HomeMy WebLinkAbout2016-11-07; Traffic Safety Commission; ; Review new automated traffic monitoring system (Blue TOAD)COMMITTEE MEETING OF: CITY OF CARLSBAD TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMISSION STAFF REPORT November 7, 2016 ITEM NO. 6B LOCATION: Citywide Staff INITIATED BY: REQUESTED ACTION: Review new automated traffic monitoring system (Blue TOAD) BACKGROUND: DATA: The City Council strategic goals includes "becoming a leader in transportation." One of the tasks associated with this goal is the implementation of an automated traffic monitoring system. Without an autonomous system, staff is required to conduct labor intensive travel times that require driving through the city. This not only adds to congestion, but the results do not represent a thorough representation of traffic conditions. That is, the travel time runs are typically done once a year and therefore don't reflect seasonal traffic fluctuations. Staff recently implemented the BlueTOAD system which can automatically monitor traffic in terms of average travel times and vehicle speeds along selected corridors. The first phase of this project was completed this spring and the resulting congestion map is now available for public viewing on the city website. The Blue TOAD system collects speed data throughout the day and also every day of the year. This allows staff to conduct reports that identify trends and conduct before-and- after studies. Staff is in the process of using this new tool to send alarms when traffic speeds are significantly lower that historical averages. Another feature of the new BlueTOAD system is creating origin-destination studies so that traffic patterns can easily be identified and signal timing plans developed to best serve the driving public. The BlueTOAD system is about improving customer service and addressing safety issues. Better data means more informed decisions that clearly address specific issues. RECOMMENDATION: Staff is expected to use the BlueTOAD system to prepare annual reports on performance measures related to traffic flow along signalized arterials. These reports will be presented to the Traffic Safety Commission for their review. NECESSARY CITY COUNCIL ACTION: None. This item is informational only. Page 1