HomeMy WebLinkAbout2024-08-20; City Council; ; Progress Report on Actions to Address Concerns Related to the Windsor Pointe Affordable Housing ProjectCA Review CKM Meeting Date: Aug. 20, 2024 To: Mayor and City Council From: Scott Chadwick, City Manager Staff Contact: Mandy Mills, Housing & Homeless Services Director mandy.mills@carlsbadca.gov, 442-339-2907 Reid Shipley, Assistant Police Chief reid.shipley@carlsbadca.gov, 442-339-2257 Subject: Progress Report on Actions to Address Concerns Related to the Windsor Pointe Affordable Housing Project District: 1 Recommended Action Receive a progress report on City Council directed actions related to the Windsor Pointe Affordable Housing Project. Executive Summary When the Windsor Pointe affordable apartments opened in Spring 2022, community members expressed concerns about safety and other negative effects on the neighborhood’s quality of life. The apartments are owned by Carlsbad Veteran Housing, L.P. and operated by Affirmed Housing Group, Inc., a company specializing in providing affordable housing, including 22 projects offering housing with supportive services for people experiencing homelessness.1 City staff have worked with Affirmed Housing to address these concerns and collaborate on solutions. By early 2024, this collaboration resulted in some improvements, but many concerns remained unresolved. The City Council requested the project be placed on its meeting agenda so there could be a full public review and evaluation of the city’s options. At that meeting, held March 12, 2024, the City Council directed staff to pursue actions related to security, the level of supportive services provided and changes to how applicants receive priority for tenancy. The City of Carlsbad has some leverage to request changes because it provided a loan to the project and has a ground lease with the project owner. But, because the project also used funding from the No Place Like Home program issued by the County of San Diego, the city 1 Affirmed Housing is the Manager of AHG Windsor Pointe, LLC, which is Carlsbad Veteran Housing’s Administrative General Partner. Aug. 20, 2024 Item #10 Page 1 of 22 cannot require some of the operational changes desired by the City Council. However, Affirmed Housing and its property management company recognize the importance of being a good neighbor and have demonstrated an openness to many of the city’s suggestions. The city has also engaged with the County of San Diego to request more appropriate services be provided to the tenants referred to units financed by the No Place Like Home program. Since March, increased security has been put in place, residents are receiving more access to onsite services and the need for Police Department services has decreased. The city has also launched a legislative strategy to address state and federal regulations to provide greater flexibility in how tenants are prioritized for housing like that offered by Windsor Pointe. Explanation & Analysis Background The Windsor Pointe project was first proposed in 2016 to provide permanent supportive housing for veterans experiencing homelessness. The City Council approved two actions, one in 2017 and one in 2020, for a $8.3 million financing package with the project owner to acquire the land and build the Windsor Pointe Affordable Housing Project. The project met an important need for permanent supportive housing in Carlsbad for people with very low incomes. The County of San Diego provided funding to develop and operate the housing through the state funded No Place Like Home program.2 The county also contracts with the service provider that assists residents in units funded through the No Place Like Home program. Affirmed Housing operates the project and contracts with a property manager and an additional onsite service provider. Who lives at Windsor Pointe The project contains 50 apartments, including two manager units, located on two non- contiguous sites, 965 Oak Ave. and 3606 Harding St., in the city’s Barrio area. Windsor Pointe apartments provide affordable housing for households with lower incomes. Onsite services are provided to promote housing stability, help residents achieve education and employment goals and connect households to resources that promote overall well-being. While these services are offered, Windsor Pointe is an apartment building where tenants sign a residential lease, not a homeless shelter or other similar facility. Its tenants have the same rights and responsibilities as any other person living in a Carlsbad apartment community. The apartments are rented to people using the following criteria: 24 units 24 units (No Place Like Home funding) Priority given (in this order) to lower- income households: 1. Carlsbad veterans 2. Other veterans 3. Carlsbad residents 4. Other income qualified households • People experiencing homelessness referred through the regional Coordinated Entry System • County confirms person being referred has a serious mental illness diagnosis • Veterans are given priority 2 Project funding was also provided through tax credits from the California Tax Credit Allocation Committee. Aug. 20, 2024 Item #10 Page 2 of 22 Eight households currently include residents with veteran status, and five households include people who are either from Carlsbad or work in Carlsbad, or both. Community concerns When the project opened, community members expressed concerns about safety and other negative effects on the neighborhood’s quality of life. City staff worked with Affirmed Housing, its property management company, ConAm Management Corporation, and the County of San Diego to address those concerns. City Council direction to address concerns Ultimately, the City Council held a meeting March 12, 2024, to hear from the community and review actions taken to date. On March 12, 2024, and subsequent City Council meetings on April 9 and June 11, 2024, the City Council directed city staff to pursue a number of action items related to security, supportive services and priority referrals for the project. City staff, Affirmed Housing, ConAm, and the county’s Behavioral Health Services and Housing & Community Development departments have worked collaboratively to make changes to the project’s operations. Based on the review of data since March, city staff see improvement related to security and service level concerns based on the actions that have been implemented. City staff will continue to pursue the implementation of the identified action items, track and monitor statistics and trends that affect Windsor Pointe and the surrounding neighborhood. Progress updates The information below summarizes the progress made in each of these areas. Immediate and long-term security improvements One of the main areas of community concern relates to security. Increased onsite security Since March, security has been improved significantly. • The county has approved the maximum operating reserve disbursement of funding for Windsor Pointe that is allowed by regulations. This enabled the project developer to cover the cost of having an onsite security guard from 6 p.m. to 6 a.m., seven days a week at both locations. • There is 24-hour video surveillance monitoring, seven days a week at both locations. • The California Department of Housing and Community Development currently limits how government agencies like the county can use a permanent supportive housing project’s operating reserve funds during a project’s first five years. • The city is working with its legislative team on a plan to advocate for changes to reduce/remove these restrictions. Enforcement of resident lease terms The property owner and property management company have taken appropriate actions to address residents who violate their lease terms. • Affirmed Housing and its management company are exercising their rights in enforcing the terms of the lease, up to and including evictions. Aug. 20, 2024 Item #10 Page 3 of 22 Controlled access for guests The management plan was revised to include an amended guest policy requiring visitor check-in, and a remote access control system is in place to maintain security and visibility of the front door. • Remote access only allows entry to the lobby. • Guests need to be escorted by a resident or staff member beyond the lobby to enter the residential part of the property. • Stairwells and elevators require a key fob. Key fob activity is recorded and monitored by onsite property management. • Surveillance cameras – 27 of them – provide 24-hour live monitoring throughout the property. The third-party monitoring company will document an incident and contact onsite staff and/or security or 911 depending on the level of attention needed. • Property managers review entry logs with time- and date-stamped photos to monitor guest access • All staff and residents have been trained how to use the system. There are also in-home supportive services workers who come regularly to help tenants, but do not live onsite. These workers go through a criminal background check with the County of San Diego. A live-in aide would go through the same background screening process as a resident and sign a lease addendum agreeing to occupancy terms. (No tenants currently have a live-in aide.) Ensure adequate support services are provided Another main area of concern relates to whether adequate client-based services, such as behavioral health care, are provided to residents so that they can remain stably housed. Increase in county services for Windsor Pointe • The County of San Diego has authorized an increase in onsite behavioral health services, increasing services for No Place Like Home residents by 20 hours a week, from 24 to 44 hours weekly, Monday through Friday. • The County Board of Supervisors has requested enhanced clinical support seven days a week, but county staff have not yet identified funding to cover the costs. • The County of San Diego has referred more specialized care to residents with higher needs. More training for onsite personnel Onsite personnel have received mental health first-aid training to recognize and respond to signs and symptoms of a mental health crisis. • Training includes strategies to help people in both crisis and noncrisis situations and resources for appropriate professional help. Although service providers are actively working with residents to provide the services they need, everyone, including residents at Windsor Pointe, has the right to refuse medical and mental health treatment. Aug. 20, 2024 Item #10 Page 4 of 22 Advocate for higher veteran and Carlsbad priority The third area of focus relates to the ability to serve more veterans and more Carlsbad residents. Veterans are given preference for all units at Windsor Pointe. Half of the units are also prioritized for those who live or work in Carlsbad. Veterans City staff are advocating for legislation that will help more veterans qualify for affordable housing like Windsor Pointe. • With benefits, many veterans exceed the income limit to qualify for some affordable housing projects. • City staff are advocating for veterans to be allowed to exceed the maximum income limits for supportive housing, or for veterans’ disability benefits to not be counted toward maximum income limits. • At the federal level, U.S. Rep. Brad Sherman (with several co-sponsors, including Rep. Mike Levin) introduced the Housing Unhoused Disabled Veterans Act, (H.R. 8340) in May 2024. The bill proposes to exclude any disability benefits received by a veteran from the definition of adjusted income for the purposes of determining eligibility for the supportive housing program under Section 8 of the United States Housing Act. (The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development announced a similar change on Aug. 8 for veterans applying for the HUD–Veterans Affairs supportive housing program.) o Staff will request the city’s Legislative Subcommittee approve a letter of support for H.R. 8340, as part of this advocacy effort. • At the state level, staff and the city’s lobbyists are seeking to determine whether statutory changes could be achieved through a bill passed as part of the state budget to either waive income limits for veterans or exclude veteran benefits from income calculations for housing placements in state-funded units. State-level changes are needed for any new rules to apply at Windsor Pointe. • The project partners are exploring alternatives to increase veteran occupancy, including opportunities for project-based housing vouchers through the Veterans Affairs supportive housing program administered by the County of San Diego. The application for these vouchers is not yet available. Carlsbad affiliation City staff continue to explore how to serve more local people in need. • The California Department of Housing and Community Development has indicated that the city would be required to conduct a regional fair housing legal analysis to determine if giving a preference at Windsor Pointe to people from Carlsbad would be consistent with federal and state fair housing laws. • City staff are exploring the feasibility of conducting the required analysis, including reaching out to staff from to neighboring cities, who have indicated their preliminary interest. The San Diego region uses the Coordinated Entry System to make referrals to supportive housing like Winsor Pointe. That system operates on a regional referral level, unless otherwise required by a funding source. Aug. 20, 2024 Item #10 Page 5 of 22 • City staff have engaged with the Regional Task Force on Homelessness and County Supervisor Terra Lawson-Remer, who serves as First Vice Chair of the Continuum of Care Board, to explore changes at the regional and state level on how referrals are made. • The goal is to establish a subregional priority in that system, which would direct local services first to those in the immediate area. A table, attached as Exhibit 1, provides additional information about the city and county action items, and their current status. A memo from the County of San Diego related to Board of Supervisors-approved action items is included as Exhibit 2. Understanding calls for service Community members have expressed concerns about the number of calls for service to Windsor Pointe apartments. “Calls for service” is a very broad term that includes many things beyond a resident or neighbor calling for police assistance. • They include 911 calls for fires and medical emergencies. • Cancelled calls and hang-ups also count toward the number of calls for service. • Officers also generate a call for service whenever they conduct a follow up visit or decide to initiate patrol at a specific location. For these reasons, calls for service indicate a general level of activity, but are not necessarily an indicator of criminal activity, or of the use of Police Department resources. For example, since March 2024, the city had 222 calls for service related to Windsor Point apartments. • To put the number of calls for service in perspective, the city had 46,566 calls for service citywide during the same timeframe. • Of the Windsor Pointe calls for service, 80% were for non-criminal matters, such as someone needing mental health help, or a police officer called to assist the Fire Department with a medical emergency. • The need for a police officer to respond to the property has decreased since onsite staff at Windsor Pointe have had additional training in how to triage mental health emergencies. The city encourages all community members to call 911 when they need urgent assistance. At Windsor Pointe apartments, the police have specifically asked onsite staff, residents and neighbors to call when they have an immediate safety concern. Police officers also continue to patrol the area and follow up on previous calls. All of these contribute to the number of calls for service. Aug. 20, 2024 Item #10 Page 6 of 22 Welfare calls A significant number of Police Department calls for service to the property remain related to the welfare of residents, rather than criminal activity. Of the 146 mental health related calls for service, three resulted in a detention under California Welfare and Institutions Code Section 51503 for mental health evaluation and treatment. This indicates that most of these calls can be handled through mental health resources, and this is beginning to happen more regularly. Increased referrals to appropriate resources While calls for service have not significantly decreased since March, the number of calls requiring an officer to respond has gone down. Many calls can now be resolved by phone through a referral to mental health services or to the onsite staff at Windsor Pointe. The Police Department expects this trend to continue. • The city has a memorandum of understanding with the County of San Diego’s Mobile Crisis Response Team. • This team offers support to people experiencing a behavioral health crisis as an alternative to a law enforcement response and the Police Department uses the team as appropriate under the terms of the memorandum. • Onsite staff and Police Department dispatchers have been utilizing the assistance of the Mobile Crisis Response Team more to apply the more appropriate response tool related to the call for service. • When appropriate, police dispatchers may divert calls to a crisis response team, precluding the need for a uniformed officer response. City staff will continue to request more onsite and remote behavioral health services from the County of San Diego to address the specific needs of Windsor Pointe’s residents. 