HomeMy WebLinkAbout1986-08-13; Planning Commission; ; GPA/LU 85-09|ZC-338|LCPA 86-02- SEAPOINTE CARLSBAD (CITY OF CARLSBAD)The discussion section of this report will examine the Subareas
(Pl-P4) (as shown on Exhibit B) that the Seapointe Carlsbad study
recommended for either General Plan Amendments, Zone changes or
Local Coastal Plan Amendments. In some areas, there were no
changes recommended.
Planning Issues
1) Are the proposed land uses appropriate for the sites?
2) Is the proposed zoning consistent with the General Plan
and Local Coastal Plan designations on the property?
3) Are the proposed land use and zoning designations
consistent with surrounding land uses and zoning?
Discussion -➔-..-ii! f·R>•~'Tl"IA ua
.,( ~ ' i r-~
_,. ti~
This study area is divided into two major sections, the
Bankers/Life parcel to the north and the Lusk property to the
south. The Bankers/Life parcel, approximately 36 acres in size
is located south of the sewer plant. The Lusk property is
located north of Poinsettia, east of the railroad, and west of
Avenida Encinas.
General Plan
Local Coastal Plan
Medium Density
Staff is recommending a zoning of PM/0 on this property. The
area adjacent to the waste treatment plant is proposed for
industrial development and will serve as a buffer between this
use and residential/commercial uses to the south. Through a
specific plan, office uses will also be permitted on the site and
will function as a transition between the industrial and
residential uses.
At the present time, the alignment of Avenida Encinas has not
been established. If it is located through the western portion
of the site, staff could support the use of planned industrial
uses on the west side of the street. This use would function as
a further buffer from the railroad.
The proposed changes would also require an LCP amendment from the
present Medium Density Residential designation to Planned
Industrial/Office. The Local coastal Plan is being amended to
add a separate category for office uses. There are no coastal
resource issues on this site and the proposed designation PI/O is
consistent with Coastal policies.
Staff is recommending the following changes on this property:
General Plan
Local Coastal Plan
Medium Residential/
Office uses are proposed at the north end of the site and to wrap
around the east property line along existing Avenida Encinas.
This would create a balanced street scene with property to the
north and provide a buffer from the approved car dealerships to
the east. Multi-family residences are recommended for the
remaining area to keep community character with commercial uses
and also to support these uses. This type of housing is also
designated for the beach area by the Land Use Element of the
General Plan. Staff believes that clustered multi-family
residences would be most appropriate in this area so that noise
impacts from both the railroad and Poinsettia Lane could be
reduced by locating the dwelling units away from these noise
The zone change and General Plan amendment will necessitate a
Local Coastal Plan amendment from Medium Density Residential (4-8
du's/ac} to Medium Density Residential/Office. General
Commercial is the most appropriate designation for an office use.
The present agricultural overlay will remain on the property and
will require mitigation by the property owner prior to
For more details see Section P-1 of the Seapointe study.
This is a 3.4 acre parcel
Airport Road and Carlsbad
by the AT&SF Railroad and
Home Park.
1-F.--47 :=-~,---..... r_r-t ;~
tc;ic ~ ~
at the southeast corner of Palomar
Boulevard. It is bounded on the east
on the south by the Solamar Mobile
Staff is recommending the following changes on this property:
General Plan
Local Coastal Plan
Medium High
OS and RMH
OS and RD-M
Open Space/
Medium High
Staff has proposed that the northern salt water marsh/river
channel have both a General Plan and zoning designation of Open
Space (OS). The southern section would retain the RMH
classification but be zoned RD-M.
Staff is recommending RMH/RD-M on the southern portion of the
site to maintain compatibility with the two mobile home parks and
the unbuilt, small lot subdivision, La Costa Downs. Staff feels
if the site were zoned for Office use, it would constitute "spot
zoning" and would not be as compatible as RMH/RD-M would be with
the surrounding residential uses. This land use designation
presently extends south to Poinsettia Lane.
The change in zoning and General Plan designation to OS on the
northern portion of the site will also necessitate an amendment
to the Local Coastal Plan. This change would be from Medium High
Density Residential (10-20 du/ac) to Open Space/Parks. This is
in keeping with coastal policies for preserving sensitive coastal
resource areas which include wetlands and other environmentally
sensitive resources found on the adjacent slope areas. The
southern section of the site will maintain its existing LCP
designation of Medium High Residential.
For more details, see Section P-3 of the Seapointe study.
La Costa Downs Subdivision
Staff is recommending the following changes on this property:
General Plan
Local Coastal Plan
Medium High
No Change
The present zoning on this site is R-1-10000 and the General Plan
designation is RMH (8-15 du/ac). Staff is proposing the zoning
to remain as it is and the General Plan designation to be lowered
to RM (4-8 du/ac). Staff realizes the two designations of R-1-
10000 and RM do not appear to be compatible1 however, the
situation that exists is unusual. The small lot (6,000 sq. ft.)
Southern Two-Thirds
This subarea is presently vacant and relatively level on the
northerly section of the site. The southerly one-third (known as
"Ponto") consists of mixed housing and industrial uses.
Staff is recommending the following changes on this property:
General Plan
Local Coastal Plan
Medium High
Visitor Commercial/
Medium High
Staff is proposing a combination zone of CT-Q/RD-M-Q and a split
General Plan designation of TS/RMH. The major reason why staff
assigned a combination zone and split General Plan designation
for this site was because of the uncertainty over what type of
development will take place in the immediate area. The
Batiquitos Educational Park Master Plan has an approved
commercial site of 6.8 acres which wraps around the "Ponto" area.
The uses on this site will be "directed toward the neighborhood -
commercial needs of the residents and employees of the Master
Plan area". A maximum of 44 residential units will be permitted
above the ground floor of these commercial uses. Staff betieves
similar land uses in the Ponto area would promote compatibility
between the two areas. The two project areas would also
compliment each other by providing more moderate accommodations,
more customers for nearby restaurants and other commercial uses
and also more support for beach-oriented vacationers. This would
be the only commercial beach area between Palomar Airport Road
(if that site is approved) and Encinitas.
The proposed General Plan amendment and zone change would also
require a Local Coastal Plan amendment from the present Medium
High Density Residential to Visistor Commercial/Medium High
Density Residential. This is consistent with the Coastal Act by
providing visitor commercial areas at a site which is close to
the beach and the State beach campgrounds, as well as located at
the terminus of a freeway beach exit. The Local Coastal Plan
recreation policy calls for mixed use residential and recreation
commercial across from the State park. Carlsbad's recreation
commercial designations includes golf courses, horse stables and
other uses not appropriate on this site. The tourist commercial
designation is more appropriate at this location but will
require a further amendment to the text of the Local Coastal
Plan. The present Agricultural Overlay will remain on the
property and will require mitigation by the property owner prior
to development.
For further details, see Section P-4 of the Seapointe study.
Seapointe Carlsbad has extremely favorable external access since
it is bounded on the west and south by major arterials, on the
north by a prime arterial and on the east by an eight lane
interstate freeway.
The traffic analysis demonstrates some future capacity problems
at intersections along the arterial streets and at the freeway
ramps. Such problems will exist with or without the uses
proposed in the land use study. Mitigation of the problem
locations has been suggested in the land use study, and is
deemed to be reasonable and practical.
As projects are approved, there should be conditions imposed
which will give assurance that in the proper phasing and at
proper time, the project will be required to implement its fair
share of the needed mitigation.
If the Planning Commission determines that the above LCP
amendments are warranted and, therefore, necessary to implement
the City's Local Coastal Program, it should establish the State
mandated six week review period. During the period which would
begin on August 13, 1986 and end September 24, 1986 all
interested parties including other agencies would have the
opportunity to comment on the merits of the proposed amendments.
Staff would then return to the Planning Commission on October 1,
1986 with a summary of the comments received. The Commission
would determine whether modifications to any of the proposed LCP
amendments are warranted and forward its recommendations to the
City Council for final action.
overall, staff believes the proposed changes will create land
uses which are more compatible with existing land uses and with
coastal policies. Safeguards have been incorporated into the
zoning and General Plan designations to ensure that development
will be compatible and well integrated with surrounding
The Planning Director has determined that this p~oject will not
have a significant impact on the environment and, therefore, has
issued a Negative Declaration on July 5, 1986.
1) Planning Commission Resolution Nos. 2587, 2588 and 2589
2) Vicinity Map and Study Area
3. Exhibits "B" -•o• dated June 30, 1986
4. Environmental Document, dated July 5, 1986
5. Seapointe Carlsbad Land Use Study
6. Traffic Study
~ E. ":BIT "D"
Ju.,.e: 30, 1986
I• General Plan Amendments
Subarea P-1 North RM to PI/0
South RM to RM/0
Subarea P-2 RMB to TS
Subarea P-3 North RMB to OS
Middle RMB to No Change
South RMB to RM
Subarea P-4 North RMB to No Change
Area South RMH to TS/RMH
II. zone Changes
Subarea P-1 North R-1-10000 to PM/O
South R-1-10000 to RD-M-Q
Subarea P-2 RD-M to CT-Q
Subarea P-3 North R-1-10000 to OS
Middle R-1-10000 to RD-M
South R-1-10000 to No Change
Subarea P-4 North PC to RD-M-Q
South PC to CT-Q/RD-M-Q
III. Local Coastal Plan Amendments
Subarea P-1 North Medium Residential to Planned Industrial/
General canmercial
* South Mediwn Residential to Mediwn Residential/
General commercial
Subarea P-2 Open Space/Parks to Visitor Commercial
Subarea P-3 -North Medium High Res. to Open Space/Parks
Middle Medium High Res. to No Change
South Medium High Res. to Medium Residential
• Subarea P-4 North Medium High Res. to No Change
South Mediwn High Res. to Visitor commercial/
Medium High Res.
IV. Office
The addition of an office category to the Local Coastal Plan as follows:
This classification designates areas which are compatible and
environmentally suited to office and professional uses, including some
canpatible and supportive related commercial uses. This land use could be
placed along major arterials without creating adverse conditions which are
associated with strip developnent, and can be used as buffers between
canmercial areas and residential uses.
* Keep Coastal Agricultural Overlay
GPA/LU 85-9
]I \
GPA/LU 85-9.
I. EI.ecutive Summary ........................................................ I
Emibit 1 L&lld Use Plu Cud Summary Chart) ... 4
I I. Backaround ......................................................................... 6
A. Location ...................................................................... .6
B. Pu.rpose ....................................................................... .6
Emibit 2 Existing Conditions .................................. 7
C. Site Or&&Dia&.ioa ..................................................................... 8
D £ ·--· Se • ft . _ ... ,Aaaa tuna .......................................................... 7
E. Biar, ............................................................................. 11
F. Metb.odoloa ............................................................. 12
111. Opportunities and Constraints ................................. 14
Euibit 3 Opportunities &Cons&rliAts ................. 17
Euibit 4i 'l'iad Ch.arts ............................................... 11
IV. Eiisting Land Use Regulations ................................. 19
A. Summary ................................................................... 19
B. Local Coastal Pl&D .................................................... 20
C. Soutb. Carlsbad State Beach Master Pl&D ............. 22
V. Discussion and Recommendations .......................... 24
A. Concepts .......................................................... _ .......... 24
B. Coamunity Character ............................................ 25
C. Pl&D Classifications to be Used .............................. 2~
D. Recommendations ................................................... 27
Euibit 5 Subarea Pl ............................................... 28
Euibit 6 Subarea PZ ............................................... 32
Euibit 7 Subarea P3 ............................................... 36
Euibit 8 Subarea P•f. ............................................. :fl
V I. Circulation.. ........................................................................ 5 2
A. Present Circulation System ................................... :;2
B. Filldill1s of the Tratfic Study ................................ :;2
C. Recom.mendations ................................................... :;3
Emibit 9 Circu.la&.ion .............................................. ,-4
VII. Conformance vitll tlle General Plan ...................... 55
Prepared by:
9605 Scnacoo Rd., Suite 202
Saa Diep, CA 92121
(619) 458-1361
GPA/LU 85-9.
