HomeMy WebLinkAbout2005-08-17; Planning Commission; ; GPA 03-11|ZC 03-09|CT 02-17|HDP 02-08|HMPP 05-04 - SHELLEY PROPERTY-e The Glty of Carlsbad Planning Department A REPORT TO THE PLANNING COMMISSION P.C. AGENDA OF: August 17, 2005 ItemNo. @ Application complete date: January 26, 2004 Project Planner: Van Lynch Project Engineer: Clyde Wickham SUBJECT: GPA 03-11/ZC 03-09/CT 02-17/HDP 02-08/HMPP 05-04 -SHELLEY PROPERTY -Request for a recommendation of adoption of a Mitigated Negative Declaration and Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program; a recommendation of approval for a General Plan Amendment to change the General Plan land use designations from Residential Low density (RL) and Open Space (OS) to Residential Low-Medium density (RLM) and Open Space (OS) and a Zone Change to rezone the property from R-1-40,000 to R-1-10,000 and O-S consistent with the proposed land use designations; and a Tentative Tract Map, Hillside Development Permit and Habitat Management Plan Permit to subdivide and grade a 81.3 acre site into 49 standard single-family lots and three open space lots generally located southeast of Rancho Santa Fe Road along the City's eastern boundary in Local Facilities Management Zone 11. I. RECOMMENDATION That the Planning Commission ADOPT Planning Commission Resolution No. 5951, RECOMMENDING ADOPTION of a Mitigated Negative Declaration and Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program, and ADOPT Planning Commission Resolutions No. 5952, 5953, 5954, 5955 and 5956 RECOMMENDING APPROVAL of General Plan Amendment GPA 03-11, Zone Change ZC 03-09, Tentative Tract Map CT 2-17, Hillside Development Permit HDP 02-08 and Habitat Management Plan Permit HMPP 05-04, based on the findings and subject to the conditions contained therein. II. INTRODUCTION The project consists of a request for a General Plan Amendment to change the General Plan land use designations from Residential Low density (RL) and Open Space (OS) to Residential Low- Medium Density (RLM) and Open Space (OS) and a Zone Change to rezone the property from R-1-40,000 to R-1-10,000 and O-S consistent with the proposed land use designations. The project also includes a request for a Tentative Tract Map, Hillside Development Permit and Habitat Management Plan Permit to grade and subdivide an 81.3 acre property into 49 single- family, 10,000 square foot (minimum) lots, and three open space lots. The open space would be preserved as a habitat preserve area consistent with the City's Habitat Management Plan (HMP). As designed and conditioned, the project is consistent with all applicable standards and policies and the necessary findings to approve the project can be made. GPA 03-11/ZC 03-09/CT o! 7/HDP 02-08/HMPP 05-04-SHELL! PROPERTY August 17, 2005 Pa e2 III. PROJECT DESCRIPTION AND BACKGROUND The project site is an 81.3 acre property located southeast of Rancho Santa Fe Road on the eastern terminus of Camino Junipero and along the City's eastern boundary in the southeast quadrant. The site is surrounded to the north by open space, to the south by large lot residential development in the City of Encinitas, to the east by vacant land in the County of San Diego, and to the west by future single-family development located within the Villages of La Costa Master Plan. Topographically, the property slopes moderately from the northeast to the south with elevations ranging from 690' to 366' MSL. The City's General Plan designates the southern 60+ acres of the property for Residential Low density (RL; 0 -1.5 du/acre) development with a corresponding Zoning designation of R-1- 40,000, and the northern 20.5 acres of the property is designated for Open Space (OS). The open space is occupied by coastal sage scrub (CSS) habitat, and the southern 60 acres, which have been disturbed by cattle grazing for many years, are occupied by non-native grassland. An isolated north-south broken blue-line stream extends approximately 1,000 feet north of the southern property line within the eastern portion of the property and a second east-west drainage bisects the northern portion of the property within the existing open space. Approximately two- thirds of the site is designated as a hardline preserve area in the City's Habitat Management Plan (HMP). As a result of a rare plant survey of the site conducted by the project biologist in May, 2003, the San Diego Goldenstar, a narrow endemic plant species required to be preserved by the HMP, was discovered on the property. A minor amendment to the HMP hardline preserve boundary is required to incorporate the San Diego Goldenstar into the preserve area and allow a minor development encroachment into the preserve area along the eastern preserve boundary. The necessary Equivalency Findings ·for a minor amendment can be supported (See Attachment 11 -HMP Hardline Exhibit). The proposed density of .86 dwelling units per acre for the 49 lot subdivision is within the 0 - 1.5 dwelling unit/acre density range permitted by the RL designation and slightly below the Growth Management Control Point (GMCP) of 1 dwelling unit/acre. The project is therefore 7 units below the maximum of 56.67 dwelling units permitted by the RL GMCP. A General Plan Land Use Element amendment is proposed to redesignate the HMP preserve area to Open Space (OS) and to redesignate the proposed development area to Residential Low Medium density (RLM; 0 -4 du/acre) for the purpose of permanently transferring density from the entire site to the proposed development area. The General Plan Open Space and Conservation Element will also be amended to reflect the new open space. A Zone Change is also proposed to redesignate the property to the R-1-10,000 and Open Space (O-S) zoning designations to ensure zoning consistency with the proposed General Plan designations. The project also includes a Tentative Tract Map, Hillside Development Permit and Habitat Management Permit to grade and subdivide the 81.3 acre site into 49 single family, 10,000 square foot (minimum) lots, and three open space lots. The subdivision design consists of the extension of Camino Junipero from its terminus at the eastern boundary of the Villages of La Costa Master Plan area through the western 26.6 acres of the Shelley property. Two points of access from Camino Junipero are provided via Streets "A" GPA 03-11/ZC 03-09/CT 0'17 /HDP 02-08/HMPP 05-04 -SHELLI PROPERTY August 17, 2005 Pae 3 and "D" and a network of connecting local streets provide access to the 49 lot residential subdivision. The proposed minimum 10,000 square foot lots are located north and south of Camino Junipero with 47 of the 49 lots having full width frontage on a local public street. Two panhandle lots are proposed. One is in the northeastern comer of the project and the other is in the northwestern comer where full width street access cannot be provided. The remainder of the property will consist of three open spaces lots that comprise the HMP hardline preserve area. A proposed sewer line will bisect the southern portion of the preserve. A trail is also proposed on existing dirt paths (agricultural roads) and within the sewer easement through the preserve area from the northern to southern boundaries where connections will be made to trails within the County of San Diego and the City of Encinitas. The City will require an irrevocable offer of dedication for 102 feet of public right-of-way across the preserve from the terminus of Camino Junipero to the eastern property boundary to enable the extension of a General Plan Circulation Element arterial roadway (Melrose Drive) at some future date if the need arises. Construction of the roadway