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2015-02-04; Planning Commission; ; CUP 99-23A | CDP 99-45A - CARLSBAD WATER RECYCLING FACILITY
The City of Carlsbad Planning Division A REPORT TO THE PLANNING COMMISSION P.C. AGENDA OF: February 4, 2015 ltemNo. 0 Application complete date: December 2, 2014 Project Planner: Barbara Kennedy Project Engineer: Steve Bobbett SUBJECT: CUP 99-Z3(A)/CDP 99-45(A) -CARLSBAD WATER RECYCLING FACILITY -Request for a Conditional Use Permit Amendment and Coastal Development Permit Amendment for the Phase Ill Expansion of the Carlsbad Water Recycling Facility located at 6220 Avenida Encinas in the Mello II Segment of the Local Coastal Program and within Local Facilities Management Zone 22. The project is within the scope of the Mitigated Negative Declaration (MND) that was prepared for the Phase Ill Recycled Water Project and the MND adequately describes the activity for the purposes of CEQA. This project is not located within the appealable area of the California Coastal Commission. I. RECOMMENDATION That the Planning Commission ADOPT Planning Commission Resolution No. 7084 APPROVING Conditional Use Permit Amendment CUP 99-23{A) and Coastal Development Permit Amendment CDP 99-45(A) based upon the findings and subject to the conditions contained therein. II. PROJECT DESCRIPTION AND BACKGROUND In November 2012, the Board of Directors ofthe Carlsbad Municipal Water District (CMWD) approved the Phase Ill Recycled Water Project (Phase Ill Project) to expand recycled water service to the northwest quadrant of the CMWD service area and to three water service providers: the City of Oceanside, Olivenhain Municipal Water District (OMWD), and Vallecitos Irrigation District (VID). The Phase Ill Project consists of a number of components which are each individual Capital Improvement Projects (CIP). The proposed project is one of these components and consists of a request for approval of a Conditional Use Permit Amendment and Coastal Development Permit Amendment for the Phase Ill expansion of the Carlsbad Water Recycling Facility (CWRF) located at 6220 Avendia Encinas. The CWRF, which was constructed in 2005, is designed to treat secondary clarified effluent from the adjacent 40 million gallons per day (MGD) Encina Water Pollution Control Facility (EWPCF) and to produce disinfected tertiary recycled water that meets Title 22 of the California Administrative Code for "unrestricted non-potable reuse". The CWRF was master planned to be expanded up to a capacity of 16 MGD. The Phase Ill project will expand the CWRF from its current capacity of 4.0 MGD to a total capacity of 8.0 MGD. The final Build-Out Phase of the CWRF is unknown. The existing CWRF is located on a 9.0 acre site that is owned by City of Carlsbad. CMWD entered into a SO-year lease with the City of Carlsbad on April 27, 2004 via Resolution No. 1206. The graded and partially developed site includes a 4,343 sf. operations building and 14-space parking lot adjacent to Avenida Encinas; an at-grade observation platform that overlooks the EWPCF to the north; chemical storage tanks, microfiltration equipment, and reverse osmosis facilities covered by dark green metal canopies with split- face masonry support columns; a pump station located within a 16 ft. tall, 3,600 sf. (20' x 30') split-face masonry block enclosure; and a 35 ft. wide x 165 ft. long x 14 ft. deep chlorine contact basin. There are also two open, at-grade concrete basins located directly east of the 9.0 acre site, on property owned by l'\ . ., CUP 99-23{A)/CDP 99-45{A)-CARLSBAD WATER RECYCLING FACILITY February 4, 2015 Page 2 Encina Wastewater Authority {EWA), that provide storage for a) three and half million gallons of recycled water and b) storage for influent flow equalization {shared by EWA and CMWD). Operation and maintenance of the CWRF is contracted to EWA. The site plan for the CWRF {Attachment 3), approved in 2001 by Conditional Use Permit {CUP 99-23) and Coastal Development Permit {CDP 99-45), included the conceptual locations for future recycling equipment and storage basins which would be constructed as the need arose. The expansion proposed by this