HomeMy WebLinkAbout2000-04-19; Planning Commission; ; CUP 99-19|HDP 00-03|SUP 00-03 - SOUTH AGUA HEDIONDA SEWER INTERCEPTOR REACH 3 (SAHI 3)'• City of Carlsbad Planning Depar!nt A REPORT TO THE PLANNING COMMISSION P.C. AGENDA OF: April 19, 2000 Item No.@ Application complete date: January 14, 2000 Project Planner: Jason Martin Project Engineer: Randy Klaahsen SUBJECT: CUP 99-19/HDP 00-03/SUP 00-03 -SOUTH AGUA HEDIONDA SEWER INTERCEPTOR REACH 3 {SAHi 3) -Request for approval of a Mitigated Negative Declaration, Addendum and Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program, a Conditional Use Permit, Hillside Development Permit, and a Special Use Permit to allow the construction of a sewer lift station and the installation of sewer pipelines in the area south of the Agua Hedionda Lagoon in the Open Space and Public Utility Zones, in Local Facilities Management Zones 13 and 8. I. RECOMMENDATION That the Planning Commission ADOPT Planning Commission Resolution No. 4760 APPROVING a Mitigated Negative Declaration, Addendum and Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program and ADOPT Planning Commission Resolutions No. 4761, 4762, and 4763 APPROVING CUP 99-19, HDP 00-03, SUP 00-03 based on the findings and subject to the conditions contained therein. II. INTRODUCTION The Carlsbad Municipal Water District (CMWD) has submitted the above referenced applications for the project. Planning staff has reviewed the project and identified a number of issues which can be minimized with the recommended conditions of approval/mitigation measures so that the project complies with all City standards. All the required findings for the CUP, HDP, and SUP can be made. The project is consistent with the City General Plan, as well as all other applicable plans and regulations. III. PROJECT DESCRIPTION AND BACKGROUND The project involves an addition to the City's wastewater collection system. Specifically, the project will add a sewer lift station and pipelines to the South Agua Hedionda Interceptor (SARI) Sewer System which will serve existing and future uses in portions of the northeast and northwest quadrants of the City. The project is known as South Agua Hedionda Interceptor Reach 3, or "SARI 3." SARI 3 would connect pipelines within the Cannon Road right-of-way, which were, or will be, installed under previously authorized projects (i.e. SARI2, SARI4 and SARI 3B). SARI 3 is located north of Cannon Road/the Cannon Road extension, in the agricultural and open space lands south of the Agua Hedionda Lagoon. (See Attachment 5). The project is situated on two large, separate properties -the San Diego Gas and Electric property in the west if"\ "•+;' CUP 99-19/HDP 00-03/SI 00-03 -SARI 3 April 19,2000 Page2 and the Kelly Land Company property in the east. The General Plan designation for the majority of both properties is Open Space. A section just south of the proposed lift station site is Travel/Recreation Commercial, the site of the Agua Hedionda Nature Center. Current zoning for the westerly portion is Public Utility. Zoning for the easterly portion is Planned Community. A small section of the easterly portion has a flood hazard zoning overlay. General Plan and zoning designations are indicated on Attachments 6 and 7. The easterly portion is within the Kelly Ranch project. The entire area is within the deferred certification segment of the Local Coastal Program. Therefore, the Coastal Development Permit for the project will be considered by the California Coastal Commission. Surrounding, existing land uses are primarily vacant open space in all directions, with the exception of the Nature Center which is in the near southwest. Future land uses are primarily open space, with the exception of planned residential uses to the south/southeast of the site and Nature Center which are part of the Kelly Ranch project. The project involves installation of pipelines and the construction of a lift station. Over one mile, or approximately 5,950 lineal feet, of underground pipeline would be installed. The pipeline will be aligned in an east/west direction, connecting an existing pipeline located near the intersection of Cannon Road and Car Country Drive with an existing pipeline, and an approved but not yet installed pipeline, at the planned intersection of the Cannon Road extension and "Street AA" of the proposed Kelly Ranch project. The lift station site would be located approximately 820 feet southwest of the Cannon Road/Street AA intersection, and 350 feet northwest of the Agua Hedionda Lagoon Nature Center as shown on Attachment 5. The lift station would be above grade and in an area immediately adjacent to a dirt access road which also serves as a public recreation trail. Creation of a proposed, 14,000 +/-square foot, level pad area for the lift station will necessitate the grading of a sloping, natural area and the installation of a retaining wall as high as 20 feet. It is estimated that approximately 12,200 cubic yards of earth will be excavated as part of the grading operation. Three different methods will be used for pipeline installation along the pipeline route. For the 850 lineal foot segment from the Cannon Road/Street AA intersection to the lift station site, which is inhabited by native vegetation and contains wetlands, the pipeline will be installed via micro tunneling. For the 2,450 lineal foot segment which is also inhabited by native vegetation, contains wetlands, and spans from the lift station site to a spot along the outside edge of an agricultural area, the pipeline will be installed via directional drill. The micro tunneling and directional drilling technologies will be utilized because both involve minimal disruption to surface topography and vegetation. (Different technologies will be utilized for the two pipeline segments because of unique topographical conditions, desired drilling accuracies, and distance of drilling activity). For the remaining 2,650 lineal foot segment through the agricultural area to the Cannon Road Car County Drive intersection, the pipeline would be installed via the conventional, open trenching method. The project, overlain on an aerial of the site, is included as Exhibit "I". This project is subject to the following plans and regulations: A. City of Carlsbad General Plan; B. Local Facility Management Zones 8 and 13; _ CUP 99-19/HDP 00-03/S' 00-03 -SAHi 3 April 19, 2000 Page 3 C. Zoning -Public Utility and Planned Community (Chapters 21.36 and 21.38 of the Zoning Ordinance); D. Floodplain Management Regulations (Chapter 21.110 of the Zoning Ordinance); E. Conditional Uses (Chapter 21.42 of the Zoning Ordinance); F. Hillside Development Regulations (Chapter 21.95 of the Zoning Ordinance); G. Local Coastal Program. IV. ANALYSIS Staff developed its approval recommendation after analyzing the project's consistency with the applicable City plans and regulations listed above. A discussion on the