HomeMy WebLinkAboutPD 2021-0042; 2940 CACATUA ADU; GEOTECHNICAL UPDATE LETTER FOR ADU; 2024-06-03 GEOTECHNICAL | ENVIRONMENTAL | MATERIALS June 3, 2024 Project No. 3766-SD Kris Alberts 2940 Cacatua Carlsbad, California 92008 Subject: Geotechnical Update Letter Proposed Auxiliary Dwelling Unit (ADU) 2940 Cacatua Carlsbad, California References: See Page 7 Dear Mr. Alberts: 1.0 INTRODUCTION As requested, GeoTek, Inc. (GeoTek) has prepared this letter as an update to the referenced report (GeoTek, 2002) for the subject property located at 2940 Cacatua, Carlsbad, California. Our work for the update was performed between October of 2023 and June of 2024. Previous geotechnical work was performed by GeoTek with respect to the subject site in 2022 and is presented in the “Limited Geotechnical Evaluation…” (GeoTek 2022). The purpose of our recent work was to comment on the existing site conditions from a geotechnical standpoint, to provide update seismic sign criteria consistent with the 2022 California Building Code (CBC), and to update grading and foundation recommendations for the proposed construction as needed. Based on our review of the grading plans prepared by Lattitude 33, The proposed improvements consist of a single-story auxiliary dwelling unit (ADU) northeast of the primary residence. The existing temporary excavation, is proposed to be excavated three to four feet further into the existing excavation to provide a permanent retaining wall to facilitate a building pad for the ADU as well as serve as part of the ADU building. 1.1 SITE RECONNAISSANCE A site visit was conducted in October of 2023 to verify on-site conditions stated in the referenced report (GeoTek, 2022) and “Temporary Excavations for ADU Retaining Wall and Grading Plan Review…”(GeoTek, 2023) and perform subsurface sampling, laboratory analysis, and geotechnical assessment of the Santiago Formation material strength properties. . Laboratory testing results are attached as Appendix A. Based on our site reconnaissance, the site is in generally the same condition as previously reported in our latest referenced document (GeoTek 2023). GeoTek, Inc. 1384 Poinsettia Avenue, Suite A Vista, CA 92081-8505 (760) 599-0509 Offic, (760) 599-0593 Fa: www.geotekusa.com Kris Alberts Project No. 3731-SD Proposed Auxiliary Dwelling Unit (ADU) June 3, 2024 2940 Cacatua Street, Carlsbad, California. Page 2 2.0 ANALYSIS 2.1 SEISMIC DESIGN PARAMETERS The site is located at approximately 33.1130713 Latitude and -117.2389883 Longitude. Site spectral accelerations (Ss and S1), for 0.2 and 1.0 second periods for a risk targeted two (2) percent probability of exceedance in 50 years (MCER) were determined using the web interface provided by SEAOC/OSHPD (https://seismicmaps.org) to access the USGS Seismic Design Parameters. A Site Class “C” is deemed appropriate for this site based on the apparent density of the shallow bedrock below the surface. The results are presented in the following table. SITE SEISMIC PARAMETERS Mapped 0.2 sec Period Spectral Acceleration, Ss 0.934g Mapped 1.0 sec Period Spectral Acceleration, S1 0.342g Site Coefficient for Site Class “C,” Fa 1.2 Site Coefficient for Site Class “C,” Fv 1.5 Maximum Considered Earthquake (MCER) Spectral Response Acceleration for 0.2 Second, SMS 1.12g Maximum Considered Earthquake (MCER) Spectral Response Acceleration for 1.0 Second, SM1 0.513g 5% Damped Design Spectral Response Acceleration Parameter at 0.2 Second, SDS 0.747g 5% Damped Design Spectral Response Acceleration Parameter at 1 second, SD1 0.342g Peak Ground Acceleration (PGAM) 0.487g Seismic Design Category D Final selection of the appropriate seismic design coefficients should be made by the project structural engineer based upon the local practices and ordinances, expected building response and desired level of conservatism. 3.0 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS GeoTek’s recommendation presented in the referenced 2022 GeoTek report were provided based on engineered fill and engineered retaining wall backfill. Based on the new proposed plan, the ADU and retaining wall will be a cut/excavated condition into competent Santiago Formation. GEOTEK Kris Alberts Project No. 3731-SD Proposed Auxiliary Dwelling Unit (ADU) June 3, 2024 2940 Cacatua Street, Carlsbad, California. Page 3 Updated recommendations in accordance to the 2022 CBC and revised recommendations relevant to the subject improvements are presented in the following section. 3.1 GENERAL NOTES Development of the site appears feasible from a geotechnical viewpoint provided that the following recommendations are incorporated in the design and construction phases of the development. The following sections present general recommendations for currently anticipated site development plans. 3.2 FOUNDATIONS For shallow foundations, design criteria presented herein are for foundations that will bear entirely upon competent Santiago Formation and are in general conformance with the 2022 CBC. Below are geotechnical recommendations for foundation design, all structural design shall be performed by the project structural engineer. Based on visual classification of materials encountered onsite and as verified by laboratory testing, soils near the anticipated building subgrade have a “very low” expansion index (EI<20) per ASTM D4829. MINIMUM DESIGN REQUIREMENTS FOR CONVENTIONALLY REINFORCED FOUNDATIONS SUPPORTED ON ENGINEERED FILL DESIGN PARAMETER “Very Low” Expansion Potential (EI≤20) Foundation Embedment Depth or Minimum Perimeter Beam Depth (inches below lowest adjacent finished grade) 18 inches Minimum Foundation Width (Inches) 12 inches Minimum Slab Thickness (actual) 4 Inches Minimum Slab Reinforcing No. 3 rebar 16” on-center, each way, placed in the middle one-third of the slab thickness Minimum Footing Reinforcement No. 4 rebar two on top and two on bottom Pre-saturation of Subgrade Soil (percent of optimum moisture content) Minimum 100% to a depth of 12 inches The following recommendations should be implemented into the design:  An allowable bearing capacity of 4,000 pounds per square foot (psf) may be used for design of continuous and perimeter footings that meet the depth and width GEOTEK Kris Alberts Project No. 3731-SD Proposed Auxiliary Dwelling Unit (ADU) June 3, 2024 2940 Cacatua Street, Carlsbad, California. Page 4 requirements in the table above. This value may be increased by 600 pounds per square foot for each additional 12 inches in depth and 300 pounds per square foot for each additional 12 inches in width to a maximum value of 5,000 psf. Additionally, an increase of one-third may be applied when considering short-term live loads (e.g. seismic and wind loads).  