is not proposed or required at this time because the County of San Diego, which abuts the property to the east, and the City of Encinitas, which abuts the property to the south, have indicated that their General Plans include no future circulation arterial roadway connections to a roadway through the Shelley property. The project is subject to the following plans, ordinances, standards and policies: A. General Plan; B. Habitat Management Plan; C. Carlsbad Municipal Code, Title 20 (Subdivision Ordinance); D. Carlsbad Municipal Code, Title 21 (Zoning Ordinance) including: 1. Chapter 21.10 -One Family Residential Zone 2. Chapter 21.33 -Open Space Zone 3. Chapter 21.85 -Inclusionary Housing Ordinance 4. Chapter 21.95 -Hillside Development Regulations E. Council Policy 66 -Livable Neighborhoods; and F. Growth Management. IV. ANALYSIS The recommendation of approval for this project was developed by analyzing the project's consistency with the applicable regulations and policies listed above. The following analysis section discusses compliance with each of the regulations/policies utilizing both text and tables. A. General Plan The proposed project is consistent with the policies and programs of the General Plan. The following table indicates how the project, including the partial street vacation, complies with the relevant elements of the General Plan. --GPA 03-11/ZC 03-09/CT 02-17 /HDP 02-08/HMPP 05-04 -SHELLEY PROPERTY August 1 7, 2005 Pa e4 TABLE 1: GENERAL PLAN COMPLIANCE USE, CLASSIFICATION, GOAL PROPOSED USES & COMPLY ELEMENT OBJECTIVE OR PROGRAM IMPROVEMENTS Land Use Proposed: OS -Open Space Designate 55.46 acres Yes as Open Space to be maintained as an HMP habitat preserve area. Existing: RL -Residential Low Single Family Yes* Density (0 -1.5 dwelling units/acre) residential lots Growth Control Point: 1 dwelling Project density= unit/acre .86/du acre. Proposed: RLM -Residential Low-Single-family Yes* Medium Density residential lots (0 -4 dwelling units/acre) Project density= 1.84 du/acre. Growth Management Control Point: The project is below Yes** 3.2 dwelling unit/acre the GMCP of 3 .2 du/ac; however, the project is within the specified range permitted by the RLM designation. Zoning consistency with General Plan Proposed R-1-10,000 Yes and O-S Zones are consistent with the RLM and OS General Plan desi1mations. Housing 15% inclusionary housing requirement Project conditioned to Yes per Objective 3.6 purchase 9 credits in combined affordable project. GPA 03-11/ZC 03-09/CT o! 7 /HDP 02-08/HMPP 05-04 -SHELL. PROPERTY August 17, 2005 Pae 5 TABLE 1: GENERAL PLAN COMPLIANCE CONTINUED USE, CLASSIFICATION, GOAL PROPOSED USES & ELEMENT OBJECTIVE OR PROGRAM IMPROVEMENTS Public Safety Provide project review that allows Project improvements consideration of seismic and geologic will not significantly hazards. impact or be impacted by geologic or seismic conditions. Reduce fire hazards to an acceptable Project provides 60' risk level. fire suppression zones and requires fire resistive construction and fire sprinklers. Open Space Minimize environmental impacts to Project will dedicate & sensitive resources within the City. and redesignate/rezone Conservation 5 5 .46 acres as open space. Preserve open space consistent with the The open space will be habitat preserve and linkage areas preserved and identified in the HMP. maintained as an HMP habitat preserve area. Incorporate structural and non-Project provides a structural BMPs; use small collection desiltation swale at the strategies to minimize transport of storm drain outlet to runoff and pollutants offsite and into slow the velocity of municipal storm system. water flow and filter drainage prior to release. Noise Residential exterior noise standard of The project is 60 dBA CNEL and interior noise conditioned to standard of 45 dBA. construct noise walls to attenuate traffic noise along Camino Junipero and future units must comply with interior noise standard. COMPLY Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes --GPA 03-11/ZC 03-09/CT 02-17/HDP 02-08/HMPP 05-04-SHELLEY PROPERTY August 17, 2005 Pae 6 TABLE 1: GENERAL PLAN COMPLIANCE CONTINUED USE, CLASSIFICATION, GOAL PROPOSED USES & COMPLY ELEMENT OBJECTIVE OR PROGRAM IMPROVEMENTS Circulation Requires new development to dedicate All public Yes and improve all public rights-of-way infrastructure will be for circulation facilities needed to serve constructed in development. accordance with City standards except that an Irrevocable Offer of Dedication for Circulation Element arterial roadway (Melrose/Camino Junipero) will be offered in lieu of constructing the roadway to the property boundarv. * * * *The proposed density of the project, at .86 dwelling units per acre, is below the GMCP (1 du/ac) used for the purpose of calculating the City's compliance with Government Code Section 65584. The GMCP of 1 du/acre permits 56 units on the 56.66 net acre lot, and the project consists of 49 single family lots. However, consistent with Program 3.8 of the City's certified Housing Element, all of the dwelling units, which were anticipated toward achieving the City's share of the regional housing need that are not utilized by developers in approved projects, are deposited in the City's Excess Dwelling Unit Bank. These excess dwelling units are available for allocation to other projects. Accordingly, there is no net loss of residential unit capacity and there are adequate properties identified in the Housing Element allowing residential development with a unit capacity, including second dwelling units, adequate to satisfy the City's share of the regional housing need. **The proposed General Plan Amendment will redesignate 25.8 acres to the RLM designation and 55.46 acres to the OS designation. The redesignation of 25.8 acres to the RLM designation is for the purpose of transferring density from the proposed Open Space to the proposed development area. The increase in overall density that this change would make is 14 units. Although the RLM designation could theoretically yield 71 units on 25.8 acres, the R-1-10,000 zoning, configuration of land, and necessary development and design standards will limit the yield on the property so that no more than the 56 units that the current RL designation would allow will occur unless a planned development permit allowing smaller lots is approved on the property. ***Melrose Drive (Camino Junipero) is a major circulation arterial roadway that extends to the southern property line of the Shelley property (city boundary) on the City's Circulation Map. The Circulation Element specifies that the City should support and encourage adjoining jurisdictions to extend Melrose Drive from the Carlsbad city limits to an appropriate connection. It also states that Melrose Drive may be built to secondary or modified standards without an amendment to the element if adequate right of way is preserved to construct a full width major --GPA 03-11/ZC 03-09/CT 02-17/HDP 02-08/HMPP 05-04-SHELLEY PROPERTY August 17, 2005 Pae 7 arterial. The project will dedicate full width right of way across the property. However, the developer only proposes to construct Camino Junipero (Melrose Drive) to the limits of development. This limit of construction is 845 feet short of the subdivision boundary and city limit. The developer has provided a feasible alignment plan and has agreed to dedicate right of way and slope and drainage easements to allow for future construction by others. Construction of the roadway is not proposed or required at this time because the County of San Diego, which abuts the property to the east, and the City of Encinitas, which