HomeMy WebLinkAbout1979-07-11; Planning Commission; ; CUP 42G - CARLSBAD RACEWAY SPARKS INC.. . DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: REQUEST: BACKGROUND STAFF REPORT July 11, 1979 Planning Commission Planning Department CUP 42G (Sparks, Inc.) CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT TO ALLOW FURTHER DEVELOPMENT OF AN EXISTING 14 ACRE RECRE.ATIONAL AREA Location and Description of Property The subject 14 acre site is part of the 150 acre Carlsbad Raceway property, located north of Palomar Airport Road, west of Linda Vista Drive. A portion of the 14 acre site has been developed with several skateboard facilities, a fiberglass sled run and three relatively small buildings. The remainder of this site is undeveloped, consisting of hilly topography covered with natural vegetation. Approximately 5000 cubic yards of grading is proposed at this time, in order to prepare the site for the improvements. Additional grading may be necessary for future development of the site. The major portion of the raceway property (not directly affected by the subject CUP} is located to the north and west of the 14 acre site. The raceway is developed with an offroad vehicle course (motor-cross), drag strip .and. appurtenant facilities. Portions of this property is also undeveloped and covered by natural vegetation. Existing zo·ning Subject Property: North: South: East: West: Existing Land Use Subject Property: North: South: East: West: C-2. A-1 (Vista), R-A-10 P-C R-R-2 (Co.) A-70-8 {Co.) Recreational park and partially vacant Off-road vehicle course, drag-strip and partially vacant. Vacant Agriculture Off-road vehicle course, partially vacant, agriculture. General Plan The General Plan Land Use Element designates the subject property for Recreational Commercial (RC) uses. The proposed uses would be consistent with this designation. Environmental Impact Assessment A Declaration of Negative Environmental Impact has been issued for the proposed CUP based on the following justification: 1) The proposed uses will not adversely affect any sig- nificant flora, fauna or any unique environmental features. 2) The subject property has been previously disturbed by similar recreational uses, and therefore the proposed uses will not significantly alter the natural environment. Public Facilities The existing sanitary facilities serving the recreation area are currently on septic system. These facilities should adequately handle the demand generated by the immediately proposed uses. Additional facilities which may be necessitated by future uses can be required by the Planning Director or Planning Commission. Access to the subject 14 acres and the entire raceway property is provided at the intersection of Palomar Airport Road and Linda Vista Drive. Thus all traffic entering the raceway must pass through the 14 acre site. The City of Vista has indicated that Melrose Avenue (a prime arterial), from its intersection at Palomar Airport Road, North, may be improved as part of a proposed industrial development. This develop- ment would be within the City of Vista, north of the Carlsbad Raceway. Since Melrose Avenue runs adjacent to the west of the raceway, its improvement could provide additional access to the property. An emergency access road to the alpine slide is proposed as part of the project. All other public facilities necessary to serve the proposed project are either existing or will be provided by the applicant. History and Related Cases City Council Resolution No. 963 (December 17, 1963). On appeal, the City Council approved a conditional use permit, allowing the construction of a drag strip and appurtenant facilities on the raceway property . • 2 CUP 42-A, (Planning Commission Resolution No. 391; March 23, 1965) . This entitlement allowed the expansion of the uses approved under the previous CUP to include a variety of additional racing events. CUP'S 42B and 42C: These CUP'S dealt with amendments (time extension and beer sales) to the original CUP. Both, however, were denied by the Planning Commission. CUP 42-D: (Planning Commission Resolution No. 749; April 25, 1972) . The Planning Commission approved a conditional use permit extension for the raceway property. However, a condition of this permit stipulates that the operation and maintenance privileges shall be for a period of ten years or until April 25, 1982. At the end of this ten year period, there shall be an annual review period to establish further continuance. CUP 42-E: (Planning Commission Resolution No. 1213; January 14, 1976) . This conditional use permit allowed the development of a youth recreational park, including skateboard facilities, on the subject 14 acre site. This permit was conditioned so that it, too, expired on April 25, 1982. CUP 42-F: (Planning Commission Resolution No. 1460); August 9, 1978). The Planning Commission approved this CUP and thereby allowed the addition of a fiberglass sled run to the subject recreation area. Similar to the other CUP'S, CUP 42-F expires on April 25, 1982. Condition No. 13 of this CUP requires that the owners of the subject property work with City staff to prepare a plan for improved access to the Carlsbad Raceway property. Also, a minute motion was passed at this hearing which stated that staff shall assist in the preparation of a conceptual master plan for the entire skateboard park and raceway property prior to any future entitlements. Planning commission Direction (June 13, 1979) At this meeting of the Planning Commission, staff requested Commission direction regarding the processing of the subject CUP, since a master plan and traffic access study had not been submitted for the raceway property. A motion was approved directing staff to accept the application in lieu of a master plan and access study, and that conditions should be applied so that the project can be treated separately from the remainder of the raceway property, in terms of expiration time and review periods. .3 Major Planning Considerations 1) Are the proposed recreational uses desirable in terms of the overall development of the raceway property? 