compliance with each follows. • A. City of Carlsbad General Plan The City's General Plan Land Use Element designates the majority of the project site as Open Space (OS) and a smaller section as Travel/Recreation Commercial (T-R), as shown on the map included as Attachment 6. All of the proposed project is proposed within the OS designated property. The installation of pipeline and a lift station in OS designated property is consistent with the General Plan, if General Plan goals relative to preservation of the visual and environmental qualities of open space areas are met. All pipelines will be installed underground and will therefore not result in visual impacts. To further preserve the visual and environmental quality of undisturbed open space areas, pipeline installation will be conducted via directional drilling or micro tunneling. These are trenchless technologies which result in minimal disruption to surface topography and vegetation. Some disruption to natural vegetation will occur as a result of lift station construction. Disrupted natural vegetation will be offset through both restoration of natural vegetation on-site, and preservation of natural vegetation off-site. The lift station has been designed with special attention to concealing it from public view as much as possible. It has been sited such that existing topography will screen much of the facility from important public view areas such as the Agua Hedionda Lagoon Nature Center. The lift station will be in a fully enclosed structure, which will incorporate building materials and exterior colors that blend with the surrounding natural environment. Additionally, landscaping and landscaped earth mounding will be provided at the perimeter of the project site to further assist in screening. The project incorporates a number of design features and construction techniques intended to preserve the visual and environmental qualities of the surrounding open space area, and is therefore consistent with the General Plan. B. Local Facility Management Zones (LFMZ) 8 and 13 The project site is located within LFMZs 8 and 13. Both LFMZs identify the South Agua Hedionda Interceptor Sewer System, and SAHi 3 in. particular, as required public facilities. Therefore the project is consistent with LFMZs 8 and 13. CUP 99-19/HDP 00-03/SI 00-03 -SARI 3 April 19, 2000 Page4 C. Zoning Two zoning categories comprise the project site -Public Utility (PU) and Planned Community (PC). Underground pipelines are proposed through the PU section, which is an allowable use in the zone. The lift station site and additional pipeline is proposed in the PC zone. The PC zone requires the preparation and adoption of a master plan prior to any development. A master plan exists for the area. The Kelly Ranch Master Plan, adopted in 1984, identified the South Agua Hedionda Interceptor Sewer System in the plan. It should be noted that the Kelly Ranch project is in the process of being amended. The amendment generally relates to changes in the number and type of dwelling units, and does not effect SAHI3. The project is consistent with permitted uses identified in the Zoning Ordinance and the Kelly Ranch Master Plan. The project is also consistent with the Kelly Ranch project, as proposed to be amended. D. Floodplain Management Regulations The project is subject to the Floodplain Management Regulations, since a portion of the project is located within the Special Flood Hazard Area as shown on the City's Zoning Map. For projects in this area, a Special Use Permit is required. Through the special use permitting process focused attention is given to the project's susceptibility to impacts from potential flooding. In this case, given the nature of the project, the project's potential to impact floodwaters was considered as well. The project has been designed to withstand impacts from flooding, and has been designed to not impact flood waters. The lift station has been designed to be three feet above the 100 year floodplain and pipelines will be underground a minimum depth of eight feet. Therefore, the findings for the SUP can be made. E. Conditional Uses Pursuant to the Zoning Ordinance, a Conditional Use Permit (CUP) is required for the project. The conditional use permitting procedure provides the means to evaluate the appropriateness or compatibility of certain types of uses which possess, because of their nature, the potential to adversely impact surrounding land uses, and to apply conditions of approval to minimize any identified potential impacts or otherwise make the use more compatible. As discussed earlier, identified potential impacts to visual and environmental resources can be minimized to a level of insignificance through incorporation of specified design features and construction technologies. Other more vital areas of potential impact relate to public health. Since the project involves the transport of sewage materials, a potential for sewage spill and odor does exist. The CMWD has incorporated a number of design features into the preliminary plans for the project to minimize these concerns such as back up pumps, emergency generators, alarms systems to address potential spills, chemical treatment, and enclosure of the lift station to address odor control. To supplement the preliminary plans the CMWD has provided a written outline of the design features and operational measures incorporated into the project to address these issues, which has been included with this report as Attachment 10. Additionally, these design features have been included in the CUP as conditions of approval. With the design features and operational measures incorporated into the project, the required findings for the conditional use permit can be made. CUP 99-19/HDP 00-03/SI 00-03 -SARI 3 April 19, 2000 Page 5 F. Hillside Development Regulations The lift station component of the project is proposed on land which exhibits a slope greater than 15% and an elevation change over the length of the site which is greater than 15 feet. The project is therefore subject to the City's Hillside Development Regulation and Guidelines, and is required to obtain a Hillside Development Permit. The hillside development review and permitting process is intended to minimize adverse visual and erosion impacts which often result from development in hillside areas. As mentioned earlier in this report, a number of design features and construction techniques have been incorporated into the project to minimize visual impacts. Additionally, the project is required to comply with the City's grading and erosion control standards and National Pollution Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) standards. The Hillside Development Regulations also require special consideration of any project which proposes a grading volume greater than 10,000 cubic yards per acre of site area. The proposed grading for the project exceeds that ratio. In order to approve