Based on experience in the area, structural foundations may be designed in accordance with 2022 CBC, and to withstand a total settlement of 1 inch and maximum differential settlement of one-half of the total settlement over a horizontal distance of 40 feet. These values assume that seismic settlement potential is not a significant constraint.  The passive earth pressure may be computed as an equivalent fluid having a density of 300 psf per foot of depth, to a maximum earth pressure of 4,500 psf for footings founded on Santiago Formation. A coefficient of friction between soil and concrete of 0.35 may be used with dead load forces. When combining passive pressure and frictional resistance, the passive pressure component should be reduced by one-third. 3.3 RETAINING WALLS Recommendations presented herein may apply to typical masonry or concrete vertical retaining walls to a maximum height of up to 12 feet. Additional review and recommendations should be requested for higher walls. The retaining wall designer should decide if the basement wall is a restrained wall or an active wall with an allowable deflection of 0.001H at the top of the wall. Retaining wall foundations at least 12 inches wide embedded a minimum of 18 inches into Santiago Formation should be designed using an allowable bearing capacity of 4,000 pounds per square foot (psf) may be used for design of continuous and perimeter footings that meet the depth and width requirements in the table above. This value may be increased by 600 pounds per square foot for each additional 12 inches in depth and 300 pounds per square foot for each additional 12 inches in width to a maximum value of 5,000 psf. Additionally, an increase of one-third may be applied when considering short-term live loads (e.g. seismic and wind loads). The passive earth pressure may be computed as an equivalent fluid having a density of 300 psf per foot of depth, to a maximum earth pressure of 4,500 psf for footings founded on bedrock. A coefficient of friction between soil and concrete of 0.35 may be used with dead load forces. Passive pressure and frictional resistance can be combined without reduction. Retaining walls, should consider the use of waterproofing to reduce moisture transmission through the wall facing elements and resulting efflorescence. GEOTEK Kris Alberts Project No. 3731-SD Proposed Auxiliary Dwelling Unit (ADU) June 3, 2024 2940 Cacatua Street, Carlsbad, California. Page 5 3.3.1 Cantilevered Walls The recommendations presented below are for cantilevered retaining walls up to 12 feet high. Active earth pressure may be used for retaining wall design, provided the top of the wall is not restrained from minor deflections. An equivalent fluid pressure approach may be used to compute the horizontal pressure against the wall. Appropriate fluid unit weights are given below for specific gradients of the restrained material. Thes do not include other superimposed loading conditions such as traffic, structures, seismic events, or adverse geologic conditions. ACTIVE EARTH PRESSURES Surface Slope of Retained Materials (h:v) Equivalent Fluid Pressure(pcf) Granular Materials* Level 35 2:1 65 *Select imported granular fill with an expansion index less than 20. Backfill zone includes area between back of wall to plane (1:1, h:v) up from back of wall foundation to ground surface. 3.3.2 Restrained Retaining Walls Any retaining walls that will be restrained (e.g. basement walls) prior to placing and compacting backfill material or that have reentrant or male corners, should be designed for an at-rest equivalent fluid pressure of 70 pcf for level backfill, plus any applicable surcharge loading. For areas of male or reentrant corners, the restrained wall design should extend a minimum distance of twice the height of the wall laterally from the corner. 3.3.3 Wall Backfill and Drainage Wall backfill is anticipated to be approximately 12 inches deep or less. Mechanical compaction is anticipated to not be achievable with typical means and methods for engineered backfill. Considering the anticipated shallow depth of backfill, pea gravel or No. 8 stone is recommended in lieu of engineered backfill behind the retaining wall. The gravel will also provide a groundwater drainage behind the retaining wall. The gravel is recommended to extend up from the back-drain to within approximately 12 inches of finish grade. The upper 12 inches should consist of engineered fill derived from onsite materials. GEOTEK Kris Alberts Project No. 3731-SD Proposed Auxiliary Dwelling Unit (ADU) June 3, 2024 2940 Cacatua Street, Carlsbad, California. Page 6 Retaining walls should be provided with an adequate pipe and gravel back drain system to reduce the potential for hydrostatic pressures to develop. A 4-inch diameter perforated collector pipe (Schedule 40 PVC, or approved equivalent) in a minimum of one cubic foot per lineal foot of 3/8 to one-inch clean crushed rock or equivalent, wrapped in filter fabric should be placed near the bottom of the backfill and be directed (via a solid outlet pipe) to an appropriate disposal area. Drain outlets should be maintained over the life of the project and should not be obstructed or plugged by adjacent improvements. 4.0 LIMITATIONS Our findings are based on site conditions observed and the stated sources. Thus, our comments are professional opinions that are limited to the extent of the available data. These opinions have been derived in accordance with current City/County standards of practice and no warranty is expressed or implied. Standards of practice are subject to change with time. We appreciate this opportunity to be of service. If you have any questions, or if we can be of further service, please contact us at (760) 599-0509. Respectfully Submitted, GEOTEK, INC. Appendix A – Laboratory Results Distribution: (1) Addressee via email (PDF file) Christopher D. Livesey CEG, 2733, Exp. 05/31/25 Vice President Edwin R. Cunningham RCE 81687, Exp. 03/31/26 Project Engineer GEOTEK Kris Alberts Project No. 3766-SD Proposed Auxiliary Dwelling Unit (ADU) June 3, 2024 2940 Cacatua Street, Carlsbad, California. Page 7 REFERENCES GeoTek, Inc. 2022, “Proposed Auxiliary Dwelling Unit (ADU), 2940 Cacatua, Carlsbad, California,” Project No. 3766-SD, dated March 4, 2022. ______, 2022, “Response to City Review Comments for Proposed Auxiliary Dwelling Unit (ADU), 2940 Cacatua, Carlsbad, California,” Project No. 3766-SD, dated September 13, 2022. ______, 2023, “Temporary Excavations for ADU Retaining