HomeMy WebLinkAbout1972-04-11; Planning Commission; ; CUP 42D - CARLSBAD RACEWAY CORPORATIONSTAFF REPORT /MEMORANDUM,,, TO: PLANNING COMMISSION FROM: CITY MANAGER April 11, 1972 Revision SUBJECT: REQUEST FOR A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT TO ALLOW CONTINUANCE OF THE CARLSBAD RACEWAY APPLICANT: CARLSBAD RACEWAY CORPORATION Report submitted by: City Manager, Building, Engineering, Fire, Parks & Recreation and Planning Departments Section I -General Discussion The applicant wishes to cont~nue the conditional use permit originally granted by City Council Resolution #963 of 17 December 1964. The original application was approved by the Planning Commission and was subsequently appealed to the City Council by the adjoining property owners. City Council Resolution #963 was the product of that appeal. In March 1965 the applicant applied to the Planning Commission to expand the types of uses allowed under the ori- ginal Conditional Use Permit. Planning Commission #391 granted that request. On May 27, 1969 the applicant submitted an application to extend the original Conditional use Permit for a period of ten (10} years, and an amendment to the original Conditional Use Permit to allow the sale of beer. Application was denied. During 1969 there was the issue of the potential and future use of Palomar Airport. The staff at that time felt it was ~mpossible to make any determination pertaining to land use in areas which may be affected by landing patterns of the airport, especially since the future of the airport facility was at that time questionable. At this time, the airport is establishing a function in the North County. An FAA approved tower is scheduled to begin construction by January 1973. San Diego County General Services Depa tment is currently studying Palomar Airport as a ·future full service general aviation airport with an accompanying land use plan for all airport lands, plus a recommended land use plan of the lands directly affected by the facility, i.e. those properties at the apprach and departure ends of the runway. As a condition of approval of the Carrillo Rancho/La Costa Annexation, the San Diego County Local Agency Formation Commission Page Two Staff Report/Memot~ndum April 11, 1972 (LAFCO), requested that the City of Carlsbad, the County and the property owners work out a satisfactory master plan for the airport and its environs. The San Diego County General Services study, which is due in 4-6 months, will serve as a basis of the study requested by LAFCO. Recent discussions with the Transportation Section of San Diego County Planning, and Mr. Don Vinger, Project Architect for general services have indicated that the Carlsbad Raceway represents a compatible land use, especially since it is directly in the line of flight of the approach end of the runway. During the past eight years of operation, the Carlsbad Raceway has maintained a good relationship with the community. Police and fire problems have been minimal. Compatible non- residential land uses adjacent to airport traffic patterns have been approved by the City during the last year: 1. Cemetary/Planned Community master plan at the intersection of Palomar Airport Road and El Camino Real. 2. An agricultural Preserve was established through county zoning northerly of Palomar Airport Road between the cemetary and the raceway. 3. The recreational vehicle park south of Palomar Airport Road at the westerly end of the runway. 4. The Tri-City Automobile Dealers Association complex on Interstate-5 in the departure pattern. 5. Existin~ city C-M (Heavy Commercial -Limited Industrial} Zone and M {Manufacture) Zone are located along the northerly property boundary of Palomar Airport. Section II -Recommendation The staff recommends approval of the subject application for the following reasons and subject to the following conditions. Section III -Reasons of Approval 1. The extension of the existing conditional Use Permit will be an asset and benefit to the community. 2. The land use as proposed is compatible with airport traffic patterns and facilities. Page Three Staff Report/Memot.ndum April 11, 1972 Section IV -Conditions of Approval 1. An ambulance shall be on the premises and shall be on standby for all events with one driver/or attendant who has a valid first aid license. 2. No alcoholic beverages shall be permitted on the grounds or premises of the dragway and spectator stands; and all above areas will be posted to this effect. 3. There will be no jet drags. 4. The required off-street parking ordinace shall be complied with, such as parking for the spectators shall be one for each five seats, and improved to the City's standards. The Plans must be submitted to the Engineering Department for their approval and built to their standards. 5. A11 night meets shall be subject to a maximum time limita- tion of 10:00 P.M. Before any night meets are held, all parking lots, entrances and pertinences shall be adequately lighted as specified by the Engineering Department. 6. The water supply shall be aptlable water supply as speci- fied by San Diego County Health Department at no expense to the City of Carlsbad. 7. Within a reasonable time after an event, the premises shal1 be cleaned of rubbish or waste material to conform with Ordin- ance No. 5010. 8. That the construction privileges hereby granted are granted solely to the owner, his vestee or agent in said construction and these privileges are not transferable without the expressed consent of the City Council of the City of Carlsbad. Upon the date of the granting of this Conditional Use Permit, the operation and maintenanc.e privileges of subject facility shall be for a period of ten (10) years or until Apr11~11, 1982 and such operational and maintenance ~rivileges shall be trans- ferable. At the end of such ten (10) year period there shall be an annual review period to establish further continuance. In the event of any further application for a conditional use permit for a raceway facility at the same location, subject shall be judge4 and considered without regard to the privileges granted herein. 9. That a landscape and sprinkler plan to aid in noise abate- ment and erosion control shall be designed by a registered landscape architect and submitted to the Parks & Recreation Director for approval. Page Four Staff Report/Memo .. 1dum April 11, 1972 10. That a11 motor vehicles shall have an adequate muffler system -motorcycles are required by state law to have silencers. 11. Major drag races (those where competitors use fuel burning blown engines) shall be limited to one event per month and con- ducted between the hours of 9 o'clock A.M. and 10 o'clock P.M. of the same day. 12. Any future major recreational use, i.e. recreational vehicle park, overnight camping shall be submitted as part of a specific plan for the entire parcel. 13. Erosion control on all motorcycle trails shall be approved by the City Engineer. 14. That a fencing program shall be established to positively control ingress and egress to the property and shall be approved by the Planning Director. City Manager jz