HomeMy WebLinkAbout2009-08-05; Planning Commission; ; GPA 07-05|ZC 06-04|SP 203C|LCPA 06-03|CT 06-15|CDP 06-22|HDP 06-05 - TABATA RANCHThe City of Carlsbad Planning Department A REPORT TO THE PLANNING COMMISSION P.C. AGENDA OF: August 5, 2009 Item No. 0 Application complete date: NIA Project Planner: Jason Goff Project Engineer: Steve Bobbett SUBJECT: GPA 07-05/ZC 06-04/SP 203(C)/LCPA 06-03/CT 06-15/CDP 06-22/HDP 06- 05 -TABATA RANCH -Request for a recommendation of adoption of a Mitigated Negative Declaration and Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program and Addendum; a recommendation of approval for a General Plan Amendment, Zone Change, Specific Plan Amendment, and Local Coastal Program Amendment; and a request for approval of a Tentative Tract Map, Coastal Development Permit, and Hillside Development Permit for the demolition of an existing single-family home, and for the subdivision and grading of a 2.9-acre site into eight lots (5 residential and 3 open space lots) on property generally located on the north side of Poinsettia Lane at the westernmost terminus of Lemon Leaf Drive within the Mello II Segment of the Local Coastal Program and Local Facilities Management Zone 20. I. RECOMMENDATION That the Planning Commission ADOPT Planning Commission Resolution No. 6614 RECOMMENDING ADOPTION of a Mitigated Negative Declaration and Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program and Addendum, and ADOPT Planning Commission Resolutions No. 6615, 6616, 6617, and 6618 RECOMMENDING APPROVAL of a General Plan Amendment (GPA 07-05), Zone Change (ZC 06-04), Specific Plan Amendment (SP 203(C)), and Local Coastal Program Amendment (LCPA 06-03), and ADOPT Planning Commission Resolutions No. 6619, 6620, and 6621 APPROVING a Tentative Tract Map (CT 06-15), Coastal Development Permit (CDP 06-22), and Hillside Development Permit (HDP 06- 05), based on the findings and subject to the conditions contained therein. II. INTRODUCTION The proposed project consists of the demolition of an existing single-family home, and the subdivision and grading of a 2.9 acre site into five residential lots and three open space lots. The project site consists of three parcels of land, which are generally located on the north side of Poinsettia Lane at the westernmost terminus of Lemon Leaf Drive. The project site is located within the Zone 20 Specific Plan (SP 203), Local Facilities Management Zone 20, and the Mello II Segment of the Local Coastal Program. The proposed project requires a General Plan Amendment (GPA), Zone Change (ZC), and Local Coastal Program Amendment (LCPA) to change the General Plan and Local Coastal Program Land Use designations on the property from Residential Medium Density (RM, 4-8 du/ac) to Residential Low-Medium Density (RLM, 0-4 du/ac ), and to change the City Zoning and Local Coastal Program Zoning designations on the property from Residential Density-Multiple with a Qualified Development Overlay (RD-M-Q) and Limited Control (L-C) to One-Family Residential (R-1). A Specific Plan Amendment (SPA) l"\ . ., GPA 07~05/ZC 06-04/SP 203(C)/LCPA 06-03/CT 06-15/CDP 06-22/HDP 06-05 -TABATA RANCH August 5, 2009 Pae 2 to the Zone 20 Specific Plan is necessary in order to reflect the proposed General Plan Land Use change. The project also requires a Tentative Tract Map (CT) to allow for the subdivision of the property, a Coastal Development Permit (CDP) to allow for the demolition of the single-family home and for development within the Coastal Zone, and a Hillside Development Permit (HDP) to allow for the development of a site containing slope gradients equal to or greater than 15 percent and slope elevation differences greater than 15 feet. The GP A, ZC, LCP A, and SP A require the approval of the City Council. The approval of the CT, CDP, and HDP are final at the Planning Commission. The LCPA requires further approval from the California Coastal Commission (CCC). The project is not located within the Appeals Jurisdiction of the Local Coastal Zone, and therefore the Planning Commission's decision on the CDP is not appealable to the CCC. The project has been reviewed for environmental impacts and no significant unmitigable impacts were found. As designed and conditioned, the project is consistent with all applicable standards and policies, and the necessary findings to approve the project can be made. III. PROJECT DESCRIPTION AND BACKGROUND The project site consists of three parcels totaling 2.9 acres in size, and is presently developed with a two-story single-family home. The site is bounded on three sides (north, east, and west) by existing single-family homes with lots ranging in size from 10,585 square feet to 30,150 square feet. Poinsettia Lane is directly abutting the site to the south. Access to the site is being provided from Lemon Leaf Drive to the east and Lonicera Street to the west. The existing adjacent residential subdivision to the north was created as part of the Mariner's Point project (CT 91-12), which allowed for the development of 186 single-family residential units on lots ranging in size from 7,500 to 21,670 square feet. The existing residential subdivision surrounding the project site to the south (across Poinsettia Lane), east, and west was a part of the Thompson/Tabata project (CT 98-14), which allowed for the development of 238 single-family units on lots ranging in size from 6,000 square feet to 1.7 acres. Topographically, the site slopes downward in elevation towards the west from a high of approximately 305 feet above mean sea level (AMSL) at Lemon Leaf Drive to a low of approximately 250 feet AMSL at Lonicera Street. No native vegetation, natural drainage areas, or wetland habitat exist on the site. The site has a General Plan Land Use designation of Residential Medium Density (RM, 4-8 du/ac) and Zoning designations of Residential Density-Multiple with a Qualified Development Overlay (RD-M-Q) and Limited Control (L-C). The Local Coastal Program (LCP) Land Use designation and Zoning is consistent with the aforementioned. The project requires a General Plan Amendment (GPA 07-05), Zone Change (ZC 06-04), and Local Coastal Program Amendment (LCPA 06-03) to change the General Plan and LCP Land Use designations on the property from RM to Residential Low-Medium Density (RLM, 0-4 du/ac ), and to change the City Zoning and LCP Zoning designations on the property from RD-M-Q and L-C to One- Family Residential (R-1). GPA 07-05/ZC 06-04/SP 203(C)/LCPA 06-03/CT 06-15/CDP 06-22/HDP 06-05 -TABATA RANCH August 5, 2009 Pae 3 A Specific Plan Amendment (SP 203(C)) is also required to reflect the proposed land use change and bring the Specific Plan into conformance with the General Plan. The project site is located within Planning Area D of the Zone 20 Specific Plan. The Specific Plan establishes permitted land uses and development standards for Planning Area D, which are listed in Chapter VIII, Section E (Pages 114 -119). Under Section E.2.a of Chapter VIII (Pg. 115) of the Specific Plan, the General Plan Land Use designation is described as follows: a. General Plan Planning Area D is composed of two General Plan Land Use Designations: RLM (Residential Low-Medium Density, 0-4 du/acre) on the east side of the Planning Area and RM (Residential Medium Density, 4-8 du/acre) on the west side. The ridge line which generally follows property lines serves as the dividing line for land use designations. The applicant is requesting the following text amendment to Chapter VIII, Section E.2.a: a. General Plan Planning Area D is composed of two General Plan Land Use Designations: RLM (Residential Low-Medium Density, 0-4 du/acre) on the east side of the Planning Area and RM (Residential Medium Density, 4-8 du/acre) on the west side. The ridge line1 which generally follows property lines1 serves as the dividing line for land use designations with the exception of a 2.9 acre area generally located north of Poinsettia Lane and west of the ridge, which shall have a General Plan Land Use designation of RLM where topographic constraints justify development at a lower density (see Exhibit 3 - General Plan, Page 7). A modification to Exhibit 3 -General Plan (Pg 7) of the Specific Plan also accompanies the proposed text amendment, which reflects the proposed boundary shift between the RM and RLM General Plan Land Use designations and shows the 2.9 acre project site falling within the RLM designation. The Zone 20 Specific Plan (SP 203) was originally approved in 1993, with the first amendment (SP 203(A)) approved in 1996. SP 203(A) designated the Villa Loma and Laurel Tree affordable housing projects as two available off-site combined affordable housing projects to satisfy inclusionary housing requirements for projects being developed within the Zone 20 Specific Plan. The second amendment (SP 203(B)) was never realized and was later withdrawn. In addition to the four legislative actions, the project also requires a Tentative Subdivision Map (CT 06-15), Coastal Development Permit (CDP 06-22), and Hillside Development Permit (HDP 06-05) for the demolition of the existing home and also for the subdivision of the site into eight lots (five residential and three open space lots). The proposed residential lots (Lots 1-5) range in size from 10,094 square feet to 19,313 square feet, with developable pads ranging in size from 9,500 square feet to 10,100 square feet. Lots 1 and 2 will take access from Lemon Leaf Drive, while Lots 3-5 will take access from a new public street extending perpendicularly from Lonicera Street. No residences are proposed for Lots 1-5 at this time, and therefore architecture is not included. However, the 'future development of custom homes on each lot will require the GPA 07-05/ZC 06-04/SP 203(C)/LCPA 06-03/CT 06-15/CDP 06-22/HDP 06-05 -TABATA RANCH August 5, 2009 Pae 4 Planning Commission's approval of