the project it must be found that the project is consistent with the intent and purpose of the Hillside Development Regulations, and that project conserves more open area under the proposed grading concept than would otherwise be conserved under an alternative concept. The CMWD has provided an exhibit that illustrates an alternative grading concept. The concept would involve the creation of a terraced pad and the creation of 2:1 manufactured slopes. The plan would result in the disruption of nearly three times the area and would eliminate topographical features that would assist in screening the facility from the Nature Center. Thus, all the findings for the Hillside Development Permit, including the additional finding of support for grading which exceeds 10,000 cubic yards/ acre, can be made. G. Coastal Development Permit As indicated earlier in this report the project site is located in the deferred certification section of the City's Coastal Zone and the California Coastal Commission will be the final reviewing body. Staff believes that, with the above outlined design features incorporated into the project, it complies with the LCP. V. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW An Environmental Impact Assessment (BIA) for the project was conducted in accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). Potential impacts were identified and can be mitigated to a level of insignificance. Staff is recommending the adoption of a Mitigated Negative Declaration (MND) and a Mitigation Monitoring Program (MMP). The impact areas and mitigation measures are discussed in full in the BIA and the recommended MMP, which are included as an attachment to the Planning Commission Resolution for approval of the MND. Revision in the project plans or proposals made, or agreed to, by the CMWD before the proposed mitigated negative declaration and initial study were released for public review would avoid the effects to a point where clearly no signifi~ant effects would occur. As required under CEQA, the MND and MMP were circulated for public review and comment. As a result, written comments were received. The correspondence included as Attachment 10. Correspondence was received from the Water Resources Control Board and the Department of Fish and Game. Generally, the correspondence involved explanation of the State's Revolving CUP 99-19/HDP 00-03/SI 00-03 -SARI 3 April 19, 2000 Page 6 Fund loan program, comment on Initial Study checklist methodology, request for additional information and/or elaborated discussion on certain issues, suggestion of additional mitigation measures. Staff has evaluated the comments and suggestions and has modified the originally circulated MND and MMP. The changes are, however, minor and it has been determined that the change does not constitute a "substantial revision" as defined in Section 15072 of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), and that the change would be equally effective, or more effective, in mitigating impacts. The changes generally involve the addition of language to mitigation measures and an elaborated discussion of issues in some impact areas. No re-circulation of the Mitigated Negative Declaration was required or conducted. CEQA does require, however, an additional written finding be included in the Planning Commission's Resolution when substituting or adding mitigation measures after the circulation of a Mitigated Negative Declaration document. The additional finding has been incorporated into Resolution 4760. In summary, the project has been analyzed, noticed, and documented in full compliance with CEQA. CEQA does not require written response to comments made as part of the public review for a MND. Staff, however, will be responding to these comments. A copy of staff response will be transmitted to the Planning Commission before or at the April 19th Planning Commission meeting. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Planning Commission Resolution No. 4760 (Mit Neg Dec) 2. Planning Commission Resolution No. 4761 (CUP) 3. Planning Commission Resolution No. 4762 (HDP) 4. Planning Commission Resolution No. 4763 (SUP) 5. Location Map 6. General Plan Map 7. Zoning Map 7. Background Data Sheet 8. Disclosure Statement 9. Outline of Spill and Odor Control Design Features 10. Correspondence 11. Exhibits "A" -"I" dated April 19, 2000 JM:cs:mh AGUA HEDIONDA LAGOON SOUTH AGUA HEDIONDA INTERCEPTOR REACH 3 • CUP 99-19/HDP 00-03/SUP 00-03 AGUA HEDIONDA OS LAGOON \ RM T-R \ OS o~~~<:> o« o~ OS ««? ~~ 0~ GENERAL PLAN SOUTH AGUA HEDIONDA INTERCEPTOR REACH 3 CUP 99-19/HDP 00-03/SUP 00-03 AGUA HEDIONDA LAGOON OS "' P-C ZONING CAMINO P-C ---- I SOUTH AGUA HEDIONDA INTERCEPTOR REACH 3 . CUP 99-19/HDP 00-03/SUP 00-03 -BACKGROUNDDATASHEET- CASE NO: CUP 99-19/HDP 00-03/SUP 00-03 CASE NAME: South Agua Hedionda Interceptor -Reach 3 APPLICANT: Carlsbad Municipal Water District REQUEST AND LOCATION: A request to construct a sewer lift station and install pipelines. APN: 211-010-26 and 208-020-38 Acres: NA Proposed No. of Lots/Units: N _____ A _______ _ GENERAL PLAN AND ZONING Land Use Designation: Open Space (OS) and Tourist/Recreation Commercial (TR) Density Allowed: NA Density Proposed: N;:;..:....A=----------- Existing Zone: Public Utility (PU)/Planned Communinty (PC) Proposed Zone: N_A _______ _ Surrounding Zoning, General Plan and Land Use: Zoning General Plan Current Land Use Site PU/PC OS Vacant North PU/PC OS Vacant South PU/PC OS/TR Vacant/Nature center East PU/PC OS Vacant West PU/PC OS Vacant PUBLIC FACILITIES School District: NA Water District: Carlsbad Municipal Water District Sewer District: Carlsbad Municipal Water District Equivalent Dwelling Units (Sewer Capacity): "'"'N,.._A.,__ ______________ _ ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT ~ Negative Declaration, issued --'M=ar=c=h-3..._2=0,._,0'"""0 _____________ _ D Certified Environmental Impact Report, dated _____________ _ D Other, __________________________ _ --City of Carlsbad 14F•l•••••i·■•J4·F•ii,,C4,J4 DISCLOSURE STATEMENT Applicant's statement or disclosure of certain ownership interests on all applications which will require discretionary action on the part of the City Council or any appointed Board, Commission or Committee. The following information MUST be disclosed at the time of application submittal. Your project cannot be reviewed until this information is completed. Please print. Note: Person is defined as "Any individual, firm, co-partnership, joint venture, association, social club, fraternal organization, corporation, estate, trust, receiver, syndicate, in this and any other county, city and county, city municipality, district or other political subdivision or any other group or combination acting as a unit." Agents may sign this document; however, the legal name and entity of the applicant and property owner must be provided below. 