amendment includes: • Three new feed pumps to convey secondary effluent from EWA to the CWRF. • Three new pressurized microfiltration units producing a combined 3.0 MGD of additional filtration design flow. • A 16' high, 30' x 60' canopy over the new equipment (to match the existing canopies). • An additional chlorine contact basin {CCB) expansion to provide disinfection of the additional design filtrate flows. • Other underground pipes, pumps and features to improve automation of the treatment process and chemical additions. All of these improvements will be constructed on the CWRF site, with the exception of the three feed pumps, which will be located within the EWPCF site. An aerial photo exhibit (Attachment 4) depicts the location of the existing facilities and the Phase Ill expansion that is proposed by this amendment. Table A below includes the General Plan designations, zoning and current land uses ofthe project site and surrounding properties. TABLE A-GENERAL PLAN, ZONING AND LAND USE Location General Plan Designation Zoning Current Land Use Site Planned Industrial/Office Planned Industrial/Office Carlsbad Water Recycling {Pl/0) (P-M/0) Facility North Public Utilities {U) Public Utilities {P-U) Encina Water Pollution Control Facility South Planned Industrial/Office Planned Industrial/Office Vacant, Property owned by {Pl/O) (P-M/0) EWA Planned Industrial/Office Planned Industrial/Office East {Pl/O) and Transportation {P-M/O) and Transportation Vacant, Interstate 5 Corridor {TC) Corridor {T-C) West Transportation Corridor Transportation Corridor North County Transit District {TC) {T-C) Rail Line Ill. ANALYSIS The proposed project is subject to the following regulations: A. General Plan Land Use and Open Space and Conservation Elements; B. Planned Industrial/Office Zones {CMC Chapter 21.34 and 21.27); C. Conditional Use Permit Regulations {CMC Chapter 21.42); and D. Coastal Development Permit Regulations for the Mello II Local Coastal Program {LCP) Segment and the Coastal Resource Protection Overlay Zone (CMC Chapters 21.201 and 21.203). CUP 99-23(A)/CDP 99-45(A) -CARLSBAD WATER RECYCLING FACILITY February 4, 2015 Pa e 3 The recommendation for approval for this project was developed by analyzing the project's consistency with the applicable City regulations and policies. The project's compliance with each of the above regulations is discussed in detail in the sections below. A. General Plan Land Use Element and Open Space & Conservation Element The subject property has a General Plan Land Use designation of Planned Industrial/Office (Pl/O) and the CWRF was previously found to comply with the General Plan and the following goals, policies, and programs to ensure the provision of adequate public facilities and conservation of natural resources as indicated in Table B below: • ELEMENT Land Use 1--------+ Open Space & Conservation .__ ____ __. TABLE B -GENERAL PLAN COMPLIANCE STANDARD A City which maintains a system of public facilities adequate for the projected population. (Growth Management & Public Facilities, Goal A.2.) A City that conserves natural and man-made resources. (Special Resource Protection, Implementing Policies and Action Programs A.6.) PROJECT The project will ensure the provision of recycled water service into the future. The project will ensure that recycled water is available for landscape irrigation which will offset the reliance on potable water . B. Planned Industrial/Office (P-M/O) Zones (C.M.C. Chapter 21.34 and 21.27) COMPLIANCE? YES YES The project site is zoned Planned Industrial/Office (P-M/O) and is therefore subject to the provisions of Chapters 21.34 and 21.27 of the Zoning Ordinance. Public and quasi-public buildings and facilities and accessory utility buildings and facilities are allowed in both of these zones subject to approval of a Conditional Use Permit. The project is a quasi-public utility facility and the location of the facilities proposed by this project were identified on the site plan for the CWRF as future expansion areas. No additional parking is required because the facility is remotely operated by EWA staff and employees are not typically needed at