HomeMy WebLinkAbout1997-08-20; Planning Commission; ; CUP 97-08 - GERICO COMMUNICATIONS SITEt: Clty of CARLSBAD Planning nepartm, ~ A REPORT TO THE PLANNING COMMISSION P.C. AGENDA OF: August 20, 1997 Item.No.® Application complete date: July 7, 1997 Project Planner: Anne Hysong Project Engineer: Mike Shirey SUBJECT: CUP 97-08 • GERICO COMMUNICATIONS SITE -Request for a Conditional Use Permit to allow the installation of an equipment building and two directional cellular panel antennas on a 55' high monopole located at 850 Tamarack Avenue in the C-2 Zone in Local Facilities Management Zone 1. I. RECOMMENDATION That the Planning Commission ADOPT Planning Commission Resolution No. 4 l 55 APPROVING the Negative Declaration issued by the Planning Director, and ADOPT Planning Commission Resolution No. 4156 APPROVING Conditional Use Permit CUP 97-08 based on the findings and subject to the conditions contained therein. II. INTRODUCTION This application is a request for a conditional use permit to allow a 200 square foot equipment building and two 8' cellular antenna panels mounted near the top of a 55' high monopole designed as a mock light standard or flag pole located at 850 Tamarack Avenue (Gerico's Restaurant) to the west of the existing 50' high "Gerico's Restaurant" lreeway service pole sign. As shown on Exhibit "A", the proposed monopole location is north of Gerico's Restaurant adjacent to the loading and service areas, and the equipment building location is between the restaurant and the southbound Tamarack Avenue lreeway offramp. Quasi public utility facilities are permitted in the C-2 zone upon approval of a conditional use permit. Since the findings necessary for granting a conditional use permit can be made, staff is recommending approval of the cellular antenna facility with either monopole design option. III. PROJECT DESCRIPTION AND BACKGROUND Airtouch Cellular is requesting approval of a conditional use permit to allow the installation of a 55' high monopole with two 8' high cellular antenna panels mounted near the top of the pole at the northwest comer of 1-5 and Tamarack Avenue in the C-2 zone. Airtouch is requesting this location to complete their network of antenna along the freeway corridor, and ~ antenna pole is necessary to provide service across the Agua Hedionda Lagoon watershed between their current facility at Palomar Airport Road and Tamarack Avenue. Two design options are proposed to camouflage the antenna monopole; the first design is a mock light standard with the cellular antennas screened by plastic panels, and the second is a flagpole with cellular antenna screened by an American flag. There are two existing 40'+ light standards of similar design located at the site. The site is currently occupied by Geri co' s Restaurant and is • CUP 97-08 • GERICO C~ICATIONS SITE AUGUST 20, 1997 PAGE2 surroUJ1ded by the southbound freeway off-ramp to the east, residential to the north, a vacant gas station to the west, and Tamarack Avenue to the south. As shown on Exhibit "A", the proposed antenna monopole and 200 square foot equipment structure are located at the northeast end of the Gerico' s Restaurant site in the restaurant loading and service entry area. This area is screened from sUJToUJ1ding development by 6' and 8' high block screen walls and landscaping which screens the trash container and service areas. An existing 50' high freeway service sign pole • supporting the Gerico's sign and a blank sign formerly utilized by Texaco is located behind the 8' block wall adjacent to the eastern property line. The proposed 10' high equipment structure would be located between the freeway off-ramp, the 8' high screen wall to the east, and landscaping to the north so that it would be screened from public view. The monopole would be connected to the equipment structure through underground cable conduits. The site, which is zoned C-2 (General Commercial), is also regulated by Specific Plan 27 approved in 1972. Specific uses are not restricted by SP-27; therefore, the use is regulated by the Conditional Use Ordinance which allows quasi-public utilities such as cellular communications facilities in the C-2 zone upon approval of a conditional use permit. The project is subject to the following regulations: A. C-2 • General Commercial Zone (Chapter 21.28 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code); B. Conditional Uses (Chapter 21.42 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code); and C. Growth Management IV. ANALYSIS Staff is recommending approval of this project for the reasons stated below. Consequently, this