HomeMy WebLinkAboutPD 2021-0026; 3805 ALDER AVE; RESPONSE TO CITY OF CARLSBAD LAND DEVELOPMENT ENGINEERING; 2024-06-07Universal Engineering Sciences (UES) 1441 Montiel Road, Suite 115 Escondido, CA 92026 p. 760.746.4955 | TeamUES.com Environmental Consulting | Geotechnical Engineering | Materials Testing & Inspections Occupational Health & Safety | Building Sciences & Code Compliance | Virtual Design Consulting June 7, 2024 UES Job No. 10-15939G Tony Jaramillo 3805 Alder Avenue Carlsbad, California 92008 Telephone: 267-847-4045 Via Email: tony.jaramillo@gmail.com Subject: Response to City of Carlsbad Land Development Engineering Proposed Single-Family Residence, 3805 Alder Avenue (1st Review) Project ID: PD2021-0026, Grading Permit No. GR2021-0026 References: End of Document Mr. Jaramillo: Construction Testing & Engineering Inc. (CTE) has been acquired by Universal Engineering Sciences (UES). As a result, our future project submittals will be under the new UES letterhead. Project personnel will remain the same and UES will take full responsibility for all previous work submitted under the CTE letterhead and agreements. According to the referenced letter issued on April 22, 2024, UES has assumed the responsibility as geotechnical engineer of record for the subject project. As requested, Universal Engineering Sciences (UES) has prepared the following response to the City of Carlsbad Third-Party Geotechnical Review comments dated May 1, 2024. The responses provided below are numbered based on the comment numbers. A copy of the City comments is provided as Attachment 1. Comment No. 1: The submitted “Preliminary Geotechnical Investigation…” report by CTE appears to consist of a geotechnical investigation for a previously contemplated building addition to the existing residence at the subject site and not specifically for the currently proposed new single-family residence. Consequently, please provide updates for all aspects of the geotechnical report (site grading, foundation and floor slab, etc.) as necessary to completely address the proposed construction of a single-family residence and associated improvements. Response to Comment No. 1: A supplemental subsurface exploration was performed in the vicinity of the existing residence as documented in the CTE report dated May 9, 2024 (attached). In addition, on May 21, 2024 two bulk samples of surficial soil were obtained at locations S-1 and S-2 shown in Figures 2 and 2A, Geologic/Exploration Location Map. Based on our review and the results of the supplemental exploratory work, the recommendations provided in the geotechnical investigation report by CTE dated April 20, 2022 remain applicable to the site grading, foundation design, floor slab, etc. for the new residence to be constructed at the site. Comment No. 2: The submitted “Preliminary Geotechnical Investigation…” by CTE is approximately 2 years old and references an antiquated revision of the California Building Code. Please review the most current revisions of the grading and foundation plans for the proposed residence and improvements and provide updated geotechnical conclusions/recommendations as necessary to address the current scope of the project. Please also update the report as necessary to address the currently adopted 2022 California Building Code and ASCE 7- 16. Response to City of Carlsbad Comments Page 2 3805 Alder Avenue, Carlsbad, California June 7, 2024 UES Job No. 10-15939G 1441 Montiel Road, Suite 115, Escondido, CA 92026 p. 760.746.4955 | TeamUES.com Response to Comment No. 2: UES has reviewed the grading plans prepared by Fitzmaurice Consulting dated March 24, 2024 and the foundation plans by Aramark Concepts dated January 15, 2024. Based on our review, the site is suitable for the proposed development as designed provided the design and construction of the project incorporates the recommendations included in the referenced geotechnical report by CTE (2022) and additional recommendations presented herein. Updated seismic ground motion values were derived using the ASCE Hazard Tool application in accordance with the ASCE 7-16 Standard that is incorporated into the 2022 California Building Code (CBC). The 2022 CBC seismic ground motion values presented in Table 1 for Seismic Site Class C and site coordinates of Latitude 33.1599°N and Longitude 117.3196°W are identical to the 2019 CBC values presented in the CTE (2022) report which are also based on ASCE 7- 16 Standard. These values are intended for the design of structures to resist the effects of earthquake ground motions. All references in previous CTE reports to 2019 CBC should be updated to 2022 CBC. TABLE 1 SEISMIC GROUND MOTION VALUES (2022 CBC & ASCE 7-16) PARAMETER VALUE 2022 CBC/ASCE 7-16 REFERENCE Seismic Site Class C ASCE 16, Chapter 20 Mapped Spectral Response Acceleration Parameter, SS 1.010 Figure 1613.2.1 (1) Mapped Spectral Response Acceleration Parameter, S1 0.368 Figure 1613.2.1 (2) Seismic Coefficient, Fa 1.200 Table 1613.2.3 (1) Seismic Coefficient, Fv 1.500 Table 1613.2.3 (2) MCE Spectral Response Acceleration Parameter, SMS 1.213 Section 1613.2.3 MCE Spectral Response Acceleration Parameter, SM1 0.552 Section 1613.2.3 Design Spectral Response Acceleration, Parameter SDS 0.808 Section 1613.2.5(1) Design Spectral Response Acceleration, Parameter SD1 0.368 Section 1613.2.5 (2) Peak Ground Acceleration PGAM 0.531 ASCE 16, Section 11.8.3 Seismic Design Category D Section 1603.1.5 (6) Comment No. 3: Please provide a statement addressing the potential impact of the proposed project on adjacent properties. Response to Comment No. 3: Based on our review of the grading plans by Fitzmaurice Consulting (2024), adjacent properties should not be impacted provided temporary slopes are inclined away from property lines at a minimum 1:1 (horizontal: vertical) and evaluated by a UES geotechnical representative during grading to determine if excavation in slot cuts or additional setback is necessary. Comment No. 4: Please provide a description of the proposed project and discuss the proposed grading (depths and limits of cut and fill, etc., necessary to establish proposed grades) and the construction of any proposed hardscape improvements, site walls, etc., for the current project. Response to Comment No. 4: The proposed project consists of demolition of the existing residence and construction of a new two-story residence with a 3-car garage at the same general location. Associated improvements include a 4 ft. high retaining wall to the south and west of the new residence, stormwater and utility installations, landscape and Response to City of Carlsbad Comments Page 3 3805 Alder Avenue, Carlsbad, California June 7, 2024 UES Job No. 10-15939G 1441 Montiel Road, Suite 115, Escondido, CA 92026 p. 760.746.4955 | TeamUES.com concrete flatwork areas. The project site appears to be underlain by approximately six feet of undocumented fill. As such, it is recommended that existing undocumented fill (and residual soils, if encountered) within a lateral distance of at least five feet from the new residence and retaining wall footprint be overexcavated to competent formational materials and compacted fill be placed for the building pad. Following preparation of the building pad as recommended herein, previously provided recommendations by CTE (2022) for foundation design and construction of hardscape improvements, site walls, etc. are considered suitable for the design of the new residence. Comment No. 5: Please provide an updated “Geologic/Exploration Map” utilizing the most current revision of the grading plan for the project as the base map and at a sufficiently large scale to clearly demonstrate the proposed project and show all of the geotechnical information shown on the “Geologic/Exploration Map” of the submitted report – a) existing site topography, b) proposed residential structure and improvements, c) proposed finished grades, d) geologic units and geologic structure, e) the locations of subsurface exploration (borings and test pits) for the currently proposed residence and previous slope restoration work, and f) the proposed slope restoration as applicable. Response to Comment No. 5: The updated “Geologic/Exploration Map” is presented in the attached Figure 2 for the proposed slope restoration and Figure 2A for the proposed residential structure and associated improvements. Comment No. 6: Please provide an updated Geologic Cross Section A-A’ to also show (along with