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6155 EL CAMINO REAL; ; FS130005; Permit
7/10/24, 11:51 AM FS130005 Permit Data City of Carlsbad Fixed Systems Permit Permit No: FS130005 6155 EL CAMINO Job Address: Status: ISSUED REAL Permit Type: FIXSYS Applied 1/30/2013 Parcel No: 2131000100 Approved: 2/1/2013 Lot#: 0 Reference No.: Issued: 2/1/2013 PC#: Inspector: Project Title: VIA SAT CAFETERIA CAFETERIA Applicant: V FIRE SYSTEMS CORPORATION POST OFFICE BOX 3008 MONTCLAIR, CA 909-398-1591 about:blank Fees($) 292 Add'I Fees($) 0 Owner: LEVINE INVESTMENTS LIMITED PARTNERSHIP 1702 E HIGHLAND AVE #310 PHOENIX AZ Total($) 292 Balance($) 0 1 /1 THERE ARE NO PLANS ASSOCIATED WITH THIS PERMIT • Job Addres Col dr .. fuel/ I s al Pnn Phon -Fire ystem c. FS\5 005 s m o.-s ri utor Ce tlic te f ns II t1on b ber_ e o System: 11 Pyroc em 0 Other______ _ \/. ~\'ce__ S'i'3tems :P .. Box~ooB 'Morr\c..~a~ Cf\ q \ 7Ja3 te n r'lod lo . 0 J be OJ \ .s Serial Numb.er_ _ _ _ G s Va ve: ethanict I [1 Electric ID Size_ h~n Breaker SI l a C with th n r u ti 6 and t7 (adopted i a plic ble t I c U e n ed by others o et tallatl n of 1 h 1 co ab are , ed b ( of h e if ress 01 ~ys et on of the Natl o ma nta·n it r Date Junsd1c i Fire Suppression System Distributor Certificate of Installation To be Completed by Regional Office Job Name \J.~~A ,--z,,-f.-~-.g.:....a.--------- Job Address ./ii I 95 6t. CAA.A tlJO REAL-. To be Completed by Fire System Distributor Company Name S, M i?\..!!X Cait\JJ ..veLL Address 617"1~ Ru~\N ~t:> JCut t--f S4,AJ' Ck~E:1!.0 C'9\, q;J l.,1J Job Number ______ _ Type of System: Ansul Pyrochem Other L O \<.E:. Serial Number ____ _ Fuel/Energy Shut Off Device Installed. Tested on ~ ·/'!. • ''!> Date Gas Valve: Mechanical ~ Electric Equipment Shut.down Tested: ;). Size ..... X"-'---- @ No This Fire Suppression System is installed in accordance with the Manufacturer's instructions and drawings, NFPA 96 and 17 (current issues) and all applicable state and local codes. All electrical work or work performed by others to complete the installation of this system has been completed. Exceptions to the above are noted below. (Use back of sheet if necessary) To be Completed by Owner or Owner's Representative I have received a py of the Fire Suppression System Owner's Manual and I understand it. I also understand that 1s thir ommendation of the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) that the system b f"J~t• very ~ix months to maintain its reliability. _!___ Signature ~ · ~ Date ~ fr3 Lf 3 I I To be Completed by the Authority Having Jurisdiction Functional tests have been witnessed and the system performs as designed. Print Name :::::1,J~~~:.L......L..::....'.......J-::~C:::.:!------ Phone Num Signature ....,,..-M-'"t--...::;_------------ Jurisdiction f?A 4'25A ~ '© Date Z-(S•t.er/"5 Fi1"c: Supp1·c.ssin11 Sy,tcm Distributor Ccnif,cate nr Insurance, v2 5-1-07 Carlsbad Fire Department Kitchen Hood Suppression System Testing Check List PERMIT#: i:=$ t~S DATE: Z .[3 .2.eJ/3 PREMISES NAME:=-~ CEt~e:vazdM! -~ t:tt& :dt'E!& ADDRESS: /,/lo (E.-t.,. CAc,,,614 t2,,,,t_ CONTRACTOR: ,t. 'It#~ e,.«p-IUc,,ur&IAlfHt-:r 4{ ,,,~ 'ST! 1 J-611 1 Dry & Wet Chemical Systems A Stamped, Approved Plans On Job Site B Manual pull station easily accessible in oath of earess (Not on sprinkler systems) C Manual oull station mounted 42" to 60" from floor /Not on sorinkler systems) D Manual oull station activates system (Not on sorinkler svstemsl E Manual oull station signage shall read "Pull Station-Emergencv Shut Down" (Not on sprinkler systems) F Buildina fire alarm sounds upon system activation, if fire alarm svstem available G Fuel and exhaust interlocked so that fuel will not flow without exhaust system active H Fuel and power shutdown device operates on system activation and !!!.equipment under the hood shall shutdown when the system activates (electrical outlets & liohts included unless listed otherwise) I Fuel and power shutdown device must be manually reset J Operation of fusible test link activates system: also ask if a nitrogen blow off test was completed prior to nozzle installation? (this is optional-not reauired) K Exhaust fan shall keeo runnina after activation of system, unless other wise listed L Make-uo air shuts down and HVAC system shuts down, if applicable M Pioe size and confiauration comolies with