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STRUCTURAL CALCULATIONS PROJECT: Prepared For: CDR 695 Town Center Drive, Suite 110 Costa Mesa, CA 92626 Date: STORM DRAIN CARLSBAD TRACT NO. 94-09 EAGREE 2023-0027 7'x13' TRASH CAPTURE ON DWG. NO. 333-2Y 8-29-24 S T RUC T U R A L S004468 EXP. 12/31/2024 ENGTEGRITY SOMETH ING YOU CAN BUILD ON 2498 1 VA LLEY RIM TERRACE LAKE FOREST, CA 92630 949-278-4328 <Licensed Company>SK-5 Jul 11, 2024 at 02:05 PM Trash Capture 7x13_spring… 7'x13' TRASH CAPTURE ANALYSIS y z~x Member Code Checks Displayed Results for LC 5, ASCE Strength 2 (a) IIIRISA --------< Wall Panel Shearx kips per ft (LC 5) 14.5 11 .6 8.7 5.8 2.9 -0 -2 .9 -5 .8 -8 .7 -11 .6 -14.5 Plate Shear x kips per ft (LC 5) 8.9 6.9 4.9 2.9 0.9 --1 .1 -3 .1 -5 .1 -7.1 -9 .1 -11 .1 <Licensed Company>SK-6 Jul 11, 2024 at 02:08 PM Trash Capture 7x13_spring… 150PCFx4/12 (ASSUME 4" CONC. SLAB AT GRADE) 120PCFx15x2 (ASSUME SHAFT AS COLUMN OF SOIL-CONSERV.) Loads: BLC 2, Super DL <Licensed Company>SK-7 Jul 11, 2024 at 02:09 PM Trash Capture 7x13_spring… FIRE TRUCK SURCHARGE Ir--~ ·B -LC 3, Live Load Loads. <Licensed Company>SK-8 Jul 11, 2024 at 02:09 PM Trash Capture 7x13_spring… 20 . 1 7 ' 14 . 1 7 ' 55PCFx14.17'=780PLF/FT 55PCFx20.17'=1110PLF/FT AT-REST EARTH PRESSURE + 20 . 1 7 ' 14 . 1 7 ' 250/110x55x14.17'=1772PLF/FT FIRE TRUCK SURCHARGE 250/110x55x20.17'=2522PLF/FT = 2552PLF/FT 3632PLF/FT 120PCFx15' (SOIL OVER LID) l l Loads: BLC 4, Earth Pressure IIIRISA ,___ ___ _ Company Designer Job Number Model Name : : : : <Licensed Company> Checked By : __________ 7/11/2024 2:02:11 PM RISA-3D Version 22 [ Trash Capture 7x13_springs.r3d ]Page 1 Nodal Loads and Enforced Displacements No Data to Print... Member Point Loads No Data to Print... Wall Panel Point Loads No Data to Print... Diaphragm Point Loads No Data to Print... Member Distributed Loads (BLC 2 : Super DL) Member LabelDirectionStart Magnitude [k/ft, F, ksf, k-ft/ft]End Magnitude [k/ft, F, ksf, k-ft/ft]Start Location [(ft, %)]End Location [(ft, %)] 1 M8 Y -3.6 -3.6 0 %100 2 M4 Y -3.6 -3.6 0 %100 3 M1 Y -3.6 -3.6 0 %100 4 M2 Y -3.6 -3.6 0 %100 5 M3 Y -3.6 -3.6 0 %100 6 M5 Y -3.6 -3.6 0 %100 7 M6 Y -3.6 -3.6 0 %100 8 M7 Y -3.6 -3.6 0 %100 Wall Panel Distributed Loads No Data to Print... Diaphragm Distributed Loads No Data to Print... Member Area Loads No Data to Print... Plate Surface Loads (BLC 2 : Super DL) Plate Label Direction Magnitude [ksf, F] 1 P179 Y -0.05 2 P181 Y -0.05 3 P128 Y -0.05 4 P222 Y -0.05 5 P197 Y -0.05 6 P6 Y -0.05 7 P120 Y -0.05 8 P142 Y -0.05 9 P2 Y -0.05 10 P127 Y -0.05 11 P227 Y -0.05 12 P146 Y -0.05 13 P226 Y -0.05 14 P225 Y -0.05 15 P207 Y -0.05 16 P12 Y -0.05 17 P174 Y -0.05 18 P118 Y -0.05 IIIRISA A NEMETSCHEK COMPANY Company Designer Job Number Model Name : : : : <Licensed Company> Checked By : __________ 7/11/2024 2:02:11 PM RISA-3D Version 22 [ Trash Capture 7x13_springs.r3d ]Page 2 Plate Surface Loads (BLC 2 : Super DL) (Continued) Plate Label Direction Magnitude [ksf, F] 19 P119 Y -0.05 20 P121 Y -0.05 21 P122 Y -0.05 22 P123 Y -0.05 23 P126 Y -0.05 24 P129 Y -0.05 25 P130 Y -0.05 26 P131 Y -0.05 27 P134 Y -0.05 28 P135 Y -0.05 29 P136 Y -0.05 30 P137 Y -0.05 31 P138 Y -0.05 32 P139 Y -0.05 33 P143 Y -0.05 34 P145 Y -0.05 35 P144 Y -0.05 36 P147 Y -0.05 37 P150 Y -0.05 38 P151 Y -0.05 39 P152 Y -0.05 40 P153 Y -0.05 41 P154 Y -0.05 42 P208 Y -0.05 43 P155 Y -0.05 44 P158 Y -0.05 45 P159 Y -0.05 46 P160 Y -0.05 47 P161 Y -0.05 48 P162 Y -0.05 49 P163 Y -0.05 50 P166 Y -0.05 51 P167 Y -0.05 52 P168 Y -0.05 53 P169 Y -0.05 54 P170 Y -0.05 55 P171 Y -0.05 56 P175 Y -0.05 57 P176 Y -0.05 58 P177 Y -0.05 59 P178 Y -0.05 60 P206 Y -0.05 61 P209 Y -0.05 62 P210 Y -0.05 63 P211 Y -0.05 64 P223 Y -0.05 65 P224 Y -0.05 66 P228 Y -0.05 67 P229 Y -0.05 68 P230 Y -0.05 69 P231 Y -0.05 70 P232 Y -0.05 71 P233 Y -0.05 72 P234 Y -0.05 73 P187 Y -0.05 IIIRISA A NEMETSCHEK COMPANY Company Designer Job Number Model Name : : : : <Licensed Company> Checked By : __________ 7/11/2024 2:02:11 PM RISA-3D Version 22 [ Trash Capture 7x13_springs.r3d ]Page 3 Plate Surface Loads (BLC 2 : Super DL) (Continued) Plate Label Direction Magnitude [ksf, F] 74 P193 Y -0.05 75 P3 Y -0.05 76 P4 Y -0.05 77 P5 Y -0.05 78 P7 Y -0.05 79 P8 Y -0.05 80 P9 Y -0.05 81 P10 Y -0.05 82 P11 Y -0.05 83 P1 Y -0.05 Plate Surface Loads (BLC 3 : Live Load) Plate Label Direction Magnitude [ksf, F] 1 P147 Y -0.25 2 P118 Y -0.25 3 P208 Y -0.25 4 P134 Y -0.25 5 P130 Y -0.25 6 P230 Y -0.25 7 P123 Y -0.25 8 P171 Y -0.25 9 P211 Y -0.25 10 P174 Y -0.25 11 P135 Y -0.25 12 P155 Y -0.25 13 P127 Y -0.25 14 P225 Y -0.25 15 P119 Y -0.25 16 P120 Y -0.25 17 P121 Y -0.25 18 P122 Y -0.25 19 P162 Y -0.25 20 P126 Y -0.25 21 P128 Y -0.25 22 P129 Y -0.25 23 P131 Y -0.25 24 P136 Y -0.25 25 P137 Y -0.25 26 P138 Y -0.25 27 P139 Y -0.25 28 P142 Y -0.25 29 P143 Y -0.25 30 P144 Y -0.25 31 P145 Y -0.25 32 P146 Y -0.25 33 P150 Y -0.25 34 P151 Y -0.25 35 P152 Y -0.25 36 P153 Y -0.25 37 P154 Y -0.25 38 P158 Y -0.25 39 P159 Y -0.25 40 P160 Y -0.25 41 P161 Y -0.25 42 P163 Y -0.25 IIIRISA A NEMETSCHEK COMPANY Company Designer Job Number Model Name : : : : <Licensed Company> Checked By : __________ 7/11/2024 2:02:11 PM RISA-3D Version 22 [ Trash Capture 7x13_springs.r3d ]Page 4 Plate Surface Loads (BLC 3 : Live Load) (Continued) Plate Label Direction Magnitude [ksf, F] 43 P166 Y -0.25 44 P167 Y -0.25 45 P168 Y -0.25 46 P169 Y -0.25 47 P170 Y -0.25 48 P175 Y -0.25 49 P176 Y -0.25 50 P177 Y -0.25 51 P178 Y -0.25 52 P179 Y -0.25 53 P206 Y -0.25 54 P207 Y -0.25 55 P209 Y -0.25 56 P210 Y -0.25 57 P233 Y -0.25 58 P224 Y -0.25 59 P222 Y -0.25 60 P223 Y -0.25 61 P226 Y -0.25 62 P227 Y -0.25 63 P228 Y -0.25 64 P229 Y -0.25 65 P231 Y -0.25 66 P232 Y -0.25 67 P234 Y -0.25 68 P197 Y -0.25 69 P6 Y -0.25 70 P9 Y -0.25 71 P10 Y -0.25 72 P187 Y -0.25 73 P8 Y -0.25 74 P4 Y -0.25 75 P193 Y -0.25 76 P5 Y -0.25 77 P11 Y -0.25 78 P7 Y -0.25 79 P181 Y -0.25 80 P12 Y -0.25 81 P3 Y -0.25 82 P1 Y -0.25 83 P2 Y -0.25 Plate Surface Loads (BLC 4 : Earth Pressure) Plate Label Direction Magnitude [ksf, F] 1 P147 Y -0.28 2 P118 Y -0.28 3 P208 Y -0.28 4 P134 Y -0.28 5 P130 Y -0.28 6 P230 Y -0.28 7 P123 Y -0.28 8 P171 Y -0.28 9 P211 Y -0.28 10 P174 Y -0.28 11 P135 Y -0.28 IIIRISA A NEMETSCHEK COMPANY Company Designer Job Number Model Name : : : : <Licensed Company> Checked By : __________ 7/11/2024 2:02:11 PM RISA-3D Version 22 [ Trash Capture 7x13_springs.r3d ]Page 5 Plate Surface Loads (BLC 4 : Earth Pressure) (Continued) Plate Label Direction Magnitude [ksf, F] 12 P155 Y -0.28 13 P127 Y -0.28 14 P225 Y -0.28 15 P119 Y -0.28 16 P120 Y -0.28 17 P121 Y -0.28 18 P122 Y -0.28 19 P162 Y -0.28 20 P126 Y -0.28 21 P128 Y -0.28 22 P129 Y -0.28 23 P131 Y -0.28 24 P136 Y -0.28 25 P137 Y -0.28 26 P138 Y -0.28 27 P139 Y -0.28 28 P142 Y -0.28 29 P143 Y -0.28 30 P144 Y -0.28 31 P145 Y -0.28 32 P146 Y -0.28 33 P150 Y -0.28 34 P151 Y -0.28 35 P152 Y -0.28 36 P153 Y -0.28 37 P154 Y -0.28 38 P158 Y -0.28 39 P159 Y -0.28 40 P160 Y -0.28 41 P161 Y -0.28 42 P163 Y -0.28 43 P166 Y -0.28 44 P167 Y -0.28 45 P168 Y -0.28 46 P169 Y -0.28 47 P170 Y -0.28 48 P175 Y -0.28 49 P176 Y -0.28 50 P177 Y -0.28 51 P178 Y -0.28 52 P179 Y -0.28 53 P206 Y -0.28 54 P207 Y -0.28 55 P209 Y -0.28 56 P210 Y -0.28 57 P233 Y -0.28 58 P224 Y -0.28 59 P222 Y -0.28 60 P223 Y -0.28 61 P226 Y -0.28 62 P227 Y -0.28 63 P228 Y -0.28 64 P229 Y -0.28 65 P231 Y -0.28 66 P232 Y -0.28 IIIRISA A NEMETSCHEK COMPANY Company Designer Job Number Model Name : : : : <Licensed Company> Checked By : __________ 7/11/2024 2:02:11 PM RISA-3D Version 22 [ Trash Capture 7x13_springs.r3d ]Page 6 Plate Surface Loads (BLC 4 : Earth Pressure) (Continued) Plate Label Direction Magnitude [ksf, F] 67 P234 Y -0.28 68 P11 Y -0.28 69 P187 Y -0.28 70 P12 Y -0.28 71 P197 Y -0.28 72 P4 Y -0.28 73 P6 Y -0.28 74 P7 Y -0.28 75 P9 Y -0.28 76 P181 Y -0.28 77 P8 Y -0.28 78 P193 Y -0.28 79 P3 Y -0.28 80 P5 Y -0.28 81 P10 Y -0.28 82 P1 Y -0.28 83 P2 Y -0.28 84 P209 Y 0 85 P224 Y 0 86 P211 Y 0 87 P143 Y 0 88 P206 Y 0 89 P174 Y 0 90 P5 Y 0 91 P228 Y 0 92 P118 Y 0 93 P119 Y 0 94 P120 Y 0 95 P121 Y 0 96 P122 Y 0 97 P123 Y 0 98 P126 Y 0 99 P127 Y 0 100 P128 Y 0 101 P129 Y 0 102 P130 Y 0 103 P131 Y 0 104 P134 Y 0 105 P135 Y 0 106 P179 Y 0 107 P136 Y 0 108 P137 Y 0 109 P138 Y 0 110 P139 Y 0 111 P225 Y 0 112 P142 Y 0 113 P144 Y 0 114 P145 Y 0 115 P146 Y 0 116 P147 Y 0 117 P150 Y 0 118 P151 Y 0 119 P152 Y 0 120 P153 Y 0 121 P154 Y 0 IIIRISA A NEMETSCHEK COMPANY Company Designer Job Number Model Name : : : : <Licensed Company> Checked By : __________ 7/11/2024 2:02:11 PM RISA-3D Version 22 [ Trash Capture 7x13_springs.r3d ]Page 7 Plate Surface Loads (BLC 4 : Earth Pressure) (Continued) Plate Label Direction Magnitude [ksf, F] 122 P155 Y 0 123 P158 Y 0 124 P159 Y 0 125 P160 Y 0 126 P161 Y 0 127 P162 Y 0 128 P163 Y 0 129 P166 Y 0 130 P167 Y 0 131 P168 Y 0 132 P169 Y 0 133 P170 Y 0 134 P171 Y 0 135 P175 Y 0 136 P176 Y 0 137 P177 Y 0 138 P178 Y 0 139 P227 Y 0 140 P207 Y 0 141 P208 Y 0 142 P210 Y 0 143 P222 Y 0 144 P223 Y 0 145 P226 Y 0 146 P229 Y 0 147 P230 Y 0 148 P231 Y 0 149 P232 Y 0 150 P233 Y 0 151 P234 Y 0 152 P181 Y 0 153 P187 Y 0 154 P193 Y 0 155 P197 Y 0 156 P3 Y 0 157 P4 Y 0 158 P6 Y 0 159 P7 Y 0 160 P8 Y 0 161 P9 Y 0 162 P10 Y 0 163 P11 Y 0 164 P12 Y 0 165 P1 Y 0 166 P2 Y 0 167 P209 Y 0 168 P224 Y 0 169 P211 Y 0 170 P143 Y 0 171 P206 Y 0 172 P174 Y 0 173 P5 Y 0 174 P228 Y 0 175 P118 Y 0 176 P119 Y 0 IIIRISA A NEMETSCHEK COMPANY Company Designer Job Number Model Name : : : : <Licensed Company> Checked By : __________ 7/11/2024 2:02:11 PM RISA-3D Version 22 [ Trash Capture 7x13_springs.r3d ]Page 8 Plate Surface Loads (BLC 4 : Earth Pressure) (Continued) Plate Label Direction Magnitude [ksf, F] 177 P120 Y 0 178 P121 Y 0 179 P122 Y 0 180 P123 Y 0 181 P126 Y 0 182 P127 Y 0 183 P128 Y 0 184 P129 Y 0 185 P130 Y 0 186 P131 Y 0 187 P134 Y 0 188 P135 Y 0 189 P179 Y 0 190 P136 Y 0 191 P137 Y 0 192 P138 Y 0 193 P139 Y 0 194 P225 Y 0 195 P142 Y 0 196 P144 Y 0 197 P145 Y 0 198 P146 Y 0 199 P147 Y 0 200 P150 Y 0 201 P151 Y 0 202 P152 Y 0 203 P153 Y 0 204 P154 Y 0 205 P155 Y 0 206 P158 Y 0 207 P159 Y 0 208 P160 Y 0 209 P161 Y 0 210 P162 Y 0 211 P163 Y 0 212 P166 Y 0 213 P167 Y 0 214 P168 Y 0 215 P169 Y 0 216 P170 Y 0 217 P171 Y 0 218 P175 Y 0 219 P176 Y 0 220 P177 Y 0 221 P178 Y 0 222 P227 Y 0 223 P207 Y 0 224 P208 Y 0 225 P210 Y 0 226 P222 Y 0 227 P223 Y 0 228 P226 Y 0 229 P229 Y 0 230 P230 Y 0 231 P231 Y 0 IIIRISA A NEMETSCHEK COMPANY Company Designer Job Number Model Name : : : : <Licensed Company> Checked By : __________ 7/11/2024 2:02:11 PM RISA-3D Version 22 [ Trash Capture 7x13_springs.r3d ]Page 9 Plate Surface Loads (BLC 4 : Earth Pressure) (Continued) Plate Label Direction Magnitude [ksf, F] 232 P232 Y 0 233 P233 Y 0 234 P234 Y 0 235 P181 Y 0 236 P187 Y 0 237 P193 Y 0 238 P197 Y 0 239 P3 Y 0 240 P4 Y 0 241 P6 Y 0 242 P7 Y 0 243 P8 Y 0 244 P9 Y 0 245 P10 Y 0 246 P11 Y 0 247 P12 Y 0 248 P1 Y 0 249 P2 Y 0 250 P209 Y 0 251 P224 Y 0 252 P211 Y 0 253 P143 Y 0 254 P206 Y 0 255 P174 Y 0 256 P5 Y 0 257 P228 Y 0 258 P118 Y 0 259 P119 Y 0 260 P120 Y 0 261 P121 Y 0 262 P122 Y 0 263 P123 Y 0 264 P126 Y 0 265 P127 Y 0 266 P128 Y 0 267 P129 Y 0 268 P130 Y 0 269 P131 Y 0 270 P134 Y 0 271 P135 Y 0 272 P179 Y 0 273 P136 Y 0 274 P137 Y 0 275 P138 Y 0 276 P139 Y 0 277 P225 Y 0 278 P142 Y 0 279 P144 Y 0 280 P145 Y 0 281 P146 Y 0 282 P147 Y 0 283 P150 Y 0 284 P151 Y 0 285 P152 Y 0 286 P153 Y 0 IIIRISA A NEMETSCHEK COMPANY Company Designer Job Number Model Name : : : : <Licensed Company> Checked By : __________ 7/11/2024 2:02:11 PM RISA-3D Version 22 [ Trash Capture 7x13_springs.r3d ]Page 10 Plate Surface Loads (BLC 4 : Earth Pressure) (Continued) Plate Label Direction Magnitude [ksf, F] 287 P154 Y 0 288 P155 Y 0 289 P158 Y 0 290 P159 Y 0 291 P160 Y 0 292 P161 Y 0 293 P162 Y 0 294 P163 Y 0 295 P166 Y 0 296 P167 Y 0 297 P168 Y 0 298 P169 Y 0 299 P170 Y 0 300 P171 Y 0 301 P175 Y 0 302 P176 Y 0 303 P177 Y 0 304 P178 Y 0 305 P227 Y 0 306 P207 Y 0 307 P208 Y 0 308 P210 Y 0 309 P222 Y 0 310 P223 Y 0 311 P226 Y 0 312 P229 Y 0 313 P230 Y 0 314 P231 Y 0 315 P232 Y 0 316 P233 Y 0 317 P234 Y 0 318 P181 Y 0 319 P187 Y 0 320 P193 Y 0 321 P197 Y 0 322 P3 Y 0 323 P4 Y 0 324 P6 Y 0 325 P7 Y 0 326 P8 Y 0 327 P9 Y 0 328 P10 Y 0 329 P11 Y 0 330 P12 Y 0 331 P1 Y 0 332 P2 Y 0 333 P209 Y -1.734 334 P224 Y -1.734 335 P211 Y -1.734 336 P143 Y -1.734 337 P206 Y -1.734 338 P174 Y -1.734 339 P5 Y -1.734 340 P228 Y -1.734 341 P118 Y -1.734 IIIRISA A NEMETSCHEK COMPANY Company Designer Job Number Model Name : : : : <Licensed Company> Checked By : __________ 7/11/2024 2:02:11 PM RISA-3D Version 22 [ Trash Capture 7x13_springs.r3d ]Page 11 Plate Surface Loads (BLC 4 : Earth Pressure) (Continued) Plate Label Direction Magnitude [ksf, F] 342 P119 Y -1.734 343 P120 Y -1.734 344 P121 Y -1.734 345 P122 Y -1.734 346 P123 Y -1.734 347 P126 Y -1.734 348 P127 Y -1.734 349 P128 Y -1.734 350 P129 Y -1.734 351 P130 Y -1.734 352 P131 Y -1.734 353 P134 Y -1.734 354 P135 Y -1.734 355 P179 Y -1.734 356 P136 Y -1.734 357 P137 Y -1.734 358 P138 Y -1.734 359 P139 Y -1.734 360 P225 Y -1.734 361 P142 Y -1.734 362 P144 Y -1.734 363 P145 Y -1.734 364 P146 Y -1.734 365 P147 Y -1.734 366 P150 Y -1.734 367 P151 Y -1.734 368 P152 Y -1.734 369 P153 Y -1.734 370 P154 Y -1.734 371 P155 Y -1.734 372 P158 Y -1.734 373 P159 Y -1.734 374 P160 Y -1.734 375 P161 Y -1.734 376 P162 Y -1.734 377 P163 Y -1.734 378 P166 Y -1.734 379 P167 Y -1.734 380 P168 Y -1.734 381 P169 Y -1.734 382 P170 Y -1.734 383 P171 Y -1.734 384 P175 Y -1.734 385 P176 Y -1.734 386 P177 Y -1.734 387 P178 Y -1.734 388 P227 Y -1.734 389 P207 Y -1.734 390 P208 Y -1.734 391 P210 Y -1.734 392 P222 Y -1.734 393 P223 Y -1.734 394 P226 Y -1.734 395 P229 Y -1.734 396 P230 Y -1.734 IIIRISA A NEMETSCHEK COMPANY Company Designer Job Number Model Name : : : : <Licensed Company> Checked By : __________ 7/11/2024 2:02:11 PM RISA-3D Version 22 [ Trash Capture 7x13_springs.r3d ]Page 12 Plate Surface Loads (BLC 4 : Earth Pressure) (Continued) Plate Label Direction Magnitude [ksf, F] 397 P231 Y -1.734 398 P232 Y -1.734 399 P233 Y -1.734 400 P234 Y -1.734 401 P181 Y -1.734 402 P187 Y -1.734 403 P193 Y -1.734 404 P197 Y -1.734 405 P3 Y -1.734 406 P4 Y -1.734 407 P6 Y -1.734 408 P7 Y -1.734 409 P8 Y -1.734 410 P9 Y -1.734 411 P10 Y -1.734 412 P11 Y -1.734 413 P12 Y -1.734 414 P1 Y -1.734 415 P2 Y -1.734 416 P209 Y 0 417 P224 Y 0 418 P211 Y 0 419 P143 Y 0 420 P206 Y 0 421 P174 Y 0 422 P5 Y 0 423 P228 Y 0 424 P118 Y 0 425 P119 Y 0 426 P120 Y 0 427 P121 Y 0 428 P122 Y 0 429 P123 Y 0 430 P126 Y 0 431 P127 Y 0 432 P128 Y 0 433 P129 Y 0 434 P130 Y 0 435 P131 Y 0 436 P134 Y 0 437 P135 Y 0 438 P179 Y 0 439 P136 Y 0 440 P137 Y 0 441 P138 Y 0 442 P139 Y 0 443 P225 Y 0 444 P142 Y 0 445 P144 Y 0 446 P145 Y 0 447 P146 Y 0 448 P147 Y 0 449 P150 Y 0 450 P151 Y 0 451 P152 Y 0 IIIRISA A NEMETSCHEK COMPANY Company Designer Job Number Model Name : : : : <Licensed Company> Checked By : __________ 7/11/2024 2:02:11 PM RISA-3D Version 22 [ Trash Capture 7x13_springs.r3d ]Page 13 Plate Surface Loads (BLC 4 : Earth Pressure) (Continued) Plate Label Direction Magnitude [ksf, F] 452 P153 Y 0 453 P154 Y 0 454 P155 Y 0 455 P158 Y 0 456 P159 Y 0 457 P160 Y 0 458 P161 Y 0 459 P162 Y 0 460 P163 Y 0 461 P166 Y 0 462 P167 Y 0 463 P168 Y 0 464 P169 Y 0 465 P170 Y 0 466 P171 Y 0 467 P175 Y 0 468 P176 Y 0 469 P177 Y 0 470 P178 Y 0 471 P227 Y 0 472 P207 Y 0 473 P208 Y 0 474 P210 Y 0 475 P222 Y 0 476 P223 Y 0 477 P226 Y 0 478 P229 Y 0 479 P230 Y 0 480 P231 Y 0 481 P232 Y 0 482 P233 Y 0 483 P234 Y 0 484 P181 Y 0 485 P187 Y 0 486 P193 Y 0 487 P197 Y 0 488 P3 Y 0 489 P4 Y 0 490 P6 Y 0 491 P7 Y 0 492 P8 Y 0 493 P9 Y 0 494 P10 Y 0 495 P11 Y 0 496 P12 Y 0 497 P1 Y 0 498 P2 Y 0 499 P209 Y 0.03 500 P224 Y 0.03 501 P211 Y 0.03 502 P143 Y 0.03 503 P206 Y 0.03 504 P174 Y 0.03 505 P5 Y 0.03 506 P228 Y 0.03 IIIRISA A NEMETSCHEK COMPANY Company Designer Job Number Model Name : : : : <Licensed Company> Checked By : __________ 7/11/2024 2:02:11 PM RISA-3D Version 22 [ Trash Capture 7x13_springs.r3d ]Page 14 Plate Surface Loads (BLC 4 : Earth Pressure) (Continued) Plate Label Direction Magnitude [ksf, F] 507 P118 Y 0.03 508 P119 Y 0.03 509 P120 Y 0.03 510 P121 Y 0.03 511 P122 Y 0.03 512 P123 Y 0.03 513 P126 Y 0.03 514 