HomeMy WebLinkAbout2010-09-15; Planning Commission; ; GPA 09-06|ZC 09-07|LCPA 09-06|SP 181G|SP 199B|CT 09-03 -CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL GOLF COURSE MAPPINGThe City of Carlsbad Planning Department A REPORT TO THE PLANNING COMMISSION Item No.1 P.C. AGENDA OF: September 15, 2010 Application complete date: 09/28/2009 Project Planner: Christer Westman Project Engineer: Frank Jimeno SUBJECT: GPA 09-06/ZC 09-07/LCPA 09-06/SP 18KGVSP 199(BVCT 09-03 - CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL GOLF COURSE MAPPING - Request for a determination that the project is within the scope of the previously certified City of Carlsbad Municipal Golf Course Program EIR (EIR 97-01); a recommendation of approval of a General Plan Amendment to change the Planned Industrial (PI) and Open Space (OS) land use designations to a combination district of Planned Industrial/Office and Open Space; a Zone Change to change the Planned Industrial (P-M) and Open Space (OS) zoning designations to a combination zone of Planned Industrial/Office (P-M/O) and Open Space (OS); a Local Coastal Program Amendment to amend the Local Coastal Program Land Use and Zoning maps to be consistent with the General Plan and Zoning Maps; a Specific Plan Amendment to SP 181 to remove all of Phase three from the Specific Plan; a repeal of Specific Plan 199; and approval of a Tentative Tract Map to subdivide 504.7 acres into six golf course lots, three future development lots, and one future park lot on property generally located north of Palomar Airport Road, east and west of College Boulevard, and south of Faraday Avenue within the boundaries of the City of Carlsbad Municipal Golf Course in Local Facilities Management Zones 5 and 8. I, RECOMMENDATION That the Planning Commission make a determination that the project is within the scope of the previously certified City of Carlsbad Municipal Golf Course Program EIR (EIR 97-01) and ADOPT Planning Commission Resolutions No. 6715, 6716, 6717, and 6718 RECOMMENDING APPROVAL of General Plan Amendment GPA 09-06, Zone Change ZC 09-07, Local Coastal Program Amendment LCPA 09-06, Specific Plan Amendment SP 181(G), repeal of Specific Plan 199 (SP199(B)), and ADOPT Planning Commission Resolution No. 6719 APPROVING Tentative Tract Map CT 09-03 based on the findings and subject to the conditions contained therein. II. INTRODUCTION The project is atypical in that the underlying existing golf course use has been approved by Conditional Use Permit (CUP 97-07) and all of the improvements have been completed. The Crossings Golf Course has been in operation since 2006. Review and analysis of the map and land use changes is therefore not to determine if a golf course should be approved at this location or if the golf course and related uses are compatible with adjacent uses. Compatibility was established through the approval of the CUP and certification of the Carlsbad Municipal Golf Course EIR. The various applications associated with this project are follow-up actions o GPA 09-06/ZC 09-07/LCPA 09-06/SP 181(G)/SP 199(B)/CT 09-03 - CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL GOLF COURSE MAPPING September 15,2010 PAGE 2 necessary to clearly define the golf course use on the City's official land use maps and to create and zone the remainder non-golf course City owned lots to a compatible PI/O use that is similar to other surrounding PI uses. The project consists of the subdivision of the property into ten lots, removal of property developed as the Carlsbad Municipal Golf Course from the Carlsbad Airport Centre Specific Plan SP 181; rescission of the College Business Park Specific Plan SP 199; amendment of the General Plan Land Use map to designate seven of the lots as Open Space, 3 of the lots as Planned Industrial/Office, and a remainder lot as Planned Industrial; amendment of the Zoning Map designating seven of the lots as Open Space, 3 of the lots as Planned Industrial/Office, and a remainder lot as Planned Industrial; and, amending the Land Use and Zoning maps of the Local Coastal Program designating seven of the lots as Open Space, 3 of the lots as Planned Industrial/Office, and a remainder lot as Planned Industrial. III. PROJECT DESCRIPTION AND BACKGROUND Even though the property is improved as the Carlsbad Crossings Golf Course, there are two underlying recorded subdivisions. One was approved in August 1982 (Phase 3 of CT 81-46) and the other in November 1986 (CT 85-17). Together, 103 industrially zoned lots were created. Although they are recorded subdivisions, neither one has been built. The Carlsbad Municipal Golf Course was approved in June 2000. Since its approval by the City of Carlsbad, a Coastal Development Permit was issued for the golf course by the California Coastal Commission, all environmental permits issued, and ultimately the Carlsbad Crossings was constructed. Subdivision of the property into individual lots that are coordinated with the various elements of the golf course satisfies the implementation of the property financing, allows for the separation and possible sale of the three individual development lots