It• ,pproved olans N Piping and nozzles are secured 0 Nozzle types match appliance hazard class and type of use as shown on approved plans (remove & verify-tech removes) p Nozzle olacement comolies with aooroved olans Q Nozzle blow-off caps are in place R Plenum and duct areas are erotected eer aeeroved plans s Deep fat fryers installed a minimum of 16" space between fryer and surface flames from adjacent cooking eauioment 1• Exceotion Steel baffle min. of 12" height between appliances) T Deep fat fryers snail be equipped with a separate high-limit control (in addition to reg. control) to shut off fuel or enerav when temp. reaches 475 degree F bP1ow surface u Chemical container easily accessible, not above ceiling or sitting on the floor V Pressure gauges in operable range w Grease filters shall be listed, easily removed for cleaning, drip tray beneath lower edge (shall drain into metal container not areater than 1 call X Maintenance taa in olace y Fire Extinauisher-Minimum of 2.5 aal. "K" Class mounted in path of egress (kitchen) z System Supervision-If the suppression sys,v,,, requires electricity to activate the system, then tht:: system shall reauired to be electronically monitored by a central monitorina aaencv *standbv oower supply shall be orovided Z-1 Contractor shall submit "Installation Certificate" for the svstem oer the listina 1-A Solid Fuel-Cooking appliances constructed of solid masonry or reinforced cement (per NFPA 211_, shall not reauire fixed automatic fire-extinauishina equioment 1-B Solid Fuel-Spark arrester screens shall be located at the entrance of the flue or hood assembly 1-C Solid Fuel• Appliances shall be installed on floors of noncombustible construction that extend 3· ,, , dll directions from the aooliance 2 Sprinkler Protection A Duct, hood, and aooliances confiauration(s) match aooroved olans B Sorinkler orotection Provided for cookina eq1 .:iment, plenum area, and duct(s) match aooroved plans C One sorinkler head (325-375 degree F) located at the top of each vertical duct and at mid-point of each off set D One sprinkler head (325-375 degree F) located at entrance of the horizontal duct and at 10' centers starting at 5' from duct entrance E One sorinkler head 1325-375 deoree F) located at 1" -12" above duct collar F One sorinkler head (325-375 decree Fl is centered oer 10' lenath of plenum chamber G The sorinklers listed for orotectina the deep '•·• fryers are provided per approved plans The operation of a sprinkler automatically sh..;:off all sources of fuel and heat to all equipment undi:!meath the hood, H manual reset is reauired I A listed indicating control valve for the water suooly is provided with tamper switch J A listed strainer for the water supply for nozzle orifices less than 3/8" is provided K A svstem test connection is orovided at the end of the system L Adequate water pressure is available to operate the system N Sprinkler heads :n ducts are accessible for maintenance M A 16" separation between deep fat fryer and open flame cooking appliance or a 12" high baffle plate is provided between the appliances from front to back 0 Listed crease filters are in olace and are stamped "Listed Grease Filter" on the side p All oenetrations of the hood are properly sea.~d with fire rated chalkina Q Fire Extinguisher-Minimum of 2.5 gal. "K" Class mounted in path of egress (kitchen) System Supervi,;ion-If the suppression system requires electricity to activate the system, then the system shall R required to be electronically monitored by a central monitoring aaencv *standby power supply shall be provided s Solid Fuel-Cooking appliances constructed of solid masonry or reinforced cement (per NFPA 211) shall not reauire fixed automatic fire-extinauishina equipment T Solid Fuel-Spark arrester screens shall be 'ated at the entrance of the flue or hood assembly u Solid Fuel-Appliances shall be installed ori 1ioors of noncombustible construction that extend 3'in all directions from the appliance V Contractor shall submit "Installation Certificate" for the system oer the listina 3 Grease Extractors A As defined-A system designed for the processing of vapors, gases, and/or air as it is drawn through devices to collect the airborne grease particles and concentrating them for further action at some future tirr: B NFPA 96 allows a listed grease extractor to protect the grease removal devices and hoods of approved fire extinguishing equipment-Inspector shall specially refer to the approved plans and written fire review for instruction on aoorovals an,.. testing Site Inspection: Match Plans@r N Test Pass(!yr N Corrections Needed: Y or@ OK CN ,111,1 J II t.. ~ ~ .. •• ,_ " 1111 ... ,jj irh .. jifl t--- ~ ML,, ~ '1dC, • tJ#.