HomeMy WebLinkAboutGPA 2019-0001; Chick-fil-A; Acoustical Analysis Report; 2020-08-06 APPENDIX G ACOUSTICAL ANALYSIS REPORT ACOUSTICAL ANALYSIS REPORT Chick-fil-A – I-5 & Palomar Airport Rd 5850 Avenida Encinas Carlsbad, California Prepared For Chick-fil-A, Inc. Attention: Jennifer Daw 15635 Alton Parkway, Suite 350 Irvine, California 92618 Phone: 404-305-4834 Prepared By Eilar Associates, Inc. Acoustical & Environmental Consulting 210 South Juniper Street, Suite 100 Escondido, California 92025 www.eilarassociates.com Phone: 760-738-5570 Fax: 760-738-5227 Job #S190205.2 August 6, 2020 TABLE OF CONTENTS Page 1.0 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 1 2.0 INTRODUCTION 2 2.1 Project Description 2.2 Project Location 2.3 Applicable Noise Regulations 3.0 ENVIRONMENTAL SETTING 4 3.1 Existing Noise Environment 3.2 Future Noise Environment 4.0 METHODOLOGY AND EQUIPMENT 8 4.1 Methodology 4.2 Measurement Equipment 5.0 IMPACTS AND MITIGATION 12 5.1 Exterior 5.2 Interior 5.3 Permanent Project-Related Noise Impacts 5.4 Temporary Construction Noise Impacts 5.5 CEQA Significance Determination 6.0 CONCLUSION 19 7.0 CERTIFICATION 20 8.0 REFERENCES 21 --- FIGURES 1. Vicinity Map 2. Assessor’s Parcel Map 3. Satellite Aerial Photograph 4. Topographic Map 5. Site Plan Showing Railway Noise Contours 6. Site Plan Showing Current Combined CNEL Contours and Noise Measurement Location 7. Site Plan Showing Future Combined CNEL Contours and Noise Measurement Location 8. Site Plan Showing Worst-Case Outdoor Use and Facade Receiver Locations 9. Site Plan Showing Mechanical Equipment Noise Contours APPENDICES A. Project Plans B. Pertinent Sections of the City of Carlsbad Noise Element to the General Plan, Noise Guidelines Manual and CALGreen Code C. Railway Noise Calculations D. Cadna Analysis Data and Results E. Sound Insulation Prediction Results F. Exterior-to-Interior Noise Analysis G. Manufacturer Data Sheets H. Pertinent Sections of Transportation Impact Analysis I. Temporary Construction Noise Calculations J. Temporary Construction Vibration Calculations K. Recommended Products _______________________________________________________________________________ Eilar Associates, Inc. Job #S190205.2 August 6, 2020 Page 1 1.0 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The proposed project, Chick-fil-A – I-5 & Palomar Airport Rd, consists of the demolition of an existing commercial office building and the construction of a new fast-food restaurant. The project site is located at 5850 Avenida Encinas in the City of Carlsbad, California. The City of Carlsbad requires that commercial developments demonstrate compliance with the requirements of the Carlsbad Noise Element to the General Plan and the Noise Guidelines Manual. The Noise Element requires that exterior noise levels do not exceed 65 CNEL for commercial spaces. Calculations demonstrate that noise impacts at the outdoor patio of the restaurant are anticipated to be less than 65 CNEL as currently designed. Additionally, the City of Carlsbad Noise Element to the General Plan requires that commercial developments have interior noise levels of 50 CNEL or less. Likewise, the California Green Building Standards Code (known as CALGreen) also requires interior noise levels of 50 dBA or less during any hour of operation. Calculations show that with the proposed exterior wall assembly and standard commercial glazing, interior noise levels of 50 CNEL or less can be achieved, and therefore, the project is expected to comply with City of Carlsbad and State of California noise regulations as currently designed. Noise from the anticipated mechanical equipment on site has been calculated to determine if specific project design features are necessary to reduce the noise impacts to be compliant with applicable limits. Noise limits specified within the City of Carlsbad Noise Element to the General Plan must be met at neighboring noise-sensitive property lines. Calculations show that noise levels from the mechanical equipment will be in compliance with the City of Carlsbad noise limits. No project design features are deemed necessary to control project-generated noise impacts from mechanical equipment. Project-generated traffic noise is also expected to be less than significant. The City of Carlsbad does not provide noise limits for temporary construction activity at surrounding noise-sensitive property lines; however, the hours during which construction activity can take place are limited by the Municipal Code. Construction is prohibited after 6 p.m. and before 7 a.m. Monday through Friday and before 8 a.m. on Saturdays. Construction is also prohibited on Sundays and federal holidays. Though it is not required by regulations, the general good practice construction noise control methods listed herein should be followed, as a courtesy to surrounding properties. With operating hours limited to those allowable in the City of Carlsbad and standard good practice construction noise control measures followed, temporary construction noise and vibration are expected to be less than significant. The proposed project is not expected to result in any potentially significant noise impacts by the standards of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). Noise impacts are summarized in Section 5.5. _______________________________________________________________________________ Eilar Associates, Inc. Job #S190205.2 August 6, 2020 Page 2 2.0 INTRODUCTION This acoustical analysis report is submitted to satisfy the noise requirements of the City of Carlsbad and the State of California. Its purpose is to assess interior and exterior noise impacts to the project site from transportation noise sources to determine if mitigation is necessary to reduce these noise impacts to comply with the applicable noise regulations of the City of Carlsbad Noise Element to the General Plan and Noise Guidelines Manual, and the California Green Building Standards Code (CALGreen). In addition, this report assesses noise impacts from potential project-related noise sources, such as mechanical equipment and project-generated traffic, as well as temporary construction noise. This analysis aims to determine if additional project design features are necessary and feasible to reduce these impacts to comply with the applicable noise regulations of the City of Carlsbad Noise Element to the General Plan and Municipal Code. Potential impacts will also be assessed for significance per the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). All noise level or sound level values presented herein are expressed in terms of decibels, with A- weighting to approximate the hearing sensitivity of humans. Time-averaged noise levels are expressed by the symbol LEQ for a specified duration. The Community Noise Equivalent Level (CNEL) is a calculated 24-hour weighted average, where sound levels during evening hours of 7 p.m. to 10 p.m. have an added 5 dB weighting, and sound levels during nighttime hours of 10 p.m. to 7 a.m. have an added 10 dB weighting. This is similar to the Day-Night sound level, LDN, which is a 24-hour average with an added 10 dB weighting on the same nighttime hours but no added weighting on the evening hours. Sound levels expressed in CNEL are always based on A-weighted decibels. These metrics are used to express noise levels for both measurement and municipal regulations, for land use guidelines, and for enforcement of noise ordinances. Further explanation can be provided upon request. Sound pressure is the actual noise experienced by a human or registered by a sound level instrument. When sound pressure is used to describe a noise source, the distance from the noise source must be specified in order to provide complete information. Sound power, on the other hand, is a specialized analytical metric to provide information without the distance requirement, but it may be used to calculate the sound pressure at any desired distance. 2.1 Project Description The proposed project, Chick-fil-A – I-5 & Palomar Airport Rd, consists of the demolition of an existing commercial office building and the construction of a new fast-food restaurant. The project will include a dining room, service area, kitchen, restrooms, office, and other associated spaces. It is anticipated that the hours of operation for the restaurant will be 6 a.m. to 12 a.m., Monday through Saturday. For additional project details, please refer to the project plans provided in Appendix A. 2.2 Project Location The subject property is located at 5850 Avenida Encinas in the City of Carlsbad, California. The Assessor’s Parcel Numbers are 210-170-08 and 210-170-09. The site is currently occupied by a commercial office building. For a graphical representation of the site, please refer to the Vicinity Map, Assessor’s Parcel Map, Satellite Aerial Photograph, and Topographic Map, provided as Figures 1 through 4, respectively. _______________________________________________________________________________ Eilar Associates, Inc. Job #S190205.2 August 6, 2020 Page 3 2.3 Applicable Noise Regulations The City of Carlsbad requires that commercial developments demonstrate compliance with the requirements of the Carlsbad Noise Element to the General Plan and the Noise Guidelines Manual. The Noise Element requires that interior noise levels do not exceed 50 CNEL and exterior noise levels do not exceed 65 CNEL for commercial spaces. The City of Carlsbad Noise Guidelines Manual states that interior noise levels of commercial buildings must not exceed 55 dBA. As the Noise Element regulations are more stringent than those of the Noise Guidelines Manual, the Noise Element requirement for interior noise levels not exceeding 50 CNEL have been applied to this project. Pertinent sections of the Noise Element to the General Plan are provided as Appendix B. The State of California requires that commercial developments demonstrate compliance with the requirements of the California Green Building Standards Code (known as CALGreen). CALGreen states that, if noise level readings of 65 dBA LEQ or greater are documented at the proposed project site, the project must either (a) incorporate wall and roof/ceiling assemblies with a composite STC rating of at least 50 and exterior windows with an STC 40, or (b) provide an acoustical analysis documenting interior noise levels do not exceed 50 dBA in occupied areas during any hour of operation. This report provides the performance method analysis described in Item (b). Pertinent sections of the CALGreen Code are provided as Appendix B. The City of Carlsbad Noise Element to the General Plan provides noise standards for non- transportation noise sources such as mechanical equipment. As measured from the property line of noise-sensitive receivers, non-transportation noise sources must not exceed 55 dB LEQ between the hours of 7 a.m. and 10 p.m, and 45 dB LEQ between the hours of 10 p.m. and 7 a.m. Currently, there are no noise-sensitive receivers within the vicinity of the project site. According to the Carlsbad Noise Element to the General Plan, noise-sensitive uses include schools, hospitals, places of worship, and residences. As all surrounding properties are zoned as either Commercial Tourist (C-T) or Planned Industrial (P-M), they are not considered to be noise-sensitive receivers, and no noise limits would apply in these locations. To determine the compatibility of the proposed project with the city noise exposure guidelines, the noise compatibility matrix was used. The City of Carlsbad Noise Element to the General Plan states that exterior noise levels at commercial uses should not exceed 70 dBA DNL. As DNL is typically used to measure transportation noise, a noise limit of 70 dBA LEQ was applied to surrounding property lines. The City of Carlsbad Municipal Code also contains general requirements for temporary construction noise impacts. The City of Carlsbad prohibits construction activity after 6 p.m. and before 7 a.m. Monday through Friday and before 8 a.m. on Saturdays. Construction is also prohibited on Sundays and federal holidays. During permissible hours of operation, the City does not have a noise limit with which construction noise must comply. Pertinent sections of the City of Carlsbad Noise Element to the General Plan are provided as Appendix B. _______________________________________________________________________________ Eilar Associates, Inc. Job #S190205.2 August 6, 2020 Page 4 3.0 ENVIRONMENTAL SETTING 3.1 Existing Noise Environment The primary noise source in the vicinity of the project site is traffic noise from Interstate 5, Avenida Encinas, and Palomar Airport Road, and railway noise from the track system located to the west of the project site. No other noise source is considered significant. 3.1.1 Railway Noise Sources The overall noise environment at the project site is influenced by train traffic traveling on a line located to the west of the project site. The centerline of the tracks is located approximately 630 feet from the western property line of the site. Based on the current schedules for Amtrak and Coaster, approximately 48 passenger trains pass the site each day. Scheduling information was not available for BNSF freight trains, but from prior experience with projects along this rail corridor, typical freight traffic includes approximately four to six freight trips per day. Calculations were performed using the CREATE Freight Noise and Vibration Model (see reference) to determine the noise impacts from train traffic on the project site. With the current peak volume of three passenger trains and one freight train passing the site per hour during the daytime hours, and one passenger train and one freight train passing the site per hour during the nighttime hours, the railway noise level was calculated to be approximately 58 CNEL at the center of the project site, without considering any shielding provided by intervening structures. With shielding taken into account, the noise impact at the center of the project site is expected to drop to approximately 54 CNEL. Railway noise contours considering intervening structures were calculated for the site, and it was determined that noise impacts would range from approximately 53 CNEL to 55 CNEL at the site. Detailed calculations of railway noise have been performed for the determination of combined noise impacts at outdoor use areas and building facades, and are addressed in Section 5.1 of this report. Railway noise contours are shown graphically in Figure 5. Please refer to Appendix C for additional information. 3.1.2 Roadway Traffic Noise Current and future traffic volumes are given based on information from the San Diego Association of Governments (SANDAG) Transportation Data, Series 12 Transportation Forecast Information Center, and Caltrans Traffic Counts. Additional information has been obtained from the Caltrans Traffic Census (see reference). Interstate 5 is a nine-lane, two-way Freeway running north-south to the east of the project site. The posted speed limit is 65 mph. According to traffic count data, Interstate 5 carries a traffic volume of approximately 198,000 Average Daily Trips (ADT) as of the year 2016. There is also a southbound ramp that carries approximately 11,600 ADT as of the year 2017. Avenida Encinas is a four-lane, two-way roadway running generally north-south along the west boundary of the project site. The posted speed limit is 40 mph. Traffic counts showed a volume of approximately 7,500 ADT in the year 2008. Palomar Airport Road is a six-lane, two-way roadway running generally east-west to the south of the project site. The posted speed limit is 45 mph. Traffic counts showed a volume of approximately 28,800 ADT in the year 2008. _______________________________________________________________________________ Eilar Associates, Inc. Job #S190205.2 August 6, 2020 Page 5 Vehicle mix information was provided by Caltrans for Interstate 5. Interstate 5 is expected to carry 1.9% medium trucks and 2.9% heavy trucks. Vehicle mix information was not available for Avenida Encinas or Palomar Airport Road; however, based on observations made on site, surrounding land uses, and professional experience, Avenida Encinas and Palomar Airport Road are assumed to carry approximately 2% medium trucks and 1% heavy trucks. Traffic volumes for the roadway sections near the project site are shown in Table 1. For further roadway details and projected future ADT traffic volumes, please refer to Appendix D: Cadna Analysis Data and Results. Table 1. Overall Roadway Traffic Information Roadway Name Speed Limit (mph) Vehicle Mix (%) Current ADT (Year) Future ADT (2035) Medium Trucks Heavy Trucks Interstate 5 65 1.9% 2.9% 198,000 (2016) 226,800 Interstate 5 Southbound Ramp 30 1.9% 2.9% 11,600 (2017) 8,800 Avenida Encinas 40 2.0% 1.0% 7,500 (2008) 6,700 Palomar Airport Road 45 2.0% 1.0% 28,800 (2008) 24,300 Without existing or proposed project structures, the current traffic noise contours calculated at ground level show that traffic noise impacts to the project site are between 67 and 77 CNEL. Combined railway and traffic noise levels are detailed in Section 5.0. For a graphical representation of traffic noise contours, please refer to Figure 6: Site Plan Showing Current Combined CNEL Contours and Noise Measurement Location. 3.1.3 Measured Noise Level An on-site inspection and traffic noise measurement were made on the afternoon of Wednesday, February 20, 2019. The weather conditions were as follows: cloudy skies, high humidity, and temperature in the low 50s with winds at 13 mph. A noise measurement was made to the west of the project site, approximately 34 feet from the Avenida Encinas center median. The primary source of noise during the measurement was traffic noise. The microphone was placed at approximately five feet above the existing grade. Traffic volumes for Avenida Encinas were recorded for automobiles, medium-size trucks, and large trucks during the measurement period. After a 10-minute sound level measurement, paused for helicopter, train, and delivery truck noise, no changes in the LEQ were observable and results were recorded. The measured noise level and related weather conditions are found in Table 2, and the noise measurement location is shown in Figures 6 and 7. _______________________________________________________________________________ Eilar Associates, Inc. Job #S190205.2 August 6, 2020 Page 6 Table 2. On-Site Noise Measurement Conditions and Results Date Wednesday, February 20, 2019 Time 1:30 p.m. – 1:48 p.m. Conditions Cloudy skies, wind at 13 mph, temperature in the low 50s with high humidity Measured Noise Level 65.4 dBA LEQ 3.1.4 Calculated Noise Level Noise levels were calculated for the site using the methodology described in Section 4.1.2. The calculated noise levels (LEQ) were compared with the measured traffic noise level to determine if adjustments or corrections (calibration) should be applied to the traffic noise prediction model. Adjustments are intended to account for site-specific differences, such as reflection and absorption, which may be greater or lesser than accounted for in the model. The measured noise level of 65.4 dBA LEQ at the west property line was compared to the calculated (modeled) noise level of 65.6 dBA LEQ for the same anticipated traffic flow. According to the Federal Highway Administration’s Highway Traffic Noise: Analysis and Abatement Guide (see reference), a traffic noise model is considered validated if the measured and calculated noise impacts differ by three decibels or less. No adjustment was deemed necessary to model peak hour noise levels for the proposed building as the difference between the measured and calculated levels was found to be less than three decibels. This information is presented in Table 3. Please refer to Appendix D for more information. Table 3. Calculated versus Measured Traffic Noise Data Location Calculated Measured Difference Correction 34’ from Avenida Encinas CL 65.6 dBA LEQ 65.4 dBA LEQ 0.2 dB None Applied 3.2 Future Noise Environment 3.2.1 Future Transportation Noise The future on-site noise environment will be the result of the same traffic and railway noise sources. Future train noise is not expected to change significantly, and therefore, was modeled as described above. The future (year 2035) traffic volumes for surrounding roadways were provided by SANDAG. The traffic volumes of Interstate 5 northbound and southbound are estimated to increase to 118,500 and 108,300 ADT, respectively, by the year 2035 and include the addition of three new High- Occupancy Vehicle (HOV) lanes. The future traffic noise model reflects this addition. The traffic volume of the Interstate 5 southbound ramp is expected to decrease to 8,800 ADT by the year 2035. The traffic volumes of Avenida Encinas and Palomar Airport Road are estimated to decrease to 6,700 ADT and 24,300 ADT, respectively by the year 2035. The roadway alignment and roadbed grade elevations are expected to remain the same for these sections of roadways. _______________________________________________________________________________ Eilar Associates, Inc. Job #S190205.2 August 6, 2020 Page 7 The same truck percentages from the existing traffic volumes were used for future traffic volume modeling. For further roadway details and projected future ADT traffic volumes, please refer to Appendix D: Cadna Analysis Data and Results. Without existing or proposed project structures, the future traffic noise contours calculated at ground level show that future traffic noise impacts to the project site will increase slightly to be between 68 and 79 CNEL. Combined railway and traffic noise levels are detailed in Section 5.0. For a graphical representation of traffic noise contours, please refer to Figure 7: Site Plan Showing Future Combined CNEL Contours and Noise Measurement Location. 3.2.2 Mechanical Equipment On-Site The primary sources of noise generated by the proposed project are anticipated to be the proposed HVAC equipment and truck deliveries. It is anticipated that HVAC equipment will be roof-mounted on the buildings. Sound power levels have been provided by the manufacturer in octave band values and a sound rating value and are shown in Table 4. Manufacturer data sheets have been provided as Appendix G. Table 4. Sound Power Levels of HVAC Equipment Source Sound Power at Octave Band Frequency (dBA) Total (dBA) 125 250 500 1K 2K 4K 8K Lennox LGH300S4B 79 84 88 89 85 82 73 94 Lennox LGH150H4B 75 81 87 85 80 74 70 90 Loren Cook 150 CPS 72 78 70 64 66 60 51 74 Truck loading and unloading activity is also anticipated to generate noise on the project site. In order to approximate noise from this source, noise levels measured for a previous study conducted by Eilar Associates were implemented into the Cadna noise model (see Section 4.1). The previous noise measurement was performed at an operational Henry’s grocery store. The noise measurement was performed at a distance of 15 feet from an operational refrigerated truck (both engine and refrigeration unit running) and was one minute in duration. In order to determine worst- case noise levels at surrounding property lines, the LMAX of this noise measurement was input into the noise model (rather than the average noise level, or LEQ) in order to evaluate operational noise levels of the refrigerated truck maneuvering in the parking lot with its refrigeration unit running. Noise measurement data is shown in Table 5. Table 5. Sound Pressure Level of Operational Refrigerated Truck, at 15 feet Source Sound Pressure Level at Octave Band Frequency (dB) Total LMAX (dBA) 63 125 250 500 1K 2K 4K 8K Refrigerated Truck 90.8 84.8 79.9 81.3 80.0 76.8 71.6 66.0 84.1 _______________________________________________________________________________ Eilar Associates, Inc. Job #S190205.2 August 6, 2020 Page 8 Operational mechanical noise levels have been calculated for the project site using the above information. Results of this analysis are provided in Section 5.3.1. 3.2.3 Project-Generated Traffic Project-generated traffic for this project was analyzed by Linscott, Law & Greenspan, Engineers in a Traffic Impact Analysis dated July 12, 2019. According to data obtained from the traffic study, it is estimated that worst-case peak hour traffic at the driveway will be 338 trips during the mid-day peak hour. This data was incorporated into the analysis to determine worst-case noise exposure at surrounding receivers. Please refer to Appendix H for pertinent sections of this traffic study. 