HomeMy WebLinkAbout1978-07-12; Planning Commission; ; CUP 42F - CARLSBAD RACEWAY CORPORATIONDate: To: From: Case No: Applicant: • STAFF REPORT July 12, 1978 Planning Commission Planning Department CUP 42(F) Herb Motz .• .• Request: Amendment to Conditional Use Permit 42 (Carlsbad Raceway), to allow construction and operation of a fiberglass sled run on a natural slope. Background Location and Description of Property The project location is adjacent to the southeast portion of Carlsbad Raceway. side of Palomar Airport Road between El Vista Drive. skateboard park at the The raceway is on the north Camino Real and Linda The site is hilly terrain covered with natural vegetation and several small stands of trees. The proposed sled run would be laid on a natural slope leading into a small valley • . _Existing Zoning Subject Property: North: South: East: West: Existing Land Use C-2 R-A-10 & A-1(8) (County) P-C A-1 (8) (County} A-3 (8) (County) The proposed project is totally enclosed within-·the boundaries of Carlsbad Raceway. Subject Property: North: South: East: West: Recreational Skateboard Park. Off-road vehicle course Raceway Entrance Road and Vacant Raceway Entrance and Agriculture (outside raceway) Off-raod Vehicle Course and Vacant Environmental Impact Information . ·An Environmental I_mpact Assessment form. has been filed for the project and staff has issued a Negative Declaration for the following reasons: •. 1. The grading to be done is minimal. 2. No signficant vegetation or wildlife should be effected by the project·. 3. The project will complement an already utilized facility devoted to youth recreational activities. General Plan Information The Land Use Element of the General Plan designates the subject property as Recreational -Commercial (RC). The category provides for commercial uses that are primarily recreational in nature. The subject use appears to fit this designation. History·and Related Cases The Planning Commission approved an amendment to CUP-42 in January, 1976, which allowed a skateboard park to be established at the Carlsbad Raceway property. The skateboard park and the proposed sled run are similar in that both are commercial recreational uses which would draw a similar clientel and would have similar hours of operation. Both uses would be considered secondary to the raceway function of th~ site. Major Planning Considerations 1. Is the site adequate in size and shape to acconunodate the proposed use? 2. Are sanitary facilities adequate to handle th~ additional load which will be imposed by the proposed use? 3. Is the the street system serving the proposed use adequate to properly handle all trafic generated by the proposed use? Discussion This application, if approved, would amend CUP 42A to allow the subject fiber glass sled run. The most recent amendment to CUP 42A was for a skateboard park. This was approved by the Planning Commission in January, 197.6. :i:t appears, judging by the City's past actions, that the site known as Carlsbad Raceway is considered suitable for outd0or, active recreational use. Staff feels that the proposed sled run is compatible with the existing uses at the raceway. There also seems to be sufficient land and parking facilities to acconunodate the subject sled run. The existing sanitary facilities.are-on a septic system. The adequacy of this existing system to handle the additional load generated by adding the subject use has not been established. Therefore, staff feels that the conditions of approval, if you decide to grant the CUP amendment, should include verification of the adequacy of the system . • 2 • The Police Department has indicated that current access presents a traffic problem primarily because of the existing intersection at Palomar Airport Road and Linda Vista Road (see attached}. However, the subject intersection is located just east of the Carlsbad City limits. This gives Carlsbad limited control over the design of the intersection. As yet, staff has not looked into what mechanisms are avail?ble to improve circulation around the problem intersection, but we have performed a preliminary review of the traffic circulation around the site. As a result, staff feels the City and the owners of Carlsbad Raceway should begin planning improved access to the raceway property. Staff does not expect that the sled run will significantly aggravate the traffic problems. Therefore, we are not suggesting that the Commission condition this approval by requiring that the traffic situation be corrected. However, staff is suggesting that you direct staff and the owners of the raceway to begin planning • improved access to the raceway property, and that a mutually acceptable plan be approved by the City Engineer before any new applications for the raceway property are processed. Staff Recommendation Staff recommends that CUP 42(f} be APPROVED based on the following findings and subject to th~ following conditions: Findings 1) That the requested use is desirable for the development of the community, is essentially in harmony with the various Elements and objectives of the General Plan, and is not detrimental to existing uses or to uses specifically permitt~d in the zone in which the proposed use is to be located. a) The General Plan calls for Recreational-Commercial land use on the subject property. b}' The zoning for the subject property is C-2. c) Surrounding property designated by the General Plan as non-residentail reserve will not be detrimentally affected. d} Carlsbad Raceway is an exis.ting • Recreational-Commercial use which the proposed project will be compatible with. 2) Tht the site for the intended use is adequate in size and shape to accommodate the use: ,,.