- #frl., ~ t:d... /J/ic. ., ~ ~ Ht- 4,d,,, M:, ~ ·~ ~ ul.,4, ,v Name: a¥ Date:_-z ~· (3_.,Zo,---=-<,_'3.-~---- CFO Representative Carlsbad Fire Department Kitchen Hood Suppression System Testing Check List PERMIT#: f3 f '!-e'IQC6 DATE: 2, J:3 •tot:3 PREMISES NAME: VIA Ser t:Affr¢Jl.Jt4 Fii'&rC av:< 11,E◄ ADDRESS: /,/1,3 6c, c.a.c.,,4' f4 :f,,,ff'-= coNTRAcToR: ,1. "" s~ ~ -1ANJ.nut1,Z., CA '1"'1·3'8:·Lfft .. 1 Dry & Wet Chemical Systems OK CN A Stamped, Approved Plans On Job Site .&.~ B Manual pull station easily accessible in oath of earess (Not on sprinkler systems) ~!!: C Manual pull station mounted 42" to 60" from floor {Not on sprinkler systems} "~ D Manual pull station activates system (Not on aiorinkler svstemsJ ""'- E Manual oull station signage shall read "Pull Station-Emergencv Shut Down" (Not on sprinkler systems) ... F Buildino fire alarm sounds upon system activation, if fire alarm svstem available 1AI,,, G Fuel and exhaust interlocked so that fuel will not flow without exhaust system active -.it H Fuel and power shutdown device operates on system activation and !!!.equipment under the hood shall shutdown All when the svstem activates (electrical outlets & li!:ihts included unless listed otherwise) I Fuel and power shutdown device must be rr . ·uallv reset ll!illl J Operation of fusible test link activates system; also ask if a nitrogen blow off test was completed prior to nozzle ~ installation? {this is optional-not reauired) K Exhaust fan shall keeo running after activation of svstem, unless other wise listed (JIii\. L Make-uo air shuts down and HVAC svstem shuts down, if applicable ', ·IJ# M Pioe size and configuration comPlies with the aooroved plans ,_., N Piping and nozzles are secured ---0 Nozzle types match appliance hazard class and type of use as shown on approved plans (remove & verify-tech removes) &« p Nozzle placement complies with aooroved plans ~ Q Nozzle blow-off caps are in place &I!,, R Plenum and duct areas are protected per approved plans •L s Deep fat fryers installed a minimum of 16" space between fryer and surface flames from adjacent cooking AJ, eauioment (* Ex:eotion Steel baffle min. of 12" height between appliances) T Deep fat fryers shall be equipped with a separate high-limit control (in addition to reg. control) to shut off fuel qr energy when temp. reaches 475 degree F below surface ~ u Chemical container easily accessible, not above ceiling or sitting on the floor HI- V Pressure aauaes in ooerable range M,,,, w Grease filters shall be listed, easily removed for cleaning, drip tray beneath lower edge (shall drain into metal container not oreater than 1 aal) ~ X Maintenance taa in olace ...... y Fire Extinguisher-Minimum of 2.5 gal. "K" Class mounted in path of egress (kitchen) z System Supervision-If the suppression system requires electricity to activate the system, then the system shall /J.. required to be electronicall}'. monitored b}'. a central monitoring a9enct *standb}'. eower sueel}'. sh.:, . .Je provided Z-1 Contractor shall submit "Installation Certificate" for the system per the listing 1-A Solid Fuel-Cooking appliances constructed of solid masonry or reinforced cement (per NFPA 211) shall not ~ reauire fixed automatic fire-extinguishing eauioment 1-B Solid Fuel-Soark arrester screens shall be :,Jcated at the entrance of the flue or hood assembly J/11. 