HomeMy WebLinkAbout1990-03-07; Planning Commission; ; CUP 229X1 - CHRIST UNITED PRESBYTERIAN CHURCHDATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: L • STAFF REPORT March 7, 1990 PLANNING COMMISSION PLANNING DEPARTMENT APPLI.ON COMPLETE DATE~ November 20. 1989 CUP 229xl -CHRIST UNITED PRF.sBYTERIAN CHURCH -Request for a five-year extension of Conditional Use Permit No. 229 allowing the continued operation of a Church, Day Care Center, and Sunday School on a 3.54 acre property located at 7807 Centella Street. The Church is located in the RDM Zone in Local Facilities Management Zone 6. RECOMMENDATION That the Planning Commission ADOPT Planning Commission Resolution No. 2949 APPROVING a five-year extension of CUP 229xl, based on the findings and subject to the conditions contained therein. IL PROJECT DESCRIPTION AND BACKGROUND On June 8, 1983, the Planning Commission approved CUP 229 allowing the construction and operation of a church, day care center and sunday school on a 3.54 acre site located at 7807 Centella Street. The Conditional Use Permit approved the construction of a church sanctuary, social hall, 70' high church spire, three classroom buildings, a day care center, and a 115 space parking area, (see attached Exhibit "A"). On September 8, 1984 the Planning Department approved Building Permit No. 84-247 for the construction of only the church social hall, day care center, and two smaller parking areas, (see attached Exhibit "B"). The church sanctuary, spire, three classroom buildings, and the remainder of the larger parking area have not yet been constructed nor have building permits been requested. The existing development on the site differs from the approved Conditional Use Permit in several ways. A major portion of the 115 space parking lot remains unpaved, a portion of the day care center's play yard encroaches into required landscaping, a sand volleyball court occupies an area designated for a classroom building, and finally several areas of the site are barren of landscaping or contain landscaping that is not in a healthy, thriving condition. At some point in time, after the original building permit was issued, a curb cut along Centella Street was constructed that allows vehicle access to the unpaved portion of the 115 space parking area. CUP 229x1 • Christ United Presbyterian Church March 7, 1990 Page 2 • The property currently has 49 paved parking spaces where the original Conditional Use Permit indicates 115 paved spaces. Current parking standards require 1 parking space per every 100 square feet of floor area in the main assembly area of the church, one parking space per employee of a day care center, and 1 parking space per every 10 children. The existing social hall has 3,164 square feet of main assembly area, creating the demand for 32 paved parking spaces. The day care center currently accommodates 57 children and 11 staff members at any one time, creating a demand for 17 paved parking spaces. The two uses taken together create a total parking demand for the site of 49 spaces. Staff has reviewed the original staff report and adopting resolution for CUP 229, and visited the site and concludes that the use is still desirable for the development of the community. The site is adequate in size and shape to accommodate the use and the street system is adequate to properly handle all traffic generated by the use. Staff feels that the applicant is in violation of the terms of Planning Commission Resolution No. 2949, Condition No. 6 which requires that all landscaped areas be maintained in a healthy and thriving condition. Staff also concludes that the site's existing developed state is detrimental to the surrounding neighborhood and that landscape coverage and screening, necessary to adjust the use with existing uses in the neighborhood is not provided and maintained. The site is visible from housing units on the west side of Centella Street and from the public right-of-way along Rancho Santa Fe Road. Inadequate and substandard landscaping degrades the visual character of the surrounding neighborhood. Therefore, staff is recommending that the permit be first extended temporarily for one year so that adequate landscaping may be installed and be established in a thriving condition. If this is accomplished, then the permit could be automatically extended to June 8, 1993. In conclusion, staff is recommending approval of a five-year extension of CUP 229 based on the condition that the applicant bring the church site into conformance with landscape conditions of approval. Ill ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW The Planning Director has determined that the environmental impacts of this project have already been considered in the original issuance of a Negative Declaration dated May 5, 1983; and, therefore, a Notice of Prior Environmental Compliance was issued on December 13, 1989. ATTACHMENTS 1. Planning Commission Resolution No. 2949 2. Location Map 3. Notice of Prior Environmental Compliance 4. Staff Report for CUP 229 5. Planning Commission Resolution No. 2127 6. Letter dated October 17, 1989 7. Exhibits "A" -"B" JG:lh December 4, 1989 ~\\I AN ~ '\ • ' ('~ ~rq w t:, ... ~ :P a: ,.. 0,, :: Christ Presb7teri"iln Ontrch GEORGE E. DeWEESE Pastor Mr. Michael J. Holzmiller Planning Director . CITY OF CARLSBAD · • 207 5 Las Palmas Drive , Carlsbad, CA 92009 · Dear Sir: OF f-~ncho LJ'I. costC~ October 17, 1989 RE: CUP #229 .. · ,, .. -~.-- ·._ ,.;_;_:, __ :-..• -.. •.< During 198.2 the Presbytery of San Diego purchased 3.57 acr'es of land at the south end· of Centella Street for a new church development. . The • church was to be k~~wn·as Christ Presbyterian Ghurch of Rancho La Costa. Macy,· Henderson, ·and, Cole, .. AIA were ;retained as ,architects J:o develop a master plan. for. the_ 'chur'ch_,_qild. to process a .conditional ·use permit through. your department>. Conditional Use ~Permit· #229 was· approved J>/"the· City· of Carlsbad_ on· June :·:i3; :1983 ., •• • '. • ·• ·· ::..,:.' :. · • ' , .. \~~~J~-: ~-:"· :· , ... The same • archite~'ts· prepc3.red plans.for OU~ 'ti~st phas~. ~·£ 'construe-• tion consisting ~f .a'' Fellowship •• Hall and. a :nay Nursery· School/S~nday . school. Permits were.issued,_contracts let and work was· completed and approved by the city. The first service was held in the Fellowship Hall in July, 1985 .. Growth has been steady but slower than we expected and we had no reason to contact your offices .. We now need to consider expansion of our Sunday School and a·member of the church came to your office only to find our C.U.P~ had expired. (Macy, Henderson and Cole, AIA., who processed our master plan, C.U.P.; and first phase of construction retired and closed their.offices in the Spring, 1986). We understand a five year extension would be granted but the request should be before the expiration date. By our own lack of knowledge we failed to make such a request. Please consider this letter as a request for· the five year extension. We still intend to follow the original master plan that was used in our original request for C.U.P. #229. Thank you. GED:sg cc: Lane Satterstrom Scott Wolters Sin~ely, A . CU/_ --:? ~J1/ ~/ /.£UL-- George E. Cifeweese Pastor Li17gW-~mMHfu Street • Carlsbad, California 92009 • (619) 753-3290 I I ·l l J 1 l l j \ \ \ \ \ \ - -- CUP-229x 1 CHRIST UNITED PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH G CHRIST UNITED PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH o, u°'°"" u com ~ ~: , •• 10· •~IDICI et NCllltTH IAACl ~ AK> C0U. ARCKTlaCTS 1..1..A. • - lt cup Z2 / p o.r \::; 1 ':""::> A nzc,. ll~_ • -