HomeMy WebLinkAbout1999-11-17; Planning Commission; ; CUP 99-14 - CARLSBAD HIGH SCHOOL SD 295-01Tl City of Carlsbad Planning Departml.t A REPORT TO THE PLANNING COMMISSION P.C. AGENDA OF: November 17, 1999 ItemNo.@ Application complete date: August 19, 1999 Project Planner: Van Lynch Project Engineer: Kathy Farmer SUBJECT: CUP 99-14 -CARLSBAD HIGH SCHOOL -SD -295-01 -Request for a Conditional Use Permit to allow the installation of a base transceiver station and the placement of six panel antennas mounted on a replacement light standard adjacent and east of the football field at Carlsbad High School located at 3557 Monroe Street in the Open Space (OS) Zone in Local Facilities Management Zone 1. I. RECOMMENDATION That the Planning Commission ADOPT Planning Commission Resolution No. 4669 APPROVING CUP 99-14 based on the findings and subject to the conditions contained therein. II. INTRODUCTION This application is a request for a conditional use permit to allow a Personal Communication System (PCS) facility consisting of two equipment cabinets located at-grade in an equipment enclosure and a total of six panel antennas to be mounted on a replacement light standard adjacent and east of the football field of Carlsbad High School. Quasi-public utility facilities are permitted in the Open Space Zone by conditional use permit, and all required conditional use findings can be made for the proposed PCS facility. III. PROJECT DESCRIPTION AND BACKGROUND Pacific Bell Wireless proposes to locate a Personal Communications Service (PCS) facility at 3557 Monroe Street (Lancer Way), in the City of Carlsbad. The site is currently owned and used by the Carlsbad School District as a high school. The facility will consist of six panel antennas to be mounted on a replacement light standard on the eastern side of the football field. The existing light standard is 70 feet tall and supports field lights and a maintenance platform which are at the top. The new light standard location will be five feet to the north of the existing light standard. The antennas are proposed to be located five feet lower than the field lights and will be 58.5 feet above the ground. The antenna panels are 56 inches long, eight inches wide, and two and three-quarters inches deep. A set of two antennas are mounted on an arm which projects six feet from the pole. The antenna pairs will be placed in three sectors around the light standard. The antenna design is an open design as opposed to being behind a solid shield or bonnet as other antennas in the area. The open design is less obtrusive and will not be as view obstructing as other designs. No other types or styles of antennas or microwave dishes are proposed. The ground mounted equipment consists of two radio equipment cabinets, also known as base transceiver stations (BTS), to be located roughly 25 feet northeast of the light standard; one is to be installed with the facility, and one is to be installed in the future. The base transceiver station if'\ .,._+;' CUP 99-14-CARLSBAD,GH SCHOOL-SD 295-01 - November 17, 1999 Pa e2 (BTS) will be just north of the concrete bleachers. A very minor amount of grading is needed to place the equipment cabinet into a small slope. It will also require a retaining wall