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2008-10-15; Planning Commission; ; GPA 08-01|MP 02-03A|CT 07-03|PUD 07-02 - ROBERTSON RANCH PA 14
The City of Carlsbad Planning Department A REPORT TO THE PLANNING COMMISSION Item No. P.C. AGENDA OF: October 15, 2008 Application complete date: May 14, 2008 Project Planner: Barbara Kennedy Project Engineer: Steve Bobbett SUBJECT: GPA 08-01/MP 02-03fAVCT 07-03//PUD 07-02 - ROBERTSON RANCH PA 14 - Request for a determination that the project is within the scope of the previously certified Robertson Ranch Master Plan Final Program EIR and that the Program EIR adequately describes the activities for the purposes of CEQA; a request for a recommendation of approval for a General Plan Amendment and Master Plan Amendment, and a request for approval of a Tentative Tract Map and Planned Development Permit to subdivide 3.65 acres into 16 residential lots and 3 HOA lots, and to approve the plotting for the 16 proposed residences located within Planning Area 14 of the East Village of the Robertson Ranch Master Plan located northwest of the intersection of future Wind Trail Way and future Glen Avenue in Local Facilities Management Zone 14. I. RECOMMENDATION That the Planning Commission ADOPT Planning Commission Resolutions No. 6489 and 6490 RECOMMENDING APPROVAL of a General Plan Amendment (GPA 08-01) and Master Plan Amendment (MP 02-03(A)); and ADOPT Planning Commission Resolutions No. 6491 and 6492 APPROVING a Tentative Tract Map (CT 07-03) and Planned Development Permit (PUD 07-02) based on the findings and subject to the conditions contained therein. II.INTRODUCTION The applicant is requesting: 1) a recommendation of approval for a General Plan Amendment (GPA) and Master Plan Amendment (MPA) to change the Land Use Designation for Planning Area (PA) 14 from Elementary School (E) to Residential Medium Density (RM) and for minor modifications to the Master Plan; and, 2) approval of a Tentative Tract Map and Planned Development Permit for the subdivision of PA 14 into 16 residential lots and 3 open space lots, together with the plotting and construction of 16 single-family residences. A Planned Development permit is required since the residential lot sizes are less than 7,500 square feet. Due to the small size of the development, the developer proposes to use the same architectural plans as those approved for PA 16 and the plotting for these residences is shown on the plans. The Planning Commission has the authority to approve projects proposing 50 or less dwelling units. However, the GPA and MPA require final approval by the City Council. Therefore, the Planning Commission is being asked to make a recommendation of approval for these two items. The project complies with City standards and all necessary findings can be made for the approvals being requested. GPA 08-01/MP 02-03(A)/CT 07-03//PUD 07-02 - ROBERTSON RANCH PA 14 October 15, 2008 Page 2 III. PROJECT DESCRIPTION AND BACKGROUND On November 14, 2006, the City Council certified the Robertson Ranch Master Plan Final Program EIR (EIR 03-03), and approved the Master Plan, East Village Master Tentative Map (CT 02-16), and related applications for the Robertson Ranch project. The Master Plan establishes the permitted uses, development standards, and design criteria for each planning area as well the method by which the Robertson Ranch Master Plan will be implemented. Master Tentative Map CT 02-16 established the boundaries of the various planning areas in the East Village of Robertson Ranch. Rough grading for the site was reviewed in conjunction with CT 02-16 and the required mitigation for loss of habitat on this site was previously considered with the review of the Master Plan and EIR 03-03. Mitigation for impacts to habitat was required prior to approval of grading permits for CT 02-16; and mass grading, backbone infrastructure, and full-width road improvements are nearing completion within the East Village. The MP designates PAs 13 and 14 as a 10-acre Elementary School site. Planning Area 13, located in the West Village, contains about 6.7 net acres and PA 14, located in the East Village, contains about 3.5 net acres. At the time the Master Plan was being prepared, it became clear that Carlsbad Unified School District (CUSD) was unsure if the site would be necessary for a school. Therefore, the MP provided for alternative residential land uses to allow for 17 DUs in PA 14. Additionally, the Parkland Purchase Agreement allowed for the City to purchase additional land for park/government uses within PA 13 if a school was not developed on the site. The City received a copy of the letter from CUSD, dated August 8, 2007, (Attachment 9) indicating that the district would not be acquiring the site. Therefore, the applicant (Brookfield Homes) is proposing to develop PA 14 with the alternative residential land use described in the MP. As a side note, the City recently purchased 2 acres within PA 13 for an expansion of the park site in PA 12 and for the potential relocation of Fire Station No. 3. At this time, the City has no plans to develop PA 12 or the 2-acre expansion area. Additionally, development plans for the remaining 4.7 net acres i'n PA 13 is unknown. PA 13 is located within the West Village and is controlled by the Robertson Family Trust. The PA 14 project area contains 3.65 acre (gross) and is located in the P-C zone within the East Village of the Robertson Ranch Master Plan. The site is located north of Cannon Road, at the northwest intersection of future Wind Trail Way and Future Glen Avenue in Local Facilities Management Zone 14. The project area will be surrounded by small-lot single-family residential development within PA 16 on the north, future residential land uses on PA 13 to the south, affordable housing (currently under construction) on PA 15 to the east, and open space to the west. The project requires approval of a General Plan Amendment (GPA) to change the General Plan Land Use designation from E to RM. A Master Plan Amendment is required to reflect this change on Figure II-1, to document the transfer of 2 dwelling units from PA 21 to PA 14, to add minor modifications to the Development and Regulatory Provisions for Planning Areas 13 and 14, and to correct several typographical errors. Development of PA 14 requires subdivision of the lot created by CT 02-16, together with finish grading for the site, roadway, and infrastructure improvements. CT 07-03 will subdivide PA 14 into 16 residential lots and 3 HOA lots. Due to the small number of units proposed within PA 14, the developer proposes to utilize the same architectural design approved for PA 16 and to GPA 08-01/MP 02-03(A)/CT 07-03//PUD 07-02 - ROBERTSON RANCH PA 14 October 15,2008 Page3 essentially incorporate PA 14 into PA 16. Therefore, the project includes only the plotting of the units and not the architecture. The approved architectural plans for PA 16 (PUD 06-12(A)) are available for review in the Planning Department. The project requires 200 sf/unit of common recreation area. However, the Master Plan allows for this requirement to be satisfied by an enlargement of PA 19. In anticipation of the residential development on PA 14, PA 19 was previously designed to meet the recreation needs for PA 14. Access to PA 14 is via Wind Trail Way (one of the main entry roads), which intersects with Cannon Road at a new signalized intersection. This entrance road connects to the two local streets that will serve the residential development in PA 