HomeMy WebLinkAbout2013-06-05; Planning Commission; ; EIR 09-02|SP 09-01|SDP 09-04 - WESTFIELD CARLSBADThe City of Carlsbad Planning Division A REPORT TO THE PLANNING COMMISSION P.C. AGENDA OF: Jm1e 5, 2013 ItemNo. 0 Application complete date: NA Project Planner: Jason Goff Project Engineer: Jeremy Riddle SUBJECT: EIR 09-02/SP 09-01/SDP 09-04-\VESTFIELD CARLSBAD-Request for the ce1tification of an Environmental hnpact Repo1t, including the approval of Candidate Findings of Fact and a Mitigation Monitoring and Repo1ting Program and a reconnnendation of approval of the Westfield Carlsbad Specific Plan and a Site Development Plan for the demolition, reconfiguration, and/or reconstruction of approximately 225,631 square feet of existing gross leasable area of regional shopping center uses within the existing Plaza Camino Real Shopping Center generally located west of El Camino Real and bisected by Marron Road in Local Facilities Management Zone 1. I. RECOMMENDATION That the Planning Commission ADOPT Planning Commission Resolution No. 6981 RECOMMENDING that the City Council CERTIFY Enviromnental hnpact Report 09-02, including the approval of Candidate Findings of Fact and a Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program, and ADOPT Planning Commission Resolutions No. 6982 and 6983 RECOMMENDING APPROVAL of Specific Plan 09-01 and Site Development Plan 09-04, based on the findings and subject to the conditions contained therein. II. INTRODUCTION The proposed Westfield Carlsbad Specific Plan (WCSP) and Site Development Plan (SDP) involve two distinct entitlement requests within the Plaza Camino Real Shopping Center, hereon refened to as Westfield Carlsbad. First, the WCSP will become the zoning docmnent for the center and govern the development of both the cunent Site Development Plan (SDP) proposal and any future proposals. The WCSP describes the existing developed shopping center and the proposed limited expansion areas. It will define the allowed uses and establish a comprehensive set of development standards and design guidelines for the center as well as implementation procedures to facilitate future redevelopment, revitalization, and ongoing operations of Westfield Carlsbad. The second entitlement request is for a SDP, which would allow for the demolition, reconfiguration, and/or reconstruction of existing commercial/retail space within Westfield Carlsbad. The Westfield Carlsbad shopping center cunently totals 1,151,092 square feet (sq. ft.) of gross leasable area (GLA). The project described and analyzed in the project EIR would allow for demolition, reconfiguration and/or reconstrnction of approximately 225,631 sq. ft. of existing commercial/retail space, and the constmction of approximately 261 ,048 sq. ft. of GLA, for a net increase of 35,417 sq. ft. of new GLA; thus bringing the Westfield Carlsbad shopping center up to approximately 1,186,509 sq. ft. of gross leasable commercial space. A majority of 0 EIR 09-02/SP 09-01/SDP 09-04 – WESTFIELD CARLSBAD June 5, 2013 PAGE 2 this work would involve expansion into the surrounding parking field of Westfield Carlsbad, which is property currently owned by the City of Carlsbad and leased to Westfield for their use as a parking lot. This project would be built primarily within the existing building envelopes of the main mall structure, with a small amount of new building area (9,117 sq. ft.) to be constructed adjacent to the existing structure on the northeast, east, and southeast perimeter of the main mall, and in three new pad locations (Pad #1 = 7,500 sq. ft., Pad #2 = 8,800 sq. ft., and Pad #3 = 10,000 sq. ft.) within the shopping center parking lot located along El Camino Real and Marron Road. This work would include the renovation of the former Robinsons-May building on the eastern end of the center and the addition of new internally and externally oriented retail space, including specialty shops, food court, restaurants, movie theater, fitness center (complete with an outdoor pool area), and other commercial type uses within the shopping center. Westfield and the City however have been unable to reach an agreement regarding land lease terms, and the encroachment of new building area into the City owned parking lots. Thus, the proposed project with a net increase of 35,417 sq. ft. new GLA as discussed in the EIR will not be feasible at this time. Therefore, in an effort to preserve existing leases entered into with a movie theater and fitness center, Westfield has elected to reduce the project at this time. Nevertheless, Westfield is requesting to certify the project EIR as proposed with the intention of continuing to negotiate lease terms with the City and later return with an amendment to the SDP to fully develop the site in accordance with project described in the EIR. The SDP described herein and shown on the attached exhibits would allow for demolition, reconfiguration and/or reconstruction of approximately 225,631 sq. ft. of existing commercial/retail space, and the construction of approximately 224,995 sq. ft. of GLA. No out parcel development is being proposed at this time. Upon completion of the proposed development project, the Westfield Carlsbad shopping center will total approximately 1,150,456 sq. ft. of gross leasable commercial space, resulting in a net loss of 636 sq. ft. of total GLA. The discretionary approvals associated with the proposed project include the following actions from the City Council: adoption of the WCSP, approval of a SDP, and certification of the Final EIR. III. PROJECT DESCRIPTION AND BACKGROUND Project Description The proposed Westfield Carlsbad project involves adoption of the WCSP and approval of a SDP for the demolition, reconfiguration, and/or reconstruction of approximately 225,631 sq. ft. of existing commercial/retail space at the Westfield Carlsbad shopping center within the proposed WCSP area. The Westfield Carlsbad shopping center currently is developed with 1,151,092 sq. ft. of gross leasable area (GLA). Implementation of the project proposal described within the WCSP and analyzed in the project EIR would result in 35,417 sq. ft. of net new GLA for a total of approximately 1,186,509 sq. ft. of GLA of regional shopping center space (existing plus proposed) on the existing Westfield Carlsbad Shopping Center property. Reuse of the former Robinsons-May building would include reconstructed and reconfigured uses in the form of a new movie theater, fitness center (complete with outdoor pool area), specialty retail, and restaurant space. However, as described above in the introduction, the current SDP proposal has been revised to only allow for demolition, reconfiguration and/or reconstruction of approximately EIR 09-02/SP 09-01/SDP 09-04 – WESTFIELD CARLSBAD June 5, 2013 PAGE 3 225,631 sq. ft. of existing commercial/retail space, and the construction of approximately 224,995 sq. ft. of GLA. No out parcel development is being proposed at this time or any expansion of the main mall building (including the outdoor pool area associated with the proposed fitness center) due to Westfield’s inability to secure a land lease agreement to expand beyond their existing property lines. Upon completion of the proposed development project, the Westfield Carlsbad shopping center will total approximately 1,150,456 sq. ft. of gross leasable commercial space, resulting in a net loss of 636 sq. ft. of total GLA. Project Location and Surroundings The WCSP represents a 77.5 acre area located in the northwest quadrant of the City and includes all of the existing Westfield Carlsbad shopping center from El Camino Real west to the North County Transit District (NCTD) bus transfer station; and from the northerly City boundary with the City of Oceanside to Marron Road. Also included in the WCSP boundary area are seven parcels consisting of approximately 2.9 acres in total area located on the south side of Marron Road and west of its intersection with El Camino Real. This area is presently developed with an existing multiplex movie theater, two existing financial office buildings, and associated parking lots. More specifically, the SP area is immediately bounded to the north by additional surface parking for the shopping center owned by the City of Carlsbad (but under the jurisdiction of the City of Oceanside), the Buena Vista Sewer Pump Station, Buena Vista Creek, and South Vista Way. Although the northern boundary of the WCSP area abuts the City of Oceanside and the northwest portion of the associated parking lot is within the limits of the City of Oceanside, the proposed WCSP and improvements would occur entirely within the City of Carlsbad. No work would take place in the City of Oceanside, and therefore, no entitlements or approvals from the City of Oceanside are required to implement the current proposal. South of the proposed SP boundary area is a portion of Marron Road and open space consisting of steep upslopes of 50 to 70 feet leading up to existing three-story multifamily housing on top. Commercial development bounds the SP area to the west; and El Camino Real and additional commercial uses bound the SP area to the east. Background/Development History The Westfield Carlsbad Shopping Center was built in 1969 with approximately 306,000 sq. ft. of anchor tenant space and approximately 176,000 sq. ft. of specialty retail space. The mall was expanded approximately 10 years after its original development, and today occupies approximately 1,151,100 sq. ft. of GLA. In its current state, Westfield Carlsbad is developed as a two- and three-story indoor shopping center with five main anchor department store buildings (i.e., Sears, Macy’s, Macy’s Men’s Home Furniture, JC Penney, and the former Robinsons May) and numerous smaller specialty retail shops. Over 6,400 surface parking spaces surround the main mall structure, and several associated out-buildings (i.e., Firestone Tires and West Buffet) are located within the main mall parking lots and across Marron Road to the south. The WCSP area is held by multiple owners. Plaza Camino Real, LP (part of Westfield, LLC) owns the parcels developed within the center, namely the common areas and specialty retail/dining spaces; most of the anchor store tenants own the parcels their stores occupy, but one (former Robinson May) is owned by CMF PCR LLC (also part of Westfield, LLC); and the City of Carlsbad owns the parcels that comprise the surface parking lots surrounding the main mall. EIR 09-02/SP 09-01/SDP 09-04 – WESTFIELD CARLSBAD June 5, 2013 PAGE 4 Following a 1975 agreement between Plaza Camino Real, LP and the City regarding future expansion of the shopping center, the City Council approved Precise Plan 24 (PP 24) in 1977. PP 24, which allowed the shopping center to expand with an additional 257,000 sq. ft. of space for two additional anchor buildings, and approximately 146,000 sq. ft. for other specialty stores, has been periodically amended since its original adoption as summarized below. Approved between 1978 and 1980, Precise Plan Amendments PP 24(A) through PP 24(C) allowed for expansion of the shopping center; relocation of the NCTD bus transfer station from one end of the center to the other; and modifications to peripheral parking areas. Approved in 1983, PP 24(D) and adoption of SP 187 allowed for the removal of over 17 acres from the westernmost portion of the Westfield Carlsbad site in preparation for development of the North County Plaza shopping center (located adjacent to and northwest of the intersection at Marron Road and Monroe Road). In the early 1990s, PP 24(E) and PP 24(F) involved the redesign and expansion of the NCTD bus transfer station. Precise Plan Amendments PP 24(G) and PP 24(H), involving a significant shopping center expansion in the late 1990s, were proposed and then later withdrawn. In 2001, PP 24(I) was proposed to allow for temporary promotional sales events (i.e., custom car shows, and boat and recreational vehicle shows) to be held over a portion of the shopping center’s parking lot; the amendment was denied by the City Council. PP 24(J) was approved in 2001 and allowed for the relocation of the NCTD bus transfer facility to its current location on the west side of the Sears department store building. The last amendment, which was PP 24(K) and approved in 2001, addressed the addition of a covered outdoor eating area at the Pat and Oscar’s Restaurant, and a modification to the associated mall entryway on the lower level of the shopping center between JC Penney and the former Robinsons-May. The WCSP area is designated as C-2, General Commercial, on the Carlsbad Zoning Map and R, Regional Commercial, on the City’s General Plan Land Use Map. The current zoning and land use designation have applied to Westfield Carlsbad since its inception in the late 1960s. The WCSP area is also located within the planning area of the Habitat Management Plan (HMP), although it is not identified as being within any HMP core habitat areas; or adjacent to or designated as a Hardline Preserve or Standards Areas. Project Characteristics Westfield Carlsbad Specific Plan: The WCSP is a regulatory document that will provide a comprehensive set of development standards, guidelines, and implementation procedures to facilitate the redevelopment, revitalization, and ongoing operations of Westfield Carlsbad within a 77.5 acre specific plan area described above. Approval of the WCSP would provide a framework for future development and redevelopment within the SP area including, but not limited to, future build-out of the Westfield Carlsbad property south of the main mall and Marron Road. The proposed WCSP does not add or modify policy directives stated in the Carlsbad General Plan and is not a policy document. Instead, the WCSP provides a regulatory framework comprised of a comprehensive set of development standards, design guidelines, and implementation procedures to facilitate the near-term and long-term redevelopment, revitalization, and operations of the Westfield Carlsbad shopping center property. As such, City Council’s adoption of the WCSP would establish the standards, guidelines, and entitlement processes for currently proposed and future development and land use within the WCSP area, and ensure that the property is developed and redeveloped in EIR 09-02/SP 09-01/SDP 09-04 – WESTFIELD CARLSBAD June 5, 2013 PAGE 5 accordance with the City’s General Plan, Municipal Code, Local Facilities Management Plan (LFMP Zone 1), and Landscape Manual. In some instances, however, the WCSP development regulations would vary from the General Commercial (C-2) Zoning Ordinance regulations; in such instances, the WCSP development standards and guidelines would prevail for development and redevelopment within the WCSP area. The sections below contain a description of the WCSP design guidelines and development standards. The WCSP would implement the General Plan’s Regional Commercial (R) Land Use designation for the 77.5 acre SP area, in conjunction with the underlying C-2 Zone (C.M.C. Chapter 21.28). In addition to those existing uses associated with Westfield Carlsbad, a wide range of commercial and service uses could be permitted under the SP as provided in the use classification categories (WCSP, Table 4, Pg. 3-2), except for tattoo parlors and pawn shops, which would be prohibited. In addition, while no residential uses are being proposed as part of the current SDP proposal, the SP would, however, permit the development of residential units (multiple-family and mixed use) on site, subject to further environmental review and the City’s approval of additional discretionary permits. Also, the SP would allow for temporary parking lot events under the Temporary Uses section, which would expand the list of uses that have normally occurred in the shopping center parking lot (e.g., Automotive Demonstrations/Product Awareness with local Carlsbad dealers (excluding tent sales and used car sales), Bike/Skate Demonstrations or Shows, Seasonal Garden Centers, and Farmer’s Market). More typical uses seen in the past include: Christmas Tree Lots, Pumpkin Patches, and Citywide events such as the MS Bike Ride and Carlsbad Marathon. These uses would be processed pursuant to the Special Event Permit process that is currently established by city code. The approval of the WCSP would not vest any rights for future approval of any licenses, discretionary acts, or other entitlements necessary for future development in the SP area, except for the Westfield Carlsbad project as described in this report. Rather, all subsequent projects that would affect the SP area would need to undergo a separate review process (including environmental review, if applicable) and be found consistent with the SP, pursuant to the guidelines set forth in the WCSP document. Furthermore, following City Council adoption of the WCSP, the standards and review processes of the plan would replace the existing requirements/processes as the mechanism for future entitlements, development, and operations within the SP area, and all prior PP, including PP 24 and subsequent amendments “A” through “K”, would be replaced by the WCSP. Therefore, any partial or total rehabilitation, reconstruction, or replacement of existing buildings within the WCSP area would be subject to the requirements contained within the WCSP. The WCSP is divided into five distinct planning areas. Planning Area 1 represents the eastern portion of the main mall building where most of the proposed SDP improvements would take place; Planning Area 2 represents the parking lot area to the east, where pad grading could occur pending approval of a future lease agreement with the City for the future development of three outbuildings located along El Camino Real and Marron Road; Planning Area 3 represents the existing out-buildings (currently developed with the West Buffet restaurant and Firestone Tires) along with surrounding parking lots on the north side of the site, where only landscaping improvements would take place; Planning Area 4 represents the portion of the SP area