HomeMy WebLinkAbout1976-01-14; Planning Commission; ; CUP 42E - CARLSBAD RACEWAY CORPORATIONCITY OF CARLSBAD PLANNING DEPARTMENT STAFF REPORT January 14, 1976 TO: PLANNING COMMISSION FROM: PLANNING DEPARTMENT CAST NO.: CUP 42(E) APPLICANT: LARRY GRISMER SECTION I: RECOMMENDATION I. Request: The applicant requests an amendment to Conditional Use Permit 42 (Carlsbad Raceway) to allow a youth recreation park designed prim- arily for the use of skateboards, roller skates and bicycles. II. Recommendation: Staff recommends that CUP 42(E) be approved based on the following findings: 1) That the requested use is necessary or desirable for the development of the community, is essentially in harmony with the various Elements and objectives of the General Plan, and is not detrimental to exist- ing uses or to uses specifically permitted in the zone in which the proposed use is to be located. a) The General Plan calls for Recreational-Commercial land use on the subject property. b} The Zoning for the subject property is C-2 c) Surrounding property designated by the General Plan as Non- Residential-Reserve will not be detrimentally affected. d) Carlsbad Raceway is an existing Recreational-Commercial use which the proposed project will be compatible with. 2) That the site for the intended use is adequate in size and shape to accomodate the use: a) The natural terrain will be used for skateboard courses and will minimize excessive grading. b) The site is a natural drainage course and the project will not alter the existing drainage pattern. 3) That all of the yards, setbacks, walls, fences, landscaping and other features necessary to adjust the requested use to existing or permitted future uses in the neighborhood will be provided and maintained. a} The project will be reviewed prior to building permit issuance to insure the above. 4} That the street system serving the proposed use is adequate to properly handle all traffic generated by the proposed use. a) Palomar Airport Road and Rancho Santa Fe Road are adequate roadways to accomodate the additional traffic at this time. ) b) The two above facilities are designated by the Circulation Element of the General Plan as prime major arterials able to carry traffic in excess of 40,000 vehicles per day. RECOMMENDED CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL: ,_ ~ l) Conditional Use Permit 42(E} is approved for the property shown on the plot plan submitted Exhibit A, dated 12-5-75. 2) The development of the subject project shall conform to the phasing plan submitted as exhibits Band C dated 12-29-75. Any deviation from this plan shall require review and approval by the Planning Director 3) The Conditional Use Permit 42(E) shall expire on the same date as CUP 42(D), that is April 25, 1982. 4) Each development phase shall be reviewed by the Planning Director to insure adherence to the various conditions of the Conditional Use Permit. 5) First Aid facilities shall be provided at the project site as approved by the Planning Director for the first phase and for each subsequent phase. 6) No alcoholic beverages shall be permitted on the grounds or premises of the skatepark. 7) Parking facilities shall be reviewed by the Planning Director and City Engineer at each development phase. 8) All buildings planned for the subject project shall be reviewed by the Planning Director prior to application for building permits. 9) Operating hours for the skatepark shall be confined to 9:00 o'clock AM to 1 hour before sunset. Any deviation from these operating hours will require approval of the Planning Director. At no time shall opening and closing hours of the skatepark coincide with opening and closing hours of other activities on the Raceway property. -2- 10) To insure proper security after hours, a full time watchman will be allowed on the skatepark premises. 11) If the applicant wishes to install night lighting at some future date, approval by the Planning Director shall be required and the lighting plan shall be submitted to the Planning Director for approval prior to application for building permits. 12) No search lights shall be allowed for the purpose of advertising of the skatepark facilities. 13) A landscaping and automatic sprinkler system plan for the skate- park development shall be submitted to the Parks and Recreation Director for approval prior to 1st phase building permit issuance, and for each additional phase thereafter. 