HomeMy WebLinkAboutPS 2021-0053; PURETACO; Sign Permits/Programs (PS)6~ ('1h 1 Af ~ '-'"-l)' 'lJ Carlsbad REVIEW FOR SIGN Pt::RMIT P-11 Development Services Planning Dh:ision 1635 Faraday Avenue (760) 602-4610 www.carlsbadca.gov ~ ~v 1.,,o7-, -o 1 Jk PLANI\iING Al-'P,hiCA i 1CJN # ff" 2-o 2-I -o o ~ 3 REC'DBY ~ c ·(V\.+-Ff:-.,__ ___ _ DATE 7 / 30/2-1 '------ SIGN FEE $ 6 7. ~ SIGN PROGRAM FEE ________ _ RECEIPT NO. ___________ _ NOi t:: AN Al"t-Oif-ii ;r,1.., .. ' ,..; fii_,:.JJ,'h4.I..J I ,.:;,-. ~i..:...J.~:.' 1 ~ ·--/-:u.:-L .:: ~:;.:;., .::, i JI:_/-.; . -•~ .••... :. :: :..,: ~: :_ .: ;:. i '-4. (, L<·, :i:2 2723 TO SCHEDULE AN APPOINTMENT. •SAME DAY APPOINTMENTS ARE NOT AVAIU.Bi.E• All plans submitted for sign permits/sign programs shall consist of a minimum of a site plan and sign elevations containing the following information: 1. North arrow and scale. 2. location of <.:!'.:.,~;. -d t•_ :: .. •• ,~ .. u. _·\ . ~ ::t ... r · •. ': . ,. :• -':, : -~ r:-_ property. 3. Location of all existing and proposed signs for the property. n· • I_ •• • I , • .,,. •. i " 5. Provide an elevation for all proposed sign(s) which specifies the following: A. Dimensions and area for all existing and proposed sign(s). B. Mal.~riais iht:i sigr"1(s) wiil lJE:l co11si.1ucied oi. C. Source of Illumination. D. Proposed sign copy. APPLICANT MUST SUBMIT THREE (3) SETS OF SIGN/SITE PLANS, A COMPLETED APPLICATION FORM, AND THE APPLICATION FEE. Average processing time: 2 weeks Name of Pi 1Jj(,:.t PJ./l '1til to Address of Project: '-3: H 2. s-t-"J e,, ~ ~ Jt 'D'J.. ,'\,:.~ 'YJ;".1,i' f";-,;r ;I :'-l1x11ber: :lo,~ -1 B --L1.,,.. 00 Related Planning Case Number(S): ____________________ _ TYPf. or Di \.: ; (1 ·: -~·. :· ~ .... Resideniiai (d) @'l) Commercial (e) .. ·:, ~ ., • 1! ,f; Hotel/ivlolei Service Station :-. ' :' ·,;';,) (g) i heater (h} Gov't/Church/School 0) Produce Stand (k) Nursery (l; '.l_l·OS 7.,me SIGN PROGRAM AND/OR SPECIFIC PLAN CRITERIA Yes~ No 0 Specific Plan Number 1/ilWtf· 4tiJ, l~h',o ViLtr·-.,rr,:.._1!~ ·,.~-~!.-~_,, .... ,_·. ., ••• 1. ':" -• ., r• ~• r---: SOUTH CARLSBAD COASTAL REVIEW AREA ... • • ' • -••• Yes D N~ D SIGN ORDINANCE: Yes~ No O COASTAL ZONE: Yes □No 0 P-11 Page 1 of 4 Rev. 02/28/18 EXISTING SIGNS: TYPE NUMBER SIGN AREA SIGN HEIGHT Pole g Monument / !if_ Wall p Suspended/Projecting r/? Directional ,, g - Canopy '/j'/ Freestanding (Project Identity) "'L;j PERMITS ISSUED FOR EXISTING SIGNS: Yes □ No □ Date ______ _ PROPOSED PERMANENT SIGNS: MAXIMUM NUMBER MAXIMUM PROPOSED MAXIMUM PROPOSED TYPE NUMBER PROPOSED SIGN SIGN AREA SIGN SIGN ALLOWED -AREA HEIGHT HEIGHT Pole .. n/ Monument** ff Wall Rf Suspended/Projecting .