P127 Y 0.03 515 P128 Y 0.03 516 P129 Y 0.03 517 P130 Y 0.03 518 P131 Y 0.03 519 P134 Y 0.03 520 P135 Y 0.03 521 P179 Y 0.03 522 P136 Y 0.03 523 P137 Y 0.03 524 P138 Y 0.03 525 P139 Y 0.03 526 P225 Y 0.03 527 P142 Y 0.03 528 P144 Y 0.03 529 P145 Y 0.03 530 P146 Y 0.03 531 P147 Y 0.03 532 P150 Y 0.03 533 P151 Y 0.03 534 P152 Y 0.03 535 P153 Y 0.03 536 P154 Y 0.03 537 P155 Y 0.03 538 P158 Y 0.03 539 P159 Y 0.03 540 P160 Y 0.03 541 P161 Y 0.03 542 P162 Y 0.03 543 P163 Y 0.03 544 P166 Y 0.03 545 P167 Y 0.03 546 P168 Y 0.03 547 P169 Y 0.03 548 P170 Y 0.03 549 P171 Y 0.03 550 P175 Y 0.03 551 P176 Y 0.03 552 P177 Y 0.03 553 P178 Y 0.03 554 P227 Y 0.03 555 P207 Y 0.03 556 P208 Y 0.03 557 P210 Y 0.03 558 P222 Y 0.03 559 P223 Y 0.03 560 P226 Y 0.03 561 P229 Y 0.03 IIIRISA A NEMETSCHEK COMPANY Company Designer Job Number Model Name : : : : <Licensed Company> Checked By : __________ 7/11/2024 2:02:11 PM RISA-3D Version 22 [ Trash Capture 7x13_springs.r3d ]Page 15 Plate Surface Loads (BLC 4 : Earth Pressure) (Continued) Plate Label Direction Magnitude [ksf, F] 562 P230 Y 0.03 563 P231 Y 0.03 564 P232 Y 0.03 565 P233 Y 0.03 566 P234 Y 0.03 567 P181 Y 0.03 568 P187 Y 0.03 569 P193 Y 0.03 570 P197 Y 0.03 571 P3 Y 0.03 572 P4 Y 0.03 573 P6 Y 0.03 574 P7 Y 0.03 575 P8 Y 0.03 576 P9 Y 0.03 577 P10 Y 0.03 578 P11 Y 0.03 579 P12 Y 0.03 580 P1 Y 0.03 581 P2 Y 0.03 582 P179 Y 0.154 583 P181 Y 0.154 584 P128 Y 0.154 585 P222 Y 0.154 586 P197 Y 0.154 587 P6 Y 0.154 588 P120 Y 0.154 589 P142 Y 0.154 590 P2 Y 0.154 591 P127 Y 0.154 592 P227 Y 0.154 593 P146 Y 0.154 594 P226 Y 0.154 595 P225 Y 0.154 596 P207 Y 0.154 597 P12 Y 0.154 598 P174 Y 0.154 599 P118 Y 0.154 600 P119 Y 0.154 601 P121 Y 0.154 602 P122 Y 0.154 603 P123 Y 0.154 604 P126 Y 0.154 605 P129 Y 0.154 606 P130 Y 0.154 607 P131 Y 0.154 608 P134 Y 0.154 609 P135 Y 0.154 610 P136 Y 0.154 611 P137 Y 0.154 612 P138 Y 0.154 613 P139 Y 0.154 614 P143 Y 0.154 615 P145 Y 0.154 616 P144 Y 0.154 IIIRISA A NEMETSCHEK COMPANY Company Designer Job Number Model Name : : : : <Licensed Company> Checked By : __________ 7/11/2024 2:02:11 PM RISA-3D Version 22 [ Trash Capture 7x13_springs.r3d ]Page 16 Plate Surface Loads (BLC 4 : Earth Pressure) (Continued) Plate Label Direction Magnitude [ksf, F] 617 P147 Y 0.154 618 P150 Y 0.154 619 P151 Y 0.154 620 P152 Y 0.154 621 P153 Y 0.154 622 P154 Y 0.154 623 P208 Y 0.154 624 P155 Y 0.154 625 P158 Y 0.154 626 P159 Y 0.154 627 P160 Y 0.154 628 P161 Y 0.154 629 P162 Y 0.154 630 P163 Y 0.154 631 P166 Y 0.154 632 P167 Y 0.154 633 P168 Y 0.154 634 P169 Y 0.154 635 P170 Y 0.154 636 P171 Y 0.154 637 P175 Y 0.154 638 P176 Y 0.154 639 P177 Y 0.154 640 P178 Y 0.154 641 P206 Y 0.154 642 P209 Y 0.154 643 P210 Y 0.154 644 P211 Y 0.154 645 P223 Y 0.154 646 P224 Y 0.154 647 P228 Y 0.154 648 P229 Y 0.154 649 P230 Y 0.154 650 P231 Y 0.154 651 P232 Y 0.154 652 P233 Y 0.154 653 P234 Y 0.154 654 P187 Y 0.154 655 P193 Y 0.154 656 P3 Y 0.154 657 P4 Y 0.154 658 P5 Y 0.154 659 P7 Y 0.154 660 P8 Y 0.154 661 P9 Y 0.154 662 P10 Y 0.154 663 P11 Y 0.154 664 P1 Y 0.154 Wall Panel Surface Loads (BLC 4 : Earth Pressure) Wall Panel Label Direction Top Magnitude [ksf, F] Bottom Magnitude [ksf, F] Start Location [ft] Height [ft] 1 WP5 z -2.552 -3.632 0 0 2 WP3 z -2.552 -3.632 0 0 3 WP4 z -2.552 -3.632 0 0 4 WP6 z -2.552 -3.632 0 0 IIIRISA A NEMETSCHEK COMPANY I Company Designer Job Number Model Name : : : : <Licensed Company> Checked By : __________ 7/11/2024 2:02:11 PM RISA-3D Version 22 [ Trash Capture 7x13_springs.r3d ]Page 17 Wall Panel Surface Loads (BLC 4 : Earth Pressure) (Continued) Wall Panel Label Direction Top Magnitude [ksf, F] Bottom Magnitude [ksf, F] Start Location [ft] Height [ft] 5 WP6 z 2.552 3.632 0 0 6 WP6 z 2.552 3.632 0 0 Diaphragm Surface Loads No Data to Print... Basic Load Cases BLC Description Category Y Gravity Distributed Surface(Plate/Wall) 1 Dead Load (SW)DL -1 2 Super DL DL 8 83 3 Live Load LL 83 4 Earth Pressure EPL 670 Moving Loads No Data to Print... Moving Load Patterns No Data to Print... Time History Loads No Data to Print... Load Combinations Description Solve P-Delta BLC Factor BLC Factor BLC Factor BLC Factor 1 Deflection 1 Yes Y DL 1 EPL 1 2 1 2 Deflection 2 Yes Y DL 1 LL 1 EPL 1 2 1 3 Deflection 3 Yes Y DL 1 LL 1 2 1 4 ASCE Strength 1 Yes Y DL 1.4 EPL 1.6 2 1.4 5 ASCE Strength 2 (a)Yes Y DL 1.2 LL 1.6 EPL 1.6 2 1.2 Load Combination Design Description Service Hot Rolled Cold Formed Wood Concrete Masonry Aluminum Stainless Connection 1 Deflection 1 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 2 Deflection 2 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 3 Deflection 3 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 4 ASCE Strength 1 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 5 ASCE Strength 2 (a)Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Node Reactions LC Node Label X [k]Y [k]Z [k] MX [k-ft] MY [k-ft] MZ [k-ft] 1 1 N470 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 1 N182 -9.913 0 0 0 0 0 3 1 N238 -1.302 0 0.001 0 0 0 4 1 N192 -8.511 0 0 0 0 0 5 1 N204 -7.69 0 0 0 0 0 6 1 N216 -8.168 0 0.001 0 0 0 7 1 N226 -6.191 0 0.001 0 0 0 8 1 N248 4.05 0 0.001 0 0 0 IIIRISA A NEMETSCHEK COMPANY Ii I I I I I I I I I I I 11 I I I I I I I I I I Company Designer Job Number Model Name : : : : <Licensed Company> Checked By : __________ 7/11/2024 2:02:11 PM RISA-3D Version 22 [ Trash Capture 7x13_springs.r3d ]Page 183 Wall Panel Forces LC Wall Label Elevation [ft] Axial [k] x Shear [k] z Shear [k] x-x Moment [k-ft] z-z Moment [k-ft] 1 1 WP5 0 107.174 1.016 78.536 38.223 -80.397 2 1 WP6 0 106.82 1.019 -78.516 -38.284 -80.351 3 1 WP3 0 49.882 0.025 30.413 7.525 0.522 4 1 WP4 0 73.115 -0.004 30.437 7.52 -0.709 5 2 WP5 0 114.518 1.249 78.093 37.781 -80.386 6 2 WP6 0 114.149 1.251 -78.077 -37.844 -80.349 7 2 WP3 0 53.935 0.023 30.076 7.203 0.561 8 2 WP4 0 75.81 -0.002 30.174 7.273 -0.735 9 3 WP5 0 59.913 0.502 -4.915 -7.264 -85.786 10 3 WP6 0 59.751 0.517 4.883 7.237 -85.704 11 3 WP3 0 24.837 -0.012 -2.62 -3.931 0.242 12 3 WP4 0 57.088 0.042 -3.425 -4.613 -0.472 13 4 WP5 0 160.662 1.26 128.441 69.772 -110.732 14 4 WP6 0 160.159 1.263 -128.411 -69.878 -110.675 15 4 WP3 0 76.073 0.036 50.974 16.632 0.757 16 4 WP4 0 106.259 -0.011 51.13 16.943 -0.999 17 5 WP5 0 161.875 1.645 128.631 70.342 -93.774 18 5 WP6 0 161.377 1.643 -128.6 -70.447 -93.746 19 5 WP3 0 78.386 0.033 50.86 16.748 0.777 20 5 WP4 0 99.756 -0.016 51.282 17.312 -0.953 Concrete Wall Reinforcement Wall Region Thickness[in]Hor. Bar Size Vert. Bar Size 1 WP5 R1 24 #8@6in oc (ef)#8@6in oc (ef) 2 R2 24 #8@6in oc (ef)#8@6in oc (ef) 3 R3 24 #8@6in oc (ef)#8@6in oc (ef) 4 WP6 R2 24 #8@6in oc (ef)#8@6in oc (ef) 5 R3 24 #8@6in oc (ef)#8@6in oc (ef) 6 R1 24 #8@6in oc (ef)#8@6in oc (ef) 7 WP3 R1 24 #8@6in oc (ef)#8@6in oc (ef) 8 WP4 R1 24 #8@6in oc (ef)#8@6in oc (ef) Masonry Wall Reinforcement No Data to Print... Masonry Lintel Reinforcement No Data to Print... ACI 318-19 Wall Panel Concrete Code Checks (In-Plane) Wall Panel Region Max UC LC Shear UC LC Pn*phi[k] Mn*phi[k-ft] Vn*phi[k] 1 WP5 R1 0.025 5 0.065 5 NC 1071.451 488.752 2 R2 0.003 5 0.013 4 NC 1071.451 488.752 3 R3 0.029 5 0.061 5 NC 1658.358 610.94 4 WP6 R2 0.003 5 0.013 4 NC 1071.451 488.752 5 R3 0.029 5 0.061 5 NC 1658.358 610.94 6 R1 0.025 5 0.065 5 NC 1071.451 488.752 7 WP3 R1 0 4 0 5 NC 3351.487 855.316 8 WP4 R1 0.021 4 0 4 5047.346 NC 855.316 IIIRISA A NEMETSCHEK COMPANY Company Designer Job Number Model Name : : : : <Licensed Company> Checked By : __________ 7/11/2024 2:02:11 PM RISA-3D Version 22 [ Trash Capture 7x13_springs.r3d ]Page 184 ACI 318-19 Wall Panel Concrete Code Checks (Out-of-Plane) Wall Panel Region Max UC LC Shear UC LC Pn*phi[k/ft] Mn*phi[k-ft/ft] Vn*phi[k/ft] 1 WP5 R1 0.073 (Ext)5 0.863 4 NC 125.46 16.648 2 R2 0.14 (Ext)5 0.979 4 NC 125.46 15.94 3 R3 0.094 (Ext)4 0.827 5 NC 128.595 17.222 4 WP6 R2 0.14 (Int)5 0.979 4 NC 125.46 15.94 5 R3 0.094 (Int)4 0.827 5 NC 128.595 17.216 6 R1 0.073 (Int)5 0.863 4 NC 125.46 16.642 7 WP3 R1 0.051 (Ext)5 0.476 5 NC 132.172 15.977 8 WP4 R1 0.06 (Ext)4 0.497 4 NC 132.172 16.537 TMS 402-16: ASD Wall Panel Masonry Code Checks (In-Plane) No Data to Print... TMS 402-16: ASD Wall Panel Masonry Code Checks (Out-of-Plane) No Data to Print... Wall Panel TMS 402-16: ASD Masonry Code Checks for Lintels No Data to Print... AWC NDS-18 / SDPWS-21 ASD Wall Panel Wood Code Checks (Axial) No Data to Print... AWC NDS-18 / SDPWS-21 ASD Wall Panel Wood Code Checks (In-Plane) No Data to Print... AWC NDS-18 / SDPWS-21 ASD Wall Panel Wood Code Checks (Header) No Data to Print... AISI S100-20: ASD Wall Panel CFS Code Checks (Axial) No Data to Print... AISI S100-20: ASD Wall Panel CFS Code Checks (In-Plane) No Data to Print... ACI 318-19 Wall Panel Concrete Code Checks (Seismic) No Data to Print... TMS 402-16: ASD Wall Panel Masonry Code Checks (Seismic) No Data to Print... Masonry Wall Suggested Design No Data to Print... Wood Wall Suggested Design No Data to Print... IIIRISA A NEMETSCHEK COMPANY Detail Report: WP5 Concrete Wall R1 R2 R3 L3 N236 N5 N242 N11 13 ft CRITERIA Code:ACI 318-19 Design Rule:Typical Seismic Rule:None Loc of r/f:Each Face Outer Bars:Vertical Vert Bar Size:#8 Horz Bar Size:#8 Transfer In?:No Transfer Out?:No Group Wall?:No MATERIALS Material Set:Conc5000NW Concrete f'c (ksi):5 Concrete E (ksi):4031 Concrete G (ksi):1752.61 Conc Density (k/ft ):3 0.145 Lambda:1 Conc Str Blk:Rectangular Vert Bar Fy (ksi):60 Horz Bar Fy (ksi):60 Steel E (ksi):29000 GEOMETRY Total Height (ft):6 Total Length (ft):13 Thickness (in):24 Int Cover (-z) (in):3 Ext Cover (+z) (in):3 Cover Open/Edge (in): 3 K:1 Use Cracked?:Yes In Icr Factor:0.7 Out Icr Factor:0.35 REGION RESULTS Regio n UC Max In Plane LC UC Shear In Plane LC Delta Max In Plane (in) LC UC Max Out Plane LC UC Shear Out Plane LC Delta Max Out Plane (in) LC R1 0.025 5 0.065 5 0 5 0.073 5 0.863 4 0.003 4 R2 0.003 5 0.013 4 0 3 0.14 5 0.979 4 0.004 4 R3 0.029 5 0.061 5 0 4 0.094 4 0.827 5 0.003 5 RISA-3D Version 22 [ Trash Capture 7x13_springs.r3d ]Page 186 Company Designer Job Number Model Name : : : : <Licensed Company> Checked By : __________ 7/11/2024 2:02:33 PMIIIRISA A NEMETSCHEK COMPANY REINFORCEMENT RESULTS Region Vertical Reinforcement Horizontal Reinforcement Diagonal Reinforcement R1 #8@6in oc e.f.#8@6in oc e.f.N/A R2 #8@6in oc e.f.#8@6in oc e.f.N/A R3 #8@6in oc e.f.#8@6in oc e.f.N/A Detail Report: WP5 (In-Plane, Opening L3) CRITERIA Code:ACI 318-19 Design Rule:Typical Seismic Rule:None Loc of r/f:Each Face Outer Bars:Vertical Vert Bar Size:#8 Horz Bar Size:#8 Vert Bar Spac (in):6 Horz Bar Spac (in):6 Valid Region:R2 MATERIALS Material Set:Conc5000NW Concrete f'c (ksi):5 Concrete E (ksi):4031 Concrete G (ksi):1752.61 Conc Density (k/ft ):3 0.145 Lambda:1 Conc Str Blk:Rectangular Vert Bar Fy (ksi):60 Horz Bar Fy (ksi):60 Steel E (ksi):29000 GEOMETRY Total Height (ft):2 Total Length (ft):4 Thickness (in):24 Int Cover (-z) (in):3 Ext Cover (+z) (in):3 Cover Open/Edge (in): 3 ENVELOPE DIAGRAMS Max: 8.454 at 4 ft Min: -3.276 at 1 ft A Max: 22.902 at 0 ft Min: -25.02 at 4 ft V Max: 6.996 at 2.2 ft Min: -12.835 at 4 ft M Note: Lintel design is currently not available for concrete wall panel openings. RISA-3D Version 22 [ Trash Capture 7x13_springs.r3d ]Page 187 Company Designer Job Number Model Name : : : : <Licensed Company> Checked By : __________ 7/11/2024 2:02:33 PMIIIRISA A NEMETSCHEK COMPANY Detail Report: WP5 (Out-of-Plane, Opening L3) CRITERIA Code:ACI 318-19 Design Rule:Typical Seismic Rule:None Loc of r/f:Each Face Outer Bars:Vertical Vert Bar Size:#8 Horz Bar Size:#8 Vert Bar Spac (in):6 Horz Bar Spac (in):6 Valid Region:R2 MATERIALS Material Set:Conc5000NW Concrete f'c (ksi):5 Concrete E (ksi):4031 Concrete G (ksi):1752.61 Conc Density (k/ft ):3 0.145 Lambda:1 Conc Str Blk:Rectangular Vert Bar Fy (ksi):60 Horz Bar Fy (ksi):60 Steel E (ksi):29000 GEOMETRY Total Height (ft):2 Total Length (ft):4 Thickness (in):24 Int Cover (-z) (in):3 Ext Cover (+z) (in):3 Cover Open/Edge (in): 3 ENVELOPE DIAGRAMS Max: 8.454 at 4 ft Min: -3.276 at 1 ft A Max: 4.763 at 1.8 ft Min: -5.718 at 2.2 ft V Max: 5.857 at 4 ft Min: 1.443 at 1.8 ft M Note: Lintel design is currently not available for concrete wall panel openings. RISA-3D Version 22 [ Trash Capture 7x13_springs.r3d ]Page 188 Company Designer Job Number Model Name : : : : <Licensed Company> Checked By : __________ 7/11/2024 2:02:34 PMIIIRISA A NEMETSCHEK COMPANY Detail Report: WP5 (In-Plane, Region R1) CRITERIA Code:ACI 318-19 Design Rule:Typical Seismic Rule:None Loc of r/f:Each Face Outer Bars:Vertical Vert Bar Size:#8 Horz Bar Size:#8 Vert Bar Spac (in):6 Horz Bar Spac (in):6 Group Wall?:No MATERIALS Material Set:Conc5000NW Concrete f'c (ksi):5 Concrete E (ksi):4031 Concrete G (ksi):1752.61 Conc Density (k/ft ):3 0.145 Lambda:1 Conc Str Blk:Rectangular Vert Bar Fy (ksi):60 Horz Bar Fy (ksi):60 Steel E (ksi):29000 GEOMETRY Total Height (ft):6 Total Length (ft):4 Thickness (in):24 Int Cover (-z) (in):3 Ext Cover (+z) (in):3 Cover Open/Edge (in): 3 K:1 Use Cracked?:Yes Icr Factor:0.7 ENVELOPE DIAGRAMS Max: 64.316 at 0 ft Min: 33.253 at 6 ft P k Max: 9.483 at 0 ft Min: -31.984 at 6 ft V k Max: 6.489 at 1.8 ft Min: -26.415 at 6 ft M k-ft ACI 318-19 Code Check AXIAL/BENDING DETAILS UC Max:0.025 Location (ft):6 Gov Pu (k):0 phi*Pn:NC Gov Mu (k-ft):-26.415 phi*Mn (k-ft):1071.451 phi eff.:0.9 Gov LC:5 RISA-3D Version 22 [ Trash Capture 7x13_springs.r3d ]Page 189 Company Designer Job Number Model Name : : : : <Licensed Company> Checked By : __________ 7/11/2024 2:02:34 PMIIIRISA A NEMETSCHEK COMPANY SHEAR DETAILS UC Max:0.065 Location (ft):6 Gov Vu (k):-31.984 phi*Vn (k):488.752 Vnmax (k):651.67 Vc (k):244.376 Vs (k):753.982 Gov LC:5 DEFLECTION DETAILS Delta max (in):4.31e-5 Deflection Ratio:H/10000 Location (ft):6 Gov LC:5 REINFORCEMENT DETAILS As Provided (H) (in ):2 18.85 rho Provided (H):0.011 As min (H) (in ):2 3.456 rho min (H):0.002 As Provided (V) (in ):2 10.996 rho Provided (V):0.01 As min (V) (in ):2 1.728 rho min (V):0.002 WALL SEGMENT SECTION PROPERTIES Total Length (ft):4 A (in ):2 1152 Igross (in ):4 2.212e+5 Icracked (in ):4 1.548e+5 Cracked Mom, Mcr (k- ft): 407.294 r (in):11.593 KL/r:5.196 SLENDER BENDING SPAN RESULTS KL/r in Cm in Lu in (ft) Pc (k)deltaNS M act (k-ft) M2 min (k-ft) Mc in (k-ft) 5.196 0.716 6 0 N/A 0 0 N/A IN-PLANE WALL INTERACTION DIAGRAM 5509 -660 287000600120018002400 0 2000 4000 0 P (k) M (k-ft) MnΦ*Mn Cap. Line RISA-3D Version 22 [ Trash Capture 7x13_springs.r3d ]Page 190 Company Designer Job Number Model Name : : : : <Licensed Company> Checked By : __________ 7/11/2024 2:02:35 PMIIIRISA A NEMETSCHEK COMPANY ---- CROSS SECTION DETAILING 3 in cover 8.5 in3 in cover 3 in cover #8 @ 6in oc #8 @ 6in oc Interior Face Exterior Face Detail Report: WP5 (Out-of-Plane, Region R1) CRITERIA Code:ACI 318-19 Design Rule:Typical Seismic Rule:None Loc of r/f:Each Face Outer Bars:Vertical Vert Bar Size:#8 Horz Bar Size:#8 Vert Bar Spac (in):6 Horz Bar Spac (in):6 Group Wall?:No MATERIALS Material Set:Conc5000NW Concrete f'c (ksi):5 Concrete E (ksi):4031 Concrete G (ksi):1752.61 Conc Density (k/ft ):3 0.145 Lambda:1 Conc Str Blk:Rectangular Vert Bar Fy (ksi):60 Horz Bar Fy (ksi):60 Steel E (ksi):29000 GEOMETRY Total Height (ft):6 Total Length (ft):4 Thickness (in):24 Int Cover (-z) (in):3 Ext Cover (+z) (in):3 Cover Open/Edge (in): 3 K:1 Use Cracked?:Yes Icr Factor:0.35 RISA-3D Version 22 [ Trash Capture 7x13_springs.r3d ]Page 191 Company Designer Job Number Model Name : : : : <Licensed Company> Checked By : __________ 7/11/2024 2:02:35 PMIIIRISA A NEMETSCHEK COMPANY ENVELOPE DIAGRAMS Max: 16.079 at 0 ft Min: 8.313 at 6 ft P k/ft Max: 14.361 at 0 ft Min: -9.265 at 6 ft V k/ft Max: 9.118 at 6 ft Min: -8.796 at 2.7 ft M k-ft/ft ACI 318-19 Code Check AXIAL/BENDING DETAILS UC Max Int (-z):0.07 Location (ft):2.7 Gov Pu Int (-z) (k/ft):0 phi*Pn Int (-z):NC Gov Mu Int (-z) (k-ft/ ft): -8.796 phi*Mn Int (-z) (k-ft/ft):125.46 phi eff. Int (-z):0.9 Gov LC Int (-z):4 UC Max Ext (+z):0.073 Location (ft):6 Gov Pu Ext (+z) (k/ ft): 0 phi*Pn Ext (+z):NC Gov Mu Ext (+z) (k-ft/ ft): 9.118 phi*Mn Ext (+z) (k-ft/ ft): 125.46 phi eff. Ext (+z):0.9 Gov LC Ext (+z):5 SHEAR DETAILS UC Max:0.863 Location (ft):0 Gov Vu (k/ft):14.361 phi*Vnc (k/ft):16.648 