approximately two and one half feet high. A six foot chain link fence and access gates with green vinyl screening slats will enclose the BTS. A grading permit will not be required. The BTS equipment does not require air conditioning units and none are proposed. The proposed project is subject to the following regulations: A. Conditional Use Permit Regulations (Chapter 21.42 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code); B. Growth Management. IV. ANALYSIS Staffs recommendation of approval for this conditional use was developed by analyzing the project's consistency with the applicable City regulations and policies. This analysis will present in text the project's consistency with the applicable regulations listed below: A. Conditional Use Permit Regulations Conditional land uses such as PCS communication facilities possess unique and special characteristics which make it impractical to include them as permitted uses "by right" in any of the various zoning classifications (i.e., open space, residential, commercial, office, and industrial). The authority for the location and operation of these uses is subject to Planning Commission review and the issuance of conditional use permits. The following required conditional use permit findings for the proposed PCS facility can be made: 1. The proposed use is: a) necessary and desirable for the development of the community in that the community benefits of wireless communications include improved telecommunications service for emergency services and individuals; b) consistent with the General Plan in that the High School (H) land use designation does not preclude the provision of quasi-public utility uses; and c) not detrimental to permitted uses in the Open Space zone in that the use is integrated into a proposed replacement light standard and requires no significant changes to the site design or function; 2. The proposed site is adequate in size and shape to accommodate the use in that the antennas would be mounted on an existing light standard and the equipment enclosure is located in a sloped grass landscape area; 3. All features necessary to adjust the requested use to the existing use are provided in that the antennas are painted to match the light standard and the BTS is within an equipment enclosure located a distance from public view and is not readily visible; and 4. The street system serving the proposed use would not be impacted by the proposed conditional use in that additional vehicle trips are limited to occasional equipment maintenance by service personnel. CUP 99-14-CARLSBAD,IGH SCHOOL-SD 295-01 November 17, 1999 Pa e3 B. Growth Management The proposed site is located within Local Facilities Management Plan Zone 1. The installation of the antennas on the light standard and the equipment cabinets on the ground will not result in increased public facilities demands and therefore, the project will not exceed performance standards for public facilities. V. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW The installation of small new equipment is a Class 3 Categorical Exemption under the California Environmental Quality Act (Guidelines Section 15303). Pacific Bell is licensed by the FCC to receive and transmit by radio waves operating in the 1850-1990 MHz frequency block. The FCC requires compliance with radio frequency power density standards (ANSI/IEEE C95.1-1992) for the general public, therefore, the project would not have a significant impact on the environment. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Planning Commission Resolution No. 4669 (CUP) 2. Location Map 3. Background Data Sheet 4. Disclosure Statement 5. Exhibits "A" -"F" dated November 17, 1999 VL:eh CARLSBAD HIGH SCHOOL SD 295-01 CUP 99-14 -BACKGROUND DATA SHEET - CASE NO: CUP 99-14 CASE NAME: CARLSBAD HIGH SCHOOL -SD 295-01 APPLICANT: PACIFIC BELL WIRELESS REQUEST AND LOCATION: Personal communication service facility located the Carlsbad High School football field at 3557 Monroe Street (Lancer Way), Carlsbad LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Portions of Tracts 248 and 249 of Thum Lands, in the City of Carlsbad, County of San Diego, State of California, according to map thereof Number 1681, filed in the Office of the County Recorder of San Diego County, December 9, 1915 APN: 205-140-25 & 28 Acres: 30.25 Proposed No. of Lots/Units: Na:a..:.:....:/A=--------- GENERAL PLAN AND ZONING Land Use Designation: =H-ig=h=-S~c=h=o...;.o~l """'(H=-)'--------------------- Density Allowed: NI A Density Proposed: =-N"--/ A~---------- Existing Zone: Open Space (OS) Proposed Zone: N"-'-=-o-'c=h=an=-g=e'---_______ _ Surrounding Zoning, General Plan and Land Use: Zoning General Plan Current Land Use Site Open Space High School School North R-1-7500 Residential Low-Medium Residential South R-1-7500 Residential Low-Medium Residential East R-1-7500 Residential Low-Medium Residential West R-1-7500 Residential Low-Medium Residential PUBLIC FACILITIES School District: Carlsbad Water District: Carlsbad Sewer District: =C=ar=l=sb=a=d'--------- Equivalent Dwelling Units (Sewer Capacity): """'N"""/A=---------------- Public Facilities Fee Agreement, dated: "'-N""'/ A=------------------ ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT D Negative Declaration, issued ___________________ _ D Certified Environmental Impact Report, dated ______________ _ ~ Other, Exempt (Section 15303) ,. •• SD J-9')--0 I ~ity of Carlsbad ■ =36• h,hei• l•l4•ihiieefA,i I DISCLOSURE STATEMENT APPLICANT'S STATEMENT OF DISCLOSURE OF CERTAIN OWNERSHIP INTERESTS ON AU.APPUCATIONS WHICH WILL REQUIRE DISCRETIONARY ACTION ON THE PART OF THE CITY COUNCIL, OR NN APPOINTED BOARD, COMMISSION OR COMMITTEE. (Please Prim) The following information must be disclosed: 1 . Applicant List the names and addresses cif all persons having a financial Interest.in the application. Pacific Bell Wireless (PBW) 6)7Q Cornerstone Court, Suite 180 Sau Diego, CA 92121 2. Owner List the names and addresses of all persons having any ownership interest in the property involyed. Carlsbad Unified School District 3. 11 any person identified pursuant to (1) or (2) above Is a corporation or partnership, list the names and addresse: of all indMduals owning more than 10% of the shares in the corporation or owning any partnership interest in th< partnership. 4. If any person identified pursuant to (1) or (2) above Is a non-profit organization or a trust, list the names an< addresses of any person serving as officer or director of the non-profit organization or as trustee or beneficiary c the~n • FRM0001 12/91 ----------------:...