14) A potable water supply meeting the standards of the San Diego County Health Department shall be supplied, at no expense to the City of Carlsbad. 15) The skatepark shall be completely fenced, bermed and separ.ated from the other activities on the Carlsbad Raceway property to the satis- faction of the Planning Director, prior to first phase building permit issuance and for each subsequent phase. 16) Sanitary facilities acceptable to the County Health Department and the City Public Works Department shall be provided. These facilities shall be expanded as necessary prior to special events or at any time when larger than average crowds are anticipated. 17) If special events are scheduled for the skatepark, all co11111ercial interests not directly controlled by the skatepark or Carlsbad Raceway shall be required to obtain a business license from the City. 18) Thirty days prior to any special event, the skatepark operator and sponsor or the promoter of the event shall meet and confer with representatives of the Police, Fire and City Public Works Department in planning and establishing guidelines pertaining to public safety, special fire problems, sanitation, traffic control, etc. 19) All signs advertising the skatepark shall conform to the City of Carlsbad Sign Ordinance. All other signs advertising other goods or services will be directed towards the interior of the park only. 20) To mitigate potential concentrated runoff ·problems, a rip-rap settling basin will be provided at a downgrade location of the canyon in which the skatepark will be developed, to the satisfaction of the City Engineer, prior to 1st phase building permit issuance. The adequacy of the facility shall be evaluated at each subsequent development phase by the City Engineer and modified if necessary. -3- 21) The construction priviledges hereby granted are granted solely to the owner, his vestee or agent in said construction and these priviledges are not transferable without the expressed consent of the City Council of the City of Carlsbad. 22) Skateboards, rollerskates, and bicycles will be the only vehicles allowed on the skatepark course. At no time will motor vehicles be allowed, accept for maintenance purposes. 23) For the purpose of this Conditional Use Permit, "Special Event" shall be defined as an activity that would attract a larger than nonnal daily attendance. SECTION II: STAFF BACKGROUND REPORT I. Request: The applicant requests and amendment to Conditional Use Permit No. 42 (Carlsbad Raceway) to allow a youth recreation park designed primarily for the use of skateboards, roller skates and bicycles. II. location and Description of Prooerty: The project location is directly inside and north of the entrance to Carlsbad Raceway, which is located on the north side of Palomar Airport Road between El Camino Real and Linda Vista Drive. The site is, for the most part, a fairly steep canyon and the project is designed to take advantage of the various natural contours with minimum grading. III. Existing Zone: Subject Parcel: North: East: South: West: C-2 A-1(8) (County) A-1{8) (County) P-C A-3(8) (County) IV. Surrounding Land Use: The proposed project is totally enclosed within the boundaries of Carlsbad Raceway. V. Subject Parcel: North: South: East: West: Vacant Off-road vehicle course Raceway entrance road and vacant Raceway entrance and agriculture (outside raceway) Off-road vehicle course and vacant Environmental Impact Information: An Environmental Impact Assessment has been filed for the project and staff has issued a negative declara- tion for the following reasons: -4- The use will be confined to the existing raceway facility. Grading will be minimal. The facility will enhance public safety by encouraging responsibility and safety consciousness in use of skateboards and bicycles. VI. Past History and Related Cases: The original Conditonal Use Permit application for the raceway was approved by the Planning Commission (Resolution No. 321) nctober, 1963, and was subsequently appealed to the City Council by the adjoining property owners. The City Council upheld the Planning Commission's approval by Resolution No. 963, December, 1964. The Conditional Use Permit granted by the Planninq Commission and upheld by the City Council ~as valid for 10 years, i.e., until October 22, 1973. In March, 1965, the Planning Conmission approved an application by the Raceway owner to increase