phi*Vns (k/ft):0 Gov LC:4 DEFLECTION DETAILS Delta max (in):0.003 Deflection Ratio:H/10000 Location (ft):2.7 Gov LC:4 RISA-3D Version 22 [ Trash Capture 7x13_springs.r3d ]Page 192 Company Designer Job Number Model Name : : : : <Licensed Company> Checked By : __________ 7/11/2024 2:02:36 PMIIIRISA A NEMETSCHEK COMPANY REINFORCEMENT DETAILS As Provided (V) (in ):2 10.996 rho Provided (V):0.01 As min (V) (in ):2 1.728 rho min (V):0.002 WALL SEGMENT SECTION PROPERTIES Total Width (in):6 A (in ):2 144 Igross (in ):4 6912 Icracked (in ):4 2419.2 Cracked Mom, Mcr (k- ft): 203.647 r (in):4.099 KL/r:10.392 SLENDER BENDING SPAN RESULTS KL/r out Cm out Lu out (ft) Pc (k/ft) deltaNS M act (k-ft/ft) M2 min (k-ft/ft) Mc out (k-ft/ft) Interior 10.392 1 6 0 N/A 0 0 N/A(2.7ft) Exterior 0 N/A 0 0 N/A(6ft) OUT-PLANE WALL INTERACTION DIAGRAM Interior (-z) Face Wall Interaction Diagram 1377 -165 4020090180270360 0 300 600 900 1200 0 P (k/ft) M (k-ft/ft) MnΦ*Mn Cap. Line RISA-3D Version 22 [ Trash Capture 7x13_springs.r3d ]Page 193 Company Designer Job Number Model Name : : : : <Licensed Company> Checked By : __________ 7/11/2024 2:02:36 PMIIIRISA A NEMETSCHEK COMPANY --------- -------- Exterior (+z) Face Wall Interaction Diagram 1377 -165 4020090180270360 0 300 600 900 1200 0 P (k/ft) M (k-ft/ft) MnΦ*MnCap. Line CROSS SECTION DETAILING 3 in cover 3 in cover #8 @ 6in oc #8 @ 6in oc Interior Face Exterior Face z x RISA-3D Version 22 [ Trash Capture 7x13_springs.r3d ]Page 194 Company Designer Job Number Model Name : : : : <Licensed Company> Checked By : __________ 7/11/2024 2:02:37 PMIIIRISA A NEMETSCHEK COMPANY ----- ---- .!: .!: 10 c:i .!: .... N N 10 c:i N Detail Report: WP5 (In-Plane, Region R2) CRITERIA Code:ACI 318-19 Design Rule:Typical Seismic Rule:None Loc of r/f:Each Face Outer Bars:Vertical Vert Bar Size:#8 Horz Bar Size:#8 Vert Bar Spac (in):6 Horz Bar Spac (in):6 Group Wall?:No MATERIALS Material Set:Conc5000NW Concrete f'c (ksi):5 Concrete E (ksi):4031 Concrete G (ksi):1752.61 Conc Density (k/ft ):3 0.145 Lambda:1 Conc Str Blk:Rectangular Vert Bar Fy (ksi):60 Horz Bar Fy (ksi):60 Steel E (ksi):29000 GEOMETRY Total Height (ft):2 Total Length (ft):4 Thickness (in):24 Int Cover (-z) (in):3 Ext Cover (+z) (in):3 Cover Open/Edge (in): 3 K:1 Use Cracked?:Yes Icr Factor:0.7 ENVELOPE DIAGRAMS Max: 36.946 at 2 ft Min: 20.978 at 0 ft P k Max: -2.437 at 0 ft Min: -6.439 at 2 ft V k Max: 1.401 at 2 ft Min: -3.741 at 0 ft M k-ft ACI 318-19 Code Check AXIAL/BENDING DETAILS UC Max:0.003 Location (ft):0 Gov Pu (k):0 phi*Pn:NC Gov Mu (k-ft):-3.741 phi*Mn (k-ft):1071.451 phi eff.:0.9 Gov LC:5 RISA-3D Version 22 [ Trash Capture 7x13_springs.r3d ]Page 195 Company Designer Job Number Model Name : : : : <Licensed Company> Checked By : __________ 7/11/2024 2:02:37 PMIIIRISA A NEMETSCHEK COMPANY SHEAR DETAILS UC Max:0.013 Location (ft):2 Gov Vu (k):-6.439 phi*Vn (k):488.752 Vnmax (k):651.67 Vc (k):244.376 Vs (k):753.982 Gov LC:4 DEFLECTION DETAILS Delta max (in):3.645e-5 Deflection Ratio:H/10000 Location (ft):6 Gov LC:3 REINFORCEMENT DETAILS As Provided (H) (in ):2 6.283 rho Provided (H):0.011 As min (H) (in ):2 1.152 rho min (H):0.002 As Provided (V) (in ):2 10.996 rho Provided (V):0.01 As min (V) (in ):2 1.728 rho min (V):0.002 WALL SEGMENT SECTION PROPERTIES Total Length (ft):4 A (in ):2 1152 Igross (in ):4 2.212e+5 Icracked (in ):4 1.548e+5 Cracked Mom, Mcr (k- ft): 407.294 r (in):11.593 KL/r:1.732 SLENDER BENDING SPAN RESULTS -Slenderness(P - Little Delta) and minimum moment considerations are only done for full - height regions. IN-PLANE WALL INTERACTION DIAGRAM 5509 -660 287000600120018002400 0 2000 4000 0 P (k) M (k-ft) Mn Φ*MnCap. Line RISA-3D Version 22 [ Trash Capture 7x13_springs.r3d ]Page 196 Company Designer Job Number Model Name : : : : <Licensed Company> Checked By : __________ 7/11/2024 2:02:38 PMIIIRISA A NEMETSCHEK COMPANY ------------ CROSS SECTION DETAILING 3 in cover 8.5 in3 in cover 3 in cover #8 @ 6in oc #8 @ 6in oc Interior Face Exterior Face Detail Report: WP5 (Out-of-Plane, Region R2) CRITERIA Code:ACI 318-19 Design Rule:Typical Seismic Rule:None Loc of r/f:Each Face Outer Bars:Vertical Vert Bar Size:#8 Horz Bar Size:#8 Vert Bar Spac (in):6 Horz Bar Spac (in):6 Group Wall?:No MATERIALS Material Set:Conc5000NW Concrete f'c (ksi):5 Concrete E (ksi):4031 Concrete G (ksi):1752.61 Conc Density (k/ft ):3 0.145 Lambda:1 Conc Str Blk:Rectangular Vert Bar Fy (ksi):60 Horz Bar Fy (ksi):60 Steel E (ksi):29000 GEOMETRY Total Height (ft):2 Total Length (ft):4 Thickness (in):24 Int Cover (-z) (in):3 Ext Cover (+z) (in):3 Cover Open/Edge (in): 3 K:1 Use Cracked?:Yes Icr Factor:0.35 RISA-3D Version 22 [ Trash Capture 7x13_springs.r3d ]Page 197 Company Designer Job Number Model Name : : : : <Licensed Company> Checked By : __________ 7/11/2024 2:02:39 PMIIIRISA A NEMETSCHEK COMPANY ENVELOPE DIAGRAMS Max: 9.236 at 2 ft Min: 5.245 at 0 ft P k/ft Max: -5.543 at 0 ft Min: -15.644 at 2 ft V k/ft Max: 17.614 at 2 ft Min: -1.2 at 0 ft M k-ft/ft ACI 318-19 Code Check AXIAL/BENDING DETAILS UC Max Int (-z):0.01 Location (ft):0 Gov Pu Int (-z) (k/ft):0 phi*Pn Int (-z):NC Gov Mu Int (-z) (k-ft/ ft): -1.2 phi*Mn Int (-z) (k-ft/ft):125.46 phi eff. Int (-z):0.9 Gov LC Int (-z):4 UC Max Ext (+z):0.14 Location (ft):2 Gov Pu Ext (+z) (k/ ft): 0 phi*Pn Ext (+z):NC Gov Mu Ext (+z) (k-ft/ ft): 17.614 phi*Mn Ext (+z) (k-ft/ ft): 125.46 phi eff. Ext (+z):0.9 Gov LC Ext (+z):5 SHEAR DETAILS UC Max:0.979 Location (ft):2 Gov Vu (k/ft):-15.604 phi*Vnc (k/ft):15.94 phi*Vns (k/ft):0 Gov LC:4 DEFLECTION DETAILS Delta max (in):0.004 Deflection Ratio:H/5616 Location (ft):6 Gov LC:4 RISA-3D Version 22 [ Trash Capture 7x13_springs.r3d ]Page 198 Company Designer Job Number Model Name : : : : <Licensed Company> Checked By : __________ 7/11/2024 2:02:39 PMIIIRISA A NEMETSCHEK COMPANY REINFORCEMENT DETAILS As Provided (V) (in ):2 10.996 rho Provided (V):0.01 As min (V) (in ):2 1.728 rho min (V):0.002 WALL SEGMENT SECTION PROPERTIES Total Width (in):6 A (in ):2 144 Igross (in ):4 6912 Icracked (in ):4 2419.2 Cracked Mom, Mcr (k- ft): 203.647 r (in):4.099 KL/r:3.464 SLENDER BENDING SPAN RESULTS -Slenderness(P - Little Delta) and minimum moment considerations are only done for full - height regions. OUT-PLANE WALL INTERACTION DIAGRAM Interior (-z) Face Wall Interaction Diagram 1377 -165 4020090180270360 0 300 600 900 1200 0 P (k/ft) M (k-ft/ft) Mn Φ*MnCap. Line RISA-3D Version 22 [ Trash Capture 7x13_springs.r3d ]Page 199 Company Designer Job Number Model Name : : : : <Licensed Company> Checked By : __________ 7/11/2024 2:02:40 PMIIIRISA A NEMETSCHEK COMPANY ----- ---- Exterior (+z) Face Wall Interaction Diagram 1377 -165 4020090180270360 0 300 600 900 1200 0 P (k/ft) M (k-ft/ft) MnΦ*MnCap. Line CROSS SECTION DETAILING 3 in cover 3 in cover #8 @ 6in oc #8 @ 6in oc Interior Face Exterior Face z x RISA-3D Version 22 [ Trash Capture 7x13_springs.r3d ]Page 200 Company Designer Job Number Model Name : : : : <Licensed Company> Checked By : __________ 7/11/2024 2:02:40 PMIIIRISA A NEMETSCHEK COMPANY ----- ---- .!: .!: 10 c:i .!: .... N N 10 c:i N Detail Report: WP5 (In-Plane, Region R3) CRITERIA Code:ACI 318-19 Design Rule:Typical Seismic Rule:None Loc of r/f:Each Face Outer Bars:Vertical Vert Bar Size:#8 Horz Bar Size:#8 Vert Bar Spac (in):6 Horz Bar Spac (in):6 Group Wall?:No MATERIALS Material Set:Conc5000NW Concrete f'c (ksi):5 Concrete E (ksi):4031 Concrete G (ksi):1752.61 Conc Density (k/ft ):3 0.145 Lambda:1 Conc Str Blk:Rectangular Vert Bar Fy (ksi):60 Horz Bar Fy (ksi):60 Steel E (ksi):29000 GEOMETRY Total Height (ft):6 Total Length (ft):5 Thickness (in):24 Int Cover (-z) (in):3 Ext Cover (+z) (in):3 Cover Open/Edge (in): 3 K:1 Use Cracked?:Yes Icr Factor:0.7 ENVELOPE DIAGRAMS Max: 98.799 at 0 ft Min: 59.424 at 6 ft P k Max: 37.238 at 6 ft Min: -8.223 at 0 ft V k Max: 48.916 at 6 ft Min: -2.933 at 0 ft M k-ft ACI 318-19 Code Check AXIAL/BENDING DETAILS UC Max:0.029 Location (ft):6 Gov Pu (k):0 phi*Pn:NC Gov Mu (k-ft):48.916 phi*Mn (k-ft):1658.358 phi eff.:0.9 Gov LC:5 RISA-3D Version 22 [ Trash Capture 7x13_springs.r3d ]Page 201 Company Designer Job Number Model Name : : : : <Licensed Company> Checked By : __________ 7/11/2024 2:02:41 PMIIIRISA A NEMETSCHEK COMPANY SHEAR DETAILS UC Max:0.061 Location (ft):6 Gov Vu (k):37.238 phi*Vn (k):610.94 Vnmax (k):814.587 Vc (k):305.47 Vs (k):942.478 Gov LC:5 DEFLECTION DETAILS Delta max (in):5.967e-5 Deflection Ratio:H/10000 Location (ft):6 Gov LC:4 REINFORCEMENT DETAILS As Provided (H) (in ):2 18.85 rho Provided (H):0.011 As min (H) (in ):2 3.456 rho min (H):0.002 As Provided (V) (in ):2 14.137 rho Provided (V):0.01 As min (V) (in ):2 2.16 rho min (V):0.002 WALL SEGMENT SECTION PROPERTIES Total Length (ft):5 A (in ):2 1440 Igross (in ):4 4.32e+5 Icracked (in ):4 3.024e+5 Cracked Mom, Mcr (k- ft): 636.396 r (in):14.491 KL/r:4.157 SLENDER BENDING SPAN RESULTS KL/r in Cm in Lu in (ft) Pc (k)deltaNS M act (k-ft) M2 min (k-ft) Mc in (k-ft) 4.157 0.72 6 0 N/A 0 0 N/A IN-PLANE WALL INTERACTION DIAGRAM 6908 -848 4508001000200030004000 0 2000 4000 6000 0 P (k) M (k-ft) MnΦ*Mn Cap. Line RISA-3D Version 22 [ Trash Capture 7x13_springs.r3d ]Page 202 Company Designer Job Number Model Name : : : : <Licensed Company> Checked By : __________ 7/11/2024 2:02:41 PMIIIRISA A NEMETSCHEK COMPANY ------ CROSS SECTION DETAILING 3 in cover 8.5 in3 in cover 3 in cover #8 @ 6in oc #8 @ 6in oc Interior Face Exterior Face Detail Report: WP5 (Out-of-Plane, Region R3) CRITERIA Code:ACI 318-19 Design Rule:Typical Seismic Rule:None Loc of r/f:Each Face Outer Bars:Vertical Vert Bar Size:#8 Horz Bar Size:#8 Vert Bar Spac (in):6 Horz Bar Spac (in):6 Group Wall?:No MATERIALS Material Set:Conc5000NW Concrete f'c (ksi):5 Concrete E (ksi):4031 Concrete G (ksi):1752.61 Conc Density (k/ft ):3 0.145 Lambda:1 Conc Str Blk:Rectangular Vert Bar Fy (ksi):60 Horz Bar Fy (ksi):60 Steel E (ksi):29000 GEOMETRY Total Height (ft):6 Total Length (ft):5 Thickness (in):24 Int Cover (-z) (in):3 Ext Cover (+z) (in):3 Cover Open/Edge (in): 3 K:1 Use Cracked?:Yes Icr Factor:0.35 RISA-3D Version 22 [ Trash Capture 7x13_springs.r3d ]Page 203 Company Designer Job Number Model Name : : : : <Licensed Company> Checked By : __________ 7/11/2024 2:02:42 PMIIIRISA A NEMETSCHEK COMPANY ENVELOPE DIAGRAMS Max: 19.76 at 0 ft Min: 11.885 at 6 ft P k/ft Max: 14.245 at 0 ft Min: -11.245 at 6 ft V k/ft Max: 12.045 at 6 ft Min: -9.03 at 2.7 ft M k-ft/ft ACI 318-19 Code Check AXIAL/BENDING DETAILS UC Max Int (-z):0.045 Location (ft):2.7 Gov Pu Int (-z) (k/ft):0 phi*Pn Int (-z):NC Gov Mu Int (-z) (k-ft/ ft): -5.728 phi*Mn Int (-z) (k-ft/ft):128.595 phi eff. Int (-z):0.9 Gov LC Int (-z):1 UC Max Ext (+z):0.094 Location (ft):6 Gov Pu Ext (+z) (k/ ft): 0 phi*Pn Ext (+z):NC Gov Mu Ext (+z) (k-ft/ ft): 12.045 phi*Mn Ext (+z) (k-ft/ ft): 128.595 phi eff. Ext (+z):0.9 Gov LC Ext (+z):4 SHEAR DETAILS UC Max:0.827 Location (ft):0 Gov Vu (k/ft):14.245 phi*Vnc (k/ft):17.222 phi*Vns (k/ft):0 Gov LC:5 DEFLECTION DETAILS Delta max (in):0.003 Deflection Ratio:H/10000 Location (ft):2.7 Gov LC:5 RISA-3D Version 22 [ Trash Capture 7x13_springs.r3d ]Page 204 Company Designer Job Number Model Name : : : : <Licensed Company> Checked By : __________ 7/11/2024 2:02:42 PMIIIRISA A NEMETSCHEK COMPANY REINFORCEMENT DETAILS As Provided (V) (in ):2 14.137 rho Provided (V):0.01 As min (V) (in ):2 2.16 rho min (V):0.002 WALL SEGMENT SECTION PROPERTIES Total Width (in):6 A (in ):2 144 Igross (in ):4 6912 Icracked (in ):4 2419.2 Cracked Mom, Mcr (k- ft): 254.558 r (in):4.099 KL/r:10.392 SLENDER BENDING SPAN RESULTS KL/r out Cm out Lu out (ft) Pc (k/ft) deltaNS M act (k-ft/ft) M2 min (k-ft/ft) Mc out (k-ft/ft) Interior 10.392 1 6 0 N/A 0 0 N/A(2.7ft) Exterior 0 N/A 0 0 N/A(6ft) OUT-PLANE WALL INTERACTION DIAGRAM Interior (-z) Face Wall Interaction Diagram 1382 -170 4060090180270360 0 300 600 900 1200 0 P (k/ft) M (k-ft/ft) MnΦ*Mn Cap. Line RISA-3D Version 22 [ Trash Capture 7x13_springs.r3d ]Page 205 Company Designer Job Number Model Name : : : : <Licensed Company> Checked By : __________ 7/11/2024 2:02:43 PMIIIRISA A NEMETSCHEK COMPANY ---.... --.... Exterior (+z) Face Wall Interaction Diagram 1382 -170 4060090180270360 0 300 600 900 1200 0 P (k/ft) M (k-ft/ft) MnΦ*MnCap. Line CROSS SECTION DETAILING 3 in cover 3 in cover #8 @ 6in oc #8 @ 6in oc Interior Face Exterior Face z x RISA-3D Version 22 [ Trash Capture 7x13_springs.r3d ]Page 206 Company Designer Job Number Model Name : : : : <Licensed Company> Checked By : __________ 7/11/2024 2:02:43 PMIIIRISA A NEMETSCHEK COMPANY ----- ---- .!: .!: 10 c:i .!: .... N N 10 c:i N Detail Report: WP6 Concrete Wall R2 R3 R1 L3 N187 N54 N193 N60 13 ft CRITERIA Code:ACI 318-19 Design Rule:Typical Seismic Rule:None Loc of r/f:Each Face Outer Bars:Vertical Vert Bar Size:#8 Horz Bar Size:#8 Transfer In?:No Transfer Out?:No Group Wall?:No MATERIALS Material Set:Conc5000NW Concrete f'c (ksi):5 Concrete E (ksi):4031 Concrete G (ksi):1752.61 Conc Density (k/ft ):3 0.145 Lambda:1 Conc Str Blk:Rectangular Vert Bar Fy (ksi):60 Horz Bar Fy (ksi):60 Steel E (ksi):29000 GEOMETRY Total Height (ft):6 Total Length (ft):13 Thickness (in):24 Int Cover (-z) (in):3 Ext Cover (+z) (in):3 Cover Open/Edge (in): 3 K:1 Use Cracked?:Yes In Icr Factor:0.7 Out Icr Factor:0.35 REGION RESULTS Regio n UC Max In Plane LC UC Shear In Plane LC Delta Max In Plane (in) LC UC Max Out Plane LC UC Shear Out Plane LC Delta Max Out Plane (in) LC R2 0.003 5 0.013 4 0 3 0.14 5 0.979 4 0.004 4 R3 0.029 5 0.061 5 0 4 0.094 4 0.827 5 0.003 5 R1 0.025 5 0.065 5 0 5 0.073 5 0.863 4 0.003 4 RISA-3D Version 22 [ Trash Capture 7x13_springs.r3d ]Page 207 Company Designer Job Number Model Name : : : : <Licensed Company> Checked By : __________ 7/11/2024 2:02:47 PMIIIRISA A NEMETSCHEK COMPANY REINFORCEMENT RESULTS Region Vertical Reinforcement Horizontal Reinforcement Diagonal Reinforcement R2 #8@6in oc e.f.#8@6in oc e.f.N/A R3 #8@6in oc e.f.#8@6in oc e.f.N/A R1 #8@6in oc e.f.