HomeMy WebLinkAbout1206 OAK AVE; ; CBR2022-1673; PermitBuilding Permit Finaled Residential Permit Print Date: 07/26/2024 Job Address: Permit Type: Parcel #: Valuation: Occupancy Group: #of Dwelling Units: Bedrooms: Bathrooms: Occupant Load: Code Edition: Sprinkled: Project Title: 1206 OAK AVE, CARLSBAD, CA 92008-1929 BLDG-Residential Work Class: 1561805000 Track#: $20,371.38 Lot#: Project#: Plan#: Construction Type: Orig. Plan Check#: Plan Check#: Addition Permit No: Status: {City of Carlsbad CBR2022-1673 Closed -Finaled Applied: 05/13/2022 Issued: 01/11/2023 Finaled Close Out: 07/26/2024 Final Inspection: 05/12/2023 INSPECTOR: Renfro, Chris Dreibelbis, Peter Description: OAK AVE VENTURE: ENLARGE ATTACHED ADU BY 438 SF (ADU TOTAL // REDU CE MAIN DWELLING BY 438 SF FEE BUILDING PLAN CHECK Property Owner: OAK AVENUE VENTURE UC 1640 OCEANSIDE BLVD OCEANSIDE, CA 92054-5427 (760) 453-2472 BUILDING PLAN REVIEW -MINOR PROJECTS (LOE) BUILDING PLAN REVIEW -MINOR PROJECTS (PLN) GREEN BUILDING STANDARDS PLAN CHECK & INSPECTION 581473 -GREEN BUILDING STATE STANDARDS FEE SFD & DUPLEXES STRONG MOTION -RESIDENTIAL (SMIP) Total Fees: $2,387.95 Total Payments To Date: $2,387.95 Balance Due: AMOUNT $755.30 $194.00 $98.00 $175.00 $1.00 $1,162.00 $2.65 $0.00 Please take NOTICE that approval of your project includes the "Imposition" of fees, dedications, reservations, or other exactions hereafter collectively referred to as "fees/exaction." You have 90 days from the date this permit was issued to protest imposition of these fees/exactions. If you protest them, you must follow the protest procedures set forth in Government Code Section 66020(a), and file the protest and any other required information with the City Manager for processing in accordance with Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 3.32.030. Failure to timely follow that procedure will bar any subsequent legal action to attack, review, set aside, void, or annul their imposition. You are hereby FURTHER NOTIFIED that your right to protest the specified fees/exactions DOES NOT APPLY to water and sewer connection fees and capacity changes, nor planning, zoning, grading or other similar application processing or service fees in connection with this project. NOR DOES IT APPLY to any fees/exactions of which you have previously been given a NOTICE similar to this, or as to which the statute of limitation has previously otherwise expired. Building Division Page 1 of 1 1635 Faraday Avenue, Carlsbad CA 92008-7314 I 442-339-2719 I 760-602-8560 f I www.carlsbadca.gov ( City of Carlsbad RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION 8-1 Plan Check ~-/fa'/:3 Est. Value , [. -38 PC Deposit Date Job Address 1204 Oak Avenue, Carlsbad, CA 92008 Unit: ______ APN: 150-180-50 CT /Project #: __________________ .Lot #: ____ Year Built: _2_0_09 _______ _ BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF WORK: Enlarge ADU by 438 SQ FT and reduce main dwelling by 438 SQ FT. This results In the addition of 2 new bedrooms within the existing footprint of the single family home. □ New SF : Living SF,, ____ Deck SF, ___ Patlo SF, ____ Garage SF __ _ Is this to create an Accessory Dwelling Unit? O Y G N New Fireplace? O YO N, if yes how many? ___ _ ~ Remodel:_8_7_6 ___ SF of affected area Is the area a conversion or change of use? 0 YON □ Pool/Spa: ____ SF Additional Gas or Electrical Features? ____________ _ □ Solar: ___ KW, ___ Modules, Mounted:0Roof O Ground, TIit: 0 YON, RMA: 0 YO N, Battery:OYO N, Panel Upgrade: OY ON Other: PRIMARY APPLICANT Name: Adele Fischbach Address: 1640 Oceanside Blvd City: Oceanside State:_C_A __ .Zip: 92054 Phone: 858-735-0322 Email:development@beachfrontonly.com DESIGN PROFESSIONAL Name: Paul Longton Address: 2909 Mesa Drive City: Oceanside State:_C_A __ Zip: 92054 Phone: 760-722-4904 Email: development@beachfrontonly.com PROPERTY OWNER Name:Oak Avenue Venture, LLC Address: 1640 Oceanside Blvd City: Oceanside State:CA Zlp:_9_20_5_4 __ _ Phone: 858-735-0322 Email: development@beachfrontonly.com CONTRACTOR OF RECORD Business Name: Owner/Builder ·----------------- Address: _________________ _ City:. _______ State: __ ...;Zip:. ______ _ Phone: __________________ _ Email: __________________ _ Architect State License: C18757 ------------CSLB License #:. ______ Class: ______ _ Carlsbad Business License# (Required): _______ _ APPLICANT CERTIFICATION: I certify that I hove read the opp/Jcotlon and state that the above Information Is correct and that the Information of the plans Is accurate. I agree to comply with of/ City ordinances and State lows relating to bulldlng construction. ~~=~::~~~~::e:::ischbach Ph, 442-33rn~:GN: ~C:lJML DATE;~~'.:.