HomeMy WebLinkAbout2024-09-10; City Council; Resolution 2024-213RESOLUTION NO. 2024-213
WHEREAS, Section 2.15.020((} of the Carlsbad Municipal Code requires that each board or
commission provide to the City Council for its approval an annual work plan of activities to be
undertaken by the board or commission; and
WHEREAS, consistent with the duties of the Traffic Safety and Mobility Commission under
Section 2.28.050 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code, staff prepared a draft annual work plan for the Traffic
and Mobility Commission that is designed to promote mobility and traffic safety within the city and to
implement the General Plan Mobility Element; and
WHEREAS, on Aug. 5, 2024, the Traffic Safety and Mobility Commission considered and
recommended City Council approval of the draft work plan for fiscal year 2024-25.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, as
1.That the above recitations are true and correct.
2.That the City Council approves the Traffic Safety and Mobility Commission Work Plan
for fiscal year 2024-25, provided as Attachment A.
PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a Regular Meeting of the City Council of the City of
Carlsbad on the 10th day of September, 2024, by the following vote, to wit:
City of
Traffic Safety & Mobility Commission
Work Plan Fiscal Year 2024‐25
I.Mission Statement
The Traffic Safety & Mobility Commission is committed to enhancing safe mobility for
the city and its residents by using data‐driven decision‐making and a forward‐looking
approach to transportation. We are transparent and do the right thing the right way.
The City Council has established a goal to have the City of Carlsbad become a leader
in multimodal transportation systems and creative approaches to moving people and
goods through and within the City of Carlsbad. Consistent with Carlsbad Municipal
Code Chapter 2.28, the City of Carlsbad Traffic Safety & Mobility Commission was
established. Duties of the Traffic Safety & Mobility Commission are defined as follows
by the Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 2.28.050:
It shall be the duty of the Traffic Safety & Mobility Commission to study matters
concerning mobility and traffic safety, including implementation of the General
Plan Mobility Element, and to make written recommendations to the City Council
and Planning Commission regarding measures that should be taken to promote
mobility and traffic safety within the city as follows:
A.Review staff studies and reports, and make recommendations to the
City Council and Planning Commission on mobility and traffic safety
matters, including but not limited to those related to pedestrian,
bicycle, vehicular and transit modes of travel, and parking and school
B.Provide a public forum to review community input regarding mobility
and traffic safety matters, including but not limited to those related
to pedestrian, bicycle, vehicular and transit modes of travel, and
parking and school safety;
C.Review and provide recommendations for revision to the city codes and
plans on mobility and traffic safety matters, including but not limited to
pedestrian, bicycle, vehicular and transit modes of travel, and parking and
school safety.
Attachment A
III.FY 2024‐25 Goals & Objectives
Consistent with Carlsbad Municipal Code Chapter 2.15, the Traffic Safety & Mobility
Commission will provide advisory recommendations within the scope of this work plan.
The Traffic Safety & Mobility Commission will focus on the following FY 2024-25
1.Goal: Review staff recommendations on the multimodal transportation system, and
provide input based on data, best practices and public input.
a)Objective: Review and provide input on mobility policies, programs,
processes, and informational reports including the Growth Management
Program (GMP) Annual Monitoring Reports, Parking Master Plans,
status related to signal and traffic management center operations from
the Signal Coordination (CIP) project, Traffic Impact Fee program and
other reports within the purview of the commission. In addition, the
Traffic Safety & Mobility Commission will review the list of CIP projects
as part of the Transportation Director’s bi‐annual transportation update
•Presentation of the annual GMP Monitoring
• Update on the city’s traffic signal program
•Summer and Winter
•Presentation of the bi‐annual Transportation
Update Report
b)Objective: Review and provide input on current mobility plans, including the
annual progress reports on the Sustainable Mobility Plan, and Citywide
Transportation Demand Management (TDM) Program.