I. E!ecutive Summary ............................................ , ..... ,,,,,, 1
Emibit 1 L&nd U• Pl&A (and Summary Chart) ... 4
I I. Bactground ........................................................................... 6
A. Location ...................................................................... .&
B. Purpose ....................................................................... .6
Emibit 2 Existin.1 Conditions .................................. 7
C. Site O.rau.ization ....................................................... 8
D. Enst.in& Setti.na .......................................................... 9
E. Wstorr ...................................................................... .11
F. Met.hodoloff ............................................................. 12
11 I. Opportunities and Constraints ................................. 14
Emibit 3 Opportunities & Coasuaints ................. 17
uh.ibit 4 Wind Charts ............................................ .18
IV. .Existing Land Use Regulations ................................. 19
A. Sum..mary ................................................................... 19
B. Local Coastal Plu .................................................... 20
C. South Carlsbad State Beach Master Plaa. ............. 22
V. Discussion and Recommendations .......................... 24
A. Concepis ..................................................................... 24
B. Com.munity Cha.rac:ter ............................................ 2,
C. Pl&A Classifications to be Used .............................. 2,
D. Recom.mendati.ons ................................................... 27
~it., Subvea Pl ............................................... 28
£1.hibit 6 Subatea PZ ............................................... 32
Eshibit 7 Subvea P3 ............................................... 36
£1.hibit. 8 Subarea P-4 ............................................... 41
V I. Circulation ............................................................................ 5 2
A. Pre•nt Circulation System. ................................... ~2
B. Findin1s of the Traffic Study ................................ ,2
C. Recom.mea.dati.ons ................................................... ~3
Eshibit 9 Ci.rcula&ioa .............................................. ,<l
VII. Conformance with the General Plan ...................... 55
Prepved by:
9605 Scnaton 14 .• Suite 202
SIA Dieco. CA 92121
(619, ◄58-1361
I, Easvtin summea
The SeapoiAte Carlsbad GPA Stuct, Area cu be 1oca&ld by reterria.1 to Euibit 2. Eliswic
Area Map. Coaprilld of about 340 acres. it is locaaed 1en1rally iJl the southYeSt
quadnat of the city. The purpo11 ot this report is to proTidl recoauaendations to the
Pl&Aniaa Commissi'>n ud the City Council reptdiaa tb.e appropria&e land u.. for the
Study Ana at tile General Pm lffel
Th• m.ethodolor, utilized iJlcludld a l'ffin of the Study Ana's pluAilll Id.story, the
requesc.d cliscreuoury ICWUlS. aad opportuAitia u.d coutraiA&s ao.alysis, iAten-i,,rs
•ith property o,rners, ud discutliou Tith City staff.
CoAdusiom reached by Uus report an u follon (see euibit 1. follo•i.Aa):
l) Due to the cout&1 location of the site, ~d easy trenay access to the major
io.ter11ctioAs (Palotllll' Airport Rold/Carlsbad Bou.levvd ud PoiA•u.ia Lane/Carlsbad
Boulnanl), the area betnea Poiulu.ia L&Ae/Carlsbld Boulevvd and Sammis
Properties' B&i.quitH l.apoA Educational Pvt (,rllich is Neqhborhood Coaaercill
alona Carlsbad Boulnvd) should be WIid tor visitor--•n-i.Da commercial. For the same
acc111 reuoa, the area It Palomar Airport Road/Carlsbad Boulevard should &IIO be
Tisitof'-tl"illl coaaercial.
2) Between these commercial anu, aloaa CarJsbad Boulevvd should be residential.
Cud u u alteraa&i.ff nnr the.,,..., tnaunent plut, office).
3) Plaued Iadultrial should be placed around tile Eacina Water Pollution Control Pl&l1t
as a buffer.
Selooiate Clrllbld General Pllll AaeMlll8t Sludy
4) The ana betweea the railroad and the eDIWll COIIUllercial area along the Cree,ray,
on the north side of PoiA•ttia Laae, should be housiA1 (Medium Densit.y Residentia1)
and office to cna&e a balaa.ce of U11S ,rit.b.i.D the Study Area. The office area should be
implemented alon1 tile northern and eulern property lines to buffer the residential
area froa the nearby co11U111rcia1 and iAdustrial areas.
5) The area betW'Nn the Plallned IAdustrial •uth of the Encina Wa&er Pollution Control
Plant ud the houua •ntioaed lbcm slloulcl be Office to further ptoTide a transition
from the maaufacmrin1/ia.dustrial U91S to the north and the residential U9IS to the
6) Aloo.1 tile Carlsbad Boulnvd Scenic Corridor the City, ia coajuactioa ,rith the
o,raen. should dnelop desip 1uidelllles to teep appnnace u.d development
consisaeat aloa1 CarJsbad Boulevard. The elements to be included ,rithia tile Desip
Guidelian should be: Scale and buildiA1 massio.1, laadscapiA1, sipqe, material and
color paleUes, aad maiateaance or creation of vin corridors ,rhere nn dffelopment
occurs iD front of roads or other development. or ,rhere there are vie,r opportunitites.
The aboTI recommeacla&ioas (pardcuJ1dy aloa.1 the Carlsbad Boulentd Scenic
Corridor) are made Yi.th a coacena for onnll quality of dffelopment. Th ..
recommenda&ioo.s are made • th.au. onrall desip pro1na ,rill be developed for the
Scenic Corridor. Othel'Yill, the esisda1 frapaeated o,raership ,rill denlop iD &
haphazard Jlllll.lllr.
The Local Couta1 Plaa (LCP) will han to be amended to accomplish these
recommendations. since tile entire area to be amended is iD the Mello 11 area.
Selfoillte Cltlsbld GeMral Ptu A..,_., Study
-t) Th• Ult& bttYN~ da• railroad ud tile esiswl1 COIILlllerci&l area aloa1 the fnnay,
oa th• aonb side or PoitmUia Lue, should be llouu1 (Medium Demity Rnideati&l)
ud office to cnue & balance of U9IS Yitbia the Study Ana. The office area should be
implemeatacl aloa1 t.lle aonbera ud ..-ra property llaes to buffer the resi•atial
Ult& f,oa tile aevt,y co ... rci&l aacl iadus&rial areas.
,> The area betnea tile Plwled Iadusttill mutll of tile Eacill11111r hllution Control
Plallt aad the llousiaa meat.ioaecl above should be Office to turtber iarovide a tru.sitio11
from the 11114ufacwria1/iadustrial WIii to the north ud tile rnidtati&l UIIS to the
6) AJo.a.1 the Cuitbld BouJnltd Sceaic Corridor tile a&,. ia coajuactioa with the
o,raen. should dlftlop desi1a 1uidllliaes to tNp ap,-nace aacl dl't'elopm•a.t
coasis&eat aloa1 Carlsbad BoulffVd. The elem.eats to IMI iac1udlcl widaia the Desip.
Guidelian shoulcl be: Scale ud buildia1 maaia1, laadscapiaa. sipqe. material aa.d
color paleU,N. aacl maiaaeaaace or cna&.ioa of Tiff corridon ,rbere aw developme11t
occun ia froat of roads or odl1r clnelopuat. or •h•re there are vie,r op,onuaitites.
The above recoameada&ioas (particularly aloa1 the Carlsbad Boulffatd Scenic
Corridor) are mdl Yitll a coac:ena for crnra11 quality or development. Thne
reco ... aclauoas an .... • thl& an Gftra11 daip pro1ram YW be dffeloped for the
Scenic Corridor. Otlaerw-m. &la• emwaa frapaeated o,rnenhip •W deTelop in a.
llaplllard GUll'Uler.
Th• Local Couta1 Plu (LCPJ ,rill Jlaff to bl waded to accomplish these
recoauaclauom. siAce the eatirl .,. to bl amended is ill the Mello II am.
Seapointe Cltlsbad Genen1 P11G Alllldment Study
Conflicts betTeen -th, LCP &Ad the South C&rtshad State Beach Master Plu. (State
Department or Paris ud Recreation) cu be resolved ud ,ome possible solutions a.re
Additional information and details are included in the body of the ten, i.o. section IV.
Discussioa ud Rec:o.auaendations.
P"«'" 4
G_eneral Plan Desi&rrnJj.9_11~
RM Medium Density
Resideolia.l ( ◄-8 DU/ Ac)
RMH Medium Hi11b Density
Residential (8 l'j DU/Ac)
O Office
Travel Service
Genen.J Commercial
Planned Industrial
Coastal Designations:
Low Medium Density
Residential (0-◄ DU/ Ac)
• z Medium Density
Residen lial ( + IO DU/ Ac)
•3 Medium HiRb Density
Residential (I0-20 DU/Ac)
•◄ High Density
Residential (ZO-30 DU/ Ac)
:) General Commercial
6 Visitor Commercial
e: Planned Industrial
Open Space/Parks
9 Agricullun.J Preserve
IO Agriculture/Residential
(2 DU/Ac)
11 Schools/Public Uses
•rbe City has proposed an LCP
amendment to mate these
density ranges consistent with
the General Plan density ranges
111 \ 111• 1111111( IH
Ro.,4 Troe l)ttiJJUlion xrnil C1'<Uen• _Road Commrnu °)c:
lo,,.r,1ar~"' fr~fl"WJY
r¾ lnm.ar I\ rrpnt 1 Rr1 Prim, i\rlf"riaf
1116 ROWI
Poms~uia I.an~ M::tior Ao&d
(arhbuf &ulf"Yard Major Ro-ad
(102 ROW)
Avf'flida F.ncin.a 5'-t'lffldary Artttial
L~nd Vs~;
I 1tf!I' ran h,. rlnnfl" to AffPrl 1h,-v1,-.,.i"i lrom th,. h,rwav rftu-to l0t10A:r<1(lhy Nn ;1rl1Clf1 1"'<omm,rnl,.rf
(J>,1t·1"V1P"'l!hrn1;~h'-'h"fPpnn1hlP10:wo1d '-'Ill or lunnf'I l"frf'rtfrnmf,,.,. .... ,.,,.
V1,;1:1 point,._ pn.-.,;;1hlP frnm ,\vf'n1rh [ndni JHU ,;:n11th of P.1lnmar A1rpnr1 llo:td I PJVP ,;nrnl" Vtf"'S.' 1hro•11~h
l)Pn'\f' pl.tnr1nR o;hn11lc1 hr rrq1111f"•t to -.;rr,.,." ,,r.., frqm P.al11mar Airport Road mftl p.11\:lll't lnr,;; CH nntn 1nnl"i
R,con\truc11on, ;111qm,.111.itrnn ol P:.lom.u A1rpor1 Roa'1 hf"twttn I \ r,-qo1rtd. 'if",. 'illbMP:t m.,p
DPfl~f' plant inst 1houlrt hi-rf'QHlf"r1 In 'iUN"n ,,,.,, lrom PoiMf'Hia Lan,. into parlctnR 1011 M 01110 fC~f,
O"pf'lfttlnitiM l"'Xi1t to !'J"l'"at,. a Srf'nic fnrril10f" afoot farl,;b1d ffo11l"°'11.rd OwnPn to r1f'V,.lop 0Mign G11irt,.li!lM in r01111u'l<t1on
wirh U!y (t)f land1r11p1n11. uchitf'<lural mu!';insr; and 11.atN ialt. and ,i,nau•
fbH th" ultiru1,-•itfth of thi, roar1 i-. built llrf'",f'ntlv alnn« thf' '1..-vPlop1Pd fronU•t 101Jth nl P1lnrnAr Airport Ro-ad
(JM,-lopm1Pnl of tht 11,-,;11idi-nl !hf" rn.trf thnold ht-,;pl'"tad ov~ 111 lurth,.r d~vl'"lnpmf"flt JlonR l!S IPn~th on a pH !rip bui1
Current Current Currffll Recommtndt'd AlttfOllf' Rtto11111tndtd RKomrutndrdOppor1uni1iM (0)
~..,-11 Plan Zonina Coastal Goneul Plan R,comm,ndNI Ion, LCP .I.
S~hr~ llttiJ.Dll.llll C!UliliU1lt111!_e1wi•LiM !lru11111in G _p Qnilw_at,on (!1,11i1im1qn Drii11111tJon Coonulllts_[Cl Cl1mmtn!J_
E-1 T C-1
(Trutl Sff-fic~l
Pl M
(Pb.nnNf lndustriatl
u P-U 11
r.-2 TS/C C-2 ''6
ITravf'I St-r-vitr.' t_~";t visitor-
Commttc ial l s~•ingl
IMf"dium High0,1obilf' fhnnt
Rt,idtntiafl Part:l
(Mf'dioro High (►1obll,. U011t
R.r-tidf'nliall Palk)
p .. RM R I I 0 2-PA
{).(Nflum 0f'nst1y IM~ium Density
Rr-,idtn1i11l Attidtnlial 'Ill
A11 Prf"Sttvel
P lb RM R I I 0 2 PA
p. ~ RMH ROM 3
RV P>.rtin.a
lconrticl1 'llith
G<,n,r al Plan I
P 31 RMI! R-1-1 O J
P-~b RMII R-1-10 J
no ch101e
no ch101t
no chance
no changt
no chance
no chanRt
no chanRe no chan1" 0-Vi""
no c hanR" no chance C-RR Noit:"'
no c han,i:P no chanRe C -Frtt111y Noict Rf!'C,nt Construction: contlst.-.nt "ith Coat11I Plan Drain&1:.e
lffoodwayl ch1nntl mutt be auomodattd d<>'-'nurnm
nont on chana" no ch.tn,:f' C frN"way Noist D""eloi,mtnt is 1pproprla1t lor location and compatiblf' .,ith proeiosed
non• no changt" no thl\.nge
nont no chan11, no chAngt
Pl PWO 115
non• OtRfl "2
none R I IO 2
(-Odor IN. F.nd)
chtnttH around it
ton1-nandin1 us, difficult u, cha.n11e. Appf"afantr nf•i•-ch to bP consid~Nt dut to
O Vi"'sctnic corridor location l.and1capf' conlormanrf' '111th """ 1uidelinN
Same commt"nlt apply u E3
Industrial at north ~d or site 1hould ofJtt atlt11ua1.e bull~ from odon.
O· Fret""' 1y E'<posure frtt"a)' t,cpoture it id et.I for oll ice DMitn KUidelintt callf'd lor
C-RI Noi" Ulted lor In Houtin1 tltm~nt. 11tll-placed for lhon e-mplovf'd nearby or
attendin1 school. Rt-tidtntial use wlll help balanct day-nil.ht UIP
C-RR Noia• ldUil tocation for 1lsitor-servin1J USM
0 l!,,ach
C-Odor H. aid• ol 1ht 1u1ceoubl• to odo,-lrOtlt W1ttr Pollution Control Plant.