~~~:~.~dq'°' REV. 04122 THIS PAGE REQUIRED AT PERMIT ISSUANCE PLAN CHECK NUMBER: ______ _ A BUILDING PERMIT CAN BE ISSUED TO EITHER A STATE LICENSED CONTRACTOR OR A PROPERTY OWNER. IF THE PERSON SIGNING THIS FORM IS AN AGENT FOR EITHER ENTITY AN AUTHORIZATION FORM OR LETTER IS REQUIRED PRIOR TO PERMIT ISSUANCE. {OPTION A): LICENSED CONTRACTOR DECLARATION: I herebyaffirm under penal tyof perjury that I am licensed under provisions of Chapter9 ( commencing with Section 7000) of Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code, and my license is in full force and effect. I also affirm under penal tyof perjury one of the following declarations {CHOOSE ONE): DI have and will maintain a certificate of consent to self-Insure for workers' compensation provided by Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for the performance of the work which this permit Is Issued. Policy No .. ________________________________________ _ -OR- DI have and will maintain worker's compensation, as required by Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for the performance of the work for which this permit Is Issued. My workers' compensation Insurance carrier and policy number are: Insurance Company Name:-----------------------• Polley No. ___________________________ Expiration Date: ________________ 1 -OR- D Certificate of Exemption: I certify that In the performance of the work for which this permit Is Issued, I shall not employ any person In any manner so as to become subject to the workers' compensation Laws of California. WARNING: Failure to secure workers compensation coverage Is unlawful and shall subject an employer to criminal penalties and civil fines up to $100,000.00, In addition the to the cost of compensation, damages as provided for In Section 3706 of the Labor Code, Interest and attorney's fees. CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY, IF ANY: I hereby affirm that there Is a construction lending agency for the performance of the work this permit Is Issued (Sec. 3097 (I) Clvll Code). Lender's Name: _____________________ Lender's Address: ____________________ _ CONTRACTOR CERT/FICA TJON: The applicant certifies that all documents and plans clearly and accurately show all existing and proposed buildings, structures, access roads, and utilitles/utillty easements. All proposed modifications and/or additions are clearly labeled on the site plan. Any potentially existing detail within these plans Inconsistent with the site plan are not approved for construction and may be required to be altered or removed. The city's approval of the application Is based on the premise that the submitted documents and plans show the correct dimensions of; the property, buildings, structures and their setbacks from property lines and from one another; access roads/easements, and utilities. The existing and proposed use of each building as stated Is true and correct; all easements and other encumbrances to development have been accurately shown and labeled as well as all on-site sradlng/slte preparation. All Improvements existing on the property were completed In accordance with all regulations In existence at the time of their construction, unless otherwise noted. NAME (PRINT): _________ SIGNATURE: _________ DATE: ______ _ Note: If the person signing above Is an authorized agent for the contractor rovlde a letter of authorization on contractor letterhead. - -OR- {OPTION B): OWNER-BUILDER DECLARATION: I hereby affirm that I am exempt from Contractor's License Law for the following reason : D I, as owner of the property or my employees with wages as their sole compensation, will do the work and the structure Is not Intended or offered for sale (Sec. 7044, Business and Professions Code: The Contractor's License law does not apply to an owner of property who builds or Improves thereon, and who does such work himself or through his own employees, provided that such Improvements are not Intended or offered for sale. If, however, the building or Improvement Is sold within one year of completion, the owner-builder will have the burden of proving that he did not build or Improve for the purpose of sale). -OR- [31, as owner of the property, am exclusively contracting with licensed contractors to construct the project (Sec. 7044, Business and Professions Code: The Contractor's License law does not apply to an owner of property who builds or Improves thereon, and contracts for such projects with contractor(s) licensed pursuant to the Contractor's License Law). -OR- DI am exempt