HomeMy WebLinkAboutPS 2021-0046; CVS PHARMACY; Sign Permits/Programs (PS)(cicyof Carlsbad REVIEW FOR SIGN PERMIT P-11 Development Services Planning Division 1635 Faraday Avenue (760) 602-4610 www.carlsbadca.gov 'i)e"v 't.-0 Z... I -o I ~ I PLANNING APPLICATION# fS Z-02-I -0 °4-..b REC'D BY ~ (? l v fl.- DA TE b • z_ 1 • 1-I I SIGN FEE f l:zf ~ SIGN PROGRAM FEE ________ _ RECEIPT NO. ___________ _ NOTE: AN APPOINTMENT IS REQUIRED FOR SUBMITTAL. PLEASE CONTACT THE APPOINTMENT SPECIALIST AT (760) 602· 2723 TO SCHEDULE AN APPOINTMENT. *SAME DAY APPOINTMENTS ARE NOT AVAILABLE* All plans submitted for sign permits/sign programs shall consist of a minimum of a site plan and sign elevations containing the following information: 1. North arrow and scale. 2. Location of existing buildings or structures, parking areas, and vehicular access points to the property. 3. Location of all existing and proposed signs for the property. 4. Distance to the property line(s) for all proposed freestanding sign(s). 5. Provide an elevation for all proposed sign(s) which specifies the following: A. Dimensions and area for all existing and proposed sign(s). B. Materials the sign(s) will be constructed of. C. Source of Illumination. D. Proposed sign copy. APPLICANT MUST SUBMIT THREE (3) SETS OF SIGN/SITE PLANS, A COMPLETED APPLICATION FORM, AND THE APPLICATION FEE. Average processing time: 2 weeks Name of Project: C).(5 )bo 'S:::'N\OC...,.. Address of Project: 1 74(:, ~r-h~ ~°'-& &--£,. t="t < 3--~, · Assessor Parcel Number: -:)._l;l_.3~-~O-(_o-0~--~~~---------------- Related Planning Case Number($): _P_~ ___ -_C)_/_-~,_o_o _____________ _ TYPE OF DEVELOPMENT: dre; Residential CommerciaD (c) Office/Industrial (d) (e) (f) Hotel/Motel Service Station Prof. Care (g) Theater (h) Gov't/Church/School (i) Public Park SIGN PROGRAM AND/OR SPECIFIC PLAN CRITERIA U) Produce Stand (k) Nursery (I) P-U/OS Zone Yes~ No □ Specific Plan Number 'f <::> • QI -/00 VILLAGE REVIEW AREA (ff yes, please complete information on page 3) Yes D No 1'8:1 SOUTH CARLSBAD COASTAL REVIEW AREA Yes □ No 6s}' SIGN ORDINANCE: Yes □ No (8' COAST AL ZONE: Yes □ No ~ P-11 Page 1 of 4 Rev. 02/28/18 EXISTING SIGNS: TYPE NUMBER SIGN AREA SIGN HEIGHT Pole Monument ;;._ l<( ~~ ~· Wall 5 J..3 I. 5 3 .~ J -l/ ,, h ~\-u""'° Suspended/Projecting Directional Canopy Freestanding (Project Identity) PERMITS ISSUED FOR EXISTING SIGNS: Yes O No O Date ------- PROPOSED PERMANENT SIGNS: MAXIMUM NUMBER MAXIMUM PROPOSED MAXIMUM PROPOSED TYPE NUMBER SIGN SIGN SIGN ALLOWED PROPOSED AREA SIGN AREA HEIGHT HEIGHT Pole** Monument*• 3, •I I Wall ~IA c2 I Dl . .3":> _{(j. 8'-ls-3:./ ·~/,. • 34 o/(., It Suspended/Projecting ,c 1-~01 ~9 'i p Directional Canopy Freestanding** (Project