3.2.4 Temporary Construction Equipment Although the City of Carlsbad Noise Element to the General Plan does not have a specific noise limit for temporary construction activity, noise levels of this activity have been disclosed and are detailed in Section 5.4. Demolition and grading are typically the activities that generate the highest noise levels, and therefore, these activities are the focus of this brief analysis. Table 6 below shows typical construction equipment noise levels for pieces of equipment anticipated to be used on site. Construction equipment noise levels were obtained from the Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs (DEFRA) and duty cycles were obtained from the Federal Highway Administration (see references). Table 6. Typical Construction Equipment Noise Levels Noise Source Duty Cycle (%) Calculated Noise Level (LMAX) at 50 feet (dBA) Dozer 40 76 Excavator 40 72 4.0 METHODOLOGY AND EQUIPMENT 4.1 Methodology 4.1.1 Field Measurement Typically, a “one-hour” equivalent sound level measurement (LEQ, A-Weighted) is recorded for at least one noise-sensitive location on the site. During the on-site noise measurement, start and end times are recorded, vehicle counts are made for cars, medium trucks (double-tires/two axles), and heavy trucks (three or more axles) for the corresponding road segment(s). Supplemental sound measurements of one hour or less in duration are often made to further describe the noise environment of the site. For measurements of less than one hour in duration, the measurement time is long enough for a representative traffic volume to occur and the noise level (LEQ) to stabilize. The vehicle counts are then converted to one-hour equivalent volumes by applying an appropriate factor. Other field data gathered include measuring or estimating distances, angles-of-view, slopes, elevations, roadway _______________________________________________________________________________ Eilar Associates, Inc. Job #S190205.2 August 6, 2020 Page 9 grades, and vehicle speeds. This information is subsequently verified using available maps and records. 4.1.2 Roadway Noise Calculation The Traffic Noise Model (TNM) calculation protocol in Cadna Version 2019 (based on the methodology used in TNM Version 2.5, released in February 2004 by the U.S. Department of Transportation) was used for all traffic modeling in the preparation of this report. Using the TNM protocol, the CNEL is calculated as 0.092 times the ADT for surrounding roadways, based on the studies made by Wyle Laboratories (see reference). Future CNEL is calculated for desired receptor locations using future road alignment, elevations, lane configurations, projected traffic volumes, estimated truck mixes, and vehicle speeds. Noise attenuation methods may be analyzed, tested, and planned with TNM, as required. In order to determine the estimated traffic volumes of roadways during the traffic noise measurement made on site for model calibration, the approximate percentage of the Average Daily Trips (ADT) value for the time period in which the measurement is made is incorporated into the traffic model. These percentages have been established in a study performed by Katz-Okitsu and Associates, Traffic Engineers (see reference). For purposes of calibrating the Cadna TNM, 6.5% of the ADT values for the current environment were used in calculations (for roadways that were not manually counted) to account for traffic between the hours of 1 p.m. and 2 p.m. in the vicinity of the project site. 4.1.3 Railway Noise Calculations The railway noise analysis is accomplished using CREATE noise model and Cadna Version 2019 (see references). CREATE performs the evaluation of a site’s exposure to railway noise by taking into account factors such as the distance from the site to the railroad track centerline, the number of diesel trains in both directions during an average 24-hour day, the fraction of trains that operate during the night, the average number of diesel locomotives, the average length of each train, the average train speed past the site, the rail types, and whether the site is nearby crossings where train whistles or horns are sounded. Results from CREATE are given at a single point, and therefore, Cadna is used in order to calculate noise impacts over the entire project site. Cadna (Computer Aided Noise Abatement) is a model-based computer program developed by DataKustik for predicting noise impacts in a wide variety of conditions. Cadna assists in the calculation, presentation, assessment, and mitigation of noise exposure. It allows for the input of project information such as noise source data, barriers, structures, and topography to create a detailed model and uses the most up-to-date calculation standards to predict outdoor noise impacts. 4.1.4 Exterior-to-Interior Noise Analysis The City of Carlsbad Noise Element to the General Plan and CALGreen require commercial buildings to be designed in order to attenuate, control, and maintain average interior noise levels not greater than 50 CNEL. Contemporary exterior building construction is expected to achieve at least 15 decibels of exterior-to-interior noise attenuation with windows opened, according to the U.S. EPA (see reference). As a result, exterior noise levels of more than 65 CNEL often result in interior conditions that fail to meet the 50 CNEL requirements for occupied space. _______________________________________________________________________________ Eilar Associates, Inc. Job #S190205.2 August 6, 2020 Page 10 Analysis for the interior noise levels requires consideration of: • Number of unique assemblies in the wall (doors, window/wall mount air conditioners, sliding glass doors, and windows) • Size, number of units, and sound transmission data for each assembly type • Length of sound impacted wall(s) • Depth of sound impacted room • Height of exterior wall of sound impacted room • Exterior noise level at wall assembly or assemblies of sound impacted room The Composite Sound Transmission data is developed for the exterior wall(s) and the calculated noise exposure is converted to octave band sound pressure levels (SPL) for a typical traffic type noise. The reduction in room noise due to absorption is calculated and subtracted from the interior octave noise levels, and the octave band noise levels are logarithmically summed to yield the overall interior room noise level. When interior noise levels exceed 50 CNEL, the noise reduction achieved by each element is reviewed to determine which changes will achieve the most cost- effective compliance. Windows are usually the first to be reviewed, followed by exterior doors, and then exterior walls. Modeling of wall assemblies is accomplished using INSUL Version 9.0, which is a model-based computer program, developed by Marshall Day Acoustics for predicting the sound insulation of walls, floors, ceilings and windows. It is acoustically based on theoretical models that require only minimal material information that can make reasonable estimates of the sound transmission loss (TL) and STC for use in sound insulation calculations; such as the design of common party walls and multiple family floor-ceiling assemblies, etc. INSUL can be used to quickly evaluate new materials or systems or investigate the effects of changes to existing designs. It models individual materials using the simple mass law and coincidence frequency approach and can model more complex assembly partitions. It has evolved over several versions into an easy to use tool and has refined the theoretical models by continued comparison with laboratory tests to provide acceptable accuracy for a wide range of constructions. INSUL model performance comparisons with laboratory test data show that the model generally predicts the performance of a given assembly within 3 STC points. 4.1.5 Cadna Noise Modeling Software Modeling of the outdoor noise environment is accomplished using Cadna Version 2019, which is a model-based computer program developed by DataKustik for predicting noise impacts in a wide variety of conditions. Cadna (Computer Aided Noise Abatement) assists in the calculation, presentation, assessment, and alleviation of noise exposure. It allows for the input of project information such as noise source data, barriers, structures, and topography to create a detailed model and uses the most up-to-date calculation standards to predict outdoor noise impacts. Noise standards used by Cadna that are particularly relevant to this analysis include ISO 9613 (Attenuation of sound during propagation outdoors). Cadna provides results that are in line with basic acoustical calculations for distance attenuation and barrier insertion loss. _______________________________________________________________________________ Eilar Associates, Inc. Job #S190205.2 August 6, 2020 Page 11 4.1.6 Formulas and Calculations Decibel Addition To determine the combined logarithmic noise level of two known noise source levels, the values are converted to the base values, added together, and then converted back to the final logarithmic value, using the following formula: )101010log(10 10/10/210/1 LNLL CL ++= where LC = the combined noise level (dB), and LN = the individual noise sources (dB). This procedure is also valid when used successively for each added noise source beyond the first two. The reverse procedure can be used to estimate the contribution of one source when the contribution of another concurrent source is known and the combined noise level is known. These methods can be used for LEQ or other metrics (such as LDN or CNEL), as long as the same metric is used for all components. Distance Attenuation Attenuation due to distance is calculated by the equation: )log(20 1 2 12 D DSPLSPL−= where SPL1 = Known sound pressure level at known distance, SPL2 = Calculated sound pressure level at distance, D1 = Distance from source to location of known sound pressure level, and D2 = Distance from source to location of calculated sound pressure level. This is identical to the more commonly used reference of 6 dB reduction for every doubling of distance. This equation does not take into account reduction in noise due to atmospheric absorption. Hourly LEQ Summation To determine the hourly average noise levels (LEQ) when the noise is created for less than the full hour, convert the logarithm values to the base energy value, multiply by the percentage of the hour that the noise occurs, and then convert the sum back to a logarithmic value. This is done with the following formula: )10log(10 10/PL HEQPL ×= where PH = the percent or fraction of the hour noise is created, and LP = the partial hour noise level (dB). Project-Generated Traffic Noise Impacts Changes in traffic noise levels can be predicted by inputting the ratio of the two scenarios into the following logarithmic equation: -- _______________________________________________________________________________ Eilar Associates, Inc. Job #S190205.2 August 6, 2020 Page 12 )1/2log(10 VV=Δ where: ∆= Change in sound energy, V1 = original or existing traffic volume, and V2 = future or cumulative traffic volume. Construction Vibration Calculations The construction vibration assessment contained herein is evaluated using calculations of peak particle velocity (PPV). PPV at receivers is calculated as follows: 5.1)25(DPPVPPVrefequip×= where PPVequip is the peak particle velocity (in inches per second) of the equipment, adjusted for distance, PPVref is the reference vibration level (in inches per second) at a distance of 25 feet from the equipment, and D is the distance from the equipment to the receiver. 4.2 Measurement Equipment Some or all of the following equipment was used at the site to measure existing noise levels: • Larson Davis Model LxT Type 1 Sound Level Meter, Serial # 4084 • Larson Davis Model CA250 Type 1 Calibrator, Serial # 2106 The sound level meter was field-calibrated immediately prior to the noise measurement and checked afterward, to ensure accuracy. All sound level measurements conducted and presented in this report, in accordance with the regulations, were made with a sound level meter that conforms to the American National Standards Institute specifications for sound level meters (ANSI S1.4). All instruments are maintained with National Bureau of Standards traceable calibration, per the manufacturers’ standards. 5.0 IMPACTS AND MITIGATION 5.1 Exterior Exterior noise impacts to the project site are evaluated in this section and consider a combination of rail and traffic noise. As some current traffic volumes exceed those projected for the future, the higher of the two values has been used in these cases for a “worst-case” analysis of anticipated noise levels at the proposed project site. 5.1.1 Noise Impacts to Outdoor Use Areas The City of Carlsbad requires commercial projects to maintain noise levels of 65 CNEL or less at outdoor use areas. The project has incorporated one outdoor seating area to the west of the property. Traffic and railway noise impacts have been calculated at the outdoor use area using I _______________________________________________________________________________ Eilar Associates, Inc. Job #S190205.2 August 6, 2020 Page 13 Cadna to determine whether noise impacts exceed the 65 CNEL threshold. Calculations assume shielding provided by surrounding building structures. Results of this analysis are shown in Table 7 below. Additional information is provided in Appendices C and D, and a graphical representation of outdoor use receiver locations is provided as Figure 8. Table 7. Worst-Case Combined Noise Levels at Outdoor Use Areas Receiver Location Floor Exterior Noise Level (CNEL) Railway Traffic Combined OU West Ground 54 62 63 As shown above, worst-case combined noise impacts at the project site are not expected to exceed 65 CNEL at outdoor use areas of the project. No project design features are required for the attenuation of exterior noise impacts at the project site. 5.1.2 Noise Impacts at Building Facades Using traffic volume data shown in Section 3.1, calculations of traffic noise at building facades have been performed for use in interior noise calculations. Worst-case combined noise impacts were calculated at the building facades and were found to range from 57 CNEL at the west facade to 74 CNEL at the east facade. A complete listing of calculated noise impacts is shown in Table 8, and a graphical representation of building facade receiver locations is shown in Figure 8. Please refer to Appendix D for detailed information. Table 8. Worst-Case Combined Noise Levels at Building Facades Receiver Facade Location Exterior Noise Level (CNEL) Traffic Rail Combined F1 North Facade 68 49 68 F2 East Facade 74 39 74 F3 South Facade 67 51 68 F4 West Facade 54 54 57 5.2 Interior The City of Carlsbad requires that commercial developments demonstrate compliance with the requirements of the Carlsbad Noise Element to the General Plan and the Noise Guidelines Manual. The Noise Element requires that interior noise levels do not exceed 50 CNEL and exterior noise levels do not exceed 65 CNEL for commercial spaces. The City of Carlsbad Noise Guidelines Manual states that interior noise levels of commercial buildings must not exceed 55 dBA. As the Noise Element regulations are more stringent than those of the Noise Guidelines Manual, the Noise Element requirement for interior noise levels not exceeding 50 CNEL have been applied to this project. Likewise, the State of California requires interior noise levels of 50 dBA or less during any hour of operation. According to the California Department of Transportation’s Technical Noise Supplement to the Traffic Noise Analysis Protocol (see reference), peak hour traffic noise levels are typically found to be close to predicted CNEL values. Therefore, CNEL values calculated in the _______________________________________________________________________________ Eilar Associates, Inc. Job #S190205.2 August 6, 2020 Page 14 traffic noise analysis for this project (shown in Appendix D) have been considered to be representative of peak hour noise impacts that would be experienced on-site. For this reason, compliance with the City of Carlsbad 50 CNEL interior noise limit would also be considered compliant with the CALGreen 50 dBA interior noise limit. Contemporary exterior building construction is expected to achieve at least 15 decibels of exterior- to-interior noise attenuation with windows opened. As a result, exterior noise levels of more than 65 CNEL may potentially result in interior conditions that fail to meet the 50 CNEL requirements for commercial space. An exterior-to-interior noise analysis was conducted for the building to evaluate the sound reduction properties of the proposed exterior wall assemblies, window, and door construction designs in the building. The roof assembly was not included in this evaluation as it is only necessary to do so when the roof will be exposed to a significant amount of noise from traffic, aircraft, or other transportation noise sources. All roadway noise sources are located at an elevation below the proposed roof height, and therefore, the roof is expected to be sufficiently shielded from transportation noise levels while walls will be exposed to significantly higher noise levels. The exterior wall has been evaluated in calculations as stucco over plywood sheathing on the exterior with two-inch by six-inch wood framing, insulation in the cavity, and ½-inch gypsum board on the interior. This wall assembly was calculated to have a rating of STC 43. Please refer to Appendix E for more details. Proposed windows were evaluated as STC 25 glazing units and doors were evaluated as STC 20 single pane glass doors for a conservative analysis of standard commercial glazing. The assemblies detailed above were used in calculations to determine whether the currently proposed design would be sufficient for achieving interior noise levels of 50 CNEL or less. Please refer to Table 9, showing interior noise levels with the project as currently designed, and refer to Appendix F for additional information. Table 9. Worst-Case Interior Combined Noise Levels Room Maximum Exterior Facade Impact (CNEL) Interior Noise Level (CNEL) Dining/Serving Area 68 45 Kitchen 68 36 Office 74 39 Service Area 74 49 As shown above, with the proposed exterior wall assembly and standard commercial glazing, interior noise levels are expected to remain below 50 CNEL and therefore are considered compliant with City of Carlsbad noise regulations. As CNEL is generally considered to be equivalent to the peak hour noise impact, interior noise levels are also expected to comply with the acoustical regulations of CALGreen. Exterior door installation should include all-around weather-tight door stop seals and an improved threshold closure system. The additional hardware will improve the doors’ overall sound reduction properties. The transmission loss (TL) of an exterior door without weather-tight seals is largely a _______________________________________________________________________________ Eilar Associates, Inc. Job #S190205.2 August 6, 2020 Page 15 factor of sound leakage, particularly at the bottom of the door if excessive clearance is allowed for air transfer. By equipping exterior doors with all-around weather-tight seals and an airtight threshold closure at the bottom, a loss of up to 10 STC points can be prevented. Additionally, it is imperative to seal and caulk between the rough opening and the finished door frame for all doors by applying an acoustically resilient, non-skinning butyl caulking compound. Sealant application should be as generous as needed to ensure effective sound barrier isolation. The same recommendation applies to any other penetrations, cracks, or gaps through the assembly. The OSI Green Series and the Pecora AC-20 FTR acoustic sound sealants are products specifically designed for this purpose. For additional information on these products, please refer to Appendix K: Recommended Products. The proposed project was analyzed for combined traffic and rail noise impacts. With proposed exterior wall assembly and standard commercial glazing, all occupied rooms are expected to comply with City of Carlsbad and CALGreen noise requirements. 5.3 Permanent Project-Related Noise Impacts 5.3.1 Mechanical Equipment Noise Noise levels from the proposed HVAC units were calculated in Cadna at the nearest properties using data presented in Section 3.2.2. HVAC equipment and truck deliveries were evaluated for both the daytime and nighttime scenarios. The daytime scenario makes the conservative assumption that all truck deliveries would arrive in a single hour and HVAC would operate continuously. The nighttime scenario assumes only HVAC operation at a duty cycle of 50 percent, to account for cooler nighttime hours. Noise limits have been applied as detailed in Section 2.3. Calculations consider shielding that would be provided by the proposed on-site structure. Calculations show that mechanical noise impacts at the nearest structure to the south of the project site (R1) will be 53 dBA and 50 dBA for daytime and nighttime hours, respectively. Additional information is provided in Appendix D: Cadna Analysis Data and Results. For a graphic showing mechanical equipment noise source and receiver locations, please refer to Figure 9. As noise impacts do not exceed the 70 dBA LEQ limit set forth in the noise compatibility matrix, no additional project design features are deemed necessary to reduce noise impacts from on-site mechanical equipment. 5.3.2 Project-Generated Traffic Noise As detailed in Section 2.3.3, it is estimated that worst-case peak hour traffic at the project site will be 338 trips during the mid-day peak hour. Calculations were performed to determine the approximate change in noise exposure at surrounding receivers. As all access to the project site will be via Avenida Encinas, the change in traffic volume to this roadway has been assessed for a worst-case analysis. The project’s impacts have been evaluated to determine whether a direct impact will result. A significant direct impact occurs when project traffic combines with existing traffic and causes a doubling of sound energy, which is an increase of 3 dB. Direct impacts are assessed by comparing existing traffic volumes to existing plus project traffic volumes using the calculation methodology shown in Section 4.1.6. Project-generated traffic noise increases are shown in Table 10. _______________________________________________________________________________ Eilar Associates, Inc. Job #S190205.2 August 6, 2020 Page 16 Table 10. Anticipated Traffic Noise Increases with Project-Generated Traffic Road Segment Mid-Day Peak Traffic Volume Noise Level Increase (dB) No Project With Project NB Avenida Encinas 426 497 0.7 SB Avenida Encinas 341 409 0.8 As shown in Table 10, no noise level increase is anticipated to result from project traffic during the worst-case mid-day peak hour. For this reason, project-generated traffic noise levels are expected to be less than significant. 5.4 Temporary Construction Noise Impacts The City of Carlsbad does not provide noise limits for temporary construction activity at surrounding noise-sensitive property lines; however, the hours during which construction activity can take place are limited by the Municipal Code. Construction is prohibited after 6 p.m. and before 7 a.m. Monday through Friday and before 8 a.m. on Saturdays. Construction is also prohibited on Sundays and federal holidays. Estimated construction noise impacts have been calculated assuming the typical pieces of equipment shown in Table 6 would be operating on site during the site demolition/grading process. Noise levels were calculated using the methodology and formulas detailed in Section 4.1.6 at the nearest potential noise-sensitive property to the south. In order to assess average noise levels during construction activity, noise levels have been calculated considering the center of construction activity located at the center of the project site, at approximately 90 feet from the nearest property line. Based on the typical noise levels and duty cycles of construction equipment, when construction is operating in this location, average noise levels over the course of a typical eight-hour work day at the nearest potentially noise-sensitive property line will be approximately 68 dBA. This noise impact is below what the typical ambient noise levels would ordinarily be, and this noise impact would be temporary. Any other surrounding otherwise noise-sensitive receivers are located at a greater distance from proposed construction activity, and therefore will be exposed to lesser noise impacts due to additional distance attenuation and shielding provided by intervening structures. Please refer to Appendix I for additional information. Despite the fact that there are no applicable noise limits, the following “good practice” measures should still be practiced as a courtesy to off-site receivers. 1. Turn off equipment when not in use. 2. Limit the use of enunciators or public address systems, except for emergency notifications. 3. Equipment used in construction should be maintained in proper operating condition, and all loads should be properly secured, to prevent rattling and banging. 4. Schedule work to avoid simultaneous construction activities where both are generating high noise levels. _______________________________________________________________________________ Eilar Associates, Inc. Job #S190205.2 August 6, 2020 Page 17 5. Use equipment with effective mufflers. 6. Minimize the use of backup alarms. With operating hours limited to those permitted by the City of Carlsbad and adherence to the general good practice construction noise control techniques, temporary construction noise impacts are expected to be less than significant at surrounding properties. 