#8@6in oc e.f.N/A Detail Report: WP6 (In-Plane, Opening L3) CRITERIA Code:ACI 318-19 Design Rule:Typical Seismic Rule:None Loc of r/f:Each Face Outer Bars:Vertical Vert Bar Size:#8 Horz Bar Size:#8 Vert Bar Spac (in):6 Horz Bar Spac (in):6 Valid Region:R1 MATERIALS Material Set:Conc5000NW Concrete f'c (ksi):5 Concrete E (ksi):4031 Concrete G (ksi):1752.61 Conc Density (k/ft ):3 0.145 Lambda:1 Conc Str Blk:Rectangular Vert Bar Fy (ksi):60 Horz Bar Fy (ksi):60 Steel E (ksi):29000 GEOMETRY Total Height (ft):2 Total Length (ft):4 Thickness (in):24 Int Cover (-z) (in):3 Ext Cover (+z) (in):3 Cover Open/Edge (in): 3 ENVELOPE DIAGRAMS Max: 8.421 at 4 ft Min: -3.272 at 1 ft A Max: 22.902 at 0 ft Min: -25.014 at 4 ft V Max: 7.004 at 2.2 ft Min: -12.821 at 4 ft M Note: Lintel design is currently not available for concrete wall panel openings. RISA-3D Version 22 [ Trash Capture 7x13_springs.r3d ]Page 208 Company Designer Job Number Model Name : : : : <Licensed Company> Checked By : __________ 7/11/2024 2:02:48 PMIIIRISA A NEMETSCHEK COMPANY Detail Report: WP6 (Out-of-Plane, Opening L3) CRITERIA Code:ACI 318-19 Design Rule:Typical Seismic Rule:None Loc of r/f:Each Face Outer Bars:Vertical Vert Bar Size:#8 Horz Bar Size:#8 Vert Bar Spac (in):6 Horz Bar Spac (in):6 Valid Region:R1 MATERIALS Material Set:Conc5000NW Concrete f'c (ksi):5 Concrete E (ksi):4031 Concrete G (ksi):1752.61 Conc Density (k/ft ):3 0.145 Lambda:1 Conc Str Blk:Rectangular Vert Bar Fy (ksi):60 Horz Bar Fy (ksi):60 Steel E (ksi):29000 GEOMETRY Total Height (ft):2 Total Length (ft):4 Thickness (in):24 Int Cover (-z) (in):3 Ext Cover (+z) (in):3 Cover Open/Edge (in): 3 ENVELOPE DIAGRAMS Max: 8.421 at 4 ft Min: -3.272 at 1 ft A Max: 5.721 at 2.2 ft Min: -4.761 at 1.8 ft V Max: -1.44 at 1.8 ft Min: -5.858 at 4 ft M Note: Lintel design is currently not available for concrete wall panel openings. RISA-3D Version 22 [ Trash Capture 7x13_springs.r3d ]Page 209 Company Designer Job Number Model Name : : : : <Licensed Company> Checked By : __________ 7/11/2024 2:02:48 PMIIIRISA A NEMETSCHEK COMPANY Detail Report: WP6 (In-Plane, Region R2) CRITERIA Code:ACI 318-19 Design Rule:Typical Seismic Rule:None Loc of r/f:Each Face Outer Bars:Vertical Vert Bar Size:#8 Horz Bar Size:#8 Vert Bar Spac (in):6 Horz Bar Spac (in):6 Group Wall?:No MATERIALS Material Set:Conc5000NW Concrete f'c (ksi):5 Concrete E (ksi):4031 Concrete G (ksi):1752.61 Conc Density (k/ft ):3 0.145 Lambda:1 Conc Str Blk:Rectangular Vert Bar Fy (ksi):60 Horz Bar Fy (ksi):60 Steel E (ksi):29000 GEOMETRY Total Height (ft):2 Total Length (ft):4 Thickness (in):24 Int Cover (-z) (in):3 Ext Cover (+z) (in):3 Cover Open/Edge (in): 3 K:1 Use Cracked?:Yes Icr Factor:0.7 ENVELOPE DIAGRAMS Max: 36.933 at 2 ft Min: 20.972 at 0 ft P k Max: -2.433 at 0 ft Min: -6.432 at 2 ft V k Max: 1.396 at 2 ft Min: -3.743 at 0 ft M k-ft ACI 318-19 Code Check AXIAL/BENDING DETAILS UC Max:0.003 Location (ft):0 Gov Pu (k):0 phi*Pn:NC Gov Mu (k-ft):-3.743 phi*Mn (k-ft):1071.451 phi eff.:0.9 Gov LC:5 RISA-3D Version 22 [ Trash Capture 7x13_springs.r3d ]Page 210 Company Designer Job Number Model Name : : : : <Licensed Company> Checked By : __________ 7/11/2024 2:02:49 PMIIIRISA A NEMETSCHEK COMPANY SHEAR DETAILS UC Max:0.013 Location (ft):2 Gov Vu (k):-6.432 phi*Vn (k):488.752 Vnmax (k):651.67 Vc (k):244.376 Vs (k):753.982 Gov LC:4 DEFLECTION DETAILS Delta max (in):3.638e-5 Deflection Ratio:H/10000 Location (ft):6 Gov LC:3 REINFORCEMENT DETAILS As Provided (H) (in ):2 6.283 rho Provided (H):0.011 As min (H) (in ):2 1.152 rho min (H):0.002 As Provided (V) (in ):2 10.996 rho Provided (V):0.01 As min (V) (in ):2 1.728 rho min (V):0.002 WALL SEGMENT SECTION PROPERTIES Total Length (ft):4 A (in ):2 1152 Igross (in ):4 2.212e+5 Icracked (in ):4 1.548e+5 Cracked Mom, Mcr (k- ft): 407.294 r (in):11.593 KL/r:1.732 SLENDER BENDING SPAN RESULTS -Slenderness(P - Little Delta) and minimum moment considerations are only done for full - height regions. IN-PLANE WALL INTERACTION DIAGRAM 5509 -660 287000600120018002400 0 2000 4000 0 P (k) M (k-ft) Mn Φ*MnCap. Line RISA-3D Version 22 [ Trash Capture 7x13_springs.r3d ]Page 211 Company Designer Job Number Model Name : : : : <Licensed Company> Checked By : __________ 7/11/2024 2:02:49 PMIIIRISA A NEMETSCHEK COMPANY ------------ CROSS SECTION DETAILING 3 in cover 8.5 in3 in cover 3 in cover #8 @ 6in oc #8 @ 6in oc Interior Face Exterior Face Detail Report: WP6 (Out-of-Plane, Region R2) CRITERIA Code:ACI 318-19 Design Rule:Typical Seismic Rule:None Loc of r/f:Each Face Outer Bars:Vertical Vert Bar Size:#8 Horz Bar Size:#8 Vert Bar Spac (in):6 Horz Bar Spac (in):6 Group Wall?:No MATERIALS Material Set:Conc5000NW Concrete f'c (ksi):5 Concrete E (ksi):4031 Concrete G (ksi):1752.61 Conc Density (k/ft ):3 0.145 Lambda:1 Conc Str Blk:Rectangular Vert Bar Fy (ksi):60 Horz Bar Fy (ksi):60 Steel E (ksi):29000 GEOMETRY Total Height (ft):2 Total Length (ft):4 Thickness (in):24 Int Cover (-z) (in):3 Ext Cover (+z) (in):3 Cover Open/Edge (in): 3 K:1 Use Cracked?:Yes Icr Factor:0.35 RISA-3D Version 22 [ Trash Capture 7x13_springs.r3d ]Page 212 Company Designer Job Number Model Name : : : : <Licensed Company> Checked By : __________ 7/11/2024 2:02:50 PMIIIRISA A NEMETSCHEK COMPANY ENVELOPE DIAGRAMS Max: 9.233 at 2 ft Min: 5.243 at 0 ft P k/ft Max: 15.645 at 2 ft Min: 5.544 at 0 ft V k/ft Max: 1.2 at 0 ft Min: -17.617 at 2 ft M k-ft/ft ACI 318-19 Code Check AXIAL/BENDING DETAILS UC Max Int (-z):0.14 Location (ft):2 Gov Pu Int (-z) (k/ft):0 phi*Pn Int (-z):NC Gov Mu Int (-z) (k-ft/ ft): -17.617 phi*Mn Int (-z) (k-ft/ft):125.46 phi eff. Int (-z):0.9 Gov LC Int (-z):5 UC Max Ext (+z):0.01 Location (ft):0 Gov Pu Ext (+z) (k/ ft): 0 phi*Pn Ext (+z):NC Gov Mu Ext (+z) (k-ft/ ft): 1.2 phi*Mn Ext (+z) (k-ft/ ft): 125.46 phi eff. Ext (+z):0.9 Gov LC Ext (+z):4 SHEAR DETAILS UC Max:0.979 Location (ft):2 Gov Vu (k/ft):15.605 phi*Vnc (k/ft):15.94 phi*Vns (k/ft):0 Gov LC:4 DEFLECTION DETAILS Delta max (in):0.004 Deflection Ratio:H/5615 Location (ft):6 Gov LC:4 RISA-3D Version 22 [ Trash Capture 7x13_springs.r3d ]Page 213 Company Designer Job Number Model Name : : : : <Licensed Company> Checked By : __________ 7/11/2024 2:02:50 PMIIIRISA A NEMETSCHEK COMPANY REINFORCEMENT DETAILS As Provided (V) (in ):2 10.996 rho Provided (V):0.01 As min (V) (in ):2 1.728 rho min (V):0.002 WALL SEGMENT SECTION PROPERTIES Total Width (in):6 A (in ):2 144 Igross (in ):4 6912 Icracked (in ):4 2419.2 Cracked Mom, Mcr (k- ft): 203.647 r (in):4.099 KL/r:3.464 SLENDER BENDING SPAN RESULTS -Slenderness(P - Little Delta) and minimum moment considerations are only done for full - height regions. OUT-PLANE WALL INTERACTION DIAGRAM Interior (-z) Face Wall Interaction Diagram 1377 -165 4020090180270360 0 300 600 900 1200 0 P (k/ft) M (k-ft/ft) Mn Φ*MnCap. Line RISA-3D Version 22 [ Trash Capture 7x13_springs.r3d ]Page 214 Company Designer Job Number Model Name : : : : <Licensed Company> Checked By : __________ 7/11/2024 2:02:51 PMIIIRISA A NEMETSCHEK COMPANY ----- ---- Exterior (+z) Face Wall Interaction Diagram 1377 -165 4020090180270360 0 300 600 900 1200 0 P (k/ft) M (k-ft/ft) MnΦ*MnCap. Line CROSS SECTION DETAILING 3 in cover 3 in cover #8 @ 6in oc #8 @ 6in oc Interior Face Exterior Face z x RISA-3D Version 22 [ Trash Capture 7x13_springs.r3d ]Page 215 Company Designer Job Number Model Name : : : : <Licensed Company> Checked By : __________ 7/11/2024 2:02:51 PMIIIRISA A NEMETSCHEK COMPANY ----- ---- .!: .!: 10 c:i .!: .... N N 10 c:i N Detail Report: WP6 (In-Plane, Region R3) CRITERIA Code:ACI 318-19 Design Rule:Typical Seismic Rule:None Loc of r/f:Each Face Outer Bars:Vertical Vert Bar Size:#8 Horz Bar Size:#8 Vert Bar Spac (in):6 Horz Bar Spac (in):6 Group Wall?:No MATERIALS Material Set:Conc5000NW Concrete f'c (ksi):5 Concrete E (ksi):4031 Concrete G (ksi):1752.61 Conc Density (k/ft ):3 0.145 Lambda:1 Conc Str Blk:Rectangular Vert Bar Fy (ksi):60 Horz Bar Fy (ksi):60 Steel E (ksi):29000 GEOMETRY Total Height (ft):6 Total Length (ft):5 Thickness (in):24 Int Cover (-z) (in):3 Ext Cover (+z) (in):3 Cover Open/Edge (in): 3 K:1 Use Cracked?:Yes Icr Factor:0.7 ENVELOPE DIAGRAMS Max: 98.529 at 0 ft Min: 59.269 at 6 ft P k Max: 37.04 at 6 ft Min: -7.899 at 0 ft V k Max: 48.913 at 6 ft Min: -2.996 at 0 ft M k-ft ACI 318-19 Code Check AXIAL/BENDING DETAILS UC Max:0.029 Location (ft):6 Gov Pu (k):0 phi*Pn:NC Gov Mu (k-ft):48.913 phi*Mn (k-ft):1658.358 phi eff.:0.9 Gov LC:5 RISA-3D Version 22 [ Trash Capture 7x13_springs.r3d ]Page 216 Company Designer Job Number Model Name : : : : <Licensed Company> Checked By : __________ 7/11/2024 2:02:52 PMIIIRISA A NEMETSCHEK COMPANY SHEAR DETAILS UC Max:0.061 Location (ft):6 Gov Vu (k):37.04 phi*Vn (k):610.94 Vnmax (k):814.587 Vc (k):305.47 Vs (k):942.478 Gov LC:5 DEFLECTION DETAILS Delta max (in):5.856e-5 Deflection Ratio:H/10000 Location (ft):6 Gov LC:4 REINFORCEMENT DETAILS As Provided (H) (in ):2 18.85 rho Provided (H):0.011 As min (H) (in ):2 3.456 rho min (H):0.002 As Provided (V) (in ):2 14.137 rho Provided (V):0.01 As min (V) (in ):2 2.16 rho min (V):0.002 WALL SEGMENT SECTION PROPERTIES Total Length (ft):5 A (in ):2 1440 Igross (in ):4 4.32e+5 Icracked (in ):4 3.024e+5 Cracked Mom, Mcr (k- ft): 636.396 r (in):14.491 KL/r:4.157 SLENDER BENDING SPAN RESULTS KL/r in Cm in Lu in (ft) Pc (k)deltaNS M act (k-ft) M2 min (k-ft) Mc in (k-ft) 4.157 0.719 6 0 N/A 0 0 N/A IN-PLANE WALL INTERACTION DIAGRAM 6908 -848 4508001000200030004000 0 2000 4000 6000 0 P (k) M (k-ft) MnΦ*Mn Cap. Line RISA-3D Version 22 [ Trash Capture 7x13_springs.r3d ]Page 217 Company Designer Job Number Model Name : : : : <Licensed Company> Checked By : __________ 7/11/2024 2:02:52 PMIIIRISA A NEMETSCHEK COMPANY ------ CROSS SECTION DETAILING 3 in cover 8.5 in3 in cover 3 in cover #8 @ 6in oc #8 @ 6in oc Interior Face Exterior Face Detail Report: WP6 (Out-of-Plane, Region R3) CRITERIA Code:ACI 318-19 Design Rule:Typical Seismic Rule:None Loc of r/f:Each Face Outer Bars:Vertical Vert Bar Size:#8 Horz Bar Size:#8 Vert Bar Spac (in):6 Horz Bar Spac (in):6 Group Wall?:No MATERIALS Material Set:Conc5000NW Concrete f'c (ksi):5 Concrete E (ksi):4031 Concrete G (ksi):1752.61 Conc Density (k/ft ):3 0.145 Lambda:1 Conc Str Blk:Rectangular Vert Bar Fy (ksi):60 Horz Bar Fy (ksi):60 Steel E (ksi):29000 GEOMETRY Total Height (ft):6 Total Length (ft):5 Thickness (in):24 Int Cover (-z) (in):3 Ext Cover (+z) (in):3 Cover Open/Edge (in): 3 K:1 Use Cracked?:Yes Icr Factor:0.35 RISA-3D Version 22 [ Trash Capture 7x13_springs.r3d ]Page 218 Company Designer Job Number Model Name : : : : <Licensed Company> Checked By : __________ 7/11/2024 2:02:53 PMIIIRISA A NEMETSCHEK COMPANY ENVELOPE DIAGRAMS Max: 19.706 at 0 ft Min: 11.854 at 6 ft P k/ft Max: 11.237 at 6 ft Min: -14.242 at 0 ft V k/ft Max: 9.039 at 2.7 ft Min: -12.035 at 6 ft M k-ft/ft ACI 318-19 Code Check AXIAL/BENDING DETAILS UC Max Int (-z):0.094 Location (ft):6 Gov Pu Int (-z) (k/ft):0 phi*Pn Int (-z):NC Gov Mu Int (-z) (k-ft/ ft): -12.035 phi*Mn Int (-z) (k-ft/ft):128.595 phi eff. Int (-z):0.9 Gov LC Int (-z):4 UC Max Ext (+z):0.045 Location (ft):2.7 Gov Pu Ext (+z) (k/ ft): 0 phi*Pn Ext (+z):NC Gov Mu Ext (+z) (k-ft/ ft): 5.733 phi*Mn Ext (+z) (k-ft/ ft): 128.595 phi eff. Ext (+z):0.9 Gov LC Ext (+z):1 SHEAR DETAILS UC Max:0.827 Location (ft):0 Gov Vu (k/ft):-14.242 phi*Vnc (k/ft):17.216 phi*Vns (k/ft):0 Gov LC:5 DEFLECTION DETAILS Delta max (in):0.003 Deflection Ratio:H/10000 Location (ft):2.7 Gov LC:5 RISA-3D Version 22 [ Trash Capture 7x13_springs.r3d ]Page 219 Company Designer Job Number Model Name : : : : <Licensed Company> Checked By : __________ 7/11/2024 2:02:53 PMIIIRISA A NEMETSCHEK COMPANY REINFORCEMENT DETAILS As Provided (V) (in ):2 14.137 rho Provided (V):0.01 As min (V) (in ):2 2.16 rho min (V):0.002 WALL SEGMENT SECTION PROPERTIES Total Width (in):6 A (in ):2 144 Igross (in ):4 6912 Icracked (in ):4 2419.2 Cracked Mom, Mcr (k- ft): 254.558 r (in):4.099 KL/r:10.392 SLENDER BENDING SPAN RESULTS KL/r out Cm out Lu out (ft) Pc (k/ft) deltaNS M act (k-ft/ft) M2 min (k-ft/ft) Mc out (k-ft/ft) Interior 10.392 1 6 0 N/A 0 0 N/A(6ft) Exterior 0 N/A 0 0 N/A(2.7ft) OUT-PLANE WALL INTERACTION DIAGRAM Interior (-z) Face Wall Interaction Diagram 1382 -170 4060090180270360 0 300 600 900 1200 0 P (k/ft) M (k-ft/ft) MnΦ*Mn Cap. Line RISA-3D Version 22 [ Trash Capture 7x13_springs.r3d ]Page 220 Company Designer Job Number Model Name : : : : <Licensed Company> Checked By : __________ 7/11/2024 2:02:54 PMIIIRISA A NEMETSCHEK COMPANY ---.... --.... Exterior (+z) Face Wall Interaction Diagram 1382 -170 4060090180270360 0 300 600 900 1200 0 P (k/ft) M (k-ft/ft) MnΦ*MnCap. Line CROSS SECTION DETAILING 3 in cover 3 in cover #8 @ 6in oc #8 @ 6in oc Interior Face Exterior Face z x RISA-3D Version 22 [ Trash Capture 7x13_springs.r3d ]Page 221 Company Designer Job Number Model Name : : : : <Licensed Company> Checked By : __________ 7/11/2024 2:02:55 PMIIIRISA A NEMETSCHEK COMPANY ----- ---- .!: .!: 10 c:i .!: .... N N 10 c:i N Detail Report: WP6 (In-Plane, Region R1) CRITERIA Code:ACI 318-19 Design Rule:Typical Seismic Rule:None Loc of r/f:Each Face Outer Bars:Vertical Vert Bar Size:#8 Horz Bar Size:#8 Vert Bar Spac (in):6 Horz Bar Spac (in):6 Group Wall?:No MATERIALS Material Set:Conc5000NW Concrete f'c (ksi):5 Concrete E (ksi):4031 Concrete G (ksi):1752.61 Conc Density (k/ft ):3 0.145 Lambda:1 Conc Str Blk:Rectangular Vert Bar Fy (ksi):60 Horz Bar Fy (ksi):60 Steel E (ksi):29000 GEOMETRY Total Height (ft):6 Total Length (ft):4 Thickness (in):24 Int Cover (-z) (in):3 Ext Cover (+z) (in):3 Cover Open/Edge (in): 3 K:1 Use Cracked?:Yes Icr Factor:0.7 ENVELOPE DIAGRAMS Max: 64.082 at 0 ft Min: 33.177 at 6 ft P k Max: 9.163 at 0 ft Min: -31.878 at 6 ft V k Max: 6.601 at 1.8 ft Min: -26.409 at 6 ft M k-ft ACI 318-19 Code Check AXIAL/BENDING DETAILS UC Max:0.025 Location (ft):6 Gov Pu (k):0 phi*Pn:NC Gov Mu (k-ft):-26.409 phi*Mn (k-ft):1071.451 phi eff.:0.9 Gov LC:5 RISA-3D Version 22 [ Trash Capture 7x13_springs.r3d ]Page 222 Company Designer Job Number Model Name : : : : <Licensed Company> Checked By : __________ 7/11/2024 2:02:55 PMIIIRISA A NEMETSCHEK COMPANY SHEAR DETAILS UC Max:0.065 Location (ft):6 Gov Vu (k):-31.878 phi*Vn (k):488.752 Vnmax (k):651.67 Vc (k):244.376 Vs (k):753.982 Gov LC:5 DEFLECTION DETAILS Delta max (in):4.188e-5 Deflection Ratio:H/10000 Location (ft):6 Gov LC:5 REINFORCEMENT DETAILS As Provided (H) (in ):2 18.85 rho Provided (H):0.011 As min (H) (in ):2 3.456 rho min (H):0.002 As Provided (V) (in ):2 10.996 rho Provided (V):0.01 As min (V) (in ):2 1.728 rho min (V):0.002 WALL SEGMENT SECTION PROPERTIES Total Length (ft):4 A (in ):2 1152 Igross (in ):4 2.212e+5 Icracked (in ):4 1.548e+5 Cracked Mom, Mcr (k- ft): 407.294 r (in):11.593 KL/r:5.196 SLENDER BENDING SPAN RESULTS KL/r in Cm in Lu in (ft) Pc (k)deltaNS M act (k-ft) M2 min (k-ft) Mc in (k-ft) 5.196 0.714 6 0 N/A 0 0 N/A IN-PLANE WALL INTERACTION DIAGRAM 5509 -660 287000600120018002400 0 2000 4000 0 P (k) M (k-ft) MnΦ*Mn Cap. Line RISA-3D Version 22 [ Trash Capture 7x13_springs.r3d ]Page 223 Company Designer Job Number Model Name : : : : <Licensed Company> Checked By : __________ 7/11/2024 2:02:56 PMIIIRISA A NEMETSCHEK COMPANY ---- CROSS SECTION DETAILING 3 in cover 8.5 in3 in cover 3 in cover #8 @ 6in oc #8 @ 6in oc Interior Face Exterior Face Detail Report: WP6 (Out-of-Plane, Region R1) CRITERIA Code:ACI 318-19 Design Rule:Typical Seismic Rule:None Loc of r/f:Each Face Outer Bars:Vertical Vert Bar Size:#8 Horz Bar Size:#8 Vert Bar Spac (in):6 Horz Bar Spac (in):6 Group Wall?:No MATERIALS Material Set:Conc5000NW Concrete f'c (ksi):5 Concrete E (ksi):4031 Concrete G (ksi):1752.61 Conc Density (k/ft ):3 0.145 Lambda:1 Conc Str Blk:Rectangular Vert Bar Fy (ksi):60 Horz Bar Fy (ksi):60 Steel E (ksi):29000 GEOMETRY Total Height (ft):6 Total Length (ft):4 Thickness (in):24 Int Cover (-z) (in):3 Ext Cover (+z) (in):3 Cover Open/Edge (in): 3 K:1 Use Cracked?:Yes Icr Factor:0.35 RISA-3D Version 22 [ Trash Capture 7x13_springs.r3d ]Page 224 Company Designer Job Number Model Name : : : : <Licensed Company> Checked By : __________ 7/11/2024 2:02:56 PMIIIRISA A NEMETSCHEK COMPANY ENVELOPE DIAGRAMS Max: 16.02 at 0 ft Min: 8.294 at 6 ft P k/ft Max: 9.261 at 6 ft Min: -14.356 at 0 ft V k/ft Max: 8.802 at 2.7 ft Min: -9.117 at 6 ft M k-ft/ft ACI 318-19 Code Check AXIAL/BENDING DETAILS UC Max Int (-z):0.073 Location (ft):6 Gov Pu Int (-z) (k/ft):0 phi*Pn Int (-z):NC Gov Mu Int (-z) (k-ft/ ft): -9.117 phi*Mn Int (-z) (k-ft/ft):125.46 phi eff. Int (-z):0.9 Gov LC Int (-z):5 UC Max Ext (+z):0.07 Location (ft):2.7 Gov Pu Ext (+z) (k/ ft): 0 phi*Pn Ext (+z):NC Gov Mu Ext (+z) (k-ft/ ft): 8.802 phi*Mn Ext (+z) (k-ft/ ft): 125.46 phi eff. Ext (+z):0.9 Gov LC Ext (+z):4 SHEAR DETAILS UC Max:0.863 Location (ft):0 Gov Vu (k/ft):-14.356 phi*Vnc (k/ft):16.642 phi*Vns (k/ft):0 Gov LC:4 DEFLECTION DETAILS Delta max (in):0.003 Deflection Ratio:H/10000 Location (ft):2.7 Gov LC:4 RISA-3D Version 22 [ Trash Capture 7x13_springs.r3d ]Page 225 Company Designer Job Number Model Name : : : : <Licensed Company> Checked By : __________ 7/11/2024 2:02:57 PMIIIRISA A NEMETSCHEK COMPANY REINFORCEMENT DETAILS As Provided (V) (in ):2 10.996 rho Provided (V):0.01 As min (V) (in ):2 1.728 rho min (V):0.002 WALL SEGMENT SECTION PROPERTIES Total Width (in):6 A (in ):2 144 Igross (in ):4 6912 Icracked (in ):4 2419.2 Cracked Mom, Mcr (k- ft): 203.647 r (in):4.099 KL/r:10.392 SLENDER BENDING SPAN RESULTS KL/r out Cm out Lu out (ft) Pc (k/ft) deltaNS M act (k-ft/ft) M2 min (k-ft/ft) Mc out (k-ft/ft) Interior 10.392 1 6 0 N/A 0 0 N/A(6ft) Exterior 0 N/A 0 0 N/A(2.7ft) OUT-PLANE WALL INTERACTION DIAGRAM Interior (-z) Face Wall Interaction Diagram 1377 -165 4020090180270360 0 300 600 900 1200 0 P (k/ft) M (k-ft/ft) MnΦ*Mn Cap. Line RISA-3D Version 22 [ Trash Capture 7x13_springs.r3d ]Page 226 Company Designer Job Number Model Name : : : : <Licensed Company> Checked By : __________ 7/11/2024 2:02:57 PMIIIRISA A NEMETSCHEK COMPANY --------- -------- Exterior (+z) Face Wall Interaction Diagram 1377 -165 4020090180270360 0 300 600 900 1200 0 P (k/ft) M (k-ft/ft) MnΦ*MnCap. Line CROSS SECTION DETAILING 3 in cover 3 in cover #8 @ 6in oc #8 @ 6in oc Interior Face Exterior Face z x RISA-3D Version 22 [ Trash Capture 7x13_springs.r3d ]Page 227 Company Designer Job Number Model Name : : : : <Licensed Company> Checked By : __________ 7/11/2024 2:02:58 PMIIIRISA A NEMETSCHEK COMPANY ----- ---- .!: .!: 10 c:i .!: .... N N 10 c:i N Detail Report: WP3 Concrete Wall R1 N5 N54 N11 N60 7 ft CRITERIA Code:ACI 318-19 Design Rule:Typical Seismic Rule:None Loc of r/f:Each Face Outer Bars:Vertical Vert Bar Size:#8 Horz Bar Size:#8 Transfer In?:No Transfer Out?:No Group Wall?:No MATERIALS Material Set:Conc5000NW Concrete f'c (ksi):5 Concrete E (ksi):4031 Concrete G (ksi):1752.61 Conc Density (k/ft ):3 0.145 Lambda:1 Conc Str Blk:Rectangular Vert Bar Fy (ksi):60 Horz Bar Fy (ksi):60 Steel E (ksi):29000 GEOMETRY Total Height (ft):6 Total Length (ft):7 Thickness (in):24 Int Cover (-z) (in):3 Ext Cover (+z) (in):3 Cover Open/Edge (in): 3 K:1 Use Cracked?:Yes In Icr Factor:0.7 Out Icr Factor:0.35 REGION RESULTS Regio n UC Max In Plane LC UC Shear In Plane LC Delta Max In Plane (in) LC UC Max Out Plane LC UC Shear Out Plane LC Delta Max Out Plane (in) LC R1 0 4 0 5 0 5 0.051 5 0.476 5 0 4 RISA-3D Version 22 [ Trash Capture 7x13_springs.r3d ]Page 228 Company Designer Job Number Model Name : : : : <Licensed Company> Checked By : __________ 7/11/2024 2:03:00 PMIIIRISA A NEMETSCHEK COMPANY REINFORCEMENT RESULTS Region Vertical Reinforcement Horizontal Reinforcement Diagonal Reinforcement R1 #8@6in oc e.f.