and remainder lot that are not a part of the golf course itself, and also establishes clear separation of properties that are also being re- designated through these applications on the General Plan and Zoning maps as either Open Space or Planned Industrial/Office. Two of the three non-golf course lots are located on College Boulevard. One is on the north side of the street at the eastern edge of the golf course and the second is on the south of the street and is also at the eastern edge of the golf course. The third non-golf course lot is at the end of the Crossings Drive west of the golf course clubhouse adjacent to the water tower. The remainder lot is adjacent to the Callaway Golf testing facility. The two Specific Plan actions resolve conflicts created by the General Plan Amendment and Zone Change in that the project property will be either removed from reference in the Specific Plan or in the case of the College Business Park, it will be repealed altogether because the property will no longer be developed as an industrial park. GPA 09-06/ZC 09-07/LCPA 09-06/SP 181(G)/SP 199(B)/CT 09-03 - CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL GOLF COURSE MAPPING September 15,2010 PAGE 3 IV. ANALYSIS The proposed subdivision is subject to the following plans, ordinances, standards, and policies: A. Carlsbad General Plan Planned Industrial (PI) and Open Space (OS) Land Use designation regulations; B. Open Space (OS) and Planned Industrial (P-M) Zone (Chapters 21.33 and 21.34 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code); C. Carlsbad Airport Centre Specific Plan (SP 181); D. College Business Park Specific Plan (SP 199); E. Subdivision Map Act and City of Carlsbad Subdivision regulations (Title 20 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code); F. Local Coastal Program; Mello II Segment; Coastal Resource Protection Overlay Zone; and G. Growth Management Ordinance (Chapter 21.90 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code). The recommendation for approval of these project actions was developed by analyzing the project's consistency with the applicable regulations and policies. The project's compliance with each of the above regulations is discussed in the sections below. A. Carlsbad General Plan: Planned Industrial (PI), Office (O), and Open Space (OS) Land Use Designations The existing General Plan Land Use designations for the site are Planned Industrial (PI) and Open Space (OS). Currently, within the project area, there are 207.73 acres designated as PI and the remaining 296.97 acres are designated as Open Space. Both the PI and OS designations allow for the development of a golf course with the approval of a Conditional Use Permit. Conditional Use Permit CUP 97-07 was approved by the Planning Commission and is currently valid. The PI land use underlying the City of Carlsbad's municipal golf course does not accurately reflect the development of the golf course. Amending the land use designation will serve as clarification as to the current and future expected use of the property. In addition, and consistent with the regulations of the City's Habitat Management Plan, open space areas that are part of a Habitat Management Plan preserve are to be designated on the General Plan Land Use map and on the Zoning map as Open Space. The proposed land use change will significantly increase the amount of Open Space designation on the Official Open Space and Conservation Map and Land Use map. The Open Space being added to the map is of environmental quality equal to or greater than that depicted on the Official Open Space and Conservation Map since the map designation is being changed from developable areas to preservation areas. The preservation areas being added to the Official Open Space and Conservation Map are immediately adjacent to the City owned properties north and south of Faraday Avenue that are already designated as Open Space preserve. The proposed additions of Open Space and preserve areas to the General Plan Land Use map and Official Open Space and Conservation Map will not have an effect on the Habitat Management GPA 09-06/ZC 09-07/LCPA 09-06/SP 181(G)/SP 199(B)/CT 09-03 - CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL GOLF COURSE MAPPING September 15,2010 PAGE 4 Plan hardline preserve that has already been established over the golf course property. That hardline preserve was established and based upon physical habitat onsite and with no regard for General Plan Land Use designations. Therefore the project's proposed General Plan land use amendment will place all of the lots that constitute the golf course and future Veteran's Memorial Park into a permanent Open Space (OS) land use designation. This change will result in a net increase in General Plan Open Space of 186.53 acres. The type of Open Space varies from the preservation of natural resources to outdoor recreation. The three lots that are for future development are being re-designated from PI or OS to a combination of Planned Industrial and Office to allow for similarly compatible uses. According to the General Plan, development proposals on