3 Under California Welfare and Institutions Code Section 5150, a person may be involuntarily detained for psychiatric evaluation and treatment only if there is probable cause to believe that, as a result of a mental health disorder, the person is a danger to themselves or to others or is gravely disabled. Referral or no action 98% 5150 detentions 2% Aug. 20, 2024 Item #10 Page 7 of 22 Cases vs. calls for service Tracking cases related to Windsor Point apartments is a better public safety indicator than counting calls for service. When an incident requires police action, such as an investigation or arrest, a single case number is assigned. Of the eight cases between March 1 and July 31, 2024, five were called in by Windsor Pointe staff, and three cases stem from the same incident (indicated in shaded lines below). The police made two arrests. Criminal Cases (March – July 2024) Cases Drugs found, reported and collected for destruction 1 Reported domestic violence 1 Domestic violence arrest 1 Drugs found, reported and collected for destruction 1 Reported domestic violence 1 Under influence of controlled substance arrest * (involving a banned guest outside the property) 1 Suitcase found, taken for storage 1 Thermostat box broken by resident (vandalism) 1 Same incident Police resources data The Police Department uses a priority system for dispatching calls. Under this system, calls for mental health assistance or other non-criminal concerns do not divert resources from higher priority calls. The Police Department was asked to research calls for service data to estimate police officer time and resources used to address calls regarding Windsor Pointe since its opening. This includes time an officer physically went to either location to respond to a call. Between April 2022 and July 2024, the city had 984 calls for service, and police spent a total of 976 hours responding to and following up on incidents related to Windsor Point. This does not include the time spent by police dispatch staff receiving incoming calls and providing communications support during calls for service. To put this number in perspective, during this same time period, the city had a total of 257,532 calls for service. The officer assigned to respond to a call is determined by a number of factors such as proximity, availability and severity of the reported incident. Typically, the responding police employee would be either an officer or a corporal. However, when appropriate, police supervisors and managers may also respond. To account for some differences in the seniority of the employee responding, the Police Department estimated the cost of police resources using the highest officer pay range. The estimated cost of officer time spent responding over the last 28 months is $57,820. • This is not an additional cost to the City of Carlsbad because these Police Department resources are already in place. • An officer responding to a call for service from Windsor Point apartments would otherwise be responding to other calls for service or patrolling the area in general. Aug. 20, 2024 Item #10 Page 8 of 22 Previous incidents and community concerns During its first year and a half of operations, several incidents at Windsor Point caused significant concern and were widely shared in the community, at times leading to inaccurate or incomplete information being spread. Following is an update on some of the incidents causing community concern and their resolution. July 2022 Incident: A friend of a person who lives at Windsor Pointe used the Windsor Pointe address when registering as a sex offender. Resolution: The registered sex offender, who was not a resident of Windsor Pointe, was contacted and told to correct the address to show their actual place of residence. The individual was never a resident at the location. January 2023 Incident: Attempted murder, domestic violence Resolution: Police responded to a reported domestic violence incident at Windsor Pointe. The suspect, who was not a resident of Windsor Pointe, was arrested and the victims were provided appropriate medical care. July 2023 Incident: A resident of Windsor Pointe invited an acquaintance for a visit. The guest was accused of molesting the resident’s child during this visit. Resolution: Police investigated and were able to locate and arrest the subject. The residents/family were cooperative with the investigation, and the suspect was sentenced to a term in state prison. Fall 2023 Incident: Water leaked into one of the occupied apartments from a defect in the building’s construction. The property manager attempted to arrange repair and restoration of the apartment. The tenant did not grant access to the apartment for several months delaying the repair. Resolution: The resident ultimately allowed the property manager to fix the damage and restore the apartment. June 2024 Incident: A neighbor observed a person entering their yard, acting strangely and urinating. The neighbor called the police. Resolution: Police investigated and identified the subject, who had no affiliation with Windsor Pointe. The suspect was ultimately arrested. Fiscal Analysis There is no fiscal impact from receiving this report, and no funding is being requested. Next Steps City staff have addressed the immediate actions directed by the City Council and will continue to work on longer-term and ongoing efforts. This includes monthly meetings with the property owner and manager to address any additional concerns. Aug. 20, 2024 Item #10 Page 9 of 22 Staff will also monitor data to track trends and case numbers related to community concerns and recommend returning to the City Council in six to eight months with an update on the action items detailed above and updated data. Environmental Evaluation This action does not require environmental review because it does not constitute a project within the meaning of the California Environmental Quality Act under California Public Resources Code Section 21065 in that it has no potential to cause either a direct physical change in the environment or a reasonably foreseeable indirect physical change in the environment. Exhibits 1.Summary table of the city and county action items 2.County of San Diego memo related to Board of Supervisors-approved action items 3.Community correspondence received through Aug. 14, 2024 Aug. 20, 2024 Item #10 Page 10 of 22 Exhibit 1 Completed In progress No resolution at this time Windsor Point Apartments Actions to Address Community Concerns City Actions Security Requested Action Status Bring back an amended management plan to the City Council on April 9, 2024, that reflects an amended guest policy to require visitor check in and the presence of an onsite security guard for each site when appropriate staff are not available. Plan approved by the City Council on April 9. New guest policy in place Implemented secured entry for visitors Onsite security guard at both sites (6 p.m. to 6 a.m. when appropriate staff are not available) Implemented 24/7 monitored video security system Collaborate with the property manager to strengthen the protocol to divert low-level issues to onsite personnel. City staff, Affirmed Housing and ConAm are working on a protocol for onsite personnel to handle low level non-public safety issues. Working with the City Council’s Legislative Subcommittee, develop and implement a strategy to effectively advocate for the County of San Diego to release operating subsidy reserve funding for this project to cover the cost of additional onsite security at both locations. County Housing and Community Development staff have confirmed authorization of the eligible use of the project’s operating reserves for onsite security. There is still a question of the maximum allowed within a five-year period. The City of Carlsbad will advocate to the California Department of Housing and Community Development that the first five years of permanent supportive housing tend to have higher needs before reaching stabilization and those projects should be allowed to draw a higher percentage of operating reserves. Services Working with the city’s Director of Intergovernmental Affairs and the city’s contracted lobbyists, develop and implement a legislative advocacy strategy within 60 days to effectively lobby for supportive housing to be fully funded at the state and federal levels to provide adequate levels of service. This action will be pursued in conjunction with the city’s Director of Intergovernmental Affairs and the City Council Legislative Subcommittee. The matter was discussed at the City Council Legislative Subcommittee meetings on April 9 and July 9, 2024. Develop and implement a plan within 45 days to urge the County of San Diego to allow new Windsor Pointe residents housed under the No Place Like Home funding to start with a higher level of service with the option to move to a lower level if appropriate, rather than starting with minimal services and adding as needed. City staff, Affirmed Housing, ConAm and County Behavioral Health Services staff are currently in active conversations to identify ways to better leverage existing supportive services for residents, including at move in, and develop additional levels of support to respond to resident needs. County staff increased onsite behavioral health support at Windsor Pointe by an additional 20 hours per week. County staff are exploring potential funding opportunities to enhance clinical support seven days per week; however, funding has not been identified for this level of service at this time. County staff will continue to explore funding options Aug. 20, 2024 Item #10 Page 11 of 22• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • EXHIBIT 1 Completed In progress No resolution at this time Applicant priority Examine participating in a regional fair housing legal analysis to determine if implementation of a local, or subregional (i.e., North County), priority would be consistent with federal and state fair housing laws and other applicable laws. This action will be pursued by the city’s Housing & Homeless Services Department. City staff from neighboring cities have expressed support for such an analysis. Working with the city’s Director of Intergovernmental Affairs and Legislative Subcommittee, advocate to the Regional Task Force on Homelessness and the region’s Continuum of Care Board of Directors to make policy changes that could provide a subregional priority in the Coordinated Entry System referral process in certain situations, such as when cities provide a significant financial investment for a housing development. This action will be pursued in conjunction with the city’s Director of Intergovernmental Affairs and City Council Legislative Subcommittee. City staff are also advocating for a subregional priority in the Coordinated Entry System referral process. Staff have engaged with the Regional Task Force and County Supervisor Lawson-Remer, who serves as First Vice Chair of the Continuum of Care Board, to explore viable approaches to pursue both regionally and with the state. The matter was discussed at the City Council Legislative Subcommittee meetings on April 9 and July 9, 2024. Working with the city’s Director of Intergovernmental Affairs and Legislative Subcommittee, develop and implement a strategy for the state and federal governments to allow veteran benefits to exceed maximum income limits for permanent supportive housing units to remove barriers to ending veteran homelessness. This action will be pursued in conjunction with the city’s Director of Intergovernmental Affairs and City Council Legislative Subcommittee. At the state level, staff and the city’s contract lobbyists are seeking to determine whether statutory changes could be achieved through a state budget trailer bill to either waive income limits for veterans or exclude veteran benefits from income calculations for housing placements in state-funded units. The matter was discussed at the City Council Legislative Subcommittee meetings on April 9 and July 9, 2024. Aug. 20, 2024 Item #10 Page 12 of 22 • • • • • • • • EXHIBIT 1 Completed In progress No resolution at this time County Reported Actions Security Requested Action Status Coordinate with the Windsor Pointe development team to develop a plan for using No Place Like Home capitalized operating subsidy reserve funds to add supplemental security personnel at Windsor Pointe. County Housing and Community Development staff have confirmed authorization of the developer’s use of a project’s capitalized operating subsidy reserves for eligible onsite security. Advocate to the California Department of Housing and Community Development to maximize the funding flexibility of capitalized operating subsidy reserve funds for the Windsor Pointe project County Housing and Community Development staff have confirmed authorization of the developer’s use of capitalized operating subsidy reserves for eligible onsite security. Develop a strategy to ensure visitor check-in complies with requirements. County staff does not have the authority to require a visitor check-in process, however, will continue to work with developer to ensure compliance with the No Place Like Home program guidelines. Security Analyze all options and opportunities to maximize the level of services and hours of onsite case management services and referrals to behavioral health services for Windsor Pointe. County staff increased onsite behavioral health support by an additional 20 hours per week. County staff are exploring potential funding opportunities to enhance clinical support seven days per week; however, funding has not been identified for this level of service at this time. County staff will continue to explore funding options. Pilot program to enhance clinical support and maximize case management services and referrals to Behavioral Health Services County staff increased onsite behavioral health support at Windsor Pointe by an additional 20 hours per week. County staff are exploring potential funding opportunities to enhance clinical support seven days per week; however, funding has not been identified for this level of service at this time. County staff will continue to explore funding options. Ensure onsite personnel receive mental health first aid training and are trained on how to refer people to 24/7 behavioral health crisis response resources. Assessment of staffing needs to ensure at least 1 mental health first aid trained staff onsite 24/7, identify gaps and recommendations how to fill them. Onsite personnel were offered mental health first aid training to recognize and respond to signs and symptoms of mental health crisis. Training includes strategies to help someone in both crisis and noncrisis situations, and response resources for appropriate professional help. The