HomeMy WebLinkAbout6179 EL CAMINO REAL; ; FA110042; Permit··········-. --· .............. ~--------· 7/10/24, 11 :51 AM Job Address: Permit Type: Parcel No: Lot#: Reference No.: PC#: Project Title: Applicant: FA110042 Permit Data City of Carlsbad Fire Alarm Permit Permit No: FA110042 6179 EL CAMINO Status: ISSUED REAL FALARM Applied 5/20/2011 2131002000 Approved: 5/20/2011 0 Issued: 5/20/2011 Inspector: FAMGRO LEASING ACCESS CONTROL PLAN CHECK & INSPECTION Owner: PROTECTION ONE ALARM MONITORING, AS IF HOLDINGS L LC INC. 12232 THATCHER CT POWAY.CA 858-391-2512 about:blank Fees($) 125 Add'I Fees ($) 0 17772 COWAN IRVINE CA Total($) 125 Balance($) 0 1/1 DOO/<.. 0 A '-;,-' Options & Accessories EXIT DEVICES '-;,-' Nanow Stlle Concealed Vertical Roel Exit Device OnltHllyllllldintJff""1ttoE:Jtll,,._.lnp-.O,llyphM,orlly..,,.,..,.__,.,.....,.._ MONITOR/SIGNAL SWITCH Ml • ...... :hl,ftd, M2-Dua1Swllcll A switc:h in the e1<it device pushbar mounled on the hinge end. Swl!ch can be U5od to activate signal light, horn, monitor or other devices. Most common a,ppicadon Is to -IJdl-maglock when pushbar Is depressod. Swm:h can be wired to, normally open III normally dosed depending upon applealion. Can be mroftt In lleld to existing exit device. Dual SWltch -.sion airer. redUndlincy"' reqUirt!d by some buldlng codes ortheopUon of operating a second signaling devi~. .......... -. ...... _. ____ _ -------------91-41• ...... -·•---- MONITORED DUMMY l'USHBAR ..... , ........ ------I09NO • .,,_,On., Oummypushbarwith no latch mechanism butwllh either a single 111 CIUal monltor/slgnal switch. Most common applicatlon Is in corjunction with a maglock wht!te bar Is used to tum off magnet and allow exit from bUllclng. DUal switch version allows redl.Wldancy where ,equired by code III the operation ol a slgnal dt!Ylce along with maglodc. SpecKy door type and width when ordering. Avalablelnan exltdelllce ftnlshti. The 8099-00 Is also available as a l1CIIHlpt!l'lllngcunmyfordoors not requiring an em deviOI. but whele matching trim Is desired. speclfydoorl)pe,openlngwklthandfinishtobematclled. DJIIOtMMMSll"FE~AC'11.IINGCO. ALARMED EXIT DEVICE .. ----TIiis option emits a IOUcl alarm to l'IOUly management of unautllOrized exit win not alter the ~Safely ctwacterlSlla of tht! exit devicelnanyw;iy. Con!IOlofthealann IS by ll5t!Of a lceyln at¥ standard Mortise cylinder with MS•cam toam disarm, delay or reset the alarm. Red letters on the bar gh,e a "hands off' wamlngtodelerattidentalac!Ulltion. ....,OpmaledNmm Four M all<aln! batteries power a hom to aeate a piercing 95 dt!Clbel noise rortwo mlnUtes 1orum1 Cllsarmedl 1M1en pust,bar Is oepressec:1. Beepstoslgnalneod rornewballerJes. ........,"'- can be connecled to external horn for louder or remote signal. Remote monitor LED fight can also be wired In. as can a door position proximi1¥ switch. Also accommodates an -delay swl!C/1, such asan outside key swltc:h or pad. to auow aurhorized entry. Uses~l<!nicadbalterie<ccnnectedto IZ..24 VOit ACorDCsource.Eachbarhultsownbatleryback'-"system. Mlnlmum0pfflrlgwldlh: 36" CYLINDER DOGGING F•---mr:=ID• f",i). ----~@{ For management control of dogging. Any standard • 15/16~ lo 1·1/8" IOl!!i Mortise cylinder with ~cam can be used In a pust,bar ~ atfactorywilhcyllnderDogglngkll.cannotbeusedwti>Afarm.EL orlRopllcns. ...., .. -."C".,... ____ _ ELECTRIC DOGGING -·----The 'ED" option use5 a hoking ffla!J1'I ID keep lhe pushbar depressl!!d /set 111i1fU1t;1 and lhe falch re!Jacll!d. This 9M!5 a l0wl!r prolle eat dewCe. rai.llir,gln lessdamageand ~opetallcn.AII "ED" devices include an internal micmsvdll:h lhat s1!,,aJs when the bar Is held In lhedepn!SSed poslllot\ ldealfor-docr aperarcrs. On IR<all!ddevlcm. ftmusrbewln!dttwougt,llwlftalarm systell.AII dellices ~al 24VOC,draw,g .6amp.alowlng them to c,pe,alewilh a""""' lransformer and realller. Neb!: Nol 10 be used as KCl!SS conlnll element Spedty "LR" with accns conlJOI devices such as card reader or keypads. ~--------..................... .... Also IIVllllable for a Mklpanel daordesign cmn'll'ICATIONS: @~~l.ls~.7iu Grade 1 Callfomla Slate FR Marshall NewYOfl<CltyMEA' "'Caraa:lladotyfarlPKllcl'U'llltJa' BHMA