HomeMy WebLinkAbout1984-01-25; Planning Commission; ; CUP 239 - PACIFIC RIVIERA• ~~ATION SUBMITTAL DATE: OC. ~R 27, 1983 DATE: TO: FROM: STAFF REPORT January 25, 1984 Planning Commission Land Use Planning Office @ SUBJECT: CUP-239 -PACIFIC RIVIERA -Request for Conditional Use Permit to allow a 146-unit senior resort hotel on a 3.6 acre site, immediately north of 7204 Ponto Drive (Coast Waste Management). I• RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the Planning Commission ADOPT Resolution No. 2240 DENYING CUP-239, based on the findings contained therein. II. PROJECT DESCRIPTION AND BACKGROUND The proposed project involves the development of 3.66 acres into a senior resort hotel, consisting of nine residential buildings, housing 146 units. The resulting density is 39.9 du/ac. The General Plan allows for a density in the 10-20 du/ac range in this area, however, Section 21.24.120 of the zoning ordinance states that hotel uses in the RD-M zone may double the density allowed by the General Plan. The project is proposed on a site that slopes gradually down from Carlsbad Boulevard at the western boundary of the site, to the railroad tracks along the eastern boundary. The Coast Waste Management business and Hi-Lo Flower Warehouse are adjacent to the southern boundary of the site. Property to the north is presently vacant. While part of the site is used as a truck storage lot for Coast Waste Manageme~t, the site is generally vacant. The project proposes two access points, one at the existing unimproved frontage road adjacent to Carlsbad Boulevard and a second access utilizing the existing easement serving the Ponto industrial uses south of the site. The only existing improved access into the entire area is through the Ponto interchange at Carlsbad Boulevard. The General Plan designates properties in the vicinity of this project for multi-family residential uses at 10-20 du/ac. This is true of the entire area between Carlsbad Boulevard and the railroad tracks in the southern part of the city. Densities are reduced as one goes east from the site. Staff anticipates that this area around and including Ponto will eventually become a large, multi-family residential community. The subject site is situated in the middle of this area. • • The project is proposed as a senior resort hotel. The applicant has indicated that the average length of stay for guests would be 1-4 weeks, but could be from single nights to several months. In terms of site design, the plan proposes a single centralized dining room which will provide daily meals for patrons. Individual rooms will not contain kitchens. On-site recreational facilities include shuffleboard courts, an exercise room, game room, and private and common roof deck and balcony sunning areas. The majority of the buildings will stand 35 feet high, with both tuck-under and open parking. III. ANALYSIS Planning Issues 1) Can the required finding for approval of a Conditional Use Permit, be made? Specifically: a) That the requested use is necessary or desirable for the development of the community, is essentially in harmony with the various elements and objectives of the general plan, and is not detrimental to existing uses or to uses specifically permitted in the zone in which the proposed use is to be located; b) That the site for the intended use is adequate in size and shape to accommodate the use; c) That all of the yards, setbacks, walls, fences, landscaping, and other features necessary to adjust the requested use to existing or permitted future uses in the neighborhood will be provided and maintained; d) That the street system serving the proposed use is adequate to properly handle all traffic generated by the proposed use. DISCUSSION The proposed project is defined as a "senior resort hotel" by the applicant. The Land Use Element of the General Plan encourages hotel uses in areas "accessible to