HomeMy WebLinkAboutAV 82-04; Tessa Silva Property; Administrative Variance (AV) (4)8 ri tl??recise kvelopent Plan 0 Specific Plan OSite Dsvelopment Plan nCQnditiona1 Use Permit IXl Variance 0 Planning ccsranission Determination - -___"" Ckxplete Description Oi project (attach additional. shets if necessary) "" .""- " The proposed James' Drlve ExtenSion north frm'Basswood 'will 'create frontage of the ~ property. at 3335 Valley St..on.James Drive of approxirnately.56 feet. . This request for l a variance is the. first step. in coming to a decision as .to .what can .be .done with approxi- Tessa Silva I_ P!!i.ling Xdress -.I__ 88RS 2030 Chestnut Ave.. .. """.- City and S*te zip Tclephme __. I P THE LAND REFERRED TO HEREIN IS SITUATED I& THE STATE CF CALIFORNIA+ COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, AND IS CESCRIBEC AS FCLLONS: THAT PORTION OF TRACT 123 OF CARLSBAO LAhOSt Ih' THE CITY OF CARLSRAC, IN THE COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO9 STATE OF CALifCRNIA. ACCCRCIkG TC RAP THERECF NO. 1661, FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUhTY RECORDER CF SAh CIEGC COUNTY, DESCRIBED AS FOLLOnS: COMMENCING AT A MONUMENT MARKING THE INTERZECTION GF THE CENTER LIhES Cf BASSWOOD AVENUE AND VAlLEY STREET AS SHCbN ON THE HAP OF THUM LANDS, ACCORDING TO HAP THEREOF NO. 16819 FILE0 IN TPE CFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER Of SAN DIEGO COUNTY; THENCE SOCTb S0'C5*2Cw WEST ALONG THE CENTER LINE OF BASYOOD AVENUE. 517.77 FEET; THENCE NCRTH 31'lZ'ZO" MEST9 265-71 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINhING; THENCE CONTINUING NORTH 31'12'20" YEST. 55063 FEET; THENCE hCRTU SS'28'10" EAST, 357-08 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 34'31'50" EAST, 21000 FEET; THENCE NCRTH 55°28'10n EAST9 140000 FEET TO THE CENTER LIhE OF SAID. VPLLEY STREET; THENCE SOUTH 34'31'50" EAST, (RECCRD - SCUTH 34O33'0C" EAST) 50.99 FEET TO A POINT DISTANT THEREOrd NORTH 34*31'50" KEST, 200046 FEET FROH SAID INTERSECTION OF SAID CENTER LINES ABOVE REFERRED TO; THEhCE SOUTH 57'21'13" WEST, 500058 FEET, MORE OR LESS. TC THE TRUE PCIhT OF BEGINFtINGo " " .- 1. SPECIFIC REQUIREMENTS ' General Plan Amendment/Zone Change I. Application Form ""- 2. General Xequirement Items H-Q 3. Reproducible 1:500 scale map of subject property showlr;~~ requested zoning and surrounding zoning and land uses. .I 4. Fee: General Plan Amendment $iOO.OO + $5.00 per lot or acre. Zme ChaRge: $500.00 !:aster Flan/Specific Plan/Precise Development Plan i . hacl icat ion Form " %. General Rzquirement Items: ~ ~~ - eighteen (18) copies of items A-D - itens E-Q 3. Fee: blaster Plan $1,000 + $2.00 per/acre Specific Plan $1,000.00 Master Plan .\nendment: Minor $50.00 -1 2.00 acre Major $500.0C + 2.00 acre "" Tentative Tract Mzp 1. Application Form 2. Eighteen (78) copies of the Tentative Tract Map 3. General Requirement Items - eighteen (18) copies of items A-C - items E, G-K, M-R 4. Fee: $500.09 (1-25 lots or units) $750.00 (26-100 lots or units) $1,090 (100 + lots or units) Extension: 1/2 oE original fee Revision: 7/4 of tentative map and regular fee on additional lots or acres. Major Planned DevelOpnient !5_or more uriit.S) 1. Appl lcation Form 2. General Requirement Items: - eighteen (16) copies of items A-D - items E-Q eddresscs oi' all :enants oE the project, proof of notification of the tenants 60 days prior to filing tentative map. 3. Conversion to Condomin%ums - list of names and 4. Fee: $200.00 $5.00 per unit for notification of tenants XOTE: Tentative Tract Msq-Ecauired Minor Planned DevelopEent (4 or less units) I. Application Forrr. 2. General Requirenent Items: - three (3) copies of items A-D - iterds X, L, 0, P, 0 a11 tenants of the units to be copverted to condominiums. 