individual CDP's for each proposed home and architecture will be considered at that time. Open space Lots 6-8 range in size from 3,061 square feet to 24,214 square feet and consist primarily of landscaped manufactured slope areas and a drainage basin for the project. Each of these lots will be encumbered by an open space easement and privately maintained by a Home Owners Association (HOA) established for the project. Project grading requires 19,600 cubic yards of cut, 2,400 cubic yards of fill, and 17,200 cubic yards of export. Overall, the project grading follows the natural slope of the site, and is compatible with the adjacent residential pad grades. IV. ANALYSIS The project is subject to the following plans, ordinances and standards: A. Carlsbad General Plan Residential Low-Medium Density (RLM) Land Use designation; B. One-Family Residential (R-1) Zone (Chapter 21.10 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code); C. Zone 20 Specific Plan (SP 203); D. Inclusionary Housing (Chapter 21.85 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code); E. Subdivision Map Act and the City of Carlsbad Subdivision Regulations (Title 20 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code); F. Mello II Segment of the Local Coastal Program, and the Coastal Resource Protection Overlay Zone (Chapter 21.203 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code); G. Hillside Development Regulations (Chapter 21.95 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code); H. Habitat Preservation and Management Requirements (Chapter 21.210 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code); and I. Growth Management Ordinance (Chapter 21.90 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code) and Zone 20 Local Facilities Management Plan. The recommendation for approval of this project was developed by analyzing the project's consistency with the applicable regulations and policies. The project's compliance with each of the above regulations is discussed in the sections below. A. Carlsbad General Plan Residential Low-Medium Density (RLM) Land Use Designation The existing General Plan Land Use designation for the site is Residential Medium Density (RM). The RM designation allows for the development of single-family, two-family, and/or multiple-family residential dwellings within a density range of 4-8 dwelling units per acre (du/ac) with a Growth Management Control Point (GMCP) of 6 du/ac. The project site has a net developable area of 2.9 acres. At the RM GMCP, the site would yield 17.4 dwelling units. However, development of the site in a manner that would accommodate this number of dwelling units would 1) require a significant amount of grading to the site, which would be inconsistent -with the City's Hillside Development Regulations (C.M.C. Chapter 21.95), and 2) would require a higher density residential product type (i.e., attached or multiple-family), which would not be as compatible with the existing surrounding single-family homes that are developed at RLM densities (0-4 du/ac) on lots ranging in size from 10,585 square feet to 30,150 square feet. Therefore, given the topographic constraints of the site combined with the existing surrounding GPA 07-05/ZC 06-04/SP 203(C)/LCPA 06-03/CT 06-15/CDP 06-22/HDP 06-05 -TABATA RANCH August 5, 2009 Pae 5 single-family residential projects that are developed at lower densities, the project applicant is proposing to change the General Plan Land Use designation of the site from RM to Residential Low-Medium Density (RLM, 0-4 du/ac) and develop the property with more compatible single- family lots at a similar density as the surrounding single-family development. As such, the resultant project density is 1.7 du/ac, which is 12.4 dwelling units below the RM GMCP and 6.6 dwelling units below the bottom of the RM density range, but within the RLM density range (0-4 du/ac) and below the RLM GMCP of 3.2 du/ac. Pursuant to Government Code Section 65863, the City may not reduce the residential density on any parcel below that which was used by the California Department of Housing and Community Development in determining compliance with Housing Element law, unless the City makes the findings that the reduction of residential density is consistent with the adopted General Plan, including the Housing Element, and that the remaining sites identified in the Housing Element are adequate to accommodate the City's share of the regional housing need pursuant to Government Code Section 65584. The GMCP is used for the purpose of calculating the City's compliance with Government Code Section 65863. However, consistent with Program 3.8 of the City's certified Housing Element, all of the dwelling units, which were anticipated toward achieving the City's share of the regional housing needs that are not utilized by developers in approved projects, will be deposited into the City's Excess Dwelling Unit Bank. This project will deposit 12.4 dwelling units into the City's Excess Dwelling Unit Bank, and these excess dwelling units will then be available for allocation to other projects. Accordingly, there is no net loss of residential unit capacity and there are adequate properties identified in the Housing Element allowing residential development with a unit capacity, including second dwelling units, adequate to satisfy the City's share of the regional housing need. In addition, both the RLM and RM Land Use designations have density ranges suitable for housing for above-moderate income households according to the City of Carlsbad's Housing Element. The proposed project density at 1.7 du/ac is consistent with the proposed RLM (0-4 du/ac) General Plan Land Use designation. While the proposed General Plan Land Use designation change from RM to RLM and the proposed subdivision will result in 12.4 dwelling units less than that anticipated by the Housing Element, the City has adequate land available in the above-moderate land use density categories to adequately accommodate the City's share of the regional housing needs for the above-moderate income group pursuant to Government Code Section 65584. In addition to the above, the project complies with all elements of the General Plan as illustrated in Table A below: GPA 07-05/ZC 06-04/SP 203(C)/LCPA 06-03/CT 06-15/CDP 06-22/HDP 06-05 -TABATA RANCH August 5, 2009 Pae 6 TABLE A -GENERAL PLAN COMPLIANCE USE, CLASSIFICATION, PROPOSED USES & ELEMENT GOAL, OBJECTIVE OR IMPROVEMENTS COMPLY PROGRAM Land Use The project site as proposed Five (5) single-family lots are Yes will be designated RLM proposed for future construction (Residential Low-Medium of detached one-family Density). RLM anticipates dwellings. one-family dwellings at a density of 0-4 du/ac with a The project's density of 1.7 GMCP of 3.2 du/ac. du/ac is within the RLM density range of 0-4 du/ac, and does not exceed the GMCP of 3.2 du/ac. Housing Provision of affordable The project is conditioned to Yes housing. pay an affordable housing in- lieu fee per dwelling unit in order to provide their proportionate share of affordable housing. Public Safety Review new development The project includes or has been Yes proposals to consider conditioned to provide facilities emergency access, fire to ensure that the development hydrant locations and fire proposal complies with public flow requirements. safety requirements. Open Sp€1,Ce & Minimize environmental The project does not impact any Yes Conservation impacts to sensitive resources sensitive resources. within the City. Utilize Best Management The project has been designed in Yes Practices for control of storm accordance with the City's water and to protect water Stormwater regulations. It has quality. been conditioned to implement Best Management Practices (BMP) for water quality protection, to comply with the City of Carlsbad Standard Urban Stormwater Mitigation Plan (SUSMP), Order R9-2007-0001 issued by the San Diego Region of the California Regional Water Quality Control Board and with the City of Carlsbad Municipal Code. GPA 07-05/ZC 06-04/SP 203(C)/LCPA 06-03/CT 06-15/CDP 06-22/HDP 06-05 -TABATA RANCH August 5, 2009 Pae 7 TABLE A -GENERAL PLAN COMPLIANCE CONTINUED USE, CLASSIFICATION, PROPOSED USES & ELEMENT GOAL, OBJECTIVE OR IMPROVEMENTS COMPLY PROGRAM Noise Residential exterior noise An Acoustical Site Assessment Yes standard of 60 dB(A) CNEL was prepared for the project. and interior noise standard of According to the report, the 45 dB(A) CNEL. project site is impacted by traffic noise originating from Poinsettia Lane. No exterior mitigation is required since all proposed noise sensitive areas will not exceed the residential exterior noise standard threshold of 60 dB(A) CNEL. However, the project has been conditioned in the form of a mitigation measure to require an interior noise analysis prior to the issuance of building permits for the construction of any future homes on Lots 3, 4, & 5 to ensure compliance with the interior noise standard of 45 dB(A) CNEL. Circulation Require new development to All roadways (including curb, Yes construct all roadways needed gutter, and sidewalk) needed to to serve the development. serve the development will be dedicated and constructed prior to, or concurrent with, site development. The proposed circulation system is designed to provide access to each of the proposed lots and complies with all applicable City design standards. B. One-Family Residential (R-1) Zone (Chapter 21.10 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code) The project site is presently zoned Residential Density-Multiple with a Qualified Development Overlay (RD-M-Q) and Limited Control (L-C). The L-C Zone designation is given to previously annexed properties and is an interim zone for areas where plans for development have not yet been formalized. As part of this project, a Zone Change from RD-M-Q and L-C to One-Family