abuts the property to the south, have indicated that their General Plans include no future circulation arterial roadway connections to a roadway through the Shelley property. B. Habitat Management Plan (HMP) The City's HMP identifies the project site as a proposed hardline area within Core Area 7. Due to the discovery of an HMP narrow endemic plant species, San Diego Goldenstar, within the anticipated development area, the hardline boundary has been altered to incorporate the plant species into the hardline preserve area. The amendment to the hardline boundary enhances the quality of the habitat preserved and increases the preserve acreage and, therefore, the necessary HMP equivalency findings can be made. C. Subdivision Ordinance The proposed tentative map complies with the requirements of the City's Subdivision Ordinance, Title 20, of the Carlsbad Municipal Code and City of Carlsbad Standards for public improvements. The design of the subdivision and the type of improvements required of the project will not conflict with easements of record or easements established by court judgment, or acquired by the public at large, for access through or use of property within the proposed subdivision. The project is designed to take advantage of heating and cooling opportunities in that lots are adequate in size to allow for maximum southern exposure and benefit of prevailing breezes. Primary access would be provided by Camino Junipero (Melrose Drive), a Circulation Element arterial roadway. The proposed cul-de-sacs serve fewer than 20 units and satisfy the 36 foot wide curb-to-curb width standard. The drainage study submitted by the applicant indicates that all runoff can be controlled on-site and conveyed through storm drains to an onsite desiltation swale prior to entering the natural drainage system onsite. The proposed water and sewer utility lines necessary to serve the project would be connected to existing lines in Camino Junipero to the west (water) and the City of Encinitas to the south (sewer). Annexation of the property to the Leucadia Wastewater District must occur prior to approval of a final map and that process has been initiated. The project is also conditioned to provide a sewer easement along or near the southerly property line from the existing sewer line in Encinitas to the easterly project boundary to provide sewer service to the adjacent property to the east. No standards variances are needed to approve the project. D1. Chapter 21.10-One Family Residential Zone As shown on the following table, the single-family subdivision meets or exceeds the R-1 zone standards: GPA 03-11/ZC 03-09/CT 0'11 /HDP 02-08/HMPP 05-04 -SHELLI PROPERTY August 17, 2005 Pae 8 Standard Required Proposed Use Single-family Lots 49 Single-family Lots Lot Size Minimum 10,000 sq. ft. 10,487 to 64,987 sq. ft. Lot Width Interior Lots: 75 ft. Minimum 7 5 ft. Cul-de-sac Lots: 33 ft. Minimum 33 ft. Panhandle Lots Buildable Portion: 10,000 sq. ft. 25,966 -31,286 sq. ft. Driveway Length: < 150 ft. 85 Ft. -150 ft. D2. Chapter 21.33 -Open Space Zone As shown on the following table, the proposed open space is consistent with the O-S zone standards: Standard Required Proposed Use Open Space Easements, et al Open Space Easement/Conservation Easement Lot Size NIA 55.46 Acres Total D3. Chapter 21.85-Inclusionary Housing Ordinance The project requires compliance with the City's Inclusionary Housing Ordinance requiring that 15% of the total number of units are made affordable to low income households. The inclusionary housing requirement for the 49-lot subdivision is nine (9) units. When feasible, the affordable units are required to be constructed onsite, however, the purchase of housing credits in an offsite combined inclusionary housing project within the same quadrant or an adjacent quadrant may be approved by the City Council. Since it would not be feasible to construct inclusionary housing onsite, the project is proposing to purchase nine (9) affordable housing credits in the Villa Loma Affordable Apartment project located in the southwest quadrant. However, the applicant has requested that the project be conditioned to allow the option to provide seven (7) affordable second dwelling units onsite. This option would require City Council approval of the affordable units prior to issuance of building permits. D4. Chapter 21.95 -Hillside Development Regulations The proposed project is consistent with the applicable Hillside Development Ordinance restrictions for development of steep slopes, slope height, grading volumes, and slope screening. The project will not disturb natural slopes exceeding 40%, the proposed grading volume of 6,137 cubic yards per acre is within the acceptable range and manufactured slopes are well below the 40 foot maximum allowed. Future structures will be required to provide the necessary top of slope setback where applicable. E. Council Policy 66-Livable Neighborhoods The Livable Neighborhood Street Design policy is applicable to the proposed subdivision design. Due to environmental constraints, a grid pattern exclusive of cul-de-sac streets is not possible. The proposed subdivision design provides two points of access to Camino Junipero for the majority of the lots thereby providing alternate routes of travel and adequate access for GPA 03-11/ZC 03-09/CT o! 7 /HDP 02-08/HMPP 05-04 -SHELL' PROPERTY August 17, 2005 Pae 9 emergency service vehicles and emergency evacuation routes for residents. Both cul-de-sac and local streets are designed in accordance with City standards and include tree lined landscaped parkways between street and sidewalk. Pedestrian trails are provided along Camino Junipero and along "A" Street, which is adjacent to the open space parcel. F. Growth Management The proposed project is located within Local Facilities Management Zone 11 in the southwest quadrant of the City. The impacts created by this development on public facilities and compliance with the adopted performance standards are summarized as follows: TABLE 3: GROWTH MANAGEMENT COMPLIANCE STANDARD IMPACTS COMPLIANCE City Administration 170.4 sf Yes Library 90.9 sf Yes Waste Water Treatment 49EDU Yes Parks .34 ac Yes Drainage 172.5 cfs Yes Circulation 490ADT Yes Fire Station No. 6 Yes Open Space 55.46 Acres Yes Schools Encinitas Union/ San Dieguito Elementary = 20 Yes Middle= 16 High school = 16 Sewer -Leucadia Waste Water District 49EDU Yes Water-Olivenhain Municipal Water District 10,780 GPD Yes V. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW Staff conducted an environmental impact assessment to determine if the project could have a potentially significant effect on the environment pursuant to CEQA Guidelines and the Environmental Protection Ordinance (Title 19) of the Carlsbad Municipal Code. Potentially significant biological and noise impacts were identified. The developer has agreed to mitigation measures to reduce the identified impacts to below a level of significance in accordance with CEQA. The environmental documents were sent to the State Clearinghouse for circulation in addition to being sent directly to the area offices of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and the California Department of Fish and Game. In consideration of the foregoing, the Planning Director issued a Notice of Intent to Adopt a Mitigated Negative Declaration for the project on December 26, 2003. Comments were received from the US Fish & Wildlife Service and the California Department of Fish & Game. Based on comments received from the wildlife agencies, the project was revised and a Recirculated Mitigated Negative Declaration was prepared and noticed on February 10, 2005. Additional comments from the wildlife agencies were incorporated into the Mitigated Negative Declaration. GPA 03-111zc 03-09/CT 0'17 IHDP 02-08/HMPP 05-04 -SHELLI PROPERTY August 17, 2005 Pae 10 ATTACHMENTS: 1. Planning Commission Resolution No. 5951 (Mitigated Neg. Dec.) 2. Planning Commission Resolution No. 5952 (GP A) 3. Planning Commission Resolution No. 5953 (ZC) 4. Planning Commission Resolution No. 5954 (CT) 5. Planning Commission Resolution No. 5955 (HDP) 6. Planning Commission Resolution No. 5956 (HMPP) 7. Location Map 8. Background Data Sheet 9. Local Facilities Impact Assessment Form 10. Disclosure Statement 11. HMP hard line exhibit 12. Reduced Exhibits 13. Exhibits "A" -"Z" dated August 17, 2005 SITE MAP Site • N NOT TO SCALE SHELLEY PROPERTY GPA 03-11/ZC 03-09/CT 02-17/HDP 02-08/HMP 05-04 ~ACKGROUND DATA SHEET • CASE NO: GPA 03-11/ZC 03-09/ CT 02-17/HDP 02-08/HMPP 05-04 CASE NAME: =-Sh=e=ll=e_,_y~P=ro"""p=e=-.crty..