properties that are designated as a combination district must be processed by a Site Development Plan (SDP) if they are less than 25 acres in size. Properties that are 25 acres or more must be processed through the approval of a Specific Plan. The project complies with all elements of the General Plan as discussed in Table A below: TABLE A - GENERAL PLAN COMPLIANCE ELEMENT Land Use Public Safety Open Space & Conservation USE, CLASSIFICATION, GOAL, OBJECTIVE OR PROGRAM The Open Space Land Use designation has a variety of classifications. Among them are recreational uses. To provide industrial lands which can accommodate a wide range of industrial uses while minimizing impacts to surrounding land uses. Review new development proposals to consider emergency access, fire hydrant locations and fire flow requirements. Minimize environmental impacts to sensitive resources' within the City. PROPOSED USES & IMPROVEMENTS Golf Course development is a recreational use encouraged for the Open Space Land Use designation. The PI/O designation will provide opportunities for a wider variety of industrial and office uses and are compatible with surrounding OS uses. The project includes or has been conditioned to provide facilities to ensure that the development proposal complies with public safety requirements. The project includes the preservation of open space and the designation of the open space as Open Space (OS) on the General Plan land use map. COMPLY Yes Yes Yes GPA 09-06/ZC 09-07/LCPA 09-06/SP 181(G)/SP 199(B)/CT 09-03 - CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL GOLF COURSE MAPPING September 15,2010 PAGE 5 TABLE A - GENERAL PLAN COMPLIANCE CONTINUED ELEMENT USE, CLASSIFICATION, GOAL, OBJECTIVE OR PROGRAM PROPOSED USES & IMPROVEMENTS COMPLY Open Space & Conservation, continued Maintain an inventory of Open Space. The project Land Use changes result in a greater than existing inventory of General Plan Open Space. The project will result in a net increase of 186.53 acres of General Plan designated Open Space. This additional OS is predominantly replacement for the removal of Planned Industrial land within the boundaries of the golf course and consists of both native and improved OS. Yes Open Space & Conservation Utilize Best Management Practices for control of storm water and to protect water quality. The project will conform to all NPDES requirements and has been designed in accordance with the City's Stormwater regulations. It has been conditioned to implement Best Management Practices (BMP) for water quality protection, to comply with the City of Carlsbad Standard Urban Stormwater Mitigation Plan (SUSMP), Order R9-2007-0001 issued by the San Diego Region of the California Regional Water Quality Control Board and with the City of Carlsbad Municipal Code. Yes Noise ALUCP noise and Noise Manual Noise Golf is not affected by the airport noise. Office and related buildings must be attenuated to an interior noise level of 50 db CNEL Yes Circulation Require new development to construct all roadways needed to serve the development. No improvements to public roadways will be required. Yes GPA 09-06/ZC 09-07/LCPA 09-06/SP 181(G)/SP 199(B)/CT 09-03 - CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL GOLF COURSE MAPPING September 15,2010 PAGE 6 B, Open Space (OS) and Planned Industrial (P-M) Zone (Chapters 21.33 and 21.34 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code) A total of 483.50 acres of the project site will be designated as Open Space since the majority of the site is the Carlsbad Crossings Golf Course and future Veterans' Memorial Park. The use of the property as golf course is consistent with the intent and purpose of the Open Space Zone in that this zone should provide for recreational uses, should contribute to the City's comprehensive Open Space system, and should protect areas set aside and preserved as biological resources. Three parcels (21.2 acres) are proposed to be designated as Planned Industrial (P-M)/Office (O). These three parcels are located along the periphery of the golf course. Two are located on College Boulevard (Lots 4 and 5 of CT 09-03) and the third off of The Crossings Drive (Lot 9 of CT 09-03). Future development of these lots is subject to the development standards of the Planned Industrial and/or Office zones (Chapters 21.34 and 21.27 respectively of the Carlsbad Municipal Code). The inclusion of Office as a zoning designation on these properties adds the opportunity to propose banks, educational facilities (other), medical office, and residential real estate offices which are otherwise not permitted uses in the Planned Industrial zone. C. Carlsbad Airport Centre: Specific Plan SP 181(G) Specific Plan 181 was approved as the Carlsbad Airport Centre Specific Plan in August 1982. In association with the creation of the Specific Plan was the subdivision of the 330 acre property into 77 industrial lots per Tentative Map CT 81-46. Since the approval of the Specific Plan and recordation of the Final Map in 1985, Areas One (27 lots) and Two (23 lots) have been improved with build-ready pads, buildings, and a network of