Identity) Digital Display PROPOSED TEMPORARY SIGNS: t'\ I A MAXIMUM NUMBER MAXIMUM PROPOSED MAXIMUM PROPOSED TYPE NUMBER PROPOSED SIGN SIGN AREA SIGN SIGN ALLOWED AREA HEIGHT HEIGHT Construction** For Sale** Banner Interim **Prior to approval, all proposed pole, monument, and freestanding signs must be reviewed for potential sight distance and visibility issues. Additional information must supplement this application showing how the proposed signage will not encroach into the public right-of- way or present a traffic hazard. Page 3 of 4 illustrates an example for what would be required for such proposed signs. P-11 Page 2 of4 Rev. 02/28/18 SITE PLAN REQUIREMENT FOR POLE, MONUMENT, AND FREESTANDING SIGN APPLICATIONS The following example illustrates the information that is required for all pole, monument, and freestanding sign permit applications. Prior to approval, all such proposed signs must be reviewed for potential issues by the Transportation Department, which will not allow signs to be approved over the counter. Additional time will be required for on-site inspection. I I I I P/L / Sipt Dut:e Requirement Show buildin&/s / : I ':---l Show setbacks from aD curbs ---. : I I o I Show all proper17 lines I i P/L : I :f I curt, line i I -----------~---- • • Sipt Visibility I Sln!et N ame(s) (i) I I North 21.41.080 Sign design standards Relationship to Streets: Signs shall be designed and located so as not to interfere with the unobstructed clear view of the public right-of-way and nearby traffic regulatory signs of any pedestrian, bicyclist or motor vehicle driver. Sight Distance: No sign or sign structure shall be placed or constructed so that it impairs the sight distance requirements at any public or private street intersection or driveway. EXISTING SIGN PROGRAMS OR SPECIFIC PLAN SIGN CRITERIA Total Building Square Footage: -~14 .... , ..... ~~.5_..,,_.).. ____ sq. ft. Total Building Street Frontage: )O'J ·-4H linear ft. Total Signage Allowance: to,. 3:> sq. ft. Existing Signage (sq. ft.): 30(0 .$:3 sq. ft. Remaining Sign Allowance at Present: 0 sq. ft. Proposed Signage (sq. ft.): \01, (p'f sq. ft. Remaining Sign Allowance After Proposed Sign: 5. & </ sq. ft. VILLAGE REVIEW AREA Total Signable Area: sq. ft. -------- Tot a I Signable Area Length: sq. ft. Total Signable Area Height: sq. ft. Total Projection from Wall Face: inches P-1 1 Page 3 of 4 Rev. 02/28/18 PROPERTY OWNER APPLICANT NAME (PRINT OR TYPE) NAME (PRINT OR TYPE) Lauren Eckels as agent for owner ro..~~.,..~t.. fuVV\.\.* ~t..,V\C..'-' Lc..u ... ~" .'u,\\., u.'5,.0\.