HomeMy WebLinkAboutPS 2021-0067; NUSPINE CHIROPRACTIC; Sign Permits/Programs (PS)C City of Carlsbad RECE''l '~D AUG O 6 2021 CITY Of PLANNI• _ ,aAO I ,Vl..:,I0~1 REVIEW FOR SIGN PERMIT P-11 Development Services Planning Division 1635 Faraday Avenue (760) 602-4610 www.carlsbadca.gov ~Wl-\ -o~ i.5> PLANNING APPucAno~#:P~'Lo2 \~oeo 7 REC'D BY 12::,)..~ ~~~~G DATE 9,/~~l ' SIGNFEE~?x5 SIGN PROGMFEE ----------RECEIPT NO. ------------ NOTE: AN APPOINTMENT IS REQUIRED FOR SUBMITTAL. PLEASE CONTACT THE APPOINTMENT SPEC/AUST AT (740) 602- 2723 TO SCHEDULE AN APPOINTMENT. *SAME DAY APPOINTMENTS ARE NOT AVAILABLE* All plans submitted for sign permits/sign programs shall consist of a minimum of a site plan and sign elevatio"ls containing the following information: 1. North arrow and scale. 2. Location of existing buildings or structures, parking areas, and vehicular access points to the property. 3. Location of all existing and proposed signs for the property. 4. Distance to the property line{s) for all proposed freestanding sign{s). 5. Provide an elevation for all proposed sign{s) which specifies the following: A. Dimensions and area for all existing and proposed sign{s). B. Materials the sign{s) will be constructed of. C. Source of Illumination. D. Proposed sign copy. APPLICANT MUST SUBMIT THREE (3) SETS OF SIGN/SITE PLANS, A COMPLETED APPLICATION FORM, AND THE APPLICATION FEE. Average processing time: 2 weeks Name of Project: NuSpjne Chiropractic Address of Project: 2623 Gateway Road Ste 104 • Carlsbad CA 92009 Assessor Parcel Number: _,2"""1...,3'"'"1"""9_,_,10 .... 9..,.0""'0 __________________ _ Related Planning Case Number{S): ___________________ _ TYPE OF DEVELOPMENT: (a) Residential (d) ~ Commercial (e) '{c'f'" Office/Industrial (f) Hotel/Motel Service Station Prof. Care (g) Theater (h) Gov'UChurch/School (i) Public Park SIGN PROGRAM AND/OR SPECIFIC PLAN CRITERIA (j) Produce Stand (k) Nursery (I) P-U/OS Zone Yes(Z] No □ Specific Plan Number ____ _ VILLAGE REVIEW AREA {If yes, please complete information on page 3) Yes D SOUTH CARLSBAD COASTAL REVIEW AREA Yes 0 SIGN ORDINANCE: Yes O No O COASTAL ZONE: Yes □No 0 P-11 Page 1 of4 No □ No □ Rev. 02/28/18 EXISTING SIGNS: TYPE NUMBER SIGN AREA SIGN HEIGHT Pole Monument Wall Qty 1 26.44 Sq Ft Logo 28" Letters 18" &13.69" Suspended/Projecting Directional Canopy Freestanding (Project Identity) PERMITS ISSUED FOR EXISTING SIGNS: Yes O No O Date ______ _ PROPOSED PERMANENT SIGNS: MAXIMUM NUMBER MAXIMUM PROPOSED MAXIMUM PROPOSED TYPE NUMBER PROPOSED SIGN SIGN AREA SIGN SIGN ALLOWED AREA HEIGHT HEIGHT Pole** Monument ... Wall I J ~-~'-<ff Suspended/Projecting l ?