this plan, I want to provide STRONG endoresement to installing sidewalks on Linmar Lane near Tamarack. This has been a safety issue for us since we moved in 24 yearsago. While Linmar used to be a cul de sac, there was no planning to properly address the high volume of traffic (car, pedestrian, bicycle, etc.) through the street. There are many walkers inour neighborhood every single day (including mothers with strollers) and we all face thedanger of walking in the street between addresses 3935 and 3901 on Linmar as there isno sidewalk. Worse; the street is narrower; to the point that vehicles have to wait for opposing vehicles to clear parked cars. In fact, just this past week, an CB detective officer(Adam Bentley) was looking for security camera footage from our house as he was investigating a recent hit and run side swipe of a parked car on the narrow section of LinmarLane. Just think of trying to walk on this section of street when cars can’t even safely maneuver w/o waiting. Adding more risk is the blind right turn off eastbound Tamarackwhich also increases the danger of walking in the street. Given these safety concerns, please ensure new sidewalks are installed on Linmar Lane toimprove safety on this street; not only for young students at Jefferson but also for the many citizens that walk to the beach on Linmar Lane. I plan to attend the upcoming Mobility Commission meeting in August and express theseconcerns. Stephen Stewart 3975 Linmar Lane CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. 1 Nick Gorman From:michael ajdour <michaelajd@yahoo.com> Sent:Sunday, August 4, 2024 4:20 PM To:Traffic Subject:Jefferson Elementary Safe Routes to School 8/5/24 Dear Traffic Commissioners, Thank you for caring about safe routes to Jefferson Elementary. The report that you are receiving on Jefferson is well intentioned but lacks accuracy. A copy of the bell schedule for the school will tell you that drop off and pickup times of 7-9 and 2-4 do NOT match real life 2023-24 or 2024-25. Many are at midday ( TK and K) Thursdays around 1:30,nobody around 4. There are no 6th graders at any Carlsbad elementary schools, let alone ones that should be performing valet service! Fehr Peers is so far off here. Who hired them? What funds are they getting paid out of? This is flat out peculiar as well as inaccurate. Get accurate demographics and you will see that this school is heavy on TK and kindergarten. So please focus more on walkability than bikability for safety's sake with these littles. There was heavy construction traffic in front of Jefferson last year when the 89 unit Pacific Winds apartments were being built. That's over and good riddance. Some tie ups may self resolve and others develop. Smarter to observe prior to making recommendations. There are requests in the report that you address pedestrian crossings at I-5. I believe (and please correct me if I am wrong) that the elementary school boundary was set there with good reason. I-5 is the busiest highway in the US. It is beyond your purview to make those crossings a natural part of any elementary student's daily walk. The parents who are concerned about crossing Tamarack are right. It's outside the box for Carlsbad, but an overhead footbridge would be a better longterm solution than another crosswalk.The west end of the Jefferson/Tamarack intersection would be ideal. Children still should not walk in front of Windsor Pointe on Harding due to the county continuing to place people there with records of crimes against children. The cross guard at Jefferson is phenomenal and you need her input prior to any recommendations to council. As a commission, you should listen to the parents instead of the consultant. Good luck with this and thank you. Sincerely, Julie Ajdour - barrio resident Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android 2 CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. From:Denis Jensen To:Traffic Cc:Keith Blackburn; michaelajd; Council Internet Email; Priya Bhat-Patel; Teresa Acosta; Carolyn Luna; Melanie Burkholder; Lara Benusis; Mark Packard; Tracy Carmichael; Teri Jacobs; Matt Hall; Raul Villamar; Jeffrey Yuen; Alanna Trimble; Christie Calderwood; Greg@gregday4carlsbad.com; Momophd Momofphd; kevinshin27@gmail.com; Sarah Alegre; Mike Curtin; Dorian Hargrove; Steve Puterski; Justin Cox; philip.diehl@sduniontribune.com Subject:Traffic Safety & Mobility Commission: Comment for Aug 5 Meeting Date:Monday, August 5, 2024 11:57:33 AM Regarding the City of Carlsbad’s Safe Routes to School Program, I want to comment aboutdrivers running the 3-way stop sign adjacent to Jefferson Elementary School at Jefferson & Magnolia Ave, all day long. This can even be witnessed when children are present, walkinghome from school. However, you should ALSO be aware that the City has placed ahomeless housing project at 3606 Harding Street, directly on the path children walk toJefferson Elementary school and two preschools. This facility specializes in seriouslymentally ill homeless and literally accepts murderers and drug dealers as tenants as longas their convictions are greater than five years old. Neighbors found a registered sex offender in residence within just two weeks of opening. In fact, neighbors have traced fivepeople as tenants so far, all (100%) have criminal histories including murder and “Cruelty to a Child Inflicting Injury”. These people have been purposefully placed on this path to school,the