1. APPLICANT (Not the applicant's agent) Provide the COMPLETE, LEGAL names and addresses of ALL persons having a financial interest in the application. If the applicant includes a corporation or partnership, include the names, title, addresses of all individuals owning more than 10% of the shares. IF NO INDIVIDUALS OWN MORE THAN 10% OF THE SHARES, PLEASE INDICATE NON- APPLICABLE (NI A) IN THE SP ACE BELOW If a publicly-owned corporation, include the names, titles, and addresses of the corporate officers. (A separate page may be attached if necessary.) Person. ___________ _ Corp/Part. ____________ _ Title. ____________ _ Title. ______________ _ Address. ___________ _ Address. _____________ _ 2. OWNER (Not the owner's agent) ffl()pwr( ~i.. (2/)~,-6 20--4 2~) Provide the COMPLETE, LEGAL names and addresses of ALL persons having any ownership interest in the property involved. Also, provide the nature of the legal ownership (i.e, partnership, tenants in common, non-profit, corporation, etc.). If the ownership includes a corporation or partnership, include the names, title, addresses of all individuals owning more than 10% of the shares. IF NO INDIVIDUALS OWN MORE THAN 10%.OF THE SHARES, PLEASE INDICATE NON-APPLICABLE (NIA) IN THE SPACE BELOW. If a publicly- owned corporation, include the names, titles, and addresses of the corporate officers. (A separate page may be attached if necessary.) Person ___________ _ Title ____________ _ Address ___________ _ Corp/Part 9'M Df&-,to ~/It; r' tL,tc 112/c. Co Title __________ .,,,..-___ _ Address 6tfN 'Dllf?:,, o C}/. ieLLy WD ~~Ir -$= '20(/ ~A-12-A-{12~-,-kb Zab Di-12~64D C11-f2~ 1635 Faraday Avenue• Carlsbad, CA 92008-7314 • (760) 602-4600 • FAX (760) 602-8559 (!) 3. NON-PROFIT otlANIZATION OR TRUST If any person identified pursuant to (1) or (2) above is a nonprofit organization or a trust, list the names and addresses of ANY person serving as an officer or director of the non-profit organization or as trustee or beneficiary of the. Non Profit/Trust ·---------Non Profit/Trust ----------- Title Title ---------------------------- Address. __________ _ Address -------------- 4. Have you had more than $250 worth of business transacted with any member of City staff, Boards, Commissions, Committees and/or Council within the past twelve (12) months? D Yes I )(I No If yes, please indicate person(s): _____________ _ NOTE: Attach additional sheets if necessary. I certify that all the above information is true and correct to the best of my knowledge. Signature of owner/date Signature of applicant/date Print or type name of owner ~Le:;~A'D Hu~lGfl'rl-~ D·,~ Print or type name of applicant 3/J6 /9-()GO er/applicant's agent if applicable/date Print or type name of owner/applicant's agent H:ADMIN\COUNTER\DISCLOSURE STATEMENT 5/98 Page 2 of 2 !·Ja!:on Martin -CANNON ROAD LIFT ST ON ODOR.doc .----------------,j ATTACHMENT 9 CANNON ROAD LIFT STATION 4/5/2000 RANDY KLAAHSEN ODOR CONTROL MITIGATION ODOR CONTROL MITIGATION FOR CANNON ROAD LIFT STATION ODOR CONTROL FOR A SEWER LIFT STATION IS NOT ALWAY NECESSARY. THE NUMBER ONE CAUSE OF ODORS RELATED TO LIFT STATIONS AND WASTEWATER COLLECTION SYSTEMS IS HYDROGEN SULFIDE. (ROTTEN EGG ODORS) THERE ARE TWO DIFFERENT ODOR PROBLEM TYPES THAT NEED TO BE ADDRESSED DURING A DESIGN, ONSITE AND OFFSITE ODORS. THE FIRST IS ON SITE ODORS AT THE LIFT STATION SITE. IF THE LENGTH OF TIME THAT IT TAKES TO GET FROM THE FARTHEST LOCATION IN THE COLLECTION SYSTEM TO THE LIFT STATION SITE IS 4 HOURS OR GREATER THEN ODOR CONTROL AT THE LIFT STATION SITE SHOULD BE ADDRESSED. THE REASON FOR THIS IS THAT HYDROGEN SULFIDE BACTERIA BEGIN EXPONENTIALLY MULTIPLYING AFTER FOUR HOURS IN A SYSTEM. IF MERCAPTANS (ORGANIC ODORS PRODUCED BY VEGETABLE CANNERIES, ETC.) ARE TRIBUTARY TO THE SYSTEM THEN ONSITE ODOR CONTROL AT THE LIFT STATION SITE SHOULD BE ADDRESSED. IF THE WASTEWATER CONSTITUENTS CREATE AN ENVIRONMENT SUSCEPTABLE TO THE GENERATION OR RELEASE OF HYDROGEN SULFIDE THEN ONSITE ODOR CONTROL AT THE LIFT STATION SITE SHOULD BE ADDRESSED. AN EXAMPLE OF THIS WOULD BE LOW WASTEWATER pH. LOW WASTEWATER pH CAN BE ATTRIBUTED TO INDUSTRIAL WASTE DISCHARGE OR LOW SUPPLY WATER pH. LOWER pH WASTEWATER (ABOUT 6.5 OR LESS) ALLOWS HYDROGEN SULFIDE TO RELEASE MORE EASILY. THE pH IN OUR COLLECTION SYSTEM IS AROUND 8.0. IF THE pH CAN BE KEPT AT 8.0 OR ABOVE, HYDROGEN SULFIDE WILL REMAIN IN SOLUTION. IF THERE ARE HOMES OR BUSINESSES PROPOSED WITHIN 300 FEET OF THE LIFT STATION, ONSITE ODOR CONTROL AT THE LIFT STATION SITE SHOULD BE ADDRESSED (ESPECIALLY IF THE HOMES ARE BUSINESS ARE DOWN WIND OF THE PREY AILING WIND). ALTHOUGH THE CANNON ROAD LIFT STATION DOES NOT HAVE ANY OF THESE CHARACTERISTICS, WE ARE DESIGNING THE WETWELL VENTILATION SYSTEM (WHERE ODORS COME FROM) TO BE CAPABLE OF TREATING AIR THROUGH A CARBON ADSORPTION SYSTEM. ALSO, WE HAVE RESERVED A LOCATION ON THE SITE FOR A CARBON ADSORBTION SYSTEM. WE DO NOT FEEL THAT ONSITE ODOR WILL BE AN ISSUE FOR THIS STATION, HOWEVER IF ONSITE ODORS BECOMES AN ISSUE THE CARBON ADSORBTION UNIT WILL BE ADDED. THE SECOND ODOR PROBLEM TYPE IS DOWNSTREAM FORCE MAIN ODORS (THE FORCE MAIN IS THE PRESSURE LINE THAT CONVEYS THE WASTEWATER FROM THE PUMPS TO A DISCHARGE POINT). OUR DISCHARGE POINT IS CAR COUNTRY DRIVE AND CANNON ROAD. THIS IS WHERE THE WASTEWATER HAS BEEN LIFTED TO AND BEGINS AGRA VITY FLOW CONVEYANCE TO THE ENCINA WATER POLLUTION CONTROL FACILITY. AGAIN, IF THEW ASTEWATER FROM ITS BEGINNING SOURCE IN THE COLLECTION SYSTEM Page 1 I Jason Martin -CANNON ROAD LIFT ST ION ODOR.doc 1-------------- THROUGH THE FORCE MAIN HAS A DETENTION TIME OF FOUR HOURS OR MORE, OFFSITE ODOR CONTROL NEEDS TO BE ADDRESSED. HIGH DETENTION TIMES OCCUR IN FORCE MAINS BECAUSE OF THE LENGTH, DIAMETER, AND FULL PIPE FLOW. THE VOLUME OF WASTEWATER IN THE FORCE MAIN HAS AN IMPACT ON ODORS. THE LARGER THE DIAMETER, THE MORE VOLUME AND THUS MORE DETENTION TIME. TYPICAL DETENTION TIMES UNDER LOW FLOWS INTO LIFT STATIONS CAN AVERAGE 6 HOURS. A BALANCE IN FORCE MAIN SIZE VERSUS ENERGY CONSUMPTION HAS TO BE EVALUATED BECAUSE SMALLER FORCE MAINS FOR A GIVEN FLOW USE MORE ENERGY. THE VELOCITY OF THE WASTEWATER IN THE FORCE MAIN IS CRITICAL. IF THE VELOCITY IS NOT KEPT ABOVE 3.0 FEET PER SECOND, SOLIDS WILL NOT RESUSPEND AND MOVE OUT OF THE FORCE MAIN. SOLIDS BUILD-UP CREATES A LOCATION FOR ANAEROBIC BACTERIA TO SURVIVE AND PRODUCE HYDROGEN SULFIDE GAS BYPRODUCT. IF THE FORCE MAIN VELOCITY IS LESS THAN 3.0 FEET PER SECOND, OFFSITE ODOR CONTROL NEEDS TO BE INCORPORATED. CLEANING SOLIDS OUT OF A FORCE MAIN FORCE MAIN CAN BE ACCOMPLISHED WITH A SWABBING SYSTEM. THE LOCATION OF OFFSITE ODOR CONTROL EQUIPMENT IS GENERALLY LOCATED AT THE LIFT STATION SITE. CHEMICALS ARE INJECTED INTO THE GRAVITY INFLUENT LINE AT THE STATION SUCH AS OXIDANTS, NITRATES, IRON SALTS OR CAUSTIC. IN THE CASE OF CANNON ROAD LIFT STATION, THE DETENTION TIME OF THE COLLECTION SYSTEM AND FORCE MAIN WARRANTS ODOR CONTROL. WE ESTIMATE DETENTION TIMES BETWEEN 6 