•February 2025: Annual update on the Sustainable
Mobility Plan and Multimodal Transportation Impact
Fee Program
•Winter 2024: Performance report of the TDM program
and Active Transportation Monitoring Report, including
metrics on active participants in the TDM program,
changes in active transportation use, and other
performance indicators.
c)Objective: Review and provide input on Carlsbad Residential Traffic
Management Program projects and proposed traffic calming features such as
speed cushions, traffic circles, raised crosswalks and curb extensions.
•Staff will present Residential Traffic Management
projects and traffic calming recommendations on an on‐
going basis.
d)Objective: Review and provide input to the city’s transportation planning
documents and related policies such as the update of the Transportation Impact
Analysis (TIA) Guidelines.
•Staff will present the proposed revisions to the TIA
guidelines and vehicle level of service (LOS) evaluation
methods in the Winter of 2024 with City Council
adoption anticipated in 2025.
•Staff will present the MMLOS results of the GMP
Monitoring Report to the City Council and Traffic
Safety & Mobility Commission in 2024.
e)Objective: Provide opportunities for public input on scheduled city projects
that have the potential to improve mobility options.
•Staff will present mobility related projects and
receive community input on an on‐going basis.
2.Goal: Focus on mobility, including safety improvements, around school locations
a)Objective: Review and provide input on significant mobility and safety
projects near schools. Proactively engage the school district in Safe
Routes to School (SRTS) planning and work with the schools to develop
SRTS and access plans.
b)Objective: Receive informational reports from the Carlsbad Police
Department regarding school traffic education and enforcement.
•Staff will present mobility and safety projects near
school sites on an on‐going basis.
•The Carlsbad Police Department will provide
quarterly updates.
Annual Schedule of Items: The following list provides a tentative schedule of re‐
occurring agenda items that the Traffic Safety & Mobility Commission will review
each year.
First Quarter (January – March)
•Semi‐Annual Transportation Report
•Growth Management Plan Circulation Section
Second Quarter (April – June)
•Traffic Safety & Mobility Commission Work Plan
•Semi‐Annual Transportation Report
Fourth Quarter (October – December)
•TDM and Active Transportation Monitoring Report
•Traffic Safety &Mobility Commission Annual Calendar
Other re-occurring programs to be presented as available:
•Pavement Management Program, annual resurfacing projects
•ADA Improvement Program, bi‐annual projects
•ADA Transition Plan
•Sidewalk Improvement Program, bi‐annual projects
CALL TO ORDER: 4:05 p.m.
ROLL CALL: Coelho, Fowler, Penseyres, Proulx, Newlands, Kohl.
PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Chair Coelho led the Pledge of Allegiance.
Minutes of Regular Meeting held on July 1, 2024.
Motion by Commissioner Kohl, seconded by Commissioner Newlands, to approve the minutes
of the Regular Meeting held on July 1, 2024, as presented. Motion carried, 5/0/1 (Proulx –
staff’s recommendation to the City Council to approve the striping plans for the 2024
Resurfacing Project, Capital Improvement Project No. 6001-24, as a part of the Pavement
Management Program. (Staff Contact: Hossein Ajideh and Eric Zielke, Public Works
Motion by Commissioner Penseyres, seconded by Commissioner Kohl, to approve Consent
Calendar Item No. 1. Motion carried, 6/0.
JUNE – Receive a quarterly report from a representative of the City of Carlsbad’s Police
Department that will provide an overview of traffic and mobility-related police matters
during the months of April, May and June 2024, including notable news for the month of
June. (Staff Contact: Lieutenant Alonso DeVelasco, Police Department).
Staff’s Recommendation: Receive the report.
Lieutenant Alonso DeVelasco presented the report and reviewed a PowerPoint presentation
(on file in the Office of the City Clerk).
The Commission received the PowerPoint presentation by Lieutenant DeVelasco.
Aug. 5, 2024, 4 p.m.