14. The streets are designed with tree- lined landscaped parkways which reflect the community landscape theme. The development proposal for PA 14 implements the MP vision to provide small-lot single-family homes, on 5,000 square foot minimum lot sizes, within neighborhoods that are linked together by a trail system. A 60-wide fuel modification zone (FMZ) has been provided between the residential development and the habitat conservation area to the west. A trail connection located within the FMZ at the west terminus of Glen Avenue connects to the MP's open space trail system. Additionally, the project is linked by the tree-lined parkways to the adjacent pocket park in PA 16 and to the community recreation area in PA 19. IV. ANALYSIS The project is subject to the following land use plans, policies, programs and zoning regulations: A. General Plan - Residential Medium Density (RM) 4-8 du/ac; B. Robertson Ranch Master Plan (MP 02-03); underlying RD-M Zone (Carlsbad Municipal Code (CMC) Chapter 21.24); Planned Development Ordinance (CMC Chapter 21.45); and City Council Policies 44 and 66); C. Subdivision Ordinance (Title 20 of the CMC); and D. Growth Management Regulations (Zone 14 Local Facilities Management Plan). The recommendation of approval for this project was developed by analyzing the project's consistency with the applicable policies and regulations listed above. The following analysis section discusses compliance with each of these regulations/policies utilizing both text and tables. A. General Plan The project requires approval of a GPA to change the General Plan Land Use designation from E to RM. The MP provided for an alternative RM residential land use in the event that CUSD declined to purchase the site for an elementary school. The MP requires documentation of the land use change from E to RM through a GPA. The RM designation allows single-family residential development at a range of 4-8 dwelling units per acre (du/ac). The RM range has a Growth Control Point of 6 du/ac. However, the Robertson Ranch Master Plan specifies the number of dwelling units allowed within each planning area. A maximum of 17 DUs are allowed to be developed in PA 14. This includes 14 DUs that are allocated to PA 14, plus a GPA 08-01/MP 02-03(A)/CT 07-03//PUD 07-02 - ROBERTSON RANCH PA 14 October 15,2008 Page 4 transfer of up to 3 DUs located within PA 21. Although 87 DUs were allocated to PA 21, the approved development proposal contains only 84 DUs. Therefore, two of the three DUs that will not be utilized in PA 21 will be transferred to PA 14, as documented through the associated Master Plan Amendment (MP 02-03(A)). The Robertson Ranch Master Plan was found to comply with applicable General Plan Goals, Objectives and Policies. This project is in conformance with the Master Plan and therefore is also in compliance with the General Plan. The project complies with Elements of the General Plan as outlined in Table 1 below. TABLE 1 - GENERAL PLAN COMPLIANCE ELEMENT Land Use Housing Open Space & Conservation Noise USE, CLASSIFICATION, GOAL, OBJECTIVE, OR PROGRAM The site will be designated RM at 4-8 du/ac A minimum of 15% of all units approved in Master Plan communities shall be affordable to lower income households. Minimize environmental impacts to sensitive resources within the City City Wide Trail Program Utilize Best Management Practices for control of storm water and to protect water quality. Residential exterior noise standard of 60 CNEL and interior noise standard of 45 CNEL PROPOSED USES & IMPROVEMENTS Single-family lots are proposed with a density of 4.76 du/ac. Affordable housing for the East Village, including PA 14, will be provided in PA 15 (Glen Ridge Apts.) concurrent with the development of the market-rate units. Open space preserve areas are identified in the certified EIR and Master Plan. These areas are not proposed for development. Master Plan trails and connections to the adjacent neighborhoods are included. Project will conform to all NPDES requirements. The development proposal complies with the City's interior and exterior noise standards. COMPLIANCE Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes GPA 08-01/MP 02-03(A)/CT 07-03//PUD 07-02 - ROBERTSON RANCH PA 14 October 15,2008 Page 5 TABLE 1 - GENERAL PLAN COMPLIANCE CONTINUED ELEMENT Public Safety Circulation USE, CLASSIFICATION, GOAL, OBJECTIVE, OR PROGRAM Reduce fire hazards to an acceptable level. Require new development to construct roadway improvements needed to serve proposed development. PROPOSED USES & IMPROVEMENTS The project includes appropriate measures including fuel modification zones. The project will construct public streets needed to serve the development. COMPLIANCE Yes Yes B. Robertson Ranch Master Plan (including RD-M zone; Planned Development Ordinance; and City Council Policies 44 and 66) The Robertson Ranch Master Plan provides a framework for the development of vacant properties within the Master Plan area to ensure the logical and efficient provision of public facilities and community amenities for future residents. In order to implement the alternative residential land use for PA 14, the Master Plan Amendment associated with the development proposal includes the following modifications: 1. Approves a transfer of 2 dwelling units (DUs) from PA 21 to PA 14 resulting in a total du allowance of 85 DUs in PA 21 and 16 DUs in PA 14. 2. Replaces Figure No. II-1 to reflect the change in the General Plan Land Use designation from Elementary (E) to Residential Medium Density (RM) for Planning Area 14. 3. Replaces Figure No. II-3 to correct an underlying zone designation error on Planning Areas 13 and 14. The underlying zone designation should be RD-M instead of E to be consistent with the Development and Regulatory Provisions for Planning Areas 13 and 14 (Section III.A.2.m). 4. Adds minor modifications to the text contained in the Development and Regulatory Provisions for Planning Areas 13 and 14 (Section III.A.2.m). (see strike-out/underline - Attachment 11) A Planned Development Permit, in conjunction with a Tentative Map, is required for the project to approve the small lot subdivision. Residential developments are required to comply with the standards and special design criteria outlined in the Master Plan and all applicable regulations and development standards of the Carlsbad Municipal Code (CMC) including the RD-M zone (CMC Chapter 21.24), Planned Development Ordinance (CMC Chapter 21.45) and City Council Policies 44 and 66, except as modified by the Robertson Ranch Master Plan. PA 14 proposes to utilize the architectural design approved for PA 16. This would result in a combined total of 101 DUs that utilize the same architectural design, which is similar to the number of units in PA 17 (109 DUs) and PA 18 (110 DUs). GPA 08-01/MP 02-03(A)/CT 07-03//PUD 07-02 - ROBERTSON RANCH PA 14 October 15,2008 Page 6 The architectural design for PA 16 was previously found to be in compliance with the Planned Development Regulations, City Council Policy 66, and City Council Policy 44 (Neighborhood Architectural Design Guidelines) as approved by PUD 06-12(A). Therefore, duplication of this analysis is not included in this report. As demonstrated below in Table 3, the proposed subdivision design meets or exceeds all applicable requirements of the Master Plan and zoning requirements. TABLE 2: COMPLIANCE WITH DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS Standard Density (MP) Lot Size (MP) Minimum Lot Width (MP) Minimum Lot Depth (MP) Public Streets (PD/MP) Cul-de-sac streets Community Recreation Space (PD/MP) Recreational Vehicle Storage (PD) Affordable Housing (MP) Trail System (MP) Requirement Maximum of 17 units (5.2 du/ac) 5,000 sf min. lot size • 50 feet at front setback 35 feet at cul-de-sacs or knuckles 90 feet 34' curb to curb with 13' r.o.w. Min. 7 Vz wide parkways and 5' wide sidewalks on both sides of the street. 