public streets, curb, and sidewalk. Areas One and Two are generally located west of El Camino Real between McClellan-Palomar Airport and Palomar Airport Road. Exhibits in SP 181(G) illustrate the locations of Areas One, Two and Three. The Area Three property generally located north of Palomar Airport Road, west of McClellan Palomar Airport, and south of College Boulevard is 118 acres. Within Area 3 are 26 industrial lots, one Open Space lot, and one remainder parcel. All of the industrial lots and the remainder parcel have a General Plan Land Use designation of Planned Industrial (PI). All of the lots are zoned Planned Industrial (P-M) except the 20.27 acre Open Space lot which is zoned as Open Space (OS). Since the Area 3 property of the Carlsbad Airport Centre Specific Plan has been acquired by the City of Carlsbad and developed as part of the City of Carlsbad municipal golf course, there is no longer a need to keep the property in the specific plan and subject to its development standards and land use regulations. SP181 (G) removes all references to Area Three and/or Phase Three of Specific Plan 181 and will release the property from the applicable development standards. (See attached Exhibit SP 181(G)) Future development of lots 4 and 5 of the Golf Course map CT 09-03, which are within the boundaries of CT 81-46, will be subject to the development standards of the Planned Industrial and Office Zone. GPA 09-06/ZC 09-07/LCPA 09-06/SP 181(G)/SP 199(B)/CT 09-03 - CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL GOLF COURSE MAPPING September 15, 2010 PAGE? D. College Business Park: Specific Plan SP 199(B) Specific Plan 199 was approved as the College Business Park Specific Plan in November 1986 and is generally located north of Palomar Airport Road, east of The Crossings Drive, and west of College Boulevard. In association with the creation of the Specific Plan was the subdivision of the 110 acre property into 23 industrial lots and three detention basin lots per Tentative Map CT 85-17. The subdivision map was recorded as a final map in December 1991. Although the property was approved for subdivision and a Specific Plan was created to guide the development of the property, the property was never improved. All of the Specific Plan area has a General Plan Land Use designation of Planned Industrial (PI) and a zoning of Planned Industrial (P-M). Since all of the College Business Park Specific Plan has been acquired by the City of Carlsbad and developed as part of the City of Carlsbad municipal golf course, there is no longer a need to keep the property in the specific plan and subject to its development standards and land use regulations. Repealing SP199 will release the property from the applicable development standards. E. Subdivision Map Act and City of Carlsbad Subdivision regulations (Title 20 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code) The Subdivision Ordinance, Title 20 of the Municipal Code, requires the filing of a tentative tract map for the division of property into five or more lots. Tentative Tract Map CT 09-03 requests for the division of the property into six golf course lots, three future development lots, and one future park lot on 504.7 acres. Lot 1 (7.5 acres) is defined by the clubhouse and parking lot. Lot 2 (11.1 acres) is defined by the driving range. Lot 3 is a 1.7 acre maintenance yard. The 7.1 acre Lot 4 and 11.4 acre Lot 5 are intended for future development with Planned Industrial/Office uses. No development plans are on file at this time for either lot. Lots 6 and 7 constitute the majority of the golf course, are 268.7 acres together, and include all 18 holes. Lot 8 is a small 0.1 acre preservation property on the north side of Cannon Road. Lot 9 is another future development lot and is 2.7 acres. Lot 10 is defined by the boundaries of the future Veteran's Memorial Park and is 94.4 acres. As designed and conditioned, the Tentative Tract Map complies with all City requirements, including the Subdivision Ordinance and the State Subdivision Map Act. The project as conditioned provides all necessary improvements and all findings required by Title 20 can be made and are contained in the Planning Commission Resolution for CT 09-03. F. Local Coastal Program; Mello II Segment; Coastal Resource Protection Overlay Zone The City of Carlsbad municipal golf course was approved and developed per an approved Coastal Development Permit (A-6-CII-00-087) issued by the California Coastal Commission. This project does not include any further development or changes to the existing physical golf course development. The project does include the creation of lots that coincide with the various physical elements of the existing golf course. Subsequent to the City's action on the legislative GPA 09-06/ZC 09-07/LCPA 09-06/SP 181(G)/SP 199(B)/CT 09-03 - CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL GOLF COURSE MAPPING September 15,2010 PAGES actions and the subdivision, an amendment to the golf course Coastal Development Permit will be submitted to the California Coastal Commission for review along with applications for California