2) Is access to the raceway property sufficient, or should a traffic/access study be required as a condition of approval? 3) How should additions and/or modifications to the subject 14 acres be handled administratively? 4) What date should be established regarding the expiration of this CUP? Discussion The proposed project involves further development of an existing approximately 14 acre recreation area. The site is partially improved with several skateboard facilities, a fiberglass sled run and three relatively small one-story buildings (office, restroom facilities, and ticket-office). The subject 14 acre site is now currently operating under CUPS' 42D, 42E, and 42F. CUP-42D (Carlsbad Raceway) applies to the entire 150 acre raceway property, of which the 14 acre site is a part. All CUPS affecting this property expire on April 25, 1982, at which time an annual review period will be established. New improvements to the site include a roller skating course, picnic area, children's playground and water slide. In addition, several areas are designated as "future activity acres". The applicant has indicated that future improvements may include: racquetball and tennis courts, gym facilities, a swimming pool, pro shop and batting cages. Since these uses are not being proposed at this time, and thus are subject to change, staff has added a condition which stipulates that the Planning Director must approve all "future activity area" uses at such time as they are identified. If the Planning Director feels that a Planning Commission hearing is warranted, one would be required to approve the use. This condition is considered important since it is difficult to determine, at this time, whether or not the existing and proposed improvements {e.g., parking, sanitary facilities, etc) . will be sufficient to handle the "future" uses. The applicant will be providing a total of 133 on-site parking spaces. Based on a review of other similar rec- reational facilities, the proposed parking and other improvements appear adequate to handle the demand generated by the immediately proposed uses. In addition, since the access road to the site is within the County's jurisdiction, the applicant is required, by condition, to comply with all of the County's recommendations regarding traffic access. Also, San Diego Gas & Electric has indicated that development within their transmission easement is acceptable, subject to their approval. Their approval, however, is revocable . . 4 Modification to the existing topography will require approximately 5,000 cubic yards of grading for the water slide. Other portions of the site will require some land form alterations, however, the majority of the work was performed under a previous grading permit. In addition to the proposed uses, the applicant is requesting that the subject CUP superceeded all other CUPS affecting the 14 acre site (i.e., CUPS 42-D, E and F), and that a separate expiration date and review process be applied to the subject property. Since the subject site is located within the Carlsbad Raceway property, and has been previously committed to recreational uses, staff believes that the additional improvements are consistent with the intent of the General Plan and, as conditioned, would not adversely affect existing or future development in the immediate area. However, staff is concerned that traffic access to the raceway property and subject site may be adversely affected by future development of the raceway property. In response to this concern, staff has included a condition which requires that those portions of the required raceway master plan and traffic access study (required under CUP 42-F, and must be prepared by April 25, 1982), which affect the subject site, shall be incorporated into the site's design, improvement and operation. With regard to the expiration of the CUP, staff believes that since the proposed improvements and uses involve a substantial investment, a 10 year expiration date is appropriate. However, staff also believes that a review of the CUP, by the Planning Director, after three years and again after six years, is desirable in order to assess the performance of the CUP. Then, if necessary, the Planning Director may add, delete and/or modify conditions of the CUP in order to mitigate any undesirable affects of the allowed uses, not forseeable at this time. Recommendation Staff recommends that the Planning Commission APPROVE CUP 42-G based on the following findings and subject to the following conditions: Findings 1) The requested uses are necessary and desirable for the development of the community, are essentially in harmony with various elements and objectives of the General Plan, and are not detrimental to existing uses or to uses specifically permitted in the zone in which the purposed uses are to be located since: a) The General Plan designates the site for recreational commercial uses . . 