county will continue to leverage training resources to support onsite staff. Aug. 20, 2024 Item #10 Page 13 of 22 • • • • • • • • • • Exhibit 2 Aug. 20, 2024 Item #10 Page 14 of 22 • <1Iounty of ~an ~ttgn CAROLINE SMITH HEAL TH AND HUMAN SERVICES AGENCY 1600 PACIFIC HIGHWAY, ROOM 206, MAIL STOP P,501 SAN DIEGO. CA 92101-2417 PATTY KAY DANON CHIEF OPERATIONS OFFICER INTERIM DEPUTY CHIEF ADM NIST RA TIVE OFFICER (619) 515-6555 • FAX (619) 515~556 July 18, 2024 TO: Supervisor Nora Vargas, Chairwoman Supervisor Terra Lawson-Remer, Vice Chair Supervisor Joel Anderson Supervisor Monica Montgomery Steppe Supervisor Jim Desmond FROM: Caroline Smith, Interim Deputy Chief Administrative Officer Health and Human Services Agency UPDATE ON ENHANCING SAFETY AND SERVICES AT NO PLACE LIKE HOME AFFORDABLE HOUSING DEVELOPMENTS The No Place Like Home (NPLH) State program was created to develop permanent supportive housing for individuals in need of mental health services and who are experiencing homelessness, chronic homelessness, or are at-risk of chronic homelessness. Individuals who are experiencing homelessness and have a serious mental illness (SMI) diagnosis are linked to NPLH units via the Coordinated Entry System (CES). CES is an evidence-based strategy that focuses on housing and service coordination designed to link individuals or families experiencing homelessness to the most appropriate housing solution based on their needs. The administrator for CES is the Regional Task Force on Homelessness in San Diego County. As an Alternative Process County grantee, the County of San Diego (County) provides funding (via deferred loans) for the construction, acquisition, and/or rehabilitation of permanent supportive housing that serves NPLH eligible tenants. Additionally, through County Behavioral Health Services (BHS), the County must commit to provide access to necessary behavioral health supportive services for no less than 20 years. The County may also provide a Capitalized Operating Subsidy Reserve (COSR) for developments that are not able to secure Project Based Vouchers. The COSR may be used to subsidize eligible operating expenses for NPLH assisted units at a development. Since 2020, the County has provided NPLH funds to 21 developments across the County, and six have completed construction and now provide affordable housing and services to County residents. On April 9, 2024 (5), the San Diego County Board of Supervisors (Board) approved the following actions to enhance support for people with serious mental illness who are living in permanent supportive housing units funded by the NPLH program: • Implement a pilot program to increase services for residents with serious mental illness living in the four affordable housing developments with NPLH units in North County to include enhanced clinical support seven days per week. • Ensure all personnel on-site receive Mental Health First Aid training and be trained on how to refer people to 2417 behavioral health crisis response resources. Aug. 20, 2024 Item #10 Page 15 of 22 Board of Supervisors July 18, 2024 Page 2 of 4 • Develop a two-part plan to l) ensure visitors are checked in and out which allows on-site staff to have awareness of who is on the property, and 2) assess current staffing needs to ensure at least one staff member who has the Mental Health First Aid training is on-site at all times. • Report back to the Board within 90 days with an update on the plans for the four developments in North County that have NPLH units. Also, on April 9, 2024 (26), the Board approved the following actions to support safety and security at Windsor Pointe and future projects supported by NPLH funding: • Analyze all options and opportunities to maximize the level of services and hours of on-site case management services and referrals to behavioral health services, for Windsor Pointe, and future permanent supportive housing projects funded by NPLH dollars, especially during the initial lease- up phase. • Coordinate with the Windsor Pointe development team to develop a plan for utilizing NPLH operating reserve funds to add supplemental security personnel. Advocate to the California Department of Housing and Community Development, requesting the State to maximize funding flexibility of Capital Operating Reserve funds for the Windsor Pointe project. This memorandum provides an update in response to these Board actions. Pilot Program to Enhance Clinical Support and Maximize Case Management Services and Referrals to Behavioral Health Services The Board directed initial efforts to be piloted at the following affordable housing developments in North County: Windsor Pointe (Carlsbad), Valley Senior Village (Escondido), Greenbrier Village (Oceanside), and Santa Fe Senior Village (Vista). Windsor Pointe and Valley Senior Village are both fully occupied, Greenbrier Village is in the process of leasing up new residents, and Santa Fe Senior Village is currently under construction. Staff explored potential funding opportunities to enhance clinical support seven days per week and maximize the level of services and hours of on-site case management services and referrals to residents; however, funding has not been identified to support enhanced services at this time. Staff will continue exploring funding options, which may be available through opportunities such as behavioral health payment reform. While funding has not been identified, existing services were leveraged to provide tenants access to an array of existing behavioral health services and other supports at the four identified developments in North County. This includes Tenant Peer Support Services (TPSS), funded by County BHS, which offers a comprehensive and flexible approach to supporting tenants across multiple housing sites. TPSS actively engages tenants on an ongoing basis and helps connect them to referrals for outpatient clinic services, Strengths-Based Case Management (SBCM), Assertive Community Treatment (ACT), and additional community-based services as needed. SBCM and ACT are field-based approaches using innovative interventions to help individuals reach recovery goals by meeting clients where they live. For immediate support for a behavioral health crisis, Psychiatric Emergency Response Team and Mobile Crisis Response Team programs are available 24/7. Additionally, TPSS enhances resident well-being through comprehensive support services as needed. At Windsor Pointe, for instance, TPSS provides 44 hours of weekly staff assistance, including 16 hours of dedicated tenant support, 20 hours of clinical support to address specific tenant needs, and eight hours of clinical supervision. At Valley Senior Village, TPSS maintains scheduled office hours of eight hours per month. However, recognizing that tenant needs don't adhere to a set schedule, TPSS extends its support beyond these times, providing same-day services and individualized engagement as needed. Aug. 20, 2024 Item #10 Page 16 of 22 Board of Supervisors July 18, 2024 Page 3 of 4 As Greenbrier Village prepares for new residents, TPSS plays a crucial role in the lease-up process. TPSS assists prospective tenants with the complexities of the move-in process, which includes navigating lease signings and gathering necessary documentation for income verification. This may involve helping tenants collect and organize various financial documents such as bank statements, benefit award letters, and pay stubs. Upon move-in, TPSS implements Critical Time Intervention, a time-limited, phased approach that tailors support to each tenant's unique needs and circumstances. Looking ahead to Santa Fe Senior Village's upcoming lease-up process, TPSS is taking proactive steps to ensure a smooth transition for future residents. TPSS is currently educating property management staff on effective move-in procedures and sharing valuable insights gained from experiences at other developments. As Santa Fe Senior Village begins welcoming tenants later in the fall, TPSS will be ready to provide the same comprehensive move-in assistance and documentation support offered at Greenbrier Village during the lease-up process. Throughout all these efforts, TPSS maintains a tenant-centered philosophy, adapting their support to meet individuals where they are and providing the specific assistance needed to achieve and maintain stable housing. This approach allows TPSS to effectively serve tenants through a combination of existing behavioral health services and other supports to meet various housing needs. Maximize Funding Flexibility of Capital Operating Reserve Funds/or Windsor Pointe For the Windsor Pointe housing development, County Housing and Community Development Services (HCDS) has worked with California Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD) and Affirmed Housing Group, the development's owner-operator, to ensure that COSR funds (referred to as Capital Operating Reserve funds in the April 9, 2024 (26) Board item) are being administered with maximum funding flexibility for eligible expenses at Windsor Pointe. Security services are an eligible COSR expense and Affirmed Housing Group has stated they intend to use the funds in part for this purpose. The COSR is available for eligible expenses attributed to the residents of NPLH assisted units for a minimum 20-year period that began in 2022. Mental Health First Aid Training BHS has an existing contractor that provides Mental Health First Aid (MHF A) trainings, and in response to Board direction, this contractor began MHF A trainings at the identified NPLH developments in May 2024. It is anticipated training will be offered to approximately 200 people at the four locations to residents, all personnel on-site, including property management, case management, security, and maintenance staff. BHS does not have the authority to direct training requirements for property management, security, and maintenance staff, but BHS will continue to leverage training resources to support on-site staff. MHF A learning topics include skills needed to recognize and respond to signs and symptoms of mental health and substance use challenges, as well as how to provide someone with initial support until they are connected through referrals to appropriate services, including 2417 behavioral health crisis response resources. Visitor Check-in Policy Visitor/guest policies will vary by development and must adhere to the NPLH Program Guidelines, which do not allow for restrictions on guests that are not otherwise required by other project funding sources or would not be common in other unsubsidized rental housing in the community. HCDS does not have the authority to dictate check in policies; however, will work with the developer to ensure compliance with NPLH guidelines. HCDS has communicated this requirement with the developer of the existing Windsor Pointe development, and will ensure the same communication occurs with developers of the upcoming developments in North County. Per Board direction, HCDS and BHS will report back in October 2024 with an update on the progress, outcomes, and a plan to implement these changes countywide. Aug. 20, 2024 Item #10 Page 17 of 22 Board of Supervisors July 18, 2024 Page 4 of 4 For questions, please contact Kelly Salmons at HCDS via phone at (858) 694-4806 or email Kelly.Salmons@sdcounty.ca.gov; or Nadia Privara at BHS via phone at (619) 563-2700 or email Nadia.Privara(al,sdcounty.ca.gov. Respect~,- U),{) CAROLINE SMITH, Intenm Deputy Chief Administrative Officer Health and Human Services Agency c: Ebony N. Shelton, Chief Administrative Officer From:Council Internet Email To:Mandy Mills Cc:City Clerk Subject:FW: Upcoming August 20 City Council Meeting: Windsor Point Staff Report Date:Wednesday, August 14, 2024 11:46:21 AM From: Denis Jensen <denis.jensen@gmail.com> Sent: Wednesday, August 14, 2024 11:32 AM To: Keith Blackburn <keith.blackburn@carlsbadca.gov>; Council Internet Email <council@carlsbadca.gov>; Melanie Burkholder <melanie.burkholder@carlsbadca.gov>; Priya Bhat- Patel <priya.bhat-patel@carlsbadca.gov>; Carolyn Luna <carolyn.luna@carlsbadca.gov>; Teresa Acosta <teresa.acosta@carlsbadca.gov>; Scott Chadwick <Scott.Chadwick@carlsbadca.gov> Cc: Lara Benusis <ibenusis@yahoo.com>; Mark Packard <marbon812@gmail.com>; Tracy Carmichael <whatzuptlc@yahoo.com>; Teri Jacobs <tjacobs86@pacbell.net>; Matt Hall <mhall4046@gmail.com>; Raul Villamar <estodoaboutme@aol.com>; Jeffrey Yuen <Jeffrey.Yuen@sdcounty.ca.gov>; Alanna Trimble <alannalt@yahoo.com>; Dee Dee Rowlett <deedee.rowlett@gmail.com>; Christie Calderwood <Christie.Calderwood@carlsbadca.gov>; Greg@gregday4carlsbad.com; Momophd Momofphd <momofphd@gmail.com>; kevinshin27@gmail.com; Corey Uhden <corey@kevinfaulconer.com>; Sarah Alegre <SAlegre@fox5sandiego.com>; Mike Curtin <mike@curtinforcarlsbad.com>; Dorian Hargrove <DHargrove1@cbs8.com>; Steve Puterski <steve.puterski@gmail.com>; Justin Cox <Justin.Cox@10news.com>; philip.diehl@sduniontribune.com Subject: Upcoming August 20 City Council Meeting: Windsor Point Staff Report In anticipation of continued Carlsbad City Council inaction for the remedy of the Windsor Point homeless facility it placed in a family neighborhood near Jefferson Elementary School, here’s what the community does not want to see in the August 20 City Council Meeting’s Windsor Pointe Staff Report on the matter: Ignoring that this housing project literally and gladly accepts criminals like murderers and drug dealers as long as their convictions are older than five years. Ignoring that it purposely places seriously mentally ill homeless on blocks with dozens of children less than ten year old, having resulted in a tenant yelling “I’m going to kill you” at neighbor kids. Yet additional pledges of social worker support rhetoric that tenants have no obligation to entertain Boasting of very short-term public funding of part-time security when the developer’s land lease requires that the developer have resources of its own to run a quality operation. Boasting of security when it is less than half of what Police Chief Mickey Williams Exhibit 3 Aug. 20, 2024 Item #10 Page 18 of 22 • • • • • assessed and has NONE of the visitor screening he deemed necessary for the safety of tenants and neighbors. Claims of recent, lower first responder needs. Tenants have reported that they have been pressured by management to not call the police when needed so we know that claims saying so are manipulated. Boasting of anemic tenant success stories that are so dismal and such a poor return on this $28.2 Million expenditure that they would be deemed a complete failure in any private sector. Compensated homeless advocate lobbyists. We’re already strong advocates of good homeless solutions ourselves, but not ones that purposefully put criminals and sex offenders next door to kids. And if you do go through this exercise, let’s not have City Staff meet with lobbyists at Pizza Port in advance of the meeting, it’s not a good look to be rigging public comments. Not finding that the developer has broken the lease when a litany of easily-found discrepancies exist, starting with its own admission that it lacks the resources to service mentally ill tenants. Blaming County and State bureaucracy for inaction when the County has communicated that closing the facility does not require outside coordination. At the Jan 28, 2020 City Council vote, City Staff not only side-stepped the California Constitution that requires low income housing be put to a public vote (this facility is 100% low income, not 48% as purported), it assured former Mayor Hall (cc’d here) that if facility problems arose, the City would be able to take remedy. However, tenant and visitor crime has been so high that after a year and a half of daily first responder needs, the Carlsbad Chief of Police complained to the developer about the high volume of crime, including and not limited to multiple attempted murders, drug dealing, battery, theft, child abuse and child sexual abuse. But City Staff are now saying the County and State are the only ones that can take meaningful action. City Staff got us into this mess and City Staff need to find a way out of it. We’re asking that the