5.5 CEQA Significance Determination Noise impacts from the project site are summarized below and classified per the noise portion of the CEQA Environmental Checklist form. This list summarizes conclusions made within the report and classifies the level of significance as: Potentially Significant Impact, Less than Significant with Mitigation Incorporated, Less than Significant Impact, or No Impact. Italics are used to denote language from the CEQA Environmental Checklist form. XII. NOISE—Would the project result in: a) Generation of a substantial temporary or permanent increase in ambient noise levels in the vicinity of the project in excess of standards established in the local general plan or noise ordinance, or applicable standards of other agencies? Less Than Significant Impact. Operational noise impacts calculated in Section 5.3.1 are not expected to generate a substantial permanent increase in ambient noise levels in the vicinity of the project site. A substantial increase would be considered an increase of three decibels or more, which would represent a doubling of sound energy. Average ambient noise levels were projected using the methodology detailed in Section 4.1.2 and were combined with the projected equipment noise impacts in terms of CNEL to determine the cumulative noise impact and the increase in ambient noise levels resulting from operation of the project. Results are shown in Table 11. Table 11. Calculated Cumulative Noise Impacts at Surrounding Property Lines Receiver Number Receiver Location Noise Level (CNEL) Impact Ambient Equipment Cumulative Ambient Increase R1 South Property Line 68.5 57.6 68.8 0.3 Less than Significant The results in Table 11 demonstrate that the increase in ambient noise levels from HVAC operation and truck deliveries will be less than 3 dBA. Additionally, as demonstrated in Section 5.3.2 of this report, noise impacts from project-generated traffic are not expected to cause a significant direct increase on any surrounding roadway. This impact is also considered to be less than significant. As shown in Section 5.4 of this report, noise from temporary construction is expected to be less than significant considering a typical construction schedule and assuming that equipment is maintained in proper operating condition and using appropriate mufflers. Additionally, no construction activity will take place during the more sensitive nighttime hours when ambient noise _______________________________________________________________________________ Eilar Associates, Inc. Job #S190205.2 August 6, 2020 Page 18 levels tend to be lower, as per City of Carlsbad requirements. For these reasons, this impact is deemed to be less than significant. As demonstrated above, the project is not expected to cause a substantial permanent or temporary increase in ambient noise levels, and therefore, this impact can be classified as less than significant. b) Generation of excessive groundborne vibration or groundborne noise levels? Less Than Significant Impact. The paving stage of construction has the potential to generate the highest vibration levels of any phase of construction, as paving activities would take place closest to residential receivers and may consist of the use of a vibratory roller. According to the Federal Transit Administration Transit Noise and Vibration Assessment Manual (see reference), a vibratory roller generates a peak particle velocity (PPV) of approximately 0.210 inches/second at a distance of 25 feet from equipment. The evaluation of an impact’s significance can be determined by reviewing both the likelihood of annoyance to individuals as well as the potential for damage to existing structures. According to the Caltrans Transportation and Construction Vibration Guidance Manual (see reference), the appropriate threshold for damage to modern residential structures is a PPV of 0.5 inches/second. Annoyance is assessed based on levels of perception, with a PPV of 0.01 being considered “barely perceptible,” 0.04 inches/second as “distinctly perceptible,” 0.1 inches/second as “strongly perceptible,” and 0.4 inches/second as “severe.” It is estimated that the nearest location to sensitive receptors would be approximately 50 feet from the nearest commercial structure, when the roller is used at the southern boundary of the site. At this distance, the PPV would be approximately 0.074 inches/second. This level of vibration falls well below the building damage PPV criteria of 0.5 inches/second. The impact falls between the “distinctly perceptible” and “strongly perceptible” PPV criteria for annoyance; however, vibration would be reduced to “distinctly perceptible” levels by the time the roller is located at a distance of 75 feet from receivers, and “barely perceptible” at 195 feet from receivers. As construction vibration is not anticipated to cause damage to off-site buildings and will only approach the threshold of “strongly perceptible” vibration for a short period of time when work is performed near the southern boundary of the property, it is the opinion of the undersigned that temporary construction vibration impacts would not be “excessive” and therefore are less than significant. Please refer to Appendix J for additional information. c) For a project located within the vicinity of a private airstrip or an airport land use plan or, where such a plan has not been adopted, within two miles of a public airport or public use airport, would the project expose people residing or working in the project area to excessive noise levels? Less Than Significant Impact. While the project site is located within two miles of the McClellan- Palomar Airport, the site is not located within the McClellan-Palomar Airport Land Use Compatibility Plan. Therefore, the proposed project would not expose people working in the project area to excessive noise levels from such uses. _______________________________________________________________________________ Eilar Associates, Inc. Job #S190205.2 August 6, 2020 Page 19 6.0 CONCLUSION The Carlsbad Noise Element to the General Plan requires exterior noise levels of 65 CNEL and interior noise levels of 50 CNEL or less for commercial projects. Likewise, the California Green Building Standards Code (known as CALGreen) also requires interior noise levels of 50 dBA or less during any hour of operation. Calculations show that the outdoor patio is anticipated to have noise levels of 65 CNEL or less as currently designed. Additionally, with the proposed exterior wall assembly and standard commercial glazing, interior noise levels of 50 CNEL or less can be achieved. The project is therefore expected to comply with applicable noise limits of both the City of Carlsbad and State of California as currently designed. Noise from the anticipated mechanical equipment on site has been calculated to determine if specific project design features are necessary to reduce the noise impacts to be compliant with applicable limits. Noise limits specified within the City of Carlsbad Noise Element to the General Plan must be met at neighboring noise-sensitive property lines. Calculations show that noise levels from the mechanical equipment will be in compliance with the City of Carlsbad noise limits. No project design features are deemed necessary to control project-generated noise impacts from mechanical equipment. Project-generated traffic noise is also expected to be less than significant. The City of Carlsbad does not provide noise limits for temporary construction activity at surrounding noise-sensitive property lines; however, the hours during which construction activity can take place are limited by the Municipal Code. Construction is prohibited after 6 p.m. and before 7 a.m. Monday through Friday and before 8 a.m. on Saturdays. Construction is also prohibited on Sundays and federal holidays. Though it is not required by regulations, the general good practice construction noise control methods listed herein should be followed, as a courtesy to surrounding properties. With operating hours limited to those allowable in the City of Carlsbad and standard good practice construction noise control measures followed, temporary construction noise and vibration are expected to be less than significant. The proposed project is not expected to result in any potentially significant noise impacts by the standards of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). Noise impacts are summarized in Section 5.5. _______________________________________________________________________________ Eilar Associates, Inc. Job #S190205.2 August 6, 2020 Page 20 7.0 CERTIFICATION All recommendations for noise control are based on the best information available at the time our consulting services are provided. However, as there are many factors involved in sound transmission, and Eilar Associates has no control over the construction, workmanship or materials, Eilar Associates is specifically not liable for final results of any recommendations or implementation of the recommendations. This report is based on the related project information received and measured noise levels, and represents a true and factual analysis of the acoustical impact issues associated with the Chick-fil-A – I-5 & Palomar Airport Road project, located at 5850 Avenida Encinas in the City of Carlsbad, California. This report was prepared by Rachael Cowell and Amy Hool. ___________________________ ________________________________ Rachael Cowell, Staff Consultant Amy Hool, Senior Acoustical Consultant _______________________________________________________________________________ Eilar Associates, Inc. Job #S190205.2 August 6, 2020 Page 21 8.0 REFERENCES 1. City of Carlsbad Noise Element to the General Plan, September 2015 2. City of Carlsbad Noise Guidelines Manual, September 1995. 3. 2016 California Green Building Code, Nonresidential Mandatory Measures. 4. Harris Miller Miller & Hanson, Inc., CREATE Freight Noise and Vibration Model, 2006. 5. San Diego Association of Governments (SANDAG) Traffic Forecast Information Center, Series 12, http://tfic.sandag.org 6. San Diego Association of Governments (SANDAG) Website, Demographics and Other Data, Transportation Data, http://www.sandag.org/resources/demographics_and_other_data/ transportation/adtv/index.asp. 7. Caltrans Traffic Census Program, http://www.dot.ca.gov/trafficops/census/ 8. DataKustik, CadnaA (Computer Aided Noise Abatement), Version 2019. 9. Federal Highway Administration, Highway Traffic Noise: Analysis and Abatement Guide, December 2011. 10. Traffic Distribution Study, by Katz-Okitsu and Associates Traffic Engineers, 1986. 11. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Office of Noise Abatement and Control, Information on Levels of Environmental Noise Requisite to Protect Public Health and Welfare With an Adequate Margin of Safety, March 1974. 12. California Department of Transportation, Technical Supplement to the Traffic Noise Analysis Protocol, September 2013. 13. Marshall Day Acoustics, INSUL Version 9.0. 14. Department for Environment Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA), Update of Noise Database for Prediction of Noise on Construction and Open Sites, 2005. 15. California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), Statute and Guidelines, 2018. 16. Federal Transit Administration (FTA), Transit Noise and Vibration Impact Assessment, May 2006. 17. California Department of Transportation (Caltrans), Transportation and Construction Vibration Guidance Manual, September 2013. FIGURES Vicinity Map Job # S190205.2 Eilar Associates, Inc. 210 South Juniper Street, Suite 100 Escondido, California 92025 760-738-5570 Figure 1 Project Location <o ~ \ ~ (:. .,,. I'S ·~ ..0 ~ .,., 9.- Q).,f. ,:2, )> ~ 'b 0 \ q_ ..... ~ ~ ""' \ ~o 3 q.. ~ %/ Q> "$ ~ ~ ~ ~ ';::I o<-\ % ~ ,. a. ,e1..0 .,,,. ~ ~ ,, ~ ~(\l (.f \ 8 -t-i; \ i ~ <" ~ \ ~ ... ~ ~p. ,,,.6' / -~0-~ '2 ·v ~ \ Carlsbad Company '-~~ Stores 1',..-?J 0- ~O'<t D,-•• ' .¢ (;»s ~ I eod «I eJ Norre \ \ \ \ \ Pal,omar Airport Rd [£1 Palomar Airpo ~ San Diego County Assessor’s Parcel Numbers: #1 210-170-08-00 #2 210-170-09-00 Assessor’s Parcel Map Job # S190205.2 Eilar Associates, Inc. 210 South Juniper Street, Suite 100 Escondido, California 92025 760-738-5570 Figure 2 Project Location # 1 # 2 Eilar Associates, Inc. 210 South Juniper Street, Suite 100 Escondido, California 92025 760-738-5570 Figure 3Satellite Aerial Photograph Job # S190205.2 Project Location Topographic Map Job # S190205.2 Eilar Associates, Inc. 210 South Juniper Street, Suite 100 Escondido, California 92025 760-738-5570 Figure 4 Project Location L I 'I -.. :_ -:; :_~:-'_ .... ---:-·_-:_ :-_·t~~ .. __ f --a ... _,. ------.::,.-:._ ---l _._. LJ-' I --·. \ l--------------- Map provided by MyTopo. co m Eilar Associates, Inc. 210 South Juniper Street, Suite 100 Escondido, California 92025 760-738-5570 Figure 5 Site Plan Showing Railway Noise Contours Job # S190205.2 55 CNEL Contour 54 CNEL Contour 56 CNEL Contour ' I I I / / I , I t .f '/ .I : f I - i .. ~ ·A i 1 l . ) I )! A : I I Eilar Associates, Inc. 210 South Juniper Street, Suite 100 Escondido, California 92025 760-738-5570 Figure 6 Site Plan Showing Current Combined CNEL Contours and Noise Measurement Location Job # S190205.2 Noise Measurement Location 70 CNEL Contour 65 CNEL Contour 75 CNEL Contour I ' ( I /I I~ J ./-.. , 1 ~I 'j ' ' jrf t ... ,,. , ,,, , , . , ,,, ,,., /, /, .,, ~ ~ ;, ,,, ;, I ' I I )i I I I I . Eilar Associates, Inc. 210 South Juniper Street, Suite 100 Escondido, California 92025 760-738-5570 Figure 7 Site Plan Showing Future Combined CNEL Contours and Noise Measurement Location Job # S190205.2 Noise Measurement Location 70 CNEL Contour 65 CNEL Contour 75 CNEL Contour /' /' " /' ., ., ,. ; / I' ,. ,. / I' / ' / h-~ J 1-. Ne/J .4R=4 l~T -TYF - _,_/__f_,;~~=~~~~~~~c:~.:;.::i1'JT'1L--=t:tt~ .. ' .. .... , -. SITE: 111.4 ...... ----·--------T I 'I I r jiff-~ --------~ Eilar Associates, Inc. 210 South Juniper Street, Suite 100 Escondido, California 92025 760-738-5570 Figure 8 Site Plan Showing Worst-Case Outdoor Use and Facade Receiver Locations Job # S190205.2 F1 F2 F3 F4O 1U ./ .,I ,, / / .,I ,, / ./ .,I --... ,, / ~-' r1zu:-..c1.11~ -ID Nm G,A:.:l!l -------=:;;;:~=----=•-ee ,..........~~-ee----------Te- I ' I , J l j I r R1 Receiver Location Source Location Eilar Associates, Inc. 210 South Juniper Street, Suite 100 Escondido, California 92025 760-738-5570 Figure 9 Site Plan Showing Mechanical Equipment Noise Contours Job # S190205.2 ≥ 45 dB ≥ 50 dB ≥ 55 dB ≥ 60 dB ≥ 65 dB ≥ 70 dB ≥ 75 dB ≥ 80 dB Delivery Truck Location Rooftop HVAC Equipment Locations -------- / ,/ / t ,...i /. ,.. I -~I ,, ---..... t . 7 I , I j.,.} ' >I APPENDIX A Project Plans CODE INFORMATION BULDING CODE• CBC 2016 ~LMBING cooe, CPC 2016 JVEQ--.IANICAL CODE CMC 2016 B.ECTl21CAL COOE• CEC 2016 C!;C 2016 CFC 2016 BUILDING DATA OCa.PANCY• Fl'2E SPQINKLE'1E:D1 CONSTRUCnON TrPE• SITE AREA BUIL.OLNG~A' Bl.JILDING 1-lEIG-IT FAA?· A'). G¢ST AUi!ANTI YES v-a 37,391 SF. 3A27 S.F. 2A'--0' .09 ZONNG• PLAr-.NED INDl.)Sm'IAL AVElc'AGE: DALY TRAFFIC: 979 WATE:12 GE3\JE:12ATION• 1.5" ME=TEJ?, PE:AK WATa;! OE:MANO OF 67 GPM. SEWEQ G8'.IEl2ATION: 15CXJ GDP AVERAGE, ns GDP IS /\.ON~GQEASE WASTE: AND 725 GIF IS Gl<f;A.SE WASTE;. PARKING sr AND.ARD SPACES FCQ 12E:ST Au:?ANT Lf:S Tf-¼N ~CUI~• 4,000 SP' N SIZE• I ST ALU 100 SF'OF' GF'A 3,945 / 100 • 40 TOTAL SPACES l<EQLJll<ED• 40 STAU..S IOIAL SPACES PROVIDEO 36 STALLS ArchltEct: CR.1-lO 1833 E. 17TH ST. SUITE 301 SANT A ANA, CA, 92705 PHONE• (714) 832-1834 FAX• (714) 832-1910 CONTACT• l<LISSELL HATFIELD E-MAIL• l<l..lSSELL•CRhO.COM Civil EnginEEr: TRUXAW AND ASSOCIATES 265 ANITA DRIVE SUITE Ill ORANGE, CA. 92868 PHONE• (714) 935-0265 CONTACT• STEVE HAGER E-MAIL• STEVEHAGER•TRUXAW.COM landscapE Archlt&ct: JOHN HOURIAN E ASSOC. 107 AVENIDA Mll:?AMAI:?, SUITE "D' SAN CLEMENTE, CA 92672 PHONE• 1949) 489-5623 FAX• (949) 489-5632 CONTACT• JO-IN I-IOURIAN E-MAIL' TEAM•I-IOURIANASSOCIATES.COM Prop&rty OwnEr: FOURSQUARE PROPERTIES. INC. BILL GROSSE 5850 AVENIDA ENCINAS, SUITE A CARLSSAD. CA 92008 DEYEI0pEr: CHICK-FIL-A 15635 ALTON PARKWAY, SUITE 350 IRVINE, CA 92618 (858) 231-0150 5200 BUFFINGTON ROAD A TLANTA, GEORGIA 30349-2998 Pe<ONE• (404) 765-8000 FAX• (404) 684-8550 5850 AVENIDA ENCINAS CARLSBAD, CA DRAWING INDEX T-lJ SP-1 SP-lA 1'><·1 IOF 5 :2 OF 5 SOF5 4 0F5 50F5 L-1 L-J.I L-1:2 A-l.1 A-I.7 A-2.1 A-2.2 A-$J COVERSI-EET SITEPI....AN EXISTING SITE PL.AN Pl-l0TOMET12'1C SITE PLAN CIVL TIT1.~ $-lffT CONCEPTL..JAL GRADING PLAN CONSTRUCTION NOTES CQ",jCEPTUAL UTILITY PLAN SI-IOPPll'\k'; CENT82 KEY MAP P'ii:'B..IMINART LANDSCAPE SllE PL.AN WA1'132' N0ie5 AJ\O CALCUA1'I0NS AR'BORIST f.: SOILS REPT. Pl.ANTNG NOTES MAINTENANCE RESP. FLOOR P..Af\l 1200:: PLAN EXTERIOR 8-l=VATIQ!\IS EXTERIOR' ELEVATIQ'\IS SECTIONS CAP COMPLIANCE CO\lSISTl=NT wm-1 GEJ\Ei<AL LAND USE AND ZONING YES GI--IG sn_oy ~OU!<EO, YES EN6?GY B"'f lCIENCY• YES PI-IOTOVOL TAIC REOUll<'EMENT• YES -~W l<'OOf= MOUNTED E;I..E;CTR'IC \IS-IICL.E; Q-IARGNG ST A TIONS, YES -2 INST ALL.ED .€ 2 READY hOT WA TEI-! I-EA TING 12Ea.Jll2EMENT, YES TC2"Arr1c DE:MANO MANAGSvlE:Nr 12'EOJ~ED NCl PROJECT DESCRIPTION TI--E PROJS:T IS A FAST CASUAL. RESTAU2Al'ff mAT SEATS 40. i~ Al<C~TEC1'\...JRe IS CONT6\IIPOQAl2'Y WIT~ SMOOn..l S1UCCO AJI.O BL.JRNISI-IEO BLOCK WAJ....LS AND CQ..LIMNS. T~ NEW STl<LCTL.RE IS 24' -o· I-IIGI-I Ti,.E P!20POSED DEVELOPMB\IT E't\COlvlPASSES CA12LSBAD'S .APN 210·170-08-00, \M----llCI-I IS Cl.JRRENfL 'r DEVELOPED COVIB<'CIALL I AS A 2-STORY OFFICE BUUJING. n-E 10 ,977 SF. BUILDING WAS CONSTl2L.CTEO 11'\ii 19n AI\O IS LOCATED r-.EAl2 O'TI-1::12 C0Mflr-El2CI.AJ... uses. The SLBMITTAL IS TO DeMOUs-1 T~ E'xtSTING BUILDING AND CONSil?UCT A NEW 3,945 S.F. F'AST ffiOO REST Al.RANT 8ULOING. H--E PROJECT'S ENTITLEr-..ENTS INCLLDE GB'JB?AL PLAN AMEJ\DMENT, ZONE CI-IANGE, AND LOCAL COAST AL AMB'DMB\/T TO ~ONE Tl-IE Plo!~TY FroM PL...Al',11\EO 11\0UST~I~ TO COMME:i;lCIAL-. TO.JQIST (C,-T) TO BE ZONED CONSISTENTLY WITI-I T~ ReST OF THE CENTI:~ TI-E PR'OJECT IS IN A COAST AL ZONE. A. PL.ANI\E;D DE;VELOPt,.ENT N0N-RE;SIDE;NTIAL.-Pl.D2019-0003 B. GEI\ER.Al-PI.-AN AMENDMENT -GPA20I9-000I C. COASTAL L.lE:VEiCPME:NT PS;?MIT -COP'20l9-0001 D. LOCAL COAST.N... PLAN AMB\IDNIENT -LCPA2019-0002 E. ZONE 0-IA~E -ZC20l9-000I F. SDP ~T -AMB'-0'2019-004 A Chk:k-lil-A 5200 Bullington Road Atlanta, Georgia 30349-2998 • AICHITECTS 18Bf1JIII.Slmt Stilr:31l Sa.,lll~n~ Cl. f:121(15 p,,lleT1t.832.1834 i ...J -LL I ~ (.) FSR# 04306 NO. Ol<TI. 01.&C!'Cl,.,-IOI R8/1seo: 1.11--,.-- Allfflll:!'llmmW 1~1- MNTll)PIJR 111111111 ........ -. .. ,-:-:::--.. ::,~::::::,:::L =.....,. T-1.1 I // / lli!AN5fofiiMEfii: ---------~--#.-- / NEuJ A,-:::EA / / LIGM'T -TYF'. ------"--~''-----~ I f¼® ~'>J I~ ' ' I _,. ' <\ ,, 1 '£9 1 --------i::ALTRAN-9 l~RART c::ON.St'"1J.lc:.ilON 1:;ASl:;Mt;Nt --r-fs"'::--------"°CF 'TOP MOUNTED 5KW P\-lOTOVOl TAIC 6YOTEM f ', SITE UIALL ------___________________ _....-'" .. :,~--:~'-..::--'~::t-_::--------=?OSj~ 1 I . 'i; -h, :. • I !/ ! I I J CD ~~~LIMINARY SITE Pt.AN BUILDING DATA OCClPAl>CY: fl~ SPQ'NCLE;l2EO CQl.5Tl<I...CrlCJl,I TYPE SITE: Al'l::Ai Bl..1...011\CtiRl:A• BUILOIN3 f-EIG-rr PARKING STAl\01\W SPACES 12EOUll2B> A2 (IZESTALRAM} res v ... $7,391 SP. 3.4276.t= ~4'-0- .09 Pl.AN\EOll'VlJSTl?IAL Rll l:2ESTJIIRANT LES TI-IAN 4.000 SF INSIZS ISTAWIOOS"OfGf'A 3,945 1100 • 40 .40 ST ALLS l.lEGUIREO TOT.Al-SPACES Pl20vtee) S6 - h ..,,n,...-.. N. t"'-C,, DOC,W<$ -.;$UIIU"I :,i~:7 ::.~s.: f,~-"' 1111$1,ull,,II :f~:~' .,_...,._,,.,_..,...._,,,.,._.,_...._..,,.._ .... .,.,. 101.u,•w 1ot • .,, :::::=.:.::::.:~::-.::..,~•-•1 ~::~:Si_ih ®~ICIIIITY MAP A Chk:k-lil-A 5200 Buflinglon Road Atlanta, Georgia 30349-2998 I. AICHITECTS 183Jf1JIII.SlmtStilr:31l Sa.,lll~n~ Cl. f:121(15 p,,lleT1t.832.1834 i ...J -LL I ~ (.) FSR# 04306 llE"'l'9"'19HEWLI .!£!<£1, REVISED: 7-11-1Q Allfflll:!'llmmW 1~1• MMll)PIJR ~ ....... - .. ,-:-::--.::,~~=::t:.: :'r:t:EE"IPLM SP-1 lJ lJ 1 1/♦" 2'-0" 12'-1" lJ LJ BUILDING AREA = 3,273 S .F. TRASH ENCLOSURE. BIKE STORAGE AND ELECTRICAL AREA= 428 S.F. TOTAL GFA = 3,945 S.F. l 11!1'-10"' DINING (PUBLIC AREA) 88 J'-8" 9'-♦" J'-8" 1/A.1.1 1/A.1.1 J'-6" 2/A.1.1 BIKE STORAGE 0 0 TRASH 0 2'-B" A Chk:k-lil-A 5200 Buffington Road Atlanta, Georgia 30349-2998 I. AICHITECTS 183Jf1JIII.Slmt Stilr:31l Sa.,lll~n~ Cl. f:121(15 p,,lleT1t.832.1834 FSR# 04306 II.E"1S19"'!9HEWLI Allfflll:!'llmmW 1~1- MMll)PQlt ~ ....... - .. ,-:-:::-.. ::,~::::::,:::L =PUN A-1.1 r ar ar □ ROOF PLAN 0 2' 4' w--l [Qj EF#2 T Fl b Mil. PVC ROOF Q ~l ~ER TAPERED EF#1 ~I~ INSULATION -TYP. CANOPY TYP 14'-0 1/2" T.O. PARAPET 21'-6" T.O. PARAPET Ull!l!TNJlllllllt A-1.7 EX1ERIOR FINISHES s STUCCO s CMU VENEER STIJCCO STO COLOR: SHERWIN WIU.IA.t.15 BURMISrED CONCRETE SW754-1 '"CRECIAN M'JR'r"' ORCO -CUSTOM COLOR s STUCCO 8 PRECAST CONCRETE STUCCO STO COLOR: SHERWIN WILLIAl.4S 35:5 PRECAST SW754-9 "STUDIO TAUPE:~ COLOR: "TO ~TCH CMu-1 • s STUCCO 8 STOREFRONT STUCCO STO. COLOR: SHERWIN WILLIAl.4S COLOR: ~I( BRONZE'" SW7068 '"CRIZZLE CRAY~ 8) ALUMINUM AWNING COLOR: '"□ARK BRONZE'" c, H -F==-/=s=l-4 ~~~~~~:i~~ll;.;lf-------'-1 !+--l ~ I G)~--~~UTH ELEVATION l/1 @ ~-~~RTH ELEVATION tJ--i i oos~:.* ooo~m,:;.* A Chk:k-lil-A 5200 Buffington Ro~d Atl~nt~. Georgi!! 30349-2998 I. AICHITECTS 18lJflJIII.SIIUI; S.ilt31l Sa.,lll~n~ Cl. f:121(15 p,,lleT1t.832.1834 i ...J -LL I ~ (.) -:I: (.) FSR# 04306 REVISION SCHEDULE .!£!<£1, REVISED:15-24-1Q REVISED:7-11-1Q .... ,~ ................. ~_.,,.,, ::.-:-:.:-~;::~::.::::::=.::··""' ~REVlfflN A-2.1 ~,M•••M~ +•·•·•~m r • EXTERIOR FlNISHES s srucco srucco STO COLOR· SHERWIN WILLIM-IS SW7S-4-1 #CRECIAN Nam-"' s srucco STUCCO STD. CDLDR: SHERWIN WILLIAMS SW75-4-S #STU'.)K) TAUP£" s srucco STUCCO STD. COLOR: SHERWIN WILLIAMS SW7068 #CRIZZlE CRAr CS> ALUMINlH,I AWNING COLOR: "OAR!< 0RDNZE# G) ~=-ST ELEVATION @ =-~~T ELEVATION ® Ct.1U VENEER BURNISHED CONCRETE ORCO -CUSTOM COLOR 8 PRECAST CONCRITT 3(>5 PRECAST CCLCR: "'ro MA.TCH C!.IU-1- 8 STORErRONT COLOR: "O,,.,RK BRONZE# 8" C ,,.:;.,"t ,~,,.,..;,.* .,,a','¼.."t ""''+ ,o._,.;.,4 A Chk:k-lil-A 5200 Buflinglon Road Atlanta, Georgia 30349-2998 I. AICHITECTS 183Jf1JIII.Slmt Stilr:31l Sa.,lll~n~ Cl. f:121(15 p,,lleT1t.832.1834 ::, en u. C ~ ~ i ~ i 0 a. i ...J ~ -c LL ~ 1 I ~ z u ~ :E iii (.) g ~ ~ z :I: all ~ (.) !2 = FSR# 04306 R!iVll;IQN !2!:!liQ!!~I .!£!<£1, l.!ll!i!!!!:I!. REVISEO: 6-2419 REVISE0:7-11-19 Allfflll:!'llmmW 1~1• MMll)PIJR ~ ....... - .. :-.::.-::i .. ·::--.;.::::~:~ ..... """"" ......... A-2.2 l llZ"IUHC:,,,._,.l/Z"FLYWO::,O &HU.T-.G""1UU J<.,WCOO STUOI &FACl!.O ,e·wrrHl't-Zl Fi■U<GUl&■ATT N&UU.TION l l/Z"MA&ONP!YV5.HEE."o.'._,. ll♦" SCRATCH .a.■ .. CWH CO:.Ti o,._,.llZ" FLYWOOD SHEAT-.G""1&.Rzxewcoo aTuoa aFACl!.O '""WfrHl't-Zl ~l■U<GUl&■ATT N&UU.TION KITCHEN SECTION G),, .. _,._,. KITCHEN SECTION @,,,·-,·-,· eOldlLFVC"cx:>1"""1U, ~ ("-lO),.N:!G&.FO:.M NSUU,,TIONC:,,,U,.:,~• 601d1LFVC"cx:>1"""1ER Ir ("-!O)"IOG._FOl,M N&UU,,TIONC:,,,EP.:,e• ll4"~,■._,.C._M~FAHIEI. ""11i" l/Z" FLYWCOO O NING l lf2" IEIH c;,,,._,. ,a "FLYWCOO IHEATHIHG ""1UUJ<ewcoo ITl.'01 &FAC£0 ,,rwrrH l't-Zl ~,■._,.,GUll■ATTN&UU.TION A Chk:k-lil-A 5200 Buflinglon Road Atlanta, Georgia 30349-2998 I. AICHITECTS 183Jf1JIII.Slmt Stilr:31l Sa.,lll~n~ Cl. f:121(15 p,,lleT1t.832.1834 i ...J -LL I ~ (.) FSR# 04306 llE"'i'9"'!9HEWLI .!£!<£1, REVISED: 7-11-1~ Allfflll:!'llmmW 1~1• MMll)PIJR ~ ....... - .. ,-:-:::-.. ::,~::::::,:::L ~IUW,T)CM A-3.1 CD ~t,~;§~G/GRILLE TAKE-OFF FABRICATE18GASTAINLESSNOZZLE. NOZZLE INLET FULL SIZE OF FAN DISCl-'A.RGE. MINIMLl,,I NOZ21.E HEIGHT 1'-0". EM.TEND t>IOZZLEASNEEOED TO TERMINATE 0"-2" ABO>/E TOP OF ALL CONDENSING UNITS, RT US.ANO PARAPETS WITHIN 10"-0" BOLTEDANOGASl<ETE,D-----, FACTORY NElolA3R DISCONNECT INSIOEHOOSING 6"WJG"H HAT CHli.NNEL E RAILS FACTORY PRO>J'IDED ON TOP OF CURB CAP. 8 HAT CHli.NNELS. USINGJ F EACH SIDEOF MOTOR sec ON EACH SIDE OF THE SCR USING SELF DRILLING 114"-HEAO SCREW EQUAL TOE DRIL-FLEX------, INSTALL ROOFTOP SOLUTIONS G2 DRIP GUARD AS Q_QSEASPOSSIBLE TOFANSCROLLDAAIN. EXTEND OAAINTOCENTER OF DRIP GUARD G) li\Tfti~N HOOD EXHAUST FANS TURNINGVANE SCHEOULI 45°F1TTING SP c,,. NOTAAILINGEOGE. SINGLE THICKNESS CONSTRUCTION ~i~K~~~H~\ AJfi~~~j_~~~·m;r ~~ 19fH ~ANRDR~~~/f71~~LT:J~fiG p:~~s 1~fR"}E2~t'i~~~DENCTTRL~cl~M11~~~~~g1°c6~~~SEcTo~fg.Yi~..,rc~ GEORGE AT 404351-1010FOR PRICING ANO AVAILABILITY. ROYAL METAL PRODUCTS START OL R NOT RCH>\ THR T "1 BARROII/ OMPANYWI NOT A PT 0 KEYE O NOT ES· WRAP ALL UNINSULATED PORTIOl>IS Of AIR DEVICE AND NECK PER SPECIFICATIONS ON 1,1-901. OI/ERLAPALL JOINTS BY3". DO NOT TAPE INSULATION TO THE GRID. DAMPER CONTROL HANDLE MUST BE EXPOSED, LOCATED ON THE LEFT OR RIGHT (gOR 3 O"CLOO:) SIOEWHEN INSTALLED ON HORIZONTAL DUCTS.ANO LOCATED ON THE BOTTOM (6 O'CLOCK)WHEN INSTALLED ON HA~~~~ct~~ir1L~~~iNE~fic0~~~CT ORIENTATION AS SPECIFIED ABOI/E WILL FL~E~~~5f~~E~:~:~i~~~TO THE HANDLE. RIB80N MUST BE12"LONG ANO BE EAJtx~~i~tN~~~~g~ TEST Ar.Kl ROYALMETALPROOUCTS STICK-ON ST ART COLLAR (1) ~Wei~E:B c~l ~Wri~~k~ l o~iiuR~0~tJM1,2;;~: c~.~W,1-~R~N~J?B't:ti..