Coastal Commission review of the Local Coastal Program Amendments. The development is subject to the Coastal Resource Protection Overlay Zone (Chapter 21.203 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code). The Coastal Resource Protection Overlay Zone identifies five areas of protection: a) preservation of steep slopes and vegetation; b) drainage, erosion, sedimentation, and habitat; c) landslides and slope instability; d) seismic hazards, and e) floodplain development. The project's compliance with each of these areas of concern is discussed below: a. Preservation of Steep Slopes and Vegetation. Natural slopes greater than 25% gradient and possessing endangered plant/animal species and/or coastal sage scrub and chaparral plant communities are considered "dual criteria" slopes and are protected in the coastal zone. Topographic and vegetation analysis was prepared for the project when it was approved by the California Coastal Commission. No further development is proposed with this application. All slopes and vegetation within the project site will be further protected through the land use and zoning designation of Open Space. b. Drainage, Erosion, Sedimentation, Habitat. Topographic and vegetation analysis was prepared as part of the project when Coastal Development Permit (A-6-CII-00-087) was approved by the California Coastal Commission. Habitat boundaries were identified, and they were placed into a habitat preserve. A Hydrology Study and Storm Water Management Plan (SWMP) were prepared for the project and are being implemented. The site includes a streambed that is being protected. Best Management Practices (BMPs) are being implemented and pollutants of concern are being addressed through site design, source control, and treatment control BMPs. Landscaping of slopes, consisting of both native and non-native plants reduce erosion. c. Landslides and Slope Instability. A Preliminary Geotechnical Investigation was prepared for the project when Coastal Development Permit (A-6-CII-00-087) was approved by the California Coastal Commission. No further development is proposed with this project that might create a changed circumstance requiring additional study. d. Seismic Hazards. According to the Preliminary Geotechnical Investigation that was prepared for the project, there are no active or potentially active faults known to exist on or in the vicinity of the project site, no significant shear zones were indicated on or near the proximity of the project site; and liquefaction or other ground rupture failures are not anticipated. e. Floodplain Development. Part of the golf course site and development is within the 100 year floodplain. Coastal Development Permit (A-6-CII-00-087), issued by the California Coastal Commission, authorized the existing development of the golf course within the floodplain. No further physical development within the floodplain is proposed with this project. GPA 09-06/ZC 09-07/LCPA 09-06/SP 181(G)/SP 199(B)/CT 09-03 - CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL GOLF COURSE MAPPING September 15,2010 PAGE 9 The Local Coastal Program Amendment is necessary to change the LCP Land Use designations and zoning for the property from Planned Industrial and Open Space to Planned Industrial/Office and Open Space. The proposed Local Coastal Program Land Use and Zoning designations are consistent with the project's proposed General Plan and proposed Citywide Zoning designations. G. Growth Management Ordinance (Chapter 21.90 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code) Development proposals which consist of facilities, or structures constructed by a City, County, Special District, State, or Federal Government or any agency, department, or subsidiary thereof for governmental purposes are excluded from the provisions of Growth Management Chapter 21.90 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code pursuant to Section 21.90.160(a). V. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW The proposed project falls within the scope of a previously certified Environmental Impact Report reviewed pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). Staff has analyzed the project and has concluded that no potentially significant impacts would result with the implementation of the project that were not previously examined and evaluated in the Carlsbad Municipal Golf Course Environmental Impact Report (EIR 97-01), dated January, 2000. EIR 97-01 evaluated the potential environmental effects of development within the golf course site along with the creation of three development pads including analysis of traffic circulation, water resources, cultural resources, biological resources, and land use. The Planning Commission certified EIR 97-01 on June 7, 2000. At that time CEQA Findings of Fact, a Statement of Overriding Considerations, and a Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program were approved. The EIR 97-01 "Findings of Fact and Statement of Overriding Considerations" applies to the entire project's proposed actions. The proposed activities would have no effects beyond those analyzed in the EIR, since the project is the subdivision of the existing golf course development and no improvements or further development is proposed. This project is within the scope of Certified EIR 97-01 and no further CEQA compliance is required. EIR 97-01 is available at the Planning Department. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Planning Commission Resolution No. 6715 (GPA) 2. Planning Commission Resolution No. 6716 (ZC) 3. Planning Commission Resolution No. 6717 (LCPA) 4. Planning Commission Resolution No. 6718 (SP 181 (G) & SP 199(B)) 5. Planning Commission Resolution No. 6719 (CT) 6. Location Map 7. Background Data Sheet 8. Reduced Exhibits 9. Full size exhibits "A"-"J" dated September 15, 2010 NOT TO SCALE SITEMAP Carlsbad Municipal Golf Course GPA 09-06 / ZC 09-07 / LCPA 09-06 SP 181 (G) / SP 199(B) / CT 09-03 BACKGROUND DATA SHEET CASE NO: GPA 09-06/ZC 09-07/LCPA 09-06/SP 18KGVSP 199(BVCT 09-03 CASE NAME: CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL GOLF COURSE MAPPING APPLICANT: City of Carlsbad REQUEST AND LOCATION: A recommendation of approval of a General Plan Amendment to change the Planned Industrial (PI) and Open Space (OS) land use designations to a combination district of Planned Industrial/Office and Open Space; a Zone Change to change the Planned Industrial (P-M) and Open Space (OS) zoning designations to a combination zone of Planned Industrial/Office (P-M/O) and Open Space (OS); a Local Coastal Program Amendment to amend the Local Coastal Program Land Use and Zoning maps to be consistent with the General Plan and Zoning Maps; a Specific Plan Amendment to SP 181 to remove all of Phase three from the Specific Plan; a rescission of Specific Plan 199; and approval of a Tentative Tract Map to subdivide 504.7 acres into six golf course lots, three future development lots, and one future park lot on property generally located north of Palomar Airport Road, east and west of College Boulevard, and south of Faraday Avenue within the boundaries of the City of Carlsbad Municipal Golf Course in Local Facilities Management Zones 5 and 8. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lots 50 through 76 and the "Remainder Parcel" of Carlsbad Tract CT 81-46 Unit 3 per Map No. 11289 filed July 16. 1985. together with Lots 1 through 26 of Carlsbad Tract CT 85-17 per Map No. 12903 filed December 13, 1991, together with a portion of Lot F and a portion of Lot G of Rancho Agua Hedionda per Map No. 823 filed November 16, 1896, all in the County of San Diego, State of California, all maps filed in the Office of the County Recorder of San Diego County Acres: 504.7 Proposed No. of Lots: K) GENERAL PLAN AND ZONING Existing Land Use Designation: Planned Industrial (PI) and Open Space (OS) Proposed Land Use Designation: Planned Industrial (PD/Office (CO and Open Space (OS) Density Allowed: N/A Density Proposed: N/A Existing Zone: P-M and OS Proposed Zone: P-M/O and OS Surrounding Zoning, General Plan and Land Use: General Plan Current Land Use Site P-M and OS PI and OS Golf Course Vacant Pads North R-1/R-3/OS/C-M RL/RLM/RMH/OS/PI Residential Industrial Open Space South P-M PI Industrial East C-M/M/P-M PI Industrial West CT/PU T-R/OS Legoland Hotel Open Space Revised 01/06 LOCAL COASTAL PROGRAM Coastal Zone: [X] Yes [~1 No Local Coastal Program Segment: Mello II Within Appeal Jurisdiction: 1X1 Yes [~1 No Coastal Development Permit: IXI Yes I I No Local Coastal Program Amendment: |X1 Yes I 1 No Existing LCP Land Use Designation: PI and OS Proposed LCP Land Use Designation: PI/O and OS Existing LCP Zone: P-M and OS Proposed LCP Zone: P-M/O and OS PUBLIC FACILITIES School District: Carlsbad Unified Water District: Carlsbad Sewer District: Carlsbad Equivalent Dwelling Units (Sewer Capacity): N/A ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT Categorical Exemption, [~~| Negative Declaration, issued Certified Environmental Impact Report, dated January 2000 Other, Re vised 01706 CT0943 TENTATIVE CARLSBAD TRACT MAP NO. CT 09-03 CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL GOLF COURSE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA VICINITYMAP REFERENCE DRAWINGS MAP NO. 1Z9QS 381-.* PALOUAR AIRPORT IKMD WRITS J8I-4S COLT COURSE CLUBHOUSE WATER k 369-20 FARADAY A^. IMPROVEMENT PLAT?. PROJECTMAP EARTHWORK QUANTITIES WO GRADING PROPOSED SOURCE OF TOPOGRAPHY TOPOGRAPHY SHOWN OH THIS TM WAS GENERATED FROM INFOR. GATHERED OH NOVEMBER I. J99J BY SAN-IO AERIAL SUR\£YS TOPOGRAPHY SHOW HEKEOH CONFORMS TO HAIIOHAL MAP AC DESOJIPTtOH: LOCATION: RECORDS FROM: 500' SOUTH OF INTERSECTION OF EL CAMIfJO RE^L AHO PALOUAR AIRPORT RD. EAST SIDE OF ELCAH1HQ REAL ALOHG FENCE UHE GENERAL NOTES TOTAL PROJECT*MJW ciftcuL PROJECT f£T AREA: 530.8 AC (EXCLUDES OEMAHKR LOT) 26.9 AC 503.9 AC (EXCLUDES MAJOR CIRCULATII , 8. GOLf COURSE LOTS f£T AREA: 403.5 AC TOTAL ta OF LOTS PBCPOSE& 10 AfD I REUAfttXJt LOTASSESSOR'S PARCEL HMBEXS 212-010-05. 07. 12. 