HomeMy WebLinkAbout1995-08-02; Planning Commission; ; ZCA 95-02|LCPA 95-08 - BIOLOGICAL HABITAT PRESERVES'lie t1ty " lirlah. Plmllg ., .....
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Application complete date: N/A
Project Planner: Teresa Woods
Project Engineer: N/A
for an amendment to Title 21, Chapter 21.04 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code
by the addition of Section 21.04.048 to define Biological Habitat Preserve and
amending Title 21, Chapter 21.42 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code by the
addition of Section 21.42.010(15) to require the processing of a Conditional
Use Permit for biological habitat preserves to ensure that biological habitat
preserves are consistent with the City's General Plan, Growth Management
Plan, Local Coastal Program (LCP) and Habitat Management Planning
efforts, and to amend the City's LCP to ensure consistency between the City's
zoning ordinance (which functions as the implementing ordinance for the
LCP) and the City's LCP.
That the Planning Commission ADOPf Planning Commission Resolution No. 3782,
recommending APPROVAL of the Negative Declaration issued by the Planning
Director and ADOPf Planning Commission Resolution No. 3783, recommending
APPROVAL of ZCA 95-02, and Planning Commission Resolution No. 3788
recommending APPROVAL of LCPA 95-08, based on the findings contained therein.
This Zone Code Amendment proposes to define biological habitat preserve and to
add a new section to Chapter 21.42 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code requiring the
processing of a conditional use permit for biological habitat preserves to ensure that
designated biological habitat presetves are consistent with the City's General Plan,
Growth Management Plan, Local Coastal Program and Habitat Management
Planning efforts. The Local Coastal Program (LCP) Amendment is necessary to
ensure consistency between the City's Zoning Ordinance and its Local Coastal
In early 1995, the City was notified that the property formerly known as Carlsbad
Highlands, located in Zone 15 on the eastern boundary of the City was being
considered as a ••conseivation bank". A conseivation bank sets aside lands for the
AUGUST 2, 1995
protection of sensitive habitat and species while allowing the property owner to
realize market value for their property by pre-approving the land as a mitigation
parcel for developments off-site. The establishment of a consetvation bank in the
City raised several issues including: (1) whether the presetve would preclude
providing necessary facilities under growth management; (2) whether the proposal
was consistent with the General Plan; and, (3) whether allowing projects out of the
aty to mitigate environmental impacts in Carlsbad was desirable. These issues will
be discussed in the analysis section below.
Bank of America took possession of Carlsbad Highlands, a 263-acre parcel of
unimproved property, through foreclosure proceedings in September, 1993. An
appraisal at acquisition indicated a low value, predominately due to the
environmental constraints on the property. Since that time, the Bank has sold 83
acres to Caltrans as mitigation land for Highway 76 in Oceanside, which impacted
gnatcatcher habitat. The 83 acres are permanently designated as open space through
a consetvation easement. Realizing the potential of the property as a consetvation
bank, Bank of America received approval from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service,
the California Department of Fish and Game, and the California Resources Agency
to designate the balance of the parcel as a "pre-approved" consetvation bank.
The timing of start-up of the consetvation bank and the mechanism for authorizing
it were initially unclear to staff. Ultimately, staff was informed that the Bank and the
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, California Department of Fish and Game, and
California Resources Agency had negotiated a Memorandum of Understanding
(MOU) to establish the consetvation bank. Because no formal mechanism existed
in the City requiring a permit for Biological Habitat Presetves, there was no way for
staff to require the property owner to address issues of concern to the City. In this
case, the City was ultimately able to resolve these issues, but a formal process would
have made the resolution quicker and easier. This zone code amendment has been
initiated to ensure that in the future, lands proposed for biological habitat presetves
are reviewed through a formal process which would allow the City the opportunity
to address issues related to the General Plan, Growth Management Plan and Habitat
Management Planning efforts.