#8@6in oc e.f.N/A Detail Report: WP3 (In-Plane, Region R1) CRITERIA Code:ACI 318-19 Design Rule:Typical Seismic Rule:None Loc of r/f:Each Face Outer Bars:Vertical Vert Bar Size:#8 Horz Bar Size:#8 Vert Bar Spac (in):6 Horz Bar Spac (in):6 Group Wall?:No MATERIALS Material Set:Conc5000NW Concrete f'c (ksi):5 Concrete E (ksi):4031 Concrete G (ksi):1752.61 Conc Density (k/ft ):3 0.145 Lambda:1 Conc Str Blk:Rectangular Vert Bar Fy (ksi):60 Horz Bar Fy (ksi):60 Steel E (ksi):29000 GEOMETRY Total Height (ft):6 Total Length (ft):7 Thickness (in):24 Int Cover (-z) (in):3 Ext Cover (+z) (in):3 Cover Open/Edge (in): 3 K:1 Use Cracked?:Yes Icr Factor:0.7 ENVELOPE DIAGRAMS Max: 78.386 at 0 ft Min: 44.617 at 6 ft P k Max: 0.04 at 3.6 ft Min: -0.051 at 1.2 ft V k Max: 0.855 at 1.2 ft Min: 0.12 at 3.3 ft M k-ft RISA-3D Version 22 [ Trash Capture 7x13_springs.r3d ]Page 229 Company Designer Job Number Model Name : : : : <Licensed Company> Checked By : __________ 7/11/2024 2:03:00 PMIIIRISA A NEMETSCHEK COMPANY ACI 318-19 Code Check AXIAL/BENDING DETAILS UC Max:0 Location (ft):1.2 Gov Pu (k):0 phi*Pn:NC Gov Mu (k-ft):0.855 phi*Mn (k-ft):3351.487 phi eff.:0.9 Gov LC:4 SHEAR DETAILS UC Max:0 Location (ft):1.2 Gov Vu (k):-0.051 phi*Vn (k):855.316 Vnmax (k):1140.422 Vc (k):427.658 Vs (k):1319.469 Gov LC:5 DEFLECTION DETAILS Delta max (in):5.141e-6 Deflection Ratio:H/10000 Location (ft):6 Gov LC:5 REINFORCEMENT DETAILS As Provided (H) (in ):2 18.85 rho Provided (H):0.011 As min (H) (in ):2 3.456 rho min (H):0.002 As Provided (V) (in ):2 20.42 rho Provided (V):0.01 As min (V) (in ):2 3.024 rho min (V):0.002 WALL SEGMENT SECTION PROPERTIES Total Length (ft):7 A (in ):2 2016 Igross (in ):4 1.185e+6 Icracked (in ):4 8.298e+5 Cracked Mom, Mcr (k- ft): 1247.336 r (in):20.288 KL/r:2.969 SLENDER BENDING SPAN RESULTS KL/r in Cm in Lu in (ft) Pc (k)deltaNS M act (k-ft) M2 min (k-ft) Mc in (k-ft) 2.969 0.759 6 0 N/A 0 0 N/A RISA-3D Version 22 [ Trash Capture 7x13_springs.r3d ]Page 230 Company Designer Job Number Model Name : : : : <Licensed Company> Checked By : __________ 7/11/2024 2:03:00 PMIIIRISA A NEMETSCHEK COMPANY IN-PLANE WALL INTERACTION DIAGRAM 9706 -1225 8864002000400060008000 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 0 P (k) M (k-ft) MnΦ*Mn Cap. Line CROSS SECTION DETAILING 3 in cover 8.5 in3 in cover 3 in cover #8 @ 6in oc #8 @ 6in oc Interior Face Exterior Face RISA-3D Version 22 [ Trash Capture 7x13_springs.r3d ]Page 231 Company Designer Job Number Model Name : : : : <Licensed Company> Checked By : __________ 7/11/2024 2:03:00 PMIIIRISA A NEMETSCHEK COMPANY .5 ..,. N - - ------ ---- Detail Report: WP3 (Out-of-Plane, Region R1) CRITERIA Code:ACI 318-19 Design Rule:Typical Seismic Rule:None Loc of r/f:Each Face Outer Bars:Vertical Vert Bar Size:#8 Horz Bar Size:#8 Vert Bar Spac (in):6 Horz Bar Spac (in):6 Group Wall?:No MATERIALS Material Set:Conc5000NW Concrete f'c (ksi):5 Concrete E (ksi):4031 Concrete G (ksi):1752.61 Conc Density (k/ft ):3 0.145 Lambda:1 Conc Str Blk:Rectangular Vert Bar Fy (ksi):60 Horz Bar Fy (ksi):60 Steel E (ksi):29000 GEOMETRY Total Height (ft):6 Total Length (ft):7 Thickness (in):24 Int Cover (-z) (in):3 Ext Cover (+z) (in):3 Cover Open/Edge (in): 3 K:1 Use Cracked?:Yes Icr Factor:0.35 ENVELOPE DIAGRAMS Max: 11.198 at 0 ft Min: 6.374 at 6 ft P k/ft Max: 7.282 at 0 ft Min: -7.61 at 6 ft V k/ft Max: 6.772 at 6 ft Min: -4.783 at 2.4 ft M k-ft/ft RISA-3D Version 22 [ Trash Capture 7x13_springs.r3d ]Page 232 Company Designer Job Number Model Name : : : : <Licensed Company> Checked By : __________ 7/11/2024 2:03:01 PMIIIRISA A NEMETSCHEK COMPANY ACI 318-19 Code Check AXIAL/BENDING DETAILS UC Max Int (-z):0.036 Location (ft):2.4 Gov Pu Int (-z) (k/ft):0 phi*Pn Int (-z):NC Gov Mu Int (-z) (k-ft/ ft): -4.783 phi*Mn Int (-z) (k-ft/ft):132.172 phi eff. Int (-z):0.9 Gov LC Int (-z):4 UC Max Ext (+z):0.051 Location (ft):6 Gov Pu Ext (+z) (k/ ft): 0 phi*Pn Ext (+z):NC Gov Mu Ext (+z) (k-ft/ ft): 6.772 phi*Mn Ext (+z) (k-ft/ ft): 132.172 phi eff. Ext (+z):0.9 Gov LC Ext (+z):5 SHEAR DETAILS UC Max:0.476 Location (ft):6 Gov Vu (k/ft):-7.61 phi*Vnc (k/ft):15.977 phi*Vns (k/ft):0 Gov LC:5 DEFLECTION DETAILS Delta max (in):0.0004618 Deflection Ratio:H/10000 Location (ft):2.4 Gov LC:4 REINFORCEMENT DETAILS As Provided (V) (in ):2 20.42 rho Provided (V):0.01 As min (V) (in ):2 3.024 rho min (V):0.002 WALL SEGMENT SECTION PROPERTIES Total Width (in):6 A (in ):2 144 Igross (in ):4 6912 Icracked (in ):4 2419.2 Cracked Mom, Mcr (k- ft): 356.382 r (in):4.099 KL/r:10.392 SLENDER BENDING SPAN RESULTS KL/r out Cm out Lu out (ft) Pc (k/ft) deltaNS M act (k-ft/ft) M2 min (k-ft/ft) Mc out (k-ft/ft) Interior 10.392 1 6 0 N/A 0 0 N/A(2.4ft) Exterior 0 N/A 0 0 N/A(6ft) RISA-3D Version 22 [ Trash Capture 7x13_springs.r3d ]Page 233 Company Designer Job Number Model Name : : : : <Licensed Company> Checked By : __________ 7/11/2024 2:03:01 PMIIIRISA A NEMETSCHEK COMPANY OUT-PLANE WALL INTERACTION DIAGRAM Interior (-z) Face Wall Interaction Diagram 1387 -175 4110090180270360 0 300 600 900 1200 0 P (k/ft) M (k-ft/ft) Mn Φ*MnCap. Line Exterior (+z) Face Wall Interaction Diagram 1387 -175 4110090180270360 0 300 600 900 1200 0 P (k/ft) M (k-ft/ft) Mn Φ*MnCap. Line RISA-3D Version 22 [ Trash Capture 7x13_springs.r3d ]Page 234 Company Designer Job Number Model Name : : : : <Licensed Company> Checked By : __________ 7/11/2024 2:03:01 PMIIIRISA A NEMETSCHEK COMPANY ------- ---- ------- ---- CROSS SECTION DETAILING 3 in cover 3 in cover #8 @ 6in oc #8 @ 6in oc Interior Face Exterior Face z x RISA-3D Version 22 [ Trash Capture 7x13_springs.r3d ]Page 235 Company Designer Job Number Model Name : : : : <Licensed Company> Checked By : __________ 7/11/2024 2:03:01 PMIIIRISA A NEMETSCHEK COMPANY .!: It) c:i N Detail Report: WP4 Concrete Wall R1 N187 N236 N193 N242 7 ft CRITERIA Code:ACI 318-19 Design Rule:Typical Seismic Rule:None Loc of r/f:Each Face Outer Bars:Vertical Vert Bar Size:#8 Horz Bar Size:#8 Transfer In?:No Transfer Out?:No Group Wall?:No MATERIALS Material Set:Conc5000NW Concrete f'c (ksi):5 Concrete E (ksi):4031 Concrete G (ksi):1752.61 Conc Density (k/ft ):3 0.145 Lambda:1 Conc Str Blk:Rectangular Vert Bar Fy (ksi):60 Horz Bar Fy (ksi):60 Steel E (ksi):29000 GEOMETRY Total Height (ft):6 Total Length (ft):7 Thickness (in):24 Int Cover (-z) (in):3 Ext Cover (+z) (in):3 Cover Open/Edge (in): 3 K:1 Use Cracked?:Yes In Icr Factor:0.7 Out Icr Factor:0.35 REGION RESULTS Regio n UC Max In Plane LC UC Shear In Plane LC Delta Max In Plane (in) LC UC Max Out Plane LC UC Shear Out Plane LC Delta Max Out Plane (in) LC R1 0.021 4 0 4 0 4 0.06 4 0.497 4 0 4 RISA-3D Version 22 [ Trash Capture 7x13_springs.r3d ]Page 236 Company Designer Job Number Model Name : : : : <Licensed Company> Checked By : __________ 7/11/2024 2:03:03 PMIIIRISA A NEMETSCHEK COMPANY REINFORCEMENT RESULTS Region Vertical Reinforcement Horizontal Reinforcement Diagonal Reinforcement R1 #8@6in oc e.f.#8@6in oc e.f.N/A Detail Report: WP4 (In-Plane, Region R1) CRITERIA Code:ACI 318-19 Design Rule:Typical Seismic Rule:None Loc of r/f:Each Face Outer Bars:Vertical Vert Bar Size:#8 Horz Bar Size:#8 Vert Bar Spac (in):6 Horz Bar Spac (in):6 Group Wall?:No MATERIALS Material Set:Conc5000NW Concrete f'c (ksi):5 Concrete E (ksi):4031 Concrete G (ksi):1752.61 Conc Density (k/ft ):3 0.145 Lambda:1 Conc Str Blk:Rectangular Vert Bar Fy (ksi):60 Horz Bar Fy (ksi):60 Steel E (ksi):29000 GEOMETRY Total Height (ft):6 Total Length (ft):7 Thickness (in):24 Int Cover (-z) (in):3 Ext Cover (+z) (in):3 Cover Open/Edge (in): 3 K:1 Use Cracked?:Yes Icr Factor:0.7 ENVELOPE DIAGRAMS Max: 106.259 at 0 ft Min: 81.31 at 6 ft P k Max: 0.085 at 1.2 ft Min: -0.028 at 3.6 ft V k Max: -0.206 at 2.4 ft Min: -0.999 at 0 ft M k-ft RISA-3D Version 22 [ Trash Capture 7x13_springs.r3d ]Page 237 Company Designer Job Number Model Name : : : : <Licensed Company> Checked By : __________ 7/11/2024 2:03:03 PMIIIRISA A NEMETSCHEK COMPANY ACI 318-19 Code Check AXIAL/BENDING DETAILS UC Max:0.021 Location (ft):0 Gov Pu (k):106.259 phi*Pn (k):5047.346 Gov Mu (k-ft):0 phi*Mn:NC phi eff.:0.65 Gov LC:4 SHEAR DETAILS UC Max:0 Location (ft):1.2 Gov Vu (k):0.085 phi*Vn (k):855.316 Vnmax (k):1140.422 Vc (k):427.658 Vs (k):1319.469 Gov LC:4 DEFLECTION DETAILS Delta max (in):5.709e-6 Deflection Ratio:H/10000 Location (ft):6 Gov LC:4 REINFORCEMENT DETAILS As Provided (H) (in ):2 18.85 rho Provided (H):0.011 As min (H) (in ):2 3.456 rho min (H):0.002 As Provided (V) (in ):2 20.42 rho Provided (V):0.01 As min (V) (in ):2 3.024 rho min (V):0.002 WALL SEGMENT SECTION PROPERTIES Total Length (ft):7 A (in ):2 2016 Igross (in ):4 1.185e+6 Icracked (in ):4 8.298e+5 Cracked Mom, Mcr (k- ft): 1247.336 r (in):20.288 KL/r:2.969 SLENDER BENDING SPAN RESULTS KL/r in Cm in Lu in (ft) Pc (k)deltaNS M act (k-ft) M2 min (k-ft) Mc in (k-ft) 2.969 0.801 6 0 N/A 0 0 N/A RISA-3D Version 22 [ Trash Capture 7x13_springs.r3d ]Page 238 Company Designer Job Number Model Name : : : : <Licensed Company> Checked By : __________ 7/11/2024 2:03:04 PMIIIRISA A NEMETSCHEK COMPANY IN-PLANE WALL INTERACTION DIAGRAM 9706 -1225 8864002000400060008000 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 0 P (k) M (k-ft) MnΦ*Mn Cap. Line CROSS SECTION DETAILING 3 in cover 8.5 in3 in cover 3 in cover #8 @ 6in oc #8 @ 6in oc Interior Face Exterior Face RISA-3D Version 22 [ Trash Capture 7x13_springs.r3d ]Page 239 Company Designer Job Number Model Name : : : : <Licensed Company> Checked By : __________ 7/11/2024 2:03:04 PMIIIRISA A NEMETSCHEK COMPANY .5 ..,. N - - ------ ---- Detail Report: WP4 (Out-of-Plane, Region R1) CRITERIA Code:ACI 318-19 Design Rule:Typical Seismic Rule:None Loc of r/f:Each Face Outer Bars:Vertical Vert Bar Size:#8 Horz Bar Size:#8 Vert Bar Spac (in):6 Horz Bar Spac (in):6 Group Wall?:No MATERIALS Material Set:Conc5000NW Concrete f'c (ksi):5 Concrete E (ksi):4031 Concrete G (ksi):1752.61 Conc Density (k/ft ):3 0.145 Lambda:1 Conc Str Blk:Rectangular Vert Bar Fy (ksi):60 Horz Bar Fy (ksi):60 Steel E (ksi):29000 GEOMETRY Total Height (ft):6 Total Length (ft):7 Thickness (in):24 Int Cover (-z) (in):3 Ext Cover (+z) (in):3 Cover Open/Edge (in): 3 K:1 Use Cracked?:Yes Icr Factor:0.35 ENVELOPE DIAGRAMS Max: 15.18 at 0 ft Min: 11.616 at 6 ft P k/ft Max: 7.326 at 0 ft Min: -8.223 at 6 ft V k/ft Max: 7.911 at 6 ft Min: -4.807 at 2.4 ft M k-ft/ft RISA-3D Version 22 [ Trash Capture 7x13_springs.r3d ]Page 240 Company Designer Job Number Model Name : : : : <Licensed Company> Checked By : __________ 7/11/2024 2:03:04 PMIIIRISA A NEMETSCHEK COMPANY ACI 318-19 Code Check AXIAL/BENDING DETAILS UC Max Int (-z):0.036 Location (ft):2.4 Gov Pu Int (-z) (k/ft):0 phi*Pn Int (-z):NC Gov Mu Int (-z) (k-ft/ ft): -4.807 phi*Mn Int (-z) (k-ft/ft):132.172 phi eff. Int (-z):0.9 Gov LC Int (-z):4 UC Max Ext (+z):0.06 Location (ft):6 Gov Pu Ext (+z) (k/ ft): 0 phi*Pn Ext (+z):NC Gov Mu Ext (+z) (k-ft/ ft): 7.911 phi*Mn Ext (+z) (k-ft/ ft): 132.172 phi eff. Ext (+z):0.9 Gov LC Ext (+z):4 SHEAR DETAILS UC Max:0.497 Location (ft):6 Gov Vu (k/ft):-8.223 phi*Vnc (k/ft):16.537 phi*Vns (k/ft):0 Gov LC:4 DEFLECTION DETAILS Delta max (in):0.0003972 Deflection Ratio:H/10000 Location (ft):2.4 Gov LC:4 REINFORCEMENT DETAILS As Provided (V) (in ):2 20.42 rho Provided (V):0.01 As min (V) (in ):2 3.024 rho min (V):0.002 WALL SEGMENT SECTION PROPERTIES Total Width (in):6 A (in ):2 144 Igross (in ):4 6912 Icracked (in ):4 2419.2 Cracked Mom, Mcr (k- ft): 356.382 r (in):4.099 KL/r:10.392 SLENDER BENDING SPAN RESULTS KL/r out Cm out Lu out (ft) Pc (k/ft) deltaNS M act (k-ft/ft) M2 min (k-ft/ft) Mc out (k-ft/ft) Interior 10.392 1 6 0 N/A 0 0 N/A(2.4ft) Exterior 0 N/A 0 0 N/A(6ft) RISA-3D Version 22 [ Trash Capture 7x13_springs.r3d ]Page 241 Company Designer Job Number Model Name : : : : <Licensed Company> Checked By : __________ 7/11/2024 2:03:04 PMIIIRISA A NEMETSCHEK COMPANY OUT-PLANE WALL INTERACTION DIAGRAM Interior (-z) Face Wall Interaction Diagram 1387 -175 4110090180270360 0 300 600 900 1200 0 P (k/ft) M (k-ft/ft) Mn Φ*MnCap. Line Exterior (+z) Face Wall Interaction Diagram 1387 -175 4110090180270360 0 300 600 900 1200 0 P (k/ft) M (k-ft/ft) Mn Φ*MnCap. Line RISA-3D Version 22 [ Trash Capture 7x13_springs.r3d ]Page 242 Company Designer Job Number Model Name : : : : <Licensed Company> Checked By : __________ 7/11/2024 2:03:04 PMIIIRISA A NEMETSCHEK COMPANY ------- ---- ------- ---- CROSS SECTION DETAILING 3 in cover 3 in cover #8 @ 6in oc #8 @ 6in oc Interior Face Exterior Face z x RISA-3D Version 22 [ Trash Capture 7x13_springs.r3d ]Page 243 Company Designer Job Number Model Name : : : : <Licensed Company> Checked By : __________ 7/11/2024 2:03:04 PMIIIRISA A NEMETSCHEK COMPANY .!: It) c:i N Concrete Beam LIC# : KW-06012497, Build: Engtegrity, Inc.(c) ENERCALC INC 1983-2023 DESCRIPTION:6'-0" WALL SPANNING VERTICALLY (@ 19'-2" DEPTH) Project File: Misc.ec6 Project Title:Engineer:Project ID:Project Descr: CODE REFERENCES Calculations per ACI 318-19, IBC 2021, ASCE 7-16 Load Combination Set : ASCE 7-16 General Information 5.0 7.50 145.0 Elastic Modulus 4,030.51 ksi 1 60.0 29,000.0 40.0 29,000.0 3= 1.0 =0.90 0.750 f'c ksi fy - Main Rebar ksi Density 1/2 = fr = f'c *530.33 pcf E - Main Rebar ksi psi =1.0OLtWt Factor Fy - Stirrups ksi == = E - Stirrups ksi E 0.80 == = Shear : Stirrup Bar Size # Number of Resisting Legs Per Stirrup Phi Values Flexure : \ I Seismic Design Category =A .Cross Section & Reinforcing Details Rectangular Section, Width = 12.0 in, Height = 24.0 in Span #1 Reinforcing.... 2-#8 at 2.50 in from Bottom, from 0.0 to 6.0 ft in this span 2-#8 at 2.50 in from Top, from 0.0 to 6.0 ft in this span . Load for Span Number 1 Varying Uniform Load : H= 2.552->3.632 k/ft, Extent = 0.0 -->> 6.0 ft, Trib Width = 1.0 ft .Design OKDESIGN SUMMARY Maximum Bending Stress Ratio =0.105 : 1 Span # where maximum occurs Span # 1 Location of maximum on span 6.000 ft Mn * Phi : Allowable 146.445 k-ft Typical SectionSection used for this span Mu : Applied -15.360 k-ft Maximum Deflection 0 <360.0 0 Ratio =0 <180.0 Max Downward Transient Deflection 0.000 in 0Ratio =<360.0 Max Upward Transient Deflection 0.000 in Ratio = Max Downward Total Deflection 0.000 in Ratio =<180.0 Max Upward Total Deflection 0.000 in Span: 1 : H Only Span: 1 : H Only . Load Combination Support 1 Support 2 Vertical Reactions Support notation : Far left is #1 Max Upward from all Load Conditions 8.628 9.924 Max Upward from Load Combinations 5.177 5.954 Max Upward from Load Cases 8.628 9.924 H Only 8.628 9.924 +0.60H 5.177 5.954 .Shear Stirrup Requirements Between 0.00 to 0.02 ft, Phi*lambda*sqrt(f'c)*bw*d < Vu <= Phi*Vc, Req'd Vs = Min per, use #3 stirrups spaced at 6.000 in Between 0.03 to 5.62 ft, Vu <= Phi*lambda*sqrt(f'c)*bw*d, Req'd Vs = Not Reqd per, Stirrups are not required. • • • • H(2.552,3 632) 6 .0 ft 2 Concrete Beam LIC# : KW-06012497, Build: Engtegrity, Inc.