Council stop championing excuses and delays and we demand that this happen. The community is asking for Windsor Pointe to be moved or closed, we’re not asking for more social worker band-aids. I’m bcc’ing a hundred voters here that all took time to communicate their displeasure with the terrible placement of this housing project. Standing with and joining forces with thousands of upset voters frustrated with the Smart and Final Shopping Center and Carlsbad Village Square project corner redevelopment, you should know utterly frustrated voters are with current leadership and we’re tired of feeling that constituent demands are ignored for the advancement of personal agendas and political aspirations. Aug. 20, 2024 Item #10 Page 19 of 22 • • • • • Sincerely, Denis Jensen CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Aug. 20, 2024 Item #10 Page 20 of 22 From:Council Internet EmailTo:Mandy MillsCc:City ClerkSubject:FW: Upcoming August 20 City Council Meeting: Windsor Point Staff ReportDate:Wednesday, August 14, 2024 12:47:21 PM From: Tracy Carmichael <whatzuptlc@yahoo.com> Sent: Wednesday, August 14, 2024 12:04 PM To: Denis Jensen <denis.jensen@gmail.com>Cc: Keith Blackburn <keith.blackburn@carlsbadca.gov>; Council Internet Email <council@carlsbadca.gov>; Melanie Burkholder <melanie.burkholder@carlsbadca.gov>; Priya Bhat-Patel <Priya.Bhat- Patel@carlsbadca.gov>; Carolyn Luna <carolyn.luna@carlsbadca.gov>; Teresa Acosta <teresa.acosta@carlsbadca.gov>; Scott Chadwick <Scott.Chadwick@carlsbadca.gov>; Lara Benusis <ibenusis@yahoo.com>; Mark Packard <marbon812@gmail.com>; Teri Jacobs <tjacobs86@pacbell.net>; Matt Hall <mhall4046@gmail.com>; Raul Villamar <estodoaboutme@aol.com>; Jeffrey Yuen <Jeffrey.Yuen@sdcounty.ca.gov>; Alanna Trimble <alannalt@yahoo.com>; Dee Dee Rowlett <deedee.rowlett@gmail.com>; Christie Calderwood <Christie.Calderwood@carlsbadca.gov>; Greg@gregday4carlsbad.com; Momophd Momofphd <momofphd@gmail.com>; kevinshin27@gmail.com; Corey Uhden <corey@kevinfaulconer.com>; Sarah Alegre <SAlegre@fox5sandiego.com>; Mike Curtin <mike@curtinforcarlsbad.com>; Dorian Hargrove <DHargrove1@cbs8.com>; Steve Puterski <steve.puterski@gmail.com>; Justin Cox <Justin.Cox@10news.com>; philip.diehl@sduniontribune.com Subject: Re: Upcoming August 20 City Council Meeting: Windsor Point Staff Report Aug. 20, 2024 Item #10 Page 21 of 22 Sent from my iPhone I just read this email it is 11:57 am. The photos above show first responders were called to the Harding facility at 11:43 am. How long will this continue? The residents clearly need to be closer to service providers that do not require the aid of City resources. A written response is requested ASAP Tracy Carmichael On Aug 14, 2024, at 11:32 AM, Denis Jensen <denis.jensen@gmail.com> wrote:  In anticipation of continued Carlsbad City Council inaction for the remedy of the Windsor Point homeless facility it placed in a family neighborhood near Jefferson Elementary School, here’s what the community does not want to see in the August 20 City Council Meeting’s Windsor Pointe Staff Report on the matter: Ignoring that this housing project literally and gladly accepts criminals like murderers and drug dealers as long as their convictions are older than five years. Ignoring that it purposely places seriously mentally ill homeless on blocks with dozens of children less than ten year old, having resulted in a tenant yelling “I’m going to kill you” at neighbor kids. Yet additional pledges of social worker support rhetoric that tenants have no obligation to entertain Boasting of very short-term public funding of part-time security when the developer’s land lease requires that the developer have resources of its own to run a quality operation. Boasting of security when it is less than half of what Police Chief Mickey Williams assessed and has NONE of the visitor screening he deemed necessary for the safety of tenants and neighbors. Claims of recent, lower first responder needs. Tenants have reported that they have been pressured by management to not call the police when needed so we know that claims saying so are manipulated. Boasting of anemic tenant success stories that are so dismal and such a poor return on this $28.2 Million expenditure that they would be deemed a complete failure in any private sector. Compensated homeless advocate lobbyists. We’re already strong advocates of good homeless solutions ourselves, but not ones that purposefully put criminals and sex offenders next door to kids. And if you do go through this exercise, let’s not have City Staff meet with lobbyists at Pizza Port in advance of the meeting, it’s not a good look to be rigging public comments. Not finding that the developer has broken the lease when a litany of easily-found discrepancies exist, starting with its own admission that it lacks the resources to service mentally ill tenants. Blaming County and State bureaucracy for inaction when the County has communicated that closing the facility does not require outside coordination. At the Jan 28, 2020 City Council vote, City Staff not only side-stepped the California Constitution that requires low income housing be put to a public vote (this facility is 100% low income, not 48% as purported), it assured former Mayor Hall (cc’d here) that if facility problems arose, the City would be able to take remedy. However, tenant and visitor crime has been so high that after a year and a half of daily first responder needs, the Carlsbad Chief of Police complained to the developer about the high volume of crime, including and not limited to multiple attempted murders, drug dealing, battery, theft, child abuse and child sexual abuse. But City Staff are now saying the County and State are the only ones that can take meaningful action. City Staff got us into this mess and City Staff need to find a way out of it. We’re asking that the Council stop championing excuses and delays and we demand that this happen. The community is asking for Windsor Pointe to be moved or closed, we’re not asking for more social worker band-aids. I’m bcc’ing a hundred voters here that all took time to communicate their displeasure with the terrible placement of this housing project. Standing with and joining forces with thousands of upset voters frustrated with the Smart and Final Shopping Center and Carlsbad Village Square project corner redevelopment, you should know utterly frustrated voters are with current leadership and we’re tired of feeling that constituent demands are ignored for the advancement of personal agendas and political aspirations. Sincerely, Denis Jensen Aug. 20, 2024 Item #10 Page 22 of 22 . . • • • • • • Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Council Internet Email Sent: Friday, August 16, 2024 2:37 PM City Clerk To: Subject: FW: City Council Meeting 08/20 Windsor Pointe Staff Report From: Denis Jensen <denis.jensen@gmail.com> Sent: Friday, August 16, 2024 12:47 PM All Receive -Agenda Item # / 0 For the Information of the: -SITf C!)UNCIL Oate'i/f:i/21CA ...-cc v CM ~ACM v"l)CM (3) ✓ To: Mandy Mills <Mandy.Mills@carlsbadca.gov>; Keith Blackburn <keith.blackburn@carlsbadca.gov>; Council Internet Email <council@carlsbadca.gov>; Melanie Burkholder <melanie.burkholder@carlsbadca.gov>; Priya Bhat-Patel <priya.bhat-patel@carlsbadca.gov>; Carolyn Luna <carolyn.luna@carlsbadca.gov>; Teresa Acosta <teresa.acosta@carlsbadca.gov>; Scott Chadwick <Scott.Chadwick@carlsbadca.gov> Cc: Lara Benusis <ibenusis@yahoo.com>; Mark Packard <marbon8l2@gmail.com>; Tracy Carmichael <whatzuptlc@yahoo.com>; Teri Jacobs <tjacobs86@pacbell.net>; michaelajd <michaelajd@yahoo.com>; Matt Hall <mhall4046@gmail.com>; Raul Villamar <estodoaboutme@aol.com>; Jeffrey Yuen <Jeffrey.Yuen@sdcounty.ca.gov>; Alanna Trimble <alannalt@yahoo.com>; Dee Dee Rowlett <deedee.rowlett@gmail.com>; Christie Calderwood <Christie.Calderwood@carlsbadca.gov>; Greg@gregday4carlsbad.com; Momophd Momofphd <momofphd@gmail.com>; kevinshin27@gmail.com; Corey Uhden <corey@kevinfaulconer.com>; Sarah Alegre <SAlegre@foxSsandiego.com>; Mike Curtin <mike@curtinforcarlsbad.com>; Dorian Hargrove <DHargrove1@cbs8.com>; Steve Puterski <steve.puterski@gmail.com>; Justin Cox <Justin.Cox@lOnews.com>; philip.diehl@sduniontribune.com Subject: City Council Meeting 08/20 Windsor Pointe Staff Report "[Windsor Pointe resident] JM was arrested for threatening a fellow resident that he would light her and her unborn baby on fire using gasoline." -Carlsbad's Chief of Police in a letter to Mandy Mills, Carlsbad's Housing & Homeless Services Director, 12/07/23 Dear Carlsbad and Mandy Mills, In addition to being another utterly developer-friendly, Carlsbad-disrespecting, disingenuous softball Windsor Pointe Staff Report for the upcoming August 20 City Council meeting, I see that there seems to be information missing in the "previous incidents and community concerns" section. In fact, I'd say its coverage feels like developer damage-control spin. Is t he developer still writing staff reports? Missing or curiously misrepresented: • The incident above, the tenant arrested for threatening a pregnant woman, saying that he "would light her and her unborn baby on fire using gasoline." Since this information was sent directly to you by the Chief of Police Ms . Mills, it's odd that it's not included as an incident of concern. Is it your position that it's not technically a community concern because it was buried and never communicated to the public in any previous City Council Windsor Pointe updates? • Police responded to a seriously mentally ill tenant yelling "I'm going to kill you" at neighbor kids next door. • As you know, neighbors found a registered sex offender officially and indisputably in residence just two weeks after opening. Your account of it seems to say it was some kind of 1 confusion . Was he confused about where he was living or is the concern only the address he submits to the sexual predator registry? Is the truth that the City made him change his official address back to his previous address for optics but neighbors still see him there daily? • Re your white-washing of "A resident of Windsor Pointe invited an acquaintance for a visit. The guest was accused of molesting the resident's child during this visit", is the full truth that a tenant was trading a toddler for drugs, bri nging pedophile visitors into the neighborhood? Was this tenant the rehab success story from your last Council update and was she ordered into rehab? • "Water leaked into an apartment" is actually a black mold infestation that a tenant reached out to me about saying that management refused to remedy it. I'm attaching her photos. I can go on, but here's the letter the Chief of Police wrote documenting the litany of serious Windsor Pointe incidents that you either ignore or completely downplay in your report, crimes that "include but are not limited to" multiple attempted murders, drug dealing, battery, robbery, possession of narcotics, child abuse and ch ild sexual abuse. Can you please course-correct before Tuesday so that voters don't have to endure another utterly · homeless industrial complex-biased snow job? Even County Supervisor Terra Lawson-Remer has publi cly acknowledged Windsor Pointe as a "debacle". This facility literally and gladly accepts murderers and drug dealers as long as their convictions are five years old and purposefully puts them next to families and kids. Why the continued priority of the developer over the safety of Carlsbad families and children? In addition to bcc'ing the hundred voters that have communicated constituent demand for facility relocation or closing, I'm including Mexican-American neighbors who feel that this disrespect may have racist origins, that the City and your department think that purposefully putting criminals and seriously mentally ill homeless in their neighborhood is acceptable for a traditionally Hispanic neighborhood. Sincerely, Denis Jensen 2 3 CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless ou reco nize the sender and know the content i safe. 4 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Mayor, Council, and Staff, Teri Jacobs <tjacobs86@pacbell.net > Tuesday, August 20, 2024 9:14 AM City Clerk 8/20 Council Meeting Agenda Item #10 All Rec eive -Agenda Item#/ D For the Information of the: CITY CO UNCIL DateS/'J£tJ!ICA V-CC ✓ CM r ACM V-DCM (3) ✓ The city gave $8.3 million dollars for the housing of what was supposed to be Carlsbad homeless and or Veterans. The agenda package reports that there are currently 5 individuals with ties to Carlsbad . Do the math! We spent $1,660,000.00 per individual! Out of 48 units available ... 24 low income and 24 NPLH PSH units we were only able to fill them with 5 working or living in Carlsbad! A member of the Housing Commission on 1/28/20 reported out to Council that Windsor Pointe was needed and would solve 25% of our current PIT count! It was also stated that the Housing Commission believed "this was affordable housing done right." How wrong were they along with the Planning Commission, Staff, and elected officials. The No Place Like Home model was new and decision makers obviously were not aware of how the morphing of this project would affect residents living there as well as the surrounding area. If a housing project needs 24 hour security, extensive mental/behavioral health services, and comprehensive visitor check in and monitoring (which appears from the County letter somewhat problematic) then perhaps they should be built and located in more suitable locations. We had to build 50 units (2 are reserved for site managers) to house 5 with ties to Carlsbad. We don't even know if they were homeless NPLH or residing in the affordable units. Do the algebraic equation to determine how many units we have to build to address our current PIT count of 112. If Council disagrees with resident's concerns and deems NPLH PSH projects to be successful then hopefully they will be equitably distributed in Districts 2, 3, and 4. Addressing changing Federal, State, and County program guidelines is admirable but the legislative process is too slow. Windsor Pointe had all the good intentions but obviously the location, actual building, services offered, etc. were faulty. Why are we trying to play catch up now and apply bandaids to issues which should have been sorted out prior to the first dollar being spent? Regards, Teri Jacobs Carlsbad Resident Dist 1 Sent from my iPad CAUTION : Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. 1 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Dear Mayor & Council, michael ajdour <michaelajd@yahoo.com > Tuesday, August 20, 2024 10:10 AM City Clerk August 20, 2024 council meeting -Item 10 Would you be so kind as to work together tonight to get Mandy Mills to explain tonight the designation TC for Windsor Pointe residents? I am referencing WP reports from December 2023, so this would not be new information to her. These are people who are neither No Place Like Home designees or veterans. Some transparency on this is necessary & welcome. These are not the 24 places reserved for the severely mentally ill. If there was clear & public information to Carlsbad residents how to qualify for these units, maybe we would see less aberrant behavior of people coming to the neighborhood "auditioning" antisocial behavior. While the barrio was not perfect before WP, we did not have people peeing on one another's furniture or breaking in homes & busting through ceilings naked prior to WP opening. We didn't have people with Arizona & Ohio plates somehow concluding that the barrio is THE place to park your car & sleep in it. We didn't have police getting whomped on the head with a skateboard a stone's throw from Windsor Pointe Oak. While Ms. Mills may reasonably define Windsor Pointe affiliation as strictly a name on a lease, the timing of the changes is undeniable. So, this TC is another interesting morph. It could be good! ,it could be not, but what it should not be is covert. Thanks, Julie Ajdour Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless ou recognize the sender and know the content i 1 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: To whom this my concern, Tracy Carmichael <whatzuptlc@yahoo.com> Saturday, August 17, 2024 1 :36 PM michaelajd@yahoo.com All Receive -Agenda Item # .J.f2 For the Information of the: CITY COUNCIL Datri?