the types of uses allowed under the original Conditional Use Permit {Reso 391). The CUP provided for all types of racing events, in addition to drag racing. In May, 1969, the applicant submitted a request to extend the orininal CUP for a period of 10 years, and an amendment to the original CUP to allow the sale of beer, the request was denied by City Council Resolution No. 1632. On April 25, 1972, the Planning Commission approved a 10 year extension to the original CUP {Resolution No. 749). Planning Commission Resolution No. 919, June 12, 1973, approved a CUP (No. 83) to allow an additional building at the raceway site to serve as a dormatory and gymnasium. The resolution also included approval of a cross country motorcycle track. A number of conditions were included in Resolution 919, two of which required a fire hydrant and bonding for a traffic signal at the inter- section of the main entrance at Palomar Airport Road. The applicant has complied with these requirements. VII. General Plan Information: The Land Use Element of the General Plan calls for Recreation-Corrmercial activities on the subject property. This category provides for commercial uses that are primarily recreational in nature. The Circulation Element of the General Plan designates Palomar Airport Road and Rancho Santa Fe Road as Prime Major Arterials. "The facility will be able to carry traffic volumes in excess of 40,000 vehicles per day". -5- .,,,,,.,, VIII.Major Planning Considerations: 1) Is the proposed use appropriate under the General Plan? 2) Wi·ll the additional activity conflict with existing activities under the current CUP? 3) Will the proposed activity have any adverse affects on surrounding properties? 4) Is the requested use necessary or desirable for the development of the COOITIUnity? 5) Is the site for the intended use adequate in size and shape to accomodate the use? 6) Is the street system serving the proposed use adequate to properly handle all traffic generated by the proposed use? SECTION III: DISCUSSION For a number of years prior to the finalization of the General Plan Land Use Element, the ultimate land use for the Carlsbad Raceway property and surround- ing property was undecided. However, because of PaJomar Airport flight patterns the surrounding properties have been designated NRR/Non-Residential Reserve. TS/Travel Service designation are shown at the intersection of Palomar Airport Ro~d and Rancho Santa Fe Road. The Carlsbad Raceway property has been designated as Recreation-ColllTlercial {R-C) on the Land Use Plan. Staff feels that since a decision has been made as to the Land Use of the Carlsbad Raceway property that further recreational development within its boundaries is appropriate. The current project will be located away from existing activities and support facilities and will be totally enclosed. The northern boundary of the skate- park will abut an off-road vehicle course at a number of points. To insure separation of these activities, an earthern benn and chain-link fence will be constructed between the uses. There will be no conflicts between the proposed use and existing activities. -----------. ... --. . - Plann~ng C01m1ission Resolution No. 749 {CUP 42(D)) includes condition number 12 which st~tes: "Any future major recreational use, i.e. recreational vehicle par~, overnight camping shall be submitted as part of a specific plan for the entire parcel." At t~e time CUP 42(0) w~s.heard by the Planning Commission the applicant had mentioned the above activities as future possibilities. They are no longer contemplated by the applicant. In addition, since CUP 43(0} was approve, the raceway property has been corrmitted to Recreation/Commercial activities by the General Plan. Because cond!tion 12 specifies two uses only and, because the Raceway property has been designated as Recreational/Commercial by the General Plan staff does not feel a Specific Plan is warranted. ' -6- Surrounding properties within the City designated by the General Plan as Non--· Residential Reserve and therefore should not be adversely affected by the additional recreational uses. There has been a continued controversy over use of skateboards on City streets. Staff feels that the proposed skatepark will serve a desirable service to the community in providing a safe, designated area for skateboarding and similar activities. The proposed project is within an area already