-0~-~ , Directional Canopy Freestanding** (Project Identity) Digital Display PROPOSED TEMPORARY SIGNS: MAXIMUM NUMBER MAXIMUM PROPOSED MAXIMUM PROPOSED TYPE NUMBER SIGN SIGN SIGN ALLOWED PROPOSED AREA SIGN AREA HEIGHT HEIGHT Construction** For Sale** Banner Interim -Prior to approval, all proposed pole, monument, and freestanding signs must be reviewed for potential sight distance and visibility Issues. Additional Information must supplement this applicatlon showing how the proposed slgnage will not encroach Into the public right-of- way or present a traffic hazard. Page 3 of 4 Illustrates an example for what would be required for such proposed signs. P-11 Page 2 of 4 Rev. 02/28/18 SITE PLAN REQUIREMENT FOR POLE, MONUMENT, AND FREESTANDING SIGN APPLICATIONS The following example illustrates the information that is required for all pole, monument, and freestanding sign permit applications. Prior to approval, all such proposed signs must be reviewed for potential issues by the Transportation Department, which will not allow signs to be approved over the counter. Additional time will be required for on-site inspection. ' ' PIL Si&),t Distance Requittment i I Show buildingls i I / : / I , ____ J __ ~ow Jetbacks from all curbs Show all property lines PIL I : / ! ! . : . . . : curb line / ----------~--- • • Sicbt Visibility 21.41 .080 Sign design standards I Street Name(s) (i) North Relationship to Streets: Signs shall be designed and located so as not to interfere with the unobstructed clear view of the public right-of-way and nearby traffic regulatory signs of any pedestrian, bicyclist or motor vehicle driver. Sight Distance: No sign or sign structure shall be placed or constructed so that it impairs the sight distance requirements at any public or private street intersection or driveway. EXISTING SIGN PROGRAMS OR SPECIFIC PLAN SIGN CRITERIA Total Building Square Footage: 1500 sq. ft. ---~-----Tot a I Building Street Frontage: 28-1 5/8 linear ft. Total Signage Allowance: sq. ft. Existing Signage {sq. ft.): sq. ft. Remaining Sign Allowance at Present: sq. ft. Proposed Signage (sq. ft.): 26.44 sq. ft. Remaining Sign Allowance After Proposed Sign: sq. ft. VILLAGE REVIEW AREA Total Signable Area: sq. ft. ---------Tot a I Signable Area Length: sq. ft. Total Signable Area Height: sq. ft. Total Projection from Wall Face: inches P-11 Page 3of4 Rev. 02/28/18 PROPERTY OWNER NAME PRINT OR TYPE Regency Bressi LLC c/o Athena Property Management MAILING ADDRESS 730 El Camino Way, Suite 200 s Mvvrv{cv 'S 4 sd · co rY> ~++Ar--JNA W~~ APPLICANT NAME PRINT OR TYPE Signs for San Diego on behalf of NuSplne Chiropractic MAILING ADDRESS 3800 Oceanic Drive CITY STATE ZIP TELEPHONE CITY STATE ZIP TELEPHONE Tustin, CA 92780 I CERTIFY THAT I AM THE LEGAL OWNER AND THAT ALL THE ABOVE INFORMATION IS TRUE AND CORRECT TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE. DATE PLANNER CHECK LIST: 1. Field check by planner. 