all of the information shown on the “Cross Section A-A’” of the submitted report) - a) proposed finish grades for the residence and improvements and adjacent slope as applicable, b) the limits of the proposed residence and associated improvements, c) the geologic structure of the Santiago formation, d) the limits and depths of proposed remedial grading for the proposed residence and improvements, e) temporary slopes necessary for the remedial grading and for any retaining wall construction, f) slope setback for the residence and improvements, and g) the locations of subsurface exploration (borings and test pits) for the currently proposed residence and previous slope restoration work. Please provide the cross section at a scale sufficiently large to clearly show the information requested above. Response to Comment No. 6: The updated Geologic Cross Section A-A’ is presented in the attached Figure 3. Comment No. 7: Please provide a summary discussion (based on the consultant’s previous work for the grading permit for the proposed slope restoration) addressing the geologic structure (direction/dip of bedding, fracturing, etc.) of the Old Paralic deposits and Santiago formation bedrock and the relationship between the structural geology of the units underlying the site and gross stability of the area of proposed residential construction and adjacent approximate 85’ high east descending hillside. Please discuss both surficial and gross slope stability of existing hillside relative to the proposed residential development. Response to Comment No. 7: According to our review of regional geologic maps and experience in the vicinity of the site, the Very Old Paralic Deposits are massive with no defined bedding. Bedding in the Santiago Formation generally descends to the southwest at approximately eight degrees (which would be dipping into slope and be favorable at the site). Bedding attitudes measured throughout the site ranged from neutral to out of slope in isolated areas. However, based on geologic contacts observed in the soil borings and those mapped on May 31, 2024 by our geologist during slope grading, the bedding appeared to be generally flat and global structure generally appears to be neutral. The global and surficial slope stability analyses, presented in Figure 4 through 6 were performed assuming that grading for the residential pad was completed and the proposed slope buttresses were in place. The slope stability analyses incorporated conservative strength parameters (friction angle and cohesion) for the various units as Response to City of Carlsbad Comments Page 4 3805 Alder Avenue, Carlsbad, California June 7, 2024 UES Job No. 10-15939G 1441 Montiel Road, Suite 115, Escondido, CA 92026 p. 760.746.4955 | TeamUES.com follows: Compacted Fill (φ=25°, c=200 psf), Very Old Paralic Deposits (φ=35°, c=900 psf), Santiago Formation- Sandstone (φ=35°, c=700 psf), and Santiago Formation-Clay (φ=15°, c=500 psf ). In particular, the Santiago Formation- Clay [Tsa (clay)] unit strength parameters were reduced significantly to represent a remolded shear value. The attached global and surficial slope stability analyses indicate that the slope will be stable with a factor of safety greater than 1.5 for the static condition and greater than 1.1 for the seismic (pseudo-static) condition. In addition, isolated areas with out-of-slope bedding are anticipated to be mitigated with the proposed compacted fill buttresses. Comment No. 8: Please provide a discussion addressing seismically induced landsliding with respect to the proposed residential development. Response to Comment No. 8: The previously observed surficial failures and unstable portions of the existing slope are anticipated to be mitigated and protected against future failures after the proposed grading and buttress fills are completed. Based on the results of the attached slope stability analyses, the potential for seismically induced landsliding after site grading is completed will be very low. Comment No. 9: Please provide the Seismic Design category in accordance with Section 1603 of the 2022 California Building Code. Response to Comment No. 9: As indicated in Table 1 (see response to Comment No. 2), the applicable Seismic Design Category for this project is D. Comment No. 10: Strength (direct shear) testing of the on-site soils that will apparently be used as fill as part of the remedial grading (existing undocumented fill and residual soil) and support proposed foundations/slabs is not provided in the report (direct shear tests presented in the report appear to be from the geotechnical report addressing the hillside/slope restoration work and consist of in-situ tests of the Old Paralic deposits and Santiago formation materials). Please provide the appropriate laboratory testing to substantiate the values for bearing capacity, passive pressure, coefficient of friction, and active pressure that are presented in the report for the proposed single-family residence. If presumptive values are being recommended by the consultant, please state the reference and use values consistent with the appropriate soil type (soil class) in Tables 1806.2 and 1610.1 of the 2022 California Building Code. Please justify the soil type by laboratory testing if something other than soil class 5 in Tables 1806.2 and 1610.1 of the CBC is provided as the basis for the assumed values. Response to Comment No. 10: A remolded direct shear test was performed on the undocumented fill sample recovered at location S-1. The sample was remolded to 90% of the maximum unit weight per ASTM D 1557 (Modified Proctor). The attached test results indicate friction angle of 35 degrees and cohesion of 370 psf. Based on these results, the values provided for bearing capacity, coefficient of friction, passive and active pressures in the CTE (2022) report are conservative and may be used for design. Comment No. 11: Expansion Index testing presented in the report indicates an EI of 55 (Medium). As soils with Expansion Index (EI) over 20 are considered expansive and require mitigation in accordance with Sections 1803.5.3 and 1808.6 of the 2022 CBC, please provide recommendations to satisfy the 2022 California Building Code. Please indicate the method of Section 1808.6 that is being recommended to satisfy the requirement for expansive soils, and provide the Effective Plasticity Index and any other parameters for slab-on- ground design in accordance with 1808.6.2 and WRI/CRSI Design of Slab-on-Ground floors or a post-tensioned design in accordance with PTI DC 10.5 and provide a statement that the foundation/slab system for the proposed residential structures will meet the Response to City of Carlsbad Comments Page 5 3805 Alder Avenue, Carlsbad, California June 7, 2024 UES Job No. 10-15939G 1441 Montiel Road, Suite 115, Escondido, CA 92026 p. 760.746.4955 | TeamUES.com requirements of Section 1808.6 of the 2022 California Building Code Response to Comment No. 11: Expansion index testing was performed on bulk samples S-1 and S-2 collected from the building pad area. The attached test results indicate expansion index values of 1 and 12, respectively, which correspond to “very low” (EI≤20) expansion potential. The geotechnical report by CTE (2022) anticipated “low” (21≤EI≤50) expansion potential conditions. Additional expansion index testing will be performed during pad grading. Comment No. 12: Soluble sulfate testing is not provided in the reviewed geotechnical report. Consequently, please provide recommendations for sulfate resistant concrete (compressive strength, w/c ratio, type cement) consistent with the 2022 California Building Code and ACI 318-19, Tables and assuming a “Severe” (S2) exposure class; or provide site specific testing to support a different recommendation. Response to Comment No. 12: Corrosivity testing was performed on samples S-1 and S-2 collected from the building pad area to evaluate the potential corrosive effects of site soil on concrete foundations and buried metallic utilities. Based on the attached test results, near-surface soils at the site generally correspond to class S0 sulfate exposure and present negligible corrosion potential for Portland cement concrete. It is also interpreted that site soils have mild corrosive potential to buried metallic improvements. Therefore, it would likely be prudent for buried utilities to utilize plastic piping and/or conduits, where feasible. However, UES does not practice corrosion