-1. -;.ii.7 .a'- Directional .ff Canopy .1-j '{Jf/6 i fj ,, It>'' Freestanding** (Project Identity) ;;;r Digital Display r PROPOSED TEMPORARY SIGNS: MAXIMUM NUMBER MAXIMUM PROPOSED MAXIMUM PROPOSED TYPE NUMBER SIGN SIGN SIGN ALLOWED PROPOSED AREA SIGN AREA HEIGHT HEIGHT Construction** p For Sale** ff Banner t7 / Interim -J/ **Prior to approval, all proposed pole, monument, and freestanding signs must be reviewed for potential sight distance and visibility issues. Additional information must supplement this application showing how the proposed signage will not encroach into the public right-of- way or present a traffic hazard. Page 3 of 4 illustrates an example for what would be required for such proposed signs. P-11 Page 2 of 4 Rev. 02/28/18 SITE PLAN REQUIREMENT FOR POLE, MONUMENT, AND FREESTANDING SIGN APPLICATIONS The following example illustrates the information that is required for all pole, monument, and freestanding sign permit applications. Prior to approval, all such proposed signs must be reviewed for potential issues by the Transportation Department, which will not allow signs to be approved over the counter. Additional time will be required for on-site inspection. I PIL • Si&J,t Distance Requirement • I Slunv ltuilding/s Show all property lines P/L rnrb line : ! { . . . ~-__ f . _ ~how setbacks from all cw-bs l I I o : i f . : \ I . . ·: . ! ----------.. --- Sight Visibility I 21.41.080 Sign design standards Street N ame(s) I I (i) North Relationship to Streets: Signs shall be designed and located so as not to interfere with the unobstructed clear view of the public right-of-way and nearby traffic regulatory signs of any pedestrian, bicyclist or motor vehicle driver. Sight Distance: No sign or sign structure shall be placed or constructed so that it impairs the sight distance requirements at any public or private street intersection or driveway. EXISTING SIGN PROGRAMS OR SPECIFIC PLAN SIGN CRITERIA Total Building Square Footage: _...,&fl..,X----..,.1........._ ____ sq . ft. Total Building Street Frontage: 36,,. ,q linear ft. Total Signage Allowance: 3Q ·Jt; sq. ft. Existing Signage (sq. ft.): i sq. ft. Remaining Sign Allowance at Present: ~ sq. ft. Proposed Signage (sq. ft.): J=-.t;J; sq. ft. Remaining Sign Allowance After Proposed Sign: ~ , ·oq sq. ft. VILLAGE REVIEW AREA Total Signable Area: sq. ft. --------- Total Signable Area Length: sq. ft. Total Signable Area Height: sq. ft. Total Projection from Wall Face: inches P-11 Page 3 of4 Rev. 02/28/18 PROPERTY OWNER NAME PRINT OR TYPE Brendan Foote, State Street Commons , LLC MAILING ADDRESS 2659 State Str eet #100 CITY STATE ZIP TELEPHONE Carlsbad, CA 92008 619.840 .7721 I CERTIFY THAT I AM THE LEGAL OWNER AND THAT ALL THE ABOVE INFORMATION IS TRUE AND CORRECT TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE. 6. SIGNATURE DATE PLANNER CHECK UST: 1. Field check by planner. 2. Within maximum iength, area. APPLICANT NAME PRINT OR TYPE .,., MAILING ADDRESS CITY STATE ZIP TELEPHONE IC~ TlFY THAT I AM THE REPRESENTATIVE OF THE LEGAL OWNER AND THAT ALL THE ABOVE lNFOR TION IS TRUE AND CORRECT TO THE,;f3~)o' F MY KNOWLEDGE. ti//( 3. Style consistent with Sign Program and/or Specific Plan criteria, if applicable. 