1-C Solid Fuel-Appliances shall be installed on floors of noncombustible construction that extend 3' in all directions ~ from the aooliance 2 Sprinkler Protection . \ A Duct. hood, and aooliances configuration(sl match annroved olans B Sprinkler orotection orovided for cookina equipment, plenum area, and duct(s) match aooroved plans C One sprinkler head (325-375 degree F) locat"'.I at the top of each vertical duct and at mid-eoint of Pach off set D One sprinkler head (325-375 degree F) loca:".::l at entrance of the horizontal duct and at 1 O' centers starting at 5' from duct entrance E One sprinkler head (325-375 degree F} located at 1" -12" above duct collar F One sprinkler head (325-375 degree Fl is centered per 1 O' lenath of plenum chamber G The sprinklers listed for protectino the deeo fat frvers are provided per anoroved plans The operation of a sprinkler automatically shutoff all sources of fuel and heat to all equipment unc',,•neath the hood, H manual reset is required I A listed indicating control valve for the water supolv is provided with tamper switch J A listed strainer for the water supplv for nozzle orifices less than 3/8" is provided K A system test connection is provided at the end of the system L Adequate water pressure is available to ooer:.ite the system N Sprinkler heads in ducts are accessible for maintenance M A 16" separation between deep fat fryer and open flame cooking appliance or a 12" high baffle plate is provided between the appliances from front to back 0 Listed crease filters are in olace and are stamoed "Listed Grease Filter" on the side p All penetrations of the hood are properly sealed with fire rated chalking Q Fire Extinauisher-Minimum of 2.5 aal. "K" C' ·s mounted in oath of egress /kitchen) System Supervision-If the suppression system requires electricity to activate the system, then the system shall R reauired to be electronically monitored bv a central monitorina aaencv *standby power surmly shall be provided s Solid Fuel-Cooking appliances constructed of solid masonry or reinforced cement (per NFPA 211) shall not require fixed automatic fire-extinguishing equipment T Solid Fuel-Spark arrester screens shall be located at the entrance of the flue or hood assembly u Solid Fuel-Appliances shall be installed on floors of noncombustible construction that extend 3' ·., all directions from the aooliar;ce V Contractor shall submit "Installation Certificate" for the svstem per the listina 3 Grease Extractors A As defined-A system designed for the proce<1sing of vapors, gases, and/or air as it is drawn through devices to collect the airborne grease particles and con...:entrating them for further action at some future time B NFPA 96 allows a listed grease extractor to protect the grease removal devices and hoods of approved fire ,y extinguishing eqJipment-Inspector shall specially refer to the approved plans and written fire review for instruction on approvals and testing Site Inspection: Match Plans: . t),r N Test Pass: f/or N Corrections Needed~@) Name: ~ • =- CFO Representative Date: Z. '/:1-Zd:c3 .. Carlsbad Fire Department Kitchen Hood Suppression System Testing Check List PERMIT#: :F;5 {°5~ DATE: 2· f3-~ j/4zu~ PREMISES NAME: ,ltiA $;t-r C'A,:---e:re;z..1A ADDRESS: (Liff$ {a, (A,ut~ ~ coNTRAcToR: v-n:v.e: s~ Cdl-P -~e, CA-qett ... 319:.,s,:, 1 Dry & Wet Chemical Systems A Stamped, Aooroved Plans On Job Site B Manual pull station easily accessible in oath of eoress (Not on sprinkler systems) C Manual pull station mounted 42" to 60" from floor (Not on sorinkler systems) D Manual pull station activates system (Not on sprinkler svstems} E Manual pull station signage shall read "Pull !"'~lion-Emergency Shut Down" (Not on sprinkler sy~~·.,rnsl F Buildino fire alarm sounds upon system activation, if fire alarm svstem available G Fuel and exhaust interlocked so that fuel will not flow without exhaust svstem active H Fuel and power shutdown device operates on system activation and !!!.equipment under the hood shall shutdown when the svstem activates (electrical outlets & liohts included unless listed otheiwisel ' I Fuel and power shutdown device must be manuallv reset J Operation of fusible test link activates system; also ask if a nitrogen blow off test was completed r;rior to nozzle installation? {this is ootional-not reouired) K Exhaust fan shall keep running after activation of system, unless other wise listed L Make-up air shuts down and HVAC svstem shuts down, if annlicable M Pipe size and configuration complies with the approved plans N Piping and nozzles are secured 0 Nozzle types match appliance hazard class and type of use as shown on approved plans (remove & verify-tech removes} p Nozzle placement complies with approved plans Q Nozzle blow-off caps are in place R Plenum and duct areas are protected per aooroved olans s Deep fat fryers installed a minimum of 16" s,. _;,,~ between fryer and surface flames from adjacer.