2. Within maximum length, area. Oceanside, CA 92056 760-730-5118 X 378 I CERTIFY THAT I AM THE REPRESENTATIVE OF THE LEGAL OWNER AND THAT ALL THE ABOVE INFORMATION IS TRUE AND CORRECT TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE. I DATE 3. Style consistent with Sign Program and/or Specific Plan criteria, if applicable. 4. Location: ❖ In right-of-way ❖ In visibility triangle at comer 5. Pole and monument signs to be checked by Transportation Engineering, for visibility issues. 6. to Date: &'$2-\ P-11 Page 4 of4 Rev. 02/28/18 1·-r J6" 0 NON-ILLUMINATED Bl.ADE SIGN SU.If: 112· ~ 1·-0· SIGNS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!FOR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SAN DIEGO SO•: 18748 IUll-0:C.-CAMPOS -i;: 760-730-5118 3800 Ocffnlc Drive Suite 113 Oceanside, CA 92056 1·-2· ~ 1/4" x 4• W!Oc MOUNTING PLATE WITH THE EXTERIOR FINISH PAINTED BLACK. l][j 11/2" WIDE RAT BAR ACCENT 'MTH PAINTED BLACK EXTERIOR. []!) 1 1/2" HORIZONTAL SUPPORT WITH PAINTED BLACK EXTERIOR. ~ EYE HOOK ATTACHMENTS I][] 1/2" THJCK AND 2" WIDE RECESSED 8ACKGROlitlD WITH PAJNTED BLACK EXTERIOR. fil] 15• X 35• DIMENSIONAL BLADE SIGN. 1/2" THICK SINTRA GRAPHICS WITH A D!GlTAL PRINT OVERLAY. 13'-1" TO TOP APPROX. OF BRACKET 11'•0" FR. FIN. GRAOE 1 1 ~"'i'-o· CUS11MD1UM£: Ian Belton NuSpine ·,-.1 +- . " I .., llSWI.AINSS: 262.3GatewayRd Ste 104 catlsbad, CA 92009 lffl: 07112/2021 llWIOI: SOlf:MIIOTID PM!:60f6 BUILDING SIGNS !!!!!!!!!!! FOR !!!!!!!!!!!!! SAN DIEGO C.Nfomle Elldrk Code NOTE: All Construction shall compty with the 2021 CBC. 2021 CEC & 2021 CEnC Code Editions 2623 GATEWAY RD. STE 104, CARLSBAD, CA 92009 ---·-- C H I R --Q P R A C T I C Athena Property Management &<J Reviewed with NoBmpdODI& • ( )Reviewed as Noted ( ) Rejected ( ) Revise and Resubmit Drawin('s are approved for concept and gene:ml layout only. Ownm approvltl does not constitute verification of.cm~ ~ents or necessary code requirements. Tcmml or itS design pofCSS1onals frIC requiied to obtain all ~ssa.tJ pemmeotaJ ~ J~;.,.....:~llliiiliiiiiililii;~..-lll•-Ji!?h-/~g,./'-i::l~, S<N18748 11'-4" 8'-3" ,~Nu Spin e ,•-,3,4• CHIROPRACTIC -, S" 8'-3" -ELEVATION: DIMENSIONS AND AREA FOR EXISTING AND PROPOSED SIGN - SIGNS !!!!!!!!!! FOR-!!! SAN DIEGO n ,ia ll'IIIIMI: OtM5TINI\CAMfOS aafc~ 111-~11• IIIO ac-llc DIM SUb 111 Ocaanslde, CA t2NI Atbeaal'ropeatyMcs•nat m=:•Cll6N C )Rejected ( ) Revise and ~mnit ... Drawings are approved for concept and genc:ral layoat on1y. Owners approval does not constitute verification of existing measurements or necessary code i:equin::mc:ntB. Tenant or its design professionals 1rercquu~ary govemmental approv~ ~ Duo: U?