4. Location: ❖ In right-of-way ❖ In vis1bility triangle at corner 5. Pole and monument signs lo be checked by Transportation Engineering, for vis1biiity issues. 6. When approved route copy to Data Entry APPROVED: Planner: i14 ,,1:,._ C,;wv/!f Date: l / 3 0 I 2. I P-I1 Page 4 ot 4 Rev. 02/28118 p '& V u; Z-I , 6 I 3 -'- SIGN PERMIT NO. PS 2-0 1--I -o a ~ 3, DATE BUILDING PlJ 27 42 STATE STREET, SUITE 102 CARLSBAD, CA 92008 .:)l'CU..UJ ..3>i:IIL n00${U a \.U ,.,~, T Carlsbad Chnop<actic and lnteor.iuve Wellness 9 A C:lllsbad S4.:lf-Serve Y Car W3.Sh N ,ghborhood F1ool "tt_,. ~ Big O Tires hJ-, 1-tiOII , Navy ti:Complex t F !?I ar s w I lagt> l _,., ,Yrf 9 Village Rock Shop r 11 snr,11 Q Hnl\de-l'i. Hom .. msrl .. m A 'c Ctetrny Y I y ~Unlted S111tea Y Postal SetvIce G FOimers Insurance • Tunolll)' Havtland 9 a a 9 S"~I ti <:.lf~ C 111~ , •• 4'DUt • Otijj"l'l'f, EJcartsbad Vtllnge Stollan r1 fl 9 9 Carlsbad All<JI ne Water By The Se.ift Commun,ty T ' •V, G) VICINITY MAP 1 f-------------SCALE: NTS Project Pure Taco Address: 2742 State St. Suite 102 Carlsbad, CA 92008 Account Manager. Gregg Grandon Scale: TA: AS NOTED 3.50 Design No.: 21-04-7315-04 Reg.No.: Revision Histo,y: RO 4.11"21 rw New~ R1 5/2t/21 mcin add illo for city pem,its R2 l/2Al21 indm (1.0) delei. iam., reduce lelleB, blade l'Ol-lun. R3 T/22/21 mdm (.50) add llmp ~ R4 Tmt:11 mcin ( 1.0) cllangt main sign t> push tMu faux neon ~ ELECTRIC SIGN Tit~ sign is Wliondod ID be ln$taled In accordance wi1h !he ,oqunments cl Mic:lo 600 ol lht Naliooel Electtcal Code and/or othel llPllbbla local cede>. '1h11 idudes -p.n!inglfldbcningolll>tsign. • co•iSTRUCTION APPROVALS. Acct. t,v: Design: M9'QC: Page 1 of 6 Tit$ 1$ an original unpu~ dr.rw,ng aealod by s.c,... Electlal ~ 1nc. n .. ...-1or.,..,,--.i .. no1 lo be $hewn to enyone OIJ1Slde of your 01gan~abon, nor Is l 10 be 19pn)duced, ccpiod O< .-n any fashion. Tho d\al1g,ng ol aibs . .,_, -. or ilumonabon melllOd <loesoolallef lho design. Owoo<&htp of lhis dos~n $ held b)> Supenor Electrlcal Advlll1Jslng, Inc. Alr.horizalion 1o use l!1'S design n .,, fasl>oo n...i be -nod In """'II l<om 5-EJeeU,cal Advens,ng. Inc. ~SEA2021 Nole Thecolor>dol)ICledheno.-eegf111'hic ~-<Clol>,,..,vary.See color S/)lcibtionl. D VACAt.r OFFICE SPACE 'B' OCCUPANCY VACANT SPACE 'AZ OCCUPANCY PAOPOSEO PURETACO TENANT IMPAOVEMENT 'It OCCVPJl<NCY EX. VACANT ~CE 'AZ OCCUPANCY 1,100 SO.FT. 30'-9" STATE STREET 43'-4" L ID A B □ = 1 1----------------------G) SITEPLAN SCALE: 1" = 20'-0" DESCRIPTION SQ FT CHANNEL LETTERS 14.96 BLADE SIGN 3.14 Project Pure Taco Address: 2742 State St. Suite 102 Carlsbad, CA 92008 Account Manager: Gregg Grandon Scale: TA: AS NOTED 3.50 Design No.: 21-04-7315-04 Reg.No.: Revision HislOfY: RO 4'15121 rv New Drawing R1 5129121 mdm add 1110 br citypermts R2 &124121 mdm (1.0) dele1II lama, t9duce letln. blade non-a.n. R3 7/22121 mdm (.50) add 1eff1) sign R, 7129121 mdm (1.0) change main sign 10 push llvu faux neon ~ ELECTRIC SIGN Tiu, ,1gn ls inlellded lo be lnslaled '" --... -ol-600 ol t. Naional Eleaocaf Code ttYJ/r/1 