HOURS AND 12 HOURS. WE HA VE SELECTED A FERROUS CHLORIDE INJECTION FACILITY BECAUSE COST OF CHEMICAL PER POUND OF SULFIDE REMOVED IS LESS EXPENSIVE THAN WITH OXIDANTS OR NITRATES. ALTHOUGH CAUSTIC IS LESS EXPENSIVE THAN FERROUS CHLORIDE, WE DID NOT SELECT CAUSTIC OVER FERROUS CHLORIDE BECAUSE OF THE HAZARDS OF HANDLING AND MAINTAINING A CAUSTIC SYSTEM. THE CANNON ROAD LIFT STATION WILL HA VE FOUR PUMPS. TWO OF THE FOUR PUMPS WILL HANDLE THE PEAK INFLOW TO THE STATION AT ANY TIME (PEAK FLOW WILL HIT THIS STATION AROUND 9:00 AM IN THE MORNING). THERE WILL BE TIMES HOWEVER WHEN ONLY ONE PUMP WILL BE NEEDED (NON-PEAK HOUR FLOWS). WITH THE COMBINATION OF I PUMP OPERA TING AND THE SELECTED 18" DIAMETER FORCE MAIN, WE WILL GET 3.2 FEET PER SECOND VELOCITY. THEREFORE, EVEN WITH ONE PUMP OPERATING, SCOURING VELOCITY IN THE FORCE MAIN IS ACHIEVED. WITH TWO PUMP OPERATION THE VELOCITY WILL BE 6.0 FEET PER SECOND IN THE FORCE MAIN. THIS STATION WILL ALSO IN CORPORA TE VARIABLE SPEED PUMPING. VARIABLE SPEED PUMPING MEANS THAT WHEN THE FLOW INTO THE STATION IS LOW, THE SPEED OF THE MOTOR WILL BE LOWERED (REDUCING PUMP OUTPUT) TO MATCH THE FLOW COMING INTO THE STATION. THIS WILL ALLEVIATE BUT NOT ELIMINATE ODOR PRODUCTION IN THE FORCE MAIN BECAUSE KEEPING THE FLOW MOVING IN THE FORCE MAIN HELPS ALLEVIATE ODORS. NOTE: VARIABLE SPEED PUMPING IS DEPENDENT ON THE PUMP CHARACTERISTIC CURVE AND THE STATIC HEAD TO TOTAL DYNAMIC HEAD RATIO. Page 2 Jason Martin -CANNON ROAD LIFT ST ON SPILL PREVENTION.doc CANNON ROAD LIFT STATION 4/5/2000 RANDY KLAAHSEN SPILL PREVENTION CANNON ROAD LIFT STATION WILL BE A STATE OF THE ART FACILITY WITH MAXIMUM PROTECTIVE FEATURES ADDED TO PREVENT SPILLS FROM OCCURING INTO THE AGUA HEDIONDA LAGOON. • AMONG THESE ARE: 1. EMERGENCY GENERA TOR THE EMERGENCY GENERA TOR WILL SUPPLY POWER TO THE FACILITY IN THE EVENT THAT COMMERCIAL POWER FAILS. THE GENERA TOR IS SIZED TO OPERA TE TWO PUMPS AT FULL SPEED AND ALL FACILITY POWER SIMULTANEOUSLY. THE DIESEL GENERA TOR WILL HA VE A BLOCK HEATER AND A BATTERY CHARGER TO ENSURE GENERA TOR STARTS. IN ADDITION, GENERATORS ARE OPERATED ON A MONTHLY BASIS TO ENSURE FULL QPERATIONAL FUNCTIONALITY. 2. DUAL PUMP OPERATION WITH TWO STANDBY PUMPS THE FACILITY WILL BE EQUIPPED WITH FOUR PUMPS OF EQUAL CAPACITY. TWO PUMPS WILL BE CAPABLE OF DELIVERING THE MAXIMUM PEAK FLOW (5000 GALLONS PER MINUTE). THE OTHER TWO PUMPS ARE STANDBY IN THE EVENT THAT A PUMP FAILS OR NEEDS TO BE TAKEN OUT OF SERVICE. IN ESSENCE THIS LIFT STATION DESIGN PROVIDES A STANDBY AND AN EXTRA EMERGENCY PUMP. 3. AUTODIALER AND TELEMETRY SYSTEM THE FACILITY WILL HA VE TWO WAYS TO COMMUNICATE OUT DURING EMERGENCIES, THE AUTODIALER AND THE TELEMETRY SYSTEM. THE AUTODIALER IS AN ALARM SYSTEM THAT CALLS OPERA TORS DIRECTLY TO THEIR HOMES IN THE EVENT OF AN EMERGENCY. A PRE-PROGRAMMED LIST AND NUMBERS IS INPUTTED AND THE SYSTEM WILL CALL ALL NUMBERS ON THE LIST AND REPEAT THE PROCESS UNTIL IT GETS AN ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF THE ALARM BY A FACILITY OPERATIOR. ALARMS INCLUDE: HIGH WETWELL, ALL PUMP FAILURES (SEAL FAILlJRE, MOTOR OVERTEMPERA TURE, MOTOR DRIVE FAILURE, CHECK VALVE NOT OPENING ON PUMP START), FLOAT OVERRIDE ACTIVATED AND FLOODED DRYWELL. THE TELEMETRY SYSTEM IS AN INDEPENDENT ALARM SYSTEM THAT TRANSMITS SIGNALS TO THE CENTRAL STATION AT THE WATER DISTRICT. THIS SYSTEM FORWARDS THE ALARMS TO THE OPERA TORS THROUGH A TELEPHONE LINE. THESE. ALARMS ALSO MUST BE ACKNOWLEDGED BY THE FACILITY OPERATOR. BOTH THE AUTODIALER AND TELEMETRY SYSTEM ARE EQUIPPED WITH AN UNINTERRUPTIBLE POWER SUPPLY. THIS MEANS THAT EVEN IF COMMERCIAL POWER IS LOST AND THE EMERGENCY GENERA TOR FAILS TO START, THE OPERA TORS WILL STILL BE CALLED. 4. BUBBLER AIR SYSTEM CONTROL WITH FLOAT OVERRIDE SYSTEM FOR BACKUP THE LIFT STATION WILL BE CONTROLLED BY A BUBBLER AIR SYSTEM, THE MOST RELIABLE CONTROL SYSTEM USED IN WASTEWATER LIFT STATION DESIGN. THIS LEVEL CONTROL SYSTEM TELLS WHAT PUMP TO TURN ON AND AT WHAT LEVEL. IF THE LEVEL RISES EVEN FURTHER A SECOND PUMP IS CALLED (AND THE THIRD AND FOURTH PUMP IF Page 1 Jason Martin -CANNON ROAD LIFT ST ON SPILL PREVENTION.doc NECESSARY). FINALLY THE LEVEL CONTROLLER WILL REACH A LEVEL AND SEND AN ALARM THROUGH THE AUTODIALER AND TELEMETRY SYSTEM. THE BUBBLER SYSTEM WILL AUTOMATICALLY PURGE THROUGH THE BUBBLER AIR LINE ON A PRE- PROGRAMMED INTERVAL ALTHOUGH IT IS INHERENTLY RELIABLE BECAUSE IT CONTINUOUSLY FEEDS AIR INTO THE WETWELL. IN THE EVENT THAT THE BUBBLER SYSTEM FAILS, A SECONDARY ALARM AND CONTROL SYSTEM WILL TAKE OVER. THIS IS CALLED A FLOAT OVERRIDE SYSTEM. THE FLOAT OVERRIDE SYSTEM WILL START AND STOP ANY NUMBER OF DESIGNATED PUMPS. THE FLOAT OVERRIDE SYSTEM WILL ALSO SEND AN ALARM THROUGH THE AUTODIALER AND TELEMETRY SYSTEM SHOWING A "FLOAT OVERRIDE SYSTEM ACTIVATED ALARM". 5. EMERGENCY BYPASS SYSTEM THE EMERGENCY BYPASS SYSTEM ALLOWS THE CITY TO BRING A PORTABLE PUMP TO THE LIFT STATION AND PUMP WASTEWATER THROUGH THE FORCE MAIN INDEPENDENT OF THE PUMPS IN THE DRYWELL. ONLY IF ALL PUMPS AND SYSTEMS HA VE FAILED IN THE LIFT STATION WOULD THIS EVENT OCCUR. 6. DRY PIT SUBMERSIBLE PUMPS AND SUBMERSION PROOF CONTROLS MOST LIFT STATIONS ARE EITHER WETWELL/DRYWELL OR WETWELL ONLY TYPES. ALTHOUGH THIS STATION IS BEING DESIGN ON THE WETWELL/DRWELL PREMISE, IT IS ACTUALLY BOTHA WETWELL/DRYWELLANDA WETWELLSTATION. THATISTOSAY THAT THE PUMP ROOM (WHICH IS A DRY ROOM) CAN BE COMPLETELY SUBMERGED AND THE LIFT STATION WILL STILL BE 100% FUNCTIONAL. THIS IS BECAUSE DRYWELL SUBMERSIBLE PUMPS ARE INCORPORATED INTO THIS DESIGN. ALL REGULAR DRYWELL PUMPS WHEN SUBMERGED CAN NOT OPERA TE WHEN SUBMERGED BECAUSE FLUID IS INGESTED INTO THE MOTORS CAUSING A SHORT TO GROUND FAILURE. WITH DR WELL SUBMERSIBLE PUMPS AND SUBMERSION PROOF CONTROLS THIS IS NOT AN ISSUE. 7. SYSTEM OVERFLOW FAILSAFE TO NORTH AGUA HEDIONDA INTERCEPTOR SYSTEM IN THE EVENT OF AN ALL PUMP FAIL SCENARIO, THE AUTODIALER AND TELEMETRY SYSTEM WOULD SEND PUMP FAILURES AND THE HIGH WETWELL ALARMS TO THE OPERATOR. IF TI;IE OPERATOR GOES TO THE CANNON ROAD LIFT STATION AND FINDS A PROBLEM SHE CAN NOT FIX, AV ALVE ON THE INFLUENT GRAVITY LINE CAN BE CLOSED, THE SYSTEM WILL BACK UP IN THE GRAVITY SYSTEM FLOWING DOWN CANNON ROAD AND WOULD THEN FLOW OVER A WEIR INTO THE NORTH AGUA HEDIONDA SYSTEM. IT IS ESTIMATED IN THE FIRST 3 YEARS OF OPERATION THAT THE NORTH AGUA HEDIONDA SYSTEM COULD TAKE I 00% OF THE FLOW IN THE SOUTH SYSTEM IN ADDITION TO ITS OWN BASIN. AFTER THE THREE YEARS, THE VALVE WOULD STILL BE CLOSED TO DIVERT FLOW INTO THE NORTH SYSTEM AND THE PORTABLE EMERGENCY BYPASS PUMP (AS MENTIONED IN PARA GRAPH #5) WOULD NEED TO BE BROUGHT TO THE LIFT STATION TO HANDLE THE EXCESS FLOW THAT THE NORTH AGUA HEDIONDA SYSTEM COULD NOT HANDLE. 