-JO I C1S1a111ta: Ian Betton .... NuSpine APPROVAL: IISllllallSS: 2623 Ga-..yRd. ~ 104 Qrfsbad. CA 92009 lall 07/13(2021 IGLll~IIJB Na! 101'5 s•-3• ,I\JuSpin 8'-3" ·-e ELEVATION: FRONT VIEW/ MATERIALS/ IUUMINATED REVERSE CHANNEL LETTERS & DUAL LIT SCALE: 1/T = NI" [![) 3' DEEP ALUMINUM REMNS. EXTERllR RNISH WILL BE PAIMD AS DIRECTED OHM •SPECIAL llETAlS'. [!fl 314" WtffE TRM W Mi\TBW. ON LOGO'S (CIICLE ANO 'r'). I • I 3116" lllCK •1m wtm M:lmJC WILL BE PlACED ON THE LOOO SHN'ES ot1. v wmt s,.3530 TRANSlUCEHT VINYL ON lHE FACES. 'NUSpne' Will HAYE METAL MATERW. AHD PAINTED AS DIRECTB> ON "SPECIAL DETAILS". (M!} 8500KWlm SU>AN LE.D. SlRIPS. [ii) Cl.EAR lEXAN MCKS WI..L BE PlACED 1W AU. CHANNEL LETTERS AND TIQ.JNE. [!fl 1.5" MOON11NG SPi\C8I Will BE Pl.ACED ON lHE BACKS OF AU. CHANNEl LrnetS A~ TAG UNE. PflE-(JftlUO t.lMmHG HOlE OH BACKS WJTH SCREW ATTACtMNT TO LfTTERS. 00) V4" WEffl HOLES AS REOOIRED IN UIWEST SPOT OF LETTERS. 00 1/Z' DNE"ER EMT C01IJllT Nil C<IHCTORS WITH WATl:IHIGHT CAllJt I• I (12VOI.T) LE.D. (IIO WATT) POWER SUPPLIES. !1111! PIIWRV ELECTRICAL. LEADS. POWER TO LErnRS TO BE SUPPi.iD BY OTIERS. oo:!) RE<:EPTACLE BEHIND WALL HOUSe POWER SUPPLY(S) wmt DISCONNECT SWITCH. Ml ---- 1..-WALL I I~® LlfflD COMrOll:ilii • llllCGlllm I IWl!CM 4 SPECIAL DETAIL 8 wa mw>: IUMI-ID lfllRIIt Mil&r mere 'IJTEII (!D 3' DEEP AWIINUM IIEl\lNl. fXTBIDI FNSlt Ml IE PMlltD PMS 1S75C I • I :w· WtnUIIM CN' MA"IBIAL 0IU.OGO'S (CIACll AIII T). l • ! 1(11' TIICK •7321 WltllE ACIMJC Wl.1. IE PUICBJ ON TIE 9CE Vlffl4 * TIWl6UICEIIT \'111\'1...,_7◄ IIIAIOUt,T. i t QUM. lU awra NCI\"' mer wnm [!fl s• DEEP AUMIIII RmllllS. EJTBIDI Piaf WU IE PMITED VH1E 00 :W'WfflETIIMCAPfMTBIM. (jj] "11" ntCK .ms Wlffi Aal'II.IC wmt A *11W18WC8ffWM. OIi Hl'ACE. 31WDG-T4 IQIIIQIMT ANO .. ~ 57 IIIT8GE IUJE. IM Ill: N-INll UJl Ci!] 3" l&PALll8MIYlfflt·IIEICI ~ WELD MD SMDIEAM SlllOTH RIA. IIISHM.l llf PMflBI !'MS ,OOC. 00 N01MICN' [ii] QENI l!XM BACK WU~ 1.!!"8TAHD!ffS Nu .~v:n•= :ma 00) S-IIOP IILIMII.N AmllNS. 008'0II ANISIIWU IE PMl!B) PMS DIC. (!!] NDTfalCN' [ii) IEM..w.EPAINTIDPMSDC Spne 1n1;n•o,=-:ma, [!!] ,. DEEP ALIMUI RE1IIAN&. EXTBIIIII 1119H WU IIE Pi\1"1£D l'MS msc. ~ NOTRIIC'.AP (!!I IETALFACE P'Mfl'EDPIII tmc SIGNS Atltella Piopaty Afn11r•at ~widaNa-Bl.- ,1.wuon""f'IIIIOfCAIRUJ ( )~C\WdasNotec! CDS111mu.: Ian Belton WUIIIIUWIYellerllo-llMamnqlf',-...,~ nvu•~ WI NuSplne ..U,IIIDIISS; 2623 GateMy Rd. Ste 104 ~CA92009 FOR SAN DIEGO fUl .... ~CMllfOS ~f' 7'1-73M111 3IIO Oolllllo DIM ... 