Exhibit 2
Council Chamber
1200 Carlsbad Village Drive
Carlsbad, CA 92008
In response to Vice-Chair Fowler’s inquiry regarding e-motorcycles, Lieutenant DeVelasco
explained that e-motorcycles would need pedals to be considered e-bikes and cannot be
registered with the DMV as they are sold because they would need to be modified to meet
certain requirements.
In response to Chair Coelho’s request that the data from the previous year’s corresponding
quarter be included in the report, Lieutenant DeVelasco explained that, because the Police
Department has changed how they collect data, he would be able to include the
corresponding data starting next year.
In response to Chair Coelho’s inquiry regarding the decline in warning issued between
Quarter 1 and Quarter 2, Lieutenant DeVelasco explained that the decline could possibly be
due to the Police Department’s vacancies and the success of e-bike safety education.
Chair Coelho requested that future reports include notable news for all months of the
corresponding quarter.
3. ASSEMBLY BILL NO. 413 – CALIFORNIA DAYLIGHTING LAW – Receive a presentation on
Assembly Bill No. 413 (California Daylighting Law). (Staff Contact: Lindy Pham and John Kim,
Public Works Department).
Staff’s Recommendation: Receive the presentation.
Associate Engineer Lindy Pham and City Traffic Engineer John Kim presented the report and
reviewed a PowerPoint presentation (on file in the Office of the City Clerk).
The Commission received the PowerPoint presentation by Associate Engineer Pham and
City Traffic Engineer Kim.
In response to Commissioner Newlands’ inquiry regarding plans to paint red curbs or post
signage, City Traffic Engineer Kim explained that the law does not require painted curbs or
posted signage.
In response to Commissioner Penseyres’ inquiry regarding education for drivers, City Traffic
Engineer Kim responded that staff could work with the Communications Department to
provide information regarding AB 413.
In response to Commissioner Penseyres’ inquiry regarding whether city police officers have
been educated on AB 413, Lieutenant Alonso DeVelasco responded that the Police
Department has held department-wide briefings to discuss new laws that were taken into
Commissioner Penseyres requested to receive information regarding how many written
warnings were issued for violations of AB 413 in the next quarterly report.
In response to Vice-Chair Fowler’s inquiry regarding who would be enforcing AB 413,
Lieutenant DeVelasco responded that the Police Department has two dedicated community
service officers that work in the traffic division and are responsible for parking enforcement.
He further explained that anyone in the Police Department can provide enforcement and
the responsibility will be distributed amongst all police officers.
In response to Chair Coelho’s inquiry regarding why painted red curbs and posted signage
would not be included in the standard operating procedure and if there is discussion to add
them in the future, City Traffic Engineer explained that there is no discussion at this point
due to the expense, feasibility of maintenance, and sign pollution.
In response to Chair Coelho’s inquiry regarding how the distance is measured for an
unmarked crosswalk, City Traffic Engineer Kim explained that it will be up to the
interpretation of the police and judge.
Chair Coelho commented that staff should look into the Carlsbad Village area for potential
painted curbs and signage, any area with high pedestrian and tourist traffic.
IMPROVEMENTS – Receive the report on the Aviara Oaks Elementary and Middle School off-
site transportation improvements and provide feedback. (Staff Contact: Nathan Schmidt,
Public Works Department).
Staff’s Recommendation: Receive the report and provide feedback.
Transportation Planning & Mobility Manager Nathan Schmidt presented the report and
reviewed a PowerPoint presentation (on file in the Office of the City Clerk).
The Commission received the PowerPoint presentation by Transportation Planning &
Mobility Manager Schmidt.
In response to Commissioner Penseyres’ inquiry regarding whether there have been any
requests to reduce the speed limit, City Traffic Engineer John Kim responded that they
could check records.
In response to Commissioner Penseyres’ inquiry regarding whether green paint instead of
white paint could be used for the sharrows, Transportation Planning & Mobility Manager
Schmidt responded that green paint could be considered.