36' curb to curb with 10' r.o.w. 4.5 ' parkway and 5' wide cul-de-sac Minimum 200 sf of community recreation area per unit. The community recreation requirement may be satisfied through an enlargement of PA 19. 20 sf per market-rate dwelling unit 73 affordable units are required for the final residential build-out of the East Village which includes the 16 DUs in PA 14. (404 market-rate units and 78 apartment units) City wide & Master Plan trails as shown in the Master Plan Pedestrian Circulation Plan (Figure 111-58) Proposed 16 units (4.76 du/ac) 5,150 sf or greater 50 feet 35 feet 101 feet All public streets are designed to comply with the Master Plan requirements. 3,200 sf required PA 19 contains 6,495 sf of additional recreation area which can be used to satisfy the 3,200 sf requirement for PA 14. RV storage on PA 22 has been sized to accommodate the RV storage requirement for PA 14 The project is conditioned such that RV storage facilities shall be constructed prior to residential occupancy. 78 affordable units will be provided in PA 15 (Glen Ridge Apartments). Required trails, trail nodes, and trail markers are provided. GPA 08-01/MP 02-03(A)/CT 07-03//PUD 07-02 October 15, 2008 Page 7 ROBERTSON RANCH PA 14 TABLE 2: COMPLIANCE WITH DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS CONTINUED Standard Requirement Proposed East Village Landscape Concept & Plant Palette (MP) Compliance with the landscape theme tree and plant varieties Streetscape design and landscaping is provided in accordance with the provisions of the Master Plan. Theme Walls (MP) Required along arterial streets, entry roads and adjacent to community recreation areas and pocket parks. Wall design and locations are shown as part of the conceptual landscape plans Applicable Special Design Criteria (MP): Incorporate enhanced landscape buffers between side or rear property lines and adjacent sidewalks. Utilize landscape focal points at the end of cul-de-sacs. Minimum 5' wide landscape buffers are provided between street sideyards and public sidewalks to allow for additional planting. An overhead trellis is located at the trail node at the west terminus of Glen Avenue. City Council Policy 66 Comply with City Council Policy 66, Principles for the Development of Livable Neighborhoods: • Parkways • Pedestrian Walkways • Centralized Community Recreation Areas Parkways have been designed with street tree plantings; pedestrian walkways are provided throughout the development to provide links between neighborhoods, recreation areas, and bus stops; and a variety of community recreation areas will be provided with both active and passive uses. C.Subdivision Ordinance The Engineering Department has reviewed the proposed project and has concluded that the subdivision complies with all applicable requirements of the Subdivision Map Act and the City's Subdivision Ordinance. All major subdivision design criteria have been complied with including the minimum lot depth of 90 feet, provision of public access, required street frontage, minimum lot area, and the design of the project so that individual residential lots do not have street frontage or access to circulation element roads. The subdivision is oriented in an east to west alignment to the extent feasible. This will allow for future passive or natural heating or cooling opportunities in the subdivision, in that the majority of the residences can be oriented to allow for solar exposure and take advantage of prevailing breezes. The project is consistent with and satisfies all requirements of the General Plan, the Robertson Ranch Master Plan and Title 21. The minimum lot size requirement for PA 14 is 5,000 square feet and each of the proposed residential lots meets the applicable minimum lot area required by the Master Plan. The corresponding minimum lot width is 50 feet except for lots at the end of a GPA 08-01/MP 02-03(A)/CT 07-03//PUD 07-02 - ROBERTSON RANCH PA 14 October 15, 2008 PageS cul-de-sac or knuckle which may have a lot width of 35 feet (measured at the front setback line). All lots within the project comply with this requirement. The developer will be required to offer various dedications (e.g., drainage easements, street right-of-way) and install street lights and utility improvements, including but not limited to curbs, gutters, sidewalks, sewer facilities, drainage facilities, and fire hydrants. The project has been designed in accordance with Best Management Practices for water quality protection in accordance with the City's sewer and drainage standards and the project is conditioned to comply with the National Pollution Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Requirements. D. Growth Management The proposed project is located within Local Facilities Management Zone 14 in the northeast quadrant of the City and is subject to the conditions of the Zone 14 LFMP. The 16 residential lots planned for this subdivision is one unit less than the number of units permitted by the Master Plan and the project does not exceed the density allowed by the site's Residential Medium Density (RM 4-8 du/ac) General Plan Land Use designation. The impacts on public facilities created by this project, and its compliance with the adopted performance standards, are summarized in Table 3 as follows: TABLE 3 - GROWTH MANAGEMENT STANDARD City Administration Library Waste Water Treatment Parks Drainage Circulation Fire Open Space Schools Sewer Collection System Water IMPACTS 55.63 square feet 29.67 square feet 16EDU 0.12 acres Drainage Basin B 160ADT Station No. 3 and 5 Provided throughout Master Plan CUSD E = 4.8 / Middle = 1.8 /HS= 1.5 16EDU 8,800 GPD COMPLIANCE? Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes The project is 1 unit below the Master Plan dwelling unit allowance. The MP included a dedication of 7.97 acres of parkland within PA 12 for the anticipated residential development in the East and West Villages. However, parkland dedication for the alternative residential land use in PA 14 was not included in this original calculation. Therefore, a condition is included requiring the developer to pay park-in-lieu fees for the 16 residential units prior to final map approval or issuance of a grading permit. V.ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW The proposed project has been reviewed pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). Staff has analyzed the project and has concluded that no potentially significant impacts GPA 08-01/MP 02-03(A)/CT 07-03//PUD 07-02 - ROBERTSON RANCH PA 14 October 15, 2008 Page 9 would result with the implementation of the project that were not previously examined and evaluated in the certified Final Program Environmental Impact Report for the Robertson Ranch Master Plan (EIR 03-03X dated April 2006, BRG Consulting, Inc. EIR 03-03 evaluates the potential environmental effects of the development and operation of the "Robertson Ranch Master Plan" and associated actions inclusive of the proposed residential subdivision project reviewed here. The City Council certified EIR 03-03 on November 14, 2006. At that time, CEQA Findings of Fact, a Statement of Overriding Considerations, and a Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program were approved. The EIR 03-03 "Findings of Fact and Statement of Overriding Considerations" applies to all subsequent projects covered by the Robertson Ranch Master Plan Final Program EIR. All mitigation measures contained in the adopted Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program from EIR 03-03 applicable to the proposed projects have been completed, incorporated into the project design, or are required as conditions of approval for the project or for the previously approved East Village Master Tentative Map (CT 02-16). All mitigation required for the grading plan and the Final Map for CT 02-16 to permit grading of the project area have been applied. The proposed project would have no effects beyond those analyzed in the program EIR, as they are a part of the program analyzed earlier. This project is within the scope of Final Program EIR 03-03 and no further CEQA compliance is required. EIR 03-03 is available for review at the Planning Department. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Planning Commission Resolution No. 6489 (GPA 08-01) 2. Planning Commission Resolution No. 6490 (MP 02-03(A)) 3. Planning Commission Resolution No. 6491 (CT 07-03) 4. Planning Commission Resolution No. 6492 (PUD 07-02) 5. Location Map 6. Disclosure Form 7. Background Data Sheet 8. Local Facilities Impact Form 9. Letter from Carlsbad Unified School District dated August 8, 2007 10. Robertson Ranch Master Plan Land Use Plan 11. Strike-out/underline MP amendment 12. Reduced Exhibits 13. Robertson Ranch PA 14 - Full Size Exhibits - "A" - "K" dated October 15, 2008 NOT TO SCALE SITEMAP Robertson Ranch PA 14 GPA 08-01 / MP 02-03(A) / CT 07-03 / PUD 07-02 City of Carlsbad Planninq Department DISCLOSURE STATEMENT AppPcanfs statement or disclosure of certain ownership interests on aB appPcattons which wifl require discretionary action on the part of the City Councfl or any appointed Board. Cotnmissfon or Committee. I The following Information MUST be disclosed at the time of appScatton submlttaL Your project cannot be reviewed untB tote informaHon is completed. Ptease print 1. tty*f*&*'»i$>\+ •'.-*• •.-.••- • • •••&•ifr^ij^nl^aj^'property, otfner must DO, APPLICANT (Not the applicant's agent) Provide the COMPLETE. LEGAL, names and addresses of ALL persons having a financial Interest In the application. If the applicant Includes a corporation or partnership, include the names, title, addresses of aO individuals owning more than 10% of the shares. IF NO INDIVIDUALS OWN MORE THAN 10% OF THE SHARES, PLEASE INDICATE NON-APPLICABLE (N/A) IN THE SPACE BELOW. If a publdv-owned corporation. Include the names, titles, and addresses of the corporate officers. (A separate page may be attached if necessary.) Person Brookfield Tamarack LLC THte Corp/Part. Title Address_Address OWNER (Not the owner's agent) Provide the COMPLETE. LEGAL names and addresses of ALL, persons having any ownership- interest In the property involved, Abo, provide the nature of the tegai ownership (l,e, partnership, tenants bi common, non-profit, corporation, etc.). If the ownership Includes a corporation orpartnership, include the names, title, addresses of all individuals owning more than 10% of the shares. IF NO INDIVIDUALS OWN MORE THAN 10% OF THE SHARES, PLEASE INDICATE NON-APPLICABLE (N/A) IN THE SPACE BELOW. If a publicly-owned corporation. Include the names, titles, and addresses of the corporate officers. (A separate page may be attached if necessary.) Person Calavera Hills II LLC Tffle Corp/Part. Title N/A Address.Address 163S Ffemday Avenue • Carlsbad, CA 92003-7314 • (760) 602-4600 • FAX (760) 8024550 • wwwd.carlsba<Ua.uc 3. NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATION OR TRUST Jf any person identified pursuant to (1) or (2) above is a nonprofit organization or a trust fat the names and addresses of ANY person serving as an officer or director of the non-profit organization or as trustee or beneficiary of the. Non ProWTrust Title Non Profitrrrust Tffle Address Address. A. Have you had more than $500 worth of business transacted with any member of City staff. Boards, Commissions, Committees and/or Council within the past twelve (12) months? L_j Yes [xjNo If yes, ptease Indicate persons):, NOTE: Attach additional sheets if necessary. I certify that afl the above information is true and correct to the best of my knowledge. Sign0ture/6f/owner/date E.Dale Gleed.VP Signatureof fopGcsfotWateE.Dale Gleed, VP By: Brbokfield Tamarack LLC,Member By: BMokfield Tamarack LLC, Member Calavera Hills II LLC Calavera Hills II LLC Print or type name of owner Print or type name of applicant Signature of owner/applicant's agent if appHcabte/date Print or type name of owner/applicant's agent HAt»flM«X)UmHW3BCLOSURE STATEMENT 12/06 . Page 2 Of 2 CERTIFIED TRUE COPY OF CORPORATE RESOLUTION (Calavera Hills IILLC) WHEREAS, Brookfield Tamarack LLC, a Delaware limited liability 'company ("Brookfield"), and McMillin Companies, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company ("McMillin"), were the members of the Company, and WHEREAS, McMillin was the managing member of the Company and has been executing any and all documents, agreements and any addenda and amendments thereto ("Documents"), and WHEREAS, it is the best interest of the Company for McMillin to transfer management and to sell its membership interest in the Company to Brookfield; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Company authorizes Brookfield to execute all Documents including any addenda and amendments thereto, which shall bind the Company in all such respects. RESOLVED FURTHER, that the officers of Brookfield are, and each officer individually is, hereby authorized, empowered and directed, in the name and on behalf of the Company as the Managing and sole member of the LLC, to take or cause to be taken, any and all actions not inconsistent with these resolutions, including without limitation, the approval, negotiation, execution, acknowledgment, filing, amendment and delivery of any and all papers, certificates, agreements and documents as such officer may deem necessary or advisable to carry out the purposes and intent of the foregoing resolutions. RESOLVED FURTHER, that all actions taken and all instruments, documents and agreements executed by the officers or authorized representatives of the Company prior to the date of adoption of the foregoing resolutions are, in all respects, authorized, approved and ratified as acts and deeds of this Company. The undersigned Member hereby certifies that the execution and delivery by the Company of the transactions described in these Resolutions will not result in any breach, violation or default under, or be in conflict with, any of the terms and provisions of the governing documents of the Company, or any other contracts, agreements or other obligations of the Company. The undersigned Member hereby certify that no consent, approval or authorization of any governmental authorities is required in connection with the execution and delivery of the documents relating to the transactions described in the Resolution. This is to certify that the foregoing is a true copy of a resolution adopted by Calavera Hills II LLC, a California limited liability company, on the 22nd day of April, 2008, and that such resolution is still in full force and effect unamended. In witness whereof, I have hereunto signed my name as Secretary