under Business and Professions Code Division 3, Chapter 9, Article 3 for this reason: llder Acknowledgement and Verification FormH Is required for any permit Issued to a property owner. y my signature below I acknowledge that, except for my personal residence In which I must have resided for at least one year prior to completion of the Improvements covered by this permit, I cannot legally sell a structure that I have built as an owner-builder If It has not been constructed In Its entirety by licensed contractors./ understand that a copy of the applicable law, Section 7044 of the Business and Professions Code, Is available upon request when this application Is submitted orat the following Website: http:/ /www.leginfo.ca.9ov/calaw.html. OWNER CERTIFICATION: The applicant certifies that all documents and plans clearly and accurately show all exlstlns and proposed buildings, structures, access roads, and utilities/utility easements. All proposed modifications and/or additions are clearly labeled on the site plan. Any potentially existing detail within these plans Inconsistent with the site plan are not approved for construction and may be required to be altered or removed. The city's approval of the appllcatlon Is based on the premise that the submitted documents and plans show the correct dimensions of; the property, buildings, structures and their setbacks from property lines and from one another; access roads/easements, and utilities. The existing and proposed use of each building as stated Is true and correct; all easements and other encumbrances to development have been accurately shown and labeled as well as all on-site grading/site preparation. All Improvements existing on the property were completed In accordance with all regulations In existence at the time of their construction, unless otherwise noted. NAME (PRINT): Adele Fischbach Note: If the erson sl nln above Is an authorized a ent for the ro ro ert owner. 1635 Faraday Ave Carlsbad, CA 92008 Ph: 442-339-2719 Email: Bulldlng@carlsbadca.gov 2 REV. 04/22 ("Cityof Carlsbad OWNER-BUILDER ACKNOWLEDGEMENT FORM B-61 Development Services Building Division 1635 Faraday Avenue 442-339-2719 www.carlsbadca.gov OWNER-BUILDER ACKNOWLEDGMENT FORM Pursuant to State of California Health and Safety Code Section 19825-19829 To: Property Owner An application for construction permit(s) has been submitted in your name listing you as the owner-builder of the property located at: Site Address !U>4 Dtlf Avert\.ll, The City of Ca rlsbad ("City") is providing you with this Owner-Builder Acknowledgment and Verification form to inform you of the responsibilities and the possible risks associated with typical construction activities issued in your name as the Owner-Builder. The City will not issue a construction permit until you have read and initialed your understanding of each provision in the Property Owner Acknowledgment section below and sign the form. An agent of the owner cannot execute this notice unless you, the property owner, complete the Owner's Authorized Agent form and it is accepted by the City of Carlsbad . INSTRUCTIONS: Please read and initial each statement below to acknowledge your understanding and verification of this information by signature at the bottom of the form. These are very important construction related acknowledgments designed to inform the property owner of his/her obligations related to the requested permit activities. I. ~ understand a frequent practice of unlicensed contractors is to have the property owner obtain an "Owner· -Builder" building permit that erroneously implies that the property owner is providing his or her own labor and material personally. I, as an Owner-Builder, may be held liable and subject to serious financial risk for any injuries sustained by an unlicensed contractor and his or her employees while working on my property. My homeowner's insurance may not provide coverage for those injuries. I am willfully acting as an Owner-Builder and am aware of the limits of my insurance coverage for injuries to workers on my property. II. h..lV I understand building permits are not required to be signed by property owners unless they are responsible ~ construction and are not hiring a licensed contractor to assume this responsibility. Ill. M understand as an "Owner-Builder" I am the responsible party of record on the permit. I understand that I may protect myself from potential financial risk by hiring a licensed contractor and having the permit filed in his ,.or ~r name instead of my own. IV. /M._1 understand contractors are required by law to be licensed and bonded