5 b) The site and portions of the adjacent property have been previously committed to similar rec- reational uses without any significant adverse impacts. c) The proposed uses will provide desirable rec- reational facilities to the betterment of the general public welfare. d) Additional review by the Planning Director is required five years from issuance of this CUP, and also at such time that future improvements are proposed. e) Adequate public facilities to serve the proposed project are either existing or will be provided by the applicant. 2) The site for the intended uses is adequate in size and shape to accommodate the uses since much of the site is currently vacant and available (with relatively minimal land form alteration) for expansion of the recreation facilities. 3) All of the yards, setbacks, walls, fences, landscaping, and other features necessary to adjust the requested uses to existing or permitted future uses in the neighborhood will be provided and maintained since conditions have been included which require such provisions and main- tenance. 41 The street system serving the proposed use is adequate to properly handle all traffic generated by the proposed uses since: a} The existing street system, and required parking, are of sufficient size and number to adequately handle traffic generated by the immediately pro- posed uses. b) Future uses, and their traffic impacts, are subject to review by the Planning Director. cl All portions of the required Master Plan and traffic access study, which affect the subject site, must be incorporated into the site's design, improvement and operation. ConditiO'ns 1) Development of the subject property shall occur sub- stantially as indicated in the application CUP 42-G, and as shown on Exhibit "A", dated July 6, 1979, on file in the Planning Department . . 6 2) All modifications to the approved plans shall be subject to the review and approval of the Planning Director. 3) This approval revokes and superceeds all other approvals affecting the subject property (i.e., CUP 42-D, Resolution No. 749, CUP 42-E, Resolution No. 1213, CUP 42-F, and Resolution No. 1460). 4) All areas on Exhibit "A" dated July 6, 1979, designated "Future Activity Area", shall be subject to the review and approval of the Planning Director, at such time that a specific use is proposed. All proposed uses shall be reviewed by the Planning Director for their potential impacts and consistency with this CUP, and the adequacy of improvements, including landscaping, sanitary facilities, parking, and traffic access. If the Planning Director determines that a proposed use is not consistent with this CUP, or if required improvements cannot be provided, the item shall be scheduled for a Planning Commission hearing; whereby the Commission shall either approve, conditionally approve or deny said use. 5) At such time that a master plan and traffic access study for the raceway property is developed and approved by the City Council, those portions of the master plan and access study affecting the subject site shall be incorporated into the site's design, improvement and operation immediately upon approval of said planning study, subject to the approval of the Planning Director. 6) This conditional use permit shall expire and all uses ~ursuant to it shall cease 10 years after the date of issuance. This expiration period may be extended upon application of the permittee for a reasonable period of time. In granting such extension, the Planning Com- mission shall find that no substantial adverse effects on surrounding land uses will result because of the continuation or the permitted use. If a substantial adverse effect on surrounding land uses is found, the extension shall be considered as an original application for a conditional use permit. There is no limit on the number of extensions the Planning Commission may grant. In addition, three years, and again six years, after the date of issuance, this CUP shall be reviewed by the ?lanning Director. The Planning Director shall review the performance of the uses allowed by this permit and, if necessary, add, delete and/or modify the conditions of approval. 7) No alcholic beverages shall be allowed on the subject site. .7 8) Operating hours for all uses of the subject property shall be confined to 9:00 A.M. to 9:00 P.M., seven days a week. 9) All existing and proposed lighting shall be designed in order to prevent any adverse impacts on any adjacent property and/or, public or private roadways. 10) All loudspeakers shall be localized speakers, designed and oriented so as not to be audible beyond the boundary of the subject site. 11) Sanitary facilities acceptable to the County Health Department and the City Public Works Department shall be provided and maintained. 