Wall and Grading Plan Review, 2940 Cacatua, Carlsbad, California,” Project No. 3766-SD, dated December 11, 2023. Latitude 33, Inc. “Minor Grading Plans for 2940 Cacatua Street, Carlsbad, California,” Project No. PD2021-0042, Grading Plan 2022-0010, dated September 7, 2022. GEOTEK Kris Alberts Project No. 3731-SD Proposed Auxiliary Dwelling Unit (ADU) June 3, 2024 2940 Cacatua Street, Carlsbad, California. Page 8 APPENDIX A RESULTS OF LABORATORY TESTING GEOTEK 10.0 10.0 10.0 103.9 105.3 112.7 44.0 45.6 55.3 0.61 0.59 0.48 2.375 2.375 2.375 1.0 1.0 1.0 Water Content, % 17.4 17.4 16.9 Dry Density, pcf 114.0 114.0 115.0 Saturation, %99.9 99.6 99.4 Void Ratio 0.47 0.47 0.45 Height, in.0.999 0.994 0.997 Normal Stress, psf 500 1500 2500 Ф =36 ˚C =150 psf Failure Stress, psf 438 1416 1880 Displacement, in.0.090 0.140 0.260 Ultimate Stress, psf 0 0 0 Displacement, in.0.000 0.000 0.000 Strain rate, in./min.0.0100 0.0100 0.0100 In-situ 10/9/2023Date: Technician: Location: Apparatus: 2 3 0-1' Sample No. 1 At T e s t Remolded Void Ratio Diameter, in. Height, in. Soaked, consolidated, drained. 2.375-in. remolded ring sample.Condition: ERC/MRF Carlsbad, CA Saturation, % Water Content, % Dry Density, pcf In i t i a l Project Name:2940 Cacatua St Remarks: Shear Strength: Description:Tan to Orange Tan Silty Sand 3766-SD Sample ID:B-2 R-1 Sample Depth: Project Number: 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 Sh e a r S t r e s s ( p s f ) Normal Stress (psf) c = 150 (psf) f = 36 (deg) -0.02 -0.01 0.00 0.01 0.02 0.00 0.10 0.20 0.30 0.40 0.50 Ve r t i c a l D e f o r m a t i o n ( i n ) Horiz. Displacement (in) 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 0.00 0.10 0.20 0.30 0.40 0.50 Sh e a r S t r e s s ( p s f ) Horiz. Displacement (in) DIRECT SHEAR TEST REPORT - / / ,-v ~ / Jr "'-◄ V / V V V f/ v ·~ (/ "-IL ~ ' ,__ I ■ □ A GEOTEK GEOTECHNICAL | ENVIRONMENTAL | MATERIAL July 18, 2024 Project No. 3766-SD Kris Alberts 2940 Cacatua Street Carlsbad, California Subject: Response to City Review Comments for Proposed Auxiliary Dwelling Unit (ADU) Comment Letter Dated January 20, 2024 2940 Cacatua Carlsbad, California Dear Mr. Alberts: As requested, GeoTek, Inc., (GeoTek) has prepared this letter to provide a response to City of Carlsbad review comments dated January 20, 2024. A copy of the review comments addressed herein are included in Appendix A. Review Comment No. 1 Please provide the results of the sampling and laboratory testing (direct shear) of the onsite bedrock that is indicated in the “Temporary Excavations for ADU Retaining Wall…” report, and provide the basis for the parameters that were used for the slot-cut stability analysis provided in the report. Response to Review Comment No. 1 The laboratory test results are included in Appendix B. The following parameters were applied for the slope stability analysis based on laboratory testing and engineering judgment. Friction angle of Santiago Bedrock: 36 degrees Cohesion of Santiago Bedrock: 150 psf Unit weight of Santiago Bedrock: 118 pcf Review Comment No. 2 Please provide the basis for the angle of the internal failure plane/active wedge used in the slot- cut analysis provided in the report. GeoTek, Inc. 1384 Poinsettia Avenue, Suite A Vista, CA 92081-8505 (760) 599-0509 Office (760) 599-0593 Fa www.geotekusa.com KRIS ALBERTS Project No. 3766-SD Response to City Review Comments July 18, 2024 2940 Cacatua, Carlsbad, California Page 2 Response to Review Comment No. 2 Further stability analysis has been completed rendering the initial slot cut analysis obsolete. The stability analysis has been attached as Appendix C. The slope stability analysis was performed modeling a 12 foot near vertical excavation (and included the ADU building foundation excavation) in Santiago Formation. Off-site structures above the temporary cut are deemed far enough away (48 feet) to not influence the excavation. Results of the analysis concludes the temporary excavation is stable based on meeting an industry standard factor of safety exceeding a 1.25 factor of safety. Review Comment No. 3 As the “Temporary Excavations for ADU Retaining Wall…” report provides support for the backcut for the ADU retaining wall that will apparently exceed the Cal OSHA guidelines for Type A, B, or C soils and that will ultimately consist of an approximate 40’ wide and 12’ high vertical temporary cut located approximately 1 to 2’ off the property line, please provide a summary of the geotechnical recommendations (without relieving the contractor of their responsibilities and obligations during construction of temporary slopes) for the temporary cut that address the Cal-OSHA guidelines, California Code of Regulations, Title 8, Section 1541.1 (“Requirements for Protection Systems,” Appendix A), Option 4 (design by a registered professional engineer). Response to Review Comment No. 3 The slop stability analysis results indicated a Factor of Safety (FOS) of 1.25 or greater for the temporary cut conditions based on the soil strength parameters applied and in a competent excavation (i.e. fractures and tension cracks absent) and meets the minimum FOS for temporary excavations considered by City of San Diego and peer industry standards. It is GeoTeks opinion that the proposed temporary cut is stable and may be considered the design for the project. GEOTEK KRIS ALBERTS Project No. 3766-SD Response to City Review Comments July 18, 2024 2940 Cacatua, Carlsbad, California Page 3 The opportunity to be of service is sincerely appreciated. If you should have any questions, please do not hesitate to call GeoTek. Respectfully submitted, GeoTek, Inc. Attachments: Appendix A – City of Carlsbad Review Comments Appendix B – Laboratory Test Data Appendix C – Slope Stability Distribution: (1) Addressee via email Edwin R. Cunningham RCE 81687, Exp. 3/31/26 Project Engineer Christopher D. Livesey CEG 2733, Exp. 05/31/25 Vice President GEOTEK SELECTED REFERENCES GeoTek, Inc. 2022, “Proposed Auxiliary Dwelling Unit (ADU), 2940 Cacatua, Carlsbad, California,” Project No. 3766-SD, dated March 4, 2022. ______, 2022, “Response to City Review Comments for Proposed Auxiliary Dwelling Unit (ADU), 2940 Cacatua, Carlsbad, California,” Project No. 3766-SD, dated September 13, 2022. _____, 2023, “Temporary Excavations for ADU Wall and Grading Plan Review, 2940 Cacatua, Carlsbad, California,” Project No. 3766-SD, dated December 11, 2023. _____, 2024, “Geotechnical Update Letter, Proposed Auxiliary Dwelling Unit (ADU), 2940 Cacatua, Carlsbad, California,” Project No. 3766-SD, dated June 3 2024. Latitude 33, Inc. “Minor Grading Plans for 2940 Cacatua Street, Carlsbad, California,” Project No. PD2021-0042, Grading Plan 2022-0010, Delta No. 1, dated December 8, 2023. Paul Christenson San Diego Engineering, “Alberts ADU, 2940 Cacatua Street, Carlsbad, CA 92009,” Job No. 21-121, sheets SN1, S1, and SD1, revised June, 21, 2021. GEOTEK APPENDIX A City of Carlsbad Review Comments GEOTEK GEOTECHNICAL REPORT REVIEW __________________________________________________________ DATE: January 20, 2024 TO: City of Carlsbad Land Development Engineering 1635 Faraday Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008 Attention: Nichole Fine PROJECT ID: PD2021-0042 GRADING PERMIT NO.: GR2022-0010 SUBJECT: 2940 Cacatua Street (1st review of Delta 1) Items Submitted by Applicant Items Being Returned to Applicant  “Limited Geotechnical Evaluation, Proposed Auxiliary Dwelling Unit (ADU), 2940 Cacatua Street, Carlsbad, California,” by GeoTek, Inc., dated March 4, 2022.   “Response to City Review Comments for Proposed Auxiliary Dwelling Unit (ADU), 2940 Cacatua Street, Carlsbad, California,” by GeoTek, Inc., dated September 13, 2022.   “Temporary Excavations for ADU Retaining Wall and Grading Plan Review, 2940 Cacatua Street, Carlsbad, California,” by GeoTek, Inc., dated December 11, 2023.  Written comments. Based on our review of the submitted geotechnical reports, we are providing the following written comments regarding the proposed revised location/height of the temporary cut necessary to construct the retaining wall associated with the proposed ADU. GEOTECHNICAL COMMENTS: 1. Please provide the results of the sampling and laboratory testing (direct shear) of the on- site bedrock that is indicated in the “Temporary Excavations for ADU Retaining Wall…” report, and provide the basis for the parameters that were used for the slot-cut stability analysis provided in the report. 2. Please provide the basis for the angle of the internal failure plane/active wedge used in the slot-cut analysis provided in the report. GR2022-0010 January 20, 2024 Page 2 of 2 3. As the “Temporary Excavations for ADU Retaining Wall…” report provides support for the backcut for the ADU retaining wall that will apparently exceed the Cal OSHA guidelines for Type A, B, or C soils and that will ultimately consist of an approximate 40’ wide and 12’ high vertical temporary cut located approximately 1 to 2’ off the property line, please provide a summary of the geotechnical recommendations (without relieving the contractor of their responsibilities and obligations during construction of temporary slopes) for the temporary cut that address the Cal-OSHA guidelines, California Code of Regulations, Title 8, Section 1541.1 (“Requirements for Protection Systems,” Appendix A), Option 4 (design by a registered professional engineer). APPENDIX B Laboratory Test Results GEOTEK 10.0 10.0 10.0 103.9 105.3 112.7 44.0 45.6 55.3 0.61 0.59 0.48 2.375 2.375 2.375 1.0 1.0 1.0 Water Content, % 17.4 17.4 16.9 Dry Density, pcf 114.0 114.0 115.0 Saturation, %99.9 99.6 99.4 Void Ratio 0.47 0.47 0.45 Height, in.0.999 0.994 0.997 Normal Stress, psf 500 1500 2500 Ф =36 ˚C =150 psf Failure Stress, psf 438 1416 1880 Displacement, in.0.090 0.140 0.260 Ultimate Stress, psf 0 0 0 Displacement, in.0.000 0.000 0.000 Strain rate, in./min.0.0100 0.0100 0.0100 In-situ 3766-SD Sample ID:B-2 R-1 Sample Depth: Project Number: Dry Density, pcf In i t i a l Project Name:2940 Cacatua St Remarks: Shear Strength: Description:Tan to Orange Tan Silty Sand 2 3 0-1' Sample No. 1 At T e s t Remolded Void Ratio Diameter, in. Height, in. Soaked, consolidated, drained. 2.375-in. remolded ring sample.Condition: ERC/MRF Carlsbad, CA Saturation, % Water Content, % 10/9/2023Date: Technician: Location: Apparatus: 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 Sh e a r S t r e s s ( p s f ) Normal Stress (psf) c = 150 (psf) f = 36 (deg) -0.02 -0.01 0.00 0.01 0.02 0.00 0.10 0.20 0.30 0.40 0.50 Ve r t i c a l D e f o r m a t i o n ( i n ) Horiz. Displacement (in) 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 0.00 0.10 0.20 0.30 0.40 0.50 Sh e a r S t r e s s ( p s f ) Horiz. Displacement (in) DIRECT SHEAR TEST REPORT - / / ,-v ~ / Jr "'-◄ V / V V V f/ v ·~ (/ "-IL ~ ' ,__ I ■ □ A GEOTEK APPENDIX C Slope Stability GEOTEK Phi (°) Cohesion (psf) Strength Type Unit Weight (lbs/ft3) ColorMaterial Name 36150Mohr­ Coulomb118Tsa Min FSMethod Name 1.4Bishop simplified 1.4Spencer 1.4GLE / Morgenstern­Price PL 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 Analysis Temporary StabilityGroupGEOTECHNICAL Company GeoTek, Inc.Drawn By ERC File Name 3766-SD_Cross-Section_AA_(2)_2024-07-17.slimDate7/18/2024 Project: SLIDEINTERPRET 9.029 2940 CACATUA 0 LO 0 LO □ I I I I I 11 I I I ~ ~=:;::.=-~~~~.=;:::::=-~-==:::;:::::==;:::=,~-;::::::::;:=-~~--.-----.-----. GEOTEK 2940 Cacatua Street GeoTek, Inc. Date Created: 11/1/2023, 12:17:20 PM Software Version: 9.029 LJ . rocsc1ence Table of Contents Project Summary ...................................................................................................................................................... 3 General Settings ....................................................................................................................................................... 4 Analysis Options ....................................................................................................................................................... 5 Groundwater Analysis ............................................................................................................................................... 6 Random Numbers ..................................................................................................................................................... 7 Surface Options ........................................................................................................................................................ 8 Seismic Loading ........................................................................................................................................................ 9 Materials ................................................................................................................................................................ 10 Global Minimums .................................................................................................................................................... 11 Method: bishop simplified ......................................................................................................................... 