------------------~~ 2075 Las Palmas Drive • Carlsbad, California 92009-1576 • (619) 438-1161 (Over) 'J/sc/osure Statement Page2 5. Have you had more than $250 worth of business transacted with any member of City staff, Board~ CommissionsyCommittees and Council within the past twelve months? Yes _ No L If yes, please indicate person(s) __________________ _ 1 f!!!2!2 I• defined u: 'Arr/ indlvklU&I, firm, copa,tnerahlp, joint venture, ueocldon, social club, fratemal organization, co,poratlon. eetat., trust, receive , 1 syndicate, thla and any other county, city and county, city munk:fpallty, dlatrlct or other polltlcal aubdtvi.ion, or any other ~ or combination acting u unit.• • rn: Attach additional paga as necessary.) Signature Print or type name of owner. =RM0001 12/91 Signature of appnti Susan Gregg (for Pacific Bell Wireless) Print or type name of applicant VICINITY MAP THDYAS OUIDE PACE 1101, C-5 ADORESS --mm ~ca•- COOl!DINATIS (NAO 27) unn.,ar. ar •"U-llllfflf ~ 11r1~U'Mnt ACCESSIBILITY DISCLAIMER lMS Pla.lrCf ■ M Ulll:ICQINI 1Ra1111 ,a: :=:~~ IU~ ~STAll AIIO!lffl:T •• lltWT,... ....... l(:iCDI tl£QUllltll0ffL PACIFIC ti BELL@ Wireless CARLSBAD HIGH SCHOOL 3557 MONROE STREET CARLSBAD, CA 92008 SD-295-01 CONSll.. TANT TEAM .uc:Hfl[Cft MlllllllllnlA__,.IUMl:I -=-•,._ , ... __ , CWUliW.tlaffl (7111-• (7111-(rAIQ EUCTMCAL CONSULTANTI -.111 L CIM', l1KnlCM. INIIKIJl • pt ---..... ~ ... m~:::::erM) STIIUCTUIW. CONSULT,1111'1 MMlf ,. NTlll. ITIOtNIM. DtlMlJI 111 W.,.. ll,.Wr., tu111 ., .. ...._CA .... t=J ;:::::: (rM) SUll'IEYOOI etfllll'Dlllll~alLJIMYIN ,..9.WINN.....,...&m:J .,. .. ca.au, 1:m::vMJ PROJECT SUMMARY -UCAHT: OWIIEII: ---4<QI......O-«.aJIIIJIIWIJ. .....,_. ----CMUIIIID \Nt'lrD _,... lll'IWCT ., ..... =·&= (JtlJ.,.,_.1, l'IIOJECT D£SCR"110N1 MTAU.llllfll • A Ult lMNll:IMI ITA110N Olif A ataETE 11.M-A~atc:ICMDCHiNNUIII'~ WIM ~M'ID9li\ lial'1S 11111Uf'11:l1J 11'-t• OI A .. 7'1'-r UIHT If,.._., LECAL anctllPTION1 ~.,.~Mlsr~:'c:..= 1=-:.~ WI' ~ IIL 1•1• RD .1Ht tna: W 1HE CIIUll1T ~ •• .. caum, m:a:att. ,.,,. PIIOJECf AD0JtESSs Jll7 -l1'mT ...._ .. _ ASSESSORS PMICEL NUMIOb ,._141-11 a --·---· EXISTTNC ZCHINC: wa ..a: TOTAL SITE AREA: IWDL n ,.,,.__ w __ _, PMCC1.a --• ....... PROPOSED PIIOJECT AIIEA: 1• • TYPt OF' COHSTIIUCTIDN W PIIOPOSEO ll.DC. OCCUPANCY: I T-1 A-0 A-I A-2 A-3 C-1 SHEET SCHEDULE fflU IHm SI'( l'INl.., ..... ~ OIi.Mm) Ifft P'lM MO ffl fllllllJ'IIDfT !IUlf DfflllOttlfflNIS ..,... __., APPLICABLE CODES ,U --IIIIILL ca.LT wmt fflt ~ N'PUCMLE CDOC9i CM.n.MtTAll:IMQIIIIOIM.ffl\lM ~ ..... CDOC.IIMllll'IWII IW'IMII.D..tenlC,llmot.tna-.. •MODfJ'Df'c:eNn.lCT,fflEmrl'Rtll'IICIMCOQI; _,__ -~&- ,0.CHIT(CTUI\( 0 ~ll'll'U,INC v .. u .. II, HOR t"'"'ftCf MIIUT ~ I .... U A-.0" ~G IQII .Ult ~ .. Ul.tl, U. HOii OU,, 4U•UU ====11==== PREPARED roR PACIFIC II BELL. Wlreloa -4-420 ROSEWOOD DRIVE SUILOIHG 2, roURTH rLOOR PLEASANTON, CJ.UfORHIA !U51!!18 =====11===== APPROVALS ~ ~ ~ ~ =====11===== PROJECT NA.MC CARLSBAD HIGH SCHOOL PROJECT NUMBER SD-295-01 3557 MONROE STREET CARLSBAD, CA 92008 SAN DIEGO ====11==== DRAWING DATES I/I/If P'llll.lM lD IC\'! 