other 1pplicablo local codff. This includes prol)trgtoundingMdbond,ngollheslgn. • CO'J$'RUC110~ APPROVALS • Design: Dale: M9'0(:: Date: Page 2 of 6 This Is an original unpobllshed drawing created by SlJ(>e<l0f Elodric:al Adve<tis;ng. Int. ~,ssubnaedlol)Ol.fappro,-ai.llSnol lo be "'°"" 10 anyone ou1s!de ol yo,, orgar.utron. nor ,. K 10 be rel)lodi.ced. COflle<l 01 a,h.,~ ,n any fashion. The changr,g or co1o<, ..:es, materials 01 ilu'nona:lorlmelhoddoesnotallerlhedos,gn. Oww1'>1polt111Sdes,gnlS held by 5'4>enor Electrial ~ ~-Alr.honza!Jon lo ""' !Ills llesign In any fast.or, mus1 be obla1ned ,n wnUng horn Superiol Elocuocal Mverlis,og,lnc. t>SEA2021 Nolo'ThoCXlb>depclldhefea<•lg!lllftlC reptesentam. Aclu!I CXlb> may var,, SH colorsptOf)cations. * 43•-4• I I I I I I ' ' ' ' ' I I I ' ------:--------27'-~ I ' ' I I I ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' --1------t~~~t~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~j~~~~~~~~~~;~;;;;;;;;;~;~;~;;~;~;~;~;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~;~~------W-51/~ I G) WEST ELEVATION I 1 SCALE: 1/8" = 1'-0" ~ 13'-0" ' ' ' , , , , , , ' ' / ' / ' 1'? F-- / ' / ' / ' / ' -------31-6"~ r,, r, ~-+...---.w----------~ 50'-0" 36'-9" t ff, r f -------r ---------_...,:.._..!...._..!.... ______________ _._ ______ ....;_ __ ~------,--+----2r-~ I, I! I I ' I I. I I I ------t ---P-------1-+--""""f4":51~ '------.:......a I -----+ -----r----1 T,Q.STORE~ 11'~ I , I I I I I I -----!-----1 .• I • 8'-10" EXIS11NQ TENANT IMPROVEMENT SPACE ~ LS:::O:..:::.UTH.:..::..:E::.:LEV::..:::AT~IO:::N ___________________________________________ _ \.!:J SCALE: 1/8" = 1'-0" Project: Pure Taco Address: 2742 State St. Suite 102 Carlsbad, CA 92008 Account Manager: Gregg Grandon Scale: AS NOTED Design No.: 21-04-7315-04 Reg. No.: Revision Hlsto,y: RO 4115121 rw New 0rffl19 R1 5126121 mdm add illo tor city permits RH /24121 mdm (1.0) delete TA: 3.50 lama, reduce let1ers, blade non-llum. R3 7122/21 mdm (.50) add~ 591 R4 712W21 mdm (1.0) change main sign to push 1hru faux neon ~ ELECTRIC SIGN This al<,n 11 ,ntende<J to be lnstanod in oa:ordanc:e with the requi<tmtnts of Article 600 ol lht National EJedrlcal Coda and/or -lll)l)kat,le loca codes. This -poperllfl)lnfng andbondr,g of Ille sq,. • CONSTRUCTION APPRO,ALS • Acct. Mgr. lleslg1: Mf!>'QC: Oete: Date: Page 3 of 6 ThlS lo an onginal un!)Ubltahed drawing aealod by Supenor Electrlc:at Advemr,g, Ire. It II l<Jbm11ted kx Y°'" approval. R is no1 lo be shOwo lo anyone -ol your o,gan,zrJOO. nor Is l lo be ,....-, cc,pod ., t.dl!l>led .. .,,,., losliiorl. 