/lrlJI/CA v cc~ CM ~CM _vl>CM (3) L denisJensen@gmail.com; Cindie McMahon; City Clerk; Scott Chadwick; Melanie Burkholder; Lara Benusis; Mark Packard; Teri Jacobs; Matt Hall; Raul Villamar; Jeffrey Yuen; Alanna Trimble; Greg@gregday4carlsbad.com; Momophd Momofphd; kevinshin27@gmail.com; Sarah Alegre; Mike Curtin; Dorian Hargrove; Steve Puterski; Justin Cox; philip.diehl@sduniontribune.com Re: Windsor Pointe Lease Assessment (Public Records Request R004244-062524) As a resident of Carlsbad and taxpayer I am truly disappoint in the City of Carlsbad in the shear negligence and disrespect to the community members when they are voicing their concerns and the impacts this project has made in their quality of life in their neighborhood. Here are a few thoughts: First, the optics of this facility is a financial disaster! There has been zero transparency with the City of Carlsbad as the land leaseholder to the public. The building of this facility was built and opened during the pandemic when the building industry and supply chain experienced major delays and astronomically high costs of goods and services. The preliminary building costs were disclosed as only estimates and the City and County to date have never disclosed any actual final costs of the construction or the ongoing expenses or long term budgets. Secondly, to date the City & County actual budgeted costs for the facility can not be guarantee for any funding resources for five years let alone for 20 yrs per the loan documents. Additionally there has not been any discussion as to whether this three story structure is safe for those who have severe mental illness.( Please note: the residents can personally refuse assistance and more importantly, an incident occurred from third story requiring emergency services.) I remember prior to the pandemic, Tri City hospital closed their mental health facility due to windows that opened & the acoustical tiles in ceiling were deemed unsafe conditions for those who have mental illness. Yet a three story facility opened its doors to serve this population who have mental health issues, is this in their best interest? The other item that has not been discussed is about the long term future needs of people with severe mental illness & their long term health plan. As we all know the costs of health care is on the raise. This is revelent because as patients' age their needs increase due to their lack of independent and abilty to be self sufficient. To date no one has given any thought to discuss what the future will be relating to their needs and related costs and who will be accountable? It is my hope that ALL elected officials start representing the people of Carlsbad and unveil the building, budget, operational costs of this project and recognize this is not the best location for those who are in need or the community at large. Tracy Carmichael Sent from my iPhone On Aug 7, 2024, at 11 :57 AM, michael ajdour <michaelajd@yahoo.com> wrote: 1 Dear Ms. McMahon, How hard would it be to reassure Mr. Jensen that of course the 2 letters he asked about in his July 29 email were provided to the consulting attorney? It would be very odd if they weren't and there is no harm to The City of Carlsbad as an entity by stating that they were. Just wondering, Julie Ajdour Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android On Tue, Aug 6, 2024 at 4:00 PM, Denis Jensen <denis.jensen@gmail.com> wrote: Ms. McMahon, Your reasoning for not providing the name of the law firm assessing the Windsor Pointe ground lease terms focus on what is not required. You're avoiding why the City is choosing not to provide this information. And after a series of developer-favoring legal interpretations that includes ignoring the State Constitution's requirement for low income housing to be put to a public vote (all of the apartments are low income, not 48%) this seNes to perpetuate the City's lack of operations transparency on the matter and its curious refusal for meaningful remedy. Why is a third party firm even needed to assess the below? I'm adding the City Clerk to the thread, memorializing this information and requesting that it be shared with the mysterious consulting firm: Ground Lease terms that seem to have been broken include: Page 19: "The Tenant agrees that at all times during the Term of this Ground Lease, the Tenant will establish and maintain a quality of character and operation of the Property and Improvements in accordance with this Ground Lease and the Development Documents." The developer, Affirmed Housing, is supposed to run a quality operation. The high crime statistics, the 762 first responder needs in two years, "bad neighbor" [as per Mayor Keith Blackburn], and "debacle"assessments [as per County Supervisor Terra Lawson-Remer] are clearly not consistent with running a quality operation. Page 20: "Section 5.2 Limitations on Use." In addition ot the covenants regarding the use of the Property set forth above, the Tenant further agrees: (a) Not to use or permit the use of the Property for any disorderly or unlawful purpose; (b) 2 Not to cause or permit any party from committing or maintaining any nuisance or unlawful conduct on or about the Property; The Carlsbad Chief or Police documented crimes that include, and is not limited to, attempted murders, drug dealing, robberies, child abuse and child sexual abuse. Windsor Pointe is not providing adequate security (nor 24/7 in-person security), nor meaningful robust visitor registration needed to prevent unlawful conduct. (g) Not to cause or permit obnoxious odors to emanate or be dispelled from the Improvements; Neighbors frequently smell marijuana emanating from the facility and tenants openly smoke marijuana on adjacent streets, in front of neighbor kids. (h) Not to permit undue accumulations of garbage, trash, rubbish, or any other refuse; Neighbors complain about stolen shopping carts discarded in front of the building (i) Not to use or permit the use of the Property for any purpose that violates the terms of this Ground Lease or the Development Documents. As per the Chief of Police, the property is regularly used for criminal acts. Page 21: "The Development shall be managed and operated by a Management Agent, reasonably satisfactory to the Landlord, having the necessary financial capability to operate the Development" However, the developer wrote a letter to the City and County on August 30, 2022 clearly saying that they do not have the financial resources to properly address tenant needs, acknowledging that they are not successfully serving tenants. It said they "lack these additional resources and funds to cover these [Serious Mentally Ill] services. This funding gap, paired with funding requirements to house individuals with the highest acuity, is leading to operational challenges which inhibit the success." Page 21: "The Tenant shall also submit such additional information about the background, experience and financial condition of any proposed Management Agent as is reasonably requested by the Landlord to determine whether the proposed Management Agent meets the standard" I'm told that the Management company has no prior experience with the Serious Mentally Ill homeless of the No Place Like Home program. Page 44 "ARTICLE 12. EVENTS OF DEFAULT (g) Subject ot this Article 9, and except as expressly provided otherwise ni this Ground Lease, failure by the Tenant ot perform or observe any other provisions of this Ground Lease or any of the Development Documents ot be observed and performed by the Tenant, fi such failure shall continue for a period of sixty (60) days after written 3 notice thereof has been given by the Landlord ot the Tenant; provided, however, that fi any such failure cannot reasonably be cured within such sixty (60) day period, then the Landlord shall not have the right to terminate this Ground Lease All of the breaches above are older than 60 days. Page 47: "ARTICLE 13. REPRESENTATIONS AND WARRANTIES Section 13.1 Representation and Warranties of Tenant. The Tenant hereby represents and warrants to the Landlord as follows: (a) Organization. The Tenant is a duly organized, validly existing California limited partnership, and is ni good standing under the laws of the State of California and, pursuant to the Partnership Agreement, has the power and authority to own its property and carry on its business as now being conducted. The Tenant shall not amend the Partnership Agreement except in accordance with the City Loan Agreement." Affirmed Housing Group and Affirmed Housing Partners were not in good standing with the State of California at time of execution. Sincerely, Denis Jensen On Jul 31, 2024, at 1 :44 PM, Cindie McMahon <Cindie.McMahon@carlsbadca.gov> wrote: Mr. Jensen, Thank you for your inquiry seeking the name of the outside counsel the city has hired to review the Windsor Pointe matter. In prior responses to your California Public Records Act requests for this and other related information, our office has explained that the Act does not require the city to answer interrogatories or to create documents that do not already exist. Our office has also explained that there are existing documents containing the information you seek; however, the documents are exempt from disclosure because they are protected by the attorney-client privilege. Among the legal authorities our office provided to you to support this exemption is California Business and Professions Code section 6068(e)(1 ), which states: "It is the duty of an attorney to ... maintain inviolate the confidence, and at every peril to himself or herself to preserve the secrets, of his or her client." (Italics added.) Rule 1.6(a) of The State Bar of California's Rules of Professional Conduct incorporates this same duty. The duty exists to encourage candor between attorneys and clients and to allow clients to obtain legal advice without fear their communications with their attorneys will be used against them. 4 You indicate you are seeking outside counsel's contact information because you do not trust that our office has provided outside counsel with the necessary information to properly perform the task requested by the City Council. However, there are important safeguards to ensure this does not occur. Ethical safeguards Our office's client, to whom every attorney in our office independently owes \ a duty of undivided loyalty, is the City of Carlsbad as an entity. Practically, this means the attorneys in our office must place the interests of the city ahead of our own interests and the interests of others within the city, including city staff and the individual City Council members. As obtaining a disinterested opinion from outside counsel was requested by and benefits our client by allowing our client to make fully informed decisions, there is no reason for any attorney in our office to withhold relevant information. Outside counsel has the same client to whom they owe the same professional duties. If outside counsel needs information from our office that our office declines to or fails to provide, then outside counsel would be obliged to bypass our office and inform the City Council of our lack of cooperation. This further discourages any attorney in our office from withholding any relevant information. Management safeguards Consistent with the attorney-client privilege, outside counsel's opinion will be presented to the City Council in a closed session. Closed sessions operate in a manner similar to open sessions in that the City Council members receive a report and are able to ask questions, provide comments, and deliberate and vote on any desired actions. The actions and votes are recorded and retained in accordance with the City Council approved records retention program. Any actions the Brown Act requires to be reported will be reported during the open session following the closed session. In our office's experience, City Council members come to closed session prepared and do not hesitate to ask tough questions, probe the bases for recommendations, and consider the various options presented. Our office expects this same type of scrutiny to occur when outside counsel's opinion is presented. If the City Council members do not believe outside counsel has received all relevant information, they will have an opportunity to ask why. They will also have an opportunity to direct that any omitted information be provided and that the opinion be returned to outside counsel for further work. Separately from the City Council's oversight of specific closed session agenda items, the City Council directly oversees the City Attorney. If the City Council believes the City Attorney has not properly managed the task of 5 obtaining outside counsel's opinion, the City Council has avenues for addressing the matter with the City Attorney. I hope this information is of assistance. Best regards, Cindie K. McMahon City Attorney From: Denis Jensen <denis.jensen@gmail.com> Sent: Monday, July 29, 20241 :55 PM To: Keith Blackburn <keith.blackburn@carlsbadca.gov>; Council Internet Email <council@carlsbadca.gov>; Melanie Burkholder <melanie.burkholder@carlsbadca.gov>; Priya Bhat-Patel <priya.bhat- patel@carlsbadca.gov>; Carolyn Luna <carolyn.luna@carlsbadca.gov>; Teresa Acosta <teresa .acosta@carlsbadca.gov>; City Attorney <attorney@carlsbadca.gov>; Scott Chadwick <Scott.Chadwick@carlsbadca.gov>; CARLSBAD RECORDS REQUEST CENTER <carlsbadca@govqa.us> Cc: Lara Benusis <ibenusis@yahoo.com>; Mark Packard <marbon812@gmail.com>; Tracy Carmichael <whatzuptlc@yahoo.com>; Teri Jacobs <tjacobs86@pacbell.net>; Matt Hall <mhall4046@gmail.com>; Raul Villamar <estodoaboutme@aol.com>; Jeffrey Yuen <Jeffrey.Yuen@sdcounty.ca.gov>; Alanna Trimble <alannalt@yahoo.com>; Dee Dee Rowlett <deedee.rowlett@gmail.com>; Christie Calderwood <Christie.Calderwood@carlsbadca.gov>; Greg@gregday4carlsbad.com; Momophd Momofphd <momofphd@gmail.com>; kevinshin27@gmail.com; Corey Uhden <corey@kevinfaulconer.com>; Sarah Alegre <SAlegre@fox5sandiego.com>; Mike Curtin <mike@curtinforcarlsbad.com>; Dorian Hargrove <DHargrove1@cbs8.com>; Steve Puterski <steve.puterski@gmail.com>; Justin Cox <Justin.Cox@1Onews.com>: philip.diehl@sduniontribune.com Subject: Windsor Pointe Lease Assessment City of Carlsbad, Mayor and Council Members, Regarding the request for Carlsbad voters to know the name of the law firm retained to assess the ways in which the developer of the Windsor Pointe homeless housing project has broken the City's ground lease terms (Public Records Request R004244-062524), why will you not provide the name of the firm? The City Attorney is claiming attorney-client privilege for something the third party attorney needs to adhere to but the City, their client, can certainly convey the name of this firm. Has an informed, unbiased, third party legal assessment happened? Was this firm provided all of the information it needs? Were they provided the letter that the developer wrote the City just four months after opening, 6 communicating that they are unable to properly manage the facility's seriously mentally ill tenants? Were they provided the letter the Chief of Police wrote complaining of rampant crime and the developer's inability to operate a safe environment for either tenants or neighbors? Was the firm informed that, almost a year later, the majority of the Chief of Police's safety requests are still unfulfilled and the developer is trying to get County taxpayer funds to fulfill its lease obligation to run quality operation? Why is the City being so protective of the developer? Ms. Acosta, you're up for reelection. Will you ask the City Attorney to disclose this information in a public forum in advance of their findings? Mr. Day, you're running for that District 4 seat in November, what are your thoughts on the City's lack of accountability, transparency and respect for the very people paying for all of this bureaucracy? Let's chat. Chief of Police Calderwood is now aware that Windsor Pointe tenants are saying they're being pressured by