HomeMy WebLinkAbout1983-07-13; Planning Commission; ; SDP 83-06 | CUP 232 - VALLASSTAFF REPORT DATE: TO: July 13, 1983 Planning Commission FROM: Land Use Planning Office SUBJECT:·snp 83-6/CUP-232 -VALLAS -Request for approval of a site· development plan for a recreational/commercial development and a Conditio~al Use Permit to allow the -sale of alcoholic beverages on property l_ocated on the southwest corner of Palomar Airport Road and El Camino Real in 'the CT-Q zon~. I. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the Planning Commission APPROVE THE Negative Declaration issued by the Land Use Planning Manager and ADOPT Resolution Nos. 2148 and 2149 APPROVING SOP 83-6 and CUP-236, based on the findings and subJect to the conditions contained therein. • • II. PROJECT DESCRIPTION AND BACKGROUND The applicant is requesting approval of 1) a site development plan for a recreational/commerci_al development consisting of a 64 unit motel, club house, restaurant, swimming pool, tennis courts and an Olympic golf course driving range; and 2) a conditional use permit to serve liquor on the premise-s. The property is owned by the County of San Diego and is being leased to the applicant. A site development plan, conditional use permit and zone chanqe were previously approved on this property by the Planning Commission in March, 1981. The site development plan and Conditional Use Permit have since expired and the applicant is resubmitting a similar project with several changes. The applicant's original approval· included a 48 unit motel, heliport and raquetball courts. This project.. consists of 64 motel units but no heliport or raquetball courts. Also,·this project is providing _substantially more parking than the original. III. ANALYSIS Planning Issues 1: .Is the golf course driving range adequately buffered from Palomar Airport Road? 2. Are the driveway locations adequate in terms of traffic safety.. • 3. Is the serving of alcoholic beverages suitable at this location? • BH The design of the olympic golf course driving range is the same as that previously approved. The applicant is proposing a thick landscape barrier along Palomar Airport Road to prevent errant shots from landing in the street. Staff is also re·commending that fencing be placed along the inside of the landscape barrier (not in view from Palomar Airport Road) to provide a further barrier from mis~hit golf shots. -With -respect to driveway entrancesr their location was one of the primary issues of the original project. At that time, the applicant_.was proposing, against staff's recommendations: 1) a driveway entrance off Palomar Airport road in close proximity to the El Cam-ino-Real intersection, and 2) a left turn in and out driveway entrance on El Camino Real A traffic report addressing these issues was conducted and, through the public hearing process, a compromise was reached allowing: 1) a driveway .entrance on Palomar Airport Road 500 yards from the El Camino Real intersection, and 2) a driveway entrance on ·and a median along El Camino Real whi-ch would allow left turns into the project but only right turns out . . The applicant is now proposing the same driveway locations as were approved by the Planning Commission in 1981. Staff believes that the elimination of access onto Palomar Airport.Road would be preferable, however, staff can live with the project as proposed. The conditional use permit would allow the sale and consumption of alcohol1c beverages in the restaurant and club house. Staff feels that alcoholic beverages are a normal part of a club house ·and r~staurant use-. The serying of alcoholic beverages at this site would not create detrimental impacts to surrounding properties and would not be injurious to.the public health and welfare. Staff can make all the required findings-for a conditional use permit and, therefore, recommends approval. IV. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW The Land Use Planning Manager has determined that this project will not have a significant impact on the environment and, therefore, has issued a Negative Declaration on June 21, 1983. ATTACHMENTS . 1. Planning Commission Resolution Nos. 2148 and 2149 2. Location Map 3. Background Data Sheet 4. Disclosure Statement S. Environmental Documents BH:cs 6/28/83 -2- . • • . ........ ------.. _._ . ..:,, ........... ---------·· . -· ....... -~ ....... _ -· --~ ___ ... , ·--... ------··-·-·-· ............ _________ .. ___ ···~ ··-·------··~---.... ~---··---.----··"' -... ·--··· ····--.,. ___ .,,._ • .-+ ... ~--•• BACKGFOUND DATA SHEET CASE NO: SDP 82-3/CUP-232 APPLI~"'T: VALLAS ------------- REQUEST AND LC:X:ATICN: Site Developnent Plan. for a recreation/cormiercial facilit¥, and a conditional use permit for alcoholic beverages. LEGAL DESCRI~TI~'l:J_: That IX>rtion of Palomar Airp,rt in Lot 6 of Rancho Agua Hedionda, county of San Diego, Map No. 852. APN:213 -010-10 Acres __ 1.;...;7 ___ P~oposed. No. of Lots/Units _._1 _______ _ GENERAL PLAN AND ZONING Larrl Use Designation --------R-C Density Allowed __ N...:./_A_. _______ _ Density Proposed _ _,.;;.N~/A;.;;.... ___ _ Existing Zone __ cr_-Q-"'-------- Surrounding Zoning ard Lard Use: Pr01.X)Sed zone -_er_~-=-=------- Zoning North M ~-- South P-M· East C (C.Ounty west P-M PUBLIC FACILITIFS Land Use Palomar Airport Light Industrial Vacant Light Industrial School District N/A Water Carlsbad Sewer Carlsbad EDU's N/A ---'----_.___ __ _ Public Facilities Fee-Agreement, dated __ Ma__...y_2_5,._, _1_9_8_3 _________ _ ,. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT MSESSMENT __!_Negative Declaration, issued June 21, 1983 E.I.R. c.ertified, dated -------------- Other, ____________________________ _ ---------~-· ·····-------··-----·· ~-----·------------- PALOMAR . AfRPORT ·-VALLAS . · .• , .· . . . . . PROJECT SITE . . . . . . . . ······•:•.···•:•:•.·•:•:•.····~ -. ' .. :: .. ·•:· . ·-:• ........ .. :•.···· .. . . Ji, rn > ... •· -_ • .. •· . .: . -• • -.. SDP 83-6 CUP 232 - . ~ .;.hat further inforr.iation • • r.eqi.1i;=-ed, you wil.l. be so ad, ·ed • . . . , 1\PPLICANT: Na.~e (in~ividual, partnership, joint venture, corporation, syndication) Busi:iess .Address CA \2.L--$_?;,h,.o U1g':> 4~8-~f::.Oo· -· Telephone Number · : . AGENT: Business Adc.r_es~ ,·· ·::•:_;~---~. 1G ~ . :,·zg ·:-tii ~ (-• ~. • . .. • ~lephone. Nu::ber • . ...... . ... __ ---~'. -~IE~fBE~·= _. • • ··-c~12oot:,~~ .. --L-~✓PiL~s -. -f~-c,0,0~~~ _: '2-4~ -611± :rr • . ." ·Name ·(indb1idcal, partner, join~. . ~ome ~ress . . m.ol ; • venture, corpo:::-ation, syndication) . . ~.£'..U,.J(1"o~ CA,. -,w ••••. :.· .. --~ Telephone Nt:.:i::>ar Telephone Kum:Oer : ... Home Address 3~siness Address .. : . • 't • ◄ -Telepnor.e Nt::.:CJe.r . . ... .. (Attach more sheets·if necessary) . : •• l./We decla::e ur.de?:" penalty of perjury that th'!! inforn-.at.io!'l contained in thin dis- _ elosur~ is t?:"Ue and correct and that it will remain true and correct and ~ay be· -relied upon as b~ing true and correct until a~ended . •