engineering and recommends that a corrosion engineer or other qualified consultant be contacted if site specific corrosivity issues are of concern. Comment No. 13: Please clarify the remedial grading recommendations (depths of removals, distance of removals beyond the footprint of the proposed residence and improvements, etc.) for the proposed residential structure and associated hardscape improvements and site walls. Response to Comment No. 13: As indicated in the response to Comment No. 4, it is recommended that existing undocumented fill (and residual soils, if encountered) within a lateral distance of at least five feet from the new residence and retaining wall be overexcavated to competent formational materials and compacted fill be placed for the building pad. For pavement or flatwork areas, the recommendations provided in the CTE (2022) report are still valid and state that overexcavation should be conducted to a depth of two feet below proposed subgrade, or to the depth of suitable native material, whichever is shallower. Comment No. 14: With respect to remedial grading for the proposed residence and hardscape improvements, if all of the existing undocumented fill/residual soils (up to 5-1/2’ deep) are not removed by the grading (see “Preliminary Geotechnical Investigation – Addendum Letter 01” and pages 11 and 12 of the geotechnical report), please thoroughly explain the ramifications of not making complete removals of the surficial soils down to competent Old Paralic deposits and describe the potential distress that could occur to the proposed residence and improvements as a result of the incomplete removal of the surficial soils. Response to Comment No. 14: As indicated in the response to Comment No. 4, it is recommended that all undocumented fill (and residual soils, if encountered) within a lateral distance of at least five feet from the new residence and retaining wall footprint be overexcavated to competent formational materials. Comment No. 15: Please provide the basis for the 12’ slope setback recommended in the geotechnical report versus the guidelines presented in Section 1808.7.2 of the 2022 California Building Code (setback of H/3) for the approximate 85’ high slope that bounds the eastern side of the project area. Response to Comment No. 15: According to our review of the grading plans by Fitzmaurice Consulting (2024), the Response to City of Carlsbad Comments Page 6 3805 Alder Avenue, Carlsbad, California June 7, 2024 UES Job No. 10-15939G 1441 Montiel Road, Suite 115, Escondido, CA 92026 p. 760.746.4955 | TeamUES.com foundations for the new residence will be located at a minimum distance of 33 feet from the proposed top of slope location which satisfies the H/3 setback requirement. The 12’ slope setback recommendation was based on the assumption that foundations for the new residence will be embedded at least two feet in competent formational materials as recommended in the CTE (2022) report and are not likely to be affected by potential fill slope relaxation. Comment No. 16: Please clarify the minimum depth of embedment into the Old Paralic deposits and/or Santiago formation for any footings that may be deepened through the existing undocumented fill/residual soil. Response to Comment No. 16: As indicated in Section 5.7.1 New Foundations of the CTE (2022) report, all foundations for the new residence and retaining wall should be embedded at least two feet into competent formational materials. Comment No. 17: Please provide recommendations for concrete slab thickness for proposed hardscape improvements (walkways, driveway, patios, etc.) from a geotechnical standpoint. Response to Comment No. 17: Based on the anticipated “very low” to “low” expansion potential of subgrade soils, exterior concrete flatwork should have a minimum thickness of 5 inches. Additional recommendations provided in Section 5.10 Exterior Flatwork of the CTE (2022) report remain applicable. Comment No. 18: Please provide recommendations for retaining wall subdrains (type of pipe, amount/size of gravel, filter fabric etc.) from a geotechnical standpoint. Response to Comment No. 18: A general detail for Retaining Wall Drainage, which may be appropriate for the subject site based on the review of the project structural engineer and architect, is attached as Figure 7. Waterproofing should be as specified by the project architect or the waterproofing specialty consultant. Comment No. 19: Please evaluate and discuss the potential for storm water infiltration at the subject site as part of the proposed project. Response to Comment No. 19: As indicated in Sections 5.11 Drainage and 5.12 Slopes of the CTE (2022) report, generally it is not recommended to allow water to infiltrate the building pad or adjacent to slopes. The installation of unlined stormwater basins or storm-water treatment devices may increase the possibility of adverse effects associated with high groundwater on the building, retaining wall foundation and adjacent descending slope. Surface runoff should be collected and directed away from improvements by means of appropriate erosion-reducing devices and positive drainage should be established around the proposed improvements. Although properly constructed slopes on this site should be grossly stable, the soils may be susceptible to erosion. Therefore, runoff water should not be permitted to drain over the edges of slopes unless that water is confined to properly designed and constructed drainage facilities. Erosion-resistant vegetation should be maintained on the face of all slopes. Typically, soils along the top portion of a fill slope face will creep laterally. UES does not recommend building distress-sensitive improvements within 10 feet of slope crests. Comment No. 20: Please provide a complete summary list of the geotechnical observation/testing services that should be performed as part of the construction of the proposed single-family residence and associated improvements. Response to City of Carlsbad Comments Page 7 3805 Alder Avenue, Carlsbad, California June 7, 2024 UES Job No. 10-15939G 1441 Montiel Road, Suite 115, Escondido, CA 92026 p. 760.746.4955 | TeamUES.com Response to Comment No. 20: In general, UES will provide the following services during grading and construction of the proposed single-family residence and associated improvements as it relates to geotechnical engineering: • The UES geotechnical engineer/geologist will review the geotechnical report, project plans and specifications with the field technician and grading contractor to ensure proper execution of the project requirements; • The field technician will perform continuous observation and testing of fill placement as required by the California Building Code and provide a daily field report that outlines the work done and any discrepancies or non- conformance with respect to project requirements so that they can be tracked and resolved efficiently; • The field technician will collect samples of soil being used or proposed for use as fill so that appropriate laboratory testing can be performed (maximum dry density/optimum moisture content relationships, expansion index, soil classification, sand equivalent, remolded direct shear, etc.); • The engineer will review laboratory testing results and provide necessary information to field technician directly. •The field technician and engineer/geologist will periodically meet at the site to evaluate geologic exposures and ensure testing and observation requirements are being met; and, • The engineer/geologist and support staff will prepare a final geotechnical report that summarizes the work done during construction, including all test results and a statement regarding compliance with the project geotechnical requirements, plans, specifications and all applicable city and county codes. Conditions of the referenced reports remain applicable unless specifically superseded herein. We appreciate the opportunity to be of service on this project. Should you have any questions or need further information please do not hesitate to contact this office. Respectfully, Universal Engineering Sciences (UES) Andres Bernal, GE #2715 Martin E. Siem, CEG 2311 Geotechnical Engineer Engineering Geologist AB/MS:ach S:\Projects\10-15000 to 10-15999 Projects\10-15939G (Alder Ave)\Response to Comments 5.2024 ATTACHMENTS: -Figure 2 - Geologic/Exploration Location Map - Proposed Slope Restoration -Figure 2A - Geologic/Exploration Location Map - Proposed Residence - Figure 3 - Cross Section A-A’ - Figure 4 - Slope Stability Analysis A-A’ (Static) - Figure 5 - Slope Stability Analysis A-A’ (Pseudo-static) - Figure 6 - Surficial Slope Stability Analysis - Figure 7 - Retaining Wall Drainage -Appendix A - References -Appendix B - Laboratory Test Results -Appendix C - Preliminary Geotechnical Investigation – Addendum 02, Proposed Alder Avenue, 3805 Alder Avenue, Carlsbad, California, CTE Job No.: 10-15939G, dated May 9, 2024. -City of Carlsbad, Land Development Engineering, 1st Review Comments, dated May 1, 2024. B-1 B-2 A 1229 12 52 38 12 HB-4 HB-5 HB-3 HB-6 Qvop Qudf Qvop Qudf Qvop Qudf Tsa Qsw Tsa Tsa Qudf Tsa Qudf Qls Qsw HB-9 HB-1 HB-2 Qvop Residual Soil TP-1 HB-7 HB-8 A' B-2 APPROXIMATE BORING LOCATION LEGEND QUATERNARY UNDOCUMENTED FILL TERTIARY SANTIAGO FORMATION Qudf Tsa APPROXIMATE GEOLOGIC CONTACT QUATERNARY SLOPEWASHQsw QUATERNARY VERY OLD PARALIC DEPOSITSQvop QUATERNARY LANDSLIDE DEPOSITSQls CROSS SECTION A-A'A A' APPROXIMATE JOINT ATTITUDE52 12 APPROXIMATE BEDDING ATTITUDE HB-9 APPROXIMATE HAND-AUGER BORING LOCATION TP-1 APPROXIMATE TEST PIT LOCATION S-2 APPROXIMATE BULK SAMPLE LOCATION C'I 3t "'O .