11w ~ of "°""'• $US, ,nata<lals OI 11Lm,ne110n melllod does not Iller the des,gn. Owne<ship ol lhls design IS held by s_.,, Elec1rlcal Advertising, Inc. Autholizatioo to use 11>1 design r, any fashlOn rrust be oota.ned., "'¥l9 from 5upollOI EJec:ricol Ad,-.ng_lne. CSEA2021 No<e Tho cclDrs dep,cted heie an, a graphic ,ep,esa,,taoon. Ar:tual colOl1 may vary, See oolor spec,fialllc)ns. 1------------------u•-11 5/8'''-----------------i 4• 5• m r 1'-6" L W CUSTOM FABRICATED ALUMINUM OPEN FACED CHANNEL LEmRS MOUNTED TO RACEWAY 14.96 SQ FT A f-------------------auANT1rv: ONE (1) SIGN REQUIRED SCALE: 3/4" = 1•-0• SPECIFICATIONS: LETTERS: FACES: RETURNS: BACKS: OPEN FACED CHANNEL LETTERS -FRONT LIT FACES TO BE ROUTED WITH PUSH THRU CLEAR ACRYLIC NEON SHAPED LINES. FACE OF ACRYLIC TO BE ROUNDED AND BACKED WITH WHITE DIFFUSER VINYL OPEN FACES -INTERIOR BAFFLE AND INTERIOR RETURNS PAINTED COMPANY YELLOW EXTERIOR 4" DEEP ALUMINUM RETURNS PAINTED BLACK PAINTED BLACK CUSTOM FABRICATED ALUMINUM CHANNEL----- LETTER RETURNS -------.....----..~ ILLUMINATION: YELLOW LED MODULES MOUNTED BEHIND LINES WITH POWER SUPPLIES MOUNTED REMOTE IN RACEWAY. BAFFLES WELDED TD A CONTINUOUS R.ANGE _____ _, RACEWAY: 5" RACEWAY PAINTED TO MATCH CANOPY NOTE: FIELD VERIFY ALL MEASUREMENTS AND CONDITIONS PRIOR TO ANY FABRICATION Note to All Contractors I 120 I Sign Voltage This slan is intended to be installed in accordance with the requirements of Article 600 of the National Electrical Code and.'or other appllCable local codes. This includes proper grounding and bonding of the sign. All wan penetrations fo be sealed with UL Listed silicone sealant. Minimum gap between push thru plex and aluminum opening. Note: shoulder painted black to prevent light leaks through gap Clear acrylic push thru letter rounded on all sides and sanded with a frosted finish. .063" aluminum baffles mounted (at center) White diffuser vinyl applied second surface. @ SECTION THROUGH PUSH THRU PLEX 3 f--------- SCALE:NTS WELDED ON LETTER INTERIOR RETURNS I ilm. FW1GE waoo MD SfN..ED I !"Tll CAUI.Ul8 TO l'RffllfT UGIIT Wf.S LED MODULES TO BE CENTERED ON PUSH THRU PLEX. --------+--ff-----iH .063" ALUMINUM BAFFLES MOUNTED (AT CENTER) --------++II ¾" THICK CLEAR ACRYLIC PUSH THRU _______ _.. WITH ROUNDED FACES AND EDGES .125" THICK ALUMINUM CHANNEL LETTER-BACKS---------1--M---M NOTE: GAP BETWEEN PUSH THAU ANO 8AFIU TO IE AS TIGHT AS POS818LE. 5/B"=l= ¼" DIAMETER WEEP HOLES ON BOTTOM------- AND ANY PLACE THAT WILL COLLECT WATER EXJSTINGCANOPY'---- 3/B" DIA. X 1 ½" EFFECTIVE MIN. EMBED. GALV. STEEL LAG SCREW (6) TOTAL REO'D TYPICAL SECTION DETAIL SCALE: 1 ½" = 1 '-0" COUNTER SUNK SCREWS FROM BEHIND, CHANNEL LETTER TO BE REMOVED FOR SERVICE. .125" THICK ALUMINUM BACKS Project Pure Taco Address: 2742 State Sl Suite 102 Carlsbad, CA 92008 Account Manager: Gregg Grandon Scale: TA: AS NOTED 3.50 Design No.: 21-04-7315-04 Reg.No.: Revision History: RO 4115121 rv Ntw Drawing R1 5/26121 mdm add illo to, dtypemib R2 '124121 mdm (1.0) delele lama, reciJce lettefs. lilade non-am. R3 7/22121 mdm (.SO) add temp • R4 7mt21 mdm (1.0) change main 191 ~ push tvu lilUl neon ~ ELECTRIC SIGN Thi• sign 11 lnlO<ldod lo be lnstaltd In -Wllh t,o requirerrenls of At1lde 600 ol tht Nabona1 Elocn:al Code ....r.. -~--·Tots~ p,opecgrww:lr,gard~ollhesq,. • CONSTRUCTION APPROVALS• Acc:t. Mg,: Dale: Des9t: MlglQC: Date: Page 4 of 6 Tbcs IS an