~ ~ n l•"'"~~U'I -MAILING ADDRESS MAILING ADDRESS SO UC oro M_,_-Jacquet 4~ ~ Canyon Rd Su&e 100 .33Sb.!l. '/u..t.V:\~b.. ~\¥6. '-1 -<-i\l\ CITY STATE ZIP TELEPHONE CITY STATE ZIP TELEPHONE San Diego, CA 92123 858-373-2101 'Y(J...t..o..,~ GA 9.J~<:tq qcf1)1lD8-DlD!i' 'l I CERTIFY THAT I AM THE LEGAL OWNER I CERTIFY THAT I AM THE REPRESENTATIVE AND THAT ALL THE ABOVE INFORMATION OF THE LEGAL OWNER AND THAT ALL THE IS TRUE AND CORRECT TO THE BEST OF ABOVE INFORMATION IS TRUE AND CORRECT MY KNOWLEDGE. TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE. ~(~ 6.10.2021 \ r"',. • :..,_~._\. \. .c"\M\11.~ /,, -\ri . .'.:)" '.'.) \ SIGNATURE DATE SIGNATURE ~ DATE PLANNER CHECK LIST: 1. Field check by planner. 2. Within maximum length, area. 3. Style consistent with Sign Program and/or Specific Plan criteria, if applicable. 4. Location: ❖ In right-of-way ❖ In visibility triangle at corner 5. Pole and monument signs to be checked by Transportation Engineering, for visibility issues. 6. When approved route co y to Data E t Date: {, • 2,/ • 2.-( P-11 Page4of4 Rev. 02/28/18 •CVS Health November 18, 2020 Re: CVS Pharmacy #09528@ 7740 Rancho Santa Fe Rd, Carlsbad, CA To Whom It May Concern: As the result of a corporate rebranding effort, CVS pharmacy is planning to replace and update existing exterior signs, including our new logo, as called out on the attached CVS approved proposal. CVS pharmacy has awarded Fluoresco Services to complete this work. Lyndsee Veltre can be reached by email: lveltre@fluoresco.com, phone: 909.592.0870 or fax: 909.592.0493: should you have any questions regarding the installation for the sign(s). While approvals for the proposed work are not lease required, your signed consent is required to obtain municipal permits. Please indicate your consent to this project by signing and dating each page of the enclosed proposal and this letter. Please email the documents to myself and Fluoresco Services within 30 DAYS. If you have any additional questions or concerns regarding this project, please email me directly at Karen.Rezuke@CVSHealth.com. Thank you in advance for your anticipated approval. We look forward to the completion of the sign rebranding at this location. Sincerely, Karen Rezuke Prop •rt t:" I r J• •r 1r ~ di Q~ A rr , ,t on s, O"S" 'dr E.xt..,r,cir Brclri"JI •CVSHeolth I hereby consent to the proposed exterior branding project at the above mentioned location: Lauren Eckels, Real Estate Manager rPnnt NamelT1lle1 ~c~ As A9eAt-f-0r--Owner , Authorized Signature 1 CVS pharmacy / caremark / minute clinic / specialty 11/18/2020 /Dale) -,,, """"~~:-. tUoiiSCO Pl,oe,,l,r Office (602) ~n-0600 4048 E. Superior Avenue Phoenix, AZ 85040 Fax (602) 470-1313 SERVICES- January 5, 2021 LETTER OF AUTHORIZATION To whom it may concern: I hereby authorize Fastrac Permit Service company staff indicated below to apply