path you’re assessing the safety of. And despite Chief of Police Mickey Williams assessing this facility not safe and requesting 24/7 uniformed onsite security, it has no securityduring school hours. The City Council is revisiting the wisdom of this homeless facility at the Council meeting on Tuesday, August 20 and has a chance to remedy this. However, it is fully expected that theywill only recommend further inaction except additional social worker office hours that tenants may or may not want to participate in. Sincerely,Denis Jensen A Jefferson Elementary School neighbor, whose kid will never be able to walk to school alone CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Jefferson Elementary School Safe Routes to School Nathan Schmidt, Transportation Planning and Mobility Manager Nick Gorman, Associate Engineer Aug. 5, 2024 { City of Carlsbad RECOMMENDED ACTION Receive a report on the Safe Routes to School Plan for Jefferson Elementary School and recommend approval of the proposed conceptual plan to City Council. ITEM 5: JEFFERSON ELEMENTARY SCHOOL - SRTS { City of Carlsbad SAFE ROUTES TO SCHOOL •Approach that promotes walking and biking to school •Working with the community to enhance traffic safety and reduce congestion throughout the city •Identified in the Sustainable Mobility Plan as a key principle ITEM 5: JEFFERSON ELEMENTARY SCHOOL - SRTS ( City of Carlsbad Magnolia Ave COMMUNITY OUTREACH •Met with school administration •Hosted listening sessions •Conducted a walking audit •Hosted an online survey for feedback •Mailers sent out to community and informed school staff/parents ITEM 5: JEFFERSON ELEMENTARY SCHOOL - SRTS {city of Carlsbad WALKING AUDIT •Staff conducted a walking audit along the suggested walking route •Areas of potential improvement noted: •f - Sidewalk and crossing gaps to help remove barriers to walking - Traffic calming opportunities - Tamarack Avenue/Jefferson Street intersection 6 ITEM 5: JEFFERSON ELEMENTARY SCHOOL - SRTS {city of Carlsbad PICK UP/DROP OFF OBSERVATIONS •Staff conducted pick-up/drop off observations in September 2023 •Observations noted were: •f - Queues along Jefferson St - On-campus circulation - Vehicle speeds in the area 7 ITEM 5: JEFFERSON ELEMENTARY SCHOOL - SRTS {city of Carlsbad COMMUNITY FEEDBACK •Listening sessions invited parents and school staff •Online survey distributed to surrounding community •The following input was received: •f - Vehicle speed concerns - Crossing gaps along Tamarack Avenue - Lighting concerns ITEM 5: JEFFERSON ELEMENTARY SCHOOL - SRTS {city of Carlsbad Magnolia Ave MODE SHARE SURVEY 0%10%20%30%40%50%60%70% •Survey was done by teachers during attendance •45% of students were captured 0% 7% 67% 3% 1% 22% Jefferson Elementary Mode Share Bus Carpool Family Vehicle Bicycle (non-electric) E-Bike Walk I I ■ I PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS Near-term improvements •Signing and striping •Programmatic recommendations Long-term improvements •Curb extensions •Sidewalks •Traffic calming ITEM 5: JEFFERSON ELEMENTARY SCHOOL - SRTS ( City of Carlsbad * The speed table locations are conceptual recommendations. Final placement will be determined through additional traffic engineering analysis per the City's Residential Traffic Management Program Curb Extensions and High Visibility Crosswalks Near Term: “Keep Clear” Pavement Markings Speed Table* Recently Installed Raised Crosswalk * The speed table locations are conceptual recommendations. Final placement will be determined through additional traffic engineering analysis per the City's Residential Traffic Management Program Near Term: Striping for two separate SB Lanes Approx. 4 parking stalls to be removed Near Term: LED Pedestrian Activated No Right Turn on Red New Sidewalks Note: Linmar Lane is an “Alternative Design Street” which is subject to special approval process Speed Table* ----------------.------- Linmart.a/16 is Sire t" which approv: UNMAR * The speed table locations are conceptual recommendations. Final placement will be determined through additional traffic engineering analysis per the City's Residential Traffic Management Program Curb Extensions and High Visibility Crosswalks Speed Table*Sidewalk Improvements Over the Bridge ----------------------------------' CIHINQUAPIN AVE Curb Extensions and Pedestrian Lighting Improvements Center Median Refuge Island 1A ARAC AVE Interim/Temporary Improvement: A) Raised Mid-Block Crossing OR B) New Crosswalk with RRFB Curb Extension to align with proposed crosswalk Coastal Rail Trail Crossing (with future extension of the trail) 16 .r-----t ·---I • w ·orki ng with r•egi o nal partners to ,eva I t1 ate· rmu lt:i mod a~ im1pr,oveme·nts at int,errchang1e locatrirons ■ I 17 PROGRAMMATIC RECOMMENDATIONS •Bike & pedestrian education •Walk to School and/or Bike to School Day •School communications ITEM 5: JEFFERSON ELEMENTARY SCHOOL - SRTS ( City of Carlsbad NEXT STEPS ITEM 5: JEFFERSON ELEMENTARY SCHOOL - SRTS Receive Traffic Safety & Mobility Commission input Finalize Safe Routes to School plan Present the Safe Routes to School plan to City Council ( City of Carlsbad RECOMMENDED ACTION ITEM 5: JEFFERSON ELEMENTARY SCHOOL - SRTS Receive a report on the Safe Routes to School Plan for Jefferson Elementary School and recommend approval of the proposed conceptual plan to City Council. { City of Carlsbad THANK YOU! ITEM 5: JEFFERSON ELEMENTARY SCHOOL - SRTS { City of Carlsbad