in California and to list their license ~uwrs on permits ·and contracts. V. ~I understand if I employ or otherwise engage any persons, other than California licensed contractors, and the total value of my construction is at least five hundred dollars ($500), including labor and materials, I may be considered an "employer" under state and federal law. 1 REV.05/22 Owner-Builder Acknowledgement Continued VI. ~I understand if I am considered an "employer" under state and federal law, I must register with the state and federal government, withhold payroll taxes, provide workers' compensation disability insurance, and contribute to unemployment compensation for each "employee." I also understand my failure to abide by these laws may subject me to serious financial risk. VII. ~ I understand under California Contractors' State License Law, an Owner-Builder who builds single-family residential structures cannot legally build them with the intent to offer them for sale, unless all work is performed by licensed subcontractors and the number of structures does not exceed four within any calendar year, or all of the work is performed under contract with a licensed general building contractor. VIII. ~ I understand as an Owner-Builder if I sell the property for which this permit is issued, I may be held liable for any financial or personal injuries sustained by any subsequent owner(s) which result from any latent construction defects in the workmanship or materials. IX. ~ I understand I may obtain more information regarding my obligations as an "employer" from the Internal Revenue Service, the United States Small Business Administration, the California Department of Benefit Payments, and the California Division of Industrial Accidents. I also understand I may contact the California Contractors' State License Board (CSLB) at 1-800-321-CSLB (2752) or www.cslb.ca.gov for more information about licensed contractors. X. ~I am aware of and consent to an Owner-Builder building permit applied for in my name, and understand that I am the party legally and financially responsible for proposed construction activity at the following address: XI. ~I agree that, as the party legally and financially responsible for this proposed construction activity, I will abide by all applicable laws and requirements that govern Owner-Builders as well as employers. XII. M.1 agree to notify the issuer of this form immediately of any additions, deletions, or changes to any of the information I have provided on this form. Licensed contractors are regulated by laws designed to protect the public. If you contract with someone who does not have a license, the Contractor's State License Board may be unable to assist you with any financial loss you may sustain as a result of a complaint. Your only remedy against unlicensed Contractors may be in civil court. It is also important for_ you to understand that if an unlicensed Contractor or employee of that individual or firm is injured while working on your property, you may be held liable for damages. If you obtain a permit as Owner- Builder and wish to hire contractors, you will be responsible for verifying whether or not those contractors are properly licensed and the status of their workers' compensation coverage. Before a building permit can be issued, this form must be completed, signed by the property owner and returned to the City of Carlsbad Building Division. I declare under penalty of perjury that I hove read and understand all of the information provided on this form and that my responses, including my authority to sign this form, is true and correct. I am aware that I have the option to consult with legal counsel prior to signing this form, and I have either (1) consulted with legal counsel prior to signing this form or (2) have waived this right in signing this form without the advice of legal counsel. Ottll Avlr-lv-(.. VlNtll" I L.lC. ~\;I AA~ nsc k~uch I f.