or,g,nal ur,p..t,ishod ~ aealed by 5.Jporu Eledrical ~ Inc. Hos scbmol1ed for '(<M apptl)'lal, l II not 10 be sl>O'Wn to anyone OUl>lde of '(<M organlzatJOn. no< 1$ 11 to be rtptedlJC8d. CQl)ied o, e><lllb,led II any fashoon. The d\angr!l of colors. SIZ8S, matenal$ or -mtN>ddoe$nolaletthtdesigl. Owne,>lipol lhls dosq, IS held by $upefior Electrical Mve<IJslng, Inc. AumoriUtJOn to use mis de,ign 11 any fashion ..,.,1 be obtained 1n wr~ng from Supe(IOI' Ekx:lricat Adv811isir9.lnc. ~SEA2021 -= The cdor>depcled here .... ~ ,_talion. Actual a,b-s may vary. See i;obrspe<llicatoon.. -------2·-s--· ---------1f -----2·-2-· ----r 2'-0" ,,_l --'2·-0·~-J NON-ILLUMINATED DOUBLE FACE BLADE SIGN 'lflr----------------~ QUANTITY: ONE (1) REQUIRED SCALE: 1" = 1'-0" SPECIFICATIONS: CABINET: FACES: TRIMCAP: ILLUMINATION: MOUNTING: NOTE: 4" DEEP ALUMINUM CABINET PAINTED BLACK WHITE ACRYLIC FACES WITH DIGITALLY PRINTED VINYL APPLIED 1" TRJMCAP AROUND PERIMETER OF FACE NON-ILLUMINATED FLAG MOUNTED TO WALL FIELD VERIFY All MEASUREMENTS AND CONDITIONS PRIOR TO ANY FABRICATION LJ 2'-8" END VIEW s· 2'-0" ~,_ ____ __:_ __ ,f2j'-2r" ____ ----,c===-_-==;jc:----: 5" X 5" X 3/8" thick aluminum ~------wall plate bolted to wall with 1 • aluminum square tube welded inside 2" tube Four (4) ¼" togoler bolts into wan plywood backer. .-------3" square tube outrigger -=,,...,....==-=·--=--=,.=--=-·=·-=-·=····=··=···=· ==.,,,\,,,====-.t1r welded to wan plate. End to be capped. 2• tube welded to ------- cabinet return !.----------2• aluminum square tube welded to 3• tube. ,,,-----White acrylic faces with applied vinyl ovenay 17:---------L-1 • aluminum square tube welded to returns FRONT VIEW -STRUCTURAL DETAIL SCALE: 1½" = 1'-0" Project Pure Taco Address: 2742 State St. Suite 102 Carlsbad, CA 92008 Account Manager: Gregg Grandon Scale: AS NOTED Design No.: 21--04-7315-04 Reg.No.: Revision History: RO 4115121 rr New Drawing R1 512t121 mdm add info tor city permits R1 &'24121 rrdm ( 1.0) delelt TA.: 3.50 lama, rewc:e lellers, Uade noo-a.m. R3 7/22121 !Tdm (.50) add 1emp sign R4 7129121 mdm (1.0) dlange mast sign 10 posh 111/u faux neon ~ ELECTRIC SIGN Th'1 slgJI is intonded lo be .,,_ In ~nee wit, Ille 11<promenll ol Al1Jcle 600 ol 1ho National Elec1rical Code and/or -lll)lllicable local oocles. TN, -propsgoo.r,dingandbondilgclllle S9L • CONSTRUCTION APPROVALS • Acct. Mgr: Date: De&ign: Oete: Mf!>IQC: Date: Page 5 of 6 Ttus ,s on original Ul\l)Ubloshed drawing -by ~ Electricol Adve<1isalg. Int. h•subrrdodlofyot.--.l1Sncl o, be shown ID anyone OU!Sldt ol ycur organ1Zabon, nor Is II lo be relXOducw, wpod or """'"led ., any fasllion. Tht dlq,,g ol ccb's. "2ff, malerias or iltmnabon melhoddoes nclallet lltedes,gn Ownersl11p ol lhts design is hckl by Supeoor Electr-.:al Advertl,lng, Inc. Authorizatioo 11> use N dos9I II anr fashion musl be -., wnCing """' 5uptf1C)f Eleclncel Ad'ltrtslr,g, Inc. ©SEA2021 i,;«e Thocolorsdep,cledhe<e1<eag"""1oe ~-colors mty 'flt'(. Set cdorspecll',ca5oos.