~ BE 4'"WIDERTHli.N FAN FOOTPRINT IN BOTH DIRECTIONS. HEIGHT OF CURBSl-iALL BE SUCH THAT NO PART OFANYDUCTTOBEWITHIN 18"0f ROOF SURFACE. PRO>/IOE FACTORY EQUIPMENT AAILSWELOEO TO CAP ® :-~5-?::=;R~~s~~~i~ ~~~;~~~~~~ir:rorS ~~~foYJE:T;rCH SUPf'ORTTODUCT PRO>J'IDEA DUCT SUPPORT STANO AT EACH ROOF PENETRU ION 0 t~T1fil!c'!t~'f6~R~liBE~~IDM~~1:U~~~R~r COMPANY. MECHANIDI.L CURB FOR DUCTS SERI/INGEfit2: 1Q.5"SO. lt>ISIDE Q_EAR lollNl"4UM DONOTAPPL'l'START COLLAR OVER OUCTWRA MINIMUM 1'-0" OF RIGID OUCT AFTER SPIN-IN TRANSITION OOT TOALLOII/ flttLRE~f~~lf '"' NOTES SECURE FAN TO CURB WITH SHEET METAL SCREWS i,1ox 1-112") 0" 0.C. ALLAROONO RACEWAY IN FAN FLEXIBLE CONDI.HT THRU ~~~;Ji~'fJORY 3750 1250 3 0.65 LGH150H48 LENr.lOX,11,12.13.15,16 3750 1'175 3 0.65 LGH150H48 LENr.lOX 1.3.-u .s.g.10, COOLING CAPAOTIESARE GROSS, BASED ON ENTERING SOFDB/QFWB, OUTDOOR: OSFDB.AND 400CFM PERT ON CHICK-FIL-A MAINTAINS A NATIONAL ACCOUNT FOR EQUIPMENT WITH LENNOX CORPOAATION. CONTACT LENNOX :~r~~!~~~i1~~~ittt~r:)~~lio~~l JMfJ A'rvfJi2l:ri~ffJ~1~ °i:~L~r-#~D AVAILABILITY PROVIDE OIFFERENTIALENTl+\LPYECONOMIZERWITH POii/ER EXl+\UST. HIGH EFFICIENCY/LOIi/ LEAl<AGEECONOMIZER. PROVIDE OIFFERENTIALENTl+\LPYECONOMIZERWITH BAROMETRIC EJIJ-IAUST. HIGH EFFICIENCYILOII/ LEA.Kol.GE ECONOMIZER. PROI/IDE 14" HIGH ROOF CURBPROv'IOECURBS Pt.US RESTAAINT CLIP KIT. SEE DETAIL <l'M-501 FOR SETTING OF PROOGV 1.13 BOARD CONTROL PARAMETERS BYMC PROI/IDE FACTORY INSTALLEOANO UNIT POWERED 1151/ Gfl SERVICE OOTLET PROVIDE FACT ORY INST ALLEO 115V Gf I SERVI CE OOTLET. ~~~~~ ~1gg~~ :~~1tt~g ~~~UNS~~1l~~~~lJECTOR. g PROVIDE 2• MERV 8THROII/ AWAY FILTERS 1 0. ~~~~:T ~~~'i~[~~:;s FOR FILTER A cc ESS. FAN MOTOR ACCESS. COM PRES SOR ACCESS AND CONTROL 11. ~ic'-btTM'"t►?D~~~~~ON~~~i~J:T LOCATIONSWHERE ELEVATION EXCEEDS 2000'A80v'E SEA LEVEL AS 12. PROVIDE FACTORY COIL t+\L GU4.RD. FIELD INSTALLED. ]!: ~roY~i0~~~~Wd.06~~6~wA1~Vtf~~~~1~i: MOUNTED HUlollOITY SENSOR 1~: ~~~~~ ~1gg~~ ~N~~~~E8l~l~~f1~l~ECT1DN 11 ~~g~~~~~T~/lti ~L~fg~~ENS4.TE PAN DRAN O>/ERFLOII/ SWITCH 1g, PROVIDE FACTORY STAINLESS STEEL HEAT EM.CHANGER EXHAUST FAN SCHEDULE Rl"M ip:;p@ed CM HOO 1.241 4.873 3-'4 A~a:;er,ed HOOCIJ1 HUUU# .4 MOD1=L 150CPS ,~ LORENCOOK 1,2,, ' ,.l~1 :l.'4 N 1 .. 4.. . . 1.1u.11.1 1.164 2181.J 1/8 LOREN COOK 3,11.12,13,14.15.16 GREASE EJOi,I.UST FAN RPM BASED ON 80DEGREE FAIR AT 1000 FEET ABOVE SEA LEVEL GREASE EXHPI.UST FANS TO BEU.L. 702 LISTED CHICK-fL-AHASANATIONALACCOONTWITH TOM BARROII/ COMPANY FORT HE FAN'CURB PACKol.GE. THEMECl-'A.NICAL CONTAACTOR IS REOIJIREOTO PURCHli.SETHEFAN/CURB PACKAGE DIRECTLY FROM TOM BARROW COMPANY. CONTACT MR SCOTT GEORGE AT -.)4351-1010FOR PRIONGANOAVAILABILITY. FAl>ISAND CURBS NOT PIJRCHPI.SED THRUTOM BARROII/ CO MPAN 'I' W LL NOT BE ACCEPT EO 1 ~~IO~ ,F~~r~tE~~~L iiNC~~:Ecr ATION. SEE PI.ANSTO CONFIRl.1 CONFIGUAATION 3 PROVIDE FACTORY INSTALLED, PRE-WIRED. NEMA 3 NON-FUSED DISCONNECT ~-~=~~~ ~~T1rs-+ATI_ERE6~~~;ts~~~f ~~~l~~=~~~:~~~AL CONTRACTOR TO CONTACT RO OFT OP SOL.UT IONS AT 800-913-703 4. 6 PROI/IOE FACTORYWE'I.THER HOIJSINGW/ HINGED ACCESS DOOR 7 PROI/IDE FACTORY DRAIN CONNECTION ~ ~=~~~ ~1g~~ FN~TAt~:a:~ir;g~e:~T~~~~fSTABLEMOTOR SHEAVE ANO SPARE BELT. 10. PROI/IDE FACTORY STEEL OUTLET COMPAt.lON FLANGE 11. INTEGAAL THERMALO>/ERlOADWITHAUTOMATICRESET 12. PROI/IDE BIROSCfiEEN 13. BACKDRAFT DAI-PER IN DUCT BY MECHA.t.lCALCONTRACTORAS SHOWN ON 4'M401 14. STARTER BY ELECTRICAL CONfAACTOR. INTERLOCK WITH LIGHTS BY ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR 15. PROI/IOE 12" HIGH CURB 16. PROI/IOE FACTORY INSTALLEOANOWIRED SPEED CONTROLLER 17. UTILITY SET FAN CURBANOASSOOATEO EXHPI.UST OUCT CURB PROVIDED BY TOM BARROW COMPANY. MARK AD-'1 " NOTES REMARKS AIR DOOR SCHEDULE C,M VELOCITY HEATING CAP "' ARE'I.SERVED MODEL MANUFACTURER REMARKS "" 3050FPM 7.2~ .,.., DRWETHRU MP-1..JOE P""'~"'dAirT '·' ''" 4<'.0tl"M ~, e4w Kt<l-1-4'3 owm!!dAire 3 CHICK-FL-AHASANATIONALACCOONT WITH TOM BARROW COMPANY FOR THE AIR ODORS. THE MECHAt.lCAL CONTAACTOR SHli.LLPURCHli.SE THEAIR DOORSOIRECTLY FROM TOM BARROW COMPANY. CONTACT MR. SCOTT GEORGE AT 404351-1010. FOR PRICING AND AVAILABILITY.AIR DOORS NOT PURCl+\SED THRU TOM BARROW COMPANY WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED 1 FACTORY PRO>J'IOEO. FIELD WIREOWALL SWITCH (HEAT/OH/FAN). FACTORY PRO>J'IOED. WIREO,AND UNIT MOUNTED SP EEO CONTROLLER LOQ\TED ON BOTTOM 3 ~~;l;-~ PR~~~fo M:~~~~o~~ ~~ACT WITH FACTORY INSTALLED LOW VOLTAGE AIR DEVICE SCHEDULE 6~~~~r~=i\t7~tl~~~LfAt~rnri::.~ CURI/ED AIR PATTERN CONfROLLERS ,l,.,c MvucL vM,.., v, eel YA"' DIFFUSER FIELDAD.I...ISTABLEAIR PATTERN CONTROLLERS. PRICE MOO EL SMCD STEEL SUPPLY AIR OIFF USER FIE LO AD.JJSTABLE AIR PATTERN CONTROLLERS Nt:,._K I tAC tKAM LOCATION SIZE SIZE T'l'f'E REMARKS Llcu 1 ... O ~~I~ VARIES 24"x24" LAY-IN 1.7 KITCHEN RESTROOMS 10"l10" 15"x15. BEVELLED II. lt-"hl .. c mvuoal ,-.ru.,n.-.~uMNU"1 re, cu n,-.,c", """''"'""'~'"" 14.l14 10x10"1 ~nrA(;I= 1.4 .. O FACE RETURN AIR GRILLE. ENTRY CHICK-FIL-A HAS A N'ITIOW..L AC COO NT WITH TOM BARROW COMPANY FOR THE AIR DEVICES. THE MECHAt.lCALCONTRACTOR SHALL PURCHASE THE AIR DEVICES DIRECTLY ~~~oiN~2A~~~~~~~-~~~~f ~-~~~iigRT~C~~~~~ ~g~PANY WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED GAS FIRED INFRARED HEATER SCHEDULE ou 48--114" is" 10" raclift ,;,o~-Nu ;,ch,/anl<. CONFIRM HEATER OUA.NTITY WITH CANOPY SHOP DRAWINGS. CHICK-FIL-AHAS A N'ITIONALACCOONT WITH TOM BARROW COMPANY FOR THE GAS FIRED lr-lFAAREO HEATERS. THE MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR SHli.lL PURCHli.SETHE HEATER PACKAGE OIRECTLVFROM TOM BARROW COMPANY. CONTACT MR. SCOTT GEORGE AT 404351-1010. FOR PRICINGANOAVAILABILIT'I'. HEATERS NOT PURCHASED TfflUTOM BARROII/ COMPANY WU NOT BEACCEPTED. to-w rn ~ A 0:: >-to-o 5 C<: Q,. fti L~ Chick-fil-A 5200 Buffington Road Atlanta, Geor~ia 30349- 2998 SITE ADAPT LOGO AND ADDRESS PROTOTYPICAL SET NOTFOR REGULATORY APPROVAL, BIDDING, OR CONSTRUCTICN i ...Jw -:iii u. <( I z ~ l-o frl -.., ::c 0 0~ FSR# 0000 !!2 .l!!Jl! OHCll!ll'T!Ctl Tom,-l<u.!•I<• 4 14'li"1il T<m,-t<u.iol<, S K'Zl'/1' T"""t<Ullloln -••6•"" l'ltotOT'rPIGOI.IIT :::-_ ..... :7..'7~"::',:'.!~ ~Ac DETAILSS SCHEDULES M-401 APPENDIX B Pertinent Sections of the City of Carlsbad Noise Element to the General Plan, Noise Guidelines Manual and CALGreen Code 5-16 No i s e 5 Envision Carlsbad TABLE 5–1: LAND USE COMPATIBILITY FOR COMMUNITY NOISE ENVIRONMENTS Land Use Category Residential- Single Family Residential- Multiple family Transient Lodging- Motels, Hotels School , Libraries, Churches, Hospitals, Nursing Homes Auditoriums, Concen Sports Arena, Outdoor PlaygrOlmds. Parks Golf Courses, Riding Stables, Water Recrealioo, Cemeterie Office Buildings, Business Commercial and Professiona) Industrial, Manufacturing, Utilities, Agricultu(e Exterior Day/Nighi-Noise Levels DNL or Ldn , dB 55 60 65 70 75 80 INTERPRETATION Normally Acceptable: Specified land use is satisfactory, based upon the a!;Sumption thal any buildings involved are of normal conventional con truction, without any special noise insulation requirements Conditionally Acceptabl e: New construction or development should be undertaken only after a detailed analysis of-the noise reduction requi:rements is made and needed noi se insulation features included ih the de ign. NormaUy Una ceptable: New constrncti.on o.r development should generally be discouraged. If new construction or development does proceed. a detailed analysis of the noise reduction requirements must be made and needed noise ilntlatfon features included in the design. -Clearly Unacceptable: New construction or development dearly should l10t be undertaken. 5-17 General Plan No i s e 5 General Plan Table 5-3 provides standards for noise from non-transportation noise sources such as, but not limited to, industrial facilities, automotive servicing, car washes, equipment yards, nightclubs, hotels, and shopping centers. These standards apply to the noise sources themselves, as measured at the edge of the property line; noise caused by motor vehicles traveling to and from the site is exempt from this standard. TABLE 5–2: ALLOWABLE NOISE EXPOSURE1 LAND USE OUTDOOR ACTIVITY2, 3 AREAS (DBA CNEL) INTERIOR SPACES (DBA CNEL) Residential 604 45 Motels, Hotels 65 45 Hospitals, Residential Care Facilities, Schools, Libraries, Museums, Churches, Day Care Facilities 65 45 Playgrounds, Parks, Recreation Uses 65 50 Commercial and Office Uses 65 50 Industrial Uses 70 65 1 Development proposed within the McClellan-Palomar Airport Area of Influence shall also be subject to the noise compatibility policies contained in the ALUCP. 2 For non-residential uses, where an outdoor activity area is not proposed, the standard does not ap- ply. Where the location of outdoor activity areas is unknown, the exterior noise level standard shall be applied to the property line of the receiving use. 3 Where it is not possible to reduce noise in outdoor activity areas to the allowable maximum, levels up to 5 dB higher may be allowed provided that available exterior noise level reduction measures have been implemented and interior noise levels are in compliance with this table. 4 An exterior noise exposure level of 65 dBA CNEL is allowable for residential uses in a mixed-use project and for residential uses within the McClellan-Palomar Airport Area of Influence, pursuant to the noise compatibility policies contained in the ALUCP. TABLE 5–3: PERFORMANCE STANDARDS FOR NON- TRANSPORTATION SOURCES (AS MEASURED AT PROPERTY LINE OF SOURCE/SENSITIVE USE) NOISE LEVEL DESCRIPTOR DAYTIME (7 A.M. TO 10 P.M.) NIGHTTIME (10 P.M. TO 7 A.M.) Hourly Leq, dB 55 45 Maximum Level, dB 75 65 Each of the noise levels specified above shall be lowered by 5 dB for simple tone noises, noises consist- ing primarily of speech or music, or for recurring impulsive noises. 5.504.7 Environmental tobacco smoke (ETS) control. Where outdoor areas are provided for smoking, prohibit smoking within 25 feet of building entries, outdoor air intakes and operable windows and within the building as already pro- hibited by other laws or regulations; or as enforced by ordi- nances, regulations or policies of any city, county, city and county, California Community College, campus of the Cali- fornia State University, or campus of the University of Cali- fornia, whichever are more stringent. When ordinances, regulations or policies are not in place, post signage to inform building occupants of the prohibitions. SECTION 5.505 INDOOR MOISTURE CONTROL 5.505.1 Indoor moisture control. Buildings shall meet or exceed the provisions of California Building Code, CCR, Title 24, Part 2, Sections 1203 (Ventilation) and Chapter 14 (Exterior Walls). For additional measures not applicable to low-rise residential occupancies, see Section 5.407.2 of this code. SECTION 5.506 INDOOR AIR QUALITY 5.506.1 Outside air delivery. For mechanically or naturally ventilated spaces in buildings, meet the minimum require- ments of Section 120.1 (Requirements For Ventilation) of the 2013 California Energy Code, or the applicable local code, whichever is more stringent, and Division 1, Chapter 4 of CCR, Title 8. 5.506.2 Carbon dioxide (CO2) monitoring. For buildings or additions equipped with demand control ventilation, CO2 sensors and ventilation controls shall be specified and installed in accordance with the requirements of the 2013 California Energy Code, Section 120(c)(4). SECTION 5.507 ENVIRONMENTAL COMFORT 5.507.4 Acoustical control. Employ building assemblies and components with Sound Transmission Class (STC) values determined in accordance with ASTM E90 and ASTM E413 or Outdoor-Indoor Sound Transmission Class (OITC) deter- mined in accordance with ASTM E1332, using either the pre- scriptive or performance method in Section 5.507.4.1 or 5.507.4.2. Exception: Buildings with few or no occupants or where occupants are not likely to be affected by exterior noise, as determined by the enforcement authority, such as facto- ries, stadiums, storage, enclosed parking structures and utility buildings. Exception: [DSA-SS] For public schools and community colleges, the requirements of this section and all subsec- tions apply only to new construction. 5.507.4.1 Exterior noise transmission, prescriptive method. Wall and roof-ceiling assemblies exposed to the noise source making up the building or addition envelope 2016 CALIFORNIA GREEN BUILDING STANDARDS CODE NONRESIDENTIAL MANDATORY MEASURES or altered envelope shall meet a composite STC rating of at least 50 or a composite OITC rating of no less than 40, with exterior windows of a minimum STC of 40 or OITC of 30 in the following locations: 1. Within the 65 CNEL noise contour of an airport. Exceptions: 1. Lan or CNEL for military airports shall be determined by the facility Air Installation Compatible Land Use Zone (AICUZ) plan. 2. Ldn or CNEL for other airports and heliports for which a land use plan has not been devel- oped shall be determined by the local general plan noise element. 2. Within the 65 CNEL or Lan noise contour of a free- way or expressway, railroad, industrial source or fixed-guideway source as determined by the Noise Element of the General Plan. 5.507.4.1.1 Noise exposure where noise contours are not readily available. Buildings exposed to a noise level of 65 dB Leg -1-hr during any hour of operation shall have building, addition or alteration exterior wall and roof-ceiling assemblies exposed to the noise source meeting a composite STC rating of at least 45 ( or OITC 35), with exterior windows of a minimum STC of 40 (or OITC 30). 5.507.4.2 Performance method. For buildings located as defined in Section 5.507.4.1 or 5.507.4.1.1, wall and roof- ceiling assemblies exposed to the noise source making up the building or addition envelope or altered envelope shall be constructed to provide an interior noise environment attributable to exterior sources that does not exceed an hourly equivalent noise level (Leq-lHr) of 50 dBA in occu- pied areas during any hour of operation. 5.507.4.2.1 Site features. Exterior features such as sound walls or earth berms may be utilized as appropri- ate to the building, addition or alteration project to mit- igate sound migration to the interior. 5.507.4.2.2 Documentation of compliance. An acous- tical analysis documenting complying interior sound levels shall be prepared by personnel approved by the architect or engineer of record. 5.507.4.3 Interior sound transmission. Wall and floor- ceiling assemblies separating tenant spaces and tenant spaces and public places shall have an STC of at least 40. Note: Examples of assemblies and their various STC ratings may be found at the California Office of Noise Control: http://www.toolbase.org/PDF/CaseStudies/ stc_icc_ratings. pdf. SECTION 5.508 OUTDOOR AIR QUALITY 5.508.1 Ozone depletion and greenhouse gas reductions. Installations of HV AC, refrigeration and fire suppression equipment shall comply with Sections 5.508.1.1 and 5.508.1.2. 51 APPENDIX C Railway Noise Calculations EFFECTIVE October 3, 2016 - April 2, 2017 / VÁLIDO del 3 de octubre, 2016 a 2 de abril, 2017EFFECTIVE October 8, 2018 / VÁLIDA 8 de octubre, 2018 Tickets sold at vending machines VALID ONLY for the SAME DAY of purchase. NO REFUNDS.One-way tickets valid for 2 hours from time of purchase. Tickets may be purchased via the Compass Cloud app on mobile devices. Boletos adquiridos en las máquinas son VÁLIDOS SOLAMENTE EL MISMO DÍA de su compra. NO REEMBOLSOS.Boletos de viaje sencillo son válidos por 2 horas desde el momento de compra. Boletos pueden ser comprados a través de la aplicación “Compass Cloud” en dispositivos móviles. SOUTHBOUND MONDAY-FRIDAY OCEANSIDE TO SAN DIEGO READ DOWN COASTER COASTER COASTER COASTER COASTER COASTER COASTER COASTER COASTER COASTER COASTER TRAIN SERVICE NO.630 634 636 638 640 644 648 654 656 660 662 Oceanside ↓5:03a 6:02a 6:33a 7:15a 7:40a 9:37a 11:08a 2:42p 3:32p 5:11p 5:41p Carlsbad Village ↓5:07a 6:06a 6:37a 7:20a 7:44a 9:42a 11:13a 2:47p 3:36p 5:16p 5:46p Carlsbad Poinsettia ↓5:13a 6:12a 6:42a 7:26a 7:49a 9:47a 11:18a 2:52p 3:43p 5:21p 5:51p Encinitas ↓5:19a 6:18a 6:50a 7:32a 7:56a 9:54a 11:25a 3:00p 3:49p 5:27p 5:56p Solana Beach ↓5:25a 6:23a 6:57a 7:39a 8:01a 10:00a 11:33a 3:05p 3:54p 5:34p 6:01p Sorrento Valley ↓5:35a*6:40a 7:08a 7:49a 8:12a 10:11a*11:42a*3:14p*4:03p 5:43p 6:11p San Diego-Old Town ↓5:57a 7:04a 7:30a 8:12a 8:35a 10:33a 12:07p 3:36p 4:28p 6:07p 6:37p San Diego-SF Depot ↓6:05a 7:11a 7:38a 8:20a 8:43a 10:40a 12:14p 3:44p 4:35p 6:15p 6:45p SOUTHBOUND SATURDAY, SUNDAY & HOLIDAYS OCEANSIDE TO SAN DIEGO READ DOWN COASTER COASTER COASTER COASTER TRAIN SERVICE NO.680 684 688 692 Oceanside ↓8:20a 11:08a 2:00p 5:21p Carlsbad Village ↓8:25a 11:13a 2:05p 5:26p Carlsbad Poinsettia ↓8:30a 11:18a 2:10p 5:31p Encinitas ↓8:36a 11:25a 2:16p 5:37p Solana Beach ↓8:42a 11:33a 2:24p 5:44p Sorrento Valley ↓8:51a*11:42a*2:33p*5:53p* San Diego-Old Town ↓9:13a 12:07p 2:54p 6:14p San Diego-SF Depot ↓9:21a 12:14p 3:02p 6:23p NORTHBOUND SATURDAY, SUNDAY & HOLIDAYS SAN DIEGO TO OCEANSIDE READ DOWN COASTER COASTER COASTER COASTER TRAIN SERVICE NO.681 685 689 693 San Diego-SF Depot ↓9:35a 12:25p 3:36p 7:10p San Diego-Old Town ↓9:42a 12:33p 3:44p 7:18p Sorrento Valley ↓10:04a*12:57p*4:06p*7:43p* Solana Beach ↓10:13a 1:06p 4:17p 7:53p Encinitas ↓10:19a 1:11p 4:23p 7:58p Carlsbad Poinsettia ↓10:26a 1:16p 4:29p 8:04p Carlsbad Village ↓10:33a 1:21p 4:35p 8:10p Oceanside ↓10:39a 1:27p 4:41p 8:16p NORTHBOUND MONDAY-FRIDAY SAN DIEGO TO OCEANSIDE READ DOWN COASTER COASTER COASTER COASTER COASTER COASTER COASTER COASTER COASTER COASTER COASTER TRAIN SERVICE NO.631 635 639 645 651 653 655 657 661 663 665 San Diego-SF Depot ↓6:15a 7:39a 9:18a 12:49p 1:56p 3:36p 4:21p 4:53p 5:38p 6:26p 7:13p San Diego-Old Town ↓6:23a 7:47a 9:26a 12:57p 2:04p 3:44p 4:29p 5:01p 5:46p 6:34p 7:21p Sorrento Valley ↓6:45a 8:10a 9:48a*1:19p*2:26p*4:06p 4:51p 5:24p 6:08p 6:56p 7:43p* Solana Beach ↓6:57a 8:23a 9:59a 1:30p 2:36p 4:17p 5:00p 5:34p 6:20p 7:06p 7:53p Encinitas ↓7:03a 8:30a 10:05a 1:36p 2:42p 4:23p 5:08p 5:40p 6:26p 7:12p 7:59p Carlsbad Poinsettia ↓7:09a 8:36a 10:10a 1:42p 2:48p 4:29p 5:14p 5:46p 6:32p 7:18p 8:05p Carlsbad Village ↓7:15a 8:42a 10:16a 1:47p 2:54p 4:35p 5:21p 5:52p 6:38p 7:24p 8:11p Oceanside ↓7:20a 8:47a 10:23a 1:54p 3:00p 4:41p 5:28p 5:58p 6:45p 7:30p 8:18p Ride Any Amtrak Pacific Surfliner® Train COASTER passengers can ride any Amtrak Pacific Surfliner® train, 7 days/week with any valid COASTER Day Pass or Monthly/30-Day Pass, within the trip limits printed on their COASTER pass. Valid between Oceanside and San Diego ONLY. Trips north of Oceanside will require a separate Amtrak ticket and reservation. For a complete Amtrak Pacific Surfliner schedule, please visit PacificSurfliner.com NOT VALID: FRI-TUES OF MEMORIAL DAY WEEKEND, FRI-TUES OF LABOR DAY WEEKEND, MONDAY THROUGH THE FOLLOWING TUESDAY OF THANKSGIVING WEEK, OPENING DAY THROUGH SUNDAY OF THE SUMMER DEL MAR RACES, AND WED-SUN OF COMIC-CON WEEK (these dates subject to change). ONLY SERVES: • Oceanside • Solana Beach • San Diego-Old Town • San Diego-SF Depot DOES NOT SERVE: • Carlsbad Village • Carlsbad Poinsettia • Encinitas • Sorrento Valley All Amtrak policies and terms of travel apply and may differ from NCTD policies including photo ID requirements, food and beverage consumption (including alcohol), unaccompanied minors, accessibility, baggage restrictions, and pets. For more information, please visit: Amtrak.com/train-travel-plan BIKES: RESERVATIONS and Amtrak ticket REQUIRED for BIKES on ALL Amtrak trains. Amtrak.com/bring-your-bicycle-onboard Amtrak fares, schedules, routes, equipment, and services subject to change without notice. Other policies and restrictions apply. Amtrak and Pacific Surfliner are service marks of the National Railroad Passenger Corporation. Website: PacificSurfliner.com • Phone: (800) 872-7245 COASTER operates on a Holiday (Sunday) schedule on Memorial Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Day, and New Year’s Day. Independence Day, July 4, operates on a Saturday schedule. Schedule subject to change. COASTER opera en un horario festivo (Domingo) el Día de la Recordación, Día del Trabajo, Día de Acción de Gracias, Día de Navidad, y Año Nuevo. El Día de la Independencia, 4 de julio, opera en el horario de Sábado. Los horarios están sujetos a cambios. * Sorrento Valley COASTER Connection shuttle service not available for this train. * El servicio de la conexión de autobús Sorrento Valley COASTER no está disponible para este tren. SCHEDULE GoNCTD.com (760) 966-6500 @GoNCTD /GoNCTD /nctdtransit NORIN COUNTY ~ 1'11.ANSIT DISTRICT " 0 0 @ U. S. DOT CROSSING INVENTORY FORM DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION FEDERAL RAILROAD ADMINISTRATION OMB No. 2130-0017 Instructions for the initial reporting of the following types of new or previously unreported crossings: For public highway-rail grade crossings, complete the entire inventory Form. For private highway-rail grade crossings, complete the Header, Parts I and II, and the Submission Information section. For public pathway grade crossings (including pedestrian station grade crossings), complete the Header, Parts I and II, and the Submission Information section. For Private pathway grade crossings, complete the Header, Parts I and II, and the Submission Information section. For grade-separated highway-rail or pathway crossings (including pedestrian station crossings), complete the Header, Part I, and the Submission Information section. For changes to existing data, complete the Header, Part I Items 1-3, and the Submission Information section, in addition to the updated data fields. Note: For private crossings only, Part I Item 20 and Part III Item 2.K. are required unless otherwise noted. An asterisk * denotes an optional field. A. Revision Date (MM/DD/YYYY) _____/_____/_________ B. Reporting Agency C. Reason for Update (Select only one) D. DOT Crossing Inventory Number  Railroad  Transit  Change in Data  New Crossing  Closed  No Train Traffic  Quiet Zone Update  State  Other  Re-Open  Date Change Only  Change in Primary Operating RR  Admin. Correction Part I: Location and Classification Information 1. Primary Operating Railroad _____________________________________________________ 2. State ________________________________ 3. County ____________________________________ 4. City / Municipality  In  Near __________________________ 5. Street/Road Name & Block Number ________________________________| __________________ (Street/Road Name) |* (Block Number) 6. Highway Type & No. _______________________________________ 7. Do Other Railroads Operate a Separate Track at Crossing?  Yes  No If Yes, Specify RR ____________, ____________, ____________, _____________ 8. Do Other Railroads Operate Over Your Track at Crossing?  Yes  No If Yes, Specify RR ____________, ____________, ____________, _____________ 9. Railroad Division or Region  None _______________________ 10. Railroad Subdivision or District  None _______________________ 11. Branch or Line Name  None _______________________ 12. RR Milepost _______|____________|____________ (prefix) | (nnnn.nnn) | (suffix) 13. Line Segment * _________________________ 14. Nearest RR Timetable Station * __________________________ 15. Parent RR (if applicable)  N/A _____________________________ 16. Crossing Owner (if applicable)  N/A _________________________________ 17. Crossing Type  Public  Private 18. Crossing Purpose  Highway  Pathway, Ped.  Station, Ped. 19. Crossing Position  At Grade  RR Under  RR Over 20. Public Access (if Private Crossing)  Yes  No 21. Type of Train  Freight  Intercity Passenger  Commuter  Transit  Shared Use Transit  Tourist/Other 22. Average Passenger Train Count Per Day  Less Than One Per Day  Number Per Day_____ 23. Type of Land Use  Open Space  Farm  Residential  Commercial  Industrial  Institutional  Recreational  RR Yard 24. Is there an Adjacent Crossing with a Separate Number?  Yes  No If Yes, Provide Crossing Number __________________ 25. Quiet Zone (FRA provided)  No  24 Hr  Partial  Chicago Excused Date Established _________________ 26. HSR Corridor ID __________________ N/A 27. Latitude in decimal degrees (WGS84 std: nn.nnnnnnn) 28. Longitude in decimal degrees (WGS84 std: -nnn.nnnnnnn) 29. Lat/Long Source  Actual  Estimated 30.A. Railroad Use * 31.A. State Use * 30.B. Railroad Use * 31.B. State Use * 30.C. Railroad Use * 31.C. State Use * 30.D. Railroad Use * 31.D. State Use * 32.A. Narrative (Railroad Use) *32.B. Narrative (State Use) * 33. Emergency Notification Telephone No. (posted) _________________________________ 34. Railroad Contact (Telephone No.) ______________________________________ 35. State Contact (Telephone No.) _________________________________ Part II: Railroad Information 1. Estimated Number of Daily Train Movements 1.A. Total Day Thru Trains (6 AM to 6 PM) __________ 1.B. Total Night Thru Trains (6 PM to 6 AM) __________ 1.C. Total Switching Trains __________ 1.D. Total Transit Trains __________ 1.E. Check if Less Than One Movement Per Day  How many trains per week? ______ 2. Year of Train Count Data (YYYY) __________ 3. Speed of Train at Crossing 3.A. Maximum Timetable Speed (mph) __________ 3.B. Typical Speed Range Over Crossing (mph) From __________ to __________ 4. Type and Count of Tracks Main __________ Siding __________ Yard __________ Transit __________ Industry __________ 5. Train Detection (Main Track only)  Constant Warning Time  Motion Detection AFO  PTC  DC  Other  None 6. Is Track Signaled?  