(. RR noitt" FuturP rHldtnU thoutd be rf'(fuirNI to attn"IN11e odor pottntial:
0-Vlewa IN. End) lerract tile (or bener view lrom south.
C.F.xittinc Sordal Ottetopmrnl Standards re-c1uirNf -should conform to dNi&n 1uidtlinN.
Sr,Nial lreument Aru Subdivision hu the potent I al to add ch1rac1f"f to the tcenic corridor
P 1a RMll P C J RMll R►VTI RD M J C RR Noise HMJtin1 w-111 be con1l1tent from Poinsettia north to hotel site: apply de1i1n
mixt<I u1t 0-Reacb Pro,cimity GuldtlinN
P 4b RMII p C J PA T"SIRMH RWTI CT QIRDM Q 6/J ( RR Noise 1>1air,r Vi~i1or-urvin1 inttr!t<tion -1p,-ciahy rttail (or Middlt lrYf'I quality
mixed Ufif' hotf'l/moltl 1hould be compatible with Hotel to bt d~veloped at Su!mis proitct)
P 4c RMll ROM l TStRMH RM/TI CT Q/RDM 0 6/J 0 ~ (-<\dju,nl Sufficif'nl commercial wlll ht f"lllblithe-d -.rilhOtJI !his parcel in th~ Srnd',' Arn.
mixed use Otvtlopm"'nt fxis1in1 small parcels will be hard to a.sttmble tor larae USf'S 8":ch &CCNI and
O Bnth Proxia1hy views good for rttidentlal. Ne• devtlop111e-nt to cont or en 11ith dttitn guldetlaes
Pa«• 4
RM Medium Density
Residential(◄ 3 OU/Ac)
RMH Medium Hi11h Density
Residential (8 I'.) DU/Ad
0 Office
TS Travel Se"ice
C General Commercial e,, Pluned Industrial
CoastaJ Designations:
Low Medium Density
Residential (0-4 DU/Ac)
•z Medium Density
Residential (4-10 DU/Ac)
•3 Mt!dium High Density
Residential (10 20 Dll/ Ad
•4 Hi1b Density
Residential (20-30 DU/Ac)
' GeneraJ Commercial
6 Visitor Commercilll
7 Planned Industrial
g Open Sp•ce/Parts
9 Aariculwral Preserve
10 A1ricullure/Residential
(2 DU/Ac)
11 Schools/Public Uses
•rbe City has propo!fld u LCP
amendment to mate these
deosilY ran 1es consistent wilb
the General Plan density ran11es
flo.ul lYDt Dtsia,,■tioo S<ran !;l•111rn1 Rnaf CnmG'lf'hU ')c:
lntrt,l,HL" '\ Frff'WI\"
J~1nmar Atrrmt Rd PrilM' Arlf'rial
1116 ROWI
Jtwl,ntf"ttia IAnf M•ior And
(102 RO\lt')
rar ltbad llnulr,ard Maior Road
(102 RO 11• l
Avf"'1'1id1 F.r1c ina S.C"""•n· Arttri•I
13~ IOW I
L.~ti\l L',~;
, ...
I 1l1IL" r1n ti~ dnn• 111 atlPtt thP "'""'~ lrnm th• hPf"WIV '11111 tn lftllflltnphy Nq a,11"'1 1nntnJ1r111f•rl
I l'A'" v,,..,, 1hrn11ch•h,.,., 11n1,,1ttr tn ~vnut -..111 'Jr lllllnf"I f'lfPrt lrnm lr••.,,W
V,ua pn1111 ,, rn,,1hlr frnm ,\vf'111r1.t f,nrina 11111 ~,ulfh nl P.,lnm,ir ,\ironr1 An~rl I PJV,.1if1fflf" vtr"'I' •hrr111•h
1'""'" rit,.n11na 1hm1lc1 hp rrt111u .. ,f lrt ur,.,.n ••I'• hqm P1l11n11r Aitpnrt Road mtn pA1 l me Int, 111 nnln t 11nh
Arrnft'ltrortmn,an•mrnlllmn nf l'~1omlr fl1rport Rnar1 hrt•,....n I, rt>,iu1rtd ,,.,. 111h.1,,.A rn.,p
llPn~P pbnt1n1 thnohf hP r•qu11 .. r1 In" rf'lf'n .,..,. frr,m Po1n,r1t1a I.AnP inin p,i, II: 1111 tnu nr "'"'n, 1lf'lh
Ofpnrtunrt iH ,,rttt to ,, .. 1., • 5,,.n,r rru tii1or 11lont far l'lbld Ronl,..,ud Own,.,, 1n tff"\',lor, OM 1Jn r,,1i1l,.li11r1 in r 011111nr11on
•llh C.11y lnJ la1111,r1p1n111. uchttr,1mal mantnl and 91l1Nialt. and 1110,-P
lfllH lhP ullitulr wtr1th ol 1hit roart t'I bu tit prr'4•ntlv alnnt thf'tf....,i,foprd fronllAf' IIIIJlh nf Patnnt.11r Airi,nrt fin-ad
Ur•nloc,mrnt of thr WP"SI tidr nf thr f (1:t,I ,.hnulrt hP ,p,"d ov..,. all hu thfr dll'vrlnpmNll .1lon• 111 lrnfll h on .a pH Ir 10 hat11
Currfflt Current Currffll •ecem11fftdtd Alttrn11r Rtto1111tndl'd R,co11m,nd"10pportunili .. (01
c;,-,,,.,.,1 Pl111 Z,,nlnt C-111 GeMul Plan 1~ .. 11,ndNI 7nr,t LCP A
SQltlt'-1 DnilDllill> tlaUillwltaD.c1ll.a•Un DttJIDllilD G.P.Qnw_attot1 Cl•HiliUIIQII OHimlt_ivn CoDS\UlntJ .. lCI '-mrnLI.
E· 1 T C-1 ' ne ,11101• -· ITra••I Sttwirol
Pl M 1 no ch•••• non,
(Plannl'd lndu11ri11l
u P·U 11 no <hllllt -·
f.· l TS/C C 2 ~,& no Chl.t'llt -· (Trav•I SrrwicP.' ,~,i v11i1or •
(om11f'fci10 ·~••na'
f. J IMH R►IHP 3 ne Chanlf' non•
IMl'diun, Hi1hl►1obil• lloait
Rt1idtnli11l Put I
r. '1 IMH RMltP no C'hlftl'" nonf'
IM•dh1111 lli1h l►lobll• HOfl•
RM id•n1 i1II Patti
p .. RM R I 10 2-PA Pl!O Pl
IMNllum !1,n1i1y IMl'diUIII IIN1si1y
RP1idtn1i11l Rttidtnti■I vi "• r, .. ., •• ,
P lb RM R I 10 2 PA 01RM non,
p ? RMI! ROM 3 TS RC
RV l'arUn1
(t1nllic1, vith
Gtntrll Plllll
p 3• •MIi R-1-10 ' 05/RMH os,o
P-.lb RMI! R-1-10 l RM non•
SPNill Trutmfnt Mea
p ... RMH PC ' RMH RWY'S
P 4b AMII p C ~ PA TS/RMI! R►!/TS
p 4< RMH ROM I -1'5/RMH RM/TS
W1ivd use
n, c-hanae no <hantt 0-Virw
no , ha"•., no c han1r C-Rl No;.,
n11 chan1'" no chantf' C·Fr~•Y Noi•• ll«•n• Conatrunioe: cen■lttl'flt •ith C•tul Plan Dnlnace
Ulood1111·l chann•I mull b• ano11od1tl'd d..,nllr...,,
"" ch1n1, no ch~nw• C Fr..,.av Noistt Df¥PID1tlDfnt 111ppnprl11t lor location and tGlllfllt•blP •lttl propottd
n• ch1n1• no chanct
no c h1n1• no c hancr
PWO 715
o,R~I ~/2
Cl Q 6
Rll M ,,,
R I 10 l
CT QiPOM Q ~/3
CT 0/llDM I) 6/J
o. Vi"' thlnlN around il
C Alull1
C-Odor (N F.ndl
Lon1-11andtn1 us, ~illi<ull to <han~ App,aranr, nf'f'111 to b• ,on,idHod du• to
O Yif11Hf'nit corridor locuinn l.and1r:1pt ronl«111nr. with n,... 1uid~lint1
5111• ,omm•n11 1ppl~· u El
ln•u11ri1I ll na<th ffld ol 1itt 11,auld nllP< IIIN1Ullf bulltr lrot11 oders. o r, ... ay E•PHvr• fr-•1· upoevre 1, ldnt ,., •llitt llNltn 11VidtllnN called tor
C-R• Nol1t Calle,f tor In Heutln• ,1,111rnt ••II-plated lor 111111• tfflpl,wNI netrby er
11tendln1 school. RNid•nlill Ult wlll h•lp balan<f d1y-nl1ht Ult
C RI Nein hint lautlon tor •lshor-1r,.,,in1 UIH
0 8'wh
C-Odor N. tide el 11te .. ,up11blt to odor frOIII Wat,r Pollutlon Control Plant
C RI noi•• Futurt n11dnt11boultl b• ,,q11irl'd to art..,.11'd1• odor petffltial:
O·VI.,.,, IN. En.ti 1err1ce tit~ for belltr •lrw from south.
C f.xillin• Sptdol 0.-elOPllfflt S1and1td1 rN1virt'f • lhoultl ronlor• to dttillft culd•linet.
Subdi1ition hat the p01eet11l 10 add <haru,.,. 10th• l<tfli< <orridor.
C RI Noite Houaln1 wiU be ron1lttN1t lro11 P11lo,.1ti1 north to hottl tile: apply detl1n
0-lleatb Proxl■hy Guld,llnN
( RI Neile ►l1ior Vlshor ·tt"in1 llllrrsl'ftltn • 1p,ci1l1y rr11U lot Mltld1• '""'' qu11ii,
hoi,l/mo1rf thould be coatplliblt wilh l(ni,I to bP d••tloptd ll Sammis pro1tttl
0 ~ r Adior ,n1 5uffid,nt (Olftl'Dfldll wllf tif' f'ltlblilhf'd •l1ho111 thil panel in th• Stud"' Aru
O~tlopcnrnl hiS1in11m1II parc•I• •ill bt hard tou1tatbl• ler Iara• u1t1 IIN<h arct11 and
0 ~ .. ,h Proxilllty ...... 1000 for CNidft'ltlal '4•• •••• ,..,,,...,t toconlor11111th dHlllft1Uldtll1"'
Setooiate Carlsbad GemnJ Ptaa AIIIDdaeat Study
A, Loc:aaioo;
The Study Area is appro1i muely 34'0 acres and is bounded by Palomar Airport Road,
IAtentate ,. Poia.ui& Lue, a.o.d Carlsbad Bouten.rd. plus that area bounded by
Pom•wa Lue, Poiaco Road. Carlsbad Boulevard aad th• AT&SF railroad ri1ht-of-ft.y
c .. 1:lhibit 2).
B, Pua,oa
In early 1916, Coaaunity Pvt.Aon i.n.iua&.ed a Geo.er&l P1u. Ameo.daeo.t for a 10-acre
site locued iJl the ,outhYeS&er!y portion of the City of Carlsbad. The applicant is
proposia1 the lu.d use element be chu.1ed from RMB nsidencw (S-15 DU/Ac) to
Office/Com.m.ercial. It ,ru determiD.ed by the City Ptu.o.ia.1 Departmeo.t that a larger
area should be comprellea.siTe.ly .-n!uated bee&U99 of a concern the current. l&a.d use
desi1na&ion surrou11.dia1 the Com.m.uA.ity Pvtaen' property may be incompatible ,rith
it ud other propolld dffelapmeo.L The purpose of the study is to provide
recom.m.endauons to the Pl&AllUII Commhni«>ns a.o.d City Council reg&rdio.1 appropriate
l&a.d uses for the ana.
Selooia&e Cart1bld Geaera1 Ptu Aaeadaeot Study
industrial/com.me~ial uses at the ,out.hem tip of th• si&I (Subana P-t), tTo hotel
projects, a medical clinic. m auto dealerships under coutrucuon (Sub&na £2) 1111d
rm hou111 Callo in Subare& N). Adiacent to the property oa the ,rest is the South
Carbbad Beach Staie Pu-t. On tile 1Duth_. is another mobile home part aad mme
cowrcial property. South or th891 parcels is the Sammis Properties' Batiquitos
1.qoon Educa&ional Part project. All approncl mas&er plall permits a mind-UII project
co.11siaia1 or onr 1.1 millio.11 squan feet of l'Nllteh ud dffelopaeat, cowrcial aad
executive coafereAce space, 220,000 square feet or ,ndua&e educat.ioA&I. institute. 723
residential units, a TOlleyb&ll 1Y11J1uium aad other recrea&ion&l amenities. Across
ua&en&a&e 5 to the_. are predomio.aatly residential usn ,ritb. •• comarcial/ retail
activity. North or the site is a fut-food tlMlnAt. a sit-doYA restaurant, aad an
industrial ,art. very recently developed.