¼.r-U<jW Property Owner Name (PRINT) p 3 ~aJ~ , __ q_z.J Date REV.05/22 Building Permit Inspection History Finaled {cityof Carlsbad PERMIT INSPECTION HISTORY for (CBR2022-1673) Permit Type: BLDG-Residential Work Class: Addition Application Date: 05/13/2022 Owner: OAK AVENUE VENTURE LLC Issue Date: 01/11/2023 Subdivision: PARCEL MAP NO 20447 Status: Closed -Finaled Expiration Date: 09/18/2023 Address: 1206 OAK AVE IVR Number: 40633 CARLSBAD, CA 92008-1929 Scheduled Actual Inspection Type Inspection No. Inspection Primary Inspector Date Start Date Status 02/27/2023 02/27/2023 BLDG-18 Exterior 204190-2023 Partial Pass Chris Renfro Lath/Drywall Checklist Item BLDG-Building Deficiency NOTES Created By Angie Teanio COMMENTS Partial pass wall, close-in for additional bedroom, adding third bedroom and staircase second floor to ADU. TEXT 619-995-2535 Peter II called in for "wallboard" 03/10/2023 03/10/2023 BLDG-14 205182-2023 Failed Peter Dreibelbis Frame/Steel/Bolting/We ldlng (Decks) Checklist Item BLDG-Building Deficiency NOTES Created By Angie Teanio COMMENTS No plans TEXT 619-995-2535 Peter 03/14/2023 03/14/2023 BLDG-84 Rough 205475-2023 Partial Pass Chris Renfro Combo(14,24,34,44) Checklist Item BLDG-Building Deficiency BLDG-14 Frame-Steel-Bolting-Welding (Decks) BLDG-24 Rough-Topout BLDG-34 Rough Electrical BLDG-44 Rough-Ducts-Dampers NOTES Created By Angie Teanio COMMENTS Partial pass, need Fire inspection prior to rough combo, walls ok , no lids TEXT 619-995-2535 Peter 03/20/2023 03/20/2023 BLDG-17 Interior 205796-2023 Partial Pass Chris Renfro Lath/Drywall Checklist Item COMMENTS BLDG-Building Deficiency 04/20/2023 04/20/2023 BLDG-Final Inspection 208558-2023 Failed Chris Renfro Friday, July 26, 2024 Reinspection Inspection Reinspection Incomplete Passed Yes Created Date 02/24/2023 Relnspection Incomplete Passed No Created Date 03/09/2023 Reinspectlon Incomplete Passed No Yes Yes Yes Yes Created Date 03/13/2023 Relnspectlon Incomplete Passed Yes Reinspection Incomplete Page 1 of 2 PERMIT INSPECTION HISTORY for (CBR2022-1673) Permit Type: BLDG-Residential Work Class: Addition Application Date: 05/13/2022 Owner: OAK AVENUE VENTURE LLC Issue Date: 01/1 1/2023 Subdivision: PARCEL MAP NO 20447 Status: Closed -Finaled Expiration Date: 09/18/2023 Address: 1206 OAK AVE IVR Number: 40633 CARLSBAD, CA 92008-1929 Scheduled Actual Inspection Type Inspection No. Inspection Primary Inspector Reinspection Inspection Date Start Date Checklist Item BLDG-Building Deficiency BLDG-Plumbing Final BLDG-Mechanical Final BLDG-Structural Final BLDG-Electrical Final NOTES Created By Angie Teanio Status COMMENTS Not ready. Need Fire approval of sprinkler. Sign off. Please install smoke detector in downstairs bedroom. Need guard rail and handrail stairs completed. Call for final inspection when complete. TEXT 619-995-2535 Peter 05/12/2023 05/12/2023 BLDG-Final Inspection 210768-2023 Passed Chris Renfro Friday, July 26, 2024 Checklist Item BLDG-Building Deficiency BLDG-Plumbing Final BLDG-Mechanical Final BLDG-Structural Final BLDG-Electrical Final NOTES Created By Angie Teanio Angie Teanio COMMENTS TEXT 619-995-2535 Peter 619-995-2535 Peter Passed No No No No No Created Date 04/19/2023 Passed Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Created Date 04/19/2023 05/11/2023 Complete Page 2 of 2 STRUCTURAL CALCULATIONS IISSUE DATE 07/19/22 !PROJECT Description: INTERIOR REMODEL R3 Duplex w/ ADU Client: Oak Ave Venture, LLC Name: 1204 Oak Ave Remodel Minor Remodel to Modify for Stairway Paul Longton, Architect Existing Duplex DESIGN CRITERIA Building Type: Bearing wall system Construction: Codes: Stud walls, sawn lumber wood timbers, plywood sheathing 2019 California Building Code ASCE 07-16, 2018 NDS Wood: Studs -Stud grade, Standard & btr. Posts -Standard & better Beams -DF#2 or better Joists -I-Joists GLBs -24F-1.8E LSL -laminated strand rims and beams LVL -laminated veneer microlam beams and joists PSL -parallel strand beams BUILDING LOADS Roof Loads psf Roofing (tile) & 30% Solar PV 10.1 Sheathing 1.4 Rafters or trusses 3.2 Ceiling 2.2 Misc. & insulation 1.1 Total Roof DL ............................................................ 18.0 psf Roof Live Load (less than 6:12 pitch) ................... 20 psf Roof Live Load (6:12 pitch or steeper) ................ 18 psf Roof Live Load (8:12 pitch or steeper) ................ 16 psf Exterior Walls psf Foam & stucco or siding 7.0 Studs 1.1 Gypsum board 2.2 Misc. & insulation 1.7 Total Wall DL ............................................................ 12.0 psf NOTE Swanson & Assoc. Engineering is the original EOR for the existing building, REF: Carlsbad 09-0722 Summary: Existing Foundation is satisfactory for new loads. No new Wind or Seismic loads. Soils & bearing: PIT slab design by others • .--- Floor Loads psf -Floor Finish (carpet) 1.2 0 Sheathing 2.0 Joists 2.6 Ceiling 2.6 Misc. & insulation 3.6 Total Floor DL .......................... 12.0 psf Floor Live Load ......................... 40 psf Deck/Balcony Live Load .......... 60 psf Exit Live Load ........................... 