__ ___________________ _ APPLICANT: Ladwig Design Group REQUEST AND LOCATION: General Plan Amendment to redesignate property from RL to RLM and Open Space and Zone Change from R-1-40,000 to R-1-10,000 and O-S and subdivide and grade the developable area of the parcel into 49 residential lots. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: That portion of the east half of Lot 6 of Rancho Las Encinitas. in the City of Carlsbad, County of San Diego. State of California. according to Map thereof No. 848, filed in the Office of the County Recorder of San Diego County. June 27. 1898. APN: 223-061-01; -02 Acres: 81.31 Proposed No. of Lots: 49 residential/3 open space GENERAL PLAN AND ZONING Land Use Designation: """'RL=M=/--=O--=S _____________________ _ Density Allowed: =-3=.2c....:d=u/::..:a=c..::..;re=-------Density Proposed: -"-'1.=8--'-4--=d=u/:...a;a=cr=-c:e'----______ _ Existing Zone: _R_-1"---_4-'0~0_00 ____ _ Proposed Zone: _R_-1_-_10~0_00 ________ _ Surrounding Zoning, General Plan and Land Use: Site North South East West Zoning R-1-40,000 P-C City of Encinitas County of San Diego P-C General Plan RL OS City of Encinitas County of San Diego (OS) RLM PUBLIC FACILITIES Current Land Use Vacant Vacant Residential Vacant Vacant School District: Encinitas Union/San Dieguito Water District: ~O~li~v-=enh=a=in~------- Sewer District: Leucadia Waste Water District Equivalent Dwelling Units (Sewer Capacity): _49~---------------- ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT IZI Mitigated Negative Declaration, issued _Fe_b_ru_a_ry __ l_0~, 2_0_0_5 __________ _ D Certified Environmental Impact Report, dated ______________ _ D Other,, ___________________________ _ CITY OF CARLSBAD • GROWTH MANAGEMENT PROGRAM LOCAL FACILITIES IMP ACTS ASSESSMENT FORM PROJECT IDENTITY AND IMPACT ASSESSMENT: FILE NAME AND NO: Shelley Property -GPA 03-11/ZC 03-09/CT 02-17/HDP 02-08/HMPP 05-04 LOCAL FACILITY MANAGEMENT ZONE: 11 GENERAL PLAN: =RL=M~/O=---"S'------ ZONING: R-1-10 000 DEVELOPER'S NAME: "-Fa=ircc....O=-a=k=s---'V-"a=lle~y_,_, =LL=-C=---------------- ADDRESS: Ladwig Design Group, 703 Palomar Airport Road, #300, Carlsbad, CA 92009 PHONE NO.: (760) 438-3182 ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NO.: ---'22=3--0~6_1-~0~1 ·_-0~2'------- QUANTITY OF LAND USE/DEVELOPMENT (AC., SQ. FT., DU): ---'49_1-"-ot=-s _____ _ ESTIMATED COMPLETION DATE: -=U=nk=n=o-'-'-wn~-------------- A. City Administrative Facilities: Demand in Square Footage = 170.4 sf B. Library: Demand in Square Footage = 90.9 sf C. Wastewater Treatment Capacity (Calculate with J. Sewer) 49EDU D. Park: Demand in Acreage = .34 ac E. Drainage: Demand in CFS = 172.5 Identify. Drainage Basin = Encinitas Creek F. Circulation: Demand in ADT = 490 G. Fire: Served by Fire Station No. = 6 H. Open Space: Acreage Provided = 54.7 I. Schools: Elementary 20.14 Middle School 5.4 High School 5.4 J. Sewer: Demands in EDU 49EDU Identify Sub Basin= Leucadia Waste Water District K. Water: Demand in GPD = 10,780 GPO L. The project is 7.67 units below the Growth Management Dwelling unit allowance. ~ity of c!rlsbad IAFUUOH·l•J§•tlii,,iiihl DISCLOSURE STATEMENT Applicant's statement or disclosure of certain ownership interests on all applications which will require discretionary action on the part of the City Council or any appointed Board, Commission or Committee. The following infonnation MUST be disclosed at the time of application submittal. Your project cannot be reviewed until this information is completed. Please print. Note: Person is defined as "Any individual, fn:m, co-partnership, joint venture, assoc1anon, social club, fraternal organization, corporation, estate, trust, receiver, syndicate, in this and any other county, city and county, city municipality, district or other political subdivision or any other group or combination acting as a unit." Agents may sign this document; however, the legal name and entity of the applicant and property owner must be provided below. l. APPLICANT (Not the applicant's agent) Provide the COMPLETE, LEGAL names and addresses of ALL persons having a financial interest in the application. If the applicant includes a corporation or partnership, include the names, title, addresses of all individuals owning more than 10% of the shares. IF NO INDIVIDUALS OWN MORE THAN 10% OF THE SHARES, PLEASE INDICATE NON- APPLICABLE (NIA) IN THE SPACE BELOW If a publicly-owned corporation, include the names, titles, and addresses of the corporate officers. (A separate page may be attached if necessary.) Person PA t.l l E: L \, <; ,Hfll/c:. Y Corp/Part __________ _ Title OW f.) flt Address f>.o. So~ "Z>O'l f S"" ftJCPUrN\-$ CA,-. t'.120'1-3 2. OWNER (Not the owner's agent) Title ---------------- Address _____________ _ Provide the COMPLETE, LEGAL names and addresses of ALL persons having any ownership interest in the property involved. Also, provide the nature of the legal ownership (i.e, partnership, tenants in common, non-profit, corporation, etc.). If the ownership includes a corporation or partnership. include the names, title, addresses of all individuals owning more than 10% of the shares. IF NO INDIVIDUALS OWN MORE THAN 10% OF THE SHARES, PLEASE INDICATE NON-APPLICABLE (N/A) IN THE SPACE BELOW. If a publicly- owned corporation, include the names, titles, and addresses of the corporate officers. (A separate page may be attached if necessary.) Corp/Part ____________ _ Title ___________ _ Title ______________ _ Address __________ _ Address _____________ _ L-cooS- 1635 Faraday Avenue• Carlsbad, CA 92008-7314 • (760) 602-4600 • FAX (760) 602-8559 @ .. 3. NON-PROFIT OR~ATION OR TRUST If any person identified pursuant to (1) or (2) above is a nonprofit organization or a trust. list the names and addresses of ANY person serving as an officer or director of the non-profit organization or as trustee or beneficiary of the. Non Profit/Trust ---------Non Profit/Trust __________ _ Title -------------Title ______________ _ • Address ___________ _ Address _____________ _ 4. Have you had more than $250 worth of business transacted with any member of City staff, Boards. Commissions. Committees and/or Council within the past twelve (12) months? D Yes IX'.] No If yes, please indicate person(s): _____________ _ NOTE: Attach additional sheets if necessary. I certify that all the above information is true and correct to the best of my lmowledge. Signature of owner/date PAl'-/IU---r .2//(;ZLE-Y Print or type name of owner Print or type name of applicant Print or type name of owner/applicant"s agent H:ADMIN\COUNTER\DL :CLOSURE STATEMENT 5/96 Page 2 of 2 SHELLEY PROPERTY .. ~ c:::-. _,. --.. I I CT 02-17 HDP02-08 PIJDQ2.ij9 -----1----l----..,,..-""l"-T"l""""__._,,,..,...,..