the site to operate the facility. The existing parking spaces are used for visitors and other guests who are taken on guided tours of the facility. The proposed project will be constructed within a portion of the "future expansion" footprint identified on the original site plan and will continue to comply with all setbacks, lot coverage, and building height requirements as analyzed in conjunction with the original project approval. C. Conditional Use Permit Regulations (C.M.C. Chapter 21.42) Conditional Uses, such as public and quasi-public facilities, possess unique and special characteristics that make it impractical to include them as permitted uses "by right" in various zoning districts. The authority for the location and operation of these uses is subject to Planning Commission review and the issuance of a Conditional Use Permit (CUP). On August 15, 2001, the Planning Commission's approval of CUP 99-23 for the existing CWRF included approval of a site plan showing the conceptual locations of future expansion areas. Although a concept plan was approved, any expansion of the facility requires an amendment to original discretionary permit approvals in order to ensure that the use does not have a detrimental effect on the surrounding land uses or the public's health and welfare, and that the project is consistent with the previous findings and conditions of approval. Chapter 21.42 ofthe Carlsbad Municipal CUP 99-23{A)/CDP 99-45{A) -CARLSBAD WATER RECYCLING FACILITY February 4, 2015 Pa e 4 Code requires that four findings be made in order to approve a CUP or CUP amendment. Staff has reviewed the proposed project and found that all the necessary finding can be made as discussed below: 1. That the requested use is necessary or desirable for the development of the community, and is in harmony with the various elements and objectives of the general plan in that the proposed expansion is designed to increase the recycled water production capacity of the existing Carlsbad Water Recycling Facility by an additional 4.0 MGD of non-potable water for use by residents of the city and within the region, thus reducing dependence on imported potable water; it will continue to operate in in conjunction with the existing Encina Water Pollution Control Facility; and it will not generate any unusual noise levels or odors. 2. That the requested use is not detrimental to existing uses or to uses specifically permitted in the zone in which the proposed use is to be located in that the CWRF is adjacent to the 40 MGD Encina Water Pollution Control Facility (EWPCF) and is designed to treat secondary clarified effluent from the EWPCF and to produce disinfected tertiary recycled water that meets Title 22 of the California Administrative Code for "unrestricted non-potable reuse". The CWRF was master planned to be expanded up to a capacity of 16 MGD and the Phase Ill project will expand the CWRF from its current capacity of 4.0 MGD to a total capacity of 8.0 MGD in accordance with the CMWD 2012 Recycled Water Master Plan. 3. That the site for the proposed conditional use is adequate in size and shape to accommodate the yards, setbacks, walls, fences, parking, loading facilities, buffer areas, landscaping and other development features prescribed in this code and required by the City Planner, Planning Commission or City Council, in order to integrate the use with other uses in the neighborhood, in that the proposed expansion area was identified on the site plan for the CWRF and there is sufficient space and infrastructure in place to accommodate the expansion. The proposed expansion will not encroach into any setbacks, on-site circulation or parking areas, or landscape areas and no site alterations or additional amenities are required. The existing facility, as well as the proposed expansion, is fully automated and there are no employees based at this facility. The existing parking lot has 14 parking spaces and one bus loading/unloading area which is used for guests who are taken on guided tours of the facility. 