100 psf Interior Walls psf psf Shear panel 2.0 Studs 1.1 1.1 Gypsum board 4.4 4.4 Misc. & insulation 2.5 2.5 Total Wall DL ··························-8.0 psf 10.0 psf Swanson & Associates 17055 Via Del Campo, Suite 100, San Diego, CA 92127 Sect ion Propert ies & Design Loads Roof Loads LDF = 1.25 Allowable Floor Loads LDF = 1.00 Allowable (w) Allowable Uniform Loads (plf) Span in feet for beam or joist sizes 2019 CBC Nominal Size Actual Size Moment Area I Section I of Modulus Inertia (b) x (d) (A) (S) (I) Sheor Moment Shear Moment Normal duration, Laterally fully braced, repetitive member increase for 2x members. I inches in2 in3 in' (lbs) (lb-ft) (lbs) (lb-ft) 3 ft. 4 ft. 5 ft. 6 ft. 7 ft. 8 ft. 9 ft. 10 ft. 11 ft. 12 ft. 13 ft. 14 ft. 15 ft. 16 ft. 17 ft. 18 ft. 19 ft.I ~;;;; if.t¥~¥:~;.F )~;i~;;; i/Mj~ij{: @;,~r.;~n :Jri.ta.#¥~~!' w,i.ri@E~iw: ltl!lt~a~\,f~;~;:=111111[11 :;[l)ll~lli;~M~~@ !~ 3 8 7 :9 :3 ~ 1~ 1 3 3 ~ ~ ~z!!!it:1~2rn~~ trnrr~iimm::: t~&:i:~;ff [~;~i: :}it.it rn~ii;~i: i~iiwJ~iji.i:W i~imwmmwt ll!ltlJ~JIIJiv~i;i@i{ttw:it1mnwiw~iw :~ :: ~; ~: ;: :6 3~ ;5 2 6 2 t=:::=,,id1.;1h:t: =i~ik~i~-;;!:;.~,. ,;;i:;h J#tt1!1 t4:;4ha;.&~Pi: 1~§§~:,fa~;&i*-i :::~: ::~:~ ~-r.~}:.;t:i.,:,1.1::.~ir.l.:i;¥:;.,;::,;,r.:::h1 ~;4Jt!. .• ::;ll,:::,,::..:~·=:1:t1~£=-;r~:£lt::icii,:,,:.:,;;:.,: 4x16 3.5 x 15.25 53.38 135.66 1,034.42 8,006 14,131 6,405 11,305 4,375 3,281 2,625 2,188 rn~~MtA~lMMt.-M®.':.flN1.di=1:h#i:?.~(@~;~$.d(AWitf:W.?)@~.~~nrraJWM?m@i~~K %¥W6.\g·\Viff!. N!i'l~WifMW ;:1~4ey;. H~M: @~JMWi\ i~~l®ffetWMMN $i~t$1%~)t®.M M~z~ii:$:l;-l5Ni4~WM$.~J, 175 117 82 60 45 35 27 22 18 15 12 10 9 ·:na~;M@I@ (¥,;zj::i:ii!r %~~;; n~ii;;.t 'r~!.tt<1r ::~;i,@ifil;;x t~i~l~rnw~i*m r!!lill\.ll~il~1lll!l=\~1~!~~11,~~1r.~w~~@\~~~y:.~M:hl¥i~w 1~5 1~ :0 ~~ :: =::•:.;:::,;;,~;,:;:;<':'.,:: ,,½.$;,i.~~§i,. ,,44,.;~§ i4,i~;, ,,.;,l\iit-.;;;,,.:i.;.~tMi:;: ,,t;,;.;L:f.iAi,,, :::~: ·;~,(;j;:::!;!rfJt[;j:J~:x:@~·i:;:~,:·::t:.,·i~S,~i~i.;~A;t,£1:.t:, .• ~@,,/;.~~;_.;,.~qz:J 6x14 5.5 X 13.5 74.25 167.06 1,127.67 10,519 23,188 8,415 18,550 6,875 5,156 4,1 :n:w~a~m@ rnitJMm.ti J®tm: @i.9\'§1 :~@;iji Jtffi.~tt~;t.ist:ij1 :~f@ij~Ittt~ 6,875 5,156 4,125 3,438 2,940 c.,-.,, o ,,,.,, ,,vuJ ,,=i@.c 1¼" Timberstrand LSL rim board & l¼" Timberstrand LSL -,_, ~·-~M ~ "' 157 128 105 Ml~lJif.lt§W· ¥~lM*i~$. Hill@M:' :n~WK r~?:,=M:1:ai,:, @t®,l!ff:!.¥~9-W: ·*_g9,§,,@\4'.t.$f# 1,035 777 621 olB 444 ;H:l!l .:14!) ~ll ''''"''"""' H-x14 LSL 1.25 x 14.0 17.50 40.83 285.83 6,198 7,129 4,958 5,703 1,035 31! *~?:~?£[_ __ 197 777 621 518 444 388 345 311 282 259 239 222 m;w.m 173 :m@!WtfJ#:~li!:: wi~!'.®1w1t tf%4t Jl!:tiil mi~¾tw w.loo~twiwNn 1~:1~tta:rn1~RM: 1,035 111 ba !>lO ,;-<,-+ ~00 ~ .. ,, .w £0£ l¾xllf LSL 1.75 x 11.88 20.78 41.13 244.21 5,368 9,971 4,295 7,977 1,838 p:rt,\\£4'.('$1{:l i¥~$.)i@%,~· if141¥f ::l19:M't.;l t@~l);~% t{i;)i~in~;~wr ;:*q'~*WM~11~.-l 1,838 l,;l/t! l ,lU;S ~l~ /00 l>OY Ol~ :J:Jl :JUO I 1¾x16 LSL 1.75 x 16.0 28.00 74.67 597.33 7,233 17,611 5,787 14,089 !,838 ~~ ,~. c,o AAA ~QQ ~/4.5 311 282 259 239 222 207 1,378 1,103 919 788 689 613 551 501 404 318 254 207 4 ... "TO 4 ,fl"\? n<n ~QQ <.on :!3 551 501 459 424 394 339 1,378 1,103 919 788 689 613 551 501 459 424 394 368 3½" Timberstrand LSL 3½x4¼ LSL 3.5 x 4.38 15.31 11.17 24.42-5,423 2,170 4,339 • 1,736 l$4~:/i4~\ 484 280 176 118 83 60 45 35 28 22 18 iAn'11HM:sA\ =::::1~;§:k~)9:t H~J?.~i, 1@1A¢1 M4M~~fo t~)>.iW@taw.w 4s.W~t1*M~\Mfr¥ $£~~i.fiw~N~~~6 556 350 235 165 120 90 70 55 44 36 E:_.!~%.~'.R£f ,;;:_;;;;~;_. j;~ie:: (;~4*,; >¥.tJf;,·:: !~~tft:'.::zi!#.: ~;;~!;:·,·,:.,¥*;\: ~·::: ~:::: :~t!~Jf~!~r11r,,t:~;''{ }~!,' !:: ~~~ ~~: ~~~ ~~~ 1~~ 3½x9½ LSL 3.5 x 9.5 33.25 52.65 250.07 8,590 13,027 6,872 10,422 6,300 4,725:$t~i}[~l~ti'-:Jit9.?W11Q;1J! 980 714 537 413 325 260 212 t&fMl½i@!:\i %%.tt:1£~; j:~~f:~~; ~l.®l#.JJ N~l!,;AA;t lttWt.~tW!:iMtt rn\iMir.fl!f*&~J 6,300 4,725 "3,780. 3~150@#@1ro'i¾Wfal:t!i#®.# 891 687 540 432 352 3½xllf LSL 3.5 x 11.88 41.56 82.26 488.41 10,737 19,941 8,590 15,953 6,300 4,725 3,780 3,150 l~l~t,i]~if,fJ(Jiit«it®:$.l 1,048 808 635 509 413 J~t%:t-~~iM :1m%'.~NM~t %Wf02:· ti.4¥~#.i J@q~¥,,~* ~~~~~%l~¥~~M X!i~X@@@Mt 6,300 4,725 3 780 3,150 '2~700'2363.,2.'ioo'UMiWHat;:t\'&M\i@'§W 833 678 3½x16 LSL 3.5 x 16.0 56.00 149.33 1,194.67 14,467 35,222 1!,_573 28,178 6,300 4,725 3,780 3,150 2,700 2,363 2 ,100 ),890 1,718 :J@~{t~$:#.n~'s!"l/.q;'Kt'A®,@ l. At roof loading conditions where shear or bending governs, use a 1.25 LDF adjustment to the above values. 2. At roof loading conditions where deflection governs, use a 1.15 deflection adjustment factor to the above values. 3. Shading in the span I allowable uniform load table indicates that bending (F'b) governs. Shear governs t o the left of the: shading, and deflection governs to the right. 