In response to Commissioner Penseyres’ inquiry regarding bicycle and pedestrians counts,
Dennis Pascua with Dudek explained that they collected counts for traffic, bicycles, and
pedestrians for 2023. He further explained that he would be able to provide all the counts
at a later time. Jessica Kimbrell, Director of Facilities Planning and Construction
Management at Carlsbad Unified School District, responded that they collected just over
100 e-bike counts for the middle school and did not collect counts for the elementary
the Safe Routes to School Plan for Jefferson Elementary School and recommend approval of
the proposed conceptual plan to City Council. (Staff Contact: Nathan Schmidt and Nick
Gorman, Public Works Department).
Staff’s Recommendation: Receive the report and recommend approval.
Transportation Planning & Mobility Manager Nathan Schmidt and Associate Engineer Nick
Gorman presented the report and reviewed a PowerPoint presentation (on file in the Office
of the City Clerk).
The Commission received the PowerPoint presentation by Transportation Planning &
Mobility Manager Schmidt and Associate Engineer Gorman.
Debra Bodine requested a three-way stop at the intersection of Chinquapin Avenue and
Jefferson Street.
Jeremy Briggs spoke in favor of the proposed improvements, especially along Tamarack
Avenue. He requested speed humps and in-ground or sign flashers on Tamarack Avenue
and Garfield Street.
Daniel DeRose spoke about his experience being struck by a vehicle while on his bicycle
and at a stop on Jefferson Street.
Commissioner Kohl recommended that staff consider placing more speed tables along
Jefferson Street.
Commissioner Kohl recommended that staff consider using a motif as a crosswalk to
encourage drivers to slow down.
In response to Commissioner Penseyres’ inquiry regarding whether the Coastal Rail Trail
could be made unofficially with hard-packed dirt or decomposed granite while waiting for
formal approval, Transportation Planning & Mobility Manager Schmidt explained that
there are various elements that would need to be looked into, especially since it is located
in the railway corridor right-of-way.
Commissioner Penseyres recommended implementing AB 413 with painted red curbs if
curb extensions are not used at the intersections.
Commissioner Penseyres inquired whether a survey could be done to determine how
many pedestrians would walk on the Linmar Lane sidewalk.
In response to Chair Coelho’s inquiry regarding the difference between near-term and
long-term improvements, Transportation Planning & Mobility Manager Schmidt explained
the long-term improvements require additional analysis and steps, including identifying
Chair Coelho recommended including painted red curbs with AB 413 as part of the
standard operating procedure for safe routes to school.
In response to Commissioner Penseyres’ recommendation to consider using students to
direct traffic, Associate Engineer Gorman responded a similar concept was included in the
report and they will mention it to the school for consideration.
Motion by Commissioner Penseyres, seconded by Commissioner Kohl, to approve staff’s
recommendation. Motion carried, 6/0.
Chair Coelho called for a recess at 5:55 p.m.
Chair Coelho reconvened the meeting at 6:05 p.m.
IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM PROJECT NO. 3896 – Support staff’s recommendation to the City
Council to approve the final plans and specifications for the Beach Access Repair and
Upgrades – Pine Avenue to Tamarack Avenue, Capital Improvement Program Project No.
3896. (Staff Contact: Hossein Ajideh and Eric Zielke, Public Works Department).
Staff’s Recommendation: Support staff’s recommendation.
Engineering Manager Hossein Ajideh and Senior Engineer Eric Zielke presented the report
and reviewed a PowerPoint presentation (on file in the Office of the City Clerk).
The Commission received the PowerPoint presentation by Engineering Manager Ajideh and
Senior Engineer Zielke.
In response to Commissioner Kohl’s comment regarding pedestrian safety and the removal
of the guardrail, Engineering Manager Ajideh explained that, following the American
Association of Sate Highway and Transportation Official (AASHTO) guidelines, it is not
required or recommended to include guardrails for this project. He further explained that
guardrails are used to protect vehicles and are a safety hazard to pedestrians.