4. That the street system serving the proposed use is adequate to properly handle all traffic generated by the proposed use, in that the proposed expansion is not expected to result in an increase in the 87 ADT generated by the existing CWRF. The existing traffic is easily accommodated on Avenida Encinas, a secondary arterial, which is currently operating at an acceptable level of service. D. Coastal Development Permit Regulations 1. Mello II Local Coastal Program Segments The project site is in the Mello II Segment of the Coastal Zone on a flat, graded site that contains the existing Carlsbad Water Recycling Facility. The Phase Ill expansion of the CWRF is consistent with the Mello II Segment of the Local Coastal Program {LCP) which contains land use policies for development and conservation of coastal land and water areas within its boundaries. These policies emphasize topics such as preservation of agriculture and scenic resources; provision of shoreline access; protection against landslides, seismic activity, geologic instability, and/or flood hazards; protection of environmentally CUP 99-23{A)/CDP 99-45(A) -CARLSBAD WATER RECYCLING FACILITY February 4, 2015 Pa e 5 sensitive resources; and grading and drainage measures to protect water quality and to prevent erosion and sedimentation. The Phase Ill expansion will not obstruct views of the coastline from public lands or the public right-of- way, nor otherwise damage the visual beauty of the coastal zone. The project site is located east of the railroad tracks, about ¼ mile from the coastline, and there are no opportunities for access to the coast from the project area. There are no agricultural uses on the site or within the vicinity of the project area. The project will not affect any of the policies related to grading, landscaping, erosion, steep slopes, landslides and slope instability, seismic hazards, geologic instability, erosion control practices, or removal of native vegetation. The project is conditioned to adhere to the City's Master Drainage Plan, Grading Ordinance, Storm Water Ordinance, Standard Urban Storm Water Mitigation Plan (SUSMP) and Jurisdictional Urban Runoff Management Program (JURMP) to avoid increased urban runoff, pollutants, and soil erosion. 2. Coastal Agriculture Overlay Zone The project site was previously identified as a property in the Mello II LCP that had historically been used for agriculture. The site was identified as "non-prime agricultural land" which allows conversion to urban uses by participation in the Agricultural Conversion Mitigation program. The Coastal Development Permit (CDP 99-45) resolution for the previous project included a condition of approval which required payment of the agricultural mitigation fees prior to construction. The city's records confirm that the fee has been paid for the project site. Because the proposed expansion will be contained within the original site, no additional fees are required. IV. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW On November 27, 2012, CMWD adopted Resolution No. 1455, adopting the Mitigated Negative Declaration (MND) and Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program (MMRP) for the Phase Ill Recycled Water Project. The MND identified that the proposed expansion of the CWRF would not result in any direct or indirect environmental impacts and no mitigation measures are required for this CIP project. The majority of the CIP projects identified in the MND for the Phase Ill Recycled Water Project will be constructed using funds from the Clean Water State Revolving Fund {CWSRF) program. As such, an additional level of environmental review, referred to as "CEQA Plus", is required by the State Water Resources Control Board {SWRCB) prior to approving any funding requests under the CWSRF loan program. The CEQA Plus process provides an additional level of review to assure compliance with federal environmental laws and regulations and ensure that federal agencies are afforded adequate review of environmental documents for projects that will be federally funded. As a result of the CEQA Plus environmental review, two new conditions were developed that apply to some, but not all, of the Phase Ill Recycled Water Project components. First, several of the recycled water