The proposed zone code amendment would require the processing of a conditional
use permit (CUP) for biological habitat presetves to ensure that designated biological
habitat preseives comply with the following policies and regulations:
a. Carlsbad General Plan
b. Carlsbad Local Coastal Program
c. Growth Management
d. Habitat Management Planning efforts
e. Chapter 21.42 (Conditional Uses) of the Carlsbad Municipal Code
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Staff is recommending approval of this project. Therefore this analysis section will
present the project's compliance with the above policies and regulations.
a. General Plan
The proposed zone code amendment is consistent with the vision, goals, and
programs of the General Plan. One of the vision statements of the General Plan is
"A City which recognizes the value of its unique ecological position as a coastal city
of beaches, fragile lagoons, and unspoiled canyons; which has taken steps to conseive
the quality and quantity of its air, water, land and biological resources." Supporting
this vision are goals in the Open Space and Consetvation Element that include: "(l)
A City which protects wildlife habitat through the presetvation and enhancement of
significant feeding, nesting and breeding areas; (2) A City which preseives to the
maximum extent possible, the existing level of biodiversity; (3) A City which presetves
a variety of unique_ conservation areas to accommodate the needs of humans, plants
and animals; and, (4) A City that protects environmentally sensitive land and buffer
areas. Implementing programs and policies supporting these goals include: "(1)
Identify existing open space for protection, management, and potential enhancement
to maintain and, if possible, increase its value as wildlife habitat; and, (2) Coordinate
planning and development of a citywide open space system with habitat planning
efforts. All of these statements support the concept of a well planned and
coordinated system of open space and habitat presetves. Consistent with the vision,
goals and policies, the proposed zone code amendment will ensure that habitat
preservation is done in a coordinated manner consistent with the Carlsbad General
b. Carlsbad Local Coastal Program
The City's Zoning Ordinance, as approved by the California Coastal CommiMion,
functions as the implementing ordinance for Carlsbad's Local Coastal Program. To
ensure consistency between the City's amended Zoning Ordinance and it's LCP, this
LCP amendment is being processed. The proposed LCP amendment, which will add
new requirements and procedures for designated biological habitat preserves, is not
anticipated to result in significant impacts to coastal resources. Any designated
biological habitat presetve will be required to be consistent with applicable LCP
standards, policies and provisions.
At the end of the State mandated six week public comment period, starting on July
20, 1995, and ending August 31, 1995, staff shall present to the City Council a
summary of comments received.
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c. Growth Management
The proposed zone code amendment is being proceued to ensure that biological
habitat preserves will not preclude the aty's ability to provide necessary facilities
identified in the City's Growth Management Plan. Staff is concerned that if too
much of the aty were designated as open space it would be difficult to fund
necessary public facilities, as well as result in the reduction of long term . income
sources which were anticipated when growth management was established. By
requiring habitat preserves to be reviewed under a CUP, fiscal and infrastructure
impacts can be identified and adequately analyzed.
d. Habitat Management Planning Efforts
In 1991, the aty began preparing a Habitat Management Plan (HMP). The goal of
the HMP is to preserve habitats within the City in a mix and configuration that will
ensure the persistence, diversity, and species richness of natural communities within
the City. A draft HMP has been out for public review since July 1994. The
continued processjng of the HMP has been delayed to allow time for the
development of regional habitat management plans. It is anticipated that the aty's
HMP will be ready for Council action in approximately 6 months. The proposed
zone code amendment will ensure that future proposed biological habitat preserves
are located consistent with the recommendations of the Carlsbad HMP.
e. Zonlnc Ordinance Chapter 21.42 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code
The proposed zone code amendment will require (per Section 21.42.010(15)) that a
CUP be obtained for any proposed biological habitat preserve. A CUP will not be
required for preserves that are proposed as·part of a development proposal requiring
environmental review nor for land zoned as Open Space (OS). Although a CUP is
required for biological habitat preserves under this new code section, there will be
no way to guarantee the processing of a CUP on lands being purchased with the idea
of using them for mitigation. Unless the aty is notified (by either the resource
agencies or property owner), that property is being considered for a formal biological
habitat preserve, there is no way of knowing that land is being used as mitigation for
projects outside of the aty of Carlsbad. Staff will be working with the resource
agencies to ensure that in the future, the City is notified early in the process of
identifying biological habitat preserves and that property owners are notified in a
~ely manner that a CUP is required before a biological habitat preserve is formally
The proposed zone code amendment is consistent with the visions, goals, and programs of
the General Plan, will not cause adverse impacts to the City's Growth Management Plan,
AUGUST 2, 1995
will ensure consistency with LCP standards, policies and provisions, and will comply with the
City's habitat management planning efforts. Therefore, staff recommends approval of ZCA
Because the proposed zone code amendment does not condone any site specific
development and because future projects will be individually reviewed to evaluate
environmental impacts, the Planning Director determined that no significant adverse
environmental impacts will result from this proposal and has, therefore, issued a Negative
!)eclaration on April 12, 1995.
1. Planning Commission Resolution No. 3782
2. Planning Commission Resolution No. 3783
3. Planning Commission Resolution No. 3788.