Major coaponeAts or the circulatioA system ,rithill the Study Area illclude Interstate ,.
Poiuett.ia Lane, Palomar Airport Road. Carlsbad Boulevvd. all of Yhich are listed ill the
Sceaic Bip,ray Ele•nt of the General Plall. Avenida Encillu is a •condary arterial
ruaaia1 the leaath. of the site ill the eut ·half.·
1-5 currently carries about n,ooo vehicles per day in the vicinity of the Study Area.
Culsbad Boulevard (old U.S.101) is four-lue, divided major road. currently carrying
ap_prosimately 10,000 trips per day. Poia•W& Lue is a wo-laae, major road carryin1
3,000 vehicJn per day. Another t,ro lalln are sla&ed tor developmeat as the build-out of
the ana occun. Palomar Airport Rold is a t,ro-laae major road. Another t,ro Janes.
ill.&enec&ion realipment at Carlsbad Boulnard, aad ramp changes at I-, will be
aeeded. AveaidaEnciau, currently carr,illa 1500 trips per day, is sla&ed for
dffelopaeat to four laa.es a a •condary arterial. Currently, all illtenections in the
S&udy Area an at u "A" (best) level of •"ice except Palomar Airport Road/Carlsbad
SelooiDII Clrtsbld General Plu AIIIDdlllDl Study
iJlclut&rial/coam1n;jal uaes at the southern tip of the site (Subarea P•O, t'Yo hotel
projects, a medical cilllic, tTo auto deuenbips under construction (Subarea E2) and
r1Te houaes (Ibo iJl Subarea P-4). Adiacen& to the property oa the Yest is the South
Cu-llbad Bnch Staie Part. On the •utheu& is uother mobU. home part ud some
coam,rcW property. Souta or ti111 parcels is lhe Stmmia PAponi11' BIQ~uiw,
Lacoon Educa&ional Part project. AA appnmcl mu&lr plu. permit.s a .milecl•\111 project
consilwl1 of ner 1.1 million square feet of rnearc.b. ucl dn'e1opaent., colll.lllercial ud
eucut.iTe coA11reace space, 220,000 square feet. or puua&e educational institute, 723
ntSidenc.i&l uAi&s. a TOileyb&U am.o.asium ud other recrea&ional am.1D.i.tin. Across
late,_. 5 ·to t.b.e .... are pnclomiAuUy resideat.ial uaes ,ri&Jl ., .. comatrci&l/ ret&i.l
act.iTity. Monb of th• site is a rut-rood reauru.,. a sit-doYa. rntaurut. ud &a.
illdwlt.ri&l .PU"t, nry recently dneloped.
Major components of the circu!atiod system •ithia. the Study Ana i.11c1ude Interstate 5,
PoiulUia Lao.,, Palomar Airport Road. Carlsbad Bou1evvd, all of,rhlch are listed iD the
Scenic Bi1.b:ny Element. or the General Pl&a.. Annida ED.ciAas is a secondary arterial
runa.ia.1 the lea.1th of the site ill th, eu& • .b.&lf. •
1-5 curna.tly carries about. 77,000 Tebictes per day i.a. the Tici.a.ity of th• Study Area.
Cutsbld Boulrn.rd (old US. 101) is four-lu.e, diTided major road, currea.Uy carryi.D1
approshnw'-J 10,000 trips per day. PoiA•Ul& Lao., is a m-lu.,. major road carryiA1
3,000 nbicln per day. hot.her m lues are l1a&ed for den1opment u the build-out or
the ana occun. Palomar Airport Rold is a tTo-lue major toad. AAother tTo lues,
ui&enection tnlipment at Carlsbad Boulnard, ud rulP chuaes at 1-, •ill be
needed. Aveaida Ea.cia.u, currently carr,iAa 1,00 trips per day, is sla&ed for
dnelopment. to tour lues as a secondary arterial. Currently, all i.Dtenections in the
Swct, Area are at u .. A .. (bis) lnel or service 11c1pt Palomar Airport Road/Carlsbad
• •
Saoofnce Carlsbad GeaenJ Piao A~aeot Studv
Boulevard in. the lllOnlinl, ,rhen it is at level of •rvice "C". The iaterch&nges Tith 1-,.
,rhich an at. 1ne1s of service "B", ~c-, aad "D" as follows:
Palomar Airport Road I 1-, Nonllbound
Palo.aw-Airport.ROid / I-~ Southbound
Poia•Uia Laoe / I-, Northbound
Poia,etua Lane / 1-, Northbound
Pm,g,t wet or Sea:ice
(AM) (PM)
Tho• ,POrtions of the site ,rhich an not currently developed h&ve ui the put bffn u,ed
for acricultunal purpo11s; ho,rever, most ot th .. areas no,r lie falJo,r. Carlsbad
Boulevard. ,rhich runs all alone the ,rest side of the Study Ana is the old US. High,ray
101 (Pacific Coat Hip,ray) aacl is built. u & piece ol (outdated) free,,ay. The
confiauration of the road off en both problems and opportunities as ,rill be esplained
Carlsbad Boulevard, ,rhich runs ail along the ,rest side of the Study Are& is the old U.S.
Hi&Ji,ray lOHPacific Coast HipYay) and is built as & piece of (outdated) fneny. The
configuration of the road off en both problems and opportunities as ,rill be explained
E, Hist.pa:
Historically, the Study Area has been utilized mostly r or agricultural purposes even
thouch it is not ra&ed as prime a,ricultun.1 l&nd ..
The railroad ,ru built throup tile an& in 1881 on an alip.ment closer to the beach,
,rith asation apprn1imately There the State Pvt Maintena.nce Station. is n.ov.
In tile t920's, two La Costa DoTns subdivisions ,ren mapped and s,ld ,rith the eastern.
one Csubvea Pl&) bein& ntaiJled ill one o,rnenhip ud the map being abandoned by
DIC8 l 1
Seloointe Carlsbad Geaera1 Plu Aaeadllltlt Study
court order ,rhen _llitera&e , right-of-,ray ,ru acquired. The ,restern one (subana
P3b) YU sold u individual parcels but aeTer deTeloped due to utility limitations.
(Curnat.ly, there an 17 o,rnen of 29 subse&lldard-sized parcels there, maa.y of ,rhom
an acnr u.zious to build 011 their loa.>
Mobile home parts 'flre added around 1970, ud 11c1pt for a limited amount of
development (illclustrial. utility, ud au station), the Study Ana hu chuaed little
froa the aid-1970's until recently.
Increued dffelopaent act.iTity is ncnr fficlellt throu1hout the an& ,rith the
dffelopaent or hotel ud Iaialr clinic sites ud car dealerships (subarea E2).
Additionally, there hu been the completion or Poill.u.ia Lue to Carbbld Boulevvd,
ud the approval of the Sammis Properties' Bl&iquitos Lqoon Educational Part south of
the Study Area.
The l'ffilY or the entire Study Area u a sill1le coordilla&ed plall resula from the
submittal of a 11neral plan amendment and a proposal for commercial development (ill
sub&tea P3a) by the current cnrn.er, Community Partnen. Prior to this, an application
,ru denied for a residential project by the pl'ffious o,rner, SoCal Development.
F, ¥,tJ,,qdptg17:
This report ,ru prepared ill clo• cooperation ,rith affected property o•ners and City
afl'. The mady ,ru diTidld into lffln distinct steps •hich are noted belo• and an
discullld ill more detail throup.out the report:
o Field ,rort • to ascertain condiilons ill the Study Area, to collect data,
and to verily conclusioas. This iAforma&ion YU U91d u a basis for
nlll'lY all decisions ill the study. Thne trips iAvolved Dl&llY trips to
the site, to City omen, to vvious 11111ei11. ud considerable
telephone ,rort iA addition.
Ol&e l2
Seaooin&e Carlsbad GenenJ Ptaa Aaeodaent Study
III, Opportunities yd Con#A,iptt
(See exllibit 3 for Opponuaiti• aod Coutraioll Map)
Opportunities a.a.d Constni.a.ts have been deterai.a.ed by sile visits a.a.d tffieY of so.me
exiswl& environ.mental docu.me.o.tation. Cons&tai.a.ts include:
<> a salt marsh 3000 feet south of Palomar Airport Road on the east side of
Carlsbad Boulevard
o th• AT&SF railroad ript-of-,ray
o the odor f ro.m the Encina 1' uer Pollution Control Plant
<> limited acce91 due to street desicna&iou (.major road and secondary
arterial) aad State Pa.rt
o Aaricultural preserves (Local Cou&al Pta.o.)
o Noise from Freeway and Railroad
Opportunities include:
<> Prosi.mity to Ocean
<> Access to beach
<> Vim
o Relatively flat tern.in
Alona the Yest side of the AT&SF' railroad ri&ht-of-ft.y from Aa.acapa Road south to
Ponto Road, the la.o.d riles above the roadbed, offering an opportunity for use of this
natural sound burier ,rith proper aradin&, ComequenUy, the noise contours o.o. the
West side of Carlsbad Boulevard are clo•r to the tracts than on the east.
The Encina Yater Pollution Control Plant on occasion produces objectionable odors
(accordi.a.1 to plant maa.a,er Rict Graff. once or tirice a year a noticeable problem
oace t-t
• •
Seaooia&e Carlsbad f,eQera1 Ptaa Aaeodaent Study
produces com.plai1"s fro• Alta Min. residents due to malfunctions exposing ra,r se,rage
to the air at tile inlet. A musty smell js routinely produced by the ,econd&ry treatment,
and can collect on still days). The distribution of these odors aenerally goes to the eut-
northeaa in the daytime ud ,rest.-south,rnt at nicht ,rith preT&ilin& ,rinds, the
diaributio11 of ,rhich cu be seen in the a.ccompanyin1 ,rind chans (Exhibit ◄): during
Suta Ana ,rind conditions. this reverses to hod &ppl'flxi ma&ely ,rest-south,rest. Future
plu.s for this facility ,rill meu a a.ear-treblin1 of its capacity over current service
levels. Currently, appro1imwly 16., million gallons of Sff&le are treawd each day
(MGD). capacity a uttima&e build-out ,rill be 40 MGD. This meaa.s t.ha the problem may
ownd further out thaa i,ruently Yhen the expaasion occurs.
A summary by subarea follo,rs opposite the map Cnen i,qe).
PIie 15
Selooba&e Carlsbad GeGera.l Ptu Aaeod_aeat Study Pll9l6
Sybarea Cop;fpipts Opportuoilia
El limited RR noise impact Vin from Yest side
(Developed) at eqe of property or Annida Encinas
at Palomar Airport Road
some ll'lffay noise
E2 fne,ray noise viflfttoeut.
E3 bluffs OA 90Utb. side vim from site
E-f DOile none (Developed)
Pl odor. north end Free,ray exposure
RR noise
Elem. School Site
P2 RR noise Beach prox.im.ity
P3a Odor. nortb. end Vim from
RR nom nortb. end or site
Salt Marsh. north end
P3b Exhlt.ia.1 DOile
Subdivision Map
P-i RR noise View
Prolim.ity tD beach
Selooiaue Clrl1bld Geaenl Ptm Aaeadlllllt Study
IV. EJil!Jo• Ju4 Va Be1v1f1i01s;
A, Summaa
The Study Area is comprised of numerous General Plan. Zonin1 and Local Coastal Plan_
Desipauons. The ana includes Industrial, Tourist Commercial, Residential and Utility
categories. Th .. are summarized by subare& belOY:
General Plan Zoaill1 Coutal.PWl Suw,a PniSAWPA PnilDIMP!\ PnilPIYPP.
El TS C-1 6
(TraTel Sen'ice) (Visitor CoaaerciaU
Pl II 7
(Planned Industrial) CPWUlecl IAdustrial)
u P-U 11
(Utility) (Public Utility) (UW.ity)
E2 TS/C C-2 ,,6.
(Travel Senice/
(General Commercial/
Visi&or Commercial)
(Mediua•Bi&h (Mobile Home U0-20 DU/Ac)
Residential 1-15 DU/ Ac) Pvt)
Pia RM R-1-10 2-PA
(Medium Density 4.1-1 DU/ Ac . (Medium Density + 10 DU/ Ac.
Residential) ,riUl Agricultural
Plb RM R-1-10 2-PA
Seaooioce Carltbld General PtlD A~aeo& S&udY
P3a RMB R-1-10
P3b RMB R-1-10
P-«a RMB P-C
P.fb RMB P-C
•Mus be 3,1. IIWlUDUlll Visitor-•"hll Commercial
B, tpq.1 CqgtaJ P!•o
8 (Open Space)
tor RV Pvtina
c conQicts yith
Gto•CI& P!•o 1
The cou&a1 desipaaions m subana E2 Ten impolld by the State lelislatun's Mello I
bill and &fN ,ru paid to be released from an qricultural preserve. Smee ao change is
mtendecl to be recommended to this area, no m.on mention Till be made or this.