Yes  No 7.A. Event Recorder  Yes  No 7.B. Remote Health Monitoring  Yes  No FORM FRA F 6180.71 (Rev. 3/15) OMB approval expires 8/31/2019 Page 1 OF 2 8 09 23 2015 8 026821E North County Transportation District- Coaster [NCTC]CALIFORNIA SAN DIEGO CARLSBAD CARLSBAD VILLAGE DRIVE8 400 LOCAL STREET 8 8 ATK BNSF PSRR COASTAL SAN DIEGO COASTER 0229.30 106-2293 CP CARL 8 #N\A 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 50 8 8 8 8 33.1591000 -117.3486020 8 888-243-5247 760-966-6500 415-703-3722 32 12 6 0 90 2015 5 90 1 0 0 0 0 8 8 8 8 I I I FORM FRA F 6180.71 (Rev. 3/15) OMB approval expires 8/31/2019 Page 2 OF 2 U. S. DOT CROSSING INVENTORY FORM A. Revision Date (MM/DD/YYYY) PAGE 2 D. Crossing Inventory Number (7 char.) Part III: Highway or Pathway Traffic Control Device Information 1. Are there Signs or Signals?  Yes  No 2. Types of Passive Traffic Control Devices associated with the Crossing 2.A. Crossbuck Assemblies (count) 2.B. STOP Signs (R1-1) (count) 2.C. YIELD Signs (R1-2) (count) 2.D. Advance Warning Signs (Check all that apply; include count)  None  W10-1 ________  W10-3 ________  W10-11 __________  W10-2 ________  W10-4 ________  W10-12 __________ 2.E. Low Ground Clearance Sign (W10-5)  Yes (count_______)  No 2.F. Pavement Markings 2.G. Channelization Devices/Medians 2.H. EXEMPT Sign (R15-3)  Yes  No 2.I. ENS Sign (I-13) Displayed  Yes  No  Stop Lines  RR Xing Symbols Dynamic Envelope  None  All Approaches  One Approach  Median  None 2.J. Other MUTCD Signs  Yes  No 2.K. Private Crossing Signs (if private)  Yes  No 2.L. LED Enhanced Signs (List types) Specify Type _______________ Specify Type _______________ Specify Type _______________ Count __________ Count __________ Count __________ 3. Types of Train Activated Warning Devices at the Grade Crossing (specify count of each device for all that apply) 3.A. Gate Arms (count) Roadway _____ Pedestrian _____ 3.B. Gate Configuration 3.C. Cantilevered (or Bridged) Flashing Light Structures (count) 3.D. Mast Mounted Flashing Lights (count of masts) _________ 3.E. Total Count of Flashing Light Pairs  2 Quad  3 Quad  4 Quad  Full (Barrier) Resistance  Median Gates Over Traffic Lane _____ Not Over Traffic Lane _____  Incandescent  LED  Incandescent  Back Lights Included  LED  Side Lights Included 3.F. Installation Date of Current Active Warning Devices: (MM/YYYY) ______/___________  Not Required 3.G. Wayside Horn 3.H. Highway Traffic Signals Controlling Crossing  Yes  No 3.I. Bells (count)  Yes  No Installed on (MM/YYYY) ______/__________ 3.J. Non-Train Active Warning  Flagging/Flagman Manually Operated Signals  Watchman  Floodlighting  None 3.K. Other Flashing Lights or Warning Devices Count ___________ Specify type ______________________ 4.A. Does nearby Hwy Intersection have Traffic Signals?  Yes  No 4.B. Hwy Traffic Signal Interconnection  Not Interconnected  For Traffic Signals  For Warning Signs 4.C. Hwy Traffic Signal Preemption 5. Highway Traffic Pre-Signals  Yes  No 6. Highway Monitoring Devices (Check all that apply)  Yes - Photo/Video Recording  Yes – Vehicle Presence Detection  None  Simultaneous  Advance Storage Distance * ____________ Stop Line Distance * ____________ Part IV: Physical Characteristics 1. Traffic Lanes Crossing Railroad  One-way Traffic  Two-way Traffic Number of Lanes _______  Divided Traffic 2. Is Roadway/Pathway Paved?  Yes  No 3. Does Track Run Down a Street?  Yes  No 4. Is Crossing Illuminated? (Street lights within approx. 50 feet from nearest rail)  Yes  No 5. Crossing Surface (on Main Track, multiple types allowed) Installation Date * (MM/YYYY) _______/__________ Width * ______________ Length * _______________  1 Timber  2 Asphalt  3 Asphalt and Timber  4 Concrete  5 Concrete and Rubber  6 Rubber  7 Metal  8 Unconsolidated  9 Composite  10 Other (specify) ________________________________________________________ 6. Intersecting Roadway within 500 feet?  Yes  No If Yes, Approximate Distance (feet) _________________ 7. Smallest Crossing Angle  0° – 29°  30° – 59°  60° - 90° 8. Is Commercial Power Available? *  Yes  No Part V: Public Highway Information 1. Highway System  (01) Interstate Highway System  (02) Other Nat Hwy System (NHS)  (03) Federal AID, Not NHS  (08) Non-Federal Aid 2. Functional Classification of Road at Crossing  (0) Rural  (1) Urban  (1) Interstate  (5) Major Collector  (2) Other Freeways and Expressways  (3) Other Principal Arterial  (6) Minor Collector  (4) Minor Arterial  (7) Local 3. Is Crossing on State Highway System?  Yes  No 4. Highway Speed Limit ___________ MPH  Posted  Statutory 5. Linear Referencing System (LRS Route ID) * 6. LRS Milepost * 7. Annual Average Daily Traffic (AADT) Year _______ AADT _____________ 8. Estimated Percent Trucks ___________________ % 9. Regularly Used by School Buses?  Yes  No Average Number per Day ___________ 10. Emergency Services Route  Yes  No Submission Information - This information is used for administrative purposes and is not available on the public website. Submitted by __________________________________ Organization _______________________________________ Phone _______________ Date _____________ Public reporting burden for this information collection is estimated to average 30 minutes per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed and completing and reviewing the collection of information. According to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, a federal agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to, nor shall a person be subject to a penalty for failure to comply with, a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number. The valid OMB control number for information collection is 2130-0017. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection, including for reducing this burden to: Information Collection Officer, Federal Railroad Administration, 1200 New Jersey Ave. SE, MS-25 Washington, DC 20590. 09/23/2015 026821E 8 4 0 0 8 2 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 R8-8 2 4 8 0 4 8 8 0 8 0 6 88 8 2 8 0 8 8 8 8 4 8 88 8 8 10 100 8 100 8 8 8 8 8 25 8 8 1991 012030 15 8 8 I I I I PACIFIC SURFLINER® SAN LUIS OBISPO - LOS ANGELES - SAN DIEGO PACIFIC SURFLINER® SAN LUIS OBISPO - LOS ANGELES - SAN DIEGO Amtrak.com Effective October 8, 2018 SAN LUIS OBISPO - SANTA BARBARA VENTURA - LOS ANGELES ORANGE COUNTY - SAN DIEGO and intermediate stations Including CALIFORNIA COASTAL SERVICES connecting NORTHERN AND SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA Visit: PacificSurfliner.com Amtrak is a registered service mark of the National Railroad Passenger Corporation. National Railroad Passenger Corporation, Washington Union Station, 60 Massachusetts Ave. N.E., Washington, DC 20002. NRPS Form W31–10/8/18. Schedules subject to change without notice. Amtrak.com NOTE: Weekend Service Changes Amtrak is a registered service mark of the National Railroad Passenger Corporation. National Railroad Passenger Corporation, Washington Union Station, 60 Massachusetts Ave. N.E., Washington, DC 20002. NRPS Form W31–10/8/18. Schedules subject to change without notice. Effective October 8, 2018 SAN LUIS OBISPO - SANTA BARBARA VENTURA - LOS ANGELES ORANGE COUNTY - SAN DIEGO and intermediate stations Including CALIFORNIA COASTAL SERVICES connecting NORTHERN AND SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA Visit: PacificSurfliner.com ®® NOTE: Weekend Service Changes AN\TRAK p A C I F I C •.ys U R F L I N E R ~A.1\/lTRAK' See where the train can take you™ Service on Pacific Surfliner® Coaches: Unreserved (seating not guaranteed). Thruway Bus Connections require advance reservations.B Pacific Business class: Reserved seat service with complimentary beverages, light snacks and newspaper. Amtrak Metropolitan Lounge is available in Los Angeles for Pacific Business class passengers.y Sea View CaféSM: Sandwiches, snacks and beverages.l Checked baggage at select stations/trains; size restriction for carry on luggage is 28” x 22” x 11”. Consult Amtrak.com for latest baggage policies.å Wi-Fi available.O Bicycles: Most Pacific Surfliner trains have racks for seven bicycles located in the cab car, at the opposite end of the train from the locomotive. These slots are available by reservation only and are offered without charge. Passengers must properly secure their bicycles in the racks. For some train departures and on Thruway buses, reservations are not available and only a limited number of bicycles can be carried. When space is available, unboxed bicycles may be put in the baggage bin under connecting Thruway buses. Amtrak disclaims liability for loss or damage. Passengers connecting to Amtrak trains 2, 4, and 14 must obtain a bike reservation in advance. Carry on Trainside checked bike space is limited and a fee is required. Visit Amtrak.com/bikes for more information.#¶ Connection between Thruway bus and train at Los Angeles.$£ Connection between Thruway bus and train at Santa Barbara.$¢ Metrolink commuter train connection available. Separate ticket re quired. Call Metrolink at (800) 371-LINK for exact departure times.%∞ LEGOLAND is located 8 miles from Oceanside station. Transfers may be made at passenger’s expense.^∞ Thruway bus connection at San Luis Obispo Amtrak Station arrives Atascadero at 3:15 p.m. and Paso Robles at 3:35 p.m.^§ Connection between Thruway bus and train at San Luis Obispo Amtrak Station. &§ Thruway bus connects to San Joaquins trains at Bakersfield. (º Travel on this bus is reserved and must be part of an itinerary involving a train trip in one direction or the other. Also, the Los Angeles ticket office is open 30 minutes ahead of departure for night buses 5804 and 5818. (¡ Travel on this bus is reserved and must be part of an itinerary involving a train trip in one direction or the other. Since most stations are unstaffed at the hours the buses operate, advance reservations can be made and tickets purchased online at Amtrak.com or Amtrak Quik-Trak kiosks located at most stations. Reserved, ticketed customers have priority seating. Unreserved, ticketed passengers are carried on a space-available basis. The ticket office is open at Los Angeles, San Diego and Oceanside 30 minutes before the departure of the bus. Smoking is prohibited on trains and only permitted in designated areas at stations. The Pacific Surfliner is financed primarily through funds made available by the LOSSAN Agency through the California Department of Transportation. page 2 PACIFIC SURFLINER - Southbound Train Number4 5804 5818 562 1564 564 1566 566 768 572 1572 Normal Days of Operation 4 Daily Daily Daily SaSuHo Mo-Fr SaSuHo Mo-Fr Daily Mo-Fr SaSuHo Will Also Operate4 11/22,12/25,1/1 11/22,12/25,1/1 11/22,12/25,1/1 Will Not Operate4 11/22,12/25,1/1 11/22,12/25,1/1 11/22,12/25,1/1 On Board Service4 B y l å O B y l å O B y l å O B y l å O B y l å O B y l å O B y l å O B y l å O Mile Symbol 6SAN LUIS OBISPO, CA –Cal Poly 0 >v Dp b3 45A –Amtrak Station mC ∑w-b4 00AGrover Beach, CA 12 >w-b4 25A Santa Maria, CA–IHOP 24 >w b4 40A Guadalupe-Santa Maria, CA 25 >w- Lompoc-Surf Station, CA 51 > Lompoc, CA–Visitors Center 67 >w Solvang, CA 68 >w b5 15A Buellton, CA–Opposite Burger King 72 >v b5 25A Goleta, CA 110 >v-6 35A Santa Barbara, CA–UCSB 118 >wSANTA BARBARA, CA 119 ∑w-Ar b$£6 30A Dp l6 49A Carpinteria, CA 129 >w-7 04A Ventura, CA 145 >w-7 29A Oxnard, CA 155 ∑w-l7 43A Camarillo, CA 165 >w 7 54A Moorpark, CA 175 >v 8 08A Simi Valley, CA 186 >v 8 23A Chatsworth, CA 194 >v 8 40A Van Nuys, CA–Amtrak Station 203 ∑w-l8 56A Hollywood Burbank Airport, CA p 209 >w-9 04A Glendale, CA 216 >v 9 16ALOS ANGELES, CA p 222 ∑w-Ar l9 35A Dp b(º1 15A b(º3 15A l6 05A l6 52A l7 02A l8 19A l8 33A l9 55A l10 54A l11 20A Fullerton, CA 248 ∑w-bD1 50A bD3 50A l6 36A l7 23A l7 33A l8 50A l9 04A l10 26A l11 25A l11 51A Anaheim, CA (Disneyland®)253 ∑w-6 45A l7 31A l7 41A l8 58A l9 12A l10 34A l11 33A l11 59A Santa Ana, CA 258 ∑w-b2 05A bD4 05A 6 55A l7 40A l7 49A l9 07A l9 21A l10 43A l11 42A l12 08P Irvine, CA 268 ∑w-bD4 25A 7 08A 7 53A 8 02A 9 18A 9 32A 10 54A 11 55A 12 21P San Juan Capistrano, CA 280 ∑w-bD4 40A 7 23A 8 09A 8 22A 9 31A 9 46A 11 09A 12 15P 12 41P San Clemente, CA - Pier 288 > 9 48A 10 04A 11 22A Oceanside, CA (LEGOLAND®) %∞309 ∑w-bD5 15A 8 02A 8 42A 8 55A 10 19A 10 28A l11 47A l12 52P l1 15P Solana Beach, CA 325 ∑w-bD5 35A 8 18A 9 01A 9 14A 10 38A 10 42A 12 08P 1 08P 1 31P San Diego (Old Town), CA 347 >w-L8 50A L9 33A L9 46A L11 08A L11 13A L12 36P L1 40P L2 03PSAN DIEGO, CA p 350 ∑w-Ar b6 00A l8 58A l9 48A l10 01A l11 21A l11 23A l12 50P l1 52P l2 13P (Tijuana) PACIFIC SURFLINER SCHEDULES EFFECTIVE 10/8/18 SYMBOLS KEY D L R b p - Stops only to discharge passengers; train may leave before time shown. Stops to receive and discharge passengers; train may leave before time shown. Stops only to receive passengers. Thruway Bus stop Airport connection Quik-Trak self-serve ticketing kiosk > mC ∑ w v Unstaffed station California Station Hosts. See page 7. Staffed Station with ticket office; may or may not be open for all train departures. Station wheelchair accessible; no barriers between station and train. Station wheelchair accessible; not all station facilities accessible. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ , , , , y , , SHADING KEY Daytime train Connecting train Thruway and connecting services Pacific Surfliner Thruway Bus Connections See page 4 for Connecting Transit Services, page 5 for Airport Connections, and page 8 for Route Map. PACIFIC SURFLINER - Southbound page 3 Train Number4 774 580 782 584 1584 1590 590 792 796 5816 Normal Days of Operation 4 Daily Daily Daily Mo-Fr SaSuHo SaSuHo Mo-Fr Daily Daily Daily Will Also Operate4 11/22,12/25,1/1 11/22,12/25,1/1 Will Not Operate4 11/22,12/25,1/1 11/22,12/25,1/1 On Board Service4 B y l å O B y l å O B y l å O B y l å O B y l å O B y l å O B y l å O B y l å O B y l å O Mile Symbol 6SAN LUIS OBISPO, CA –Cal Poly 0 >v Dp b9 00A b1 15P b^§3 40P –Amtrak Station mC ∑w-l6 55A bl9 20A bl1 35P l4 15P Grover Beach, CA 12 >w-7 15A b9 45A b1 55P 4 35P Santa Maria, CA–IHOP 24 >w bR10 10A b2 15P Guadalupe-Santa Maria, CA 25 >w-7 31A 4 51P Lompoc-Surf Station, CA 51 >8 05A 5 29P Lompoc, CA–Visitors Center 67 >w bR10 55A Solvang, CA 68 >w bR11 25A b2 50P Buellton, CA–Opp. Burger King 72 >v bR11 35A b3 00P Goleta, CA 110 >v-9 13A 12 35P 4 25P 6 48P Santa Barbara, CA–UCSB 118 >w b(º11 10ASANTA BARBARA, CA 119 ∑w-Ar l9 24A b$£l12 30P b$£l4 15P l6 59P Dp l9 27A b(º11 40A l12 49P l4 40P l7 02P Carpinteria, CA 129 >w-9 42A 1 04P 4 55P 7 18P Ventura, CA 145 >w-10 04A b(º12 10P 1 26P 5 26P 7 40P Oxnard, CA 155 ∑w-l10 18A b(º12 35P l1 42P l5 40P l7 54P Camarillo, CA 165 >w 10 35A 1 53P 5 56P Moorpark, CA 175 >v 2 07P 6 25P Simi Valley, CA 186 >v 11 02A 2 22P 6 41P 8 39P Chatsworth, CA 194 >v 11 14A 2 39P 6 57P 8 51P Van Nuys, CA–Amtrak Station 203 ∑w-l11 28A l2 53P l7 09P l9 07P Hollywood Burbank Airport, CA p 209 >w-11 35A 3 01P 7 17P 9 14P Glendale, CA 216 >v 11 45A 3 11P 7 28P 9 24PLOS ANGELES, CA p 222 ∑w-Ar l12 15P b#¶2 20P l3 35P l7 47P l9 48P Dp l12 33P l2 58P l4 08P l5 15P l5 15P l6 46P l7 21P l8 15P l10 22P b(º11 20PFullerton, CA 248 ∑w-l1 04P l3 29P l4 39P l5 47P l5 47P l7 17P l7 52P l8 46P l10 53P bD11 55P Anaheim, CA (Disneyland®)253 ∑w-l1 12P 3 37P l4 47P 5 56P 5 56P l7 26P l8 00P l8 54P l11 01P Santa Ana, CA 258 ∑w-l1 21P 3 46P l4 56P 6 05P 6 05P l7 34P l8 09P l9 02P l11 10P b12 10A Irvine, CA 268 ∑w-1 34P 3 59P 5 09P 6 18P 6 18P 7 46P 8 22P 9 15P 11 21P San Juan Capistrano, CA 280 ∑w-1 49P 4 14P 5 24P 6 32P 6 32P 8 00P 8 38P 9 30P 11 36P San Clemente, CA - Pier 288 > Oceanside, CA (LEGOLAND®) %∞309 ∑w-l2 24P 4 52P l6 01P l7 06P l7 06P l8 45P l9 11P l10 05P l12 10A Solana Beach, CA 325 ∑w-2 43P 5 13P 6 20P 7 23P 7 20P 8 59P 9 35P 10 19P 12 26A San Diego (Old Town), CA 347 >w-L3 14P L5 42P L6 54P L7 53P L7 57P L9 27P L10 03P L10 47P L12 54ASAN DIEGO, CA p 350 ∑w-Ar l3 28P l5 50P l7 07P l8 09P l8 14P l9 46P l10 16P l11 03P l1 15A (Tijuana) PACIFIC SURFLINER SCHEDULES EFFECTIVE 10/8/18 Fullerton • Palm Springs • Indio 768/767/1767 782/579/1579 Connecting Train Number 767/1767/572/1572 782/785 4968 4984 Thruway Number 4967 4985 Daily Daily 6 Days of Operation 5 Daily Daily 11 00A 4 50P Dp Fullerton, CA–Trans. Ctr.Ar 10 05A 4 25PD11 50A D5 45P Riverside, CA–Metrolink Station R9 00A R3 25P D12 30P D6 25P Cabazon, CA–Morongo Casino R8 20A R2 35PPalm Springs, CAD1 00P D6 55P –Downtown SunLine Transit R7 50A R2 10P1 10P D7 00P Palm Springs, CA–Airport p R7 45A 2 00P D7 30P Palm Desert, CA–SunLine Transit R7 15AD7 40P La Quinta, CA–SunLine Transit R7 00A7 50P Ar Indio, CA–Behind Denny’s Dp 6 50A NOTE—All Pacific Surfliner Thruway Bus Connections above require advance reservations and may only be booked with a connecting train trip. See in San Diego Get to Top destinations from San Diego Santa Fe Depot and Old Town Transit Center Balboa Park and San Diego Zoo: MTS Rapid Bus Route 215 from Kettner Blvd. adjacent to Santa Fe Depot SeaWorld San Diego: From Old Town take MTS Route 9 (west side of station); From Santa Fe Depot take Green Line to Old Town and transfer to MTS Bus Route 9 International Border at San Ysidro (for Tijuana): From Santa Fe Depot cross Kettner Blvd. to America Plaza Station to MTS Blue Line Trolley Petco Park: MTS Green Line Trolley from Santa Fe Depot (or Old Town) to Gaslamp Quarter (headsign will read “Downtown SD”) San Diego County Credit Union Stadium: MTS Green Line Trolley from Old Town (or Santa Fe Depot) to San Diego County Credit Union Stadium (headsign may read “Santee”) San Diego Cruise Terminal/International Airport: MTS Route 992 bus runs from the Santa Fe Depot to the airport every 15 minutes seven days a week. Board on the corner of Broadway and Kettner (near Starbucks). The trip to the airport takes only 10 minutes. Exact change one-way fare is $2.25. The Cruise Terminal is also served by Route 992, but is only a three block walk from Santa Fe Depot. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ' ,. , Connect to Local Transit from Pacific Surfliner The Pacific Surfliner provides free connections to many bus and transit services near train stations. Simply show your valid Amtrak Pacific Surfliner paper ticket or e-Ticket to the driver when you board the bus or shuttle. You can also purchase a discounted one- day transit pass for Metro (Los Angeles) and MTS (San Diego) in the Café car. Visit PacificSurfliner.com for details. Connecting Transit Services in Southern California Metrolink provides commuter rail service from Los Angeles Union Station to the Antelope Valley, downtown Burbank, Oxnard, Riverside, San Bernardino and Orange County. It supplements Pacific Surfliner service between Oxnard and Oceanside. (800) 371-5465; metrolinktrains.com. Rail 2 Rail: The Rail 2 Rail program offers Pacific Surfliner monthly pass holders access to Metrolink and COASTER commuter trains within the station limits of their pass. Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority provides bus, subway, and light rail services in the Los Angeles area; Metro’s Red, Purple and Gold lines originate at Union Station and provide rail connections to Hollywood, Universal City and Pasadena. 323.GO.METRO; metro.net. North County Transit District operates the COASTER commuter rail service which supplements Pacific Surfliner service between San Diego and Oceanside including additional stops at Sorrento Valley, Solana Beach, Encinitas and Carlsbad. The Sprinter operates frequent rail service between Oceanside, Vista, San Marcos and Escondido. The Breeze also provides bus service at many Pacific Surfliner stations. (760) 966-6500; www.gonctd.com. San Diego Metropolitan Transit System operates bus and the San Diego Trolley service. Direct service to San Diego’s Santa Fe Depot and Old Town stations. (619) 233-3004; sdmts.com. Orange County Transportation Authority provides bus transit service throughout Orange County including Pacific Surfliner stations in Fullerton, Anaheim, Santa Ana, Irvine, San Juan Capistrano and San Clemente. (714) 636-7433; www.octa.net. Santa Barbara Metropolitan Transit District provides bus transit service in Santa Barbara County, including connections to the Downtown and Waterfront shuttles serving State Street, the Santa Barbara Zoo and Santa Barbara Harbor. (805) 963-3366; sbmtd.gov. Anaheim Resort Transit provides convenient bus connections from the Anaheim station to the Disneyland Resort and Anaheim Convention Center. (888) 364-2787; www.rideart.org. For a complete list of connecting public transit providers, visit PacificSurfliner.com. SHADING KEY Daytime train Connecting train Thruway and connecting services page 4 PACIFIC SURFLINER - Northbound Train Number4 5803 5813 759 561 1761 763 1565 565 1767 767 569 Normal Days of Operation 4 Daily Daily Mo-Fr Mo-Fr SaSuHo Daily SaSuHo Mo-Fr SaSuHo Mo-Fr Mo-Fr Will Also Operate4 11/22,12/25,1/1 11/22,12/25,1/1 11/22,12/25,1/1 Will Not Operate4 11/22,12/25,1/1 11/22,12/25,1/1 11/22,12/25,1/1 11/22,12/25,1/1 11/22,12/25,1/1 On Board Service4 B y å O B y l å O B y l å O B y l å O B y l å O B y l å O B y l å O B y l å O B y l å O Mile Symbol 6SAN DIEGO, CA p 0 ∑w-Dp l4 00A l4 40A l5 55A l6 45A l6 57A l8 05A l8 25A l9 43A (Tijuana) San Diego (Old Town), CA 3 >w-4 07A 4 47A 6 02A 6 52A 7 04A 8 12A 8 32A 9 50A Solana Beach, CA 26 ∑w-4 37A 5 17A 6 33A 7 25A 7 37A 8 46A 9 02A 10 23A Oceanside, CA (LEGOLAND®) %∞41 ∑w-4 53A l5 37A l6 57A l7 43A l7 55A l9 08A l9 23A l10 40A San Clemente, CA - Pier 63 > San Juan Capistrano, CA 70 ∑w-5 25A 6 09A 7 30A 8 18A 8 30A 9 44A 10 01A 11 17A Irvine, CA 83 ∑w-5 41A 6 25A 7 48A 8 34A 8 46A 9 59A 10 16A 11 31A Santa Ana, CA 92 ∑w-b(¡1 45A b(¡4 50A l5 52A l6 36A l7 59A l8 46A l8 58A l10 10A l10 27A l11 42A Anaheim, CA (Disneyland®) 97 ∑w-l6 02A l6 48A l8 08A l8 55A l9 07A l10 19A l10 36A l11 51A Fullerton, CA 102 ∑w-b(¡2 05A b(¡5 15A l6 11A l7 00A l8 16A l9 03A l9 15A l10 28A l10 45A l11 59ALOS ANGELES, CA p 128 ∑w-Ar b(¡2 45A b(¡6 05A l7 03A l7 30A l8 51A l9 44A l9 56A l11 08A l11 25A l12 34P Dp b(¡2 55A 4 09A $¢l7 50A l9 11A l11 48A l11 48A Glendale, CA 134 >v b(¡3 10A 4 22A $¢8 02A 9 23A 12 00N 12 00N Hollywood Burbank Airport, CA p 142 >w-b&§(¡3 25A 4 34A $¢8 12A 9 33A 12 10P 12 10P Van Nuys, CA–Amtrak Station 147 ∑w-4 44A $¢l8 21A l9 43A l12 20P l12 20P Chatsworth, CA 157 >v 5 06A $¢8 33A 9 55A 12 32P 12 32P Simi Valley, CA 164 >v 5 19A 8 45A 10 07A 12 44P 12 44P Moorpark, CA 175 >v 5 31A 8 57A 12 56P 12 56P Camarillo, CA 186 >w 5 46A 9 10A 10 31A Oxnard, CA 195 ∑w-5 58A l9 21A l10 44A l1 16P l1 16P Ventura, CA 205 >w-6 12A 9 35A 11 00A 1 30P 1 30P Carpinteria, CA 221 >w-6 34A 10 06A 11 22A 1 52P 1 52PSANTA BARBARA, CA 232 ∑w-Ar L6 47A lL10 19A l11 41A lL2 13P lL2 13P Dp b$£6 55A b$£10 30A l11 44A b2 25P b2 25P Santa Barbara, CA–UCSB 233 >w Goleta, CA 241 >v-7 16A 10 43A 11 56A 2 32P 2 32P Solvang, CA 267 >w b7 45A b11 20A bD3 20P bD3 20P Buellton, CA–Opp. Burger King 271 >v b7 55A b11 30A bD3 30P bD3 30P Lompoc, CA–Visitors Center 284 >w bD4 00P bD4 00P Lompoc-Surf Station, CA 300 >1 08P Guadalupe-Santa Maria, CA 326 >w-1 44P bD4 35P bD4 35P Santa Maria, CA–IHOP 327 >w b8 25A b12 00N bD3 50P bD3 50P Grover Beach, CA 338 >w-b8 45A b12 20P 2 01P bD4 55P bD4 55PSAN LUIS OBISPO, CA l2 30P –Amtrak Station 350 mC ∑w-Ar b9 10A bl12 45P b^∞2 40P bl4 35P bl4 35P –Cal Poly >v Ar b9 25A b1 00P b2 50P b4 55P b4 55P PACIFIC SURFLINER SCHEDULES EFFECTIVE 10/8/18 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 1 , ' Se e p a g e s 2 - 3 f o r S e r v i c e s a n d Sy m b o l s K e y . S e e p a g e 8 f o r Ro u t e M a p . Pa c i f i c S u r f l i n e r T h r u w a y B u s C o n n e c t i o n s y Se a V i e w C a f éSM Vi s i t t h e o n b o a r d Se a V i e w C a f é an d c h e c k o u t ou r u p d a t e d m e n u , f e a t u r i n g fr e s h s a l a d s a n d s a n d w i c h e s , sn a c k s , l o c a l c r a f t b e e r , co c k t a i l s , w i n e a n d m o r e ! PAC I F I C S U R F L I N E R - N o r t h b o u n d pa g e 5 Tr a i n N u m b e r 4 15 6 9 5 7 3 1 5 7 3 7 7 7 1 5 7 9 5 7 9 5 8 3 7 8 5 5 9 1 5 9 5 5 8 1 1 No r m a l D a y s o f O p e r a t i o n 4 Sa S u H o Mo - F r Sa S u H o Da i l y Sa S u H o Mo - F r D a i l y D a i l y D a i l y D a i l y D a i l y Wi l l A l s o O p e r a t e 4 11 / 2 2 , 12 / 2 5 , 1 / 1 11 / 2 2 , 12 / 2 5 , 1 / 1 11 / 2 2 , 12 / 2 5 , 1 / 1 Wi l l N o t O p e r a t e 4 11 / 2 2 , 12 / 2 5 , 1 / 1 11 / 2 2 , 12 / 2 5 , 1 / 1 On B o a r d S e r v i c e 4 B y l å O B y l å O B y l å O B y l å O B y l å O B y l å O B y l å O B y l å O B y l å O B y l å O Mi l e S y m b o l 6 SA N D I E G O , C A p 0 ∑w - Dp l9 4 3 A l10 4 5 A l10 5 1 A l12 0 5 P l1 3 0 P l1 3 5 P l2 5 0 P l3 5 8 P l6 4 3 P l8 5 7 P b( ¡ 9 4 0 P ( T i j u a n a ) Sa n D i e g o ( O l d T o w n ) , C A 3 >w - 9 5 0 A 1 0 5 2 A 1 0 5 8 A 12 1 2 P 1 3 7 P 1 4 2 P 2 5 7 P 4 0 5 P 6 5 0 P 9 0 4 P So l a n a B e a c h , C A 26 ∑w - 10 2 3 A 1 1 2 2 A 1 1 3 1 A 12 4 3 P 2 1 1 P 2 1 6 P 3 3 1 P 4 3 6 P 7 2 3 P 9 3 5 P b( ¡ 10 1 0 P