developed for recreational- commercial activities. Also the project will take advantage of the natural topography to provide skateboard courses. This will minimize the need for extensive grading. In addition, the activity is planned for a natural drainage area. The concentrated runoff from the development will be channeled through the site and into rip-rap settling basin at the lower portion of the project. As a result, staff feels the site is appropriate for the use. Carlsbad Raceway is situated just to the east of the intersection of Palomar Airport Road. Staff feels, therefore, that the street system is adequate to handle the proposed use. TH/vb ATTACHMENTS: Exhibit A and C (Phasing) P.C. Resolutions 321 and 749 -7- 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 .23 24 25 26 • RE~OLUTION NO. }Zl A RESOLUTION OF THE CARLSBAD CITY PLANNING COMMISSION GRANTING A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT TO ALLOW CONSTRUCTION OF ALL FACILITIES FOR A DRAG STRIP WITH OPERATIONS RELATIVE THERETO, SUBJECT TO CERTAIN CONDITIONS ON PROPERT IN A CERTAIN PORTION OF EAST CARLSBAD ANNEXATION NO. 2.3 IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA.· WHEREAS, BELSAN • RUBEL AND SANDRU INVESTMENT COMPANIES, represented by J. s. Belondt President of said companies, did apply for a conditional use permit to allow construction of all facilities for a drag strip with operations relative thereto, located approximately two miles east of Palomar Airport and north of Palomar Airport Road, more particularly described as the South 1/2 of Northwest 1/4 and Southwest 1/4 o;(Northeastd./4:4, an b Section 18; l Township 12 South, Range 3 West, San Bernardino Meridian, being ssessor1s ! Parcels 2, 3 and 14, Book 221, Page 010 of the Assessor's Map of San Diego I County; and WHEREAS, the Carlsbad City Planning Commission gave notice of public hearing on said conditionat use permit by mailing a written notice not less than ten days prior to the date of such hearing to the last known addresses of the owners of property within a radius of 300 feet of iJie; exterior boundaries of the subject property; WHEREAS, the Carlsbad City Planning Commission did hold a hearing on October 22, 1963, at 7:30 P. M.; and WHEREAS, at said public hearing the said Planning Commission received the recommendations, objections, protests and comments of all individuals and parities who desired to be heard; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Carlsbad City Planning Commission determines that a conditional use permit shall be issued for the 27. applied property subject to the following conditions: 28 1. An ambulance shall be on the premises and shall be on stand-by for all 29 events with one driver/or attendant who has a valid first aid license. 30 2. The drag strip shall be built to the National Hot Rod Association1 s 31 standards and completed before any events are held. and all events shall be 32. operated according to their rules and regulations. 3. No alcoholic beverages shall be permitted on the grounds or premises \ ; • l of the dragway and spectator stands; and all above areas will be posted to this 2 ! effect. 3 4 4. There will be no jet dra:gs. 5. The required off-street parking ordinance shall be complied with, such 5 as parking £or the spectators shall be one £or each five seats I and improved to 6 the City's standards. The plans must be submitted to the Engineering Departmen 7 for their approval and built to their standards. 8 6. Before any night meets are held, all parking lots I entrances and g pertinences shall be adequately lighted as specified by the Engineering Departme t. 10 7. The water supply shall be a potable water supply as specified by San 11 Diego County Health Department at no expense to the City of Carlsbad. 12 8. Within a reasonable time after an event, the premises shall be cleaned 13 of rubbish or waste material to conform with Ordinance No. 5010. 14 9. That the construction privileges hereby granted are granted solely to the 15 owner, his vestee or agent in said construction and these privileges are not 16 transferable without the expressed consent of the City Council of the City of 17 Carlsbad. Upon the date of the granting of this Conditional Use Permit, the 18 operation and maintenance privileges of said drag strip shall be for a period of 19 ten (10) years or until Oc.itoheir::_· 22, 19 73, and such operational and maintenance 20 privileges shall be transferable. At the end of such ten (1 O} year period there 21 shall be no right or privilege accruing to the applicant by reason of the granting 22 of this conditional use permit. In the event of any further application for a .23 conditional use permit for a drag strip at the same location, subject shall be 24 judged and considered without regard to the pci.vileges granted herein. 