for, execute, receive and perform all acts necessary in obtaining planning approvals, building and other permits, business and other related licenses, construction certificates, Title 24 and acquisition of all municipal, County and State documents related to issuance of a permit. Authorization herein granted shall commence on January 5, 2021 for CA CSLB license # 998602 and shall remain in full force and effect until written notice is given. Fastrac Representatrve List Laurie M. Hill Thank you for your assistance. If you have any questions or need additional information, please contact Jennifer Small, Business Manager, in our Phoenix Offices located at 4048 E Superior Avenue, Phoenix AZ 85040. Jennifer may be reached at 602.323.8632, Main: 602.276.0600, email: jsmall@fluoresco.com. Bes reg~ Terry Wa RME, Flu resco Services LLC CA CSL 998602 Both Signatures Notarized this 5th day of January 2021 No11ry Public, State of Arizona Pima County Commission 1 576633 • MARKT JONES Mv Commiu,on Explre11 February 09, 2024 TUCSON • PHOENIX• LOS ANGELES• SAN FRANQSCO • SACRAMENTO • SAN DIEGO• FRESNO ,, ARIZONA NOT ARY ACKNOWLEDGEMENT State of Arizona County of P, w-.. '-' ) ) "t'---Subscribed and sworn ( or affirmed) before me this S-day of :.J atV t/ It I" 'f , 20 ~ I by r-e,,~y tt/4Y~ JO,'f,/'t!f (nameofsigner). ' r . Title or Rank Serial Number, if any My Commission Expires: ~~f. of ;;Jo~ r Copyright© 2018 NotaryAcknowledgement.com. All Rights Reserved. (Seal) • MARKT JONES Notary Public, S111e ol Arizona Pim• County Comm1ulon r 578633 l\\y Commission Expires Fe bruerv 09, 2024 I / / i / ' I -·-· --·--· /• -·-· --·---· '• ------·--· ·"-·--· -·- SCALE: 1" = 120' LANDLORD INFO: Rancho la Costa Village LLC 19 Castellina Dr. Newport Beach, CA 92657 949 .464. 9284 Dra'hing prepared by Location : 09528 CVS PHARMACY 7740 RANCHO SANTA FE -------· -----· CARLSBAD, CA PAGE 1 OF 9 0 VICINITY MAP ~CVS pharmacy Rev4 Re,s 0 SIGN PERMIT NO. PS z-o 2--t ..:. boc.f{z DATE PLANNING t+~~~~"'----J!'~·.:,l l:_:·_:l-f:_i BUILDING ..._ _______ -'---.JI Rev 8 Rev 9 Rev 10 EXISTING NORTHWEST ELEVATION EXISTING SIGNAGE D II EXISTING MINUTE CLINIC l '-6" x 13'• l O" = 20.75 SQ FT SF ■ ILLUM □ DF□ NON ILLUM ■ EXISTING CVS PHARMACY 6'-9" x 14'-9" = 99.56 SQ FT SF ■ tLLUM ■ DF□ NON ILLUM □ Drawmg prepared by Location : 09528 CVS PHARMACY 7740 RANCHO SANTA FE PRO POSED SIGNAGE D I REMOV[j ~CVS CARLSBAD, CA PAGE 2 OF 9 pharmacy 107'-4" LEASED PREMISES PROPOSED NORTHWEST ELEVATION 11' -11 7/8" (143.875") I Lt') co CVS T""" <.O -N M 0 T""" r--'tj- M ~ -~ pharmacy 0 ~ Lt') D I rL-35-CL-s I ILLUMINATED CHANNEL LETTERS I 50.845 SQ FT l Rev3 Rev4 Rev 9 Re,5 Rev 10 -l(") '° N 0 ,--... ~ - ~ .---...... M --q- M 11 ' -11 7/8" (143.875") 2' -10 13/16" (34. 