interregional traffic". As a result of restricted access along Carlsbad Boulevard and prohibited access along the railroad tracks and at the Poinsettia bridge, tourist access to the site would be very circuitous, an additional hazard for nonresidents of the area. The Land Use Element further states that "destination tourist facilities should be carefully controlled so as to protect the residential character of the community". Since the project is proposed in the middle of what staff foresees as a large, cohesive, multi-family community, it is probable that such a tourist-oriented development would disrupt the continuity of the area. -2- I • Since the applicant has indicated, however, that the project is not intended to cater to the travelling public, but to senior guests only, who may stay for months at a time, the project more closely resembles a senior housing project. The zoning ordinance requires that approval of senior housing projects include a finding that such project affords its residents easy access to community, commercial and service facilities. The City's intent is that such projects be within walking distance of these facilities, most preferably near the downtown area. The proposed project is several miles from downtown. The applicant has indicated a willingness to provide regular daily transportation to the downtown area. In addition, the proposed density of 39.9 du/ac is much higher than surrounding properties of 10-20 du/ac and lower. Staff foresees this as a land use incompatibility. The applicant, however, has indicated that the project will have smaller units, and in his opinion, less traffic and less overall impact than a conforming residential project might have on the site. Senior housing projects must also be accompanied by a conversion plan which demonstrates how the project can be altered to bring it into compliance with RD-M zoning requirements if its feasibility as a senior housing project diminishes. Since the City has encouraged these projects near the downtown area, and the project is several miles from downtown and no conversion plan has been submitted, staff could not support the development as a senior housing project. As a result of these factors, staff concludes that the proposed project could be defined as either a hotel or senior housing project, but the findings required for approval of either cannot be made. Defined as a hotel, staff cannot make the Conditional Use Permit findings of land use compatibility, harmony with the General Plan, and street system adequacy. Defined as a senior housing project, staff cannot make the Conditional Use Permit findings of land use compatibility (double surrounding density), convenient access to community, commercial, and service facilities, and adequate conversion plan. The applicant has been informed that a purely residential project, scaled down to within the allowable density range, compatible with development that will eventually surround it, would much more likely be looked upon favorably by staff. As it now stands, the project most closely resembles a hotel or senior project, but, from a planning standpoint, the site is most appropriate for an apartment or condominium project, consistent with existing zoning. Staff believes that the City ordinances include provisions for all three different land uses which include required findings, reflecting the City's goals regarding location for such uses. The project, as proposed, does not fit comfortably into any of the categories. -3- • • IV. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW The Land Use Planning Manager is unable to make a finding of nonsignificant environmental impacts on this project due to peotential land use compatibility and traffic impact issues. Therefore, a Negative Declaration has not been issued for this project. Attachments 1) Planning Commission Resolution No. 2240 2) Location Map 3) Background Data Sheet 4) Disclosure Form 5) Exhibits "A" through "F", dated December 14, 1983 PJK:ad 1/10/84 -4- • • BACKGROUND DATA SHEET CASE 00: CUP-239 APPLICANT: PACIFIC RIVIERA REQUEST AND r..a:ATION: Conditional Use Permit to allow senior resort hotel just north of Coast Waste Management LEGAL DESCRIPTION: All that portion of the south two-thirds of lot 4 (Southeast Quarter of the southeast Quarter) of Section 29, Twp. 12 South, Range 4 West, San Bernardino Meridian, in Cty of SD, State of CA APN: 214-160-19 214-160-24 Acres 3.66 Proposed No. of Lots/Units 121 units ---------------- GENERAL PLAN AND ZONING Land Use Designation RMH -------- Density Allowed 10-20 du/ac Density Proposed 33.6 -------- Existing Zone RD-M Proposed Zone no change ---------- Surrounding Zoning and Land Use: Zoning Land Use Site RD-M Vacant North P-C Vacant South RD--M Industrial East Railroad Railroad West Carlsbad Blvd. Carlsbad Blvd. PUBLIC FACILITIES School District Carlsbad Water Carlsbad Sewer Carlsbad EDU's 121 ----- Public Facilities Fee Agreement, dated October 25, 1983 --------------------- ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT !__Negative Declaration, issued ___ J_u_n_e_l8 ____ ,_1_9_8_4 __ _ E.I.R. Certified, dated -------------- Other, ------------------------------- art:~r t:.!1-:! J..Il.J:U .. C"TUdL...J.U.U yu1,,.1. J.I.Q.VC:. ,.;;,',,,4....,.Ul .... -~--·---.J .. ~_,, ...... --Y ..... ..__rT,;;:.~, .t. further information .re~ired, you will be so ad •• APPLICANT: AGENT: Pacific Riviera Ltd., A California Limited Partnership Name {individual, partnership, joint venture, corporation, syndication} 401 West "A" Street, Suite 1200, San Diego,· Ca. 92101 Business Address (619) 456-0494 Telephone Nu .. '!lber • BalbQa Capitba1·c..orn,, 8 Ca]ifarr:iia CorporatLo..n (General Partner) Name 4 0 1 Wes t ".fl. " S tree t ; S G' i t e 12 0 0 , San D i e g·o ; Ca ; 9 210 1 Business ~.ddress Telephone Number ·:..,,• Max L. Eberhardt, Pres. S01e·Shareholder, 6405 Cam. Aronimink Na.me -(individual, partner, joint_ venture, corporation, syndication} Home Add1·ess La Jolla, Ca. 92037 407 Wf..st "A" Street; Spite 1200, Sap Diego, Ca. 9,210,1 _____ _ Business Address (619) 456-0494 Telephone N~""'l.ber Telephon,: °NUJober Tpomas R. Icladdel 7 , Limi t·ed Partn=--e_r _______________ _ !-Jarae Home Address: 401 W. "A" Street, Suite 1200, San Diego, Ca. 92101 3'.1siness Address 238-13 6 · ?elephor.e Ni.::a.ber Limited ~artners Telephone ~1u.'.lber _E.§lph Pesgu·eira, 401 W. "A" Street, S. • 1200, San Diego, Ca.· 92101 238-1356 _ D a 1 e :er e.w.e.t t l O 3 5 How a rd A v e .... , Escondido , Ca . 9 2..;:;0..;;;2-'5"---______ ~,_7 4.:....:..5 _---2 .... 0..;l...,,,5 Carl A. Becker P.O. Bbx 3393, Escondido, Ca·. 92025. 747~3265 ------------- 5883(i::;tsan MarinohDr. , . Yucca Valley, c·a:. -92025 • . 1\ l:acn more s eets if necessary) Ram S. Ratan, M.D; I 365-7191 ·I/We decla=e u!'":d.ec. penalty of perjury that the inforrr:ation contained in this dis- closure is true and correct and that it. will remain true and corr.ect and may be· relied upon as being true and correct until a~ended. Pacific Riviera Ltd. by Balboa Capital -Applicant Corp. G. P. I t re I ' I i' v' / I L I I I I . l ,, NOSC, LE: '-+----t-J L .SECTION I I I ! I I I I ! --- eo ' ~, , I I • • P.Ll~NiNC? NO SCAlJ" l ?5 1 , -,;,L. 20' J_,g -·-,P4R:.~K~I-N~C~, / '" PA.Klt"/N:; I ' I I I 25 1 I" A~ Kl N t; 8-8 L P!?l"oMorrT 11s .('.r'~(.;'1ReO I I l ~ I }-----} ! i I " I l I 4'" I I ' I -I - ! / 17' es' ' 20'1 ' I r ,",1,R J,( IN,:, p,4,q KIN'~ ..SECrlON D-D -A , . I I - ' - t'1' J•-· PAC I~' IC RIVIERA SENIOR .SJl.:6'T I NOZ RiESORT ' ,, •• HOTEL- ~ a t,J> ~. ~-vfll< 5 IIGY M,t.1P ~ VIC/NITV MAP . \ ', \ \ \ Ii \ J I I \ l \ [··•_ I I • I ' • I I \ I \ I I I I ---·---\----~ 1· ,s121 . -. f ..... , I ---------- 1 > I I I -··~--- :,, i I I ( i f l ' ii .,. I 1 " I I i ' l --___ .JI. WbRK 'l'O 13E DONE THE IMPROVEMENTS CONSIST OF THE FOLLOWING '1l0RK TO BE DONE ACCCRD- lNG: TO THESE: PL!