111 Ooealkle,CAl20II ID_ .. llllsp,tltlJ_.,lilcWnganlld ... lH ... lt,6uitQIJfR and Resubmit Ajlpawl1ftlisp,wl_._.._.,....,~~llf•111wtlld--..!! APPROVAL: plllktlltiottaelMl,-a.MNr-pllllkld~iJiiA,-,r0Ved for concept and general layout only. Owners ~n1..-.,111tt1Jt11t101t~i.,1~•does notconstitutcve:rificationofcxistingmeasurementa or nccess~::. Tenant or its design professionals ll'er~~ Vcmmental ap~vals. ~~....,~---o.. 2ot4( taa 07n.!l202l Kllf::ASIIIB NR:20f5 2'-4" Mounting Hole Diagram 28" t ELEVATION: PROPOSED SIGN SIGNS RJA SAN DIEGO IUl,__,,C,.,..,.CAMf!OS --f' 'Nl-nNffl aoOoN111o0rtve1u111111 OD_, 11•1. 'CA taOII 11 '-4" 8'-3" 1'-1 3/4" CHIROPRACTIC 5" I • 26.44SQ FT Athena Property Management (\) Re\;ewcd with No Exceptions ()-Reviewed as Noted ( ) Rejected ( ) Revise and Resubmit Drawi::;:;s .:re approved for concr;;c 2nd general layout only. Owners ap;:::Jvd cl0es r.ct constitute vcrifa:ation of existing measurement!; or r.ecessary cede requirements. Tenant or its des1;;:;. profossionals a.r.c required to obtain a ssary governmental a prov s. Date;_.,__....,,. ......... NuSpine: 2a• x 136• Illuminated Reverse & Dual Lit Channel Letters (26.44 SQ FT Total) ._MIIE: Ian Betton W: NuSplne lPPIOVAL: NIBHIVIEW asll&I.-2'23GalewayRd,S. 104 Clllsbad,CAtl009 la!: 07/13'2021 -Klll:AS-Na:30fS 1) ACTUAL CHANNEL l£TTER POPULATION ANO PRODUCT PLACEMENT MAY VAAY FROM THIS LAYOUT 2) Vl.4 WHITE 6500t( LAID OUT AT 2.0 MOOUlES PER FOOT. 7.0" ON CENTER J) f.ACtf 60#3 POWER SUPPLY CAN RUN UP TO 56 Vl..4 WHITE 65001( MOOUI.ES 4) LAYOUT BA.5Et> ON A J'' CAN DEPTli 5) DIMENSUIS M£. IN INCHES UNLESS STATED OTNERWISE 6) 701269-6..W-MB WATTS PER MODULE: .96 7) PRIMARY SYSTEM POWER: 88.80 WATTS 8) LED MOOULE POWER USAGE (aecondory): 71.04 WATTS P/S #1 Qr, 0 1 8" D 28" 8 0 0 D D I 9 , 11D ml 11D 17 W-100392 ESTIMATED PRODUCT B.O.M. PER SIGN: 74 Each VL4 White 6500K Modules -53' PN: 701269-6W2A2-MB 2 Each 60C2 (Damp/Dry locations) or 60W3 (Wet location) SOW Power Supplies 12VDC 1 Each 100' Roll of Jacketed Coble DRMIN CC/JR l»oTE 7/7/2021 J0II NUl&R 79133 SIGNS FOR SAN DIEGO NUSPINE AthenaPn,pertyMa1pmenl • SI LE o •<. ~withNc-Baoq,dml ~ oa n ! i=aaNoeecl Leaders In LED Technology ( ) Revise and Resubmit Sloan LED.com Drawings are approved for concept and 8~ ~out only. ~oil-free 888, 7 47.4LED approval does not constito1e verificadon of existing measurements or necessary code n,qufremcDts. Tmamor its design professionals 1rerequired too • accesaarypaonic:otal approvals. Dia. ~ti?{ P/S #2 Tel 805.676.3200 Fax 805.676.3206 . 8" ft 0 D D u 5 7 5 6 :, -. 11D I s .l 11D 11D .,.ml 'IID 1111:· -. 