pipeline segments will be required to have Native American monitors present during ground disturbing activities. However this condition does not apply to the proposed project. Secondly, if a project component requires a Coastal Development Permit (CDP), the City must submit a copy of the approved CDP to the SWCRB prior to construction and must comply with the conditions identified therein. The requirement to submit a copy of the CDP to the SWCRB has been included as a condition of approval in the Planning Commission Resolution for this project. CUP 99-23(A)/CDP 99-45(A)-CARLSBAD WATER RECYCLING FACILITY February 4, 2015 Pa e 6 A Notice of Determination will be filed by the City Planner upon project approval, identifying that the project is within the scope of the prior Mitigated Negative Declaration and CEQA Plus Environmental Compliance document. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Planning Commission Resolution No. 7084 (CUP and CDP Amendments) 2. Location Map 3. Site Plan approved by CUP 99-23/CDP 99-45, dated August 15, 2001 4. Aerial Photo of the existing CWRF and the proposed area of expansion 5. 11" x 17" Exhibits "A" -"K" dated February 4, 2015 SITE MAP • N NOT TO SCALE CUP 99-23(A) / CDP 99-45(A) Carlsbad Water Recycling Facility .. ;'<'■-~•",•~•-,,•,~-;~•,•, ■-•~-~~•J■.~~~~~•-■_■_-_-■_■_..__..__..__~_i}Ol\llll■pa-.· ...,_t=_RTY -_AR-;---~-===-_ /... s:TREET SITE Llc:HTIN; ✓ •• • 100~-•t:s~,ryp~~ FUTOflE 'CHl.'lfllNE iCON RCT 8RS NS FUTURE STORM:£ ,SftSIN , TE I I I ,,.-e->- r."\ CPQllllONS '9UILDIIC -4aQ SF MOVE CIICJUNd. 9UlLDUC NJTH \!.) ~ -• IIEETJIC -• IIIIIIITEJWIC£ fflM• BHHROONS,-----------~~cx,;..~agrliPUl~~l;1"5 ..... EL.i(:~_t"'-""'°"• ® FILTRATION f Nt~J.LTRIITIQIII / J1DERSE O&NDSJS FIICILITY -AT QRIIO£ q_l~ X~TE PflD IJTH CNENICII.. STQRAQE SYSTli:IIS' SUPPORT THESE IIIIJN FIICILJTIES. PIIIJ INCLIIIES ---_ IINO FEJIICILITIES .. FILTRIITJCII FRCILITIES, NICROFILTRfltl.ON -. SPf!ICE"F FUTURE FIICJUTIES. NIIIICS NILL COVER,,OIEN[CRL.. ·--NJCROFIL TJDN,. 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PUIIP-snllION ttDUSES PUNPS TO SERVE FLON TO THE NIIROF1L-nR5., c:RRNIJLRR MEDIA FILTERS .. AHO THE INFLUENT STORM:E BRSIN. /;:;\ THICICENEft --35 FT LOIC x 25 FT NlDE BURIED FACILITY. THE ~-THJCKENERlS CDNPA:lSEO OF tllX. F-1.0CO.a.,AttON .. NCI SE.TlUNC ==•C1<=~~l~11N~"S"l;:":°"NEU" o~~~?~cT THE EIIPCF. /;;\ OIEIHCRL ST~ -SO FT LDIC x 24 FT NIUE -~-,CRIIDE''COflCRETE \V QENICRL rc~IMENT STRUCTURE.. FACILITY CONTAINS POL"JNER ---:':=~==~~FEED EGUJl'NENT FON THE' r.;;..._ UTILl~;'r TRIIN1FORIIER -TRMSFDRNEA C. CONCRETE PAD. USED \t.::!/ TO STEP DCMN VOLTN:E stFPLIED ev m:u. @RON) I-TS -ftVfNIOII ENCIIIIIS NIIIENJNC: INLUOINC:--- ---P.M')~J,JIIENIILIC• Nil STREET >U:HTINC:. ~ CHEIIICIIL STOMQE CANOPY -130 FT LON£ X 25 FT/WIDE X 16 FT HIQH \:;I" AROIITECTGPI.L Y TREIITEO CIUIOPV. CANOPY USED TO SCREEN AND SHADE CH£11ICRL STORAGE TANKS AND _f'..UNPIM;: EQUIPMENT. _!_SEE DC:. tu.--~. .-...- @N1CROffi:T~ CIINDPl' -70 ~ x 32 FT tUDE I!!'. 16 FT Hlaf --='~,r-£:m:..~::;;, .. C:"=-°J:-~ K-;:.. 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THE PLRTFORII JS RT RDJJICENT ROADNRJ;:.cRR0£. D. ELAa<&VEATCH Carparatlan INfne, CoRrornkl DATE INITIA\.. ENGINEER OF WORI\ ------------ I ~----------;-I --~--~ -~ --- --:::: 'x.. ---- / ---·--,-~ .... ----'.Cf' -::-. ~....... _: ---. . ....____.p- l _ ... --;.. I GENERAL NOTES: I I PROPERTY BOUNOAR I ES SHOIIN ARE PREL IN I NARY. BOUNDARY SURVEY. EASEMENT DELINEATION, AND STREET VACATION TO BE DONE BY OTHERS • TRUE NORTH 21 THE PROPOSED AREA DEVELOPMENT IS LOCATED OUTSIDE OF THE FENA 500-YEAR FLOODPLAIN !ZONE X. FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP. PANEL 1027 OF 23751 • 31 ORIVENRY RPPRORCH IRLLEY-TYPEI PER GS-20 PROPERTY BOUNDARY EXISTING SANITARY SENER EXISTING GAS EXISTINC: TELEPHONE COHI EXISTING TELEPHONE CUGI EXISTING STORM ORRIN PROPOSED STREET OR SITE LIGHTING PROPOSED FENCE PROPOSED AC PAVEMENT "AS BUILT" TITLE _______ _ DATE DATE INlTIAL CATE INITIAL REW2.ICN D£SCR\?1\0N Oll-£P APPPOVAL CITY APPROVAL. REVIE\JED BY, CARLSBAD WATER RECYCUNG FACIUTY SITE PLAN APPROVED DIPECT□P PROJECT UO. I 0RAl\1NG NO. _ FIG 