--:... "q"' C'J I LO ........ <( C'J c1d C'J -$- (I) I.. ::::, -0-C'I iZ / "q"' ~ C'J 0 C'J ui en -+J C (I) E E 0 u 0 -+J (I) en C 0 a. en (I) D:'.'. / ,....... ...... ____ ......... (I) > ..... <( , ____ _,_ I.. (I) "'O 1------l 3., (!) / 0) I"') 0) LO ..... I 0 ;;- en -+J u .!!a_ 0 I.. a.. .r .;' "'/ / , ' , 0) 0) 0) ,, • ,,/ LO ..... I 0 0 -+J 0 0 0 LO ..... 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I 0 ;;- en -+J u .!!a_ 0 I.. ~ cii 1------l 40' 0 20' 40' 1 ' I 11 ~ // (/ ) '-r--/ ~J ~I ' ! ! \A ,, I ' / 0 ~ J PROPOSED RESIDENCE ~' LIES GEOLOGIC/EXPLORATION LOCATION MAP TM 3805 ALDER A VENUE fflllP,---,"""9'11~---t CARLSBAD CAIJFORNIA 2A 100 DISTANCE (FEET) CROSS SECTION A-A' 0 50 170 160 170 160 150 200 250 300 350 400 210EL E V A T I O N ( F E E T ) 190 180 200 220 230 240 250 260 270 280 290 300 210 190 180 200 220 230 240 250 260 270 280 290 300 A A' B-1 Tsa (sand) Tsa (Clay) Tsa (sand) TD=60.5' Qvop Qudf/Qya Existing Residence Qudf Tsa (Clay) Tsa (sand) Back-cut to be benched into suitable material Typical BackdrainPer Appendix D Slope ~2%Into Slope Min 3' Keyway to extend down into suitable formational material 2:1 (H:V) Fill Slope 2:1 (H:V) Fill Slope 2:1 (H:V) Fill Slope Proposed Residence LEGEND QUATERNARY UNDOCUMENTED FILL TERTIARY SANTIAGO FORMATION Qudf Tsa APPROXIMATE GEOLOGIC CONTACT QUATERNARY VERY OLD PARALIC DEPOSITSQvop QUATERNARY YOUNG ALLUVIAL FLOODQyaPLAIN DEPOSITS ,..... -.t-N I l[) ...__,, ,..... <( I <( C 0 :;::; 0 (/) rn rn 0 L. 0 ...__,, t') (I) L. ::::, o> 5--.t-N 0 "' iri rn +' C (I) E E 0 0 0 +' (I) rn C 0 Q. rn (I) ~ ,..... ~ <( L. 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L_ ---~ -~ I r---- / I I \ II I ,_ _1 ~,-..... . ,..._ . i---- CROSS SECTION A-A' PROPOSED ADU AND POOL ADDITION 3805 ALDER AVENUE CARLSBAD CALIFORNIA . 1.909 Name: Qudf-QyaSlope Stability Material Model: Mohr-CoulombUnit Weight: 125 pcfEffective Cohesion: 200 psf Effective Friction Angle: 25 ° Phi-B: 0 ° Piezometric Line: 1 Name: Tsa (clay)Slope Stability Material Model: Mohr-CoulombUnit Weight: 125 pcfEffective Cohesion: 500 psf Effective Friction Angle: 15 °Phi-B: 0 ° Piezometric Line: 1 Name: Qcf Slope Stability Material Model: Mohr-Coulomb Unit Weight: 125 pcfEffective Cohesion: 200 psfEffective Friction Angle: 25 °Phi-B: 0 °Piezometric Line: 1 Name: Tsa (sand)Slope Stability Material Model: Mohr-CoulombUnit Weight: 125 pcf Effective Cohesion: 700 psf Effective Friction Angle: 35 ° Phi-B: 0 ° Piezometric Line: 1 Name: Qcf Slope Stability Material Model: Mohr-CoulombUnit Weight: 125 pcfEffective Cohesion: 200 psfEffective Friction Angle: 25 ° Phi-B: 0 °Piezometric Line: 1 Name: Qvop Slope Stability Material Model: Mohr-Coulomb Unit Weight: 125 pcf Effective Cohesion: 900 psfEffective Friction Angle: 35 °Phi-B: 0 °Piezometric Line: 1 File Name: A-A' response 5-24.gsz Method: Spencer Direction of movement: Left to Right Slip Surface Option: Entry and Exit Factor of Safety: 1.909 FIGURE 4 □ □ 1.299 Name: Qudf-QyaSlope Stability Material Model: Mohr-CoulombUnit Weight: 125 pcfEffective Cohesion: 200 psf Effective Friction Angle: 25 ° Phi-B: 0 ° Piezometric Line: 1 Name: Tsa (clay) Slope Stability Material Model: Mohr-CoulombUnit Weight: 125 pcfEffective Cohesion: 500 psfEffective Friction Angle: 15 ° Phi-B: 0 °Piezometric Line: 1 Name: Qcf Slope Stability Material Model: Mohr-Coulomb Unit Weight: 125 pcf Effective Cohesion: 200 psfEffective Friction Angle: 25 °Phi-B: 0 °Piezometric Line: 1 Name: Tsa (sand) Slope Stability Material Model: Mohr-CoulombUnit Weight: 125 pcfEffective Cohesion: 700 psfEffective Friction Angle: 35 °Phi-B: 0 °Piezometric Line: 1 Name: Qudf Slope Stability Material Model: Mohr-Coulomb Unit Weight: 125 pcf Effective Cohesion: 200 psf Effective Friction Angle: 25 °Phi-B: 0 °Piezometric Line: 1 Name: QvopSlope Stability Material Model: Mohr-CoulombUnit Weight: 125 pcfEffective Cohesion: 900 psfEffective Friction Angle: 35 °Phi-B: 0 °Piezometric Line: 1 File Name: A-A' response 5-24 seismic.gsz Method: Spencer Direction of movement: Left to Right Slip Surface Option: Entry and Exit Factor of Safety: 1.299 FIGURE 5 □ □ □ □ □ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------111!:::~----------+ □ Surficial Slope Stability: UES Job Number:10-15939G Date: 17-May-24 Assumptions: 1) Saturation of Slope Surface 2) Sufficient Permeability to Establish Water Flow Yellow Boxes Require Input Variables: Ws = Saturated Soil Unit Weight =125 Ww = Unit Weight of Water (62.4 lbs/ft^3)=62.4 z = Layer Thickness, (feet)=3 a = Angle of Slope Face, (degrees)=26.6 phi = Internal Friction Angle, (degrees)=25 c = Apparent Cohesion, (psf)=200 Equations: Pw = Water Pressure Head = (z)cos^2(a)) u = Pore Water Pressure = (Ww)(z)(cos^2(a)) Fd = (0.5)(z)(Ws)(sin(2a))150.1 Fr = (z)(Ws-Ww)(cos^2(a))(tan(phi))+c 270.0 Factor of Safety (FS) = Fr/Fd 1.80 Calculation I FIGURE 6 - - SLOPE SURFACE ---------a FAILURE PA H FLOW LINES 1 1 SELECT GRANULAR WALL BACKFILL COMPACTED TO 90% RELATIVE COMPACTION 3/4" GRAVEL SURROUNDED BY FILTER FABRIC (MIRAFI 140 N. OR EQUIVALENT) -OR- PREFABRICATED DRAINAGE BOARD FINISH GRADE SPECIFIED BY ARCHITECT RETAINING WALL WATERPROOFING TO BE 12" TO 18" OF LOWER PERMEABILITY MATERIAL COMPACTED TO 90% RELATIVE COMPACTION 1' MIN 4" DIA. PERFORATED PVCPIPE (SCHEDULE 40 OREQUIVALENT). MINIMUM1% GRADIENT TO SUITABLEOUTLET WALL FOOTING *CONCEPTUAL DRAWING 7 • • • l • ... • .... • . . .. ·:·. . . · .. ... .. ·.··.: ·•: .. . . .. •: -.. RITAINING WALL DIWNAGI Dn'AIL SCALE: DATE: NO SCALE 4/2024 UES JOB NO.: FIGURE: 4830.2400027 APPENDIX A REFERENCES Preliminary Geotechnical Investigation – Addendum 02 Proposed Alder Avenue 3805 Alder Avenue, Carlsbad, California CTE Job No.: 10-15939G, dated May 9, 2024. Update Geotechnical Recommendations Proposed Alder Avenue 3805 Alder Avenue, Carlsbad, California CTE Job No.: 10-15939G, dated April 22, 2024. Preliminary Geotechnical Investigation--Addendum 01 Proposed 3805 Alder Avenue, Carlsbad, California CTE Job No.: 10-15939G, dated February 12, 2024. Preliminary Geotechnical Investigation Proposed Residential Addition, 3805 Alder Avenue, Carlsbad, California CTE Job No.: 10-15939G, dated February 26, 2021, revised April 20, 2022. Response to: The City of Carlsbad Third-Party Geotechnical Review (First) Project Number: 9427.1 (dated August 24, 2021) Jaramillo Residence, 3805 Alder Avenue, Carlsbad, California CTE Job No.: 10-15939G, dated February 4, 2022. Response to: The City of Carlsbad Comments Jaramillo Residence, 3805 Alder Avenue, Carlsbad, California CTE Job No.: 10-15939G, dated September 29, 2021. Geotechnical Investigation and Slope Evaluation Jaramillo Residence, 3805 Alder Avenue, Carlsbad, California CTE Job No.: 10-15939G, dated February 26, 2021 (Revised April 12, 2021). Grading Plans for: 3805 Alder Avenue, Slope Restoration Project No. PD2021-0026, Drawing 532-6A Prepared by Fitzmaurice Consulting, Revision 2 dated March 24, 2024. Structural Plans Jaramillo Residence, 3805 Alder Ave., Carlsbad, CA 92008 Prepared by Aramark Concepts, dated January 15, 2024. Alder Avenue  Project No. 4830.2115939  Page 2  1441 Montiel Road, Suite 115, Escondido, CA 92026  p. 760.746.4955 | oneues.com Laboratory tests were performed on selected soil samples to evaluate their engineering properties.  