8. WATER HAMMER SURGE PROTECTION LIFT STATIONS WITH HIGH STATIC HEAD (THE DIFFERENCE IN ELEVATION BETWEEN THE CENTERLINE OF THE PUMP AND THE DISCHARGE POINT) ARE SUSCEPTABLE TO INSTANTANEOUS FAILURE DUE TO WATER HAMMER. WHEN THE STATIC HEAD IS NOT AT THIS CRITICAL ELEVATION DIFFERENCE, A SYSTEM CAN STILL BE SUSCEPTABLE TO WATER HAMMER DUE TO FATIGUE FAILURE (LIKE REPEATEDLY BENDING A PIECE OF WIRE UNTIL IT BREAKS). WATER HAMMER IS ALSO RELATED TO THE VELOCITY IN THE FORCE MAIN AND THE NUMBER OF ABRUPT BENDS IN THE SYSTEM. EXTRA PRECAUTION Page 2 r Jason Martin -CANNON ROAD LIFT ST ON SPILL PREVENTION.doc HAS BEEN TAKEN TO ENSURE THAT WATER HAMMER WILL NOT BE A PROBLEM AT THE CANNON ROAD LIFT STATION. FIRST THE SYSTEM HAS BEEN MODELED TO PREDICT WHAT THE MAXIMUM DOWN SURGE PRESSURE WILL BE. THAT PRESSURE HAS BEEN DETERMINED TO BE 90 PSI (THAT NUMBER IS BASED ON TWO PUMPS OPERA TING AT FULL SPEED AND A POWER FAILURE EVENT-WORST CASE) THE MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE SURGE PRESSURE FOR THE PIPELINE AND COMPONENTS IS 200 PSI. SECONDLY AND COINCIDENTALLY WE WILL BE USING VARIABLE FREQUENCY DRIVES TO MATCH THE INCOMING FLOW RATE WITH THE PUMPING RATE. THIS IS DONE TO CONSERVE ENERGY. HOWEVER, THE VARIABLE FREQUENCY DRIVES OFFER THE ABILITY TO RAMP UP AND RAMP DOWN THE MOTOR SPEED OVER A GIVEN DURATION OF TIME (TYPICALLY 60 SECONDS). THIS SMOOTH RAMP UP AND DOWN OF THE PUMPS CREATES EVEN A LOWER WATER HAMMER PRESSURE MODELED TO BE 75 PSI. THUS THE FA TIGUE FACTOR IS EVEN LESS THAN A CONSTANT SPEED PUMPING SHUTDOWN. THE LIFE CYCLE IS EXPECTED TO BE IN THE HUNDREDS OF YEARS. IN ACTUALITY THE LIFE WILL BE EVEN LONGER THAN THIS BECAUSE THE FLOW PACING CAPABILITY WILL LIMIT THE SHUT DOWNS PER HOUR. THIRDLY, THE FORCE MAIN WILL BE DESIGNED TO HA VE A SMOOTH TRANSITIONING CONSTANTLY RISING FORCE MAIN TO A VOID COLUMN SEPERA TION AND VAPOR CAVITY FORMATION MINIMIZING INCREASED WATER HAMMER PRESSURES. 9. DAILY OPERATIONAL CHECKS CARLSBAD'S OPERATION TEAM INSPECTS EACH STATION DAILY. THIS HELPS IN PREDICTING WHEN PUMPS NEED MAINTENACE. A COUPLE OF EXAMPLES WOULD BE: NOTICING THAT THE PUMPS ARE VIBRATING MORE THAN THEIR USUAL MANNER OR THEY ARE PUMPING AT A LOWER CAPACITY THAN THEIR RA TING. A GOOD OPERATIONAL PROGRAM IS A KEY FACTOR IN SYSTEM RELIABILITY. ALL PRECAUTIONARY AND DESIGN MEASURES POSSIBLE HAVE BEEN TAKEN TO ENSURE THAT NO SPILLS WILL OCCUR FROM THE CANNON ROAD LIFT STATION IN THE FUTURE. THESE THINGS IN CONJUNCTION WITH DAILY OPERATIONAL CHECKS WILL PROTECT THE AGUA HEDIONDA LAGOON. Page 3 • , • 'STATE OF CALIFORNIA-THE RESO~RCES A.CY ATTACHMENT 10 GRAY DAVIS Governor DEPARTMENT OF FISH AND GAME South Coast Region 4949 Viewridge Avenue San Diego, California 92123 (858) 467-4201 FAX (858) 467-4235 Jason Martin City of Carlsbad 1635 Faraday Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008 April 3, 2000 ---------------- .. . . Comments on the Proposed Mitigated Negative Declaration for the'South Agua Hedionda Interceptor Reach 3, City of Carlsbad • (SCH#2000031019) Dear Mr. Martin: The Department of Fish and Game (Department) has reviewed the above-referenced Mitigated Negative Declaration (MND) that we received on March 15, 2000. The Department is identified as a Trustee Agency pursuant to California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Section 15386 and is responsible for the conservation, protection and management of the state's biological resources. Project alternative 3B (project) involves the installation of pipelines and the construction of a pump station in the eastern portion of Agua Hedionda Lagoon. Approximately 5,950 feet of underground pipeline will be installed, connecting existing pipelines. The pump station will be located 350 feet northwest of the Agua Hedionda Lagoon Nature Center and will require the creation of an approximately 14,000 square foot pad and installation of a retaining wall on a vegetated slope adjacent to an existing dirt access road. The proposed project will utilize three different methods of pipeline installation: the 850 lineal feet of pipeline from Hidden Valley Road to the pump station (hereafter referred to as "Segment A") will be installed through micro tunneling methods, the 2,450 lineal feet from the pump station across Agua Hedionda Lagoon to agricultural fields ("Segment B") will utilize directional drilling, and 2,650 lineal feet through the agricultural fields to Cannon Road/Car Country Drive intersection ("Segment c,'') will be installed using open trenching. According to the Biological Technical Report (Report), project implementation will result in impacts to the following habitats: permanent impacts to 0.45 acres ofDiegan coastal sage scrub, permanent impacts to 0.11 Valley needle grassland, 0.03 acres of permanent impacts to non-native grassland, 0.08 acres of temporary impacts to non-native grassland, 1.08 acres of permanent impacts to agricultural/disturbed/road habitat and 1.78 acres of temporary impacts to agricultural/ disturbed/road. Mitigation measures proposed in the Report will be in concurrence with the proposed City of Carlsbad (City) Habitat Management Plan (HMP) and will include: replacement of 0.9 acres of Diegan coastal sage scrub habitat ( a 2: 1 replacement-to-impact ratio) either onsite or immediately adjacent, allowing the brushing of coastal sage scrub to occur only outside the California gnatcatcher (Polioptila californica californica, gnatcatcher) breeding season (February 14 to August 31), replacement of0.33 acres of valley needl~grass habitat (a 3:1 ratio), and .. ' , Jason Martin April3,2000 Page 2 replacement of 0.055 acres of non-native grassland (a 0.5:1 ratio). The Department offers the following comments and recommendations: We concur with the project's ·finding that Alternative B3 is the biologically-preferred alternative that will minimize habitat impacts. The Department appreciates the project's efforts to avoid impacts and to preserve the biological resource value of Agua Hedionda Lagoon. The project should address impacts to the pending Agua Hedionda Lagoon Ecological Reserve (Reserve). Approximately 186 acres of Agua Hedionda Lagoon and adjacent habitats will soon be dedicated to the Department for preservation of sensitive flora and fauna. Although most of the proposed pipeline appears within existing easements, the proposed location of the pump station appears to be entirely on Reserve land. The Department strongly recommends the applicant avoid impacts to the Reserve. A detailed aerial map indicating project and Reserve boundaries, as well as existing easements and habitat, should be provided to the Department prior to issuance of any permit. As mentioned in the :MND, the project is within the boundaries of the proposed City of Carlsbad's Habitat Management Plan. Furthermore, the project is within an area identified in the HMP as an Existing Hardline Conservation Area (an area that has been committed to habitat conservation as a result of existing open space regulations, past development approvals or other actions). The Department recommends the project be consistent with goals and