12) All signs for the subject site shall conform with the City of Carlsbad's Sign Ordinance. Building frontage shall be computed based on the main office/headquarters building. A sign program for all internal-oriented directional and informational signs shall be subect to the review and approval of the Planning Director. 13) Fire hydrants shall be installed at locations and with flow rates approved by the Fire Chief or his designee. In addition, the design of the water system serving said fire hydrants shall be subject to the approval of the Fire Chief or his designee, and the water district serving the site. 14) A detailed landscape and irrigation plan shall be subject to the review and approval of the Planning Director prior to the issuance of building permits. Said plan shall incorporate water conservation measures. In addition, the applicant shall establish a weed control program acceptable to the Parks and Recreation Director. 15) No search lights shall be allowed for the purpose of advertising any of the proposed uses. 16) The subject property and all uses shall be separated by a minimum 6' high security fence from all other activities on the raceway property. 17) 30 days prior to any special event on the subject property, as determined by the Planning Director, the event sponsor or promoter shall meet and confer with representatives of the Planning, Engineering, Public Works, Police and Fire Departments in order to determine approvals and establish guidelines pertaining to the subject event. 18) The applicant shall receive the approval of the City Engineer for a site grading plan prior to the per- formance of any construction within the project site . . 8 19) The applicant shall pave the parking lot, access roads and turnaround with a minimum of 2 inches asphalt concrete on 4" base material or an alternate design acceptable to the City Engineer within 90 days of the approval of this CUP. 20) Traffic safety measures shall be installed subject to the review and approval of the City Engineer prior to the performance of any construction within the project site. 21) A potable water supply meeting the standards of the San Diego County Health Department shall be supplied, at no expense to the City of Carlsbad. Prior to any con- struction, the applicant shall submit a letter, from the water district serving the subject property, to the Planning Director which states that the first part of this condition can be met. 22) Prior to any construction, the applicant shall submit a letter, from the County Department of Transportation, to the City Engineer which states that the access and entrance to the subject property is sufficient to meet traffic demand generaged by the site. The applicant shall comply with all of the County's recommendations regarding traffic access. 23) The applicant shall obtain all necessary approvals and comply with all conditions required by San Diego Gas & Electric. 24) An access gate for emergency vehicles shall be provided and maintained to the satisfaction of the Police Chief and Fire Chief. 25) The emergency access road to the alpine slide shall be designed to the satisfaction of the Fire Chief or his designee, and provided concurrent with development of the· site. 261 The applicant shall install either asphalt or concrete curbing around all planter areas within the parking lot and turnaround area concurrent with construction. BM/ar 7/6/79 Location Map Disclosure Form .9 ---- CASE NO. c..ue-4Z-9 Date Rec'd f:?/JLeL:Z9 DCC Date: 7/~/79 PC Date 7/11/-:19 Description of Request: Cm-J:DrnONAL LI:e>E-:PE:5l':-1 cr: :rD DEVtl D? A I 4 k-Bf:.. Be"CR>etmot-lAL-i-AetwIY' _ Address or Location of Request: JJ:\E;., £>OU0:\~1r-P,N R)fSDON OE C~ · BA<'f?½.IA v· NOB1J:\ DE l?ALOHAP::-A\ BEbBt &)&R Applicant: e,~~tN(:~~.c•------------:--:--:--.-:=:----------- Engr. or Arch . ..JDf.2ePH ~, w~A;rE,p COBE -~ Brief Legal=-------------------------:--------:-- Assessor Book: 22,l Page: o,a Parcel :_..&.3;..i?.. ... .__ ____ _ General Plan Land Use Description: BC.-Bf:CBF.A[JQN. C.Ot-1.ME&.tAL Existing zone: C-2.. Proposed Zone : __ _,C__,-2. ____ ---~- Acres: f4 OF 39.9 k,,. f?A:P(:Ff;!o. of Lots : ___ __.__ ____ nti• s N/A DU/Acre N/A: School District:J~~------------------:----:----------- Wa ter District :_.L.C..LM=-i..x\fJD.!C.M,::..._, _________ sani tation District =.CITY OE: CABL~ coast Permit Area: __rN::ilQl.L. __________ ~ _____ .,._ __________ _ I . . If after the information you have submitted has been reviewed, it is determined that further "information is required,_ you will. be so advised. • APPLICANT: AGENT: MEMBERS: "'.SPAR.k S IN c Name (individual, partnership, joint venture, corporation, syndication) l5~o AgJZOJJA, 1 -5.t:yVJ'f., frlp~- Business Address Telephone Number Name Business Address Telephone Number Name (individual, partner, joint venture, _corporation, syndication) Business Address Telephone Number ::n>A:\, R.QcK.\&--?E=l L Name Business Address ~elephone Number cA. I oLt 30 E . Z6L-?.4t:/ Home Address _Telephone Number 6--RE.IV'Z)L.A Home Address Telephone Number (Attach more sheets if necessary) I/We declare under penalty of perjury that the information contained in this dis- closure ls true and correct and that it will remain true and correct and may be relied upon as being true and correct until amended. Applicant BY I .. _ .. ::::::---, ,-....,,--~ .. ,--. ---' I[ __ ------------ '· . ' ;,, " .. ' ',., .. 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