11ml :1%1:1 ~ mr 11D ml :IID 15 P/S #2 1) This design and drawing ore proprietary and the property of SloanLEO. My reproduction or use without prior written approval is prohibited. 2) ChonneLED modules and power supply quantities ore ESTIMATES ONLY and are based on the supplied information ond drowings. Channel letter depth, lens color, material and thickness con vary, which may lead to on increase or decrease in product at the time of installation. To ensure accurate product requirements, it is recommended that product Is tested using customer's speciftc lens material and letter configuration. 3) SloonLED highly recommends applying Light Enhancement Point (LEP) or Light Enhancement Film (LEF) inside channel letters for optimal Illumination. 4) Jacketed cable estimated assumes mo,cimum run length of 15' per leg of the power supply. ADDRESS; 2623 Gateway Rd. Ste 104 Carlsbad, CA 92009 ___.. ------------- ----- PROJECT TmE: NuSplne Chiropractic -I .... SCOPE OF WORK; NuSpine: 28" x 136" Illuminated Reverse & Dual Lit Channel Letters (26.44 SQ FT Total) -' -- --I__ I -'"'I ' -~ \ ! ' \ \ ' I \ _) . \ I I \ \ NORTM SIGNS !!!!!!!B FOR !!!!!!II• SAN DIEGO f\Ml ....... a.5llN"~ ..... ~ 7'11-nN111 IIDO Oaelnlo DIM lullt 111 OceWldt.eAtaOIII I ..... / a I . ..........__ I r-----.J Athena Property ()l..Revicwe4 with No ( ) l\evicwcd as Noted ( )Rejected ( ) Revise and R.esubm1t Drawings are approved for concept and general layout only. Owners approval does not constitute verification of.~g ~en.ts or necessary code requirements. Tenant or it8 design professionals M<requn<d~~~ ~ _, OWNERS INFORMATION; Regency Bressi LLC c/o Athena Property Management 730 El Camino Way, Suite 200 Tustin, CA 92780 PARCEL/ APN #: 2131910900 8 Nusp·ne C H I ~ U P I~ A C l C CIISl'Mllal: Ian Belton Nlllnl NuSpfne APPROVAL: / If I IIRMUIIIIISSc 26l3 G1teway Rd.Sta 104 urlswd, CA 9200!1 11ft 07/13/2021 - KIii: ASIIDl9 Naz 5 015 1'·2' 36" G NON-ILLUMINATED BLADE SIGN SCALE: 112" = 1'-0' SIGNS l!!!!!!!!l!l!llfOR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SAN DIEGO SO•. 18748 l'I.WIIIPMOl:,__CAMPOS -~ 760-730.S118 3800 Oceanic o,,.,. Suite 113 Oceanside, CA 112056 (MD 1/4' x 4' W10E MOUNTING PLATE WITH THE EXTERIOR RNJSH PAINTED BLACK. 00] 1112' WIDE RAT BAA ACCENT 'Mlli PAlmEO BLACK EXTERlOR. []!j 1 112" HORIZOITTAL SUPPORT WITH PAINTcD BLACK EXTEPJOR. 00:} EYE HOOK ATTACHMENTS l][j 112' THICK ANO 2' WIDE RECESSED BACKGROUND WITH PAINTED BlACK EXTERIOR. (![] 15' X 36" DIMENSIONAL BLADE SIGtt. 1/2" THICK SINTRA GRAPHICS WITH A DIGITAL PRINT OVERLAY. 13•.1· TO TOP APPROX. OF BRACKET 11'·0" FR. FIN. GRADE 1 1 .tr-o· cumMUIWII: Ian Belton NuSpine IISWUDIIUSS; 2613 Gateway Rd. Ste 104 Ca~sbad, CA 92009 111111: 07/12/2021 IBl!IOII: SCAll: AS IIOlll NR:60f6