--'. a) The natural terrain will be used for the proposed slide and will minimize excessive grading. b) The site is a normal drainage course and the project will not alter the existing drainage pattern. c) Adequate parking exists on the site to accommodate the proposed use. .3 . • 3) That all of the yards, setbacks,-walls, fences, landscaping and other features necessary to adjust the requested use to existing or permitted future uses in the neighborhood will be provided and maintained. a) The project has been reviewed to insure compliance with the above. 4) That the street system serving the proposed use is adequate to properly handle all traffic generated by the proposed use. a) Palomar Airport Road and Rancho Santa Fe Road are adequate roadways to accommodate the additional traffic at this time. b) The two above facilities are designated by the Circulation Element of the General Plan as prime major arterials able to carry traffic in excess of 40,000 vehicles per day. c) While the street system is adequate to carry the traffic generated by the proposed sled run, it is recognized that the design of the intersection of Palomar Airport Road, Linda Vista Road and the primary access drive to the site does not provide a desirable traffic circulation pattern. Recommended Conditions of Approval 1) Conditional Use Permit 42(f) is approved for the use described in this application and for the property known as Carlsbad Raceway and also known as Assessor's Parcel No. 221-010-03- 04 & 22. 2) • The Conditional Use Permit 42(f) shall expire on the same date .as ~UP 42(f), April 25, 1982. 3} No alcoholic beverages shall be permitted on the grounds or premises of the skatepark. -4) Operating hours for the sled run shall be confined to 9:00 AM to 11:00 PM. 5} If the applicant wishes to install night lighting at some future date, approval by the Planning Director shall be required-and the lighting plan shall be submitted to the Planning Director for approval prior to application for building permits. 6) A landscaping and automatic sprinkler system plan for erosion control of any grading relating to the proposed use shall be submitted to the Planning Department for approval prior to issuance of building permits. The plan shall incorporate water conservation measures. .4 • 7) Sanitary facilities acceptable to the County Health Department and the City Public Works Department shall be provided. Proof of adequacy must be established prior to issuance of building permits. 8) All signs advertsing the sled run which are viewable from off the site shall conform to the City of Carlsbad sign regulations. A sign program for interior oriented directional, service and advertising purposes shall be approved by the Planning Director. 9) The construction priviledges hereby granted are granted solely to the owner, his vestee or agent in said construction and these·priviledges are not ransferable without the expressed consent of the City Council of the City of Carlsbad. 10) Planning Commission shall review the operation every five years to determine if the skateboard park is deterimental to surrounding properties or traffic movement. If it is determined that the skateboard park may be deterimental, the Planning Commission shall request hearings to reconsider this Conditional Use Permit Amendment. 11) A 20 foot wide all weather road shall be provided to the bottom of the slide for emergency access to the satisfaction of the - Fire Marshall. 12) Adequate fire fighting facilities shall be provided to the site to the satisfaction of the Fire Marshall prior to issuance of building permits. 13) The owners of the subject property shall work with City staff to prepare a plan for improved access to the Carlsbad Raceway property. The plan shall be approved by the City Engineer _prior to processing any other application for the raceway property covered by CUP 42D. Location Map DLR/ar • 5 ! . .. • .. • • --------...--· ...... l . . • .• .. . .. • . ,,• .• . . . • .. r I ·I ·• I I I· -·--· .. SUBJECT C.W! 'iZtr) I I I I· I I • t ;; I ·: ') .... f. ; ... '. ·~, ..... i ' • :,>; ·,·~ . 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T1-1,:. sw Yi ot= 7,IE N£ Y'{ IILL 1,1 S°ELT,e,,J IP. • LI'-S.1 ~3w 5:B.8.1"-• • • Assess!fr Book: .,_,., Page: 010 Parcel:_o_..3_ ...... o ..... ,~""''=.l....;.,:.-_____ -t General Plan Li!nd Use Description: RC fl?1:cn.cA1'1'0,J co,,.,.,•,.,£1tC114L) Existing Zone: c-:,. • Proposed Zone:___;M...::'/i __ A--:-+,------..,n-T:.----,,.._•--r • • J\crcs: 133.91{ No. of lots: 3 OU's fife DU/Acre >1/A School District . .:.: ~,.!.""'.zV:::::A~-~----~---------------·--1 W-a ter Sanitation O is tr i ct =--=C..::..:l:...;-f...;;,r__;:;.":.,.,:_c.;::;::A;..;;A;..;;._t.T_;B=A;....;b;:;;..---:---,--,,c-·-:-:--:------:------. Hi thin Coast Plan Area:_· ---=-"'..;;o _________ Coast Permit J\rea:_..z..p_o ___ _,,..., 4 ' i