· .Joking equipment(* Exceotion Steel baffle min. of 12" heiaht between aooliancesl T Deep fat fryers shall be equipped with a separate high-limit control (in addition to reg. control) to shut off fuel or enerov when temo. reaches 475 dearee F below surface u Chemical container easily accessible, not above ceiling or sitting on the floor V Pressure gauges in operable range w Grease filters shall be listed, easily removed for cleaning, drip tray beneath lower edge (shall drai. • :1to metal container not greater than 1 gal) X Maintenance lag in place y Fire Extinguisher-Minimum of 2.5 Qal. "K" Class mounted in path of egress (kitchen) z System Supervision-If the suppression system requires electricity to activate the system, then the system shall required to be electronically monitored by a central monitoring agency *standby power supply shall be provided Z-1 Contractor shall submit "Installation Certificate" for the svstem per the listing 1-A Solid Fuel-Cooking appliances constructed of solid masonry or reinforced cement (per NFPA 211) shall not reauire fixed automatic fire-extinauishina eauipment 1-B Solid Fuel-Spark arrester screens shall be located at the entrance of the flue or hood assembly 1-C Solid Fuel-Appliances shall be installed on floors of noncombustible construction that extend 3' i" all directions from the aooliance 2 Sprinkler Protection A Duct, hood, and aooliances confii:1uration(s) match aooroved plans B Sprinkler protection provided for cookina eauipment, plenum area, and duct(s) match aooroved Plc'..'.!S C One sorinkler head (325-375 dearee F) located at the too of each vertical duct and at mid-ooint of each off set D One sprinkler head (325-375 degree F) located at entrance of the horizontal duct and at 1 O' centers starting at 5' from duct entrance E One sprinkler head (325-375 degree F) located at 1" -12" above duct collar F One sprinkler head (325-375 degree F) is centered per 1 O' length of plenum chamber G The sorinklers listed for protecting the deep fat frvers are provided oer aooroved plans The operation of a sprinkler automatically sh toff all sources of fuel and heat to all equipment underneath the hood, H manual reset is reQuired I A listed indicatinQ control valve for the water supply is provided with tamper switch J A listed strainer for the water supply for nozzle orifices less than 3/8" is orovided K A system test connection is provided at the end of the system L Adequate water pressure is available to operate the system N Sprinkler heads in ducts are accessible for f"Y intenance M A 16" separation between deep fat fryer and 0pen flame cooking appliance or a 12" high baffle plate is provided between the appliances from front to back 0 Listed grease filters are in place and are stamped "Listed Grease Filter" on the side p All penetrations of the hood are properly sealed with fire rated chalkini:1 Q Fire Extinauisher• Minimum of 2.5 aal. "K" Class mounted in oath of earess (kitchen) System Supervision-If the suppression system requires electricity to activate the system, then tti~: system shall R reauired to be eiectronicallv monitored by a central monitoring agency *standby power supply shal: be provided s Solid Fuel-Cooking appliances constructed of solid masonry or reinforced cement (per NFPA 211) shall not reQuire fixed automatic fire-extini:1uishina equipment T Solid Fuel-Spark arrester screens shall be located at the entrance of the flue or hood assembly u Solid Fuel-Appliances shall be installed on .,oars of noncombustible construction that extend 3' in all directions from the appliance V Contractor shall submit "Installation Certificate" for the system oer the listing 3 Grease Extractors A As defined-A system designed for the processing of vapors, gases, and/or air as it is drawn through devices to collect the airborne arease particles and concentrating them for further action at some future time B NFPA 96 allows a listed grease extractor to . ,tect the grease removal devices and hoods of apµ, ~Jed fire extinguishing equipment-Inspector shall specially refer to the approved plans and written fire review for instruction on approvals and testing Site Inspection: Match Plans: Y or N Test Pass: Y or N Corrections Needed: Y or N Name:L!-;:?1........_____ ~ ---- CF D Representative OK CN ~ (I,.. b¥,- !., h ..,, n,c., 81ic- /A_ /-,'(,,, A,J 41.11. u ... &L N£, * t!IUL ~ ;;/4, JJ/M """-'--,IJ-. ~ /i1fl'l..,. 4(,,, ~ ~ .v ..... I ~ /.J/.llk \I