1/111/H Z:O StllllITTAL 1/22/tf ZO ll['ASJOltS 1/21/H flNAL ZOK!tlO ====11====1 SH[tT TITLE TITLE SHEET PROJECT DATA =====11===== PtDJtCTS\Pnr\Uo.,.l'\UO~lttllJWQ ====11==== T-1 06 1 1 1 ~i ■ !1 al l "' 1 Ui ·- _. ., _. ., w ta : ~ CD ~~ ; • ~i! : g ~~ ~ ■ u rJ i ; g; I ~§ i u :; . i ~ f a! Ii Ii I~ I[ lg ■ i I I ~ ~ ~ . 8 ~ .. 2 -- ' ! ! 8 (I ) ~ :c :: ~ ~ 0 0 !~ "' -~ , en I:! 2 ~~ :c 0 <! I J, W< ~ ~ :i : a) Ou ■ ~ F~ ■ ■ • I C\I ~ ~ ! ! wa . <( ~ 6 ~~ I 1: : 0 (/ ) ~i s: = = = (/ ) I ~ ~u ?~ ! ~ ~ w C, --~-~MOMIDIIIIATOIIOI \ ' \ ' \ ' \ _______. ,------- --..,..,~----TDD'H011[ II ,_,. IOMC[ FtDII 'IO~UTIJTrllQ.[Af """"""""'- ~ .... 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CllftcT •o.-111,. _,.,_u.nou t,1c:lt•"•U7' I====•==== PREPARED FOR PACIRC II BELL. w.-. .«20 ROSEWOOD DRIVE !VILOIHC 2, fOUATH FLOOR PLEASANTON, CALJrORHIA 9-45!!8 ====•==== APPROVALS ~ CtlNSTI!I.ICOOlf ~ =====•===== PROJECT NAME CARLSBAD HIGH SCHOOL PROJECT NUMBER SD-295-01 3557 MONROE STREET CARLSBAD, CA 92008 SAN DIEGO ====•==== DPA.Yl"ING DA.TES t/f/H "RaN IO II[ 1/1'/U IO SutWITTAl 1/27./ff 20 lltVtSIONS 1/21/H rtlW.. ZOHIHC =====•===== SHEET TITlt ENLARGED SITE PlAN BTS EQUIPMENT Pl.AN ====•==== r110JCC'l~rf'/(\H035\HO!.!UI.O'#G ====•==== A-1 _.,_ """"'- :,g.uo« PIIONl[D MWNm ITm. I.Jiff nN:WIO, tll1'UU DSTM UCIIT StHOll'I) lffll CIC Dr IMlDIJC t-EalT NI) IIZL ----~ "'-"I ~::..., l I I I SOUTH ELEVATION NORTH ELEVATION --W•1'-f' ----....... ,.,... ____ ,.. .. ~ -WfilZ!D rrm. laHT nMWID. m:JIII.ACEbSl'MlOll'PMWIDWffHCl'IE CF~ttmfTIM9l'L /4 _....,,,.,,"' .... --DflltftDPtllla.wn) M\N:1'11-,,;T...,a.u) JIIIO'mmllllllClrCml.9N&IJI ITIIIUl'IIUll'C#l9fi€TIDNA ¥t/ii---- EAST ELEVATION ...... ,,.... _,.., ~IDJN~ -- P'ID"'oaoM\llllfGDfflil.UOfl'lf#IWII,, miucE DmM LDff SUIN0,l,MJ 1l'1M DNE Of' MON tmfT HlfJ IIZL , ..... ----Rr.1••:Mcr ..,,...,,. ....... "' bND ,_. ~ WUHI' p..,,-, WEST ELEVATION ............ ~ ' __ L=,,_""" ----ITMIITO .... , ..... WCJIEJE~ AJWiltflfl"Dl1'. ~ -!B;s. OCHIY(CTUU ■ 1'lANNU1G VUIA'I It tOOlll Al,Ollf,cf IOUQ l RIM, .RCllffCJ to.-•u• ,,., • ...,("4-nou C1♦ol •••-uu =====11==== PREPARED F'OR PACIFIC ■ BELL e WINloa -4420 ROSEWOOD DRIVE BUILDING 2, roURTH fl00R PLEASANTON, CAUrORNIA 945'515 =====11==== APPROVALS OPOU.TlOJ'IS ~ "'· ~ ZDMING -mr- cOHffiucnON ~ siri.t.eouis1noA ~ ====n==== PROJECT NAME CARLSBAD HIGH SCHOOL PROJECT NUMBER SD-295-01 3557 MONROE STREET CARLSBAD, CA Sl2001S SAN 01rco ====11==== 1/>/H •111;,, 1/ll/lt 1/28/H ====11==== SHEET TITLC EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS ====n==== l'•OJtCTs\Pl'W\11033\H'"'3lA2 DWC =====11==== A-2 ,. ,\ ;a-.D11L-....:OITUl.PIN: .-.wamUIIS?MIT lmmMU .. 1ITT10t n •WMZm mn ""£ .. srm. "'[ f'l#CI[ ._,_. ,mr .. amt""" -.---~~ mat,,.. .... ,,. ~-~M.Cff.wu ==t•,'Nft.T #ft.Dalll0lll11M ... wa MIUnlO 10 u,,er-.n ST'lf1/4"1f .... Mllli ~'-=:""" ~ .. H'.' ~--~.::«::l'lttl. maott'IIILWGIDITUl. ·-~'''···4, ·-·~'~· ~~~"= .. ~ --..w a-11r OIJION[M" -~ .. --..... 4"-l 1/4• 4•..c, 7/f(' } A n ~ ~ ~ I ·I i ,.._.,....._,...,..,_ -IMIID.1'1:DTD _...._ mJ:-~• ~ . .., ... IIIIUfl-1/r~ -----... .. _,,, PUmtto:rarlflll'I\NT _,._ _,...,,.,__ ,_ ,JF-11..., I 2 r------7 I I I I I I L_\ ____ J I 1 I .....,... .... CMINIT' ,JF-11..., I fi ~"'%,.'""..'.(:" ~ , ........ 