Residential (R-1) is being proposed. This will result in the Zoning for the site being consistent with the proposed General Plan and LCP Land Use designation of RLM. The proposed Zoning GPA 07-05/ZC 06-04/SP 203(C)/LCPA 06-03/CT 06-15/CDP 06-22/HDP 06-05 -TABATA RANCH August 5, 2009 Pa e 8 is also consistent with the existing R-1 Zoned properties to the east. The proposed project meets or exceeds all applicable requirements of the R-1 Zone as demonstrated in Table B below: TABLE B-R-1 ZONE COMPLIANCE STANDARD REQUIRED PROPOSED COMPLY Lot Size minimum 7,500 sq. ft. 10,094 to 19,313 sq. ft. Yes Lot width 60 ft. (measured at front 60 ft. or greater (measured at Yes setback) front setback) 33 ft. for cul-de-sac lots 33 ft. or greater (measured at (measured at right of way) right-of-way) C. Zone 20 Specific Plan (SP 203) The project site is located within an area subject to the Zone 20 Specific Plan (SP 203). SP 203 provides a framework for the development of the vacant properties within Zone 20 to ensure the logical and efficient provision of public facilities and community amenities for the future residents of Zone 20. The project is specifically located within Planning Area D of SP 203, which is composed of two General Plan Land Use designations (RLM and RM) and is generally separated by a meandering ridge line running the length of the planning area in a north-south direction. Land east of the ridgeline is required to be designated RLM and land west of the ridgeline is required to be designated RM. The project site is located directly on the ridgeline as it falls away to the west and therefore carries an RM designation. However, as discussed above in Section "A", because of the topographic constraints of the site a lower intensity development would be more appropriate. Therefore, the project is proposing an amendment to SP 203 in the form of a map change to Exhibit 3 -General Plan (Pg. 7 of SP 203) and a text change to Section E.2.a (Pg 115 of SP 203) to reflect the proposed land use change from RM to RLM and thus bring SP 203 into conformance with the General Plan (See Attachment No. 4 for specific language). The project will be proposing fewer dwelling units than were originally anticipated by the Zone 20 Specific Plan, therefore no impacts on City facilities will result from the project. In addition to land use compatibility, the project is compatible with all other provisions of SP 203 as demonstrated below in Table C: TABLE C -ZONE 20 SPECIFIC PLAN REQUIREMENTS STANDARD REQUIRED PROPOSED COMPLY Affordable Housing Smaller residential The project has been Yes developments (6 units or conditioned to pay the less) shall contribute a fee inclusionary housing in- in-lieu of providing on-lieu fee (see Planning site affordable housing. Commission Resolution No. 6619). GPA 07-05/ZC 06-04/SP 203(C)/LCPA 06-03/CT 06-15/CDP 06-22/HDP 06-05 -TABATA RANCH • August 5, 2009 Pae 9 TABLE C -ZONE 20 SPECIFIC PLAN REQUIREMENTS CONTINUED STANDARD REQUIRED PROPOSED COMPLY RV Parking 25% of the lots with The project has been Yes adequate side yards to conditioned to provide 2 accommodate RV lots with adequate side parking. This side yard yards to accommodate RV shall have a minimum storage (see Planning level area of 200 sq. ft. Commission Resolution with a minimum No. 6619). dimension of 10 ft. (25% of 5 = 1.25) 2 spaces required. Special Design Criteria An average 50 foot, The proposed single-family Yes landscape setback from lots maintain an average 50 Poinsettia Lane shall be foot landscape setback provided concurrent with from Poinsettia Lane. development. D. Inclusionary Housing (Chapter 21.85 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code) Since the application is proposing less than 7 dwelling units, Chapter 21.85 (Inclusionary Housing Ordinance) allows the applicant to pay an inclusionary housing in-lieu fee for each dwelling unit in lieu of providing 15% of the total residential units as affordable to lower income households. A condition requiring the payment of in-lieu fees has been included in Planning Commission Resolution No. 6619. E. Subdivision Map Act and the City of Carlsbad Subdivision Regulations (Title 20 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code) The Engineering Department has reviewed the proposed tentative tract map and has concluded that the subdivision complies with all applicable requirements of the Subdivision Map Act and the City's Subdivision Ordinance. All major subdivision design criteria have been complied with and the project is conditioned to install infrastructure improvements concurrent with development. The developer will be required to offer various dedications (e.g., drainage, public utility) and will be responsible for a number of public and private improvements, including but not limited to curbs, gutters, sidewalks, sewer facilities, drainage facilities, water line facilities, fire hydrants, and street lights. The project has been designed in accordance with the City's Stormwater regulations. It has been conditioned to implement Best Management Practices (BMP) for water quality protection, to comply with the City of Carlsbad Standard Urban Stormwater Mitigation Plan (SUSMP), Order R9-2007-0001 issued by the San Diego Region of the California Regional Water Quality Control Board and with the City of Carlsbad Municipal Code. GPA 07-05/ZC 06-04/SP 203(C)/LCPA 06-03/CT 06-15/CDP 06-22/HDP 06-05 -TABATA RANCH August 5, 2009 Pa e 10 Mello II Segment of the Local Coastal Program, and Coastal Resource Protection Overlay Zone (Chapter 21.203 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code) The project site is located within the Mello II Segment of the Local Coastal Program. Development of the site is also subject to and is consistent with the requirements of the Coastal Resource Protection Overlay Zone. One of the primary requirements of the applicable coastal regulations pertains to the conversion of agricultural land to urban use. No agricultural uses currently exist on the site, and the project site is not identified as Map X "Designated Coastal Agricultural Lands." The project is further consistent with the policies of the Coastal Act in that, a) the site is geologically stable; b) the project has been designed to reduce the amount of runoff off-site through the use of Low Impact Development (LID) design features and has been conditioned to implement the National Pollution Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) standards; c) the project does not preclude any recreational opportunities or shoreline access as the property is located approximately 1.3 miles from the Batiquitos Lagoon and Pacific Ocean and therefore no coastal access area or water oriented recreational activities exist on or near the site; and d) the development does not obstruct views of the coastline as seen from public lands or public rights-of-way. The development is subject to the Coastal Resource Protection Overlay Zone (Chapter 21.203 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code). The Coastal Resource Protection Overlay Zone identifies five areas of protection: a) preservation of steep slopes and vegetation; b) drainage, erosion, sedimentation, and habitat; c) landslides and slope instability; d) seismic hazards, and e) floodplain development. The project's compliance with each of these areas of concern is discussed below: a. Preservation of Steep Slopes and Vegetation. Natural slopes greater than 25% gradient and possessing endangered plant/animal species and/or coastal sage scrub and chaparral plant communities are considered "dual criteria" slopes and are protected in the coastal zone. Topographic and vegetation analysis was prepared for the project. The 2.9 acre project site is considered extensively disturbed and supports 0.9-acres of Disturbed/Graded Area, 0.1-acres of Developed/Paved Area, and 1.9-acres of previously disturbed Landscaped Area. The project site does not contain any natural slopes greater than 25% gradient, nor any "dual criteria" slopes. b. Drainage, Erosion, Sedimentation, Habitat. Topographic and vegetation analysis was prepared as part of the project. Habitat boundaries were identified, and as discussed above, no sensitive habitats exist on th~ project site. A Preliminary Hydrology Study and Preliminary Storm Water Management Plan (SWMP) were prepared for the project. According to these reports, the proposed project will slightly alter the drainage patterns on the site by re-directing some of the existing runoff from Poinsettia Lane to the on-site proposed public street. The two drainage systems merge near the intersection of Poinsettia Lane and Batiquitos Drive, which is approximately 0.5 miles from the site. No streams or rivers are present on the site and therefore will not be affected. The total post development runoff discharged from the site exceeds the pre-development amounts by less than two (2) cubic feet per second (cfs). All runoff discharges into existing improved drainage structures, and will therefore not cause substantial erosion or flooding. To address water quality for the project, Best Management Practices (BMPs) will be GPA 07-05/ZC 06-04/SP 203(C)/LCPA 06-03/CT 06-15/CDP 06-22/HDP 06-05 -TABATA RANCH August 5, 2009 Pa e 11 ' implemented during construction activities and post-construction development. Pollutants of concern are being addressed through site design, source control, and treatment control BMPs. Landscaping of slopes, consisting of both native and non-native plants, will be utilized to reduce erosion. Riprap placed in locations of storm drain outfalls will be used to reduce velocities. Treatment control BMPs, such as landscaping and bio-filtration swales will address any water quality concerns. c. Landslides and Slope Instability. A Preliminary Geotechnical Investigation was prepared for the project. According