3. Conversion to Condominiums - list of names and addresses of 4. Fee: $50.00 + $l.OG per unit NOTE: Tentative Parcel Nap Required Site Development Plan 1. Appllcatlon Form 2. General Ilrltquirenent Items - thirteen (13) copies of items A-D - items E-L, 0, P, Q 3. . Fee: $350.00 Conditional Use Permit/Special Use Permit 1. Application Form 2. General kequireacnt Items: - thir!:een (13) copies of items A-D - items E-Q (items K,N & 0 not required for Special Use Permit) 3. Fee: S4G0.00 Variance 1. ~pplication Form 2. General ~equirement Itens: - thirteen (13) copies of item A - items E,.G, :I, J-N, I if applicable, and P (sec Tltle 19. Environment) ~ 3. Variance Supplenental Sheet ' 4. Fee: Single Family = $100.60 Other = $259.00 Planning Commission Determination 1. kpplic&klon Form 2. . One page statement precisely ind icating the determination reqliest. 3. General Requirement Items: - thirteen (13) copies of items A and D - item II, K, and L 4. Fee: $25.00 I 2. General Requirement Items - (3) copies of items A & D, if applicable - items GI H, J-N, an6 P " 3. Fee: $109.00 existing curbs, gutters, sideNa1i-s and existing paving vidths within 100 feet on adjacent and across the street proprtics, typical street section any cxisting mdian islands within 100 feet of subject sit?. nearest CL-GSS streets on bth sides witii plus or minis distzncxs from subject site. lo?&ion of all buildings within-100-feet-of-subject. prcixrties. z vicinity map shcwing major moss streets z si:x:nzr-y t&lc indicating the f?llowirg infomation: I_ - ." ... . . . . . . , . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . - . ...._ .... ". ....... 2 E. P. G. 3. I. J. K. L. One '( 1) copy of colored site plan [24"x36") r3ne (1) copy of colored elevations (24"x36") One (1) copy cac!~ of 8 1/2"x11" site plan' and elcvattons. One ( 1 ) copy of 6 1/2"x1 if' location,rrmp (suggested scale 1:200" - vicrnity ~wps on the site plan are not acceptable) Environrncntal Impact Assessment Porrn ($109) Public Facility Agreement: 2 copies: One (1) notorized original, One (1) reproduwd copy. Disclosure Statelacnt Fhotostaiic copy 'of deed with conplete legal 8escription of subject pro?crty or other form of description acceptable to 100 fezt of the bmdaries of the site. L elevations of the site - existinq.ca-sitc trees; those to be remved and those to LF savcd. . " shall inclvee the S.2n Diego County Assessor's parcel number fron the la:.est assessment rolls. 2) Two separate sets of ,id) addlrcsseil staqnoed envelopes (four sets for condominium con- versions) of the property owners and occupants within a 3OO"oot rradics of scbject .property. For any,address other than ninqle fmi1y redidcnce, anartment or suite r.alr,her mn be included. D.3 EIOT TYPE ASSESSOR'S PARCEL pJt43sR 0:i EN\;:- LCPES AND LEAVE RETURN OF ADDRESS ALAIJ!;. 3) F.or Corbioniniuin Copversionsf two se?aratc sets of. addressed, starcpecl enve- I.opss of all L-::i,sting tenants is required. (Not needed fur S;te Development ?Ian, Special Use Permit and Ninor Co!:doniniun Permit). A map to scale not less than 1" = 200' s11owi:q each lgt within 300 feet of the exterior 6oundal:ic-s of the subject property. Eoch of these lots perty owner's list. The scale of th?, nap may be reduced to a scale acceptable to the Plar,ning Director if the required scale is impractical. - or. - -. San . . - Dicr;uj.to - " " . - - - School nist.riqts, the applicant shall indi- CJ~C w!lcthsr he prefers to deciicate .lard for school facili- tis-, to pay n fee in lieu thereof, or do a combination of these. IC the applicant prefers to dedicate land, he shall N* 300 Foot ~ndl.1.1~ Eap . shcll be consecuti\lely nun?bered and correspond with the pro- 0. For residcqtial projects within V.i-s_ta, San Farcos, Encinitaz. ' suqrjest the specific land. ror residential Frojects within the CnrJ.sbad Unified School Dic!;ri-ct, thr: 2ppl.icant s5zll sy~bqit. r:ritten'con:irmation that: school facilities will be available and serve the projec;; at ti111c of need. P. Pre.lirninary Title Report Q. .prooE of sewer avaiiaI:,ility if locatei in th.e Lcucadia R. Statelnent of arjlrecrncnt to waive tentative tract nap tine County Water District. limits. (25,280 m/l NEa dedicated areas. me