In response to Commissioner Kohl’s inquiry regarding whether a k-rail could be installed,
Engineering Manager Ajideh explained that installing any barrier would decrease the
walkable space by 1 foot to 1.5 feet.
In response to Commissioner Proulx’s inquiry regarding maintenance, Engineering Manager
Ajideh responded that the city will assume the maintenance responsibility.
Commissioner Penseyres recommended looking into record data to see if any vehicles have
driven off or crashed into the guardrail.
Commissioner Proulx commented that there have been instances where people have cut
their hand grabbing onto the guardrail.
In response to Vice-Chair Fowler’s inquiry regarding sea level rise, Engineering Manager
Ajideh responded that rising sea level concerns would not affect the plans due to the
urgency of the repairs.
In response to Chair Coelho’s inquiry regarding whether there is any cost savings of leaving
the guardrail as is, Engineering Manager Ajideh responded that the benefit of increasing the
walkable space by two feet is far more that the cost of removing it.
Motion by Commissioner Newlands, seconded by Commissioner Proulx, to approve staff’s
recommendation. Motion carried, 6/0.
7. HIGH-LEVEL BUDGET OVERVIEW FOR FISCAL YEAR 2024-25 – Receive the presentation on
high-level budget overview for fiscal year 2024-25. (Staff Contact: Esther Lan, Public Works
Staff’s Recommendation: Receive the presentation.
Management Analyst Esther Lan presented the report and reviewed a PowerPoint
presentation (on file in the Office of the City Clerk).
The Commission received the PowerPoint presentation by Management Analyst Lan.
In response to Commissioner Proulx’s inquiry regarding whether project funds are
earmarked, Management Analyst Lan explained that the funds are still reserved, however,
the new approach only changes when those funds are released.
In response to Chair Coelho’s inquiry regarding how much the city has spent on traffic-
related projects in fiscal year 2023-24, Management Analyst Lan responded that she
would be able to provide the information at a later time.
Chair Coelho commented that he would like to know more about each division and the
capital improvement projects.
and approve the final Fiscal Year 2024-25 Traffic Safety & Mobility Commission Work Plan
and appoint a commissioner to represent the Traffic Safety & Mobility Commission at the
City Council meeting where the work plan will be presented for City Council consideration.
(Staff Contact: Nathan Schmidt, Public Works Department).
Staff’s Recommendation: Receive the presentation and appoint a representative.
Transportation Planning & Mobility Manager Nathan Schmidt presented the report and
reviewed a PowerPoint presentation (on file in the Office of the City Clerk).
The Commission received the PowerPoint presentation by Transportation Planning &
Mobility Manager Schmidt.
Motion by Commissioner Newlands, seconded by Commissioner Proulx, to appoint
Commissioner Kohl to represent at the City Council meeting. Motion carried, 6/0.
Motion by Commissioner Kohl, seconded by Commissioner Newlands, to appoint Chair
Coelho to be the backup representative at the City Council meeting. Motion carried, 6/0.
Motion by Commissioner Kohl, seconded by Commissioner Newlands, to approve the
Fiscal Year 2024-25 Traffic Safety & Mobility Commission Work Plan. Motion carried, 6/0.
City Traffic Engineer John Kim spoke about the guardrail removal and explained that the
guardrails are not designed to protect pedestrians. He further explained that the guardrails are
an energy absorption system meant to prevent cars from driving past the sidewalk.
Transportation Planning & Mobility Manager Nathan Schmidt spoke about the formal
appointment of Philip Armstrong by City Council to fill the current vacancy in the Commission.
Chair Coelho spoke about the Semiannual Transportation Report presentation to the City Council.
ADJOURNMENT: Chair Coelho adjourned the Traffic Safety & Mobility Commission Regular
Meeting on Aug. 5, 2024, at 6:49 p.m.
Lovelynne Magalued
Minutes Clerk