The cout&1 p.luai1l1 desipations on the baluce or the Study Area Tere imposed by
the -.ae 1•1isl1ture iJl June 1911. by a bill .tao,rn u Mello II and amended by the City
iJl October 198, (to chaaae Apicultural Onrlay policies. chu1e 1ndiA1 policy on
slopes over 251. ud to dllew all references to .iadusionuy housing). S.iace the Clty
don not yet have discretion&rf authority over the Local Cou&a1 Plan, uy chuaes
rnuttin1 Crom this General P1aa Amendment •ill have to be chuaed by assent of the
Coastal O,,n,nission. From discussions Tith City Start (Schulte ud Wayne), the Mello II
Policies Thich perwa are suauurizacl beloY:
Mi1s111u19us proymgn:,;
a) Draiaqe facilities must. be mstalled concurrent Tith andinl
b) 101 .,, .. , capacity must be reserved ·for cout&l-dependent ullS
Seaoointe Carlsbad General Ptao Aaer)daeot Study
B, Comm0Aitt Chvutec;
The recommendations of this study (particularly alon1 the Carlsbad Boutenrd Scenic
Corridor) are made ,rith a concern for overall quality of development. Development of
this area should be controlled to keep the quality high, and it is the ref ore suggested
that a MQ" (Quality) overlay be applied to the entire ,rest "half" to accomplish this.
Unified 1uidefules should be developed ia conjuction ,rith City sWf. The criteria for
judgin1 should be scale, ma&erials and colon, and l&Ddscapia1. These recommendations
are made for the Sce!lic Corridor, ,o the ens&in1 frqmented o,rnenhip ,rill not
develop ia a haphazard manner.
The east ·half', due to its location nen to the frenay, should be developed u visitor-
,ervina u,es and U9IS enhanced by free,ray esposure (in this cue office), and for
.multi-family residential ,rhich would be of m.ore compatible character with
surrounding uses than sin1le-fa.mily. Residential uses are recommended on the Yest
side of Avenida EAcinu sillce access is very good, and siace introducing a residential
UN in....S of more commercial ,rill help to bal&Dce day-lli&ht activity ia the area.
The portion visible fraa the frenay should have t,ro "fronts": on the access side and
on th• Crwny side. GuideliA11 should be developed for character and 11.ndscapiaa as
part or thne dffelopment plus as well. A 30-foot ,etbact along Poinsettia Lue would
have been adYiffable as recommended for Sub-area Pt to the ,rest..
c, Gto1ra1 PJu CJtpificwoos to bt Used yithip, the Study Arni
In order to ctn&I the com.aunity character dnired, be compatible •ith the
development occurrin1 (and eliswl1), aad to respond to .market demands, the following
oace 25
Seaoointe Cltltbld Geaera1 Ptu Aaetldaeat Study
ranee of !&Ad ute ca&eaorin is appropria&e for the Study Ana (Each of the• •ill be
applied by Subareas under ,action D .. "Recommenda&.ions" Yhich follo,rs):
DniCAWQA Elplywoo
Medium Density
+-8 DU/Ac
Density Residential
a-1, DU/Ac.
(,ru 10-20 DU/ Ac.)
Ewnota of Vas
Sill11e-family homes
Mobile-Home parks
Small-lot Si.Dale-Family
Zero lot-line homes
TS Travel Service Commercial Motels
Professional and Relmd
Plaued Industrial
Sen-ice S&&&ions
Offices & Professional
& compatible related
commercial areas
Rnnrch & Development
IAterim uses (over 1 Ac.):
Acri cultural
eapointe Carlsbad General Plan Amendment Study
Open Space:
D. Recnmmendat.ions:
Public Utilities
(Secured or Un.secured
Prime) Open Space
Special Treatment Area
Electrical Energy Generating
Waste vat.er Treatment Plant
Public Agency Maintenance
Ston.3e & Operations
Open Spa.ce for various uses.
Belo'v are detailed recommendations by Subarea. Ea.ch subarea includes the following
information: description, acreage. existing conditions and regulations, proposed
regulations. recommended uses, recommended development standards, required
discretionary actions to implement the proposed uses and standards. a discussion, and
comments on circulation and access.
For the subareas El. E2. E3. and E-f, no change is recommended. This is due to their
recent construction and &ppropriate use. and in the case of E3 and H. partially due to
the difficulty of making a change happen (these are mobile home parks). The subareas
designated by a "P" prefix are recommended for changes as follov on the succeeding
The consolidated LUP is presented as Exhibit 1. page 5.
Consistent with the purpose of this study, vhich is to ma.ke General Plan
recommendations, this study does not discuss zonin1 recommendations. The
appropriate zones are shoyn on the summary chart, aue :i,
page 27
• •
Seaoointe Carlsbad Geoen.l Plan Amendment Study
Subarea P-1
DescriptioA: generally flat parcel betYHll Poinsettia Lane and the Encina Water
Pollution Control Pla.nt. east of Railroad Right-of-Way. Yest of 1-,
General Plu Desigllation:
approximately 9' acres
Odor' llOn.ll iido
Elementary School Site designated. south
side of subarea
Railroad noise. Yest side
ProliJDity to free,ray, flat topoaraphy
~ (Medium-Density Residential)
(-4-8 DU/ Acl
Local Coastal Plan Desigllation: 2 (Medium density Residential)
(-4-10 DU/ Ac)
General Plan Designation
Local Coastal Pl&n
Recommended Uses:
Parcel P-la: Pl (Planned Industrial) (zone: PM)
northeriy 300' •I_ (adjacent to Waste11ater
T.rea&.ment Plant) (zone: 0) (Office Commer-
cial) bawice of property
Parcel P·lb: 0 (Office Commercial) northerly 2,0· (zone:
0) RM (zone: RM) (Medium-High Residen-
tial) bawice of property
Parcel P-la: 7 (Pl&nned Industrial) northerly 300' • / -
, (General Comm.ercial)bal&nce of property
Parcel P-lb: , (General Comm.erc:ial) northerly 2,0·
3 (Medium-High Residentiai) baia.nce of
Clean Industry (P-lal
Office (both)
Residential (P-lb)
Recommended Development Staodards: Double-fronted buildings against freeway
(guidelines to be developed by the City).
Seapointe Carlsbad General Ptan Amendment Study
Requited Discretionary actions:
20' landscape buffer on Ave. Encinas and
40' between office and residential oa parcel
Par.tin1 lot landscaping needs to be
enhanced. Buffer cars from street.
Par.ting or special structures to buff er
railroad .noise (mounding, valk, packa,e
.W' landscape buff er vith tall trees to
screen vieY from. Poinsettia Lane to roofs
A.mend Local Coastal Plan
Site Plan and design review
Parc:el P-lb: Re-Determination by School Board of
School Site select.ion
Discussio.a :
This is a large fiat area in the middle of the Study Area vhich can support a variety of
uses. Beginning at the north end and vorting south, the first parcel at the northern
end of th.is site is less visible from 1-S and Carlsbad Boulevard than any other
undeveloped property in the Study Area. Since it is adjacent to the vasteYater
treatment plant. Planned Industrial is recommended to serve as a buffer. This type of
development exists now on the north side of the plant and has been a very compatible
Office commercial adjacent to the Plaaned lJldustrial offers a transition to residential.
is closer to f reeYay access. and takes advantage of excellent visibility from the
freev.ay. The development of this freeYay-adja.cent area calls for au.ractive
architectural treatment on sides facing both street and freeway.
An Office/Residential specific plan is recommended on parcel Pl-b, with Office desired
at the north end of the parcel to create a balanced street scene on Avenida Encinass
a.round the bend from. the housing area.
The residential area recommended on parcel P-lb is a use conforming to the Housing
and Land Use Elements of the General Plan. (higher density downtovn and near
beaches) and helps to increase the housing supply 11ear the coast without resorting to
mixed-use. It will also help to balance the daytime activity of the office/industrial area
with more night.time uses. Additionally. it vill help support adjacent commercial
activities. Multiple-family units are recommended for th.is area to keep community
character vith commercial uses. Buildings should be spaced to allow vievs through the
project (to the Ocean vhere appropriate) and keep the area's appearance open.
page 30
Seapointe catltbld General P!aa Aaadment Study
Required Discret,ioo.aa act,iop.s:
20'· landscape buffer on Ave. Encinas and
..cl' between office and residential 011 parcel
Parkin1 lot ludscapiD.a needs to be
ea.hanced. Buff er cars from street.
Parkin& or special structures to buff er
railroad noise (moundiAa. walk. pactqe
-tO' l&Ddscape buffer with tall trees to
screen vitT from Poia.seu.ia Lane to roofs
A.mend Local Cout&l Plan
Site Plan and desip revie•
Parcel P-1 b: Re-Detarminauoa. by School Board of
School Site selection
This is a tarae flat area iD. the middle of the Study Area •hich can support a variety of
uses. Beginnia.g at the north end and working south. the first parcel at. the northern
end of th.is site is less visible from 1-, a.a.d Carlsbad Boulevard tb.aa a.a.y other
undeveloped property iD. the Study Area. Since it is adjacent to the Yastewater
treatment plant. Planned Industrial is recommended to se"e u a buffer. This type of
development Hists now on the north side of the plant a.a.d has been a very compatible
Office commercial adjacent. to the Planned Industrial offers a traasition to residential.
is closer to free,ray access. ud tates adv&llta&e of exceHent visibility Crom the
free,,_ay. The ~lopm.ent of this freeway-adjacent area calls for au.ractive
architectural treatment on sides facia.a both street asid freeway.
An Offic:1/Residential specific plu. is recommended on parcel Pl-b. with Office desired
at the north end of the parcel to crea&e a ba.laaced s&net scene on Avenida uicinass
around th• bend from. the housia.g area.
The residential area recommended 011 parcel P-lb is a use conformia.g to the HousiJ1g
ud L&lld Use Elements of the General Pl&D. (higher density downtown and near
beaches) and helps to ia.cnase the housin1 supply near the coast without resorting to
mised-use. lt •ill also help to balance the daytim.e activity of the office/industrial area
with more nighttime usn. Additioaaily. it will help support adjacent commercial
activities. Multiple-family units an recommended for this an& to keep comm.unity
character with commercial uses. Buildings should be spaced to allow vievs through the
project (to the Oceaa •here appropria&e) and keep the area's appearance open..
page 30
• •
Seaoointe Carlsbad Genen.J Plan Amendment Study
Resideat.ial "toS$ street from office (IJJ. parcel P-lb), instead of breaking uses on
Circulation & Access:
Poinsettia is to become four lane road as development progresses (a bridge and
thoroughfare district is iJl place).
Access into the residential area should align vith existing cul-de-sacs into the Travel
Service area. Drives can be spaced at 600' (major) 300' (minor) due to secondary
arterial designation of Avenida EJlcinas.
Avenida EJlcinas will have to be videned; it is recommended that any further
development in Subareas E-1. E-2 a.o.d P-1 be assessed on a per-trip basis for this cost.
paae 31
Seloolate CJtlsbld General Plan Amendment Study
Subarea P-2
General Plan Desi1nation:
Local Coastal Plan Designation:
General Plan Designation:
Local Coast&l Pla.n Desi1nation:
Recomm,eQ.ded Uses:
Recomm,Q.dtd Dtniopm,e0,t Stao,dards:
Vacant parcel at intersection of Palomar
Airport Road and Carlsbad Boulevard;
1enera.lly lov-lyina
3.3-f acres; a proposed acquisition of la.Qd
from the existing right of vay of Carlsbad
Boulevard (in eichange for realignment of
Carlsbad Boulevard) vill expand the site to
approximately,., acres if completed
Some Railroad &D.d street noise
Intersection distance from Palomar Airport
Road (600 feet for right-in. right-out; 1200
feet for 2-dinction drive)
Carlsbad Boulevard must be crossed to get to
Location on Scenic Highway
Beach proximity and vievs
8 (Open Space/Parts) described as
Recreatioa.&1 Vehicle Parting
TS (Travel Service) (zone: CT-Q)
6 (Visitor CommerciaJ.)
Motel/Hotel. restaurant
Conform to Development Guidelines a.long
Carlsbad Boulevard
Increased La.ndscape (.W') and Building
Setbacks (30') from Carlsbad Boulevard
50' La.ndscape setback from Palomar
Airport Road
Create a strong entry statement at Carlsbad
Boulevard and Palomar Airport Road
concurrent vith the development of the
PIie 33
Seaoointe Carlsbad General Plan Am~dment Study
R ' dD' • ' eqyu:,1Screti0Aaa actioAs:
6' high masonry vaU at property li.a.e, plus
Landscape buffer 20' vide at mobile
home park boundary
Site "Q" overlay review Development Plan
A.mend Local Coastal Plan
General Pla.a. Amendment
Conflicts currently elist. betTeen the LCP a.ad the General Pla.a for this parcel. The LCP
calls for a.a RV (recreational vehicle) par.ting area on this parcal a.o.d the General Pl.a.n.
calls for RMB Residential.. Current RV par.tina i.a.cluded i.a. the Local Coastal Plan may
not be economically viable for the private sector, and the a.Nd for 800 RV part.in.a
spaces is questionable consideria.1 the sm&Ll amount of beach a.a.d the available
alternative (a Sta&e-0•0.ed t,renty-ac:re parcel across Palomar Airport Road) which also
nnds to be resolved (see IV .. C., South Carlsbad Sta&e Beach Master Plaa.).. Fu.o.diag
sources for purchasing the property for the Public could be used elsewhere.