11 Method: spencer ...................................................................................................................................... 11 Method: gle/morgenstern-price ................................................................................................................. 11 Slice Data ............................................................................................................................................................... 12 Global Minimum Query (bishop simplified) - Safety Factor: 1.3698 ............................................................... 12 Global Minimum Query (spencer) - Safety Factor: 1.44956 .......................................................................... 13 Global Minimum Query (gle/morgenstern-price) - Safety Factor: 1.44972 ..................................................... 14 Interslice Data ........................................................................................................................................................ 15 Global Minimum Query (bishop simplified) - Safety Factor: 1.3698 ............................................................... 15 Global Minimum Query (spencer) - Safety Factor: 1.44956 .......................................................................... 16 Global Minimum Query (gle/morgenstern-price) - Safety Factor: 1.44972 ..................................................... 17 Entity Information ................................................................................................................................................... 18 External Boundary .................................................................................................................................... 18 Material Boundary .................................................................................................................................... 18 2/18 Thursday, July 18, 20242940 Cacatua Street Slide2 Analysis Information 2940 Cacatua Street Project Summary Slide2 Modeler Version:9.029 Author:ERC Company:GeoTek, Inc. Date Created:11/1/2023, 12:17:20 PM 3/18 Thursday, July 18, 20242940 Cacatua Street General Settings Units of Measurement:Imperial Units Time Units:days Permeability Units:feet/second Data Output:Standard Failure Direction:Right to Left 4/18 Thursday, July 18, 20242940 Cacatua Street Analysis Options Slices Type:Vertical Analysis Methods Used Bishop simplified GLE/Morgenstern-Price with interslice force function (Half Sine) Spencer Number of slices:50 Tolerance:0.005 Maximum number of iterations:75 Check malpha < 0.2:Yes Create Interslice boundaries at intersections with water tables and piezos:Yes Initial trial value of FS:1 Steffensen Iteration:Yes Eliminate vertical segments in non-circular search Yes 5/18 Thursday, July 18, 20242940 Cacatua Street Groundwater Analysis Groundwater Method:Water Surfaces Pore Fluid Unit Weight [lbs/ft3]:62.4 Advanced Groundwater Method:None 6/18 Thursday, July 18, 20242940 Cacatua Street Random Numbers Pseudo-random Seed:10116 Random Number Generation Method:Park and Miller v.3 7/18 Thursday, July 18, 20242940 Cacatua Street Surface Options Surface Type:Circular Search Method:Auto Refine Search Divisions along slope:20 Circles per division:10 Number of iterations:10 Divisions to use in next iteration:50% Composite Surfaces:Disabled Minimum Elevation:Not Defined Minimum Depth:Not Defined Minimum Area:Not Defined Minimum Weight:Not Defined 8/18 Thursday, July 18, 20242940 Cacatua Street Seismic Loading Advanced seismic analysis:No Staged pseudostatic analysis:No 9/18 Thursday, July 18, 20242940 Cacatua Street Materials Tsa Color Strength Type Mohr-Coulomb Unit Weight 118 lbs/ft3 Cohesion 150 psf Phi 36 ° Water Surface None Ru Value 0 10/18 Thursday, July 18, 20242940 Cacatua Street □ Global Minimums Method: bishop simplified FS 1.369800 Center: 32.029, 519.524 Radius:10.743 Left Slip Surface Endpoint:37.000, 510.001 Right Slip Surface Endpoint:42.771, 519.524 Resisting Moment:30126 lb-ft Driving Moment:21993.1 lb-ft Total Slice Area:22.8394 ft2 Surface Horizontal Width:5.77122 ft Surface Average Height:3.95747 ft Method: spencer FS 1.449560 Center: 15.116, 536.442 Radius:34.294 Left Slip Surface Endpoint:37.018, 510.053 Right Slip Surface Endpoint:44.999, 519.617 Resisting Moment:114815 lb-ft Driving Moment:79207.1 lb-ft Resisting Horizontal Force:2167.59 lb Driving Horizontal Force:1495.35 lb Total Slice Area:26.1085 ft2 Surface Horizontal Width:7.98076 ft Surface Average Height:3.27143 ft Method: gle/morgenstern-price FS 1.449720 Center: 15.116, 536.442 Radius:34.294 Left Slip Surface Endpoint:37.018, 510.053 Right Slip Surface Endpoint:44.999, 519.617 Resisting Moment:114828 lb-ft Driving Moment:79207.1 lb-ft Resisting Horizontal Force:2167.97 lb Driving Horizontal Force:1495.44 lb Total Slice Area:26.1085 ft2 Surface Horizontal Width:7.98076 ft Surface Average Height:3.27143 ft 11/18 Thursday, July 18, 20242940 Cacatua Street Global Minimum Support Data No Supports Present Slice Data Global Minimum Query (bishop simplified) - Safety Factor: 1.3698 Slice Number Width [ft]Weight [lbs] Angle of Slice Base [deg] Base Material Base Cohesion [psf] Base Friction Angle [deg] Shear Stress [psf] Shear Strength [psf] Base Normal Stress [psf] Pore Pressure [psf] Effective Normal Stress [psf] Base Vertical Stress [psf] Effective Vertical Stress [psf] 1 0.115424 1.87618 27.9149 Tsa 150 36 92.2145 126.315 -32.599 0 -32.599 16.2567 16.2567 2 0.115424 5.61617 28.6139 Tsa 150 36 104.947 143.757 -8.59291 0 -8.59291 48.6592 48.6592 3 0.115424 9.3312 29.3175 Tsa 150 36 117.413 160.832 14.9091 0 14.9091 80.8453 80.8453 4 0.115424 13.0207 30.0261 Tsa 150 36 129.609 177.538 37.9025 0 37.9025 112.811 112.811 5 0.115424 16.6842 30.7397 Tsa 150 36 141.532 193.87 60.3823 0 60.3823 144.55 144.55 6 0.115424 20.3211 31.4587 Tsa 150 36 153.18 209.826 82.3431 0 82.3431 176.06 176.06 7 0.115424 23.9308 32.1832 Tsa 150 36 164.549 225.399 103.778 0 103.778 207.333 207.333 8 0.115424 27.5126 32.9136 Tsa 150 36 175.636 240.587 124.682 0 124.682 238.365 238.365 9 0.115424 31.0658 33.65 Tsa 150 36 186.437 255.382 145.047 0 145.047 269.15 269.15 10 0.115424 34.5898 34.3928 Tsa 150 36 196.948 269.78 164.863 0 164.863 299.68 299.68 11 0.115424 38.0837 35.1422 Tsa 150 36 207.165 283.775 184.125 0 184.125 329.951 329.951 12 0.115424 41.5467 35.8986 Tsa 150 36 217.081 297.358 202.821 0 202.821 359.953 359.953 13 0.115424 44.9779 36.6623 Tsa 150 36 226.692 310.523 220.942 0 220.942 389.681 389.681 14 0.115424 48.3763 37.4337 Tsa 150 36 235.992 323.262 238.475 0 238.475 419.125 419.125 15 