to the report, the project site is underlain by sedimentary bedrock units of the Eocene Age mantled by a thin soil cover of Topsoil/colluvium with some artificial fill located in the southern portion of the site. Groundwater was not detected during any of the test excavations performed onsite; and no evidence of landslides or other forms of geologic slope instability was discovered. d. Seismic Hazards. According to the Preliminary Geotechnical Investigation that was prepared for the project, there are no active or potentially active faults known to exist on or in the vicinity of the project site, no significant shear zones were indicated on or near the proximity of the project site; and liquefaction or other ground rupture failures are not anticipated. e. Flood Plain Development. The lowest proposed pad elevation is 275 ft. AMSL. No part of the site is within the 100 year floodplain. The proposed LCPA is necessary to change the LCP Land Use designation on the property from RM ( 4-8 du/ac) to RLM (0-4 du/ac ), and to change the LCP Zoning designation on the property from RD-M-Q and L-C to R-1. The proposed LCP Land Use and Zoning changes are consistent with the project's proposed General Plan Land Use and City Zoning designation changes. Furthermore, the development of five (minimum 7,500 square foot lots) single-family residential lots at a density of 2.3 du/ac is consistent with the proposed LCP Land Use and Zoning designations. A six-week LCPA public notice of availability period was required for the project, and was provided between April 10, 2009 and May 22, 2009. No comments were received during this period or up to the date of preparation of this report. F. Hillside Development Regulations (Chapter 21.95 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code) The proposed project involves development over sloping topography with an elevation grade change greater than 15 feet and slopes equaf to or greater than 15% gradient. Therefore, the project is subject to the Hillside Development Regulations, Chapter 21.95 of the Zoning Ordinance. Hillside conditions of the project have been properly identified on the constraints map, which show existing and proposed conditions and slope percentages. The project site contains two areas of slopes over 40% inclination. These consist of manufactured 2:1 slopes along the south and west perimeters of the project site, which were created as a result of road improvements for the development of Poinsettia Lane and a private driveway that was created as part the development of the surrounding subdivision (CT 98-14). The site does not contain any natural slopes greater than 40%, or any "dual criteria" slopes, which are defined as natural slopes GPA 07-05/ZC 06-04/SP 203(C)/LCPA 06-03/CT 06-15/CDP 06-22/HDP 06-05 -TABATA RANCH August 5, 2009 Pa e 12 greater than 25% gradient and possessing endangered species and/or coastal sage scrub and chaparral plant communities within the Coastal Zone. The entire 2.9-acre site is therefore considered developable per the Hillside Ordinance and Coastal Resource Protection Overlay Zone. The project includes grading over 2.41-acres of the 2.9-acre site. The proposed grading results in an estimated 19,600 cubic yards (CY) of cut, 2,400 CY of fill, 1,000 CY of remedial grading, aHd I 7,200 CY of export. The resulting grading volume of 8,132 cubic yards per acre (CY/AC) is identified by the Hillside Development Regulations as being within the "potentially acceptable" range (8,000 -10,000 CY/ AC). Applications proposing grading volumes within the "potentially acceptable" range are required to submit written justification for the amount of grading, which is summarized below. The primary reason for the proposed grading volumes in excess of the "acceptable" range (0 -7,999 CY/AC) is because of the site's significant topographic constraints (i.e., an average slope gradient of 21 % and a grade change of 55 feet across the site from east to west) and the fact that the existing points of access (i.e. Lemon Leaf Drive (305 feet AMSL) and Lonicera Street (250 feet AMSL)) are located at these extreme elevation differentials. Otherwise, consistent with the Hillside Ordinance, the proposed lots are terraced and designed with split pads to follow the existing topography; the project does not propose any manufactured slopes exceeding 40 feet in height; and all manufactured slopes will be landscaped and screened in accordance with the Hillside Development and Design Guidelines Exhibits 13 and 14 and also the City of Carlsbad's Landscape Manual. Staff recommends support of the proposed grading plan, and concurs with the applicant's justification for the proposed "potentially acceptable" grading volume of 8,132 CY/AC. G. Habitat Preservation and Management Requirements (Chapter 21.210 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code) The City of Carlsbad's HMP identifies the 2.9-acre project site as a Development Area, which is not located adjacent to or near any Standards Area or Existing/Proposed Hardline Preserve Areas. A habitat assessment of the project site was prepared in accordance with the HMP. The site was identified as being extensively disturbed and supporting 0.9-acres of Disturbed/Graded Area, 0.1-acres of Developed/Paved Area, and 1.9-acres of Landscaped Area. No native or wetland habitats or natural drainage areas were observed on the project site or within the vicinity. Pursuant to the HMP, the project has been conditioned to pay in-lieu fees for impacts to 0.9-c1:cres of Disturbed Lands (Group-F Habitat), which has been included in Planning Commission Resolution No. 6619 (Condition No. 19). No mitigation is required for impacts to the existing landscaped areas or the developed/paved areas. H. Growth Management Ordinance (Chapter 21.90 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code) and Zone 20 Local Facilities Management Plan The proposed project is located within Local Facilities Management Zone 20 in the southwest quadrant of the City. The impacts on public facilities created by the project, and its compliance with the adopted performance standards, are summarized in Table D below. GPA 07-05/ZC 06-04/SP 203(C)/LCPA 06-03/CT 06-15/CDP 06-22/HDP 06-05 -TABATA RANCH August 5, 2009 Pa e 13 TABLED-GROWTH MANAGEMENT COMPLIANCE STANDARD IMPACTS COMPLY City Administration 17.38 sq. ft. Yes Library 9.27 sq. ft. Yes Waste Water Treatment 5EDU Yes Parks 0.03 acres Yes Drainage 5 CFS I Drainage Basin "D" Yes Circulation 50ADT Yes Fire Fire Station 4 Yes Open Space Acres Provided = 0. 7 acres Yes Schools (Carlsbad) Elementary= 1.5 Yes Middle School = .5575 High School= .4755 Sewer Collection System 5EDU Yes Water 2,750 GPD Yes The proposed project is 12.4 units below the Growth Management Control Point (GMCP) for RM properties. The unit yield of the property at the RM GMCP (6 du/ac) is 17.4 dwelling units and 5 units are proposed. V. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW Pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and the Environmental Protection Ordinance (Title 19) of the Carlsbad Municipal Code, staff has conducted an environmental impact assessment to determine if the project could have any potentially significant impact on the environment. The environmental impact assessment identified potentially significant impacts to cultural resources and noise, and mitigation measures have been incorporated into the design of the project or have been included as conditions of approval for the project such that all potentially significant impacts have been mitigated to below a level of significance. Consequently, a Notice of Intent to adopt a Mitigated Negative Declaration (MND) and Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program (MMRP) was published in the newspaper for review and comment with copies also sent directly to the California Coastal Commission (CCC). No comments were received during the 20-day public review period from April 11, 2009 to May· 1, 2009. However, subsequent to the circulation of the MND and MMRP, a Specific Plan Amendment (SP 203(C)) was added as part of the project on June 9, 2009 in order to bring the Zone 20 Specific Plan into compliance with proposed land use change. An addendum therefore has been prepared in accordance with Section 15164 of CEQA to include the addition of SP 203(C) as a part of the project description. This addition has no new significant environmental effects not analyzed in the previously circulated MND, and none of the circumstances requiring recirculation or a subsequent Mitigated Negative Declaration under CEQA Guidelines Section 15162 exist. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Planning Commission Resolution No. 6614 (11ND) 2. Planning Commission Resolution No. 6615 (GPA) GPA 07-05/ZC 06-04/SP 203(C)/LCPA 06-03/CT 06-15/CDP 06-22/HDP 06-05 -TABATA RANCH August 5, 2009 Pae 14 3. Planning Commission Resolution No. 6616 (ZC) 4. Planning Commission Resolution No. 6617 (SPA) 5. Planning Commission Resolution No. 6618 (LCPA) 6. Planning Commission Resolution No. 6619 (CT) 7. Planning Commission Resolution No. 6620 (CDP) 8. Planning Commission Resolution No. 6621 (HDP) 9. Location Map 10. Background Data Sheet 11. Local Facilities Impact Assessment Form 12. Disclosure Statement 13. Reduced Exhibits 14. Full Size Exhibits "A" -"I" dated August 5, 2009 SITE MAP • N NOT TO SCALE Tabata Ranch GPA 07-05 / ZC 06-04 / SP 203(C) I LCPA 06-03 / . CT 06-15 / CDP 06-22 / HOP 06-05 BACKGROUND DATA SHEET CASE NO: GPA 07-05/ZC 06-04/SP 203(C)ILCPA 06-03/CT 06-15/CDP 06-22/HDP 06- 05 CASE NAME: TABA TA RANCH APPLICANT: Noboru & Evelyn Tabata REQUEST AND LOCATION: Request for a recommendation of adoption of a Mitigated Negative Declaration and Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program and Addendum; a recommendation of approval for a General Plan Amendment, Zone Change, Specific Plan and Local Coastal Program Amendment; and a request for approval of a Tentative Tract Map, Coastal Development Permit, and Hillside Development Permit for the demolition of an existing single-family home, and for the subdivision and grading of a 2.9-acre site into eight lots (5 residential and 3 open space lots) on property generally located on the north side of Poinsettia Lane at the.westernmost terminus of Lemon Leaf Drive within the Mello II Segment of the Local Coastal Program and Local Facilities Management Zone 20. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Real property in the City of Carlsbad, County of San Diego, State of California, described as follows: Parcel lA: That portion of the east 264.14 feet of the west ½ of the northeast ¼ of the northeast ¼ of Section 28, Township 12 south, Range 4 west, San Bernardino Base and Meridian, in the County of San Diego, State of California, according to official plat thereof, lying northerly of the north line of the south 15 acres of said west ½. • Excepting from the above east 264.14 feet of said land, the south 184.4 7 feet thereof; Also excepting the east 28.00 feet and the north 30.00 feet thereof; Parcel lB: The northerly 30.00 feet of the easterly 264.14 feet of the west ½ of the northeast ¼ of the northeast ¼ of Section 28, Township 12 south, Range 4 west, San Bernardino Base and Meridian, in the County of San Diego, State of California, according to United States Government Survey, together with that portion of the easterlv 28.00 feet of said west ½ lying northerly of the northerly line of the southerly 15.00 acres of said west½; Excepting from said easterly 28.00 feet, the northerly 30.00 feet and southerly 184.47 feet thereof- Parcel 2: The southerly 184.4 7 feet of that portion of the easterly 264.14 feet of the westerly ½ of the northeast ¼ of the northeast ¼ of the Section 28, Township 12 south, Range 4 west, San Bernardino Meridian, in the County of San Diego, State of California, according to the official plat thereof, lying northerly of the northerly line of the southerly 15 acres of said west ½; Revised 01/06 Excepting therefrom; That portion of Section 28, Township 12 south, Range 4 west, San Bernardino Meridian, in the City of Carlsbad, County of San Diego, California, described as follows: Commencing at the northeast corner of said section; thence south 00° 34' 18" west 111.22 feet along the east line of said section, thence south 72° 47' 00" west 389.27 feet to the beginning of a tangent curve concave southeasterly, having a radius of 1651.00 feet; thence southwesterly along said curve 339.30 feet through a central angle of 11 ° 46' 30" to a point of the easterly line of the land conveyed to Marvin and Margaret Penelope Porter by deed recorded September 3, 1986 as Document No. 86-385614 of official records, being the south 184.47 feet of the east 264.14 feet of the north 5 acres of the west ½ of the northeast ¼ of the northeast ¼ of said section, a radial line of said curve to said point bears north 28° 59' 30" west; said point also being the point of beginning of this description; thence continuing southwesterly along said curve 53.61 feet through central angle of O 1 ° 51' 3 7" to a point on the northerly line of the south 15 .00 acres of the west ½ of said northeast ¼ of the northeast ¼; thence south 89° 03' 23" east along said northerly line of 46.21 feet to said easterly line of the land herein described; thence north 00° 32' 47" east along said easterly line 27.50 feet to the point of beginning of this description. Parcel 3: Lot 35, City of Carlsbad Tract No. CT 98-14-02, in the City of Carlsbad, County of San Diego, State of California, according to map thereof No. 14773, filed in the Office of the County Recorder of San Diego County, April 29, 2004, and Certificate of Correction recorded September 14, 2006 as Instrument No. 2006-065 5 516 of official records; APN(s): 214-630-20, 214-631-20 & 21 Acres: _2.~9~a~cr~e_s ___________ _ Proposed No. of Lots/Units: 8 lots (5 residential and 3 open space lots)/ no units proposed GENERAL PLAN AND ZONING Existing Land Use Designation: _RM ______________________ _ Proposed Land Use Designation: =R=L=M=--------------------- Density Allowed: 4 du/ac Density Proposed: .cc.I'"'". 7_d~u/_ac _________ _ Existing Zone: RD-M-O/L-C Proposed Zone: ~R"----=-1 ___________ _ Surrounding Zoning, General Plan and Land Use: Zoning General Plan Current Land Use Site RD-M-Q/L-C RM Vacant/SF Home North RD-M-Q RM Detached SF Homes South Transportation Corridor Transportation Corridor Poinsettia Lane East R-1-Q RLM Detached SF Homes West RD-M-Q RM Detached SF Homes Revised O I /06 LOCAL COASTAL PROGRAM Coastal Zone: IZ! Yes D No Local Coastal Program Segment: Mello II Within Appeal Jurisdiction: D Yes IZ! No Coastal Development Permit: IZI Yes D No Local Coastal Program Amendment: IZI Yes D No Existing LCP Land Use Designation: RM Existing LCP Zone: RD-M-Q/L-C Proposed LCP Land Use Designation: RLM Proposed LCP Zone: ;:;..:R=----1'°---------- PUBLIC FACILITIES School District: Carlsbad Unified Water District: Carlsbad Sewer District: Carlsbad Equivalent Dwelling Units (Sewer Capacity): =-5--=E=D==--U=------------------ ENVIRONMENTAL IMP ACT ASSESSMENT D Categorical Exemption, ______________________ _ IZ! Mitigated Negative Declaration, issued April 11, 2009, and Addendum, dated July 8, 2009. D Certified Enviroµmental Impact Report, dated ______________ _ D Other, __________________________ _ Revised O 1/06 CITY OF CARLSBAD GROWTH MANAGEMENT PROGRAM LOCAL FACILITIES IMPACTS ASSESSMENT FORM PROJECT IDENTITY AND IMP ACT ASSESSMENT: FILE NAME AND NO: Tabata Ranch -GPA 07-05/ZC 06-04/SP 203(C)/LCPA 06-03/CT 06- 15/CDP 06-22/HDP 06-05 LOCAL FACILITY MANAGEMENT ZONE: 20 GENERAL PLAN: =-=RM=-=------- ZONING: RD-M-O and L-C DEVELOPER'S NAME:N "--=o-=--bo=r=u---"&-"--=E--'-ve=l"'-'yn=-cc..T=ab~a=ta~ _____________ _ ADDRESS: 6692 Lemon Leaf Dr., Carlsbad, CA 92011 PHONE NO.: (760) 754-1900 ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NO.: 214-630-20, 214-631-20 & 21 QUANTITY OF LAND USE/DEVELOPMENT (AC., SQ. FT., DU): _2.--'-9_a_cr_es _____ _ ESTIMATED COMPLETION DATE: -=U=nk=n=o-'-'wn-=--------------- A. City Administrative Facilities: Demand in Square Footage= 17.38 sq. ft. B. Library: Demand in Square Footage= 9.27 sq. ft. C. Wastewater Treatment Capacity 5EDU (Calculate with J. Sewer) D. Park: Demand in Acres = 0.03 acres E. Drainage: Demand in CFS = 5CFS Identify Drainage Basin = Basin "D" F. Circulation: Demand in ADT = 50ADT G. Fire: Served by Fire Station No. = 4 H. Open Space: Acreage Provided : 0.07 acres I. Schools (Carlsbad Unified): Elementary School = 1.5 Middle School = .5575 High School = .4755 J. Sewer (Carlsbad): Demands in EDU = 5EDU K. Water (Carlsbad): Demand in GPD = 2,750 GPD L. The project is 12.4 units below the Growth Management Dwelling unit allowance. GMCP Unit Yield (17.4 units) -Total Dwelling Units Proposed (5 units)= 12.4 excess dwelling units) ( ( • f) . . -City, of Carlsbad ■Qt,,l,1111·1•J4•E•U,,i4ell . DISCLOSURE STATEMENT Applicant's statement or disclosure of certain ownership interests on all applications which will require discretionary action on the part of the City Council or any appointed Board, Commission or Committee. The following information MUST be disclosed at the time of application submittal. Your project cannot be reviewed until this information is completed. Please print. • Note: _ .. _ ___ _.. __ -__ .. . ___ . _. _-._ _ __ ... __ _ _ _ _ _ .. _ __ _ _ .. ,. 0 Person. is_ defined. as "AQY indhildu~ltf/rm,, co~partri~[S,hip;j;intventur,~, assqcic:ifion: sociaf dub, fraternal_ organ'iz:ation; corporatiori, estate, trust; ,receiver;, syndicat~, iri this and ariy; other cotmty, 'dty arid county, city municipality, district or other political subdivisicmpr any ottl~r group or c()rnbin,ation actin~ as a unit." • Agents may sign °this docu111ent;A101Never;; th1id~gal name and-~ntityof the applicc:int and property owner must be provided.below.-•· ·-• • • • • ··• • • ··- 1. APPLICANT (Not the applicant's agent) Provide the COMPLETE, LEGAL names and addresses of ALL persons having a financial interest in the application. ff the applicant includes a corporation or partnership, include the names, title, addresses of all individuals owning more than 10% of the shares. IF NO INDIVIDUALS OWN MORE THAN 10% OF THE SHARES, PLEASE INDICATE NON-APPLICABLE (N/A) IN THE SPACE BELOW. If a publicly-owned corporation, include the names, titles, and addresses of the corporate officers. (A separate page may be attached if necessary.) Person A/()4'.&/4,?L 'Z/48474 Corp/Part. ___________ _ Title £J/£ ,<'YA/ ;;%g4r,q Title ____________ _ Address~& f:k /4~/i-1tJ,✓ &a/ z;,e_, Address ___________ _ {;4',,,e_j,.~,841} {' /)_(/_? C-,ZtJ// ,I ' 7, 2. OWNER {Not the owner's agent) Provide the COMPLETE, LEGAL names and addresses of ALL persons having any ownership interest in the property involved. Also, provide the nature of the legal ownership (i.e, partnership, tenants in common, non-profit, corporation, etc.). If the ownership includes a corporation or partnership, include the names, title, addresses of all individuals owning more than 10% of the shares. IF NO INDIVIDUALS OWN MORE THAN 10% OF THE SHARES, PLEASE INDICATE NON-APPLICABLE (N/A) IN THE SPACE BELOW. If a publicly-owned corporation, include the names, titles, and addresses of the corporate officers. (A separate page may be attached if necessary.) Person $ilM£.. 