management not to not call the police when they feel in danger. To be clear, gearing up for the next Council Meeting review of Windsor Point in August: • You will not disclose the name of the law firm assessing the terms of the developer's ground lease, nor is there transparency that they have been provided all of the information needed for this assessment. • Tenants are being pressured to not call the police when they feel in danger and this appears to be an attempt to manipulate police call data. • Nearly a year later, less than half of the security and none of the visitor precautions recommended by the Chief of Police has been enacted nor are any of these missing safety measures even being considered. I'm bcc'ing the hundred+ concerned citizens that have requested to close or move Windsor Pointe. We'll put this matter in the court of public opinion as to whether or not the cagey issues above or the impending "we'll add more social worker office hours" August Council update is taking us seriously. Otherwise. we look forward to your office disclosing the name of the firm. The original request is beyond the 1 Oday requirement. FYl, the Ground Lease terms that seem to have been broken include: Page 19: "The Tenant agrees that at all times during the Term of this Ground Lease, the Tenant will establish and maintain a quality of character and operation of the Property and Improvements in accordance with this Ground Lease and the Development Documents." The developer, Affirmed Housing, is supposed to run a quality operation. The high crime statistics, the 762 first responder needs in two years, official "bad neighbor" [as per Mayor Keith Blackburn], and "debacle"assessments [as per County Supervisor 7 Terra Lawson-Remer] are clearly not consistent with running a quality operation. Page 20: "Section 5.2 Limitations on Use." In addition ot the covenants regarding the use of the Property set forth above, the Tenant further agrees: (a) Not to use or permit the use of the Property for any disorderly or unlawful purpose; (b) Not to cause or permit any party from committing or maintaining any nuisance or unlawful conduct on or about the Property; The Carlsbad Chief or Police documented crimes that include, and is not limited to, attempted murders, drug dealing, robberies, child abuse and child sexual abuse. Windsor Pointe is not providing adequate security (nor 24/7 in-person security), nor meaningful robust visitor registration needed to prevent unlawful conduct. (g) Not to cause or permit obnoxious odors to emanate or be dispelled from the Improvements; Neighbors frequently smell marijuana emanating from the facility and tenants openly smoke marijuana on adjacent streets, in front of neighbor kids (h) Not to permit undue accumulations of garbage, trash, rubbish, or any other refuse; Neighbors complain about stolen shopping carts discarded in front of the building (i) Not to use or permit the use of the Property for any purpose that violates the terms of this Ground Lease or the Development Documents. As per the Chief of Police, the property is regularly used for criminal acts. Page 21: "The Development shall be managed and operated by a Management Agent, reasonably satisfactory to the Landlord, having the necessary financial capability to operate the Development" However, the developer wrote a letter to the City and County on August 30, 2022 clearly saying that they do not have the financial resources to properly address tenant needs, acknowledging that they are not successfully serving tenants. It said they "lack these additional resources and funds to cover these [Serious Mentally Ill] services. This funding gap, paired with funding requirements to 8 house individuals with the highest acuity, is leading to operational challenges which inhibit the success." Page 21: "The Tenant shall also submit such additional information about the background, experience and financial condition of any proposed Management Agent as is reasonably requested by the Landlord to determine whether the proposed Management Agent meets the standard" I'm told that the Management company has no prior experience with the Serious Mentally Ill homeless of the No Place Like Home program. Page 44 "ARTICLE 12. EVENTS OF DEFAULT (g) Subject ot this Article 9, and except as expressly provided otherwise ni this Ground Lease, failure by the Tenant ot perform or observe any other provisions of this Ground Lease or any of the Development Documents ot be observed and performed by the Tenant, fi such failure shall continue for a period of sixty (60) days after written notice thereof has been given by the Landlord ot the Tenant; provided, however, that fi any such failure cannot reasonably be cured within such sixty (60) day period, then the Landlord shall not have the right to terminate this Ground Lease All of the breaches above are older than 60 days. Page 47: "ARTICLE 13. REPRESENTATIONS AND WARRANTIES Section 13.1 Representation and Warranties of Tenant. The Tenant hereby represents and warrants to the Landlord as follows: (a) Organization. The Tenant is a duly organized, validly existing California limited partnership, and is ni good standing under the laws of the State of California and, pursuant to the Partnership Agreement, has the power and authority to own its property and carry on its business as now being conducted. The Tenant shall not amend the Partnership Agreement except in accordance with the City Loan Agreement." Affirmed Housing Group and Affirmed Housing Partners were not in good standing with the State of California at time of execution. Sincerely, Denis Jensen 9 On Jul 22, 2024, at 2:41 PM, CARLSBAD RECORDS REQU EST CENTER <carlsbadca@govqa .us> wrote: ---Please respond above this line --- {cityof Carlsbad Cal if o rn ia RE: PUBLIC RECORDS REQU EST of June 25, 2024., Reference # R004244-062524. Dea r Denis Jense n, Th e City of Carlsbad received a public inform ation request from you on June 25, 2024. Your requ est mentio ned: "06/25/24 City of Carlsbad 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 RE: Public Records Act Request To Whom it May Concern: This is a request made under the California Public Records Act, Government Code sections 7920.000 -7931.000, for records in the possession or control of your agency. I'm requesting documentation for all outside legal counsel retainer agreements and payments, the dates and subject matters for their services, from January 1, 2024 through now. Please keep in mind your agency's obligations under the law require you to: • Respond within 10 calendar days. • Produce electronic records in the format in which you hold them. • Help me to make a focused and effective request by (1) identifying records and information that are responsive, (2) describing the information technology and physical 10 location in which the records exist and (3) providing suggestions for overcoming any practical issues. • Segregate or redact any exempt information contained within a record so that the public information in the remainder of the record may be released. • Broadly construe all provisions that further the public's right of access, and apply any limitations on access as narrowly as possible, per Article 1, Section 3(b)(2) of the California Constitution. • Provide a written justification for any denial of this request, in whole or in part, stating the specific exemptions from disclosure that you assert and the name and title or position of each person responsible for the denial. Thank you for your timely attention to this matter. Sincerely, Denis Jensen" The city has located records responsive to your request. However, those records are exempt from disclosure under the California Public Records Act pursuant to California Government Code sections 7927.200, 7927.205 and 7927.705, California Business and Professions Code sections 6068(e)(1) and 6149, Code of Civil Procedure 2018.030, California Evidence Code sections 952 and 954, and Rule1 .6(a) of the California Rules of Professional Conduct (see County of Los Angeles v. Superior Court (2012) 149 Cal.Rptr.3d 324). To the extent this is a denial of your request, City Attorney Cindie K. McMahon is responsible for the denial. If you have any questions or need additional information, please feel free to contact my office at 442-339-2953. Sincerely, Tamara Cloud-McMinn Senior Deputy City Clerk City Clerk Services To monitor the progress or update this request please log into the Records Request Center <GovQA logo> 11 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: *Add to public record Momophd Momofphd <momofphd@gmail.com> Tuesday, August 20, 2024 1 :59 PM Cindie McMahon; City Clerk; Council Internet Email Windsor Pointe To Whom This May Concern: As a forty year resident of Carlsbad, I'm continually appalled by your lack of response to Windsor Pointe. Let me remind you that the original intention of Windsor Pointe was to house veterans. This goal was never realized, which seems to me to be a clear breach of agreement. It also seems clear that the developer bait and switched the veteran angle. Sadly, this was never going to be about veterans. I feel that they must have known that-and as someone who had been trying to find housing for a Vietnam veteran, that's especially troublesome. Kicking the can back and forth to different entities is absolutely not solving the problem and it's a lazy ploy to not actually accomplish anything. I also understand that the city attorney has never provided the name of the attorneys hired by the city, although there was a public records request. This only serves to further highlight the lack of transparency and utter stonewalling the community has received by city leaders-YOU. Do you have any idea how utterly shady this project has been in both development and execution? It's no longer an option for the City of Carlsbad to continue to steamroll over the ways in which the Windsor Pointe ground lease has been broken by the developer. The community will no longer allow this shameful behavior to be swept under the rug . Rosanne Bentley CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content i safe. 1 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Council Internet Email Sent: Wednesday, August 21, 2024 9:04 AM City Clerk To: Subject: FW: Copy of speech from August 20th council meeting All Receive -Agenda Item # / 0 For the Information of the: From: Lori Robbins <silentmeowing@gmail.com> Sent: Tuesday, August 20, 2024 9:00 PM .,S!Tf__ ~OUNCIL Date~CA_CC V""' CM _ACM_ DCM (3) _ To: Keith Blackburn <keith.blackburn@carlsbadca.gov>; Council Internet Email <council@carlsbadca.gov>; Manager Internet Email <manager@carlsbadca.gov> Subject: Copy of speech from August 20th council meeting Dear Council, Mayor and City Manager: Thank you for you attention to Windsor Point tonight -August 20th 2024. Below is a copy of my speech from tonight for your reference: Good Evening: • Actually this progress report shows that the number of calls for service at Windsor Pointe has increased by 50 percent despite the actions taken since March to increase security and mental health services. • Calls have increased from 1 call a day to 1 and½ calls per day. • Windsor Pointe residents generate 1 Ox more calls per person than all of the rest of Carlsbad. • This is a dire situation for Windsor residents! And even after asking for positive changes -we are unbelievably--having a negative escalation. This affects every district, every citizen, by using precious resources in only one community. How should the city proceed?? • Affirmed Housing received $10M from No Place Like Home. With that 10 million they took on the responsibility to run a decent and safe facility for Severely Mentally Ill residents. 1 • Affirmed is clearly accountable. The city has asked for 24 hour security and onsite mental health professionals. Affirmed has still not delivered. • Affirmed Housing needs to take action and not let their "for profit" structure prevent them from doing the right thing. • It is Affimed's responsibility to take further action. Section 5.1 of the lease agreement clearly states: The City has no responsibility over the management of the development, the Developer is responsible and must operate in accordance to the agreement in a manner that is acceptable to the City (per section 5.1 ). This includes providing decent, safe and sanitary housing. • City Council has the power under the current lease agreement to direct staff to take action. o The city can Ask for an action plan to reduce the service calls in half in the next 6 months. o The City can require a change to the management agent. Replace Conam with a management team who has a successful track record managing housing for Mentally Ill residents. o Finally, the City can Compel for performance or ask for damages. We need to fix this. Please take action. 2 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Attachments: Council Internet Email Wednesday, August 21,.2024 11 :08 AM City Clerk FW: Follow Up to tonight's meeting (Carlsbad City Council/County of San Diego) RE_309_Windsor_Pointe_ 12-7-2023_R.pdf From: Denis Jensen <denis.jensen@gmail.com> Sent: Wednesday, August 21, 2024 9:35 AM To: Christina Seider <Christina .Selder@sdcounty.ca .gov> Cc: Keith Blackburn <keith.blackburn@carlsbadca.gov>; Melanie Burkholder <melanie.burkholder@carlsbadca.gov>; Priya Bhat-Patel <priya.bhat-patel@carlsbadca.gov>; Teresa Acosta <teresa.acosta@carlsbadca.gov>; Carolyn Luna <carolyn.luna@carlsbadca.gov>; Manager Internet Email <manager@carlsbadca.gov>; Council Internet Email <council@carlsbadca .gov>; Mandy Mills <Mandy.Mills@carlsbadca.gov>; kevin@kevinfaulconer.com; Jeffrey Yuen <Jeffrey.Yuen@sdcounty.ca .gov>; Lara Benusis <ibenusis@yahoo.com>; michaelajd <michaelajd@yahoo.com>; Mark Packard <marbon812@gmail.com>; Tracy Carmichael <whatzuptlc@yahoo.com>; Teri Jacobs <tjacobs86@pacbell.net>; Matt Hall <mhall4046@gmail.com>; Raul Villamar <estodoaboutme@aol.com>; Alanna Trimble <alannalt@yahoo.com>; Dee Dee Rowlett <deedee.rowlett@gmail.com>; Greg@gregday4carlsbad.com; Momophd Momofphd <momofphd@gmail.com>; kevinshin27@gmail.com; info@collinsforcarlsbad.com; Corey Uhden <corey@kevinfaulconer.com>; Sarah Alegre <SAlegre@foxSsandiego.com>; Mike Curtin <mike@curtinforcarlsbad.com>; Dorian Hargrove <DHargrove1@cbs8.com>; Steve Puterski <steve.puterski@gmail.com>; Justin Cox <Justin .Cox@lOnews.com>; philip.diehl@sduniontribune.com Subject: Re: Follow Up to tonight's meeting {Carlsbad City Council/County of San Diego) Hi Christina, I sincerely thank you for very much for clearly and officially articulating in last night's Carlsbad City Council meeting that there is nothing preventing Carlsbad from closing Windsor Pointe as far as the County of San Diego is concerned. City leaders have been blaming the County for its own inaction for quite a while. Regarding the additional services option proposed by Ms. Lawson-Remer, our community is of the opinion that putting seriously mentally ill homeless types that threaten a pregnant women with lighting her and her unborn baby on fire with gasoline, that putting mentally ill homeless that yell "I'm going to kill you" at the neighbor children next door, that purposefully putting murderers and drug dealers next door to our families as long as their convictions are older than five years old ... call us crazy, but we feel that this is terribly bad policy. No amount of social services money will help that. It's really that simple. A lifelong Democrat, I've been speaking with Kevin Faulconer about a common sense, community-first approach to homeless solutions and I've got to say that crossing party lines looks pretty appealing right now. The hundred Carlsbad voters that wrote the City demanding Windsor Pointe closure and are being ignored are bcc'd here. Fellow Democrats, let's chat. There's a conservative opinion that Democrats are ruining California and issues like this do nothing but prove them right. If Ms. Lawson-Remer and City Council Member Teresa Acosta literally support housing criminals next to our families and will do nothing about it, our only recourse is leadership replacement in November. 