1 Storage for Influent Flow Equalization Recycled Water Storage Chlorine Contact Basin Phase Ill Chlorine Contact Basin Solids Processing Facility ""-I Phase Ill Buried Piping Phase Ill Membrane Microfiltration Unit Operations Building J NOTTO SCALE CARLSBAD WATER RECYCLING FACILITY EXPANSION tx:1 :x ::r: H ttJ H i--3 ~ L1J ~ f"' g Q. "' I Q. CARLSBAD WATER RECYCLING FACILITY PHASE Ill EXPANSION VICINITY MAP @ NO SCALE {Carlsbad Municipal Water District CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA BOARD OF DIRECTORS MATT HALL -PRESIDENT MARK PACKARD -BOARD MEMBER KEITH BLACKBURN -BOARD MEMBER LORRAINE WOODS -BOARD MEMBER MICHAEL SCHUMACHER -BOARD MEMBER STEVEN R. SARKOZY EXECUTIVE MANAGER PATRICK THOMAS PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR SEPTEMBER 2014 NO SCALE LOCATION MA PROJECT SITE 6220 AVENIDA ENCINAS CARLSBAD, CA 92011 ! r--------r-------t-_-~_t-~_-+-l----_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-~_-_--++----_-+-l------4~-----!--1-----1--lLL] CITY U~l~ES ~l~~~SBAD I SH3os I 7• 1-----+---+----------+--+----+-------!------i MPROVEMENTPLAf'I FOR: z ~ TITLE SHEET, VICINITY MAP Q ~ AND LOCATION MAP (/) 81 CH2MH I LL® CARLSBADWATERRECYCLINGFACILITYPHASEIIIEXPANSION ~ ~ ~ : 402W.8ROADWAY,SUITE1450 l---+--+---------t-+---+----f---1 ACCEPTED BY:KIRSTENL PLONKA ..._ 8 SAN DIEGO, CA 92101 DATE ~ ~ (619) 687-0120 PROJECT NO. I DRAWING NO. ~ < DATE INlTl,&.l DATE INITIAL DATE INITIAL -.I ~ ENGINEER OF WORK RE~SION DESCRIPTION OTHER APPROVAL ACCEPTED 5209 G-1 ~ ~L.----------------------------~iiiiii------------.J...--------~~~----------------~~~~~~~iiiiii~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~~ V>MW:Mf':1!%,,.1:J:~;·;(~_.,,;,:.-,J!'Q;;,,;·'ll,;;:-&M'¾f>i ! ; KEY PLAN NTS NOTES, CONTRACTOR SHALL SUSMlT AC{:fS5 AND ST AO!NO/STO!sAOE f'LAM ,, !N ACCORDANCE WP'H SPEClFICAffiN SECTION 0!300 'CONTAACTORS $U8Mt1HL$', E 500 •E 400 r---------,------t=::t=::::t=========::t=:::::1t::r=t=:::l[7]I CITY u£~ES ~~~BAD II~ ---+------------------------c::~: ............ I ~ CH2MHILL. 402 W. BROIIJNAY, SUITE 1450 SAN DIEGO, CA 92101 (819) 687--0120 I ACCEPlED BY: ICIRSIEN L l'lllMCA -----I $ t::::~~===~::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::t::::~::::t::::~::::::: ENGINEERING MANAGER DAlE . ~ ... _-=DA;.:;lE=--_ .... -=;;:;...i-DA=~'--'.;.-=a...Jl=B=~tll PR~NO-IIDRA~, ; DAlE N1IM. -111 REVISION DESCRIPTION a: f. ~ I [ I I I I!! ! ' ~ :cl' i r ., ::; i I I ~ ·--·----~~~~~~--···' , ;} •• . .iF':'>, _,._, ____ .... -._,. =~.~~:~#~~i,:, / \~~::-·-·.·::.::'··. ·.~.: ,~·~:--·,·,····y· .,-;;;:~-,,~ \~-~;~,';·~:i,)\ !f:_,,,.,L--· ;...,·•\•'' -==='.:=L -~> i$;((;_ ,,. -/• l i=:'></~~ :L~~<~!f:~/~/~\t \ \.,•' ...... w-- ----------------,----· ----------- CH2MHILL. 402 W, BROACINAY, SUITE 1450 SAN DIEGO, CA 92101 (619) 667--0120 'r I I I ~ ··········.'t·-• SEE DWG8 S-3 & M FOR CCB EXPANSION "--SEE DWO S-3 FOR CONT OF r D FROM NEW CCB EXPANSION 0 20 40 80 ··········---------1"=20' ' £ SEE DWG M-3 FOR . ,,... .... STATIC MIXER UPGRADES ............... X-X ~I CITY u£ts ~~o!SBAD iLJQJ 1::::::+:::=t==============~=±=f =3:::3 CML SITE & ~'~tPING Pl.AN· § tt:::i:::t::::::=======::::::::::t:::t:::E:::E::3 CAAi.SiMD WATERRECY<lllGFACllTYl'tWIE •EXPN4SION ~ tt:==+===t=:::::::::::::::::::::::t:::t:::E:::t::3 IACCEPlED BY: ltlRSIE1t '-l'lClf()I I ::,.. b~~~r--:=---------hr-:"5:~[J"===;;=--;.~i:1-:-:=.:':!:. :_r:J,!.:,'!!,:.~ :::i~-ENGINEERING MANAGER DA1E i ~~~ RE\1g()N DE~TION :;,,,: DA:.: 1==~~11 ~NO. ~MA~, ; a; i I ! • Ii ' l ~'""' .~~~;jp=~~·;"-~===-~· srr rnor~;. i. " SH<ITff' ... ©-" ."',,,._·--;:,::..._ __ :::t:.,;.,:·r::::"'_•:-: ........ :-;,.;.::-..,.-;,;;;---:;,;----;;.;_:.::. _:;;.,_;.;._;;_..::.:...;~ll,;.,,:,J- ~ I F'!P£ 46' SE ◄a' SE ◄8'st 48' S£ itOi,e-t" 1:1s•~ tBl!J/ SEE PROF 1 ON SHEET ,>la ~v-.~-•~~ U!'lLS!!IAO WA:n:R m'.CYCL.~ FAciUTY SY::OTMER1L ~; ·;i],\) ; . .. STATION! :ss◄.s, '()+00.00 • l,!$◄,49 )◄9.99 o+r,.oo 1,192.49 0+3:i,Sl l,!92.~9 0+92.24 la::Ot\4 "lA1' q:t, •·"·:,on&. l'!TT\WGS l12.5* SEND 22.5• BEMO 45• 8ENO ..... .,,,...,., ,., :,o• H!"P {26) ! / SEE f'ROf 4 I ON SHE.l:T C·!S ~. , /0-1a• RE:T t!!J I j :so· HPO i2s1 h l ' I 1 -----SEE PROF 4 , \ • l • • n -.