4-~ A.l!tPVlt,., Corp/Part ___________ _ Title __________ _ Title --------------- Address _________ _ Address ____________ _ 1635 Faraday Avenue• Carlsbad, CA 92008-7314 • (760) 602-4600 • FAX (760) 602-8559 • www.ci.carlsbad.ca.us @ ( 3. NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATION OR TRUST If any person identified pursuant to (1) or (2) above is a nonprofit organization or a trust, fist the names and addresses of ANY person serving as an officer or director of the non-profit organization or as trustee or beneficiary of the. Non Profit/Trust________ Non Profit/Trust. _________ _ Title ___________ _ Title _____________ _ Address __________ _ Address ------------- 4. Have you had more than $250 worth of business transacted with any member of City staff, Boards, Commissions, Committees and/or Council within the past twelve (12) months? D Yes B" No If yes, please indicate person(s): ___________ _ NOTE: Attach additional sheets if necessary. I certify that all the above information is true and correct to the best of my knowledge. /C1lt£,et--0:-: (._/ 4£4-_lf4--: Signature of owner/date Signature of applicant/date Print or type name of owner Print or type name of applicant Signature of owner/applicant's agent if applicable/date Print or type name of owner/applicant's agent H:ADMINICOUNTERIDISCLOSURE STATEMENT 5/98 Page 2 of 2 FEnfEKED"""""" ;;;;-;;;;;-..,,,,,. CAR..$8ADa6.1'D . .fOf-4.1 CNl.SBADDM1.1'D.40J-9:1 CUl.SBWOltG. ID. 40HIC CAR..$8ADttiG.KJ.3'f-3 CMl.58AO t.1113. NJ. 267--9 CAR..SBADD119.1'D.Z!!B-2 CAR..S9AOOIIG. Nl. 256-tl CUl.SllWOliG.Ml.23>-6 LBG_HND TENTATIVE MAP TABATA RANCH CT 06-15/ CDP 06-22./ HDP 06---05/ ZC 06-04/ LCPA 06--03/ GPA 07--05 ~;\:,,_~ ',~\\ ', < ¼..i1::1:;1/~1:1:\1,\~,'~~ I ! 1 \ ' ff, /,,,, /. -<---., > /' .', ',):\ ,,;,•/.,:f/f' ,• ' ' y--•-\\' ' (,.-,I,'> '•':'<' 11' . --~,'---.,,,, ', VERONICA ,. ( ,•, .. '. ( ( ,-,, ,,\ ' c,;.'~i\~, P-/ ,,,.; •• ,,,. 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',:,:,' : I :c;:;;:;;;;;;',-:.;<-J~\~"'--I I ' !;is a:Hl'£1ER1fST4!1.D.JZA./'.111i.,.-~1 \\1\11 ~~-i --,~1--ft1t; 1 j ~:..::a~· j 1Y1,: itl:\l!: ::~))1:\' 11 1•· GRAPHIC SCALE 1·~20· 11;::J ,1:~~'i 20 40 60 I :l'' ' ,,, 'i :!\:[ :K :::._:.:'"-.:,111 1:·t\',\'.'. 1r\\f\ '1.111111 S,\il~, <\~?(:--\: .. :,:\\•~: .4'"--:;;,,~~,='=i=r;:..,;.;=:::::-ri"'=¥'".'.' /i;:f{It?}I~ ft /4, :,,/✓+-/~ 2 ih~ SCALE:.!"•IO' 1ih .. \\'\'.'''~,--· .. 1-. .., ,·,-~·-, ' .:z.--:./', .-',--~#.-.._,._,>,,.,;_.--;.,,. ,bf':~ \ /i OF ~SHEETS - ~[t~ CROSS SECT10N C-2 = R'D"CISED·FINI3-EU ~ oo··/b-:..r,- lfAL.L JI/ CJ:SEJJ' TNI SFUTFM%"111Bi -m-"i,,;. ---- RmHT-<JF-fU.Y I wre (Ha< >WNTNNED} I I TMIFG255.7!1 I 'Stllll','1SllWBl'.1KWJY I )/Ji~ ,.~,,:. _:_,., """"'-""""'""""' D'ISTOO a:N>ITI!Ni CROSS-SECTION D <FACING EAST) SCALE: 1·-10· TENTATIVE MAP TABA TA RANCH ~11~ CT06-15/CDP06-22/HDP06-05/ _ LQT-8---- ZC 06-04/ LCP A 06-03/ GPA 07-05_,/-/ 'HOA LOT, ~r~K~~,,.,,...,. / "'5r LEMON LEAF DRIVE Ii.AST """"""'---1 LONICER,\smEEr i---+-"""""""'~ rilBifl'FEIZN'.1ElE ~w .. .... --• -· • ¥ ~ W.'l"l.'1~ ,.,. • • =~~~b II ¢2 \ I 1·-.~':<_-.. \~ -~.;_,.' ~~ I all.II lw267.l ~i~ 1., ... 111· I ··.-.-\ I o.,·111.X'm:usm I J'STRJPFaJritJ# PFO'',.~~~-<..._...,~-M.l Tl'l:>m-" CFLOTl ffllt.07) "fw ,.,,,...,.,,,, 1' I --""""""" • I .,,,,-E:xlSTN LlHlT CF !UR:' .... lilLJNB:.M1E~ I tM9EDLD£1E'ffSe,'1'$ r~y l----/ EXZSTJNlaHJITIIJ6 PROPOSED ------wr-,:--\__"""'""'~ I ~~ PUBLIC S1RE£1:~-------PAD=275.0 "~':: ,, ....,""'_, 6"~IIAB .... ..._..,_ PIU',CDC.~ tH11'l1H.lf ........ _~ \ ................ ..., \\ I CROSS-SECTION A <FACING NORTH) ,,......_/ SCALE IDUZ: 1"•21:l" ~:1--10· _____ ,,,-:::-_~~r--3-__ _ PAD=286.0 --- , ~--:11-::~,~.:0:;; LOT>4------PAD=275.0 CROSS SECTION E -CATALINA VISTA PROl'OSED PUBUC CUL-DE-SAC STREET (FACING NORTH) SCU£ 1--10· ~-t ---;; --, l""""'"""'ior7 .. ,_''.'.':.,•.,.or~., .. , .. 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'-.... -----~~, ' -, ogw~~ __., ',, r ~y CROSS-SECTION C ',, l POJNSE777A = ~,t;t> ',,,,j LANE ~51.&::IIVlSltW ,.,,,,,..., _ _j _______ _ s·PVCHA1ERHA.IN llKESS cm£1WlS£MllllU 8" PVC saER,iMIN TYPICAL SECTION-CATALINA VISTA PROl'OSED PUBUC CUL-DE-SAC STREET (FACING EASTI SCAL.e1"-10" ~ AE:11£1£/EXJ.JJEJ rESEJ(TTMIIEXR4TM OWFBE)fI:EECJPCII CITYll'PRM1JfJVI'IM.ENr ~mt.?:rtff''Ni ---PR'.Flm10CJ/£TIJNH IMU.Jf/ IESBITTMI ~, 1Jir ~.f.~~~ I •· ~ REfAJNING WALL DETAIL CATALINA VISTA (FACING NORTH) 5CAl.e J"-5' ------,,<~~~ l'IWi'r:1sEl> wr a ,:;_~ ',,,,,r di ck r ... ½:1 t= r ~- .. ~ l!) -~ z Wa, ~ ~< ~~~~ ~"' u C!lal>-<C 213:LU wmICD 0N ·< bJm;j ~~fg~ m ~I §a ~i ~I .a I ~] ii~ j ~ll !! t, ... ~ ; ·~ • ! m -i ffi ~ ~'";s SHEET !~,~ 3 i~~ OF 3 SHEETS - "'"" ~>(~\). \,~)-. \·, \ .l, }, lJ.i: ' P.'1 :1, i ,, 5\,' J I ,. ''+-:\", \ .±.'\ 1 •,..:.'{• '1 i<•,,' ,-' ,t\1 ,i ~\\'--....... ~?-/---.-: .. ,: :',.\,I\\\ Y'-\\:\ I • ,1 ,11 \\\••~~ ,,::,..._ -.__, • 1._'--_.,I_,.. ~~}\/.;,\ _l~~w~ \ f ~:,;_,,,:\/~~~~~'Mi~.~~;/•~--~ ''· \, \ ,,,•'-; \\ \: ' I 1''•\,\ ", •• C,' '>(,/f~~~4zjci,-_ .. ___ ---- ,~, 1;,,,!'Jd1J~Y_fi;)i\'('/!k?;;;"°[:.:b: \ \. ~ -'.1H,-! \\i .... ij_~.L~ . lciU) \ J 'h, Mt .... "-1i 11i.; -y<C I,, . .,'_., '<IL\('. I i,-'1~:'j ;,_. ! i-LU-r-i li"§!b '11 I ', .:. ~ r / 'r------r'r· ·;:r 1 \ =·.( h, '! ,, ,! i ' .,2§-)J!J~~]-' ' 111 •1 It:. l , '-;; '7 , ,_ - 1i'•.._ ,J-H f '\\;I ( ...-, ! i li/): ..... ,,,:,·,,,;J111r ""'·'''"'" . IDLLSIDE DEVELOPMENT PERMIT & DENSITY CALCULATION EXHIBIT EXHIBIT PRESENTING EXISTING MANUFACTURED SLOPE CONDffiONS CT 06-15/ CDP 06-221 HDP 06--05/ ZC 06-04/ LCPA 06--03/ GPA 07--05 l{\\iiif :'\ 11\\ll,\of~~ lh\\1;;i1/;;;tif\ --f~!!i\;\'.\\\\\\\:\1 1\ "'•,\11'!111'.1\\1117:i :J,, ... 1u\,1!1;1ll~l;i\ ~ \\\\)\\\)\\\%1 \ VERONIC/ 11-✓./.'.'c" ;::.._ 5 1:~;~~i~IIL ' { ,,,. ; ::i ;;::: ~".t ... ~ •-., •,C,U di~AF -.'·1j' · -: 'X'r 11 f~'"' -~-=-- 1 • .I>· -~<;::J\'1-'r~-~~--~ · ::c_ '.• ":i : ·-1 /f"•,-•-:---::.:--;.~ _. ·. •, 'r-t_,I ·''"if ·-1: · ·• .. · .... ,.\ 11_:1'1'·1•~·"·--!-7'f":""·~ /', ~-28"~' \ 'i. I ' •·~ i /. ICVTJUTYC~"'_.,'_'\::j".,,.,!',,_1,.-~_-,mlEYACI '· -:u1\11', ~ ~ "· I .. _ -~-, : I ii ' .,11\->~ - W' ;: ~:~ 11 2t',','.~\,,,;;ji,j ~i~ , __ ,_.,, ~ ', ''" \f\j i. II <11 l'1',ii'(;\ M:•,,i9 m ~1LJT ;l;i:1 ~~&I"~ , j ,~;!\\r~!'"·tb=~ f/1)1"'.!111 ~~~-,<; ~''"~nl~: ➔\:111~r:att;1; +;,\:l;_r,111ij(i1!il11I . \. \.:: -, , x-~,, 1:11'.i1i:!:; i:1·1,11\{ • ., ..,..-::•;"0Z-'i,--,-· i_i11;~1:1;Ji\1•1\li1\1 11 '7 7··), \'\ I 'll-/trjl:l;.!Hl\\•1j 1 _,,. I C:,• \ .ca.1111:1!,p,.\\l,'.!,,I, V ,~~\_/. ~~\l~1t~~\.\'.)\\\11:1~\ ; t-,. ~~~ ~,<' \, . , <'F,...,,/' / . ., :.1r: ~ 30 60 90 PROJECT GROSS AREA •12S,8TJ SF (2.&1 AC.) LEGEND stmIVISltW NAP 81'.X.KWlY EXISTOO fDmU:6 F8fWEJITSCOIESrFNATER Sl.CFESGl'EATERTHAH OSANJLESS THAH15.l Sl.CFES Gl'EA TER THAN l5J ANJ LESS THAN 8 MEA tF EIOfJACHENT st.CFES GFEATER THAN 251 ND LESS THAN «lf NEJ, (FE>D<>N>IENT SLCJ'ESGfEATERTHAH«ll NEJ, (F E>D<>N>IENT SIGHIF1CMff~ • 57.542 SF (J.55 ACJ •17,716SF (0.4JAQ •f6.B29SF(0.39ACJ • 11089 SF (025 AC, • 1a'"9 SF (024 ACJ • 2a156 SF (0.60 AQ • 16217 SF (0.37 ACJ SD;IIFn;.wT RIPAlflAN ~ llta2.N() ~ITA7S LAHl 51&.ECT TO IC4..m POIER J1WBloll5S][J'IEASE1ENTS RAll.AOAO TRAO< BEDS ,mN'l'UC.<!U ''" N'l'L1C.<!U NOT N'l'L1C.<!U -□ --- NDT ""-!C<EU NOT '1'f'l.lC<EU ~TAl'R.ICABLE MJT AFR.KAELE 2M ACRES -0.25 ACRES• 05 -0.60 ACRES= 2.11 ACRES 2.11 ACRES • 3.2 LOTS/ACRE ,. 6:"3 LOTS HIU.SIDE GRADING CALCULATIONS: WJ..lN:rFClJTtl'ERGFIADOOPUNl:l!UiOOCY KUfE a= OT1£R E.l0V.4TIIJ6 J.000 CY TUTAL 9'Mt:ED ~ 1(M.Sl93' 9' CUJ AO 2QliDCI / 2.41 • B.!M8 r:Y/MFE ~Afffc1'.c'?'~.3.t:Wra11E1EFCJE POT£NTIJl.Lr NrBTMU J! ~; <~ ~ ~~ a: "'< UJ ,....u ~~~:I: Hn, U ~%I~ "' ON ·..::C ~ro;j <(lflf'"I□ a.~incn m ~I §~ ,I![ e< s I .S .t I ~ i!! .. ..Q 3 I!~] ! I ~ Iii Iii i; ! I ta ~ ~ l!OI ~ l •~ ., ? ~ z ~m .. ~ ffi:,, a Z"" SHEET Zaii 1 lmi~ OF 2 SHEETS - HILLSIDE DEVELOPMENT PERMIT & DENSITY CALCULATION EXHIBIT ~ IT PRESENTING EXISTING CTURED SLOPE CONDITIONS CT 06-15. HDP 06-05/ ZC 06-04/ LCPA 06-03/ GPA 07-05 _,, --✓ .....,, '-'''-"" -HOJ\LOT ,,-,,. ~~~~--.. :t'=":~:~ . ...:-> _____ _ ,,// . ~. _l~/- LOT1 PAD302.0 """"""""'""--I .....,, ""'-"" _, tFlDT2 I LEMON LEAF DRIVE ~~~~---,,.-----------------..,--, ~y "FLm.3'\ """"""'""""'~ LONJCERASTF<EET i---1--""""""'"~ """a,aE,C, 1' I """"""' LOT1 ~ LOT2 PAD::300.0 .. _ .. _ ,.J;t,D=302.0 imNUM".l.DT J, [, .. -~r-~---J SI.IDU1E~ j --, ___ --·1:ik,:;::s~;~,,;;'_;~~ ,-~,=~,:~"~~~>• ;:'~z::;-2:c_ ~ A'IJIC&:DO-r.JWD TflEIJ~ttlrJ:!J:k ~ -D-r.J1'Dt \ !'IJ'fit~l'.DGETE -~~ ;;:,;;;.;;;;__;;,i~' _.,_.. ~~ • '-..■---::----P.S'MU'El!RISEtt-£EBTTJlf9UT-\ .. '-/_' eE. lwai7.J F~.~DR&II Pfl7' .'D6I ~-< .... ~-Ffu> 5" At: IMR ..._...., li~IIJrB ........ ...,..., __ ~·\ I .......... __ \ / ''\.....,/ CI!,_OSS-SECTION A SCALE I-OUZ:1"-20' 151T:t-.10· ----L"_~J:f~ -----wr3___ i.✓--PAD=286·0 ---1 __ ,g,_"!£ __ ~"'~~ .. -,1~k;--.. J .. :· -:" •... ';·~'.:.)~;/f}~W \ TOT'4----- PAD=27B.O ~ LOT5 PAD=275.0 '"""""" ~~ pt£1ff1'Ef£Q.JI1ED CATALINA VISTA PROPOSED PUBUC CUL-DE-sAC STREET SCAL£"J"-JO' CROSS-SECTION B = 1-DfIZ:t"-a>' 1£RT:1--10' ~--t '-'-::--:-C-:--_"". •• ,C~_c'·7;?f:c~·."';.'.;'.;c,~7"".:.':'c:,~,:::'..-~"'J_;:C,,G:~·;~C,'.c•"-"': .. C,· ·";-,.,,,-~-:-.J,~c,.,, ... -,,:_,-;.....i""•.-:"'~--,.~-,.:~""~"':f.,:};;~.,~"'.i~-":;_~,-,-~~-~-""~-,1;~'.,:~:;:~-'."~:_-.~-.. ,___-:~--,;t~~L,,,, 1.,,.--EXlSTlM}LJ)tIT(F!UJ'E" r'" S~EA!EJe{f I IM.9£DlIN!//E1fE"SfNtS r~r 1.----/ EX1STDflllNllTilN!l PROPOSED -------wr,r-\_Tl,f'~~-I ~,M/!,' PUBL!(;_~[gEIT~------PAD=275.0 '"'"'"" ', ~~ ts;-:~~ -~2~{(;:.?<<·;;\m,;.:?,i;:i;]1:_;S;;;;,;,. • :'' l,',,, f-!_9~:~r CROSS-SECTION C = EXJST~::'JN_,,/ -...._, r-~r DffiH ',, I POINSEmA tOUZ:f"-20' 't-E'lf;1"-l0' ',,,,j LANE ', Ttu..1Jl0310:16:l.<1200IN.\989va <~ ~ ~~ a: "'« w .....-u ~~~5 C!lm►< Zl3:W wmxm aru ·< ~iii~~ ~~frl@ m ~i ~a ,l!-.1~ I 15§ l~! ~ !I ii~! ;i H R;; 1114 ~ ! I ! ~ ~ I ~ ·• n.~ 1-S-HE_ELT ...