Tests  were performed following test methods of the American Society for Testing and Materials, or other  accepted standards. The following presents a brief description of the various test methods used.   Laboratory results are presented in the following section of this Appendix.  Classification (ASTM D2487)  Earth materials encountered were visually and texturally classified in accordance with the Unified Soil  Classification System (USCS/ASTM D2487) and ASTM D2488. Material classifications are indicated on the  logs of the exploratory borings presented in Appendix B.  Expansion Index Test (ASTM D4829)  Expansion index testing was performed on selected samples of the earth materials encountered in general  accordance with the ASTM D4829 test method. The test determines the expansion potential of the  materials encountered. The test results are presented in the following section of this appendix.  Laboratory Compaction Characteristics Test (ASTM D1557)  Laboratory compaction characteristics testing was performed on selected samples of the earth materials  encountered in general accordance with the ASTM D1557 test method. The test establishes the laboratory  maximum dry density and optimum moisture content of the tested materials and are also used to aid in   Direct Shear Test (ASTM D3080)  Direct Shear testing was performed in general accordance with the ASTM D3080 test method to aid in  evaluating the soil strength characteristics of the on‐site earth materials encountered. Testing is  performed on undisturbed specimens obtained from drive‐samples and/or on specimens remolded in the  laboratory to a specific moisture content and density. The test consists of placing the specimen in a direct  shearing device, applying a specified normal stress, and then shearing the sample at a constant rate under  drained conditions. This is repeated under a series of specified normal stresses. The shearing resistance  and horizontal displacements are measured and recorded as the soil specimen is sheared. The shearing is  continued well beyond the point of maximum resistance (peak strength) to determine a constant or  residual value (ultimate strength). The test results are presented in the following section of this appendix.  Soil Corrosivity Tests  The water‐soluble sulfate and chloride content, the resistivity, and pH of selected samples were  performed by a third‐party laboratory in general accordance with California Test Methods. The tests  results are useful in the assessment of the degree of corrosivity of the earth materials encountered with  regard to concrete and normal grade steel.   APPENDIX B  LABORATORY TEST METHODS AND RESULTS '' LIES,. Alder Avenue  Project No. 4830.2115939  Page 3  1441 Montiel Road, Suite 115, Escondido, CA 92026  p. 760.746.4955 | oneues.com EXPANSION INDEX   (ASTM D4829)  Sample Location Expansion Index Expansion Potential  S‐1 1 VERY LOW  S‐2 12 VERY LOW  LABORATORY COMPACTION CHARACTERISTICS   (ASTM D1557)  Sample Location Maximum Dry Density   (pounds per cubic foot)  Optimum Moisture   (percent)  S‐1 121.1 8.6  CHEMICAL ANALYSIS FOR SULFATE  (CALIFORNIA TEST 422)  Sample Location  Depth   (feet)  Results  ppm  S‐1 N/A 18.5  S‐2 N/A 28.9  CHEMICAL ANALYSIS FOR CHLORIDE  (CALIFORNIA TEST 422)  Sample Location  Depth   (feet)  Results  ppm  S‐1 N/A ND  S‐2 N/A 1.8  CHEMICAL ANALYSIS FOR p.H.   Sample Location  Depth   (feet)  Results  S‐1 N/A 6.80  S‐2 N/A 8.04  '' LIES,. Alder Avenue  Project No. 4830.2115939  Page 4  1441 Montiel Road, Suite 115, Escondido, CA 92026  p. 760.746.4955 | oneues.com CHEMICAL ANALYSIS FOR RESISTIVITY  (CALIFORNIA TEST 643)  Sample Location  Depth   (feet)  Results  ohms‐cm  S‐1 N/A 27200  S‐2 N/A 9450  '' LIES,. SHEAR STRENGTH TEST - ASTM D3080 Job Name: Project Number: 5/21/2024 Lab Number:5/30/2024 Sample Location:L.N. Sample Description:Angle Of Friction: 35.4 Cohesion: Alder Avenue 370 psf Initial Dry Density (pcf): 121.1 Initial Moisture (%): 8.6 Final Moisture (%): 16.0 S-1 Brown (SM) Remolded to 90 % 4830.2115939.0000 35849 Sample Date: Test Date: Tested By: 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 0.1 1 10 100 ST R A I N ( i n c h e s ) TIME (minutes) PRECONSOLIDATION 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 02468101214161820 SH E A R S T R E S S ( p s f ) STRAIN (%) SHEARING DATA 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 SH E A R I N G S T R E S S ( p s f ) VERTICAL STRESS (psf) FAILURE ENVELOPE dr=0.080 mm./min VERTICAL STRESS 1000 psf3000 psf5000 psf IW -~ ~ --~ \ L \ " J --_} ~ ,. 1 j V l v V II I I-I ' ,, I I J ~IUES™ May 9, 2024 CTE Job No. 10-15939G Mr. Tony Jaramillo 3805 Alder Avenue Carlsbad, California 92024 Telephone: (267) 847-4045 Via Email: tony.jaramillo@gmail.com Subject: Preliminary Geotechnical Investigation – Addendum 02 Proposed Alder Avenue 3805 Alder Avenue, Carlsbad, California References: At end of document Mr. Jaramillo: As requested, Construction Testing & Engineering, Inc. (CTE) has performed additional review and field investigation for the proposed new pool and ADU at the subject site. On April 29, 2024, a CTE geologist advanced three additional hand auger borings (HB-7, HB-8, and HB-9) in the vicinity of the proposed pool and ADU footprints. Figure 1 provides a Site Index Map and Figure 2 provides an updated Geologic/Exploration Location Map. Boring logs are provided as Attachment A. ADU AREA The ADU area appears to be underlain by approximately six feet of undocumented fill. As such, it is recommended in the area for the ADU footprint (and to a lateral distance of at least five feet) existing undocumented fill (and residual soils, if encountered) be overexcavated to competent formational materials and to a minimum depth of two feet below the depth of proposed footings (whichever is deeper) and compacted fill be placed for the building pad. Following preparation of the building pad as recommended herein, previously provided recommendations for foundation design (CTE, 2022) are considered suitable for the design of the ADU. POOL AREA Based on interpolation between borings HB-1 & HB-2 and HB-7, HB-8, & HB-9, the pool area is anticipated to be underlain by approximately zero to six feet of undocumented fill. As such, it is recommended that the pool bottom be deepened to bear entirely onto formational materials, or that all undocumented fill (and residual soils, if encountered) be overexcavated to competent formational materials and to a minimum depth of two feet below the bottom of pool (whichever is deeper), and compacted fill be placed for the support of the pool. The overexcavation should extend a minimum lateral distance of three feet beyond the pool footprint. Following preparation of the pool area as recommended herein, previously provided recommendations for foundation design (CTE, 2022) are considered suitable for the design of the pool. Other recommendations provided in CTE’s referenced geotechnical report and addendum remain applicable, and are superseded by recommendations herein where conflicts exist. Additionally, CTE reserves the right to observe overexavation bottoms and recommend deeper removals, as necessary, based on exposed conditions. APPENDIX C A Universal Engineering Construction Testing & Engineering, Inc. Sciences Company Inspection I Testing I Geotechnical I Environmental & Construction Engineering I Civil Engineering I Surveying 1441 Montiel Road, Suite 115 I Escondido, CA 92026 I Ph (760) 746-4955 I Fax (760) 746-9806 I www.cte-inc.net Preliminary Geotechnical Investigation – Addendum 02 Page 2 Proposed Alder Avenue 3805 Alder Avenue, Carlsbad, California May 9, 2024 CTE Job No. 10-15939G S:\Projects\10-15000 to 10-15999 Projects\10-15939G (Alder Ave)\ADU + Pool Addition - Addendum 02\Ltr_Pool&ADU Addendum 02.doc Limitations provided in CTE’s referenced report are considered to apply to recommendations provided in this addendum letter. This document is subject to the same limitations as the referenced geotechnical report. The opportunity to be of service is appreciated. If you have any questions, please contact our office. Respectfully submitted, CONSTRUCTION TESTING & ENGINEERING, INC. Colm J. Kenny, GE #3201 Senior Engineer CJK:ach Attachments: Figure 1—Site Index Map Figure 2—Geologic/Exploration Location Map Boring Logs References: Preliminary Geotechnical Investigation – Addendum 01 Proposed Alder Avenue 3805 Alder Avenue, Carlsbad, California CTE Job No. 10-15939G, Dated February 12, 2024 Preliminary Geotechnical Investigation Proposed Residential Addition 3805 Alder Avenue, Carlsbad, California CTE Job No. 10-15939G, Dated April 20, 2022 C. SITE APN: 2070632500 SITE INDEX MAP PROPOSED ADU AND POOL ADDITION 3805 ALDER AVENUE CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA SCALE: DATE: AS SHOWN 4/2024 CTE JOB NO.: FIGURE: 4830.2115939 1 B-1 B-2 A A' 1229 12 52 38 12 HB-4 HB-5 HB-3 HB-6 Qvop Qudf Qvop Qudf Qvop Qudf Tsa Qsw Tsa Tsa Qudf Tsa Qudf Qls Qsw HB-9 HB-1 HB-2 Qvop Residual Soil TP-1 HB-7 HB-8 B-2 APPROXIMATE BORING LOCATION (2/21) LEGEND QUATERNARY UNDOCUMENTED FILL TERTIARY SANTIAGO FORMATION Qudf Tsa APPROXIMATE GEOLOGIC CONTACT QUATERNARY SLOPEWASHQsw QUATERNARY VERY OLD PARALIC DEPOSITSQvop QUATERNARY LANDSLIDE DEPOSITSQls CROSS SECTION A-A'A A' APPROXIMATE JOINT ATTITUDE52 12 APPROXIMATE BEDDING ATTITUDE HB-9 APPROXIMATE HAND-AUGER BORING LOCATION TP-1 APPROXIMATE TEST PIT APPROXIMATE ADU AND POOL ADDITION O'l ~ "'C -ci Q) +' C "'C a. => C'i Q) I... ::J O'l 5 C 0 :;; :a "'C <( 0 0 a.. + => 0 5 -Q) > <( I... Q) "'C <( -......, c., O> I") O> I{) ..... I 0 / en +' u -~ 0 I... a.. O> O> O> I{) i 0 ..... 