-,-"7'f';,.--~,....,_~"n"""c'.:'i'i:P"~:J";'CT"'1""ITT""i'!J'.""i:F~F~-:t;,,~,~+• ,\ I ,, .1 1~# .. / - 1 f; , ., ~ -.WU LM:MIIA -~ ~ f, '." --, \ '1 \ I\ r1 11 11 Ii '\ Lot C OPEN SPAC!,' __ ..,,.. •1VfJIL--OWMUl!tlP-,. ll!ll!ll'W1ls '111:8 , .. -..... ,t:ln,ll.,..,..._ ·--...... , ... N111'1H 0//f IMO MQJ.Qtfil 1«1 mcM P1IE,. .&n,.•a, lSOOII£ rM1. tor A 6: LOr C •IIMUfli!Dff /llfEA (lm/lTlll!tff9 IOMIC.-D.U11 qu1,c.-41.G7W H.lf:W ====t:: :~::. ====i:~~=~: :i::::: Mft1i ~ .w::11 IJQ.U')[ "l'W,QJJ ru. IUl'U PW9 t~ CF...,. 9'CiClW 8lYQQ NE Ol/f llOP( ~;/1 , •• / ~ .. ff• / . "' ' fot iJ Ol'JJV SPACE \: \ ·., \ t \ \ \ \ \ \ GQ.lltN SrNt (P£R OCIIIISI¥) u:DlfllPW:l'lilfEAo..J.Oe/C lifOJC.MW:!'WA•0.7'ACI Nlt-N -- \ \ _..,.,. --------_._J IMNfllT JI' """r,m Wl'Hffl __ ..,.._ ..,.._ ... ,... "flfr0t'F11.fP5mBPHlf ""' ~u:.-- ..... ... o.tO IC. ldli....- .. ,. ... ........ et ....... IIIPACT AIIIIA/OPltN WAC/I lflf11JBl'I' l-10DIOS/04/tll SIUT10F1..,- UID■te DESIGN IMIOVP, INC. JQ3PA..QtN'P;~PQD "'""" O'!PlSEIA0.01~ Pt-lONE (760) 4!8-3182 FAX {7~7! .. VICINITY MAP HOT ro SCA/..[ LEGAL DESCRIP770N A/laffJIIOFTIEOsr/llUOFI.DT60FllltNQIJLAS DCNZ1S. • »E a,r or 0ll'IS8IO. coum or SM1 tEU sr,vra,ColUn'N4.M:t:allJ«:1DIMP~AO.al,4 IUD• r,crnr:corr,cctJUITYRU:QIIIJ(/iOf'SM/DECO aum;UE17, ,,_ SHITT INDEX SIEET _,,,,,.,.. 11R..£SIEC1'•1«JTES SfflDltLOTEXHIBITl:rABW" ,., ""'""" ,_,, S1IIECTMOl'USl:amts " ""'-"" ts ,,,,,_,,,.,,. " ,..,..., " --" "-- -DIM) W{D USE SUMMARY • 41 fl-I 9Gl I.M.Y l.OfS JOPENSl'JIC!"WTS 1'!HlDTillll£OltSHE'IT:JRJR U11-- ASSESSOR PARCEL NUMBERS ,,,,...., .. , t2J-#l-<J1 Jllf!:f£B rNllGIIIS"IIIUCf,I.J.& ..,..,.,. DOftitt OllRWMli 9ZC12J-D6J8 ~0::-:::.0 APPLICANT ADDRESS ---JVJMlllMll'IIIPDRrMliltl ""'"'° ---MI/IE{Tfl))4JIJ-Jl61 fAX(11D)~l1J NPDES NOTE; A1IIEJM#llllfS1Dllll'IIUl1i'WIWiD/OffPWIHASBEDI PIIE1'IIIIED 1Cl6 11IS PIIOECT DA1ED HOY. 2,1 20tH. P05f C<MSRU:IIQIIS11itt'n1141.(llh/DDllffl)ll:IJl)(f/VT NlCIIOTtMICD ID: I) 1GEWD 5M'.C -SEC «TAt SHEEr llt1 J 1}.m:IIWDIWIIIIDfllDi!S" ('W:)aINrCUtll'NEl'BJIS<ETJlfTHIMJID'tO/I; NrtJMJOIIB)N,wsrJllW;fDJII) "' ~IMNMcJIDlrOlrDialSf/SlD'lll','I.~ "' £Q1N.Lront1M"Sl'ffl'MN'ffllllfDllrrH£CITY -J}SfOIIII/IIMl,ut~ ©2004 O'Doy Consultants, Inc. -,., . arr or~ Nit or IYIMWJI. TENTATIVE MAP FOR SHELLEY PROPERTY CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA ... ~ \\I. UlCll»IIMS7E"Mlln'RDtSTRCT . tV,8MMI ~ .IEl'I' DtS1'fCT SMI/JIIliUR)IDISQICQ.DISflllCT .....,.,,.,,.,,,, . _.,.., a,x_,.,,..., .arrorCMIUBIO ar,a,- "''""' ,,_,.,.,.. R-I-IO,tJ00111Jas(SEENO'f(11fSSHEET} '"'"" '''"""" 11.JIAOE" INDEX MAP EARTHWORK QUANUTlES cur:~c.r. l'IJ.: JJJ,J11C.Y.• ~INCUJDES,o,64/IG:Y.ltc.«).JIJlffR(J #OIC:SR"SIUTIS/otl/JIITOIM.llfQIIMIIQit 0'50' rer 1£ k· SCME:1· .. 200· ·" IEf1(lPAtl( M!;4 WI..£~~ .,,. -(',Z:) (''!.,-) .,,,,,,.,, ,a--, """"" _,,,,, """' _, _, """"""""""-.M'.li4GZ'• 0'4 g:f}/SIMU FMJ..Y INT 4'145'•Jtilll5CPD ,_,,. ,.,, "'A 111.71 -,,_,,. .,, ·• .,, ,.,.,"' "'-"'' ,...,.. .,. ... .,, .IIUEJEHDIIUIWD "'" . ., ' . ., ... W.ROWY. --"' D -=---.,, = .... •2UJ X l2 • nmw N07C: n1M1S~HAP'OSEZIIMTS•DIIOMNIIG'MJJMl8£WTS m;oJD -UIT- DacSCTI/IIX,-, .l'IIU'll5Blllli!Hf4'...-r. """"""""""" flllD/flOS£DINIUIIJER. .l'IIU'll5BI 1W) EUll1kW. flfD'OSEDDAlUillrUE. /lffOPCX!ilD,.,W!lllllE. CXl57N ,.. ~. PIKJPO!ilDHIIIIO',,,,,,. --""1RJSl/JS1/ll!lTlQI{ .. fWJl'CSEDSfORIIDIIMI. .l'IIU'll5BIS!ISl'.W41W .. flllD/flOS£D•l'BrWM. /lflOP05EDalEJf'W~. JlflIE: SHEET 1 OF 18 SHEETS C.T. 02-17 H.D.P. 02-08 G.P.A. 03-11 z.c. 03-09 45 P-485.4 lll,IJIIU ,WU: ltl'IOIIPJl1IT IIJlilll -11£ ISSlllll 10 MIJJfl ~ Sil/IDS AS 11Er MC tDII/IU1A JlflIE: SD1M&K 7rJ • IIE1l1llllilB AT aE or lllJIII. /UIIT IMS• arr or~ mu 11 8'16/ifJ talllMa' R/11-1 ZtJ/1£ DtSDO 8'r: .....GA..__ EW(: ...JlliL..Dl_ 11111M ~ ..J.I..__ SCM..£: .JUillat.._ PAO,£f ~,108 N).Ji::UIZ_ ENaND: O,llml(: .... .... lOTAffii TAflE .8fJf:ifD I OT MMIElllM': ,., (OfA.f!A'IU ... .-- f ,,,., 11714 , ,,,., ,,- J ,.,,, ,.,,, ' ,,,,, ,_ -,.,,, ,or,,_, litr-I f l 2 J J ' f7,2ll .. ,, ' ''""' -, 141.Ja ...., . ' , , ' ' , """ ' , ,,.,., ,..,,, , , , , ,, ,,,,, ,_ , ' If ,,,., 7,llf " ,,_,., ,,,,,. " r,,sn ,,.,, " ,,.,,, . .,, ,, ,_ ,.,., fl ,.,,, l(J,07/ ,. fV18 ,,, ,, ,z.1a . .,, ,, ,,,,,. 7,,214 tJ 1~721 .,.. ,, U,1.J6 ,,. " to " " fl " tJ " " ,, IS ,, " ,, ,, J7 ,, JI " ,, 10 ,. ZS lf,f,IJ .,,, " l1J.Jfl ""' " " ,, " 27 ,.,,, .... ,, ,,,,,, 11.617 ,. """ ,.,,. .,, ,,,,,, ..,, ,, ,,..,, .,,, ,, 1£S10 ,;,, ,, ,, ,. " ,, ., ,. ., ,, n JI ., JJ ,.,,, ,.,,,, ;u ,..., 7Mf ,, ,,.,_,, .,., JI ',., .,, ,, ,, .., " Jr Sf J2 .,, J7 ,,,,, ,,,,, ,. ,.,,. .,,. ,, 1£120 <UJ » ;u ;u JJ .,, J2 ,,, ,..,,. ,..,, " ,,_ ,, ,,_ ,.,,, ,, ""' 1,711 ff ,,~ ·-,, 12.121 ,.., ., ,..,. I ,, ..., ~ ., ,..,. -" -,,,. ,, ,, ,, JD ,, ,, • " ,. ,, " " " " ,, ,, " ,, ,. ,. -,. ,.,,, 1~::"°1--:--bi !!!'.: 12 Zl1Aai!3" /J 1().S,f~ ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, .. .tfJ <DTA fl ""' fJ ,ore ,. " f=llf(f Jt.(NACf(tS ST ,,,.,., 6.IS""1E' -,-,,,,, 11..JIA(:1{£$ J'tllJEl«- ~~~,x:w _,,_ ,mpg /QT S£C1ION ,.,,,.,,,., ©2004 O'Doy Consultants, Inc. TENTATIVE MAP FOR SHELLEY PROPERTY CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA -, I I \ I I \ \~ -------\ ~\ /i ,,.. = \ --'==i~!~,!/'~if':~~~~1/-½/!~/#~,4'~~~-~::::==~-""===-=-~~-=--,_ ------___ _\-----..,,., .. _ SWNl IHll / 8E1fJI omu. ,.,,.,,,,., NOit: /ERi/ 1D IE ClJ/ll5'JfllK:T RII RAlliE au. FOUIIOM#'DIOIS~ 1rJ!MT.SJ:IIIDIIIIIIDDtGtr,ICcotS11il&IED --- /1 / / ~ O' 3M' i& 400· 5Clt[:1"•20d LOT EXHIBIT ,r "' ,,, ,,,. SHEET 2 OF 18 SH££7'S C.T. 02-17 H.D.P. 02-08 G.P.A. 03-11 z.c. 03-09 ,.. £. F .t PQlf1X/N OF 8 S1IIEETS (CU.-DE-StCS1IIEEIS} -·-~ PIBIC) ,,,. ,r ,r ~ c; O .t PQlf1X/N OF 8 S1IIEETS -·-~PIBIC) ~ISIIIJff.Eu»IIED 'tl,M~" """"""' ,,,. ,r A STIIEET It OF OIIIIIO JtNFfl10 {IElJl()S£ /JIIM) ..... ~PIBIC) ,,.J!!; 11·;rt1 ~~~~-~~-~==?--"''-==----'<:_~~ SPEaffC ,_ ~ ~ "81tf SJMU V1ZIZE DtlSnNG AIM MIJ AHnM SUIFK:ESIIEMIOS:5SIAr11£1161E$T -11M M'IOBElf1S SMIJ. IJC Milallt.1#) NtJr ICl9S£ CAIMRJ/ft.fCVDIS7IMMa°MJ,'°'OIOSIDlilDMRlf" -Njlllf",111£1 IBfL .,,.,DU 0 ,_j ..,,.) w.KIR tfHlEIIW_ STIIEET WIDTH sm:lWIIRY -IIIFRrJl,fJ/£1( -·-CMI/NOJ/lffR(}(ll£IIIOS£/JIIM) Rllam.U.Y42alS DA1tfFFREPMAIDt£141fXN. DmND 9'1':---'A.,__ 1»,1£::...B...ZllL.,_ i-..,,....ii£...__ !IICiil.1: ..AS.Jll!IL._ l'IICl,l!CTIGlt,...J....0..._,aMO.:....lt::::: ..... .... Ra: DOI♦ ·,1' .,· ,'~;: ·,:. ,..._7,1 ,A}!g f _~ • -"J!..\/ ' ;SCMt; 1•-/40• HIP tW P IIQQlflEQ Q-,Y WING WAl.l. NOTTOSCAU ©2004 O'Doy Consultants, Inc. • • Y/LLAe,.Es§oF Df corm/ wr 116 .. <"··)f,,--J/~"' SHE5:f{t '%/!ft .,,, -------H.t>:P. 02-08 IEl$Elt .JU..YI; 1«lS &WlC<FJ'lll!ll'MAa'Mt O£l:. IC 1(1(11 03-11 03-09 DCSQCDlf:......GA...,__Dd(:....1lr....JIIIL ...... lf:.....A..,___SC.U:~ flllf0£TIGl.:...I...JOL...OND.....li:::::llL ""' """..., IICt: JIH.f .... --·----··· •••••• ;;;~~-:,', __,.-~ft:/ ©2004 Ciooy Consutta~ts, Inc. OQ ~ ft...JIA....__ om,.......____ --~......__IC#,&£:~ -~.;;:.,,,....,;:;:,.. _ _,~~-'l'IIO.E"l'IClt.:...&..n.......101 NO.:...lt::::IJ c~rs moi,_,"';:.': a...,....... --c::,~ = ~ ,._.,... SHEET 5 OF 18 ~ C.T. 02-1, H.IJ.P. 02-08 G.P.A. 03-11 z.c. 03-09 Ci2004 ◊'Doy Con$Ultonts, Inc, u;;::-,., 02-08 03-11 03-09 SHEET 7 OF 18 SHECTS C'),T. 02-1? 02-08 03-11 03-09 +---~ .,: ", ,/" > .,,// C/ I ' ' / ©2004 O'Doy Consultants, Inc. tt\Ofl1G7\IMOnaa.t.M Dl,2D05lll__,, ------- gp_ _41..o_ ct>2004 O'Day Consultants, Inc. I 8+00 I 9+00 1 I ]0+00 I 11+00 I 12+00 A STREET SCALE: 1°=6' YER11CAL / "=40' HORIZONTAL ffl8D•Jl+f4JJO fflalf=411L# I 13+00 I 14+00 I 15+00 I 16+00 IIDISED:.U.Y(8»s IJA1CITAll9"Alif.W IJ£l:, ,c z«N SHEET 9 OF 18 SHEETS C.T. 02-1? 