1-3. IS * 16 212-041-12 TtffU J7 212-081-01 7HW2I 212-O82-OI THRU ID CEffTtAL PLAtl LAID UST OEStCtlATIOH EXISTItC/PRCFOSED: PI (FLAWED trCUSTRIAL), 0 (OFFICE).t OS fOPEW SPACE) ZONING: EX 1ST I IK/PROPOSED P-M (PtAHfn IHXJSTRIAL), 0 (OFFICE), ArD 05 (OFEH SPACE)OEHSUY-.n/A LFKF ZO/-£$ 5 t 8 DAILY TOUTfC TOTAL: 3,410 (PER JAN 2000 «£V;SED E1R). . DItKS: 2 (GOL ?D. TOTAL BUILDIUC COVERAGE: H/A If. PROPOSED USC: 18 HOLE GOLF COfSE, CLUBHOUSE t PRAC LOT I: CLUBHOUSE LOT 2: DRIVIHG RAtJCE LOT 3: UAinTOffKE BUILDItK LOTS 4/5: IfiGUSTRIAL LOTS 6/7: COLT COURSELOT & tOH Bl/ILDABLE LOT LOT 9: FVTVfS: BUILOltK SITELor to: FVTVRE: PARK GENERAL DESIGN NOTES i. THIS PROJECT is DESicfcn IN ccrroRUArxE WITH nf CIT - DESIGN GUIOELItCS AfO EtKlffERItJC SWJMfiOS.Z. ALL SfREEr DESI&JS. STREET LIGHTS. MB FIRE HYDRANTS TO CCMT3RM TO CITY OF CARLSBAD DESIGN STAf-DMDS AtO AS REQUIRED BY TIC CITY ENGINEER. EASEJttJTS TO BE PROVIDED REQUIRED BY THE CITY ENCIffEH, PUBLICt DISTRICTS. UTILITIES E WCERGROUC. EXISTING MAJOR SOCK . COT-TOW INTERVALS.- 2/10 FEET . TOPOGRAPHY SafK£; GOLF QXKSE CRADttK PLAN DW. 391-4A AfO SATH.OAERIAL SURVEYS. (SEE NOTE S£L(Wj CUT AtC FILL SLOPES HOT TO EXCEED 2i 1. NO GRADItlG IS PROPOSED AS A PART OF OF THIS SUBDIVISION REWEST Tff SITE IS UASS GRADED PER MASTER GOLF CO(ffSE GRADIf/G PLAH Jfl!-«BACHStTC. ItfRASmjCTURE IS OUSTING IHCLUDtHG PALOMAR AlOPOiT ROAD. COLLEGE BOULEVARD, FARADAY AVEtUE, CAIHOH ROAD AtO Ttf CROSSING ORIVt. . PfKLIUIH/vtY SOILS REPOlT/CEOTECHHtCllL HMESTICATICH DATED I/2J/S3 Atf) SUBSEQUENT SOILS ADDEfOJU DATED 5/4/OO WAS PREPARED BY LEIOtTOH HO ASSOCIATES LEGAL DESCRIPTION SEE SfiEET 5 Of ID FOR COMPLETE LEGAL DESCRIPTION EASEMENTS SEE SHEET 9 OF 10 FOR COFLETE LIST OF EASEIfNTS PUBLIC UTILITIES AND DISTRICTS 1LSBAO UMICIPAL t 'Y OF CARLSBAD T OF CARLSBAD < OF CARLSBAD f OF CARLSBAD OWNER/SUBDIVIDER dry OF CARLSBAD 1200 CARLSBAD VILLAGE DRI& CARLSBAD CA. OZOOa 0X140 A HAUUAK PREPARED BY: RE-SU8UITTAL FOR PC MEXmvc TENTATIVE MAP CT NO. 09-03 CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL GOLF COURSE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA SHEET 1 OF 10 CT09-03 ^XIST'G 6" CONC. MEDIAN CURB (TYP) AC. FOG SEAL COAL. CRUSHED AGG. BASE (TYP) TYPE-G CURB a GUTTER -CONCRETE SIDEWALK (TYP) EXISTING TYPICAL CROSS-SECTION COLLEGE BOULEVARD wor ro SCALE: TRAFFIC INDEX - 8.0 T'G 4° AC. OVER 6" BASE (TfP) "EXIST'G 6" TYPE-G CURB & GUTTER EXISTING TYPICAL CROSS-SECTION THE CROSSINGS DRIVE JT'G 6" AC. OVER IB" BASE { "EXIST'G 6" TrPE-G CURB & GUTTER EXISTING TYPICAL CROSS-SECTION PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD HOT TO SCALf 11 wrr ^ S5' ~~\ IL.| * ^ ,.mv \ ,~, /•cvsstcuTm \ f !0 ^»sw».T5 -"? '• rfTL 11 „. ^£/-/-£.SS,Sl-;t-'-' "<|p-^,>;.V>-\'i>^ » f ^ ff *f CT fejW. FARADAY AVENUE *l$12<-7S.7S K>4*ttQ.IS Moriuscuf fl**wn«ff«ar *-«*CT)Vcan} B*G. trjxt-y »ano o»c us Ji9~fr K Of*} 2tK Ml JS9-1F mrvsTV 1." Xif* FARADAY AVENUE XH75.HO Ft} ettllX CONCRETE DRAIHAGE DITCH SECTION PER DWG. 369-2D PREPARED BY: rt ICo TENTATIVE MAP CT NO. 09-03 CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL GOLF COURSE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA SHEET2 1 0 s .a. a [ isop-as-eai D: i o 33 CT09-03 CARLSBAD TBACT NO/ .97<JBA KELLY RANCH CORE MAP ,N0A 14340 NET: 0:1 AC \ GROS -0.3AC PORTION -OF; LOT P HAMCHO .AQUA MAP'NO, ,B2 r\ \f LOT? • NET: 260.2 AC \ \ >> GROSS: 271.1 AC LOT 10 NET: 94.4 AC GROSS:99.15AC TENTATIVE MAP CT NO. 09-03 CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL GOLF COURSE CT09-03 PORTION OF LOt F HANCHO ASUA HEDIOMDA MAP NO, 823 LOT 10 NET: 94.4 AC GROSS: 99.15 AC / HOT 7 •'":260.2AC. SEE SHEET 5 SEE SHEET 6 PREPARED BY:TENTATIVE MAP CT NO. 09-03 CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL GOLF COURSE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA SHEET 4 OF 10 CT09-03 LOT 10 NET: 94.4 AC GROSS; 99.15 AC TENTATIVE MAP CT NO. 09-03 CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL CT 09-03 SEE SHEET4 X,' LOT6 i NET: 107.7 AC \ -GRQS&.114.8AC \ WT3 SEE SHEET 8 CAPLSBAD THAcr NO 81-46 ••.UNIT NO,"2 \ fylAP NO, 11288 ~ TENTATIVE MAP CT NO. 09-03 CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL GOLF COURSE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA OF 10 CT 09-03 O) od 9 IN LOT 7 NET. 260.2 AC GROSS: 27UA& 107.7AC : 114.8 ACi '\ 4 k//^~ "" T TENTATIVE MAP CT NO. 09-03 CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL GOLF COURSE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA OF 10 CT09-03 LOT3 ET.,l. GROSS: 1 LOT6 x NET: 107.7AC GROSS: 114.8 AC CARLSBAD TRACT NO, 81-48 NO, J MAP m -J-J287 REMAINDER LOT NET: 0.8 AC GROSS: 0.8 AC ' '- ™ TENTATIVE MAP CT NO. 09-03 CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL GOLF COURSE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA CT09-03 BASEMENT NOTES [7] ««?« LEGAL DESCRIPTION 0 PURPOSES JO SW M m a m a m m B a APRIL 15, IB54 A /HO/CATES A 3lf MOT EASfMBiT FOP PUBLIC vmnMS fftaotWAi. PWOSES svt KECO as aa tXXATES W EASBitllT FOR A PffUf£ OX PF€UNESFURPOSES jo CARLSBAD uwaopM. ami OF CFFK&L RECORDS. DISTRICT RECORDED AlV IS, 1035 AS HGTXUUEfff NO.Bs-252984 of OFFICIAL RECORDS. IHOtCATFS AH UNWECCroeP f£4SE DATED AUGUST 4.aaw, orcurED sc OTV OF CORLSBV) AS LESSOR A»DCALLAWY COLF coumr/y AS LESSEE AS OOCLOSED orf> ABSTRACT or LEASE RECORDED MDVENCCI? sj; zow AS IHSmuOff M. 04- 1 103048 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS. EH a itaicATES AN iso' VISE HSBEvr FOR PUBLIC uAW INCIDENTAL /WW05E5 TO SW CKCO «S AEUCTKK CfflfflW RECORDED AUGUST 14. 