of Brookfield Tamarack LLC, managing and sole member of Calavera Hills II LLC, this 22nd day of April, 2008. Elizabeth Zepeda, Secretary CERTIFIED TRUE COPY OF CORPORATE RESOLUTION (Brookfield Tamarack LLC) ELECTION OF OFFICERS f ' ' RESOLVED, that the following persons are duly elected to serve as the officers of the Company by the Board of Managers or until the election and qualification of their respective successors or their earlier resignation or removal: STEPHEN P. DOYLE President LARRY N. CORTES Chief Financial Officer and Vice President E.DALEGLEED Vice President DAVID R. POOLE Vice President ELIZABETH ZEPEDA Secretary WILLIAM B. SEITH Assistant Secretary R. CASEY SCHNOOR Assistant Secretary RESOLVED FURTHER, that the Acceptance of each Officer is attached hereto as EXHIBIT "A". RESOLVED FURTHER, that except when otherwise authorized or directed by the Board of Managers, or by law, the officers of the Company are authorized to execute, acknowledge and deliver any and all instruments of writing, including but not limited to, subdivision maps, contracts, agreements for purchase and sale, leases, deeds, notes, security instruments and such other documentation necessary or appropriate in the ordinary course of business of the Company. Unless specifically authorized by the Board of Managers to the contrary, any and all subdivision maps, contracts, agreements for purchase and sale, leases, deeds, notes, loan agreements, partnership agreements and security instruments, other than contracts involving amounts of less than $ 100,000 and deeds for the sale of a single family residence, shall require the signature of two officers of the Company. RESOLVED FURTHER, that no contract or obligation involving the transfer of a substantial right in any major asset of the Company shall be signed without prior approval of the Board of Managers or any committee thereof duly authorized to give such approval. This is to certify that the foregoing is a true copy of a resolution adopted by the Board of Managers of Brookfield Tamarack LLC, a Delaware limited liability company, on the 14th day of March, 2008, and that such resolution is still in full force and effect unamended. In witness whereof, I have hereunto signed my name as Secretary of Brookfield Tamarack LLC, this 22nd day of April. 2008. Elizabeth Zepeda, Secretary BACKGROUND DATA SHEET CASE NO: GPA 08-01/MP 02-03(AVCT Q7-03//PUD 07-02 CASE NAME: ROBERTSON RANCH PA 14 APPLICANT: Brookfield Tamarack, LLC REQUEST AND LOCATION: for a recommendation of approval for a General Plan Amendment and Master Plan Amendment, and a request for approval of a Tentative Tract Map and Planned Development Permit to subdivide 3.65 acres into 16 residential lots and 3 HOA lots, and to approve the plotting for the 16 proposed residences located within Planning Area 14 of the East Village of the Robertson Ranch Master Plan located northwest of the intersection of future Wind Trail Way and future Glen Avenue in Local Facilities Management Zone 14. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lot 4 of Carlsbad Tract No. 02-16, Robertson Ranch East Village, in the City of Carlsbad, County of San Diego, State of California, according to Map thereof No. 15608, filed in the office of the County Recorder of San Diego County on September 18, 2007 APN: 168-360-04 Acres: 3.65 acres Proposed No. of Lots/Units: 19 lots, 16 residential units GENERAL PLAN AND ZONING Existing Land Use Designation: Medium Density Residential (RM) Proposed Land Use Designation: N/A Density Allowed: 4-8 du/ac Density Proposed: 4.76 du/ac Existing Zone: P-C (underlying zone: RD-M) Proposed Zone: N/A Surrounding Zoning, General Plan and Land Use: General Plan (underlying zone designation) Site North South P-C (RD-M) P-C (RD-M) P-C (RD-M and OS) E; proposed RM RM E and OS East West P-C (RD-M)RM P-C (OS)OS Current Land Use Vacant Vacant, future SFR Vacant, future SFR and park/fire station Vacant, future Single- family Residential Open space preserve LOCAL COASTAL PROGRAM Coastal Zone: I Yes No Local Coastal Program Segment: N/A Within Appeal Jurisdiction: I I Yes 1X1 No Coastal Development Permit: | | Yes Ex] No Local Coastal Program Amendment: | | Yes 1X1 No Revised 01/06 Existing LCP Land Use Designation: N/A Proposed LCP Land Use Designation: N/A Existing LCP Zone: N/A Proposed LCP Zone: N/A PUBLIC FACILITIES School District: Carlsbad Unified Water District: Carlsbad Sewer District: Carlsbad Equivalent Dwelling Units (Sewer Capacity): 16 EDU ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT [""] Categorical Exemption, L~1 Negative Declaration, issued Certified Environmental Impact Report, EIR 03-03, dated November 14, 2006 Other, _ Revised 01/06 CITY OF CARLSBAD GROWTH MANAGEMENT PROGRAM LOCAL FACILITIES IMPACTS ASSESSMENT FORM (To be Submitted with Development Application) PROJECT IDENTITY AND IMPACT ASSESSMENT: FILE NAME AND NO: Robertson Ranch PA 14 - GPA 08-01/MP 02-03CAYCT 07-037 PUD 07-02 LOCAL FACILITY MANAGEMENT ZONE: 14 GENERAL PLAN: Existing: E; Proposed: RM ZONING: P-C (underlying zone: RD-M) DEVELOPER'S NAME: Brookfield Tamarack, LLC ADDRESS: 12865 Pointe Del Mar, Ste 200 Del Mar, CA 92014-3859 PHONE NO.: 619-794-1252 ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NO.: 168-360-04 QUANTITY OF LAND USE/DEVELOPMENT (AC., SQ. FT., DU): 3. ESTIMATED COMPLETION DATE: UNKNOWN 65 acres, 1 6 DUs A. B. C. D. E. City Administrative Facilities: Demand in Square Footage = 55.63 sq. ft. Library: Demand in Square Footage = 29.67 sq. ft. Wastewater Treatment Capacity (Calculate with J. Sewer) 16 EDU Park: Demand in Acreage = 0.12 acres Drainage: Demand in CFS = 0.92 CFS (East Village) F. G. H. I. J. Identify Drainage Basin = Basin B (Identify master plan facilities on site plan) Circulation: Demand in ADT = 160 AD (Identify Trip Distribution on site plan) Fire: Served by Fire Station No. = 3 and 5 Open Space: Acreage Provided =Provided throughout Master Plan CUSP K. L. Schools: E = 4.8 / Middle = 1.8/HS = 1.5 Sewer: Demands in EDU 16 EDU Identify Sub Basin = 14A (Identify trunk line(s) impacted on site plan) Water: Demand in GPD = 8,800 GPP The project is 1 unit below the Master Plan Pwelling unit allowance. BUSINESS SERUICES FfiX NO. :7603316981 jg. 10 2007 12:42PM P2 arlsbad Unified School District 6225 El Camlno Real • Carlsbad, CA 92009 $f (760) 331*5000 >FAX (760) 431-6707.... a world class district August 8, 2007 Mr. Brian J. Milich, Senior Vice President VIA FACSIMILE 619-336-3596 McMillin Land Development P.O. Box 85104 San Diego, CA 92186-5104 Re: School Site at Robertson Ranch Development Dear Mr. Milich: Thank you for our continuing conversations regarding the potential school site at the Robertson Ranch development. As you know, the District has considered many potential funding sources through which we might acquire the identified school site. At this time, unfortunately, the District is unable to commit a funding source for the acquisition. The District understands that McMillin Land Development and, perhaps, the family Trust, must soon file plans, maps and other documents with the City of Carlsbad and that those plans must be based on the best information available and project plans at the time. We recognize that, given our inability to commit to acquisition, your filings with the City will reflect residential and other construction in the area that is identified as a potential school site. Despite our inability to make a commitment to acquire the site, if the District were to determine that future enrollment growth and financial capacity were to justify acquisition, I would contact you at once to discuss whether a school site might be available. Thank you for your continuing interest in and support of Carlsbad Unified School District. Sincerely, Walter Freeman Assistant Superintendent, Business Services ROBERTSON RANCH MASTER PLAN MP 02-03 (Master Plan Development of 1,122 dwelling units (1,154 with alternative land uses), a 13 acre (net) village commercial center with a community facilities component, an elementary school site, a 13.5 acre (net) public park, over 140 acres of open space preserve, and additional community recreation open space located within Local Facilities Management Zone 14.) APPROVED BY: City Council Ordinance No. NS-822, November 14, 2006 MP 02-03(A) APPROVED BY: City Council Ordinance No. , ifjtfwv «g m 3$ 88•3, fea ssa STATISTICAL S JMMARY a»-i»..