~z ... •& .... • . .,,. -• ...... : • / ◄'!RR!$) ! ON Slifl:T C-15 \ '·• _ • ,1 ., • • ••••••• *'~. -,. ¥ -• -'• \ -••• -• , .... l ' ILr ■oo •• !Iti!lr~ • ., \ _l ON SHEET C·l ~~v.~~-'\t PLAN NTB RECYCUrt'l WATER PUMP STATION RECYCLED.WATER STORAGE COf.iPARTMENT CH2MHILL. 402 W. BRONYNAY, SUITE 1450 SAN DIEGO, CA 92101 (819) 887-0120 , :.~::.: ; 55 .. i .. ~ ·····.···' 4'l v~ :1. , ~ ... , 1 SEE !>Ref ~ • ON SHEU C•!7 / I 12' sue m; r·/ S!i:E'..,fflCf)t . ON Sl1F£T f>ili j 46' SE ($) j Set PROF I ON SHEET c-n ITSUC@I SE£ PROF I! j "~A:!tl SYSTEM S€t S~T C·.:O l!IQml; 1. THIS IIUILDIIG TO HOUSE NEW ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT FOR NEW MF FEED PUMPS. X-X ~ fa tt:::t::3~====~================~===~===f:::E::3 CMLSBADWA1ERRECYCI.WGFACI.ITYPHASEIIIEXPANSION Q t::=t-=t---=-=---=-----------+--l==I==ir:::::::il ACCEPlED BY: /CllfSlfN L. l'llHCA I >- t'1ni'iiiii:r-------------+=:-l-=:::::::I==:::::::::c:::::1 ENGINEERICG MANAGER DAlE ~ .,.:. :-RE\1S10N OESCRtPTION r.-=IIA:::11:~-~-~+:IIA=E:::_~-~~,= ~ ~II 5209HO. IIDRA~ N01 ~ If I I FLGW ~ SEEDWGC-2~ FOR CONT. " I L. 1'◄" - Si c'. ! ----- - I 4'-0" PLOW i::tQW FLOW !IPFF EL 58.75 FLOW SLOPE --10'-0" r EL '!W,.fJA) _1FF El 58.75 ___J FLOW SLOPE -- WEL58.75 -}[ FLOW SLOPE -- 1'-0" .. i ✓ /4"PVCDRAIN / / FF EL '51,J)/(Ja SLOPE FD' - FFEL'!W,.OOA FFEL'!W,..00111 FD' SLOPE /rPVCDRAIN - FFEL'!W,.OOA ' SLOPE - I (w 150'-0" 184'-0" FOUNDATION PLAN (!j 1111"-1'-0" -Snss111 CH2MHILL ( .... ~ 402 W. BRONNIAY, SUITE 1450 = 5 .. SAN DEGO, CA 92101 ,. (819) 887-0120 f Cl\. - n.nw HJYN , .................... - FLO\f.i ~~1a ~ i/ REMOIIE EXISTING CHANNB. WALL-FULL HEIGHT ;! )jC) .,,.,.,WALL ... ,..,_ ............... FF EL 58.7t! _ t FLOW ~1 10'-0" I FFB.58.~ !?I -~ L FFB.58.7511 == ~:I -!;, FLOW b -~:1--FF EL 58.758 . ' FUT\JRE WALLAND SI.AB / EXPANSION, 1YP ALL WALLS .,_.!: 1'◄" 4'-0" 1'◄" fX-X I 11 II CITY u£ts ~BAD IUqj """ CHL~CONTACTBASIN TIONPI.AN CARI.SfMD Mia RECl'CL.ISFACl/1Y PHASE II EXPNISION ~ ICl!SlEN L PtfMA IIANAGER DAlE ( l=1~k;II PRO.ECT NO. IIDRA~, l»,1[ 1111M. l»o'E --DAW: NMI. -a,-REVISION DESCRIPTION ----5209 1'-4" --------------------------------------------------' t VY/..-FLO\.\f ! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' ---------------------------------------------------------------------·--ir· ----! FLOW 10'.(I" /U.GRATING __J FLOW FLOW T.O.W.ELN.00 T.O.W. EL • .25, TYP L FLOW T.O.W. EL 81.00 Fl.OW I , I I' I I , , I I , , I 11-_-..=...-;;. _______ ;;. ___ ..= ____ -_-_-_-;;. _______ ;;. _______ ;;. _______ ;;. __ -~-;;.-_-_-__ ;;. ___ ..= ____ -_-_--_;;. _______ ;;. ___ ..=_;;. _______ ;;. ___ ..= ____ -_-_-----_----..=_;;. ____ =-_---;;.---_ ... _---;;.---_=-..=---;;.""'._=-_-_-;;. ..... _---..=-_ ... _~-=-----;;."""'"_ ... _---;;.---_=------~_=II I --~ -------------------------------------------------------------------------~-- #/.(I" 1'.(I" /U. RAILING wmt BASE ANCHORAGE TEE WAU. WAU<WAY 150'.(I" 183'.(I" CH2MHILL. 402 W. BRONJNAY, SUITE 1450 SAN DIEGO, CA 92101 (619) 687--0120 1'-4" 4'.(I" 1'◄" 1----+-+------------t--+---+--+------1~ II CITY u£fe ~l.SBAD ILJQJ l'INIFCR ~ CHLORINE CONTACT BASIN ii> TOP PLAN LU CARtS84D WATER RECmMG FN:IJTYl'HASE • EXPN&ON ~ ~-+-~1-------------+---+--+---l--~ IACCEPlED BY:msJEN L l'llHCA ---1 ~ l---+----+--------------+----t--1--+---i _ENGINEERING MANAGER DAlE • ;i Mll" NllAI. _,,, REVISION DESCRIPTION 1---=IM:::ll":.._..L.:-=::.f--=JM=:_._:....J:.:.NIIAl.==-415&7~'.EII ~09~ 1~5-4, i a.: I i l ~ ., i I ! I IL ELM.25 El.52.PP ✓ AL RAILING wmt I I BASE ANCHORAGE u ! ! TEE WAU. WAU<WAY ' ' El.1111.25 I I L _J flOIPP '----- ELRQQ ✓-~---------+----------........ ------------''-'----.-------' ; I ~ I ' , FUT\JRE SI.AB EXPANSION_/- I I . . AL RAILIG wmt BASE ANCHORAGE Al.GRATING =,~ ! ~ 8-3, 8-4 r CH2MHILL. 402 W. BROM1NAY, SUITE 1450 SAN DIEGO, CA 92101 (819) 887-0120 -- ~ BAFFLE WAU. ~F,_____,-WIZJIII ~ 8-3,8-4 1---+----l~----------+--+--+--+----+ ~·-·-·· --rwc CHLORINE CONTACT BASIN SECTIONS fx.x ~ f3 CARtSIMD WATER RECYttM; FN:IRYPHASE • EJ/PNISION ~ l---+----+-----------+--+--1-----,t----1 IACCEPlED BY:ICIRSIEN L. l'UH(A I $ 1---+----l.....