0 +' 0 0 0 I{) i 0 / en +' u Q) ·o I... ~ Q) I... C ..s:::. (/) ~ () / 0 Q) ~ 1------l □ 40' \ 0 20' 40' ~' LIES GEOLOGIC/EXPLORATION LOCATION MAP ~ J PROPOSED ADU AND POOL ADDITION TM 3805 ALDER A VENUE ffl'IP."""-"'ftll!l"IIJl~--1 CARLSBAD CAIJFORNIA 2 DEFINITION OF TERMS PRIMARY DIVISIONS SYMBOLS SECONDARY DIVISIONS WELL GRADED GRAVELS, GRAVEL‐SAND MIXTURES LITTLE OR NO FINES POORLY GRADED GRAVELS OR GRAVEL SAND MIXTURES, LITTLE OF NO FINES SILTY GRAVELS, GRAVEL‐SAND‐SILT MIXTURES, NON‐PLASTIC FINES CLAYEY GRAVELS, GRAVEL‐SAND‐CLAY MIXTURES, PLASTIC FINES WELL GRADED SANDS, GRAVELLY SANDS, LITTLE OR NO FINES POORLY GRADED SANDS, GRAVELLY SANDS, LITTLE  OR  NO FINES SILTY SANDS, SAND‐SILT MIXTURES, NON‐PLASTIC FINES CLAYEY SANDS, SAND‐CLAY MIXTURES, PLASTIC FINES INORGANIC SILTS, VERY FINE SANDS, ROCK FLOUR, SILTY OR CLAYEY FINE SANDS, SLIGHTLY PLASTIC CLAYEY SILTS INORGANIC CLAYS OF LOW TO MEDIUM PLASTICITY, GRAVELLY, SANDY, SILTS OR LEAN CLAYS ORGANIC SILTS AND ORGANIC CLAYS OF LOW PLASTICITY INORGANIC SILTS, MICACEOUS OR DIATOMACEOUS FINE  SANDY OR SILTY SOILS, ELASTIC SILTS INORGANIC CLAYS OF HIGH PLASTICITY, FAT CLAYS ORGANIC CLAYS OF MEDIUM TO HIGH PLASTICITY, ORGANIC SILTY CLAYS PEAT AND OTHER HIGHLY ORGANIC SOILS GRAIN SIZES GRAVEL SAND COARSE FINE COARSE MEDIUM FINE                            12"                           3"                 3/4"                  4                    10            40                200 CLEAR SQUARE SIEVE OPENING U.S. STANDARD SIEVE SIZE ADDITIONAL TESTS (OTHER THAN TEST PIT AND BORING LOG COLUMN HEADINGS) MAX‐ Maximum Dry Density PM‐ Permeability PP‐ Pocket Penetrometer GS‐ Grain Size Distribution SG‐ Specific Gravity WA‐ Wash Analysis SE‐ Sand Equivalent HA‐ Hydrometer Analysis DS‐ Direct Shear EI‐ Expansion Index AL‐ Atterberg Limits UC‐ Unconfined Compression CHM‐ Sulfate and Chloride RV‐ R‐Value MD‐ Moisture/Density        Content , pH, Resistivity CN‐ Consolidation M‐ Moisture COR ‐ Corrosivity CP‐ Collapse Potential SC‐ Swell Compression SD‐ Sample Disturbed HC‐ Hydrocollapse OI‐ Organic Impurities REM‐ Remolded FIGURE: BL1 GW SILTS AND CLAYSLIQUID LIMIT ISLESS THAN 50 SILTS AND CLAYSLIQUID LIMIT ISGREATER THAN 50 SANDSMORE THANHALF OFCOARSEFRACTION ISSMALLER THANNO. 4 SIEVE GRAVELSMORE THANHALF OFCOARSEFRACTION ISLARGER THANNO. 4 SIEVE CLEANGRAVELS< 5% FINES GRAVELS WITH FINES CLEANSANDS< 5% FINES SANDSWITH FINES CO A R S E G R A I N E D S O I L S MO R E T H A N H A L F O F MA T E R I A L I S L A R G E R T H A N NO . 2 0 0 S I E V E S I Z E GP GM GC SW SP SM SC ML CL OL MH CH OH PT FI N E G R A I N E D S O I L S MO R E T H A N H A L F O F MA T E R I A L I S S M A L L E R TH A N N O . 2 0 0 S I E V E S I Z E HIGHLY ORGANIC SOILS SILTS AND CLAYSCOBBLESCOBBLESBOULDERSI ··•◄ ..... Universal Emgineeri11,g Sciences (UES) 1441 M o,nt ie l Road, Suit e 11 5 IEsco rid ido, CA 9 2026 P·-· 760. 746.4955 I TeamUES.com ~.. ~~ 1------( . • _______________________ _J I :: .. :. I I 'I I I I I r I I l I I PROJECT:DRILLER:SHEET:of UES JOB NO:DRILL METHOD:DRILLING DATE: LOGGED BY:SAMPLE METHOD:ELEVATION: De p t h ( F e e t ) Bu l k S a m p l e Dr i v e n T y p e Bl o w s / F o o t Dr y D e n s i t y ( p c f ) Mo i s t u r e ( % ) U. S . C . S . S y m b o l Gr a p h i c L o g BORING LEGEND Laboratory Tests DESCRIPTION Block or Chunk Sample Bulk Sample Standard Penetration Test Modified Split-Barrel Drive Sampler (Cal Sampler) Thin Walled Army Corp. of Engineers Sample Groundwater Table Soil Type or Classification Change ??????? Formation Change [(Approximate boundaries queried (?)] "SM"Quotes are placed around classifications where the soilsexist in situ as bedrock FIGURE:BL2 .... 0 .... -~ .... --.... -~ - -- -5- .... - .... - .... - .... - 10- .... - - - - - .... - .... 15· .... - .... - .... - .... - 20- - - - - .... - .... - 25· .... - ~, LIES .. u n:iversam E111ginee;ri 11g Sciences (U ES) 1441 Mo,nt iel Road, Suit e 11.5 Escor1d ido, CA 9202.6 P-760_ 746-4955 I TeamllJES_com ~ .. ~ .. .... I - I ~ \__ ---------------------------------------------------------------------- - \_ I PROJECT:EXCAVATOR: CTE JOB NO:EXCAVATION METHOD: LOGGED BY:SAMPLING METHOD:ELEVATION: Dr y D e n s i t y ( p c f ) Mo i s t u r e ( % ) U. S . C . S . S y m b o l Gr a p h i c L o g De p t h ( F e e t ) Bu l k S a m p l e Dr i v e n T y p e Laboratory Tests SM "SM""SC""SM" Total Depth: 4.6'No Groundwater Encountered Backfilled on 2/10/2022 FIGURE: Alder Avenue UES 10-15939G Hand-Auger with 3" Bucket EXCAVATION DATE:2/10/2022 DD Bulk ~292 Feet BORING LOG: HB-1 DESCRIPTION HB-1 0 5 10 15 QUATERNARY UNDOCUMENTED FILL:Loose to medium dense, moist, brown, silty fine to medium grained SAND, trace fine roots. QUATERNARY VERY OLD PARALIC DEPOSITS:Medium dense, moist, reddish brown, silty fine to medium grained SAND, oxidized, massive. Medium dense, moist, moddled reddish brown and olive gray, clayey fine to medium grained SAND. Medium dense, slightly moist, reddish brown, silty fine to medium grained SAND, oxidized, massive. ~, LIES™ Universal Engineering Sciences (UES) 1441 M ontiel Road, Suite 115 Escondid o, CA 9 2026 p. 760 . 746.4955 I TeamlJIES.com 1--- - - - - = = ----------------- --' ---' -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------' - -' -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- L... -~ "-.... - .... - L... - - - - - - - - - L... - .... - .... - L... - I PROJECT:EXCAVATOR: CTE JOB NO:EXCAVATION METHOD: LOGGED BY:SAMPLING METHOD:ELEVATION: Dr y D e n s i t y ( p c f ) Mo i s t u r e ( % ) U. S . C . S . S y m b o l Gr a p h i c L o g De p t h ( F e e t ) Bu l k S a m p l e Dr i v e n T y p e Laboratory Tests SM "SM""SC" "SM" Total Depth: 5.2'No Groundwater Encountered Backfilled on 2/10/2022 FIGURE: Alder Avenue UES 10-15939G Hand-Auger with 3" Bucket EXCAVATION DATE:2/10/2022 DD Bulk ~294 Feet BORING LOG: HB-2 DESCRIPTION HB-2 0 5 10 15 RESIDUAL SOIL:Loose to medium dense, moist, brown, silty fine to medium grained SAND. QUATERNARY VERY OLD PARALIC DEPOSITS:Medium dense, moist, reddish brown, silty fine to medium grained SAND, oxidized, massive. Medium dense, moist, moddled reddish brown and olive gray, clayey fine to medium grained SAND. Medium dense, slightly moist, reddish brown, silty fine to medium grained SAND, moderately cemented. ~, LIES™ Universil E111gineering Sciences (UES) 1441 Montiel Road, Suite 115 Escoridido,. CA 92026 p. 760. 746.4955 I Te,aml.JES.com 1--- - - - - ----------- - ,_ ' ' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------', --' ' _\ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- L... ~ .... - .... - L... - - - - - -- -- L... - .... - .... - L... - I PROJECT:EXCAVATOR: CTE JOB NO:EXCAVATION METHOD: LOGGED BY:SAMPLING METHOD:ELEVATION: Dr y D e n s i t y ( p c f ) Mo i s t u r e ( % ) U. S . C . S . S y m b o l Gr a p h i c L o g De p t h ( F e e t ) Bu l k S a m p l e Dr i v e n T y p e Laboratory Tests SM "SM""SC""SM" Total Depth: 4.4'No Groundwater Encountered Backfilled on 2/10/2022 FIGURE: Alder Avenue UES 10-15939G Hand-Auger with 3" Bucket EXCAVATION DATE:2/10/2022 DD Bulk ~295 Feet BORING LOG: HB-3 DESCRIPTION HB-3 0 5 10 15 RESIDUAL SOIL:Loose to medium dense, moist, brown, silty fine to medium grained SAND. QUATERNARY VERY OLD PARALIC DEPOSITS:Medium dense, moist, reddish brown, silty fine to medium grained SAND, oxidized, massive. Medium dense, moist, reddish brown, clayey fine to medium grained SAND. Medium dense, slightly moist, reddish brown, silty fine to medium grained SAND, moderately cemented. ~, LIES™ Universil E111gineering Sciences (UES) 1441 Montiel Road, Suite 115 Escoridido,. CA 92026 p. 760. 