0.115424 51.741 38.2131 Tsa 150 36 244.974 335.566 255.409 0 255.409 448.276 448.276 16 0.115424 55.0709 39.0009 Tsa 150 36 253.632 347.425 271.732 0 271.732 477.126 477.126 17 0.115424 58.3647 39.7976 Tsa 150 36 261.956 358.828 287.427 0 287.427 505.662 505.662 18 0.115424 61.6213 40.6036 Tsa 150 36 269.941 369.765 302.481 0 302.481 533.878 533.878 19 0.115424 64.8393 41.4195 Tsa 150 36 277.575 380.222 316.874 0 316.874 561.757 561.757 20 0.115424 68.0172 42.2458 Tsa 150 36 284.85 390.187 330.589 0 330.589 589.29 589.29 21 0.115424 71.1535 43.0831 Tsa 150 36 291.754 399.644 343.606 0 343.606 616.463 616.463 22 0.115424 74.2463 43.9319 Tsa 150 36 298.276 408.578 355.901 0 355.901 643.259 643.259 23 0.115424 77.2939 44.7931 Tsa 150 36 304.401 416.969 367.452 0 367.452 669.662 669.662 24 0.115424 80.2942 45.6673 Tsa 150 36 310.118 424.8 378.23 0 378.23 695.657 695.657 25 0.115424 83.245 46.5554 Tsa 150 36 315.41 432.048 388.206 0 388.206 721.222 721.222 26 0.115424 86.1435 47.4583 Tsa 150 36 320.258 438.689 397.346 0 397.346 746.335 746.335 27 0.115424 86.9189 48.3769 Tsa 150 36 318.691 436.543 394.393 0 394.393 753.052 753.052 28 0.115424 85.6559 49.3125 Tsa 150 36 311.16 426.227 380.195 0 380.195 742.111 742.111 29 0.115424 84.3319 50.2662 Tsa 150 36 303.422 415.628 365.606 0 365.606 730.641 730.641 30 0.115424 82.9432 51.2393 Tsa 150 36 295.466 404.73 350.606 0 350.606 718.609 718.609 31 0.115424 81.4855 52.2336 Tsa 150 36 287.281 393.517 335.172 0 335.172 705.981 705.981 32 0.115424 79.9542 53.2506 Tsa 150 36 278.851 381.97 319.279 0 319.279 692.714 692.714 33 0.115424 78.3439 54.2925 Tsa 150 36 270.161 370.067 302.897 0 302.897 678.762 678.762 34 0.115424 76.6485 55.3614 Tsa 150 36 261.196 357.786 285.994 0 285.994 664.073 664.073 35 0.115424 74.8608 56.4601 Tsa 150 36 251.934 345.099 268.531 0 268.531 648.586 648.586 36 0.115424 72.9728 57.5915 Tsa 150 36 242.353 331.975 250.467 0 250.467 632.229 632.229 37 0.115424 70.9747 58.7593 Tsa 150 36 232.426 318.377 231.751 0 231.751 614.918 614.918 38 0.115424 68.8551 59.9678 Tsa 150 36 222.122 304.263 212.326 0 212.326 596.554 596.554 39 0.115424 66.6002 61.2223 Tsa 150 36 211.405 289.583 192.12 0 192.12 577.019 577.019 40 0.115424 64.1931 62.5289 Tsa 150 36 200.231 274.276 171.051 0 171.051 556.165 556.165 41 0.115424 61.613 63.8957 Tsa 150 36 188.544 258.268 149.018 0 149.018 533.813 533.813 42 0.115424 58.8332 65.3329 Tsa 150 36 176.278 241.466 125.892 0 125.892 509.728 509.728 43 0.115424 55.8188 66.8535 Tsa 150 36 163.347 223.752 101.512 0 101.512 483.613 483.613 44 0.115424 52.5231 68.4755 Tsa 150 36 149.636 204.971 75.6614 0 75.6614 455.059 455.059 45 0.115424 48.8798 70.2243 Tsa 150 36 134.99 184.909 48.0478 0 48.0478 423.495 423.495 46 0.115424 44.5777 72.1376 Tsa 150 36 118.812 162.748 17.5467 0 17.5467 386.223 386.223 47 0.115424 39.4125 74.2771 Tsa 150 36 100.768 138.032 -16.4725 0 -16.4725 341.473 341.473 48 0.115424 33.3459 76.7568 Tsa 150 36 80.7516 110.614 -54.2108 0 -54.2108 288.913 288.913 49 0.115424 25.682 79.847 Tsa 150 36 57.4304 78.6682 -98.1798 0 -98.1798 222.515 222.515 50 0.115424 10.6627 85.7967 Tsa 150 36 19.2904 26.424 -170.088 0 -170.088 92.3912 92.3912 12/18 Thursday, July 18, 20242940 Cacatua Street Global Minimum Query (spencer) - Safety Factor: 1.44956 Slice Number Width [ft]Weight [lbs] Angle of Slice Base [deg] Base Material Base Cohesion [psf] Base Friction Angle [deg] Shear Stress [psf] Shear Strength [psf] Base Normal Stress [psf] Pore Pressure [psf] Effective Normal Stress [psf] Base Vertical Stress [psf] Effective Vertical Stress [psf] 1 0.159615 3.12889 39.8653 Tsa 150 36 111.117 161.071 15.2375 0 15.2375 108.031 108.031 2 0.159615 9.37107 40.2136 Tsa 150 36 122.017 176.871 36.9855 0 36.9855 140.148 140.148 3 0.159615 15.5818 40.5638 Tsa 150 36 132.667 192.31 58.234 0 58.234 171.798 171.798 4 0.159615 21.7607 40.9157 Tsa 150 36 143.068 207.385 78.9836 0 78.9836 202.981 202.981 5 0.159615 27.9071 41.2696 Tsa 150 36 153.218 222.099 99.2353 0 99.2353 233.697 233.697 6 0.159615 34.0206 41.6254 Tsa 150 36 163.119 236.451 118.989 0 118.989 263.942 263.942 7 0.159615 40.1005 41.9831 Tsa 150 36 172.77 250.441 138.245 0 138.245 293.716 293.716 8 0.159615 46.1464 42.3429 Tsa 150 36 182.173 264.07 157.003 0 157.003 323.017 323.017 9 0.159615 52.1576 42.7047 Tsa 150 36 191.324 277.336 175.263 0 175.263 351.841 351.841 10 0.159615 58.1336 43.0687 Tsa 150 36 200.226 290.24 193.024 0 193.024 380.188 380.188 11 0.159615 64.0737 43.4348 Tsa 150 36 208.878 302.781 210.286 0 210.286 408.052 408.052 12 0.159615 69.9772 43.8032 Tsa 150 36 217.279 314.959 227.047 0 227.047 435.433 435.433 13 0.159615 75.8435 44.1739 Tsa 150 36 225.428 326.772 243.305 0 243.305 462.325 462.325 14 0.159615 81.6719 44.5469 Tsa 150 36 233.325 338.219 259.061 0 259.061 488.724 488.724 15 0.159615 87.4616 44.9223 Tsa 150 36 240.969 349.299 274.311 0 274.311 514.627 514.627 16 0.159615 93.2119 45.3001 Tsa 150 36 248.358 360.01 289.054 0 289.054 540.028 540.028 17 0.159615 98.9219 45.6805 Tsa 150 36 255.492 370.351 303.287 0 303.287 564.921 564.921 18 0.159615 104.591 46.0636 Tsa 150 36 262.369 380.319 317.007 0 317.007 589.301 589.301 19 0.159615 109.825 46.4493 Tsa 150 36 268.385 389.04 329.01 0 329.01 611.327 611.327 20 0.159615 109.462 46.8377 Tsa 150 36 265.748 385.217 323.748 0 323.748 607.114 607.114 21 0.159615 107.259 47.229 Tsa 150 36 260.358 377.405 312.996 0 312.996 594.443 594.443 22 0.159615 105.012 47.6231 Tsa 150 36 254.968 369.591 302.241 0 302.241 581.693 581.693 23 0.159615 102.718 48.0203 Tsa 150 36 249.576 361.776 291.484 0 291.484 568.865 568.865 24 0.159615 100.378 48.4206 Tsa 150 36 244.185 353.961 280.728 0 280.728 555.96 555.96 25 0.159615 97.9904 48.824 Tsa 150 36 238.795 346.148 269.975 0 269.975 542.979 542.979 26 0.159615 95.5535 49.2307 Tsa 150 36 233.408 338.339 259.226 0 259.226 529.926 529.926 27 0.159615 93.0664 49.6408 Tsa 150 36 228.024 330.535 248.485 0 248.485 516.8 516.8 28 0.159615 90.5277 50.0544 Tsa 150 36 222.646 322.739 237.754 0 237.754 503.606 503.606 29 0.159615 87.9361 50.4716 Tsa 150 36 217.274 314.952 227.038 0 227.038 490.346 490.346 30 0.159615 85.2902 50.8924 Tsa 150 36 211.911 307.178 216.337 0 216.337 477.024 477.024 31 0.159615 82.5886 51.3172 Tsa 150 36 206.559 299.419 205.658 0 205.658 463.643 463.643 32 0.159615 79.8296 51.7459 Tsa 150 36 201.218 291.678 195.003 0 195.003 450.209 450.209 33 0.159615 76.8826 52.1787 Tsa 150 36 195.727 283.718 184.047 0 184.047 436.183 436.183 34 0.159615 73.2014 52.6157 Tsa 150 36 189.407 274.557 171.438 0 171.438 419.313 419.313 35 0.159615 69.3606 53.0572 Tsa 150 36 183.018 