194 170 279 345 15 29 67 113 174 290 341 558 833 88 74 63 144 121 103 183 173 154 142 120 102 233 196 167 324 293 249 12 10 9 24 21 18 56 47 40 94 79 68 145 123 104 242 203 173 284 239 203 465 392 333 695 585 498 (/) ('ii n -+ o· :l -0 , 0 " ('ii 4 ~- ~ Q,, 0 ('ii ~ 1.0· :l r 0 0 0.. ~ -N 0 ~ ~ A° ):,. i§ "{? 3 0 c.. ~ 0 ---I ....... -'° ....... N L___J N tJ Section Properites & Design Loads 2019 CBC Moment Roof Loads Floor Loads i(w) Allowable Uniform Loads Nominal Actual Area Section of LDF = 1.25 LDF = 1.00 I Size Size Modulus Inertia Allowable Allowable (b) x (d) (A) (S) (I) Shear Moment Shear Moment inches in2 in3 in◄ (lbs) (lb-ft) (lbs) (lb-ft) ! Span in feet for beam or joist sizes I Normal duration, Laterally fully braced, repetitive: member increase for 2x members. 10 ft. 11 ft. 12 ft. 13 ft. 14 ft. 15 ft. 16 ft. 17 ft. 18 ft. 19 ft. 20 ft. 21 ft. 22 ft. 23 ft_ 24 ft. 25 ft. 26 ft_ ;3½" Paro.Ham PSL %1f£%l:l!t.~fi !9~*=31-!ltt Ml~ 1~1~1 :l{~¢.9tfil t~SMJ@Iti~ raat!§'t~i!i 953 716 551 434 347 ---------__ , •• , 282 233 194 163 139 119 551 454 379 319 271 233 3½xllt PSL 3.5 x 11.88 41.56 82.26 488.41 10,044 24,878 8,035 19,902 Jt-$.9i};~l6.ili 1,077 847 678 --· ·-• -----· Htt.mlr.$:i! tt~:11:m ~R@ ~liii! rniit~I fft:~fJ'ii~: latiMijJ~t llit$i.hl .. ilij!ffi@iiiMffit~J ,w , ~ v~• -~-~-vv• 903 744 621 523 445 381 3½x16 PSL 3.5 x 16.0 56.00 149.33 1,194.67 13,533 43,693 10,827 34,955 ;S®.\2,297 1,838 1,531 1,313 b~¼i~~:R-$.J '.:~16\:¥'1i®.t ~~t®-1 a~4lt ftwi.q_ti: lSia?.§lk64,\$a:it ~¢M1:niiMi6i~R.<~ '3~063x 2,297 1,838 1,531 1,313 1,148 1,021 919 780 664 1,148 1,021 919 835 766 15_½'' Parallam__P~ @i.l#dW$.iW 4fi~81Ml M·*Wf t:1%'117-i]EJ'f,~r<?.'#i<fl t~rG~H{~1M\.~1 (?fMWG!ffl9~i\ 1,429 1,074 821 650 521 423 349 291 245 208 5¼-xllf PSL 5.25 x 11.88 62.34 123.39 732.62 15,066 37,317 12,053 29,854 [gl.~'.S.f@~fjl 1,615 1,270 1,017 827 681 568 479 407 569 707 179 349 572 103 89 201 175 329 286 491 427 656 609 154 134 301 262 494 430 r;t.~¾1%'.f~i ,g~tg~Jm!: W@~ f1J.mw-i ~~,2[00: Ylt~tf:wg~i ~!Wttl@kffi.~i 4'~~am.4lta~~f,r»s~1MM:iJ 1,355 1.117 931 784 667 5¼x16 PSL 5.25 x 16.0 84.00 224.00 1,792.00 20,300 65,540 16,240 52,432 1l~il/M~ttt~t/Mt,a~\~;f4~ti}'ii~!.itffi.~§l l,390 1,171 995 1Mk¥~1Mi:m &-~~*J$.'A &4(@'l iM~i$.9: :iiW.t~ i.i~)%.;i:~w~~k M!?!fqwW.'.ii~i :if.t.4PI¥~fil£$%.~l~Jaa1'.~&~M~t~~~k;q~!ffe.d;~tiMt§n~~ 1,411 .,~w .,-vv -·- 853 737 641 1215 1050 913 17" Parallam PSL ~:~ii,;;;: ~~iii;:;;~ i11~ :i~ iiii::ii~i~:: ;~~i:;if;: i&i,~~~~iit~i.1 :~{~ 1~:9 l~El 1~}: :: ~~= --- 238 206 179 465 402 349 762 658 573 1,138 983 855 78 69 61 54 153 135 119 106 251 221 195 173 374 329 291 259 533 469 415 369 117 103 91 81 229 202 179 159 376 331 293 260 561 494 437 388 799 703 622 553 157 138 122 108 306 269 238 212 501 441 390 347 748 658 583 518 IMi~~(~W i;~~~~~t ~~~: ~~~$, ~::® ~;1:.~lt~A ~,~ti®fa~~~q~ :m:l.i:i?ll:.CBI:J1it1:11~;ic1¾iz~~~#.~;:~ ~::!~ 1,620 1,399 1,217 1,065 938 829 737 13½" Glulam GLB (24F-1.8E or 24F-V4 with standard camber) ''i'a'½'#tfiyfili;: siJ,~M~i~r ,i~i2!iJ. \;-!J~~55q :::i@o;ttn p:;a:,4/i:q~=~S"A@:1 ,,11&s1:4,rHo-r-i~~';= ,rn=iim 644 390 312 254 209 175 147 125 107 93 81 70 62 55 49 3½xllf GLB 3.5 x 11.88 41.56 82.26 488.41 9,178 20,565 7,343 16,452 J:~J~'t 1ww¼¥%AA❖: ?,M·i!\J14/. AW~: '.J\M!f: f.~PQ;@Jt ~p$gQ¢,,~?.\ &Tuir-2~¥%, £~%.;:,:; iim __ .762 .,}10.496 409 287 244 209 181 157 138 121 107 95 471 400 343 296 258 226 198 176 156 3½xl6 GLB 3.5 x 16.0 56.00 149.33 1,194.67 12,367 37,333 9,893 29,867 ;?.( 1r:M.~t'.sf.~tt $$;tit~: I~T®i 4Jiij~; :rtt€.5.&: i~i~:t:~#r!iW.ttf J'ft@iil'¥W~i41 ~i 512 442 385 337 296 262 233 729 630 548 479 422 373 332 5½" Glulam GLB (24F-1.8E or 24F-V4 with standard camber) imf!tttl~\:;]1 t~e!,iT!\MI l@f$! Ha:~% Wt.ktl&M Jl+i(ilM~}#.n} ~~!ilt~t~%PP.1M 5½xl4 GLB 5.5 x 14.0 77.00 179.67 1,257.67 17,004 43,715 13,603 34,972 536 451 384 329 284 247 216 190 168 150 "~{ l,053 878 739 629 539 466 405 354 312 276 245 ::::!L~!!t: :!tittt· !? :!!! i:!! !t!;!!: f ;.;1~1!l ,,.---,--· Am «·-,·,~·-T·~ Ji,W/Hl']l£iJ8''.i,104 938 805 695 604 529 466 412 366 l~~~I@sl#~~Pfafi3A~:[;i.~NtJit~fnt>B°filktt.~[flt:W.21lilf!tl~!:'t .. ~.~?-........ S,.~1. __ ,, .. ?-:.~ .... ,,, .. ~.~~·.w.·.·.:~:, .. ,.,,~,~ .. ,. ,256 5,005 4,171 3,575 3,_1_28 2,7~s.503 2,275 ~.o85 1J25 l(t7.A'ti:t!P.'$JM:;~:m~}lfiilZ4~NJ92~ 6¾ Glu-lam Girders & Beams (24F-1.8E or 24F-V4 with standard camber) l&f~~J[~~'f_~: '£it¥.:®.1! :Ji¾b'MJ @?Jfi!l imtMii t!t~2iPJ.1Jl!?!f iID.!31/t'ffiWi~~r £!j,~il§tt~1Ml.%~ll~1/tW,~fil?A41lt1$.id\~1ml~1f) 1,263 1,083 935 814 712 627 554 ··'"''il 1,214 1,056 924 814 720 493 640 _1,_016 6¾x18 GLB 6.75 x 18.0 121.50 364.50 3,280.50 26,831 84,732 21,465 67,786 1=!