HomeMy WebLinkAbout2016-10-03; Traffic Safety Commission; ; Inform Traffic Safety Commissioners of proposed lane reduction on Carlsbad Boulevard to provide pedestrian accessCOMMISSION MEETING OF: CITY OF CARLSBAD TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMISSION STAFF REPORT October 03, 2016 ITEM NO. 6 C-2 LOCATION: Carlsbad Boulevard between Manzano Drive and Encinas Creek Bridge INITIATED BY: Doug Bilse, City Traffic Engineer REQUESTED ACTION: Inform Traffic Safety Commissioners of proposed lane reduction on Carlsbad Boulevard to provide pedestrian access DATA: The City Traffic Engineer will present information to the Traffic Safety Commission regarding a proposed lane reduction on Carlsbad Boulevard between Manzano Drive and Encinas Creek Bridge to addresses existing gaps in the pedestrian path along the coast between Manzano Drive and the Encinas Creek Bride. The proposed striping changes and curb cuts provide a continuous pedestrian pathway of approximately 5,600 linear feet while maintaining all existing parking areas. This project directly advances the following core values identified in the Carlsbad Community Vision: • Small town feel, beach community character and connectedness • Access to recreation and active, healthy lifestyles • Walking, biking, public transportation and connectivity Per the Mobility Element 3-P.15: "The City Council shall have the sole discretion to approve any such road diet or vehicle traffic calming improvements that would reduce vehicle capacity to or below LOS D". Based on existing traffic volumes on Carlsbad Boulevard and an assumed capacity of 1,800 vehicles per lane per hour, the existing level of service for the proposed lane reduction on southbound Carlsbad Boulevard is shown in Table 1. Table 1: Existing Level of Service Volume Volume/Capacity Level of Service Ratio AM Peak Hour 588 0.33 A PM Peak Hour 704 0.39 A Assuming a growth rate of 31% for the AM Peak hour and 17% for the PM Peak hour in 2035 {per Draft Traffic Impact Study for Carlsbad Boulevard/Terramar Project), the future level of service for the proposed lane reduction on southbound Carlsbad Boulevard is shown in Table 2. Page 1 COMMISSION MEETING OF: (continued) AM Peak Hour PM Peak Hour CITY OF CARLSBAD TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMISSION STAFF REPORT October 03, 2016 Table 2: Future Level of Service Volume Volume/Capacity Ratio 772 0.43 825 0.46 NECESSARY CITY COUNCIL ACTION: No City Council action required for this item. Attachment: Map of Project Limits ITEM NO. 6 C-2 Level of Service A A Striping plan for Carlsbad Boulevard between Manzano Drive and Encinas Creek Bridge Page 2 Encinas Creek Pathway • No pedestrian connection exists today in this segment • Project provides continuous pedestrian pathway from Manzano to Island Way/ Campground • 5600 LF • No parking loss • Entirely within existing roadway - Striping changes with curb cuts • Repurposes #2 southbound lane to bikeway & pedway (3300 LF) • Maintains Level of Service A for veh icles '\. ~(, ~ q, ~ Project Limits ·1--q, 1, Carlsbad Premium Outlets • v ln-N-Out Burger " i ~ 'i,. 'll-~ a. ! \ <".· i ~~ 9. ,;.,,, f"\-~ • q 'l,l? q, ~ 1 ..,._ '?, 'ii, " <; \ "' Go"5'{:i'"'le,__ ______ _ v ·m • •• •'• ,:_ \ "' \ ~ g ~ z 0 ~ \. " q The Flower Fields ~ <;. <II Palomar Airport nd Miniland USA "' LEGOLAND California 'ii ('l>o, -~ t> '2 a Costco Wholesale ~-q, \ 1 'V c,t1'•¥d <f' Paseo Del Norte \. i ~ t ~ l? ff ;f r; ~ fl 0 ~ ., -I \ I I \. 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