south of Marron Road; and Planning Area 5 represents the remainder of the main mall, where additional SDP improvements would take place south of and southeast of the existing Macy’s Men’s Home Furniture store. EIR 09-02/SP 09-01/SDP 09-04 – WESTFIELD CARLSBAD June 5, 2013 PAGE 6 The WCSP also includes development standards and design guidelines that address architectural design, building height, grading, circulation, landscaping, outdoor lighting, signage, public safety, parking, and treatment of service areas. The following is a summary of the various sections of the plan relating to those topics. Architectural Design One of the goals of the WCSP is to set development regulations to guide the modernization and revitalization of the shopping center. This goal will allow Westfield Carlsbad to evolve over time and to implement current architectural elements, technological developments, and building materials. As redevelopment under the WCSP progresses, the existing architecture of the SP area would be replaced, altered, and enhanced by new designs, thus giving the area a contemporary, but gradual, aesthetic update. As described in the WCSP and illustrated further in the proposed elevations, a variety in building mass, form, height, and silhouette is encouraged by the plan, as are articulation and diversity along rooflines, open air courtyard elements, and pedestrian arcades. Building design would be generally compatible with the existing overall design scheme, but updated accordingly as needed. Typical architectural schemes proposed under the WCSP are modern, contemporary, and diverse. Unlike in the existing condition, building facades with large expanses of blank walls would be reduced and replaced with the varying textures of glass, stucco, masonry, stone, concrete, iron, and wood. Attention to architectural detail would be emphasized, especially on the ground-level facades. The use of glass where appropriate, would be used to visually connect indoor and outdoor areas. Accent architectural features such as columns, arcades, and awnings would be required to further expand on the concepts of articulation, contrast, and diversity of design. Exterior wall and roof colors would be compatible with existing, adjacent buildings and design elements. Lighter colored walls and surfaces would dominate the overall visual scheme; however, accent colors would be encouraged for use on key architectural elements and details. Primary building entrances to the shopping center would be upgraded with special entry architectural and landscape features including hardscape, awnings, or canopies. Architectural elements such as trellises and arcades, as well as public-oriented spaces including fountains, courtyards, plazas, and patios, would be utilized throughout to emphasize the pedestrian uses and pedestrian scale of the shopping center. Site Entrances Westfield Carlsbad is primarily a vehicle-oriented shopping center, with the majority of vehicles accessing the site from El Camino Real, and many of the rest taking access from Marron Road. Accordingly, the majority of the initial site entrance improvements included as part of the SDP are proposed for the existing entrances within the eastern portion of the site: one (1) being along El Camino Real, and three (3) being along Marron Road. Vehicular entrances would emphasize public safety and efficient movements. Entrance design would vary depending on the entrance’s location. Regardless of location, each of these entrances into Westfield Carlsbad would be distinguished from the adjacent streetscape by a distinct landscape design, including existing mature trees, and proposed accent trees, shrubs, and groundcover. Although the shopping center is primarily accessed by vehicle, the main site entrance on El Camino Real between SR-78 and EIR 09-02/SP 09-01/SDP 09-04 – WESTFIELD CARLSBAD June 5, 2013 PAGE 7 Marron Road would be enhanced with redesigned vehicular and pedestrian access to create safe, clear, and distinct paths of travel for each. Enhanced paving and directional and informational signage would be implemented at the site entrances. Accent lighting would be utilized during evening hours to illuminate the proposed entrance landscaping and signage. Building Coverage, Setbacks, and Street Frontage Improvements No maximum building coverage requirement is specified in the WCSP, which is consistent with the underlying C-2 zoning requirements. Rather, building coverage within the SP area would be a function of market conditions and parking. New and/or reconfigured buildings, parking areas, or setbacks, aside from those included in the proposed SP, would be subject to separate review and/or entitlement by the City in accordance with the processes delineated in the WCSP. Building and parking setbacks would be required along Marron Road and El Camino Real as part of the proposed WCSP. The El Camino Real and Marron Road frontages would have a minimum building setback of 15 feet as measured from the back of sidewalk along the roads, except for the south side of Marron Road, which would have a 5-foot setback due to the limited depth of these specific parcels. Parking is required to be setback 15 feet from El Camino Real, and a minimum of 10 feet from Marron Road. These setbacks are required to fully landscaped, which would more than double the amount of landscaping presently existing along these two frontages. Increased vegetative screening in the building and parking setback areas along El Camino Real would be required to comply with existing, specific guidelines for the roadway which were established in the El Camino Real Corridor Development Standards (ECRCDS). The ECRCDSs would be superseded and implemented by the SP along the entire right-of-way to maintain and enhance the appearance of the scenic corridor. Therefore, a Special Use Permit, as required by the Scenic Preservation Overlay Zone, would not be required for development within the Overlay Zone, as the WCSP incorporates design standards which would implement the purpose and intent of the Scenic Preservation Overlay Zone rather than the ECRCDS. In addition to landscaping, incidental outdoor dining and seating areas, driveways (for ingress and egress only), and pedestrian sidewalk connections would be permitted within all setback areas. Screening The WCSP requires rooftop and/or ground-mounted equipment (e.g., HVAC units, satellite dishes, access ladders, and so on) to be integrated into the building and site design, or screened from view entirely. Screening for rooftop equipment would be required to be at least as tall as the equipment profile and architecturally consistent with the building design. In addition to screening for rooftop and ground-mounted equipment, screening of service areas (e.g., loading docks and trash enclosures) is also required under the SP. To screen views from El Camino Real, Marron Road, and major pedestrian pathways, the SP requires one or a combination of the following be used: walls/integrated building features, enclosures, screen walls, landscaping, fences, trellises, and/or gates. Signage The WCSP includes sign standards to augment, and in some cases supersede, Chapter 21.41 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code (C.M.C.) in a manner that is suitable for the massing and scale of a regional shopping center. A sign program, the purpose of which is to integrate signs with EIR 09-02/SP 09-01/SDP 09-04 – WESTFIELD CARLSBAD June 5, 2013 PAGE 8 building, site, and landscape design and to form a unified architectural statement, would be administratively processed subsequent to approval of the SP, but prior to installation of any new signs. Types of signs that would be allowed within the SP area include: Directional – intended to safely guide both pedestrians and vehicles around the site. Fascia - wall signs that do not project or extend more than 10 inches from the wall. Monument - freestanding signs typically located near the main site entrances. Tenant Monument – freestanding signs typically located on the corners of major intersections that advertise major tenants. Partnership Marketing - building face or wall signs advertising onsite retailers or products. Projecting – signs located on a building that project outwards more than 10 inches and generally at 90 degrees from the building face. Pylon - large freestanding sign, likely to include a digital reader board, intended to identify the site from major intersections and SR-78 and advertise the Westfield Carlsbad center along with other anchor/mini-anchors within the shopping center. Static Display - a non-digital display area on a pylon or monument signs that has interchangeable copy. Each of the sign types listed above is fully detailed within the WCSP and has a corresponding maximum size, with limitations on quantity, area, and height. It is important to note that the SP also includes provisions for the allowance of digital signs, which would be subject to City Council’s approval of a Conditional Use Permit (CUP). This was originally being considered in order to be consistent with a recent Municipal Code change to the Sign Ordinance (C.M.C. Ch. 21.45) that would allow for digital signage on properties that have the Regional Commercial General Plan Land Use designation. However, seeing that this particular provision in the code change was ultimately removed, staff has also conditioned this provision to be removed from the final version of the Specific Plan (please see Condition No. 10 of Planning Commission Resolution No. 6982). Building Height The northern portion of the WCSP area, including the northern side of the shopping center and adjacent parking lots, is at a lower grade than the southern portion. The grade separation results in the mall’s division into lower and upper levels, with the upper level located at an elevation approximately 15 feet above the lower level. The maximum height for the main mall building under the WCSP would be limited to 75 feet above the finished floor elevation of the lower level (30.3 feet above mean sea level [AMSL]), which for visual comparison purposes is approximately 4 ft. taller than the existing height of the Robinson’s-May store’s existing mechanical screen. The two levels of the main building render application of the City’s standard height definition difficult to administer; as such, building height for this area would be measured as a set elevation AMSL. Therefore, the maximum height for any portion of the main building would not be allowed to exceed 105.3 feet AMSL. The height of any future out-building would not be allowed to exceed 45 feet above grade, as measured using the City’s standard building height definition from C.M.C. Section 21.04.065, except for any future out-buildings that would • • • • • • • • EIR 09-02/SP 09-01/SDP 09-04 – WESTFIELD CARLSBAD June 5, 2013 PAGE 9 be constructed within 300 feet of the El Camino Real right-of-way. Buildings within 300 feet of the El Camino Real right-of-way would be limited to a maximum building height of 35 feet above grade consistent with the ECRCDS. For any out-buildings located beyond a distance of 300 feet from El Camino Real, City Council may approve a height limit increases in excess of 45 feet to a maximum of 55 feet through the SDP process, provided that specific findings as outlined within the WCSP could be made. Grading The entire SP area has been previously graded and is developed with a major regional shopping center. As described above, the shopping center sits on lower and upper levels; with the exception of the slope that divides the two levels, each level is relatively flat. The SP indicates that the topography of the WCSP area would be retained throughout current and future SP development, and that grading along El Camino Real or Marron Road would not result in building pad elevations that are significantly different than the existing grades. Consistent with the ECRCDS, cut or fill exceeding 15 feet from existing grade would not be permitted within 300 feet of El Camino Real, except if required for construction of an underground parking structure(s) (not currently proposed). Landscape Concept Any landscape improvements to be made within the WCSP area boundary, whether part of the current SDP project or other long-term development under the WCSP, would be designed in conformance with the landscape development standards and design guidelines specified in the WCSP. The landscape standards and guidelines in the WCSP would be used in concert with the City’s Landscape Manual, but would supersede the manual as it pertains to streetscapes, parking lots, building frontages, and plant zones. It should be noted that the landscape standards identified in the WCSP would not affect existing trees, shrubs, or other plantings until redevelopment or revitalization of those areas occurs. The landscape guidelines detailed in the WCSP describe a coherent theme for a series of five outdoor spaces, including gateway (site entrance), streetscape along El Camino Real and Marron Road, parking lot, building frontage, and building entry. Because parking lots are the largest and most dominant of the five outdoor spaces, that landscape concept is described more fully below. Details of the landscape standards for parking lots as well as each of the other outdoor spaces, including planting concept illustrations, design descriptions, and full plant lists, are included within the WCSP. Plant Palette and Hardscape Plant selection and layout for the WCSP landscape is driven by the need to conserve water while still presenting a memorable visual image and providing a unifying theme/identity for the shopping center. The proposed landscape design would promote sustainability through reduced water demand for irrigation, microclimate control, passive solar shading, and storm water management, including infiltration. Proposed landscaping would be low maintenance, designed to conserve not only water but also energy and labor, and reduce green waste production. All plant species listed on the plant palette are noninvasive and are categorized as Zone 2 as defined EIR 09-02/SP 09-01/SDP 09-04 – WESTFIELD CARLSBAD June 5, 2013 PAGE 10 in the City’s Landscape Manual; however, the proposed palette also incorporates species that are more drought tolerant than those identified as Zone 2 plantings in the City’s manual. Other considerations beyond ecological and aesthetic benefits also were considered in the design, including definition of pedestrian and vehicular circulation areas, optimization of public safety, provision of visual screening of equipment or structures, proper soil preparation, and compatibility with reclaimed water irrigation equipment to promote conversion to recycled irrigation water as it becomes available in the SP area. The WCSP requires special attention be paid to pedestrian entries, which emphasizes enhanced paving, contemporary hardscape elements, and formal accent trees. Hardscape materials throughout the revitalized portions of Westfield Carlsbad would incorporate scored, textured, and/or colored entry paving and other similar enhancements to connect the interior and exterior mall spaces and provide visual interest with a modern contemporary feel. While natural-colored concrete may be used in select locations to match existing walkways, colored concrete paving with various treatments and/or other similar paving treatments that complement the architecture of Westfield Carlsbad would be used at project entrances and interior intersections. Parking Lots Existing landscaping at Westfield Carlsbad accounts for approximately six percent of the land area of the parking lots within the WCSP area, exclusive of drive aisles. This percentage of landscaped cover is required to be maintained as new development and revitalization occurs within the SP area. Overall parking lot landscaping would comply with the landscape guidelines in the WCSP and would be complementary to existing mature trees already in place. If existing parking lot trees would be removed due to redevelopment, disease, or tree damage/death, they would be replaced by a similar drought-tolerant tree species on a one-for-one basis. Improvements to surface parking areas would include repaving and restriping and installation of parking lot landscaping. Pairs of shade trees would be planted in enhanced parking lot islands at the end of each parking row, along with understory shrubs. Where existing single mature trees occur at the end islands of parking rows, the WCSP would allow them to remain in place until such time as removal is required for the tree’s health or other maintenance reasons; at that time, each tree would be replaced with two (2) box sized trees. Additional emphasis is placed on the corners and edges of parking lots, and new trees would be placed between parking stalls without reducing the number of parking spaces. The placement of new and existing trees is intended to soften the expanse of the parking lot while still allowing adequate visibility for public safety throughout. Low shrubs would be used in parking lots to provide further softening while still allowing for improved sight-lines and view corridors for pedestrians and motorists. Where entry driveways and public street corners intersect, “street corner sight clearances” would be maintained throughout the SP area by limiting plant materials and elements to a maximum height of 30 inches to further promote public safety. Outdoor Lighting and Public Safety The WCSP includes design guidelines for outdoor lighting, which ensures appropriate levels and placement of illumination for public safety and security, with special consideration given to lighting at entrances, stairs, pathways, sidewalks, pedestrian/vehicular intersections, and other potentially hazardous areas. Pedestrian-scale lighting would be used in many of these areas to EIR 09-02/SP 09-01/SDP 09-04 – WESTFIELD CARLSBAD June 5, 2013 PAGE 11 increase safety at the mall. Improvements to surface parking areas would include installation of new light