795") 5 3/4" (5.747") x b 7/16" (3.471 ") 1 O' -11 5/8" (131.615") pharmacy .1• -4 l 1/l6" (l 6 -686"1 Dra,1,109 prepared by ,- l(") 5 3/8" (5.377") X 3 7 /16" (3.472") 5 9/16" (5.593") X 13 9/16" {13.582") . 14 + . 5 3 = 5 0. 845 SQ FT 34. 795 + 15.25 + .13 + SIGN AREA= 50.845 SQ FT Main ID Logo -Face Lit Stacked II Specifications Scale 3/8" = l '-0" Internally Illuminated Channel Letters (Horizontal) . Chemcost 3/16" Red acrylic faces #2793 Colors & Materials -Chemcast Red Ac'}l1c #2793 -Jeweltte True Red Tnm Cap END VIEW -5" Deep pre-finished Hunter Red returns -Pre-Fmishe<l Hunter Re<! Returns -1" Jewelite True Red trim cap *Any channel letter set below 30" to have 3/4" trim cop • Red LED illumination • Power supplies Location : 09528 ~CVS CVS PHARMACY 7740 RANCHO SANTA FE pharmacy Rev3 CARLSBAD, CA PAGE 3 OF 9 Rev4 Re·IS 05.19.21 L;:D '.VICULE I 2 o:A s;:."1. TITE Ct"'"f'.J.t.HT S flTTit\G Jl, fr'P.C"'-E1F5 W.t.LL t, E> TERIOR -.u\SS,,IAT SPE,T'i ~f> \SLc, .. ;,N I M'c!Al STIJDS OPA,\ 1-iOlE ~°" _ GHT SA~FL.f 1; --tE~ ••'.:C.ESSAPY s· SECTION: FACE LIT LETTERS LV/RH LC \tA$TER S~ ... OR CIJIJ ,•.!4_H~T GPPL'EO TO ,LL V"'-L PENETI'ATl()'l'i 1" X 2" ; l lo All,\' Vl)l.J~tlW',Af•f'.llE ~1)'-," f'.Jjl S '--.._ .. 6'-16 S S ;HREADED QOD Ii HEX k T & toe~ -"~Sr-E? ,., N I PE~ 1.E"!'"iEO '---+---F'OWE~ Sl'P' Y Rev i Rev 8 Rev 9 Rev 10 EXISTING SOUTHWEST ELEVATION EXISTING SIGNAGE II EXISTING CVS PHARMACY 6'-9" x 14'-9" = 99.56 SQ FT SF ■ ILLUM ■ OF□ NON ILLUM □ Dr,ming prepared by Location : 09528 CVS PHARMACY 7740 RANCHO SANTA FE CARLSBAD, CA PROPOSED SIGNAGE ~CVS PAGE 4 OF 9 pharmacy 138'-8" LEASED PREMISES PROPOSED SOUTHWEST ELEVATION 11' -11 7/8" (143.87511 ) I L{') (0 CVS ..---c.o -N ("') 0 ..---,..._ -.;:j" ("') ~ -...-pharmacy 0 ...- L{') D j NIL-35-CL-S I NON ILLUMINATED CHANNEL LETTERS I 50.845 SQ FT ~ Re111 05.04.21 LV/RH LC Re11 6 Rev2 05.19.21 LVIRH LC Rev 7 Rev3 Rev 8 Rev4 Rev 9 Re,5 Rev 10 -~ l(') ,-- -----'° M N ,-- 0 "<t ,-.... M ~ -----5 3/4" (5.747") x b 7/16" (3.471 ") 11 ' -11 7/8" (143.875") 2' -10 13/16" (34.795") p ha rm 6a c y ◄1 • _ 4 11/16" (16.686") 5 3/8" (5.377") X 3 7 /16" (3.472") 5 9/16" (5.593") X 13 9/16" (13.582"} 5" 34.795 + 15.25 + .13 + .14 + .53 = 50.845 SQ FT SIGN AREA = 50.845 SQ FT END VIEW Main ID Logo -Non Illuminated Stacked D Specifications Scale 3/8" = l '-0" Colors & Materials Non Illuminated Channel Letters (Horizontal) -Cherncasl Red AC"fhC #2793 -Chemcast 3/16" Red acrylic faces #2793 -JeweUte True Red Trim Cap -5" Deep pre-finished Hunter Red returns -Pre-Finished Hunter Red Returns -1" Jewelite True Red trim cap *Any channel letter set below 30" lo have 3/4" trim cap Drawing prepared by Location : 09528 CVS PHARMACY ~CVS 7740 RANCHO SANTA FE CARLSBAD, CA PAGE 5 OF 9 pharmacy Rev3 Re,5 •jJ ..lLU111t,v .. , RC-p~ Pi S. S PM, HEftD SCRE·,\' fRMCAP .. f A,.I~ ,, M.1~j• ;:cp R\ JE1 1 l:'-~ .1,.1,iV ~~-M \LJU~.J'" tl'~ =\_;.T ),1 ... fHCt' P,.._ASTC tA:E --- VASTER SC.