Due to the prime location at the intersection of t,ro major roads and its adjacency to tb.e
beach, lb.is parcel is recommended to be used for & hotel or motel development. This is
rein.forced by the planned addition of a future beach part entra.ace and development
of beach access facilities. Also, vins from. such faclliiles make it an exc:eUent
appropriation of resources for· visitor-serving uses. Adjacent existing commercial
development would help support a hotel/ motel use as well.
The Local Coastal Pl&D. calls for ..0 acres of Hotel/Motel within the Study Area.
Landsc&pe setbacks betTeen Carlsbad Boulevard and Palomar Airport Road vill provide
an attractive entn.nce into the Carlsbad Boulevard Scenic Corridor. It is critical that
this property conform. to desi1.a. 1uideli.a.es as relate to la.a.dscaping, architecture and
sig.a.a,e1 The desi1n 1uideliaes must be formulated prior to development of plans for
lb.is project.
None are recom.m.ended.
CircvJw2n and Access:
Due to the length of this parcel. access will have to be by right-La.. ri1ht-out drive, 600'
mio.im.um from the iatersec:U.o.n, with a U-turn/left turn pocket being added at the
ent.r&D.ce to Sola.mar Mobile Home Part (and direct access from. Carlsbad Boulevard into
the Part).
Other parts of the development of the circulation around this parcel are:
l) Widening of Paiom.ar Airport Road to ◄ lanes. The bridge must be videned ·at
Carlsbad Boulevard no•. and at 1-, in the future.
Pace 34
Seapointe C&rlsbad General Plan Amendment Study
2) Rebuilding of-Palomar Airport Road/Carlsbad Boulevard i.ntercha.age to a.n at-
grade signalized intersection. Provide double left turn lanes for southbound a.nd vest
bound approaches. •
3) Rest.riping of 1-S northbound ramp to create a left-or-right turn lane.
<t) Widening of 1-, southbound off-ramp to Z lanes a.ad provision of double left-turn
Seaooinse Carlsbld Genenl Plan Amendment Study
Cg"wa,i 11 ~: Parcel P-3a.:
Parcel P-3b:
Opportunities: Parcel P-3a:
Parcel P-3b:
General Pwi Designation:
Salt marsh and agricultural land
appro120.5 acres within curre11t
boundaries. i.a.cludio.1 the marsh a.rea.
Deve1opable area vould be appro%iJnately
1, acres ,rith proposed acquisition of right-
of-vay from intersection reconstruction
Odor potential at north end of site,
especially at night
limited RR noise
location on Scenic Hi1hway
Elisting subdivision map
Viev. especially at north end of site
Local Coastal Plan Designation: 3 (Medium-High Density Residential)
General Pl&ll Desi1.natio11: Parcel P-3a: OS ( Open Space) on salt marsh and 100 feet
back from edge of marsh vegetation
RMH Residential (zone: RD-M) on b11lance
of parcel vith alternative of 0, Offi1:e
(zone: 0)
Parcel P-3b: RM on La Costa Downs subdivision (zone: R-
1-10), vith a Special Treatment Area
(parcel P-3b)
p1ge 37
.ieapointe carJsbld General Piao Amendment Study
Required Discretionary actions:
D;scussio.n, :
Site Development Plan reviev
General Plan Amendment
Amend Local Coastal Pla.D. to change
designations, and also to remove provision
that Recreational Commercial and
Residential mixed-use be alloved by right.
Location of this property away from the freevay accesses (at Palomar Airport Road and
Poinsettia Lille) mate it less competitive as a visitor or recreation-oriented location.
The views. however. are very desirable for residential or premium office space.
Parcel P-3a:
No chuge. Alloy reside.a.tial development. With the adjacent residential uses being
Yell-established and permanent, the most appropriate use of this property Yould be
residential. cceatina a solid block of housing from Pouisettia Lane to just south of
Pa.lo.mar Airport Road (to the hotel/motel site, Subarea P2). Due to the proximity to the
wastewater treatment p1ant. prospective purchasers would have to be warned of
occasional odor problems (,rhich could later cause problems with planned expansion of
the treatment p1ant). Drainage structures should be provided to preve.a.t runoff i.ato
salt marsh. Allo• terracing of site.
Subarea P-3b:
The sub-standard size lots and streets represent an opportunity to develop an exclusive
housiJlg area and at the same time add character to an area ripe for visitor-oriented
uses. The zoning •ill remain R-1-10,000. but the General Plan Designation should be
changed to RM to accurately reflect the possible density.
Special Treatment Area;
Special Development Stal1dards should propose style-(or at least scale-) setting
guidelilles. so the look of the area will be a real asset to adjacent uses proposed. Several
possible "looks" could be those reminiscent of St. Malo, Beach Bungalows of the 1930's.
shingled coUqes, etc. Sea.le ca.a. be prescribed vith muimtJm heights and unbroken
va.11 lengths, courtyards, roof pitches, etc. Color and material palettes and landscape
standards should also be prescribed and should be compatible with those of the Carlsbad
Boulevard Scenic Corridor. Guidelliles should be ill place prior to development.
The LCP and General Plan call for RMB Residential use on this parcel. Views would be
good, but an alternative is suggested vhich ,rould mitigate odor problems by placing a
primarily daytime use next to the salt marsh. Creation of an Office area would give the
area a use which uses its good features and avoids its bad. Terrace grading would create
views further south on lot than no• exist (and would not block any views).
Restaurants are .a.at suggested on site due to the odor problem. which is. as previously
mentioned, expected to worsen in the future.
page 39
ieapointe Carlsbad General Plaa Amendment Study
Required Discr,tioAitt actions:
Site. Development. Plan review
General Plu Amendment
Amend Local Coastal Plall to change
desianations. and also to remove provision
that Recreational Commercial and
Residential mixed-use be allowed by right.
LocatioA of this property a.,ray from the Cree,ray accesses (at Palomar Airport Road and
Poia.seu.ia Lane) mate it less com.petiu.ve as a visitor or recreation-oriented locatioA.
The vieYS, however, are very desirable for residential or premium. office space.
Pa.reel P-3&:
No chu.1e. Allow residential development. With the adjacent residential uses being
•ell-established a.nd permu.ent.. the most. appropria&e use of this property •ould be
residential. creati.Gg a solid bloct of housia.1 from. Poinsettia Lue to just south or
Palomar Airport Road (to the howl/motel site, Sub&rn. P2). Due ta the prolimity to the
,nste,rater treatment plant, prospecu.ve purchaNrs ,rould have to be va.rned of
occasional odor problems ( which could later cause problems •ith planned ezpa.nsion of
tb.e treatment plaD.t). Drainaae structures should be provided to prevent runoff ia.to
salt. marsh. Allo• terracia.1 of site.
Subarea P-3b:
The sub-standard size lots and streets represent. an opportunity to develop an ei:clusive
housing area and at the same time add character to an area ripe for visitor-oriented
uses. The zonina •ill remai.a. R-1-10.000. but the General Plan Desi1nation should be
changed to RM to accurately refiect the possible density.
Special Icn&m,At Ami
Special Development Studards should propose style-(or at least. scale-) settin1
guidelliles. so the loot or the ana •ill be a real.asset to adjacent uses proposed. Several
possible "loots" could be tho• remia.iscent of St. Malo. Beach Bungalo,vs of the 1930's,
shingled cot&ages, etc. Scale cu be prescribed •ith muim1..tm. heiahts and unbroken
•all lenaths. courtyards, roof pitches. etc. Color aa.d material palettes a.11d ledscape
standards should abo be prescribed and should be compatible •ith those of the Carlsbad
Boulevard Scenic Corridor. GuideliAes should be in place prior to development.
The LCP a.nd General Plu. call for RMB Residential u• 011 this parcel. Vie,rs •ould be
good, but a.n alternative is su11escecl •llich •ould m.itiga&e odor problems. by placing a
primarily daytime use nest. to the salt marsh. Creauon of an Office area. would give the
area a use •hich uses its 100d feawns a.nd avoids its bad. Terrace grading ,rould create
vie•s further south on lot thaa. no• elist Cud •ould not block any views).
Restaurants are not suggested on site due to t.b.e odor problem. Yhich is. as previously
menu.oned. expected to worsen in the future.
oace 39
:e&i,ointe Carlsbad General Plan Amend•ent Study
Circulation and Access:
Parcel P-3a:
Eliminate frontage road and exchange property for road construction. This will create
a new at-grade intersection for access to this parcel. and better views from it. and a le~
massive and obtrusive .roadway.
Parcel P-3b:
Access to the La. Costa Do'Wns subdivision from Carlsbad Boulevard ca.n be direct 'With
elimination. of the frontage road. The City will have some extra property in doing this
and has several options for its disposal (sell for more subdivision development, relocate
Carlsbad Boulevard and deed land to State for cooperation on the Beach Park, or
landscape for better appearance).
Paae 40
Seaoointe Carlsbad General Plan Amendment Study
Parcel P-'41>
and P-◄c:
Recommended Development Stapdards:
Required DjscretiQAaa actions:
Mid-level quality (or higher) hotel/motels,
restaun.nts, meet.iJ11 facilities associated
with hot.JI motel
Specialty retail. restaurants, ban.ts, visitor-
servin1 busiJles,es
OYners should be required to abide by
development sta.a.danls for massing, a.o.d
vim. landscape, and materials developed
C or the entire Carlsbad Boulevard a.rea.
Suggestion: development should be
built i.o. small units of face Yidth (i.e., no
lona straight unbroken expanses of facade)
La.ndscapiag should approximate that
proposed for South Carlsbad State Beach to
enha.nce the scenic highYay corridor,
(drought tolerant species)
Buildi.o.gs should be placed to ma1hnizf!I
vieYs on site, and throu&h the project
where ap9ropriate.
Entry statement into Carlsbad Boulevard
Scenic Corridor
20' landscape buff en between residential
and commercial
IJlcreased Landscape and Building Setbacks
(20' and 30') from Carlsbad Boulevard
Open view into commercial from Carlsbad
Ieep pedestrian crossing at Poinsettia
Lane and Carlsbad Boulevard
Possible vacation of portions of Ponto Drive
to simplify access, depending on specific
Development of design guidelines by
S.ite and design ap11rovals as part of "Q"
Seaoointe Carlsbad Genenl Ptan Amendment Study
Amendment to Local Coastal Plan to change
designations a.nd remove provision (policy
6-9) that m.iled-use Recreational
Commercial a.nd Resident.ial be &11oved by
Determination of mitigation of Coastal
Agriculture Overlay to allow development
The commercial port.ion of th.is Subarea is adjacent to the Batiquitos La.goon Educational
Park retail area to the south a.nd lies south of one of the wo major illtersections in the
Study Area (Poillsettia Lane/Carlsbad Boulevard). For continuity with Batiquitos
Laaoon Educational Part.. create a visitor-sen'ing area vith a consistent theme at the
North of Carlsbad Boulevard/Poinsettia Lane. a large consistent block of residential is
envisioned, and stretches almost to Carlsbad Boulevard/Palomar Airport Road.
The development of this area is illtended to complement the beach part. The City is
encouraged to vork vith the State Department of Parks a.nd Recreation to resolve
differences beween the LCP a.nd the Beach Master Plan. and to create more day-use
opportunities •ith parting a.nd d&y-use facilities on the vest side of Carlsbad
Boulevard, such as picnic areas a.nd sun!lillg areas (possibly grassy areas on the high
bluffs or artificially-maintained sandy areas).
Parcel P-u:
Access is restricted to this site. a.nd creation of a large block of housillg is one vay to
make this less difficult to accommodate: an internal circulation system and serve for
local access.
The closest 2-vay turn allo,red is 1200' north of the intersection of Poinsettia Lane and
Carlsbad Boulevard (a right-in. right-out drive will be alloved 600' from the
intersection). There will be no access on the south side. due to the railroad overpass.
Landscape setback of 30' with tall trees along this side is recommended to screen viev
of roofs from overpass.
The style, massia1. etc. of this development should also be consistent with the Design
Guidelilles to be developed.
Parcel P-<lb:
Prese.nUy only limited commercial Hists along Carlsbad Boulevard, yet the area enjoys
ncellent access. pleasillg vie,rs and access to the beaches. vhich vill draw visitors.
They should be accomodated by both retail and guest facilities. The approved Batiquitos
Lagoon Educational Park vill complete and complement this block of Travel Service·
Commercial along Carlsbad Boulevard vith Neighborhood Commercial. Hotel/motel
page 44
• •
Seapointe Carlsbad Genera! Plan Amendment Study
facilities will complement the Sam.mis project by providing more moderate
accomodations. customers for the nearby commercial and restaurants. and support for
beach-oriented vacationers. •
Pvcel P-◄c:
Vie,rs and access mate this area good for residential or visitor-serving commercial.
Land is in many small parcels and will be difficult to assemble, but since the Sammis
(Bailquitos Laaoon Educational Pvt) property to the south is commercial, it is logical to
plu this entire area as continuous commercial, and allow market forces to create the
incentive for land assembly. Development standards should be of lo•-rise and small-
scale massing.
Alternative no. 1: (Entire Subarea P-•O
Recreational Commercial (Coastal area 6)/Residential (Coastal area 1 or Z) mixed use as
called for ia. the Local Coastal Plan. There may be difficulty in maint&ia.in1 this type of
development to & sufficient level of quality.