standards in the reconfigured areas. Under the WCSP, placement of all new trees would be coordinated with placement of light standards to ensure that unsafe lighting conditions are not created by tree placement. Other guidelines in the WCSP state that lighting would be compatible with the overall architectural style and aesthetic of the center, and designed and directed downward to minimize impacts on adjacent properties and public right-of-way, and that accent lighting would be employed to enhance buildings and landscaping. Parking The parking lots for Westfield Carlsbad contain a total of 6,402 parking spaces based on a parking ratio of 5.0 spaces per 1,000 sq. ft. of GLA required as part of shopping centers original approvals. The WCSP is proposing a reduced parking ratio of 4.0 spaces per 1,000 sq. ft. of GLA based on a parking study that collected data at Westfield Carlsbad during peak times and is further supported by the Urban Land Institute (ULI) and the International Council of Shopping Center’s (ICSC). Based on the new parking standard, Westfield Carlsbad’s 1,186,509 sq. ft. of gross leasable commercial space (existing plus that proposed in the EIR) would require 4,746 spaces. The proposed renovation described in the project EIR would displace a total of 471 spaces resulting in a total of 5,931 spaces on site (a surplus of 1,185 spaces). However, while the reduced project design under the current SDP proposal would result in a net loss of total GLA (636 sq. ft.), the SDP still proposes parking lot improvements in the form of increased landscape setbacks along El Camino Real and Marron Road, and increased landscape/pedestrian areas located along the building frontage of the main mall structure, which would displace a total of 299 parking spaces resulting in a total of 6,103 parking spaces on site. At 4.0 spaces per 1,000 sq. ft. of GLA, 1,150,456 sq. ft. of GLA would require a total of 4,602 spaces resulting in a surplus of 1,501 spaces for the entire site. Future improvements to existing parking areas or introduction of new parking areas within the SP area would be required to follow the applicable measures provided in the WCSP. Site Development Plan (SDP 09-04) The current SDP proposal reflects a reduced project from that which was analyzed in the project EIR. Still, the SDP proposal affects approximately 18 acres of the WCSP’s eastern boundary primarily within Planning Areas 1, 2, and 5 along the El Camino Real and Marron Road frontages. More specifically, the project would consist primarily of the demolition and reconfiguration of the eastern portion of the main mall building (namely the Robinson-May building) as described below. Development will also include installation of new lighting standards, reconfigurations to pedestrian circulation, repaving and restriping of existing parking areas, and the addition of new landscaping, hardscape, and entry features along both the El Camino Real and Marron Road frontages. The majority of the existing Westfield Carlsbad shopping center would be left untouched under the current SDP proposal described herein. In fact the proposed renovation will result in a net loss of 636 sq. ft. of GLA from the main mall building. Of the approximately 708,544 sq. ft. of existing anchor department store GLA within the Westfield Carlsbad main mall, approximately 148,159 sq. ft. would be removed and/or reconfigured, which corresponds with the two-story Robinsons-May building. Approximately 77,742 sq. ft. of the 392,695 sq. ft. of existing specialty retail shop GLA associated with the Westfield Carlsbad main mall would also be EIR 09-02/SP 09-01/SDP 09-04 – WESTFIELD CARLSBAD June 5, 2013 PAGE 12 removed and/or reconfigured as part of the current proposal, resulting in a total demolition/reconfiguration of approximately 225,631 sq. ft. of GLA total. Within the main mall, and more specifically in the reconfigured Robinsons-May building, 54,489 sq. ft. of GLA will be added in the form of a new movie theater on the second level. Also on the second level, 26,460 sq. ft. of reconfigured retail specialty shops and/or restaurants will be provided. On the second level facing south, the new retail spaces will face out towards the parking lot along with newly designed pedestrian walkways. In addition to mini-anchor(s) totaling 34,930 sq. ft., an approximately 42,040 sq. ft. fitness center would be added on the first level below the theater, and will include a covered third level basketball gym. In the main mall proper, approximately 67,076 sq. ft. of GLA will consist of reconfigured retail specialty shops, dining court, restaurants, and other commercial uses. Although not a part of the SDP application, it should be noted that in concert with the renovations to the easterly end, Westfield will also be renovating the entire mall’s interior with new flooring, lighting, and store front facades. The theme of the proposed architecture is contemporary, with primary building materials comprised of varying textures of glass, stucco, masonry, stone, concrete, iron, and simulated wood. As illustrated in the proposed elevations, a variety in building mass, form, height, and silhouette is provided along with a variety of rooflines, open air courtyard elements, and pedestrian arcades. All service areas are architecturally integrated into the building design and are no longer publicly visible. At the ground-level facades, the use of glass is used to visually connect the indoor and outdoor areas. Accent architectural features such as columns, arcades, canopies, and awnings are provided to expand on the concepts of articulation, contrast, and diversity of design. Lighter colored walls and surfaces dominate the overall visual scheme of the building architecture, while accent colors and enhanced building materials are being used in key architectural elements and locations to identify areas of focus and attention. A project Environmental Impact Report (EIR) has been prepared for the WCSP and SDP, which includes an analysis of the potential environmental impacts associated with the following issue areas: Aesthetics Hydrology and Water Quality Air Quality Land Use and Planning Cultural Resources Noise Energy Paleontological Resources Geology and Soils Transportation/Traffic Greenhouse Gas Emissions Utilities and Service Systems Hazards and Hazardous Materials The EIR concludes that the project will result in: 1. Significant impacts to Cultural Resources, Geology and Soils, Hazards and Hazardous Materials, Hydrology and Water Quality, Paleontological Resources, and Transportation/Traffic that can be mitigated to a less-than-significant level; and 2. Less-than-significant impacts to Aesthetics, Air Quality, Energy, Greenhouse Gas Emissions, Land Use and Planning, Noise, and Utilities and Service Systems; and EIR 09-02/SP 09-01/SDP 09-04 – WESTFIELD CARLSBAD June 5, 2013 PAGE 13 3. No impacts to Agricultural and Forest Resources, Biological Resources, Mineral Resources, Population and Housing, Public Services, and Recreation. IV. ANALYSIS The proposed project (WCSP and SDP) is subject to the following plans, ordinances, and standards as analyzed within the following sections of this staff report: A. General Plan; B. Specific Plan, as defined by California Government Code Section 65451; C. General Commercial (C-2) Zone (C.M.C. 21.28); D. Sign Ordinance (C.M.C. 21.41); E. Westfield Carlsbad Specific Plan (SP 09-01); F. Scenic Preservation Overlay (S-P) Zone (C.M.C. Chapter 21.40) – El Camino Real Corridor Development Standards; G. Habitat Preservation and Management Requirements (C.M.C. Chapter 21.210); and H. Growth Management Ordinance (Local Facilities Management Plan Zone 1). The recommendation of approval for this project was developed by analyzing the project’s consistency with the applicable policies and regulations listed above. The following section discusses compliance with each of these regulations/policies utilizing both text and tables. A. General Plan The entire area of the WCSP and SDP proposal are located within the Regional Commercial (R) Land Use designation of the General Plan. The Land Use Element of the General Plan describes regional commercial centers as those that provide shopping goods, general merchandise, apparel, furniture, and home furnishings in full depth and variety; are anchored by at least two or more department stores with secondary tenants that include a range of specialty retail, restaurants, and entertainment uses; are typically situated on 30 to 100 acre sites in locations that are easily visible, as well as accessible, from interchange points between highways and freeways; and are described as having a GLA that ranges from 300,000 to 1.5 million sq. ft. with a regional trade area focus that draws on customers from outside of the city. The proposed WCSP and SDP proposal are consistent with the Land Use Element and the intent and characteristics of the Regional Commercial (R) Land Use designation as described above; and are also consistent with the applicable policies contained within each relevant element of the General Plan as illustrated below in Table 1: EIR 09-02/SP 09-01/SDP 09-04 – WESTFIELD CARLSBAD June 5, 2013 PAGE 14 TABLE 1 – GENERAL PLAN CONSISTENCY ELEMENT USE, CLASSIFICATION, GOAL, OBJECTIVE, OR PROGRAM COMPLIANCE Land Use Overall Land Use Pattern, Goal A.2 - Provide for an orderly balance of both public and private land uses within convenient and compatible locations throughout the community. Westfield Carlsbad provides a convenient commercial land use available to the citizens of Carlsbad and neighboring cities. Its location is convenient and compatible with surrounding land uses and contributes to the city’s orderly balance of development. Overall Land Use Pattern, Goal A.3 - Provide for land uses which through their arrangement, location and size, support and enhances the economic viability of the community. Westfield Carlsbad has historically been one of the top commercial revenue sources for the City of Carlsbad. With this renovation, it is expected that revenue generation to the city of Carlsbad will increase. Commercial, Goal A.1 - Achieve a healthy and diverse economic base by creating a climate for economic growth and stability. The renovation of Westfield Carlsbad will not only enhance the existing center and attract new and diverse retail uses within it; the synergy created by a successful regional center will attract more businesses to the general vicinity, which contributes to a healthy and diverse economic base and creates a climate for greater economic growth and stability. EIR 09-02/SP 09-01/SDP 09-04 – WESTFIELD CARLSBAD June 5, 2013 PAGE 15 TABLE 1 – GENERAL PLAN CONSISTENCY CONTINUED ELEMENT USE, CLASSIFICATION, GOAL, OBJECTIVE, OR PROGRAM COMPLIANCE Circulation Streets and Traffic Control, Goal A.8 - Provide a circulation system that promotes alternative transportation such as walking, bicycling and public transportation. Streets and Traffic Control, Objective B.1 - Provide an adequate circulation infrastructure concurrent with and prior to the actual demand for such facilities. Westfield Carlsbad includes the NCTD’s regional bus terminal on its site, which promotes alternative transportation throughout the region. In addition, Westfield is committed to installing new bike racks at each of the mall main entrances to further promote bicycling to and from the site through the use of the existing bike lanes running along Marron Road and El Camino Real and connecting throughout Carlsbad. Lastly, Westfield is also promoting pedestrian walkability to and from the site through its enhancements to the sites internal pedestrian circulation system and by providing enhanced sidewalk connections from Marron Road and El Camino Real, which includes but is not limited to wider sidewalks, parkways, enhanced hardscape materials, pedestrian scaled lighting, and enhanced landscaping features, all of which are designed to provide safe and convenient walking throughout the site. Streets and Traffic Control, Objectives B.5 - Provide safe, adequate and attractively landscaped parking facilities. The WCSP establishes landscaping and lighting development standards and guidelines for safe and attractively landscaped parking areas. The proposed SDP will implement these standards thus bringing all of the affected parking areas into compliance with the proposed SP and ensuring that the parking areas are safe and visually attractive. EIR 09-02/SP 09-01/SDP 09-04 – WESTFIELD CARLSBAD June 5, 2013 PAGE 16 TABLE 1 – GENERAL PLAN CONSISTENCY CONTINUED ELEMENT USE, CLASSIFICATION, GOAL, OBJECTIVE, OR PROGRAM COMPLIANCE Circulation (continued) Streets and Traffic Control, Implementing Policies and Action Programs C.2 - Establish a network of truck routes throughout the city to provide for the safe movement of trucks into and out of commercial zones while reducing conflicts with traffic in residential, school and recreation areas. The onsite circulation system for Westfield Carlsbad provides for safe and non-conflicting truck routes throughout the site. Westfield Carlsbad’s close proximity to El Camino Real and also SR 78 ensures that the majority of truck traffic entering and exiting the site will not be disruptive to surrounding residential, schools, or recreation areas. Alternative Modes of Transportation, Implementing Policies and Action Programs C.2 - Encourage pedestrian circulation in commercial areas through the provision of convenient parking facilities, increased sidewalk widths, pedestrian-oriented building designs, landscaping, street lighting and street furniture. A main focus of the Westfield Carlsbad SP is to encourage safe and convenient pedestrian circulation throughout the shopping center, which is supported through design guidelines and principals focused on pedestrian oriented building and parking lot designs; use of architectural elements to help define a pedestrian scale, such as awnings, canopies, trellises, arcades, and patios; enhancements to pedestrian walkways in the form of widened sidewalks, textured hardscapes, accent plantings, and pedestrian scaled lighting. Parking spaces are designed to accommodate safe and convenient pedestrian access from car to retail shops and the main building entryways and orientation of retail uses are designed to open up to the pedestrian walkways and parking areas. EIR 09-02/SP 09-01/SDP 09-04 – WESTFIELD CARLSBAD June 5, 2013 PAGE 17 TABLE 1 – GENERAL PLAN CONSISTENCY CONTINUED ELEMENT USE, CLASSIFICATION, GOAL, OBJECTIVE, OR PROGRAM COMPLIANCE Circulation (Continued) Alternative Modes of Transportation, Implementing Policies and Action Programs C.3 - Design pedestrian spaces and circulation in relationship to land uses and available parking for all new construction and redevelopment projects. As discussed above, the pedestrian circulation system will be enhanced and improved as part of the project and is designed to interact and relate with the retail shops and out parcels. Housing Housing Opportunities, Goal 2 - New housing developed with diversity of types, prices, tenures, densities, and locations, and in sufficient quantity to meet the demand of anticipated city and regional growth. Housing Opportunities, Policy 2.1 - Ensure sufficient developable acreage in all residential densities to provide varied housing types for households in all economic segments. Housing Opportunities Policy 2.6 - Encourage increased integration of housing with nonresidential development where appropriate. Housing Opportunities, Program 2.3 - Encourage mixed-use developments that include a residential component. Major commercial centers should incorporate, where appropriate, mixed commercial/residential uses. The Housing Element has identified commercial centers citywide, including the Westfield Carlsbad site, as potential locations for residential mixed-use housing. Although there is no proposal to include residential housing with this project, the Westfield Carlsbad SP does allow for residential development within the SP boundaries subject to further discretionary action and environmental review. Open Space & Conservation Special Resource Protection, Objective B.6 - Minimize environmental impacts to sensitive resources within the City. The project does not impact sensitive resources. EIR 09-02/SP 09-01/SDP 09-04 – WESTFIELD CARLSBAD June 5, 2013 PAGE 18 TABLE 1 – GENERAL PLAN CONSISTENCY CONTINUED ELEMENT USE, CLASSIFICATION, GOAL, OBJECTIVE, OR PROGRAM COMPLIANCE Public Safety Crime Hazards, Goal A - Minimize injury, loss of life, and damage to property resulting from crime. Crime Hazards, Objectives B.4 - Encourage crime prevention through the planning process by establishing specific design criteria and standards to be used in the review of land use development. A key objective of the proposed SP is “to enhance Westfield Carlsbad as a safe location for visitors through enhanced lighting and security standards, with contemporary retail projects that optimize public safety.” To meet this key objective, Westfield intends to implement a new lighting scheme for the parking fields and also for both the vehicular and pedestrian circulation areas. Major upgrades include new exterior light standards with energy efficient light fixtures consistent with the SP development standards. In addition, the SP contains defensible space strategies and landscaping design elements to optimize and promote improved public safety for outdoor areas. Lastly, the renovation of the eastern end of the mall from interior oriented building design to an exterior orientation with restaurants and other retail uses facing out towards the parking lot will further promote safety, as vandalism, theft and assault are less likely to occur in highly visible space. B. Specific Plan Government Code Section 65451 governs the content of Specific Plans. The WCSP contains all information required by state law. The plan consists of both text and diagrams, which specify the following in detail: (1) distribution and location of land uses; (2) infrastructure; (3) development