(c) ENERCALC INC 1983-2023 DESCRIPTION:6'-0" WALL SPANNING VERTICALLY (@ 19'-2" DEPTH) Project File: Misc.ec6 Project Title:Engineer:Project ID:Project Descr: Shear Stirrup Requirements Between 5.63 to 5.99 ft, Phi*lambda*sqrt(f'c)*bw*d < Vu <= Phi*Vc, Req'd Vs = Min per, use #3 stirrups spaced at 6.000 in .Detailed Shear Information Load Combination Vu (k)Span Distance 'd'Comment Phi*Vs Req'd Phi*Vnd*Vu/MuMu (ft)(k)(in)(k)Actual (k-ft)Number (k) Spacing (in) Design Phi*Vc +1.60H 1 0.00 21.50 13.80 13.80 14.32 1.00 27.37 Phi*lambda*sqrtMin per 6.9 +1.60H 1 0.07 21.50 13.54 13.54 13.43 1.00 15.96 Vu <= Phi*lambdNot Reqd per 9 16.0 0.0 +1.60H 1 0.13 21.50 13.27 13.27 12.55 1.00 15.96 Vu <= Phi*lambdNot Reqd per 9 16.0 0.0 +1.60H 1 0.20 21.50 13.00 13.00 11.69 1.00 15.96 Vu <= Phi*lambdNot Reqd per 9 16.0 0.0 +1.60H 1 0.26 21.50 12.72 12.72 10.84 1.00 15.96 Vu <= Phi*lambdNot Reqd per 9 16.0 0.0 +1.60H 1 0.33 21.50 12.45 12.45 10.02 1.00 15.96 Vu <= Phi*lambdNot Reqd per 9 16.0 0.0 +1.60H 1 0.39 21.50 12.18 12.18 9.21 1.00 15.96 Vu <= Phi*lambdNot Reqd per 9 16.0 0.0 +1.60H 1 0.46 21.50 11.90 11.90 8.42 1.00 15.96 Vu <= Phi*lambdNot Reqd per 9 16.0 0.0 +1.60H 1 0.52 21.50 11.62 11.62 7.65 1.00 15.96 Vu <= Phi*lambdNot Reqd per 9 16.0 0.0 +1.60H 1 0.59 21.50 11.34 11.34 6.90 1.00 15.96 Vu <= Phi*lambdNot Reqd per 9 16.0 0.0 +1.60H 1 0.66 21.50 11.07 11.07 6.16 1.00 15.96 Vu <= Phi*lambdNot Reqd per 9 16.0 0.0 +1.60H 1 0.72 21.50 10.78 10.78 5.45 1.00 15.96 Vu <= Phi*lambdNot Reqd per 9 16.0 0.0 +1.60H 1 0.79 21.50 10.50 10.50 4.75 1.00 15.96 Vu <= Phi*lambdNot Reqd per 9 16.0 0.0 +1.60H 1 0.85 21.50 10.22 10.22 4.07 1.00 15.96 Vu <= Phi*lambdNot Reqd per 9 16.0 0.0 +1.60H 1 0.92 21.50 9.93 9.93 3.41 1.00 15.96 Vu <= Phi*lambdNot Reqd per 9 16.0 0.0 +1.60H 1 0.98 21.50 9.65 9.65 2.77 1.00 15.96 Vu <= Phi*lambdNot Reqd per 9 16.0 0.0 +1.60H 1 1.05 21.50 9.36 9.36 2.14 1.00 15.96 Vu <= Phi*lambdNot Reqd per 9 16.0 0.0 +1.60H 1 1.11 21.50 9.07 9.07 1.54 1.00 15.96 Vu <= Phi*lambdNot Reqd per 9 16.0 0.0 +1.60H 1 1.18 21.50 8.78 8.78 0.95 1.00 15.96 Vu <= Phi*lambdNot Reqd per 9 16.0 0.0 +1.60H 1 1.25 21.50 8.49 8.49 0.39 1.00 15.96 Vu <= Phi*lambdNot Reqd per 9 16.0 0.0 +1.60H 1 1.31 21.50 8.20 8.20 0.16 1.00 15.96 Vu <= Phi*lambdNot Reqd per 9 16.0 0.0 +1.60H 1 1.38 21.50 7.91 7.91 0.69 1.00 15.96 Vu <= Phi*lambdNot Reqd per 9 16.0 0.0 +1.60H 1 1.44 21.50 7.61 7.61 1.20 1.00 15.96 Vu <= Phi*lambdNot Reqd per 9 16.0 0.0 +1.60H 1 1.51 21.50 7.32 7.32 1.69 1.00 15.96 Vu <= Phi*lambdNot Reqd per 9 16.0 0.0 +1.60H 1 1.57 21.50 7.02 7.02 2.16 1.00 15.96 Vu <= Phi*lambdNot Reqd per 9 16.0 0.0 +1.60H 1 1.64 21.50 6.72 6.72 2.61 1.00 15.96 Vu <= Phi*lambdNot Reqd per 9 16.0 0.0 +1.60H 1 1.70 21.50 6.42 6.42 3.04 1.00 15.96 Vu <= Phi*lambdNot Reqd per 9 16.0 0.0 +1.60H 1 1.77 21.50 6.12 6.12 3.45 1.00 15.96 Vu <= Phi*lambdNot Reqd per 9 16.0 0.0 +1.60H 1 1.84 21.50 5.82 5.82 3.84 1.00 15.96 Vu <= Phi*lambdNot Reqd per 9 16.0 0.0 +1.60H 1 1.90 21.50 5.52 5.52 4.22 1.00 15.96 Vu <= Phi*lambdNot Reqd per 9 16.0 0.0 +1.60H 1 1.97 21.50 5.22 5.22 4.57 1.00 15.96 Vu <= Phi*lambdNot Reqd per 9 16.0 0.0 +1.60H 1 2.03 21.50 4.91 4.91 4.90 1.00 15.96 Vu <= Phi*lambdNot Reqd per 9 16.0 0.0 +1.60H 1 2.10 21.50 4.60 4.60 5.21 1.00 15.96 Vu <= Phi*lambdNot Reqd per 9 16.0 0.0 +1.60H 1 2.16 21.50 4.29 4.29 5.50 1.00 15.96 Vu <= Phi*lambdNot Reqd per 9 16.0 0.0 +1.60H 1 2.23 21.50 3.99 3.99 5.77 1.00 15.96 Vu <= Phi*lambdNot Reqd per 9 16.0 0.0 +1.60H 1 2.30 21.50 3.68 3.68 6.03 1.00 15.96 Vu <= Phi*lambdNot Reqd per 9 16.0 0.0 +1.60H 1 2.36 21.50 3.36 3.36 6.26 0.96 15.96 Vu <= Phi*lambdNot Reqd per 9 16.0 0.0 +1.60H 1 2.43 21.50 3.05 3.05 6.47 0.85 15.96 Vu <= Phi*lambdNot Reqd per 9 16.0 0.0 +1.60H 1 2.49 21.50 2.74 2.74 6.66 0.74 15.96 Vu <= Phi*lambdNot Reqd per 9 16.0 0.0 +1.60H 1 2.56 21.50 2.42 2.42 6.83 0.64 15.96 Vu <= Phi*lambdNot Reqd per 9 16.0 0.0 +1.60H 1 2.62 21.50 2.10 2.10 6.97 0.54 15.96 Vu <= Phi*lambdNot Reqd per 9 16.0 0.0 +1.60H 1 2.69 21.50 1.79 1.79 7.10 0.45 15.96 Vu <= Phi*lambdNot Reqd per 9 16.0 0.0 +1.60H 1 2.75 21.50 1.47 1.47 7.21 0.36 15.96 Vu <= Phi*lambdNot Reqd per 9 16.0 0.0 +1.60H 1 2.82 21.50 1.15 1.15 7.29 0.28 15.96 Vu <= Phi*lambdNot Reqd per 9 16.0 0.0 +1.60H 1 2.89 21.50 0.83 0.83 7.36 0.20 15.96 Vu <= Phi*lambdNot Reqd per 9 16.0 0.0 +1.60H 1 2.95 21.50 0.50 0.50 7.40 0.12 15.96 Vu <= Phi*lambdNot Reqd per 9 16.0 0.0 +1.60H 1 3.02 21.50 0.18 0.18 7.42 0.04 15.96 Vu <= Phi*lambdNot Reqd per 9 16.0 0.0 +1.60H 1 3.08 21.50 -0.15 0.15 7.43 0.04 15.96 Vu <= Phi*lambdNot Reqd per 9 16.0 0.0 +1.60H 1 3.15 21.50 -0.47 0.47 7.41 0.11 15.96 Vu <= Phi*lambdNot Reqd per 9 16.0 0.0 +1.60H 1 3.21 21.50 -0.80 0.80 7.36 0.20 15.96 Vu <= Phi*lambdNot Reqd per 9 16.0 0.0 +1.60H 1 3.28 21.50 -1.13 1.13 7.30 0.28 15.96 Vu <= Phi*lambdNot Reqd per 9 16.0 0.0 +1.60H 1 3.34 21.50 -1.46 1.46 7.22 0.36 15.96 Vu <= Phi*lambdNot Reqd per 9 16.0 0.0 +1.60H 1 3.41 21.50 -1.79 1.79 7.11 0.45 15.96 Vu <= Phi*lambdNot Reqd per 9 16.0 0.0 +1.60H 1 3.48 21.50 -2.13 2.13 6.98 0.55 15.96 Vu <= Phi*lambdNot Reqd per 9 16.0 0.0 +1.60H 1 3.54 21.50 -2.46 2.46 6.83 0.65 15.96 Vu <= Phi*lambdNot Reqd per 9 16.0 0.0 Concrete Beam LIC# : KW-06012497, Build: Engtegrity, Inc.(c) ENERCALC INC 1983-2023 DESCRIPTION:6'-0" WALL SPANNING VERTICALLY (@ 19'-2" DEPTH) Project File: Misc.ec6 Project Title:Engineer:Project ID:Project Descr: Detailed Shear Information Load Combination Vu (k)Span Distance 'd'Comment Phi*Vs Req'd Phi*Vnd*Vu/MuMu (ft)(k)(in)(k)Actual (k-ft)Number (k) Spacing (in) Design Phi*Vc +1.60H 1 3.61 21.50 -2.79 2.79 6.66 0.75 15.96 Vu <= Phi*lambdNot Reqd per 9 16.0 0.0 +1.60H 1 3.67 21.50 -3.13 3.13 6.46 0.87 15.96 Vu <= Phi*lambdNot Reqd per 9 16.0 0.0 +1.60H 1 3.74 21.50 -3.47 3.47 6.25 0.99 15.96 Vu <= Phi*lambdNot Reqd per 9 16.0 0.0 +1.60H 1 3.80 21.50 -3.81 3.81 6.01 1.00 15.96 Vu <= Phi*lambdNot Reqd per 9 16.0 0.0 +1.60H 1 3.87 21.50 -4.15 4.15 5.75 1.00 15.96 Vu <= Phi*lambdNot Reqd per 9 16.0 0.0 +1.60H 1 3.93 21.50 -4.49 4.49 5.46 1.00 15.96 Vu <= Phi*lambdNot Reqd per 9 16.0 0.0 +1.60H 1 4.00 21.50 -4.83 4.83 5.16 1.00 15.96 Vu <= Phi*lambdNot Reqd per 9 16.0 0.0 +1.60H 1 4.07 21.50 -5.18 5.18 4.83 1.00 15.96 Vu <= Phi*lambdNot Reqd per 9 16.0 0.0 +1.60H 1 4.13 21.50 -5.52 5.52 4.48 1.00 15.96 Vu <= Phi*lambdNot Reqd per 9 16.0 0.0 +1.60H 1 4.20 21.50 -5.87 5.87 4.11 1.00 15.96 Vu <= Phi*lambdNot Reqd per 9 16.0 0.0 +1.60H 1 4.26 21.50 -6.22 6.22 3.71 1.00 15.96 Vu <= Phi*lambdNot Reqd per 9 16.0 0.0 +1.60H 1 4.33 21.50 -6.56 6.56 3.29 1.00 15.96 Vu <= Phi*lambdNot Reqd per 9 16.0 0.0 +1.60H 1 4.39 21.50 -6.91 6.91 2.85 1.00 15.96 Vu <= Phi*lambdNot Reqd per 9 16.0 0.0 +1.60H 1 4.46 21.50 -7.27 7.27 2.38 1.00 15.96 Vu <= Phi*lambdNot Reqd per 9 16.0 0.0 +1.60H 1 4.52 21.50 -7.62 7.62 1.90 1.00 15.96 Vu <= Phi*lambdNot Reqd per 9 16.0 0.0 +1.60H 1 4.59 21.50 -7.97 7.97 1.39 1.00 15.96 Vu <= Phi*lambdNot Reqd per 9 16.0 0.0 +1.60H 1 4.66 21.50 -8.33 8.33 0.85 1.00 15.96 Vu <= Phi*lambdNot Reqd per 9 16.0 0.0 +1.60H 1 4.72 21.50 -8.68 8.68 0.29 1.00 15.96 Vu <= Phi*lambdNot Reqd per 9 16.0 0.0 +1.60H 1 4.79 21.50 -9.04 9.04 0.29 1.00 15.96 Vu <= Phi*lambdNot Reqd per 9 16.0 0.0 +1.60H 1 4.85 21.50 -9.40 9.40 0.89 1.00 15.96 Vu <= Phi*lambdNot Reqd per 9 16.0 0.0 +1.60H 1 4.92 21.50 -9.76 9.76 1.52 1.00 15.96 Vu <= Phi*lambdNot Reqd per 9 16.0 0.0 +1.60H 1 4.98 21.50 -10.12 10.12 2.17 1.00 15.96 Vu <= Phi*lambdNot Reqd per 9 16.0 0.0 +1.60H 1 5.05 21.50 -10.48 10.48 2.85 1.00 15.96 Vu <= Phi*lambdNot Reqd per 9 16.0 0.0 +1.60H 1 5.11 21.50 -10.85 10.85 3.55 1.00 15.96 Vu <= Phi*lambdNot Reqd per 9 16.0 0.0 +1.60H 1 5.18 21.50 -11.21 11.21 4.27 1.00 15.96 Vu <= Phi*lambdNot Reqd per 9 16.0 0.0 +1.60H 1 5.25 21.50 -11.58 11.58 5.02 1.00 15.96 Vu <= Phi*lambdNot Reqd per 9 16.0 0.0 +1.60H 1 5.31 21.50 -11.95 11.95 5.79 1.00 15.96 Vu <= Phi*lambdNot Reqd per 9 16.0 0.0 +1.60H 1 5.38 21.50 -12.31 12.31 6.58 1.00 15.96 Vu <= Phi*lambdNot Reqd per 9 16.0 0.0 +1.60H 1 5.44 21.50 -12.68 12.68 7.40 1.00 15.96 Vu <= Phi*lambdNot Reqd per 9 16.0 0.0 +1.60H 1 5.51 21.50 -13.06 13.06 8.25 1.00 15.96 Vu <= Phi*lambdNot Reqd per 9 16.0 0.0 +1.60H 1 5.57 21.50 -13.43 13.43 9.12 1.00 15.96 Vu <= Phi*lambdNot Reqd per 9 16.0 0.0 +1.60H 1 5.64 21.50 -13.80 13.80 10.01 1.00 27.37 Phi*lambda*sqrtMin per 6.9 +1.60H 1 5.70 21.50 -14.18 14.18 10.93 1.00 27.37 Phi*lambda*sqrtMin per 6.9 +1.60H 1 5.77 21.50 -14.55 14.55 11.87 1.00 27.37 Phi*lambda*sqrtMin per 6.9 +1.60H 1 5.84 21.50 -14.93 14.93 12.83 1.00 27.37 Phi*lambda*sqrtMin per 6.9 +1.60H 1 5.90 21.50 -15.31 15.31 13.83 1.00 27.37 Phi*lambda*sqrtMin per 6.9 +1.60H 1 5.97 21.50 -15.69 15.69 14.84 1.00 27.37 Phi*lambda*sqrtMin per 6.9 .Maximum Forces & Stresses for Load Combinations Span # Bending Stress Results ( k-ft )Location (ft)Load Combination Mu : Max Stress RatioSegmentPhi*Mnxalong Beam MAXimum BENDING EnvelopeSpan # 1 1 6.000 -15.36 146.45 0.10+1.60HSpan # 1 1 6.000 -15.36 146.45 0.10+0.90HSpan # 1 1 6.000 -8.64 146.45 0.06 . Location in Span (ft)Load CombinationMax. "-" Defl (in)Location in Span (ft)Load Combination Span Max. "+" Defl (in) Overall Maximum Deflections H Only 1 0.0003 3.000 0.0000 0.000 Concrete Beam LIC# : KW-06012497, Build: Engtegrity, Inc.(c) ENERCALC INC 1983-2023 DESCRIPTION:7'-0" SPAN TOP OF CONCRETE TRASH CAPTURE Project File: Misc.ec6 Project Title:Engineer:Project ID:Project Descr: CODE REFERENCES Calculations per ACI 318-19, IBC 2021, ASCE 7-16 Load Combination Set : ASCE 7-16 General Information 5.0 7.50 145.0 Elastic Modulus 4,030.51 ksi 1 60.0 29,000.0 40.0 29,000.0 3= 1.0 =0.90 0.750 f'c ksi fy - Main Rebar ksi Density 1/2 = fr = f'c *530.33 pcf E - Main Rebar ksi psi =1.0OLtWt Factor Fy - Stirrups ksi == = E - Stirrups ksi E 0.80 == = Shear : Stirrup Bar Size # Number of Resisting Legs Per Stirrup Phi Values Flexure : \ I Seismic Design Category =A .Cross Section & Reinforcing Details Rectangular Section, Width = 12.0 in, Height = 24.0 in Span #1 Reinforcing.... 2-#8 at 1.50 in from Bottom, from 0.0 to 7.0 ft in this span 2-#8 at 3.50 in from Top, from 0.0 to 7.0 ft in this span . Beam self weight calculated and added to loads Load for Span Number 1 Uniform Load : H = 1.830 k/ft, Tributary Width = 1.0 ft Uniform Load : D = 0.050, L = 0.250 k/ft, Tributary Width = 1.0 ft Moment : H = 15.50 k-ft, Location = 0.10 ft from left end of this span Moment : H = -15.50 k-ft, Location = 6.90 ft from left end of this span .Design OKDESIGN SUMMARY Maximum Bending Stress Ratio =0.282 : 1 Span # where maximum occurs Span # 1 Location of maximum on span 7.000 ft Mn * Phi : Allowable 139.383 k-ft Typical SectionSection used for this span Mu : Applied -39.346 k-ft Maximum Deflection 0 <360.0 0 Ratio =0 <180.0 Max Downward Transient Deflection 0.000 in 0Ratio =<360.0 Max Upward Transient Deflection 0.000 in Ratio = Max Downward Total Deflection 0.000 in Ratio =<180.0 Max Upward Total Deflection 0.000 in L Only H Only Span: 1 : +D+L+H Span: 1 : +D+L+H . Load Combination Support 1 Support 2 Vertical Reactions Support notation : Far left is #1 Max Upward from all Load Conditions 8.470 8.470 Max Upward from Load Combinations 8.470 8.470 Max Upward from Load Cases 6.405 6.405 • • • • D 0.05 L 0.25 H 1 .83 2 7 .0 ft 12" w x 24" h Concrete Beam LIC# : KW-06012497, Build: Engtegrity, Inc.(c) ENERCALC INC 1983-2023 DESCRIPTION:7'-0" SPAN TOP OF CONCRETE TRASH CAPTURE Project File: Misc.ec6 Project Title:Engineer:Project ID:Project Descr: Load Combination Support 1 Support 2 Vertical Reactions Support notation : Far left is #1 +D+H 7.595 7.595 +D+L+H 8.470 8.470 +D+0.750L+H 8.251 8.251 +0.60D+0.60H 4.557 4.557 +D+0.60H 5.033 5.033 +0.60D+H 7.119 7.119 D Only 1.190 1.190 L Only 0.875 0.875 H Only 6.405 6.405 .Shear Stirrup Requirements Between 0.00 to 0.00 ft, Phi*lambda*sqrt(f'c)*bw*d < Vu <= Phi*Vc, Req'd Vs = Min per, use #3 stirrups spaced at 6.000 in Between 0.01 to 6.99 ft, Vu <= Phi*lambda*sqrt(f'c)*bw*d, Req'd Vs = Not Reqd per, Stirrups are not required. .Detailed Shear Information Load Combination Vu (k)Span Distance 'd'Comment Phi*Vs Req'd Phi*Vnd*Vu/MuMu (ft)(k)(in)(k)Actual (k-ft)Number (k) Spacing (in) Design Phi*Vc +1.20D+1.60L+1.60H 1 0.00 20.50 13.08 13.08 39.35 0.57 26.09 Phi*lambda*sqrtMin per 6.9 +1.20D+1.60L+1.60H 1 0.08 20.50 12.79 12.79 38.36 0.57 15.71 Vu <= Phi*lambdNot Reqd per 9 15.7 0.0 +1.20D+1.60L+1.60H 1 0.15 20.50 12.50 12.50 12.59 1.00 15.71 Vu <= Phi*lambdNot Reqd per 9 15.7 0.0 +1.20D+1.60L+1.60H 1 0.23 20.50 12.22 12.22 11.64 1.00 15.71 Vu <= Phi*lambdNot Reqd per 9 15.7 0.0 +1.20D+1.60L+1.60H 1 0.31 20.50 11.93 11.93 10.72 1.00 15.71 Vu <= Phi*lambdNot Reqd per 9 15.7 0.0 +1.20D+1.60L+1.60H 1 0.38 20.50 11.65 11.65 9.82 1.00 15.71 Vu <= Phi*lambdNot Reqd per 9 15.7 0.0 +1.20D+1.60L+1.60H 1 0.46 20.50 11.36 11.36 8.94 1.00 15.71 Vu <= Phi*lambdNot Reqd per 9 15.7 0.0 +1.20D+1.60L+1.60H 1 0.54 20.50 11.08 11.08 8.08 1.00 15.71 Vu <= Phi*lambdNot Reqd per 9 15.7 0.0 +1.20D+1.60L+1.60H 1 0.61 20.50 10.79 10.79 7.24 1.00 15.71 Vu <= Phi*lambdNot Reqd per 9 15.7 0.0 +1.20D+1.60L+1.60H 1 0.69 20.50 10.50 10.50 6.43 1.00 15.71 Vu <= Phi*lambdNot Reqd per 9 15.7 0.0 +1.20D+1.60L+1.60H 1 0.77 20.50 10.22 10.22 5.64 1.00 15.71 Vu <= Phi*lambdNot Reqd per 9 15.7 0.0 +1.20D+1.60L+1.60H 1 0.84 20.50 9.93 9.93 4.87 1.00 15.71 Vu <= Phi*lambdNot Reqd per 9 15.7 0.0 +1.20D+1.60L+1.60H 1 0.92 20.50 9.65 9.65 4.12 1.00 15.71 Vu <= Phi*lambdNot Reqd per 9 15.7 0.0 +1.20D+1.60L+1.60H 1 0.99 20.50 9.36 9.36 3.39 1.00 15.71 Vu <= Phi*lambdNot Reqd per 9 15.7 0.0 +1.20D+1.60L+1.60H 1 1.07 20.50 9.07 9.07 2.68 1.00 15.71 Vu <= Phi*lambdNot Reqd per 9 15.7 0.0 +1.20D+1.60L+1.60H 1 1.15 20.50 8.79 8.79 2.00 1.00 15.71 Vu <= Phi*lambdNot Reqd per 9 15.7 0.0 +1.20D+1.60L+1.60H 1 1.22 20.50 8.50 8.50 1.34 1.00 15.71 Vu <= Phi*lambdNot Reqd per 9 15.7 0.0 +1.20D+1.60L+1.60H 1 1.30 20.50 8.22 8.22 0.70 1.00 15.71 Vu <= Phi*lambdNot Reqd per 9 15.7 0.0 +1.20D+1.60L+1.60H 1 1.38 20.50 7.93 7.93 0.08 1.00 15.71 Vu <= Phi*lambdNot Reqd per 9 15.7 0.0 +1.20D+1.60L+1.60H 1 1.45 22.50 7.65 7.65 0.51 1.00 16.19 Vu <= Phi*lambdNot Reqd per 9 16.2 0.0 +1.20D+1.60L+1.60H 1 1.53 22.50 7.36 7.36 1.09 1.00 16.19 Vu <= Phi*lambdNot Reqd per 9 16.2 0.0 +1.20D+1.60L+1.60H 1 1.61 22.50 7.07 7.07 1.64 1.00 16.19 Vu <= Phi*lambdNot Reqd per 9 16.2 0.0 +1.20D+1.60L+1.60H 1 1.68 22.50 6.79 6.79 2.17 1.00 16.19 Vu <= Phi*lambdNot Reqd per 9 16.2 0.0 +1.20D+1.60L+1.60H 1 1.76 22.50 6.50 6.50 2.68 1.00 16.19 Vu <= Phi*lambdNot Reqd per 9 16.2 0.0 +1.20D+1.60L+1.60H 1 1.84 22.50 6.22 6.22 3.16 1.00 16.19 Vu <= Phi*lambdNot Reqd per 9 16.2 0.0 +1.20D+1.60L+1.60H 1 1.91 22.50 5.93 5.93 3.63 1.00 16.19 Vu <= Phi*lambdNot Reqd per 9 16.2 0.0 +1.20D+1.60L+1.60H 1 1.99 22.50 5.64 5.64 4.07 1.00 16.19 Vu <= Phi*lambdNot Reqd per 9 16.2 0.0 +1.20D+1.60L+1.60H 1 2.07 22.50 5.36 5.36 4.49 1.00 16.19 Vu <= Phi*lambdNot Reqd per 9 16.2 0.0 +1.20D+1.60L+1.60H 1 2.14 22.50 5.07 5.07 4.89 1.00 16.19 Vu <= Phi*lambdNot Reqd per 9 16.2 0.0 +1.20D+1.60L+1.60H 1 2.22 22.50 4.79 4.79 5.27 1.00 16.19 Vu <= Phi*lambdNot Reqd per 9 16.2 0.0 +1.20D+1.60L+1.60H 1 2.30 22.50 4.50 4.50 5.62 1.00 16.19 Vu <= Phi*lambdNot Reqd per 9 16.2 0.0 +1.20D+1.60L+1.60H 1 2.37 22.50 4.22 4.22 5.96 1.00 16.19 Vu <= Phi*lambdNot Reqd per 9 16.2 0.0 +1.20D+1.60L+1.60H 1 2.45 22.50 3.93 3.93 6.27 1.00 16.19 Vu <= Phi*lambdNot Reqd per 9 16.2 0.0 +1.20D+1.60L+1.60H 1 2.52 22.50 3.64 3.64 6.56 1.00 16.19 Vu <= Phi*lambdNot Reqd per 9 16.2 0.0 +1.20D+1.60L+1.60H 1 2.60 22.50 3.36 3.36 6.83 0.92 16.19 Vu <= Phi*lambdNot Reqd per 9 16.2 0.0 +1.20D+1.60L+1.60H 1 2.68 22.50 3.07 3.07 7.07 0.81 16.19 Vu <= Phi*lambdNot Reqd per 9 16.2 0.0 +1.20D+1.60L+1.60H 1 2.75 22.50 2.79 2.79 7.30 0.72 16.19 Vu <= Phi*lambdNot Reqd per 9 16.2 0.0 +1.20D+1.60L+1.60H 1 2.83 22.50 2.50 2.50 7.50 0.63 16.19 Vu <= Phi*lambdNot Reqd per 9 16.2 0.0 +1.20D+1.60L+1.60H 1 2.91 22.50 2.22 2.22 7.68 0.54 16.19 Vu <= Phi*lambdNot Reqd per 9 16.2 0.0 +1.20D+1.60L+1.60H 1 2.98 22.50 1.93 1.93 7.84 0.46 16.19 Vu <= Phi*lambdNot Reqd per 9 16.2 0.0 +1.20D+1.60L+1.60H 1 3.06 22.50 1.64 1.64 7.98 0.39 16.19 Vu <= Phi*lambdNot Reqd per 9 16.2 0.0 +1.20D+1.60L+1.60H 1 3.14 22.50 1.36 1.36 8.09 0.31 16.19 Vu <= Phi*lambdNot Reqd per 9 16.2 0.0 +1.20D+1.60L+1.60H 1 3.21 22.50 1.07 1.07 8.18 0.25 16.19 Vu <= Phi*lambdNot Reqd per 9 16.2 0.0 Concrete Beam LIC# : KW-06012497, Build: Engtegrity, Inc.