TYPE(, Narrow Stile Concealed Vertical Rod Exit Device For Aluminum Doors 8600Serles UFE-SAFETY C) .,.. Patented top latching mechanism interlocks door to frame •Top and bottom adjustable steel rods .,.. Pushbar anodized or clad, not plated, in a variety of finishes .,.. Easy to install • Clean, unobtrusive design • Strong, durable construction for a nigh level of security ~ Adams 260 Santa Fe Street "W' Rite Pomona.callfomla91767 (8001872-3267 Fax:18001232-7329 lifJ/SA/JBDf www.adamsrlte.com EO-6 s IDE Doo(c.. The Latch Story PANNEX -has a revolutionary patented interlock latch and strike. The latch rotates to engage and grip the specially designed strike. This simple, heavy-duty assembly is constructed of investment cast stainless steel heat treated and tempered to 200,000 P.S.I. providing trouble free, high-frequency use. LISTINGS UL certified ANSI/BHMA 156.3-2001, Grade 1 UL Listed Fire Exit Hardware, 3 Hour Rating UL Listed Panic Hardware This unique interlocking grip action of the device secures the door to the jamb without conventional roller strikes or retracting latches. In addition to the latch and strike, an interlocking mechanism located in the chassis offers a double inter- locking system which makes the PANNEX device virtually impossible to tamper with, pry or force open. ADA compliant Accepted by NYC, Department of Buildings, MEA Listed by California State Fire Marshal FEATURES FOR BOTH THE 1200 & 1300 SERIES RIM EXIT DEVICES • High Security • Fire rated • Weather Resistant • All devices re-latch • Nonhanded • Preassembled for easy installation I ..;,.;; -----. ___ ,:_ __ . :.:.:.._:.,.:..;..,_ .. -:· -,r . . ' • Dogging available -------~--~-~ ------ • 3 standard alarm modules for all devices • Standard lengths for 36" or 48" doors • Can be field cut for undersized doors • Designed for narrow stile aluminum doors • Finishes available in aluminum or dark duranodic • Outside trim available 1200 SERIES RIM EXIT DEVICE The 1200 Serles is designed to provide maximum exte- rior security, while offering safe egress. Pannex devices can offer versatility to any building's security system. Alarm modules with or without dogging can be added, and signal switches can be Installed for all access con- trol applications. Ordering Information 1200Series 1200A-28 / 313 1200C-28 I 313 1200D-28/ 313 1200F -28 / 313 Exit Only Cylinder Dogging Cam Lock Dogging Fire Rated 1300 SERIES ELECTRIC RIM EXIT DEVICE The 1300 Series Is the same versatile device as the 1200 Series device, with the addition of a solenoid. The 24 V solenoid will lock and unlock the ~evice by remote operation. The unique design of the latch and strike requires less than 400 milliamps to unlock the device. Specify prefix L for 48" doors; e.g. L 1200 1300 Series,· Electric Latch Retraction 1300A -28 / 313 Exit Only 1300C -28 / 313 Cylinder Dogging 1300D -28 / 313 Cam Lock Dogging 1300F -28 / 313 Fire Rated .. . ... . .... . . . ..... . COMMAN. T E C H N o:\. • Grade 1 • UL Listed • 12or 24 VDC • Low Current Drd • 3-Year Warranty The Professional's Choice The Command Access electrified Schlage L9000 series mortise lock line allows for remote keyless access and egress control for heavy use applications where security and safety is critical. These locks may be purchased as complete locks, chassis only or as modifications only (add MD prefix for modification only of customers' L9050 lock bodies). Along with the styles and finishes listed, we offer multiple functions and voltages to meet your requirements. Common applications include stairwell doors, lobby entrances, computer rooms, classrooms, interior and exterior doors. Visit our website for more details www.commandaccess.com Customer Su'!l:t 888-622-2377 or 71~ 9-1422 Command Access Is nae a licensee, or affiliated, assoclared or connected with Ingersol Rand, As11 AblO!I, Stanley, SChlage. Fakon. Von Duprln, Oorma. Sargent. Corbin Russwln. Yale, Emtek. Adams Rite, Best, Precision. Arrow, Design Hardwa~ Cal Roya~ Jackson, AHT, Marshall Best, Marks, Accurate. hldwln. FSB, PDQ. Lawrence, Trans Atlantic. Hager, LSDA. General Lode. or Omnia or any of their