standards; (4) implementation measures; and (5) a statement of the relationship of the Specific Plan to the General Plan. The purpose of the WCSP is to replace an outdated Precise Plan (PP 24, inclusive of amendments A-K) and provide for a comprehensive set of development standards, guidelines, and implementation procedures to more easily facilitate the redevelopment, revitalization and operations of Westfield Carlsbad consistent with the existing General Plan Land Use designation of Regional Commercial (R). As indicated in the General Plan Consistency Table 1 above, the WCSP complies with the goals, objectives, and policies of the various elements of the General Plan and can therefore be found to be consistent with the General Plan. The WCSP will become the controlling document for the redevelopment, revitalization, and operations of Westfield Carlsbad including the current SDP proposal. It will further the objectives and policies of the EIR 09-02/SP 09-01/SDP 09-04 – WESTFIELD CARLSBAD June 5, 2013 PAGE 19 General Plan and will not obstruct their attainment. All infrastructure needed to serve Westfield Carlsbad is presently in place in accordance with the Zone 1 Local Facilities Management Plan. C. General Commercial Zone (C-2) (Carlsbad Municipal Code, Chapter 21.28) As noted above, the C-2 zone development standards and permitted uses are being superseded by the development standards and permitted uses of the WCSP and are not applicable to Westfield Carlsbad except where specifically noted in the document. D. Sign Ordinance (Carlsbad Municipal Code, Chapter 21.41) As noted above, the WCSP includes sign standards to augment, and in some cases supersede, C.M.C. Chapter 21.41 in a manner that is suitable for the massing and scale of a regional shopping center. More specifically, the WCSP will supersede the following sections of the municipal code: C.M.C. Section 21.41.050 – Application permits and procedures; C.M.C. Section 21.41.080 – Sign design standards; C.M.C. Section 21.41.095 – Permitted permanent signs; and C.M.C. Section 21.41.130 – Nonconforming signs. A general comparison of C.M.C. Section 21.45.095 and the proposed WCSP as it pertains to permitted permanent signs is provided in Table 2 as follows: TABLE 2 – SIGNAGE COMPARISON (C.M.C. 21.45.095 VS. WCSP) C.M.C. 21.41.095 Permitted Permanent Signs WCSP Allowed Signs (North of Marron Road) Commercial Centers and Freestanding Commercial Buildings Monument: One (1) sign per street frontage, 50 sq. ft. (max.), 6 ft. tall (max.), located at primary driveway entrance. Monument (North of Marron Road): Four (4) signs total, 50 sq. ft. (max.) per sign, 6 ft. tall (max.), located near the main entrances to the site. Monument (South of Marron Road): One (1) sign, 50 sq. ft. (max.), 6 ft. tall (max.), located near the main entrance. Monument (Tenant): Two (2) signs total, 120 sq. ft. (max.) per sign, 15 ft. tall (max.). Directional: three (3) per driveway entrance, 6 sq. ft. per sign, 4 ft. tall (max.), located to facilitate traffic internal to the site. Directional: 25 signs total (equates to approx. 3.5 signs per entrance), 55 sq. ft. (max.) per sign, 8.5 ft. tall (max.), located to guide pedestrian and vehicular traffic around the site. • • • • EIR 09-02/SP 09-01/SDP 09-04 – WESTFIELD CARLSBAD June 5, 2013 PAGE 20 TABLE 2 – SIGNAGE COMPARISON (C.M.C. 21.45.095 VS. WCSP) CONTINUED C.M.C. 21.41.095 Permitted Permanent Signs WCSP Allowed Signs (North of Marron Road) Commercial Centers and Freestanding Commercial Buildings (continued) Wall or Fascia: 1 sq. ft. for each lineal ft. of building frontage, 150 sq. ft. (max.). Fascia (Westfield ID): Seven (7) signs total, 200 sq. ft. (max.) per sign, can be affixed to walls and other architectural features as defined by sign program. Fascia (Anchor): One (1) sq. ft. for each lineal ft. of store frontage, 400 sq. ft. (max.). Cinema: One (1) sign, 200 sq. ft. (max.). Fascia (Mini-Anchors/Restaurants/Tenants): One (1) sq. ft. for each lineal ft. of store frontage, 150 sq. ft. (max.). Partnership Marketing: Two (2) signs total, 672 sq. ft. (max.) per sign. Partnership Marketing: Three (3) signs total, 380 sq. ft. (max.) per sign. Suspended: One (1) sign per establishment, 5 sq. ft. (max.), located underside of walkway overhang at 90 degrees to business establishment. Projecting: 20 signs total, 10 sq. ft. (max.) per sign, and located 90 degrees from building face. Regional Commercial Centers Pole: One (1) per center, 150 sq. ft. (max.), 35 ft. tall (max.), located near project entrance. Pylon (Static Display): One (1) sign, 1,000 sq. ft. (max.), 45 ft. tall (max.). The EIR and SDP show this sign being located on the north side of the main entrance (Plaza Drive) to Westfield Carlsbad adjacent to El Camino Real. As stated above under Project Characteristics, the WCSP includes provisions for the allowance of digital signs, which would be subject to the City Council’s approval of a Conditional Use Permit (CUP). These types of signs are prohibited under C.M.C. Section 21.41.030. However, given the Planning Commission’s recent decision to not allow Regional Commercial uses to have any digital signage as part of the sign code update, staff has also conditioned this provision to be removed from the final version of the WCSP (please see Condition No. 10 of Planning Commission Resolution No. 6982). E. Westfield Carlsbad Specific Plan The SDP project is proposing development within Planning Areas 1, 2, and 5 of the WCSP. In addition to meeting all of the design guidelines criteria of the WCSP, the SDP project also EIR 09-02/SP 09-01/SDP 09-04 – WESTFIELD CARLSBAD June 5, 2013 PAGE 21 complies with all applicable development standards of the WCSP as shown below in Tables 3, 4, and 5. TABLE 3 - WCSP DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS - PLANNING AREA 1 STANDARD REQUIRED PROPOSED COMPLY? Building Setback (Marron Rd) 15 ft. min. (as measured from back of sidewalk). > 15 ft. Yes Landscape Setback (Marron Rd) 10 ft. min. (as measured from back of sidewalk). ≥ 10 ft. Yes Building Height (Main Mall) Max. 75 ft. from the finished floor elevation of the lower level, established at 30.30 ft. above mean sea level (AMSL). Max. for any portion of main building shall not exceed 105.30 ft. AMSL. Roof = 65 ft. (95.3 ft. AMSL) Parapet = 67 ft. (97.3 ft. AMSL) Roof Screen = 67.5 ft. (97.8 ft. AMSL) Theater Sign Structure = 75 ft. (105.3 ft. AMSL) Yes TABLE 4 - WCSP DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS - PLANNING AREA 2 STANDARD REQUIRED PROPOSED COMPLY? Building Setback (El Camino Real) 15 ft. min. (as measured from back of sidewalk). No outbuildings are presently proposed. NA Landscape Setback (El Camino Real) 15 ft. min. (as measured from back of sidewalk). ≥ 15 ft. Yes Building Setback (Marron Rd) 15 ft. min. (as measured from back of sidewalk). No outbuildings are presently proposed. NA Landscape Setback (Marron Rd) 10 ft. min. (as measured from back of sidewalk). ≥ 10 ft. Yes TABLE 5 - WCSP DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS - PLANNING AREA 5 STANDARD REQUIRED PROPOSED COMPLY? Building Setback (Marron Rd) 15 ft. min. (as measured from back of sidewalk). > 15 ft. Yes Landscape Setback (Marron Rd) 10 ft. min. (as measured from back of sidewalk). ≥ 10 ft. Yes EIR 09-02/SP 09-01/SDP 09-04 – WESTFIELD CARLSBAD June 5, 2013 PAGE 22 TABLE 5 - WCSP DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS - PLANNING AREA 5 (CONTINUED) STANDARD REQUIRED PROPOSED COMPLY? Building Height (Main Mall) Max. 75 ft. from the finished floor elevation of the lower level, established at 30.30 ft. above mean sea level (AMSL). Max. height for any portion of main building shall not exceed 105.30 ft. AMSL. Roof = 56 ft. (86.3 ft. AMSL) Parapet = 46 ft. (76.3 ft. AMSL) Yes In addition to the above, four findings are required for approval of a SDP within the WCSP. The required findings with justification for each are contained in Planning Commission Resolution No. 6983. This section summarizes the necessary findings and supports each. Westfield Carlsbad is an existing developed regional commercial shopping center designated as Regional Commercial on the City’s General Plan Land Use Map. No change in land use is being proposed by the WCSP and no construction or development associated with the proposed SDP would physically expand the boundary of the existing developed site. The WCSP will become the zoning document for the center and govern the development of both the current SDP proposal and any future proposals. The WCSP describes the existing developed shopping center and the potential future expansion areas; it defines the allowed uses and establishes a comprehensive set of development standards and design guidelines, including implementation procedures to properly relate it to the site, surroundings and environmental settings; and will facilitate future redevelopment, revitalization, and ongoing operations consistent with the various elements and objectives of the General Plan by providing safe, visually appealing, publicly accessible and convenient shopping to the residents of Carlsbad and the surrounding region. Mitigation measures required by the Westfield Carlsbad Specific Plan/Site Development Plan Project Final Environmental Impact Report (EIR 09-02) will reduce potentially significant impacts to below significant levels and insure that the proposed project does not adversely impact the site, surroundings, or traffic circulation. Furthermore, as shown on Exhibits “A” through “UU” of this staff report, the site is adequate in size and shape to accommodate the proposed uses, in that the project has been designed to accommodate all of its required parking on site; and includes safe and efficient internal circulation for both pedestrians and vehicles. In addition, all features necessary (i.e., yards, setbacks, walls, fences, landscaping, etc.) to adjust the proposed uses to existing and permitted future uses will be provided, in that the project complies with all of the required development standards and design guidelines of the WCSP; including but not limited to, providing increased setbacks and landscaping along the El Camino Real and Marron Road frontages; integrating enclosed service areas into the building design to conceal delivery areas, trash receptacles, and storage of supplies; screening roof and/or ground-mounted mechanical equipment from public view and right-of-ways, including the screening of parking areas through a combination of informal landscaping and landscaped berms; and improving the existing site entries leading into the shopping center with detailed landscaping, enhanced hardscape features, and new pedestrian EIR 09-02/SP 09-01/SDP 09-04 – WESTFIELD CARLSBAD June 5, 2013 PAGE 23 walkways and lighting that will assist in orienting the existing shopping center with its surroundings in a safe and visually appealing manner. F. Scenic Preservation Overlay (S-P) Zone (C.M.C. Chapter 21.40) – El Camino Real Corridor Development Standards The proposed project site is located adjacent to El Camino Real, and therefore is subject to the regulations of the Scenic Preservation Overlay (S-P) Zone as implemented through the El Camino Real Corridor Development Standards (ECRCDS). The ECRCDS were adopted in 1984 with the intent and purpose of maintaining and enhancing the appearance of the El Camino Real roadway area. The document was intended to further the goals of the Land Use element of the General Plan in its objective of preserving unique City resources as they relate to highways. Through the adoption of the WCSP, the ECRCDS have been integrated into the applicable sections of the document. Areas of Westfield Carlsbad subject to the ECRCDS are those located within 300 feet of the El Camino Real frontage. Adoption of the WCSP and its processes replaces the ECRCDS requirements to process a Special Use Permit. Portions of Planning Areas 2, 3, and 4 of the WCSP are subject to the Area 1 standards listed within the ECRCDS. In general, the project complies with these standards as discussed below in Table 6. Where the SP is superseding a specific standard, justification is provided below. TABLE 6 – EL CAMINO REAL CORRIDOR STANDARDS COMPLIANCE STANDARD ADOPTED CRITERIA PROPOSED PROJECT COMPLY? Design Theme Old California/Hispanic While no buildings are presently proposed in the subject areas; the WCSP does not include a specific design theme for Westfield Carlsbad. No Median Breaks Only at major intersections While no new median breaks are proposed; ingress/egress points for the site are established and set by existing development. Yes Sidewalks City standard entire length Provided per City standards. Yes Signs Wall signs only; wood; externally lighted. The WCSP allows for many types of internally illuminated signs that are typically associated with a regional commercial shopping center use. No Grading No cut or fill exceeding 15 feet from original grade. The WCSP identifies this as a general development standard, except for the construction of below grade parking structures, which would be permitted outside of the setback areas. The grading associated with the SDP for areas within Planning Area 2 located along El Camino Real does not propose a cut or fill grading condition ≥ to this maximum standard. Yes EIR 09-02/SP 09-01/SDP 09-04 – WESTFIELD CARLSBAD June 5, 2013 PAGE 24 TABLE 6 – EL CAMINO REAL CORRIDOR STANDARDS COMPLIANCE CONTINUED STANDARD ADOPTED CRITERIA PROPOSED PROJECT COMPLY? Building Height Maximum 35 feet from pad grade, City’s adopted formula for measuring building height. While no buildings are presently proposed in the subject areas; the WCSP incorporates this requirement within the planning area development standards. Yes Setbacks from roadway (ROW boundaries) 15 feet minimum Planning Areas 2, 3, and 4 of the WCSP require a 15 ft. minimum building and landscape setback along El Camino Real. The grading and landscaping associated with the current SDP for areas within Planning Area 2 located along El Camino Real include landscape setbacks ≥ 15 feet. Yes Street Light Spacing City Standard While no new street lights are proposed; street lights are presently established along El Camino Real and set by existing development. Any future development that impacts existing street light locations will be spaced per City standards. Yes Roof Equipment If structures are downslope, or can be seen from adjacent developed (or potentially developable) area, no roof equipment shall be visible. The WCSP implements extensive guidelines regarding the screening of roof top equipment. Any future SDP for development of buildings will be subject to these requirements. Yes Anticipated Land Use No change from existing Land Use Plan. No land use change proposed. Yes Justification for the WCSP superseding the design theme and signage standards of the ECRCDS is as follows: 1. Compliance with the Old California/Hispanic design theme and restrictions on signage exclusively to externally illuminated wood wall signs within a 300 foot setback area along El Camino Real is not feasible nor is it in the best interest of good planning for a regional oriented commercial shopping center such as Westfield Carlsbad whose success is based on its ability to 1) function visually and architecturally as a whole; 2) evolve over time as a vibrant competitive retail center; 3) attract a wide variety of high-quality retailers; 4) implement up to date architectural elements, technological developments, and building materials; and 5) advertise in a reasonable and functional manner that is typical of shopping centers of its scale and magnitude. I EIR 09-02/SP 09-01/SDP 09-04 – WESTFIELD CARLSBAD June 5, 2013 PAGE 25 2. The scenic qualities of the corridor will continue to be maintained if the Old California/Hispanic design theme and restrictions on signage exclusively to externally illuminated wood wall signs within a 300 foot setback area along El Camino Real are not fulfilled in that the combined efforts of the WCSP document seek to create a unified and improved street presence along El Camino Real for Westfield Carlsbad. 3. The project will not have an adverse impact on traffic safety, in that non-compliance with the Old California/Hispanic design theme and restriction on signage exclusively to externally illuminated wood wall signs within a 300 foot setback area along El Camino Real are not related to the movement of traffic. 4. The Westfield Carlsbad project is generally designed so as to meet the intent of the Scenic Preservation Overlay Zone through its use of detailed design guidelines and development standards governing landscape materials and design; setbacks from roadway; massing and scale of future buildings; screening of parking and utility areas, roofs, and/or ground mounted equipment; and grading design adjacent to El Camino Real. G. Habitat Preservation and Management Requirements (C.M.C. Chapter 21.210) The City of Carlsbad’s Habitat Management Plan (HMP) identifies the Westfield Carlsbad Shopping Center as developed. The site is not located in either a Hardline Preserve or Standards Area. As described in the project EIR, no natural communities are present on the developed portion of the project site, although riparian habitat associated with the Buena Vista Creek is located within a small undeveloped portion of the WCSP area and north of the northern boundary of the WCSP area for which no sensitive species were identified. Although the WCSP area and portions of the Buena Vista Creek located in the project vicinity are within the planning area of the HMP they are not identified as being within the core habitat area. Furthermore, the project site and creek area are not located within or adjacent to an HMP preserve. The nearest Hardline Preserve is the Buena Vista Lagoon Ecological Reserve, which is located west of Jefferson Street, and beyond the project site boundaries. No change in land use is proposed by the WCSP and no construction or development associated with the SDP would physically expand the boundary of the existing developed site adjacent to the Buena Vista Creek. No direct interface occurs between the project site and HMP preserve lands. The project Environmental Impact Report (EIR 09-02) concludes that the proposed project would not conflict with the HMP; no direct impacts associated with the construction and operation of the proposed project would occur; and all potential indirect impacts to any nearby sensitive biological resources would be less than significant with no mitigation required. H. Growth Management Ordinance (Local Facilities Management Plan Zone 1) The proposed project is located within Local Facilities Management Zone 1 in the northwest quadrant of the City and has been reviewed pursuant to the Growth Management Ordinance, C.M.C. Chapter 21.90. The proposed project, resulting in a net loss of 636 sq. ft. of gross leasable area, does not adversely affect any public facilities and no mitigation or special conditions are required of the project. The project’s facility impacts are summarized below in Table 7: EIR 09-02/SP 09-01/SDP 09-04 – WESTFIELD CARLSBAD June 5, 2013 PAGE 26 TABLE 7: GROWTH MANAGEMENT FACILITY IMPACTS COMPLY City Administration N/A Yes Library N/A Yes Wastewater Treatment Capacity 0 EDU Yes Parks N/A Yes Drainage 0 CFS (Basin A) Yes Circulation 0 ADT Yes Fire Station 1 Yes Open Space N/A Yes Schools – Carlsbad Unified School District N/A Yes Sewer – Carlsbad Municipal Water District 0 EDU Yes Water – Carlsbad Municipal Water District 0 GPD Yes V. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW An Environmental Impact Report (EIR) was prepared for the Westfield Carlsbad Specific Plan and Site Development Plan in accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), the CEQA Guidelines, and the Environmental Protection Procedures (Title 19) of the Carlsbad Municipal Code. The EIR addresses the environmental impacts associated with all discretionary applications for the proposed project. City staff issued a Notice of Preparation (NOP) on January 5, 2010, which was distributed to all Responsible and Trustee Agencies, as well as other agencies and members of the public. Staff scheduled a public scoping meeting session in order to increase opportunities for public input. Notices of the scoping meeting were sent to all property owners within a 600-foot radius of the project boundaries as well as being published in the North County Times. Public scoping sessions were held by the City on January 19, 2010 and February 4, 2010 at the City of Carlsbad Faraday Center Room 173-A. At the scoping sessions, the public was invited to comment on the scope and content of the EIR. No public comments were received during either session. Written responses were received and these comments were taken into consideration prior to developing a detailed scope of work for the EIR and are published in Appendix-A of the EIR. The Westfield Carlsbad EIR analyzed the following areas of potential environmental impact: Aesthetics Hydrology and Water Quality Air Quality Land Use and Planning Cultural Resources Noise Energy Paleontological Resources Geology and Soils Transportation/Traffic Greenhouse Gas Emissions Utilities and Service Systems Hazards and Hazardous Materials Additionally, the Draft EIR includes other sections required by CEQA, including but not limited to, an Executive Summary, Project Description, Cumulative Effects, Growth Inducing Effects, Effects Not Found to be Significant, and Alternatives. Three alternatives are considered in the EIR. The alternatives include the "No Project” alternative, a “Reduced Project: Main Mall Renovations Only" alternative, and a “Reduced Project: Re-tenant Main Mall Plus Out-buildings” alternative. EIR 09-02/SP 09-01/SDP 09-04 – WESTFIELD CARLSBAD June 5, 2013 PAGE 27 The Draft EIR was made available for public review through the issuance of a Notice of Completion, which established a comment period of 50 days, extending from August 31, 2012 to October 19, 2012. The Notice of Completion advised that the Draft EIR was available for review in the following five locations, 1) City of Carlsbad Planning Division; 2) City Clerk's Office; 3) Carlsbad Dove Library; 4) Georgina Cole Library; and 5) City of Carlsbad website. Complete copies were also made available for purchase through the Planning Division, with or without the appendices, and also in digital format on compact disc. Comments from all public agencies, organizations, and individuals via mailings and newspaper publications were solicited on the information contained within the Draft EIR. The analysis contained in the EIR concluded that all significant impacts would be mitigated to below a level of significance. A total of 10 comment letters were submitted prior to the close of the public review period. Responses were prepared for each of the letters and mailed to the commenters with the Public Hearing Notices. The response transmittal letter also provided notice of availability of the Final EIR. The Final EIR includes a Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program (MMRP). The MMRP is also attached to the Planning Commission Resolution No. 6981 for the EIR. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Planning Commission Resolution No. 6981 (EIR) 2. Planning Commission Resolution No. 6982 (SP) 3. Planning Commission Resolution No. 6983 (SDP) 4. Location Map 5. Background Data Sheet 6. Local Facilities Impact Assessment Form 7. Disclosure Statements 8. Reduced Exhibits 9. Full Size Exhibits “A” – “UU” dated June 5, 2013 10. Final EIR for Westfield Carlsbad Specific Plan/Site Development Plan (copy on file in the Planning Division and available at http://www.carlsbadca.gov/Planning) 11. Westfield Carlsbad Specific Plan (copy on file in the Planning Division and available at http://www.carlsbadca.gov/Planning) SITE MAP VIST~WY • N NOT TO SCALE Westfield Carlsbad J EIR 09-02 / SP 09-01 / SOP 09-04 Revised 01/06 BACKGROUND DATA SHEET CASE NO: EIR 09-02/SP 09-01/SDP 09-04 CASE NAME: WESTFIELD CARLSBAD APPLICANT: City of Carlsbad, Plaza Camino Real, LP and CMF PCR, LLC REQUEST AND LOCATION: Request for the certification of an Environmental Impact Report, including the approval of Candidate Findings of Fact and a Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program and a recommendation of approval of the Westfield Carlsbad Specific Plan and a Site Development Plan for the demolition, reconfiguration, and/or reconstruction of approximately 225,631 square feet of existing gross leasable area of regional shopping center uses within the existing Plaza Camino Real Shopping Center generally located west of El Camino Real and bisected by Marron Road in Local Facilities Management Zone 1. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lots 1 to 27, inclusive, of Carlsbad Tract No. CT 76-18 (Plaza Camino Real Shopping Center) in the City of Carlsbad, County of San Diego, State of California, according to map thereof no. 8956, filed in the Office of the County Recorder of San Diego County, August 11, 1978. APN: See attached Westfield Carlsbad Specific Plan, Appendix “F” Acres: SP 09-01 = 77.5 acre / SDP 09-04 = 18 acres Proposed No. of Lots/Units: NA GENERAL PLAN AND ZONING Existing Land Use Designation: R, Regional Commercial Proposed Land Use Designation: R, Regional Commercial Density Allowed: NA Density Proposed: NA Existing Zone: C-2, General Commercial Proposed Zone: C-2, General Commercial Surrounding Zoning, General Plan and Land Use: Zoning General Plan Current Land Use Site C-2 R Regional Shopping Center North CS-HO/PS (Oceanside) SC/CI (Oceanside) Parking Lot, Sewer Treatment Plant, Buena Vista Creek, South Vista Way, Commercial Businesses, Haymar Drive, and SR-78 South OS/P-C OS/RMH Open Space, Multiple-Family Residential East CL L El Camino Real, Carlsbad Plaza Shopping Center West C-2/C-2-Q/OS OS/R North County Plaza Shopping Center, Buena Vista Creek, Jefferson Street Revised 01/06 LOCAL COASTAL PROGRAM Coastal Zone: Yes No Local Coastal Program Segment: NA Within Appeal Jurisdiction: Yes No Coastal Development Permit: Yes No Local Coastal Program Amendment: Yes No Existing LCP Land Use Designation: NA Proposed LCP Land Use Designation: NA Existing LCP Zone: NA Proposed LCP Zone: NA PUBLIC FACILITIES School District: Carlsbad Water District: Carlsbad Sewer District: Carlsbad Equivalent Dwelling Units (Sewer Capacity): 0 EDU ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT Categorical Exemption, Negative Declaration, issued Certified Environmental Impact Report, dated June 5, 2013 Other, □ CITY OF CARLSBAD GROWTH MANAGEMENT PROGRAM LOCAL FACILITIES IMPACTS ASSESSMENT FORM PROJECT IDENTITY AND IMPACT ASSESSMENT: FILE NAME AND NO: Westfield Carlsbad - EIR 09-02/SP 09-01/SDP 09-04 LOCAL FACILITY MANAGEMENT ZONE: 1 GENERAL PLAN: R, Regional Commercial ZONING: C-2, General Commercial DEVELOPER’S NAME: Plaza Camino Real, LP and CMF PCR, LLC PHONE NO.: 310-478-1267 ADDRESS: 11601 Wilshire Boulevard, 11th Floor, Los Angeles, CA 90025 ASSESSOR’S PARCEL NO.: See attached Westfield Carlsbad Specific Plan, Appendix “F” QUANTITY OF LAND USE/DEVELOPMENT: SP 09-01 = 77.5 AC./SDP 09-04 = 18 AC. development area. ESTIMATED COMPLETION DATE: Late 2014 or early 2015 A. City Administrative Facilities: Demand in Square Footage = NA B. Library: Demand in Square Footage = NA C. Wastewater Treatment Capacity (Calculate with J. Sewer) 0 EDU D. Park: Demand in Acreage = NA E. Drainage: Demand in CFS = 0 Identify Drainage Basin = A (Identify master plan facilities on site plan) F. Circulation: Demand in ADT = 0 (Identify Trip Distribution on site plan) G. Fire: Served by Fire Station No. = 1 H. Open Space: Acreage Provided = NA I. Schools (Carlsbad): NA J. Sewer: Demands in EDU 0 Identify Sub Basin = 1A K. Water: Demand in GPD = 0 ( ( ---------------- «~ ~ CIT¥ Of DISCLOSURE STATEMENT P-1(A) Development Services Planning Department 1635 Faraday Avenue (760) 602-4610 www.carlsbadca.gov CARLSBAD Applicant's statement or disclosure of certain ownership interests on all applications which will require discretionary action on the part of the City Council or any appointed Board, Commission or Committee. • The following information MUST be disclosed at the time of application submittal. Your project cannot be reviewed until this information is completed. Please print. .N,:.ie;i .. ., .. : >, ... , •.. >'<;>. ·.;. ··• ... ·:•/ : ..... ·•· ....•. ·• -Perso.rt is,de~ne.d as~Anyindiyidual, :firni; c0cpaitner.ship, jointveh1ure, ~ssoci.ation·, social ph./b, f:rlitemal •orgarai~tionf corpqration, !')Stat.e, trust, reci,iyer,!~yni:ticate', ipthil.land anyi;/lf\r,jrc:ounty, city·.and comity, c;ltym~nicipality, .district or otherpoliliqal t§µ~diyi!!i6~ or any other group. or-rornbinaticm·at;ting as:a(!nit", ~~e~t&~ay,.sign. !hi~ do~ument; h6~e~~/,:!tiflil~~t,; ~~me~kd ~nti~tift!J~ ~pplica~t anci ~rop~ey0w,ner .mustb~:.provided below. ,: .. . • '·• • • 1. 2. P-1(A) APPLICANT (Not the applicant's agent) Provide the COMPLETE, LEGAL names and addresses of ALL persons having a financial interest in the application. If the applicant includes a corporation or partnership, include the names, titles, addresses of all individuals owning more than 10% of the shares. IF NO INDIVIDUALS OWN MORE THAN 10% OF THE SHARES, PLEASE INDICATE NON-APPLICABLE (NIA) IN THE SPACE BELOW. If a publicly-owned corporation, include the names, titles, and addresses of the corporate officers. (A separate page may be attached if necessary.} Jee. atl,d,.,,/ f"-;es Person: RoryAPacker Corp/Part Plaza Camino Real, LP Title: Assistant Secretary Address: cJo Westfield, LLC 11601 Wilshire Boulevard, 11th Floor Los Angeles, Ca 90025 Title _____________ _ Address: c!o Westfield, LLC 11601 Wilshire Boulevard, 11th Floor 'OWNER (Not the owner's agent} Los Angeles, Ca 90025 Provide the COMPLETE, LEGAL names and addresses of ALL persons having any ownership interest in the property involved. Also, provide the nature of the legal ownership (i.e., partnership, tenants in common, non-profit, corporation, etc,). If the ownership includes a corporation or partnership. include the names, titles, addresses of all individuals owning more than 10% of the shares. IF NO INDIVIDUALS OWN MORE THAN 10% OF THE SHARES, PLEASE INDICATE NON-APPLICABLE (NIA) IN THE SPACE BELOW. If a publicly-owned corooration, include the names, titles, and addresses of the corporate officers. (A separate page may be attached if necessary.) see ~<.If-"'-/'' Person: Rory A. Packer Tille: Assistant Secretary Address: c/o Westfield, LLC 11601 Wilshire Boulevard, 11th Floor Los Angetes, Ca 90025 Plaza Camino Real, LP Corp/Part. ___________ _ Title. ______________ _ Person: Rory A. Packer Title: Assistant Secretary Address: c/o Westfield, LLC 11601 Wilshire Boulevard, 11th Floor Los Angeles, Ca 90025 Page 1 of2 Revised 04/09 J) ( 3. NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATION OR TRUST If any person identified pursuant to (1) or (2) above is a nonprofit organization or a trust, list the names and addresses of ANY person serving as an officer or director of the non- profit organization or as trustee or beneficiary of the. Non Profit/Trust.________ Non Profit/Trust _________ _ Title ___________ _ Title _____________ _ Address. __________ _ Address ____________ _ 4. Have you had more than $500 worth of business transacted with any member of City staff, Boards, Commissions, Committees and/or Council within the past twelve (12) months? Oves 01\Jo If yes, please indicate person(s): ___________ _ NOTE: Attach additional sheets if necessary. I certify that all the above information is true and correct to the best of my knowledge. PLAZA CAMINO REAL, a California limited partnership; By: PCRGP, L.P., a Delaware limited partnership its general partner; By: Plaza Camino Real LLC, a Delaware limited liability company, its general partner By: Westfield ca imited Partnership, a Delaware linuted partnership, its sole member By: Westfield a Delaware limited liability company, its general partner Date: Octo Hofman Planning & Engineering Print or type name of owner/applicant's agent P-1(A) Page 2 of2 Revised 04/09 ( Disclosure Statement P-l(A) City of Carlsbad Applicant: Plaza Camino Real, LP, a California limited partnership (Applicant) PCRGP, L.P., a Delaware limited partnership Plaza Camino Real LLC, a Delaware limited liability company Westfield America Limited Partnership, a Delaware limited partnership Westfield Head LP, a Delaware limited partnership Westfield U.S. Holdings, LLC a Delaware limited liability company* Owner: Plaza Camino Real, LP, a California limited partnership (Owner) PCRGP, L.P ., a Delaware limited partnership Plaza Camino Real LLC, a Delaware limited liability company Westfield America Limited Partnership, a Delaware limited partnership Westfield Head LP, a Delaware limited partnership Westfield U.S. Holdings, LLC a Delaware limited liability company* * List of officers and directors is attached. ( Officers and Directors: Westfield U.S. Holdings, LLC All below officers and directors are registered at the following address: c/o Westfield, LLC 11601 Wilshire Blvd, Suite 1100 Los Angeles, CA 90025 Name Title Packer, Rory A. Assistant Secretary Shieh, Stephanie Assistant Secretary Taireh, Aline Assistant Secretary Yoo, Laurie Assistant Secretary Lowy, Peter S. Chief Executive Officer Stefanek, Mark Chief Financial Officer and A. Treasurer Widdup, John Chief Operating Officer Saltenberger, Bill Executive Vice President - Construction Duncan, Stanley Senior Executive Vice N. President -Human Resources Schwartz, Peter Senior Executive Vice R, President, General Counsel and Secretary Satterthwaite, Senior Vice President and Elizabeth P. Assistant Secretary Kasperski, Bob Vice President -Construction Porter, Roger A. Vice President-Tax Lowy, Peter S. Manager Stefanek, Mark Manager A. Title Role Status Officer Active Officer Active Officer Active Officer Active Officer Active Officer Active Officer Active Officer Active Officer Active Officer Active Officer Active Officer Active Officer Active Managing Active Member Managing Member ( ( STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) SS: COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES ) Date: October 20, 2009 Being duly sworn, deposes and says: I. That I, Elizabeth P. Satterthwaite, Senior Vice President and Assistant Secretary of Westfield U.S. Holdings, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company, the general partner of Westfield America Limited Partnership, a Delaware limited partnership, the sole member of Plaza Camino Real LLC, a Delaware limited liability company, the general partner of PCRGP, L.P., a Delaware limited partnership, the general partner of Plaza Camino Real, LP, a Delaware limited partnership. 2. Plaza Camino Real, LP is the Owner of Westfield Plaza Camino Real shopping mall. 3. Rory A. Packer, as Assistant Secretary of Westfield U.S. Holdings, LLC, is duly authorized to execute documents on behalf Plaza Camino Real, LP as Applicant and Owner. PLAZA CAMINO REAL, a California limited partnership By: PCRGP, L.P., a Delaware limited partnership its general partner By: Plaza Camino Real LLC, a Delaware limited liability company, its general partner By: Westfield America Limited Partnership, a Delaware limited partnership, its sole member By: Westfield U.S. Holdings, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company, its general partner By:?<..