(c) ENERCALC INC 1983-2023 DESCRIPTION:7'-0" SPAN TOP OF CONCRETE TRASH CAPTURE Project File: Misc.ec6 Project Title:Engineer:Project ID:Project Descr: Detailed Shear Information Load Combination Vu (k)Span Distance 'd'Comment Phi*Vs Req'd Phi*Vnd*Vu/MuMu (ft)(k)(in)(k)Actual (k-ft)Number (k) Spacing (in) Design Phi*Vc +1.20D+1.60L+1.60H 1 3.29 22.50 0.79 0.79 8.25 0.18 16.19 Vu <= Phi*lambdNot Reqd per 9 16.2 0.0 +1.20D+1.60L+1.60H 1 3.37 22.50 0.50 0.50 8.30 0.11 16.19 Vu <= Phi*lambdNot Reqd per 9 16.2 0.0 +1.20D+1.60L+1.60H 1 3.44 22.50 0.21 0.21 8.33 0.05 16.19 Vu <= Phi*lambdNot Reqd per 9 16.2 0.0 +1.20D+1.60L+1.60H 1 3.52 22.50 -0.07 0.07 8.34 0.02 16.19 Vu <= Phi*lambdNot Reqd per 9 16.2 0.0 +1.20D+1.60L+1.60H 1 3.60 22.50 -0.36 0.36 8.32 0.08 16.19 Vu <= Phi*lambdNot Reqd per 9 16.2 0.0 +1.20D+1.60L+1.60H 1 3.67 22.50 -0.64 0.64 8.28 0.15 16.19 Vu <= Phi*lambdNot Reqd per 9 16.2 0.0 +1.20D+1.60L+1.60H 1 3.75 22.50 -0.93 0.93 8.22 0.21 16.19 Vu <= Phi*lambdNot Reqd per 9 16.2 0.0 +1.20D+1.60L+1.60H 1 3.83 22.50 -1.21 1.21 8.14 0.28 16.19 Vu <= Phi*lambdNot Reqd per 9 16.2 0.0 +1.20D+1.60L+1.60H 1 3.90 22.50 -1.50 1.50 8.04 0.35 16.19 Vu <= Phi*lambdNot Reqd per 9 16.2 0.0 +1.20D+1.60L+1.60H 1 3.98 22.50 -1.79 1.79 7.91 0.42 16.19 Vu <= Phi*lambdNot Reqd per 9 16.2 0.0 +1.20D+1.60L+1.60H 1 4.05 22.50 -2.07 2.07 7.76 0.50 16.19 Vu <= Phi*lambdNot Reqd per 9 16.2 0.0 +1.20D+1.60L+1.60H 1 4.13 22.50 -2.36 2.36 7.59 0.58 16.19 Vu <= Phi*lambdNot Reqd per 9 16.2 0.0 +1.20D+1.60L+1.60H 1 4.21 22.50 -2.64 2.64 7.40 0.67 16.19 Vu <= Phi*lambdNot Reqd per 9 16.2 0.0 +1.20D+1.60L+1.60H 1 4.28 22.50 -2.93 2.93 7.19 0.76 16.19 Vu <= Phi*lambdNot Reqd per 9 16.2 0.0 +1.20D+1.60L+1.60H 1 4.36 22.50 -3.22 3.22 6.95 0.87 16.19 Vu <= Phi*lambdNot Reqd per 9 16.2 0.0 +1.20D+1.60L+1.60H 1 4.44 22.50 -3.50 3.50 6.70 0.98 16.19 Vu <= Phi*lambdNot Reqd per 9 16.2 0.0 +1.20D+1.60L+1.60H 1 4.51 22.50 -3.79 3.79 6.42 1.00 16.19 Vu <= Phi*lambdNot Reqd per 9 16.2 0.0 +1.20D+1.60L+1.60H 1 4.59 22.50 -4.07 4.07 6.12 1.00 16.19 Vu <= Phi*lambdNot Reqd per 9 16.2 0.0 +1.20D+1.60L+1.60H 1 4.67 22.50 -4.36 4.36 5.79 1.00 16.19 Vu <= Phi*lambdNot Reqd per 9 16.2 0.0 +1.20D+1.60L+1.60H 1 4.74 22.50 -4.64 4.64 5.45 1.00 16.19 Vu <= Phi*lambdNot Reqd per 9 16.2 0.0 +1.20D+1.60L+1.60H 1 4.82 22.50 -4.93 4.93 5.08 1.00 16.19 Vu <= Phi*lambdNot Reqd per 9 16.2 0.0 +1.20D+1.60L+1.60H 1 4.90 22.50 -5.22 5.22 4.70 1.00 16.19 Vu <= Phi*lambdNot Reqd per 9 16.2 0.0 +1.20D+1.60L+1.60H 1 4.97 22.50 -5.50 5.50 4.29 1.00 16.19 Vu <= Phi*lambdNot Reqd per 9 16.2 0.0 +1.20D+1.60L+1.60H 1 5.05 22.50 -5.79 5.79 3.85 1.00 16.19 Vu <= Phi*lambdNot Reqd per 9 16.2 0.0 +1.20D+1.60L+1.60H 1 5.13 22.50 -6.07 6.07 3.40 1.00 16.19 Vu <= Phi*lambdNot Reqd per 9 16.2 0.0 +1.20D+1.60L+1.60H 1 5.20 22.50 -6.36 6.36 2.92 1.00 16.19 Vu <= Phi*lambdNot Reqd per 9 16.2 0.0 +1.20D+1.60L+1.60H 1 5.28 22.50 -6.65 6.65 2.43 1.00 16.19 Vu <= Phi*lambdNot Reqd per 9 16.2 0.0 +1.20D+1.60L+1.60H 1 5.36 22.50 -6.93 6.93 1.91 1.00 16.19 Vu <= Phi*lambdNot Reqd per 9 16.2 0.0 +1.20D+1.60L+1.60H 1 5.43 22.50 -7.22 7.22 1.37 1.00 16.19 Vu <= Phi*lambdNot Reqd per 9 16.2 0.0 +1.20D+1.60L+1.60H 1 5.51 22.50 -7.50 7.50 0.80 1.00 16.19 Vu <= Phi*lambdNot Reqd per 9 16.2 0.0 +1.20D+1.60L+1.60H 1 5.58 22.50 -7.79 7.79 0.22 1.00 16.19 Vu <= Phi*lambdNot Reqd per 9 16.2 0.0 +1.20D+1.60L+1.60H 1 5.66 20.50 -8.07 8.07 0.39 1.00 15.71 Vu <= Phi*lambdNot Reqd per 9 15.7 0.0 +1.20D+1.60L+1.60H 1 5.74 20.50 -8.36 8.36 1.02 1.00 15.71 Vu <= Phi*lambdNot Reqd per 9 15.7 0.0 +1.20D+1.60L+1.60H 1 5.81 20.50 -8.65 8.65 1.67 1.00 15.71 Vu <= Phi*lambdNot Reqd per 9 15.7 0.0 +1.20D+1.60L+1.60H 1 5.89 20.50 -8.93 8.93 2.34 1.00 15.71 Vu <= Phi*lambdNot Reqd per 9 15.7 0.0 +1.20D+1.60L+1.60H 1 5.97 20.50 -9.22 9.22 3.03 1.00 15.71 Vu <= Phi*lambdNot Reqd per 9 15.7 0.0 +1.20D+1.60L+1.60H 1 6.04 20.50 -9.50 9.50 3.75 1.00 15.71 Vu <= Phi*lambdNot Reqd per 9 15.7 0.0 +1.20D+1.60L+1.60H 1 6.12 20.50 -9.79 9.79 4.49 1.00 15.71 Vu <= Phi*lambdNot Reqd per 9 15.7 0.0 +1.20D+1.60L+1.60H 1 6.20 20.50 -10.07 10.07 5.25 1.00 15.71 Vu <= Phi*lambdNot Reqd per 9 15.7 0.0 +1.20D+1.60L+1.60H 1 6.27 20.50 -10.36 10.36 6.03 1.00 15.71 Vu <= Phi*lambdNot Reqd per 9 15.7 0.0 +1.20D+1.60L+1.60H 1 6.35 20.50 -10.65 10.65 6.83 1.00 15.71 Vu <= Phi*lambdNot Reqd per 9 15.7 0.0 +1.20D+1.60L+1.60H 1 6.43 20.50 -10.93 10.93 7.66 1.00 15.71 Vu <= Phi*lambdNot Reqd per 9 15.7 0.0 +1.20D+1.60L+1.60H 1 6.50 20.50 -11.22 11.22 8.51 1.00 15.71 Vu <= Phi*lambdNot Reqd per 9 15.7 0.0 +1.20D+1.60L+1.60H 1 6.58 20.50 -11.50 11.50 9.38 1.00 15.71 Vu <= Phi*lambdNot Reqd per 9 15.7 0.0 +1.20D+1.60L+1.60H 1 6.66 20.50 -11.79 11.79 10.27 1.00 15.71 Vu <= Phi*lambdNot Reqd per 9 15.7 0.0 +1.20D+1.60L+1.60H 1 6.73 20.50 -12.08 12.08 11.18 1.00 15.71 Vu <= Phi*lambdNot Reqd per 9 15.7 0.0 +1.20D+1.60L+1.60H 1 6.81 20.50 -12.36 12.36 12.11 1.00 15.71 Vu <= Phi*lambdNot Reqd per 9 15.7 0.0 +1.20D+1.60L+1.60H 1 6.89 20.50 -12.65 12.65 13.07 1.00 15.71 Vu <= Phi*lambdNot Reqd per 9 15.7 0.0 +1.20D+1.60L+1.60H 1 6.96 20.50 -12.93 12.93 38.85 0.57 15.71 Vu <= Phi*lambdNot Reqd per 9 15.7 0.0 .Maximum Forces & Stresses for Load Combinations Span # Bending Stress Results ( k-ft )Location (ft)Load Combination Mu : Max Stress RatioSegmentPhi*Mnxalong Beam MAXimum BENDING Envelope Span # 1 1 7.000 -39.35 139.38 0.28 +1.40D+1.60H Span # 1 1 7.000 -37.99 139.38 0.27 +1.20D+1.60L+1.60H Span # 1 1 7.000 -39.35 139.38 0.28 Concrete Beam LIC# : KW-06012497, Build: Engtegrity, Inc.(c) ENERCALC INC 1983-2023 DESCRIPTION:7'-0" SPAN TOP OF CONCRETE TRASH CAPTURE Project File: Misc.ec6 Project Title:Engineer:Project ID:Project Descr: Span # Bending Stress Results ( k-ft )Location (ft)Load Combination Mu : Max Stress RatioSegmentPhi*Mnxalong Beam +1.20D+L+1.60H Span # 1 1 7.000 -38.73 139.38 0.28 +1.20D+1.60H Span # 1 1 7.000 -37.71 139.38 0.27 +0.90D+1.60H Span # 1 1 7.000 -37.30 139.38 0.27 +0.90D+0.90H Span # 1 1 7.000 -21.53 139.38 0.15 . Location in Span (ft)Load CombinationMax. "-" Defl (in)Location in Span (ft)Load Combination Span Max. "+" Defl (in) Overall Maximum Deflections +D+L+H 1 0.0006 3.500 0.0000 0.000 Concrete Beam LIC# : KW-06012497, Build: Engtegrity, Inc.(c) ENERCALC INC 1983-2023 DESCRIPTION:7'-0" SPAN TOP OF CONCRETE TRASH CAPTURE @ manhole Project File: Misc.ec6 Project Title:Engineer:Project ID:Project Descr: CODE REFERENCES Calculations per ACI 318-19, IBC 2021, ASCE 7-16 Load Combination Set : ASCE 7-16 General Information 5.0 7.50 145.0 Elastic Modulus 4,030.51 ksi 1 60.0 29,000.0 40.0 29,000.0 3= 1.0 =0.90 0.750 f'c ksi fy - Main Rebar ksi Density 1/2 = fr = f'c *530.33 pcf E - Main Rebar ksi psi =1.0OLtWt Factor Fy - Stirrups ksi == = E - Stirrups ksi E 0.80 == = Shear : Stirrup Bar Size # Number of Resisting Legs Per Stirrup Phi Values Flexure : \ I Seismic Design Category =A .Cross Section & Reinforcing Details Rectangular Section, Width = 12.0 in, Height = 24.0 in Span #1 Reinforcing.... 2-#8 at 1.50 in from Bottom, from 0.0 to 7.0 ft in this span 2-#8 at 3.50 in from Top, from 0.0 to 7.0 ft in this span . Beam self weight calculated and added to loads Load for Span Number 1 Uniform Load : H = 1.830 k/ft, Tributary Width = 1.0 ft Uniform Load : D = 0.050, L = 0.250 k/ft, Tributary Width = 1.0 ft Point Load : H = 11.30 k @ 3.50 ft Moment : H = 15.50 k-ft, Location = 0.10 ft from left end of this span Moment : H = -15.50 k-ft, Location = 6.90 ft from left end of this span .Design OKDESIGN SUMMARY Maximum Bending Stress Ratio =0.396 : 1 Span # where maximum occurs Span # 1 Location of maximum on span 7.000 ft Mn * Phi : Allowable 139.383 k-ft Typical SectionSection used for this span Mu : Applied -55.166 k-ft Maximum Deflection 0 <360.0 71405 Ratio =0 <180.0 Max Downward Transient Deflection 0.001 in 79094Ratio =>=360.0 Max Upward Transient Deflection 0.000 in Ratio = Max Downward Total Deflection 0.001 in Ratio =>=180.0 Max Upward Total Deflection 0.000 in L Only H Only Span: 1 : +D+L+H Span: 1 : +D+L+H . Load Combination Support 1 Support 2 Vertical Reactions Support notation : Far left is #1 Max Upward from all Load Conditions 14.120 14.120 Max Upward from Load Combinations 14.120 14.120 • • • • H(11 .3) D 0.05 L 0.25 H 1 .83 2 7.0 ft 12" w x 24" h Concrete Beam LIC# : KW-06012497, Build: Engtegrity, Inc.(c) ENERCALC INC 1983-2023 DESCRIPTION:7'-0" SPAN TOP OF CONCRETE TRASH CAPTURE @ manhole Project File: Misc.ec6 Project Title:Engineer:Project ID:Project Descr: Load Combination Support 1 Support 2 Vertical Reactions Support notation : Far left is #1 Max Upward from Load Cases 12.055 12.055 +D+H 13.245 13.245 +D+L+H 14.120 14.120 +D+0.750L+H 13.901 13.901 +0.60D+0.60H 7.947 7.947 +D+0.60H 8.423 8.423 +0.60D+H 12.769 12.769 D Only 1.190 1.190 L Only 0.875 0.875 H Only 12.055 12.055 .Shear Stirrup Requirements Between 0.00 to 2.08 ft, Phi*lambda*sqrt(f'c)*bw*d < Vu <= Phi*Vc, Req'd Vs = Min per, use #3 stirrups spaced at 6.000 inBetween 2.09 to 4.91 ft, Vu <= Phi*lambda*sqrt(f'c)*bw*d, Req'd Vs = Not Reqd per, Stirrups are not required.Between 4.92 to 6.99 ft, Phi*lambda*sqrt(f'c)*bw*d < Vu <= Phi*Vc, Req'd Vs = Min per, use #3 stirrups spaced at 6.000 in .Detailed Shear Information Load Combination Vu (k)Span Distance 'd'Comment Phi*Vs Req'd Phi*Vnd*Vu/MuMu (ft)(k)(in)(k)Actual (k-ft)Number (k) Spacing (in) Design Phi*Vc +1.20D+1.60L+1.60H 1 0.00 20.50 22.12 22.12 55.17 0.68 26.09 Phi*lambda*sqrtMin per 6.9 +1.20D+1.60L+1.60H 1 0.08 20.50 21.83 21.83 53.49 0.70 26.09 Phi*lambda*sqrtMin per 6.9 +1.20D+1.60L+1.60H 1 0.15 20.50 21.54 21.54 27.03 1.00 26.09 Phi*lambda*sqrtMin per 6.9 +1.20D+1.60L+1.60H 1 0.23 20.50 21.26 21.26 25.39 1.00 26.09 Phi*lambda*sqrtMin per 6.9 +1.20D+1.60L+1.60H 1 0.31 20.50 20.97 20.97 23.77 1.00 26.09 Phi*lambda*sqrtMin per 6.9 +1.20D+1.60L+1.60H 1 0.38 20.50 20.69 20.69 22.18 1.00 26.09 Phi*lambda*sqrtMin per 6.9 +1.20D+1.60L+1.60H 1 0.46 20.50 20.40 20.40 20.61 1.00 26.09 Phi*lambda*sqrtMin per 6.9 +1.20D+1.60L+1.60H 1 0.54 20.50 20.12 20.12 19.06 1.00 26.09 Phi*lambda*sqrtMin per 6.9 +1.20D+1.60L+1.60H 1 0.61 20.50 19.83 19.83 17.53 1.00 26.09 Phi*lambda*sqrtMin per 6.9 +1.20D+1.60L+1.60H 1 0.69 20.50 19.54 19.54 16.02 1.00 26.09 Phi*lambda*sqrtMin per 6.9 +1.20D+1.60L+1.60H 1 0.77 20.50 19.26 19.26 14.54 1.00 26.09 Phi*lambda*sqrtMin per 6.9 +1.20D+1.60L+1.60H 1 0.84 20.50 18.97 18.97 13.08 1.00 26.09 Phi*lambda*sqrtMin per 6.9 +1.20D+1.60L+1.60H 1 0.92 20.50 18.69 18.69 11.64 1.00 26.09 Phi*lambda*sqrtMin per 6.9 +1.20D+1.60L+1.60H 1 0.99 20.50 18.40 18.40 10.22 1.00 26.09 Phi*lambda*sqrtMin per 6.9 +1.20D+1.60L+1.60H 1 1.07 20.50 18.11 18.11 8.82 1.00 26.09 Phi*lambda*sqrtMin per 6.9 +1.20D+1.60L+1.60H 1 1.15 20.50 17.83 17.83 7.45 1.00 26.09 Phi*lambda*sqrtMin per 6.9 +1.20D+1.60L+1.60H 1 1.22 20.50 17.54 17.54 6.09 1.00 26.09 Phi*lambda*sqrtMin per 6.9 +1.20D+1.60L+1.60H 1 1.30 20.50 17.26 17.26 4.76 1.00 26.09 Phi*lambda*sqrtMin per 6.9 +1.20D+1.60L+1.60H 1 1.38 20.50 16.97 16.97 3.45 1.00 26.09 Phi*lambda*sqrtMin per 6.9 +1.20D+1.60L+1.60H 1 1.45 20.50 16.69 16.69 2.17 1.00 26.09 Phi*lambda*sqrtMin per 6.9 +1.20D+1.60L+1.60H 1 1.53 20.50 16.40 16.40 0.90 1.00 26.09 Phi*lambda*sqrtMin per 6.9 +1.20D+1.60L+1.60H 1 1.61 22.50 16.11 16.11 0.34 1.00 28.64 Phi*lambda*sqrtMin per 6.9 +1.20D+1.60L+1.60H 1 1.68 22.50 15.83 15.83 1.57 1.00 28.64 Phi*lambda*sqrtMin per 6.9 +1.20D+1.60L+1.60H 1 1.76 22.50 15.54 15.54 2.77 1.00 28.64 Phi*lambda*sqrtMin per 6.9 +1.20D+1.60L+1.60H 1 1.84 22.50 15.26 15.26 3.94 1.00 28.64 Phi*lambda*sqrtMin per 6.9 +1.20D+1.60L+1.60H 1 1.91 22.50 14.97 14.97 5.10 1.00 28.64 Phi*lambda*sqrtMin per 6.9 +1.20D+1.60L+1.60H 1 1.99 22.50 14.68 14.68 6.23 1.00 28.64 Phi*lambda*sqrtMin per 6.9 +1.20D+1.60L+1.60H 1 2.07 22.50 14.40 14.40 7.35 1.00 28.64 Phi*lambda*sqrtMin per 6.9 +1.20D+1.60L+1.60H 1 2.14 22.50 14.11 14.11 8.44 1.00 16.19 Vu <= Phi*lambdNot Reqd per 9 16.2 0.0 +1.20D+1.60L+1.60H 1 2.22 22.50 13.83 13.83 9.51 1.00 16.19 Vu <= Phi*lambdNot Reqd per 9 16.2 0.0 +1.20D+1.60L+1.60H 1 2.30 22.50 13.54 13.54 10.55 1.00 16.19 Vu <= Phi*lambdNot Reqd per 9 16.2 0.0 +1.20D+1.60L+1.60H 1 2.37 22.50 13.26 13.26 11.58 1.00 16.19 Vu <= Phi*lambdNot Reqd per 9 16.2 0.0 +1.20D+1.60L+1.60H 1 2.45 22.50 12.97 12.97 12.58 1.00 16.19 Vu <= Phi*lambdNot Reqd per 9 16.2 0.0 +1.20D+1.60L+1.60H 1 2.52 22.50 12.68 12.68 13.56 1.00 16.19 Vu <= Phi*lambdNot Reqd per 9 16.2 0.0 +1.20D+1.60L+1.60H 1 2.60 22.50 12.40 12.40 14.52 1.00 16.19 Vu <= Phi*lambdNot Reqd per 9 16.2 0.0 +1.20D+1.60L+1.60H 1 2.68 22.50 12.11 12.11 15.46 1.00 16.19 Vu <= Phi*lambdNot Reqd per 9 16.2 0.0 +1.20D+1.60L+1.60H 1 2.75 22.50 11.83 11.83 16.37 1.00 16.19 Vu <= Phi*lambdNot Reqd per 9 16.2 0.0 +1.20D+1.60L+1.60H 1 2.83 22.50 11.54 11.54 17.27 1.00 16.19 Vu <= Phi*lambdNot Reqd per 9 16.2 0.0 +1.20D+1.60L+1.60H 1 2.91 22.50 11.26 11.26 18.14 1.00 16.19 Vu <= Phi*lambdNot Reqd per 9 16.2 0.0 +1.20D+1.60L+1.60H 1 2.98 22.50 10.97 10.97 18.99 1.00 16.19 Vu <= Phi*lambdNot Reqd per 9 16.2 0.0 +1.20D+1.60L+1.60H 1 3.06 22.50 10.68 10.68 19.82 1.00 16.19 Vu <= Phi*lambdNot Reqd per 9 16.2 0.0 Concrete Beam LIC# : KW-06012497, Build: Engtegrity, Inc.(c) ENERCALC INC 1983-2023 DESCRIPTION:7'-0" SPAN TOP OF CONCRETE TRASH CAPTURE @ manhole Project File: Misc.ec6 Project Title:Engineer:Project ID:Project Descr: Detailed Shear Information Load Combination Vu (k)Span Distance 'd'Comment Phi*Vs Req'd Phi*Vnd*Vu/MuMu (ft)(k)(in)(k)Actual (k-ft)Number (k) Spacing (in) Design Phi*Vc +1.20D+1.60L+1.60H 1 3.14 22.50 10.40 10.40 20.63 0.95 16.19 Vu <= Phi*lambdNot Reqd per 9 16.2 0.0 +1.20D+1.60L+1.60H 1 3.21 22.50 10.11 10.11 21.41 0.89 16.19 Vu <= Phi*lambdNot Reqd per 9 16.2 0.0 +1.20D+1.60L+1.60H 1 3.29 22.50 9.83 9.83 22.17 0.83 16.19 Vu <= Phi*lambdNot Reqd per 9 16.2 0.0 +1.20D+1.60L+1.60H 1 3.37 22.50 9.54 9.54 22.91 0.78 16.19 Vu <= Phi*lambdNot Reqd per 9 16.2 0.0 +1.20D+1.60L+1.60H 1 3.44 22.50 9.25 9.25 23.63 0.73 16.19 Vu <= Phi*lambdNot Reqd per 9 16.2 0.0 +1.20D+1.60L+1.60H 1 3.52 22.50 -9.11 9.11 23.98 0.71 16.19 Vu <= Phi*lambdNot Reqd per 9 16.2 0.0 +1.20D+1.60L+1.60H 1 3.60 22.50 -9.40 9.40 23.28 0.76 16.19 Vu <= Phi*lambdNot Reqd per 9 16.2 0.0 +1.20D+1.60L+1.60H 1 3.67 22.50 -9.68 9.68 22.55 0.81 16.19 Vu <= Phi*lambdNot Reqd per 9 16.2 0.0 +1.20D+1.60L+1.60H 1 3.75 22.50 -9.97 9.97 21.79 0.86 16.19 Vu <= Phi*lambdNot Reqd per 9 16.2 0.0 +1.20D+1.60L+1.60H 1 3.83 22.50 -10.25 10.25 21.02 0.91 16.19 Vu <= Phi*lambdNot Reqd per 9 16.2 0.0 +1.20D+1.60L+1.60H 1 3.90 22.50 -10.54 10.54 20.22 0.98 16.19 Vu <= Phi*lambdNot Reqd per 9 16.2 0.0 +1.20D+1.60L+1.60H 1 3.98 22.50 -10.83 10.83 19.41 1.00 16.19 Vu <= Phi*lambdNot Reqd per 9 16.2 0.0 +1.20D+1.60L+1.60H 1 4.05 22.50 -11.11 11.11 18.57 1.00 16.19 Vu <= Phi*lambdNot Reqd per 9 16.2 0.0 +1.20D+1.60L+1.60H 1 4.13 22.50 -11.40 11.40 17.71 1.00 16.19 Vu <= Phi*lambdNot Reqd per 9 16.2 0.0 +1.20D+1.60L+1.60H 1 4.21 22.50 -11.68 11.68 16.82 1.00 16.19 Vu <= Phi*lambdNot Reqd per 9 16.2 0.0 +1.20D+1.60L+1.60H 1 4.28 22.50 -11.97 11.97 15.92 1.00 16.19 Vu <= Phi*lambdNot Reqd per 9 16.2 0.0 +1.20D+1.60L+1.60H 1 4.36 22.50 -12.26 12.26 14.99 1.00 16.19 Vu <= Phi*lambdNot Reqd per 9 16.2 0.0 +1.20D+1.60L+1.60H 1 4.44 22.50 -12.54 12.54 14.04 1.00 16.19 Vu <= Phi*lambdNot Reqd per 9 16.2 0.0 +1.20D+1.60L+1.60H 1 4.51 22.50 -12.83 12.83 13.07 1.00 16.19 Vu <= Phi*lambdNot Reqd per 9 16.2 0.0 +1.20D+1.60L+1.60H 1 4.59 22.50 -13.11 13.11 12.08 1.00 16.19 Vu <= Phi*lambdNot Reqd per 9 16.2 0.0 +1.20D+1.60L+1.60H 1 4.67 22.50 -13.40 13.40 11.07 1.00 16.19 Vu <= Phi*lambdNot Reqd per 9 16.2 0.0 +1.20D+1.60L+1.60H 1 4.74 22.50 -13.68 13.68 10.03 1.00 16.19 Vu <= Phi*lambdNot Reqd per 9 16.2 0.0 +1.20D+1.60L+1.60H 1 4.82 22.50 -13.97 13.97 8.97 1.00 16.19 Vu <= Phi*lambdNot Reqd per 9 16.2 0.0 +1.20D+1.60L+1.60H 1 4.90 22.50 -14.26 14.26 7.89 1.00 16.19 Vu <= Phi*lambdNot Reqd per 9 16.2 0.0 +1.20D+1.60L+1.60H 1 4.97 22.50 -14.54 14.54 6.79 1.00 28.64 Phi*lambda*sqrtMin per 6.9 +1.20D+1.60L+1.60H 1 5.05 22.50 -14.83 14.83 5.67 1.00 28.64 Phi*lambda*sqrtMin per 6.9 +1.20D+1.60L+1.60H 1 5.13 22.50 -15.11 15.11 4.52 1.00 28.64 Phi*lambda*sqrtMin per 6.9 +1.20D+1.60L+1.60H 1 5.20 22.50 -15.40 15.40 3.36 1.00 28.64 Phi*lambda*sqrtMin per 6.9 +1.20D+1.60L+1.60H 1 5.28 22.50 -15.69 15.69 2.17 1.00 28.64 Phi*lambda*sqrtMin per 6.9 +1.20D+1.60L+1.60H 1 5.36 22.50 -15.97 15.97 0.96 1.00 28.64 Phi*lambda*sqrtMin per 6.9 +1.20D+1.60L+1.60H 1 5.43 20.50 -16.26 16.26 0.28 1.00 26.09 Phi*lambda*sqrtMin per 6.9 +1.20D+1.60L+1.60H 1 5.51 20.50 -16.54 16.54 1.53 1.00 26.09 Phi*lambda*sqrtMin per 6.9 +1.20D+1.60L+1.60H 1 5.58 20.50 -16.83 16.83 2.81 1.00 26.09 Phi*lambda*sqrtMin per 6.9 +1.20D+1.60L+1.60H 1 5.66 20.50 -17.11 17.11 4.11 1.00 26.09 Phi*lambda*sqrtMin per 6.9 +1.20D+1.60L+1.60H 1 5.74 20.50 -17.40 17.40 5.43 1.00 26.09 Phi*lambda*sqrtMin per 6.9 +1.20D+1.60L+1.60H 1 5.81 20.50 -17.69 17.69 6.77 1.00 26.09 Phi*lambda*sqrtMin per 6.9 +1.20D+1.60L+1.60H 1 5.89 20.50 -17.97 17.97 8.13 1.00 26.09 Phi*lambda*sqrtMin per 6.9 +1.20D+1.60L+1.60H 1 5.97 20.50 -18.26 18.26 9.52 1.00 26.09 Phi*lambda*sqrtMin per 6.9 +1.20D+1.60L+1.60H 1 6.04 20.50 -18.54 18.54 10.93 1.00 26.09 Phi*lambda*sqrtMin per 6.9 +1.20D+1.60L+1.60H 1 6.12 20.50 -18.83 18.83 12.35 1.00 26.09 Phi*lambda*sqrtMin per 6.9 +1.20D+1.60L+1.60H 1 6.20 20.50 -19.11 19.11 13.81 1.00 26.09 Phi*lambda*sqrtMin per 6.9 +1.20D+1.60L+1.60H 1 6.27 20.50 -19.40 19.40 15.28 1.00 26.09 Phi*lambda*sqrtMin per 6.9 +1.20D+1.60L+1.60H 1 6.35 20.50 -19.69 19.69 16.77 1.00 26.09 Phi*lambda*sqrtMin per 6.9 +1.20D+1.60L+1.60H 1 6.43 20.50 -19.97 19.97 18.29 1.00 26.09 Phi*lambda*sqrtMin per 6.9 +1.20D+1.60L+1.60H 1 6.50 20.50 -20.26 20.26 19.83 1.00 26.09 Phi*lambda*sqrtMin per 6.9 +1.20D+1.60L+1.60H 1 6.58 20.50 -20.54 20.54 21.39 1.00 26.09 Phi*lambda*sqrtMin per 6.9 +1.20D+1.60L+1.60H 1 6.66 20.50 -20.83 20.83 22.97 1.00 26.09 Phi*lambda*sqrtMin per 6.9 +1.20D+1.60L+1.60H 1 6.73 20.50 -21.12 21.12 24.58 1.00 26.09 Phi*lambda*sqrtMin per 6.9 +1.20D+1.60L+1.60H 1 6.81 20.50 -21.40 21.40 26.20 1.00 26.09 Phi*lambda*sqrtMin per 6.9 +1.20D+1.60L+1.60H 1 6.89 20.50 -21.69 21.69 27.85 1.00 26.09 Phi*lambda*sqrtMin per 6.9 +1.20D+1.60L+1.60H 1 6.96 20.50 -21.97 21.97 54.32 0.69 26.09 Phi*lambda*sqrtMin per 6.9 .Maximum Forces & Stresses for Load Combinations Span # Bending Stress Results ( k-ft )Location (ft)Load Combination Mu : Max Stress RatioSegmentPhi*Mnxalong Beam MAXimum BENDING EnvelopeSpan # 1 1 7.000 -55.17 139.38 0.40+1.40D+1.60H Concrete Beam LIC# : KW-06012497, Build: Engtegrity, Inc.