conservation levels proposed in the HMP and avoid further impacts to this area of proposed conservation. On- or offsite restoration and/or preservation of habitat for mitigation should occur in areas oflong- term conservation potential under the direction of a qualified biological monitor. A management and monitoring plan should be reviewed and approved by the Department prior to any construction activity. The Department recommends all directional and microtunnel drilling occur at a minimum of 30 feet below the deepest point of wetland habitat to reduce possible impacts. The project should indicate containment and impact reduction measures should a frac-out occur during pipeline installation. Use of Bentonite and other drilling lubricants should also be indicated and analyzed for potential impacts. The use of non-corrosive materials or installation of pipe liner is also recommended during operation of the pipeline to reduce Jjsk of impacts due to rupture or general pipe failure. A biological monitor should be present at all phases of drilling to anticipate and identify impacts to wildlife and habitats onsite. The Department strongly recommends the project obtain a Streambed Alteration Agreement (SAA), pursuant to Section 1600 et seq. of the Fish and Game Code. An SAA would allow the applic;mt to fully identify the potential impacts to wetland resources onsite and provide adequate avoidance, mitigation, monitoring and reporting commitments should this be necessary. A Streambed Alteration Agreement form may be obtained by writing to The Department of Fish and Game, 4949 Viewridge Avenue, San Diego, CA 92123, or by calling (858) 636-3160. Through a phone conversation between you and Kim McKee-Lewis of the Department on ,. I' Jason Martin April 3, 2000 Page 3 March 29, 2000, it is our understanding that the 15-feet-wide access road over the Section B of the project has been removed from the proposed project. However, proposed in the Discussion of Environmental Evaluation in the :MND is the paving of an access road on an existing dirt road/public recreation trail. Presently, the dirt road runs from the intersection of Hidden Valley Road/Cannon Road, over a dike in the lagoon wetlands to the area of the proposed pump station. The road appears to be within the proposed Reserve and justifications for the·need for such paving should be clearly detailed as it is our understanding that use of the road will be minimal. Paving is not consistent with the Department's efforts to preserve and enhance the biological resource value of Agua Hedionda Lagoon. We are concerned that paving will increase fresh water runoff into salt marsh habitat-subsequently allowing further invasion of weedy species and cattails _and allowing salt marsh conversion that will reduce habitat for the endangered Belding's savannah sparrow (Passerculus sandwichensis beldingi). Increased siltation should also be of concern in determining alternatives to paving. The Department concurs with measures to minimize impacts to California gnatcatcher (Polioptila californica californica) and other breeding birds in coastal sage scrub habitat. Pursuant to Fish and Game Code 3503, it is unlawful to take, possess or needlessly destroy the nest or eggs of any bird. The on-site biological monitor should ensure that impacts to nesting birds be avoided in all habitats through the appropriate breeding seasons. The Department recommends that only local, native species be used in the landscaping plan outlined on Page 20, Mitigation Measure #10, that is proposed to occur adjacent to the lift station. A detailed landscaping planting palette and irrigation plan should be submitted to the Department, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and Planning Department for review and final approval prior to issuance of any permit. The Department appreciates the opportunity to comment on your project. Questions and comments concerning this letter should be directed to Warren Wong at (858) 636-3167. cc: Department of Fish and Game Kim McKee-Lewis C.F. Rays brook Tamara Spear U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Nancy Gilbert Julie V anderwier William E. Tippets Habitat Conservation Supervisor State &ter Resources ContreBoard Winston H. Hickox Secretary for Environmental Protection MnR 24 200:l Mr. Jason Martin City of Carlsbad 1635 Faraday Ave. Carlsbad, CA 92009 Dear Mr. Martin: Division of Clean Water Programs 2014 T Street• Sacramento, California 95814 • (916) 227-4480 Mailing Address: P.O. Box 944212 • Sacramento, California• 94244-2120 FAX (916) 227-4595 • Internet Address: http://www.swrcb.ca.gov (; -' • -~ .:-.: .. ~:_:__, : ..... _ .. INITIAL STUDY/MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION (IS/MND) FOR THE CITY OF • CARLSBAD (CITY) -SOUTH AQUA HEDIONDA INTERCEPTOR REACH 3 -STATE CLEARINGHOUSE NO. 2000031019 Gray Davis Governor " -I ·-.... Thank you for the opportunity to review the above document. The State Water Resources Control • Board (SWRCB), Division of Clean Water Programs (Division) is responsible for administering State Revolving Fund (SRF) loans for eligible wastewater treatment projects. If the City will be seeking funding from the SWRCB for the above project, the SWRCB will be a responsible agency under CEQA. As a funding agency, the· SWRCB must consider the information in the environmental document when approving funding for the proposed project. We have enclosed a copy of the SWRCB 's Policy for SRF loans for your information. The policy contains environmental guidelines for loan projects in Appendix E. Below are several procedural items and SRF loan program requirements (Section I). In addition, we have comments on the environmental document (Section II): I. SRF loan program requirements: 1. Following the public and State Clearinghouse review period, please send us a copy of: (1) the approved/adopted MND, (2) the resolution adopting/approving the MND and a Mitigation Monitoring Program (MMP), (3) the MMP, (4) all comments received during the review period and your responses to those comments, and (5) the Notice of Determination filed with the Governor's Office of Planning and Research, when they become available. Please send us notices of any meetings or hearings scheduled regarding the document and project approval. 