subsldiarle5 or affirlateJ. All ASSA ABLOY Group brand Application HID's ProxPoint@ Plus reader combines multiple configuration options with an attractive. inconspicuous design and economical price. Its secure potted electronics are ideal for both indoor and outdoor applications. Features t Features a beeper and multicolor LED which can be host-and/ or locaHy controlled. t Enables various beeper and LED configurations. depending on individual site requirements. t Can read HID cards with formats up to 85 bits. t Designed for mounting directly onto metal with no change in read range performance. t Available with either Wiegand or Clock-and-Data (magnetic stripe data) output. t Compatible with all standard access control systems. t Aesthetic design available in two cover designs and in four colors to match any decor. t Includes multilingual installation manual. A.~ARIOI ' Mountin1 Audiovlsual Indication Diqnostics Indoor/outdoor Design Eully Interfaced Security Warranty Part Numbers Description Options Unobtrusive design can be mounted directly onto metal such as door muliions. Audiovisual indicat":or1: when a p,·ox:mity card is presented to the reader, t!-ie red LED flashes greer. and the beeper sounds. The multicolor LED and beeoer can a!so be comroiied individually by the host system. On reader power-up. an interna: seii-test routine cllecks and verifies thP setup configuration. dPtPrmin,es rhe mrPrnal or external contro' of the LED and beeper, and initializes reader operation. An additional exter'la! loop--back test al1ows fot· the reader outputs and inputs to be verified w,thout the use of ad- ditiona! test equipment. Sealed in a rugged, weatherized polycarbonate enclosure designed to withstand harsh environments, providing reliable performance and a high degree of vancal resista,1ce. Wiegand output modei interfaces with all existing Wiegand protocol access control systems. Clock-and-Data (magnetic stripe) model interlaces with most systems that accept magnetic stripe readers. Recognizes card formats up to 85 bits, with over 137 billion unique codes. Lifetime warranty against defects ,n materials and workmanship (see complete sa;es policy for details). Base Part No.: 60058 W;egand lnteri3ce Base Part No.: 6008B Clcck-3nd-Data lr.t,,rface Tri-State LED, Pigtail Connection CLASSIC: <erie, cov<,r in gr·ay. h<'ig<>. hlark or whilq (or) • Designer series cover-in grey, wave blue, black or white custom label • custom embossing in housing (Please see "How to Order Guide" for a description of options and associated pa,1: numbers). -0 =@ ! oo□IID I DD I (i) 0 _Q 2, 680 ~plcal Maximum• Read Range ProxCard''-II card• up to 3" (7.6 cm) ISOPro><'" II card• up co 2.S-' (6.35 cm; DuoProx£ II card -up to 2.5" (6.35 cm) Smart ISOProx'·/DuoProx• II c.rds -uµ tu "LS' (6.:J~ crn) Proximity & MIFARE' card• up to 2.5"" (6.35 cm) ProxCard"' Plus card• up to I .o·· ("2.5 cm) ProxKey-'' II keyfob -up to 1.5" (3.8 cm) MicroProx1' Tag. up to 2" (5.1 cm) •Depending on local installation conditions. Dimensions 3 .I 3S" x 1.720" x 0 c.w· (7.96 x4.37 x I .C.B cm) Material: Polycarbomte UL 94 Power Supply ~-16 VDC Linear power supplies are ,-ecommended. Maximum Current Requirements Current (DC} A;erage 30 mA, Peak 75 mA Operatin1 Temperature -22° to 150" F (-30. to 65' C) ~~":;~~!e ~!~l:~ncond~n;ing Transmit Frequency: I 2s kHz Weisht: 2.7 oz. (75 gm) Emironmental: !PSS Certifications UL294/cUL (US), rCC C.,rtificatrun (U'.>], IC (Canada). Cl: (1::.U), C-tick (Australia, New Zealand), SRRC (China), MIC (Korea), NCC (Taiwan), MIC (Japan), iDA (Singapore), RoHS Cable Distance Wiegand or Clock-and-Data interface: 500 feo:,l (l~0 tu) Recommended cable is ALPI I/\ I 2'J5 (22 /\WG) 5 conductor stranded with overall shield or equivalent. .,t 2009 HID Gbbal All nghu reserve::! HID .Jr,d the HID logo ,r~ trader11arks or reg1.s.tered tradem.1irks of HID Global 1n the U.S. and/er ot~r countries. Al! other trademMlrs, SE:Nice n'\lrl,::s.. and pr-oduct or St-f'vlCe names .=tre trademarh or regrstefed (rid~:""larks of d,~1r resp~(IYe owners R.rrJ. o.i;noo'J &. For bat ,..,1a, plaue W print on racycled paper. MKT-PROXPOINT _DS_EN