Oc e a n s i d e , C A (L E G O L A N D ®) %∞ 41 ∑w - l10 4 0 A 1 1 4 6 A 1 1 5 1 A l1 0 0 P 2 2 9 P 2 3 6 P l3 4 8 P l4 5 3 P 7 4 3 P 9 5 3 P b( ¡ 10 4 0 P Sa n C l e m e n t e , C A - P i e r 63 > 4 1 0 P 5 1 9 P Sa n J u a n C a p i s t r a n o , C A 70 ∑w - 11 2 1 A 12 2 3 P 1 2 2 2 P 1 3 3 P 3 0 1 P 3 0 8 P 4 2 5 P 5 3 4 P 8 1 6 P 1 0 2 6 P b( ¡ 11 1 5 P Ir v i n e , C A 83 ∑w - 11 3 5 A 12 3 7 P 1 2 3 6 P 1 4 8 P 3 1 6 P 3 2 3 P 4 4 2 P 5 4 9 P 8 3 1 P 1 0 4 1 P b( ¡ 11 3 0 P Sa n t a A n a , C A 92 ∑w - l11 4 6 A 12 4 8 P 1 2 4 7 P l1 5 9 P l3 2 7 P l3 3 4 P 4 5 5 P l6 0 0 P 8 4 2 P 1 0 5 2 P b( ¡ 11 5 0 P An a h e i m , C A (D i s n e y l a n d ®) 97 ∑w - l11 5 5 A 12 5 8 P 1 2 5 7 P l2 0 8 P l3 3 6 P l3 4 3 P 5 0 5 P l6 1 0 P 8 5 1 P 1 1 0 1 P Fu l l e r t o n , C A 10 2 ∑w - l12 0 3 P l1 0 8 P l1 0 7 P l2 1 6 P l3 4 5 P l3 5 2 P l5 1 7 P l6 2 0 P l9 0 0 P 1 1 1 0 P b( ¡ 12 1 0 A LO S A N G E L E S , C A p 12 8 ∑w - Ar l12 3 8 P l1 4 3 P l1 4 6 P l2 5 1 P l4 2 9 P l4 3 6 P l5 5 4 P l6 5 7 P l9 3 5 P l11 5 0 P b( ¡ 12 5 5 A Dp l3 0 6 P l7 1 6 P b# ¶ 9 5 0 P b( ¡ 1 1 0 A Gl e n d a l e , C A 13 4 >v 3 1 8 P 7 2 8 P b10 0 5 P b1 2 5 A Ho l l y w o o d B u r b a n k A i r p o r t , C A p 14 2 >w - 3 2 8 P 7 3 8 P b& § ( ¡ 1 4 0 A Va n N u y s , C A –A m t r a k S t a t i o n 14 7 ∑w - l3 3 8 P l7 4 8 P b10 3 0 P Ch a t s w o r t h , C A 15 7 >v 3 5 0 P 8 0 0 P bD1 0 5 0 P Si m i V a l l e y , C A 16 4 >v 4 0 2 P 8 1 2 P bD1 1 1 0 P Mo o r p a r k , C A 17 5 >v bD1 1 2 5 P Ca m a r i l l o , C A 18 6 >w 4 2 8 P 8 3 6 P bD1 1 3 5 P Ox n a r d , C A 19 5 ∑w - l4 3 9 P l8 4 7 P bD1 1 4 5 P Ve n t u r a , C A 20 5 >w - 4 5 8 P 9 0 1 P bD1 1 5 9 P Ca r p i n t e r i a , C A 22 1 >w - 5 2 2 P 9 2 3 P bD12 1 5 A SA N T A B A R B A R A , C A 23 2 ∑w - Ar l5 4 1 P lL9 5 1 P bD12 3 5 A Dp l5 4 4 P b$ £ 10 0 0 P Sa n t a B a r b a r a , C A –U C S B 23 3 >w b12 5 5 A Go l e t a , C A 24 1 >v - 5 5 6 P 10 0 4 P So l v a n g , C A 26 7 >w bD1 0 4 5 P Bu e l l t o n , C A –O p p . B u r g e r K i n g 27 1 >v bD1 0 5 0 P Lo m p o c , C A –V i s i t o r s C e n t e r 28 4 >w Lo m p o c - S u r f S t a t i o n , C A 30 0 > 7 0 2 P Gu a d a l u p e - S a n t a M a r i a , C A 32 6 >w - 7 3 8 P Sa n t a M a r i a , C A –I H O P 32 7 >w bD1 1 3 0 P Gr o v e r B e a c h , C A 33 8 >w - 7 5 5 P b11 5 5 P SA N L U I S O B I S P O , C A l8 3 6 P – A m t r a k S t a t i o n 35 0 mC ∑w - Ar b^ § 8 4 0 P b12 2 0 A – C a l P o l y >v Ar b8 5 0 P b12 3 5 A PA C I F I C S U R F L I N E R S C H E D U L E S E F F E C T I V E 1 0 / 8 / 1 8 Lo s A n g e l e s • L o n g B e a c h • S a n P e d r o 57 3 7 7 7 5 8 3 7 8 5 Co n n e c t i n g T r a i n N u m b e r 56 4 7 6 8 7 7 4 5 8 0 57 1 0 5 7 1 2 5 7 1 4 5 7 0 2 Th r u w a y N u m b e r 57 1 3 5 7 1 5 5 7 1 7 5 7 1 9 Da i l y D a i l y D a i l y D a i l y 6 Da y s o f O p e r a t i o n 5 Da i l y D a i l y D a i l y D a i l y 2 4 0 P 4 3 0 P 6 3 5 P 9 1 5 P Dp Lo s A n g e l e s , C A –U n i o n S t a t i o n p Ar 5 4 5 A 8 4 5 A 1 1 3 0 A 1 3 5 P D3 3 5 P D 5 2 5 P D 7 3 0 P D 1 0 1 0 P Ar Lo n g B e a c h , C A –Tr a n s i t G a l l e r y Dp 4 2 5 A 7 2 5 A 1 0 2 5 A 12 3 5 P D3 5 0 P D 5 4 0 P D 7 4 5 P D 1 0 2 5 P Sa n P e d r o , C A –Ca t a l i n a T e r m i n a l 4 1 0 A 7 1 0 A 1 0 1 0 A 12 2 0 P 4 0 5 P 5 5 5 P 8 0 0 P 1 0 4 0 P Ar –L i b r a r y Dp 4 0 0 A 7 0 0 A 1 0 0 0 A 12 1 0 P NO T E — A l l Pa c i f i c S u r f l i n e r T h r u w a y B u s C o n n e c t i o n s a b o v e r e q u i r e a d v a n c e r e s e r v a t i o n s a n d m a y o n l y b e b o o k e d wi t h a c o n n e c t i n g t r a i n t r i p . Ai r p o r t C o n n e c t i o n s Lo s A n g e l e s I n t e r n a t i o n a l A i r p o r t Fl y A w a y b u s s e r v i c e o p e r a t e s d i r e c t l y f r o m L o s A n g e l e s U n i o n S t a t i o n t o a l l t e r m i n a l s o f Lo s A n g e l e s I n t e r n a t i o n a l A i r p o r t . F r e q u e n t s e r v i c e 2 4 h o u r s a d a y . T r a v e l t i m e i s 4 0 - 4 5 m i n u t e s . Re s e r v a t i o n s a r e n o t r e q u i r e d . T i c k e t s a r e a v a i l a b l e a t F l y A w a y t i c k e t b o o t h n e a r b e r t h 1 o f th e P a t s a o u r a s T r a n s i t P l a z a o n t h e e a s t s i d e o f U n i o n S t a t i o n . C r e d i t a n d d e b i t c a r d s o n l y a r e ac c e p t e d , n o c a s h . F o r f u r t h e r i n f o r m a t i o n , i n c l u d i n g p u r c h a s i n g t i c k e t s o n l i n e , l i m i t e d s e r v i c e fr o m V a n N u y s a n d W e s t w o o d ( U C L A ) , e t c . , g o t o l a w a . o r g / f l y a w a y o r c a l l ( 8 6 6 ) 4 3 5 - 9 5 2 9 . Ho l l y w o o d B u r b a n k A i r p o r t Th e H o l l y w o o d B u r b a n k A i r p o r t t r a i n s t a t i o n / T h r u w a y bu s s t o p i s o n e s h o r t b l o c k f r o m t h e m a i n a i r t e r m i n a l . Sh u t t l e s e r v i c e b e t w e e n t h e s t a t i o n a n d a i r p o r t t e r m i n a l is a v a i l a b l e o n c a l l f r o m t h e c o u r t e s y t e l e p h o n e o n t h e sid e w a l k b y t h e E m p i r e A v e n u e c r o s s w a l k . R e n t a l c a r ag e n c i e s a r e l o c a t e d b e t w e e n t h e s t a t i o n a n d a i r p o r t . ----~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Service on California Coastal Routes *§ For detailed service information for the Pacific Surfliner between San Luis Obispo and San Diego, please refer to pages 2-5.*• For detailed service information for the Coast Starlight between Seattle and Los Angeles, please visit Amtrak.com.*ª Train departs Oakland two minutes after arrival and makes connection with southbound coastal bus at San Jose.* Train 767 operates earlier on Saturdays, Sundays and Holidays as Train 1767. See schedule on page 4. page 6 CALIFORNIA COASTAL ROUTES - Southbound Train Name4*∞ *§ *• Capitol Corridor Capitol Corridor Pacific Surfliner Capitol Corridor Capitol Corridor Coast Starlight Capitol Corridor Capitol Corridor Capitol CorridorPacific Surfliner Pacific Surfliner Pacific Surfliner Pacific Surfliner Pacific Surfliner Pacific Surfliner Pacific Surfliner Train Number4 549/768 749/768 782 523/792 792 11/796 527/796 727/796 537/737 Normal Days of Operation4 Mo-Fr&¢SaSuHo&¢Daily Mo-Fr SaSuHo Daily Mo-Fr SaSuHo Daily On Board Service4 B y l å O B y l å O B y l å O B y l å O B y l å O R l r y O B y l å O B y l å O y å O Mile Symbol 6SACRAMENTO, CA 0 mC ∑w-Dp 6 55P 7 35P 5 30A l6 35A 7 05A 8 10A 12 10P Davis, CA 13 mC ∑w-7 10P 7 50P 5 45A l6 50A 7 20A 8 25A 12 25P Fairfield-Vacaville, CA 35 >w-7 30P 8 10P 6 05A 7 40A 8 45A 12 45P Suisun-Fairfield, CA 40 >w-7 37P 8 17P 6 12A 7 47A 8 52A 12 52P Martinez, CA 57 mC ∑w-7 56P 8 36P 6 31A l7 34A 8 06A 9 11A 1 11P Richmond, CA 76 >v-8 22P 9 02P 6 57A 8 32A 9 37A 1 37P Berkeley, CA 82 >w-8 30P 9 10P 7 05A 8 40A 9 45A 1 45P Emeryville, CA 84 mC ∑w-8 35P 9 15P blR4 55A 7 10A l8 20A 8 45A 9 50A 1 50POAKLAND, CA 89 mC ∑w-Ar D8 43P 9 34P *ª7 19A 8 35A *ª8 53A *ª9 59A 1 58P –Jack London Square Dp b&¢10 00P b&¢10 00P blR4 40A bl7 25A bl7 25A l8 50A bl9 25A bl9 25A 1 59POakland Coliseum, CA.94 >v 7 28A 9 03A 10 08A 2 08P San Francisco, CA–Transbay Term.mC ∑w-bl10 35P bl10 35P blR5 20A blR7 55A blR7 55A blR7 45A blR9 55A blR9 55A Hayward, CA 102 >w- 7 39A 9 14A 10 19A 2 19P Fremont-Centerville, CA 114 >w-7 55A 9 30A 10 35A 2 35P Santa Clara, CA–Great America 125 >v-8 12A 9 47A 10 52A 2 52P Santa Clara, CA–University Sta. 128 >8 20A 9 55A 11 00A 3 00PSAN JOSE, CA 132 mC ∑w-Ar b11 40P b11 40P b6 15A 8 38A 9 55A 10 18A 11 18A 3 18P Dp b11 45P b11 45P bl6 20A bl9 10A bl9 10A l10 07A b11 20A b11 20A b3 25P Salinas, CA 203 ∑w b12 45A b12 45A b7 30A bl10 25A bl10 25A l11 48A b12 25P b12 25P b4 40P King City, CA–McDonald’s >w bM2 15A bM2 15A bM8 50A bM11 45A bM11 45A b2 00P b2 00P bMD5 35P Paso Robles, CA 300 >w b3 15A b3 15A ^•b9 45A b12 40P b12 40P 1 38P b2 55P b2 55P bD6 20P Atascadero, CA–Transit Center 310 >b3 10P b3 10P San Luis Obispo, CA–Cal Poly 334 >v b3 45A b3 45A bR9 00A b1 15P b1 15P b3 40P b3 40P bD6 55PSAN LUIS OBISPO, CA 335 mC ∑w-Ar b3 55A b3 55A bl10 25A bl1 25P bl1 25P 3 07P b3 50P b3 50P b7 00P Dp b4 00A b4 00A bl10 30A bl1 35P bl1 35P l3 20P 4 15P 4 15P b7 10P Grover Beach, CA 348 >w-b4 25A b4 25A b9 45A b1 55P b1 55P 4 35P 4 35P bD7 30P Santa Maria, CA–IHOP 360 >w b4 40A b4 40A bR10 10A b2 15P b2 15P bD7 55P Guadalupe-Santa Maria, CA 361 >w- 4 51P 4 51P Lompoc-Surf Station, CA 388 >5 29P 5 29P Lompoc, CA–Visitors Center 404 >w bR10 55A Solvang, CA–Solvang Park 436 >w b5 15A b5 15A bR11 25A b2 50P b2 50P bD8 30P Buellton, CA–Opposite Burger King >v b5 25A b5 25A bR11 35A b3 00P b3 00P bD8 35P Goleta, CA 447 >v-R6 35A R6 35A R12 35P R4 25P R4 25P 6 48P 6 48P Santa Barbara, CA–UCSB 455 >w b9 10PSANTA BARBARA, CA 456 ∑w-Ar bl6 30A bl6 30A bl12 30P bl4 15P bl4 15P l5 55P 6 59P 6 59P b9 30P Dp l6 49A l6 49A l12 49P l4 40P l4 40P l6 02P l7 02P l7 02P Carpinteria, CA 466 >w-7 04A 7 04A 1 04P 4 55P 4 55P 7 18P 7 18P Ventura, CA 482 >w-7 29A 7 29A 1 26P 5 26P 5 26P 7 40P 7 40P Oxnard, CA 492 ∑w-l7 43A l7 43A l1 42P l5 40P l5 40P lD7 05P l7 54P l7 54P Camarillo, CA 502 >w 7 54A 7 54A 1 53P 5 56P 5 56P Moorpark, CA 512 >v 8 08A 8 08A 2 07P 6 25P 6 25P Simi Valley, CA 523 >v 8 23A 8 23A 2 22P 6 41P 6 41P D7 48P 8 39P 8 39P Chatsworth, CA 531 >v 8 40A 8 40A 2 39P 6 57P 6 57P 8 51P 8 51P Van Nuys, CA–Amtrak Station 540 ∑w-l8 56A l8 56A l2 53P l7 09P l7 09P lD8 22P l9 07P l9 07P Hollywood Burbank Airport, CA p 546 >w-9 04A 9 04A 3 01P 7 17P 7 17P D8 31P 9 14P 9 14P Glendale, CA 553 >v 9 16A 9 16A 3 11P 7 28P 7 28P 9 24P 9 24PLOS ANGELES, CA p 559 ∑w-Ar l9 35A l9 35A l3 35P l7 47P l7 47P l9 00P l9 48P l9 48P Dp l9 55A l9 55A l4 08P l8 15P l8 15P l10 22P l10 22P l10 22P Fullerton, CA 585 ∑w-l10 26A l10 26A l4 39P l8 46P l8 46P l10 53P l10 53P l10 53P Anaheim, CA (Disneyland®)590 ∑w l10 34A l10 34A l4 47P l8 54P l8 54P l11 01P l11 01P l11 01P Santa Ana, CA 595 ∑w-l10 43A l10 43A 4 56P l9 02P l9 02P l11 10P l11 10P l11 10P Irvine, CA 605 ∑w-10 54A 10 54A 5 09P 9 15P 9 15P 11 21P 11 21P 11 21P San Juan Capistrano, CA 617 ∑w-11 09A 11 09A 5 24P 9 30P 9 30P 11 36P 11 36P 11 36P San Clemente, CA - Pier 625 >11 22A 11 22A Oceanside, CA (LEGOLAND®) %∞646 ∑w-l11 47A l11 47A l6 01P l10 05P l10 05P l12 10A l12 10A l12 10A Solana Beach, CA 662 ∑w-12 08P 12 08P 6 20P 10 19P 10 19P 12 26A 12 26A 12 26A San Diego (Old Town), CA 684 >w-L12 36P L12 36P L6 54P L10 47P L10 47P L12 54A L12 54A L12 54A SAN DIEGO, CA p 687 ∑w-Ar l12 50P l12 50P l7 07P l11 03P l11 03P l1 15A l1 15A l1 15A CAPITOL CORRIDOR SCHEDULES EFFECTIVE 5/7/18. PACIFIC SURFLINER SCHEDULES EFFECTIVE 10/8/18. M Meal stop.%∞ LEGOLAND is located 8 miles from Oceanside station. Transfers may be made at passenger’s expense.^• Bus 4782 operates express service to Santa Barbara via San Luis Obispo.*∞ For detailed service information for the Capitol Corridor between Reno and San Jose, please refer to our corresponding timetable folder (W34). Smoking is prohibited on trains and only permitted in designated areas at stations. See pages 2-3 for Services and Symbols Key; page 4-5 for Amenites; and page 8 for Route Map. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 1 , 1 , 0 y II , , , , ' , 1 ' , I CALIFORNIA COASTAL ROUTES - Northbound page 7 SHADING KEY Daytime train Overnight train Thruway and connecting services mC California Station Hosts The Station Host Association of California is a volunteer organization that assists rail passengers, meeting and greeting them at eleven California stations, and helping them with schedules, boarding, and general inquiries. For more information, visit www.stationhost.org. Train Name4*∞ *§ *•Capitol Corridor Pacific Surfliner Capitol Corridor Pacific Surfliner Pacific Surfliner Pacific Surfliner Pacific Surfliner Pacific Surfliner Pacific Surfliner Pacific Surfliner Capitol Corridor Capitol Corridor Capitol Corridor CoastStarlight Capitol Corridor Capitol Corridor Train Number4 732 759/538 538 1761/744 763/748 763/14 767 777 785/522 785/720 Normal Days of Operation4 SaSuHo Mo-Fr Mo-Fr SaSuHo SaSuHo Daily Daily* Daily Mo-Fr SaSuHo On Board Service4 y å O y å O y å O B y l å O B y l å O R l r y O B y l å O B y l å O B y l å O B y l å O Mile Symbol 6SAN DIEGO, CA p 0 ∑w-Dp l4 40A l5 55A l5 55A l8 25A l12 05P l3 58P l3 58P San Diego (Old Town), CA 3 >w-4 47A 6 02A 6 02A 8 32A 12 12P 4 05P 4 05P Solana Beach, CA 26 ∑w-5 17A 6 33A 6 33A 9 02A 12 43P 4 36P 4 36P Oceanside, CA (LEGOLAND®) %∞41 ∑w-5 37A l6 57A l6 57A l9 23A l1 00P l4 53P l4 53P San Clemente, CA - Pier 63 > 5 19P 5 19P San Juan Capistrano, CA 70 ∑w-6 09A 7 30A 7 30A 10 01A 1 33P 5 34P 5 34P Irvine, CA 83 ∑w-6 25A 7 48A 7 48A 10 16A 1 48P 5 49P 5 49P Santa Ana, CA 92 ∑w-l6 36A l7 59A l7 59A l10 27A l1 59P l6 00P l6 00P Anaheim, CA (Disneyland®)97 ∑w l6 48A l8 08A l8 08A l10 36A l2 08P 6 10P 6 10P Fullerton, CA 102 ∑w-l7 00A l8 16A l8 16A l10 45A l2 16P l6 20P l6 20PLOS ANGELES, CA p 128 ∑w-Ar l7 30A l8 51A l8 51A l11 25A l2 51P l6 57P l6 57P Dp 4 09A l7 50A l9 11A l10 10A l11 48A l3 06P l7 16P l7 16P Glendale, CA 134 >v 4 22A 8 02A 9 23A 12 00N 3 18P 7 28P 7 28P Hollywood Burbank Airport, CA p 142 >w-4 34A 8 12A 9 33A R10 29A 12 10P 3 28P 7 38P 7 38P Van Nuys, CA–Amtrak Station 147 ∑w-4 44A l8 21A l9 43A lR10 40A l12 20P l3 38P l7 48P l7 48P Chatsworth, CA 157 >v 5 06A 8 33A 9 55A 12 32P 3 50P 8 00P 8 00P Simi Valley, CA 164 >v 5 19A 8 45A 10 07A R11 11A 12 44P 4 02P 8 12P 8 12P Moorpark, CA 175 >v 5 31A 8 57A 12 56P Camarillo, CA 186 >w 5 46A 9 10A 10 31A 4 28P 8 36P 8 36P Oxnard, CA 195 ∑w-5 58A l9 21A l10 44A l11 44A l1 16P l4 39P l8 47P l8 47P Ventura, CA 205 >w-6 12A 9 35A 11 00A 1 30P 4 58P 9 01P 9 01P Carpinteria, CA 221 >w-6 34A 10 06A 11 22A 1 52P 5 22P 9 23P 9 23PSANTA BARBARA, CA 232 ∑w-Ar L6 47A lL10 19A l11 41A l12 33P lL2 13P l5 41P lL9 51P lL9 51P Dp b6 05A b6 55A b7 55A bl10 30A l11 44A l12 40P b2 25P l5 44P b10 00P b10 00PSanta Barbara, CA–UCSB 233 >w b6 25A b8 15A Goleta, CA 241 >v-D7 16A D10 43A 11 56A 2 32P 5 56P D10 04P D10 04P Solvang, CA–Solvang Park 279 >w b7 45A b11 20A bD3 20P bD10 45P bD10 45P Buellton, CA–Opposite Burger King >v b7 55A b11 30A bD3 30P bD10 50P bD10 50P Lompoc, CA–Visitors Center 288 >w bD4 00P Lompoc-Surf Station, CA 300 >1 08P 7 02P Guadalupe-Santa Maria, CA 326 >w-1 44P bD4 35P 7 38P Santa Maria, CA–IHOP 327 >w b7 30A b8 25A b9 25A bD12 00N bD3 50P bD11 30P bD11 30P Grover Beach, CA 338 >w-b8 00A b8 45A b9 55A b12 20P 2 01P bD4 55P 7 55P b11 55P b11 55PSAN LUIS OBISPO, CA 350 mC ∑w-Ar b8 20A b9 10A b10 15A b12 45P l2 30P 3 22P bl4 35P l8 36P b12 20A b12 20A Dp b8 25A b9 15A b10 20A bl12 50P bl2 40P l3 35P bl4 45P b8 40P b12 25A b12 25ASan Luis Obispo, CA–Cal Poly 351 >v b8 30A b9 25A b10 25A b1 00P b2 50P b4 50P bD8 50P b12 35A b12 35A Atascadero, CA–Transit Center 375 >b3 15P bD9 10P Paso Robles, CA 385 >w b9 05A b9 55A b11 00A bl1 30P b3 35P 4 37P b5 25P b9 25P b1 05A b1 05A King City, CA–McDonald’s >w bM10 10A bM11 20A bM12 05P bM2 55P bM5 00P bM6 50P bM2 30A bM2 30A Salinas, CA 483 ∑w b11 15A b12 10P b1 10P bl3 40P bl6 00P l6 28P b7 40P b3 15A b3 15ASAN JOSE, CA 554 mC ∑w-Ar b12 50P b1 20P b2 45P blD4 55P blD7 15P 8 11P blD8 40P Dp 1 05P 3 10P 3 10P 6 40P 9 10P l8 23P b4 25A b4 25ASanta Clara, CA–University Sta. 561 >1 11P 3 16P 3 16P 6 46P 9 16P Santa Clara, CA–Great America 564 >v-1 18P 3 23P 3 23P 6 53P 9 23P Fremont-Centerville, CA 573 >w-1 35P 3 40P 3 40P 7 10P 9 40P Hayward, CA 585 >w-1 50P 3 56P 3 56P 7 25P 9 55P San Francisco, CA–Transbay Term.mC ∑w-bD2 30P bD2 30P blD6 05P blD8 25P blD10 05P blD9 45P bD5 40A bD5 40A Oakland Coliseum, CA 593 >v 2 00P 4 06P 4 06P 7 35P 10 05POAKLAND, CA 598 mC ∑w-Ar 2 07P 4 13P 4 13P bl6 35P blD8 55P 9 24P bD10 15P b6 10A b6 10A –Jack London Square Dp 2 08P 4 14P 4 14P 7 43P 10 13P l9 39P 6 25A 8 15A Emeryville, CA 603 mC ∑w-2 17P 4 23P 4 23P 7 52P 10 22P l10 04P bD10 05P 6 34A 8 24A Berkeley, CA 604 >w-2 21P 4 27P 4 27P 7 56P 10 26P 6 38A 8 28A Richmond, CA 610 >v-2 28P 4 34P 4 34P 8 03P 10 33P 6 45A 8 35A Martinez, CA 630 mC ∑w-2 54P 5 00P 5 00P 8 29P 10 59P l10 46P 7 11A 9 01A Suisun-Fairfield, CA 647 >w-3 13P 5 19P 5 19P 8 48P 11 18P 7 30A 9 20A Fairfield-Vacaville, CA 652 >w-3 20P 5 26P 5 26P 8 55P 11 25P 7 37A 9 27A Davis, CA 674 mC ∑w-3 40P 5 46P 5 46P 9 15P 11 45P l11 25P 7 57A 9 47ASACRAMENTO, CA 687 mC ∑w-Ar 4 14P 6 24P 6 24P 9 49P 12 19A l11 59P 8 25A 10 15A CAPITOL CORRIDOR SCHEDULES EFFECTIVE 5/7/18. PACIFIC SURFLINER SCHEDULES EFFECTIVE 10/8/18. Pacific Surfliner Unreserved Coach Seating Coach seating on the Pacific Surfliner is unreserved; seats are occupied on a first come, first served basis. Unreserved coach seating is not guaranteed; reserved seating is available in Pacific Business class. - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 11 ' ' " t 11 , 11 , 11 , 5 5 8 5 15 40 10 101 395 395 395 50 1 1 5 5 80 101 101 101 101 1 1 99 58 41 41 17 99 5 15 15 140 YosemiteValley Salinas Guadalupe Surf Lompoc Seaside Prunedale SolvangBuellton Sparks Redding Carmel Monterey King City Paso Robles Atascadero Lemoore Kettleman City Marysville Madera Corcoran Mariposa MidpinesEl Portal CoarsegoldOakhurst Fish Camp Crane Flat White Wolf TuolumneMeadows June Lake MammothLakes Lee Vining McKinleyville Chico Hanford Visalia Fresno Wasco GoshenJunction Eureka Fortuna Willits Arcata Santa Maria Grover Beach Truckee Colfax Stateline, CA/NV Ukiah Rio Dell-Scotia Laytonville Leggett Cloverdale Garberville Red Bluff Oroville Rocklin Dunsmuir Stockton Elk Grove Santa Clara Great AmericaFremontPleasanton Dublin-Pleasanton LivermoreVasco Road Tracy Lathrop-Manteca Hayward Martinez Santa Cruz Scotts Valley Modesto Merced Turlock- Denair Lodi Davis Antioch Napa Vallejo Placerville Rohnert Park Petaluma RichmondBerkeley Roseville Morgan Hill Gilroy Emeryville Carpinteria VenturaOxnard Goleta(UCSB) South LakeTahoe Mojave Barstow Tehachapi Solana Beach Old Town PalmDesert La Quinta Cabazon Camarillo Perris Ontario Pomona Claremont PasadenaLa Crescenta SantaClarita/Newhall MorenoValley Riverside HemetSunCity Victorville San Bernardino San PedroLong Beach PalmdaleLittlerock Lancaster Fillmore Moorpark SimiValley Burbank Airport Glendale Chatsworth Van Nuys SantaPaula Anaheim San Clemente Oceanside San Juan Capistrano Santa AnaIrvine Fullerton El Segundo Torrance Westwood-UCLAWestchester Santa Rosa Healdsburg PalmSprings Indio Suisun-Fairfield Fairfield-Vacaville Summeronly Las Vegas Reno BakersfieldSan Luis Obispo San Diego Auburn San Francisco Oakland Sacramento San Jose Los Angeles SantaBarbara Lassen VolcanicNational Park RedwoodNationalPark YosemiteNationalPark KingsCanyonNationalPark SequoiaNationalPark Channel IslandsNational Park Death Valley National Park Joshua TreeNational Park PinnaclesNat. Park SaltonSea LakeTahoe MonoLake PACIFIC OCEAN Capitol Corridor® San JoaquinsSM Pacific Surfliner® Other Amtrak Train Routes Thruway ConnectingServices 0 0 25 100 km50 7525 50 75 mi SeasonalService rev. 9/2018 Explore Southern California by Rail Visit PacificSurfliner.com or call 1-800-USA-RAIL Pacific Surfliner The Amtrak Pacific Surfliner route meanders along the majestic California coastline from San Luis Obispo through prime destinations such as Santa Barbara, Los Angeles, San Juan Capistrano, and San Diego. Along with business and vacation travelers, cyclists and surfers are welcome on board with bikes and boards. Lose yourself and the stress of Southern California traffic while viewing breathtaking images of the panoramic coastline. Whether your journey takes you to San Luis Obispo’s sun-drenched central coast wine country, the entertainment capital of Los Angeles, the San Diego Zoo, SeaWorld, or Balboa Park – Amtrak Pacific Surfliner welcomes you. Lompoc-Surf Sta. Carpinteria Ventura Oxnard Camarillo MoorparkSimi Valley Chatsworth Los AngelesFullerton Anaheim San Clemente San Diego San Diego (Old Town) Santa Ana Irvine Glendale Van Nuys Burbank Grover Beach San Luis Obispo Guadalupe-Santa Maria GoletaSanta Barbara San Juan Capistrano Oceanside Solana Beach CALIFORNIA’S AMTRAK PASSENGER RAIL and THRUWAY BUS SERVICE ---- Noise Model Noise Model Based on Federal Transit Adminstration General Transit Noise Assessment Developed for Chicago Create Project Copyright 2006, HMMH Inc. Case: Noise Source All Sources Source 1 Source 2 Source 3 Source 4 Source 5 Source 6 Horn Ldn 1 Horn Ldn 2 Enter noise receiver land use category below. 2 Enter data for up to 8 noise sources below - see reference list for source numbers. NOISE SOURCE PARAMETERS Parameter Source Num.Commuter Diesel Locomotive 2 Commuter Rail Cars 3 Freight Locomotive 9 Freight Cars 10 Distance (source to receiver)distance (ft)750 distance (ft)750 distance (ft)750 distance (ft)750 Daytime Hours speed (mph)40 speed (mph)40 speed (mph)35 speed (mph)35 (7 AM - 10 PM)trains/hour 3 trains/hour 3 trains/hour 1 trains/hour 1 locos/train 1 cars/train 5 locos/train 2 length of cars (ft) / train 2000 Nighttime Hours speed (mph)40 speed (mph)40 speed (mph)35 speed (mph)35 (10 PM - 7 AM)trains/hour 1 trains/hour 1 trains/hour 1 trains/hour 1 locos/train 1 cars/train 5 locos/train 2 length of cars (ft) / train 2000 Wheel Flats?% of cars w/ wheel flats 20.00%% of cars w/ wheel flats 20.00% Jointed Track?Y/N N Y/N N Y/N N Y/N N Embedded Track?Y/N N Y/N N Y/N N Y/N N Aerial Structure?Y/N N Y/N N Y/N N Y/N NBarrier Present?Y/N N Y/N N Y/N N Y/N N Intervening Rows of of Buildings number of rows 3 number of rows 3 number of rows 3 number of rows 3 HORN NOISE CALCULATION Source Number Freight Commuter Electric Locomotive 1 trains/day 3 Commuter Diesel Locomotive 2 trains/night 3 Commuter Rail Cars 3 distance (ft)1050 RRT/LRT 4 speed (mph)35 AGT, Steel Wheel 5 ground absorption (0-1)1 AGT, Rubber Tire 6 Hourly Leq at 50 feet (daytime)67.0 Monorail 7 Hourly Leq at 50 feet (nighttime)69.2 Maglev 8 Ldn at 50 feet 75.3 Freight Locomotive 9 Ldn at specified distance 46.5 Freight Cars 10 Hopper Cars (empty)11 Commuter Hopper Cars (full)12 trains/day 39 Crossover 13 trains/night 9 Automobiles 14 distance (ft)1050 City Buses 15 speed (mph)40 Commuter Buses 16 ground absorption (0-1)1 Rail Yard or Shop 17 Hourly Leq at 50 feet (daytime)77.5 Layover Tracks 18 Hourly Leq at 50 feet (nighttime)73.4 Bus Storage Yard 19 Ldn at 50 feet 80.7 Bus Op. Facility 20 Ldn at specified distance 51.9 Bus Transit Center 21 Parking Garage 22 Park & Ride Lot 23 S190205 SOURCE REFERENCE LIST Ldn (dB) 54 40 34 45 45 0 0 0 52 0 47 38 0 0 Leq - daytime (dB) 43 37 31 38 3939 RESULTS Source 1 Source 2 Source 3 26 32 42 Leq - nighttime (dB) LAND USE CATEGORY Noise receiver land use category (1, 2 or 3) Source 4 Page 1 I I I I I I I I I I I APPENDIX D Cadna Analysis Data and Results EILAR ASSOCIATES, INC. Acoustical and Environmental Consulting Lme Day (dBA) I-5 NB R_1 77.8 6435 4.8 60.4 105 18.29 1 No I-5 SB R_2 77.8 6435 4.8 60.4 105 14.63 1 No I-5 SB Ramp R_3 59.7 754 4.8 60.4 48 4.88 1 No Avenida Encinas NB R_4 56.1 240 2.6 0.0 64 7.32 1 No Avenida Encinas SB R_5 56.1 240 2.6 0.0 64 7.32 1 No Palomar Airport Rd EB R_6 63.9 936 3.0 33.3 72 11.89 1 No Palomar Airport Rd WB R_7 63.9 936 3.0 33.3 72 11.89 1 No Lme Day (dBA) I-5 NB R_1 79.3 9108 4.8 60.4 105 18.29 1 No I-5 SB R_2 79.3 9108 4.8 60.4 105 14.63 1 No I-5 SB Ramp R_3 61.2 1067 4.8 60.4 48 4.88 1 No Avenida Encinas NB R_4 58.1 345 3.0 33.3 64 7.32 1 No Avenida Encinas SB R_5 58.1 345 3.0 33.3 64 7.32 1 No Palomar Airport Rd EB R_6 65.4 1325 3.0 33.3 72 11.89 1 No Palomar Airport Rd WB R_7 65.4 1325 3.0 33.3 72 11.89 1 No Lme Day (dBA) I-5 NB R_1 80 10902 4.8 60.4 105 21.95 1 No I-5 SB R_2 79.7 9964 4.8 60.4 105 21.95 1 No I-5 SB Ramp R_3 60 810 4.8 60.4 48 4.88 1 No Avenida Encinas NB R_4 57.6 308 2.6 0.0 64 7.32 1 No Avenida Encinas SB R_5 57.6 308 2.6 0.0 64 7.32 1 No Palomar Airport Rd EB R_6 64.7 1118 3.0 33.3 72 11.89 1 No Palomar Airport Rd WB R_7 64.7 1118 3.0 33.3 72 11.89 1 No Lme Day (dBA) I-5 NB R_1 80 10902 4.8 60.4 105 21.95 1 No I-5 SB R_2 79.7 9964 4.8 60.4 105 21.95 1 No I-5 SB Ramp R_3 61.2 1067 4.8 60.4 48 4.88 1 No Avenida Encinas NB R_4 58.1 345 2.6 0.0 64 7.32 1 No Avenida Encinas SB R_5 58.1 345 2.6 0.0 64 7.32 1 No Palomar Airport Rd EB R_6 65.4 1325 3.0 33.3 72 11.89 1 No Palomar Airport Rd WB R_7 65.4 1325 3.0 33.3 72 11.89 1 No Name ID Exact Traffic Count Data Speed Limit (km/h)Throttle Cadna Noise Model - Roadway Source Input - Future Model Name ID Exact Traffic Count Data Speed Limit (km/h) SCS Distance (m) Surface Type Total (hourly)Total% Medium /Heavy Trucks ID Speed Limit (km/h) SCS Distance (m) ID SCS Distance (m) Surface Type%Heavy Trucks Total% Medium /Heavy Trucks %Heavy Trucks Cadna Noise Model - Roadway Source Input - Worst-Case Model ThrottleTotal (hourly) Throttle Exact Traffic Count Data Total (hourly)%Heavy TrucksTotal% Medium /Heavy Trucks %Heavy Trucks Cadna Noise Model - Roadway Source Input - Current Model Total (hourly) Cadna Noise Model - Roadway Source Input - Calibration Exact Traffic Count Data Speed Limit (km/h) SCS Distance (m) Surface Type Throttle Surface TypeName Total% Medium /Heavy Trucks Name Page 1 of 5 EILAR ASSOCIATES, INC. Acoustical and Environmental Consulting X Y Z Ground (m)(m)(m)(m) 678.05 343.99 0.00 0.00 635.38 968.70 0.00 0.00 608.05 960.03 0.00 0.00 656.72 