1 Otherwise, Last night's Council attendees seemed surprised to hear about the Windsor Pointe tenant that wanted to light a pregnant woman and her unborn baby on fire (curiously left out of the City Staff Report's "Incidents of Concern" overview) so I'm attaching the letter that the Carlsbad Chief of Police wrote to our Director of Housing describing it. Sincerely Denis Jensen Carlsbad Voter CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless ou recognize the sender and know the content i safe. On Aug 20, 2024, at 8:50 PM, Selder, Christina <C hristina.Selder@sdcount)'.'.ca.gov> wrote: Good evening, The Supervisor would like to reiterate her commitment to supporting, within her capacity, the City and its efforts to push for additional operating funds and additional funding for case management services, as well as ongoing state advocacy efforts for a local preference and increasing veteran access. We look forward to continuing to pursue solutions for the Carlsbad community. Best and many thanks, Christina 2 From: To: Cc: Subject: Date: Mickey Williams Casey Gale; Eric Kovanda Mandy Mills RE: 309 Windsor Pointe 12-7-2023 Friday, December 8, 2023 10:25:00 AM Hi Casey, JM was arrested for threating fellow resident■ that he would light her and her unborn baby on fire using gasoline. He was arrested for felony terroristic threats, Penal Code Section 422. CPD case 23-07826. Thanks, Mickey Williams Police Chief Carlsbad Police Department 2560 Orion Way Carlsbad, CA 92010 0: 442.339.2130 www.carlsbadca.gov/police -----Original Message----- From: Casey Gale <cgale@conam.com> Sent: Thursday, December 7, 2023 3:22 PM To: Eric Kovanda <Eric.Kovanda@carlsbadca.gov> Cc: Mickey Williams <Mickey.Williams@carlsbadca.gov> Subject: 309 Windsor Pointe 12-7-2023 Good afternoon, I was advised 309 threatened another resident and he was arrested this afternoon. Can I get some details on this? Please let me know if need anything from us. Thank you, Casey CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Council Internet Email Wednesday, August 21, 2024 11:09 AM City Clerk FW: [External] Re: Follow Up to tonight's meeting (Carlsbad City Council/County of San Diego) From: Seider, Christina <Christina.Selder@sdcounty.ca.gov> Sent: Wednesday, August 21, 2024 9:46 AM To: Denis Jensen <denis.jensen@gmail.com> Cc: Keith Blackburn <keith.blackburn@carlsbadca.gov>; Melanie Burkholder <melanie.burkholder@carlsbadca .gov>; Priya Bhat-Patel <priya.bhat-patel@carlsbadca.gov>; Teresa Acosta <teresa.acosta@carlsbadca.gov>; Carolyn Luna <carolyn.luna@carlsbadca.gov>; Manager Internet Email <manager@carlsbadca.gov>; Council Internet Email <council@carlsbadca.gov>; Mandy Mills <Mandy.Mills@carlsbadca.gov>; kevin@kevinfaulconer.com; Yuen, Jeffrey <Jeffrey.Yuen@sdcounty.ca.gov>; Lara Benusis <ibenusis@yahoo.com>; michaelajd <michaelajd@yahoo.com>; Mark Packard <marbon8l2@gmail.com>; Tracy Carmichael <whatzuptlc@yahoo.com>; Teri Jacobs <tjacobs86@pacbell.net>; Matt Hall <mhall4046@gmail.com>; Raul Villamar <estodoaboutme@aol.com>; Alanna Trimble <alannalt@yahoo.com>; Dee Dee Rowlett <deedee.rowlett@gmail.com>; Greg@gregday4carlsbad.com; Momophd Momofphd <momofphd@gmail.com>; kevinshin27@gmail.com; info@collinsforcarlsbad.com; Corey Uhden <corey@kevinfaulconer.com>; Sarah Alegre <SAlegre@foxSsandiego.com>; Mike Curtin <mike@curtinforcarlsbad.com>; Dorian Hargrove <DHargrovel@cbs8.com>; Steve Puterski <steve.puterski@gmail.com>; Justin Cox <Justin.Cox@lOnews.com>; philip.diehl@sduniontribune.com Subject: Re: [External] Re: Follow Up to tonight's meeting {Carlsbad City Council/County of San Diego) Good morning Denis- The Supervisor remains committed to supporting the Carlsbad community as it navigates this project. The City is the lease holder and the property is committed for 55 years under the State's No Place Like Home program. The City attorney would need to provide the specific details regard ing the legal implications of these agreements. Please reach out if our office can be of further assistance. Best and many thanks, Christina Get Outlook for iOS From: Denis Jensen <denis.jensen@gmail.com> Sent: Wednesday, August 21, 2024 9:35:02 AM To: Seider, Christina <Christina.Selder@sdcounty.ca.gov> Cc: keith.blackburn@carlsbadca.gov <keith.blackburn@carlsbadca.gov>; Melanie Burkholder 1 <melanie.burkholder@carlsbadca.gov>; Priya Bhat-Patel <priya.bhat-patel@carlsbadca.gov>; teresa.acosta@carlsbadca.gov <teresa.acosta@carlsbadca.gov>; carolyn.luna@carlsbadca.gov <carolyn.luna@carlsbadca.gov>; manager@carlsbadca.gov <manager@carlsbadca.gov>; council@carlsbadca.gov <council@carlsbadca.gov>; Mandy Mills <Mandy.Mills@carlsbadca.gov>; kevin@kevinfaulconer.com <kevin@kevinfaulconer.com>; Yuen, Jeffrey <Jeffrey.Yuen@sdcounty.ca.gov>; Lara Benusis <ibenusis@yahoo.com>; michaelajd <michaelajd@yahoo.com>; Mark Packard <marbon812@gmail.com>; Tracy Carmichael <whatzuptlc@yahoo.com>; Teri Jacobs <tjacobs86@pacbell.net>; Matt Hall <mhall4046@gmail.com>; Raul Villamar <estodoaboutme@aol.com>; Alanna Trimble <alannalt@yahoo.com>; Dee Dee Rowlett <deedee.rowlett@gmail.com>; Greg@gregday4carlsbad.com <Greg@GregDay4Carlsbad.com>; Momophd Momofphd <momofphd@gmail.com>; kevinshin27@gmail.com <kevinshin27@gmail.com>; info@collinsforcarlsbad.com <info@collinsforcarlsbad.com>; Corey Uhden <corey@kevinfaulconer.com>; Sarah Alegre <SAlegre@foxSsandiego.com>; Mike Curtin <mike@curtinforcarlsbad.com>; Dorian Hargrove <DHargrove1@cbs8.com>; Steve Puterski <steve.puterski@gmail.com>; Justin Cox <Justin.Cox@lOnews.com>; philip.diehl@sduniontribune.com <philip.diehl@sduniontribune.com> Subject: [External] Re: Follow Up to tonight's meeting (Carlsbad City Council/County of San Diego) Hi Christina, I sincerely thank you for very much for clearly and officially articulating in last night's Carlsbad City Council meeting that there is nothing preventing Carlsbad from closing Windsor Pointe as far as the County of San Diego is concerned. City leaders have been blaming the County for its own inaction for quite a while. Regarding the additional services option proposed by Ms. Lawson-Remer, our community is of the opinion that putting seriously mentally ill homeless types that threaten a pregnant women with lighting her and her unborn baby on fire with gasoline, that putting mentally ill homeless that yell "I'm going to kill you" at the neighbor children next door, that purposefully putting murderers and drug dealers next door to our families as long as their convictions are older than five years old ... call us crazy, but we feel that this is terribly bad policy. No amount of social services money will help that. It's really that simple. A lifelong Democrat, I've been speaking with Kevin Faulconer about a common sense, community-first approach to homeless solutions and I've got to say that crossing party lines looks pretty appealing right now. The hundred Carlsbad voters that wrote the City demanding Windsor Pointe closure and are being ignored are bcc'd here. Fellow Democrats, let's chat. There's a conservative opinion that Democrats are ruining California and issues like this do nothing but prove them right. If Ms. Lawson-Re mer and City Council Member Teresa Acosta literally support housing criminals next to our families and will do nothing about it, our only recourse is leadership replacement in November. Otherwise, Last night's Council attendees seemed surprised to hear about the Windsor Pointe tenant that wanted to light a pregnant woman and her unborn baby on fire (curiously left out of the City Staff Report's "Incidents of Concern" overview) so I'm attaching the letter that the Carlsbad Chief of Police wrote to our Director of Housing describing it. Sincerely Denis Jensen Carlsbad Voter 2 On Aug 20, 2024, at 8:50 PM, Selder, Christina <Christina.Selder@sdcounty.ca.gov> wrote: Good evening, The Supervisor would like to reiterate her commitment to supporting, within her capacity, the City and its efforts to push for additional operating funds and additional funding for case management services, as well as ongoing state advocacy efforts for a local preference and increasing veteran access. We look forward to continuing to pursue solutions for the Carlsbad community. Best and many thanks, Christina CAUTION: Do not open attachm ents or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content i 3 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Sent: To: Subject: Council Internet Email Wednesday, August 21, 2024 2:53 PM City Clerk _ FW: [External] Re: Follow Up to tonight's meeting (Carlsbad City Council/County of San Diego) From: michael ajdour <michaelajd@yahoo.com> Sent: Wednesday, August 21, 2024 1:30 PM To: Christina .Selder@sdcounty.ca.gov; Denis Jensen <denis.jensen@gmail.con:i> Cc: Keith Blackburn <keith.blackburn@carlsbadca.gov>; Melanie Burkholder <melanie.burkholder@carlsbadca.gov>; Priya Bhat-Patel <priya.bhat-patel@carlsbadca.gov>; Teresa Acosta <teresa.acosta@carlsbadca.gov>; Carolyn Luna <carolyn.luna@carlsbadca.gov>; Manager Internet Email <manager@carlsbadca.gov>; Council Internet Email <council@carlsbadca.gov>; Mandy Mills <Mandy.Mills@carlsbadca.gov>; kevin@kevinfaulconer.com; Yuen, Jeffrey <Jeffrey.Yuen@sdcounty.ca .gov>; Lara Benusis <ibenusis@yahoo.com>; Mark Packard <marbon812@gmail.com>; Tracy Carmichael <whatzuptlc@yahoo.com>; Teri Jacobs <tjacobs86@pacbell.net>; Matt Hall <mhall4046@gmail.com>; Raul Villamar <estodoaboutme@aol.com>; Alanna Tritnble <alannalt@yahoo.com>; Dee Dee Rowlett <deedee.rowlett@gmail.com>; Greg@gregday4carlsbad.com; Momophd Momofphd <momofphd@gmail.com>; kevinshin27@gmail.com; info@collinsforcarlsbad.com; Corey Uhden <corey@kevinfaulconer.com>; Sarah Alegre <SAlegre@foxSsandiego.com>; Mike Curtin <mike@curtinforcarlsbad.com>; Dorian Hargrove <DHargrove1@cbs8.com>; Steve Puterski <steve.puterski@gmail.com>; Justin Cox <Justin.Cox@lOnews.com>; philip.diehl@sduniontribune.com Subject: Re: [External] Re: Follow Up to tonight's meeting (Carlsbad City Council/County of San Diego) Dear Christina, Does it specifically have to be the city attorney? Could it be one of the other attorneys that the city of Carlsbad employs? Could it be outside council that the city has employed? Does the county not have any attorneys employed who have access to these agreements & the will & capability to access them? By the way, if anyone saw the Oak Windsor Pointes resident complaining on the news to Sarah Alegre yesterday that he was "misunderstood", looks like he has an October 2022 assault charge and a long criminal history. Thank you Christina, for attending the meeting yourself. I'm pretty sure we'll never see our current County Supervisor sitting and listening like you did. Please know that you are appreciated. Sincerely, Julie Ajdour Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android On Wed, Aug 21, 2024 at 9:46 AM, Seider, Christina <Christina.Selder@sdcounty.ca.gov> wrote: Good morning Denis- The Supervisor remains committed to supporting the Carlsbad community as it navigates this project. 1 The City is the lease holder and the property is committed for 55 years under the State's No Place Like Home program. The City attorney would need to provide the specific details regarding the legal implications of these agreements. Please reach out if our office can be of further assistance. Best and many thanks, Christina Get Outlook for iOS From: Denis Jensen <denis.jensen@gmail.com> Sent: Wednesday, August 21, 2024 9:35:02 AM To: Seider, Christina <Christina.Selder@sdcounty.ca.gov> Cc: keith.blackburn@carlsbadca.gov <keith.blackburn@carlsbadca.gov>; Melanie Burkholder <melanie.burkholder@carlsbadca.gov>; Priya Bhat-Patel <priya.bhat-patel@carlsbadca.gov>; teresa .acosta@carlsbadca.gov <teresa.acosta@carlsbadca.gov>; carolyn. luna@carlsbadca.gov <carolyn.luna@carlsbadca.gov>; manager@carlsbadca.gov <manager@carlsbadca.gov>; council@carlsbadca.gov <council@carlsbadca.gov>; Mandy Mills <Mandy.Mills@carlsbadca.gov>; kevin@kevinfaulconer.com <kevin@kevinfaulconer.com>; Yuen, Jeffrey <Jeffrey.Yuen@sdcounty.ca.gov>; Lara Benusis <ibenusis@yahoo.com>; michaelajd <michaelajd@yahoo.com>; Mark Packard <marbon812@gmail.com>; Tracy Carmichael <whatzuptlc@yahoo.com>; Teri Jacobs <tjacobs86@pacbell.net>; Matt Hall <mhall4046@gmail.com>; Raul Villamar <estodoaboutme@aol.com>; Alanna Trimble <alannalt@yahoo.com>; Dee Dee Rowlett <deedee.rowlett@gmail.com>; Greg@gregday4carlsbad.com <Greg@GregDay4Carlsbad.com>; Momophd Momofphd <momofphd@gmail.com>; kevinshin27@gmail.com <kevinshin27@gmail.com>; info@collinsforcarlsbad.com <info@collinsforcarlsbad.com>; Corey Uhden <corey@kevinfaulconer.com>; Sarah Alegre <SAlegre@foxSsandiego.com>; Mike Curtin <mike@curtinforcarlsbad.com>; Dorian Hargrove <DHargrove1@cbs8.com>; Steve Puterski <steve.puterski@gmail.com>; Justin Cox <Justin.Cox@lOnews.com>; philip.diehl@sduniontribune.com <philip.diehl@sduniontribune.com> Subject: [External] Re: Follow Up to tonight's meeting (Carlsbad City Council/County of San Diego) Hi Christina, I sincerely thank you for very much for clearly and officially articulating in last night's Carlsbad City Council meeting that there is nothing preventing Carlsbad from closing Windsor Pointe as far as the County of San Diego is concerned. City leaders have been blaming the County for its own inaction for quite a while. Regarding the additional services option proposed by Ms. Lawson-Remer, our community is of the opinion that putting seriously mentally ill homeless types that threaten a pregnant women with lighting her and her unborn baby on fire with gasoline, that putting mentally ill homeless that yell "I'm going to kill you" at the neighbor children next door, that purposefully putting murderers and drug dealers next door to our families as long as their convictions are older than five years old ... call us crazy, but we feel that this is terribly bad policy. No amount of social services money will help that. It's really that simple. A lifelong Democrat, I've been speaking with Kevin Faulconer about a common sense, community-first approach to homeless solutions and I've got to say that crossing party lines looks pretty appealing right now. The hundred Carlsbad voters that wrote the City demanding Windsor Pointe closure and are being 2 ignored are bcc'd here. Fellow Democrats, let's chat. There's a conservative opinion that Democrats are ru ining California and issues like this do nothing but prove them right. If Ms . Lawson-Remer and City Council Member Teresa Acosta literally support housing criminals next to our families and will do nothing about it, our only recourse is leadership replacement in November. Otherwise, Last night's Council attendees seemed surprised to hear about the Windsor Pointe tenant that wanted to light a pregnant woman and her unborn baby on fire {curiously left out of the City Staff Report's "Incidents of Concern" overview) so I'm attaching the letter that the Carlsbad Chief of Police wrote to our Director of Housing describing it. Sincerely Denis Jensen Carlsbad Voter On Aug 20, 2024, at 8:50 PM, Selder, Christina <Christina.Selder@sdcounty.ca.gov> wrote: Good evening, The Supervisor would like to reiterate her commitment to supporting, within her capacity, the City and its efforts to push for additional operating funds and additional funding for case management services, as well as ongoing state advocacy efforts for a local preference and increasing veteran access. We look forward to continuing to pursue solutions for the Carlsbad community. Best and many thanks, Christina CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless ou recognize the sender and know the content i 3 Tammy Cloud-McMinn From: Council Internet Email Sent: To: Wednesday, August 21, 2024 3:56 PM City Clerk Subject: FW: [External] Re: Follow Up to tonight's meeting (Carlsbad City Council/County of San Diego) From: Seider, Christina <Christina.Selder@sdcounty.ca.gov> Sent: Wednesday, August 21, 2024 3:49 PM To: michaelajd@yahoo.com; Denis Jensen <denis.jensen@gmail.com> Cc: Keith Blackburn <keith.blackburn@carlsbadca.gov>; Melanie Burkholder <melanie.burkholder@carlsbadca.gov>; Priya Bhat-Patel <priya.bhat-patel@carlsbadca.gov>; Teresa Acosta <teresa.acosta@carlsbadca.gov>; Carolyn