&...:~!;,i 2 i,~ OF 2 SHEETS ■ 2. ,. CITY OF CARLSBAD NOTES llllpect1onl'rkld11r11 Inspection of Iha project shall be performed by the landscape Archrtect ol tho W!Jlil:, or his designated agent. Reier to the specifications for the schedule of required lnspl!CtlOIUI and requiredsubmittals. Fonowlng completion of the worll, the l.Bndscape Architect of the WOfk will cenrfy that thu inslallabon has been completed by submitting the "FiMI l.aflcbcape Certtfication Form•. A request for aftnal landscape Inspection by the Cltymusl also be macla by calling the lnspectton Requesl Une. "Final landscape Car1llicatIon Form•: Fax to 760.944.8943 Landscape Inspection Request Phone Line: 760.602.4602 lacldlnTltlllag All Irrigation backflow prlVflfllers shall l>e tested by a certified tester and results must be given to the City and the Carlsbad Municipal Water District. Pipe between the meter and backflow preventer shall be "Schedule K Hard Copper". Appn:r.,ed contract backflow teste!"9 can be found on the C!ty web site at www.cl.carlsbad.ea.us/pdldoc.html7pld•340. As-llalltPllllt As-built plans for all projeds (bonded and non-bonded, public and private) are required to be submitted. Submittal of as-built plans shall be as required by Iha Engineering and Planning Departments. The final plans shall be prepaied by the landscape architecl from dimensions provided by the conuactor. Final as-built plar\9 ahall be drafted clearly to the satisfaction of the City, and the original mylara shall be submitted to the City for their keeping. Final Irrigation as-built plans will be required to be revi-.id and &ppn:JYl!d by the City, end ftnal mytara wlll be required to be epProved end Signed by the City prior to Planrilng Department signing Iha permit card. 4. Sl1pn Slopae 6:1 or steeper requiring erosion conlrol measurn as specified herein shall ba treated with one or more of the following planting standards. •· Standard #1 • C-Crop!Relntotesd S"1rw" M■tfJng: CoYer crop shall be e seed mix typically made up of quick germinating and fast COl/l!mg grasses, ctovera and/or wildflowers. Submil the specific 1118d mix for City approval prior to application. The COY11r crop shall be applied at a reta and manner sufficient to provide 90'll, coverageWithin30daya. Type of reinforced straw matting shall be as approved by the Clly and staked to the slope u recommended by the manufacturer. Ralnlorced sll'ew matting shall be required when planting occurs between Auvust 15 and April 15. The cover c,op and/or reinforced straw mat shall be used the remainder of the year. b. St.rrdatrl #2 • around Cont One hundred percent (100%) of the area shall be planted wrtha ground cover known to have IIX{:8llerrt BOil binding charectaristlcs (plantoo from e minimum size 01 llattad matllflal end spaced to provide 1\.111 coverage within one year). c. starrdanl #3 • Low Shrobs Low spreading woody shrubs (planted from a minimum of 2-3/4 lnch liners) shall cover a minimum of seventy perctmt (70%) of the slope lace (at mature size). d. Stanrfatd #4 • T,.•• and/a,-Urge Shrubs Trees and/or large shrubs shall be (planted from a minimum of 1 gallon containers) a! a minimum rate ol one (1) per two hundred (200) aquareleet. Slopes -8:1 or slll'llperand: e. 31891 or less In vertical height and ars adjacent to pubffc walks or streellll require at mirlllTlUm Standard #1. b. J foot toe !eel In vertlcal height fllqUlfD Slandards #1, #2 end #3. c. In e,:cess of Glee! in vertical height require Standards #1, #2, #J and""· Areas graded !latter than 6:1 require Standard #1 (cover crop) wlthtemporaryirrigalion when they havo ono or more of the following condillona: a. Sheet graded pads not scheduled tor Improvements within 6 months of completlon ol rough grading. b. A potential lll'O$ion problem as detsrmined by the Ciry. C. Identified by the CUy as highty VIS!ble llfll8S to lhe public or haw spedaJ conditions that warrant immediate treatment Schedulea Prior to the start of grading, lhe applicant or appHcant's agent shall obtain City approval cl a construction schedule and/or exhibit outlining the timing al the slope plantlng end irrigation. The schedule shall show ~ming of mnstruction of tree-standing, retaining and crib waits lmmed!alely after rough grading as each locatton Is achieved. Irrigation end planting shall takeplaceugradingprogresses. Installation of Irrigation as shown on tho approved plans shall commence within 10 days of the time when each slope Is brought to grade as shown on the approved grading plans. CONCEPTUAL LANDSCAPE PLANS PREPARED FOR: TABATA RANCH CT 06-15/ CDP 06-22/ HDP 06-05/ ZC 06-04/ LCPA 06-03/ GPA APN: 214-631-20 & 21, & 214-630-20 LEMON LEAF DRIVE CARLSBAD,CA 92009 PREPARED FOR: • T abata Properties Contact: Greg Harrington P.O. Box 879 Carlsbad, CA 92018 PH: 760.754.1900 PREPARED BY: CALIFORNIA LANDSCAPE TECHNOLOGIES 970 Woodlake Drive Cardiff by the Sea, CA 92007 PH: 760.942.9320 SHEET INDEX: TITLE SHEET CONCEPTUAL PLANTING PLAN CONCEPTUAL WALL/FENCE PLAN & PLANTING NOTE WATER CONSERVATION PLAN PLANTING NOTES 1 2 3 4 1. All landscaped erea shall be irrigated except straw matted and non.Irrigated hydroseect areas. See Irrigation 2.notesonahNI◄. Straet trees shell be installed per City of CBrtsbad Landscape Manual IV-0.3 and locate street troos: a, A minimum ol 3' outside al the public rlght-of•way on 'Ccltector' or larger streets. b. A minimum of 5' from paving. uJ_Y\ \\ VICINITY MAP • NOT TO SCALE (THOMAS BROS.1107•C71 CONCEPTUAL DESIGN OBJECTIVES 1. Planting will DII designed to obscure undesirable vlewa (automobIl111, storage, utjlity areas, etc.) and add cheract9rarrdinteresltothe•ite. 2. All plant material selected for use will be of a lype known lo be sua:essl\JI In tha area or in slm!lar climatic and 1011 conditions. J. Color from plant foliage, bark or flowers will be ut.111zed to create a frieodly, warm and vtsuelly exciting landscape environment. Thematic color schemes wlD be utilized In developing project Identity. See final ptanung plans tor lnatallaUon layout, details and speclllcationa. 4. Pari<way planting shall match eKlstlng adlacent lmprovementa along Poinsettia Lane and &hell meet minimum City of Carlsbad requirements as outlined In tha Landscape Manual end as shown on thll drawing. 5. Slope plantings shall take place upon completion al grading operations, 8. Slopes shall be planted to meet City of Carlsbad requirements as ouUined In the City ol Carisbad L..andscape Manual and as shown on these plans. 7. Irrigation system wlll be permanent below ground automated systems adequste for the establishment end maintenance of all plant material. These systems wlD l>e installed as soon as practical after grading and prior to plant malarial lnstallstion. 6. All permanently landscaped eraas will be served by Irrigation systems using low preclpltaUon flxed spray, stream rotor, and bubbler heads for transltlonel landscape areas, slopes and parkways, Pop-up heads shall be used adJacent to walks, drivee and actJvlty areas. 9. All soils in areas with slopes less than 3:1 win be lertillted, amended, and tilled to conform to recommendatlona mede by 11. soA 111$1ing laboratory and/or landscape architect in order lo promote healthy and vigorous plant growth. 10. Landscape finish grading objectives will Include positive sur1ace drainage of planted areas throughout the site -a minimum of two percent (2%) away from building In planllng areas. See cMI engineering plans torfll\lll grading. 11. All planting areas wlH be maintained ln a weed and debrlalreeconctltlon. lnstall3'thlcll: layer of bark mulch In all planting areas with slopes lesslhan 3:1. 12. Water conservetlon measures shell be Implemented throughout the project per City of Certsbad Landscape Manual IV-C including, but not llmrted to, appllcatlon of 'Xeriscape Prlnclples": a Good design. b. Thorough soil preparation. c. Canlll.d planned use of shrub and lawn areas. d. Adapted, low water demand planta. a. Effective and efficient wataring methods. f. Mulched flower and shrub beds. . g. Proper landscape maintenance encl management. 13. Contractor shatl provide storm water and non-storm water potluUon prevention measures and shall follDw Bast Management Practices In accordance with state and local urbarr run-off prac:tic:el. uNAUTHOR1zeo CHANGES, uses-· -l The landscape erchitecl:ural firm preparing these plans wll not be responsible for, Of llabl8 IOf,unauthortzodchangestoorusesoflheseplans, A.llchangestolheplansmustbeln writing and must be spproved by the preparer of lhela plans. ~'.~~11~:'~1~~~~~=~'.lne. RffU/CkCfDORAltlkGS: APPROVED FOR PLANTING e. Outsideofsighlllna.(SaeAppendlxC,4) IJAP t477J AND IRRIGATION ONLY 'AS BUil T' 3. ~::::edflatterthan6:1 requlreStandardf/1 (covercrop)whentheyhaveoneormoreolthefollowing ~~~DIIG. NO. J4I-J INCLUDING PRECISE ' ;:!h~;~rc:i~=~cr~~:,~~~";1:Mr~nthsolcom~nofroughgtadlng. CALIFORNIA ~GINEER'S SIGNATURE RCOI.IRED ON PAGE: I 04.Y LOCATION OF PLANTING c.1:~~~~~'::{ash1ghlyvisibleareutolhepublcorhavo!lpecialcond1llonslhatwanant ~ APPft()',,n) AREAS. __ _ 4. Groundcover on el! slopn 4' In vertical height and greater shall be spaced to provide 100% coverage in one year rncINEERI c PLA CHECKER ~ I INSPECT~ DATE I 5 A minimum of 3" o! organic mulch shall be epptled to all planting ereas where tree, shrubs, groundcover and turf fsHEt1l ~ I arenotprov1dedandslopeserelessthan3:1. L!JI CITXAN£[ D~P1~~TBAD l~I CONCEPT LANOSCAPE PLAN TITLE SHEET FOR: Im, TtC:tUlOtlkfll3 CT 06-16/ClPO oa-22&'JmP 08-06/ = APPROVED ZC 011-04/LCPA 803/dPA ==--~ PLANNING DEPARTMENT DATE ; Q IANnSCAPF TABATA RANCH c.dlllbJhS. OAU: ,_TIAI. DATt NllAL DAU: NllAL DW'BY: .--PRo.ECT NO. DRAWING NO. I ~a:" Ioiciiiiii"~ REVISION DESCRIPTION onoN'PfllNAL cmAl'f'ltovAL ~~0°;:;.,--:11 I~ ~ ~ Planting and lrri!JIIOOn !or the slope 8l9aS shall be completely Installed, as shown on the approv11d plans, within 30 days af'lllf Iha Irrigation Installation llrst commence1. I ... GROUNDCOVER SUCH .. , PROPOSED PLANT PALETTE BOTANICAL NAME COMMON NAME SIZE NOTES Gazanla' Mltsuwa Burgandy Gazan!a ·~;; Myoporum p, 'Pink' Pink Myoporum ""' Plant@12"0.C. ;ion/um p.'Balcan' lvyGeranium BOTANICAL NAME COMMON NAME SIZE NOTES pumila Creeping fig 1 Gallon Attach to wall LOW TO MEDIUM SPREADING SHRUBS SUCH AS: CODE BOTANICAL NAME COMMON NAME lnTVI SIZE NOTES Baccharis p. 