-& Name: Elizabeth P. Satterthwaite Title: Senior Vice President and Assistant Secretary STATE OF CALIFORNIA) COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES) ) ss. On October c20. olOO 'i , before me, Annr"e. 11. Ze&( Public personally appeared (., Iha Ju.ft.._. e Utctfer-t/,,.wtrtl~ , a Notary who proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person( s) whose name( s) is/are subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/she/they executed the same in his/her/their authorized capacity(ies), and that by his/her/their signature(s) on the instrument the person(s), or the entity upon behalf of which the person( s) acted, executed the instrument. I certify under PENALTY OF PERJURY under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing paragraph is true and correct. WITNESS my hand and official seal. Signature ~~ Y>). }.1ii.l (Seal) ~ ~ CITY OF DISCLOSURE STATEMENT P~ 1(A) Deve(Qpment Services Planning Division 1635 Faraday Avenue (760) 602-4610 www.carfsbadca.gov CARLSBAD Applicant's statement or disclosure of certain ownersh(p Interests on all applications which wift require discretionary action en the part of the City Council or any appointed Board, Commission or Committee. The following informatron MUST be disclosed at the time of application submittal. Your project cannot be reviewed until this information Is completed. Please print. 1. APPLICANT (Not the applicant's agent) Provide the COMPLETE, LEGAL names and addresses of 8bb persons having a financial Interest in the applicatfon. If the applicant Includes a corooratlon or paljnership. Include the names, titles, addresses of all individuals owning more than 10% of the shares. IF NO INDIVIDUALS OWN MORE THAN 10% OF THE SHARES, PLEASE INDICATE NON-APPLICABLE (NIA) IN THE SPACE BELOW. If a publicly-owned coroorajion, fnclude the names, titles. and addresses of the corporate officers. (A separate page may be attached if necessary.) Person.____________ Corp/Part'------------ ntle.__________ Title, ___________ _ Address _________ _ Address.__ _________ _ 2. OWNER (Not the owner's agent) P-1(A) Provide the COMfLETE. LEGAL names and addresses of & persons having any ownership interest in the property involved. Also, provide the nature of the legal ownership (I.e .• partnership, tenants In common, non-profit, corporation. etc.). If the ownership includes a corporation or partnership. Include the names, tltles, addresses of all individuals owning more than 10% of the shares. IF NO INDIVIDUALS OWN MORE THAN 10% OF THE SHARES, PLEASE INDICATE NON-APPLICABLE (NIA) IN THE SPACE BELOW. If a pub!iojy-owned corporation, Include the names, titles, and addresses of the corporate officers. (A separate page may be attached if necessary,) Person Su <&tff'-N {if Corp/Part. __________ _ Title'-----------Title;..._ __________ _ Address ________ _ Address'------------- Page1of2 Rav'.scd 07/10 3. NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATION OR TRUST If any person Identified pursuant to (1) or (2) above Is a nonprotjt organization or a trust, fist the names and addresses of ANY person setving as an officer or director of the non- profit organization or as trustee or beneficiary of the. Non ProfiVTrust~-------Non Profitrrrust, _________ _ Title,____________ Trtle ____________ _ Address, _________ _ Address. ___________ _ 4. Have you had more than $500 worth of business transacted with any member of City staff, Boards, Commissions, Committees and/or Council within !he past twelve (12) months? D Yes 1;KJ No If yes. please Indicate person(s):. __________ _ NOTE: Atlach addlttonaf sheets If necessary. I certify that all the above information is true and correct to the best of my knowledge. Signature of owner/date Signature of applicant/date • Print or type name ofowner • Print or type name of applicant Slgnature of owner/applicant's agent If applicable/date Print or type name of owner/applicant's agent P-i(A) Page2of2 Revised 07/10 Attachment to Disclosure Statement P-1 (A) City of Carlsbad Name of Owner Entity: Namefs}/Addresses of Principal Owners of Owner Entity: List of Officers and Addresses: CMFPCRLLC 11601 WilshlreBoulevl'll."d, 11th Floor Los Angeles, CA 90025 Westfield America Limited Partnership 11601 Wilshire Boulevard, 11 tl1 Floor Los Angeles; CA 90025 (sole member ofCMF PCR LLC) Westfield U.S. Holdings, LLC 11601 Wilshire Boulevard, 11 th Floor Los Angeles, CA 90025 (general partner of Westfield America limited partm,rship) See Attached, 11601 Wilshire Boulevard, 11 th Floor Los Angeles, CA 90025 I CERTIFY THAT ALL THE ABOVE INFORMATION IS TRUE AND CORRECT TO TI!BBEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE. CMFPCRLLC, a Delaware limited liability company By: Westfield America Limited Partnership, a Delaware limited partnership, its sole member By: Westfield U.S. Holdings, LLC, a Delaware limit liabili company, its general partner By: Name: Title: UNANlMOUS WRITTEN CONSENT OF THE :SOARD OF MANAGERS OF WF..STFIELD U.S. HOLDINGS, LLC Tho undersigned, bclng all of too members of the Board of Managers of Westfield U.S. Holdings, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company (the "Company"), acting pu!'suant to Section 4.4 of lhe Agreement ofLimited Liability Company of the Company, dated as of Juno 28, 2006, do hereby consent to the adoption of, and do hereby adopt, the following resolutions with the same force and effect as ifthcy had been approved and adopted by a unanimous vote of the Managers at a duly convened meeting of the Board ofManagers of the Company (the "Board"). OFl'TCERS RESOLVED, that the following officers be, and the same hereby are, elected to se!'Ve as oftkers of the Company as indicated, to serve in aeoordance with the Operating Agreement and at tile discretion of1he Board: NamQ Peter S. Lowy Mark A. stefa:nek Greg Miles Peter R. Schwartz Stanley N. Duncnn Aline Taireh Roger A. Porter Rory A Packer Arnold L. Mayersolm, Jr, Laurie Yoo Stephanie Shieh John Kim Lisa Rolnick ChiefBxeeutive Officer and President Chief Financinl Officer and Treasurer Chief Operating Officer Senior Executive Vice President, General Counsel and Secretary • Senior Executive Vice President-Hurnan Resourees Senior Vice President and Assistant Secretary Vice President-Tax Assistant Secretary Assistant Secretary Assistant Secretary Assistant Secretary Assistant Sooretary Assistant Secretary RBSOLVEO FURTHER, that all actions heretofure taken by any officer of the Company prior to the date of these resolutions that is otherwise wit!1in the authority of these resolutions is hereby ratified, confirmed and approved ln all respects. IN WITNESS WHERBOF, the undersigned, being all of tho members of the Board of Managers of the Company have executed tltls written consent effective as of the first day of August I, 2012. Peter S. Lowy ;v45-- Mark A. Stefanek WESTFIELD CARLSBAD SITE DEVELOPMENT PERMIT PACKAGE April 16, 2013 Cover Sheet A0.1-0 Site Plan Existing A0.2-0 Views Toward South Elevation A0.2-1 Views toward North Elevation A0.2-2 Views Toward East Elevation A0.2-3 Views Toward West Elevation A0.2-4 Site Plan Overall A1.0-0 Site Plan-Main Building A1.0-1 Level 1 Floor Plan-Main Building A1.1-1 Level 1 Floor Plan-Main Building/Calculations A1.1-1a Level 2 Floor Plan-Main Building A1.2-1 Level 2 Floor Plan-Main Building/Calculations A1.2-1a Level 3 Floor Plan - Main Building A1.3-1 Level 3 Floor Plan - Main Building/Calculations A1.3-1a Roof Plan-Main Building A1.4-1 Level 2 Floor Plan-Main Building/Wall Projections A1.4-2 Illustrated Plans North Plaza & Walk A1.5-1 Illustrated Plans South Plaza & Walk A1.5-2 North Elevation A2.1-1 South Elevation A2.1-2 East Elevation A2.1-3 Building Detail North Plaza View A2.2-1 Building Detail South Plaza View A2.2-2 Building Detail Southeast View A2.2-3 Typical Entry Detail A2.2-4 Inspiration Image A3.1-1 Colors & Materials A3.1-2 ARCHITECTURE LANDSCAPE Existing Landscape Conditions Plan L1 Landscape Key Map L2 Landscape Concept Plan L3 to L5 Landscape Concept Plan-Enlargements L6 Water Conservation Plan L7 Recycled Water Facilities Plan L8 ENGINEERING Sheet Index & Legend C-1 Constraints Map C-2 & C-3 Proposed Site Plan C-4 Preliminary Grading Plan C-5 to C-7 Preliminary Utility Plan C-8 to C-10 Proposed Striping Plan C-11 Fire Access Plan C-12 2525 El Camino Real #100 Carlsbad, CA. 92008 (760) 729 7927 Prepared By:No.Revision Date Sheet Title NTS COVER SHEET SDP 09-04 1080 03/05/2013 Job No.Date Scale A0.1-0 SITE DEVELOPMENT PERMIT PACKAGE CARLSBAD REVISED 02/24/2012 REVISED 03/01/2012 REVISED 05/11/2012 REVISED 07/05/2012 REVISED 11/14/2012 REVISED 03/05/2013 REVISED 04/16/2013 Key Plan: 2 1 ,, Hofman _J Planning & Engineering 3152 Llonshead Alll!llue Carlsbad CA 92010 (760) 692-4100 www.hofmanplannlng.com ------- 6 ___ _ 6 ------ 6 __ 6 -6 ----- 6 __ 6 -6 ----- 6 __________ _ J ------ estliefrl WESTFIELD DESIGN & CONSTRUCTION 11601 Wilshire Boulevard, 11th Floor Los Angeles, California 90025-1748 Telephone Facsimile 310 478 4456 310 478 4468 2525 El Camino Real #100 Carlsbad, CA. 92008 (760) 729 7927 Prepared By:No.Revision Date Sheet Title 1”=120’ SITE PLAN - EXISTING 1080 Job No.Date Scale A0.2-0 0’120’240’ SITE DEVELOPMENT PERMIT PACKAGE SDP 09-04 03/05/2013 CARLSBAD REVISED 02/24/2012 REVISED 03/01/2012 REVISED 05/11/2012 REVISED 03/05/2013 REVISED 04/16/2013 Key Plan: SPECIFIC PLAN BOUNDARY LEGEND COMMERCIAL MALL COMMON AREA SITE DEVELOPMENT PLAN BOUNDARY MAIN BUILDING 2 1 LO ER L VEL ~ARK G ------------------- l' ,, I• I I I I i ! '----j I I I I '------___-/· I I I I <["'---------~ /~-----~ '------~ I OCJ C)O 1,,__~US~FA=C=ILl=TY==~:':> -- /v) Li'--. 6 ___ _ 6 ------,, Hofman 6 __ 6 - _J Planning & Engineering 3152 Llonshead Alll!llue Carlsbad CA 92010 (760) 692-4100 www.hofmanplannlng.com 6 ----- 6 __ 6 -6 ----- 6 __________ _ ------ ------- 3UENA VISTA CREEK -- ------- - macys 3 levels SEARS 2 levels PUMP STATION J HIGHWAY 78 r - - - I I I I I I I I ~~I f---' I 7 I ri,acys I I 13 levels I I .... I J \ LOWE I - FUTURE RETAIL 2 levels Enclosed 2 Level Mall MARRON ROAD BU~NA VISTA CREEK ------------ r-: , ~---=--------- ----------- \\ r I \ I I I I I I I <;-----------> I I I ~ \ \II~ II f 1-:5 I O'.. I 0 I z I ? -ct: \\ ~'-----------------> I u l \ci I I \,.- N CD I I estliefrl WESTFIELD DESIGN & CONSTRUCTION 11601 Wilshire Boulevard, 11th Floor Los Angeles, California 90025-1748 Telephone 310 478 4456 Facsimile 310 478 4468 Key Plan: VIEW TOWARDS SOUTH EAST ENTRY - EXISTING VIEW TOWARDS MACY’S - EXISTING A B VIEW TOWARDS ELECTRICAL ROOM - EXISTING DVIEW TOWARDS SOUTH EAST ENTRY - EXISTINGC 2525 El Camino Real #100 Carlsbad, CA. 92008 (760) 729 7927 Prepared By:No.Revision Date Sheet Title NTS VIEWS TOWARD 1080 03/05/2013 Job No.Date Scale A0.2-1 SOUTH ELEVATION SITE DEVELOPMENT PERMIT PACKAGE SDP 09-04 CARLSBAD REVISED 02/24/2012 REVISED 03/01/2012 REVISED 05/11/2012 REVISED 03/05/2013 REVISED 04/16/2013 B A C D ,, Hofman _J Planning & Engineering 3152 Llonshead Alll!llue Carlsbad CA 92010 (760) 692-4100 www.hofmanplannlng.com 6 -- D -- D 6------------ 6 -- D 6----------- 6 -- D 0 0 0 0 ~ □ ,:, 1: ------~ ,'/ 'I\\-Y0'5' '\ • ~H[_c:;1/ ·~ .... ''1 ./'"\ _,/ 1··) ', estliefrl WESTFIELD DESIGN & CONSTRUCTION 11601 Wilshire Boulevard, 11th Floor Los Angeles, California 90025-1748 Telephone 310 478 4456 Facsimile 310 478 4468 VIEW TOWARDS NORTH EAST ENTRY - EXISTING VIEW TOWARDS JC PENNEY - EXISTING A B VIEW TOWARDS DEPARTMENT STORE - EXISTING C VIEW TOWARDS NORTH EAST ENTRY - EXISTING D 2525 El Camino Real #100 Carlsbad, CA. 92008 (760) 729 7927 Prepared By:No.Revision Date Sheet Title NTS VIEWS TOWARD 1080 03/05/2013 Job No.Date Scale A0.2-2 NORTH ELEVATION SITE DEVELOPMENT PERMIT PACKAGE SDP 09-04 Key Plan: CARLSBAD REVISED 02/24/2012 REVISED 03/01/2012 REVISED 05/11/2012 REVISED 03/05/2012 REVISED 04/16/2012 A B CD ,, Hofman _J Planning & Engineering 3152 Llonshead Alll!llue Carlsbad CA 92010 (760) 692-4100 www.hofmanplannlng.com 6 -- D -- D 6------------ 6 -- D 6----------- 6 -- D 0 0 0 ''1 "' ./'"\ ------___ ) ,,_, 1--'-==i' _J _J ~-b<l<t-<'i'l, f ~ ', □ ,:, 1: ------~ ,'/ 'I\\-Y0'5' '\ • ~H[_c:;1/ ·~ 0 estliefrl WESTFIELD DESIGN & CONSTRUCTION 11601 Wilshire Boulevard, 11th Floor Los Angeles, California 90025-1748 Telephone 310 478 4456 Facsimile 310 478 4468 Key Plan: VIEW TOWARDS DEPARTMENT STORE - EXISTING VIEW TOWARDS MARRON ROAD - EXISTING A DVIEW TOWARDS EL CAMINO REAL - EXISTING CVIEW TOWARDS MALL FROM FREEWAY ENTRANCE B 2525 El Camino Real #100 Carlsbad, CA. 92008 (760) 729 7927 SITE DEVELOPMENT Prepared By:No.Revision Date Sheet Title NTS VIEWS TOWARD 1080 03/05/2013 Job No.Date Scale A0.2-3 EAST ELEVATION PERMIT PACKAGE SDP 09-04 CARLSBAD REVISED 02/24/2012 REVISED 05/11/2012 REVISED 03/05/2013 REVISED 04/16/2013 REVISED 03/01/2012 A B CD Hofman L-......0 L-......0 Planning & Engineering 3152 Llonshead Awmue Carlsbad CA 92010 (760) 692-4100 www.hofmanplannlng.com 0 0 6 ___ _ 6 ----- 6 __ 6 -6 ----- 6 __ 6 -6 ----- 6 __________ _ 0 0 \ • ..,,,jltl=rr:c. '[7i] ITT ,, ~-----......._c;-d.~ D u:..___;c --~.s:----, \ ◄ estliefrl WESTFIELD DESIGN & CONSTRUCTION 11601 Wilshire Boulevard, 11th Floor Los Angeles, California 90025-1748 Telephone 310 478 4456 Facsimile 31 O 4 78 4468 Key Plan: VIEW TOWARDS SOUTH-WEST ENTRANCE - EXISTING E VIEW TOWARDS MACY’S - EXISTING D VIEW TOWARDS SEARS - EXISTING B VIEW TOWARDS MACY’S MEN, HOME, FURNITURE - EXISTING CVIEW TOWARDS BUS TRANSIT - EXISTING A 2525 El Camino Real #100 Carlsbad, CA. 92008 (760) 729 7927 Prepared By:No.Revision Date Sheet Title NTS VIEWS TOWARD 1080 03/05/2013 Job No.Date Scale A0.2-4 WEST ELEVATION SITE DEVELOPMENT PERMIT PACKAGE SDP 09-04 CARLSBAD REVISED 02/24/2012 REVISED 03/01/2012 REVISED 05/11/2012 REVISED 03/05/2013 REVISED 04/16/2013 A B C D E ,, Hofman _J Planning & Engineering 3152 Llonshead Alll!llue Carlsbad CA 92010 (760) 692-4100 www.hofmanplannlng.com 6 -- D -- D 6------------ 6 -- D 6----------- 6 -- D 0 0 0 0 rf19.SY5 if-----,, I ~!">' , ,_, s----~ ii1~ 1 1 \ ~--""'1 ~-----<"-, ~ c,----~ ~-,--------,----<,---------, 11!~1 1, , ---------~---_:_~r I I I 13 ,. C=)_ OY> m --~---MAliliON"UAD ~~------- ''1 ./'"I ------___ ) ~ 1-'-==i' _J _J ~-b<l<t-<'i'l, f ~ ► ~"'C:TS-,4l/J:iTIJ'r)lD,;/ ', □ ,:, 1: ------~ ,'/ 'I\\-Y0'5' '\ , ~H[cJ;' ·~ estliefrl WESTFIELD DESIGN & CONSTRUCTION 11601 Wilshire Boulevard, 11th Floor Los Angeles, California 90025-1748 Telephone 310 478 4456 Facsimile 310 478 4468 0 SITE PLAN - OVERALL A1.0-0 2525 El Camino Real #100 Carlsbad, CA. 92008 (760) 729 7927 Prepared By:No.Revision Date Sheet Title 1”=120’1080 03/05/2013 Job No.Date Scale 0’120’240’ SITE DEVELOPMENT PERMIT PACKAGE CARLSBAD REVISED 02/24/2012 Key Plan: 2 1 MAIN BUILDING Property Owner: APN 156-302-09, APN 156-302-21 & APN 156-302-22 Plaza Camino Real, a California limited partnership c/o Westfield, LLC 11601 Wilshire Boulevard, 11th Floor Los Angeles, CA 90025 Attn: Office of Legal Counsel Property Owner: APN 156-302-24 The City of Carlsbad, a municipal corporation 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 Attn: City Attorney Property Owner: APN 156-302-23 The Parking Authority of the City of Carlsbad, a public corporation c/o City of Carlsbad 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 Attn: City Attorney Property Owner: APN 156-302-08 CMF PCR LLC, a Delaware limited liability company c/o Westfield, LLC 11601 Wilshire Boulevard, 11th Floor Los Angeles, CA 90025 Attn: Office of Legal Counsel Developer: Westfield, LLC 225 Broadway, Suite 1700 San Diego, CA 92101 Attn: Stephen Fluhr with a copy to: 11601 Wilshire Boulevard, 11th Floor Los Angeles, CA 90025 Attn: Office of Legal Counsel SSummary Table Street Address: 2525 El Camino Real APNs 156-302-08, 09 & 156-302-21, 22, 23, 24 Site Acreage: Specific Plan Area: 77.47 Acres Area of Work: 18.03 Acres Existing Zoning: C-2: General Commercial General Plan Designation: R: Regional Commercial Existing Use: Regional Shopping Center Proposed Use: Regional Shopping Center Lot Classification: Commercial Number of Units: Not Applicable Total Number of Lots Proposed: None Proposed Density in Dwelling Units per Acre: Not Applicable Total Building Coverage (Specific Plan Area): 14.88AC / 77.47 AC = 19.2% Building Square Footage: FS 290,151,1 laicremmoC gnitsixE Existing Commercial to be Demolished or Relocated -225,631 SF Proposed New Commercial Level 1 Proposed New Commercial Level 2 & Partial Level 3 FS 1,150,456 desoporP laicremmoC latoT FS - 636 desoporP laicremmoC weN teN Percent of Landscape Coverage (Area of Work): 14 % (See Landscape) Existing Parking: 6,402 D - PCR (0) - Parking Authority (0) - CMF (0) - City of Carlsbad (442) isplaced Parking Total : (442) Reconfigured Parking: 143 Proposed Parking Spaces: 6,103 Proposed Parking Ratio: 5.0 cars/1000 SF Required Parking Spaces per SP 09-01 @ 4.00/1000 SF : 4,602 Spaces N ote: Parking Calculations Include Entire Specific Site Area. Square Footage of Required Employee Eating Areas: Not Applicable Square Footage of Open or Recreational Space for Each Unit and Total Common Open Space: Not Applicable Area of Site Which is Undevelopable per Zoning Ordinance Section 21.53.230: Not Applicable Cubic Footage of Storage Space: Not Applicable Average Daily Traffic Generated By the Project by Use: Water Provider: Carlsbad Water District 5950 El Camino Real Carlsbad CA 92008 760-438-2722 Sewer Provider: Carlsbad 1635 Faraday Ave Carlsbad CA 92008 760-602-2750 Uniform Building Code Occupancy Classification: Group M Type of Construction per Uniform Building Code: Type II N Development will comply with Title 24 (2008) and the California Green Building Standards Code 135,912 SF 89,083 SF Legal Description: LOTS 1 TO 27, INCLUSIVE, OF CARLSBAD TRACT NO. CT-76-18 (PLAZA CAMINO REAL SHOPPING CENTER) IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, IN THE COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, STATE OF CALI- FORNIA, ACCORDING TO MAP THEREOF NO. 8956, FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY, AUGUST 11, 1978. SEE PRELIMINARY TITLE REPORT FOR FULL DESCRIPTION. S S S S Water Demand gpd 104,875Existing gpd 104,816Proposed gpd -59Net Decrease Sewer Demand EDU 452.85Existing EDU 452.60Proposed EDU -.25 Net Decrease Irrigation Demand Existing Proposed Net Decrease gpd 9,419 gpd -5 gpd 9,414 gpd gpd gpd Existing 1,151,092 GLA SF 40,288 ADT Proposed 1,150,456 GLA SF 40,265 ADT Net Decrease -636 GLA SF -23 ADT (per Transportation Analysis by Gibson Transportation, dated May, 2012) PROPOSED / RECONFIGURED BUILDING FOOTPRINT SPECIFIC PLAN BOUNDARY SITE DEVELOPMENT PLAN BOUNDARY LEGEND COMMERCIAL MALL COMMON AREA REVISED 03/01/2012 PROPERTY LINES SDP 09-04 REVISED 05/11/2012 REVISED 07/05/2012 REVISED 01/30/2013 REVISED 03/05/2013 REVISED 04/16/2013 APN 156-302-23 APN 156-302-22 APN 156-302-21 APN 156-302-08 APN 156-302-09 APN 156-302-24 \ ___ .. -----'~~-~--------------------------------------------- , 1 ~ i-I -I -9' -...