&:t*-~t:$@t 1$i:--w::M.m:'A. ;~1*'~;~ 14~§~~~1 ~~~~J£&t a£~g:~#d$;U.},~ ~11~~i1:i&~ti.l~~N .,tti@¢11;®[\4l}i.#l~~ft.?i. 1,143 (/l ~ n -+ a· ::s -0 cl -0 ~ • -+ ~· Ill Qo Cl ~ Ill 1.0· ::s r-0 C a.. Ill -N 0 ~ ~ A° )> ~ '10 ~ 3 0 Cl.. ~ i;;i,i~'~i€~ii~iii~~J: @~rm i!~M®~!!7 :;~~!1ft,,ir ~i=:t1=1i:::l1::.:i:t1:1:.f:fl;r~=t:r=~0:=1im;::nw:~~mrn:;&.M~Wt~~A :: :~ lJ ~ N N 1. At roof loading conditions where shear or bending governs, use: a 1.25 LDF adjustment to the above values. 2. At roof loading conditions where deflection governs, use a 1.15 deflection adjustment factor to the above values. 3. Shading in the span / allowable: uniform load table: indicates that bending (F' b) governs. Shear governs to thi: left of the: shading, and deflection governs to the: right. tJ 1204 Oak Ave Remodel 07 /19/22 .___F_L_o_o_R_FR_A_M_IN_G_, _o_a_k_A_ve_R_em_o_d_e_l ________________ ....,10 Typical Floor Framing: I-joists per manufacture's span tables See plans & calcs pg. 4 for alternates 2019 CBC, Basic Load Combinations B-1 wl (Xi2): w2 (x~2) = P (x=2) = Rl = R2 = Moment = Deflection: B-2 w= Rl = R2 = Moment = Deflection: B-3 w= P (x=3.4) = Rl = R2 = Moment = Deflection: 10.9' Span Around NEW STAIRWAY (roof) (wall) (9)(8) (9)(8) (floor) (misc.) + (15/2)(52) + 15 = + (11/2)(52) + 15 = (7 /2x4/2)(52) + 20 {Top of stairs] = 477 plf 373 plf 384 lbs (Critical Rt / 1.00 LDF = 2,535 lbs) Rl (max.) = 2,535 lbs (Critical R2 / 1.00 LDF = 2,122 lbs) R2 (max.) = 2,122 lbs (Critical M / 1.00 LDF = 6,038#ft) Moment (max.) = 6,038#ft .6 TL = 0.22" (L/602) .6LL = 0.13" (L/997) p w1 1 w2 [flJTP, II I I I I I I I Ii I I I I I I TR1 TR2 .,L X ~ 1¼x14 LSL 7.2' Span Around NEW STAIRWAY abv Living (roof) (wall) (9)(8) (floor) + (12/2)(52) (misc.) + 15 = 399 plf (Critical Rl / 1.00 LDF = 1,436 lbs} Rl (max.) = 1,436 lbs (Critical R2 / 1.00 LDF = 1,436 lbs} R2 (max.) = 1,436 lbs (Critical M / 1.00 LDF = 2,586#ft) Moment (max.) = 2,586#ft .6TL = 0.04" (L/2,150) .6LL = 0.02" (L/3,574) 15.5' Span (roof) (wall) w I! 11111111111111111111111 T Rl lR2 1¾x14 LSL Around Stairs (floor) (1.4)(52) (misc.) + 20 = 93plf w lp '"U l"TTII ..,.II "'H l..,.,11'"11...,I l"TTII TTII rrH l..,.,,111 1436 {Load from B-2] = 1,436 lbs lR1 lR2 ,,,L X • (Critical Rl / 1.00 LDF = 1,841 lbs) Rl (max.) = 1,841 lbs (Critical R2 / 1.00 LDF = 1,034 lbs) R2 (max.) = 1,034 lbs (Critical M / 1.00 LDF = 5,764#ft) Moment (max.) = 5,764#ft 3½x14 LSL .6 TL = 0.20" (L/930) .6LL = 0.12" (L/1,543) 1204 Oak Ave Remodel 07/19/22 FLOOR FRAMING, Oak Ave Remodel (Cont inued) 8-4 w= R1 = R2 = Moment = Deflection: B-5 wl (xs.5.4) = Pl (x=2.1) = w(cant) = P3 (x=6.3) = Rl = R2 = Moment= Deflection: 5.4' Span New Flush beam across hallway (roof) (wall) (floor) (30/2)(52) (misc.) + 20 = 800 plf (Critical R1 / 1.00 LDF = 2,160 lbs) R1 (max.) = 2,160 lbs (Critical R2 / 1.00 LDF = 2,160 lbs} R2 (max.) = 2,160 lbs w 0111111111 I 111 I I I I I 111 Io l Rl lR2 (Critical M / 1.00 LDF = 2,916#ft) Moment (max.) = 2,916#ft 3½x14 LSL LHL = 0.01" (L/5,083) ALL= 0.01" (L/6,777) 5.4' Span w/ 1' Right Cant ilever ADU BR. 1 above doorway (roof) (wall) (floor) (misc.) (1.3)(52) + 20 = 88 plf 2535 [Hanger from B-1] = 2,535 lbs 20 = 20 plf 2160 [Reaction From B-4] = 2,160 lbs (Critical Rl / 1.00 LDF = 1,694 lbs) Rl (max.) = 1,694 lbs (Critical R2 / 1.00 LDF = 3,764 lbs) R2 (max.) = 3,764 lbs (Critical M / 1.00 LDF = 3,364#ft) Moment (max.) = 3,364#ft 1 P1-1P2 P3-P4 w wc1 11 1111111111 11111 11111111m lRl lR2 J X > 3½x14 LSL Cantilever Deflection: ATL = 0.01" (L/5,718) ~LL = 0.01" (L/8,329) ~TL= -0.01" (2L/4,640) ~LL= 0.00" (2L/5,407) 1204 Oak Ave 07/19/22 CONVENTIONAL FOUNDATION Existing Footings & remodel ~ i,____ _____ ____.L._J UNIFORM LOADS-Capacity based on soil bearing. (200 psf increase for 24" deep) Soil bearing pressure= 12" wide x up to 18" deep 24" deep CONCENTRATED LOADS to footings Soil bearing pressure= Footing Size 5" Slab ( no ftg) 12"x15" Cont. 12"x18" Cont. 12"x24" Cont. 15"x18" Cont. 15"x24" Cont. 18" Sq. Pad 24" Sq. Pad Beam / Description B-5 Beam (R1) h 5" 22" 25" 31" 25" 31" 22" 22" B-5 Beam on existing ftg. Brg Area 0.99 sf 3.96 sf 4.46 sf 5.46 sf 5.57 sf 6.82 sf 2.25 sf 4.00 sf A II other new beams (Max Load) 2,000 psf 2,000 plf 2,200 plf 2,000 psf 1,983 lbs 7,917 lbs 8,917 lbs 12,008 lbs 11,146 lbs 15,010 lbs 4,500 lbs 8,000 lbs Load (lbs) 1,694 5,293 4,369 The B-5 Load is spread over sufficient distance to accept the 5" slab I I ' I\ ' I I ' ' ,' )~' ... \ \ .: ' ' ' ,' ' ' ' ' ' , I \' \ I I \ , \ ~I \ ', \ ' ' ' ' I '' ' I ' ' f I " ,, ) , , , ' , I , ' , ~ ~ ~b Footing 5" slab OK 12"x15" Cont. 12"x18" Cont.