^-,.;ST?— ^'--T.;..j V-fr y"v ! "!*"??"" ' Smfjf ("illy trwmliil - 1 0,000 vf. Sm^JMih Gndcmul . 7.WO . Hn^t-Fim ^ traOatlJ . t.,000 . S.njWm.MtiSdwoJ.i.MO . Sin^e-Fimil* HewJemii - S.UOO . MuM-mV^^nuJ MrfuTjni* RnWeoUil Mirtfjnxlv KtMemul MuftrtiB.lv (pj.i-r.ul Couoyj^d Seadtnnal • USIDtHTIM tOJAlS K SfSUXMW .-. «.!!!!!..• f jS =; .::•. .•«•-- ^•30*5 11 J1A-F: Community KiKnutinn Viittp- Lemw/CmnmmBtC.F. srl •school' school' Com-numr, iHitunjn WIT* Qint!) Fjolnj. lln-FlannedAmj °f-nSPa" - ftvit cr rows 5 0 0 1 2 r — 7 5 n i .1 9 I* £ 0 1 4I.S "H« 11 15 1J II 6 " — •; — \tb 7B 67 I.1Z2 - - - - - - i,r» 10 5 0 ; 10.0 11 J 1J* i.4 -- - - - - - - S.J MAXIMUM RESIDENTIAL UNIT ALLOCATION East Village West Village Total Robertson Ranch PROPOSED PROIECr 469 653 1,122 PROPOSE oPROUCT WITH PAs 1 3 & 1 4ALTERNATIVE USE" 483 671 1,154 PA 13 and 14Alternative Use r 1C""1 l'n I' WEST EAST VILLAGE I VILLAGE ~ . v-*-V. I• •• ^rSsV,\ — \ v, *S>,W> PA 4 c Vo^Community Recreal /&T \IKBcv-'-y ^« 1 t-t?t NOTES: •ALTERNATIVE USES AVAILABLE - SEE TEXT "SEE TEXT FOR DISCUSSION FIGURE No. II-4 MASTER PLAN LAND USE PLAN MIHTER PLfll PACE 11-12 LEGEND R-1-7,500 One Family Residential Zone - 7,500 SF Lot Size R-1 -1 0,000 One Family Residential Zone - 10,000 SF Lot Size RD-M Residential Density - Multiple Zone CL/CF Local Shopping Center/ Community Facility L-C Limited Control OS Open Space OS (CR) Open Space (Community Recreation) OS (P) Open Space (Park) n \ WEST I EAST VILLAGE I VILLAGE OS 0 150 300 600 Robertson Ranch FIGURE NO. II-3 UNDERLYING MASTER PLAN ZONE DESIGNATIONS MASTER PLAN.PAGE II-10 LEGEND RLM Low Medium Density (0-4 DU/AC) RM Medium Density (4-8 DU/AC) RMH Medium High Density (8-15 DU/AC) RH High Density (15-23 DU/AC) E Elementary School @L Community Facility/Local Shopping Center OS Open Space UA Un-Planned Area n \ I I WEST I EAST VILLAGE ' VILLAGE Robertson Ranch OS FIGURE NO. II-1 AMENDED GENERAL PLAN LAND USE MAP MASTER PLAN_PAGE II-7 KEY MAP N.T.S I PA 13* SCHOOL 6.8 Gross Acres 6,7 Net Acres PA 14* SCHOOL RESIDENTIAL 3.6 Gross Acres 3.3 Net Acres * ALTERNATIVE USES AVAILABLE * ALTERNATIVE USES AVAILABLE SEE TEXT. -SEE TEXT. LEGEND =»—«B»» VIEW FNECE (See Figures 111-60 & 111-61) „„ ,,,.» » VIEW FENCE Ofi SOLID BLOCK WALL (See figures 111-60 & 61) __.«.»>•• TRAIL FENCE iSoe Figures 111-60 & 111-61) trxasKzatti MULTI-USE O.G.THAIL ,„, ,,T, FUEL MODIFICATION CONDfnoN'A" *" "* (See Figure IIW7) =• •" '- " ENHANCED LANDSCAPE BUFFER • • « » « LIMITS OF HMP HARDLINE MAP BOUNDAflY --. — • LIMITS OF DISTURBANCE /J\ TRAIL NODE 4TRAIL MARKER Vy (See Figure 111-59) _/*, REQUIflES A 60' SETBACK ffiOM NATIVE Ws VEGETATION TO COMBUSTIBLE STRUCTURES OPEN SPACE TRAIL CONNECTION VILLAGE BOUNDARY OPEN SPACE TRAIL CONNECTION SCHOOL/OPEN SPACE TRANSITION (See Figure 111-53) PARK/SCHOOL — TRANSITION (See Figure 111-52) PRIMARY EAST VILLAGE ENTRY- (STREET'A") STREETSCAPE (See Figure 111-41) CONCEPTUAL NEIGHBORHOOD ENTRY (See Figures 111-34 & 111-35} CONCEPTUAL LOCAL ROAD STREETSCAPE (See Figure 111-45} .......... - ENHANCED 5' LANDSCAPE CONCEPTUAL TRAFFIC CIRCLE TREATMENT (See Figure 111-42! FIGURE No. 1I1-I PLANNING AREAS 13 8214 HHSTEB PLill PACE 111-75 III. DEVELOPMENT AND Robertson Ranch REGULATORY PROVISIONS Planning Area 13 is approximately 6.8 gross (6.7 net) acres and is located along the western edge of Street "A" in the West Village of the Master Plan Area. Planning Area 13 is proposed to be developed as an elementary school site, if purchased by the Carlsbad Unified School District (CUSD). If the CUSD chooses to not purchase the site and develop an elementary school, Planning Area 13 may be developed with 35 detached, single family dwelling units. Access to Planning Area 13 is provided from the east via Street "A." Planning Area 14 is approximately 3.6 gross (3.3 net) acres and is located along the western edge of Street "A" in the East Village of the Master Plan Area. Planning Area 14 is proposed to be developed as an elementary school site, if purchased by the CUSD. If the CUSD chooses to not purchase the site and develop an elementary school, Planning Area 14 may be developed with 17 detached, single family dwelling units. Access to Planning Area 14 is provided from the east via Street "A. Implementation of Master Plan Vision and Goals Consistent with the Ahwahnee Principles, these Planning Areas provide for a local school, reachable by a variety of transportation methods, both by students, and parents, from the majority of the residential areas of the project. Land Use Regulations • General Plan Land Use Designation: E (Elementary School) • Underlying Zone Designation: RD-M (Residential Density — Multiple) Required Development Permits • Conditional Use Permit • A General Plan Amendment would be required if this site is not developed as a school site. • A Minor Master Plan Amendment would be required to develop the proposed alternate land uses. Development Standards • Development of Planning Areas 13 and 14 shall comply with all applicable regulations and development standards of the Carlsbad Municipal Code, including zoning standards for the RD-M zone, except as modified by the Robertson Ranch Master Plan. Setbacks • A minimum 10 foot setback shall be provided between Street "A" and any parking area. Robertson Ranch Master Plan Page 111-72 November 14, 2006 III. DEVELOPMENT AND m) Planning Area, 13 - School; Planning Area 14 - Single Family - Site Zoning ,.---{Deleted; Regulations and Criteria (see Figure 111-12, Planning Areas 13 and 14) """{Deleted: and 14 Robertson Ranch REGULATORY PROVISIONS Building Height No structure shall exceed 35 feet in height measured from the final grade. Exceptions may be granted by the Planning Commission at the specific request and need of an educational institution. Special Design Criteria 1. An optional entry treatment, as depicted on Figure 111-28, Key to Conceptual Community Entries, Recreational Amenities, and Edge Conditions, Figure 111-34, Conceptual Neighborhood Entry Plan, and Figure 111-35, Conceptual Neighborhood Entry Elevation, may be provided at the intersection of Street "A" and a local street extending from Street "A." 2. A trail node may be located on the school site. 3. A trail shall be provided along the west edge of PAs 13 and 14, and shall be maintained by the City or Master HOA. 4. All combustible structures or facilities shall be setback from natural open space areas in accordance with the Fuel Modification Plan (Figure 111-46). 5. Parking areas adjacent to Street "A" shall be screened from view by landscaping or screen walls. 