25 10. That the granting of this conditional use permit is contingent upon the 26 land being zoned c ... 2. 27 AND that a conditional use permit shall be issued for the applied property 28 for the following reasons: 29 1 .. -.'.I'hat the land under question is in the immediate vicinity of the flight 30 pattern of Palomar Airport. 31 2. That it is near property already zoned Min the City of Carlsbad and near 32 other land presently unzoned but which is planned to be developed for light manufacturing use. 1' • l 3. The topography of the land to be used for the drag strip is compatible 2 for this type of development. 3 4. Because of this topography some of the noises and nuisances which may 4 result will be minimized or confined witb.in tb.is area. 5 5. That the planned development is near an east west road called Palomar 6 Airport Road. 7 PASSED:. APPROVED, AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Carlsbad 8 City Planning Commission held on the 22nd day of October, 1963, by the 9 following vote , to wit: 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 -23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 ~ A YES: Commissioners Davis, Grant, Palmer and Lamb. NOES: Commissioner Sonneman. , ABSENT: Commissioners Ward and Jarvie. ATTEST: ,; 1/ ecretary I ! 11 I I 21 I I 3 n )I 41 I 5 • PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 749 A RESOLUTION OF THE CARLSBAD CITY PLANNING COMMISSION GRANTING A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT EXTENSION ON PROPERTY LOCATED APPROXIMATELY TWO MILES EAST OF PALOMAR AIRPORT AND NORTH OF,P.AlOMAR AIRFORT ROAD WHEREAS, pursuant to the provisions of Ordinance No. 9060 and 6 Title 21 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code, the Planning Commission did 7 on April 25, 1972, hold a duly noticed public hearing to consider 8 the application of CARLSBAD RACEWAY CORPORATION, for a Conditional 9 Use Permit to extend the time limit on .the existing Conditional Use lo Permit on real property in the City of Carlsbad, County of San Diego, ll State of California, located approximately two miles east of Palomar 12 Airport and north of Palomar Airport Road, and more particularly 13 described as: 14 15 16 17 : S l/2 of NW 1/4 and SW 1/4 of NE 1/4 all in Section 18 T. 12 S.R. 3 W., S.B.B.M., being Assessor 1 s Parcels 2, 3 and 22 of Book 221, Page 010 of the Assessor's Map of San Diego 18 County. 19i . I WHEREAS, at said public hearing, upon hearing and considering the. ~ol testimony and arguments, if any, of all persons who desired to be 21 , heard, said Commission did find the following facts and reasons to I 22 1! exist which make the granting of a Conditional Use Permit necessary i 23 ! to carry out the provisions and general purpose of Title 21 of the i 24 ! Carlsbad Municipal Code: 25 f l 1. The extension of the existing conditional use permit wi11 be 26 ! an asset and benefit to the community. 27 2. The land use as proposed is compatible with airport traffic 28 29 30 31 32 patterns and facilities. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Planning Commission of the City of Carlsbad, that it does hereby grant a Conditional Use Permit on said property, with the following conditions and limitations: xx I l l • 1 1 11. A California Highway Patrol approved ambulance shall be on the I premises and shall be on stan~by for all events with one driver/or 2 ! attgndant at no ~o~t te tkA C1iy of ea~isbaJ. 3~2. ~o alcoholic beverages shall be permitted on the grounds or 1 prem,ses of the dragway and spectator stands; and all above areas 4 !will be posted to this effect. 5 3. There wi.11 be no jet drags. 6 4. The required off-street parking ordinance shall be complied with, such as parking for the spectators shall be one for each five seats, 7 and improved to the City's standards. The plans must be submitted to the Engineering Department for their approval and built to their 8 standards. 