1*57 s HO. 181401 OF OFfTCtV. RECORDS. *WC£I PCWCT 0 HUHJCFAL WATER 1961 AS «S7RMWWr or iwv (HSXXTI \niiEY ROAO) PURPOSES A/JO tKOEHTM. PURPOSES, TO THE COVHTY OF SAN O 77-X7M1 OF OFFICIAL. 'fcCOROS. STATION. TOGETHER WTH Iff ftKHT OF tXRESSTHERETO, EGRESS THEREFROM AW IHBDEHTM. RECORDED WOlOWTf 30, JBSfl AT ~ Sa-611273 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS: VI EASEIfHT FOH WATER LtPK AHOPWVVSfS TO CVISBAD MUNICIPAL (MTDf DISTRICT. A OECOROED UWCH II. 1392 AS ItlSmMENT .W EASBfOT FOR WATER UTS MO)It PURPOSES TO C4SLSBW HUHKIPO. WATEROKTMCr RECORDED UVKH It. IS32 AS MSTTMKHT NO. »?-01JJS94 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS. HOICATE5 Ati HSEWEWT FOR WTER HUE AHO USTRKT. 8ECOHOEQ AWXW It 199! AS IUSTRWXHT HO. 52-013X35 OF OFFXML RECORDS ATS) HcofnoL PURPOSES TO SAH oeco CMS AMD ELECTRIC COMJWfY RECORDED MAY 15. 1961 AS— -5 Bfsgr ^ OFTICIii flfCDflDS. H JULY 27, ISB2 AS tlSTPUUDIT NO. 127706 OFFICIAL EXSFMFJfl FOR WEIWC *M>JO CAKS8AD HUmOFVtL MWEJtLY 27, !Sf2 AS ftSTKAIENT HO. flECWOS. fKICATES A 12' IHDE EA5EUEHT FOR PVBLK O7K/WSAfO ffKIDEHTAt PURPOSES TO SAN DfCO CAS AfJO ELECTRIC COMPANY RECORDED AUGUST 3. 1SS2 AS .- ..._. JC TELEPHOHEAND TELBMPH COUPAfffRfSOffHED MAY Jfi I9C5 AS f/STRUUEHT HO. S4777 OF AfO INCIDENTAL PURPOSES TO 5Vi tXECO GAS AtlO S.Ef!fSC C&ffWty RECORDED MVKH 2. 1965 AS tJOlCATES A SS- EASEUEHT FOR ROWWY AHD UTILITY, HO. 7S33 OF OFFICAL RECORDS. INDICATES THE RIGHTS OF THE PUBLIC IN AND JO THATPORTION OF THE HEKEIfl PROPERTY LYJNE WITHIN MDOfWW££T ROAD AS DECtCSED BY" RECORD OF SMfWY a *S MX> ELECTRIC AL RECORDS. * HJOICATES All EASEMENT FIX TEMPORAL FASEUEfff FORSLOPE AHO COtiSTKUCnDH PURPOSES MB IHCIOEHTti PURPOSES TO CITY Of CARLSBAD, A MWiKffMiCORPORAT1OH RECOROEO FEBRUARY 15. SOO2 AS fflDKATES AH FA5EMENT FtJR PUBLIC UTUJTKS AHDtHODEHTAL FVRFVSES TO SAH 0£CO GAS AliO ELECTRICCOMPANY RECORDED UAY 3, 1954 AS BOOK 5225, PAGE 3S? OF CfFKUL RECORDS. IHOKATES Ati EASEMENT FOR PUBUC LmLflXS AHO OKIDEHTAL PURPOSE TD SAN IXEGO CAS AHO ELECTRICCOMPANY RECORDED MAY J. 19S4 AS BOOK K25. PACE 5378. PAGE 33 OF OFFKKL RCCOROS. INODCNUL PURPOSES TO SvToffiS G4? AND ELECTTXmuFWIY RECORDED SEP7EM90? 27. ?SS4 AS BOOKE767. PACE 25 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS. EASEMENT FOR PUBLIC MITIES AHO e-0!&4Q84 OF OmOAL RECORDS. LOT IOCHHER mn THAT poftrxr/ or CARRIER AVDMo/vs iur, coiifSE BOUUWD #& ons COURTIIZBS Of CARLSBAD TWCT HO. B1-4B tffT HO. Hf COUNTY ffECOWJEB OF SW OEGQ COUWY. It „ . SK&ff or AH. on, Mr/avis, c*s two QT — . SU8STWCES BELOW * OCPIH OF SOO f&T UHKB THft3O\E D&CBOO}. MTHOUT THE RIGHT OF SURFACE OWIY, A THEREOF 'HO. \!303, FiEO IN WE OFfKf OF THf COUNTY KCOfOfJI PARCELED: A flWCEl OF LAND BEING A PORTJOH Of 1C, OVfOffm ACCORDING TO MV Mfl£W NOOF me COUHTY HECOWER OF sw DIEGO c IT F; THEHCE MOUTH 0 DEGREES 39'It'„_. —JUfffOTSMJ LOT F. 1*7.78 FEET TO AA HOfffAfXETff 59.00 FOOT RVXU5 CWf, COIXAf & DEGREES Q3'2fCAST; THETKE t CENTRAL ANGLEWESTERL , Oaff BEAK SHE ARC OF SA •f f/ORTH 0 DEGREES 23'lt' WEST, X82.42 FEET tl THE HORTH&LY Iff OF SUO LOT E. 'ttSTAHT O NOHOW £ IOKK, OFFICIAL "£COfiDS; THENCE SWTH 2 DEGREES JB'JH" VEST. 740.VQ rST TO OESREES Z3'!4~ EAST. IJ79.B4 FEET TO THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF SWKIRCIS PROPERTY; THENCE SOUTH 10 DECREES ffl'JS' BUT. 1314.10 FEET TO POffff 14 OF SVO LOT Fl BEfXt THE MOST HOXTfSRLY CORNER OF IAHO HO. 202293 OF OFFICIAL 'RECORDS;' THEHCE M.OHC THE IXXtTHEASTERLY UNE THENCE SOUTH 38 DfCflfES SeW WEST. 2SS.57 FEET: THEHCE HOTTH SI den; isz.oo FEET; THEHCE UORTH'SI OEGKEES orss' HEST, 100937 FEETTO A POIHT ON THE LOT UK BETWCEtl PffflT 13 ATO P01UT 14 OF SAID LOT F; THEHCE SOUTH 13 DEGREES I4'04" BIST ALDUS SW LOT (WE S64.X FEET TO SAV POINT 13. THEHCf: SOUTH 40 DECREES 42'OSm HEST.I5S444 FEET TO TOBVT 13 OF SAID LOT F; THEHCE ft&TH t3 DEGREES46'4t-HtST. 64&M FEET TOfVfff I! OFSMLOTF; THENCE HORTH 53 JZMBES TO, Ki-outass a THE SOUTHEASTERLY 152.00 FEET OF THE SCVTWESWLY 152.00 FEEf OF S2J. FILED W THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAN WECQ COUWtHO&HBER IS. 189t, BOUHOEO AND DCSCKBEO AS FOUOK: BEGfMfK AT POINT 7 OF SAID LOT G mtKH PC/Iff IS ALSO SHOlW ASmwf 14 OF tor r ov $w nwwxw uv> HO. B13; JWWCF /BOM svs> POVIT OF BEC/ffMR SOOTH 51 DECKEfS I5V5' EAST, ALONG THE AfidEs SOUIH 37 DECREES u'tsm WEST 440.57 'FEET-, THBICE AT RIGHT ALOrX A POimorl OF ~ ~ — nooms SLEDfMsnM uv gouraw L*PREPARED BY: EXISTING EASEMENT SHEET TENTATIVE MAP CT NO. 09-03 CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL GOLF COURSE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA SHEET 9 OF 10 CT09-03 LEGEND OPEN SPACE AND CONSERVATION EASEMENT SHEET UVKH !& 3005 AS /NSJfttmNT HO. 2005-02t62B2 PREPARED BY: • HUNSAKERwAdouLiAlbb nmitir nr-w^kba•ssssss-^ TENTATIVE MAP CT NO. 09-03 CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL GOLF COURSE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA SHEET 10 OF 10 R\U7W\*Pln\C«Ml