Alternative no. 2:
Leave Residential RMH on Parcel P-◄c if land assembly deemed too difficult or impact
on residents too onerous. Use for motel or time-shares to take advantage of vie•s.
Railroad noise •ill have to be shielded. Some City assistance might be needed to
assemble properties.
Circulation and Access:
Frontage road and Ponto Road should be rebuilt as development occurs to free more
property to be sold or re-allocated to better uses. and to gain at-grade intersections and
to create reasonable street p&Uerns.
A pedestrian access should be created south of Poinsettia Lane to give guests direct
access to the beach.
Pace 45
Seaoointe C&tlsbld Genenl Plan Amendment Study
facilities will co•p1emea.t the Sammis proje~t by providin& more moderate
accomodations. cusomers for the nearby commercial and restaura.a.ts. and support for
beach-oriented vacauoners.
Parcel P-.fc:
Viffl and access mate this area 1ood tor residential or visitor-,e"iDI commercial.
Land is iA many mall parcels· ud ,rill be difficult to 1S1emble. but since the Sammis
(Ba&iquitos Laaoon Educational Part) property t.o the south is commercial. it is 101ic&1 to
i,lan this entire area u coneinuous coaun.ercial, and allo,r market forces to create. the
incentin for l&Dd &111mbly. Dffelopment si&lldards should be of lo,r-rise and small-
scale m.ass.iJlt.
Alternative no. 1: (&tire Subarea P-4)
Recreational Commercial (Cou&al area 6)/Reside11tia1 (Coastal areal or 2) mind use u
called for iJ1 the Local Coutal Plu. There may be difficulty in maiAtauiuia this type of
development to a sufficient level of quality.
Alternatin no. 2:
Leave Residential RMB on Parcel P-4c if land assembly deemed too difficult or impact
on residents too onerous. Use for motel or time-shares to tate advantqe of vien.
Railroad noise ,rill have to be shielded. Some City assistaace might be needed to
assemble properties.
Ciccu111;00 IA4 Access;
Fron&qe road and Ponto Road should be rebuilt as development occurs to free more
property t.o be sold or re-alloca&ed t.o better uses, and to 1ain at-and• intersections and
to crea&e reuonable sa.reet paa&erns.
A pedesu-iu access should be c:na&ecl south of Poinsett.ia Lane to 1ive 1uests direct
access t.o the beach.
pqe 45
Seaoointe Catltbld General Plan Aaemlaent Study
The •~I u,es--,,hi~h include a service station. llldustria.l a.ad Office. a.nd E.ncina
Wa&er Pollution Conuol ~lao.t, a.re of recent construction and a.re likely to remain for
the fornnable future.
Recently-built facilities a.nd access to ud from f reeY&y ud Palomar Airport Road
mate the •rvice station an appropriate U91. Miled industrial ud office could be
up1raded as they are rep.laced o.r expuded. Particul&.r attention should be pa.id to
providing a cliswictive entrance to the Study Area. This should include landscaping
aad architectural treauneat along the 1-, exposure and creation of a "aa&e•ay" at the
Palomar Airport Road/I-~ mte.rcb.ange.
The Encina Water Pollution Conuol Plant is scheduled fo.r expusion in, to 10 yean (to
double current capacity). At that time, min: for consistent 1aoe1C1Aco yith current
plapt should be CIT:
Staice S!afinn site;
Other travel-related Commercial (suc.b. u restauraa.t), which would not require a
GenenJ Pl&.11 chu1e.
PIMAtd IAdustrial VRi None recommended
IYt.eDtlc tr!vment plyt: None feasible
Ci,ccuta&i9A gd Access; As part of the improvements needed on Palomar Airport Road.
off-ramps nov this siCe and Palomar Airport Road itself vill have to be upgraded. See
Subana P-2. Avenida Encinas Till have to be widened; it is recommended that this area
be aasessed its fair share of the cost on any future development, on a per-trip basis vith
the development occurrina in Subareas P-1 and E-2.
With the improvements to Palomar Airport Road and Carlsbad Boulevard a.nd Avenida
Encinas, levels of •"ice in th• Study Ana should be adequate. See the Ba.rto11-
AschJ1W1 traffic .report for further details.
pqe 417
Seapointe cartsbld General Plan Amendment Study
area. Currently. four developments have taken place vhich constitutes iJl excess of
ha.lf of the subuei.-From inspection. the landscaping appears inconsistent and sparse,
and the architecture tovard the f reevay is less studied than it should be. New
development should focus on creating attractive buildin1s from both street a.nd
free,,ay, screening partin1 and matia1 si1nage consistent to improve the overall
results ud create a more appealina landmark for the traveling public and clientele.
None proposed
Circv111i0A and Access;
Poinsettia Lane is scheduled to be wide11ed to 4 lanes across 1-, and west to Carlsbad
Boulevard as development occurs. Widening of Avenida Encinas from the wastewater
treatment plant to Palomar Airport Road should be contributed to by this area's
development on a per-trip basis.
With the above miti&ations. levels of service vill be within acceptable limits. See the
Barton-Asch.man report for further detail.
pqe 49
Seaa,ojnte C&rlsbld Genent Ptu Amendment Study
Subareu E-3 and E:-~ (no changes recommended: no map)_
Background: ·-
Description: Existing Mobile Home Parks -Sotamar Mobile Home Part (subuea E-3) and
La.nitai Mobile Home Park (subarea E-◄)
Genera! Plan Des.ignition:
Locat Coastal Plan Desi1natio11:
General Plan Designation:
Local Coastal Plu Designation:
Recnmmtoded Uses:
Recommended Develogmeot Standards:
Required Discretionary actions:
12.8◄ Ac. CE-3)
10.0 Ac. CE-◄)
same ocean vie,,s to Yest
RMHP (Mobile Home Pvt)
3 £Medium Density Reside11ti&1)
110 chanae
no chu.ae
no cha.nae
should be included in design guidelines
menLi.oAed below for Scenic corridor
apply landscape Modafds
none, already developed. limited
opportunity to improve
Both of these parts have bNn i1l emtence for a number of years, and a.11 iJldication.s
are that this •ill contiAue to be the case. They provide "moderate income housiJlg" and
will contribute bal&nce to proposed land uses. This use will be difficult to change and
should co-exist •ell with proposed adjacent uses.
AUernatiyes: SubareaE-◄: If an opportunity Ytre ea.countered to replace this use. RMH Residential
would be suaaested due to adjacent usts.
Suba.rea £-3: This could become office as & llil.t bet1'Hn the proposed motel and office
oaae ~o
Set.ooiote Carlsbad GenenJ Plan Amendment Study
Circulati0A & Acceg; .
Aba.o.don frontage· roads and create direct access to Carlsbad Boulevard. as rebuilding
&110-.s. Current City standards for intersections •ill allo• elimination off rontaae road
and will give City options for selli.ag, arousua1 Carlsbad to create more bet.ch property,
or la.o.dscapi.ng.
oace 51
• •
Seaoointe Carlsbad General Plan Amendment StUdy
VI. Circulation
A. Pasent Circulation System;
The Study Area is adjacent to and served by IAtersta&e Bi1h•ay 5. Coiuiection to I-5
(and circu.la&ion to the north and southerly ends of the Study Area) is provided by
Palomar Airport Road (a prime arterial, 126' right-of-,ray) and Poinsettia Lane (a. major
road, 102' ri&ht-of-yay). These connect to Carlsbad Boulevard on the Yest side or the
Study Area. Carlsbad Boulevard (&190 a major road Tith a 102' right-of-•ay) serves to
access the enure ••st "hatr of the Study Area. Avenida Eacinas. a secondary collector
(141' right-of-,ray) Till connect Palomar Airport Road •ith Poinsettia Lane east of the
ATW Railroad ud is the only access to the interior parcels in the east "half' of the
Study Area.
B. fiAdio1s or the Traffic Study;
W itb. the proposed General PlaA Amendments all roads Till have the capacity to carry
the imposed traffic loads Tith current or planned improvements ,rith the exception of
Palomar Airport Road ud its associated off-ramps from. 1-5. and Avenida Encinas. The
"pl&Dned improvements" an specifically the •idenin1 of Poinsettia Lane to four lanes
,rllen a brid1• and thoroughfare clim'ict is activated as the area develops.
Pace 52
• •
Seapotnte Carlsbad General Pllft Amendment Study
c. Recemm,rMtbnis:
The following pages contain a map and comments which show the current ud ultimate
build-out for the roads. Some co.aunents re1ardin1 scenic treatment and
implementation an incorpo.rated.
The ali&nments of Palomar Airport Road at Carlsbad Boulevard, realignment of Carlsbad
Boulevard at Subarea P-3. and completion of Avenida Encinas an based on plans
proposed by the o,rners of the properties in question, but which appear to have merit
(in the case of the realipment in subarea P-3. it has been considered and neither
rejected or approved by the City Council). The re,rort of Carlsbld Boulevard at the
Ponto area is conceptual only and will require an engineerin1 study to determine its
best placement, hopefully ill conjunction with a grading study in the Ponto area
(raising portions of the area on the east side of Carlsbad Boulevard will create some
view parcels and will put land at grade).
oaae 53
Seaoointe Clrltbld Genen1 Plan Amendment Study
c. Ruomm,odatiw;
ihe folloYin& pqes con.tain a map and comments which show the current 14d ultimate
build-out for the roads. Some comments re1&rdia.1 scenic treatment and
implem.e.ntatio.n an iD.corponted.
The alignments or Palomar Airport Road at Carlsbad Boulenrd, realignm.e.nt of Carlsbad
Boulevard at Subarea P-3, a.o.d completion or Avenida E.nci.o.u an based on plans
proposed by the o,ra.e.rs or the properties i.o. question, but ,rhich appear to b.ave merit
(i.o. the cue or the realignment in subarea P-3, it hu been considered and neither
rejected or approved by the City Council). The re,rort of Carlsbad Boulevard at th•
Ponto area is conceptual only and ,rill require an e111.i.D.eerin1 study to determine its
best placement, hopefully in conjunction ,rith a grading study in the Ponto area
(raisin& portions of the area on the east side of Carlsbad Boulevard ,rill create ~me
vie,r pa.reels and ,rill put lud at grade).
PIie 53
• •
Seapointe Carlsbad General Plaa A•endmeot Study
YU, r,onrocmuce yith t.b,e Gene[ll Pl&A
The above recommendations have been compared •ith the elements of the General
PJu and have been found to be iJl confonu.11ce ,rith them.
• •
San Diego, California
Pasadena, California
Prepared For
Prepared By
Pasadena, ca.lifornia
July ll, 1986
Project Location arxi Study Area
Proposed DeVelopment Plan
Site Access
Existing Traffic Volumes
Level of Service Concept
Existing Level of Ser.rice Analyses
Traffic Generation
Trip Distribution
Trip Assignment
Backgroun:i Traffic Grc:Mth Rates
Future Traffic Volumes
Project-Related Traffic Topacts
CUmulative Traffic Con:iitions
l. Proposed Development Plan
2. Intersection Level of Service Definitions
3. Existin;J Level of Service
4. Trip Generation Analysis
5. Level of Service Analyses for FUture Conditions
l. Regional Location
2. Development Plan
3. AM Peak Hour Traffic
4. :EM Peak Hour Traffic
5. Trip Distribution -Areas El, E2 am Pl
6. Trip Distribution -Areas E3, E4 am P3
7. Trip Distribution -Area P2
8. Trip Distribution -Areas P4
9. Trip Assignments (Al-VIM)
10. Ba.ckgrourrl Plus Project Traffic -A.M. Peak Hour
11. Ba.ckgrouni Plus Project Traffic -P.M. Peak Hour
Barton-Aschman Associates has conducted a traffic study for the proposed
seapointe carlsbad development which is located west of I-5 between Palomar
Allport .Road mi Ia C0eta Avenue. '!he ptq"JOSal development will consist of
irdustrial, office, residential ard travel related uses.
Using the year 2000 as a design year ard an annual bac:1cgro.nn g:tt,Wth rate of
3 per cent, a number of traffic impact mitigation measures are required.
'lmse measures include widening of Palomar Airport Ibid to a minimum of two
lanes in each direction, signalization of the unsignalized intersectiom in
the study area am provision of cblble left tum lanes at several locations.
'!be proposed development will generate 30,125 trips on a typical weekday.
Illril,g the momirq peak hour 3,040 trips will be generatai, of which 1,995
are incourd.
'!be trips generated by the prcposed development can be acxxmuuodated by the
existin; roadway network of the mitigation measures required to acxxmuuodate
backgrourd traffic g:tt,Wth are implemented with the exception of the carlsbad
Blvd -Palomar Airport Road intersection. At this location, an additional
saithl:x,uni le~-tum lane will be required.
Barton-Asch:man Associates, Inc., was retained by the Austin-Hansen-Fehlman
Grc:,..ip to con:luct a traffic study for the proposed. Seapointe carlsbad multi-
use development in carlsbad, california. 'Ihis report documents the proposed
development, studies and analyses which were conducted, and results and
conclusions of the study.
'll1.e ~ of this chapter is to discuss the project location, the proposed
development, an:i the study methodology.
The location of the project within the region is shown in Figure 1. The
project is in the City of carlsbad, which is located approximately 35 miles
north of San Diego an:i 90 miles south of Los Angeles.