6. If agreed to by the CUSD, parking areas shall be designed and located such that parking spaces may be shared between the school (PA 13) and park uses (PA 12), as depicted on Figure 111-52. 7. A 5-foot landscape buffer shall be provided on Street "A". Alternative Uses In the event that the CUSD does not purchase or develop Planning Areas 13 and 14 as planned, the following use shall be permitted: • Single Family Residential A maximum of 35 single family dwelling units may be permitted within Planning Area 13 and a maximum of 17 single family dwelling units may be permitted within Planning Area 14, upon approval of a Minor Master Plan Amendment. Under this scenario, the unit allocation shall be based on the Growth Control Point for the existing RLM designation which would allow 32 units (10 acres x 3.2 du/ac), together with a shift of 20 units from other planning areas. For Planning Area 13, a total of 35 units may be constructed. Of these 35 units, 18 units would be allocated to the site based on the Growth Control Robertson Ranch Master Plan Page 111-73 November 14, 2006 III. DEVELOPMENT AND Robertson Ranch REGULATORY PROVISIONS Point, while the remaining 17 units would be transferred from other West Village Planning Areas as follows: PA 5 -10 units; PA 6 - 1 unit; and PA 10 - 6 units. For Planning Area 14, a total of 17 units may be constructed. Of these 17 units, 14 units would be allocated to the site based on the Growth Control Point, while the remaining 3 units would be transferred from PA 21. If single family uses are constructed within Planning Areas 13 and/or 14, the development standards, special design criteria, and development permits required shall be the same as those indicated for PAs 16,17, and 18. Planning Area 14 shall be incorporated into PA 16 and shall utilize the same architectural design. No additional pocket parks are required for PA 14. However, the project is required to demonstrate that the required recreation area for PA 14 (200 sf/unit) has been included as an enlargement of PA 19. In the event that PA 13 is incorporated into the East Village HOA. no additional pocket parks shall be required if it can be demonstrated that all of the required recreation area for PA 13 (200 sf/unit) has been included as an enlargement of PA 19. Passive and Active Recreation Facilities A minimum of 10,000 square feet of community recreation area may be provided jointly for Planning Areas 13 and 14. East Village HOA Planning Area \\ may be annexed into the East Village HOA so that the ...--{Deleted; 14 residents have access to the Community Recreation area within PA 19. Robertson Ranch Master Plan Page 111-74 November 14, 2006 1 1 Deleted: 1111 11 foaacf mat fffssaf are. . . .jjtocn. Ataotpo(it 001 fsa- (It OMB r SSO . .tjcoav NOTE: 1) m pnaca is oa&oo/r upon IUPROKHENTS {SRffr A UJJUJTES) BEING camcmi rat mo m<vi mYfcr m-is, OIK 113-6) AHD ALAMO! CT. CT CH-26. OIK 1S1-S) 2) KOUmD RCCRCAHaifL ASCA a SAnSFIDmm PA 19 U® LOTS 308 OF CT Ot-26 untfMf nut tmsuo nuei IK ei-m aaeajmIUHOI asr mutes nOD H P£ cfnccir pf own" mutualat sfpjsea it tee7. FLOOD ZONE DESIGNATION an or aaav nui IUP «b aaa c axr t oxf otttp JMT/X tas?tag x - jaus ourgac ax aoo XMnoco OM»*taxxctt- otss/loop ttftnttxr trxaatP GRADING ANALYSIS 3 Htuswtr auaK ruut RECREATION SUMMAKY r. treocri; 4«» cr ifc -s§-tSB sss out I Wor mfwv ouo*e UNIT TYPE SUMMARY TKEA WENT CONTROL BMP TABLE UAINTDWICE UMI a aams oPLAN 2 (no sionnMt jfna nan/ a tjs.iv LOT SIZE SUMMARY XT 9O1Z PARKING SUMMARY IPOUKED OWNER/DEVELOPER CIVIL ENGINEER/ LAND SURVEYOR A eoAmtf utgf utaurr cafwtr SHEET I OF 3 SHEETS C.T. 07-03 P.U.D. 07-02 G.P.A 08-01 U.P. 02-03(A) TENTATIVE MAP FOR ROBERTSON RANCH EAST VILLAGE PLANNING AREA 14 CXSTNG sieai DAW * ca . one Ha. SOCT IMBM. SB&TIXHT nmcwr OUOfD HOFfS {Zl I oat? sat? c&vuiKX MB. . ftvsat oacea /* xoifotsat OCJOEX m xn?t&ata Auaar u 2007~ J I BENCHMARK: snvotn u-to soar a* we ©2007 O'Doy Consultonts. Inc. • n axiuiKf gcaofs A maaecMMffor oaf rjimr oiaua *• n OWUMT «ows 5 tisna MOCK SHOTS nx wmsr wtwntvs i snur moan am Motf a MXUSTt*. XOS tUU fUS Mf FOR OfffXCHCf CM. 1 AM) Aft HOT JO BE USB) FCP HOHZCHTM.OR MKM. santr CCNTROL C DNS U LJ! rmr »'xcwmwoiwnsffiH/rff^5r— f-**-j //u\ TYPICAL LOT DRAINAGE PUNNING AREA 14 LOT AREA PAD AREA PUM1 CtMRAg « «~usa ^ s . 'HA -M%~ Hfcztnjnjri P •«- * fr • NO&IES SEKJt&D FlOXfV* f Of J 5WEE75c.r. 0/-0J G.P.A 08-01 M.P. 02-i •cp-?-TJ=___=£L-'-^£= EXIST. GLKTf AVfNUS fKSDffMX'' . *^jr GLEN AVENUE HOSOtf ©2QQ7 O'Doy C«\su(tat\ls, I BKNHHMARK: , joatKfKBt MUCH US K0»flnton CCIOEW n tearsncsa ocraE»m/nj7 VVSJt AOBB7H ItXffantsat turn, wo?otiratPMa MKUSTZI. o n FROK ceurry acxH tftcis/M cowmen CEOte rfkT • RCfc 32Q14 SHffT J OF 3 SHEETS C.T. 07-03 P.U.D. 07-02 G.P.A 08-01 U.P. 02-03(A) ID2007 O'Ooy Consultants. Inc. CIKOKTK M» ftfS Mf fW flJOSKT «fl AND Of HOT 10 BE V5O> fOt HOKWOtor terncv saner ccNUta. ROBERTSON RANCH CAST VILLAGE PLANNING AREA 14 ©2007 O'Oay Consultants, Inc. Robertson Ranch East Village Landscape Concept Plan Planning Area 14 STREET ADDRESS: NW Comer Wind Trail Way / Glen Ave LEGEND Oevelooe^s Name & Address: Calavera Hills II, LLC 1 2865 Pointe Del Mar Suite 200 Del Mar, CA. 92014 Ph.(858)481-8500 fax (858) 793-2395 Howard Associates, Inc. #350 8880 Rio San Diego Drive San Diego, CA. 92108 Ph.(619)718-9660 fax (619) 718-9669 SHEET NUMBER 1 2 3-4 5 6 SHEET TITLE Title Sheet Landscape Concept Plan Concept Planting Legend, Notes, & Df Maintenance Responsibility Plan Water Conservation Plan ;tails CO CO' ffi UJ C "5 3° DATE, (0/O2/OS DRA1W BY: MM/6& JOB NUMBER; O2100 61 RLE: Existing Concrete Driveway -Per DWG 453-8 6" Concrete mow curb 12" Split face pilaster - -—^ Stone veneer on public facing side ( ^ j 50' Section of fence to be non-combustible vinyl 28'-30'to be 3'high View Fence (Typical) ( C ) View fence with Coyote Roller Bar 28-30'to be 3'high View \ { y" Fence(Tydical) "*'x* Existing planting per DWG 433-6M to remain. Concrete Sidewalk Concrete Driveway - Per Civil Engineers Plans Property Line • Limit of Work . INTERIM SLOPES, WILL BE REDEVELOPED WITH _ ROBERTSON RANCH WEST VILLAGE PA 13 CO -a DATE, (O/O2/06 DRAW BT": MM/CS JOB NUMBER O2ICK3.6I OF 6 SHEETS SLOPE PLANTING NOTES: Fire Protection Information PLANT LESEND- COMMON AREAS SLOPE PLANTING STANDARD LEGEND .„„--, , nn-Twpcnitrliiimtjrrnn-i u -mm-ii ura line- js pcneien n, evpcM fanini * * mlmam »m m, Ciy ot (MOM SYMBOL BOTANICAL NAME COMMON NAME SIZE^H^TP.^^^ + • + • + • + • s^rz^^zsssr b I ANUAKO;. A " + + 4- 4 performed annually, as defined on the plan. -A' - STANDARD SI - COVER CROP/ REINFORCED STRAW MATTING: + + + + <-„_„ , , ,., , „ A .„ . COVER CROP SHALL BE A SEED MIX TYPICALLY MADE UP OF QUICK GERMINATING ' • 1 • L ""*" L'^^^^f ' M shave bean THFPS - STREET 1 PARK TR^T^ - MIWIMUM 24" BOX SIZE ~ 24 TRFF'S r * % LA&ERSTROEMIA 'MUSiCO&EE' CRAPE MYRTLE 24" BOX J39TAND FAST COVERING GRASSES, CLOVERS AND/ OR W1LOFLOWERS. SUBMIT THE //////////A grounder only. Imgated ^ ^ SPECIFIC SEED MIX FOR CITY APPROVAL PRIOR TO APPLICATION. THE COVER CROP MMM ///////////) 1^0,, & •} /M r , r** i \ \ JfrL 6 ULMJS PARIVFOLtA CHINESE EVER&REEN ELM 24' BOX SSS^SfSK"""1*""™61"10'1'0™'" B" ^^^ SSSSSSSSL.