265.295 158.69 0 158.69 402.068 402.068 36 0.159615 65.4554 53.5032 Tsa 150 36 176.687 256.119 146.061 0 146.061 384.868 384.868 37 0.159615 61.4836 53.954 Tsa 150 36 170.421 247.036 133.558 0 133.558 367.727 367.727 38 0.159615 57.4431 54.4097 Tsa 150 36 164.223 238.051 121.192 0 121.192 350.658 350.658 39 0.159615 53.3317 54.8705 Tsa 150 36 158.098 229.173 108.972 0 108.972 333.678 333.678 40 0.159615 49.1467 55.3367 Tsa 150 36 152.053 220.41 96.9112 0 96.9112 316.804 316.804 41 0.159615 44.8857 55.8084 Tsa 150 36 146.094 211.772 85.0218 0 85.0218 300.06 300.06 42 0.159615 40.5458 56.2859 Tsa 150 36 140.228 203.269 73.3177 0 73.3177 283.468 283.468 43 0.159615 36.124 56.7694 Tsa 150 36 134.462 194.911 61.8152 0 61.8152 267.056 267.056 44 0.159615 31.6172 57.2593 Tsa 150 36 128.807 186.713 50.5314 0 50.5314 250.855 250.855 45 0.159615 27.0219 57.7557 Tsa 150 36 123.271 178.688 39.4858 0 39.4858 234.901 234.901 46 0.159615 22.3343 58.2591 Tsa 150 36 117.865 170.852 28.7004 0 28.7004 219.235 219.235 47 0.159615 17.5507 58.7697 Tsa 150 36 112.601 163.222 18.1992 0 18.1992 203.905 203.905 48 0.159615 12.6665 59.288 Tsa 150 36 107.494 155.819 8.00922 0 8.00922 188.963 188.963 49 0.159615 7.67729 59.8142 Tsa 150 36 102.558 148.664 -1.83911 0 -1.83911 174.474 174.474 50 0.159615 2.5779 60.3489 Tsa 150 36 98.5686 142.881 -9.79827 0 -9.79827 163.354 163.354 13/18 Thursday, July 18, 20242940 Cacatua Street Global Minimum Query (gle/morgenstern-price) - Safety Factor: 1.44972 Slice Number Width [ft]Weight [lbs] Angle of Slice Base [deg] Base Material Base Cohesion [psf] Base Friction Angle [deg] Shear Stress [psf] Shear Strength [psf] Base Normal Stress [psf] Pore Pressure [psf] Effective Normal Stress [psf] Base Vertical Stress [psf] Effective Vertical Stress [psf] 1 0.159615 3.12889 39.8653 Tsa 150 36 83.1487 120.542 -40.5449 0 -40.5449 28.8928 28.8928 2 0.159615 9.37107 40.2136 Tsa 150 36 102.517 148.621 -1.89828 0 -1.89828 84.7771 84.7771 3 0.159615 15.5818 40.5638 Tsa 150 36 120.504 174.697 33.9929 0 33.9929 137.145 137.145 4 0.159615 21.7607 40.9157 Tsa 150 36 137.126 198.794 67.1591 0 67.1591 186.007 186.007 5 0.159615 27.9071 41.2696 Tsa 150 36 152.419 220.965 97.6752 0 97.6752 231.435 231.435 6 0.159615 34.0206 41.6254 Tsa 150 36 166.439 241.29 125.649 0 125.649 273.552 273.552 7 0.159615 40.1005 41.9831 Tsa 150 36 179.251 259.864 151.215 0 151.215 312.518 312.518 8 0.159615 46.1464 42.3429 Tsa 150 36 190.93 276.795 174.518 0 174.518 348.513 348.513 9 0.159615 52.1576 42.7047 Tsa 150 36 201.551 292.193 195.712 0 195.712 381.729 381.729 10 0.159615 58.1336 43.0687 Tsa 150 36 211.191 306.168 214.947 0 214.947 412.36 412.36 11 0.159615 64.0737 43.4348 Tsa 150 36 219.92 318.823 232.365 0 232.365 440.587 440.587 12 0.159615 69.9772 43.8032 Tsa 150 36 227.806 330.255 248.1 0 248.1 466.583 466.583 13 0.159615 75.8435 44.1739 Tsa 150 36 234.909 340.552 262.272 0 262.272 490.503 490.503 14 0.159615 81.6719 44.5469 Tsa 150 36 241.285 349.796 274.995 0 274.995 512.494 512.494 15 0.159615 87.4616 44.9223 Tsa 150 36 246.988 358.064 286.376 0 286.376 532.695 532.695 16 0.159615 93.2119 45.3001 Tsa 150 36 252.073 365.435 296.521 0 296.521 551.248 551.248 17 0.159615 98.9219 45.6805 Tsa 150 36 256.594 371.99 305.543 0 305.543 568.307 568.307 18 0.159615 104.591 46.0636 Tsa 150 36 260.619 377.824 313.572 0 313.572 584.051 584.051 19 0.159615 109.825 46.4493 Tsa 150 36 263.677 382.258 319.676 0 319.676 597.041 597.041 20 0.159615 109.462 46.8377 Tsa 150 36 258.994 375.469 310.331 0 310.331 586.496 586.496 21 0.159615 107.259 47.229 Tsa 150 36 252.196 365.613 296.766 0 296.766 569.389 569.389 22 0.159615 105.012 47.6231 Tsa 150 36 245.803 356.345 284.01 0 284.01 553.417 553.417 23 0.159615 102.718 48.0203 Tsa 150 36 239.835 347.693 272.101 0 272.101 538.654 538.654 24 0.159615 100.378 48.4206 Tsa 150 36 234.305 339.676 261.067 0 261.067 525.161 525.161 25 0.159615 97.9904 48.824 Tsa 150 36 229.219 332.304 250.921 0 250.921 512.978 512.978 26 0.159615 95.5535 49.2307 Tsa 150 36 224.575 325.571 241.653 0 241.653 502.108 502.108 27 0.159615 93.0664 49.6408 Tsa 150 36 220.353 319.45 233.228 0 233.228 492.516 492.516 28 0.159615 90.5277 50.0544 Tsa 150 36 216.522 313.896 225.583 0 225.583 484.122 484.122 29 0.159615 87.9361 50.4716 Tsa 150 36 213.035 308.841 218.626 0 218.626 476.796 476.796 30 0.159615 85.2902 50.8924 Tsa 150 36 209.831 304.196 212.232 0 212.232 470.359 470.359 31 0.159615 82.5886 51.3172 Tsa 150 36 206.836 299.854 206.256 0 206.256 464.588 464.588 32 0.159615 79.8296 51.7459 Tsa 150 36 203.967 295.695 200.532 0 200.532 459.225 459.225 33 0.159615 76.8826 52.1787 Tsa 150 36 200.99 291.379 194.592 0 194.592 453.507 453.507 34 0.159615 73.2014 52.6157 Tsa 150 36 197.192 285.873 187.014 0 187.014 445.076 445.076 35 0.159615 69.3606 53.0572 Tsa 150 36 193.094 279.932 178.836 0 178.836 435.612 435.612 36 0.159615 65.4554 53.5032 Tsa 150 36 188.703 273.567 170.076 0 170.076 425.124 425.124 37 0.159615 61.4836 53.954 Tsa 150 36 183.939 266.66 160.569 0 160.569 413.312 413.312 38 0.159615 57.4431 54.4097 Tsa 150 36 178.734 259.114 150.183 0 150.183 399.925 399.925 39 0.159615 53.3317 54.8705 Tsa 150 36 173.04 250.86 138.822 0 138.822 384.765 384.765 40 0.159615 49.1467 55.3367 Tsa 150 36 166.827 241.852 126.424 0 126.424 367.682 367.682 41 0.159615 44.8857 55.8084 Tsa 150 36 160.074 232.062 112.949 0 112.949 348.564 348.564 42 0.159615 40.5458 56.2859 Tsa 150 36 152.766 221.468 98.3673 0 98.3673 327.308 327.308 43 0.159615 36.124 56.7694 Tsa 150 36 144.884 210.042 82.6403 0 82.6403 303.789 303.789 44 0.159615 31.6172 57.2593 Tsa 150 36 136.389 197.726 65.689 0 65.689 277.805 277.805 45 0.159615 27.0219 57.7557 Tsa 150 36 127.206 184.413 47.3654 0 47.3654 249.019 249.019 46 0.159615 22.3343 58.2591 Tsa 150 36 117.208 169.919 27.4162 0 27.4162 216.89 216.89 47 0.159615 17.5507 58.7697 Tsa 150 36 106.197 153.956 5.4452 0 5.4452 180.589 180.589 48 0.159615 12.6665 59.288 Tsa 150 36 93.8839 136.105 -19.1243 0 -19.1243 138.919 138.919 49 0.159615 7.67729 59.8142 Tsa 150 36 79.8716 115.791 -47.0841 0 -47.0841 90.2274 90.2274 50 0.159615 2.5779 60.3489 Tsa 150 36 63.6414 92.2622 -79.4692 0 -79.4692 32.3278 32.3278 14/18 Thursday, July 18, 20242940 Cacatua Street Interslice Data Global Minimum Query (bishop simplified) - Safety Factor: 1.3698 Slice Number X coordinate [ft]Y coordinate - Bottom [ft] Interslice Normal Force [lbs] Interslice Shear Force [lbs] Interslice Force Angle [deg] 1 37.0002 510.001 0 0 0 2 37.1157 510.062 12.6369 0 0 3 37.2311 510.125 25.2909 0 0 4 37.3465 510.19 37.8762 0 0 5 37.4619 510.256 50.3071 0 0 6 37.5774 