analysis section was developed by analyzing the project's consistency with the applicable plans, policies, regulations, and standards listed above and presented through the use of the following text. A. C-2 -General Commercial Zone Chapter 21.42 (2)(J) allows accessory public and quasi-public buildings and facilities in all zones, including commercial zones, by approval of a conditional use permit. The cellular antenna facility is consistent with the C-2 zone limitation of uses in that the ground mounted equipment is entirely enclosed within a structure. B. Conditional Uses Conditional land uses such as cellular communications facilities possess unique and special characteristics which make it impractical to include as a permitted use in any of the various zoning classifications. The authority for the location and operation of these uses is subject to Planning Commission review and issuance of a conditional use permit upon finding that the use is necessary and desirable for the development of the community, consistent with the General CUP 97-08 -GERICO C~CATIONS SITE AUGUST 20, I 997 PAGE3 • Plan commercial land use designation, located on a site that is adequate in siz.e and shape to accQmmodate the use, and that the street system is adequate to handle any additional traffic generated by the use. Wireless communication facilities are necessary and desirable to the community in that they provide the region with telecommunication services which are now commonly used by residents of every community. These types of facilities are consistent with the General Plan commercial land use designation in that they supply a necessary commercial service to local residents. The Gerico's Restaurant freeway service facility site is adequate to accommodate the use in that the accessory equipment structure and pole are located to the rear of the site where screening is provided through the combination of walls and landscaping. The use is adjusted to the neighborhood through its proposed location adjacent to the I-5 freeway within an existing freeway service facility. The site currently contains a combination of 40' to 50' high light standards, palm trees, utility lines, and freeway service signs which would allow the "blending• in" of an additional monopole. The existing 40' + palm trees located at the end of the residential street (Carol Place) to the north along with 40'+ high utility poles would partially screen and obscure the monopole from view along Carol Place. Staff is supportive of both design options; therefore, the Planning Commission would determine its preference upon approval of the project. C. Growth Management The proposed site is located within Local Facilities Management Zone I in the northwestern quadrant of the City. The installation of communications equipment and antennas will not result in increased public facilities demands and therefore, the project will not exceed performance standards for public facilities. v. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW The cellular communications facility has been reviewed for potential environmental impacts applicable to the use including land use compatibility, aesthetics, and health and safety hazards. The proposed facility is allowed as a conditional use, is consistent with development in the surrounding area, and the monopole and equipment structure would be partially obscured by existing development. Haz.ards to health and safety would not result since: a) based on a preliminary engineering emission report on file in the Planning Department, the facility would be in compliance with radio frequency power density standards (American National Standards Institute (ANSI)/lnstitute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE) C95. l.1992) for the general public and all requirements of the FCC regarding radio frequency interference and health, safety, and welfare; and b) the 55' high monopole structure will be supported by a foundation system designed and certified by a structural engineer to ensure its structural integrity against all known geologic hazards in accordance with the City• s building code. Therefore, no significant adverse environmental impacts would result from the project and the Planning Director issued a Negative Declaration on July 25, 1997. • cup 97-os -GEruco coLcATIONS SITE AUGUST 20, 1997 PAGE4 ATTACHMENTS: I. Planning Commission Resolution No. 4155 2. Planning Commission Resolution No. 4156 3. Location Map 4. Background Data Sheet 5. Disclosure Statement 6. Reduced Exhibits 7. Exhibits "A"-"C" dated August 20, 1997 • • • SITE· GERICO COMMUNICATION SITE CUP 97-08 CASE NO: • BACKGROUND DATA SHEET • CUP 97-08 CASE NAME: GERICO COMMUNICATIONS APPLICANT: AIRTOUCH CELLULAR REQUEST AND LOCATION: Request for a Conditional Use Permit to allow the installation of an equipment building and two directional cellular panel antennas on a 55' high monopole located at 850 Tamarack Avenue in the C-2 Zone in Local Facilities Management Zone I. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lot 2 of Tamarack Plaza in the City of Carlsbad, County of San Diego. State of California. according to Map thereof No. 5944, filed in the office of the County Recorder of San Diego County, August 23, 1967. Acres: NIA Proposed No. of Lots/Units:~N'"""IA.._ _________ _ GENERAL PLAN AND ZONING Land Use Designation: T-R-Travel Recreation Density Allowed: NIA Density Proposed:N '"'""IA,..__ _________ _ Existing Zone: C-2 -General Commercial Proposed Zone: _....,S""am.....,e'------ Surrounding Zoning and Land Use: (See attached for information on Carlsbad's Zoning Requirements) Zoning Land Use Site C-2 Restaurant North R-3 Duplex South Tamarack A venuelC-1 Gas Station East T-C I-5 Freeway West C-1 Abandoned Gas Station PUBLIC FACILITIES School District: _...,C~U~S=D~ Water District: CMWD Sewer District: Carlsbad Equivalent Dwelling Units (Sewer Capacity):N '"'"'IA,..__ ______________ _ Public Facilities Fee Agreement, dated: N'"""IA'-"------------------- ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT ~ Negative Declaration, issued dated ---'-J-=ul,_.y...,2==3.,_, ~l 9~9~7~------------- 0 Certified Environmental Impact Report, dated ______________ _ O Other, _______________________ _ I • City of Carlsbad -Ahl,1111,i,i•IA•Rlil,,iA,II DISCLOSURE STATEMENT .l~PUC.lNT"S STA ~EVENT OF :)ISCI.OIURE 0, CERTAIN OWNEl'ISI-IIP IN'TE!Rl!STI ON ALL APPUCATIONS WHICH WILL REQV1AE .::,scRE"tlONARY ACTION ON TME PART OF THI CITY COUNCIL OR /,,NY APPOINTED IIOARt). COMMISSION OR CO-ITT!!. ;Please Print) The fol1ow,ng information must be disclosed: 1 . Applicant Ust the names and addresses of all persons having a financial interest in the application. Airtouch Cellular (Kevin McGee) Gerico's (Martin Kouma, Jerry Sova) 5355 Mira Sorrento Place, #500 850 Tamarack Avenue San Diego, CA 92121 Carlsbad. CA 92008 2. Owner List the names and addresses of all persons having any ownership interest in the property involved. Gerico's (Marvin Kouma, Jerry Sova) 850 Tamarack Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92006 3. If any person identified pursuant to (1) or (2) above is a corporation or partnership, list the names anc addresses ot all individuals owning more than 1 O'lb of the shares in the corporation or owning any partnershi~ interest in the partnership. n/a n/a 4. If any person idwi,lllled pursuant to (1) or (2J above ii a non-profit organization or a trust, list the names an, addresses of any person serving as officer or director of the non-profit organization or as trustee or beneficiar of the trust n/a n/a FRM00013 8/90 2075 Las Palm-C>riv• • Carlsbad, California 92009--4859 • (619) 438-1161 • , Disclosure Statement (Over/ Page 2 5. Have you had more than S250 worth of business transacted with any member of City staff. Soares Commissions. Committees and Council within the past twelve months? Yes _ No ...!.. If yes. please indicate person(s) _________ ~----------- Per,on ,. defined u: "A.""f individual. firm, coparll'tership, ioi"'venture. uaocilllion, eocial dub.,,..,,, .. org.,,izalion. oorporaaon. eS1ate. tN1t. ;;;;;;;;,_ tyndicase, tl"lia and •""I othe, county, crty end county, Cit;' mun1c1oaiil'f, CSiatnc:t or oa,., politic .. 11.1bctivta.on. or eny oa,., groi.p or comb1nabon acting u • 1.1n1t. • ~: Attach add~ional pages as necessary.) See attached .t9lt I~{ Signature of Owner/dale Print or type name ot owner FRM00013 8/90 Kevin McGee, Airtouch Cellular Prrt or type name ot applicant i l i' ! Ii : / ,· ( I • SITE PLAN t><l9 .. N& 91N&La ••ruL~ •••1ca .. ?1•L t><••"N"' •·••ctNT< .. L ! .. N. ~----~ .,.., ____ _ ---= - ,.,., A I R T 0 UC H Cellular GERICO COMMUNICATIONS SITE ( C.U.P. • 97-08 ) F'!o!OJECT 01!.!l!CTOr.!'t" ---A~------·--~-.... -=-:::..~--· ~·----___ .... ..... c:o,tr,w.r, ____ _ -· ,_,,n .. .. ~""'·-----~ ---"'-"""·"",,._ MNl>-,.CM,._,.A -.............. -"°"'""''-~----------1>.-L.-....,._ ~....,,:,~~ . ..,,,, .. ,._,._, °""'""'·-'-- NJIK? TM ---=·~-.......... _ .... _ -· ,.,.,.,, __ Gl1Nf4Cf, ___ F'r.!OJECT OE&or.!IF'TION L.EGAL. Ol!&or.!IF'TION .or,00,.......,,.........,.,_crrroo __ _..,.i,r..,i,-,, Sl,._'111 OOCOI.-~ TO-_..,OICI, --.. ,,_ _,,,. 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