~ OR EtJ /,!al.Et; l ,.l,"f'LIEO r~ Ai.L 1".\L~ PE.:'.El"'..Jft0-·1~ ,--~Ju~: i--;d~N~~~t (( 1~-,,._ IOU~ :ltM,""".,jj"-,-o·.·.,,s ["iREAOEDf!OD'h t,Esi,,- & .. ,;,:;, N>S~EP lli'I J >E~ l •JT•P1 CCV:P~ESi,O•~ SLEE' C ---=----=--=.::--::~=:::-= T'rPOL EIFS \~,\ll I, E>TER10R GLASS ',IA' SeE~Tti -,,, '<S\;lAl 0~ g METAL ST JOS -.;,_A\ .+Ot.E /, .. .;,H BA"FLE 1✓,➔E\ ',ECES:\ARY SECTION: NON ILLUM LETTERS S.C.\LE ms Rev 9 Rev 10 EXISTING NORTHWEST ELEVATION -DRIVE THRU CANOPY EXISTING SIGNAGE PRO POSED SIGNAGE m EXISTING RX DTP CABINET 1'-2" x 5'-0" = 5.83 SQ FT SF ■ ILLUM ■ OF□ NON ILLUM □ Ora\\ing prepared bv. Location : 09528 CVS PHARMACY 7740 RANCHO SANTA FE CARLSBAD, CA PAGE 6 OF 9 ~CVS pharmacy 1 07'-4" LEASED PREMISES PROPOSED NORTHWEST ELEVATION -DRIVE THRU CANOPY D I REMOVE I Rev2 05.19.21 LC Rev Rev3 Rev 8 Rev4 Rev 9 RevS Rev 10 EXISTING SOUTHEAST ELEVATION -DRIVE THRU CANOPY EXISTING SIGNAGE PROPOSED SIGNAGE D EXISTING RX DTP CABINET 1'-2" x 5'-0" = 5.83 SQ FT SF ■ ILLUM ■ OF□ NON ILLUM □ Dra,•,,rg prepared bv: location : 09528 CVS PHARMACY 7740 RANCHO SANTA FE CARLSBAD, CA PAGE 7 OF 9 ~CVS pharmacy 107'-4" LEASED PREMISES PROPOSED SOUTHEAST ELEVATION -DRIVE THRU CANOPY D I REMOVE I LVIRH LC Rev2 05.19.21 LVIRH LC 7 Rev3 Rev 8 Rev4 Rev 9 Rev5 Rev 10 Cl CVS/pharmacy I •CVSpharm 5'-0" OAH AJt'IlW rumu ~001 t11ltU EXISTING OF MONUMENT PROPOSED DF MONUMENT EXISTING SIGNAGE PROPOSED SIGNAGE D EXISTING DF ILLUM MONUMENT = 8.17 SQ FT SF □ ILLUM ■ DF■ NON ILLUM □ Draw1rg prepared by Location : 09528 CVS PHARMACY 7740 RANCHO SANTA FE CARLSBAD, CA PAGE 8 OF 9 7' -0" (84") N -,- ~CVS pharmacy D NEW FACES= 8.17 SQ FT I ~CVS pharmacy Rev4 ReJ5 CARDINAL RED #53 PT T/M EXISTING COLOR NEW ALUMINUM FACES ROUTE OUT BACKGROUND w PUSH THRU ACRYLIC; CLEAR ACRYLIC LETTERS w FIRST SURFACE VINYL APPLIED (SIDES TO REMAIN CLEAR); 1/4" PUSH THRU Rev 9 Rev 10 5'-0" OAH EXISTING OF MONUMENT PROPOSED OF MONUMENT EXISTING SIGNAGE PROPOSED SIGNAGE m EXISTING OF ILLUM MONUMENT = 8.17 SQ FT SF □ ILLUM ■ OF■ NON ILLUM D Draw1rg prepared by Location : 09528 CVS PHARMACY 7740 RANCHO SANTA FE CARLSBAD, CA PAGE 9 OF 9 7' -0" (84") .... N co ~CVS pharmacy II NEW FACES = 8.17 SQ FT ~CVS Rev2 05.19.21 LV/RH pharmacy Rev3 Rev4 Revs CARDINAL RED #53 PTT /M EXISTING COLOR NEW ALUMINUM FACES ROUTE OUT BACKGROUND w PUSH THRU ACRYLIC; CLEAR ACRYLIC LETTERS w FIRST SURFACE VINYL APPLIED (SIDES TO REMAIN CLEAR); 1 /4" PUSH THRU Rev 7 Rev 8 Rev 9 Rev 10