510.325 62.4978 0 0 7 37.6928 510.396 74.3629 0 0 8 37.8082 510.468 85.8167 0 0 9 37.9236 510.543 96.7735 0 0 10 38.039 510.62 107.148 0 0 11 38.1545 510.699 116.853 0 0 12 38.2699 510.78 125.804 0 0 13 38.3853 510.864 133.914 0 0 14 38.5007 510.949 141.096 0 0 15 38.6162 511.038 147.264 0 0 16 38.7316 511.129 152.329 0 0 17 38.847 511.222 156.204 0 0 18 38.9624 511.318 158.8 0 0 19 39.0779 511.417 160.028 0 0 20 39.1933 511.519 159.798 0 0 21 39.3087 511.624 158.02 0 0 22 39.4241 511.732 154.602 0 0 23 39.5396 511.843 149.453 0 0 24 39.655 511.958 142.479 0 0 25 39.7704 512.076 133.587 0 0 26 39.8858 512.198 122.682 0 0 27 40.0013 512.323 109.668 0 0 28 40.1167 512.453 95.219 0 0 29 40.2321 512.588 80.091 0 0 30 40.3475 512.726 64.343 0 0 31 40.463 512.87 48.0421 0 0 32 40.5784 513.019 31.2644 0 0 33 40.6938 513.174 14.0965 0 0 34 40.8092 513.334 -3.36243 0 0 35 40.9247 513.501 -20.9981 0 0 36 41.0401 513.676 -38.6775 0 0 37 41.1555 513.857 -56.2452 0 0 38 41.2709 514.048 -73.5172 0 0 39 41.3864 514.247 -90.2732 0 0 40 41.5018 514.458 -106.247 0 0 41 41.6172 514.68 -121.11 0 0 42 41.7326 514.915 -134.452 0 0 43 41.8481 515.166 -145.746 0 0 44 41.9635 515.436 -154.301 0 0 45 42.0789 515.729 -159.173 0 0 46 42.1943 516.05 -159.017 0 0 47 42.3097 516.408 -151.589 0 0 48 42.4252 516.818 -133.204 0 0 49 42.5406 517.309 -97.2962 0 0 50 42.656 517.953 -27.3872 0 0 51 42.7714 519.524 0 0 0 15/18 Thursday, July 18, 20242940 Cacatua Street Global Minimum Query (spencer) - Safety Factor: 1.44956 Slice Number X coordinate [ft]Y coordinate - Bottom [ft] Interslice Normal Force [lbs] Interslice Shear Force [lbs] Interslice Force Angle [deg] 1 37.0182 510.053 0 0 0 2 37.1778 510.186 15.7654 14.1712 41.9517 3 37.3374 510.321 30.3164 27.2509 41.9518 4 37.497 510.458 43.6078 39.1983 41.9518 5 37.6567 510.596 55.5949 49.9732 41.9518 6 37.8163 510.736 66.2338 59.5364 41.9518 7 37.9759 510.878 75.4815 67.849 41.9518 8 38.1355 511.022 83.2958 74.8731 41.9518 9 38.2951 511.167 89.6352 80.5715 41.9518 10 38.4547 511.315 94.4591 84.9076 41.9518 11 38.6144 511.464 97.7278 87.8458 41.9518 12 38.774 511.615 99.4023 89.351 41.9518 13 38.9336 511.768 99.4448 89.3892 41.9518 14 39.0932 511.923 97.8181 87.927 41.9518 15 39.2528 512.08 94.4863 84.9321 41.9518 16 39.4124 512.239 89.4142 80.3729 41.9518 17 39.572 512.401 82.5679 74.2188 41.9518 18 39.7317 512.564 73.9144 66.4403 41.9518 19 39.8913 512.73 63.4219 57.0088 41.9518 20 40.0509 512.898 51.1651 45.9914 41.9518 21 40.2105 513.068 38.6261 34.7204 41.9519 22 40.3701 513.24 26.3196 23.6582 41.9518 23 40.5297 513.415 14.2802 12.8362 41.9518 24 40.6894 513.593 2.54378 2.28656 41.9518 25 40.849 513.773 -8.85317 -7.95796 41.9518 26 41.0086 513.955 -19.8731 -17.8636 41.9518 27 41.1682 514.14 -30.4777 -27.3959 41.9518 28 41.3278 514.328 -40.6274 -36.5193 41.9519 29 41.4874 514.519 -50.2819 -45.1975 41.9518 30 41.647 514.712 -59.3999 -53.3935 41.9518 31 41.8067 514.908 -67.9388 -61.069 41.9518 32 41.9663 515.108 -75.8552 -68.1849 41.9518 33 42.1259 515.31 -83.1047 -74.7014 41.9518 34 42.2855 515.516 -89.6003 -80.5401 41.9518 35 42.4451 515.725 -95.076 -85.4622 41.9518 36 42.6047 515.937 -99.4471 -89.3912 41.9518 37 42.7643 516.153 -102.659 -92.2783 41.9518 38 42.924 516.372 -104.656 -94.0738 41.9519 39 43.0836 516.595 -105.384 -94.7275 41.9517 40 43.2432 516.822 -104.784 -94.1887 41.9519 41 43.4028 517.053 -102.801 -92.4064 41.9519 42 43.5624 517.288 -99.3781 -89.3292 41.9518 43 43.722 517.527 -94.4573 -84.906 41.9518 44 43.8817 517.771 -87.9821 -79.0855 41.9518 45 44.0413 518.019 -79.8962 -71.8173 41.9518 46 44.2009 518.272 -70.1443 -63.0515 41.9518 47 44.3605 518.53 -58.6726 -52.7398 41.9518 48 44.5201 518.793 -45.4292 -40.8355 41.9518 49 44.6797 519.062 -30.365 -27.2946 41.9519 50 44.8393 519.336 -13.4347 -12.0762 41.9518 51 44.999 519.617 0 0 0 16/18 Thursday, July 18, 20242940 Cacatua Street Global Minimum Query (gle/morgenstern-price) - Safety Factor: 1.44972 Slice Number X coordinate [ft]Y coordinate - Bottom [ft] Interslice Normal Force [lbs] Interslice Shear Force [lbs] Interslice Force Angle [deg] 1 37.0182 510.053 0 0 0 2 37.1778 510.186 18.7186 1.52664 4.66257 3 37.3374 510.321 35.3902 5.76128 9.24625 4 37.497 510.458 50.0413 12.1794 13.6791 5 37.6567 510.596 62.7077 20.2558 17.9015 6 37.8163 510.736 73.4319 29.4739 21.8694 7 37.9759 510.878 82.2608 39.333 25.5548 8 38.1355 511.022 89.2438 49.3552 28.9443 9 38.2951 511.167 94.4314 59.0896 32.0359 10 38.4547 511.315 97.8738 68.1178 34.837 11 38.6144 511.464 99.6202 76.0564 37.3604 12 38.774 511.615 99.7188 82.561 39.6227 13 38.9336 511.768 98.2163 87.3287 41.6418 14 39.0932 511.923 95.1585 90.1003 43.436 15 39.2528 512.08 90.5895 90.6625 45.0231 16 39.4124 512.239 84.5524 88.8491 46.4194 17 39.572 512.401 77.0877 84.5407 47.6401 18 39.7317 512.564 68.2328 77.6639 48.6986 19 39.8913 512.73 58.0198 68.1885 49.6064 20 40.0509 512.898 46.5669 56.2375 50.3739 21 40.2105 513.068 35.2208 43.5086 51.0094 22 40.3701 513.24 24.3984 30.695 51.52 23 40.5297 513.415 14.0719 17.954 51.9115 24 40.6894 513.593 4.20536 5.4192 52.1881 25 40.849 513.773 -5.24502 -6.79923 52.3529 26 41.0086 513.955 -14.3296 -18.6125 52.4076 27 41.1682 514.14 -23.1036 -29.9497 52.3529 28 41.3278 514.328 -31.6242 -40.7522 52.1881 29 41.4874 514.519 -39.9476 -50.9681 51.9115 30 41.647 514.712 -48.1249 -60.5448 51.5201 31 41.8067 514.908 -56.1984 -69.4225 51.0094 32 41.9663 515.108 -64.1972 -77.529 50.3738 33 42.1259 515.31 -72.133 -84.7753 49.6064 34 42.2855 515.516 -79.9608 -91.013 48.6986 35 42.4451 515.725 -87.4502 -95.9051 47.6402 36 42.6047 515.937 -94.4903 -99.2921 46.4195 37 42.7643 516.153 -100.965 -101.047 45.0233 38 42.924 516.372 -106.728 -101.055 43.4361 39 43.0836 516.595 -111.603 -99.2318 41.6419 40 43.2432 516.822 -115.389 -95.5349 39.6226 41 43.4028 517.053 -117.858 -89.9804 37.3604 42 43.5624 517.288 -118.763 -82.6559 34.8369 43 43.722 517.527 -117.831 -73.7317 32.0359 44 43.8817 517.771 -114.765 -63.4696 28.9443 45 44.0413 518.019 -109.233 -52.2297 25.5548 46 44.2009 518.272 -100.849 -40.4784 21.8694 47 44.3605 518.53 -89.1551 -28.7988 17.9014 48 44.5201 518.793 -73.5837 -17.9093 13.6791 49 44.6797 519.062 -53.412 -8.69511 9.24625 50 44.8393 519.336 -27.7026 -2.25936 4.66259 51 44.999 519.617 0 0 0 17/18 Thursday, July 18, 20242940 Cacatua Street Discharge Sections Entity Information External Boundary X Y 0 510 0 480 80 480 80 520 54.2 520 42.2 519.5 40 518.75 37 510 35 510 35 508.5 33.5 508.5 33.5 510 20 510 Material Boundary X Y 20 510 20 508.5 33.5 508.5 Material Boundary X Y 35 508.5 37 508.5 37 510 18/18 Thursday, July 18, 20242940 Cacatua Street