'tNIZID """'""" 11/1r'lt•ll.cnl,(nft:Ml ~ ~ DT1W'""' Cl0iY"l£I£ wmt ID01I #tO CUIHOla PUii UNIM.CNllLDffltrlDl1SUMS c~,, .. ~ .. ~~ 1t-~•r~d~ IIECTIONA 8ECTIONII _____ .,_ ,J!l!:'r 17 ~ -..--~--nwe.nur. Jlt'COO .. MtDM f ",• ~ B L --Rl0NT VIEW 3, Al.JUI. ... _ , ,F-l·-rl a 8'SUWl'MCUnm10l'Ulnt ac« Ml' a, ~ aM RIii DIIWNMf:..._.,.,.,...m.._ M IEIIUIM:D TD LMl. UIIT P'Uffll -=-ar n I.NT a::a.UTD.._,.,.._ ~ •wwam mn. .,.Lr\_ fJtiW( 101.mt lO C0IOIElt..,. -w NOc. IJw.L I[ 1/n I 4-t/J• \OG .-c-•T I ...... DaD ~1/t' Ma ........ /, ~rvv-. llJ ::.a.-=;;.== ~.O.Dm'. .. ~ 'MOt ca,c,llffl aAI a:TDlltrWl91NT ,JF-11..., I • •->I· r = .,. __ ~ 'ii 'Ir = -rTI· -----l'lJlllftW -..nJ1■1.N.(lttt) ........ MTIIJIIII\ ..... ~ • t/l'"P-rl I ~ ~ h --l'CILE-- ---- _,.. .... ttolCllll..'IIMIZm Sfm.uc:wTITN«:liJ11111 ,JF-11..., I o ~s. AlCMIY(CTLIU ■ tlANNINc; wu,., 11 t♦'1• ,_ .. !l'lcT ""IUT I n.0011 -•ntT llt.'61 UII ., .. , .... U HOOi IJ♦O) •U•U,O ====11====1 PREPARED roR PACIFIC ■ BELL• Wlr.i.a <1-120 ROSEWOOD DRIVE 9UILDING 7, roURTH nooR PUASONTON, CAllrORNtA 9-451!18 ====•==== APPROV.t.LS OJUAllOIB ~ It-', ~ ~ ~ ~ ====•==== PROJECT H.t.ME CARLSBAD HIGH SCHOOL PROJECT HUMBER SD-295-01 3557 MONRO£ STREET CARLSBAD, CA 920015 SAN DIEGO ====•==== ORAVitNG DATES 1/21/tf rlfW. IOMl!o/G ====11==== SHECT TITLE DETAILS ====11==== PIIOJ[CB\P8'r\tlllll\lllllll.ll.D'#d ====11==== A-3 ! IN SCALE• I• = 20' p E¼ I ... .. 0£STM1T AVEU BOUNDARY/KEY MAP ICM.£ 1•--tor VICINITY MAP NDT TD JCM.£ c ~ ~ ~ .{$ r;' .~ CHRISTENSEN ENGINEERING 8c SURVEYING TOPOGRAPHY -~~ SHEET 1 OF 1 SHEET PACIFIC BELL VIR£L£SS CARLSBAD HIGH SCHOOL SD-295-01 3557 MONROE STREET CARLSBAD, CA 92008 LEGAL DESCRIPTION PCJIITUIG ti' TIW:TI 241 MD .. , Dr nD1 LMDI, IN nc CIDITY IF SAN IICEiD, STATE' IF CAL.lrtJNA, ~ING TD ~ TI-IXIF N1 1£at, FIW IN Tl£ [JTIC[ IF TH[ aucTT Jll[a.JlC• IF IHil 11cm aucn, 1tcomc• ,. ,,,,. ~.~~ItrS-~~~~~~~~}_ . ._ .... ,.e! BENCHMARK TIP IF f1"E ~T Ol n£ YEST SlllE CW' ~ STIEET, [AST IF Kat mm. CN'E-ltlllA P'CII CITY 17 CNII.SMI rlEL.D latlC !, 1"Mit 73. D.EVliTJOI ti:,02" O'CM ltA UvtL kG.V,I. ltm NOTES 1. t~NTI. MJIU)Effl, D:JCUll(ffl MD om~ ~rn:a ~ M'n:c.r nns l'ltDl'Dll,. MT txm, arr CANIJT IE r,,.onu Tln..t JEPOri KIT PIIOVIIXII AT me CF 1UIV£1'. e. THC ...:CSIC LDCATIIJN CF tltltMJQld: U1'1LETl£1 C0J..D N:IT IC IIETt:llfflNtD tN M fl.ELD. PRUJI TO Nff OICAVATJr»t UTZI..JTY C[Jllf'AH!(S VJLL M:EI m MNM-CUT txAcT UTll.lT'f LDCATHJts. 3. TH( AJIIHIOI nJJI THC M.K;CT PA[Jl'(RlT II 3557 ~ lllt£ET, CMI.IIAD, CA. .e. THt AfltS:U. l"NIQJ. Nl.JOOI f'tll THC AJl'JttT '"'9"DITT II 21!5-Jq...a ~ TK MCA CF nt: SUI-.CCT PID'DTY' II !'136 H:RICS. SURVEYOR'S ST ATE ME NT DIIJIT£NIOI. ormrl::Dm«i I ~NG I-ECIY' STATtl Tlw\T 11£ I\JtYtYTJrlG Stll-VJC[I rAOVIIICI f[Jf THrl llRV£T VOi[ c:Jrfl1CTtl lit M:CMDMC:C Vlllf GDERALU ACa:.PTD lMD SMVEYJNG PMCTla.l lMJER lllt SL.PaVISJIJN IF A ACGlSlEREn CIVIL OICillil:EJI LICENSED TD P"MeTlct l.MI ~YIN:i IN 1l£ ITAT[. or CN.lf'tJIMtA. .JXIH0 l'lft' OWILD V. CMIIllOCSDl, JtC.r.. 81" h1• ABBREVIATIONS ASf'H AlfltW,.T Cl CATCH IAIIN C!JIC "'"'''at Cl"■ c:tlMllnCATGJIS PU.l IIJX Et. ELEYAlltJt CPI £U:CTIIC Nil lmt 11 JaJIYITUJliC 1CX LS Lltifff STMGIM:D ..-iD t7 IOOH MIUICNI MTl.llf lff7 P PmT Tf'I TD.O'tDE PUJ.. mll n,, T""1~ lP unun NLt C-1 DRA\l!NG REVISIONS IUG4/1, ,nu: .!K ....