HomeMy WebLinkAboutADJ 193; KOLL COMPANY; Engineering Application~. . . t; ",~t. .... ,.'._,--_ .. ,-. '-., .. , , lmQUEST . . JAN 2, 0 1983_ o Zone Change . 0 Prec~se Developnent -Plan '. o General Plan Amendment 0 Specific Plan rn'l'entative 'lract Map " 0 Site DevelofetWl(}~ARLcBAD 129 Major Planned Development 0 Conditional Use p~~ -SlJ ::I o Minor Plaimed Developnent nVariance o Master Plan 0 Plannipg COmmission Dete.rmination ['JMajor Planned LBvelopment Con~~~sio~. : . : .81~~~~~~B:~~C:iance. :. Oo.mplete Description of project (attach additional sheets if ne~essary) Request· for a'Tentative 'Map 'for'8, 'resi'deritia:l 'deve'lopmen'i;' 'on··'S'3·.1·39' B.C'.· conslstl.n . of' i': . patio'homes' and' 392'toWlihO:rileS; 'aII'as'a 'Plahrie'd Deve'l'o' inent· •. ·· A·re· uest' for' a'-variance from Section 21. 45 ~ 090 (b)(l) ; . front :yard :set'back ;.t·o' 'r'e'duc'e' the' required.' ~b" ·.;setbaCk to' 5'':''8' ' . ~ townhomes 'with . front ·loaded :Ilarking,: ':whiTe' Ihc:re:a:sih'g' the: setback:o:iJ.: the: oppOsite' side-.::! Locat~on of Project Easterly of'the'intersection ,. Hills (CT' 73"':'39); :Sou:therly :of 'cal!iin'd !oi :18:8' On:a:s;':;: UesteriY: of: Thb!ii$oh: Rb$~' bQmPa~i~: :' .. J -, -Legal Description (complete) A portion' of the 'West 1/2 of tlie' tioithwest' 'J'i4' of' s~'cti on' 28" . Tier 12' SQ,'Jtb ~ 'Ban ge . 4 'vest. ' r, , Bernardino Base 'r,; 'Me':rfdiail ' . .. . ....... .. . ............................. . General Plan Res·ident-ial-Medium: 4-10 Vacant'· ..... , .. '=-----~~zo~n-e------~~p~r-opo--s-e-d~Genera~l~p~l-an----------+--~S~T.te~~A~c-r-e-a-g-e------~------------ R-DM Hesidential-Medium 4-10· 83.139 O...mer (Print or Type) of San Diego ..... . !ailing Address Mesa BOUlevard city and State Zip 'l'elephone A plicant '. Name (Print or 1J.ype) . SAJ'.1E· , lI'ailing Address .' . SAME City and state Zip Telephone 1=-====~==~~;=9~21=1=1~.=.==(=61_9~)~27~9~~~20=4_2~.~ .. ~.-=s~~==~~~~~~~~"~'~'='~~~~~~l I CERTIFY rlHAT I N-1 THE LEGAL OWNER AND I CERTIFY THAT I AM TI-IE OWNER 'S REPRESENTIVE I' . 'IHAT ALL THE ABOVE INFORMATION IS TRUE AND THAT ALL THE ABOVE INFORMATION' IS TRu'E AND CORRECT TflE BEST OF" MY KNOWLEDGE AND CORRECT 'lBE BEST OF MY KNOWLEPGE I.-?,"