2. Since SRF loans are partially funded by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the Division is required to consult directly with appropriate federal agencies responsible for implementing federal environmental laws and regulations. If your Agency will be seeking an SRF loan, you will need to provide us with eight copies of the IS/MND so that we may initiate federal consultation. Federal agencies have 30 calendar days to review and comment on your environmental document plus six days mailing time. We will forward any comments received to you at that time for your response. Any environmental issues raised by federal agencies will need to be resolved prior to approval of an SRF loan. California Environmental Protection Agency 0 Recycled Paper t • Mr. Jason Martin -2 -MAR 24 2000 3. Please note that SRF loan projects are subject to: a. Provisions of the Federal Endangered Species Act and must obtain a Section 7 clearance from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) prior to a loan commitment. b. -Federal laws pertaining to cultural resources, particularly Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act. For projects intended to receive SRF assistance, please contact our Cultural Resources Officer, Ms. Cookie Hirn, at (916) 227-4410 to initiate the Section 106 process. She will consult with the State Historic Preservation Officer (SHPO) on your behalf at several points in the process. She will also work with your Agency and the SHPO to establish your project's Area of Potential Effects (APE) and determine whether any cultural resources are present within the APE. After the APE is established, please provide documentation of the following: (1) background research for cultural resources, including a records search with the California Historical Resources Information System, consultation with interested Native Americans, local historical societies, and any other interested parties; (2) a field survey by a qualified archaeologist and, if appropriate, historical specialist; and (3) an inventory of all cultural resources in the project's APE. Additional submittals may be required to document resource significance and/or project effects. When adequate information has been submitted, Ms. Hirn will review it for Section 106 compliance and will forward approved documents to the SHPO. The SHPO has a 30-day review period in which to comment or to concur that the process is complete. c. As of January 31, 1994, SRF loan projects located in non-attainment areas may be required to meet the Federal General Conformity Rule for the Federal Clean Air Act. Where a Federal agency has delegated its responsibility to take certain actions to a State or local agency, the action is considered a Federal action and the State or local agency must make a conformity determination on the Federal agency's behalf. Consequently, the City must make a conformity determination, if emissions from project facilities and construction emissions are above "de ininimis" thresholds established for the area. For an SRF loan, your environmental document should include the following: • Description of the air quality status for each criteria pollutant for the area where the project's emissions will occur; and • A summary of the emissions that are expected from both the construction and operation of the project for each criteria pollutant in a non-attainment or maintenance area. A conformity determination can be made if facilities are sized to meet only the needs of current population projections that are used in the approved State Implementation Plan for air quality. You may contact your local Air Pollution Control District or Air Quality Maintenance District for information regarding this requirement. California Environmental Protection Agency O Recycled Paper I - Mr. Jason Martin -3 - M4R 2 4 2000 II. Comments regarding the adequacy of your environmental document: 1. If the. City will be requesting SRF funding, the Division will require three copies each of earlier analyses cited in the MND for federal distribution and review in relation to the proposed project (SARI 3). These documents include: • Final Environmental Impact Report for Reach 1 of Cannon Road; • Final Supplemental Environmental ~pacts Report for a segment of the South Agua Hedionda Sewer Interceptor; and • Biological Technical Report for a segment of the South Agua Hedionda Sewer Interceptor System. 2. The IS/MND, as a stand-alone document, would not be adequate for our purposes because not all checklist answers are adequately explained. The use of references to support the "No Impact" answers does not appear to be appropriate for this project. Incorporation by reference is only appropriate where the "No Impact" answer is adequately supported by referenced information sources which show that the impact simply does not apply to projects like the one involved. Your "No Impact" answers appear to be based on project specific information. Therefore, an explanation is required for your checklist summarized in the Initial Study or the referenced documents should be made a part of the environmental document. You may want to incorporate some of the referenced information into your document. Also, a citation to the page or pages where the information is found should be provided for referenced documents. For- clarification see CEQA Guidelines, Sections 15063 (d) and 15150. 3. Biological Impacts: The City will need to elaborate on the potential impacts to wetlands and the disruption to surface topography, and how mitigation measures will be employed to offset impacts. Also, biological surveys may be required and need to be conducted during the appropriate time of year for undisturbed or sensitive areas impacted by the project. We recognize that biological surveys were conducted in conjunction with the referenced Biological Technical Report. However, these may need to be updated. If this project has a potential to impact biological resources, a Biological Assessment may be required for an SRF loan. Information and maps concerning candidate species in California are available from the California Natural Diversity Data Base, a program of the California Department of Fish and Game. Address requests to: Marketing Manager, California Department of Fish and Game, Natural Diversity Data Base, 1426 Ninth Street, Sacramento, CA 95814 (916) 324-3812. 4. Mitigation Measures: Use of an MND requires mitigation measures that clearly avoid or mitigate significant impacts and those measures are agreed to by the project proponent prior to public review. Compliance with permits and regulations must specify what the provisions will do to mitigate the identified impact. The City must also provide specificity by adhering to the following: • Compliance with regulations and permits must specify what the regulation will do to mitigate the identified impact. California Environmental Protection Agency a Recycled Paper· .,. • • M4R 2 4 2000 Mr. Jason Martin -4 - • Any monitoring mitigation measures must be accompanied by criteria that will trigger specific mitigation measures. If you have any questions regarding the environmental review of this project, please contact me at (916) 227-4480. Sincere~, \ i : --• / ., V\IYYW 1.-(i J James Hockenberry Environmental Services Unit cc: Governors Office of Planning and Research 1400 Tenth Street Sacramento, CA 95814 Mr. Dat Quach San Diego Regional Water Quality Control Board 9771 Clairemont Mesa Boulevard, Suite B San Diego, CA 92124 California Environmental Protection Agency rC} Recycled Paper