+~ \.!. ~_-_--J ·~ -- 1111'1111 ·--1 -- I I I I I I I -- Hofman 3152 Lion _Pl ~an_n_in:..:__,g~&'....':E~n~g~in~ee~n~·n,g Carlsbad ~11.!!nue (760) 692-4100 10 www.hofmanplannlng.CXJlll ------ D D---D ---- D D- D D D D ----I r----- 1 ------~ \ ------- ------- I I LUIS REY BAD ~_.,..,S6 RANCHO SANTA FE TO SAN DIEGO VICINITY MAP @ ~;=;=--======== estllefrl WESTFIELD DESIGN & 11601 WIishire B CONSTRUCTION Los Angeles, Cali~~:~~ar~Oo11 th Floor Telephone 25-1748 Facsimile 310 478 4456 310 478 4468 LOADING DOCK - 2,328 SF PROPERTY LINE PROPOSED / RECONFIGURED BUILDING FOOTPRINT LEGEND COMMERCIAL MALL COMMON AREA 2525 El Camino Real #100 Carlsbad, CA. 92008 (760) 729 7927 Prepared By:No.Revision Date Sheet Title 1”=40’ SITE PLAN- MAIN BUILDING 1080 Job No.Date Scale A1.0-1 0’40’80’ SITE DEVELOPMENT PERMIT PACKAGE SDP 09-04 03/05/2013 CARLSBAD REVISED 02/24/2012 REVISED 03/01/2012 REVISED 05/11/2012 REVISED 07/05/2012 REVISED 01/30/2013 REVISED 03/05/2013 REVISED 04/16/2013 Key Plan: 1 I I I I I I I f I * rnacys E~'p, FUR~ITJRE & -IOME STORE I I I , , s,c,oo s=- ,, Hofman _J Planning & Engineering 3152 Llonshead Alll!llue Carlsbad CA 92010 (760) 692-4100 www.hofmanplannlng.com 6 ___________ _ 6 ___________ _ 6 ___________ _ 6 ___________ _ 6 ___________ _ 6 ___________ _ 6 __________ _ 6 ___________ _ 6 ___________ _ JCPenney 2 LEVELS 154,093 SF \=-\_ ~- estliefrl WESTFIELD DESIGN & CONSTRUCTION 11601 Wilshire Boulevard, 11th Floor Los Angeles, California 90025-1748 Telephone Facsimile 310 478 4456 310 478 4468 f;i;'/;/// I I I ;/41/1/4; I I l_ !y/((y/1 I I I I I I I I ! I I I 1 ~,11,1,1 11 ~', /;!;!/;!/;// \ ',//;; \ ///////// \_J ' I I I I I I I ;) I / \ \/ I i \__) I I GRADE BREAK COMMERCIAL COMMERCIAL COMMERCIAL COMMERCIAL COMMERCIAL COMMERCIAL MALL MGMT. STORAGE LOWER LEVEL PARKING EXISTING ROBINSON’S-MAY BUILDING COMMERCIAL COMMERCIAL COMMERCIAL COMMERCIAL COMMERCIAL COMMERCIAL COMMERCIAL COMMERCIAL 2525 El Camino Real #100 Carlsbad, CA. 92008 (760) 729 7927 Prepared By:No.Revision Date Sheet Title 1”=40’ LEVEL 1 FLOOR PLAN 1080 03/05/2013 Job No.Date Scale A1.1-1 40’80’ MAIN BUILDING SITE DEVELOPMENT PERMIT PACKAGE SDP 09-04 CARLSBAD REVISED 02/24/2012 REVISED 03/01/2012 REVISED 05/11/2012 REVISED 07/05/2012 REVISED 01/30/2013 REVISED 03/05/2013 REVISED 04/16/2013 Key Plan: RECONFIGURED COMMERCIAL EXISTING COMMERCIAL COMMON MALL AREA NEW COMMERCIAL LEGEND STORAGE / MALL MGMT PERIMETER HARDSCAPE / LANDSCAPE 1 = ====~ L~ -'\ -------~·l___.___., _J * macys S, "LRNITURE & HO'vlE S-O~E 3 I 1V1I S 1 1 ~,ccc, s~ D / / I J / / I I I --------_/ / 11 / I I / 6 _______________ _ 6 _______________ _ ,, Hofman 6 --- D _______________ _ _J Planning & Engineering 3152 Llonshead Alll!llue Carlsbad CA 92010 (760) 692-4100 www.hofmanplannlng.com 6 _______________ _ 6 ---D __________ _ 6 _______________ _ 6 --- JCPenney 2 _E\/E_S 154,:J93 s- □ VTIZA I I □□ □ □ □ ~ D \ \ \ --- ----r_.....---------------- ------_.....---(-------11 <= <71 = C +---+-------- ~v~v~v' => 0 \ ) 0 0 0~ ======::::i 0 0 0 ·-- 0 O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .,.,...,.,..,,..-' I r I \ \ / \ ~ f I I I I I I r I L I I / / ' // /// / I ; ; ' ' ; ' ; , ; ; ; ( r 1/ / <J"'> I I -/\yt; f -1-kJ'>-I \ _I / I I / i I I I I I I I -... ___ )J////l Jill estliefrl WESTFIELD DESIGN & CONSTRUCTION 11601 Wilshire Boulevard, 11th Floor Los Angeles, California 90025-1748 Telephone Facsimile 310 478 4456 310 478 4468 \'·\\\ \ \ \ \ \ [\ \ \-~ _\ _' \\. \ \ \ \ \ \ \j COMMERCIAL COMMERCIAL COMMERCIAL COMMERCIAL COMMERCIAL COMMERCIAL COMMERCIAL MALL MGMT. STORAGE LOWER LEVEL PARKING EXISTING ROBINSON’S-MAY BUILDING COMMERCIAL COMMERCIAL COMMERCIAL COMMERCIAL COMMERCIAL COMMERCIAL COMMERCIAL COMMERCIAL COMMERCIAL 2525 El Camino Real #100 Carlsbad, CA. 92008 (760) 729 7927 Prepared By:No.Revision Date Sheet Title 1”=40’ LEVEL 1 FLOOR PLAN 1080 03/05/2013 Job No.Date Scale A1.1-1a 40’80’ MAIN BUILDING SITE DEVELOPMENT PERMIT PACKAGE SDP 09-04 CARLSBAD REVISED 02/24/2012 REVISED 03/01/2012 REVISED 05/11/2012 REVISED 07/05/2012 REVISED 03/05/2013 REVISED 04/16/2013 Key Plan: RETAIL NEW RETAIL REMOVED RECONFIGURED COMMERCIAL EXISTING COMMERCIAL COMMON MALL AREA NEW COMMERCIAL RECONFIGURED COMMERCIAL NEW COMMERCIAL LEGEND STORAGE / MALL MGMT PERIMETER HARDSCAPE / LANDSCAPE 1 3,194 SF 8,106 SF 510 SF 373 SF 85 SF 2,101 SF 1,696 SF1,982 SF LEVEL 1 LEVEL 2 LEVEL 1 2,101 SF 1,696 SF 1,982 SF 895 SF 4,787 SF 5,200 SF 1,850 SF -5,743 SF -8,106 SF -3,194 SF -2,950 SF -3,947 SF -2,750 SF -3,750 SF -1,800 SF 7,572 SF -510SF -85SF 373 SF LEVEL 3 TOTAL NET LOSS COMMERCIAL PROPOSED - 636 SF -2,465 SF -( 1ffi? I * macys 'S, -LRNI IURl & HC'~l S j Ll\/lLS 115,CCO SF D / / I J / / ---------- -~ 154,C:,93 ~=- n __ . _______::;_ - -_J - -__ L __ _J L 1---------II-_,__ I r--J _________ _/ ; 11 ,, Hofman _J Planning & Engineering 3152 Llonshead Alll!llue Carlsbad CA 92010 (760) 692-4100 www.hofmanplannlng.com / I I / 6 ___ _ 6 ------ 6 --- D ___ _ 6 ------ 6 ---D ___ _ 6 ----- 6 --- VTIZA I I □□ □ □ □ = ~ ~ = ~-~ .----~ (----j ~--J------------1----= = ' ~ ::1-:~~:~ ~~~~~~ --------- 'l I I I ·~ -~-~~lo \ ---_) n I I \ \ \ I \ ------i----~--'111'!1./-Ui \ I o\o c------o~ -----==) 0 - 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ~ -<__ . ----..l._ __ 1__ ---\------1 \ __,-----1-; \)' ------· C 0 0 0 0 ~ I I I / \ r-:> . ..,.-_ ---'i / / / - -I -/ / ~-/\ \. \ , cV-· _ __,.. ----...-~--/ -~ \ I \, ' ~-.-_.,,.,., ,---..---_-· .---', \ <+,._---..--· .--_.-.---: _ _..----I estliefrl WESTFIELD DESIGN & CONSTRUCTION 11601 Wilshire Boulevard, 11th Floor Los Angeles, California 90025-1748 Telephone Facsimile 310 478 4456 310 478 4468 2525 El Camino Real #100 Carlsbad, CA. 92008 (760) 729 7927 Prepared By:No.Revision Date Sheet Title 1”=40’ LEVEL 2 FLOOR PLAN 1080 03/05/2013 Job No.Date Scale A1.2-1 40’80’ MAIN BUILDING SITE DEVELOPMENT PERMIT PACKAGE SDP 09-04 CARLSBAD REVISED 02/24/2012 REVISED 03/01/2012 REVISED 05/11/2012 REVISED 07/05/2012 REVISED 01/30/2013 REVISED 03/05/2013 REVISED 04/16/2013 Key Plan: COMMERCIAL COMMERCIAL COMMERCIAL COMMERCIAL COMMERCIAL (N) SERVICE AREA COMMERCIAL COMMERCIAL COMMERCIAL (N) SERVICE AREA COMMERCIAL UPPER LEVEL PARKING LOWER LEVEL PARKING (BELOW) EXISTING ROBINSON’S-MAY BUILDING COMMERCIAL COMMERCIAL COMMERCIAL TERRACE RECONFIGURED COMMERCIAL EXISTING COMMERCIAL COMMON MALL AREA NEW COMMERCIAL LEGEND STORAGE / MALL MGMT PERIMETER HARDSCAPE / LANDSCAPE 1 ~ = = = ~ ;- I ======~ !ffi~ I ) - * macys -'S, FUR~ITUR~ & HCI/E STO~E .~ I IVT"I S 11 ~,ODO Sf ,, Hofman _J Planning & Engineering 3152 Llonshead Alll!llue Carlsbad CA 92010 (760) 692-4100 www.hofmanplannlng.com D 6 _____________ _ 6 ____________ _ 6 -- D _____________ _ 6 _____________ _ 6 --D __________ _ 6 _____________ _ 6 -- 154,093 S" VTIZA I I □□ □ □ □ ~ ~~' -~ I -- ------------ ------------- --r:= ------ ---]=/ / -----~ ---------~ ---- =~~~= --------~ --~- ;~!Zl] ~ ,,; '!/}J t §3 I =---i ~ = = = = = ~ = ~ ~ ==:JD 0 0 0 0 0 0 \ \ \ 1 ( ' /---t=--- ----------- --------------- --- ----· ----· ------------- ------------------------~ ----- --- ---~ ----------- ------------ c-_/ ( I v ~ v ~ v [', I I I I" I I I I "vlil ~ \_+-----+------I -= r'.> \ \ ----\ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 O 0 O 0 0 ----------:=: --,.,,..--,--- ----,-C D O O 0 0 0 ~- 0 ~\ \, \ ' I \ \ \ \ \ \ 0 0 ------- I 0' ---------/-----__) estliefrl WESTFIELD DESIGN & CONSTRUCTION 11601 Wilshire Boulevard, 11th Floor Los Angeles, California 90025-1748 Telephone Facsimile 310 478 4456 310 478 4468 I I I I r ) (-1!/I; / I , I , ' ;· , I , \ I I I I I ( I I \ ' I I I \_)/;/; re> (\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ ~ \\\ \ \ \ ' ', \ ' \ ' \_J I ' RETAIL NEW RETAIL REMOVED RECONFIGURED COMMERCIAL EXISTING COMMERCIAL COMMON MALL AREA NEW COMMERCIAL RECONFIGURED COMMERCIAL NEW COMMERCIAL LEGEND STORAGE / MALL MGMT PERIMETER HARDSCAPE / LANDSCAPE 2525 El Camino Real #100 Carlsbad, CA. 92008 (760) 729 7927 Prepared By:No.Revision Date Sheet Title 1”=40’ LEVEL 2 FLOOR PLAN 1080 02/08/2013 Job No.Date Scale A1.2-1a 40’80’ MAIN BLDG. SITE DEVELOPMENT PERMIT PACKAGE SDP 09-04 CARLSBAD REVISED 02/24/2012 REVISED 03/01/2012 REVISED 05/11/2012 REVISED 07/05/2012 REVISED 01/30/2013 REVISED 02/08/2013 REVISED 04/16/2013 Key Plan: COMMERCIAL COMMERCIAL (N) SERVICE AREA COMMERCIAL COMMERCIAL COMMERCIAL (N) SERVICE AREA COMMERCIAL UPPER LEVEL PARKING LOWER LEVEL PARKING (BELOW) EXISTING ROBINSON’S-MAY BUILDING COMMERCIAL COMMERCIAL COMMERCIAL TERRACE 2 1 3,750 SF 5,200 SF 1,850 SF 4,787 SF 3,947 SF 2,950 SF 2,750 SF 895 SF 1800 SF LEVEL 1 LEVEL 2 LEVEL 1 2,101 SF 1,696 SF 1,982 SF 895 SF 4,787 SF 1,850 SF 5,200 SF -5,743 SF -8,106 SF -3,194 SF -2,950 SF -3,947 SF -2,750 SF -3,750 SF -1,800 SF -2,465 SF -510SF -85SF 373 SF LEVEL 2 TOTAL NET LOSS COMMERCIAL PROPOSED - 636 SF LEVEL 3 7,572 SF JD 000000 ,, Hofman _J Planning & Engineering 3152 Llonshead A111!11ue Carlsbad CA 92010 (760) 692-4100 www.hofmanplannlng.com 6 __________ _ 6 __________ _ 6 --D __________ _ 6 __________ _ 6 --D __________ _ 6 __________ _ 6 -- VTIZA I I □□ □ □ □ \ \--- 0' estliefrl WESTFIELD DESIGN & CONSTRUCTION 11601 Wilshire Boulevard, 11th Floor Los Angeles, California 90025-1748 Telephone Facsimile 310 478 4456 310 478 4468 N CB RECONFIGURED COMMERCIAL EXISTING COMMERCIAL COMMON MALL AREA NEW COMMERCIAL RECONFIGURED COMMERCIAL NEW COMMERCIAL LEGEND STORAGE / MALL MGMT PERIMETER HARDSCAPE / LANDSCAPE 2525 El Camino Real #100 Carlsbad, CA. 92008 (760) 729 7927 Prepared By:No.Revision Date Sheet Title 1”=40’ LEVEL 3 FLOOR PLAN 1080 03/05/2013 Job No.Date Scale A1.3-1 40’80’ MAIN BLDG. SITE DEVELOPMENT PERMIT PACKAGE SDP 09-04 CARLSBAD REVISED 02/24/2012 REVISED 03/01/2012 REVISED 05/11/2012 REVISED 07/05/2012 REVISED 01/30/2013 REVISED 03/05/2013 REVISED 04/16/2013 Key Plan: COMMERCIAL UPPER LEVEL PARKING LOWER LEVEL PARKING (BELOW) EXISTING ROBINSON’S-MAY BUILDING 2 1 ,, Hofman _J Planning & Engineering 3152 Llonshead A111!11ue Carlsbad CA 92010 (760) 692-4100 www.hofmanplannlng.com 6 ___________ _ 6 ___________ _ 6 -- D ___________ _ 6 ___________ _ 6 --D __________ _ 6 ___________ _ 6 -- VTIZA I I □□ □ □ □ \ 0' estliefrl WESTFIELD DESIGN & CONSTRUCTION 11601 Wilshire Boulevard, 11th Floor Los Angeles, California 90025-1748 Telephone Facsimile 310 478 4456 310 478 4468 N CB RETAIL NEW RETAIL REMOVED RECONFIGURED COMMERCIAL EXISTING COMMERCIAL COMMON MALL AREA NEW COMMERCIAL RECONFIGURED COMMERCIAL NEW COMMERCIAL LEGEND STORAGE / MALL MGMT PERIMETER HARDSCAPE / LANDSCAPE 2525 El Camino Real #100 Carlsbad, CA. 92008 (760) 729 7927 Prepared By:No.Revision Date Sheet Title 1”=40’ LEVEL 3 FLOOR PLAN 1080 03/05/2013 Job No.Date Scale A1.3-1a 40’80’ MAIN BLDG. SITE DEVELOPMENT PERMIT PACKAGE SDP 09-04 CARLSBAD REVISED 02/24/2012 REVISED 03/01/2012 REVISED 05/11/2012 REVISED 07/05/2012 REVISED 01/30/2013 REVISED 03/05/2013 REVISED 04/16/2013 Key Plan: COMMERCIAL UPPER LEVEL PARKING LOWER LEVEL PARKING (BELOW) EXISTING ROBINSON’S-MAY BUILDING 2 1 7,572 SF LEVEL 1 LEVEL 2 LEVEL 1 2,101 SF 1,696 SF 1,982 SF 895 SF 4,787 SF 1,850 SF 5,200 SF -5,743 SF -8,106 SF -3,194 SF -2,950 SF -3,947 SF -2,750 SF -3,750 SF -1,800 SF -2,465 SF -510SF -85SF 373 SF LEVEL 2 TOTAL NET LOSS COMMERCIAL PROPOSED - 636 SF LEVEL 3 7,572 SF = - ,, Hofman _J Planning & Engineering 3152 Llonshead A111!11ue Carlsbad CA 92010 (760) 692-4100 www.hofmanplannlng.com 6 ___________ _ 6 ___________ _ 6 -- D ___________ _ 6 ___________ _ 6 --D __________ _ 6 ___________ _ 6 -- VTIZA I I □□ □ □ □ \ (! v 0' estliefrl WESTFIELD DESIGN & CONSTRUCTION 11601 Wilshire Boulevard, 11th Floor Los Angeles, California 90025-1748 Telephone Facsimile 310 478 4456 310 478 4468 N CB 46’- 0 ” TOP 76. 3 ’ A S L 53’- 6 ” TOP 83. 8 ’ A S L 61’ - 0 ” TOP 91.3 ’ A S L 61’ - 0 ” T O P 91.3 ’ A S L 58’- 0 ” TOP 88. 3 ’ AS L 63 0 ” TOP 93. 3 ’ A S L 65’ 0 95.3’ ASL 56’-6” 86.8’ ASL44’-6” 74.8’ ASL 60’-0” 90.3’ ASL 54’-0” 84.3’ ASL 54’-6” 84.8’ ASL 42’-6” 72.8’ ASL 61’-6” 91.8’ ASL 56’-6” 86.8’ ASL 48 -0” 78.3’ ASL 5 1’-6” 81.8’ ASL 51’-0” 81.3’ ASL 56’-0” 86.3’ ASL NEW ROOF 46’ - 0 ” T O P 76.3 ’ A S L 46’ - 0 ” TOP 76. 3 ’ A S L 46’ - 0 ” TO P 76.3 AS L 28’-6 ” T O P 28’-6 ” TOP O F MTL. ROL L - U P G A TE , 58.8 A S L OF WALL 58.8’ ASL 28’-6 ” T OP OF WALL 58.8’ ASL EXI S T I N G EXI S T I N G 56’-6” 86 8 ASL 50’-8” 80.97’ ASL 67’ - 0 ” TOP 97.3 ’ A S L 30.3’ ABOVE SEA LEVEL (ASL) , , 100.8’ ASL 56’-0” TOR 86.3’ ASL 50’-6” TOS 80.8’ ASL 50’-6” TOS 80.8’ ASL 57’-6” TOS 87.8’ ASL 62 -6” TOS 92.8’ ASL 31’- 0 ” TOP 61. 3 ’ A S L 55.3 ’ A S L 25’ - 0 ” T O P 57. 3 A S L 27’- 0 ” T O P 63’ - 0 ” T P 93.3 ’ A S L 64’- 6 ” TOP 94. 8 ’ AS L EXISTING ROOF 35’-0” 65.3’ ASL 57’-6” TOS 87.8’ ASL 57 -6” TOS 87.8’ ASL 67 -6” TOS 97.8’ ASL 44’-6” TOS 74.8’ ASL 54’-0” TOR 84.3’ ASL 54’-6” TOR 84.8’ ASL 75’-0” TOP OF SIGN 105.3’ ASL 34’-6” TOP OF METAL FRAME ABOVE, 64.8’ ASL 26’-6” TOP OF MTL. GAT 56.8’ ASL 26’-6” TOP OF WALL 56.8’ ASL 60’-0” TOR 90.3’ ASL 48’-0” TOR 78.3’ ASL 51’-0” TOR 81.3’ ASL 56’-6” TOR 86.8’ ASL 61’ - 0 ” TOP 91.3 ’ A S L 2525 El Camino Real #100 Carlsbad, CA. 92008 (760) 729 7927 Prepared By:No.Revision Date Sheet Title 1”=40’ ROOF PLAN- MAIN BUILDING 1080 03/20/2013 Job No.Date Scale A1.4-1 0’40’80’ SITE DEVELOPMENT PERMIT PACKAGE SDP 09-04 CARLSBAD REVISED 02/24/2012 REVISED 03/01/2012 REVISED 05/11/2012 REVISED 07/05/2012 REVISED 03/20/2013 REVISED 03/05/2013 MECHANICAL SCREEN - EXACT LOCATION TO BE DETERMINED LEGEND NEW ROOF EXISTING ROOF THE ELEVATIONS [AND/OR PLANS, AS APPLICABLE] DEPICTED ON THIS SHEET ARE CONCEPTUAL ONLY AND MAY BE REVISED AT THE TIME A SPECIFIC USER GOES FORWARD WITH DETAILED PLANS. AT THAT TIME, DETAILED ELEVATIONS WILL BE PROVIDED SUBJECT TO APPROVAL OF THE GRANTING AUTHORITY AS SPECIFIED IN SPECIFIC PLAN 09-01. NOTES: Key Plan: 11 REVISED 04/16/2013 L_J 1 ---- 1\s:- L_J ,, macys f,,EN'S, FURNIT J~E & HOlvlE STORE J I -v,1 S , , O,DOO S~ Hofman Planning & Engineering 3152 Uonshead AW!nue tar1sbad CA 92010 (760) 692-4100 www.hofmanplanning.oom D ___________ _ D --D __________ _ D ___________ _ D -- D -- D ___________ _ D ___________ _ D -- 154,093 SF I I ,--- MECH. L __ c=====:::i 0 NEW ROOF NEW ROOF NEW ROOF NEW ROOF \ \ NEWROOF \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ I \ MECH. \ NEW ROOF \ \ I NEW ROOF --------- \ I \ > estllelif WESTFIELD DESIGN & CONSTRUCTION 11601 Wilshire Boulevard, 11th Floor Los Angeles, California 90025-1 7 48 Telephone Facsimile 310 478 4456 310 478 4468 \ \ I I I I I I I I I ; / I I / I i I i i i I 1//1!/ I I I ' I !///!; I I ' I I I 11/1/1 I I I I ----I \ I I I / \ \ -~--- 2525 El Camino Real #100 Carlsbad, CA. 92008 (760) 729 7927 Prepared By:No.Revision Date Sheet Title 1”=40’ LEVEL 2 FLOOR PLAN 1080 02/08/2013 Job No.Date Scale A1.4-2 40’80’ MAIN BLDG. SITE DEVELOPMENT PERMIT PACKAGE SDP 09-04 CARLSBAD REVISED 02/24/2012 REVISED 03/01/2012 REVISED 05/11/2012 REVISED 07/05/2012 REVISED 01/30/2013 REVISED 02/08/2013 REVISED 04/16/2013 Key Plan: COMMERCIAL COMMERCIAL (N) SERVICE AREA COMMERCIAL COMMERCIAL COMMERCIAL (N) SERVICE AREA COMMERCIAL UPPER LEVEL PARKING LOWER LEVEL PARKING (BELOW) EXISTING ROBINSON’S-MAY BUILDING COMMERCIAL COMMERCIAL COMMERCIAL TERRACE NEW 5’ WIDE METAL CANOPY NEW 3’ WIDE METAL CANOPY NEW 5’ WIDE METAL CANOPY NEW 3’ WIDE METAL CANOPY NEW 4’ WIDE METAL CANOPY NEW 3’ WIDE METAL CANOPY NEW 4’ WIDE METAL CANOPY NEW 2’ WIDE METAL CANOPY This plan depicts certain architectural projecƟons that closely match the approved elevaƟons and architectural renderings of the Site Development Plan. These projecƟons are likely to be modified during the course of construcƟon drawings and as different tenants lease space. It is understood that the degree of architectural relief and arƟculaƟon as depicted in the proposed elevaƟons and renderings will be equivalent to the approved architectural plans even though the actual elements and placement of these elements may vary. NOTES: 2 1 ,, Hofman _J Planning & Engineering 3152 Llonshead Alll!llue Carlsbad CA 92010 (760) 692-4100 www.hofmanplannlng.com 6 ___________ _ 6 ___________ _ 6 -- D ___________ _ 6 ___________ _ 6 --D __________ _ 6 ___________ _ 6 -- estliefrl WESTFIELD DESIGN & CONSTRUCTION 11601 Wilshire Boulevard, 11th Floor Los Angeles, California 90025-1748 Telephone Facsimile 310 478 4456 310 478 4468 N EB BERM GRAPHICS SLOPED LANDSCAPEENHANCED PAVING PATTERN #1 END ISLAND TREES (LIGHT & AIRY) END ISLAND TREES (LIGHT & AIRY) BOLLARDS LOW SHRUBS, COLOR DROP OFF PALMS IN RAISED PLANTER/BENCH PALMS IN RAISED PLANTER/BENCH J.C. PENNEY JC PENNEY ENTRY ARCADE PATTERN BLEEDS OUT TO (E) ENHANCED PAVING PATTERN #1 (ROTATED) FEATURE PALMS PLANTER ENTRY SCREEN BELOW CLERESTORY LINE TO COURT BELOW RESTAURANT BELOW VALET OUTDOOR SEATING FLOWERING TREES ENHANCED CONC. ROLL-UP MTL GATE THEATER WALL @ LVL 2 LOW PLANTING TYP. THEMATIC SPECIMAN TREE (3) (N) STREET TREE TYP. 8’ WALL (CIP CONC. BD-FORMED) PLANTER STRIP TYP. MAIN BUILDING THEATER PYLON STEPPED PLANTER ENHANCED PAVING PATTERN #2ENHANCED PAVING PATTERN #1 (ROTATED) Key Plan: 2 1 40’80’ 2525 El Camino Real #100 Carlsbad, CA. 92008 (760) 729 7927 SITE DEVELOPMENT Prepared By:No.Revision Date Sheet Title 1” = 40’ ILLUSTRATIVE PLANS NORTH PLAZA & WALK 1080 03/05/2013 Job No.Date Scale A1.5-1 PERMIT PACKAGE SDP 09-04 MAIN BUILDING THIS ILLUSTRATIVE PLAN IS CONCEPTUAL IN NATURE AND DEPICTS DESIGN INTENT ONLY. THE SPECIFIC USES AND CONFIGURATIONS SHOWN ARE SUBJECT TO REVISION AND REFINEMENT AS INDIVIDUAL TENANT REQUIREMENTS BECOME KNOWN. THE ELEVATIONS [AND/OR PLANS, AS APPLICABLE] DEPICTED ON THIS SHEET ARE CONCEPTUAL ONLY AND MAY BE REVISED AT THE TIME A SPECIFIC USER GOES FORWARD WITH DETAILED PLANS. AT THAT TIME, DETAILED ELEVATIONS WILL BE PROVIDED SUBJECT TO APPROVAL OF THE GRANTING AUTHORITY AS SPECIFIED IN SPECIFIC PLAN 09-01. NOTES: CARLSBAD REVISED 02/24/2012 REVISED 03/01/2012 REVISED 05/11/2012 REVISED 07/05/2012 REVISED 03/05/2013 REVISED 04/16/2013 KEY PLAN Hofman Planning & Engineering 3152 Llonshead Alll!llue Carlsbad CA 92010 (760) 692-4100 www.hofmanplannlng.com ~ 6 ___ _ 6 ------ 6 __ 6 -6 ----- 6 __ 6 -6 ----- 6 __________ _ -< \ \ \ ' \) \\ ..... / ,,.. ..,. ---,r ' \ .;' - ' \ \ \ \ \ ' ' \ \ \ ,.. I -I \ \ \ \ _1.