^*^^ M^ -TYPE OF REINFORCED STRAW MATTING SHALL BE AS APPROVED BY THE '//////////A Section A-3 (Manufactured slopes) SHRUBS - 5O* 5 GALLON MINIMUM SIZE - 2OO SHRUBS CITY AND STAKED TO THE SLOPE AS RECOMMENDED BY THE y^y^^^JJ^H P,anlatf ^tL« ^,*r ,**. JfJ***, SOS^,-Tr^s ta to ^^ no LAR6E SHRUBS fW, f>' UP) OCCURS BETWEEN AUGUST 15 AND APRIL 15. DURING THE REMAINDER OF V-/ '- iyWXXXJOOOOi : THEVEAR.THECOVERCROPA^OR.UTH M£SH MAV BE USED. : ^TTTrWIW ! InVaSIVB PlBHt COntfOl ONE HUNDRED (100%) PERCENT OF THE AREA SHALL BE PLANTED WITH A GROUND U|~VI Q^yT^QwP^ - A priority in the overall program of landscape maintenance H COVER KNOWN TO HAVE EXCELLENT SOIL BINDING CHARACTERISTICS (PLANTED |) g^XXXyWvQ ' Ranch is tfio control ol invasive and exotic weeds from «ncrc native revegetalion and fire suppression areas. Such maint •C' • STANDARD #3 - LOW SHRUBS conducted by the Homeowner's Association, and shall Oe st LOW SPREADING WOODY SHRUBS (PLANTED FROM A MINIMUM OF 2-3/4" LINERS) GC&R's. SHALL COVER A MINIMUM OF SEVENTY (70%) PERCENT OF THE SLOPE FACE (AT MATURE SIZE ) Most weeds can be eradicated by vigilant hand pulling on a Oilier such weeds sriatt be sprayed or cut and painted with hTT- STANDARD «4 - TREES/ AND/ OR LARGE SHRUBS more times to thoroughly kill the roots. Herbicides should be TREES AND'OR LARGE SHRUBS SHALL BE (PLANTED FROM A MINIMUM OF 1 GALLON and only with the advice and supervision of a licensed pest c SQUARE FEET SLOPES - *, OR STEEPER AND: Village Landscaping Percenta a. 3' OR LESS IN VERTICAL HEIGHT AND ARE ADJACENT TO PUBLIC WALKS OR Total Sita Area STREETS REQUIRE AT MINIMUM STANDARD #1 , . ' . b. M IN VERTICAL HEIGHT RECMRE STANDARDS ,1 . ,2, AND ,3. ZSZSS. St^ZS™ ^a IN EXCESS OF 3' IN VERTICAL HEIGHT REQUIRE STANDARDS »1 . #2, #3, AND #4. reiwioge u< ->ue useo iui Ldtmscapn'y. HAVE ONE OR MORE OF THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: ALL SLOPES 6.1 OR GREATER AND a. SHEET GRADED PADS NOT SCHEDULED FOR IMPROVEMENTS WITHIN 6 MONTHS ARE 3' HIGH TO CONFORM TO CITY OF COMPLETION OF ROUGH GRADING. _._ _ . _. „,,.-. . AMnc.^n.rn= HIHMI mib. A POTENTIAL EROSION PROBLEM AS DETERMINED BV THE CITV. OF CARLSBAD LANDSCAPE MANUAL SPECIAL CONDITIONS THAT WARRANT IMMEDIATE TREATMENT. ALL SLOPE PLANTINGS MUST BE IRRIGATED. TYPICAL SIGNS p«*LU,0 ^-* ^""'^.^v^ /S\ /^X *' «« ™«^ " ~ \J^j ) Up7 ) 9ECYCLED WATER ' * ^HrLsc^-"™ • ACACIA LON&IFOLIA SYDNEY SOLOEN WATTLE 15 BALLON CHAMEARAPS HUMILIS MEDITERRANEAN FAN PALM 15 6ALLON TECOMA STANS YELLOW BELLS 15 6ALL(?N Uh Robertson * *&*>** REDOLEN& ACACIA 5 6ALLON BOUSAINVILLEA 'CRIMSON JEWEL' BOJ&AINVILLEA 1 &ALLON TTiwa weeds COLEONEMA PULCHRUM PINK BREATH OF HEAVEN 5 6ALLON Wi grain LEUCOPHYLLUM 'GREEN CLOUP' TEAS RAN&ER 5 GALLON nance will be LI&USTRUM TEXANUM PRIVET I &ALLON nutated in the NERIUM OLEANDER OLEANDER 1 BALLON RAPHIOLEPIS INDICA INPIA HAWTHORN (BEST AVAILABLE) 1 &ALLON SMALL SHRUBS (W: 3' BELOWJ 'or^ftooneof ' AjSAPAHTHJS LIUY OF THE NILE 1 &ALLON used sparingly DIETES VE&ETA FORTNIGHT LILY 1 6ALLON vntrol advisor. REAR YARD SHRUBS 0 LEPTOSreRMUM SOOPARIUM 'RUBY AUSOK 2EALANP TEA TREE 1 GALLON 'RUBY 6LOW' ge © TECOMARIA CAPENSIS CAPE HONEYSUCKLE 1 &ALLON 159.243 S.F. VINES - I3O VINES Wi'4at5s's " ^STERlA FLORIBUMPA JAPANESE WISTERIA 5 6ALLON SROUND iSOVERS - 12" O.C. SPACIN6 ^^ SAZANIA 'SUNRISE YELLOW' &A2ANIA FLATS 12" O.C. ^P DELOSPERMA ALBA WHITE TRAILING ICEPLANT FLATS 12' O.C. ^ra MYOPORUM PACIFICUM W/ MYOPORUM 1 SAL O 24' O.C.t**ffl UNDERPLANT WITH: DELOSPERMA ALBA MYOPORUM FLATS 12" O.C. LANTANA 'SPREADING SUNSHINE1 LANTANA FLATS 12" O.C. _, SROUND COVER ON INTERIM SLOPES - 12" O.C. SPACING* NX] MYOPORUM PACIFI6UM MYOPORUM FLATS (21 O£,. NOTE. ON ALL SLOPES NOT ADJACENT TO OPEN SPACE SHALL BE UNDERPLANTED WITH FLATS OF CLUMP1NS SAZAN1A <MOOMSL«»W AT 12" O.C. "INTERIM SLOPES ARE TO BE TEMPORARILY IRRISATEP AND REINFORCED WITHSTRAW MAT IF PLANTED BETWEEN AU6U5T 15 AND APRIL 15 Naturalizing Area SHRUBS - 180 Shrubs ffl ARTEMESIA CALIFORWCA CALIFORNIA SAGEBRUSH GAL QTY O BACCHARIS PILULARtS CHAPARRAL BROOM GAL QTY Q ERIOGONUM FASCICULA TUM FLA T- TOPPED BUCKWHEA T GAL QTY (Ji MALOSMA LAURINA LAUREL SUMAC GAL OTY o MIMULUS AURANTIACUS MONKEYFLOWER GAL QTY © OPTUNTIA LITTORAL1S PRICKLY -PEAR CACTUS CAL QTY ® RHUS INTEGFHFOUA LEONADEBERRY GAL QTY 0 SALVIA MELLIFERA BLACK SAGE GAL QTY 9 ADOLPHIA CALIFONICA CALIFORNIA ADOLPHIA CAL OTY 0 OPUNTIA LinORALIS PRICKLY PEAR GAL QTY CSS BRUSH MA.NGEMENT HYOROSEEO MIX % ^ LBe1/ p— l-i BOTANICAL NAME COMMON NAME PURE &ERM AC U~U~J A TRIPLEX CANESCENS HOARY SALTBRUSH 15 50 0 t-J—f^ BACCHARIS PtLULARIS CHAPARRAL BROOM 2 40 . ERIOPHYLLUM CONFERIFLORUM GOLDEN YARROW 30 60 5 CNAPHALIUM BICOLOR EVERLASTING 10 25 5 ISOCOMA MENZIES1I GOLDENBUSH 20 40 0 LASTHENIA CALIFORNIA COMMON GOLDFIELOS 50 60 5 LOTUS SCOPARIUS DEERWEED 90 80 3.0 LUP/NUS SUCCULENTUS ARROYA LUPINE 98 80 1.0 MIMULUS AURANTIACUS MONKEYFLOWER 5 70 1.0 NASELLA PULCHRA PURPLE NEEDLE GRASS 90 60 4.0 NASSELLA LEPIDA FOOTHILL NEEDLEGRASS 90 60 1.5 CEANTHOS GLORIOUS CALIFORNIA LILAC 85 50 20.0 PHACELtA RAMOSISSMA BRANCHING PHACELIA 90 70 1.5 PLANTAGO INSULARIS PLANTAGO 98 35 20.0 TOTAL 42.0 f C « K\> k ( h H O V Jt Rl CO f ^ ^> O 2 *^ — SH E E T TI T L E La n d s c a p e Co n c e p t P l a n PR O J E C T N A M E Ro b e r t s o n R a n c h P A 14 Ca l a v e r a H i l l s II , L L C Ca r l s b a d C A ATE i \O/O2/OS> *AI*l BT: MM/CS 3B NUMBER; O2IOO.6 LE: EVISIONS \ J^ OF b SHEETS (T) SPLIT FACE BLOCKPILASTER NTH STONE VENEER ONPUBLIC FACING SIDE (2) SPLIT-FACE BLOCK (?) FRE-CAST~^ CONCRETE CAP 0 FINISH GRADE Split-Face Block Wall w/ Stone venner Pilasters 2X6 CEDAR CAP (SPLICE AT POSTJ 2X4 TRIM fREARJ TtpP AND BOTTOM 1X4 TRIM CFRONTJ T(PP AND BOTTOM CO < " NOT TO SCALE rfn n n n n p rfn n (T) ROUND TUBULAR STEEL POST HITH CAP 6 S'-O"MAX. O.C. SPACING. FINISH GRADE (5) COTOTE ROLLER L 1 OVERHEAD l^OOP TRELLIS STONE VENEER PILASTER View Fence Trail Node III I V S DATE. IO/02/OS DRAWN BY-. MM/CS JOB NUMBER; 02IO0.6I OF 6 SHEETS North IRRIGATION & MAINTENANCE LEGEND SYMBOL DESCRIPTION Home Owner Association irrigation and Maintenance Zone Private Home Owner Irrigation and Maintenance Zone Interim Slopes to be Maintained by Robertson Ranch East Village HOA until PA 13 is Developed co 3- w CQ-0 & III DATE; IO/02/OS JOB NUMBER. 0~2\OO.b\ FILE.- REVISIONS: OF 6 SHEETS WA TER CONSERVA TION LEGEND SYMBOL DESCRIPTION • •;|I=| » Zone 1 Zone 2 Zone 3 Water Conservdtion Information Afea and percentage of each planting zone: Zone J: J5.490 s.l.: 27.8% Zone2:4.0J2s.f.;07.2% Zone 3:36,289 s.f.; 65.0 % \e4:Qs.-.0% Discussion of Zone 1 planting: Zone 1 planting isdesigned to be used in active and passive open spaces, and at pro/eci entries. A total of 6.300 s.f. of turf is proposed, whicti represents 23.0 % of the proposed landscape for the site. Methods to minimize the use of water will include adequate soil utilizes tow precipitation rale heads. The irrigation system wiS be adjusted seasonally to preventover-watering in the cooler months. Reclaimed water use: It is anticipated that reclaimed water wOt be available tor this site in the accommodate reclaimed water. Xeriscapo Principles: Plants have boon grouped in hydrozones. Zone J planting has been concentrated in areas of significant visual impact Gallons par year of watef for each planting z, Zone 1:344.534 gal. Zone 2:33.463 gal Zone 3:124.G34gat.Zone 4:0 gal. SH E E T T I T L E La n d s c a p e Co n c e p t P l a n •* UJ Q. -i < IJ 1 ° ATE,0/O2/0& MM/C-6 02100.6 OF 6 SHEETS Hardline RECLAIMED WA TER USE LEGEND AREA OF PROPOSED RECLAIMED WATER USE - TIE INTO MAINLINE FROM POC tf 14 - LOCATED AT WIND TRAIL WAY 15+37 EAST AREA OF PROPOSED RECLAIMED WATER USE ON INTERIM SLOPES - TIE INTO MAINLINE FROM POC # 14 - LOCATED AT WIND TRAIL WAY 15+37EAST _ QM OS. OS CO a y F SH E E T E $Z) i i1 <yin S si DATE, IO/O2/O& PRAkW BY i MM/C6 JOB MJMBER. O2\OO.b\ FILE: REVISIONS. OF I SHEETS