746.4955 I Te,aml.JES.com 1--- - - - - = = ----------------------' ' ' -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------' --' -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- L... -~ .... - .... - L... - - - - - -- -- L... - .... - .... - L... - I PROJECT:EXCAVATOR: CTE JOB NO:EXCAVATION METHOD: LOGGED BY:SAMPLING METHOD:ELEVATION: Dr y D e n s i t y ( p c f ) Mo i s t u r e ( % ) U. S . C . S . S y m b o l Gr a p h i c L o g De p t h ( F e e t ) Bu l k S a m p l e Dr i v e n T y p e Laboratory Tests SM "SM" Total Depth: 1'No Groundwater Encountered Backfilled on 2/10/2022 FIGURE: Alder Avenue UES 10-15939G Hand-Auger with 3" Bucket EXCAVATION DATE:2/10/2022 DD Bulk ~299 Feet BORING LOG: HB-4 DESCRIPTION HB-4 0 5 10 15 QUATERNARY UNDOCUMENTED FILL:Loose, dry, brown, silty fine to medium grained SAND, trace fine gravel. QUATERNARY VERY OLD PARALIC DEPOSITS:Medium dense, slightly moist, reddish brown, silty fine to medium grained SAND, oxidized, massive. ~, LIES™ Universal Enginee;ri n.g Sciences (U ES) 1441 Mo,nt iel Road, Su ite 115 Escondido, CA 92026 p,. 760. 746.4955 I TeamlJIE.S.com 1--- ./"' -~ I',_ - - - -\ - - -- L... - .... - .... - L... - - - - - -- -- L... - .... - .... - L... - I PROJECT:EXCAVATOR: CTE JOB NO:EXCAVATION METHOD: LOGGED BY:SAMPLING METHOD:ELEVATION: Dr y D e n s i t y ( p c f ) Mo i s t u r e ( % ) U. S . C . S . S y m b o l Gr a p h i c L o g De p t h ( F e e t ) Bu l k S a m p l e Dr i v e n T y p e Laboratory Tests SM "SC" "SM" Total Depth: 3.6'No Groundwater Encountered Backfilled on 2/10/2022 FIGURE: Alder Avenue UES 10-15939G Hand-Auger with 3" Bucket EXCAVATION DATE:2/10/2022 DD Bulk ~298 Feet BORING LOG: HB-5 DESCRIPTION HB-5 0 5 10 15 RESIDUAL SOIL:Loose to medium dense, slightly moist, brown, silty fine to medium grained SAND. QUATERNARY VERY OLD PARALIC DEPOSITS:Medium dense, moist, reddish brown, clayey fine to medium grained SAND. Medium dense, slightly moist, reddish brown, clayey fine to medium grained SAND. ~, LIES™ Universal Engineering Sciences (UES) 1441 Montiel Road, Suite 115 Escondido, CA 9 2026 p. 760. 746.4955 I TeamlJIES.com 1--- - - - - --------= -=----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - - -- L... - .... - .... - L... - - - - - -- -- L... - .... - .... - L... - I PROJECT:EXCAVATOR: CTE JOB NO:EXCAVATION METHOD: LOGGED BY:SAMPLING METHOD:ELEVATION: Dr y D e n s i t y ( p c f ) Mo i s t u r e ( % ) U. S . C . S . S y m b o l Gr a p h i c L o g De p t h ( F e e t ) Bu l k S a m p l e Dr i v e n T y p e Laboratory Tests SM "SC" Total Depth: 6'No Groundwater Encountered Backfilled on 2/10/2022 FIGURE: Alder Avenue UES 10-15939G Hand-Auger with 3" Bucket EXCAVATION DATE:2/10/2022 DD Bulk ~296 Feet BORING LOG: HB-6 DESCRIPTION HB-6 0 5 10 15 QUATERNARY UNDOCUMENTED FILL:Loose to medium dense, slightly moist, brown, silty fine to medium grained SAND. QUATERNARY VERY OLD PARALIC DEPOSITS: Medium dense, moist, reddish brown, clayey fine to medium grained SAND. ~, LIES™ Universil E111gineering Sciences (UES) 1441 Montiel Road, Suit e 115 Escoridido,. CA 92026 p,. 760.746.4955 I Te,aml.JES.com 1--- - - - - - - - - -- .... -t-.... .... - .... - .... - - - - - -- -- L... - .... - .... - L... - I PROJECT:EXCAVATOR: CTE JOB NO:EXCAVATION METHOD: LOGGED BY:SAMPLING METHOD:ELEVATION: Dr y D e n s i t y ( p c f ) Mo i s t u r e ( % ) U. S . C . S . S y m b o l Gr a p h i c L o g De p t h ( F e e t ) Bu l k S a m p l e Dr i v e n T y p e Laboratory Tests SM SC-CL Medium dense, moist, red-brown, clayey fine to medium grained SAND with trace light gray CLAY. "SC" Total Depth: 7' (Refusal)No Groundwater Encountered Backfilled on 4/29/2024 FIGURE:HB-7 DJT Bulk ~285 Feet BORING LOG: HB-7 DESCRIPTION Alder Avenue UES 10-15939G Hand-Auger with 3" Bucket EXCAVATION DATE:4/29/2024 0 5 10 15 QUATERNARY UNDOCUMENTED FILL:Loose to medium dense, dry to slightly moist, dark red-brown, silty fine to medium grained SAND, with roots. QUATERNARY VERY OLD PARALIC DEPOSITS:Very dense, dry, light red-brown, clayey fine to medium grained SAND, or sandstone. ~, LIES™ Universil E111gineering Sciences (UES) 1441 Montiel Road, Suit e 115 Escoridido,. CA 92026 p,. 760.746.4955 I Te,aml.JES.com 1--- - - - - - - -------------~-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------· -_ .... rx -t-._ ... - ... - - - - - -- -- L... - ... - ... - L... - I PROJECT:EXCAVATOR: CTE JOB NO:EXCAVATION METHOD: LOGGED BY:SAMPLING METHOD:ELEVATION: Dr y D e n s i t y ( p c f ) Mo i s t u r e ( % ) U. S . C . S . S y m b o l Gr a p h i c L o g De p t h ( F e e t ) Bu l k S a m p l e Dr i v e n T y p e Laboratory Tests SM Becomes loose at 2 feet. Abundant roots encountered at 3 feet. SC-CL Loose to medium dense, moist, red-brown, clayey fine to medium grained SAND, trace light gray clay. "SC" Total Depth: 6' (Refusal)No Groundwater Encountered Backfilled on 4/29/2024 FIGURE:HB-8 DJT Bulk ~285 Feet BORING LOG: HB-8 DESCRIPTION Alder Avenue UES 10-15939G Hand-Auger with 3" Bucket EXCAVATION DATE:4/29/2024 0 5 10 15 QUATERNARY UNDOCUMENTED FILL:Medium dense, slightly moist, dark red-brown, silty fine to medium grained SAND with roots and trace gravel. QUATERNARY VERY OLD PARALIC DEPOSITS:Very dense, slightly moist, light red-brown, clayey fine to medium grained SAND, or sandstone. ~, LIES™ Universil E111gineering Sciences (UES) 1441 Montiel Road, Suit e 115 Escoridido,. CA 92026 p,. 760.746.4955 I Te,aml.JES.com 1--- - - - - - - ---------------~-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------· --to....... .... - .... - .... - - - - - -- -- L.. - .... - .... - L.. - I PROJECT:EXCAVATOR: CTE JOB NO:EXCAVATION METHOD: LOGGED BY:SAMPLING METHOD:ELEVATION: Dr y D e n s i t y ( p c f ) Mo i s t u r e ( % ) U. S . C . S . S y m b o l Gr a p h i c L o g De p t h ( F e e t ) Bu l k S a m p l e Dr i v e n T y p e Laboratory Tests SM/SC "SC" Total Depth: 4' (Refusal)No Groundwater Encountered Backfilled on 4/29/2024 FIGURE:HB-9 DJT Bulk ~284 Feet BORING LOG: HB-9 DESCRIPTION Alder Avenue UES 10-15939G Hand-Auger with 3" Bucket EXCAVATION DATE:4/29/2024 0 5 10 15 RESIDUAL SOIL:Medium dense, slightly moist to moist, red-brown, silty to clayey fine to medium grained SAND. QUATERNARY VERY OLD PARALIC DEPOSITS:Very dense, slightly moist, light red-brown, clayey fine to medium grained SAND, or sandstone. ~, LIES™ Universil E111gineering Sciences (UES) 1441 Montiel Road, Suit e 115 Escoridido,. CA 92026 p,. 760.746.4955 I Te,aml.JES.com 1--- - - - - .....;;;; -~ -- L... - .... - .... - L... - - - - - -- -- L... - .... - .... - L... - I ATTACHMENT City of Carlsbad, Land Development Engineering, Dated May 1, 2024 (1st Review) GEOTECHNICAL REPORT REVIEW __________________________________________________________ DATE: May 1, 2024 TO: City of Carlsbad Land Development Engineering 1635 Faraday Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008 Attention: David Rick PROJECT ID: PD2021-0026 GRADING PERMIT NO.: GR2021-0026 SUBJECT: Proposed Single-Family Residence, 3805 Alder Avenue, (1st review) Items Submitted by Applicant Items Being Returned to Applicant  “Preliminary Geotechnical Investigation, Proposed Residential Addition, 3805 Alder Avenue, Carlsbad, California,” by Construction Testing & Engineering, Inc. (CTE), dated April 20, 2022.  Written report review comments.  “Preliminary Geotechnical Investigation – Addendum 01, Proposed Alder Avenue, 3805 Alder Avenue, Carlsbad, California,” by Construction Testing & Engineering, Inc. (CTE), dated February 12, 2024.  