--,.. \ - \ • ~i~:__:_---__ -~-:_ -:__:_ -~ - -----"JJ"''''--- - ---------------;_.C-~cC___d~-~~ I o'i::::i --~--~ • ~I~~~- [ - ---+--+--':V a:v-~ -~ --I --=--==,-7 \~ <k{,l 11"";:'I ,t 1171 'f\1...:: l 11 I LJ.-l.-_.._ ---' ." ,Q I 1 p, 2::: ~-' • • cJ -J : -----~ ;;ffl'T~ _l~ ' I I ~[}- .... . " ;\\ \ ,c> , -~·v: ~:~~~~-: __ ={_-~-. /_ / / -~: '1''f'~-,-~- J \: _lcl-;\f5~ ~ ~-·~·;JJ=_ .---'< 1; --~~~~r~:" fT\ -• O' estliefrl WESTFIELD DESIGN & CONSTRUCTION 11601 Wilshire Boulevard, 11th Floor Los Angeles, California 90025-1748 Telephone Facsimile 310 478 4456 310 478 4468 ....,,-~ ~\D 2 1 Key Plan: 40’80’ 2525 El Camino Real #100 Carlsbad, CA. 92008 (760) 729 7927 SITE DEVELOPMENT Prepared By:No.Revision Date Sheet Title 1” = 40’ ILLUSTRATIVE PLANS SOUTH PLAZA & WALK 1080 03/05/2013 Job No.Date Scale A1.5-2 SDP 09-04 PERMIT PACKAGE PLANTING STRIP - GRASSES ALLOW FOR DRAINAGE END ISLAND TREE (LIGHT& AIRY/COLOR) CONCRETE SIDEWALK SECONDARY ENTRY TREE LOW HEDGE SCREEN ENHANCED PAVING PLANTING STRIP (N) STREET TREES TYP. IN LRG. POTS @ (E) EASEMENT INTEGRAL COLOR CONC. TO MATCH COLOR OF ENHANCED PAVING GATE OVERHEAD ROLL-UP MTL SLAT SOLID ENHANCED PAVING OUTDOOR “DINING ROOMS” STEEL-FRAME STRUCTURE W/ TENSION CABLES & FABRIC CANOPIES INTEGRAL COLOR CONCRETE “ENHANCED PAVING” RUNS THRU LOW CONCRETE WALL & PLANTING STRIP@ COL. LINE DROP OFF LOW CANOPY SIGN ON PORTAL GRAPHICS ENHANCED CONCRETE PATTERN #1 GRAPHICS LARGE FLOWERING TREE RETAIL LOW HEDGE SCREEN BOLLARDS TYP. SECONDARY ENTRY TREE CONCRETE SIDEWALK ENTRY PALM TREES THEMATIC SPECIMAN TREE - COLOR & STRUCTURE, ALLOW SIGHT LINES THRU CANOPY (4 TOTAL) (N) ENHANCED PAVING INTEGRAL CONC. W/ SCORELINES. ASSUME BROOM & 2 LVLS OF BLAST FINISHES SIGNAGE MACY’S MAIN BUILDING THIS ILLUSTRATIVE PLAN IS CONCEPTUAL IN NATURE AND DEPICTS DESIGN INTENT ONLY. THE SPECIFIC USES AND CONFIGURATIONS SHOWN ARE SUBJECT TO REVISION AND REFINEMENT AS INDIVIDUAL TENANT REQUIREMENTS BECOME KNOWN. THE ELEVATIONS [AND/OR PLANS, AS APPLICABLE] DEPICTED ON THIS SHEET ARE CONCEPTUAL ONLY AND MAY BE REVISED AT THE TIME A SPECIFIC USER GOES FORWARD WITH DETAILED PLANS. AT THAT TIME, DETAILED ELEVATIONS WILL BE PROVIDED SUBJECT TO APPROVAL OF THE GRANTING AUTHORITY AS SPECIFIED IN SPECIFIC PLAN 09-01. NOTES: CARLSBAD MARRON ROAD LANDSCAPE BUFFER TYP. PROJECT ENTRY TREE PROJECT ENTRY TREE EVERGREEN STREET TREE, TYP. LOW GRASS MED-SCREEN PLANTING RETAIL REST. PALM CLUSTER ENTRY TREE PLAZA ACCENT TREETENANT PATIO ENTRY TREE ENHANCED PAVING SEATING AREA TREES IN POTS/ BENCHES (N) SMALL STREET TREE, TYP. (E) TREE & PLANTER (E) CONCRETE PAVING (E) TREE REVISED 02/24/2012 REVISED 03/01/2012 MAIN BUILDING REVISED 05/11/2012 SMALL TREES IN PLANTER POTS BOLLARDS PLANTING BANDS - 3 PLANT VARIATIES MIN. SECONDARY ENTRY TREE PROJECT ENTRY TREE KEY PLAN REVISED 07/05/2012 REVISED 03/05/2013 REVISED 04/16/2013 Hofman Planning & Engineering 3152 Uonshead Alll!llue Carlsbad CA 92010 (760) 692-4100 www.hofmanplannlng.com , • • 6 ___________ _ 6 __________ _ 6 6---- D ___________ _ 6 6 6 6 t \ \. \ \ '(' \ \ \ \ ' \ .,.. ,. 1,,- \ ' O' estliefrl WESTFIELD DESIGN & CONSTRUCTION 11601 Wilshire Boulevard, 11th Floor Los Angeles, California 90025-1748 Telephone Facsimile 310 478 4456 310 478 4468 2525 El Camino Real #100 Carlsbad, CA. 92008 (760) 729 7927 CARLSBAD SITE DEVELOPMENT Prepared By:No.Revision Date Sheet Title 1”=20’1080 03/05/2013 Job No.Date Scale A2.1-1 NORTH ELEVATION PERMIT PACKAGE REVISED 02/24/2012 REVISED 03/01/2012 REVISED 05/11/2012 SDP 09-04 20’40’ NORTH ELEVATION NORTH ELEVATION GLASS STOREFRONT SYSTEM TRESPA SIMULATEDWOOD PANELS PROJECTED MTL SIGN w/ MTL CAP ON TENANT BEYONDPROJECTED MTL CAP & PLASTER PANEL @ THEATER BEYOND COMMERCIALCOMMERCIAL SERVICE MALL ENTRY COMMERCIALCOMMERCIAL COMMERCIAL EXISTING DEPARTMENT STOREMALL ENTRYSERVICE LVL 1 (E) 16’ - 0” TOP OF STOREFRONT (N) 63’ - 0” TOP OF PARAPET (N) 16 ’ - 0 ” 0’-0” LVL 1 (E) 16’-6” LVL 2 (E) 48’-0” TOP OF ROOF (N) 63’-0” TOP OF PARAPET (N) 16 ’ - 6 ” 58’ - 0” TOP OF PARAPET (N) THESE BUILDING ELEVATIONS ARE CONCEPTUAL IN NATURE AND DEPICT DESIGN INTENT ONLY. THE SPECIFIC USES AND CONFIGURATIONS SHOWN ARE SUBJECT TO REVISION AND REFINEMENT AS INDIVIDUAL TENANT REQUIREMENTS BECOME KNOWN. MA T C H L I N E MA T C H L I N EPLASTER, SMOOTH HARD TROWEL FINISH w/ MTL REVEALS & CAP (PLAS 2) PLANT BOX TENANT SIGN METAL CANOPY METAL CANOPY GLASS PROJECTED MTL CAP w/CLERESTORY GLASS BEYONDSTEEL PLANTER TROUGHTHE ELEVATIONS [AND/OR PLANS, AS APPLICABLE] DEPICTED ON THIS SHEET ARE CONCEPTUAL ONLY AND MAY BE REVISED AT THE TIME A SPECIFIC USER GOES FORWARD WITH DETAILED PLANS. AT THAT TIME, DETAILED ELEVATIONS WILL BE PROVIDED SUBJECT TO APPROVAL OF THE GRANTING AUTHORITY AS SPECIFIED IN SPECIFIC PLAN 09-01. NOTES: METAL ROLL-UP GATESw/ HORIZONTAL RIBS4’ HIGH SPLIT-FACECMU HORIZ. BANDSEXPRESSED GLASS STOREFRONT SYSTEM SKYLIGHT BEYOND EXISTING DEPT. STOREMTL WALL PANEL, HORIZ. RIBSw/ 24” HIGH EXPOSED CONC. BASEMTL. FRAME PAINTED 31’ - 0” TOP OF PARAPET (N) 75’ - 0” TOP OF SIGN (N)STONE CLADDING (BY TENANT)PLASTER, SMOOTH HARD TROWEL FINISH w/ MTL CAP (PLAS 2) PLASTER, SMOOTH HARD TROWEL FINISH w/ MTL CAP (PLAS 2) PLASTER, MEDIUM SAND FINISH w/ MTL REVEALS & CAP (PLAS 1) PLASTER, MEDIUM SAND FINISH w/ MTL REVEALS & CAP (PLAS 1) PLASTER, MEDIUM SAND FINISH (PLAS 1) TENANT SIGN REVISED 03/05/2013 Key Plan:TRESPA SIMULATED WOODPANELS (BY TENANT)TRESPA SIMULATED WOODPANELS (BY TENANT)93.3’ ASL 78.3’ ASL 46.8’ ASL 30.3’ ASL 105 3’ ASL 93.3’ ASL 88.3’ ASL 61 3’ ASL 46.3’ ASL 30.3’ ASL REVISED 03/22/2013 REVISED 04/16/2013 --0----- _ _,_-' ... ------------I.~------- - -----4/,,..'I-----.., ----- ■ ----r =======r=========4 ==4 ~====J ·=---L-1~ Hofman Planning & Engineering 3152 Lionshead A\ll!rlue c.arlsbad CA 92010 (760) 69l-4100 www.hofrnanplannlng.rom 6 ___ _ 6 ----- 6 --- D ___ _ 6 ----- 6 ---D ___ _ 6 ----- 6 --- () ■ I ■ l , l , ----~ ------ -------0------ O' estllefrl WESTFIELD DESIGN & CONSTRUCTION 11601 Wilshire Boulevard, 11th Floor Los Angeles, California 90025-1748 Telephone Facsimile 310 478 4456 310 478 4468 THESE BUILDING ELEVATIONS ARE CONCEPTUAL IN NATURE AND DEPICT DESIGN INTENT ONLY. THE SPECIFIC USES AND CONFIGURATIONS SHOWN ARE SUBJECT TO REVISION AND REFINEMENT AS INDIVIDUAL TENANT REQUIREMENTS BECOME KNOWN. THE ELEVATIONS [AND/OR PLANS, AS APPLICABLE] DEPICTED ON THIS SHEET ARE CONCEPTUAL ONLY AND MAY BE REVISED AT THE TIME A SPECIFIC USER GOES FORWARD WITH DETAILED PLANS. AT THAT TIME, DETAILED ELEVATIONS WILL BE PROVIDED SUBJECT TO APPROVAL OF THE GRANTING AUTHORITY AS SPECIFIED IN SPECIFIC PLAN 09-01. NOTES: SDP 09-04 20’40’ LEVEL 2 (E) 34’ - 6” TOP OF MTL. FRAME (N) 50’ - 0” TOP OF PORTAL (N) 56’ - 0” TOP OF ROOF (N) 0’-0” LEVEL 1 (E) 16’-6” LEVEL 2 (E) 53’ - 6” TOP OF PARAPET (N) 56’-6” TOP OF ROOF (N) SOUTH ELEVATION SOUTH ELEVATION EXISTING DEPT. STOREPAINTED, PLASTER SMOOTH HARD EXISTING DEPARTMENT STORE COMMERCIAL SERVICE COMMERCIALMALL ENTRYCOMMERCIAL COMMERCIAL COMMERCIAL SERVICEMALL ENTRYLOW CONCRETE WALL/BENCHCIP w/ BOARD FORMEDEXPRESSED HORIZ. BAND FACETRESPA PANELSw/ MTL REVEALS & MTL CAPSTEEL FRAME - PAINTEDw/ FABRIC PANELSSUSPENDED BY CABLESGLASS (BY TENANT) HORIZONTAL SPANDREL PANELS w/MTL CAP (BY TENANT)METAL FRAME CANOPYw/ GLASS OR MTL PANES (BY TENANT)SPANDREL GLASS w/ FRITIN MTL FRAME & CAP (BY TENANT)TRESPA SIMULATEDWOOD PANELSSIGNAGE ON MTL LEDGE(BY TENANT)MTL FRAME CANOPYw/ GLASS OR MTL PANELS (BY TENANT)GLASS (BY TENANT)TRESPA SIMULATEDWOOD PANELSSTEEL PLANTER TROUGHMETAL FRAME CANOPYw/ GLASS OR MTL PANES (BY TENANT)METAL SIGN LEDGEEXISTING METAL CANOPY TROWEL FINISH w/ REVEALS (PLAS 2)& POSTSMTL CANOPYMETAL ROLL-UP GATESw/ HORIZONTAL RIBSMETAL FRAMEGLASS(BY TENANT) GLASSGRAPHIC PANELSw/ MTL FRAME MA T C H L I N E MA T C H L I N E 65’-0” TOP OF PARAPET (N) 0’-0” LEVEL 1 (E)PLASTER, SMOOTH HARD TROWEL FINISH w/ MTL CAP (PLAS 2) PLASTER, SMOOTH HARD TROWEL FINISH w/ MTL CAP (PLAS 2) - (BY TENANT) PLASTER, SMOOTH HARD TROWEL FINISH w/ MTL CAP (PLAS 2) - (BY TENANT) PLASTER, SMOOTH HARD TROWEL FINISH w/ MTL CAP (PLAS 2) - (BY TENANT) PLASTER, SMOOTH HARD TROWEL FINISH w/ MTL CAP (PLAS 2) - (BY TENANT) 63’-0” TOP OF PARAPET (N) CARLSBAD REVISED 02/24/2012 REVISED 03/01/2012 REVISED 05/11/2012 2525 El Camino Real #100 Carlsbad, CA. 92008 (760) 729 7927 CARLSBAD SITE DEVELOPMENT Prepared By:No.Revision Date Sheet Title 1”=20’1080 03/05/2013 Job No.Date Scale A2.1-2 SOUTH ELEVATION PERMIT PACKAGE REVISED 02/24/2012 REVISED 03/01/2012 REVISED 05/11/2012 SEE SHEET A2.2-2 Key Plan: 83.8’ ASL 86.8’ ASL 93 3’ ASL 95.3’ ASL 46.8’ ASL 30.3’ ASL 86.3’ ASL 80.3’ ASL 64.8’ ASL 46.8’ ASL16’-6” 30.3’ ASL STONE CLADDINGPAINTED METAL FACIAPAINTED METAL SCREEN WALLPAINTED METAL SWING OUT GATESREVISED 03/05/2013 REVISED 04/16/2013 REVISED 03/05/2013 REVISED 03/22/2013 () I I ------~----I ------~---- ·--------0- ---------0 I I ,--------------------::,IE--------------------,,___ ___ _____,,___ _____ -1--------1------------,---1 ~ I r---------------------------------------- I I ==: ==-~-0---: ==: ==: == I - -____ " ___ -------- - ---...__" __ --------- I I I ~:+-------,.__---#---------------------------------------------------~.___ ____ -I- I I ,, Hofman _J Planning & Engineering 3152 Llonshead A111!11ue Carlsbad CA 92010 (760) 692-4100 www.hofmanplannlng.com 6 _______________ _ 6 _______________ _ 6 --- D _______________ _ 6 _______________ _ 6 ---D __________ _ 6 _______________ _ 6 --- O' estliefrl WESTFIELD DESIGN & CONSTRUCTION 11601 Wilshire Boulevard, 11th Floor Los Angeles, California 90025-1748 Telephone Facsimile 310 478 4456 310 478 4468 2525 El Camino Real #100 Carlsbad, CA. 92008 (760) 729 7927 SITE DEVELOPMENT Prepared By:No.Revision Date Sheet Title 1”=20’1080 03/05/2013 Job No.Date Scale A2.1-3 EAST ELEVATION Key Plan: PERMIT PACKAGE CARLSBAD REVISED 02/24/2012 REVISED 03/01/2012 REVISED 05/11/2012 SEE SHEET A2.2-3 SDP 09-04 20’40’ EAST ELEVATION METAL DOOR PANELSSMOOTH HARDCOAT PLASTER PANELw/ COLOR (BY TENANT)STEEL PLANTER TROUGHCOMMERCIALCOMMERCIAL BEYOND EXISTING DEPARTMENT STORE BEYONDTENANT SIGNMTL WALL PANEL, HORIZ. RIBSw/ 24” HIGH EXPOSED CONC. BASEMETAL CANOPY4” HIGH HORIZ. BANDS -SPLITFACE TILE VENEERw/ GLASS INSET (BY TENANT)TRESPA SIMULATED WOOD PANELSSIGNAGE ON MTL LEDGE(BY TENANT)CLEAR STOREFRONT GLASS (BY TENANT)0’-0” LVL 1 (E) 63’-0” TOP OF PARAPET (N) 75’-0” TOP OF SIGN (N) 63’-0” TOP OF PARAPET (N) 50’-0” TOP OF PARAPET (N) 16’-6” LVL 2 (E) 34’-6” TOP OF TRELLIS (N) 56’-0” TOP OF ROOF (N) 63’-0” TOP OF PARAPET (N) THESE BUILDING ELEVATIONS ARE CONCEPTUAL IN NATURE AND DEPICT DESIGN INTENT ONLY. THE SPECIFIC USES AND CONFIGURATIONS SHOWN ARE SUBJECT TO REVISION AND REFINEMENT AS INDIVIDUAL TENANT REQUIREMENTS BECOME KNOWN. THE ELEVATIONS [AND/OR PLANS, AS APPLICABLE] DEPICTED ON THIS SHEET ARE CONCEPTUAL ONLY AND MAY BE REVISED AT THE TIME A SPECIFIC USER GOES FORWARD WITH DETAILED PLANS. AT THAT TIME, DETAILED ELEVATIONS WILL BE PROVIDED SUBJECT TO APPROVAL OF THE GRANTING AUTHORITY AS SPECIFIED IN SPECIFIC PLAN 09-01. NOTES: 16’ - 6” LVL 2 (E) 31’ - 0” TOP OF PARAPET (N) 0’-0” LVL 1 (E)PLASTER, SMOOTH HARD TROWEL FINISH w/ MTL CAP (PLAS 2) PLASTER, MEDIUM SAND FINISH w/ MTL REVEALS & CAP (PLAS 1) PLASTER, SMOOTH HARD TROWEL FINISH w/ MTL CAP (PLAS 2) METAL FRAME PLASTER, SMOOTH HARD TROWEL FINISH w/ MTL CAP (PLAS 2) - (BY TENANT) REVISED 03/05/2013 30.3’ ASL 46.8’ ASL 64.8’ ASL 86.3’ ASL 93.3’ ASL 105.3’ ASL 93 3’ ASL 80.3’ ASL 61 3’ ASL 46.8’ ASL 30.3’ ASLPAINTED METAL FACIAPAINTED METAL SCREEN WALLREVISED 03/22/2013 REVISED 04/16/2013 - - -- --_____LL_ ------,v-----------------0------ --------------~~---+- ------~ -----------0- • 10. -~;~~ Hofman Planning & Engineering 3152 Uonshead Avenue Carlsbad0 CA 92010 (760) 69L-41(J() www.hofmanplannlng.com ,------- I I I D ___ _ D ----- D --- D ___ _ D ----- D ---D __ D --D ----- ------------- O' estllefrl WESTFIELD DESIGN & CONSTRUCTION 11601 Wilshire Boulevard, 11th Floor Los Angeles, California 90025-1748 Telephone Facsimile 310 478 4456 310 478 4468 ---------0--------- ______ __,,._ ---.,------------- ------__,,._ ---.,------------- --~..------ Key Plan: 2525 El Camino Real #100 Carlsbad, CA. 92008 (760) 729 7927 Prepared By:No.Revision Date Sheet Title 1”=10’ BUILDING DETAIL/ NORTH PLAZA VIEW 1080 Job No.Date Scale A2.2-1 10’20’ SITE DEVELOPMENT PERMIT PACKAGE SDP 09-04 03/05/2013 CARLSBAD REVISED 02/24/2012 REVISED 03/01/2012 REVISED 05/11/2012 REVISED 03/05/2013 META L W A L L P A N E L W / H O R I Z O N T A L R I B S w/ 24 ” H I G H E X P O S E D C O N C . B A S E PLAS T E R , M E D I U M S A N D F I N I S H w/ M T L R E V E A L S & C A P ( P L A S 1 ) GRAP H I C P A N E L I N M E T A L F R A M E STON E C L A D D I N G ( B Y T E N A N T ) META L R O L L - U P G A T E S w / H O R I Z O N T A L R I B S GLAS S I N 2 ” A L U M I N U M STOR E F R O N T S Y S T E M ( B Y T E N A N T ) PROJ E C T E D M T L C A P & P L A S T E R PANE L @ T H E A T E R B E Y O N D TRES P A S I M U L A T E D W O O D P A N E L S EXIST I N G R E S T A U R A N T DININ GTRES P A W O O D P A N E L S GRAP H I C P A N E L I N M E T A L F R A M E GLAS S S T O R E F R O N T S Y S T E M SKYL I G H T B E Y O N D PROJ E C T E D M E T A L C A P w/ CL E R E S T O R Y G L A S S BEYO N D META L F R A M E P A I N T E D GLAS S S T O R E F R O N T S Y S T E M STEE L P L A N T E R T H R O U G H GLAS S I N 2 ” A L U M I N U M STOR E F R O N T S Y S T E M ( B Y T E N A N T ) STEE L P L A N T E R T H R O U G H PROJ E C T E D M T L C A P & P L A S T E R PANE L @ T H E A T E R B E Y O N D META L F R A M E P A I N T E D GLAS S S T O R E F R O N T S Y S T E M PLAS T E R , M E D I U M S A N D F I N I S H w/ M T L R E V E A L S & C A P ( P L A S 1 ) PLAS T E R , M E D I U M S A N D F I N I S H w/ M T L R E V E A L S & C A P ( P L A S 1 ) PLAS T E R , M E D I U M S A N D F I N I S H w/ M T L R E V E A L S & C A P ( P L A S 1 ) STON E C L A D D I N G - ( B Y T E N A N T ) NORTH PLAZA VIEW NORTH ELEVATION DETAIL SCALE: NTS REVISED 04/16/2013 REVISED 03/22/2013 ,, Hofman _J Planning & Engineering 3152 Llonshead Alll!llue Carlsbad CA 92010 (760) 692-4100 www.hofmanplannlng.com 6 ___ _ 6 ----- 6 --- D ___ _ 6 ----- 6 ---D ___ _ 6 ----- 6 --- tile O' estliefrl WESTFIELD DESIGN & CONSTRUCTION 11601 Wilshire Boulevard, 11th Floor Los Angeles, California 90025-1748 Telephone Facsimile 310 478 4456 310 478 4468 SOUTH PLAZA VIEW SOUTH ELEVATION DETAIL SCALE: NTS THE ELEVATIONS [AND/OR PLANS, AS APPLICABLE] DEPICTED ON THIS SHEET ARE CONCEPTUAL ONLY AND MAY BE REVISED AT THE TIME A SPECIFIC USER GOES FORWARD WITH DETAILED PLANS. AT THAT TIME, DETAILED ELEVATIONS WILL BE PROVIDED SUBJECT TO APPROVAL OF THE GRANTING AUTHORITY AS SPECIFIED IN SPECIFIC PLAN 09-01. NOTES: VIEWS ARE FOR ILLUSTRATIVE PURPOSES ONLY AND DESCRIBE OVERALL DESIGN INTENT. REFER TO COLORS & MATERIALS SHEET A3.1-2 FOR COLOR INTENT. SPECIFIC USES, CONFIGURATIONS AND MATERIAL FINISHES ARE SUBJECT TO REVISION AND REFINEMENT AS INDIVIDUAL TENANT REQUIREMENTS BECOME KNOWN. SCALE: 1”=10’ @ 24”X36” TRES P A S I M U L A T E D W O O D P A N E L S w / M E T A L R E V E A L & META L C A P META L S I G N L E D G E PLAS T E R , S M O O T H H A R D T R O W E L F I N I S H w/ M T L C A P ( P L A S 2 ) - ( B Y T E N A N T ) GLAS S I N 2 ” A L U M . S T O R E F R O N T S Y S T E M ( B Y T E N A N T ) GLAS S I N 2 ” A L U M . S T O R E F R O N T S Y S T E M (BY T E N A N T ) 8” ST L . T U B E F R A M E - P L A I N T E D W / F A B R I C AWN I N G / T E N S I O N C A B L E S Y S T E M STEE L F R A M E - P A I N T E D w/ FA B R I C P A N E L S S U S P E N D E D BY C A B L E S LOW C O N C R E T E W A L L / B E N C H CIP w / B O A R D F O R M E D E X P R E S S E D H O R I Z . B A D N F A C E TENA N T S I G N , P I N - S E T O N M T L . C A N O P Y F R A M E W / GLAS S O R M E T A L H O R I Z O N T A L P A N E L S TRES P A S I M U L A T E D W O O D P A N E L S RECE S S E D S T L . B A S E MTL. C A N O P Y F R A M E W / G L A S S O R H O R I Z O N T A L PANE L S ( B Y T E N A N T ) STEE L P L A N T E R T R O U G H PLAS T E R B E Y O N D SKYL I G H T B E Y O N D GLAS S S T O R E F R O N T ( B Y T E N A N T ) INTE G R A L C O L O R C O N C R E T E W / 3 T Y P E S F I N I S H LOW C O N C R E T E W A L L B E N C H B O A R D F O R M E D 8” ST E E L T U B E F R A M E P A I N T E D W / F A B R I C A W N I N G / TENS I O N C A B L E S Y S T E M HORI Z O N T A L S P A N D R E L P A N E L S w / M E T A L C A P SPAN D R E L G L A S S P A N E L W / F R I T P A T T E R N IN 2 ” A L U M . F R A M E & M E T A L C A P ( B Y T E N A N T ) GLAS S I N 2 ” A L U M . S T O R E F R O N T S Y S T E M (BY T E N A N T ) TRES P A W O O D P A N E L S TENA N T S I G N A G E P I N - S E T O N A C M L E D G E PLAS T E R , S M O O T H H A R D T R O W E L F I N I S H w / M T L C A P ( P L A S 2 ) (BY T E N A N T ) TRES P A W O O D P A N E L S TRES P A W O O D P A N E L S PAIN T E D M E T A L S C R E E N W A L L PAIN T E D M E T A L F A C I A REVISED 04/16/2013 Key Plan: 2525 El Camino Real #100 Carlsbad, CA. 92008 (760) 729 7927 Prepared By:No.Revision Date Sheet Title 1”=10’ BUILDING DETAIL/ SOUTH PLAZA VIEW 1080 03/05/2013 Job No.Date Scale A2.2-2 10’20’ SITE DEVELOPMENT PERMIT PACKAGE SDP 09-04 CARLSBAD REVISED 02/24/2012 REVISED 03/01/2012 REVISED 05/11/2012 REVISED 03/05/2013 REVISED 03/22/2013 ,,. Hofman _J Planning & Engineering 3152 Llonshead Alll!llue Carlsbad CA 92010 (760) 692-4100 www.hofmanplannlng.com 6 ___ _ 6 ------ 6 __ 6 -6 ----- 6 __ 6 -6 ----- 6 __________ _ ''1 /'/'\ ~-L:,;;;;--J-c""·"'-~--t 1 __ ) O' estliefrl WESTFIELD DESIGN & CONSTRUCTION 11601 Wilshire Boulevard, 11th Floor Los Angeles, California 90025-1748 Telephone Facsimile 310 478 4456 310 478 4468