Figure 2 is a schematic of the proposed development and shows the boundaries
of the site: Interstate 5 on the east, carlsbad Boulevard on the west, the
area south of Poinsettia Lane on the south, and Palomar Airp:lrt Read on the
north. Both Poinsettia Lane, to the south, and Palomar Airport Road, to the
north, have full access to and from Interstate 5.
south tracks exterrl through the project site.
Santa Fe Railroad north-
PR:)Rml) r.EVEI.OalEm' PI.AN
The proposed development is summarized. in Table 1. The land-uses have been
divided into eight planning areas, as shown. This facilitated distribution
and assignment of traffic projections further in the study.
The following studies and analyses were performe::i in determining the site
traffic impacts:
1. Data Collection. A thorough field reconnaissance of the site and
surrounding roadways was coooucted. Traffic counts from previous
studies were used where possible. otherwise, peak-hour turning
movement counts were conducted by Barton-Aschman Associates, Inc.,
in April and May, 1985. Traffic information for other planned
projects in the area and details of planned roadway improvements
were gathered from local, regional, and state agencies.
2. Analysis of Existing Traffic Conditions. Using the collected
data, existing traffic conditions in the vicinity of the project
were determined. Critical movement analyses were used to
determine the level of service of intersections that will be
impacted by the proposed development. Results of the level of service
analyses are presented in Chapter 2.
3. Analysis of Project-Related Traffic Impacts. 'Ihe first step in
the analysis of the project-related traffic impacts was to
estimate the daily and peak-hour (AM and PM) traffic that will be
generated by the proposed project. These estimates were
determined using trip generation rates from Trip Generation ('Ihi:rd
E'.dition, 1982), an infonnational report prepared 'r:rj the Institute
of Transportation Engineers (ITE).
Secondly, project-generated traffic was distributed by direction
of approach and departure based on area population densities and
approach-route i.l'lformation contained in previous traffic studies
for the area. These traffic volumes were then assigned to
individual traffic movements at each study intersection.
Finally, project-related traffic was superimposed on future
background traffic volumes at the adjacent intersections. Level
of service analyses were conducted and compared to those for
existing conditions and future background conditions to determine
the impact of this project on area traffic operations.
This chapter presents the existing traffic volumes on roadways in the
vicinity of the proposed project, the level of service concept, and the
results of the level of service analysis for existing conditions. The
purpose of this analysis is to establish the base condition for the
determination of the project's traffic impacts.
Fey roads serving the site are:
Interstate 5 is a limited access, north-south interstate freeway connectin;J
the Los Angeles and San Diego metropolitan area. I-5 carries approximately
77,000 vehicles per day in the vicinity of the project. Interchanges at
Poinsettia lane and at Palomar Airport Road are in the project study area.
site. OJrrently, Avenida Enci."".as carries approximately 1,500 vehicles per
Existirq morning am evening peak-hour traffic volumes were obtained from
traffic counts conducted by Barton-Aschman Associates, Inc. in November,
1985. 'Ihese traffic volumes are summarized in Figures 3 am 4.
"Level of service" denotes any of an infinite number of traffic operating
conditions which may exist on a given lane or roadway when it is subjected
to various traffic volumes. Level of service is a qualitative measure of
the effects of a number of factors, including speed, travel time, traffic
interruptions, freedom to maneuver, safety, driving comfort, convenience,
arxi operating cost.
There are six levels of service, A through F, which relate to driving
conditions from best to worst, respectively. 'Ihe characteristics of traffic
operations for each level of service are listed in Table 2. In general,
level of service A indicates free-flow conditions with no COn;Jestion, while
level of service F represents total breakdown with stop-arxi-go con:iltions
and long delays. Many communities have adopted level of service D as a
criterion for acceptable levels of service during the peak hours of average
Correspon:lin;J to each level of service is a volume-to-capacity ratio. 'Ihi.s
is the ratio of existing or projected traffic volumes to the capacity of the
intersection. capacity is defined as •~e maximum number of vehicles that
can be handled by the roadway during a specified period of time.11 <1} The
capacity of a roadway depends on its physical characteristics: number of
lanes, operating characteristics (one-way, two-way, turn restrictions, bus
stops, etc.), and the traffic using the roadway (number of turning
movements, percents of trucks and buses). In this study, the maximum
capacity, or saturation flow, used is 1,600 vehicles per hour green.
For purposes of analysis, it was assumed that all intersections were
signalized. This facilitates comparison of future conditions since Palomar
Airport Road would be widened in the future, and most likely these
intersections would be signalized at tbat time.
Results of the level of service analyses for existing traffic conditions at
intersections in the study area are shown in Table 3. currently, all
intersections operate at Level of Service C or better except for the
intersection of Palomar Airport Road at I-5 Northbound, which operates at D.
(l} Highway capacity Manual, 1965.
Palomar Airport P,d. at Paseo del Norte
Palomar Airport P,d, at I-5 Northbound
Palomar Airport P,d. at I-5 Southbound
Palomar Airport P,d. at Avenida Encinas
Palomar Airport P,d. at carlsbad Blvd.
Poinsettia P,d. at I-5 Northbou.rd
Poinsettia Rd. at I-5 Southbound
Poinsettia P,d, at I-5 carlsbad Blvd.
(1) Volume/Level of Service E capacity.
(2) Level of Service.
A 0.44 A
D 0.90 D
B 0.75 C
A 0.41 A
C 0.33 A
A 0.37 A
A 0.32 A
A 0.29 A
Area L.U. Day
El TS 9.2 Ac 40
PI 9.2 Ac 80 u 12.2 Ac
E2 'IS 9.5 Ac 40
C 9.5 Ac 40
E3 RrM • 12.8 Ac 40
E4 RrM 10.0 Ac 40
Pl(a) PI 10.0 Ac 80
0 30.0 Ac 300
Pl(b) 0 5.0 Ac 300
RM 50.0 Ac 80
P2 TS 500 Room 10
P3(a) RMH 9.0 Ac 150
P'.3 (b) RMH 6.0 Ac 150
P4(a) RMH 15.0 Ac 150
P4(b) RC 15.0 Ac 40
P4(c) RMH 13.0 Ac 150
(In:OUt) (In:OUt) Daily In out
3% (6:4) 9% (5:5) 370 5 5
20% (9:1) 20% (l:9) 735 130 15
3% (6:4) 9% (5:5) 380 5 5
3% (6:4) 9% (5:5) 380 5 5
9% (3:7) 11% (6:4) 510 15 30
9% (3: 7) 11% (6:4) 400 10 25
20% (9: 1) 20% (1:9) 800 145 15
14% (9: 1) 13% (2: 8) 9,000 1,135 125
14% (9: 1) 13% (2: 8) 1,500 190 20
8% (2:8) 10% (7:3) 4,000 65 255
6% (6:4) 8% (5:5) 5,000 180 120
8% (2:8) 10% (7. 3) 1,350 20 90
8% (2:8) 10% (7:3) 900 15 55
8% (2:8) 10% (7.3) 2,250 35 145
3% (6:4) 9% (5:5) 600 10 10
8% (2:8) 10% (7: 3) 1,950 30 125
rorALS 30,125 1,995 1,045
Total In Olt Total
10 l5 20 35
145 l5 130 145
10 15 20 35
10 15 20 35
45 35 20 55
35 25 20 45
160 15 145 160
1,260 235 935 l,170
210 40 155 195
320 280 120 400
300 200 200 400
110 95 40 135
70 65 25 90
180 160 65 225
20 30 25 55
155 135 60 195
3,040 1,375 3,000 3,375
A total of 3,040 trips will be generated by the project in the mornin;J peak
hour, with 1,995 trips inbound ard 1,045 trips outbourd. D.lrirq the evenirg
peak hour, 1,:375 inbound trips ard 2,000 outbourrl trips will be qenerated,
for a total of 3,375 trips. It is expected that the project will generate
30,125 trips on an average weekday.
The distribution of trips to and from the project site was based on the
projected population distribution within a ten-mile radius of the site.
'Ihis analysis included an accounting of trips generated within the project
Separate distributions were developed for each plann.irq area, even tho.lgh
several areas had the same approach patterns. The patterns used are shown
in Figures 5, 6, 7, and a.
Using the trip generation and trip distribution data described above,
project-generated traffic was assigned to the st~y area roadway network for
each development phase. The trip assignments for the .AM ard PM peak hours
are shown in Figure 9.
Evaluating traffic impacts of the proposed project requires estimating
future background traffic volumes. This is typically done by applying a
growth rate to existing traffic volumes.
,.. 'a •
~o \) .... IC\ ~ () ..... =~ l l~ lt,ty,00 It\ _'J40f,,o ,._ZA0/150 ;::i-01,z, PALOMAR AIRPORT RO.
t( u.-~ ~( r,~o~ 70 /Jo,
I) (I • a~ a: <:,,_ \ l-zart,o ~~ 0 11:),i, ""' ) z --..... "t1t1 I) 0 -J " -,o;,o ~ .,. w Q
0 (.)
0 CfJ < > a. ~ CCI
0 < CCI CfJ ~ a: < (.) ()
lt .. I><
,' ~ ~~ : l ~ L!_,1,0 _,e,o1,10
tr 3010 -( 100/20
() 0 en ~~ ,a I(\ -, ,, < ~I) i~ ~ "(I\ Ill (.) z PONTO w
< 0 z w ID > 0 < ~
i~ <
li 0 a: ~
J\ < ~/Joa: LA COSTA AVE.
f (
~ 0
~ ~ 0 "
TRIP ASSIGNMENTS (A.M./P.M.) n q 5Ilr':"":R::-:T:-::O:::N:-A:-:S:-::C~H~M~A~N~A~S=-=soc~,A~T::-:E:-:S~. l~N:-::C~. ______________________________ _. F ICiURE
LI 9
For this project, it is assumed that traffic growth will be approximately
3.0 percent per year until 2000. The design year and growth rate was
selected based on discussions with the City of carlsbad.
Future traffic volumes were determined by superimposing the project-
generated traffic onto the estimated future background traffic volumes. The
·resulting traffic volumes at each intersection in the study area are in
Figures 10 and 11 for the morning and afternoon peak hours, respectively.
Traffic impacts of the prqx:,sed project are summarized in Table 5. Volume-
capacity ratios and levels of service are shown for existing conditions,
year 2000 without the project, year 2000 with the project and year 2000
As shown, capacity problems will result at certain locations unless
mitigation measures are implemented, with the exception of the southbound
left turns required at Palomar Airport Road -carlsbad Blvd. intersection,
the mitigation measures are required as a result of background traffic
growth and not the project.
(l) cumulative refers to year 2000 plus project plus other known projects in
the vicinity.
I /J
• • l •
Backgrourd +
Existing Back9round w/o Project Back9rolXld with Project Projects+ CLlllJlative
Intersection V/C Los V/C Los V/C LoS V/C Los V/C LoS V/C Los V/C Los V/C 1 LoS
Palomar Airport Road 0.50 A 0.44 A 0.66 B 0.61 B 0.71 C 0.68 B NO CHANGE NO CHANGE .~
at Paseo del Norte
Palomar Airport Road 0.82 D 0.90 D ( 1) F ( 1) F ( 1) F ( 1) F NO CHANGE NO CHANGE 1.20(2) 1.56(2) 1.52(2) 1.50(2) at 1·5 Northbound 0.66 B 0.92 E 0.89 D 0.92 E NO CHANGE NO CHANGE
Palomar Airport Road 0.66 B 0.75 C (1) C (1) (1) E (1) E NO CUANGE NO CHANGE 0.72(3) 0.83(3) D 0.98(3) 0.96(3) at 1·5 Southbound 0.58 B 0.61 B 0. 75 C 0.88 D NO CHANGE NO CHANGE
Palomar Airport Road 0.33 A 0.41 A 0.53(l) A 0.51<1> A (1) E (1) D NO CHANGE NO CllANGE 0.97(3) 0.88(3)
f\) at Avenida Encinas 0.86 0.71 C NO CHANGE NO CHANGE
--:i (1) (1) (1) (1) Palomar Airport Road 0.80 C 0.33 A 1.17(5) F 0.46(5) A 1.34(4) F 0.57(4) A NO CHANGE NO CHANGE
at Carlsbad Blvd. 0.88 D 0.36 A 0.81 D 0.38 A NO CHANGE NO CHANGE
Poinsettia Road at 0.37 A 0.37 A 0.80<1> C 0.55<1> A 0.81<1> D o.55<1> A 0.85(1) D 0.69(l) B
1·5 Northboood
Poinsettia Road at 0.33 A 0.32 A 0.64<1> B 0.46(l) A 0.64<1> B 0.46(l) A o.6l1> B 0,59<1> A
I • 5 SouthboL.nd
Poinsettia Road at 0.22 A 0.29 A 0.30<1> A 0.52<1> A 0.42<1> A 0.49(l) A 0.46Cl) A 0.56(1) A • Carlsbad Blvd.
(1) Existing geometrics.
(2) Widen Palomar A!rport Road to two E·W lanes, optional LT or RT southbound lane, and protected-permissive EB left turns.
(3) Widen Palomar Airport Road to 2 lanes, each direction.
(4) Double we left turns, three N·S through lanes and double SB left turn.
(5) Double 1111 left turn lanes and 3 north-south through lanes.