Written report review comments. Based on our review of the submitted geotechnical reports, we are providing the following comments that should be addressed prior to the next submittal. Please provide complete and thorough written responses to all comments. Please note that the following comments are specific to the proposed construction of a single-family residence at the subject site and do not address the geotechnical conditions associated with the proposed earthwork and slope restoration of the descending hillside east of the proposed residence that was previously proposed and reviewed under grading permit GR2021-0026. With the above in mind, the following comments have been provided based on the review of the submitted reports for the proposed residence. GEOTECHNICAL COMMENTS: 1. The submitted “Preliminary Geotechnical Investigation…” report by CTE appears to consist of a geotechnical investigation for a previously contemplated building addition to the existing residence at the subject site and not specifically for the currently proposed new single-family residence. Consequently, please provide updates for all aspects of the geotechnical report (site grading, foundation and floor slab, etc.) as necessary to GR2021-0026 May 1, 2024 Page 2 of 4 completely address the proposed construction of a single-family residence and associated improvements. 2. The submitted “Preliminary Geotechnical Investigation…” by CTE is approximately 2 years old and references an antiquated revision of the California Building Code. Please review the most current revisions of the grading and foundation plans for the proposed residence and improvements and provide updated geotechnical conclusions/recommendations as necessary to address the current scope of the project. Please also update the report as necessary to address the currently adopted 2022 California Building Code and ASCE 7- 16. 3. Please provide a statement addressing the potential impact of the proposed project on adjacent properties. 4. Please provide a description of the proposed project and discuss the proposed grading (depths and limits of cut and fill, etc., necessary to establish proposed grades) and the construction of any proposed hardscape improvements, site walls, etc., for the current project. 5. Please provide an updated “Geologic/Exploration Map” utilizing the most current revision of the grading plan for the project as the base map and at a sufficiently large scale to clearly demonstrate the proposed project and show all of the geotechnical information shown on the “Geologic/Exploration Map” of the submitted report – a) existing site topography, b) proposed residential structure and improvements, c) proposed finished grades, d) geologic units and geologic structure, e) the locations of subsurface exploration (borings and test pits) for the currently proposed residence and previous slope restoration work, and f) the proposed slope restoration as applicable. 6. Please provide an updated Geologic Cross Section A-A’ to also show (along with all of the information shown on the “Cross Section A-A’” of the submitted report) - a) proposed finish grades for the residence and improvements and adjacent slope as applicable, b) the limits of the proposed residence and associated improvements, c) the geologic structure of the Santiago formation, d) the limits and depths of proposed remedial grading for the proposed residence and improvements, e) temporary slopes necessary for the remedial grading and for any retaining wall construction, f) slope setback for the residence and improvements, and g) the locations of subsurface exploration (borings and test pits) for the currently proposed residence and previous slope restoration work. Please provide the cross section at a scale sufficiently large to clearly show the information requested above. 7. Please provide a summary discussion (based on the consultant’s previous work for the grading permit for the proposed slope restoration) addressing the geologic structure (direction/dip of bedding, fracturing, etc.) of the Old Paralic deposits and Santiago formation bedrock and the relationship between the structural geology of the units underlying the site and gross stability of the area of proposed residential construction and adjacent approximate 85’ high east descending hillside. Please discuss both surficial and gross slope stability of existing hillside relative to the proposed residential development. 8. Please provide a discussion addressing seismically induced landsliding with respect to the proposed residential development. 9. Please provide the Seismic Design category in accordance with Section 1603 of the 2022 California Building Code. GR2021-0026 May 1, 2024 Page 3 of 4 10. Strength (direct shear) testing of the on-site soils that will apparently be used as fill as part of the remedial grading (existing undocumented fill and residual soil) and support proposed foundations/slabs is not provided in the report (direct shear tests presented in the report appear to be from the geotechnical report addressing the hillside/slope restoration work and consist of in-situ tests of the Old Paralic deposits and Santiago formation materials). Please provide the appropriate laboratory testing to substantiate the values for bearing capacity, passive pressure, coefficient of friction, and active pressure that are presented in the report for the proposed single-family residence. If presumptive values are being recommended by the consultant, please state the reference and use values consistent with the appropriate soil type (soil class) in Tables 1806.2 and 1610.1 of the 2022 California Building Code. Please justify the soil type by laboratory testing if something other than soil class 5 in Tables 1806.2 and 1610.1 of the CBC is provided as the basis for the assumed values. 11. Expansion Index testing presented in the report indicates an EI of 55 (Medium). As soils with Expansion Index (EI) over 20 are considered expansive and require mitigation in accordance with Sections 1803.5.3 and 1808.6 of the 2022 CBC, please provide recommendations to satisfy the 2022 California Building Code. Please indicate the method of Section 1808.6 that is being recommended to satisfy the requirement for expansive soils, and provide the Effective Plasticity Index and any other parameters for slab-on- ground design in accordance with 1808.6.2 and WRI/CRSI Design of Slab-on-Ground floors or a post-tensioned design in accordance with PTI DC 10.5 and provide a statement that the foundation/slab system for the proposed residential structures will meet the requirements of Section 1808.6 of the 2022 California Building Code. 12. Soluble sulfate testing is not provided in the reviewed geotechnical report. Consequently, please provide recommendations for sulfate resistant concrete (compressive strength, w/c ratio, type cement) consistent with the 2022 California Building Code and ACI 318-19, Tables and assuming a “Severe” (S2) exposure class; or provide site specific testing to support a different recommendation. 13. Please clarify the remedial grading recommendations (depths of removals, distance of removals beyond the footprint of the proposed residence and improvements, etc.) for the proposed residential structure and associated hardscape improvements and site walls. 14. With respect to remedial grading for the proposed residence and hardscape improvements, if all of the existing undocumented fill/residual soils (up to 5-1/2’ deep) are not removed by the grading (see “Preliminary Geotechnical Investigation – Addendum Letter 01” and pages 11 and 12 of the geotechnical report), please thoroughly explain the ramifications of not making complete removals of the surficial soils down to competent Old Paralic deposits and describe the potential distress that could occur to the proposed residence and improvements as a result of the incomplete removal of the surficial soils. 15. Please provide the basis for the 12’ slope setback recommended in the geotechnical report versus the guidelines presented in Section 1808.7.2 of the 2022 California Building Code (setback of H/3) for the approximate 85’ high slope that bounds the eastern side of the project area. 16. Please clarify the minimum depth of embedment into the Old Paralic deposits and/or Santiago formation for any footings that may be deepened through the existing undocumented fill/residual soil. GR2021-0026 May 1, 2024 Page 4 of 4 17. Please provide recommendations for concrete slab thickness for proposed hardscape improvements (walkways, driveway, patios, etc.) from a geotechnical standpoint. 18. Please provide recommendations for retaining wall subdrains (type of pipe, amount/size of gravel, filter fabric etc.) from a geotechnical standpoint. 19. Please evaluate and discuss the potential for storm water infiltration at the subject site as part of the proposed project. 20. Please provide a complete summery list of the geotechnical observation/testing services that should be performed as part of the construction of the proposed single-family residence and associated improvements.