-----------+--+--+--+----+ ENGINEERING MANAGER DA1E ~ DAl[ IIUL IIA1E -l!!.!!,..ai:• ~,, PROJECT NO IIDRAIIINGS-5i ~ 1-_= .... _i.=.:;_~~-"-"-°"e=-t ;'; ~ c 5209 • __ _ ; DAlE N1W. -I/IF-REVISION DESCRIPTION I I ,,; ;;;; i ~ EXST SlAB '\. HOTWATER TANK HOTWATER SKID ~= i 13'.q' TYP 22'.q' (TYP) 17Q PLAN 1/4 .. 1'.q' 14'.q' CH2MHILL 402 W. BROADWAY, SUITE 1450 SAN DIEGO, CA 92101 (619) 667--0120 ' ----+-- __J MODULE RACK, TYP COLUMN,TYP ~ OF COLUMN, TYP ' --~--------- 22'.q' 9'.q' I _______ 18"MFE _ Ip -------18"~ -"' - 14 CITY OF· CARLSBAD IISliEElSI E===t==±====================i===f==f===E=:3-iiiiifi~~Ull=U=TIES~Dl~VISl~ON~==:!-.!::::3~0~ ~ MF FACILITY PLAN fi3 t t:::1:::±:::::==================~===t:::E:::E::3 CARLSBAD WATER RECYCLING FACILITY PHASE HI EXPANSION Cl t~=--=--~j_:__:__~t_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_---=+~-===~~====,:~=====rr:=::=jJ I ACCEPTED BY: K1RSIDI L l'l.alCA I >- t:J~TI~r------------h 1--"" ~::r'-+.i.:::::.=;.=-;..=-i::~=:'.!i.:c...il.:.:~:~ :i~ ENGNERING MANAGER DAlE i ~OF-=-RNSON DESCRIPTION =-= DA~ 1=8~~11 5l09NO. IIDRAM-G1N01 ~ 8: I I t \_ 4"DR 18" MFE (BEYOND) ____________________ _. _______ _ HOTWAlER TANK CCIL~TYP EXSTSLAB REVERSE FLTRATION TANK ~ M-1 I REVERSE FILTRATION TAN< - CH2MHILL. 402 W. BRONYNAY, SUITE 1450 SAN DIEGO, CA 92101 (619) 887--0120 .,._ C I n /MODULE.RN;K n REVERSE FLTRATION TAN< □ 1Cl"DR TVP I I l 11B .H II H H Bl[ H u H II HBl[H H H II H .HRH II II n n --..ii n nn n n n n n n n ... ■-n n n ,. .. "Inn n n ..,_ .. ,. n n n n n n n nn n •-nn n n I ~ 8" OF BEYOND, lYP p 4"0F, lYP ~ MF FACILITY SECTION ~ CNU8AD WATER RECYCLl«3FACVTYPHASE Ill EJIPN80N ~ --1----+-----------+--t----t---1-----1 ACCEPlED BY: IOIISlEH L l'I.Ot«A --,."'="-I $ DATE i 15li~~II PR5209NO. IIDR":2, i DA1E 111W. -OF-REVISION DESCRIPTION DA1E 11111W. IIA1E 111W. --- ~: I ! t ~·. f i fc. I ' I!! ! I I ,,; ;; i I I IL \ \. \ 8 PIPE 5LPPOA1 \ W/0 STRAP li'(P) 6'-t' 6'-6' 6'-6' •--.. P=" ~~'hN c••vn,,,_,,,_, • ,---•$'{~,~------m,.,.,,-hc~"'h,hS,o.,. ( C!W-O~CH'JC! )-..,, ( V-OSOHlOt )-.• PLAN 3111"-1" CH2MHILL. 402 W. BRONJNAY, SUITE 1450 SAN DEGO, CA 92101 (619) 687-0120 , (CKIJ-0'1!.)£-00:c'J- \c \1·09-0HiOZ )·, \ \ / \ \ '.\ \ REM0\11! EXISTING w lllllNO\ ; .. FLANGl;&REI.OCATETO \ \ .• E' PIP£ SU/>!'$!' EN>OfjNEW1FIFF~ \_;., \,Hll 11,iAX 3'-0' ' , •. ; / SPACING \ i • ffl'I') : \j CAPPED fOR FlJTl~E:' i CONNECTION lTYP) ---+--+-----------+---t----+---1----1L[ll CITY u£t. ~~~BAD If~ PINI FOR: ~ CPS-NEW MF FEED PUMPS fa CNUIMO WAJBI RECnlllG FACLTTY PHASE II EXl'ANSION ~ IACCEPlED BY: lllfS1E1f L l'I.INCA ---=-I $ t::::t::::;t::::::::::::::::::::::::::::;t::::;t:::i::::::::~ ENGINEERING MANAGER DA1E ~ ... _.::;11,\;.;,;]E=---'"'-==+-"DA-:.-....... '"'--=""'l=i~ ~11 m NO. IIMAM-4, i DA1E 1111M. -OF-RE't1SION DESCRIPTION ---- (~) ~) CONSTRUCTION NOTES I 33'-t· t. 24 --IICfll. IIOor -tit !ftLWUIDIS s-4· 2T-t· r-4· L C0la£TI: w.soM!I' l'USIDt -tit ~ -l#l oro,. 5C/c.+.--A-l roll -NXOff l'ATIDIN J. CXTEJDtl.lQllll;-S(Irucn!ICN..- 4.~--saCM.- & a. D.MTION ,_ -,a ~ _, -1"'I ~ .. "°°' ---so: STll\JC1\M. - CA-.<-4 1. CIW:1I'( ---,a STll\JC1\M. - T T ® er ~ 'j1IM Ir, ., T -l, r 20· ,, 'r ) ~ l ,, l'4 ii ~ r I -=m --·-~ ~ CA~-4 CA~-• ~ 27'-t· '-ri,w , ..... 33'-t· ® NOTE: MATERIALS FOR THE NEW CANOPY STRUCTURE SHALL MATCH THE EXISTING CANOPIES. -?;LO-ALE-: 0_1/R,...,,.8"-=IP~._~..,,..-____ C_A_N_O_P_Y_P_LAN __ AN_D_TYP __ I_C_A_L_E_LE_V_A_T_I _ON_S _______________________ @--- na-so: fttflCATIONS ,---Cl9ICII IUXIC -SO: fttflCATIONS eal:ln 1Mt011!1' WilS9&M @ ~~!ffiY ACCENT PATTER.!, 1 xx X xx Fl/lAL PLANS ~ 11 ~ l---+---+-----------+---1----+---+---I ~ 11 CITrnu~ls' o£~~BAD 11 lQj l---+---1--------------+---+--t---t---i fMPROVEMENTf'f.MSFOR· CANOPY ELEVA T/ONS CARLSBAD WATER RECYCUNG FACILITY PHASE Ill EXPANSION f---+--f--------------+---+----+----+--i I "CCEPTEO SY: KIRSIDI L PI.CN(A 1----+--1--------------+---+--t---+---I ENGINEERING M-'N,t.GER O,t.TE DATE Nl1M. DATE N11AI. ::';O;;WN;:::B;;:Y;=: ====~1;=::===PR=o..c::;::::cT=N=o.=::;1;:1 o==R,t.=XXXWl=N=G =N0~-1 1-0;;;_;Mllc::.....JN'f"il;f/lc..:=Al.c=..+..::;:.;.;;,a;u,:_.i.=IED=-j ~ :~ === . 5209 .. . OAlE MML ENGINEER or "°"" REVISION OESCRIPllON