HomeMy WebLinkAbout1980-05-28; Planning Commission; ; CUP 85A - PILGRIM CONGREGATIONAL CHURCHDATE: TO: STAFF REPORT May 28, 1980 Planning Commission - flLE COPY FROM: Catherine Nicholas, Planning Department SUBJECT: CUP-85(A) -PILGRIM CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH - I. Request for an amendment to the conditional use permit to replace an existing building at the church facility located at the northeast corner of Chestnut Avenue and Monroe Street. Project Description and Background The applicant is requesting an amendment to the Conditional Use Permit to construct a 1320 square foot building to replace an existing 500 square foot building which will be removed. The new building will contain offices and a nursery which are currently housed in the existing building. The project site is relatively rectangular in shape and 1.47 acres in size, located, as described above. It is a corner lot, fronting on two collector streets, directly east of Carlsbad High School. The property is presently occupied by the main church sanctuary, three accessory buildings and a parking lot. Approval of the requested amendment would replace one accessory building and pave a small parking area off Chestnut Avenue. On April 14, 1964, the Planning Commission adopted Resolution No. 349 approving a Conditional Use Permit for a church in an R-1-7500 zone. On June 12, 1973, the Planning Commission adopted Resolution No. 918 approving a Conditional Use Permit for an accessory building to the main church structure to be used as a day care facility. II. Analysis Planning Issues 1. Does the requested amendment meet the findings required for the granting of a Conditional Use Permit? ' i . .... Discussion The requested amendment constitutes only a minor alteration of the existing project. The proposed new structure will be constructed on the site of the existing building and no new uses are proposed. The applicant's intent is to provide more spacious and modern facilities for offices and the nursery presently operating in the old building. A new concrete block wall will screen the new building from the abutting residential property. Plans submitted by the applicant also include a small auxillary parking lot off Chestnut Avenue. This area is presently unimproved and used, unofficially, as a parking lot. The applicant proposes to pave and stripe this area to provide six spaces, one to be designated as handicapped parking. These additional spaces will be more than adequate to compensate for the increased square footage of the new bcilding. Submittal of a landscape plan, to include screening of this area, has been included as a condition of approval, to preserve the predominately residential nature of the neighborhood. Adoption of the proposed amendment would not approve any new uses on the property, nor intensify any existing. The proposed new building, though larger, would have more screening than that existing. Staff, therefore, does not anticipate any adverse impact from the approval of this amendment. III. Reconanendation It is recommended that the Planning Commission adopt Resolution No. 1640, APPROVING CUP-85(A), based on the findings and subject to the conditions contained therein. Attachments Background'oata Sheet Location Map Disclosure Form PC Resolution No. 1640 Exhibits A & B, dated May 2, 1980 CDN:ar 5/22/80 -2- ~ DATA SHEET CASEm= cue-PoCN l\PPLICANT: Fl V-aEHM CoN6l3F/~&t101'W.. CHUPt:l-\ mxJJEST AND I.o::ATIC?{: At::1'FJ:\Vt:-1Ebb:: ::ro :Jl:ll:;.. CI \P :ro :B€P\,,ACE AH E;,X\'fiJJNt'~ :euunu:-~ JS;C::IJ-re.CHJ lea-\ :Fh:'JLro' m:;.~ IESC?.I?n~: A 132BTJQH OETBACC 2Ee2 Of::Jl::\UM L.AHOE:::>;:. k<XDP..121~:ro hf\A."P NO, IM:,tpEJJ-EDON I2FC-9J)9J5 APN a:e,-3;3(:)· No. of IDts _.._ ___ _ G=:'~?\L PIAN J\?ID 2CNIN:; General. 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