410 420 H.O.P. 02-08 G.P.A. 03-11 z.c. 03-09 I 17+00 ~'\~ DDDG>ln':--'A,__OUl!..Jlli..al.._ V ... ....,--"--SCIU: .JI.Illa_ -s:Ii□I□21'1b::r-PIIO£T ~.m NO.:...it=llflL CON~TS fflll __ _ ----...Sl-7700 __ ,_ -iiiiiiitria' ~ .. --....... '10- I 1+00 ©2004 o'Oay Consultants, Inc. FINISH CjL G/WJK ; / I 1+00 / / / / LKXIS1'1NG GROUND • C/L / I 2+00 I 2+00 E STREET SCJLE: 1"=8' YEIITICJ.L I 3+00 I 4+00 / "=Ill' H0/IJZ0NTJL / / " / ~/ / / ; // / / EXTS'fOIG GROUND ti C/L'! / _,, / ' . / . / / / • l'INJSH C/L GIWJE I 3+00 I 4+00 C STREET I 5+00 SCAU: /"=8' VKKTfCJ.L 1"=40' H0/IJZ0NTAL I 6+00 I 7+00 I 8+00 ' SH££T 10 OF 18 SH££TS C.T. 02-1'7 H.D.P. 02-08 C.P.A. 03-11 z.c. 03-09 _.., '-C/L G/WJK KIIST/NC CHOUND • C/L__/.......__ --, I 1+00 I 2+00 ; F STREET SCJLE: 1"=6' m1m:u; / "=40' H//ll/ZONTJL .,,, __ _ -~ ---~ J 3+00 otSDGft'....JiA....__DIUE!....llli....lll .-ni~~.Jl..llaL_ l'IDIEC'l'~.dNO.._li:::llll_ I /+00 I 1+00 ©2004 O'Doy Consultants, Inc. ,,,..., fflffl•Jd ffl/lUf• 46116 FINISH C/L GRA/JE I 2+00 I 3+00 D STREET sr:AIJ!: !'=II' rERTICAL 1"=411' BOR/ZONl'M. I 2+00 10/l'PI:' fflSD>rR+SO ffl,U:,•Of.N I 3+00 I 1+00 I 4+00 _,,. I 5+00 I 6+00 I 7+00 B STREET / sr:AIJ!: /"=8' IZR77CAL !"=40' BOJIIZONl'M. / / / • ,,-n / / 5 / ·~ / h //n / I 8+00 / I 9+00 / / / / / / / / I 10+00 / / I 11+00 ..tf1CSm .UY4JOD5 DATEOFPfiB>MATIOtDEC.l(ICOI, SHEET 11 OF 18 SHEETS C.T. 02-17 H.D.P. 02-08 G.P .A. 03-11 z.c. 03-09 I 12+00 -- I 13+00 I -I 41+(1(1 ©2004 O'Doy Consultants, Inc. I 4Z+oo l1N1S1l C/L fiBAJJE PER DFG NO 397-/C I 43+oo I u+oo CAMINO JUN/PERO (MELROSE DRIVE) I /HOii IIC'1JI: 1"=41' - J"alQ" II01mON1'.U. I 48+(1(1 I 47+oo I -I - l'fISD•._ l'fIIU'l=444.MII I 5IHOO I ISJ+oo M'HSEZt'.U..Y(.ttrJS IMIEOf'All!'Jl'MAJIW,f& 1(1fJlN. SHEET 12 OF 18 SH££TS C.T. 02-17 H.D.P. 02-08 G.P .A. 03-11 z.c. 03-09 I liZ+oo COIIMDi,J:....JiA.__WoJt:...B...JIIL._ DIIIINtft....il.l....___SC.111.1:-.A..Jllal...._ NO,£T~.,ceNC>.:...JH::::l I l/5+{1(J I 53+(J() I 66+00 ©2004 O'Day Consultants, Inc. FINJSH C/L CR,408 ... ., lff.ffll:,:lilJHJIJ l'flJlllr=,-.z,fJ I 66+00 I ~ff/(} I fllffl/J I II/HOii CAMINO JUN/PERO (MELROSE DRIVE) I 7Z+o0 ~ 1•=11· l'llllmU ---- I 113-H/O ,ifNSBl:,U.Y£2fJt/$ lM'IEOFAPMAD-IJE&. ,CNN SHEET 1.J OF 18 SHEETS C.T. 02-1'/ H.D.P. 02-08 G.P.A. 03-.11 z.c. 03-09 I - DmGICBW'!..JiA....__Qlln:....&.JIIIL_ ~ sr:....J.I....__ SCIU: _._...__ PIIO,IECT~ ... ~ ..,_..., ACE:-· SLOPE ANALYSIS LEGEND IW41> WU CA'/'ECORY ..£!!!.. FOR □IJ-lUSUJPZS .... SHELLEY PROPERTY D 16--IU S/JJPES ea., . -Z5--"1%S/IJP88 1.0 -4ff AND QD&DI' 81JJPES di L-· I';--~_-·',•, ',;~✓:·/,_:~!~~-~.~--~::_.(,-f, .. ,>'·3:W?· ~i,:/r:~a~~ ~ ?~VJ r~\, • • • ' • t1tl 4~:·~-~~ \ ··'(1,.:t~ ,: ~ ' ' ,,,J-. • ,.1 i ,', ,' 1,._,· i • : ~ .,, 1 I· , .~>'\ ' ' _:_~---' :: ,,~?: ~':!--~-_, / ~ ' ------~:................ • .. ~'\ ' -;. . --i/;&-::'.'f:· . . :.::i : .. : ,?;t_ ~ ~ '' ~ ' ''ilt-- .! __ ~ if~tf ,.;..~---~:. ·~-- : / • --:--~--' ---~l~ ~~--- ©2004 0'0oy Consultants, Inc. SHEET f.l OF 18 SH££TS C.T. 02-,-J? lPPT ff' ftlfM 4 H.D.P. 02-08 IU% G.P.A. 03-11 .,._"" z.c. 03-09 '·"' 0./IJf + + , .... EARTHIYORK QUANTITY SUMMARY TOTAL AREA DISCR/PT10N CUT m,, IU,,S!!/~1~ Z14,'170 #0,0H• S'l'1t6ff f/N.DI/Wfn' +3,0ZO ....... UZ BUU +16,,00 -- 10" SBRJNX --+zt.no '"'"' ....... ae:l,110 • I/ICU/DIS &o.•.u C,T, IN (;MIJNO .n11t1nll0 ©2004 0'0ay Consultants, Inc. EARTHIYORK QUANTITY SUMJI.ARY CAMINO JUN/PERO (FUTURE) Dl$CIUPTION I , ... I ,,,.. MASS CIU/JJN~ 1--I fl.Zn IJIPOlfr I u.n7 I -- '"'"' [ N,117 I ,..,,., NOffS; t . .u.r; "11.Ullff .AR6 DI CVJIIC Y,UUJ$ (CY) Z. -'INAI. IUJtf'.1/roU "1l,UJID ABI fJ'flBJff'I' fO UVUI0/1, NIOSWMYMf IZICAI.Qll2SS"fMETlSHPN/CA fll$1NC/H6PIKW'rl lta/11{ (JI" NI) IICUl)M; 10tl' SIJ&H &st (l.OT1J) SQl/1H(Jl"Sl)(;IEFAJBEJl1 ,,.,.,__,,,,_ eme:NP fl.IBP 1¥' MfA 0TH CT AND IIJ..IIJII& 10tl' Sl1'ltC £t!i£ (l.OTtJ) SQVJHOl"stlailf"LiUI!: tor A •tore «laOIPT MIA Ml~ zrJ.$4AC-lS,2" JI.IJAC-..lil.lU' Zlf-1.fC-Mffl 81.JIAl:-lfXJX ltUIAC:-15.lfl UUIA&.-U.N.¥ f,:ff:tw • Q.OIAC •I.DAC •a11JAC • I.JIN:; SW:fr«:f'(l(MANfNT/MfWTS IJCEOIVIIT ,W,I ZUI AC UJTUA4f: 410AC i:;'~t:' ~-,H.16 §JHIJEILILIEF JEAllJi.J!IBJWl([))J&JK JE}!J]JJJ/JBI/1! SHEET 15 OF 18 SH££1S C.T. 02-17 H.JJ.P. 02-08 G.P.A. 03-11 z.c. 03-09 .%11"~· ...... !!!1f1aa .... ;;;;;;i.,,. SQ1U:1•-10D' ""'__..._____ ....., --------~ ~ !!/!__ !!/!__ I 6+00 .-------~GGROUND FINISH GIIJll ------------ I 11+00 / / / / / -/ --/ !!/!__ ---~~./ / 11NlSIIGR.4D~ I 1+00 ©2004 O'Doy Consultants, Inc. SECTION B-B = J"zJi()' l'U!7ctL 1"=100' HORIZONTIJ. I 6+00 I 11+00 / / / / / / / ~KXISTING GROUND / / / I 16+00 SECTION A-A SCAU:l"=ZO' l'KffiCIJ. 1"=100' H0RIZ0NTIJ. ,,.. / !!!..._1 1+00 I 21+00 FINISJf GIW1 I 26+00 EJOSTING GRO~ I / \___!!JOO SECTION C-C SOU: 1 "=ZO' l'ElmC.U 1"=100' H0lllUJNTIJ. ~~=£14,Z(XN / SHEET 16 OF 18 SHEETS / / C.T. 02-1? H.D.P. 02-08 G.P.A. 03-11 z.c. 03-09 / / / / _,,/ DDIND lt'I":. ....GA...._ c,.m .Jlli..JIIIL._ --ft ...A..._ SCM.t: .JILaaL_ -:i;:ciS•rix:o::lt.btJsc-f'll0JIIII' ~.,. N04..lt:::lllL. mo..---CM........ DIOIEEIIOl9DIIIC: -=--= = -:.= ,._..., om, 111%: -♦ 1% HJ 400' SCH.£: r-201 ©2004 O'Doy Consultants, Inc. MICt.l 1, llllln:J N'II IN---fJ CONSTRAINTS MAP FOR SHELLEY PROPERTY CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA AUal.l.1'1111113 .,,,,,~,. ~ MrA TA/JlI {fftOl'OSCJ) IJCVEUJfl,/CJfl) """ .... ('IJ.:) ('~4 _,,,.,, """"""""' _, AC11£S ,,,,,,, ... ,,. ,,.,, •FA ,,.,, , ... ,,,, U1 .,, UT OH ., ... ,,,,. ... ' . ., ... "'""" -.,, ' '""' ,.,, .,, _,,, ,.,, .,.,. llt11tt na.D"•OMOl'OSCDflllrs•Zl---AUO&lll'IMrl ,.,,.,,,. _,, --- ,,., • lf.OIDIJ SHEET 17 OF 18 SHEETS C.T. 02-17 H.O.P. 02-'-0B G.P .A. 03-11 z.c. 03-09 LEGAL DESCRIPTION 1IE FAST MAU /Jr Ulf # IJF MIOIIJ LU~ • ,_. arror~ DIJl#YIJrSMt._ srAJ¥DF' C1t1DNC. ~ Ill 1111' ...--. Ill 40 • REIJl11&l'(Jf"1Htt:tlfMTYMQalfl'OTSMI__, t«llflrOIIMEO, ,_ASII/JMNIIJ&lUII.Y AISCIEllfllED/IIMOa»tJIIME~ ,_AS IU/NliltMl SIMSMlll#l&DIIOSI, t•AS/JIJC & M-004JNMlr:Nt.-mat INC"4#MT-W1IEOSI/MU'WU,,4 JWM1 ............. ,.. .... ,, SUMT& lntll. EASEUENT LEGEND W~IASlllllll$llll,Ul61D1Tlllllaot111£"'11DIW'110f 6TIICSl/6ETDr~.IPIIUM"~ 1111111-#,WISllJflmll'' l"IIUafll' '11111'.,,,,., .cmo,, o«,IIQII 11/U A:IINW' .a aa .m. ~ RSls:taal; -,MRg Cl a#lf,lflllll-llM£ IIISt:UISED ,, mm__,,,, a, IROIII. CD M OSDIDiT 100 n ,a: m; ,r SJJ.U ,,,, ...a aq; .-M:IIJ£JIUl. ~ ,_....,,,,,...,.., l/llaS:t ,_ am,- AlamlEP~A IIIUM#X1'NT.l,,_,O,t,49Dlt- @ ~,o,ar.-:;~ITSIIIIIKRJl1111'--/IW!mlS IE1XJ«IID~A IIIUM#X1'MT.I, ftl«OIDr49Dlt.m::am:t. @ MOSBIDif't anrr,a::11DOtED1r1M1• '8911,.,.,,,,, N;IDS,.lmSS",,,, .. ~.mm:u«--. ,.,.a JJOC. .C IUJIII M #X1' atl /Ill« I.U or a9'Dli .m::am:t. ,_ £ASDIOIT_,,,--,:m,.--a.as"orlJIT70,lltll'.CM -«:HISallf'aPIIF~~OIISI/D1$fMSZO, """""'--@ "'£ASDOT. • mr amt m; ,r t/JUIDMM ...._ _,. lll!IIXT RJl/lfflllla----lWIOSa~---..,, IJIIJIIE$$.ltllfllmSS",._,~.1, tll1tASIIJC.& n-MIJID. DEJEa/llF, ,.,..,'11/1B1111t:11ll.UIIPE •RETIII:: '1IOf MUfJIO Allfl ID~ or 1IE _. Rlflf' /ll1llltl astllJlr MU £.llmD. IUDB#Z~•IIIIICTO,./llltUSlfRJIIUAU. (I) "'EA.SOD7; ,, 11B Ill; ,. IJIIJIID$ -ra:ss,. .,,,_ IWtJ/Sa OIBQJl'IIIOIIST_,,.(A....,,.safD).Ull'Nmf.SlllJ£1' Im W IDDII O, Mfl ZD-1111_., .-za.«1..-(a,.,,_,, 90/S1169,B:I0,-1Dll,llll'lll/')AIDMJl ... .l, l•AS ~-·-@MtEASDIOIT,NIOIIOIE'li..,,,llt1f/BJIN.wJ#RU,RJI IIM:UAllit/lllS$Nllff/1£$$1DIIIIIIIIJIIIIIIIJ'-.C1IYAN'l T. SNtJJLYIWIIEIDlll'ITOFNWID-#1_,,,,_....,_.{fllC l'lltllVl1 Jllt/llS Bit MJB::rDF 1IIIS 1IIIWIICIW} ota'1tl ~ZD-lfpt.ml,4~H-(ISl/911JC.~AS l1£S'CatD M Ml,_. £QIU,.,._,, Jlt t• AS 11111! .C l#l4#f.DJ. (ll Ml £ASDOT. /JI IIET amt MJD Ir IIE arr a,~ RJI ...-IWIOSa Alia:DM'a:. /JIIIII AS II/C. .C ,..._ (i)JfiC£01AfrtllUA1EIK....,,,AMIIO:A__..