(c) ENERCALC INC 1983-2023 DESCRIPTION:7'-0" SPAN TOP OF CONCRETE TRASH CAPTURE @ manhole Project File: Misc.ec6 Project Title:Engineer:Project ID:Project Descr: Span # Bending Stress Results ( k-ft )Location (ft)Load Combination Mu : Max Stress RatioSegmentPhi*Mnxalong Beam Span # 1 1 7.000 -53.81 139.38 0.39 +1.20D+1.60L+1.60H Span # 1 1 7.000 -55.17 139.38 0.40 +1.20D+L+1.60H Span # 1 1 7.000 -54.55 139.38 0.39 +1.20D+1.60H Span # 1 1 7.000 -53.53 139.38 0.38 +0.90D+1.60H Span # 1 1 7.000 -53.12 139.38 0.38 +0.90D+0.90H Span # 1 1 7.000 -30.42 139.38 0.22 . Location in Span (ft)Load CombinationMax. "-" Defl (in)Location in Span (ft)Load Combination Span Max. "+" Defl (in) Overall Maximum Deflections +D+L+H 1 0.0012 3.500 0.0000 0.000 Concrete Beam LIC# : KW-06012497, Build: Engtegrity, Inc.(c) ENERCALC INC 1983-2023 DESCRIPTION:LINTEL CHECK ABOVE PIPE OPNG @ 19'-2" TRASH CAPTURE Project File: Misc.ec6 Project Title:Engineer:Project ID:Project Descr: CODE REFERENCES Calculations per ACI 318-19, IBC 2021, ASCE 7-16 Load Combination Set : ASCE 7-16 General Information 5.0 7.50 145.0 Elastic Modulus 4,030.51 ksi 1 60.0 29,000.0 40.0 29,000.0 3= 2.0 =0.90 0.750 f'c ksi fy - Main Rebar ksi Density 1/2 = fr = f'c *530.33 pcf E - Main Rebar ksi psi =1.0OLtWt Factor Fy - Stirrups ksi == = E - Stirrups ksi E 0.80 == = Shear : Stirrup Bar Size # Number of Resisting Legs Per Stirrup Phi Values Flexure : \ I Seismic Design Category =A .Cross Section & Reinforcing Details Rectangular Section, Width = 24.0 in, Height = 24.0 in Span #1 Reinforcing.... 3-#8 at 1.50 in from Bottom, from 0.0 to 4.0 ft in this span 3-#8 at 3.50 in from Top, from 0.0 to 4.0 ft in this span . Beam self weight calculated and added to loads Load for Span Number 1 Uniform Load : D = 1.225, L = 0.8750, H = 6.30 k/ft, Tributary Width = 1.0 ft .Design OKDESIGN SUMMARY Maximum Bending Stress Ratio =0.113 : 1 Span # where maximum occurs Span # 1 Location of maximum on span 2.004 ft Mn * Phi : Allowable 241.844 k-ft Typical SectionSection used for this span Mu : Applied 27.292 k-ft Maximum Deflection 0 <360.0 0 Ratio =0 <180.0 Max Downward Transient Deflection 0.000 in 0Ratio =<360.0 Max Upward Transient Deflection 0.000 in Ratio = Max Downward Total Deflection 0.000 in Ratio =<180.0 Max Upward Total Deflection 0.000 in L Only H Only Span: 1 : +D+L+H Span: 1 : +D+L+H . Load Combination Support 1 Support 2 Vertical Reactions Support notation : Far left is #1 Max Upward from all Load Conditions 17.960 17.960 Max Upward from Load Combinations 17.960 17.960 Max Upward from Load Cases 12.600 12.600 +D+H 16.210 16.210 +D+L+H 17.960 17.960 +D+0.750L+H 17.522 17.522 +0.60D+0.60H 9.726 9.726 • • • • • • 0 (1.225) L(0.875) H(6.3) V V V 4.0 ft 24" W X 24" h Concrete Beam LIC# : KW-06012497, Build: Engtegrity, Inc.(c) ENERCALC INC 1983-2023 DESCRIPTION:LINTEL CHECK ABOVE PIPE OPNG @ 19'-2" TRASH CAPTURE Project File: Misc.ec6 Project Title:Engineer:Project ID:Project Descr: Load Combination Support 1 Support 2 Vertical Reactions Support notation : Far left is #1 +D+0.60H 11.170 11.170 +0.60D+H 14.766 14.766 D Only 3.610 3.610 L Only 1.750 1.750 H Only 12.600 12.600 .Shear Stirrup Requirements Entire Beam Span Length : Vu <= Phi*lambda*sqrt(f'c)*bw*d, Req'd Vs = Not Reqd per, Stirrups are not required. .Detailed Shear Information Load Combination Vu (k)Span Distance 'd'Comment Phi*Vs Req'd Phi*Vnd*Vu/MuMu (ft)(k)(in)(k)Actual (k-ft)Number (k) Spacing (in) Design Phi*Vc +1.20D+1.60L+1.60H 1 0.00 22.50 27.29 27.29 0.00 1.00 29.43 Vu <= Phi*lambdNot Reqd per 9 29.4 0.0 +1.20D+1.60L+1.60H 1 0.04 22.50 26.70 26.70 1.18 1.00 29.43 Vu <= Phi*lambdNot Reqd per 9 29.4 0.0 +1.20D+1.60L+1.60H 1 0.09 22.50 26.10 26.10 2.33 1.00 29.43 Vu <= Phi*lambdNot Reqd per 9 29.4 0.0 +1.20D+1.60L+1.60H 1 0.13 22.50 25.50 25.50 3.46 1.00 29.43 Vu <= Phi*lambdNot Reqd per 9 29.4 0.0 +1.20D+1.60L+1.60H 1 0.17 22.50 24.91 24.91 4.56 1.00 29.43 Vu <= Phi*lambdNot Reqd per 9 29.4 0.0 +1.20D+1.60L+1.60H 1 0.22 22.50 24.31 24.31 5.64 1.00 29.43 Vu <= Phi*lambdNot Reqd per 9 29.4 0.0 +1.20D+1.60L+1.60H 1 0.26 22.50 23.71 23.71 6.69 1.00 29.43 Vu <= Phi*lambdNot Reqd per 9 29.4 0.0 +1.20D+1.60L+1.60H 1 0.31 22.50 23.12 23.12 7.71 1.00 29.43 Vu <= Phi*lambdNot Reqd per 9 29.4 0.0 +1.20D+1.60L+1.60H 1 0.35 22.50 22.52 22.52 8.71 1.00 29.43 Vu <= Phi*lambdNot Reqd per 9 29.4 0.0 +1.20D+1.60L+1.60H 1 0.39 22.50 21.92 21.92 9.68 1.00 29.43 Vu <= Phi*lambdNot Reqd per 9 29.4 0.0 +1.20D+1.60L+1.60H 1 0.44 22.50 21.33 21.33 10.63 1.00 29.43 Vu <= Phi*lambdNot Reqd per 9 29.4 0.0 +1.20D+1.60L+1.60H 1 0.48 22.50 20.73 20.73 11.55 1.00 29.43 Vu <= Phi*lambdNot Reqd per 9 29.4 0.0 +1.20D+1.60L+1.60H 1 0.52 22.50 20.13 20.13 12.44 1.00 29.43 Vu <= Phi*lambdNot Reqd per 9 29.4 0.0 +1.20D+1.60L+1.60H 1 0.57 22.50 19.54 19.54 13.31 1.00 29.43 Vu <= Phi*lambdNot Reqd per 9 29.4 0.0 +1.20D+1.60L+1.60H 1 0.61 22.50 18.94 18.94 14.15 1.00 29.43 Vu <= Phi*lambdNot Reqd per 9 29.4 0.0 +1.20D+1.60L+1.60H 1 0.66 22.50 18.34 18.34 14.96 1.00 29.43 Vu <= Phi*lambdNot Reqd per 9 29.4 0.0 +1.20D+1.60L+1.60H 1 0.70 22.50 17.75 17.75 15.75 1.00 29.43 Vu <= Phi*lambdNot Reqd per 9 29.4 0.0 +1.20D+1.60L+1.60H 1 0.74 22.50 17.15 17.15 16.51 1.00 29.43 Vu <= Phi*lambdNot Reqd per 9 29.4 0.0 +1.20D+1.60L+1.60H 1 0.79 22.50 16.55 16.55 17.25 1.00 29.43 Vu <= Phi*lambdNot Reqd per 9 29.4 0.0 +1.20D+1.60L+1.60H 1 0.83 22.50 15.96 15.96 17.96 1.00 29.43 Vu <= Phi*lambdNot Reqd per 9 29.4 0.0 +1.20D+1.60L+1.60H 1 0.87 22.50 15.36 15.36 18.65 1.00 29.43 Vu <= Phi*lambdNot Reqd per 9 29.4 0.0 +1.20D+1.60L+1.60H 1 0.92 22.50 14.76 14.76 19.30 1.00 29.43 Vu <= Phi*lambdNot Reqd per 9 29.4 0.0 +1.20D+1.60L+1.60H 1 0.96 22.50 14.17 14.17 19.94 1.00 29.43 Vu <= Phi*lambdNot Reqd per 9 29.4 0.0 +1.20D+1.60L+1.60H 1 1.01 22.50 13.57 13.57 20.54 1.00 29.43 Vu <= Phi*lambdNot Reqd per 9 29.4 0.0 +1.20D+1.60L+1.60H 1 1.05 22.50 12.97 12.97 21.12 1.00 29.43 Vu <= Phi*lambdNot Reqd per 9 29.4 0.0 +1.20D+1.60L+1.60H 1 1.09 22.50 12.38 12.38 21.68 1.00 29.43 Vu <= Phi*lambdNot Reqd per 9 29.4 0.0 +1.20D+1.60L+1.60H 1 1.14 22.50 11.78 11.78 22.21 0.99 29.43 Vu <= Phi*lambdNot Reqd per 9 29.4 0.0 +1.20D+1.60L+1.60H 1 1.18 22.50 11.19 11.19 22.71 0.92 29.43 Vu <= Phi*lambdNot Reqd per 9 29.4 0.0 +1.20D+1.60L+1.60H 1 1.22 22.50 10.59 10.59 23.18 0.86 29.43 Vu <= Phi*lambdNot Reqd per 9 29.4 0.0 +1.20D+1.60L+1.60H 1 1.27 22.50 9.99 9.99 23.63 0.79 29.43 Vu <= Phi*lambdNot Reqd per 9 29.4 0.0 +1.20D+1.60L+1.60H 1 1.31 22.50 9.40 9.40 24.06 0.73 29.43 Vu <= Phi*lambdNot Reqd per 9 29.4 0.0 +1.20D+1.60L+1.60H 1 1.36 22.50 8.80 8.80 24.46 0.67 29.43 Vu <= Phi*lambdNot Reqd per 9 29.4 0.0 +1.20D+1.60L+1.60H 1 1.40 22.50 8.20 8.20 24.83 0.62 29.43 Vu <= Phi*lambdNot Reqd per 9 29.4 0.0 +1.20D+1.60L+1.60H 1 1.44 22.50 7.61 7.61 25.17 0.57 29.43 Vu <= Phi*lambdNot Reqd per 9 29.4 0.0 +1.20D+1.60L+1.60H 1 1.49 22.50 7.01 7.01 25.49 0.52 29.43 Vu <= Phi*lambdNot Reqd per 9 29.4 0.0 +1.20D+1.60L+1.60H 1 1.53 22.50 6.41 6.41 25.79 0.47 29.43 Vu <= Phi*lambdNot Reqd per 9 29.4 0.0 +1.20D+1.60L+1.60H 1 1.57 22.50 5.82 5.82 26.05 0.42 29.43 Vu <= Phi*lambdNot Reqd per 9 29.4 0.0 +1.20D+1.60L+1.60H 1 1.62 22.50 5.22 5.22 26.29 0.37 29.43 Vu <= Phi*lambdNot Reqd per 9 29.4 0.0 +1.20D+1.60L+1.60H 1 1.66 22.50 4.62 4.62 26.51 0.33 29.43 Vu <= Phi*lambdNot Reqd per 9 29.4 0.0 +1.20D+1.60L+1.60H 1 1.70 22.50 4.03 4.03 26.70 0.28 29.43 Vu <= Phi*lambdNot Reqd per 9 29.4 0.0 +1.20D+1.60L+1.60H 1 1.75 22.50 3.43 3.43 26.86 0.24 29.43 Vu <= Phi*lambdNot Reqd per 9 29.4 0.0 +1.20D+1.60L+1.60H 1 1.79 22.50 2.83 2.83 27.00 0.20 29.43 Vu <= Phi*lambdNot Reqd per 9 29.4 0.0 +1.20D+1.60L+1.60H 1 1.84 22.50 2.24 2.24 27.11 0.15 29.43 Vu <= Phi*lambdNot Reqd per 9 29.4 0.0 +1.20D+1.60L+1.60H 1 1.88 22.50 1.64 1.64 27.19 0.11 29.43 Vu <= Phi*lambdNot Reqd per 9 29.4 0.0 +1.20D+1.60L+1.60H 1 1.92 22.50 1.04 1.04 27.25 0.07 29.43 Vu <= Phi*lambdNot Reqd per 9 29.4 0.0 +1.20D+1.60L+1.60H 1 1.97 22.50 0.45 0.45 27.28 0.03 29.43 Vu <= Phi*lambdNot Reqd per 9 29.4 0.0 +1.20D+1.60L+1.60H 1 2.01 22.50 -0.15 0.15 27.29 0.01 29.43 Vu <= Phi*lambdNot Reqd per 9 29.4 0.0 +1.20D+1.60L+1.60H 1 2.05 22.50 -0.75 0.75 27.27 0.05 29.43 Vu <= Phi*lambdNot Reqd per 9 29.4 0.0 Concrete Beam LIC# : KW-06012497, Build: Engtegrity, Inc.(c) ENERCALC INC 1983-2023 DESCRIPTION:LINTEL CHECK ABOVE PIPE OPNG @ 19'-2" TRASH CAPTURE Project File: Misc.ec6 Project Title:Engineer:Project ID:Project Descr: Detailed Shear Information Load Combination Vu (k)Span Distance 'd'Comment Phi*Vs Req'd Phi*Vnd*Vu/MuMu (ft)(k)(in)(k)Actual (k-ft)Number (k) Spacing (in) Design Phi*Vc +1.20D+1.60L+1.60H 1 2.10 22.50 -1.34 1.34 27.23 0.09 29.43 Vu <= Phi*lambdNot Reqd per 9 29.4 0.0 +1.20D+1.60L+1.60H 1 2.14 22.50 -1.94 1.94 27.15 0.13 29.43 Vu <= Phi*lambdNot Reqd per 9 29.4 0.0 +1.20D+1.60L+1.60H 1 2.19 22.50 -2.54 2.54 27.06 0.18 29.43 Vu <= Phi*lambdNot Reqd per 9 29.4 0.0 +1.20D+1.60L+1.60H 1 2.23 22.50 -3.13 3.13 26.93 0.22 29.43 Vu <= Phi*lambdNot Reqd per 9 29.4 0.0 +1.20D+1.60L+1.60H 1 2.27 22.50 -3.73 3.73 26.78 0.26 29.43 Vu <= Phi*lambdNot Reqd per 9 29.4 0.0 +1.20D+1.60L+1.60H 1 2.32 22.50 -4.32 4.32 26.61 0.30 29.43 Vu <= Phi*lambdNot Reqd per 9 29.4 0.0 +1.20D+1.60L+1.60H 1 2.36 22.50 -4.92 4.92 26.40 0.35 29.43 Vu <= Phi*lambdNot Reqd per 9 29.4 0.0 +1.20D+1.60L+1.60H 1 2.40 22.50 -5.52 5.52 26.18 0.40 29.43 Vu <= Phi*lambdNot Reqd per 9 29.4 0.0 +1.20D+1.60L+1.60H 1 2.45 22.50 -6.11 6.11 25.92 0.44 29.43 Vu <= Phi*lambdNot Reqd per 9 29.4 0.0 +1.20D+1.60L+1.60H 1 2.49 22.50 -6.71 6.71 25.64 0.49 29.43 Vu <= Phi*lambdNot Reqd per 9 29.4 0.0 +1.20D+1.60L+1.60H 1 2.54 22.50 -7.31 7.31 25.34 0.54 29.43 Vu <= Phi*lambdNot Reqd per 9 29.4 0.0 +1.20D+1.60L+1.60H 1 2.58 22.50 -7.90 7.90 25.00 0.59 29.43 Vu <= Phi*lambdNot Reqd per 9 29.4 0.0 +1.20D+1.60L+1.60H 1 2.62 22.50 -8.50 8.50 24.64 0.65 29.43 Vu <= Phi*lambdNot Reqd per 9 29.4 0.0 +1.20D+1.60L+1.60H 1 2.67 22.50 -9.10 9.10 24.26 0.70 29.43 Vu <= Phi*lambdNot Reqd per 9 29.4 0.0 +1.20D+1.60L+1.60H 1 2.71 22.50 -9.69 9.69 23.85 0.76 29.43 Vu <= Phi*lambdNot Reqd per 9 29.4 0.0 +1.20D+1.60L+1.60H 1 2.75 22.50 -10.29 10.29 23.41 0.82 29.43 Vu <= Phi*lambdNot Reqd per 9 29.4 0.0 +1.20D+1.60L+1.60H 1 2.80 22.50 -10.89 10.89 22.95 0.89 29.43 Vu <= Phi*lambdNot Reqd per 9 29.4 0.0 +1.20D+1.60L+1.60H 1 2.84 22.50 -11.48 11.48 22.46 0.96 29.43 Vu <= Phi*lambdNot Reqd per 9 29.4 0.0 +1.20D+1.60L+1.60H 1 2.89 22.50 -12.08 12.08 21.95 1.00 29.43 Vu <= Phi*lambdNot Reqd per 9 29.4 0.0 +1.20D+1.60L+1.60H 1 2.93 22.50 -12.68 12.68 21.40 1.00 29.43 Vu <= Phi*lambdNot Reqd per 9 29.4 0.0 +1.20D+1.60L+1.60H 1 2.97 22.50 -13.27 13.27 20.84 1.00 29.43 Vu <= Phi*lambdNot Reqd per 9 29.4 0.0 +1.20D+1.60L+1.60H 1 3.02 22.50 -13.87 13.87 20.24 1.00 29.43 Vu <= Phi*lambdNot Reqd per 9 29.4 0.0 +1.20D+1.60L+1.60H 1 3.06 22.50 -14.47 14.47 19.62 1.00 29.43 Vu <= Phi*lambdNot Reqd per 9 29.4 0.0 +1.20D+1.60L+1.60H 1 3.10 22.50 -15.06 15.06 18.98 1.00 29.43 Vu <= Phi*lambdNot Reqd per 9 29.4 0.0 +1.20D+1.60L+1.60H 1 3.15 22.50 -15.66 15.66 18.31 1.00 29.43 Vu <= Phi*lambdNot Reqd per 9 29.4 0.0 +1.20D+1.60L+1.60H 1 3.19 22.50 -16.26 16.26 17.61 1.00 29.43 Vu <= Phi*lambdNot Reqd per 9 29.4 0.0 +1.20D+1.60L+1.60H 1 3.23 22.50 -16.85 16.85 16.89 1.00 29.43 Vu <= Phi*lambdNot Reqd per 9 29.4 0.0 +1.20D+1.60L+1.60H 1 3.28 22.50 -17.45 17.45 16.14 1.00 29.43 Vu <= Phi*lambdNot Reqd per 9 29.4 0.0 +1.20D+1.60L+1.60H 1 3.32 22.50 -18.05 18.05 15.36 1.00 29.43 Vu <= Phi*lambdNot Reqd per 9 29.4 0.0 +1.20D+1.60L+1.60H 1 3.37 22.50 -18.64 18.64 14.56 1.00 29.43 Vu <= Phi*lambdNot Reqd per 9 29.4 0.0 +1.20D+1.60L+1.60H 1 3.41 22.50 -19.24 19.24 13.73 1.00 29.43 Vu <= Phi*lambdNot Reqd per 9 29.4 0.0 +1.20D+1.60L+1.60H 1 3.45 22.50 -19.84 19.84 12.88 1.00 29.43 Vu <= Phi*lambdNot Reqd per 9 29.4 0.0 +1.20D+1.60L+1.60H 1 3.50 22.50 -20.43 20.43 12.00 1.00 29.43 Vu <= Phi*lambdNot Reqd per 9 29.4 0.0 +1.20D+1.60L+1.60H 1 3.54 22.50 -21.03 21.03 11.09 1.00 29.43 Vu <= Phi*lambdNot Reqd per 9 29.4 0.0 +1.20D+1.60L+1.60H 1 3.58 22.50 -21.62 21.62 10.16 1.00 29.43 Vu <= Phi*lambdNot Reqd per 9 29.4 0.0 +1.20D+1.60L+1.60H 1 3.63 22.50 -22.22 22.22 9.20 1.00 29.43 Vu <= Phi*lambdNot Reqd per 9 29.4 0.0 +1.20D+1.60L+1.60H 1 3.67 22.50 -22.82 22.82 8.21 1.00 29.43 Vu <= Phi*lambdNot Reqd per 9 29.4 0.0 +1.20D+1.60L+1.60H 1 3.72 22.50 -23.41 23.41 7.20 1.00 29.43 Vu <= Phi*lambdNot Reqd per 9 29.4 0.0 +1.20D+1.60L+1.60H 1 3.76 22.50 -24.01 24.01 6.17 1.00 29.43 Vu <= Phi*lambdNot Reqd per 9 29.4 0.0 +1.20D+1.60L+1.60H 1 3.80 22.50 -24.61 24.61 5.10 1.00 29.43 Vu <= Phi*lambdNot Reqd per 9 29.4 0.0 +1.20D+1.60L+1.60H 1 3.85 22.50 -25.20 25.20 4.02 1.00 29.43 Vu <= Phi*lambdNot Reqd per 9 29.4 0.0 +1.20D+1.60L+1.60H 1 3.89 22.50 -25.80 25.80 2.90 1.00 29.43 Vu <= Phi*lambdNot Reqd per 9 29.4 0.0 +1.20D+1.60L+1.60H 1 3.93 22.50 -26.40 26.40 1.76 1.00 29.43 Vu <= Phi*lambdNot Reqd per 9 29.4 0.0 +1.20D+1.60L+1.60H 1 3.98 22.50 -26.99 26.99 0.59 1.00 29.43 Vu <= Phi*lambdNot Reqd per 9 29.4 0.0 .Maximum Forces & Stresses for Load Combinations Span # Bending Stress Results ( k-ft )Location (ft)Load Combination Mu : Max Stress RatioSegmentPhi*Mnxalong Beam MAXimum BENDING EnvelopeSpan # 1 1 4.000 27.29 241.84 0.11+1.40D+1.60HSpan # 1 1 4.000 25.21 241.84 0.10+1.20D+1.60L+1.60HSpan # 1 1 4.000 27.29 241.84 0.11+1.20D+L+1.60HSpan # 1 1 4.000 26.24 241.84 0.11+1.20D+1.60HSpan # 1 1 4.000 24.49 241.84 0.10+0.90D+1.60HSpan # 1 1 4.000 23.41 241.84 0.10 Concrete Beam LIC# : KW-06012497, Build: Engtegrity, Inc.(c) ENERCALC INC 1983-2023 DESCRIPTION:LINTEL CHECK ABOVE PIPE OPNG @ 19'-2" TRASH CAPTURE Project File: Misc.ec6 Project Title:Engineer:Project ID:Project Descr: Span # Bending Stress Results ( k-ft )Location (ft)Load Combination Mu : Max Stress RatioSegmentPhi*Mnxalong Beam +0.90D+0.90H Span # 1 1 4.000 14.59 241.84 0.06 . Location in Span (ft)Load CombinationMax. "-" Defl (in)Location in Span (ft)Load Combination Span Max. "+" Defl (in) Overall Maximum Deflections +D+L+H 1 0.0005 2.000 0.0000 0.000