9 5. All night me~ts shall be subject to a maximum time limitati~n of 10:00 P.M. during weekdays and 11 :00 P.M. on Friday and Saturday 10 from Labor. Day to June 15th. During the balance of the year (June 15 to Labor Day) night meets shall have a .maximum time limitation of i1 11 : 0 0 P . M . 12 6. The water sµpply shall be a potable water supply as specified by San Diego County Health Department at no expense to the City of 13 Ca r 1 s b ad . 14 7. Within a reasonable time after an event, the premises shall be cleaned of rubbish or waste·material to conform with Ordtnance No.5010 15 16 8. That the construction privileges hereby granted are granted solely to the owner, his vestee or a~ent in said construction and these 17 privile.ges are not transferable without the expressed consent of the City Co~ncil of the City of Carlsbad. Upon the date of the granting 18 of this Conditional Use Permit, the operation and maintenance privi- leges of subject facility shall be for a period of ten(lO) years or_ 19 until April 25, 1982 and such operational and maintenance privileges shall be transfe~able. At the end of such ten(lOl year~period there 20 shall be an annual review period to establish further continuance. Ii the event of any further application for a conditional use permit 21 for a raceway facility at the same location, subject shall be judged and constdered without regard to the provileges granted herein. 22 2 3 9. That a landscape and sprinkler plan to aid in noise abatement and erosion control shall be designed by a registered landscape 24 architect and submitted to the Parks & Recreation Director for approva 1. 25 26 10. That all motor vehicles shall have an adequate muffler system - motorcycles are required by state law to have iilencers. 27 28 11. Major drag races (those where competitors use fuel burning blown engines) shall be limited to one event per month and conducted between . 29 the hours of 9:00 A.M. and 10:00 P.M. of the ?ame day. 30. 12. Any future major recreational use, i.e. recreational vehicle 'park, overnight camping shall be submitted as part uf a specific 31 plan for the entire parcel. 32 13. Erosion control on all motorcycle trails shall be approved by the City Engineer. • • 1 14. That a fencing program shall be established to positively control ingre;s a~~ egress to the propertr and shall be approved by the Q PTann,ng Direc-1:or. I ! 3 1 15. Sanitary facilities acceptable to the County Health Department and the City Public Works Department shall be provided. These 4 facilities shall be expanded as necessary prior to special events. 5 16. Thirty days prior to any special event of extra magnitude, the track operator and sponsor or the promoter of the event shall meet 6 and confer with representatives of the Police, Fire and City Public Works Department in planning an~ establishing guidelines pertaining 7 to public safety, special fire problems, sanitation, traffic control, etc. 8 9 17. All signs advertising the Carlsbad Raceway shall conform to the City of Carlsbad Sign Ordinance. 10 11 18. Parking requirements as set forth by the City of Carlsbad parking ordinance shall be met by the applicant. 12 13 19. The schedule of improvements submitted by the applicant, in a letter dated April 20, 1972, Exhibit A, shall be adopted as a portion 14 of this conditional use permit. 15 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Carlsbad 16 City Planning Commission held on the 25th day of April, 1972, by the 17 following vote, to wit: 18 19 .20 AVES: Commissioners Forman, Little, Jose, Palmateer, Dominguez NOES: None ABSENT: No one 21 ABSTAINED: Commissioners Dewhurst, Norman ... 22 23 24 25 ! ATTEST: I I 26 i ' i--..,,,,,,., 27 1 """" 1 -- 29 30 51 32 Chairman ' .. • .l --------- -----=---...... .. ----~ , •>;,;.~c,;~~~~~~~;;,,;,:~,.rn;,,~,:~,.,,;i,.,.,~!!::F 11~-, 1 " , -•w~·-••-,,-• I \ __ ,;_~;.;· .. ~3~$_,--- I •• ·;;,:,,,-·_c:4?, ,ri"-"P¼'•¾ '~""' ----~--~--""-.'?".?:~o/t:''<'i~ - Ska-re rs Center cap ---- \ ,.., ,-,0 I I --·-------f 40D ,,._. .,,,~_,,.,..,._;:_~~,-- • '·7;""~~t-:,;)~~~~C.-~·,::~:¥;,;_i;i;2,,_{~~;{:"~"' - Te:.a.vn Boofhs LU'Jdcr I L J. I_ -'- 7 7(j , I I ., ., 4 , / I -+I / • I -; ;- . • ! . ,--~-·--/ > / f , -, .:~ . --------- ~~- .. '-,.... . ~ ~:,--:,, (;. <~~ '-.Jf-' ' . .,->' ~)-' ·--r c~•~ . .r] . ,-•~c););:, '% I i ~'? -;f'Z'., "f~;h ; / I 300 Ft-ee Sly!~ -1t 2 ;~i::Z·'(:-·,C' •. ,'.:~i;··•·· J> -2 20D '·1\ "'~ I l Owner 5 I , ; DU//Cler5 Iac}f L.. 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