'Twin Peaks' Dwarf Coyote Brush Bougalnvillea.'L.aJotla' Bougainvillea 313l 1Gallon Ceanothusg.h.'YankeePoint' WildU!ac lantanam.WlllteL/ghtn/n' WhlteTrail/ngLantana LARGE SHRUBS ON HOA/PRIVATE SLOPE SUCH AS: BOTANICAL NAME COMMON NAME SIZE NOTES Abellagrandiftora Glossy Abella Dwarf Strawberry Tree 83 1Gallon Silverbany BOTANICAL NAME SIZE NOTES Phormiumspp. New Zealand Flax 5Gallon : TREES SUCH AS: COMMON NA.ME SIZE NOTES American Sweet Gum 24'Box Afghan Pine COMMON NAME CajeputTrea .OWERING ACCENT TREES !IOTANICAL NAME COMMON NAME SIZE NOTES moslfolla Jacaranda 15 Gallon Sr.andaro. lnst.aned Wllhdoublestake. S SUCI-IAS: BOTANICAb_NAME COMMON NAME SIZE NOTES Standard. lnslalleclwllhdouble BnsbaneBolt s1akeandroolben1erperClty lendscape requirements. :ON LOT 3: COMMON NAME Alyssum 'Carpet of Snow' Alyssum Alyssum 'Royal Carpet' Aly=m ~ ·-.... Festucarubra'Mola18"I RedFescue Lastheniacalifomlca Common Goldflelds 2 .. Bymusgraueus Phacellacam.e_anularla CA Desert Bluebells 2 DESCRIPTION I IO DESCRIPTION LOT 2 PAD JOO 0 D AREA 10,000 11,088 SF \ PAD AR[ \~-,,_. 19,313 \ \' / · .. .,. '\ / sF\ / ,,>"\ / / /.,, LAWN i f---;..;:_ ..---"j--~} ~~RL~ "'I ~°'0'°_•~1-M=-,h~:~~~~•-~1-s~o;=••~J PfR 1/~P EXISTING VEGETATION "'" , CODE DESCRIPTION EX. Exlst1ngtreestoremaln 8 I Ex~ng trees to be remowcl 0 I Existing shrubs to remain 0 \ E1dstingshrubs to be removed Notes: 1. Caliper drameter of all existing trees on site are between 6 inches to 181nches. 2. Existing trees/shrubs to remain shalt be protected In place during construction. AREA OF OFFSlTE C..!!!:_-OE-SAC AFFECTED BY BE.!!_~smucncm CODEI DESCRIPTION Areas disb.Jrbed during constructl()n shall be rab.Jmed to orlglnal condlllon inch.Jding both planting and irrigabon. VEG§TATION SUMM_ARY TotalL.andscapeArea(TLA): Total Turf Area: 41121s.f. 179s.f. Area with slopehigherthanB'invertical height•: i,v. Tree/large shrub required: 24,883sl. 124 138 SF ._<1· I c;1_ 11 1•m_ ~ -t I cf' .I r Tree/large shrub provided: Area with slope higher than 4' In vertical heig~: Slope coverage with woody shrub required*": Slope coverage with woody shrub provided: 27.758S.f. 19,431 s.l. 25,195s.l. * ~~1~1=~~ysJ=~i~~~t1':~~~::~;~ ** ~~~~ec:~~~~~t~~~=::a~~re~n!ioov shrubs is minimum 70% at plant maturity. EASEMENT LEGENg_ 8) 30'Water3-11-59B7541,P154 ~ 12' Water Easement to Carlsbad Munl. Water Dist. F/P 66-156085 L Q T [ru Slope Easement 89-546752 to be vacated 2 J 6 ~ Condem of Poinsettia & Easement91-1834 C T 9 8 _ [g] 20' Water Easement 97-34692 [TI] Slope Lanctscape & Maintenance Easement 2003-1054067 [!g] Drainage Easement 2003-1054068 '\ \\\ .,•' ~ \,I'~\, ,.,,,, ,,\r \ ' \ \ \ ~ SDG&E 04-543649 NEW PLANTINGS ON EXISTING VEGETATION AREA ARE FOR SUPPLEMENTAL ONLY. CONTRACTOR SHAU.ADJUST PLANTING LAYOUT IN FIElO ACCORDINGLY. SEE SHEET 3 FOR PLANTING NOTES CAUIJFURNIA APPROVED FOR PLANTING AND IRRIGATION ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING ~~ AREAS. .::= 'AS BUILT' __ .,. __ (",11,llfl'I' .. '----......., 4/9/08 IINSPECTOR ~ rSHilll CITY OF ARLSBAD l'""TSI ~ PLANNlNG DEPARTMENT 4 ONCEPT PLANTING PLAN FOR; TABATA RANCH '?o\~st / / -CT 0ic1U:PJ,,r_gpf26e':r:i/o°tA061 I ~===1===+=====================:r:===1r===:;:===1~==i I APPROVED I Area of ex.isling planting to rema.in c_ ontractor shall mlnlmile. disturbance to exlstlng planting during ■-===== Area Cover~ wit~ Re1nlo. ~ed Straw Mat: slope, grad8'9 6:1 or greater, where construction. Contractor shall Install new slope Irrigation system to achieve 100% coverage In --~--narrower 4' m horilontal widlh, where hard to install Irrigation system. coordination With adjacent property irrigation. Contractor shall coordinate with adjacent HOA ==:::: Note: All slope revegetat1on/erosion control pollcln and requirements shall meet contracto~ for Irrigation Installation. Streetscape plantlng/lrngabon system shan be protected in place. :::.:::::: City of Carlsbad Landscape Manual IV-E. l-l-::;:;;;=1::;:::;:;;:::====================+:;;;=;;;;;::;:;;=;;;;;;:i PLANNING DEPARTMENT DATE ~BY:--:i1 PROJECT NO IIDRAWINGNOI oArr it.mAL RlVISION DESCRIPTION 10~::_:: I ::w=:: ~~~n8J~,--·I~----·~ • I I -= :~Jl\Y_t;/tiz;~:,-;7:-/,<~:vJ- ··-·---,,.,.,_y-· _..,::::r,,.-r ::Jo-1 Lf-1---------- 1l:~,-------• 26~'..!!_88'590'ZJ"W --, --~ l!,-1-• ..,,~ ~ TOREI • --=.L_ --...,_ J'.>,(z_R_,__0$f, N./;,,,\24, 2 '~ ·,1 j ,fi-, .'A,\L()-f', \ ">'(" \ ~~:,:ii~:~;_ ' , I: 11 IJJ .. !.'.i TYP/. \-I \I \-1....,.--" ";-;-·; i: · •;©r f I i ! : / i /_j__{ L 1 LOT 2 r ~., 1 -~c..i"R1.SBAD t-/1;··;1·f-1;1,'· PAD 3000 t'-<f' 1-::' 11 I·,} P[Rl,IAP]J.27.,....-/.'l:,11!/;:-• (' 1-?1 ~~1!-_. e/;/!/J..l!..i/ PAD AREA 10,000 SF 1, / 1 fr I I"" 1,_/i/1'•;/, / 11,088 SF '"""''"'""" / • ; / / / / / / • : AND PUfJUr, urn ./."-i ,·-1." '' $ j ""'· m"" fANSPI.I r CARLSBAD ;;,~~~f~ FDR STA/JIU, """" IP!WPDSED CONCR[TF 01.m .. aOFsTORIIDRA!N RIP RAP TD Bf sn IN EX. VIEW AND WOOD ~ C"'-'" v .. v.. u EX.CMUWALLAND FENCETOAEMA.IN 4uat AEMU•ED !I '\\~~f°i~~;~ ,n. ~ -------- IJ COLUMNS TO REMAIN WALLJFENCE LEGEND RETAINING WALL PER CIVIL• SEE CML'S PLAN 5' HIGH TUBULAR STEEL VIEW FENCE 5' HIGH WOOD FENCE 5' HIOH WOOD GATE· SHOWN ONLY IN TYPICAL LAYOUT / TYPICAL WALL/FENCE LAYOUT NOTTOSCAL.E Notes: 1. Wall/fence, house and driveway layouts shown are CONCEPTUAi:-AND TYPICAL ONLY. layouts may be modified end r811lsed during design development. 2. Wallffence shall meet City of C1u1sbad landscape Manual. Wall/fence !Ina! layout and details wlll be reviewed and approved by City cf Carlsbad on separatapermits. (D 12X4X18 CMU CAP. STUCCO FINISH. ROUND STUCCO TOP TO DRAIN. @ WATERPROOF ALL BLOCKS BELOW GRADE TO 4' ABOVE GRADE. PER crrv REQUIREMENT. @ TAN SPLIT FACE CMU WITH STEEL PER CITY REQUIREMENTS. @ GRADE RETA_INING_WA..1.L DETAIL -=-==r----··-'~\> \ \ PIWP0Sfll D-71 ~ ' -·(-• -· -/-..___, \ \ \ \ ; o/Jfrv flPi~: LOT 236 CT 98-.\O!,, ••• w.w,.----~---'r\, , ) jJJo }?lo~28~~0 ~\ ': l j~: U .AD/ AR[A 10, 1o_o ,fF 1ti _ 1 /ij•, If! I 16817 SF J, 1i1, 1Tft'::FSfi ;IJ:gg~EIJ/ (: \ ..._ ~ PRSE f\_,~~rf-lL VI/ / / / ~~~~t: ¾~IETJl 't l 1 {. ~er 11sl\ • ··----···'C/., ',,,:..,, I\ ' \ ~1' \ \ 0-1 "'-==;;;;;-si>, • ' .. _/ ~'(;/~{fi/f;;;, ,__ ,, LOT 32 ~'(( •• "'-1,....::,.c._.-• PAD 275.0 °7 MAP14773ii\_\.\' \ PAO AREA 9,62)\F .. ' Id'' \' SEESHEET2F0REASEMENTLEGEND l'j \ \ ; • •• \ '\ 19 313 SF/ /1 \ \ CALIFORNIA APPROVED FOR PLANTING l ~! ' '\ ' / I \ \ ~ AND IRRIGATION ONLY, J : i i ~ ·, / I \ INCLUDING PRECISE ______ __, rH+ \ •• / , , ·\ wcAT10N oF PLANTING EX.WOODFENCE!' 1 ', ', LOT 5 .. "'-/ ""-, \ AREAS TOREMAlN •' •• i' O 275 o .\ -~ A IANn.<t'.APE " 1 -b\·t PA • ✓, . \ "=1" 'AS BUILT' ••• ,.J, PAO AREA 9,627 SF "v' .. . _ .. • -~-\/" --OT 31 !,;\~1el' 10,677 SF L 14773~i f<J, -"'="'-SEVJ[YC,S,, MAP ~-~] // ~fl'~· ,··,., ,ti' 0 \.~!IO!lc~pf"_, INSPECTOR ~ '-' "" . . ,, □ r;:;::::;:;~~~~s==,a'i'i;;:,=;IB'x'K~l~m'i'I , o,-t _ / ___ _.,,...-{ -.-··-'" v !:! ...... _.~ ~--•-CITY OF CARLSBAD SH~ns I.,\ '~'\': , --, ----::,,.-. • ' ,/ r/ " ..:____ 0 l,,,....3_J 'CONNING DEe.,lMENl --------.i&l\8---.. 1~-., / ,;'_ --· · ~::_:;_::::7---L--~_l:_~J/ ~;;o.,,..,. . ., ~ DAl"E \ 0 0 i LOT 30 CONCEPT WALL AND FENCE PLAN FOR· TABATA RANCH OT o:c1U~f;flpf26s~/a~6,.-06/ ~I I REVISION DESCRIPTION ll"AV'Nc " 0111 ~ \_ \ \ \\' }:_":_~\== -~ \ -.,""""t--= ·-\\ \'\ \\ = _,.,;;1,,f ':jQ-l <-t j---------------~Je-~,e:-~-\-.:..~J--- .~,,._,ay_-s·--l_.....,..,....,,,,.. -•---~ rf ~ '. . ----, --. . . ., . ,. tY--;::?::'." ( ~ L'J . ... !f/l.l ... ' " .,.,,. ,~,.;jy-_,· l ~ U.Hlt't"CTEi,tf,,HAi::tl Q ,, ...J t\51r>, 1"tl r.;: !I rr~ i = ~ ~,w ---· ....,. .. ... -=-1 -· I :1 fl --· 17 NIA 111 --NOT""=-, I NIA / ,.. NIA ~ =' -· I 1.m .. • =-z:=~a~lllndlmpaperCllJdenbm~ -Nl~IS:1 andg,Nlar, llld,._0..3fllNl:hwrtlmlhllgt'd.._..abulllng--. Al--8::1 SldgNar,andllSlltwl 4flllln~~whaenatab\dangdlwl. ,...~~--(b.o.ft Tata,,-t,__,ca: 1,oat Tallllw-t,IIIIIICMallWldllfm.: 1.21!15 CB0"',ofwat9r~bl0Clllplanlng--, -(ETo':Jat~!·OID XIOO•WBll!rDllrmnllntllnn:!QmlcAa -0.55bram._.0.48bapaya ............... 1-=-~~-:..~~.:n~::-nm:d ===::.~~:.=,-:.:,~ d-vaQll.tags,bbll,aillndln1glaonplpl,lnd.....,.tmle1Ddaral~ ---2.Mprapaoadpltall~m:anlnld ... 1'11haw9~1}1:1t11Tl~ WllhJl0llabll_.. Pal:llbta_.trfgldonapimnlhdmee1an~W111D UldallftlClr'dCelllta:t~rac,Jrarnnl. 3.~apllrnfartd'IMdd'nedandpcabllwaterlltlalhlve: .. ..,_,..,--~,..lmQIIIIOn~ ~=:=:9~--- .. ~~~lk'.pambanoadlldstdberom;wadllllptllGU. or 5.~nlQIIIDn':".::.=,~-::.:::o~..-.~~Clty 0.~~~llldnndl. Alt..-.. tobaact-.dlDPfMII '-l~IDlhe....._.._wllhcuCJIIIRSHrC,-,tdtr131, ..... -.. - t. n.t .. ltPfflPCINdm'!Opariewaytorl..ol'lara .... perdlJl'lqlmt10 fflll::h .. :=:::=:=:1o-.-1aCllbnlattendly.,., s.~~turtm:':'~=-~-:~- LOT 31 fAP147 , nT -:i:n --..... -:-~~ .... (5:1 --7'·-,-, LOT 1 • 1 • e PAD 302.0 _.-,,.,'., ~ f' lf!fr.,,,, PAO 9,500-·Sf ·I ' 1 I I I I 10,094 sr· -!'-=.--- .( ~~.. { ·-t-- LOT 2 1 PAD 300.0 -• I' .. ~AD AREA 10,000 SF ·/ :;:,.1 l°IL-.!-- , 11,088 SF ,...,..,.,..._w.· I . 11 .IJ«)Ft8.JCU1l/lY I JI "'" o,ecv=j I ~:I' I I ) ---t-•--~ I 1/!Q/ ,. ~ I o,r.._1,c.-n MAINPOlf1ll03'1-J ffi'OJ[C1,,.fif-PlAC£ I, !!-l-+-irJ•;J:"'..,..,."/.!, I I' ,I/ 1: ,.,,.,,,..,...,,, L --,.__ ·::--... ~I 1,.1 ,rf ~r~r.~ \ I I 11®7'. LOT \ ~~ I I. I j 1' 236 LOT3 T : :: : . ; CT 98-1· 276.0/2Bq,,O I ( -11 lj A 10,100 '5F I I I -1 •Ii T ,i-,. 275.0 EA 9,62- 13 SF// --~~11111.L"I ~r-,, \ ,, \ \ ~ ,,, ,'( . \, \ • ~ SEE SHEET 2 FOR EASEMENT LEGEND \ \ \\ ~ APPROVED FOR PLANTING \ \ AND IRRIGATION ONLY, \ • " INCLUDING PRECISE 5 \ // 75.0 • ~ \, /./ EA 9,62 \~ / 0,677 SF / . --j .,,.-- / "<, \. -•• ~ REVISION DESCRIPTION ' •; LOCATION OF PLANTING AREAS. al ·As BUILT· I = Tl, »-iTE R£VI£VED BT, = -..,,--- ~I CifLl>J.: ~BAD I~ WA.Tm cota'RVAllON PLAN FQ:!:. TABATA RANCH "'~~~~ .. , 1=---.xir-I111 1e,;~1 .-crNC> 11·,.-, ;