R-1 7500 General Pia? Land Use Designatim Planning toward the future use of 56 feet 'of frontage'on proposed James Dr. extension. The property gradually ,\ ' wideILg to a ww of -+ EJy law a Variance may be appwed cnly if certain facts are found to exist. Please read tkese requiremats carefully and explain ho~ the props& project rneets each of tWse facts. Use additimal sheets if necessy. a) Explaih why there are exceptimal or extraordinary circums'mces or Ccnditicms agplicable to the promy or to tb intended use tht do not apply' generally to the othr prbA,oerty or class' oE use in tk same vicinity and zcne: -0 adjacent DroDerties have amroved lot sp'lits which make use , . .' of land which is excess to houses frontfng.on Valley St. providing James Drive' is extended. ' .. - .. .. .. .. b) Explain why such variance is necessary for the preservation and en joymat of a substantial property rig'ht possessed by otkr proLp3rty in ti;b3 same vichity and zcme but \Jhich is denied to tkie pro,nerty in cpePt' J la: T~P ~ronosgd. is dm most cul de sac lots h ich.will be in .. te area if James Brive is extended. " .. . . - ~~ c) Explain why tk gntting of such variance will not be materially detrimental to .t& public tielfare or in juriaus to the pro,*rty or iqrovm,ents in such vicinity and zme in which th proAprty is lczated The'land currently grows unsfghtly weeds and is a maintenance problem to the owners .' - " .. d) Explain b?qr the grmting Of such Variance will not adversely affect the col.npreblsive general Currently a lot exists that is ten times. as long as the street frontage is wide. A variance on the trontage on James Dr. propesed GGkiQnAs the ftrst stsp in detArminFnrrr_ - - -future use of the excess land.. APPi'rCJaT: Wesley - and Lois Ocheltree and Tessa Silva I_Tzq$sband, wife and daughter. lame (individual., partnership, joint venture, cor,mration, syndication) - 3335 Valley S,t, and 2030 " Chestnut Ave., Carldbad respec-t.ively Business Address "I " *- - 729-2429 and 729-6003 respectively - Telephone! Nuruber "_I " .. AGENT t Tessa Silva .. " - Name 2030 Chestnut Ave. " . .. . .. .. . .. . FEI-IBERS: ." Wesley and Lois :Ocheltree 3335 Valley St., Carlsbad Family liane *(i.ndivi.daai, partner, joi~t , venture venture, corporation, syndication) -.-. ^"" Eans Ziidress none i3usiness Address " 729-2429 TelephoiIe Ntmbr " Telephone x~llnher . Tessa Silva 2030 Chestnut Ave. , Carlsbad 7 -7 3 ?-p -". - """& "" Eome Z%i.ctress .. "- BY Trustee """._k.- Ac_rent, O::ner, i'artnqr *. "" . . I' . .I r0 STATEMENT OF AGREEMENT' TENTATIVE SUBDIVISION MAP CITY OF CARLSBAD The Subdivision Map Act and the Carlsbad Municipal Code sets a fifty (50) day time restriction on Planning Commission processing of Tentative Naps and a thirty (30) day time limit for City Council. action. These time limits can only be extended by the mlitual. concurrence of the applicant a.nd the City. By accepting applications for Tentative Maps concurrently with applications for oth.er approvals which are prerequisites to the map; i.e., Environmental r',ssessment , Environmental Impact Report , Condominium Plan, Planned Unit DeveLopment, etc., the fifty (50) day time limits and the thirty (30) day time limits are often exceeded. If you wish to ha.ve your application processed concurrently, this agreement must be signed by the applicant or his agent. If you choose not to sign the statement, the City will not accept your application for the Tentative Map until all prior necessary entitlements have been processed and approved. The ;mdersigned understands that the processing time required by the City may exceed the time limits, therefore the undersigned agrees to extend the time limits for Planning Commission and City Council action and fully conct:L-s with any extensions of time up to one year from the date the application was accepted as complete to properly review all of the appli-. Lations. Tessa Silva Trustee Talle (Print) Relationship to Application " (Property Owner-Agent)