344.65 0.00 0.00 617.56 822.56 0.00 0.00 610.84 804.80 0.00 0.00 604.54 635.12 0.00 0.00 585.49 576.91 0.00 0.00 512.46 423.98 0.00 0.00 579.06 957.16 0.00 0.00 586.39 871.82 0.00 0.00 573.73 835.48 0.00 0.00 515.38 769.73 0.00 0.00 502.99 728.99 0.00 0.00 488.71 611.81 0.00 0.00 474.43 548.31 0.00 0.00 469.13 536.14 0.00 0.00 425.21 466.86 0.00 0.00 413.03 466.86 0.00 0.00 384.79 396.24 0.00 0.00 379.23 356.91 0.00 0.00 572.48 948.43 0.00 0.00 575.92 864.55 0.00 0.00 565.75 843.05 0.00 0.00 506.24 774.04 0.00 0.00 493.81 733.29 0.00 0.00 468.14 554.44 0.00 0.00 457.03 528.51 0.00 0.00 421.17 474.66 0.00 0.00 410.73 459.03 0.00 0.00 386.68 421.43 0.00 0.00 376.29 392.94 0.00 0.00 370.88 356.33 0.00 0.00 596.53 358.04 0.00 0.00 508.32 402.57 0.00 0.00 465.15 425.4 0.00 0.00 423.31 451.57 0.00 0.00 384.31 485.08 0.00 0.00 365.68 502.93 0.00 0.00 334.09 534.58 0.00 0.00 318.00 553.59 0.00 0.00 267.29 617.09 0.00 0.00 268.57 622.95 0.00 0.00 327.83 548.23 0.00 0.00 369.64 504.15 0.00 0.00 417.27 472.40 0.00 0.00 468.61 440.23 0.00 0.00 511.45 418.22 0.00 0.00 635.57 358.58 0.00 0.00 I-5 SB R_2 R_3I-5 SB Ramp R_7Palomar Airport Rd WB Avenida Encinas NB R_4 Avenida Encinas SB R_5 R_6Palomar Airport Rd EB Cadna Noise Model - Roadway Source Geometry (All Models) Coordinates Name ID R_1I-5 NB Page 2 of 5 EILAR ASSOCIATES, INC. Acoustical and Environmental Consulting 125 250 500 1000 2000 4000 Rail L1 110.2 103.7 110.1 110.3 109.5 106.3 116.7 126.8 Typical X Y Z (m)(m)(m) 339.46 939.92 0.00 344.13 353.21 0.00116.7 89 PWL L1 Cadna Noise Model - Line Sources - All Models Rail L1 Coordinates Type Value Lw (c) Name ID Result. PWL (dBA)Result. PWL' (dBA) Lw / Li Cadna Noise Model - Sound Levels Name ID Type Oktave Spectrum (dB)A lin Source Page 3 of 5 EILAR ASSOCIATES, INC. Acoustical and Environmental Consulting X Y Z Ground (m)(m)(m)(m) 561.76 778.20 6.10 0.00 565.54 778.18 6.10 0.00 565.57 777.00 6.10 0.00 590.09 776.94 6.10 0.00 590.03 768.96 6.10 0.00 484.86 768.99 6.10 0.00 584.84 765.55 6.10 0.00 568.54 765.89 6.10 0.00 568.51 765.21 6.10 0.00 559.03 765.39 6.10 0.00 559.06 771.90 6.10 0.00 561.68 771.85 6.10 0.00 CFA B_1 Cadna Noise Model - Buildings - Worst-Case Façade Model Name ID Coordinates Page 4 of 5 EILAR ASSOCIATES, INC. Acoustical and Environmental Consulting Name ID Level Lr Height X Y Z (dBA)(m)(m)(m)(m) Calibration Cal1 65.6 1.52 533.43 778.47 1.52 Name ID Level Lr Height X Y Z Ldn (m)(m)(m)(m) Calibration Cal2 54.0 1.52 560.92 783.00 1.52 Name X Y Z CNEL CNEL CNEL (m)(m)(m)(m) F1 68.1 49.2 68.2 1.52 575.69 777.28 1.52 F2 74.1 39.3 74.1 1.52 590.23 773.00 1.52 F3 67.4 51.4 67.5 1.52 575.69 765.52 1.52 F4 54.3 54.1 57.2 1.52 558.94 769.58 1.52 OU1 61.8 54.2 62.5 1.22 555.08 771.35 1.22 Cadna Noise Model - Existing Noise Levels at Receivers - Rail Calibration Cadna Noise Model - Existing Noise Levels at Receivers - Traffic Calibration Coordinates Coordinates Cadna Noise Model - Noise Levels at Receivers - Worst-Case Facade Level Traffic Only Level Rail Only Level Traffic + Rail Height Coordinates Page 5 of 5 S190205.2 CFA I-5 & Palomar Eilar Associates, Inc. 210 South Juniper Street, Suite 100 Escondido, California 92025-4230 Phone: (760) 738-5570 Date: 13 Aug 2019 Calculation Configuration Configuration Parameter Value General Country (user defined) Max. Error (dB)0.00 Max. Search Radius (#(Unit,LEN))2000.00 Min. Dist Src to Rcvr 0.00 Partition Raster Factor 0.50 Max. Length of Section (#(Unit,LEN))1000.00 Min. Length of Section (#(Unit,LEN))1.00 Min. Length of Section (%)0.00 Proj. Line Sources On Proj. Area Sources On Ref. Time Reference Time Day (min)960.00 Reference Time Night (min)480.00 Daytime Penalty (dB)0.00 Recr. Time Penalty (dB)5.00 Night-time Penalty (dB)10.00 DTM Standard Height (m)0.00 Model of Terrain Triangulation Reflection max. Order of Reflection 0 Search Radius Src 100.00 Search Radius Rcvr 100.00 Max. Distance Source - Rcvr 1000.00 1000.00 Min. Distance Rvcr - Reflector 1.00 1.00 Min. Distance Source - Reflector 0.10 Industrial (ISO 9613) Lateral Diffraction some Obj Obst. within Area Src do not shield On Screening Excl. Ground Att. over Barrier Dz with limit (20/25) Barrier Coefficients C1,2,3 3.0 20.0 0.0 Temperature (#(Unit,TEMP))10 rel. Humidity (%)70 Ground Absorption G 0.70 Wind Speed for Dir. (#(Unit,SPEED))3.0 Roads (TNM) Railways (Schall 03 (1990)) Strictly acc. to Schall 03 / Schall-Transrapid Aircraft (???) Strictly acc. to AzB Permanent Project Noise Model S190205.2 CFA I-5 & Palomar Receivers Name M.ID Level Lr Limit. Value Land Use Height Coordinates Day Night Day Night Type Auto Noise Type X Y Z (dBA)(dBA)(dBA)(dBA)(m)(m)(m)(m) 53.2 50.1 0.0 0.0 x Total 1.52 r 570.88 745.21 1.52 Permanent Project Noise Model I 111 1 I I I 1 1 I .1 1 1 S190205.2 CFA I-5 & Palomar Point Sources Name M.ID Result. PWL Lw / Li Correction Sound Reduction Attenuation Operating Time K0 Freq.Direct.Height Coordinates Day Evening Night Type Value norm.Day Evening Night R Area Day Special Night X Y Z (dBA)(dBA)(dBA)dB(A)dB(A)dB(A)dB(A)(m²)(min)(min)(min)(dB)(Hz)(m)(m)(m)(m) EF1 +EF1 73.6 73.6 73.6 Lw EF 0.0 0.0 0.0 720.00 180.00 270.00 0.0 (none)7.10 r 571.23 771.27 7.10 EF2 +73.6 73.6 73.6 Lw EF 0.0 0.0 0.0 720.00 180.00 270.00 0.0 (none)7.10 r 567.33 771.50 7.10 EF3 +73.6 73.6 73.6 Lw EF 0.0 0.0 0.0 720.00 180.00 270.00 0.0 (none)7.10 r 567.43 773.98 7.10 EF4 +73.6 73.6 73.6 Lw EF 0.0 0.0 0.0 720.00 180.00 270.00 0.0 (none)7.10 r 570.96 773.91 7.10 RTU1 +AC1 93.5 93.5 93.5 Lw AC1 0.0 0.0 0.0 720.00 180.00 270.00 0.0 (none)7.10 r 576.34 773.58 7.10 RTU2 +AC2 90.5 90.5 90.5 Lw AC2 0.0 0.0 0.0 720.00 180.00 270.00 0.0 (none)7.10 r 576.51 768.37 7.10 RTU3 +AC3 90.5 90.5 90.5 Lw AC2 0.0 0.0 0.0 720.00 180.00 270.00 0.0 (none)7.10 r 581.95 768.14 7.10 Produce +Truck 108.5 108.5 108.5 Lw T48 0.0 0.0 0.0 30.00 0.00 0.00 0.0 (none)1.52 r 563.79 793.62 1.52 Bread +Truck 108.5 108.5 108.5 Lw T48 0.0 0.0 0.0 30.00 0.00 0.00 0.0 (none)1.52 r 563.70 793.70 1.52 Food +Truck 108.5 108.5 108.5 Lw T48 0.0 0.0 0.0 45.00 0.00 0.00 0.0 (none)1.52 r 563.79 793.87 1.52 Permanent Project Noise Model S190205.2 CFA I-5 & Palomar Buildings Name M.ID RB Residents Absorption Height Begin (m) CFA +x 0 0.37 6.10 r Geometry - Buildings Name M.ID RB Residents Absorption Height Coordinates Begin x y z Ground (m)(m)(m)(m)(m) CFA +x 0 0.37 6.10 r 561.76 778.20 6.10 0.00 565.54 778.18 6.10 0.00 565.57 777.00 6.10 0.00 590.09 776.94 6.10 0.00 590.03 768.96 6.10 0.00 584.86 768.99 6.10 0.00 584.84 765.55 6.10 0.00 568.54 765.89 6.10 0.00 568.51 765.21 6.10 0.00 559.03 765.39 6.10 0.00 559.06 771.90 6.10 0.00 561.68 771.85 6.10 0.00 Permanent Project Noise Model I 1111 I I • S190205.2 CFA I-5 & Palomar Sound Level Spectra Name ID Type Oktave Spectrum (dB)Source Weight.31.5 63 125 250 500 1000 2000 4000 8000 A lin Lennox LGH300S4B AC1 Lw A 79.0 84.0 88.0 89.0 85.0 82.0 73.0 93.5 98.8 Manufacturer Lennox LGH150H4B AC2 Lw A 75.0 81.0 87.0 85.0 80.0 74.0 70.0 90.5 95.6 Manufacturer Loren Cook 150 CPS EF Lw 69.0 72.0 78.0 70.0 64.0 66.0 60.0 51.0 73.6 80.2 Manufacturer Delivery Truck T48 Lw (c)115.0 109.0 104.1 105.5 104.2 101.0 95.8 90.2 108.5 117.0 Typical Permanent Project Noise Model APPENDIX E Sound Insulation Prediction Results Sound Insulation Prediction (v9.0.16) (:i~ INSUL Program copyright Marshall Day Acoustics 2017 margin of error is generally within STC +/-3 dB -Key No. 1866 Job Name:CFA -1-5 & Palomar Job No.:S190205 Initials:rcowell Date.:3/7 /2019 Notes: File Name:Exterior Wall Assembly.ix! ( -I ( - I, '•· ..... >< ' - '.. ( STC 43 ( OITC 33 ( -~ >< 1, ( ( I.( Mass-air-mass resonant frequency= =49 Hz Panel Size= 8.9 fix 13.1 ft Partition suliace mass= 13.9 lb/112 Svstem description Panel 1 : 1 x 0.87 in -Coat Plaster (sand:gypsum =3:1) + 1 x 0.5 in Plywood Frame: Timber stud (5.7 in x 1.8 in), Stud spacing 16 in ; Cavity Width 5.67 in , 1 x fiberglass (1.4 lb/113) Thickness 6.0 in Panel 2 : 1 x 0.5 in Type X Gypsum Board freq.(Hz) TL(dB) TL(dB) 80 50 24 75 63 23 24 70 80 24 65 V 100 22 ;;:;, 60 I 125 19 22 3?, _. ...... § 55 ,/ ... 160 29 ..J 50 C ~ ~ .,, 200 38 ,Q _,V ~ ---... ... ... ... ... ~ 45 )'f' -·· --250 43 41 .E --- 111 40 . C . 315 46 ~ . .. t-35 . 400 48 -0 I .· C . 500 50 49 :::, 30 .• 0 . Ul I 630 50 25 I ._,...._ 800 47 20 • 1000 48 48 15 1250 51 10 1600 53 5 2000 55 55 0 2500 57 63 125 250 500 1000 2000 4000 Frequency (Hz) 3150 58 4000 66 62 I ♦ Transmission Loss (dB) •• STC4:I Flariking Limit I 5000 70 APPENDIX F Exterior-to-Interior Noise Analysis EXTERIOR TO INTERIOR NOISE REDUCTION ANALYSIS Project Name: CFA I-5 & Palomar Wall 1 of 2 Project # : S190205 Room Name: Dining/Serving Areas Room Type : 125 Hz 250 Hz 500 Hz 1KHz 2KHz 4KHz Reverberation Time (sec) : 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.0 1.0 : Moderately Reflective Room Room Absorption (Sabins) : 488 488 488 488 611 611 Noise Level 125 Hz 250 Hz 500 Hz 1KHz 2KHz 4KHz Source 1:67.4 CNEL 50.7 56.2 58.7 62.7 62.7 56.7 : Traffic Spectrum Source 2:51.4 CNEL 44.8 38.3 44.7 44.9 44.1 40.9 : Train Spectrum Source 3:0.0 CNEL 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Source 4:0.0 CNEL 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Overall:67.5 CNEL 51.7 56.3 58.9 62.8 62.8 56.8 : Effective Noise Spectrum Assembly Type Open Width Height Qty Total Area 125 Hz 250 Hz 500 Hz 1KHz 2KHz 4KHz Exterior Wall N 74 10 1 292.5 22 41 49 48 55 62 Window, Insulated Dual-Glazed (STC 25)N 7 8 3 168.0 14 21 24 22 30 29 Window, Insulated Dual-Glazed (STC 25)N 6.5 8 3 156.0 14 21 24 22 30 29 Window, Insulated Dual-Glazed (STC 25)N 6.5 2.5 2 32.5 14 21 24 22 30 29 Window, Insulated Dual-Glazed (STC 25)N 3.25 7 1 22.8 14 21 24 22 30 29 Glass Door, Single Pane N 6.5 7 1 45.5 12 19 21 19 27 26 Glass Door, Single Pane N 3.25 7 1 22.8 12 19 21 19 27 26 <N/A>N 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 <N/A>N 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 <N/A>N 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 <N/A>N 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 <N/A>N 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Room Depth:16.5 ft Overall Area:740 ft² Volume: 12210 ft³ Number of Impacted Walls:2 Windows Open 125 Hz 250 Hz 500 Hz 1KHz 2KHz 4KHz Interior Noise Level:44.5 CNEL 51.7 56.3 58.9 62.8 62.8 56.8 : Exterior Wall Noise Exposure 15.4 22.8 25.6 23.6 31.6 30.6 : Transmission Loss Windows Closed 28.7 28.7 28.7 28.7 28.7 28.7 : Wall Surface Area Factor Interior Noise Level:44.5 CNEL 26.9 26.9 26.9 26.9 27.9 27.9 : Absorption 38.1 35.3 35.1 41.0 32.0 27.1 : Noise Level 44.4 CNEL WINDOWS OPEN 125 Hz 250 Hz 500 Hz 1KHz 2KHz 4KHz 51.7 56.3 58.9 62.8 62.8 56.8 : Exterior Wall Noise Exposure 15.4 22.8 25.6 23.6 31.6 30.6 : Transmission Loss 28.7 28.7 28.7 28.7 28.7 28.7 : Wall Surface Area Factor 26.9 26.9 26.9 26.9 27.9 27.9 : Absorption 38.1 35.3 35.1 41.0 32.0 27.1 : Noise Level 44.4 CNEL WINDOWS CLOSED <N/A> Traffic Medium Hard Train <N/A> ------- ---- --------- EXTERIOR TO INTERIOR NOISE REDUCTION ANALYSIS Project Name: CFA I-5 & Palomar Wall 2 of 2 Project # : S190205 Room Name: Dining/Serving Areas Noise Level 125 Hz 250 Hz 500 Hz 1KHz 2KHz 4KHz Source 1: Traffic 54.3 CNEL 37.6 43.1 45.6 49.6 49.6 43.6 : Traffic Spectrum Source 2: Train 54.1 CNEL 47.5 41.0 47.4 47.6 46.8 43.6 : Train Spectrum Source 3: <N/A>0.0 CNEL 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Source 4: <N/A>0.0 CNEL 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Overall:57.2 CNEL 47.9 45.2 49.6 51.7 51.4 46.6 : Effective Noise Spectrum Assembly Type Open Width Height Qty Total Area 125 Hz 250 Hz 500 Hz 1KHz 2KHz 4KHz Exterior Wall N 18 10 1 124.0 22 41 49 48 55 62 Window, Insulated Dual-Glazed (STC 25)N 7 8 1 56.0 14 21 24 22 30 29 <N/A>N 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 <N/A>N 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 <N/A>N 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 <N/A>N 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 <N/A>N 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 <N/A>N 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 <N/A>N 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 <N/A>N 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 <N/A>N 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 <N/A>N 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Overall Area:180 ft² 125 Hz 250 Hz 500 Hz 1KHz 2KHz 4KHz 47.9 45.2 49.6 51.7 51.4 46.6 : Exterior Wall Noise Exposure 17.8 26.0 29.0 27.0 35.0 34.1 : Transmission Loss 22.6 22.6 22.6 22.6 22.6 22.6 : Wall Surface Area Factor 26.9 26.9 26.9 26.9 27.9 27.9 : Absorption 25.8 14.9 16.2 20.4 11.1 7.2 : Noise Level 27.7 CNEL WINDOWS OPEN 125 Hz 250 Hz 500 Hz 1KHz 2KHz 4KHz 47.9 45.2 49.6 51.7 51.4 46.6 : Exterior Wall Noise Exposure 17.8 26.0 29.0 27.0 35.0 34.1 : Transmission Loss 22.6 22.6 22.6 22.6 22.6 22.6 : Wall Surface Area Factor 26.9 26.9 26.9 26.9 27.9 27.9 : Absorption 25.8 14.9 16.2 20.4 11.1 7.2 : Noise Level 27.7 CNEL WINDOWS CLOSED EXTERIOR TO INTERIOR NOISE REDUCTION ANALYSIS Project Name: CFA I-5 & Palomar Wall 1 of 1 Project # : S190205 Room Name: Kitchen Room Type : 125 Hz 250 Hz 500 Hz 1KHz 2KHz 4KHz Reverberation Time (sec) : 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.0 1.0 : Moderately Reflective Room Room Absorption (Sabins) : 432 432 432 432 540 540 Noise Level 125 Hz 250 Hz 500 Hz 1KHz 2KHz 4KHz Source 1:68.1 CNEL 51.4 56.9 59.4 63.4 63.4 57.4 : Traffic Spectrum Source 2:49.2 CNEL 42.6 36.1 42.5 42.7 41.9 38.7 : Train Spectrum Source 3:0.0 CNEL 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Source 4:0.0 CNEL 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Overall:68.2 CNEL 51.9 56.9 59.5 63.4 63.4 57.5 : Effective Noise Spectrum Assembly Type Open Width Height Qty Total Area 125 Hz 250 Hz 500 Hz 1KHz 2KHz 4KHz Exterior Wall N 60 10 1 558.0 22 41 49 48 55 62 Window, Insulated Dual-Glazed (STC 25)N 7 1.5 4 42.0 14 21 24 22 30 29 <N/A>N 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 <N/A>N 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 <N/A>N 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 <N/A>N 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 <N/A>N 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 <N/A>N 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 <N/A>N 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 <N/A>N 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 <N/A>N 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 <N/A>N 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Room Depth:18 ft Overall Area:600 ft² Volume: 10800 ft³ Number of Impacted Walls:1 Windows Open 125 Hz 250 Hz 500 Hz 1KHz 2KHz 4KHz Interior Noise Level:36.3 CNEL 51.9 56.9 59.5 63.4 63.4 57.5 : Exterior Wall Noise Exposure 20.6 32.0 35.4 33.4 41.4 40.5 : Transmission Loss Windows Closed 27.8 27.8 27.8 27.8 27.8 27.8 : Wall Surface Area Factor Interior Noise Level:36.3 CNEL 26.4 26.4 26.4 26.4 27.3 27.3 : Absorption 32.7 26.4 25.6 31.5 22.5 17.4 : Noise Level 36.3 CNEL WINDOWS OPEN 125 Hz 250 Hz 500 Hz 1KHz 2KHz 4KHz 51.9 56.9 59.5 63.4 63.4 57.5 : Exterior Wall Noise Exposure 20.6 32.0 35.4 33.4 41.4 40.5 : Transmission Loss 27.8 27.8 27.8 27.8 27.8 27.8 : Wall Surface Area Factor 26.4 26.4 26.4 26.4 27.3 27.3 : Absorption 32.7 26.4 25.6 31.5 22.5 17.4 : Noise Level 36.3 CNEL WINDOWS CLOSED <N/A> Traffic Medium Hard Train <N/A> ------- ---- --------- EXTERIOR TO INTERIOR NOISE REDUCTION ANALYSIS Project Name: CFA I-5 & Palomar Wall 1 of 1 Project # : S190205 Room Name: Office Room Type : 125 Hz 250 Hz 500 Hz 1KHz 2KHz 4KHz Reverberation Time (sec) : 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.7 0.7 : Fairly Absorptive Room Room Absorption (Sabins) : 34 34 34 34 42 42 Noise Level 125 Hz 250 Hz 500 Hz 1KHz 2KHz 4KHz Source 1:74.1 CNEL 57.4 62.9 65.4 69.4 69.4 63.4 : Traffic Spectrum Source 2:39.3 CNEL 32.7 26.2 32.6 32.8 32.0 28.8 : Train Spectrum Source 3:0.0 CNEL 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Source 4:0.0 CNEL 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Overall:74.1 CNEL 57.4 62.9 65.4 69.4 69.4 63.4 : Effective Noise Spectrum Assembly Type Open Width Height Qty Total Area 125 Hz 250 Hz 500 Hz 1KHz 2KHz 4KHz Exterior Wall N 7 10 1 70.0 22 41 49 48 55 62 <N/A>N 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 <N/A>N 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 <N/A>N 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 <N/A>N 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 <N/A>N 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 <N/A>N 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 <N/A>N 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 <N/A>N 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 <N/A>N 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 <N/A>N 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 <N/A>N 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Room Depth:8 ft Overall Area:70 ft² Volume:560 ft³ Number of Impacted Walls:1 Windows Open 125 Hz 250 Hz 500 Hz 1KHz 2KHz 4KHz Interior Noise Level:39.0 CNEL 57.4 62.9 65.4 69.4 69.4 63.4 : Exterior Wall Noise Exposure 22.0 41.0 49.0 48.0 55.0 62.0 : Transmission Loss Windows Closed 18.5 18.5 18.5 18.5 18.5 18.5 : Wall Surface Area Factor Interior Noise Level:39.0 CNEL 15.3 15.3 15.3 15.3 16.2 16.2 : Absorption 38.6 25.1 19.6 24.6 16.6 3.6 : Noise Level 39.0 CNEL WINDOWS OPEN 125 Hz 250 Hz 500 Hz 1KHz 2KHz 4KHz 57.4 62.9 65.4 69.4 69.4 63.4 : Exterior Wall Noise Exposure 22.0 41.0 49.0 48.0 55.0 62.0 : Transmission Loss 18.5 18.5 18.5 18.5 18.5 18.5 : Wall Surface Area Factor 15.3 15.3 15.3 15.3 16.2 16.2 : Absorption 38.6 25.1 19.6 24.6 16.6 3.6 : Noise Level 39.0 CNEL WINDOWS CLOSED <N/A> Traffic Medium Soft Train <N/A> ------- ---- --------- EXTERIOR TO INTERIOR NOISE REDUCTION ANALYSIS Project Name: CFA I-5 & Palomar Wall 1 of 2 Project # : S190205 Room Name: Service Area Room Type : 125 Hz 250 Hz 500 Hz 1KHz 2KHz 4KHz Reverberation Time (sec) : 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.0 1.0 : Moderately Reflective Room Room Absorption (Sabins) : 54 54 54 54 68 68 Noise Level 125 Hz 250 Hz 500 Hz 1KHz 2KHz 4KHz Source 1:74.1 CNEL 57.4 62.9 65.4 69.4 69.4 63.4 : Traffic Spectrum Source 2:39.3 CNEL 32.7 26.2 32.6 32.8 32.0 28.8 : Train Spectrum Source 3:0.0 CNEL 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Source 4:0.0 CNEL 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Overall:74.1 CNEL 57.4 62.9 65.4 69.4 69.4 63.4 : Effective Noise Spectrum Assembly Type Open Width Height Qty Total Area 125 Hz 250 Hz 500 Hz 1KHz 2KHz 4KHz Exterior Wall N 17 10 1 142.0 22 41 49 48 55 62 Window, Insulated Dual-Glazed (STC 25)N 4 7 1 28.0 14 21 24 22 30 29 <N/A>N 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 <N/A>N 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 <N/A>N 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 <N/A>N 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 <N/A>N 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 <N/A>N 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 <N/A>N 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 <N/A>N 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 <N/A>N 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 <N/A>N 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Room Depth:8 ft Overall Area:170 ft² Volume:1360 ft³ Number of Impacted Walls:2 Windows Open 125 Hz 250 Hz 500 Hz 1KHz 2KHz 4KHz Interior Noise Level:48.5 CNEL 57.4 62.9 65.4 69.4 69.4 63.4 : Exterior Wall Noise Exposure 19.3 28.6 31.8 29.8 37.8 36.8 : Transmission Loss Windows Closed 22.3 22.3 22.3 22.3 22.3 22.3 : Wall Surface Area Factor Interior Noise Level:48.5 CNEL 17.4 17.4 17.4 17.4 18.3 18.3 : Absorption 43.1 39.2 38.6 44.6 35.6 30.6 : Noise Level 48.4 CNEL WINDOWS OPEN 125 Hz 250 Hz 500 Hz 1KHz 2KHz 4KHz 57.4 62.9 65.4 69.4 69.4 63.4 : Exterior Wall Noise Exposure 19.3 28.6 31.8 29.8 37.8 36.8 : Transmission Loss 22.3 22.3 22.3 22.3 22.3 22.3 : Wall Surface Area Factor 17.4 17.4 17.4 17.4 18.3 18.3 : Absorption 43.1 39.2 38.6 44.6 35.6 30.6 : Noise Level 48.4 CNEL WINDOWS CLOSED <N/A> Traffic Medium Hard Train <N/A> ------- ---- --------- EXTERIOR TO INTERIOR NOISE REDUCTION ANALYSIS Project Name: CFA I-5 & Palomar Wall 2 of 2 Project # : S190205 Room Name: Service Area Noise Level 125 Hz 250 Hz 500 Hz 1KHz 2KHz 4KHz Source 1: Traffic 68.1 CNEL 51.4 56.9 59.4 63.4 63.4 57.4 : Traffic Spectrum Source 2: Train 49.2 CNEL 42.6 36.1 42.5 42.7 41.9 38.7 : Train Spectrum Source 3: <N/A>0.0 CNEL 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Source 4: <N/A>0.0 CNEL 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Overall:68.2 CNEL 51.9 56.9 59.5 63.4 63.4 57.5 : Effective Noise Spectrum Assembly Type Open Width Height Qty Total Area 125 Hz 250 Hz 500 Hz 1KHz 2KHz 4KHz Exterior Wall N 8 10 1 80.0 22 41 49 48 55 62 <N/A>N 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 <N/A>N 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 <N/A>N 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 <N/A>N 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 <N/A>N 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 <N/A>N 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 <N/A>N 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 <N/A>N 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 <N/A>N 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 <N/A>N 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 <N/A>N 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Overall Area:80 ft² 125 Hz 250 Hz 500 Hz 1KHz 2KHz 4KHz 51.9 56.9 59.5 63.4 63.4 57.5 : Exterior Wall Noise Exposure 22.0 41.0 49.0 48.0 55.0 62.0 : Transmission Loss 19.0 19.0 19.0 19.0 19.0 19.0 : Wall Surface Area Factor 17.4 17.4 17.4 17.4 18.3 18.3 : Absorption 31.6 17.6 12.2 17.1 9.1 -3.8 : Noise Level 32.0 CNEL WINDOWS OPEN 125 Hz 250 Hz 500 Hz 1KHz 2KHz 4KHz 51.9 56.9 59.5 63.4 63.4 57.5 : Exterior Wall Noise Exposure 22.0 41.0 49.0 48.0 55.0 62.0 : Transmission Loss 19.0 19.0 19.0 19.0 19.0 19.0 : Wall Surface Area Factor 17.4 17.4 17.4 17.4 18.3 18.3 : Absorption 31.6 17.6 12.2 17.1 9.1 -3.8 : Noise Level 32.0 CNEL WINDOWS CLOSED APPENDIX G Manufacturer Data Sheets Energence® Packaged Gas / Electric 7.5 to 12.5 Ton / Page 33 UNIT CLEARANCES - INCHES (MM) A C DBD OPTIONALOUTDOORAIR HOOD D 1 Unit Clearance A B C D Top Clearancein.mm in.mm in.mm in.mm Service Clearance 60 1524 36 914 36 934 60 1524 UnobstructedClearance to Combustibles 36 914 1 25 1 25 1 25 Minimum Operation Clearance 36 914 36 914 36 914 36 914 NOTE - Entire perimeter of unit base requires support when elevated above the mounting surface. 1 Service Clearance - Required for removal of serviceable parts. Clearance to Combustibles - Required clearance to combustible material. Minimum Operation Clearance - Required clearance for proper unit operation. OUTDOOR SOUND DATA Unit Model Number Octave Band Linear Sound Power Levels dB, re 10-12 Watts - Center Frequency - Hz 1 Sound Rating Number (SRN) (dBA)125 250 500 1000 2000 4000 8000 092, 102 and 120 76 79 84 83 79 73 66 88 150 75 81 87 85 80 74 70 90 Note - The octave sound power data does not include tonal corrections. 1 Sound Rating Number according to AHRI Standard 270-95 or AHRI Standard 370-2001 (includes pure tone penalty). “SRN” is the overall A-Weighted Sound Power Level, (LWA), dB (100 Hz to 10,000 Hz). • • / / Energence® Packaged Gas / Electric 13 to 25 Ton / Page 52 OUTDOOR SOUND DATA Unit Model Number Octave Band Linear Sound Power Levels dB, re 10-12 Watts - Center Frequency - Hz 1 Sound Rating Number (SRN) (dBA)125 250 500 1000 2000 4000 8000 156 71 78 81 81 76 71 63 86 180 80 83 87 88 84 80 71 93 210, 240, 300 79 84 88 89 85 82 73 94 Note - The octave sound power data does not include tonal corrections. 1 Sound Rating Number according to ARI Standard 370-2001 (includes pure tone penalty). “SRN” is the overall A-Weighted Sound Power Level, (LWA), dB (100 Hz to 10,000 Hz). 1 Unit Clearance A B C D Top Clearancein.mm in.mm in.mm in.mm Service Clearance 60 1524 36 914 36 934 66 1676 UnobstructedClearance to Combustibles 36 914 1 25 1 25 1 25 Minimum Operation Clearance 45 1143 36 914 36 914 41 1041 NOTE - Entire perimeter of unit base requires support when elevated above the mounting surface. 