HomeMy WebLinkAboutAV 84-01; Llewellyn Shores; Administrative Variance (AV) (2)92u " CARLSBAD. CA - """" - """" - - . . _" " land_scaped courts and balconies. " """-.- ".- "."_ "- Project Locati.on/Address: Garf i el d St reet bet ween Chi nyuL1p-i n a[~! Da IC. __ Densi tv. """"". . " " . - ." - - "*" 2. - 3'* .* I . Si f t een two-bedroom uni ts from 1564 to 1790 square feet p'rimari ly for smal I fami ly units .of two.'to three persons. Describe energy consrrvation measures' incorpora tccl into t.hc dcsign and/or operation of thc pro'jcct. (For a 1riorc specific dircuzsion 01- energy consorvation r:cyuirclnc.nts see of the City's EIR Guidelines) . Solar domestic water and pool heating, Gas app I i ances. Heat pumps. Water saving plumbing f.ixtures. If residential, include the number of units, scl-icdulc of unit sizes, range of sale prices or rents, and typc of household size expected. N.A. .-. . .. 1. 3) 4) 5) . ' 7) :5rJv%RC)Plr.l.:!:r:1'Al., .xrwzc!! XNT,T,YSTS Answer the following questions' IS~ placing a check in the appropriatic space. (Discuss all ilicms chc.ckc:d ycs. Att.ach additional sheets as necessary).. "- ""_ - -. - - """ -. - -.-. "- YES NO . -Could the pro jact significankly change present land uses 5.2 thc vicinity .of the. activity? - " I / Could the activity affect thc usc of a rcc- xeational area, or al-ca of important - aesthdic value? .- - /' Could the activity affect the functioning of an established community or neighborhood? I__ """ L 1 Could the activirzy result in' the displscement of community residents? - * "" J Could the activity incrcase the number of low .and rnodcrata cost housing units i:1 the city? ##? -.- v,' ". Could %ha activity iicxxcasc t.hc n;~mlxr of ].ow and modest cost. housing units in the? city? "- 1/ Are any of the natural or man-made features in the activity area unique, that is, not ' found in other parts of the County, State, or Nation? d' Could the activity significantly affect. a historical or archacol.oyi.ca1. site or its settings? - - x .I '. 'J " ". - - - .9) Could the activity significantly affect-. thc . potential use, extraction, or conscxvntion of a scarce.natura1 resource? "..- J lp) Does the activity area serve as a habitht, food source nesting place, sourcc' of water, etc. for rarc or endangered wilGl.ifc 011 fish species? " "C I/ wildlife or plane life? " I/ species in tile rtctivi.ty nrca?. " J/ 11) Could the activj. t.y significantly rtf'fcct fish, -12) Are therc any rare or erdangercd plant 13) Could the activity chnnqc cxic;;king .feat~~rcs of any of the city's' lagoon:;, bays, or tidelnnds? "- i/ " -. agency? - ” 26) Will the activity involvc the burning of 1)1:~1;11, trees, or othcr materials? L/’ -I- ”..” . -.I - 5 16. Could intensify present development by infil I in conformance wi th general plan. 18. Certification by Coastal Comission is required. (If additional space is 11c~:clecl for wwring any cpcstims attach additional sheets as my bc nceded). Signature 6