Luna <carolyn.luna@carlsbadca.gov>; Manager Internet Email <manager@carlsbadca.gov>; Council Internet Email <council@carlsbadca.gov>; Mandy Mills <Mandy.Mills@carlsbadca.gov>; kevin@kevinfaulconer.com; Yuen, Jeffrey <Jeffrey.Yuen@sdcounty.ca.gov>; Lara Benusis <ibenusis@yahoo.com>; Mark Packard <marbon812@gmail.com>; Tracy Carmichael <whatzuptlc@yahoo.com>; Teri Jacobs <tjacobs86@pacbell.net>; Matt Hall <mhall4046@gmail.com>; Raul Villamar <estodoaboutme@aol.com>; Alanna Trimble <alannalt@yahoo.com>; Dee Dee Rowlett <deedee.rowlett@gmail.com>; Greg@gregday4carlsbad.com; Momophd Momofphd <momofphd@gmail.com>; kevinshin27@gmail.com; info@collinsforcarlsbad.com; Corey Uhden <corey@kevinfaulconer.com>; Sarah Alegre <SAlegre@foxSsandiego.com>; Mike Curtin <mike@curtinforcarlsbad.com>; Dorian Hargrove <DHargrove1@cbs8.com>; Steve Puterski <steve.puterski@gmail.com>; Justin Cox <Justin.Cox@lOnews.com>; philip.diehl@sduniontribune.com Subject: RE: [External] Re: Follow Up to tonight's meeting (Carlsbad City Council/County of San Diego) Good afternoon Julie: Given this is a City project, and the County is in a supportive role via services and technical support for the No Place Like Home program, it would be more direct and ideal for you to connect with the City attorney. Best, Christina Christina Selder (She/Herl Senior Policy Advisor Office of Supervisor Terra Lawson-Remer County of San Diego Board of Supervisors \._ f&581 289·919':i 9 1600 P-.ttihc wy., Sam Dieiio, CA 9210! i1i, Ctu"-,!:uru1.Scl<h::i ~t:(11 1.,u:~ i • tf)l ~tl'l'IJ"'~t~r lsorL • l,,a;: ... ~rir<i:f'fi c-tm -,Ji,f'4 Dil:GO: COUNTY SI..JPER'JISOR -- TERR A LAWSON-REMER ----OISTR4O3 ---- 1 From: michael ajdour <michaelajd@yahoo.com> Sent: Wednesday, August 21, 2024 1:30 PM To: Seider, Christina <Christina.Selder@sdcounty.ca.gov>; Denis Jensen <denis.jensen@gmail.com> Cc: keith.blackburn@carlsbadca.gov; Melanie Burkholder <melanie.burkholder@carlsbadca.gov>; Priya Bhat-Pat~I <priya.bhat-patel@carlsbadca.gov>; teresa.acosta@carlsbadca.gov; carolyn.luna@carlsbadca.gov; manager@ca rlsbadca .gov; cou ncil@carlsbadca .gov; Mandy Mills <Mandy. M ills@carlsbadca.gov>; kevin@kevinfaulconer.com; Yuen, Jeffrey <Jeffrey.Yuen@sdcounty.ca.gov>; Lara Benusis <ibenusis@yahoo.com>; Mark Packard <marbon812@gmail.com>; Tracy Carmichael <whatzuptlc@yahoo.com>; Teri Jacobs <tjacobs86@pacbell.net>; Matt Hall <mhall4046@gmail.com>; Raul Villamar <estodoaboutme@aol.com>; Alanna Trimble <alannalt@yahoo.com>; Dee Dee Rowlett <deedee.rowlett@gmail.com>; Greg@gregday4carlsbad.com; Momophd Momofphd <momofphd@gmail.com>; kevinshin27@gmail.com; info@collinsforcarlsbad.com; Corey Uhden <corey@kevinfaulconer.com>; Sarah Alegre <SAlegre@foxSsandiego.com>; Mike Curtin <mike@curtinforcarlsbad.com>; Dorian Hargrove <DHargrove1@cbs8.com>; Steve Puterski <steve.puterski@gmail.com>; Justin Cox <Justin.Cox@10news.com>; philip.diehl@sduniontribune.com Subject: Re: [External] Re: Follow Up to tonight's meeting (Carlsl:lad City Council/County of San Diego) Dear Christina, Does it specifically have to be the city attorney? Could it be one of the other attorneys that the city of Carlsbad employs? Could it be outside council that the city has employed? Does the county not have any attorneys employed who have access to these agreements & the will & capability to access them? By the way, if anyone saw the Oak Windsor Pointes resident complaining on the news to Sarah Alegre yesterday that he was "misunderstood", looks like he has an October 2022 assault charge and a long criminal history. Thank you Christina, for attending the meeting yourself. I'm pretty sure we'll never see our current County Supervisor sitting and listening like you did. Please know that you are appreciated. Sincerely, Julie Ajdour Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android On Wed, Aug 21, 2024 at 9:46 AM, Seider, Christina <Christina.Selder@sdcounty.ca.gov> wrote: Good morning Denis- The Supervisor remains committed to supporting the Carlsbad community as it navigates this project. 2 ; The City is the lease holder and the property is committed for 55 years under the State's No Place Like Home program. The City attorney would need to provide the specific details regarding the legal implications of these agreements. Please reach out if our office can be of further assistance. Best and many thanks, Christina Get Outlook for iOS From: Denis Jensen <denis.jensen@gmail.com> Sent: Wednesday, August 21, 2024 9:35:02 AM To: Seider, Christina <Christina.Selder@sdcounty.ca.gov> Cc: keith.blackburn@carlsbadca.gov <keith.blackburn@carlsbadca.gov>; Melanie Burkholder <melanie.burkholder@carlsbadca.gov>; Priya Bhat-Patel <priya.bhat-patel@carlsbadca.gov>; teresa.acosta@carlsbadca.gov <teresa.acosta@carlsbadca.gov>; carolyn.luna@carlsbadca.gov <carolyn.luna@carlsbadca.gov>; manager@carlsbadca.gov <manager@carlsbadca.gov>; council@carlsbadca.gov <couricil@carlsbadca.gov>; Mandy Mills <Mandy.Mills@carlsbadca.gov>; kevin@kevinfaulconer.com <kevin@kevinfaulconer.com>; Yuen, Jeffrey <Jeffrey.Yuen@sdcounty.ca.gov>; Lara Benusis <ibenusis@yahoo.com>; michaelajd <michaelajd@yahoo.com>; Mark Packard <marbon812@gmail.com>; Tracy Carmichael <whatzuptlc@yahoo.com>; Teri Jacobs <tjacobs86@pacbell.net>; Matt Hall <mhall4046@gmail.com>; Raul Villamar <estodoaboutme@aol.com>; Alanna Trimble <alannalt@yahoo.com>; Dee Dee Rowlett <deedee.rowlett@gmail.com>; Greg@gregday4carlsbad.com <Greg@GregDay4Carlsbad.com>; Momophd Momofphd <momofphd@gmail.com>; kevinshin27@gmail.com <kevinshin27@gmail.com >; info@collinsforcarlsbad.com <info@collinsfo~carlsbad.com>; Corey Uhden <corey@kevinfaulconer.com>; Sarah Alegre <SAlegre@foxSsandiego.com>; Mike Curtin • <mike@curtinforcarlsbad.com>; Dorian Hargrove <DHargrove1@cbs8.com>; Steve Puterski <steve.puterski@gmail.com>; Justin Cox <Justin.Cox@lOnews.com >; philip.diehl@sduniontribune.com <philip.diehl@sduniontribune.com> Subject: [External] Re: Follow Up to tonight's meeting (Carlsbad City Council/County of San Diego) Hi Christina, I sincerely thank you for very much for clearly and officially articulating in last night's Carlsbad City Council meeting that there is nothing preventing Carlsbad from closing Windsor Pointe as far as the County of San Diego is concerned. City leaders have been blaming the County for its own inaction for quite a while. Regarding the additional services option proposed by Ms. Lawson-Remer, our community is of the opinion that putting seriously mentally ill homeless types that threaten a pregnant women with lighting her and her unborn baby on fire with gasoline, that putting mentally ill homeless that yell "I'm going to kill you" at the neighbor children next door, that purposefully putting murderers and drug dealers next door to our families as long as their convictions are older than five years old ... call us crazy, but we feel that this is terribly bad policy. No amount of social services money will help that. It's really that simple. A lifelong Democrat, I've been speaking with Kevin Faulconer about a common sense, community-first approach to homeless solutions and I've got to say that crossing party lines looks pretty appealing right now. The hundred Carlsbad voters that wrote the City demanding Windsor Pointe closure and are being ignored are bcc'd here. Fellow Democrats, let's chat. There's a conservative opinion that Democrats are 3 ruining California and issues like this do nothing but prove them right..lf Ms . Lawson-Remer and City Council Member Teresa Acosta literally support housing criminals next to our families and will do nothing about it, our only recourse is leadership replacement in November. Otherwise, Last night's Council attendees seemed surprised to hear about the Windsor Pointe tenant that wanted to light a pregnant woman and her unborn baby on fire (curiously left out of the City Staff Report's "Incidents of Concern" overview) so I'm attaching the letter that the Carlsbad Chief of Police wrote to our Director of Housing describing it.· Sincerely Denis Jensen Carlsbad Voter On Aug 20, 2024, at 8:50 PM , Selder, Christina <Christina.Selder@sdcounty.ca.gov> wrote: Good evening, The Supervisor would like to reiterate her commitment to supporting, within her capacity, the City and its efforts to push for additional operating funds and additional funding for case management services, as well as ongoing state advocacy efforts for a local preference and increasing veteran access. We look forward to continuing to pursue solutions for the Carlsbad community. Best and many thanks, Christina CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless 4 WINDSOR POINTE AFFORDABLE HOUSING Christie Calderwood, Police Chief Reid Shipley, Assistant Chief of Police Mandy Mills, Director, Housing & Homeless Services August 20, 2024 1 {city of Carlsbad RECOMMENDED ACTION Receive progress report on City Council directed actions related to the Windsor Pointe Affordable Housing Project. ITEM 10: WINDSOR POINTE UPDATE 2 {city of Carlsbad BACKGROUND •Apartments with supportive services •Community concerns •City Council updates •March 12, 2024 •April 9, 2024 •June 11, 2024 ITEM 10: WINDSOR POINTE UPDATE 3 {city of Carlsbad LOCATION ITEM 10: WINDSOR POINTE UPDATE 4 a, > ·-:i,.. 0 a, C'I n:s -- Harding Community Center --Harding Street Q) ·-:::s > C ~-"'C Jefferson ~ ~~nl <( ~ ~ -:i,.. n:s u tO 0 • Q) :::s C Q) >~---------- <( Q) Community C Center ·-0. Senior Center Pine Park Q) :::s C Q) > <( +,,II :::s C +,,II "' Q) ..c u ,----------_H_ a rd i ng Street Madison Street ____________ _ PROJECT ROLES ITEM 10: WINDSOR POINTE UPDATE 5 AFFIRMED HOUSING Wll Ha ·,· n! RTFH SANI DIEGO'S REGIONAL LEADER ON HOMELESSNESS {city of Carlsbad ALL UNITS HAVE VETERANS PREFERENCE County No Place Like Home funding •People with serious mental illness diagnosis who experiencing homelessness or at risk of becoming homeless •Veterans are given priority People with lower incomes, in order of priority: 1.Veterans and their families from Carlsbad 2.Veterans and their families from other locations 3.Non-veterans from Carlsbad 4.Non-veterans from other locations ITEM 10: WINDSOR POINTE UPDATE 6 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ___, • • • • • • • • • • INCREASED SECURITY County released funding for expanded onsite security •6 p.m. to 6 a.m., 7-days a week •1 guard at each location •24-hour video monitoring service What’s next Continue to advocate for 24-hour security ITEM 10: WINDSOR POINTE UPDATE 7 VISITOR ACCESS CONTROL •Affirmed Housing installed video enabled controlled access •Photos taken of all visitors •Residents instructed all visitors to go through front entrance •Guests must be escorted by residents or staff •On-site staff review visitor logs with photos What’s next Door and gate security improvements Routine onsite patrol and security audits by the Police Dept. ITEM 10: WINDSOR POINTE UPDATE 8 {city of Carlsbad LEASE ENFORCEMENT Affirmed Housing taking appropriate legal actions for violations of lease terms •Up to and including evictions when needed ITEM 10: WINDSOR POINTE UPDATE 9 {city of Carlsbad INCREASE IN COUNTY SERVICES •County authorized increase in onsite services From 20 hours/week to 44 hours/week Monday – Friday •County has referred more specialized care for residents What’s next •County Board of Supervisors requested 7-day a week services •County staff seeking funding to support request ITEM 10: WINDSOR POINTE UPDATE 10 {city of Carlsbad TRAINING FOR ONSITE STAFF •Mental health first-aid training provided to onsite staff •Recognize crisis situations •Response resources when professional help is needed ITEM 10: WINDSOR POINTE UPDATE 11 {city of Carlsbad INCREASE VETERAN ELIGIBILITY Developed initial legislative advocacy plan with city lobbyists •H.R. 8340, the Housing Unhoused Disabled Veterans Act •State efforts Exploring veteran housing vouchers •Would change veterans preference to requirement What’s next •Seek letter of support from Council Legislative Subcommittee •Continue advocacy strategy ITEM 10: WINDSOR POINTE UPDATE 12 CARLSBAD PREFERENCE Explored two ways to add local preference •California Department of Housing & Community Development •Advocating for local preference with coordinated entry system What’s next •Explore regional housing analysis •Continue advocacy at regional level ITEM 10: WINDSOR POINTE UPDATE 13 {city of Carlsbad CALLS FOR SERVICE Broad term including all 911 calls •Police, fire and emergency medical •Hang ups and misdials •Police follow up visits •Police-initiated patrols Indicates activity, but not necessarily use of police resources ITEM 10: WINDSOR POINTE UPDATE 14 {city of Carlsbad MARCH – JULY 2024 Windsor Pointe 222 calls for service Citywide 46,566 calls for service ITEM 10: WINDSOR POINTE UPDATE 15 {city of Carlsbad CALLS FOR SERVICE ITEM 10: WINDSOR POINTE UPDATE 16 80% Welfare related, e.g., Mental health, assist for EMS {city of Carlsbad MENTAL HEALTH CALLS ITEM 10: WINDSOR POINTE UPDATE 17 2% Required 5150 hold 98% Referred or no follow up needed {city of Carlsbad CRIMINAL CASES ITEM 10: WINDSOR POINTE UPDATE 18 Cases Drugs found, reported and collected for destruction 1 Reported domestic violence 1 Domestic violence arrest 1 Drugs found, reported and collected for destruction 1 Reported domestic violence 1 Under influence of controlled substance arrest * (banned guest outside of property)1 Suitcase found, taken for storage 1 Thermostat box broken by resident (vandalism)1 March – July 2024 APRIL 2022 - JULY 2024 Windsor Pointe 984 calls, 967 hours $57,820 Citywide 257,532 calls for service Police personnel budget: $40M annually ITEM 10: WINDSOR POINTE UPDATE 19 {city of Carlsbad HIGH-PROFILE CASES July 2022 Incident A friend of a person who lives at Windsor Pointe used the Windsor Pointe address when registering as a sex offender. Resolution The registered sex offender, who was not a resident of Windsor Pointe, was contacted and told to correct the address to show the person’s actual place of residence. The individual was never a resident at the location. ITEM 10: WINDSOR POINTE UPDATE 20 HIGH-PROFILE CASES January 2023 Incident Attempted murder, domestic violence Resolution Police responded to a reported domestic violence incident. The suspect was arrested, and the victims were provided appropriate medical care. ITEM 10: WINDSOR POINTE UPDATE 21 {city of Carlsbad HIGH-PROFILE CASES July 2023 Incident A resident of Windsor Pointe invited an acquaintance for a visit. The guest was accused of molesting the resident’s child during this visit. Resolution Police investigated and were able to locate and arrest the subject. Residents/family were cooperative with the investigation, and the suspect was sentenced to state prison. ITEM 10: WINDSOR POINTE UPDATE 22 {city of Carlsbad HIGH-PROFILE CASES Fall 2023 Incident Water leaked into one of the occupied apartments. The tenant did not grant access to the apartment for several months, delaying the repair. Resolution The resident ultimately allowed the property manager to fix the damage and restore the apartment. ITEM 10: WINDSOR POINTE UPDATE 23 HIGH-PROFILE CASES June 2024 Incident A neighbor observed a person entering their yard, acting strangely and urinating. The neighbor called the police. Resolution Police investigated and identified the subject, who had no affiliation with Windsor Pointe. The suspect was ultimately arrested. ITEM 10: WINDSOR POINTE UPDATE 24 {city of Carlsbad USE OF POLICE RESOURCES Need for police response has gone down •Police encourage residents, neighbors, on-site staff to call •More training for onsite staff results in resolution or referral •Increased referrals to Mobile Crisis Response Team •When crime occurs, it is addressed ITEM 10: WINDSOR POINTE UPDATE 25 {city of Carlsbad 1.Continue to implement identified actions 2.Continue to monitor statistics and trends 3.Continue to work closely with Windsor Pointe to address issues NEXT STEPS 26 ITEM 10: WINDSOR POINTE UPDATE {city of Carlsbad WINDSOR POINTE AFFORDABLE HOUSING Christie Calderwood, Police Chief Reid Shipley, Assistant Chief of Police Mandy Mills, Director, Housing & Homeless Services August 20, 2024 27 {city of Carlsbad