1 Service Clearance - Required for removal of serviceable parts. Clearance to Combustibles - Required clearance to combustible material. Minimum Operation Clearance - Required clearance for proper unit operation. Note: 210-240-300 sizes shown Unit With Economizer D OUTDOORAIR HOOD B C A INSTALLATION CLEARANCES ® B50016-001 49 lo r e n c o o k . c o m CPS & CPA Size 150 RPM SP Condition Sound power re 10-12 watts LwAOctave bands12345 6 7 8 1400 1.0 Inlet 69 72 78 70 64 66 60 51 74 Outlet 80 74 79 72 69 68 58 52 75 1680 1.0 Inlet 74 78 83 77 71 72 69 62 80Outlet858184797574686182 2.0 Inlet 74 75 79 73 67 67 63 57 75Outlet837779747069646177 1960 1.0 Inlet 78 82 85 83 77 77 77 74 85Outlet908686858078767287 2.0 Inlet 75 79 82 80 74 74 71 64 82Outlet858283827876706384 2240 1.0 Inlet 82 85 87 87 81 80 81 82 89Outlet948889908482808091 2.0 Inlet 80 82 85 85 79 78 77 72 87Outlet908687878480777089 3.0 Inlet 78 80 83 83 76 76 75 68 84Outlet868384848178746786 2520 1.0 Inlet 85 88 90 89 84 83 83 86 92Outlet979191948885838495 2.0 Inlet 84 86 89 88 82 82 82 81 90Outlet948990918784817893 4.0 Inlet 82 83 85 84 79 78 78 71 86Outlet898486868480787289 2800 1.0 Inlet 87 91 93 91 87 86 86 88 95Outlet999493959288868797 3.0 Inlet 85 88 90 89 85 83 83 80 92Outlet959192919086837894 5.0 Inlet 84 86 88 86 82 80 80 75 89Outlet918788878683807691 3080 1.0 Inlet 89 93 95 93 90 88 88 90 97Outlet10197959795918889100 3.0 Inlet 87 91 93 92 89 86 86 85 95Outlet989594959389868398 6.0 Inlet 85 88 90 88 85 83 82 78 91Outlet929090898986837893 3360 1.0 Inlet 90 96 98 96 93 90 90 92 99Outlet102100979997939191102 4.0 Inlet 89 93 95 94 91 88 88 86 97Outlet989795969591888499 8.0 Inlet 90 93 92 90 86 83 83 79 92Outlet959390909087848494 Size 165 RPM SP Condition Sound power re 10-12 watts LwAOctave bands12345 6 7 8 1300 1.0 Inlet 71 75 78 71 66 67 60 52 75Outlet807680737068595277 1560 1.0 Inlet 76 80 84 78 72 74 71 63 81Outlet878186807676696283 2.0 Inlet 75 77 81 73 68 69 64 58 77Outlet847781757270656178 1820 1.0 Inlet 80 83 86 83 78 78 78 76 86Outlet918688868179777488 2.0 Inlet 78 81 84 81 75 75 72 65 83Outlet868385837977716485 2060 1.0 Inlet 84 87 88 87 82 81 82 84 90Outlet958990918583818292 2.0 Inlet 82 84 87 86 80 80 79 74 88Outlet918789888582787290 3.0 Inlet 80 82 85 83 78 78 76 69 85Outlet878486858279756887 2340 1.0 Inlet 87 90 92 91 85 84 85 88 94Outlet989193958986848696 2.0 Inlet 86 88 90 90 83 83 83 83 92Outlet969092938885828094 4.0 Inlet 83 84 87 86 80 80 79 72 88Outlet908588888682797190 2600 1.0 Inlet 89 93 94 93 88 87 87 90 96Outlet1019595979289878898 3.0 Inlet 88 90 92 91 86 85 85 82 93Outlet979294939187847996 5.0 Inlet 85 87 89 88 83 82 82 76 90Outlet928890908884817593 2860 1.0 Inlet 91 95 97 95 91 89 89 92 98Outlet10398979995928990101 3.0 Inlet 90 93 95 93 89 88 87 87 96Outlet1009696979490878599 6.0 Inlet 87 89 92 90 86 84 84 79 93Outlet949192919187847895 3120 1.0 Inlet 93 97 99 97 94 91 91 94 101Outlet1041019910098949292103 4.0 Inlet 91 95 96 95 92 89 89 88 98Outlet10098979796928986100 8.0 Inlet 91 94 94 91 88 85 84 80 94Outlet969392929188868496 The sound power level ratings shown are in decibels, referred to 10-12 watts, calculated per AMCA International Standard 301. The A-weighted sound ratings shown have been calculated per AMCA International Standard 301. Values shown are for inlet LWi, LWiA and outlet LWO, LWOA sound power levels for Installation Type B: free inlet, ducted outlet. Inlet ratings do not include the effects of duct end correction. Outlet ratings include the effects of duct end correction. Sound Data APPENDIX H Pertinent Sections of Transportation Impact Analysis ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? §¨5 A venida E ncin as C ar C o u ntry Dr CannonRdCannonRd Legolan d D r Ar m a d a Dr P a se o D el N orte PalomarAirport Rd Carlsbad Blvd 3 4 1 232 4 2 6 282 6 7 3 4 5 1 2 Time: 1:47 PM Date: 6/17/2019 N:\3103\Figures Existing Mid-Day Traffic VolumesFigure 3-3 [ Chick-fil-A I-5 & Palomar Airport Road ? ? ?? ? J J L LJD J D D L D L J L AD D J L J L J LJD D L J D LJD L LJD L J D LJD L J D LD L J L J L J LD J D Palomar Airport Rd I- 5 O n R a m p I-5 O f f R a m p Av e n i d a E n c i n a s Palomar Airport Rd Av e n i d a E n c i n a s Main Project Drwy Av e n i d a E n c i n a s Av e n i d a E n c i n a s N. Project Drwy Av e n i d a E n c i n a s Av e n i d a E n c i n a s Av e n i d a E n c i n a s I- 5 O f f R a m p I- 5 O n R a m p Palomar Airport Rd Drwy DrwyCannon Rd Cannon Rd Palomar Airport RdPalomar Airport Rd Palomar Airport Rd Av e n i d a E n c i n a s Av e n i d a E n c i n a s Av e n i d a E n c i n a s 1 2 3 4 76 5 B B A C D C C 23 164 68142455 180197 11 29 48 27 8 22 8 37 5 18 2425 0 11 27 0 8 27 0 421 3 62 2 49179 96 22 123 11 518933 4 400219264 28 59345 3726329 20 2 64 9 715681 171711 5211,264 72 0 13 2 1,187173 Study Intersections Intersection Volumes LOS Mid-Day LOS A,B,C LOS D LOS E LOS F Mid-Day Peak Hour Volume (NB) Mid-Day Peak Hour Volume (SB) DJL # XX XX 0 0 • • • • 0 O 0 0 0 0 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? §¨5 A venida E ncin as C ar C o u ntry Dr CannonRdCannonRd Legolan d D r Ar m a d a Dr P a se o D el N orte PalomarAirport Rd Carlsbad Blvd 6 8 53 7 1 56 6 7 3 4 5 1 2 Time: 1:50 PM Date: 6/17/2019 N:\3103\Figures Total Project Traffic AssignmentFigure 4-9 [ Chick-fil-A I-5 & Palomar Airport Road ? ? ?? ? J J D L D L J J J L LJ JD L D LJ LJD L JD L J L J J D J D Palomar Airport Rd I- 5 O n R a m p I-5 O f f R a m p Av e n i d a E n c i n a s Palomar Airport Rd Av e n i d a E n c i n a s Main Project Drwy Av e n i d a E n c i n a s Av e n i d a E n c i n a s N. Project Drwy Av e n i d a E n c i n a s Av e n i d a E n c i n a s Av e n i d a E n c i n a s I- 5 O f f R a m p I- 5 O n R a m p Palomar Airport Rd Drwy DrwyCannon Rd Cannon Rd Palomar Airport RdPalomar Airport Rd Palomar Airport Rd Av e n i d a E n c i n a s Av e n i d a E n c i n a s Av e n i d a E n c i n a s 1 2 3 4 76 5 2 2 46 5 5 49 53 56 53 30 3026 -2 174 5089 656 51053 56 10 5 9 47 2627 18 29 189 (Mid-Day Peak Hour) Study Intersections Intersection Volumes Mid-Day Peak Hour Volume (NB) Mid-Day Peak Hour Volume (SB) DJL # XX XX 0 0 0 0 0 0 O 0 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? §¨5 A venida E ncin as C ar C o u ntry Dr CannonRdCannonRd Legolan d D r Ar m a d a Dr P a se o D el N orte PalomarAirport Rd Carlsbad Blvd 4 0 9 285 4 9 7 338 6 7 3 4 5 1 2 Time: 1:49 PM Date: 6/17/2019 N:\3103\Figures Existing+Project Traffic VolumesFigure 4-11 [ Chick-fil-A I-5 & Palomar Airport Road ? ? ?? ? J J L LJD J D D L D L J L DD J L J L LJ LJD D L J D LJD L LJD L J D LJD L J D LD L J L J L J LD J D Palomar Airport Rd I- 5 O n R a m p I-5 O f f R a m p Av e n i d a E n c i n a s Palomar Airport Rd Av e n i d a E n c i n a s Main Project Drwy Av e n i d a E n c i n a s Av e n i d a E n c i n a s N. Project Drwy Av e n i d a E n c i n a s Av e n i d a E n c i n a s Av e n i d a E n c i n a s I- 5 O f f R a m p I- 5 O n R a m p Palomar Airport Rd Drwy DrwyCannon Rd Cannon Rd Palomar Airport RdPalomar Airport Rd Palomar Airport Rd Av e n i d a E n c i n a s Av e n i d a E n c i n a s Av e n i d a E n c i n a s 1 2 3 4 76 5 25 164 68142655 180243 11 34 53 32 7 28 1 37 29 18 30 6 11 32 3 38 3029 6 419 2 13 6 2 991168 16 1 22 723 11 569938 7 456219264 28 5 10 345 3726334 21 1 64 9 715728 197738 5211,282 72 0 16 1 1,205182 (Mid-Day Peak Hour) Study Intersections Intersection Volumes LOS Mid-Day LOS A,B,C LOS D LOS E LOS F Mid-Day Peak Hour Volume (NB) Mid-Day Peak Hour Volume (SB) DJL # XX XX 0 0 • • • • 0 O 0 0 0 0 0 APPENDIX I Temporary Construction Noise Calculations Noise Attenuation by Distance Calculation Job: Job #: Date: Source: Receiver: Noise Source 72 at 50 feet Distances 5 feet at 5 feet above grade 5 feet at 5 feet above grade 90 feet Path Calculation 90 feet Sound Pressure Level 66.9 at 90 feet 8 40 62.9 Summation 2 Level during 8 hour day:68.4 8/12/2019 Excavator Worst-Case S190205.2 Noise Level (dBA) Chick-fil-A I-5 & Palomar Hours of Use: Level During 8 Hour day: Number of Sources: Source to Receiver Distance: Source to Receiver Direct Path Distance: Source Elevation Receiver Elevation: Duty Cycle (%): Noise Attenuation by Distance Calculation Job:Chick-fil-A I-5 & Palomar Job #: Date: Source: Receiver: Noise Source 76 at 50 feet Distances 5 feet at 5 feet above grade 5 feet at 5 feet above grade 90 feet Path Calculation 90 feet Sound Pressure Level 70.9 at 90 feet 8 40 66.9 S190205.2 8/12/2019 Dozer Worst-Case Hours of Use: Level During 8 Hour day: Source to Receiver Distance: Source to Receiver Direct Path Distance: Duty Cycle (%): Noise Level (dBA) Source Elevation Receiver Elevation: APPENDIX J Temporary Construction Vibration Calculations Construction Vibration Calculation Job: Job #: Date: Source 1: Receiver:South PL Vibration Source Vibration Level (PPV, in/sec)0.21 at 25 feet Path Calculation 50 feet Vibration Level (PPV, in/sec)0.074 at 50 feet Path Calculation 75 feet Vibration Level (PPV, in/sec)0.040 at 75 feet Path Calculation 195 feet Vibration Level (PPV, in/sec)0.010 at 195 feet Source to Receiver Direct Path Distance: CFA I-5 & Palomar S190205.2 8/12/2019 Vibratory Roller (Worst-Case) Source to Receiver Direct Path Distance: Source to Receiver Direct Path Distance: APPENDIX K Recommended Products TECHNICAL DATA The sealant is used for exposed and unexposed applications at perimeter joints, floor and ceiling runners, cut outs in gypsum board, veneer plaster systems and other areas where a sound rated assembly is required. The sealant can also be applied or buttered around all electrical boxes and outlets, cold air returns, heating and air conditioning ducts, and other utility equipment penetrating wall surfaces for increased acoustical performance. Also works well for sealing sill and and base plates in residential construction. SPECIFICATIONS UL Classified – 48S9 (R9732). Tested in accordance with and conforms to UL 723: U.B.C. Standard No. 42-1 Class I. ASTM E84: Surface Burning Characteristics of Building Materials. ASTM E90-85: Laboratory Measurement of Airborne-Sound Transmission Loss of Building Materials. ASTM D217: Testing Standard for Consistency. PHYSICAL PROPERTIES Type Synthetic Latex Rubber Color White Solids by weight 75% Toxicity Toxic only if swallowed. Refer to MSDS. Flammability Nonflammable Flash Point 200°F. TCC (minimum amount of solvent present) Tooling/Open Time 15 minutes Tack Free Time 30 minutes Cure Time 2-7 days Application Temperature 40°F minimum Service Temperature -5°F - 170°F Freeze-Thaw Stability 3 cycles. Unaffected by freezing after curing Shelf Life 1 year from date made at 75°F Sag or Slump Nil (ASTM D2202) VOC Level 22g/l or <1% by wt. Shore “A” Hardness 45 +/-5 (Cured 30 days @ room temp.) Clean-up Water and soap before curing Accelerated Weathering No cracks, discoloration or chalking: 1000 hrs. in Xenon Arc Weatherometer _____________________________________________________ ASTM C919-79: Standard Practice for Use of Sealants in Acoustical Applications. SCAQMD Rule 1168 V.O.C.; CARB; and BAAQMD compliant GREENGUARD Certified Meets LEEDS requirements LIMITATIONS Keep from freezing Do not use below 40°F. (5°C.). Not recommended for use on mirrors or underwater applications. Not recommended for exterior use. PACKAGING 28 oz. cartridges – 12 per case (Item No. GS79928) STORAGE Store at 70°F. +/- 5° (21°C) for long shelf life and easy application. Do not store below 40°F. (5°C.). COVERAGE 3/8” round bead size: approx. 40 lin. ft. per 28 oz. cartridge. ¼” round bead size: Approx. 89 lin. ft. / 28oz cartridge. DRAFT & ACOUSTICAL SOUND SEALANT OSI® Greenseries™ Draft & Acoustical Sound Sealant is a non-flammable, latex-based sealant specially designed to reduce sound transmissions and drafts in all types of wall systems where a sound- rated assembly is required. Its primary function is to achieve and maintain the specific STC (Sound Transmission Class) value of the system designed. The paintable sealant remains flexible and adheres firmly to wood, metal studs, concrete, gypsum board and most other building materials. The easy-to-use sealant cleans up easily with soap and water. FEATURES Permanently flexible Easy application and cleanup UL Classification – R9732; UL 723 Easy water cleanup Low VOC, compliant formula Will not harden, crack or separate Non-staining & non-migrating High degree of adhesive and cohesive strength. USES Greenseries™ Draft & Acoustical was developed primarily for commercial construction utilizing light weight cavity walls and floor systems. Draft & Acoustical Sealant is used successfully in office buildings, hotels, apartment complexes, and other types of commercial & residential construction. A. B o t t o m & T o p R u n n e r s : A p p l y a c o n t i n u o u s 3 / 8 ” r o u n d b e a d o f se a l a n t o n r u n n e r s b e f o r e s e t t i n g gy p s u m b o a r d . G y p s u m b o a r d sh a l l b e s e t i n t o s e a l a n t t o f o r m co m p l e t e c o n t a c t w i t h a d j a c e n t ma t e r i a l s . F i l l j o i n t o n t o p ru n n e r s t o c o m p l e t e s e a l . R e p e a t pr o c e d u r e f o r d o u b l e l a y e r ap p l i c a t i o n s . B. C u t - O u t s a n d P e r i m e t e r J o i n t s . Ba c k s o f e l e c t r i c a l b o x e s , p i p e s , du c t s y s t e m s a n d o t h e r t y p e s o f ut i l i t y e q u i p m e n t p e n e t r a t i n g w a l l su r f a c e s s h a l l b e b u t t e r e d w i t h se a l a n t . S e a l a l l j o i n t s a t pe r i m e t e r e d g e s i n c l u d i n g ab u t t i n g s u r f a c e s a n d c o r n e r jo i n t s . 3. M a x i m u m j o i n t s i z e s h o u l d n o t ex c e e d ” x ½ ” . 4. C l e a n t o o l s a n d e x c e s s s e a l a n t im m e d i a t e l y a f t e r a p p l i c a t i o n w i t h so a p a n d w a t e r . 5. I f n e c e s s a r y , s e a l a n t c a n b e pa i n t e d a s a p p l i c a b l e t o m e e t pr o j e c t r e q u i r e m e n t s a f t e r 2 4 ho u r s . CA U T I O N ! C O N T A I N S E T H Y L E N E GL Y C O L , M I N E R A L S P I R I T S a n d cr y s t a l l i n e s i l i c a . A v o i d e y e co n t a c t . D o n o t t a k e i n t e r n a l l y . I f sw a l l o w e d , m a y c a u s e a b d o m i n a l di s c o m f o r t . U s e w i t h a d e q u a t e ve n t i l a t i o n . R e f e r t o M S D S . WA R N I N G : T h i s p r o d u c t c o n t a i n s a c h e m i c a l k n o w n t o t h e S t a t e o f Ca l i f o r n i a t o c a u s e c a n c e r . KE E P O U T O F R E A C H O F CH I L D R E N FI R S T A I D Ey e C o n t a c t : I n c a s e o f e y e co n t a c t , f l u s h w i t h c l e a n w a t e r fo r a t l e a s t 1 5 m i n u t e s . S k i n Co n t a c t : W a s h s k i n t h o r o u g h l y wi t h s o a p a n d w a t e r . I n g e s t i o n : DO N O T i n d u c e v o m i t i n g . S e e k me d i c a l a t t e n t i o n . I f d i z z i n e s s oc c u r s , r e m o v e t o f r e s h a i r . NO T I C E T O P U R C H A S E R He n k e l C o r p o r a t i o n w a r r a n t s th i s p r o d u c t w h e n u s e d ac c o r d i n g t o d i r e c t i o n s . I f n o t sa t i s f i e d w i t h t h e p r o d u c t ’ s pe r f o r m a n c e w h e n u s e d a s di r e c t e d , r e t u r n s a l e s r e c e i p t an d u s e d c o n t a i n e r t o H e n k e l Co r p o r a t i o n , 3 2 1 5 0 J u s t Im a g i n e D r i v e , A v o n O H , 4 4 0 1 1 fo r p r o d u c t r e p l a c e m e n t o r re f u n d . U s e r s h a l l d e t e r m i n e su i t a b i l i t y o f p r o d u c t f o r u s e a n d as s u m e s a l l r i s k . QU E S T I O N S ? Fo r c o m m e r c i a l u s e o r o t h e r qu e s t i o n s p e r t a i n i n g t o t h i s pr o d u c t , c a l l H e n k e l T e c h n i c a l Se r v i c e a t 8 0 0 - 3 2 1 - 0 2 5 3 M - F , 9a m – 4 p m . o r v i s i t o u r w e b s i t e at ww w . g r e e n s e r i e s . c o m . PE R F O R M A N C E CH A R A C T E R I S T I C S 1. U n d e r w r i t e r s L a b o r a t o r i e s In c . C l a s s i f i e d 4 8 S 9 ( R 9 7 3 2 ) UL 7 2 3 : S e a l a n t t e s t e d f o r su r f a c e b u r n i n g ch a r a c t e r i s t i c s A p p l i e d t o o r g a n i c R e i n f o r c e d C e m e n t B o a r d * Fl a m e S p r e a d 5 Sm o k e D e v e l o p m e n t 5 *T e s t e d a s a p p l i e d i n t w o 1 / 2 i n . b e a d s , 8 i n . o n ce n t e r . T h e s e a l a n t c o v e r e d 5 . 6 p e r c e n t o f t h e ex p o s e d s a m p l e a r e a . 2. A S T M E 9 0 - 8 5 : S T C V a l u e – E f f e c t o f s e a l i n g t h e o p e n i n g o n a t e s t w a l l p a r t i t i o n . AP P L I C A T I O N PR O C E E D U R E S Al l s u r f a c e s m u s t b e c l e a n a n d fr e e o f d u s t , d i r t , o i l , m o i s t u r e an d o t h e r f o r e i g n s u b s t a n c e s wh i c h c o u l d i n t e r f e r e w i t h t h e bo n d o f t h e s e a l a n t . DI R E C T I O N S 1. C u t s p o u t o n t u b e t o d e s i r e d be a d s i z e ( 3 / 8 ” r o u n d b e a d re c o m m e n d e d ) a n d p u n c t u r e se a l i n s i d e s p o u t . 2. S e a l a n t s h o u l d b e a p p l i e d a s sp e c i f i e d i n t h e s o u n d - r a t e d sy s t e m b e i n g i n s t a l l e d ( e i t h e r wo o d o r m e t a l s t u d s ) OS I ® G r e e n S e r i e s ™ D r a f t & Ac o u s t i c a l S o u n d S e a l a n t i s cu r r e n t l y u n d e r g o i n g t e s t e d by G R E E N G U A R D . Th e G R E E N G U A R D I N D O O R AI R Q U A L I T Y C E R T I F I E D Ma r k i s a r e g i s t e r e d ce r t i f i c a t i o n m a r k u s e d u n d e r li c e n s e t h r o u g h t h e GR E E N G U A R D E n v i r o n m e n t a l In s t i t u t e . Te s t p a r t i t i o n c o n s i s t e d o f m e t a l s t u d s 2 4 ” O . C . w i t h d o u b l e l a y e r g y p s u m bo a r d , F i r e c o d e “ C ” a n d a t t a c h e d w i t h s c r e w s o n b o t h s i d e s . I n s i d e o f p a r t i t i o n wa s f i l l e d w i t h s o u n d i n s u l a t i o n . P a r t i t i o n s y s t e m w a s e r e c t e d a n d s h i m m e d o u t 4. 7 5 m m ( 0 . 1 8 7 5 i n . ) a t t o p, b o t t o m a n d e d g e s . Re s u l t s : S o u n d T r a n s m i s s i o n C l a s s V a l u e 1. U n - s e a l e d p a r t i t i o n – A r r o w s s h o w s o u n d t r a v e l a r o u n d o r t h r o u g h pa r t i t i o n s . a. S T C = 1 5 2. S i n g l e b e a d o f s e a l a n t u s e d a t t o p a n d b o t t o m r u n n e r s o n l y – b o t h si d e s o f p a r t i t i o n s y s t e m . a. S T C = 2 4 Me t a l S t u d P a r t i t i o n D o o r / W i n d o w f r a m e i n a h o l l o w p a r t i t i o n 3. S i n g l e b e a d o f s e a l a n t u s e d a t t o p , b o t t o m a n d p e r i m e t e r j o i n t s – b o t h si d e s o f s y s t e m . a. S T C = 4 5 4. D o u b l e b e a d o f s e a l a n t u s e d a t t o p , b o t t o m a n d p e r i m e t e r j o i n t s – b o t h si d e s o f s y s t e m . a. S T C = 5 5 He n k e l C o n s u m e r A d h e s i v e s Pr o f e s s i o n a l A d h e s i v e s & S e a l a n t s 32 1 5 0 J u s t I m a g i n e D r i v e Av o n , O H 4 4 0 1 1 U. S . A . Ph o n e : ( 4 4 0 ) 9 3 7 - 7 0 0 0 Fa x : ( 4 4 0 ) 9 3 7 - 7 0 9 2 s G 1 1 1 0 2 (W\ w BASIC USES • AC-20 FTR ®fire-rated systems are suitable for applications in schools, hospitals,churches,high-rise office buildings and hotels,prisons,sports arenas,and other public-use buildings to ensure a safe and orderly evacuation in the event of a fire. PACKAGING •30 fl.oz.(.887 liter) fiber cartridges •5-gallon (18.9 liter) pails COLOR •White,Beige-Gray Special colors available in 250-gallon (946 liter) batches. Test Property Value Procedure Modulus @ 100% (psi)15-20 ASTM D412 Ultimate Tensile (psi)30-40 ASTM D412 Ultimate Elongation (%)400-500 ASTM D412 Movement Capability (%)±7 1/2 ASTM D412 VOC Content 31 g/L Since Pecora architectural sealants are applied to varied substrates under diverse environmental conditions and construction situations it is recommended that substrate testing be conducted prior to application. TYPICAL PHYSICAL PROPERTIES Specification Data SheetAC-20 FTR® (Fire & Temperature Rated) Acoustical & Insulation Sealant 2. MANUFACTURER Pecora Corporation 165 Wambold Road Harleysville,PA 19438 Phone: 215-723-6051 800-523-6688 Fax: 215-721-0286 Website:www.pecora.com 3.PRODUCT DESCRIPTION AC-20 FTR®is a unique acrylic latex sealant that is UL®Classified in firestopping systems for expansion joints and through penetrations.When properly installed,these systems effectively contain fire,smoke,toxic fumes,and water within a given area surrounded by firewalls for a two,three,or four hour period,depending on the design specifications. Other Uses:Excellent adhesive,flexibility and durability qualities make AC-20 FTR® ideal for insulating and weatherproofing around windows,doors,panels,siding,duct work,base plates,etc.It is compatible with all common building materials including specialties such as polystyrene, polyurethane,cork,vinyl,foamed and fibrous glass. Used as an acoustical sealant,AC-20 FTR® reduces sound transmission in partition systems to achieve specific STC values by sealing spaces around cut-outs and at perimeters of partitions.The sealant cures to a tough rubber to form a long-lasting acoustical seal. 4.TECHNICAL DATA Applicable Standards:ASTM C-834-86 specification for latex sealing compounds. Fire Rated System:Two-hour Fire and Temperature Rated wall and floor joint systems up to 7" (178mm) wide and four-hour systems up to 4" wide can be designed with AC-20 FTR®in conjunction with Ultra Block fire blocking material in fire-rated walls and floors.Reference: ANSI/UL 263,ASTM E-119,NFPA No.251. UNDERWRITERS LABORATORIES INC.® CLASSIFIED JOINT TREATMENT MATERIALS FIRE RESISTANCE CLASSIFICATION DESIGNS J900H (FFS 0006) &U900 "O" (WWS 0010),J900Z (FFS 2002),U900Z- 009 (WWS 2008),J900Z-007 (FFS 1010), U900Z-015 (WWS 1012) AC-20 FTR®in conjunction with Ultra Block®achieves a 2-hour fire rating when sealing around steel or copper pipe and electrical metallic tubing or steel conduit in through penetration systems.Reference: ANSI/UL 1479,ASTM E-814. FILL,VOID OR CAVITY MATERIALS CLASSIFIED BY UNDERWRITERS LABORATORIES INC. FOR USE IN THROUGH-PENETRATION FIRESTOP SYSTEM NO.CAJ 1093 In addition to its fire-blocking value,Ultra Block®is very efficient acoustically,having a noise reduction coefficient of .75 and sound transmission coefficient of .5 (Ultra Block®is a registered trademark of Backer Rod Mfg.and Supply Co.,Denver,CO,USA.) 5.INSTALLATION Surface Preparation:Surfaces must be free of all contamination.Sealant may be applied to damp,porous surfaces.No priming is required. Application:Refer to Pecora Firestopping Manual 07270 and UL Fire Resistance Directory for installation details on fire-rated joint and through penetration systems.For insulating and weatherproof- ing purposes,fill all window,door,and panel perimeter joints using a resilient backer rod to control sealant depth to 1/2" (13mm) maximum.For best results, protect sealant from excessive low temperatures and apply above 40°F (4°C). For acoustical purposes,apply continuous UL® CLASSIFIED ~~PECORA , ~ CORPORATION 0 PEOPLE • PRODUCTS • PERFORMANCE HARLEYSVILLE, PA 165 Wambold Road, Harleysville, PA 19438 Phone: 800-523-6688 • 215-723-6051 • FAX: 215-721-0286 DALLAS,TX 11501 Hillguard Road, Dallas,TX 75243 Phone: 800-233-9754 • 214-348-5313 • FAX: 214-348-5421 www.pecora.com Specification Data Sheet beads of sealant to seal perimeters of all sound-rated partitions.Apply sealant in the angles formed by metal components or base-layer panels and abutting surfaces. Apply sealant around all openings formed for outlets;electrical,telephone,light fixtures,etc. Tooling:Tool material flush with surfaces to allow for expected shrinkage and insure good contact and adhesion to the substrate. Cleaning:Remove excess material with water or a damp cloth before it cures. Sealant may be painted within 30 minutes after application with a good grade of latex paint. Shelf Life:AC-20 FTR®has a shelf life well in excess of one year when stored in unopened containers below 80° F (27°C). Precautions:AC-20 FTR®is non-flammable,non-toxic,non-irritating and environmentally safe.However,do not take internally.Refer to Material Safety Data Sheet for additional information. Ultra Block®is a non-carcinogenic processed continuous filament textile glass fiber that may cause skin,eye and respiratory irritation.When applying,wear long sleeves,gloves,cap,goggles or safety glasses and NIOSH/MSHA-approved dust respirator.After use bathe with soap and warm water.Wash clothes separately and rinse after use.Refer to Material Safety Data Sheet for additional information. FOR PROFESSIONAL USE ONLY. KEEP OUT OF THE REACH OF CHILDREN. 6.AVAILABILITY AND COST Pecora products are available from our stocking distributors in all major cities. For the name and telephone number of your nearest representative call one of our locations listed below or visit our website at www.pecora.com. 7.WARRANTY Pecora Corporation warrants its products to be free of defects.Under this warranty, we will provide,at no charge,replacement materials for,or refund the purchase price of,any product proven to be defective when installed in accordance with our published recommendations and in applications considered by us as suitable from this product.This warranty in lieu of any and all other warranties expressed or implied,and in no case will Pecora be liable for incidental or consequential damages. 8.MAINTENANCE If the sealant is damaged and the bond is intact,cut out the damaged area and recaulk.No primer is required.If the bond has been affected,remove the sealant, clean and prepare the joint in accordance with instructions under "Installation". 9.TECHNICAL SERVICES Pecora representatives are available to assist you in selecting an appropriate product and to provide on-site application instructions or to conduct jobsite inspections.For further assistance call our Technical Service Department at 800-523-6688. 3K0704 , _, CORPORATION ~ ISO 9001 :2000 a KEMA CERTIFICATE IAII Accredited by ~l ANSI-RAB NAP ,~PECORA ---------------------------