~ ana a,~ ,_, ....,,_.,, u QISR ..,. SIMITll 1&.,, .c 141.11. IMS 1IE ,,,.._.TD.,_ lll DD/WI,.._ 0,Ufa -4 IT, tlANIJCMll/0.....,IIO#IIJIIIIGIDDIJlf"lltll',,,...,,IDJII MatDIDIT,._, ASIIIJC.C @ DISIS~tnal'IJl/JICAllfJlfRJllflll/C_,.IUllll:Q 11),ar,a:: ~,r-C'«IITYO,MJI-IElXJ«IIDMllllJSII .. l#IASJJOC. .C#l-oR,.MIASSIIM#OJIMEltlltll'.C 11.IZf. Nltll.JW.C 111ZIIIIIIGA"""2&,_.,,._,,.,.,,,.., £ASDOT. # mr _,. .-eBlfllD OIi • aann ~ Dl1a 10 IDDII NMIU I-# a, .W, Mll:a _,, @0Ua0.cM'Dt\,,1U111ClllliCTll!lmTIIICIJl«:JflllJ10MI JCtDl1EIJIY11EaTrOF~ll/0tCSIII01MCT.C.......01 IUJJIIIM'a: .. JDIIIAS"".C 14Sl'I. 0 JIIOSDIDil'. somramcm;,r116~aJ11111Ta111Blll!IIXT llJI lfJIIJC ~"""" NIDa .....am-AltUID., ,. ,_ JS fJIXUIJlr -.. ZDI#. ~ u.rc »JS Al'ICOFFIIBWlAJDt DB:. 1¢ JtJIN 0DICND ..,,-""----llift::...Jlli....JIII .... W: .......__ IDU: .........._ 1'10.ETIIGll-:....L..ltD.....1011«>.:.....lt::l.lll =•~""=--;: cw...... OCIUJtO/Fatllll(: -_-5::S = .... ..., ..... 7 FEASIBILITY STUDY ©2004-Q'Doy Consultants, Inc. 1710--::.1:: ~ -- NOTES, "'ENERAL, I. /111..L ~Hi!, l'IIU. 1!11!! IN~~ l"UTH '91/ltli=l.lloe-21' P'ORT!-1 IN THe G-ITY Of' G~ ~ ............ :,. ~XIMA'Ta.Y i&• Of' TI-IE &!TE l'IILL Be U!:iEP P'OR ~IHI!, (ll<GJ..I.CIH6 OPEN SP....:.eJ, !5.~ZON!~, Zotel•I.JJ!,H~M6 O.l-'G.(0.151) Zote 2 -~~ ~ll<-16 21!1.0 -'G. l'S:J.ot!J ZOMI!: !5-H,l,.T'UIV,LIZIH,!, ~.....,.,MIS, 2.5~-~.0511,l ZOMI!: 4 -H,l,.TJVr: !52.1 -'G. (6!5.o511,l 4. HN.l,,OJ. l~cl,,.,tt.TION REGIJIREl-1;NT"~" ZOMl!:I-Ov'81.50" ZOMl!:::Z-10"-~· Zote !5 • ~ THAM 10" Zote4-l'ION-1Rlll6A'TE:> 5. /111..L L.,,tr,ND5G.APt ~ IOEN'TIP'leD ON THIS P'LAH SHA.LI.. ~ l"RN,O.TELY M,t,JNTAll'et> 13'1" AN "560C.IATION Of' TI-IE ""'""5 OR ~ Of' AN APPROVED LAND5G,o.Pf' Pt,OTI'UGT. 6. 6EHEAALJ.Y, l'!.JrlH'llH,!, SPE!Gle5> l'tTHIN n-t= PAO.EGT l"ULL i.lT1Ll.le L.Ot"I'. t'IA.~ DEM,t,.ND 5F'!!Gle!o. 1.~NlO~RYAAClSl"IIU.eEL~ 19R!VAT'a.Y l'IITH TtC ~ON Olf' THAT~ OH T1'115 PL"'-e,_ IRRl6ATIOl'I FOR n-t= SITE 111LL 8E AA AUTOM>.T1G..,1>,LLY GONTROU.eD' I.INOER6ROUND SYSTI;M l/SIH,!, LOl"I 6Al..LOH,l,6E !'JPIIV,.Y ~. NITH TI-IE ~EPTloM Of' ~ITl5 l"OR ~p IMJ6ATION AT ~C::/T~ l.OG,O.TJON!:,, IRRl&ATION ~LL C,OHl"ORM TO GITT' Olf' G ..... ~~ ~APe "I. A MINI""-""' Of' 1"MRU: INC:.le!o C1P OR6ANIG M.A..GM 5HAL.L ee -'DoeD TO NON-11.fQ" P'L,l,,NTit<tS, ~ l"IITH SLOPES ~ TI-L'iN !5,1. ~ ,t,D..v,.c.ewT TO cui:ee,, Tt£ 1"LILG,H ~ M,tr,,Y Ti'lf'Bt J:IOlo"IN TO ONE IMGI-I MINll'-IJt-'I. 10. A SOIL 're$T &Y A GIUALl,.-1!:0 "'6ROHOl'-415T 5HALL f'IJRTMEll !Nl"U.eNGI!! PL.ANT M,._11:ltlAl,.5 AND INSTALLATION """""'"'· II. TtC INITIAL MA.1~ ~IOD i"ULL 6e ~IGll!!NT \N C)I..R,II.TION TO~ THAT /111..L 5PEG,tF'lc;.,o,.TION$ AA.E M!:T. l:J. F'l..,.,t,HT 5PEG-le!o U5eD l"IIU. ,..VOii::> ALL ~C pef,T PL,t,N'f5 ~ L'Y TtC C:.A.1.J::PP.C. FIRE PROTECTION, PLANT FALETTI: CONCEPT STATEMENT TI-e ~ ~TY 15 LOCA:T~D ll'IITHIN ROLLIM:!o HILLS AT Tl£ ~Tl=RN ~ Of' C.~, G,A. A>t 'OLDE!: C.AL.ll"ORNI""' MISSIOH~TT'L.e THeMe' HAS~ e;Ha'!ae),I P'OR Tl-e ME16!-80RHOOP IN ORDER TO TIE INTO T!-E HISTOft"r' CJIF Tl-IE L.J,,,f,O, ll'IITH Tie ~TANOIN'5 THAT SOUTl-ERN CALIFORNIA H"5 A>t ARID ~APe. THelle 15 A Dl:SIRE TO LR~ THAT ARf DROIJ6-tiT T~RANT l"I-IILe .... T Tie 5-""£ Til-'e IJSIJ,,15 ~ TO ~DI!! VISLIAL. Ra.leP' !"ROM THE STARKNESS OP Tli!: SURAOUNDIN'5 ~-l'il'TH THe ~ON OP T!-e F~ ~-'LAND LLJSH eNTR.Y l"LANTIN'55, Tl£ ~ITY Of' PL>M' MA18'.IAL ll'IIU. BE DONf: IN A NA'IUUILISTIC., ll'FORMAI.. ~ AH ~Ol';T i"IILL ~ MAOe ~ Tl£ LAHOSC,~ TO UNITe TI-115 ~ l"IITH Tl-e ~ VI~ OP LA GOST,O. ~ TI-e ~ t-10Re: NATI~ COI.NTRT'SIDC THAT 15 TIE PREVAILIN6 IMME. TI-115 PROPERTY ll'IILL PROVIDE ITS RJSIDl:NTS A C.ONNeCTION TO THE ~N,s L.ANC> ,t,ND SIMJLTNeo.JSI..Y PROVIDE,.. URIN6 Vl!,11,o.L CONNECTION. ne c;e!,IRE) ~~C..T ll'IIU. Sf OBT,O.lt,EP eY ~TIN,5 A ~AGe THAT GONTAJN!l ll'IIMDOlo"e TO ne ~INIS HIL.l.!,,IDe,. ~ VI~ INTO THe NATIVE!' L.ANC> 1-ilLL STREHi!oTMB,I ONE'S R!:LA.TION TO THIS L.OGA.TION. HA.Tlve' F'L.,t,,NT MA.TERJAL l"IILL FR,11,J-,'1:: THE ~IHI!, .A.ReA AND 50FTet THE ED6E ~ GateTRl,IC,~ AND RU5TIC. LAND. SHEET INDEX, Tl11..E~ . . . LAHDSGAPE CONCEPT PLAN LAHDSGAPE CONCEPT f'\.AN ~ CONC~ ,.._,..,.._ ...,,,., ...,,,. , ...,.,. l"'IR!: ~ION extt1e1T MAI~ Reil"ONSISILITY EXHIBIT Fe,ic.E,1"1,11.l.LPI...A>t """'. ......,., __,. ...,.,, TR.AIL CXHlelT """'" PROJEC.T TEAM: ~ FAIR 0~5 VALLEY, LLC. F'.O. !!OX .:Z30636 e,ic.1NITA5, CA '1.:Z~3a (85"') 156-56-46 LANQSGAFE A!¼HITEC.T • ADL PI...ANNIH,!, AS,SOC,IA~ .:Z"l1"1 STATE STRB:T, $UrTe'. C c..ARL.5BAO, CA. "1:200& ("160) 12'1-8661 ~ O'OAY CON5V..TANT5 7110 w;,i,:;eR AVE. HEST, SUITE 100 CARL.!:ieAD. CA '1.:Z008 (160)"91-1100 ~ ~ P~R. AIRPORT f"f0/1.D, 511': 500 C.ARL5eAD. CA '1:200<! (160)-0&--,1&.:z I. TI-IE GITT' Of" GAAL.SB.AD LAHDfGAPE ~ FIRf ~TION~l~~N"l"\.Y'TOAU.. H;l,1UIV,LIZIH6 N-IO !"ER.I~ SLOPE>. • NOTE -PRECISE &TRl:ET ~E LOC. .... TIONS &HALL ef: AD-.l.l&TED TO AVOID CONFLICT l"IITis RESIDENTIAL DR.IVEl"IAY& :2. FIR!!~ AND ~Y'/MAJNTBolANGE ,t,.G,GE~ -'Rf: ICENTlFIED ON "THe TEK'l"ATIVE: I-IAP. 9. A60'Fl~a.t9"~ZONl:19~0Nn-t= P!..,o.1,1 l"OR LDT!!> ADJ,A,,G,E!MT TO O!"!!N 5PAG-E. ~ 5HAU... ~ LIMITE:> TO THI: OIITeR :20' Of' -;::-!'A~ AHD !!PAGED NO LE55 THAI'< ::zo l"EET JAIATER CONSERVATION, I. ZONE I PLANTIH6 l"IILL BE': RESTRIGTEC> TO C,01-'!MON USE ARCASANDeNTl':T'STA1'&'e,!TA~. TURl"MA.Y'~U5e0 IN nESE LOC,ATlOl'E>, LIMITW TO~ O'Y'ER i!i,IJ< F'Ef::T i"I.IDE AND Ui<>eR 4, I Sl.OP"!:. 2. AU.~ 1";,,c:.IN6 OPeN !!F'.-.C.E ~ ~ T~TONAnJRAL.IU:.. 9. ALL PROP05ED f"L.ANTIN6 ARE!AS !itiAL.L !!e ~TED l'\ITH SOIL GOHOITIONERS TO\~ AND Rf!TAlli !:oOIL t-!OISTIJR!:. 4. ~T', ~ I.!, NO ~L."'1~ l"t,,",.~ AVAII.A1'!.t. TO TIE $!Te, HOi'IEVER, l"'INA.l. L..Al<)SG,Af>!: c.oNSTRIJCTION Pl.ANS SHClULD SE Dt$16NED !"OR. SUC:.1-1 ~ AVAIL.AelLITI' OR CONVERSION. 5. ~ MA.T~l'UAL!I 5!-IOl"N ON ""LAN -'Rf: APF'RDl"RIATI: ~TIONSONL.l'. FL,.t,,NTMA~AI.SrcRr:~~ POR nEIR L.OY'l--i"IATER OEMANO. FINAL f>ELEGTIClte> AAE. TO BE DETERMIIED ev L>.NOSCAPI!: ARGl-llTECT IN FINAL. Pl...>J',I, !"ER. GIT'!' STANDARDS. t>. "THe l"I~ Pl.-'N 5HAU...~ XE:Rl~Pe l"RIMC.IPI.~ AS ~I~ IN THI!; GITT' Of' GA~ L.-o5C,,AF'E --"I. ~ JNGMl;!S Of' MJl...CH 1'1I1.L BE U5eD IN H0'-1-TVRl" AREA!> TO ~ MOIST\.RE I..OSS. TRAILS I. Pe.0!$T1'!.l,',t,I TRA.ILS T1-IRO..liS'-I AHD ALON<S TliE ED6E OF THE N,O,ru,v,L OP'eN ff".-.C.E ~ ee l"'eR nc 'TRAIL ~IBIT", ~"-2. FINAL DESI.SN~ C>l!:TAILIM6 Olf' AU.. TRAIL E~ St!ALL.. COMPL'T' 1'11TI+ "Gin' Of'~ GITYHH:>I!: TitAILS ~RAM" POLIC.15, REGUIRf~ AHD Sl'ANOAROS IN EF~T AT TIME OF CONS~TIOH m c~i]:;:;;;;:" 2! QIERCUS VIR61NIANA, 501.JTI•ER.N l.lVE OAK h'A!>HIM6TONIA ROEIUSTA, Ml:XIC.AN f"'AN PALM ....... t N~ 5 6ALLON, 905111 I 6ALLON) • CAAPeNTERJA C.AllFORNIC.A, EIJ5H ANEMONE C.CANOTH.15 SPP, CALlf"'ORNIA L!LAG cu.NOlaJS\IERRLIGOWS,l'!Ali;TS~GENiOTKIS CENIOTlfJ5 To-ENTCF.l.1$, RAMONAaAAOTH/5 15c.ALLONIA SPP. f.ETEROMELe5 ARelJTIFOLIA, TOYON lEPT~ SCOPAAU-1, tEl'I ZVll.,IIIV TfA '!RfE RAPHIOLEPIS INDIC.A, INDIAN HAl'miORN ~ C.ALIFORNIC.A, C,OFFEE6ERRY ~ OVATA. $US,AA etJ:,ii ~INI./S OITIC.INALIS, ROSEM .... RY 5 .... LVI .... LE\Jc.ANTHA, MEXICAN SA61; ""'""'"°'"" f3ACCI-IAR.IS PILU!..AR.15, COT'OTE BRUSH fSCUS.AINVILI..f; .... GfAHCrnv.;~~ZOMTAI.IS'l'~POlkT',C.AR/'ELC.~ ~Ol"i"IC.AHAl.JS~T'llAM',l'RAIL.11,16~ l1JRF-MARATrlON v,,es eouoS .... INVILLE"" C.~IS,TRIJMPeTVINE CLYT~TONAGALLIST?610IOE5,Vl~T TRLl'ffTVIIE !:llSTIC-MBJCGINATORIA,~D"J"Rll,ffTVIIE f"ICUS PIJMILA, C.REEPIN6 P'I<!:, ~ ~ICATA VAA. Of>WATA, SH( DI~~ PAATHENOCIS51J5, l:IOSTON IVY lt-rr'ERNALIREFINED SLOPE; TFtEATME;HT (ZONE :2) ,.... (1~6iOLLOMMINII-U1.i Rtt.1$ L,",,t,IC,EA, AFR.IC.AN 5(.IMAC I.P,.1-t.1!:, PARVll"OLIA, CHINESE ELM \.ME.LL,V,RIAC.Al.ll"OAMC.'o.,c.,l,Lll"'Ol'IMIAI..