\"15 AND SPECIFIC!\TIONS, 1'HE CC.RRi:::-.T Cl'l'Y OP e ... P.LSBAD ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT STAND~.R) SPECIFICA~lONS AtiD SPECIAL PROVISIONS f'OR 'l'HE IMPROVEMENT Or SlBDlVISION STREETS AND S'IA~DARD REFERE,CE CRAWI'IG$. SLOPE PLANTl)-JG AND IR?.IGATION AS PER PA?K A"ID RECREATION DIRECTOR, GRADl"IG GRADDIG SHALL CONSIST CP THE C::iNSTROCTION Of ALL cu·rs AND FILLS AS SHOWN ON 'l'llESE PLANS AND OUTLINED lN THE EJ\RTt:>iOR!< SPECIFICA'rI:lNS, ALL GRADl!-iG DETAIL.S NOT SHCW'.i 0)-J THIS PLAN W!LL BE IN ACCOR'.)A:-;CE: Wl'l'H Cl'l'Y OF CARLSBAD STANi.:ARD DRAWINGS A:;p ORDlNANCI!: NO. 3-,32. CUT BANK 2,l -- l"ILL 3ANK 2:1- FINISH PAD ELE\'ATIC1'-OR COc\lTOURS ----------~--1( GO~)--- EXISTING ELEVATION EXISTING CONTOCRS ALL GRADING IS ON OWNERS PRO?EPTY. • LEGAL PESCP!?TlON THAT PORTION OF 'l'EE SOU'l'll 'l"IIO-'l':~IRDS Of to·= 4 -SOUTHEAST QlARTE? OF TllE SOlJ'['HEAST QC.~?CTER -OF SEC'rI15N 29, I'OWtsS~!P 12 SO!J'l';l, RNlGE 4 WEST, SAN 3EP."iARD1'10 NERI DIAN, TN THE Cl,Y 01" CAFLSBAD, t:OVYIY OF SAN DIEGO, STATE: Of' C!,Lif'ONRIA, ,\CCO?.D:NG ~o OFFICIAL PLA'r THJ!REOF1 INCLUD!'lG A i'ORTI0,1 OF THE ABANDONED PCRTION Of Tl-!E ATC:ilSOc!, '!:OPEK.11. AND SAN';:A FE RAILl'<AY COM?A:--;'I 'S -FORl'.ERLY 'rll='. CALlF'O"-NIA sou·rH.ER.LY RAIUl/\.Y COMPANY -HIGliT OF 'l'/AY . GEC'IERAL No·rcs l. STREET RIGHT OF ',,JAY ,llDT<lS P~« Cl'l'Y $TAt,DARDS. 2. _FINISH GRADES SH 1J',iN clEREON ARE A.P?RCXlMJITS O'lL'{ >,),ID ARE SLBJECT ·re CH!,NGE IN THE FINAL DESIG~. 3. EJ\SE~,E!iTS AS RSQlJIRED PER 1;1·,y E'.JGI?\EER. 4. TC'rAL .A8EA = 3. 9 ACRE$. • .~~---5·~-'\~Nf~'$R. OE. :..o::s. :"' l. ; , _. ·t :-::~fLk-s-.;?f.Er 0Es1·Gi/"1'0 ,:;Oi\f'.J"''-1'4 TO c1-rt srns. :__.~L2;-;s 0T~~c:t<.'111ss SBC:\~;~ HEREON, 7. PL'BL~C UTILI~IES A.~:o ~.:A.Rio-t:s ::irs~ ~·tc :'S: 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Gl\3 & ELECTRIC -SA'.'i DIEG·J GAS & Et.ECT~IC C0-. .a- 1'i':LEFHDNE -PACIFIC PELEPnONE CO. WATER -CITY OF CARSSlll,D SEWER -CITY OF CARLSBAD STD"-MDR.~D, -EASEl"E'-TS ,\ND lMPROVE.'1E:-lTS AS ?.EQ'JIREJ 3Y CIT\' l'lll.E DlS'l;RICT -CITY OJ' CA<ILSIJAO ~C:·IOOL DISTP.:CT -CARLSBAD c:·n,I'E) sc:••)OL DIS'fRfC'r ALL PROFOSE:D '..'T1 LI'~l ES TO BE l·:O:CE?_GROt'.,;D. s:r-.ff;'l' LI•~~TS AS ?<.EQL'IRE:) BY cl•:·.-E:JGI_NEE?. FIRE.,'-lYDRANTS AS ,>,EQUIRE') B, CI:Y ENGI~EER. ·rcPO: SA"I DIEGO CO\.,!I.TY :oPOGRAPHIC S','R\'EY SGEET ,o. 342-1671. ASSESSORS PARCEL NO. 214-16-19 /\'W 24. Ci ·y of CtFhb.1d P!fl·,r-ing Ccm,-niss;on ,11\q1"i~ 11"1v11U',1 ' I I o,,. No. <;;vf.:..?-1.1 ...... . l E·, ~:~;t H:, ...... A'---'---1 D,'• tat 11{8.3 __ _ OWNER%DEVELOPER PACIFIC RIVIERA LTD. ' .-,' ' Pt-~19Y,tfw-(i;;, ~ 401 WEST ''X' STREET SAN DIEGO CAL.92101 P-lONE /6l9i4!56·0494 ___ :_~ & ..... ,·~---~-- MAX EBER[t"ROT -PRESIDENT ' ' At.(K$A/tl>All PA/'lnClf ll(J:. 321~4 23~. Vi, WASHlNGTOt-t AVE €$CON0100 CA. 9202, (619) 741-268'} rSH!,ETi CITY OF CARLSBAD 1_SH(2ETS1 t---+--+---1~------~----t-----t ENGINEERING DE PAR TIit EN r 1---+--,,---->-------'--------+----'-f PRELIMINARY GRADING PLAN FOR: CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT ----! PACIFIC RIVI ERA l APPROVEO: OATE RE. CITY ENGINEER DATE BY DE SC Rt PTION APP'O REVISIONS OWN.BV•,----11 PROJECT NO_. j CHKO. 8Y: ___ I FIELOBJ(, ~-----~ 13 ,1 I' l"~RI s hl..l /1 1..- 4 ~AO I 'fl , l I . : , i j \ OATE BY OESCRI PTION REVISIONS APP'O W c1rv .. ~leG c OEPA~TMENT ARLSBAO m EN.GI N.E" , • • RACING PLAN FOR. . PRELIMINARY GL USE PERMIT,, CONDIT/ONA PACIFIC RIVI ERA '· .• ' ' ~ .' .. " •. •, .. ...... . '. .. . . ·v:_>_·, .• , .... :-•~ ...,:{ .'¥' ' ' i .' --~~-, . ·.; . - \ \,' . .-r l'_I ·' i \ • . '" '. ):".: • ..t:"' ·"=" '"'" .• ,.. ·r. ' ' • ·, -f . . . i J"'/"';_- ;: _,·"' . ,,_ _,. . . ·.' . ' ·.• ?•: ::::.;. a f. .. 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