~ ....... (90lll ,6Al..1.0t-(,.505llil6...u.ol() COTONE .... STER LACTELIS, c.oro,-.e.AST!:R !!:SC.ALLONIA SPF' 1-iETEROME:Lf:S ARelJTll"OLIA, TOYON lEPT~SCOF'AAllii'l,~ZfAI..ANOTV-Tlil:f 'Vo.l"'I-IIOLEPIS INDIC.A, INDIAN HA~THORN ~ INTE5,R.il"OLIA, LEMONADE eeRRY R.O!,I-\ARl1'1.15 ~IC.INAI..IS, ROSEMARY SALVIA LBJCANTI-IA, MEXICAN s .... cse °""""'°""" eo.J6.AIHVILLEA ~1!.R.ANIUM INCA~M. C.RANESBIL"-~AAI-Ol"'l'IG!AIIAL.fS~TRAM', IRAll.1"6 ~Al'l:T' SA1m::::11..t~Ol""4AE,::.l'P~,LA',l?l,ICl!RCOTTctl LANDSCAPE CONCEPT PLAN SHELLEY ~;;;,;;:·=== 1 ~· · · I~:~-· LMERSTROEMIA INDIC.A, CRAPE KT'R.1\.E ' PLATHl.15 RAGEM05A, ~A STC.At-lORE ~ 1.NEDO. STR.Ai,,eERRY TREE • GUERCVS ""5RIFOLIA, COAST LIVE OAK ~A 6!V,ICDU"'L~ 'LITTlf IS&f, ~ MA6/IOUA • " ... GlUERGU5 VIR6INIANA, SOVTI-IERN LIVE OAK • SAMeuc.us MEX!C.ANA. MEXICAN ELDERBERRY 6"~ COVER i.f'"lfl0-U1,.AAIA C.ALIFQRNICA, CALIFORNIA L'<IRa 6AI.IR.A 'SISKIYO.J PINK', 6AURA , GERANIUM !NC.ANJM, CRANESBILI.. , . !Sl-tl'1IB5 ROSMARJfVS OFFIC.IANAL.15 l"ROSTRAlllS', TRAll..11115 RO!cHAAY ' f50ll 5 6Al.LDN, SO. I GALLON) ~Ta.lNA C,HAl-!AfC.l'PA'1.~, LAveNDE!l c.onct1 C.ARPENTERIA CALIFORNIC.A, 61.JSH ANEHONE TURF-MARATHON CEA~TH.15 SPP, C.""1.IFORNIA LILAC ACCENT/PRO. JECT IDENTITY TREATMENT (ZONE I) ,.,,,. (.:Z◄" eoxMIMII-U-1) CITRJJS SPP 1..""6eRSTROEMIA INDICA, C.RAF"I!: MYRTLE Pt-40E!ilX C,....._IEN5lS, c;..o.HARY ISLAND PALM )'1ASI-IIH,!,TONIA RCEIJSTA, "11;.><IC.AN l"AN PALM ~ 6ALl.ON, $Olli I 6ALLON.I ~~~~~~~•£;:~-,,Pl.ANT ARTEMISIA 'POl'ilS CASTLE' C.E,l,.NQTI-l.l:, SF'P, C.ALIP'ORNIA Lil.AG C.ENtOTl-l/5~. l'W'!.T STS+E!:l GEAMQntlS C.EANOTl-lJS TOMENT051JS, RAMONA e.eANOTHUS K.NIP!,OFIA WAR.I ..... RED i"-IOT POKER RAPI-IIOLEPIS INOICA, INOIAN I-IAV'ITHORN R05MAR11'1.15 OFl"ICINAL.IS, ~ARY STRELITZIA SPP .. BIRD OI" P .... FlAOI~ ...,.,.,COYER 6AUR.A ";,ISK!YOU PINK', 6>.UR.A l'WSI-IARll«6~1Akl,i.15l"ROSTJI.Alll5',TR.AlliH6""'51:M.oRT' 6ERANIU"I INC-N,UM, C.RANES61LL SAHTC\.INA01""4AE,::.l'PAAl-,LA..acelC.Ol'Tctl l1JRf'•MARA11-10NI-IYE!IRIDP'l!.~C v, .... EIOl.!6AINVILLEA CAMPSIS, TRUMPET VIN!: C.LYT05TGM>.C.All.lSTE6101!:lES,VIOU:TT~TYIN!; c,1snc.Mi,x:,clAATORIA,EILOO!:l-ltfDTRlj!,fttvit,e FICUS PIJMILA. CREEPIN6 Fifi, UJNIC.EAA Sl..eSf'IC.ATA VAA. reu:>ATA, 5NI CIIE60 I-IONl:'1'9X:.~ PARTHENOG-ISSUS. 60$TON IVY CENIOflfJS~.l'W':TSre+IEC>C.EANOnt!S C.EANOTH.15 TOME:NTOSl/5, R""M<::lNA CEANOTJ-US C.OM),,ROSTAPtfl'USOIVCRSll'OLIA,Sll+Ell.tOI..LY 1..EONOTIS LEONURl!S, LION'S TAil.. Ml~AIAtANTI>Gi.15,STic.KY~~ RI-IAl'-INlh C.ALIFORNIC ..... C.Ol"P'CE8ER.RY Rf.US 0V AT A, SU6AR 9../Sfi R.IBES V16URNIF01.1UM. CATALINA PER.FLR-'IE TRIOiOSTEMA LANA.TUM, l"IOOLLY etJ}E CURLS """"""°""" l<,K..IA REl;Ol.Elt5 'DE'5f:RT CAAl'!:'.r, F"'-05TJI.A"Te ,"G/1,(;.I/\, A TRIPLEX C.~. l"OJR-r'IIN,S 5AL ~ BACCHAR!S PILULARJS, COYOTE ~H CE....-i!>nt.15 611.JSB.6 fiORIZOITAl.15 '!'"'"'-EE POINT',C.AAMB. CREEPER Pe:t.STEM,::.,i 5F'EC.TASILl5, SHCW!' PENSTEMON RG8IAAIM OFFIC.IAkl,i.15 'l"ROSTRAlllS', TJI.All.11115 ROSEM.oRT' NATIVE!' H'l'DR05EED MIX TO GQNSIST ~, A6RQSTIS PALLENS (BENT C::,RA5e,) E~ZIAC.AL.IFORNC.A/C.AUFORNIAPOF'Pl') ERIOF'HTl..UMC-OtFER.TIFLOFl.M/60l.OENT'AAROY'\I LASTl-lENIA C.ALIFQRNICA (60LOFIELDSJ LAYIA PL.ATYG!..OSSA (TIOY TIPS) I..OTl/5 SC-OPAAM.IS VAR SGOPAAll.lS (COASTAL. oeazy£Eoj L.UPINIJSTRJJNCAT\J'SO"IOQDLUPINE} M!M.U.IS Al,.RANTI~ i'U'IIC.EIJS /RED MONKEY FlOl'ER.) NASSEU.A PULCI-IIV>. (BARIO'IORTI-!) NEMOl"'I-IILA MENZl61 /BAeY BLI.C eYESJ 51SYIIJNGelll.M6EI..UJM/e,t.L.IFORNIA El.LE EYE!:l 6RA:6) VERBeNA "-""5105TACHY5 (Vl:R6!:NA,I WLPIA MIC.ROSTACHYS (\/ULPIA) YIC.INITY MAP ADL ~L PLANNING iti-.t ASSOCIA.TtS ---at::L L A N O P L ,._ N N I N 0 LANOS<;,U>E "ACHITl:,;:TUAE 2"7" ST,._TE: STFIE:ET SUIT£ C C _. II C S B _. D. ~ ... t 2 0 0 B Pl~lll·III> ru P•~>ll·lll< 9-B!TIC I CP' 6 , ,Offii SPACE LOTl4, ao• 5El'£R • TRAIL EASEMENT l'Oftnvr.lLE)GIIBITM,l,f',~!Hf'l"e LANDSCAPE CONCEPT PLAN SHELLEY PROPERTY ,C VEGETATIVE 5l'IALE -' 20' STORHl)RAIN EA5!;MENT LEGEND, □ INTERNAL F<EFINED SLOFE D YE6ETATJYE SJl"i.ALE □ EXTERNAL D ,.A,C.C.ENT/PROJEGT NATIJRALIZIN<S SLOPE IDENTITY TREATMENT □ PA~Y 6ROI.JND C..OYER. 50UNDl"IAU. l'ffllvrtel"I.JrrHT'EDAT.,,._ NOTES, !. FOR FIRE SUPPRESSION MAP, SEE SHEET 5 a, FOR MAINTENANCE F<ESPON51El1LITY MAP, SEE SHEET b I..>, N D PLAN N IN Cl 1.ANOSCAPE ...... CHITECTU .. 11'. :2'1711 ST,U( ,ST .. (IT $UIT'I: C CA~ L S I A 0, C,. I 2 0 0 I Pl'l!ll·Ull ">:Pl'l>ll·llll LANDSCAPE CONCEPT PLAN SHELLEY PROPERTY 6UILDI~ SETI:!ACK LINES (TYP) PER CIVIL PLANS LEGEND, □ INTERNAL REFINED SLOPE □ PARK!",AY <SROUND WYER NOTES, bO' FIRE SUPPRESSION AREA l"Cll'.l"lltE~t-W'.!!'Cf,i,er, I. FOi<. FIRE SUPPRESSION MAP, SEE SHEET 5 2. FOR MAINTENANCE RESPONSIBILITY MAP, SEE SHEET 6 ' ' OPEN SPACE LOT tO 20' TRAIL EASEMENT FOR l'AAIL~~.se: SlfET'e 60' FIRE 5UPPRE5510N AREA 30' OMY<I> EASEMENT 100' SD54E EASEMENT '-A N Cl .. o_ ... N N I N Ci lANOSCAPE: ARCHITl!:CTU ... I!: 211'111 STATE: ST .. EIIT !IUITI!: C CAR'-S8A0. CA. 92001 ~ I'• -40' . "' . CONNECTION TO NATIVE TRAIL NAnll'ALIZIN6 SLOPE ·- ,I I_ • I, I I 'I, I, j ,,-,' •. - OFEt,"5PACE: LOTl4 / , LANDSCAPE CONCEPT PLAN SHELLEY PROPERTY 20'')'1'-TER I TRAJL -- l"at.TIVIII..ElOIBIT~;~SHm"6 LE6END, ~ INTERNAL ~ REFINED 5LOPE □ □ EXTERNAL NATURALIZIN6 51.0PE ': i'. ' eo' oM¥ttf EAsEMENT , -SUILDIN6 5ETEACK 'LINES /TYPJ ; PER CIVIL PLANS, NOTe51 !. FOR FIRE 5UPPRE55lON MAP, 5EE SHEET 5 2, FOR MAINTENANCE RESPONSIBILITY MAP, 5EE SHEET 6 ,OPEN~~E 'LOT·r.3 AOL -----=====hi_ PLANNIN~-~L ASSOC IA TES~ ~AND P~ANNINC ~NOSCA"'I!: ....... CHIT(CCTU""E 2P7PSTATEST""E:ET su,Tl:C c A~ L $ 8 A I> CA a 1 <><>a ,,..,,,.,.,, ru•v•-11,-111, W'FI FIRE SUPPRESSION EXHIBIT LAND5CAPE CONCEPT PLAN SHELLEY PROPER.TY LEGEND, 60' FIRE SUPPRESSION AREA • TRe:.E5 LIMlreD TO OIJTI:R 20' OF FIRE:. ElUFFER ZONE AND PLA<,ED NO <,LOSER THAN 20' APART (PER <,ITY OF <,ARL56AP LAND¾APE MANUAL) ' ./ ,·, • ~.5PA<OE .•. LOT IS , AOL~ PLAHNING L ASSOCIATES , L.. L A N □ ~ L A N N ! N C, I.AN0$C"~E ~CH•TECTI.J .. E 2971> STATE STREET SUrTE C CAIOL$IAO. CA. 92001 (fl.»1·11ll ,.,,(fHPll•IJI• ICM.e I' " IOO' ..... MAINTENANCE RESPONSIBILITY EXHIBIT l-ANDSCAPE CONCEPT PLAN 5HEL.L.EY PR.OPERTY LEGEND, HOHeOt'MCFW ASSOCIATlON MAINTAINEP • P!tJVATEl.YMAlNTA'NEJ:l ~ -PA"-Kl"(A'(i; AR.E TO 6E MAINTAINEJ:> 6Y THI, HOMEO>'INE"-'& AS50GIATlON -P!tJVA'TI!: • F"-ONT YAF<P!> ARE TO 6E MAlNTAINED 6Y nlE HOM!:Oll'INE/it, t.Wl-"SS OTHEl"J"l!Se SFEClFla:> -~"' ., p \,. .... 'I .. ' .. 4 1..ANO&CA,,.E: ,..,.,:;...,-.tc'l'u,.C: ::n;i;t t.T ... Tt 'STO(CV s.v,T«: C ~><ML$ f 4 ~, ~ "-1 'l O D f (!Uj>!>•lO,l f>l:Pi<t'li•H1' "'"""' .u, LEGEND, TI-£ME >'!ALL/SOUND >'!ALL VIEl'i FENGE PRIVACY FENGE ('MO i'OO'D mot.IMS-i"ll'mN 100 FT. Of' l"lltOM1"c.i6£ Of" P'll'E ~OH ZQe:J QEilQ!Ll-PRIVACY >'!ALL ~-VIEi"! >'!ALL FENCE $ Jl',jALL EXHIBIT LANDSCAPE CONCEPT FLAN SHELLEY FR.OFER.TY THEME/ SOUND Y'IALLS _,.,.,...,..__11>r11t11.-- ~11~,-&1'"".:,._ PRIVACY FENCE l'MOl"IOODFEMC.1""9ol"CITHIHIO:,l"T,Of" """'"'1 ~ Of" l"IIIU!. ~OH zo,cJ !.. AN O P <..AN N IM G LANP!ICA.l"E ARCHITECTURE 2979 STATC STllll!:ET su,TE C CAIISSIIAO, C"-020011 (Uljlll-UI> rH:{llljllt•lll♦ ew,,e 5/10/0!5 a-l!EJ"NDI 1 CFi 6 TRAIL EXHIBJT --..--.....eewi.,-.,_,NOT,___~-l.l'al!c>a...-NC>ll:llll_.l"O~TIYI!'-. A. NATIVE AREA TRAIL L..ANDSCAFE CONCEPT FL.AN 5HEL..L..EY PF<OPERTY B. PARK>'lA'( TRAIL 5AMPJ..E TRAIL ENTRANCE MARKER ~ -P~YS ARE TO 6E MAINTAINED 6Y THE HOM!:O-'S A550CIATION. t>~t.:t'M~ ~:t ~-liku~JON AND OTHER APPROPRIA-re TI<AIL lt>ENTIFIC.ATION AND C.ONSTRLJC,TION SHAJ..l. BE PER THE MOST ~ C.ITY OF C.ARLSE>At> TI<AIL STANJ:>AROS. rui..ri OMaNl'fl' JD . .,._.1110,, b Of" b